to n y & d ian a pro co · 2018....

Post on 27-Aug-2020






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Thompson Leadership Award

Crystal Sphere Award, Comma Club Members,

Ambit People’s Choice Award

Multiple 5-Star Trips, Fast-Track RC

Success Magazine Covers & Feature Articles, Ambition & Simulcast Speaker/Trainer

Hey Mike, I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed meeting with you at Dunkin Donuts today. I think you’ll be a great addition to my team. I’ll help you get started and I’ll make sure you don’t fail. I’ll go with you to show the plan to your friends. I’m really excited about the future! I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

Hey Mike, I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed meeting with you at Dunkin Donuts today. I think you’ll be a great addition to my team. I’ll help you get started and I’ll make sure you don’t fail. I’ll go with you to show the plan to your friends. I’m really excited about the future! I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

Hey Mike, really enjoyed meeting you today. You’ll do very well and be able to get the things you want for your family by staying plugged into our system as we build your team together. You won’t fail because we have a great supporting cast. Let’s make a plan to show your friends the right way. We’ll chat tomorrow.

This business is built from one key line,

to the next!

Whatever’s good for you.

Whatever’s good for you.

What does your calendar look like this week?

When can we get together?

When can we get together?

- I have limited time in my calendar and a lot of people to see, so let’s compare calendars. - Let’s get together. I can do Tues at 2 or Wed at 4, how do those look for you?

I have a great opportunity for you.

I have a great opportunity for you. - There’s a chance this might work out… - This might be a longshot… - Can’t promise you anything, but if it works out, this could be big for you. - I need your opinion on something.

I started a new business and want to show it to you.

I started a new business and want to show it to you.

I won’t be disappointed if you’re not interested in the business. And, I won’t be disappointed if you won’t be my customer. But, I’ll be very disappointed if you don’t, at least, take a look.

I’m working with Ambit Energy, an MLM company, it’s only $100 to join and you can get Free Energy, plus lots of bonuses and residuals for bringing in others…

I’m working with Ambit Energy, an MLM company, it’s only $100 to join and you can get Free Energy, plus lots of bonuses and residuals for bringing in others…

The 3 Questions work great.

1) How many people do you know who use electricity or natural gas?

2) How many of them would like to pay less or get it for free?

3) How would you like to make $1,000s referring people to that program?

We’re doing 3 things.

We’re doing 3 things.

1. We’re saving people money on electricity/gas, but I’m not a salesperson & we don’t look for or hire salespeople.

We’re doing 3 things.

1. We’re saving people money on electricity/gas, but I’m not a salesperson & we don’t look for or hire salespeople.

2. We help people get free energy. Do you still pay for electricity? [YES] Why would you do that? (Old school, turn century, worst thing = eliminate your electricity bill)

We’re doing 3 things.

1. We’re saving people money on electricity/gas, but I’m not a salesperson & we don’t look for or hire salespeople.

2. We help people get free energy. Do you still pay for electricity? [YES] Why would you do that? (Old school, turn century, worst thing = eliminate your electricity bill)

3. Big: I get paid every time someone I know/don’t know flips on a light switch, charges their cell phone, heats/cools their home/office or uses energy of any kind. 24/7/365. Is it worth 15 minutes over a cup of coffee to bring you up to speed?

Do you keep your options open to making additional income?

Do you keep your options open to making additional income?

Do you keep your options open to making additional income, or do you already have enough money coming in for the rest of your life that you don’t need any more?

LinkedIn: Hi! I’m working on a business project….

LinkedIn: Hi! I’m working on a business project…. Compliment, notice something about profile or connections. “Thanks for connecting. Would like to schedule a 5-minute phone call with you to see if there is a way to help each other move our career/business goals ahead through some simple networking. Does that sound good to you?”

OBJECTIVE: Get it OFFLINE ASAP to build trust. Trust takes longer on social media. Less time on the phone. Even less time face-to-face.

You’d be great at this because you know everybody.

You’d be great at this because you know everybody.

This is probably not for you, but if you connect me with someone who goes out and does what I’m doing, you won’t need to worry about money from a job ever again.

Can you come over to my house at 7pm for a Grand Opening for my new business?

Can you come over to my house at 7pm for a Grand Opening for my new business?

I need to ask you a favor. I’m having a grand opening for my new business & my very successful business partner is coming over to do an overview. I only have 5 seats in my living room and I need it to look full. Leave your checkbook home, there’s nothing to buy. Can you come over and fill a seat, make it look full and make me look good in front of my new business partner? [YES] Thank you! I can’t have it be a last-minute cancellation, so can I count on you to be there?

Appointment: OK, I’ll see you at Dunkin Donuts at 2pm.

Appointment: OK, I’ll see you at Dunkin Donuts at 2pm.

I’m really good at keeping appointments, how are you at it?

I’m definitely going to be there without having to confirm, are we agreed?

Potential Customer You do Business With:

Potential Customer You do Business With:

“Do you like to do business with people who do business with you?" [Yes] "OK, since I'm doing business with you, I'd like you to do business with me...but not by spending money. And, it won’t inconvenience you and it will be REALLY important to me.”

Then ask them the favor, to try out your service for free for a couple months to see if they like it.

Someone Close Who Wants More Savings:

Someone Close Who Wants More Savings:

Hey Knucklehead, it's not going to cost you anything, it’s no inconvenience, you'll save a little bit of money and it’s important to me. Just want to be clear: Are you saying that you'd rather spend more with some stranger than help me out for less? As your friend, if you asked me the same favor...even for a penny less...I'd help you out in a heartbeat. I don't care if you do it or not. Just don’t want any weird feelings, like I was a salesperson trying to sell you something. I was just asking for a favor, nothing more.

Hey Jim, just calling to see if you finished your research, talked to your wife, etc., or ready to get started?

Hey Jim, just calling to see if you finished your research, talked to your wife, etc., or ready to get started? Lead with the latest promotion, etc., to express urgency. Hey Jim, listen, I know you’re still going through your process, but we’ve had a development since yesterday. You remember seeing the money with all the bonuses & payouts? [Yes] Well, things have changed because as a new consultant, all the bonuses are doubled, for you and everyone we reach out to! It’s now twice as good as what I showed you, but we need to act so you’ll be grandfathered in on the extra income.

Any time after you STP:

Any time after you STP:

If 2 or 3 people that you know wanted to join as consultants under you and you knew it would work and you’d already be making money, would you join and sponsor them? Or, would you rather have me sponsor them, the money bypasses you, and it all goes to me?

Any time after you STP:

If 2 or 3 people that you know wanted to join as consultants under you and you knew it would work and you’d already be making money, would you join and sponsor them? Or, would you rather have me sponsor them, the money bypasses you, and it all goes to me?

[Yes, I’d join.]

That’s right, because at that point, you’d have to be an idiot not to join.

So, what do you think?

So, what do you think?

Can you see why I’m so excited about this?

Does that make sense to you?

Can I make a recommendation?

On scale of 1 to 10 (1 = no interest, 10 = join now) what would you rate yourself?



You’re going to find both positive and negative about any company you research on the Internet, right?


You’re going to find both positive and negative about any company you research on the Internet, right?


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