together for kungsbacka” - · 2017. 6. 6. · ”together for kungsbacka”...

Post on 28-Jan-2021






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  • ”Together for Kungsbacka”Freedom, equality, community

    ”Together we build a Kungsbacka for everyone.”

  • …part of TillsammansskapetTillsammansskapet is working for a fair and equal world wherepeople live together in freedom and on equal terms.

    • National federation (40 local groups)

    • We organize ourselves together to improve our local communities.

  • A structure inviting self-organizationWe work in democratic ways, everybody is welcome to engage as much as they like. Openness and transparancy is important.

    • Sunday café meetings

    • Internal/external communication

    • Every 2nd thursday ”organizing meeting”

    • Kick-off to plan the coming year

    • Official Facebook page

    • Internal Facebook page for organizing

    • Action teams, using Messenger

    • Teams are often born in our cafés

    • Specific topics/actions incl the organizing team (Thursday group)

    • Google drive to store documents and work together

    • Actions

    • Manifestations, demonstrations

    • Newspaper articles

    • Social media

    • Contact with politicians and municipal officers, joining public meetings

    • Different activities in the local community, excursions, beachvolley, language classes, celebrations/traditions.

  • Sunday café – every Sunday 17-19The ”Tillsammanscafé” is a meeting place where people come together to improve their lives by helping each other, having fun and build relations.

    • 40-80 participants

    • Cars/drivers pick up from asylum center etc

    • Group organizing the café

    • Facilitator team/Facilitated meeting ”OpenSpaceCafé”

    • Participants identify important topics each meeting

    • Translations

  • Sunday café

  • Manifestations

  • Activities, fun

  • Some results, after 1,5 years

    • We build relations amongst each other – expanded networks

    • Recognized voice in our community

    • Built capacity to organize ourselves

    • Many old and new inhabitants have an increased sense of meaning and wellbeing.

    • Newly arrived have moved in with at least 10 families that arepart of our movement

    • An increased amount of weekly hugs in Kungsbacka ☺

  • Main quesitons today

    • Continue to create a better Kungsbacka – for all

    • Housing – affordable apartements

    • Supporting unaccompanied refugee children

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