
Post on 31-Dec-2015






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TOBACCO. What are the two main categories of tobacco? What types of tobacco can you name?. Where does Tobacco come from?. Tobacco plants The tobacco plant has large leaves that are cured, fermented and aged before they are manufactured into tobacco products. Smokeless Tobacco. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


What are the two main categories of tobacco?

What types of tobacco can you name?


Tobacco plants

The tobacco plant has large leaves that are cured, fermented and aged before they are manufactured into tobacco products

Where does Tobacco come from?

Ground tobacco that is chewed or absorbed through the inside of the lip and gum.

Smokeless Tobacco

Burning of tobacco and inhaling the resulting smoke/chemicals

Smoking Tobacco

Greater awareness of the negative health effects of smoking, along with increased restrictions, has led to a steady decline in rates of smoking

Tobacco use tends to be more common among people with lower levels of education and income.

Most people who smoke begin between the ages of

11 and 15.

Who uses Tobacco?

Secondhand smoke- environmental tobacco smoke (any smoke)

Side stream smoke- smoke that comes directly from a burning cigarette

Mainstream smoke - smoke that is exhaled by a smoker

Passive smoker- a nonsmoker who breathes in secondhand smoke

Smoke in OUR Society

Common TypesCigarettes / Cigars Snuff (Dip) / Chew

Types of Tobacco

Nicotine- an addictive drug found in tobacco leaves and in all tobacco products

Carbon monoxide- a poisonous, colorless, odorless gas

Tar- a thick, oily, dark liquid that forms when tobacco burns

Carcinogens – Cancer causing agents

What’s In Tobacco

The nicotine in tobacco smoke travels quickly to the brain, where it acts as a stimulant and increases heart rate and breathing.

Tobacco smoke also reduces the level of oxygen in the bloodstream, causing a drop in skin temperature.

Research has shown that smoking raises levels of dopamine, a chemical in the brain, increasing feelings of pleasure and reinforcing the desire to continue to smoke.

How does tobacco make you feel?

Short and Long Term Effects of Tobacco Use

Nervous system- withdrawal symptoms (nervousness, shakes and headaches) increased risk of stroke due to lack of O2 to brain

Circulatory system- HR increases, energy reduced because less O2, blood vessels are weakened and narrowed and risk of heart disease increases

Respiratory System- shortness of breath, coughing, more phlegm. Allergies, asthma and bronchitis increase. Lung cancer, emphysema and COPD.

Digestive System- upset stomach dulled taste and tooth decay. Risk cancer of mouth and throat, stomach ulcers and bladder cancer increases.

Effects of Tobacco on Body Systems

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