top 10 mistakes executives make when searching for a job

Post on 05-Jul-2015






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There are some common job search traps that even the most seasoned executives fall into. Recognizing these pitfalls and understanding how to avoid them will give you an edge in searching for and landing your next great opportunity.


Executive Transition – Top 10 Mistakes

Top 10 Mistakes Executives Make When Searching for a Job

1. Networking ineffectively. Networking is the most effective way to land your next job – if done properly. Don’t limit yourself – make an effort to go beyond known contacts when building your network.

2. Having a weak resume. A well-crafted resume opens the door to great opportunities. Don’t jeopardize your chances at scoring an interview because of an outdated, inaccurate and unremarkable resume.

3. Being unprepared for interviews. Getting a job interview is a privilege and should be treated as such. Don’t violate the privilege by failing to prepare adequately – it’s a waste of everybody’s time.

4. Not marketing yourself properly. Even the most accomplished people can struggle with proper positioning in a job search. Don’t assume your achievements will speak for themselves.

5. Being in denial. People use denial as a coping mechanism to avoid reality. Don’t let denial keep you from achieving career success – the longer you put things off, the stronger denial takes hold.

6. Overestimating your market value. There tends to be a gap between what you want to earn and what you’re likely to earn. To close that gap and avoid being disappointed, be as realistic, objective and informed as you can.

7. Underestimating your market value. Fear of rejection or a skewed sense of self-worth can undercut your true value. Learn what your skills and talents are worth to an employer and present yourself as competitive without cheating yourself.

8. Negotiating poorly. There is an art and science to negotiating, and most people are not comfortable with either. Don’t compromise the possibility for a win-win outcome with an ineffective approach to negotiating.

9. Not having the right references in place. References can validate or discredit claims you make to the employer during the job search process. Don’t allow yourself to be contradicted by using the wrong references.

10. Not having the right attitude. Attitude is a choice. Approaching your job search with the wrong attitude is bound to affect your success. Don’t let a negative attitude keep you from winning the job you want.

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