top 10 exercise tips

Post on 14-Jan-2015






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If you are struggling with weight gain you're not alone. Millions of people are overweight and many want to correct their problem and lose weight. In order to lose weight you'll need to find a good diet and exercise plan. You'll also need to be ready to lose weight. . Many people lose weight only to quickly put the weight back on again once the diet is over.


Top 10 Exercise Tips for Weight Loss

Table of Contents Tips for Weight Loss .................................................................................................................................. 2

Avoid Common Diet Mistake ................................................................................................................... 3

Stress Less – Exercise More ................................................................................................................... 4

Set and Keep Your Weight Loss Goals ......................................................................................... 5

Nutritional .................................................................................................................................................... 6

Facts for Dieters ..................................................................................................................................... 7

Top 10 Exercise Tips for Weight Loss

Best Exercises for Dieters ................................................................................................................ 8

Tips For Weight Loss

When you're trying to lose weight you need to start and keep up on a good exercise routine.

Keep a healthy diet and add exercise to help burn calories. Find the right workout for you and

follow these easy tips to keep you on track.

1. Exercise every day. Whether you exercise for 15 minutes or an hour be sure to make time every day for exercising. Regular exercise helps you take weight off and also helps you feel better physically and mentally. If you are serious about losing weight you need to combine diet and exercise.

2. Combine aerobic exercise with flexibility training. The body needs aerobic exercise and flexibility training. To accomplish both you can do separate exercise routines on alternate days or add some simple flexibility exercises to your pre-aerobic warm up.

3. Start slowly. Many overweight people have not been very active. It's important to start a new exercise routine slowly only doing what you can. As your fitness level increases you can adjust your workout accordingly. Check with your doctor before you begin any new exercise program.

4. Try various exercises to break up the monotony. The more types of exercises you have to choose from the more apt you'll be to keep up on your exercise program. Always look for new and interesting exercises and be open to trying new workouts.

Top 10 Exercise Tips for Weight Loss

5. Don't sweat the small stuff – If you forget to exercise or don’t have time one day don't worry about it. Simply pick up your routine the next day. Too many dieters think they have failed when they miss just one day of working out.

6. Stay hydrated. The body needs plenty of water – especially while exercising. Make sure that you keep up your water intake. Plain water has no calories and hydrates just as well as flavored or enhanced water drinks.

7. Add more exercise to your day. Whenever possible try to add a little more exercise to your everyday activities. Walk to the store, ride your bike to the train station or walk up the stairs to add more exercise without the hassle.

8. Keep a regular exercise schedule. Those who exercise regularly – the same time every day – tend to keep up their exercise routines. The body reacts favorably to routines. Find the time that works best for you and stick to it – even on weekends.

9. Keep an exercise journal. You'll be able to see at a glance what exercises you've been doing, how much you've been doing them and at what intervals. This can serve as a great way to boost your motivation. Set goals for weekly exercise and reward yourself when you reach them.

10. Find exercises you can do at home. While joining a fitness center or gym is one option always have some exercise routines you can follow when you're at home. There will be times when you just don't feel like going to the gym. Don't let that be an excuse for not exercising.

Avoid Common Diet Mistakes

Many people are on weight loss diets and are trying to shed excess pounds. Not everyone will

be successful in his or her dieting attempts. Why do some people find success while others

Top 10 Exercise Tips for Weight Loss

fail? There are some common dieting mistakes that you need to avoid to give yourself a better

chance for success.

Mistake #1 – Not Counting Calories

Many people think that they can easily judge what they should be eating and so they don't need

to count calories. In fact it can be very important to keep track of your daily caloric intake.

Calories can be very deceiving. Keep a log of all your daily calories. If you prefer you can write

down the foods you eat and look up the calories later on. At any rate you still need to check and

measure the calories that you take in.

Mistake #2 – Not Exercising

Even the best of diet plans will work better when you exercise. Exercising will not only help you

burn extra calories but also helps your body regain a more normal metabolism allowing you to

burn even more calories throughout the day. Be wary of diet plans that tell you that you don't

need to exercise since activity will help you burn away calories. Adding even a 15-minute

workout to your day will help you greatly improve your fitness level and help you lose weight.

Mistake #3 – Not Eating Enough

Dieting doesn't mean that you need to starve yourself. You should be able to eat a healthy diet

with smaller portions and lose weight. When you eat too few calories you're actually depriving

yourself of the vitamins and nutrients that are essential for proper health. Check to see how

many calories you should be eating and try to stick to that amount.

Mistake #4 – Not Setting Goals

Weight loss goals, like anything else, need to be spelled out. When you fail to set goals you're

heading for defeat. You need to set realistic weight loss goals so that you know what you're

striving for. Setting goals is like giving yourself a map for attaining your ideal weight. Without

the map you'll likely head off course and fail to lose weight.

Top 10 Exercise Tips for Weight Loss

Mistake #5 – Not Changing Eating Habits

Dieting isn't simply about losing weight – it's also about keeping the weight off. In order to do

that you need to develop healthy eating habits that you can carry with you for the rest of your

life. Learn to eat healthier foods in smaller portions and soon you'll be changing the way you

like to eat. Many people go on an eating binge as soon as the diet is over and simply end up

packing the pounds right back on.

Mistake #6 – Not Getting Support

Many people think that dieting is a personal thing and so they don't involve anyone else in their

quest. The truth is that the right kind of support can help you reach your weight loss goals more

quickly. Choose people for your support team who are helpful, positive and supportive. Ignore

those who send negative messages. Enough positive reinforcement will help you through the

rough spots.

Click Here To Lose Weight Today

Stress Less – Exercise More

Exercise is an important part of any weight loss plan. Doctors are now recognizing that there is

a connection between stress and exercise. Exercise can help you get rid of stress in your life.

Too much stress can actually make you feel less like exercising. How do you combat the stress

in your life? Getting on a regular exercise plan and sticking to it can help you relieve stress and

help you lose weight.

Top 10 Exercise Tips for Weight Loss

There is a very real connection between stress and exercise. Stress causes the body to

produce excess hormones and adrenaline. Exercising can actually help to decrease our

adrenaline and help us feel more relaxed and in balance.

Stress can be acute but can also accumulate or build up in the body. You may have noticed

that sometimes little stresses build up until suddenly just one more small stress puts us over the

edge. This buildup of stress is normal but we can help to reduce and eliminate stress by


Many people find that they like to use exercise as a transition in their lives. When transitioning

between home and work or home and school it can be helpful to cushion the transition with

some exercise. Even a small amount of exercise, say 15 minutes, can help us effectively cope

with stress.

Exercising in the morning can be helpful to assist in gearing up for the day. Getting the oxygen

moving better in the body will help us think as we go to work or school. Exercise can bring on a

euphoric feeling that makes us feel exhilarated. This feeling can last for several hours making

the day much more bearable. The best exercises to do in the morning are those that have

aerobic qualities. However doing any type of exercise will improve your outlook for the day.

It can be helpful to do some exercises in the evening. Exercising after a long workday can help

relieve the stress while at the same time calm and relax the mind. Don't do strenuous exercises

too close to bedtime; however, since they are likely to make you feel more wide awake. Instead

try some calming yoga or stretching exercises that will help you relax before bed.

Experiment with exercise routines and times. You'll soon find the time that works best for you.

Once you find a good exercise routine and time try to stick with it. Research shows that you're

much more likely to exercise more and reduce stress when you maintain a regular schedule.

Vary your exercise routine based on the type of activity you like to do at a particular time of day.

Top 10 Exercise Tips for Weight Loss

For instance if you enjoy running in the mornings, you can substitute other aerobic activities like

bicycling to create a more interesting mix.

The main thing to remember is to exercise regularly. 30 minutes of daily exercise will help you

best reduce stress and feel better. If you can't fit that into your schedule try two 15-minute

sessions. When daily exercise is not possible try to fit in exercise at least 3 days of the week.

You'll be much happier and will reap the benefits of weight loss as well

Start That Weight Loss Today

Nutritional Facts for Dieters

Everyone needs to be aware of how to read and understand food nutritional values. For those

on a weight loss diet it is particularly important to know how to read nutritional labels in order to

make the best food choices. Learn how to read labels and choose foods wisely with these easy


Calories – Calories are one of the most important considerations for dieters who are trying to lose weight. Comparison of calories between similar foods can be confusing. Be sure to review the calories per serving.

Serving Size – Check to see what the recommended serving size is. This can be deceiving. Often pictures on the box show larger portions than are actually recommended. You may find that the serving size is very small. For example on a box of cookies the serving size may be only 3 cookies.

Servings Per Container – This is the actual amount of food in the package based on recommended serving sizes.

Daily Values – Food sold in the United States must list nutritional facts on the label. Daily values are listed as percentages based on a 2,000 daily calorie diet. Be aware that the percentages would need to be adjusted if you are eating fewer than 2,000 calories per day.

Top 10 Exercise Tips for Weight Loss

Calories from Fat – Check to see how many of the calories in the food are from fat. If the calories from fat are high you should probably avoid eating that particular food or reduce the amount of it that you eat. You want to keep your fat intake low for a healthy diet.

Fat Breakdown – The label will show the breakdown of fat in the product into saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol and total fat. Check to see how much of the total fat is cholesterol or trans fat.

Check to see how you eat the product. For example a box of cereal may show caloric intake based on eating the product dry. Look to see if there is nutritional information based on the way you eat the product. In this case if you put milk on your cereal you need to check for the nutritional value with milk included.

Sodium – Everyone needs to take care to limit his or her sodium intake. Check the package to find out how much sodium is in each serving. Salt is often used as a preservative and so it may be surprising to see just how much sodium is in each serving.

Carbohydrates – Many people on weight loss diets are limiting their carbohydrate intake. Check the label to see what percentage of the product is made up of carbs.

Sugar – Those on a diet and others may want to limit their sugar intake. Many unexpected foods contain sugar. Check the label to see just how much of the food is made up of sugar and avoid those with high sugar content.

Compare labels. You can often do better by simply eating a small amount of foods you like rather than trying to adapt to a diet that you don't care for. Check the labels to compare which food is the better choice and pick the one that is healthier.

Best Exercises for Dieters

Exercise is a necessary part of any weight loss diet plan. Exercise helps to burn more calories,

increases our overall health and helps us lose weight. You'll feel better when you are exercising

on a daily basis. The thought of starting an exercise plan can be daunting for many of us who

are overweight. You may not have regularly exercised in a long time and don't know where to


The best way to start exercising is to begin slowly. Those who have not been exercising

regularly may be out of shape. It is key to remember that any exercise, even a little bit, will go a

Top 10 Exercise Tips for Weight Loss

long way towards helping you lose weight. Keep in mind that you need to start slowly but can

increase your exercise activities as your fitness level increases.

Start Slowly

There are three main types of exercises including flexibility, cardiovascular and weight training.

When starting a new exercise routine begin by doing some basic flexibility exercises. You don't

need any special equipment to do flexibility exercises. Simple toe-touches and side stretches

will slowly help you increase your flexibility. When doing the exercises try to push yourself a

little further each time. Soon you will notice an increase in your flexibility as your muscles start

to stretch out.


Walking is one of the best exercises for those starting a new diet and exercise plan. Walking

can be done anywhere and at your own pace. You can walk as far as you can and may

increase the length and intensity of your walks at any time. When starting a walking routine

begin with 15 minutes at a comfortable pace. As your stamina increase you'll be able to add 5

minutes to your walking workout.


Yoga is a good exercise for beginners. Yoga offers a gentle way to stretch your body. The

various yoga poses allow you to stretch all your muscles. Yoga can be done by almost anyone

and can easily be done at home. Yoga not only helps with flexibility but also teaches good

breathing techniques. Start with a 15-minute daily yoga session and you'll soon be able to

increase your yoga workout.


Aerobic exercises increase your heart rate and provide a healthy workout. Start an aerobic

routine slowly if you aren't used to this type of activity. Do as much as you can and stop when

Top 10 Exercise Tips for Weight Loss

you need to. Take frequent breaks at first. Choose an aerobic class or DVD that is created

especially for beginners. When you begin the program, start by using only your legs. As your

fitness level increases you can add your arms to the routine.

Specialized Training

Those on a weight loss diet may have special exercise needs. Often dieters have weight

problems in certain areas such as in the stomach or hips. Choose exercises that target the

areas you need. For example to help flatten the stomach do sit-ups or crunches. To help

decrease hip size, try stepping exercises. Add a simple calisthenics exercise routine to your

daily exercise regime.

There you have it , but just like anything in life it take time and focus

but at the end of the road , you will be proud the you did your best and

all the merit belongs to you . Only you can change your life and your

world , they happiness is in the person who makes there life happy . I

hope you are one to choose joy rather than pain. Hope this ebook

helped you and I will be sending you plenty of tips and workouts to help

you body , mind, and soul so look out for my emails . For more

information and diet programs

Click here

Wishing you all the luck on you path to fitness……..

Ty Matthews

Top 10 Exercise Tips for Weight Loss

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