to kill a mockingbird chapters 1-15. #1 & 2 where do the finches live? (city & state)

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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To Kill A MockingbirdChapters 1-15

#1 & 2Where do the Finches live? (city & state)

#3What happened to Scout’s mother?

#4What is the name of Scout's brother?

(full name or nickname accepted)

#5Who do Scout and her brother befriend in Chapter 1?

(I need a name)

#6Why is it unusual that Calpurnia has some education?

#7Why was Boo Radley locked away in his house?

#8Why won't Walter Cunningham accept lunch money from Miss Caroline?

#9What separates the Ewells from the rest of Maycomb’s residents?

#10Why does Scout get in trouble at that lunch?

#11Who threatens Miss Caroline in Chapter 3?

#12In what unusual hiding spot does Scout find chewing gum at the beginning of Chapter 4?

#13What else do Scout and her brother find in that hiding spot in chapter 4?

#14In chapter 4, the kids create a

____ based on Boo Radley’s life.

a) songb) filmc) bookd) play

#15T/F – The version of Boo Radley’s life the children use is wildly exaggerated and almost certainly false.


Miss Maudie loves to __________.


What is the town bogeyman’s real name?

(not his nickname)


During their attempt to give Boo a letter, what is the kid’s warning signal that an adult is approaching?


T/F - Nathan Radley scares the kids away with a shotgun blast when they attempt to glimpse Boo Radley one night.


What does Scout’s brother find when he goes to retrieve his pants?


In Chapter 7, after finding more gifts in the knot-hole, Scout and her brother decide to _____________.

#22What has happened to the knot-hole at the end of Chapter 7?

#23How does Scout’s brother know that Mr. Radley is lying about what happened to the knot-hole?

#24What sort of unusual weather do they have in chapter 8?

#25Who put the blanket on Scout's shoulder's while she stood outside?

#26Why does Scout fight with Cecil Jacobs and her cousin in Chapter 9?

#27What is the name of the man Atticus is defending?

#28Why is Atticus so certain he will lose the case?

#29Why does Aunt Alexandra disapprove of Scout's behavior?

#30At the end of Chapter 9, Atticus said that he hoped Jem and Scout could get through the trial without _________.

#31Briefly summarize Scout and Jem’s primary complaint about their father in Chapter 10.

#32What does Atticus do in Chapter 10 that changes how his children view him?

#33In Chapter 10, why does Atticus says that is a “sin to kill a mockingbird”?

#34T/F – Mrs. Dubose treats Scout and Jem badly and constantly says rude and malicious things about them and their father.

#35What does Mrs. Dubose say to make Jem furious?

#36What is Jem’s punishment?

(2 things)

#37How did Jem’s punishment help Mrs. Dubose?

#38Where do Jem and Scout go to church in chapter 12?

#39How does life at the Finch house change after Aunt Alexandria moves in?

#40Why does Aunt Alexandra want Atticus to fire Calpurnia?

#41Who does Scout find beneath her bed in chapter 14?

#42Why does Dill believe that Boo Radley has not run away from home?

#43In chapter 15, where does Atticus go during the middle of the night?

#44Who else shows up there (#43) and why?

#45Who or what prevents catastrophe that evening?

BonusWhat does Atticus take with him when he heads out for the night in chapter 15?

(two things)

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