top 10 cro and google analytics tips for startups - clarity live event

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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Welcome to Clarity Listeners!

Top 10 Conversion Optimization &

Google Analytics Tips for Start-ups

Rich Page


Who is Rich Page?

Tip 1: Optimize your top 10 landing pages first

Regularly monitor these in your GA! These are most impactful to

optimize first (80/20 rule) – esp. ones with high bounce rate.

Tip 2: Ensure you setup and analyze conversion goals

To best analyze website

performance it’s vital to

setup goals in GA for your

major website goals

(signup/purchase etc).

Helps you monitor

and optimize overall site

conversion rate, and by

traffic source, landing

page etc.

Tip 3: Analyze and optimize your traffic sources

Quality of your traffic can have MAJOR impact on sales/conversions.

Vital to monitor & optimize top 10 - esp. for bounce & conversion rate.

Tip 4: Use GA In-Page click map to get visitor insights

Key to find what your visitors are clicking on key pages – often

different than expect. Check this, and visitor recordings (HotJar)

Tip 5: Use strong headlines/subheaders to captivate

To reduce bounces & engage visitors, use great headlines to mention

benefits/pain points/ask good question. Subheaders highly scanable.

Tip 6: Clearly show your benefits and UVP on key pages

Many fail at this - you risk visitors not seeing/ fully realizing benefits

and why choose you. E.g. module above page-fold on homepage:

Tip 7: Don’t let your key pages be a dead-end

Vital they have 1 or 2 strong CTA buttons at end relating to visitor’s

next decision-making steps (reduces exits). Test CTAs to find best!

Tip 8: Show many benefit-driven testimonials

Showing short, powerful testimonials on key pages essential to build

social proof & credibility. Include photo/logo is key – video is best!

Tip 9: Focus on risk reducers to increase trust and sales

To reduce risk of purchase for visitor, vital you offer guarantees/free

trial etc. Promote on key pages using visuals, CTAs work well too.

Tip 10: Use free incentive to gather emails and follow-up

Don’t rely on converting visitors first time (most won’t). Capture

emails with good free incentive (try popups) & send follow-up emails.

Thanks! Happy to give personal help

via Clarity or a live conversion review

Don’t forget: Grab my free conversion

optimization toolbox (guides & discounts)

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