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A p u b l i c a t i o n o f t h e R e a l E s t a t e B u y e r ’ s A g e n t C o u n c i l , I n c .

A w h o l l y - o w n e d s u b s i d i a r y o f t h e N a t i o n a l A s s o c i a t i o n o f R E A LT O R S ®



May 2018 · Volume XXVII · Number 5

Real estate agents must wear many different hats. When you’re consumed with responsibilities like showing homes and closing transactions, the idea of developing a successful digital advertising campaign probably sounds daunting, especially if you lack prior marketing experience.

Advertising, however, is more like real estate than you might imagine. Both require an instinctive understanding of human nature and individual preferences. What do buyers want? What’s the best way to connect with them, in words they’ll immediately grasp?

One of the earliest advertising icons, Howard Gossage, once said, “Nobody reads ads. People read what interests them, and sometimes it’s an ad.” Gossage died long before the age of digital advertising, but his point is still valid.

Stay focused on the customer. As long as you do this while making every advertising decision, you can successfully generate more business.

While the customer comes first, it also helps to learn a few tips about today’s platforms—what works best and the latest time-saving tools to streamline your efforts. Without doubt, technology has changed the way consumers receive and interact with advertising, and has made some details more complicated.

This issue of Today’s Buyer’s Rep aims to cut through that confusion and simplify the way you think about your advertising, while staying focused on consumers (your future buyer-clients) throughout the lead generation process.

Unfortunately, there’s not enough space to answer all your questions. You will, however, find common sense advice on how to advertise like a pro, plus other technology-oriented marketing solutions specifically geared to real estate professionals.

page 6

7 Marketing Technology Solutions for Real Estate Professionals

page 4Anatomy of a Landing Page

page 3Building a Better Ad Campaign

Continued on page 3

How to Advertise Like a Professional Marketer

NEXT MONTH: Leverage Your Local Market Knowledge

space between title + page #

space between ToC content groups


UPDATEWORTH QUOTING...“Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising.”

- Mark Twain

Are you disappointed in your online advertising results? Whether it’s Google ads, Facebook ads, or other online advertising options, agents often throw in the towel prematurely, thinking “that didn’t work.”

The problem, however, may stem from not knowing HOW to get the most value from your digital advertising budget. A good ad is only the first requirement. To advertise like a pro requires thinking beyond the first step.

What happens after someone clicks on your ad? If they DO give you their contact information, what’s next? To maximize the value of your ads, step back and imagine yourself on the receiving end during each step of the process.

For agents, common questions include:

What are the most important components of a good ad?Online ads are like studio apartments—there’s only room for the essentials. With limited space for text and/or images, you have to choose your words, and potentially an image, very carefully.

Think about WHO you are trying to reach and WHAT MESSAGE will attract their interest. Write down your first thoughts about the words, then keep refining the text, making it more precise and straightforward. For example, consider these two options for a Facebook ad:

First attempt: Are you ready to move into a single-story home? I can help you find the ideal property for your retirement years. Sign up to receive an email that lists current one-story homes on the market and weekly updates.

Improved: Ready for simplified living? Sign up for a free list of current single-story homes for sale, plus weekly updates.

Connect online with fellow ABR® designees for news, tips, and referrals!


2 TBR • May 2018

Start Planning Now: Pack Your Bags for Beantown!

Meet the latest inductees into the REBAC Hall of Fame and other leading designees at the ABR®, GREEN and SRES® Networking and Awards Reception on Saturday, November 3.

Expand your referral network among thousands of conference attendees from across the U.S. and beyond.

Peruse the latest industry products and services from hundreds of exhibitors.

Learn from the best in the business in over 100 educational sessions and special pre-conference courses, including:

• At Home with Diversity (AHWD)

• Green Designation Course (Day 1)

• e-PRO® (Day 1 & 2)

• Real Estate Investing: Build Wealth Representing Investors and Becoming One Yourself

The REALTORS® Conference & Expo runs from Friday, November 2 through Monday, November 5.

Registration opened May 2! Watch the June issue of Today’s Buyer’s Rep for more details, including REBAC’s registration sweepstakes. For a complete roster of conference events, or to register, visit

The REALTORS® Conference & Expo is the biggest industry event of the year. This year’s gathering will take place in Boston, Massachusetts—a new host city for the event! Take advantage of this unique opportunity to:

Calling All ABR® All Stars!

Do you know someone who has excelled in providing or promoting representation for homebuyers? (Perhaps you?) Don’t miss this opportunity to acknowledge their contributions.

Nominees for the 2018 REBAC Hall of Fame must be submitted by July 16, 2018. To download a nomination form, visit Please call 800-648-6224 with any questions.

WORTH QUOTING...“Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising.”

- Mark Twain

Are you disappointed in your online advertising results? Whether it’s Google ads, Facebook ads, or other online advertising options, agents often throw in the towel prematurely, thinking “that didn’t work.”

The problem, however, may stem from not knowing HOW to get the most value from your digital advertising budget. A good ad is only the first requirement. To advertise like a pro requires thinking beyond the first step.

What happens after someone clicks on your ad? If they DO give you their contact information, what’s next? To maximize the value of your ads, step back and imagine yourself on the receiving end during each step of the process.

For agents, common questions include:

What are the most important components of a good ad?Online ads are like studio apartments—there’s only room for the essentials. With limited space for text and/or images, you have to choose your words, and potentially an image, very carefully.

Think about WHO you are trying to reach and WHAT MESSAGE will attract their interest. Write down your first thoughts about the words, then keep refining the text, making it more precise and straightforward. For example, consider these two options for a Facebook ad:

First attempt: Are you ready to move into a single-story home? I can help you find the ideal property for your retirement years. Sign up to receive an email that lists current one-story homes on the market and weekly updates.

Improved: Ready for simplified living? Sign up for a free list of current single-story homes for sale, plus weekly updates.

Continued on page 5

Continued from page 1

If your ad includes an image, look for a photo that’s attractive, attention-getting, and supports your message. Photography that features people, instead of objects, is often preferable, especially if the people look “real” instead of canned stock images.

If you’re using Google AdWords for search-based ads, you’ll also have to decide on keywords, which determine where your ads will be displayed, and how much you’ll spend per click.

After someone clicks on my ad, how do I convert them into a lead?Landing pages play an essential role. Think of a landing page as a way to keep a conversation going. What did you say (in your ad) that prompted a consumer to click? What are they looking for—and how do you persuade them to turn over their contact information to get it?

The home page of your website can’t accomplish this. It contains too much unrelated information, which is confusing and frustrating. Remember, a person probably clicked on your ad because you were offering something like:

• A guide (for first-time buyers, relocating employees, etc.)

• A listing

• A home valuation

After clicking on the ad, they should go to a landing page that focuses exclusively on your offer and removes all other distractions. It needs to be light on copy, easy to understand, and compelling.

TBR • May 2018 3

Start Planning Now: Pack Your Bags for Beantown!

• e-PRO® (Day 1 & 2)

• Real Estate Investing: Build Wealth Representing Investors and Becoming One Yourself

The REALTORS® Conference & Expo runs from Friday, November 2 through Monday, November 5.

Registration opened May 2! Watch the June issue of Today’s Buyer’s Rep for more details, including REBAC’s registration sweepstakes. For a complete roster of conference events, or to register, visit

The REALTORS® Conference & Expo is the biggest industry event of the year. This year’s gathering will take place in Boston, Massachusetts—a new host city for the event! Take advantage of this unique opportunity to:


Continued on page 6

Continued on page 4

People have extremely short attention spans. You only have a handful of seconds to convince them to give you their contact information. It’s also important to reduce any points of friction, like requiring too much information or giving the impression they’ll be spammed with unwanted calls or messages.

Landing pages are also called squeeze pages and lead capture pages. They’re a single web page, dedicated to turning passive prospects into live leads.

I’m confused. Are these landing pages part of my website, and do they show up in the navigation?In earlier days of website design, people sometimes referred to landing pages as a major section of your website—the place where you landed, then decided how you wanted to drill down into other content.

While some sites are still organized into major sections, the term “landing page” is now used almost exclusively to describe a page that encourages visitors to take a specific action. It lives on its own, for its own purpose, and doesn’t have to be included in your website’s navigation.

Companies like Unbounce, Instapage, and many others greatly simplify the process of building landing pages, offering customizable templates with built-in text editors and click-and-drag tools that require no coding knowledge. See page 4 for more details and tips to create your own landing pages.

For more suggestions on landing pages and other lead capture forms, check out the August 2015 issue of Today’s Buyer’s Rep. You can download it in the Member Center at

Okay, I have their contact information. Now what?It depends. First and foremost, make sure you can “instantly” deliver whatever you offered. But don’t rush your decisions about how to do this, and other follow-up steps.

If you’re offering a digital download, set up an automated email message that includes a link to the document. (This works better than attaching a PDF file, which is more likely to land in the recipient’s Junk folder.)

4 TBR • May 2018

Landing Page Generators

Building a Better Ad Campaign Anatomy of a Landing Page

Not Sure?Use A/B testing to compare options and see which gets more clicks.

Contact DetailsAsk for as little information as possible.

Rapidly build custom landing pages, popups, and sticky bars for any campaign. No coding needed. Over 100 templates, plus drag and drop tools. Easy A/B testing, and solid customer support.

Worth Viewing: To see how the platform works, check out the 10-minute builder preview.

Over 200 landing page templates and a library of over 33 million stock images. Unlimited A/B testing, plus heat maps, dynamic text replacement, and easy integration with Google AdWords.

Worth Viewing: Canadian brokerage, Kingsway Real Estate, used landing pages to convert $250 in Facebook ads into $9 million in real estate sales (over two months).

HINT: Even if you don’t use these services, study their real estate examples, webinars, and guides for professional tips to use on any landing page.

Button TextUse action words that emphasize benefits.

Your OfferKeep the text focused on their goals.

Continued on page 6

Continued on page 6

People have extremely short attention spans. You only have a handful of seconds to convince them to give you their contact information. It’s also important to reduce any points of friction, like requiring too much information or giving the impression they’ll be spammed with unwanted calls or messages.

Landing pages are also called squeeze pages and lead capture pages. They’re a single web page, dedicated to turning passive prospects into live leads.

I’m confused. Are these landing pages part of my website, and do they show up in the navigation?In earlier days of website design, people sometimes referred to landing pages as a major section of your website—the place where you landed, then decided how you wanted to drill down into other content.

While some sites are still organized into major sections, the term “landing page” is now used almost exclusively to describe a page that encourages visitors to take a specific action. It lives on its own, for its own purpose, and doesn’t have to be included in your website’s navigation.

Companies like Unbounce, Instapage, and many others greatly simplify the process of building landing pages, offering customizable templates with built-in text editors and click-and-drag tools that require no coding knowledge. See page 4 for more details and tips to create your own landing pages.

For more suggestions on landing pages and other lead capture forms, check out the August 2015 issue of Today’s Buyer’s Rep. You can download it in the Member Center at

Okay, I have their contact information. Now what?It depends. First and foremost, make sure you can “instantly” deliver whatever you offered. But don’t rush your decisions about how to do this, and other follow-up steps.

If you’re offering a digital download, set up an automated email message that includes a link to the document. (This works better than attaching a PDF file, which is more likely to land in the recipient’s Junk folder.)

If your offer involves calling the lead, make sure you’ve carefully scripted your words and practiced (out loud). Be prompt and helpful, with no uncomfortable sales pressure. Develop two versions of your script—one for talking to a “live” person, and another for voicemail (more likely).

Most importantly, have a plan to continue “working” a lead. This might include:

• A follow-up email offering a free, no-obligation phone consultation at a time that’s convenient to them. Include a link to an online scheduling tool like,,, etc.

• Add the contact’s email address to a drip marketing campaign—a series of follow-up email messages that provide additional helpful information and resources. (See below for content resources.)

• To remain top of mind, consider retargeting ads, which can use the email addresses you’ve collected to display follow-up ads when your leads visit other websites. Check out the marketing resources on pages 6-7 for several companies that offer retargeting campaigns and other advertising services to real estate professionals.

Bottom line, the leads captured by your landing page shouldn’t be treated as one-and-done marketing efforts. “Lead capture” is simply the first step in “lead conversion.” Some of your follow-up efforts can be automated, and others will require a personal touch.

Be strategic and map out a sequence of steps that define your lead management system. Once your system is in place, this aspect of your business development efforts will feel “routine.” The only thing remaining is tracking your results and periodically tweaking your system.

TBR • May 2018 5

Landing Page Generators

Continued from page 3Building a Better Ad Campaign Anatomy of a Landing Page

Over 200 landing page templates and a library of over 33 million stock images. Unlimited A/B testing, plus heat maps, dynamic text replacement, and easy integration with Google AdWords.

Worth Viewing: Canadian brokerage, Kingsway Real Estate, used landing pages to convert $250 in Facebook ads into $9 million in real estate sales (over two months).

HINT: Even if you don’t use these services, study their real estate examples, webinars, and guides for professional tips to use on any landing page.

3 Sources for Consumer Content

Free content on many topics! Choose the articles that fit best with your ads—an easy way to build follow-up email campaigns.

Consumer One-Sheets – An exclusive benefit, found in the Member Center of – REBAC’s consumer website – NAR’s consumer website



6 TBR • May 2018

1 REach® is a Second Century Ventures (SCV) company. SCV is a venture capital fund that has been fully funded by the National Association of REALTORS® but operates independently (i.e., it does not accept any revenue from NAR membership dues).

2 As of press time, eight new companies were added to the 2018 REach® class.

1. Retargeting Ads for Three Objectives

With a strong focus on retargeting advertisements (ads that reappear on different websites, effectively “following you” while browsing online), Adwerx offers three types of digital advertising solutions: 1) ads by zip code, 2) ads for listings, and 3) ads for your sphere.

Zip code ads are helpful for generating awareness with local prospects you haven’t met yet—as opposed to ads for your sphere, which are an effective way to remain top of mind and supplement other touch points, such as phone calls, emails, direct mail, etc.

Adwerx’s online platform also makes it easy to create your own ads, customizing colors, images, taglines, and more, then optimizing your ads for Facebook, websites, and mobile apps.

3. Streamline Your Video Marketing

Video emails are one of the best ways to foster personal connections, by putting your face and voice in front of another human being. You’re more authentic and compelling when you’re “face to face,” whether it’s following up with a new lead, reconnecting with a past client, or simply confirming an appointment.

BombBomb makes video marketing easy for any agent, by streamlining the recording and delivery process. Your video’s preview screen appears right in their message (not as an attachment).

BombBomb’s comprehensive marketing platform makes it easy to send everything from single messages to mass emails, with comprehensive analytics on opens/views, the ability to record time-saving canned responses, and built-in reminder options.

2. Simplify and Automate Social Media Marketing

Maintaining a social media presence can be vexing for agents, but Back At You Media streamlines the process, starting with a plan that automatically posts your listings across your social media profiles, including Facebook, Instagram, and more. There is also unlimited access to mobile-friendly single property websites, and lead capture via a “What’s Your Home Worth” landing page.

Back At You Media recently became a partner in NAR’s REALTOR Benefits® Program and its Starter Plan is being offered exclusively to NAR members for as little as $10/month.

There are also savings available off the activation fees on higher subscription level plans, which include additional lead capture pages, premium content (local stories, branded video, and more), guarantees of local reach (6,000+ people/month) and 90 to 140 exclusive seller leads/year. There is also an Enterprise plan for broker-owners.

4. Online Advertising for Listings

Focused on the listing side of the business, Flipt uses technology to display two types of ads to local homeowners: 1) general brand awareness ads to stay top of mind with past/present/future clients, and 2) home valuation ads to homeowners who are going through life-changing events.

Ads are only shown to verified homeowners in the zip codes you’ve selected and displayed on top quality mobile apps, websites, and social media sites (like Facebook and Instagram). By selectively targeting its ads, and negotiating volume discounts, Flipt optimizes your advertising budget.

In addition to employing the best digital advertising practices, Flipt says its landing pages consistently convert at a 10 to 30 percent rate. Even though this is a complete “self-driven” advertising solution, agents can also customize their ads, expand their campaign, and get tips and how-to support.

6. Supercharge Your Client Testimonials

Referrals and recommendations are one of the most powerful tools for earning more business, but how do you make sure the right people see them? Reach150 solves this problem by displaying testimonials and other customized ads to your most important targets while they browse various sites.

Here’s how it works: You provide an email list of the people you want to get in front of (new leads, past clients, etc.). Reach150 uses this list to find them online and display your customized referral ads. (No emails are sent directly.)

Creating the ads is easy. Simply ask clients to publicly endorse you via the Reach150 app. Once the endorsement is approved, you can modify your ad’s color scheme, or add a logo, photo, etc.

You can also create your own ads using photos that display your involvement in the community or acknowledging business milestones. It’s a great way to remain top of mind and create a positive online reputation.

7 Marketing Technology Solutions for Real Estate ProfessionalsTechnology offers new solutions to old problems, including marketing. For many agents, the biggest challenge is researching and selecting a provider that easily integrates into your real estate practice. After all, many tech tools are designed for large companies or marketing agencies.

This is one reason to check out the innovators that have participated in NAR’s REach® technology accelerator program1. Each year, a small group of firms are selected and given special opportunities for industry feedback, so their tech services are developed in stronger alignment with agents’ needs.

Forty companies have participated in REach® since its inception in 2013, including these seven providers of unique marketing solutions.2 Which of their offerings are most helpful for you?

Continued from page 1

TBR • May 2018 7

1 REach® is a Second Century Ventures (SCV) company. SCV is a venture capital fund that has been fully funded by the National Association of REALTORS® but operates independently (i.e., it does not accept any revenue from NAR membership dues).

2 As of press time, eight new companies were added to the 2018 REach® class.

3. Streamline Your Video Marketing

Video emails are one of the best ways to foster personal connections, by putting your face and voice in front of another human being. You’re more authentic and compelling when you’re “face to face,” whether it’s following up with a new lead, reconnecting with a past client, or simply confirming an appointment.

BombBomb makes video marketing easy for any agent, by streamlining the recording and delivery process. Your video’s preview screen appears right in their message (not as an attachment).

BombBomb’s comprehensive marketing platform makes it easy to send everything from single messages to mass emails, with comprehensive analytics on opens/views, the ability to record time-saving canned responses, and built-in reminder options.

5. Let Clients Select the Perfect Closing Gift

Talk about a win-win… Loop and Tie makes closing gifts easy for agents, and delightful for clients.

Simply select among a collection of gift choices, and/or charitable donations, in different flat pricing categories (shipping included) and personalize your email message to the recipient, adding any branding elements you’d like to include (your logo, photo, etc.).

You’ll also be able to track and manage your gifts, with full transparency on what gift was selected, and the option to recoup value if a gift is never redeemed.

7. Showcase Your Local Market Insights

Relola makes it easy to share your local market knowledge by creating interactive maps that feature your active listings, property insights (your reactions to other listings), and neighborhood insights (restaurants, schools, parks, etc.). All you need to do is drop a pin and share what you love about that place. You can also upload a photo or a video.

Each new pin automatically publishes to your personal interactive activity map and insight gallery, which can be integrated into your website or Facebook business page. Each new insight can also be shared as a post on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. You can also use the Reloladex to capture top local service providers, from lenders to landscapers.

It’s an easy way to share your local market expertise and keep your website and online profiles fresh with local content. Plus, it’s completely free to REALTORS®.

4. Online Advertising for Listings

Focused on the listing side of the business, Flipt uses technology to display two types of ads to local homeowners: 1) general brand awareness ads to stay top of mind with past/present/future clients, and 2) home valuation ads to homeowners who are going through life-changing events.

Ads are only shown to verified homeowners in the zip codes you’ve selected and displayed on top quality mobile apps, websites, and social media sites (like Facebook and Instagram). By selectively targeting its ads, and negotiating volume discounts, Flipt optimizes your advertising budget.

In addition to employing the best digital advertising practices, Flipt says its landing pages consistently convert at a 10 to 30 percent rate. Even though this is a complete “self-driven” advertising solution, agents can also customize their ads, expand their campaign, and get tips and how-to support.

6. Supercharge Your Client Testimonials

Referrals and recommendations are one of the most powerful tools for earning more business, but how do you make sure the right people see them? Reach150 solves this problem by displaying testimonials and other customized ads to your most important targets while they browse various sites.

Here’s how it works: You provide an email list of the people you want to get in front of (new leads, past clients, etc.). Reach150 uses this list to find them online and display your customized referral ads. (No emails are sent directly.)

Creating the ads is easy. Simply ask clients to publicly endorse you via the Reach150 app. Once the endorsement is approved, you can modify your ad’s color scheme, or add a logo, photo, etc.

You can also create your own ads using photos that display your involvement in the community or acknowledging business milestones. It’s a great way to remain top of mind and create a positive online reputation.

7 Marketing Technology Solutions for Real Estate Professionals


BUYER’S REPM a y 2 0 1 8 · V o l u m e X X V I I · N u m b e r 5

Real Estate Buyer’s Agent Council, Inc. 430 North Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60611

• Back At You Media (social media marketing)

• FedEx Office (print and copy)

• Placester® (real estate websites)

• REALTOR Team Store® (NAR’s official provider of REALTOR®-logo branded items, including pins)

NAR’s REALTOR Benefits® Program is your official NAR member benefits resource, bringing you savings and unique offers from over 30 carefully selected, industry-leading companies, including the following from the Marketing Resources category:

Are You Taking Advantage of Your NAR Benefits?

For complete details on savings opportunities from all Program partners in NAR’s REALTOR Benefits® Program, visit

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