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  • U;wtisilZ ,lksfl,'ku vkWiQ bf.M;kNEWSPAPERS ASSOCIATION OF INDIA

    Volume XVI o"kZ 16 vad 2 No.2 tuojh 2011 January, 2011

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  • tuojh] 2011 3( Personality )

    Dmitry Medvedev is thepresident of Russia. The thirdman to hold the post, he wasinaugurated on May 7, 2008.He won the presidential elec-tion held on March 2, 2008with 71.25% of the vote. For-merly Vladimir Putin’s chiefof staff, Medvedev had neverheld elective office before2008. He previously sat on theboard of directors of Gazpromand is backed by Russia’slargest political party, UnitedRussia.Early Life and education

    Medvedev was born Sep-tember 14, 1965, inLeningrad to parents whoboth worked as universityprofessors. His father,Anatoly, was a physicist whotaught at a technical institute,and his mother, Yulia, taughtRussian language and litera-ture. Medvedev grew up ina tiny 37 sqm apartment inthe Kupchino suburb ofLeningrad. Despite encour-agement

    from his parents to pur-sue a scientific career, heshowed an interest in lawfrom an early age. As a child,Medvedev has said that, hewas mainly interested insports and books, later de-veloping an interest in foreignrock music, obsessively col-lecting illegal copies of al-bums by groups like LedZeppelin and Deep Purple.

    Medvedev entered lawschool at Leningrad StateUniversity in the fall of 1982.More than a decade apart,both Medvedev and his pre-decessor as president,Vladimir Putin, took coursesfrom Anatoly Sobchak, anoutspoken Democrat and thefuture mayor of St. Peters-burg. As a student,Medvedev supplemented hisstipend by working in con-struction and as a streetcleaner. He graduated in1987 and completed his PhDin 1990. He specialized inprivate, corporate and secu-rities law.

    Early careerWhile working toward his

    doctorate and amid the un-raveling fabric of the Sovietpower structure, Medvedevjoined Sobchak in his cam-paign for the Congress ofPeople’s Deputies of the So-viet Republic. Sobchak, of-ten cited as one of the earli-

    est voices advocating freemarkets and political plural-ism, advocated these posi-tions in his campaign anddrew the ire of KGB agentswho confiscated his cam-paign literature.

    Medvedev and othersstayed up late into the nightto print another set by hand,according to Sobchak’swidow, Larisa Narusova.Sobchak easily won the elec-tion. Medvedev remainedclose to Sobchak as he, oneof the few deputies with alegal background, set aboutcreating many of the lawsthat would provide the foun-dation of a post-Soviet Rus-sia.

    For his part, Medvedevpublished the first of severallaw textbooks, an award-winning volume on the Rus-sian civil code that was firstpublished in 1991. From 1990to 1999, Medvedev main-tained a private practice inlaw, co-founded or advisedseveral businesses andworked in government. In-terviews with those familiarwith Medvedev at the timedescribe his role as a go-be-tween for government offi-cials and business leaders, aleg work man with a deepknowledge of the legal struc-ture.

    Sobchak was elected tothe Leningrad City Councilin 1990 where he helpedoverhaul the structure of citypolitics and mandate a gen-eral election for the mayoralposition. When the first elec-tions were held in June 1991,Sobchak won. Medvedevwent to work again for hisformer professor in the citygovernment. He served as alegal adviser to Sobchak anda legal consultant to the com-mittee for external affairs –headed by Vladimir Putin.Putin and Medvedev workedtogether closely for years.As Sobchak busied himselfwriting the constitution ofthe Russian Federation andlaying the legal foundationfor the new government, run-ning the city fell to deputieslike Putin. A city councilmember at the time said Putinmade the decisions whileMedvedev did the legwork.Putin sold off city propertyand liaised with foreign offi-cials. Medvedev provided

    legal advice, extended his pri-vate interests and continuedto teach law at his almamater. They remained withcity government until 1996when a former deputy,Vladimir Yakovlev, ranagainst Sobchak riding awave of corruption chargesand ousted him from office.

    From the time he gradu-ated law school, Medvedevmaintained a double life inbusiness and politics. In1990, he co-founded a small,state-controlled companycalled Uran. Four yearslater, he co-founded aconsultancy group calledBalfort. Both companieswere founded with his class-mates from Leningrad StateUniversity (now St. Peters-burg State University). In1993, Medvedev joined IlimPulp as legal affairs director,where he helped turn the pa-per-processing company intoa multi-million dollar industryleader. There, he used a con-nection to former KGB andmilitary intelligence officersto help fight off a hostiletakeover attempt of the lum-ber company.

    Medvedev also co-founded Fintsell, a holdingcompany with a stake in IlimPulp. In 1998, he took a po-sition as chairman of theboard of directors of BratskyForestry Complex. He alsoworked as a consultant forthe insurance company, Rus’,under Vladislav Reznik, wholater went on to head theState Duma’s committee oncredit organizations and fi-nancial markets. In 2000,Medvedev became chairmanof the board of directors atthe state-controlled gas mo-nopoly, Gazprom. He wasthe board’s deputy chairmanfrom 2001 to 2002 before re-suming the chairmanship.

    He was head of Gazpromwhen Gazprom Media tookcontrol of the flagship hold-ing in Vladimir Gusinsky’smedia empire, the NTV tele-vision channel. UnderMedvedev’s management,Gazprom considered amerger with Rosneft, a com-pany that bought most ofYukos’s assests in an auctionarranged by the state as away for Yukos to pay off itstax bill. However, Medvedevmade no politically charged

    statements againstM i k h a i lKhodorkovskyand otherd i s -gruntled oligarchs.He insisted thatsuch auctions werethe only “legally ef-fective” means torecover back taxes.From 2005 to 2007,with Medvedev atthe helm, Gazpromwas at the center ofthe “gas wars” withUkraine andBelarus.

    State govern-ment career

    Medvedev’s rise to theupper echelons of the Krem-lin power vertical began inearnest in 2000, when hislongtime boss and friend,Vladimir Putin, was electedthe president of Russia.Medvedev is a Putin protégé,a fixture in his administrationsdating back to Putin’s ap-pointment as prime ministerin 1999.After Sobchak’s lossin the mayoral race in 1996,Putin had gone to Moscow.Medvedev remained behindin St. Petersburg where hetaught and pursued his busi-ness interests.

    President Boris Yeltsinappointed Putin as prime min-ister in August1999 andtapped him as his preferredsuccessor. Putin summonedMedvedev to Moscow tohead the government admin-istration in November 1999.One month later, Yeltsin re-signed and Putin broughtMedvedev along as deputyhead of the presidential ad-ministration. During presiden-tial elections in 2000,Medvedev was the head ofPutin’s campaign.

    From 2001 to 2003, be-sides his day to day responsi-bilities in the Kremlin staffsupporting the president’sactivities, Medvedev was as-signed to special projects.This included heading thecommission which oversawthe drafting and enactment offramework legislation on thereform of the civil service andlooking at ways to best over-haul the judicial system.Medvedev was one of severalSt. Petersburg colleagueswhom Putin moved to Mos-cow, and his rise through the

    echelons of government was– like Putin’s – meteoric.While in the presidential ad-ministration, Medvedevavoided an affinity with eitherof two poles of power form-ing in the Kremlin: the campof security service officials(known as the “siloviki”) andthe group around AlexanderVoloshin, Putin’s chief of staffand one of Yeltsin’s key asso-ciates. When Voloshin re-signed in October 2003, hewas replaced by Medvedev.

    For most of his professionalcareer, Medvedev had been abehind-the-scenes player,known mostly to those payingattention as a business leaderand behind-the-scenes gov-ernment player. That allchanged in November 2005,when Putin appointedMedvedev to a specially cre-ated post as first deputy primeminister in charge of five na-tional projects. Two monthsearlier, Putin had outlined thenational projects which fo-cused on domestic develop-ment. Medvedev took the leadand the national projects gar-nered enormous media atten-tion on state-run television.Medvedev’s popularity ratingswere bested only by the sit-ting president. However, theappointment of Sergei Ivanov,a hawkish former security of-ficial with a deeper politicalresume, to another post as firstdeputy prime minister calledMedvedev’s coronation intoquestion. By the beginning of2007, Ivanov was seen as amore likely candidate. Theappointment in September ofViktor Zubkov as prime min-ister in the fall of 2007 fur-ther muddied the waters.

    MEDVEDEV, DMITRY ANATOLYEVICHPresident of the Russian Federation

  • tuojh] 2011 4EDITORIAL

    Dilip Kumar

    vipin gaur A brief newspaper articlethis week revealed that PrimeMinister BenjaminNetanyahu has convened a"sensitive and small-scalemeeting about Israeli Arabs."This isn't Jane Austen- stylesensitivity; it's code for a se-curity issue, and means thatthe seven top ministers have

    responded to the exhortationsof Shin Bet security servicechief Yuval Diskin and lis-tened to the description ofwhat Netanyahu and his ad-visers call "the dangerousradicalization within the Arabpopulation."

    The ministers looked at theShin Bet and police presen-tations and expressed con-cern, while Diskin emphasizedthat the radicalization trendwill be curtailed only if effortsto integrate Israeli Arabs intothe wider Israeli society areintensified.

    You have to rub your eyesto believe it: Cabinet mem-bers in a democratic countryare discussing the lives of 20percent of the citizenry asthough they are a bunch ofpotential criminals, while inthe background loom a slewof racist laws, rabbis' lettersand demonstrations calling onJews not to rent apartmentsto the Arabs who trying toseduce your sister, on top of

    125 Years CongressThe APPCC president, Mr Dharmapuri Srinivas, has

    said that the party would felicitate all the former presidentsof the PCC, including himself, whowere alive on November 19 as partof week-long concluding day cel-ebrations of the 125th year of IndianNational Congress to be launched onNovember 14 by the AICC generalsecretary, Mr Digvijay Singh atGandhi Bhavan.

    All the State MPs, including theUnion Minister, Mr S Jaipal Reddy,will participate in the inaugural meet-ing which will be followed by cul-

    tural programmes. The party leaders, including the ChiefMinister, Mr K Rosaiah, would garland the statue of formerPrime Minister late Jawaharlal Nehru at Abids. At 12 noonon the same day, a Kabaddi exhibition match will be heldbetween President XI and CM XI on Gandhi Bhavan pre-mises. Along with the PCC Chief, the Chief Minister wouldinaugurate Twenty-Twenty Cricket Tournament at LB Sta-dium. In the evening, essay writing competition would beheld for the children at Madina Center, Nampally.

    On November 15, the Chief Minister and PCC Chiefwould launch "Tree Plantation" programme. From 11.30 am,elocution competitions would be held at Gandhi Bhavan. At1 pm, there will special programmes for the special chil-dren at Sweekar-Upkaar Special Children's Home at Jubi-lee Bus Station in Secunderabad. In the evening, Prof.Mridula Mukherjee, would deliver a lecture on "JawaharLal Nehru" at Jubilee Hall.

    On November16, Mr Rosaiah and Mr Srinivas wouldflag off "Tiranga Peace Rally" from Jawahar Lal Nehrustatue at Abids and it will end at Indira Gandhi statue atNecklace Road. On the same day, painting competitionswould be conducted for children at the Potti Sriramulu

    Telugu University. In Gandhi Bhavan, Antyakshari com-petition with Hindi and Telugu songs would be held at 3 pm.In the evening, Prof. Prasanna Kumar would deliver a lec-ture on "Nehru and Indira Gandhi and Indian Democracy"at the Jubilee Hall and honor eminent personalities.

    On November 17, a Rangoli competition for girls andwomen would be held at Gandhi Bhavan followed by vari-ous sports competitions in the evening for Gandhi Bhavanoffice staff members. On November 18, an exhibitioncricket match would be held between President's XI andCM's XI at LB Stadium followed by the T-20 Cricket

    Tournament Finals. In the evening, cultural programmeswill be held at Ravindra Bharathi. The PCC would honoreminent personalities followed by prize distributionprogramme.

    On November 19, floral tributes will be paid at the statueof Indira Gandhi on the Necklace Road and the Chief Min-ister and PCC president would flag off the Vintage CarRally. In the evening on the same day, the concluding ses-sion will be held at Prakasham Hall, Gandhi Bhavan wherethe AICC incharge of AP Affairs, Mr M Veerappa Moily,would be the chief guest and the Union Minister, Mr PallamRaju, and AICC secretary, Mr K B Krishna Murthy, wouldalso grace the occasion. (NSS

    Sensitive and small-scale

    Cabinet members in a democratic country arediscussing the lives of 20 percent of the citizenryas though they are a bunch of potential criminals,while in the background loom a slew of racistlaws, rabbis' letters and demonstrations callingon Jews not to rent apartments to the Arabs whotrying to seduce your sister, on top of the tendencyto automatically blame Arabs for every disasterthat happens here.

    the tendency to automaticallyblame Arabs for every disas-ter that happens here. And theonly ones calling for greaterintegration are Shin Bet offi-cials. The Shin Bet has itsown reasons, but in a normalcountry it's the governmentthat's supposed to make surethe security agency is keep-

    ing to the fundamentals of de-mocracy, not the other wayaround. The cabinet should bediscussing integration not asa means of keeping"radicalization" in check butas a policy. In referring to in-tegration, Diskin is talkingabout such ideas as openingup more civil service jobs toArabs, encour Arab businesspeople and supporting the es-tablishment of industrial zonesin predominantly Arab com-munities - everything the gov-ernment isn't already doing.But the exclusion of Israel'sArab citizens begins long be-fore they start looking forwork. It begins as early as kin-dergarten or elementaryschool.

    The gap between the pro-portion of Israeli Jews whohave passed the national ex-ams necessary to earn a highschool matriculation certificateand the proportion of IsraeliArabs who have done so hasincreased by five percentage

    points, to 18.9 percent, since2008. There is a similar gap onthe standardized Meitzav ex-ams. On an international examtesting reading skills, nativeHebrew speakers ranked 11thout of 68, while native Arabspeakers ranked 40th. Thecontrast becomes even morestark when you take into con-

    sideration the high Arab drop-out rate and the differences inhigher education; of Israeliswho have a doctorate, 94.5percent are Jewish and 2.8percent are Arab.

    The causes are well-known: a scandalous shortageof classrooms and EducationMinistry inspectors for Arabschools, dismal infrastructureand continued neglect. Innu-merable committees havesounded the alarm about thisneglect and recommended thatit be reversed, primarilythrough the allotment of addi-tional funds. All these recom-mendations have been ignored.But the roots of exclusion arestill deeper and more funda-mental. Arab education in Is-rael does not, in effect, have adefined legal status. The 1953State Education Law sees it asa kind of surplus schooling thatfalls under the "not Jewish"category. The curriculum issolely in the hands of the edu-cation minister.

  • tuojh] 2011 5ns'kdky

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    This mosaic image takenby NASA's Wide-field Infra-red Survey Explorer, orWISE, features three nebu-lae that are part of the giantOrion Molecular Cloud--theFlame nebula, the Horseheadnebula and NGC 2023. De-spite its name, there is no fireroaring in the Flame nebula.What makes this nebula shineis the bright blue star seen tothe right of the central cloud.This star, Alnitak, is the east-ernmost star in Orion's belt.Wind and radiation fromAlnitak blasts away electronsfrom the gas in the Flame

    Giant Orion MolecularCloud--the Flame nebula

    nebula, causing it to becomeionized and glow in visiblelight. The infrared glow seenby WISE is from dustwarmed by Alnitak's radia-tion. The famous Horseheadnebula appears in this imageas a faint bump on the lowerright side of the vertical dustridge. In visible light, thisnebula is easily recognizableas a dramatic silhouette in theshape of a horse's head. It isclassified as a dark nebulabecause the dense cloudblocks out the visible light ofthe glowing gas behind it.WISE's infrared detectors

    can peer into the cloud to seethe glow of the dust itself. Athird nebula, NGC 2023, canbe seen as a bright circle inthe lower half of the image.NGC 2023 is classified as areflection nebula, meaningthat the dust is reflecting thevisible light of nearby stars.But here WISE sees the in-frared glow of the warmeddust itself. Color in this im-age represents specific infra-red wavelengths.

    Blue represents lightemitted at 3.4-micron wave-lengths, mainly from hotstars. Relatively cooler ob-

    jects, such as the dust of thenebulae, appear green andred. Green represents 4.6-micron light and red repre-

    sents 12-micron light. Thisimage was made from datacollected after WISE beganto run out of its supply ofsolid hydrogen cryogen inAugust 2010. Cryogen is acoolant used to make infra-red detectors more sensitive.WISE mapped the entire skyby July using four infrareddetectors, but during the pe-riod from August to October2010, while the cryogen wasdepleting, WISE had onlythree detectors operational,and the 12-micron detectorwas less sensitive. Thisturned out to be a good thingin the case of this image, be-cause the less-sensitive de-tector reduced the glare ofthe Flame portion of thenebula enough to bring outdetails of the rest of thenebula.

    X-ray type image scansof space shuttle Discovery'sexternal fuel tankare underway. Technicians in the Ve-hicle Assembly Building atNASA's Kennedy SpaceCenter in Florida have re-moved the foam insulationand test sensors from the ex-ternal tank, and Sunday theystarted computed radiogra-phy scans of all 108 supportbeams, called stringers, onthe outside of the tank'sintertank section. While ad-ditional scans are under way,engineers at various otherNASA locations continuedata analysis to help deter-mine what caused smallcracks on the tops of twostringers during Discovery'slaunch countdown on Nov.5.The latest scans arescheduled to continuethrough Thursday (Dec. 30)when Space Shuttle Programmanagers are set to decidewhether testing and analysisindicate technicians need toperform known and prac-ticed modifications on someof the stringers.

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  • tuojh] 2011 7lqf[kZ;ka




    Ka Abhyudaya, the Hinditranslation of renowned au-thor and historian late J.N.Uppal’s original Englishbook Gandhi Ordained inSouth Africa

    published by PublicationsDivision, Government of In-dia, was released here today.The book was released by theChief Guest Dr. SureshSharma, a scholar and seniorfellow, Centre for Study ofDeveloping Societies (CSDS)at a special function in theongoing “ 61h Delhi Book Fairat Pragati Maidan. The trans-lation of the book has beendone by Shri DevendraKumar, another well knownface in the literary world.

    Ms. Manimala, Director,Gandhi Smriti and DarshanSamiti and Smt. Sarla Uppal,wife of Late J.N. Uppal werealso present as the Guests ofHonour on the occasion.

    Earlier, Smt. Arvind ManjitSingh, Additional DirectorGeneral (in-charge), Publica-tions Division welcomed theguests, other dignitaries andbook lovers. She told thegathering that PublicationsDivision is a repository ofGandhian liverature with sev-eral books on Gandhiji to itscredit, including the 100 vol-ume Cof/ectec* Works ofMahatma Gandhi in Englishas well as in Hindi. She in-formed that the Division ;:-;in the process of bringing outthe digital version of these 100volumes in association withGujarat Vidyapith,Ahmedabad.

    The book Ek mahatmaKa Abhyudaya highlights theless talked about efforts ofGandhiji to fight racial dis-crimination faced by the non-whites in South Africa at thattime. An ordinary young In-dian of the late 19th century

    Mohandas, aspiring to lead amore comfortable life movesto South Africa, witnessesapartheid and discriminationagainst non-whites. In his ex-periment with truth and non-violenc,-; as the unique tools,he unites the oppressed andfights the injustice. Hisunparallel way of mouldingthe mindsets of not only theoppressed but also the rulersthrough Ahirv.-:a andSatyagraha, paves the way tohis becoming the Mahatma.

    The Division has broughtout over 8000 titles so farkeeping in mind the commonreader. The Division also pub-lishes magazines likeBalbharati for children,Kurukshetra on rural devel-opment, Yojana, the develop-mental monthly in 13 lan-guages and EmploymentNev/s in English, Hindi andUrdu for the unemployed andunder-employed youth.

    èkwe&èkke ls fudyh JhtxUukFk th dh jFk ;k=kk

    f'kYik usxh'kkyhekj xkMZu {ks=k esa 26 fnlEcj 2010 dks Hkxoku Jh txUukFk

    th] cM+s HkkbZ cynso egkjkt th ] mudh cgu lqHknzk egkjkuh th dksjFk eas cSBkdj mudh HkO; jFk ;k=kk fudkyh xbZA Jh txUukFk th dhjFk ;k=kk tudiqjh (Hkkj}kt fo|ky;) ds vkxs ls izkjEHk djrs gq,]

    'kkyhekj xkMZu ds f'ko pkSd rd xbZ fiQj blds ckn xkSM+ Iyktkgksrs gq, ,l- ,e- oYMZ rd budh jFk ;k=kk fudkyh xbZA Jh txUukFkth dh HkO; jFk ;k=kk esa gtkjksa dh la[;k esa HkDrksa us Hkkx fy;k vkSjmuds jFk dks [khaprs gq, HkDrksa us gjs jkek gjs d`".kk dk tki fd;kAJheu ukjnh; Hkxor fe'ku ds }kjk ;qokvksa dks HkfDr dk ekxZn'kZufn[kk;k tk jgk gS vkSj ;qokvkas esa HkfDr Hkkouk dks mTtofyr fd;k tkjgk gSA Jheu ukjnh; Hkxor fe'ku us ;g chM+k mBk;k gS tks vkt dh;qok ihM+h iFk Hkzfer gksrh tk jgh gS mls vè;kRe dh rjiQ vkdf"kZrdjuk gS D;kasfd vè;kRed ds ekè;e ls gh thou ds okLrfod y{;dks izkIr fd;k tk ldrk gSA xkaèkhth us lgh dgk Fkk fd fcuk vè;kRevkSj èkeZ dk ikyu fd, fcuk dksbZ Hkh ns'k fodkl dh rjiQ vxzlj ughagks ldrkA Jheu ukjnh; Hkxor fe'ku dk Hkh ;gh y{; gS vkSj yxkrkjbl fe'ku dks liQyrk fey jgh gSA blesa d̀".kk izHkqq th tks fd bl fe'kuds Mk;jsDVj gaS] guqeku th izHkq] o`Unkou izHkq th bu yksxksa dk egRoiw.kZ;ksxnku gSA ;g fnu&jkr esgur djds bl fe'ku dks vkxs c

  • tuojh] 2011 8(fofo/k)

    Printed, Published by:Vipin Gaur From J-51, DLF Dilshad, Post Box-9514, Delhi-95& Printed by him at Sanjeev Photocomposing offset Printers, F-8/32, KrishnaNagar, Delhi-110051 Editor : GAYATRI GAUR.Laser Typesetting & Designing : Paawan Publications, M.: 9873002033. All disputes settled in Delhi Court Only

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    v[kckj gS] esa viuh txg vkjf{kr djkus ds fy,lEidZ djsa%

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    eq[; ijh{kk ekè;fed ,oa mPPrj ekè;fed ijh{kk o"kZ 2004 ,oa 2006vuqØekad 5125843 ,oa Øe'k% vuqØekad------------ lfgr mRrh.kZ djuslacaf/r esjs lkjs ewy izek.k i=k okLro esa u"V gks x;s gSaA

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    Press NotificationIt is notified for the information that my all original cer-

    tificates of main AISSE 2004 and AISSCE 2006 of rollnos. 5125843 and ..................respectively pass out fromCBSE Allahabad has been actually destroyed

    Kunwar AdityaB-231 Brij Vihar



    Nobel Laureate, USA Visit to BharatiVidyapeeth Deemed University, Delhi CampusKnowledge is like money:

    the more he gets, the more hecraves for it. This aptly de-fines the feelings of all presentto welcome and interact withProf. Roald Hoffmann. Prof.Roald. Hoffmann Nobel Lau-reate, USA, came to Bharati

    Vidyapeeth Deemed Univer-sity Institute of Managementand Research, New Delhi on7 December, 2010 during hisvisit to India. He has receivedmany of the honors of his pro-fession, including the 1981Nobel Prize in Chemistry forhis pioneering work in the fieldof “Applied theoretical chem-istry”. His lecture on‘Chemistry’s Essential Ten-sions’ was an enlightening ex-perience of learning throughfun. During his lecture, hemoved smoothly from art tomedical research before anyone could sense that he wastalking about chemistry. Hespoke on the subject in sucha simple manner that every-one was amused to know thatchemistry could be so simple.He ended with a message toall the research scholars to becreative and remain a learnerthroughout the life. The audi-ence got a glimpse of his cre-ative genius when he recitedone of his several poems thathe has composed.

    Dr. Shivajiraoji Kadam,Vice Chancellor BharatiVidyapeeth Deemed Univer-sity, Pune presented him witha memento for his outstand-ing contribution in the field

    chemistry. He thanked Prof.Roald Hoffmann for his gra-cious presence in the Insti-tute. He also stressed that thisinteraction will help the uni-versity reach new heights atthe international front andbring more laurels to the uni-versity.

    After his lecture, therewas an interactive sessionwith research scholars, aca-demicians and faculty fromDepartment of Chemistry,Delhi University, University ofCape Town, Delhi School ofProfessional Studies etc. andCorporate like Jubilant LifeSciences.

    The other dignitariespresent on this occasion wereProf. M.D. Tiwari, President,Association of Indian Univer-sities, Allahabad and Prof.Beena Shah, Secretary Gen-eral, AIU. Dr. Sachin S.Vernekar, Director BharatiVidyapeeth University Edu-cational Complex, Delhi Cam-pus thanked the distinguishedaudience for gracing the oc-casion. The Felicitation func-tion was covered by variousnews channels like DD News,Living India, UNI TV andnewspapers like HindustanTimes, The Hindu and others.

    ;fn vki ys[k] jpuk] lekpkj] fopkj izsf"kr djuk pkgrsgSa rks vki vius vizdkf'kr ys[k fuEu irs ij HkstsaA

    vkidks NAI dk ;g vad dSlk yxk] blckjs esa vius lq>ko gesa fuEu irs ij Hkstsa

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    Delhi-110092 M.: 9971847045,9811070054

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