tnt: tomorrow's news today

Post on 09-Mar-2016






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A 1920s Retrospective


Help. I’ve been trapped working in this newspaper for years. I can’t escape on my own.


Detailed reports on international,

national, and local news.

Mahatma Gandhi’s Autobiography Published and Available

Mahatma Gandhi’s 528 page has been published by Beacon Press in 1925, and is now available in stores. Gandhi is known as the “Father of the Nation” in India, mainly because of his remarkable work of easing poverty, increasing women’s rights, and building up ethical and religious tolerance.

Gandhi spread his influence through example, living his lessons in order to demonstrate that they were successful.

Mahatma Gandhi

Issue No. Seventeen

C o n t a c t s o m e o n e w h o c a r e s , d u d e .

S e r i o u s l y , w e d o n ’ t h a v e r e a l

c o n t a c t i n f o r m a t i o n b e c a u s e w e

d o n ’ t w a n t y o u t o c o n t a c t u s .




Okay, so if you’re reading this, you’re paying attention. I need you to bring a blowtorch, some peanut butter, and a disguise.

Hitler makes Advances By Katie Chaney During November 1923, Hitler decided to barge in on a beer hall meeting. During this intrusion, Hitler brought in his storm troopers, but it ended in a bad manner. Police fired shots, and as a result, 16 of his men were shot and killed.

As many are aware, Hitler is leading the Nazi party, which contains 35,000 members, as a result of a very quick growth rate, considering there were only 40 members in the early 1920’s.

The beer hall meeting held around 3,000 businessmen, and the meeting was held in Munich. Only 600 of Hitler’s members barged in on this meeting and the members stood around to intimidate the members within the hall.

Publication of Mein KampfBy Liam Roach To those avid readers interested in the mindset of a radical politician, volume 1 of Adolf Hitler’s autobiography, “Mein Kampf” (German for “My Struggle”) has been published. Documenting both his personal experiences and his political ideals, “Mein Kampf” was published on July 18th, 1925.

The Hitler Special. Because Hitler is

special. Brought to you in part by the “Hitler for World

Domination Fund.”

Maecenas pulvinar sagittis enim. Rhoncus tempor placerat.


So here’s a little message to avid readers of this newspaper. Howdy.

Plague StrikesBy Katie Chaney The newly informed “Bubonic Plague” is striking towards the human race more than ever. The plague’s actual name “Yersinia Pestis”, occurs in the lymph nodes and is killing off bits and pieces of the population. The plague is striking throughout India as its attacking zone. There is no known cure to this plague, but countries are doing their best to isolate themselves from the lethal disease.

Wall Street Stock Market CrashBy Liam Roach The stock market has failed! Falling a drastic 11% immediately after the ringing of the opening bell, most of Wall Street’s market value took a very hard hit. Wealthy bankers such as Mr. Richard Whitney have attempted to control the vast drop in the market, and for now, it appears that they have succedded. How long this will last, none may know. Many things contributed to the stock market crash, most notably, margin trading. Margin trading, where a buyer can put down a very low percentage of the total cost of a stock. Most of these buyers weren’t paying attention to the risks and the fact that the lenders who covered the rest of the margin are able to make “margin calls,” and demand payment immediately legally. As soon as stocks began to fall, and margin calls were made, and many people watched as their wealth disappeared.

Escape Artist Pronounced Dead!By Liam Roach World renowned trickster, Harry Houdini has officially been pronounced dead, as of October 31st, 1926. While details surrounding his death are sketchy at best, several theories have been formulated. Houdini seems to have died from either peritonitis, or from his ruptured appendix. Houdini is reported to have been repeatedly struck in the abdomen unprepared nearly a week before, by a university student.

Having allegedly been in pain for several days after the incident with the student, Houdini is said to have finally gone to a doctor before a performance. He was diagnosed with acute appendicitis, but refused treatment, and instead went on to perform. The life insurance claim is being investigated in order to determine exact cause of death and return rate.

Return of the Smallpox BreakoutBy Alex Wilson The deadly disease smallpox started in 1853. The originating area where this disease started is unclear. Now spreading all across the country, smallpox returns! Just this week alone there were 116 new cases in Toronto, and 400 new cases worldwide. No one is safe.

Deaths, Diseases, and Depression, all on once fancy page.


Rhoncus tempor placerat.


If you swallow yourself whole will you grow twice as big or disappear completely?

First Commercial Radio BroadcastBy Katie Chaney

There’s a first for everything in this small world it seems. Technology has allowed for us to have to tune in on the news over a radio broadcast. August 31, we have witnessed the miracle before our eyes.

Radio AdvancingBy Alex Wilson Radio started out as commercial broadcasting featuring spoken news. Now it is way more than that. If you tune in at the right time you can catch comedy shows, news, live events, and jazz. This network runs 24 hours and provides plenty of entertainment. This broadcast is geared towards the preservation of nostalgic broadcasting! The radio is still advancing. I can't wait to see what else it has in store.

KDKABy Alex Wilson For those of you who don't know, KDKA is a radio station! It was created and founded by Westinghouse Electric Corporation and Licensed to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. It was created on november 2, 1920. The radio world and the technology involved is advancing! KDKA is now the first commercial radio station in the world! Some people have claimed it's also the first commercially licensed radio station. KDKA broadcasts news/talk radio. The central feature is spoken

news. The signal of the station stretches to western pennsylvania along with parts of ohio west virginia maryland new york virginia and kentucky as well as Ontario the province of Candada. This is a great way of spreading news. In the future I can see news and radio stations growing world wide. We can thank Frank Conrad for blessing us with the ability of communicating by radio. His efforts were used as well as his experience supervising the manufacturing of military receivers during WW1.

This page normally functions as the tech

part of the newspaper. Radio dominates it today.

Advances in Technology

Rhoncus tempor placerat.


Totally turned this in late, but yeah. Nobody knows.

League of NationsBy Alex Wilson Paris Peace Conference is a meeting of allied victors that followed the ending of the first world war! As result of this meeting an intergovernmental organization was founded known as the League of Nations. The basic mission of the League is to "maintain world peace." In the covenant (law of contract by deed) the primary goals were stated. The primary goals consisted of preventing war through collective security and disarmament, and settling international disputes through negotiation and arbitration. Also including labour conditions, treatment of native inhabitants, human drug trafficking, arms trade,

global health, prisoners of war, and protection of minorities in Europe. These can also be found in other treaties.

Women’s RightsBy Alex Wilson It's the roaring twenties! Women are gaining rights. Women are now being hired for office jobs and are granted freer lives. This is all thanks to the 19th amendment being passed. After many years of ratifying, the 19th amendment was finally passed. This amendment went into effect last night at midnight. This amendment grants suffrage to women. The new rights being granted to women by the 19th

amendment consist of voting rights, suffrage acts. Women worked long and hard to achieve getting the law passed.This amendment was introduced in 1878 and was finally passed and put into effect August 18th of 1920.

Prohibition BeginsBy Alex Wilson

Alcohol is becoming a major issue in the United States! People have hope for making society a better place. Organizations have formed and are forming to publicly go against the consumption of alcohol.Laws in many states have already banned alcohol.


Maecenas pulvinar sagittis enim. Rhoncus tempor placerat.

Editor: Allison Hawkins

A collection of articles from the decade over the

evolution of science

Issue No. Seventeen

SCIENCE AND TECHDecember, 1929 5655 S. 4th St. - St. Joseph



A machine has been invented that is said to determine if a person is lying.  The machine, invented by John Larson, a medical student at the University of California, the machine reportedly is able to detect various physical reactions brought on by lying.        The name for the device, “Polygraph,” comes from the process that the machine uses of recording several different body responses simultaneously as an individual is questioned.         A less effective version of the Polygraph was in existence in 1902. It was created by James Mackenzie. This new, much more effective version proves to be of much more worth as it gives more reliable results.         It is uncertain how this new technology will be utilized. Perhaps this device could be used for police investigations in the future. Time will tell if the Polygraph will grow in popularity.

A photograph of the new Lie Detector


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idunt. Ut labore et dolore magna ali

qua. Enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud diam nobis sed tellus suscipit in.

Stop Getting Lost

O-boy Duncan Yo-Yo

It’s here the reinvented Yo-yo. The toy that is tied to a string and goes down and back up was dated to the Ancient Greeks has now made it’s appearance in Luck, Wisconsin in the year 1929 under a new name a n d w i t h a f e w n e w adjustments to the original toy. This toy from Donald Duncan now has a knot in the string which makes it easier to hold, and it also come in different shapes which allows you to do different tricks. This is a fun toy for people young and

Down and Back Up

Are you tired of getting lost while you’re driving your car? Are you tired of having to stop your car every ten miles just to check a map? Then get the new get the latest invention of 1927. The Sat- Nav wristwatch or ‘The “Plus Four” Wristlet Route Indicator’. This invention from the UK allows you to read a map while you are driving down the road. Using small maps and wooden scrolls that keep the map rolling, it allows you to follow your path on a map without having to stop.

Aaron Guyer

Aaron Guyer


No More Blades Aaron Guyer

Throw away your old metal razor and get the new electric razor. Invented in 1928 by Col. Jacob Schick, it allows you to shave your face without using shaving cream or getting your face wet. This all American gadget needs no lather and works just like the hair cutters used by most barbers. On March 10th, 1926

inventor Dr. Herbert Ives introduced the v ideo telephone to the AT&T phone company. This A m e r i c a n i n v e n t i o n allowed people in labs or p e o p l e w h o o w n e d businesses to see a person’s face while they were talking to them on the p h o n e b y h a v i n g a television camera facing each of the people talking and having that camera send the images to a screen that can be seen by the other person. The image on the two inch by

two and half inch screen was very low-definition but it could still be made out as a human face. Ives proposed this invention so that AT&T could speed up their facsimil system. He spent two years working on this invention and with a little help from others, Herbert Ives was able to let people visibly see who they were talking to over the phone.

See Who You’re Talking To Aaron Guyer


You can now listen to the radio in your car. Thanks to William (Bill) Lear, who served in the navy as a radio operator during World War   I, and Elmer Wavering.After getting fixing of all the problems that would keep you from hearing the music Lear and Wavering took their invention to Paul Galvin who allowed them to work in his factory to perfect their car radio. In 1930 that Galvin was able to get the radio into production and after that the number of people who

wanted a radio in their car increased on a large scale.Leer and Elmer got the idea for this invention in 1929 while on a double date with their girlfriends and one of the girls. thought it would be nice to listen to music.

It’s Possible Aaron Guyer

Watch moving pictures like at the theater in your home with the new television. This invention from 1925 by John Baird allows you to put the show that you want and from then just sit back and watch as it moves the pictures at 12.5 images per second. This device was first seen in London but it won’t be long until they’re on the shelves of your hometown too.

Pictures in Motion

Aaron Guyer

Allison Hawkins


The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 |

A child diagnosed with poliomyelitis, also known as polio, was saved from respiratory failure from an extraordinary new machine. The Drinker Respirator, invented by Phil l ip Drinker and Louis Shaw Jr., forces air into and out of the lungs allowing patients, such as people with polio, to breathe. Many scientist believe this machine could bring a new line of i n n o v a t i o n t o t h e medical field. Phil l ip Drinker and Louis Haw Jr. are b o t h p r o f e s s o r s a t H a r va rd S ch o o l o f Public Health. Together they created the Drinker Respirator in hopes of making a creation to ease the problem of b reath ing when i t s labored. Their device u s e s a i r p u m p s t o circulate air within a

vacuum chamber, into the patient's lungs, and out again. T h e D r i n k e r Respirator is reported to be in the process of mass production and will quickly see its way into your local hospital.  

Lysol, sold under the

distributor Lehn & Fink Inc, has

now found a new use in the lives

of everyday women as birth

c o n t r o l . T h i s o n e t i m e

disinfectant has now sauntered its

way from the title of average

germ-killer to feminine hygiene

product. It has been reported that

just a simple diluted Lysol

solution can kill the unwanted

g e r m s a n d o t h e r f o r e i g n

substances keeping a woman

healthy and all around clean.

With the amounting rise of infections and other ailments we all know it is important to keep all areas of the body sterile. Lysol is described to not only prevent such illness it also rids the female body of its natural odor, thus as studies show, preserving

the amount of youthful and marital bliss for years to come.

A mass Influenza outbreak, also known as t h e S p a n i s h F l u , i s spreading like wildfire a c r o s s t h e w o r l d . According to doctors, the flu affects the lungs and increases the amount of liquid produced by the organs, making it hard to breath. This disease is very deadly and has claimed millions of lives. Scientists are at a mist as to how the disease is spreading. Even the distant islands of Hawaii are not safe from this illnesses grip, this cause a common panic in all regions. However we have been advised to not panic, remain calm, and follow our usual daily patterns. Washing hands is also advised.

Scientists are still continuing to research.

New Invention Saves Child’s Life

Disinfectant Finds New Everyday Uses

Dominique Gilbert

Dominique Gilbert

Spanish InfluenzaDominique Gilbert

By: Cody M. Gasper

SCIENCE AND TECHDecember, 1929

On page 2 we have a special article on

the new ford assembly line.

Revolutionary Automobiles of the Decade


THE MODEL “A” TWO DOOR WITH RUMBLE SEATThe model A is an old model car, with two

seats in the cab and a new rumble seat in the back where they can seat comfortable two

people. Ford is happy to reveal the new seat system for the model a to be purchased at any

Ford dealership.

THE MODEL “T” FOUR DOOR The model T four door automobile is the newest creation by the brains at Ford, allowing for more comfortable driving.

THE ROLLS-ROYCE The Rolls-Royce is one of the newest luxury automobiles, and is much more pricey than fords Models A or T. Ranging around nine-hundred and eighteen dollars, the Rolls-Royce is certainly more expensive than the others, and is well worth it to those who can afford it.

Issue No. One 5655 S. 4th St. - St. Joseph MO


E A S I E R T R A N S P O R T !

F A X8 1 6 - 6 7 1 - 4 0 3 6


Model A With Rumble Seat Model T

T E L E P H O N E8 1 6 - 6 7 1 - 4 0 3 0



Ford’s new assembly line in their factories allow for a car to be pushed off to the lot in just under a minute, a new revolution and innovation in the automotive industry. The creators are excited as this w i l l p r o v i d e c h e a p e r automobiles for purchase f ro m c o m m o n p e o p l e , a l l o w i n g o r m o r e transportation to be used!

In the new novel, “The Great

Gatsby”, the Rolls-Royce Wraith is

featured in bright dandelion yellow as

Gatsby’s custom cruiser.

Maecenas pulvinar sagittis enim.

Type to enter text

Ford’s assembly line can push a car off into the lot every minute.

Ford has introduced mobile radios

connected directly to their cars for enjoyment of

YOUR favorite stations on the go! Now enjoy these

tunes as you cruise down the road


Listen to all your favorite stations on the go!

Lifestyles, 5655 South 4th ST. St. Joseph, MO 64504 | 816-261-4030 | Breanna

LIFE STYLESDecember 1929

Women around the world are trying out this new hair style.

What’s New?

Flappers, new, bright, and bold. The new must have clothing article. This is mostly for younger women and looks exceptionally good with bobbed styled hair. This style of clothing was mostly seen worn at p a r t i e s o r f l a u n t i n g themselves in a sexual way. They come in all sizes and make you look instantly slimmer! These dresses are about knee length but if not they go to the ankle. They look good with hats and accessories of any fashion. Get your new flappers today.

Flappers are in. Go get yours now.

Issue No. Seventeen


Lifestyles, 5655 South 4th ST. St. Joseph, MO 64504 | 816-261-4030 | Breanna

The bob is a new fun hairdo that almost any woman can pull off. The woman to thank for this lovely new hairstyle. This breaks women away from the more traditional

look that women would wear before. Now it expresses that women are more free literal and symbolically. This shows that women are strong and independent.

This style of hair is becoming more and more popular. Girls like Clara Bow and Coco Chanel are wearing their hair like this.

The Bob


Lifestyles, 5655 South 4th ST. St. Joseph, MO 64504 | 816-261-4030 | Breanna

Powder  make  up.  Cream  and  ivory  are  what’s  in  now.  It  makes  the  appear  to  be  brighter.  Rose,  raspberry,  and  orange  also  look  good  on  the  cheekbones.    For  

lipstick  what  to  do  is  make  a  Cupid’s-­‐Bow.  This  is  where  you  don’t  put  lipstick  on  your  entire  lip  area  you  just  make  them  appear  more  full  and  plump  than  

what  they  are.  As  for  eye  makeup  dark  makeup  is  what’s  in  mixed  with  some  greens  to  make  eyes  stand  out.  

Make Up


Lifestyles, 5655 South 4th ST. St. Joseph, MO 64504 | 816-261-4030 | Breanna

Swimsuit, worn by men, women, and children. They’re used for water sports and sunbathing. These can be worn

underneath for activities such as water skiing, scuba diving, surfing, and wake boarding. This is time where women can

be freer with their skin and with their bodies.

Swim Wear


Lifestyles, 5655 South 4th ST. St. Joseph, MO 64504 | 816-261-4030 | Breanna

Closed low-cut footwear. They’re made of leather with a strap across the ankle and fastened with a buckle or button. Most fashionable women wear these with pantyhose and/or socks. Typically worn with dresses and skirts. These shoes also come in sized for men. Many colors are available get yours today!

Maecenas pulvinar sagittis enim. Rhoncus tempor placerat.


Lifestyles, 5655 South 4th ST. St. Joseph, MO 64504 | 816-261-4030 | Breanna

Oxford bags are the entire rave. They’re normal wasted and have loose-fitting sleeves. Double and single-breasted jackets and vests are also fashionable. They are worn during the daytime and for casual events. For warmer weather short trousers is what most men

wear. One thing that is in are top hats and white gloves. Hats are knows by your class. Most upper class men wear top hats or homburg hats. Middle class men wear fedoras, and lower class men wear the normal newsboy cap.

Hats are an every day item for the boys and men.


Lifestyles, 5655 South 4th ST. St. Joseph, MO 64504 | 816-261-4030 | All

In the year 1913 a woman named Alice Paul had done all she could to start getting rights for women of that time. Women had started doing men’s work and she thought that they should all have the same rights. Starting in Washington, on Pennsylvania Avenue, her women’s rights motions caught the attention of all women and some men.

Alice started to put pageants and parades together to protest the rights of the

women. One by one she turned all the states into women’s rights states. By 1920, all of Alice’s work came together. The 19th amendment was passed on August 8th, 1920, and gave women the right to vote.

Work became too much for the National American Woman's Suffrage Association so she formed the National Woman's party and kept up with her work.

Alice Paul has changed the game

for us women. She is the reason we have

the 19th amendment that gives us rights.

Women fighting for their rights. Alice Paul

Woman gets Rights for Women


Lifestyles, 5655 South 4th ST. St. Joseph, MO 64504 | 816-261-4030 | Madi

Call it a disgrace. A rebellion. A change. Call it “new”. We women are changing around the world. We do the cooking and the cleaning. We do all of the housework and take care of the kids. We don’t go out and vote, or get jobs, or even get the supplies for food. We aren’t treated the same as men.

Women get told that we can’t do what men do. Well we are going to prove that we can. All of our husbands and men have gone off to war to fight for us but who is going to pick up the slack since they are gone? Us women are. We can do everything they can do and still make a living. Men aren’t the only ones who can provide for our families.

Since our men are gone and everything is left to us we have new roles. We are joining to army to help protect our country. We are getting

educations and becoming nurses. For the first time, we are entering the industrial plants. Many of the factories that us women are working in can be life threatening and also are big enemy targets, but us women are brave and work in them anyway.

With us women stepping up and taking on the roles of men our attitudes and thoughts about ourselves have changed too. We think that we should have the same rights as men, seen how we do the same jobs and have the same responsibilities. They think that since we are a different gender that we don’t have the mind capacity to make our own decisions and decisions for our city. They are wrong. We are just as smart and maybe even smarter than any man and we deserve the right to make our own decisions and put our opinion in. We need to demand better wages, and more rights.

New Women


Lifestyles, 5655 South 4th ST. St. Joseph, MO 64504 | 816-261-4030 | Madi

Blacks are wanting a change just like the women. At the beginning of the 20’s the blacks started to move into town with us. Before they all lived and stayed in the south. Their towns and living conditions became so poor in the rural areas that if they

didn’t leave they wouldn’t have survived.

Once the blacks came to our cities, we didn’t accept them. We were purposely brutal with them trying to make them leave. They realized that life in the northern

cities was just as hard. They couldn’t get jobs and housing was poor.

Although through all of these rough times, they are still fighting for equal rights and fair treatment.

Blacks Set Out in Search


Lifestyles, 5655 South 4th ST. St. Joseph, MO 64504 | 816-261-4030 | Bailey

In the 1920’s, a law was passed stating that people could neither poses or consume any alcoholic beverage. With alcohol being illegal Gangsters were doing everything they could to change that law. New bars were beginning to come about called speakeasies; the

name was given to these bars reminding people to not speak of these bars. Having these bars made it easy for criminals to come in, sell the illegal alcohol, making tons of money. This illegal selling was soon abolished after criminals were

collecting so much money and nothing was being done to stop these sells. Maybe these illegal trades would have been stopped a while ago if certain people would of known the right password to get into the speakeasies.



Lifestyles, 5655 South 4th ST. St. Joseph, MO 64504 | 816-261-4030 | Bailey

With the roaring twenties coming about, many n e w c a n d i e s w e r e b e g i n n i n g t o b e introduced. Certain new candies such as The Charleston Chew were named the popu la r dance, The Charleston, which provokes good times. Other candies that were becoming very popular were the Baby Ruth candy bar, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup, and the all time favorite Milk Duds.

Prices were slowly going up, but everyone was saving up their money just to get a taste of these sweet treats. It was about a penny for two of these delicious goodies, or you could wait till your birthday or a special holiday to get ahold of one of these candies.



Lifestyles, 5655 South 4th ST. St. Joseph, MO 64504 | 816-261-4030 | Bailey

During the 1920’s automobiles were becoming more and more popular, same as restaurants so we needed a way to put those two things together right? That’s where the idea of eating on the go came into play; we created the drive

through! These restaurants catered to motorists, travelers, and tourists. By 1921, two men by the names of J.G Kirby and Dr. Reuben W. Jackson revolutionized the restaurant industry

but introducing the very first drive-in known as the amazing Texas Pig Stand. Later in the mid 1920’s Howard Johnson’s ice cream stands that popped up in Boston, this later evolved into the hotel and restaurant chain.

Dine-in or Carry out?YOU DECIDE


Lifestyles, 5655 South 4th ST. St. Joseph, MO 64504 | 816-261-4030 | Bailey

With alcohol being illegal the smugglers started coming about. Bootleggers would take their boats out on the docks and make a schedule with overseas ships in order to exchange alcohol such as whiskey,

wine, and rum to the bay. Guys from all over would bring whatever beverages they had to these undercover transfers.

These bootlegging business were mostly run by

criminals who were sneaky enough to keep them top secret. Al Capone was one of the many criminals who had this business in his back pocket.

Shhh...Don’t Tell


Lifestyles, 5655 South 4th ST. St. Joseph, MO 64504 | 816-261-4030 | Bailey

Walking into a restaurant you would be surprised at what you see or smell for that matter. The 1920’s is a time where smoking is very popular. Smoking was a sign for men that if a man enjoyed that freedom that he was given he wouldn’t be afraid to smoke in public. For women, on the other hand, if

you saw a woman smoking this was a sign of appeal. Only the attractive women would have a cigarette in their hand.

Another piece of behavior that might surprise you if you were to walk into a 1920’s restaurant was the fact that women are having conversations and

enjoying themselves. The 1920’s introduced a wave of social life to women. They could now be free to have their own conversations and even work in the same restaurants as men.

Ordinary Restaurant Behavior


Lifestyles, 5655 South 4th ST. St. Joseph, MO 64504 | 816-261-4030 | Cora

The new art museum, MoMa,

has opened. Abby Aldrich Rockefeller

and two of her friends; Lillie P. Bliss and Mary Quinn Sullivan developed this

museum, it’s been open for a month

now and their business has been

booming. Their

main focus is on avant-garde styles/artists. Avant-garde is a type of art that

pushes the boundaries of what is accepted as the normal type of art.

They don’t particularly like

American art, nor do most museums. Vincent van Gogh, Claude Monet, and

Pablo Picasso are a few of the many artists that have

artwork hung in the galleries of this

museum. So if you like risky art, or any of these artists take

some time and make your way


New Art Museum, MoMa

Abby Aldrich Rockefeller


Lifestyles, 5655 South 4th ST. St. Joseph, MO 64504 | 816-261-4030 | Cora

Art deco isn’t just regular art. It is art that affects architecture. There were two artists that started this and they are Maxfield Parrish and C. Coles Phillips. They started it in Paris in the year of 1925. It didn’t necessarily derive from the first exposition in Paris, but it has been a

major thing in Europe since the beginning of the 20’s. Art Deco is characterized by use of materials such as aluminum, stainless steel, lacquer, inlaid wood, sharkskin, and zebra skin. The bold use of zigzag and stepped forms, and sweeping curves, chevron patterns, and the sunburst motif.

It isn’t regular art. It is art that affects


Art Deco


Lifestyles, 5655 South 4th ST. St. Joseph, MO 64504 | 816-261-4030 | Cora

The Surrealism movement started after World War 1 ended and is very much so still going on. The European avant-garde literary and art circles, which started with many surrealists. Surrealists were artists that took part in this movement. This movement was developed by André Masson. André Masson developed many different art techniques such as; automatic drawing, automatic painting, decalcomania, frottage, fumage, grattage, and parsenage. The automatic drawing and painting are doing so without control of your body with your conscious mind. Decalcomania is process of spreading thick paint upon a canvas then—while

it is still wet—covering it with further material such as paper or aluminum foil. Frottage is a method of creation in which one takes a pencil or other drawing tool and makes a "rubbing" over a textured surface. Fumage is when impressions are made on a canvas from smoke. Grattage is a method in which dry paint is scraped off a canvas. Parsemage is a method in which dust from charcoal or colored chalk is scattered on the surface of water and then skimmed off by passing a stiff paper or cardboard just under the water's surface. These techniques were used by the Surrealist artists to create an avant-garde styled piece of artwork.



Lifestyles, 5655 South 4th ST. St. Joseph, MO 64504 | 816-261-4030 | Cora

Since the war had ended I suppose we all have a little extra money in our pockets, it’s about time we find something to do with it. As you all well know the movie industry has been climbing its way up on top of the entertainment spectrum. Even though these silent

movies have been a big hit since the start of this century it’s popularity has skyrocketed, it’s made a big boom in its reputation, but with actors and actresses like Charlie Chaplin (pictured above), Buster Keaton, Clara Bow, and Rudolph Valentino it would make it a little hard for these movies such as;

Four Horseman of the Apocalypse, Safety Last, and Battle of Chemulpo Bay, makes it that much more popular and even more difficult to decide on which one to see. Although, with all of this extra money, why is there a need to chose. Go see them all!

The Big Boom


Lifestyles, 5655 South 4th ST. St. Joseph, MO 64504 | 816-261-4030 | Cora

Radio’s are so expensive, but it’s one of the new trends out, everyone should go get one! It will help you keep in touch with the news, comedy, music, drama, education, preaching, and

even poetry and story reading. How amazing is that! Whoever made these radio’s ought to get an award for such excellence because these are wonderful. Who needs a newspaper

anymore, you can get so much more by getting a radio, with a newspaper all you can do is read. Better go out and get one before they’re all gone!

Do you have a Radio?

Maecenas pulvinar sagittis enim.


Lifestyles, 5655 South 4th ST. St. Joseph, MO 64504 | 816-261-4030 | Madi

Bessie Smith has earned herself a name with her blues music entertaining us everyday. Being born on April 15, 1894 in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Bessie never knew her father, for he died soon after her birth. She grew up with deaths, when she

was 12 her mother and two of her brothers died, leaving her and the rest of her siblings to live with their aunt.

By now she is living on her own and married to Jack Gee. A Columbia Records Representative found and signed Bessie’s first songs

at the beginning of the 1920’s. Her big powerful voice has carried her and her blues music on tours all around the country.

Now that we are coming towards the end of the twenties, she has earned her title as ‘Empress of the Blues’.

Empress of the Blues


Lifestyles, 5655 South 4th ST. St. Joseph, MO 64504 | 816-261-4030 | Madi

Being the life-of-the-party, Zelda Fitzgerald was labeled ‘The First Flapper’. Her and her husband, F. Scott Fitzgerald, are being talked about all over the country. Their crazy adventures such as riding on the taxi roof, jumping into the Union Square fountain, and even passing out together after drinking too much. Zelda was known for being crazy, inferior, and courageous.

Zelda and her husband care more about their appearance than anything which is what has led them to borrowing money to keep up with it. Their appearance has put them in

debt and is a reason that Fitzgerald has turned into an alcoholic.

Although Zelda seems alright, it has been said that she has undiagnosed bipolar disorder. She suffers at home while her husband is now barely providing because of his drinking problem. Although when the Fitzgerald’s name is mentioned everyone thinks of when they went jumping into the Union Square’s fountain.

Her flapper, flapping in the air, got her her label and fame for being the first one with the new hair style.

“That is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you're not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong.” -F. Scott Fitzgerald

Zelda Fitzgerald

Zelda Fitzgerald


Lifestyles, 5655 South 4th ST. St. Joseph, MO 64504 | 816-261-4030 | Madi

In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s book, The Great Gatsby, Gatsby has a certain way of obtaining his clothing. He has a man from England pick out his entire wardrobe for the year and then ship it to him. He is very proud of his clothes because they are

silk and all different kinds of threads that he thinks he can impress Daisy with.

He later in the book wears a pink suit that shows his money. Although Tom says that he can’t be an oxford man if he wears a pink suit because

that’s not what was in style. Gatsby had his own style with his clothes from England. All he wants to do is impress Daisy with his fancy clothing and it actually works when he throws them all over her.

Gatsby’s Closet


Lifestyles, 5655 South 4th ST. St. Joseph, MO 64504 | 816-261-4030 | Cora

Know as many of you know Gatsby was just a character in this book. Although, how many of us wish that Gatsby were real? I know I do, they way Fitzgerald describes him makes him sound gorgeous! That’s

not the only reason we wish he was real though; Imagine the entertainment that all of us would have every weekend when he would host his magnificent parties that would leave us all astounded. Fitzgerald really

makes his characters come to life in this book, it almost gets you to thinking that it’s real. All I have to say is that I wish it were.

The Great Gatsby

The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 |

SPORTSDecember 1929

Bringing you the best moments in sports from the


Biggest Sports Stories of the Year

County Record Falls in High School Track Meet

On Saturday afternoon, during the iconic Buchanan County Track Meet in Faucett, Missouri, a record falls in the high jump. Gordon Morgan jumped a 5’5”, smashing the previous record of 5’1” held by Eugene Turner. This was just one moment that highlighted the extremely talented meet this weekend. --By Tanner

Tilden Takes Wimbledon!Bill Tilden, also nicknamed, “Big Bill” is coming home from Wimbledon with a gold medal. Not only was he the first American to get invited to the tournament, he also won first place at it.  There is no question that this newcomer  has confidence in himself.  He went into the tournament without a single national title, but won an international tournament.  I can see a bright future ahead for this young man. --By Rye’ll

Photographs of the extraordinary athletes of the


Issue No. One

Gordon Morgan jumping 5’5” to break the high jump record

Bill Tilden, Wimbledon Champion Tilden and his famous backhand


The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 |

U.S.A Wins in “The Battle of the Century”!

90,000 people gathered today to witness the $1.6 million-dollar boxing match between European champion and Frenchman, Georges Carpentier, fighting the American, world heavyweight champion, Jack “the Manassa Mauler” Dempsey in Jersey City, New Jersey. The legendary bout ended with a knockout in the 4th round as Dempsey threw several on-point punches to the chin of Carpentier, dropping him to the canvas. This solidified the American’s title as the heavyweight champion of the world, and proved, once again, that there is nowhere better than the U.S.A. --Tanner

The New GameThere have been some rumors going around about a new sport being formed.  I’m here to answer

all of your questions.  The rumors are true;  the new sport is called, “Football”.  Which is ironic because you play with your hands.  The league itself is called the NFL, or the, “National Football League.”  The games rules are quite simple, tackle the person with the football.  The sport seems kind of barbaric, especially without any protection.  This new sport coming about should make for an interesting future. -- Rye’ll


In January a diphtheria epidemic had broken out in Nome, Alaska and the only serum was 700 miles away in Anchorage. The only two airplanes were being stored away for the long winter, so the only solution was the serum to be “mushed” to the victims. A relay of 18 dogsled teams was set up to get the serum from Anchorage to Nome, a 674 mile travel. On February 1st, after losing communication with the sled team due to gale force winds, Gunnar Kaassen arrived in Nome with the serum, lead by his lead dog, Balto.

-- Cruise

Jack Dempsey’s fight against Georges Carpentier. Dempsey won by knockout in the 4th round. A “Football player” from the new sport


The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 |

Ten rounds, two fighters, one champion. On Thursday September 22, 1927 a boxing rematch between world Heavyweight champion Gene Tunney and former champion Jack Dempsey took place at Soldier Field in Chicago. Almost a year after Tunney and Dempsey’s first fight where Tunney stole the title from Dempsey, they were back at it once more to prove who was the real champion. The fight went on like everyone predicted for the first six rounds. Tunney dominating with his usual style of boxing from a distance and looking for openings, but in the seventh round, there was a change up. Tunney got cornered against the ropes and Dempsey was able to land two lefts and two rights on Tunney’s chin, and four punches later, Tunney was on the ground for 13 seconds, from the time he was knocked down, to the time he got up. People are now calling it the “ Long Count Fight” because of this and although Tunney went on to defend his title with a win by unanimous decision, it was a fight that will forever be remembered. -- By Cruise


Jack Dempsey is probably the best thing that ever happened to boxing since boxing gloves! Throughout his whole boxing career he’s had 60 wins, and has had only 7 loses. 51 of Dempsey’s wins were knockouts. In all of my years of reporting

sports,I have never seen anyone like this! My first boxing match I ever watched was Dempsey finishing a fight within 4 minutes of the first round in his fight against Jess Willard for the World Heavyweight Title in 1919.Dempsey’s boxed professionally since 1914, and his last fight scheduled for him to fight is September 22, 1927 against Gene Tunney. You do not want to miss the last fight of Jack Dempsey’s professional boxing career. -- Ian

100-meter Olympic Record

On Sunday, July 9th an incredible new record was set in the Men's Olympic 100-meter swim. Johnny Weissmuller, one of America’s strongest swimmers, set a new world record of 58.6 seconds and winning him the gold in the 100 meter swim. You feel me? --Cruise

The Long Count Fight

Jack Dempsey, “The Manassa Mauler”


The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 |

Howard CannNew York University

Charles CarneyIllinois

Forrest DeBernardiWestminster

George GardnerSouthwestern

Tony HinkleChicago

Dan McNicholPennsylvania

Hubert PeckPennsylvania

George SweeneyPennsylvania

George WilliamsMissouri

-- Ian

NEGROS.... IN BASEBALL?This morning, it has been announced that there is a professional Negro League forming up for the first time.  Rube Foster, is the man who is responsible for making this possible. If you don’t think negroes should be playing baseball like me, then you should talk to Mr. Foster.  He is the one

who gave the negroes some organization and turned them into an actual league.  At the same time it’s good because, now the negroes will be more focused on playing in their leagues instead of messing up good ol’ fashion white man baseball. --- Rye’ll


Baseball isn’t just for whites anymore, as Negro League Baseball has started up. The NNL (Negro National League) started up in 1920, and 3 years later the ECL (Eastern Colored League) was created. This league allows the African Americans to play baseball, as they are not allowed to play with the whites. Although this isn’t baseball from the Major League, it is still some of the best baseball that I have ever watched. These men are very athletic and really fun to watch. They are so talented that I believe that the blacks will eventually play with the whites to keep the game more exciting. -- Ian

“...the negroes will be more focused on

playing in their leagues instead of

messing up good ol’ fashion white man


1920 NCAA Men’s Basketball All-Americans

One of the teams in the Negro Leagues


The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 |

The World Series has finally been won, the New York Yankees have defeated the New York Giants 4 games to 2 in the 6 game series!Both of these teams were ready to prove which team was the best team of New York, and the world. These were two great teams to match up but only one could be on top. I simply believe that there couldn’t be a better matchup for this series because there is so much rivalry between these two teams.Overall the New York Yankees scored a total of 30 runs, 60 hits, and only 3 errors, while the New York Giants scored 17 runs, 47 hits, and 6 errors. It was a pretty exciting series. Congratulations Yankees! -- Ian

HORSING AROUNDYesterday the country obsessed race horse Man O’ War, set the record for fastest mile ever ran by a race horse. Man O’ War not only set the record for the United States, but also for the world. The previous record holder was Big Red, from England. Big Red’s real race that year was against the

world record for a mile (2:16.8), which had been set in 1908 by the horse Dean Swift. The American record of 2:17.4 had been set by Sir Barton at the 1919 Belmont.  Taking almost two full seconds off of both times he sets the world record.  If Man O’ War was liked before he will now be praised. -- Rye’ll


Horse racing has been pretty popular lately, with the fast pace of the running horses, this sport brings in a lot of spectators, and becomes very exciting. But lately this sport has gotten even more exciting when many of the people attending the races begin to bet on horses that they think might win each race. Although this is illegal in the United States, and you can get arrested doing it, many people are still betting for the winning horse. -- Ian

“Man O’ War, set the record for the fastest mile every

ran by a race horse.”


World record holding horse, Man O’ War


The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 |

Paavo Nurmi, smashed

records in the 1,500 and 5,000

meter run in the 1924 Summer

Olympics within only an hour of

each other! Numi won 5 gold

medals that summer for Finland. It

was at that time when Numi got his

nickname the “Flying Finn”. And

to this day his records in the mile,

5,000 meter, and the 10,000 meter

races have yet to be broken.

SWIMMING MILES This week Caroline Gertrude

Ederle broke a record no one ever

thought any woman would ever be

able to achieve.  For the first time

ever recorded in history, Caroline

Ederle was the first woman to

swim across the whole English

Channel.  The total distance the

Ederle swam was close to 50k or

(31 miles).  If you think that just

swimming from end to end of a

pool is hard, try to take this task on

for yourself.  Caroline Gertrude

Ederle will forever be remember

for this achievement, to go along

with all of her other

many olympic medals. --



from all across the nation are starting a new trend, females golfing. This trend began after the publishing of the novel,”The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald in which one of the characters, Jordan Baker, was a highly decorated golfer. Women must have found inspiration from this, and flocked to every local golf resort. Finally, the wonderful game of golf is breaking down walls in becoming a multi-gendered sport. -- Tanner


Caroline Gertrude Ederle


The Collector, 5655 South 4th, Saint Joseph, Missouri, 64504 | 816-671-4030 |

On May 28, 1923, an uncommon event happened. 19-year-old Richard Roswell was charged with 1st degree murder in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Youth murderers are rare and

frightening. Our children should be studying and playing ball in the yard, not committing atrocities like Roswell.In my opinion the teen murderer deserved the punishment and should not be treated like a minor.

Richard Roswell has been accused of the stalking and murder of Angelo Cloftl. It has been confirmed that Roswell was obsessed with the victim and followed Cloftl around, learning his schedule and organizing the attack. Angelo had just departed from his occupation when Roswell allegedly shot him multiple times causing his death. No official number has been given for the amount of shots fired at Cloftl. Roswell will likely be spending time in prison and serving 10-40 years for First degree murder.

It is very uncommon in our society today to have youth committing such horrific crimes. This is why they deserve the same punishment as adults in this case. Having Harsher punishments on the youth will decrease the number of youth murderer’s in the United States and the state of Arkansas.

Juvenile Should be charged as adult

T h e S c o p e s T r i a l Unconstitutional?

In July 1925, Mr. John Thomas Scopes (a

Dayton Tennessee, High School Teacher) was accused of

illegally teaching the theory of evolution to his students. The

Butler Act was the law he broke which stirred up debates in

this small town and all over the world arguing about whether

a teacher should have the right to teach what they thought

was best to help educate their students. I am on the

defending side of Mr. Scopes. I believe it should be his

choice to teach what he felt was the best education to his

students and not be prosecuted for his teachings.

The ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union)

Which work to protect individual rights and liberties

guaranteed by the Constitution, help people go to court

when their personal rights have been violated, and in this

case I greatly believe they have been. Many people are

against the ideals of evolution that claims we evolved from

monkeys. Many don’t want to believe this and use the bible

as an accurate historical record (allegedly) . I’m not here to

say which side is more correct, but i’m here to say this man

should not have been prosecuted for speaking about it in

his own classroom.

I believe it’s his right to be able to speak about,

and teach this subject, and restricting him from doing so,

goes against his freedom of speech and teaching rights. I

believe personally if the teacher believes the subject can

help his students in the future, and help better educate

them. Then why not be able to teach it? It’s just plain dumb.

By: Austin Wethered


The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 |

Do you think that Alcohol should be prohibited here in the United States? Many people of our community are

indifferent about the idea of banning alcohol, but others feel as

if the federal government is slowly taking away their personal

rights. This law was passed and introduced here in the states

in 1916 and is still in effect now. The government is under the

impression that the grains to make distilled alcohol is needed

to make more food and that our sources of grain are limited

because of the war. In December of 1917, the law was passed

to ban the Imports, exports, and sales of Alcohol in the United

States and It has caused many distilleries and Breweries to

come to a complete halt in the Production of alcoholic


In 1916, 26 out of the 48 U.S. States had officially banned alcohol permanently. The Proponents

believe that banning the alcohol will increase the nations health

and would cause the crime rates to drop dramatically. It has

been predicted that since alcohol has been banned, that other

beverages will become popular and fill in the gap of all the

alcohol in the market. Ever since the ban of any alcohol,

greater than 2.75% of alcohol, Crime has increased and the

health of the people has deteriorated dramatically. Many

people have been arrested for the production of Illegal alcohol

and jails are still piling up with people who have or had

contained any alcoholic beverages with them. It has also

caused a lot of drug use in the United States, possibly even

more than before, and many have been convicted for illegally,

selling or having alcohol.

It has cost millions of dollars for the act to pass and to be supported throughout the United States and It will cost

many more to keep this law going. The people will still continue

to smuggle alcoholic beverages into the United States, even if it means taking the risk of being caught and put into jail. If we

don’t do something about this unconstitutional act, it will cause

massive problems and could possibly result into Economical

issues. With the situation that we are in, should our country

continue to ban the use and selling of alcohol, or should we

just sit back and watch our country go down to nothing? We all

should be free, have our own rights, and be happy. The

government needs to focus in on what we want, other than

what the governments believes.

Prohibition Sparks Huge Debate!

By: Kat Brown


The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 |

The Charleston got it’s name from the city of Charleston in South Carolina. The Charleston has become a popular dance here in the United States and In 1923, James Johnson composed a song for the Charleston. Though the Charleston was started by African-American cities, it became one of the United States most popular dances of the decade. Many of the Dancers dance the Charleston are white flapper girls and speakeasy’s who would mock the citizens that supported the prohibition. Many of the people who supported the prohibition believed that the Charleston was an inappropriate dance. Though know, the dance has evolved a little more over the past few years, it still has some of the original moves included into it, but many people have added their own touch to the dance.

Ever since the government banned Alcohol, many people have been breaking the law and finding other ways to have fun without involving alcohol. I don’t think anyone has the right to tell

people what they can and can’t dance. I’m sure there is someone doing something way worse than the Charleston. They are just trying to have fun and add a little more excitement and could possibly help future dancer to create more dancing styles. They have already banned alcohol and I don’t think that it is fair if they try

and ban the Charleston because it is just a dance, it is not hurting anyone and it isn’t causing any issues. People that are for the prohibition just want what they want and not what anyone else wants.Learning the Charleston is very easy and you can learn the dance very fast. So instead of complaining about how the dancers are dancing, lets all let go and learn to Charleston.

Banning The Charleston is just plain Crazy! By: Kat Brown


The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 |

The first talking movie has finally appeared in theaters. After the long wait, we are finally able to watch

the movie with sound. The movie was directed by Alan

Cropland and produced by the Warners Bros. The movie

is based on the play “The Day of Atonement” and it

included Al Jolson sang six songs. The movie is about a

fictional character who doesn’t follow the traditions of his

jewish family. When he sings popular songs in the Beer

Garden, his father punished him which made Jake want

to run away. A few years later, He becomes a talented

Jazz singer and he tries to improve at his career until

many conflicts come and he must face them in order to

continue on with his Jazz singing career.

Many people have went to the movies to watch

this interesting movie and have all gave it good reviews.

Most said that they enjoyed the movie having sound

which will make directors decide to start including sound

in all of their movies. Though the sound of the movie

was not the best of quality, It is still the first movie to

introduce sound into it.

This movie shows that our technology and

thinking is improving greatly. It may not be improving at a

fast pace, but after time, we will see many new and

better technology than what we have today. If you’re

looking for a great time and a great movie to watch, I

would recommend “The Jazz Singer” It is a amazing

movie, and will be kept in history for our grandchildren

and other family members in the future.

To entertain our children, Walt Disney has created the first

cartoon with little sound featuring Mickey Mouse. The first

official episode was all Steamboat Willie. Mickey Mouse has

replaced Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, which was also created

by the Disney Studio for Charles Mintz, but was first named

Mortimer Mouse .Disney asked Mintz for a raise in the

budget, but Mintz declined and demanded they take a 20%

budget cut and reminded Disney that Universal studio’s

owned the character and told disney that he had signed over

most of his current employee’s to his new contract. Disney

refused and created the final Oswald cartoons. He felt

betrayed by his employee’s, but was determined to start

again from scratch.

Mickey Mouse has taught our children many new thing, while

he also entertained them. Mickey mouse is very popular and

seems to be a big hit with children of all ages. Although

Mickey hasn’t completely have talking in it, It is still a fun and

entertaining show and will keep kids happy and not bored.

The show is age appropriate and includes many other

characters that aren’t as big as Mickey, but still important to

the story. Disney was really smart with his creations and he

really paid attention to what children like and incorporated it

into his ideas.

Since Mickey is so popular, that I think the show will

continue on past all of our life times. It was an amazing

creation and will be a huge part of Disney’s and our future

families futures. I recommend having your children watching

this awesome and educational show if you aren’t now.

Mickey Mouse, I believe you will go down in history!

Micky Mouse Better For Our Children.Keep On Keeping On with Talking Movies! By: Kat Brown By: Kat Brown


The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 |

In February 1920, seattle

began a strike over labor and lack of

pay. It was proclaimed the first city-wide,

labor action in america. It led off to a

devastating era of post-World War I

labor conflict that saw massive strikes

shut down the nation's steel, coal, and

meatpacking industries and threaten

civil unrest in a dozen cities. In

shipyards are where the strikes began,

where war production workers expected

a post-war pay raise. This was to make

up for strict pay control for the last two

years by the federal government.

Regulators refused the pay raise, so the

Metal Trades Council union alliance

declared a strike and closed the yards.

After an appeal to Seattle’s Central

Labor Council for help, most of the city’s

local unions voted to join a sympathy

walkout. The Seattle General Strike

lasted less than a week but the memory

will be long lasting.

I strongly support these hard

working men and women. They have

been stripped by the federal

Government of their deserving benefits

and need a focused strike to earn them

back. That is exactly what they did too.

On the morning of February 6, 1919,

Seattle, stopped working. 25,000 union

members had joined the 35,000 already

on strike. Much of the remaining work

force was idled as stores closed and

streetcars stopped running. The General

Strike Committee, composed of

delegates from the key striking unions,

tried to coordinate vital services and

negotiate with city officials. This was a

strong and much needed attempt to

earn their dues.

The Strike ran into troubles

instead, due to the news press and

national news calling this a revolutionary

plot. This caused the strikers to be met

with crowd control, federal troops and

martial law. Many Unions Wavered on

the strike, several went back to work

without the pay raise or benefits they

rightfully deserve. I strongly Believe the

protesters in Seattle should have stuck

to their guns, and demand they be

treated better. They had a revolution on

their hands around the nation. They

should not have backed down.



The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 |

Medical researcher Frederick Banting and research assistant Charles Best studied the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas of dogs at the University of Toronto. Banting believed that he could find a cure for the "sugar disease" (diabetes) in the pancreas. In 1921, they isolated insulin and successfully tested in on diabetic dogs, lowering the dogs' blood sugar level.On January 11, 1922, Leonard Thompson, a 14-year-old boy who was dying of diabetes, was given the first human experimental dose of insulin. It

saved his life. This was a revolutionary discovery! This could in fact rid our dying people of america, and the world of diabetes. I believe they should distribute the discovery around the world, That would save several men, women, and children. This could even help animals as proven with the disease.

In 1923, Banting and Macleod were awarded the Nobel Prize for their work on discovering insulin. What was once a death sentence, people now diagnosed with diabetes can live long lives thanks to the work of these men.

They greatly deserved the nobel prize, because this could change the world of medicine and lead to new discoveries and advancement to ridding diabetes. Good Job Guys! You did good.



The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 |

A new music era is creeping up on us with the introduction of a brand new style of music they’re calling, ‘Jazz’. Within this new style you can recognize the switch from classical sounds to more upbeat and exciting tunes. Some people are rejecting the idea of jazz simply because it is being performed mostly by blacks. Despite some negativity it seems that the new music is spreading further and becoming increasingly popular. We believe that jazz is just a start in the evolution of musical arts. It has added something fresh to our musical choice and with it new styles of dance are blossoming as well. This is a new, wild, and jubilant music, born in New Orleans, and it was meant to be shared with the rest of the nation. Just listening to it makes the people feel free! It makes you feel alive! Nobody has ever played music like this before. Music so joyous that it could bring all of america outside and dancing down the streets.

A change in culture such as the one we are experiencing now is one that is meant to be embraced. Accept and enjoy these new jazz bands, and free yourself to a world of enjoyment!

Jazz Is The Next Big Thing!Aubrey Silvey


The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 |

According to the Declaration of Independence, all men are created equal. Where did that leave women?

Abigail Adams has played a very key role as women campaign together to gain political power. She had written a letter to her husband, John, who was debating independence from England in the Continental Congress, and urged him to "remember the ladies and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors." Otherwise, she warned from their home outside Boston, "we are determined to create a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation."And now, 144 years after this event, women in the US finally are included in a constitutional amendment that gives them the right to vote.That 19th Amendment says simply: "The right of citizens of the

United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex." After a dramatic ratification battle that came down to a single decisive vote, women would finally have the right to participate in political matters.Women have been waiting for this amendment to come about for an extremely long time now. Many women that supported these campaigns are facing verbal abuse and even violence. These powerful women should not be attacked by the public, but instead celebrated and congratulated. They have finally taken a step towards proving to all of the country that women are in every way man’s equal.

Women Are Exactly The Same. Give some respect! Aubrey Silvey


The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 |

The 18th Amendment went into effect on

January 16th of this year. It states that

alcohol is banned not only from being sold,

but also from even being manufactured.

Although it is now “illegal” for people to drink

liquor there are some loopholes that can be

found. Alcohol is allowed to people that have

been given a prescription by a doctor.

Needless to say, I believe we will be seeing a

rapid increase in new prescriptions written

this year.

We already have reason to believe that an

organization is forming, the ‘anti-prohibition

organization’, to join the fight to bring back


The consumption of alcohol should not be

involved in the constitution. If it is to be

considered an ‘issue’ at all, it’s a local issue,

and nothing more. We have only one hope:

that the United States Supreme Court rules it

out, saying that this law does not agree with

one of the principles of the American

government, that is, liberty, which is every

man's right. If you ask me, this whole affair is

a laughing matter, because it ignores man’s

supposed freedom. We are well aware of the

fact that prohibition was originally passed as

a war measure but it has been over a year

since the war has ended. On the contrary,

the people are certain to show their

disrespect for the law if alcohol is not re-

legalized, and it will increase the number of

agitators and crime-bent organizations in this

country which are two very undesirable

elements to be dealt with now.

We encourage our readers to avoid violating

the laws our government has in place, in

regards to the consumption of alcohol.

Although we do believe that the prohibition is

a silly law, we are obligated as citizens to

obey every last law that our government puts in place. We believe that the time will come

when the prohibition is lifted, so until

By:Aubrey Silvey

Different View On Prohibition.

Aubrey Silvey


The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 |

The way we view films, and the impact

that they have on us, will forever be

changed. A movie titled ‘The Jazz

Singer’ was just released in October,

and this film is unlike anything the

public has seen before. Unbelievably,

they have learned to incorporate sound

into the films.

This new idea is magnificent.

Not only does it give the movies more

depth, but it also makes them much

more entertaining. We find that it is

much easier for these “talking pictures”

to capture and keep your interest. It is

highly likely that movies with sound will

become a huge phenomenon in the

near future.

Some filmmakers and critics

may say that they believe the

introduction of dialogue to films will ruin

the aesthetic virtues of soundless films.

However, judging from the popularity of

the newly released talking motion

picture, we can safely say that the

development of sound and movies will

lead to a rapid expansion of our

nation’s film industry.

Although it may take time for

the public to see the true greatness of

this innovation in the filming industry, it

is more than obvious that it was a

marvelous idea. We encourage you to

go out to the cinema as

soon as you can to discover

how exciting these new

movies are for yourself.

Films no longer silent.Aubrey Silvey


The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 |

Many of us American’s have heard or

read the book, the Great Gatsby. The

book was written by F. Scott Fitzgerald

and was in the perspective of one of

the main character, Nick Carraway.

Nick meets a man named Gatsby, who

is his next door neighbor. Gatsby had

invited Nick to attend one of his many

parties hosted at Gatsby’s Mansion.

They have many Affairs, twists, and

turns involved in the book that remind

us all of our daily lives.

The Great Gatsby fits many of

us American Citizens everyday life.

Many events happened in the 1920’s. It

shows us all true Friendship and how

everything in life isn’t always how it

seems. You never really know who you

can trust, and when you find someone

you can trust and someone you can

love, life will be good, and you can die

happy. As for Gatsby, He had reunioned

with another character by the name of

daisy, who he loved even before he

went off to war, and was shot and killed

at the end of the book by one other

character, Wilson. I think that the book

was very interesting and really got the

feel for our everyday lives in the


I interviewed Aubrey Silvey, who has also read the book “The Great Gatsby”. When asked what her favorite part of the book was, She said, “I enjoyed the part of the book was when Nick was attempting to gather people to attend Gatsby’s funeral, and he came to the realization that although Gatsby was a great guy, he didn’t have any friends there for him in the end. Gatsby had thrown many parties and met countless people, but his money never granted him any happiness, and when his life came to an end Gatsby wasn’t really remembered.” Aubrey said that they really enjoyed the book and that she would love to read it again. The book has been a great success and will continue on through History.


Rhoncus tempor placerat.

By: Kat Brown & Aubrey Silvey

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