top 10 future trends 2014 - roger james hamilton's australia tour

Post on 13-Sep-2014






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Slides from the Top 10 Trends 2014 Australia Tour to Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne & Perth, attended by 1,500+ entrepreneurs. Join Roger James Hamilton in Australia in March 2015 by visiting


Top 10 Future Trends 2014

Fast Forward your BusinessAustralia Tour

with Roger James Hamilton

Komodo 2014Komodo 2014How to run a global businessHow to run a global business

KomodoStart by facingStart by facingyour dragonsyour dragons

Here Be Dragons

When the new world was being mapped 500 years

ago, any gaps were marked with the words “Here be


Where are your dragons?

Dragons in my journal...Dragons in my journal...

From 30 years ago...From 30 years ago...

What were you doing30 years ago?


Big Brother is the enigmatic dictator of Oceania, a totalitarian state taken to its utmost logical consequence – where the ruling Party wields total power for its own sake over the inhabitants.

Eurasia was established when US and Imperial soldiers withdrew from continental Europe, thus the USSR conquered Europe against slight opposition

While there’s a culture of big brother,

there’s a counter-culture of individual


•Funding is more available than ever

•Cost of entry is at an all time low

•Startup incubators are everywhere

•The world is now a single market

•Women are a growing force as entrepreneurs

New Era of Entrepreneurs

New Era of Entrepreneurs

10 Waves from FFyB 2011

1. AI Everywhere2. Friction is Fiction3. Power of Consumption4. Intelligent Interspaces5. Augmented Humanity6. Service to Spectacle7. Instant Production8. Digital Everything9. The Final Frontier10. World Wide Wealth

How much has changed in 3 years...

Power of Consumption

Instant Production

Digital Everything

A tale of two Simons

Simon Dixon came to FFyB as a Changemaker in 2011

Simon Dixon came to FFyB as a Changemaker in 2012

A tale of two Simons

Simon Dixon created one of UK’s first peer-to-peer lending sites

A tale of two Simons

Simon Zutshi created UK’s first property crowdfund on Simon Dixon’s site

The paradox of change

The more things change, the more

things stay the same

(we could be so busy finding intelligence out there, we forget

to grow intelligence down here...)

“ F r e e y o u r m i n d . ”

~ M o r p h e u s

World in FlowWorld in Flow


Data flow, video & mobile are decreasing our

attentionand increasing our


Your enterprise is no longer a fixed house on

land, but a moving ship at sea.

Wave 1: World in Flow

Wave 1: World in Flow

One Byte = One Character(“hello” is 5 bytes)

One Gigabyte = 1 billion bytes(truck full of paper)

One Exabyte = 1 billion x 1 billion bytes(5 exabytes = all information created by humanity up to 1960)

One Zettabyte = 1,000 exabytes(4,000 exabytes = all information uploaded in 2013 alone)

Wave 1: World in Flow

Wave 1: World in Flow

Wave 1: World in Flow

Wave 1: World in Flow

Wave 1: World in Flow

Wave 1: World in Flow

Wave 1: World in Flow

Wave 1: World in Flow

Bernadette Schwerdt moved from a copy school serving copywriters to a

TV channel serving entrepreneurs

Wave 1: World in Flow

Wave 1: World in Flow

Wave 1: World in Flow

Wave 1: World in Flow

Wave 1: World in Flow

Vaughn Clair moved from serving big companies with P.O.S. systems to retailers

with the new wave of mobile payments

1. Expectations have gone up2. Attention has gone down

“You can reach more, faster, further, than ever before”

The move from quantity to qualityIf it’s good, it’s shared


Wave 1: World in Flow


1. Turn your site into a channel2. Redesign for mobile 3. Create your 3 minute video

Your Message


1. Become a leading learner2. Tailor your daily news diet3. Stay in your own flow

Wave 1: World in Flow

Wave 1: World in Flow

Wave 1: World in Flow

Wave 1: World in Flow

Wave 1: World in Flow

Wave 1: World in Flow

Twitter: #FFyB2014

Facebook: fastforwardyourbusiness

Twitter: #FFyB2014

Facebook: fastforwardyourbusiness

Twitter: #FFyB2014

Facebook: fastforwardyourbusiness

Age of EngagementAge of Engagement


Content marketing, where you create the content, is

being replaced by engagement marketing, where your customers

create the content

Internet Marketing 1.0

Content Marketing 2.0

Engagement Marketing 3.0

Our Genius Test Facebook App replaced a free

eguide, and is growing rapidly each week simply by customers sharing with


Why settle for only 10% or 20% of your list opening

your emails when Facebook gets over 60%

engagement? Stop building a list and start growing a community.

1.23b active monthly

1.26b active

757mactive daily



What you’re creatingWhat you’re sharingIncrease contentContent-ledMeasured by actions

Results in engagement falling over time




What they’re creatingWhat they’re sharingIncrease connectionCustomer-ledMeasured by interactions

Results in engagement increasing over time

Gold Dust1. Automatically Scalable &

Shareable2. Zero cost or profitable3. Takes none of your time

1. We’re in information overload2. Engagement trumps content

“The future of marketing is not in what content you create and share, but what content your customers and partners create and share.”


Wave 2: Age of Engagement


1. Create your own gold dust2. Automate your measures3. Reward your customers

Your Marketing


1. Focus on attraction vs action2. Enhance before expand3. To get bigger, focus smaller

Wave 2: Age of Engagement

Wave 2: Age of Engagement

Wave 2: Age of Engagement

My new book engages the reader with an online test that starts with who they are and

where they want to go.

Books don’t have to be a “one size fits all.”

We don’t need information. We need direction. To get direction, start by knowing who you are, where

you are, and where you want to go.

We are all a part of the Wealth Lighthouse, with a genius and a level we’re at. Your genius is your surfboard. Hold on to

that, and you don’t need to hold on to any wave: Don’t sink or swim - surf.



Globalization is one big bubble

Globularization is many small bubbles.

It takes globularization to make a bubble bath...

Wave 3: Globularization

Wave 3: Globularization

Wave 3: Globularization

We live in a world where over 80% don’t speak English.

If you’re going to make a global business, you need to be multi-

language & multi-currency.

Wealth DynamicsPoland

Wave 4: Globularization

Wave 4: Globularization

Wave 4: Globularization

Wave 4: Globularization

Wave 4: Globularization

Wave 4: Globularization

Wave 4: Globularization

Wave 4: Globularization

Wave 4: Globularization

Wave 4: Globularization

1. You can work from anywhere2. You can learn from everywhere

“Today, it’s easier to start a global business than a local business.”

Why, What, Who, When, How


Wave 4: Globularization


1. Make it a compelling journey2. Automate & outsource3. Multi-language, multi-currency

Your Company


1. Have a global mindset2. Stay in your season3. Be world class

Wave 4: Globularization

Matt Riemann went from running a local business in

Brisbane to growing a global foundation in

personalized medicine.

Wave 4: Globularization

Lisa and Lachlan Laing went from a local solar heating

company to a global online eco-nappies company

Every level of the Wealth Lighthouse has specific steps to take you to the next level

Every wave has specific phases and every industry has

specific seasons. When you follow your rhythm, you find

your flow.

Power of AllPower of All


We are moving from the Power of Production

to the Power of Consumption

This is where the power of one is replaced

by the power of many

Wave 4: Power of All

Wave 4: Power of All

Wave 4: Power of All

Wave 4: Power of All

Wave 4: Power of All







Wave 4: Power of All

Wave 4: Power of All







Wave 4: Power of All

Wave 4: Power of All




•Post Affiliate Pro

•Instant Customer



Our Entrepreneur Resort in Bali is an example of the Power of Many,

where we team up with communities to create global businesses:

Where you work from anywhere and learn from everywhere

By teaming up with organisations like B1G1, we can make a world of


By working with organisations like Talent

Dynamics, we can build trust and flow in corporations,

governments and the education system



3D printing will transform our factories, transport, retail & medical

industries more than the Internet has transformed our media & entertainment


Wave 5: Materialisation

Wave 5: Materialisation

Wave 5: Materialisation

Wave 5: Materialisation

Wave 5: Materialisation

Wave 5: Materialisation

Wave 5: Materialisation

Wave 5: Materialisation

Wave 5: Materialisation

Wave 5: Materialisation

Intelligence GridIntelligence Grid


The Internet of Thingswill turn the Internet from

something we watch to something invisible that connects us all. This wave will transform the world we live in beyond recognition, with a

web of intelligence far greater than our own.

Wave 6: Intelligence Grid

Wave 6: Intelligence Grid

Wave 6: Intelligence Grid

Wave 6: Intelligence Grid

Wave 6: Intelligence Grid

•3D printed products

•Robots everywhere

•Virtual realities

•Vertical farms

•100% solar power

•Stay young forever

The Singularityis that point in time,

30 Years in the Futurewhen artificial intelligence advances beyond human

intelligence and continues to accelerate at a greater pace.

Augmented HumanityAugmented Humanity


Augmented Humanityis the process by which we

are becoming far more powerful than our biological selves.

With great power comes great responsibility.

Wave 7: Augmented Humanity

Wave 7: Augmented Humanity

Wave 7: Augmented Humanity

Wave 7: Augmented Humanity

Wave 7: Augmented Humanity

Wave 7: Augmented Humanity

Wave 7: Augmented Humanity

Wave 7: Augmented Humanity

From Industry to Individual:

1. News & Entertainment2. Media & Communication3. Distribution4. Retail5. Education6. Banking7. Factories8. Food9. Medicine10. Government


Wave 7: Augmented Humanity

ImpactPower and responsibility are moving from the institution to the individual

Education and empowerment are moving from opportunity to imperative

“Our presence, awareness and capabilities are extending far beyond our physical limitations”

Wave 7: Augmented Humanity


Wealth Creation

Power to TransformGreater Prosperity

PLUS MINUSOverwhelmDistractionIsolation

Wealth Gap

Power to DestroyGreater Divide

Wave 7: Augmented Humanity

Reversal of FortunesReversal of Fortunes


We are seeing the greatest transfer of power in the history

of humanity, with wealth moving from West to East and

leadership moving from Male to Female.

Wave 8: Reversal of Fortunes

Wave 8: Reversal of Fortunes

Wave 8: Reversal of Fortunes

Wave 8: Reversal of Fortunes

Wave 8: Reversal of Fortunes

Wave 8: Reversal of Fortunes

Wave 8: Reversal of Fortunes

Kenny and Bianca created a elearning platform in Taiwan

based on US models

Wave 8: Reversal of Fortunes

Phyllis and Gabriel created a microfinance movement

in China based on their work in England

Wave 8: Reversal of Fortunes

Wave 8: Reversal of Fortunes

Bea created a movement for women leadership in Eastern Europe which is

now going global.

Spaceship EarthSpaceship Earth


2014 is the year we step into space. This changes

our relationship with our own planet.

Wave 9: Spaceship Earth

Wave 9: Spaceship Earth

Wave 9: Spaceship Earth

Wave 9: Spaceship Earth

Wave 9: Spaceship Earth

Wave 9: Spaceship Earth

World Wide WealthWorld Wide Wealth


With growing technology comes the need for greater


“Humanity is taking its final exam. We have come to an extraordinary moment when it doesn’t have to be you or me

anymore. There is enough for all.”

~ Buckminster Fuller

Wave 10: World Wide Wealth

Wave 10: World Wide Wealth

Wave 10: World Wide Wealth

Wave 10: World Wide Wealth

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

~ Arthur C Clarke

“One of the definitions of sanity is the ability to tell real from unreal.Soon we’ll need a new definition.”

~ Alvin Toffler

Here Be Dragons

In the West, a dragon is something to be fought and conquered.

In the East, a dragon is a symbol of wealth and celebration.

To surf these 10 waves,

Harness your dragonsand fly

Top 10 Future Trends 2014

Fast Forward your BusinessAustralia Tour

with Roger James Hamilton

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