tj9t1thlyj9ubnsl devÒted 1909.pdf · jurli,ijcilou1 ni,. b-uiirli'ri',astern cattasiti,...

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opPIcgR! i' U1 ORDER


" v r UVERE-Pítt B. Viakr, J.1nnIETIP *100 fWO-,/ Ontar. CttJQMOP OOWo-E Dèbey !ffL.


u tER ?j-ww-; .I. W8ey !ríLrd.CSTOCTiAt-y. R Gr ., lffarfa.

J, ,'Jr-t, rLv Cafcrffla.

'-, \,


f jo-ucII ni.

E t Lji,J E OEEbvcj, Chi, In.H H. HEMEH.'A?, 5prio, Cokj.

II-IITEu i InthGEORGE // LOCK, LIe Charie, La,w,,,, £3 TILLWELL, Savaflnah. Ga.A H .Itpw H, tCPP.i, HQfJtrf.

M V1ETIlEIER Sanuy. OhJ.C D PO3V., Urbana Ii.f D

IhANf Portlan.jA C. riMEY, NahvijIe, Ark.J s 130?nER, Houston, Txas,

'irz VICEGERENTS;A l*hat,ii- !f'OttlrIj J)hffle)-njrllarf: JiaIifiOtph, 1 17th St.14 , IIirrcfirfII,fffJ,

IS f.AIftt,IIIIIfl ''fftt4i tSMtrjct)-A , C, IIarfrlf):l care V8fjIJuS Lbr,I 1) rJtg(Jf,rf, A a.F Ajatj$I,ff:f... hOJilIrñ J)IStrirt)-J-fj (jfflf' j7 City 1j;j:jk Bldg.,

A rt7f,,,,_A 1ff fl, 1il) ( A y , t)'JIIgktK, A lif>n,A rk,i ', irtlu t"tei j l)l'trlet E. I l.ltil)flf1fl, i'fJl'!f), Ark,A rk:in:i* ( fit r l J)ltfl,tJ-,J . Il. Car,:jlcliuel, J arre Jlldg,, lit1k lCf,f k, Ari,A rlrnt, N.u-- W'".t'in t)iMtrli )--J t arty .1. tLrgr, 1k. Qfrf'er,, rk.A rknr»t_ . .(fIIiilf.r1j l)ltrifl-- ( ' II. Irrliaiiì, I, frfl,r3, ,krk.CffJlfOrIJtft- -'S'Itli'rtj J)lftrict)-Brrr fr ti gruau, i.(I 'S'et t,ltij St.,t,') Ari't', i ti.Ci*tlror,titt-.-ç "o:ttjer,t t)ttrtct>.- , 't. iiIIf'fIi,3(J,i St. ('lair 1ll,ig,,i1 CtitT''rul 't., S;irj irtijt't'.,r,, (';tl.CHlitIfISt V.ister,t i)Ii ritt J'ii, t, CaiupIt.Ji, Ir:t,ter liajikiJig 'I r,rt'j, Jut,,Citisi,i:t -. I -" J)ilrit'i --('o it. \Vali, llifX ' 21,f, \i'inittpeg,,l tI , ( tu t tCitri,t'iit- V. t"rrj Ditrit'tj .j i j, Mfìoiy, c;tr %'arj (4)jjY( I.ttr,t_4) ',t tg 'Hi t "r, It, C.CttI,,rtti,, -I ij'tf:i,t 'i Mt( 1fr, 12 I B, & C. 8tl1' , heur, r, Col,Cti),j- D ks until i'. t t, Iba I(, I í:tvarta, Cti ita.I)iftrk t of (,,io l!IifitI_-t)Veri,trj SA', i 'rtc, i",rtst Service, %'aoi,.iogto:i, J) CJiori,I,t-t5, t itittf tfl i)isirict)--J,, ,A ii;iriiiotojtjcw, t7 E. l'ark Are,,'i ,tltti',t. Iï.tl'tori ,Irt-t lLt otra J)itrict t- IV. j',. G ti Jell , I i t I)yai iijc'itllrcijIlifig I ', tif,., l'la.JI'trI,I:t _ lV'lt'rti t)istrteti-..t' Ic . 'lortt',e, t'onsarola l'la.(Jp,,riii-1 N',rili,'rrt ¡J11 (tx, ir , i i Il Catoiler llittg,At l.titi,r. tbt(1orgi tulio f9i'rjt l)loirirt -il. 'J, t'jriti't i , Soii t trt', (J a.Jli&t}I,,_(j ii ( it.torj,'l, 'lolo l'alta, t'lati,,.liiiIIHI'f -l'f'''rliiI'tlt t)llrl,'i j-t'. j,, .ii,ii;ioit, tr,, Ci.' Stork ll.f,i', Ilifig i ltt',g',, iii.¡iIItI)i'-.(8,,fittjrt, t)lirtrt)-tl I:. iiii,,r,i, Carl,,,ri,lrti,. ill.IItdi,i,itt- I N ',rllirn I)llri'i; - ¡.','ik (I, ttiii,i.nt,,,,,, l'liti' &', ft ''ri, hl tIilltItaJ,lj Juil.Jfl(ttftJift-.(t;, ',lii, ti, 1)1,1 ri,'! -C, 'I', M'iiizi'r, c:tie Euartssiii0 S;'lt,iui'i i),,or (, i "iHi4i'ill,', tutut''Wu-(N,,i hunt l)iotrlcl)--J). it. I tosino, i2'ii t,,u,a St ., I)oiiuIfiIuei'jt,iJ''"S'-(S',iitijrrui i)lstriti--,J. l. l'itiliirig, tI,',,k,ik,(fIi,,UtN-.( "rit l)i°lri''ti--Mau t C, u ; lli'iti, ro ,, Ltasiol,iiiiiI,i i C 't, , ('ii liii,,, JCa.s.JCftIIM,IN .. SVf'.leriu i)ioirieL)-\\' J 5:1131 Ii, ( rOat tl,'n,i into,Iliituit'tt I t., Dirti t)isirictl-i.. ; , tirrui,luuu 7J C'uiiijiii,J;t ilitig,

I,''iiIo, Il I,

I4fiItftf'tf)_(j4.jf11, t)iMlrlc't)-ii. 1,, iliair, (:;ttit'int)iutrg, tC',Kittu, uy _ c %'u'sU'ruu tfloi riet)-,J , 'iii! t . l'rguuso,,, l'ad tic,it, Icy,IfItttNtItii:I-(,,,iiitt,.i II t)fstiict.-J l i'. tl''l,Irls, Aif'xut,,,iri;, La,I,Ottiiiiiigt ( ,'riii'r,t l)iolrir'I.i-J il, 'lorry, '':ire S. J J, tiiiug,t,iti,it,, r (, b'itri'ujru I,u.t.ftIit,t,ì nui - i J' t)lolrirtl.-.N Il, t'r,»'l:iti,i (i6 I''i,ti,l,, t.N''o (tri. .,u, t,,,.llfirytuiitd.. \', ii I' t(IJIIIIM, 7 t'., t'raii lit., tltlitiitOr,',

55(1,IIIfuIq liu,,'t t,,- ilerhet t A , t''iii,r, t i I),ntne SL, liftotot, Mass,itIf'al( ''-(.St,it uit:, t)li ri,'i---(', il . St. Agrauut,,uttc', lieruauid (or.t,,, Nit i''ioii, t). 1' 5!,' a ici),litt's t, ''-INort Irrt, t)hi rlrl )'-j, ! t, S:t rit', (tuile Esr',jtit',i,, 22,21'iii i,'rt' 5tt' i,.,,,

IJbHirt-,iei! JI; W'bb, 152 5. '- t St,,5ckiga 2°- . at -\S A '.%ltituaan Marqutett1lch

fltfli1.Ota.-.(gautbr.-rj J)ti'trict-Lesttr C. Mccoy, o42 Seeurulyflaii; Miutrieay.oltt, 1,ttnii.Manv)atftaou1Loraa Thttñet)-(o, A. Sheru000d, 2 Lyceum

lildí. E)U4UIS. Stlt'n

MìitipF-.--',Siuthef'fl Diuri(t)-c. A. C. St'trruoeg, flrookliaeu,

oil-Wrkrv Diti1cl)-W, L. Brtcoe. (renylile, Misi,IYLstiit)-Jnh 21. }irr,aach, 31G Miazza-iVyìij5 ß,.jg. Mrrl'J2ari, Sliss.

L. lBit'dert'j',care Big 1'olirJlout,il. 1,iut. No.Dl.Othci)-O. F Benito, 1401 B. A. Long

flldg., Karai (.By, !1o.

XiuurlUth5(t,- 1)i5trirt)-E. E. Ennis, 1155 N. JeffersonSi., SpIiOC'5)Jd, No.

Mawriea._J, W, Di's, Luby, Montana.ebrutikatl. JI, 51oret,oue, Btiu Ase. and Taylor St., Omaha,

a'laJl, L. 31iitiiçij. Box WS, (;,' I'aic-oJ, L. Lvau, Albuqurquuc, N. M.

Ae-'.r 'orlpr l)lSirici)-Ctlarles Y. Fischer, t90 l'ark Ave.,y'5 York. N. Y.New Ysrk_(Svoelern DLri1rt)-Frank A. Beyer, 4 VisosiwartiAre., Buffal,, N. Y.'or'tl, h)tstrlcl)-Clyde MeCaitujut, }ayetie.

oJciriir;a_(EasteroINotricel_P. G,Ituiernonn, llyder,N.C.!'ievr-tjt Csrottna-(Weqe lJißtriCt)-(,ì. H. flobbtj, 1100m 6,J)bnumor Bldg., Ailueviile, N. C.7'oa-tJi J)akoOt__ytank A. Tarlor, Grand Forks, N. D.Oh1rjlNofljern thttrlct,.-, T. FeueS, 13th Floor itockefellerilld;., Clev,iand, Otilo.0o-Lentral DIitrict>-F. J. BIelle, 1021 South fli6hSt., Colum.5tii,(fljio,OIii(,(S5fi;iieri, LlIstrici, _,J. D. l'eae, 71G Mercaritite LIbrar)'

til'lg. , Ciuictrinaii, (iii lo.Diotrict)-Ciito t', Vaiker, Oktahouita City,


I)lstrlc'()-J'ranh L'. I.eonard, kinoko.rerOuta.Okl.afanJn._l5,)ujiijrte,.n I)lstrlct)-I5, T. Chitas, Caldo, OSta.Oregofi_( N ariSent l)lstrkt)-j. E. Eitssvortit, Canton, Ore.()re,i,_(iittuerii Districtl-Edgar S. II afer, Medlorel (ire.l'iraviiyivasJlA_.(Nsrthern 1)islrjcti-%S', I', Iiarker,Stj(tarys l'a,I'5flsayiuirtia-Eastern I)istrict)-lierjj, C. Curriv', Ir., (X(i l'io.¡.51 tli,g., l'lttiailetpliia, l'a.i'enh1)iranurI_..fv(otCrn JiiStrlct)-tl ., S,, Smith, sot Flot NatiJunk Bldg., Cnti,i, 'l't,wuj. t', A,Souti, COi,;tiJIut......,i ',V. Aiteuj, S,iuuutor, 5, C.Sotiti, l)i'kt,t_J1, A. Il turd, 213 Syuoticttic iil,ig., Si')itx Fails, S. D

Dtstrict)-I1, C'. Fous'ler, care CaaeI'on'ierLlir. Co,, Chatiattooga, 'reiun.

Tiitii1'e_()1i,jdie l)istrict- loseta I)oster, 1020 Siattlrnait Btdg.,Nashville Teitit.T(flitl'si((,.,.it'cstcrn Distrlcll-G, J. ti, l'isetter, 220 N. l'rotil St.2leropttis, l'enti.

Disirict)-'l'tixiti_(Nortiiern 1)Istrict)-C, E. ChIeSI, Waco, Too.Texats_lSç,ujij51 DiOtriCt)-fltio0 1', Ge,riiauu, rare houstonCttiOntcle, lInteles, Tex.Texrs__(tsters Ijlviit,,n of ttouittierii h)lstrlct)-J3, S. \%'OOditd,

care Tue ilea,iui,,nt Saw Milis Co.. Iieauitiont, Tez,TiItN_tlVesicrn l)lstrict)-It, A. W'iiiiiock, Ei l'aoc,, 'l'ex.Tcxitt.._(i'aiuliarj,ilet_,j, J), Aildersoit, Amarillo, Tez.Utah_f. \', 5:111th, ('Of H. Jiitige thug., Salt Lake City, titaS.

FVIrJliiiitlJstern Diotrict-'Irgiitin-.-(\%'es0 l)Iotrict)-51, JI. Etif5iei, Si. l'atii, Va.Wititi,iiigi01 ( Nasirn I)isirict ) - Geo. W. Itoag, ltox 1101,Spokane', Vaslj,

J)isiiict)_\%', It, Mack, Aberdeeji, lIaiS.Weit VirgteìltI_(lsteri) J)lilrictl_A, A. lStIufy, Ethti. W. Ya.\Vfftt S'irgii,jtt..._ (Contrat Dlstrict)_CiutreijccD. I-1 (,Ward, Cosreji,WI's.

Weit Virgintfu_(l'estern J)ioirlct)_,J,C, Walker, ctre I)ixie l,br.Co., Cliarlestoui, W. Va.WINc(,,iqifl_W 15, Anderson, 301 ìlI(intgoiuiery lttdg., SIIiusatikee,IS3ftrsttIijí_Cty,ie ,5, luogo. Cody, \S'%tiiitJ,ilt,i hiiig,ioin uttiit Con tin,,nt of Eiirope.-_rjoo', hayuco, 101

Airiersgaie Se., J,on,ion, F.ogltiid.AIiNtr;til,tit...4%' G. tioorman, Ic, S. A' A, tianS Ilkigs,, hug &

(icolge Sis,, Sydney, N. S. W,

FHE JUR1SDICrIONS.Jurls(i idioti edo, i - Untier tue Suiark \S'aik,r ) ttie foiiowingStales: Minnesota, North t)akoi a, Suuiitit I)akota, toatanaaiuti lt laiera Caiia,tiJUrIM(l ieit,,tt No. iS-Under t lie Settler It,,,u.lIosi (halley) lite lot-lou%litg States : I',astern Cattasiti, New York hid Nest' ISligiatiti,Jurli,ijcilou1 Ni,. B-Uiirli'r (tie Juitior Itt,o-Ilt,iu t ¡atibe3') tite lot-I ossitig Siales Illinois, i oea, \l'ist,iii,t Stiehiigan aiuti Nc.braska.JUrli,t Intim S'o, - Under tite itojuiti ( l»tti ice ) tite loitowitigStaies ll'astiiu,gtou,, Oregon, Idaho amt \l'yusrnlng,Jtiñic)Irtioii No. l.-lJnder

tito Scriyeiit,ter (iiaird) the loiiowiiiStates 'l'eititeosos, Georgia, Fl,,rttia, Aiabauiia, Oltosissippi,.4. rkansao hid Looisiana,JurIucllciiitii Nu. (S-Couler i it .Jai,l)erss',,ck ( Wiley ) tite tettoie'-I ng hiatos: M;tryi:tut,I, l)lsi rict of (joiututbia. J'ettnsvlsniiia,

New Jersey, l)eiaware, Norilt Cartulina and Snuiii (,.aroiina,1 Uriit5jtli,,ii No 7-Uut'Ie'r tite Ciiotoctti; (G riiliti ) tite followingStoics: iiidiait, Dido, Keiliucky aiid \V VIrginia.JlIrltcujeii,,ii 2do. 8-Underthe Arcanoper (W'rigSt) the hstitwitigStaici: Miiooitri, kansas, Oklahoma, Teitti and Colorado.Jurlg(hicti,Jil N'i. 9-IJH,Jer lite (litrijon (Niellons) the foltowti,States: California, Nevtda Arizooti, Utah, NeW Mexico attuiMexico.












' I

i 1








i i




















J, II. BAIRD, Scthenoter, ditor.

!',lbl1ßt(1 MoitIiIy by t !i CriatntUi! Or'Ior of i (,o.!fc)O, it Nashville,rcniessce.

IItere(I at hie l'osloillee at Nashville, 'i'enncssee, as second class ¡jiatter.


Onc \'ear . C4 Cents.I

Single CoIiie'i e Cents.

'l'uic 13 (J!vTL' s tue Qilty oficial vedilitil of Coticatenaled Order 01

tisi) I loo recogiii,.ed I' tile Sii prelile Nlue, ailil ali other liblicatlons areIIliOlitIipfl tb tisi uiautiiorizeil_

NA8JI\l!rE, 'roNN., MAIICII, 1909.


.A rrILiigetiiviIl 4 Iiiit.i ''iii,rli3 EIi.y (: i 1113' 1)11CM

to Ilili.'rtili Itiiiik iiiiil .SIi%(, TIin. 1111(1


'lito IIliieI iii 11(91100 [(5 tlll1011flCe :51111 call io I io alten-I mli (1 i al i Ill(flhi)el$ viio ¡hOY lie in i erest 0(1 I lIC jierfect Ingof U) ) I raiìgenten I vi I h tue i'iateiiini I)ejolll ¡BOnI. of lueI I i l:pì n I:t Ill)!! i: 1111(1 'Friin t. C011IJ)nhIy, of N ew Orleans, 1a.,viiii lily :tIi I1l(l1!iele ¡cvi ileiti in Iiiti (It3 0!. VIÌ() 11)113' Ie

I hut P !(I)lpØlfllily (alI I))9' I(M ailil (II hot il1debRl1ìess¡lii I he 01)1er. 'l'lU ILSI i! \viIi Coite lC01)J)0I1)\' 1eeeiI)t,.iliI I (1)011 ¡oliei(foii ¡]rjily lo lle 5111)10910 SrIiV!0tI31,\ViI() \V 1 1 1 1)11! i i I C) 1)aypfl t li e 1(1 911091011 PO rd coveti ng (i 1100I ,:t llìlfl i -: tiliil I)l0peI fo I-i-n 0f ¡tee! pl foi' such 01 hei' I)°Y-1III!It, :1', 11103' l)M 11!fl(I0. Iipei 1)111 011O at 2.1 O each 1L111

i!L(il(; II ne ¡ii $1,81) 11(i) 01)9) also li ()I(ierC(I I }ìloiigii tuelOLlili nil ii ali etici: lilloIs $111 t)e lIN ll0)llptly 1111cl as ifCiii! ii (-"i (I I Iiu SiliV0l5OlelS Ottlee ti N1oIlVii1e.

i'Iii j iiì :lTl:lngnl1soTl li:it. ij:is (()flltllQllIlp(i isoli toi iii SIIIII V'Il!0 Ntse OS OflO ot' gleal. I0]l\(lli:5p to 0111 111021]-iiii , i t j 11101!' 111111. 11 Si1flfl]1l alIallgelIlel] t \]1li Il0 IlIadea O li I I hO alfUg flatoIllal llei1rl 1110111 S Ill. SI. 1ouIs,(lllliIí), li( i0Iti]11l(i, Soll F'I'1I1(iS() 111(1 i)eIIÌaI)0(il III 1 I I 110 \'iie 1)111' IfleIl)i)(l81211) s i1lgc'.

l'iut ( l; IO P91)01100 1(1 tue Order foi sibil ('OlICellon,i ti]' 11111k II N:' onions 110111g itT]XiolIS (I i )I'tIlg ileif 11110¿'ti1(' I ('1,11 Inn ((1111 t lie IIICIIII)CI'S 0f Iiüù-i i oo. i t s'iii coi-:ìjni IO 1! C11VIII (lt I 1121e 111111 alìnoyallee t ( 0(11' Iìieiiiiiei'it

lo (1' 111)1 4' 1(1 i]t01( lillo a I)ig 1)11011 011 a i)ron(I000l cornet'itt 1 ('I I ljip Nev OI'le'aras, lay OVVI' lijo illOIlly ¡11111 gelI(i, ('liii! illelenit ni IlflVing n 1)011101' limitI I'eittittiiig aiiiiiJ .,i Iii I tll'11IjtI hie 1111011,

l'lì)' Iltillç ni Nt'st' Ot'li.115, to in gtfliìg 1lit. lItiigbiltI ttii, iti littil Prillied a (1IellllIr it'Ijit'ii io rvl)ro(luctlI Iii'e-\! iii 1191 will (C edIt 1)111 00 :112 CII(Il9(t1i'(( ill lient (112(5 itoIke,1111(1 (5 IlI(') 'ilI lIC kupt sta Ilililig IllolIg !'itIi lji'ief llilIl0110(e.ii2(11t 511111 ilr to I lti iii liii ii re iesiiot of 'jito lIn liti ¡ii.






IDear Str and Brother-Notice is hereby given thatu all members of the Concatenated Order of Hoo.I-Ioo who

towish tako advantage o the accommodation, may paytheir dues at tile FRATERNAL DEPARTMENT (wlndow No. 7, next to Savings Department), of the HIBR.NIA BAN K AND TRUST CO,, at New Orleans, arrange-iileflts having been made by which this department io toact as assistant to the Supreme Scrivenoter in the coi-

lection of duce, etc,

This rraI1qenient has been made for your conve.elenco as the above bank lo centrally located and easyor access.

OPEN 10 a. ni. to 3 p. e.; Saturday9a.m. tol2ni.


The proper receipt will be given you by the HIBERNIA BAN 1< AND TRUST CO, for your dues, etc,, andadmissIon card will be mailed you from this office,

M Fraternally >'oui's,

J. H. BAIRD,Supreme Scrivenoter,

0( Nashville, Tenn,, March1, 1909.


'9?eJMz;IW»,z/ ytt



i.: I' ' ' '

?.gP rr


lltjii:aNt( liANti ttt'ti,i) 15(1, Ntt' ()Iti,I:INS, 1t.



Every Member Who Cai Afford to Should Buy aMemberShip-A Testimoiiial of the 0rder' Greatness.

The Supremo NIna of tue Concatenated Order of Hoo-Huohiis sanctioned the erection on tite grounds of the Alaska.Yukon- Paclfic Exposition to be held June 1 to October 1, 1909,at Seattle, Wash., a structure to be known as tile Hso-I-iooHouse to be a 110mo for viulting members of tile Order andheadquarters for ail iumbernien; tite saId structure to be erectedby the voluntary contributions uf fliembers of the Order; andcollimendo the undertaking to erect such a structure as oneweil Worthy of the hearty support of our members, not onlyas a conspicusus testImonial of our Order's strength and Im-portance al a factor of the itlmbor trade, but as a pleasingfeature of a great exposition of tite country's progrese in thearte, Commerce and science.

In tue above v'orda tue SupI'crne Nine has foI'maulyai)prove(l aliti entlorseti tl]e l)IliidlIIg of tite T{oo'IIoo 1101181)al Seattle, Work on tile hocino hogan March 1, the acceptnaco of lite site of tite strttcttti'e Jeiiig macle lite occasionof quite a little ceremony. 'lite 1-Ioo'lIoo of Seattle andvicinity' turned out several hundred strong to witiiess titeacceptance of tito site and tite i)t'ealolng of ground fol' titecorner stone,

ItiiiIcz'otis r -huh-I I Oil,

'J'he dlii) is, of cotu'so, litt eiuletl as a i eade'i,s'ous fortite meutbers mtd titoli' ft'iencls, lInking it a coitvenlentmeeting lince for ai)poiiitittents willi li'Ionds. Any item-iter of tite Ordei' may llave ali xiiaii and telegraph Cominui-sirations atidresgeti to ltini in cai'e of 1-loo fleo Hottiio, Long-distaitce lelei)ilOittl booths vii1 be isistailed and a steitog-rapiter to Witoin i1)eItli)ers may tiictato illeir letters willalways be oit itanti.

1,011105' Icoeoj,os,,ti liuiiiii,

'lite intiles' reception and resting room is to Ito matIs aslteCial feature, tutti wiii 11e In charge of compeloilt luidcotii'teous inaiois, .inpanose fliaitis in italico eosttimo willuet've tea In tue 111g assembly roots aiiti en the lai'ge voran-tins, There ivili Ile a gentlemen's smoking room and ailother conveniences to Ito found at a club.

1,l)eiitlOhI (It t ¡Cli 111111MO.

'l'ue location of tito bungalow will ito ditectly balitadtite i)ig Forestry Btiiiding, aittl ht itlain view front tite eastsItie of titis struottiro, where it may be easily iccatetl bystrangers, I t is 1)111 a short distance from the 'SVasitingtonlittiiding, witere one of the fittest cafes oit tito grotinils willIlC ' itInhIl i ltilleti

Fr0515 OP rrsvnJ;1 -,'au M'Ol 4dM Fl1

''l' ' A'Y' t" cxt'aCren çou.'i,i

0LLPM15(Tt1 TtitcT A1IIJT(CT t,tr7'Li



'l'i I Ic J it ti t'i lt)o ill) USil Ar S FAVi' 1,0 EX l'OS l'i' JON.

itlefltl)CI'lt who were i)IeSeIlt 10010 Supl'eIIlc BOjtIi]) C. E.l'atten, preoltieni of lite Hoo'J-loo house Association; W. P,Lockwood, vice utresident; Fre(i Ii, (11101011, secretary; W. Ilìtvat't, ti'e1tottrer; E. \V'. 1-Jai'hatigiu and B. lt. Lewis, ofSitoicane, tad liiiswortit P. Story, tile architect,

Tite cost of tite itotise, Its furnishing atad maintenancewill he .'15,OQO. It will be of the bungalow type coveringa ground silabe of 72x52 feet, 'l'ue interior design will bethat of ait oid EnglIsh tavern willi migo brick flt'epiacoIn tite nìain room. Special features of tile ilnhlding wiii1)0 tite rest rooms foi' ladies anti smoking rooleis for gen-tiomen 'willi a miisiclaits' baicony on tite second floor anda iti'oafl vet'antia siirt'otiiiding tite itotise on three sities,

Eight thousand dollars its's already been sttbscribed bytite lttinite'n of iit not'lii st and StIbscripti000 arei)eing recelveti daily from ail pails of tite country, and Itwill only bu a matter of a few weeks' work until 15,0OOIs raison. Tite 01)Irit which has i)Uiit Up the northwest ter-ritory lias not been lacking in 'hug Instance.

,, 4.


T' :


111023' iiteIIll)((t' ot tIle Oidor, no illatter where localoti,shoti Id ICIltI W ii at stipport Ito feels able to tite build ing oftills bototo, i t is a big untlorlalc ing three west coast mein-hers have iJtlIt]ped iitto, aiiti ti1eir 111111k and zeal shouldcontitienti tilelli t O 01e!')' inelilbe i-. I t o'ii i be a big ativer-lleiitent of tito 111001 effective soil ft't- iba l[oo. We hoveitttnti reti s of Itientlters vito cit n well affoi ti a rneetbershipof 9.9tI, aitti iii e Sititreitte NI ne trttsi s titat ail wicit willhe prompt lo rc'spotitl. ileinitlanctjs can be made Io Trous-tirei- W. I. Ewart, 514 Alaska Builtllng, Seattle, Wosit.

Tite foiiosving excerpts freni a letter just received fromlit'otitcr Fred II. (uiifllflht, secretary of tito house of Hoe-iJoo, shows tite necessity of our ntombors being prompti It titoli' stlitport ttf tItis ti ndei-taitiitg. If 1h is tit Ing wasgoing to be put ut anywhere ovet' in tito Eastern part oftilo country titese west coast brotiters wotild rally to titesiiltitort of the undoi'tttiiing in a way that would be aniitspirntioi. Can we afford to concedo litern superiorityin a swift liromptitutie In iveli doing? Not on yosr life.




i; ,






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Let us Join hands, e81)eClidly u'e of the Soiilh, with (liesepolitleal Jdiismen of the 'est, anti PUt this thing through.The (ThJ)OHIt!O1 at Seattle Is no local one. lt (s a nationalthing Lot us 105ko tiìi IlooJiso ]Jouse, national in whatIt rel)r(selIt$, a hOuse of runny niansioito, a lieuse ofnJavi d ' iii wli ich iso al I have ou r pari. And let u s 1)8pronip t. (H OH rol I I ng as meni l)ers. li 10th er G ( I issu says:

S.0 t th 'ttuh., a1ar<i I, I O9-J. I L Baird, Serlvenotcr.I'fIf). J.)ear I I re: \\e ;tri IiiistHng like )íavers ou t1ier tn H! iI(J UIC thing go nIJJ J)JJay et the cofltr:ict for the

-'-'-- --ai.-.-- :.yj

'rH' i


building. w(i(eh. vlion conpletec1 WItIJOIJt furniture, will costaijont $f.Oboe \Ve nrltleii>ato lt will tako at lc:iot 6OOO moreto fu ro I J h iiii'I IJJI ata i n I t (1 tlrlflg the lifo of the expoHitlon, and%V( coul(1 ciù lt In better sljflh,e if we lUid even a little morethan tija t We wore 01)1150(1 Lo let th Contract today becnlHeor ii 1)1 (iII' ISJIIJI1 I)y t III CXI)OJltfØfl mIJnagez-neflt roqIlirl ng oilC(Jfl I r II J t', IO II lit by Mn reh 1, 'Ihey I 1100(1 tO lavo this fair(flI ti I II)' r I'J(Iy (or tile IJJJCfl I JIg (lay, 115(1 lIli blIlIdIngí that areflot (CIII rJl,iI(i by J UTilI I 'I I Il Ie boarded LI flflIi closed for alltlrnr, So very 1)111111 ng fl lIJE i) completed l)e(ore hiElt ti me.\Ve (XiII(. t LII lUI l'li t II i Ioø . I loo 11011MO 1111181) 0(1 by ?Jlay j 5 soils tø III % I. It tIIrtIlijIe(i 1111(1 In 515111(1 for opening on Juno J.\Ve lìi ve I IIJIPII IlilIet nf (Ill r 111J11y (INI) In Seattle, hIlt are ex-l'et I lIS I L ;pJIel'IILÌM (1)1) trI 1)11 (((In 110111 the 1-Ioo.1 loo of I'ort-IIIIIII i TI fiCh \\'IIJiII Inglûri IIIICI Oregon vIl I probably have tomiei I JI' lIIOJt nf tile money, I SIlIJIl000, however, tiloro areI l(III i 1(11) J) IC Eli Ill \1'lI(, %VOIII(l i,e glu d to ta Ice (L Ineml)ersh Ipfoi the I. 11)11 (1 t IS Ç)1(IJr aiel I)CcLIlIJJC OC tuoi r ¡ride II seeingtIiI I II),)- I (II) Iø 111111gO light. IL Is on thn.t IlCeount tlìat IiO()IÇC(I (cl T I 5(111(1 (1(0 I of 1 CIII fr0111 tile strong nilpeal I n the1I(\I SMII( lit 'lue lIt,I1et111. it 4110111(1 he v()Ije(i III 511011 aWO y i t () 111111(11 te I Ii:i t \I'C (1(JlrJ lfleIfll)erslI i pS from tIl overtlii ('1)11 II t I V, 'ljlie 11(1 Vert o I ng it lviii gI ve ti ie Order will beof IntiuS t to It ill lIver tua CI)IIILtry * a s *Or I Ir -,I', IIIIJJ il hot hie riloot IIlei)ltI011O tli0 Io try and raise,non.,\ I t t I IL fI('III)(I f II PL I 11J t III) LeIl IS Of (111101 trolle. andill lIlIlt I lIltllI(CI4 I 11108 j Il the Illlflh(I 1)11511055, 111(1 then,((Il). (Ill III II If I (10,000 ot' ¡n 010 III:! t lIllO IiI 150(1 for tilo freIght


JftOo,jOQØ p;4fl

imItI' Ill S.l t III, 111(1 millIlitIg :l t (um R011IO thee thic' effoitstliiit ill I' I,tlIm 1101(11' litis,' for tile terSi light, InlI(lIiltj,,gl to (hilo ,''iy CIIllc,l'll 5, Ii,, 'oit Is C(LlÌlllblltIl)g tonil CIJI u of , \h)Oiit!OlI h'l8((r'Io, lilie ColInI)' iJllIi,Ijl)gu.,'15(1 ad-"Cl il'.lrg I , 'I ilimir mllffer,'lll r- ''1' tlolis, so that (lio io os lauchSolicit 111g ,,f fol' IIlIie rv,mlk Iii:, t It C')lfll'fl l'l'etty hardOIl tIle 1,1 em,lIc,rlls to dig ''b' 111(110 for i ion-1 mr,, (mut they arcreohIolIll, 11g llrlbiy, It n IO I I , ,, Id io t heI r cirgJl I, eurythllllgC011Mi,h,i I mi Jim, rIi;,t yeti J';, i i (mir IS TI time Oc-x t Iillhl'tlii, andh Ilsulli I' \ I'll iimmmt t IO J hr,c,-i loo on l'solito Coast vlhi greatly111,1,1 (ellI t I )l'OhIO (rIus',

FiticD Jj, OILMAN.

l'ersonal l'ti eiitioii.Brother holte Gerhardt, until recently of the 010ml.

iICllt Itlinhermnen of VesI; Virginia, lo no longer a lUlfllm'r-1111111, (JIlt a fariner. Some molitlIs ago he acquired a fareiof 700 5C1CS, tWotllildS of uvliich is at present Under m;mm.tivalloim. ile has removed to the farm and fbed himself111m lii gloat slm1tme for leading the simple life. He wrh0s(luit mmm is flot farming 'for the fun of it," but that hoOXIIOCES IC) IShlILO lt hot Only profitable, but Very orotllalmle.l:le is not as yet III full charge of all these 700 acres, as alitIllilmel m)f osant leases do not expiro llntil a year fr011)April next. Fieros a welcome to hIm into the "only' 1)1151-11055. 'l'uta ScriViJIlotel is a farmer himself-on Sundays.

lilrmmtlmmr \V. K. Greonbauni of 144 South Water Street,CIlilago, lias very much interested huinseif in the new lakmsteatimer leing built at Manitowoc, \Vis., by the Indiana'l'rflnslmol'lation Conlpany witil which he Is connected,

This is to he an ocean going steamer, 215 feet long by'lO foot ls'ani, and will go into commisslo next May. A.liloek et 'ooml fr010 each Stale of the United States will(miller Into a novel eXIIil)it to be displayed In the mainCahill and Brother Greenbauln is now inviting sugges.110115 55 to time typical wood to be used fronl each State.'noie mviii he forty-seven of the blocks 1f New Mexico getsill before it Is too late to change the plaa. The Bulletinha slmggostel fol' Tennessee, and will send Brother Green.banni, it block of red cedar, one foot square by ono Inchtlilmic, whicli Is what he wants for ail the blocks. Tennes.see is lmOl'l)aps (lie only State lii the Unioa that has aliso.llltel3' ¿iii tuìe 500(15 growing in America east of the Rockyi\hOlIlm(Iilns, bitt perhaps red cedar Is the most traditionallytypical,

Tub new steamer is to sali under the naine of 'UnitedStales" allí! 11111 display the star spangled banner in red,white anmi lumia electric lights; with an immense shield tolie similarly constr,lcle(l, Other notable features of adora.Ilient elli be a serles of pictures of all the great navalfights In 'whlcli the United States lias particIpated fromthat notable victory of Paul Jones' "Bonhomme Richard"over time Brillo], frigate "Serapis" down to Sehley's great(lestrIleijoll of the 'Sleulisli Armada" (history as brought(hewn II) (lato),

131011101' j. L. Eiion, of Live Oak, Fia., is a candidatefor iajii'oar] coiiimlsol of that State. I-le is identifiedSvilil no faction, Ijiit Is everybody's candIdate and standsa hlllghlty good eiiane to win. lIe is an old railroad conductor ilfl(h 111(0 ii vlrio acquaiiJtanee v1tii railroad matters.Tue Ililhhetin wishes Brother Eaton Success in his can-(hi(laCy,

Brolhei' James huyes .Quarles, of the State of Texas,foi' tile first lInie in his life is drawing pay as a publicSellan t, i I e 11115 Iiii t the lin rl y-bu ny of the foliI'thi estate-no\('si)ah)er vl'lung_for tile quieter work as lIbrarian of(lie Texas AgIleilitmiral and Mechanical College, CollegoStation, l'exas, lii'otlier Quarks writes that lie foughtthe newsh)ahJei' gaine as bug as endurance would standthe night work, anml tilat after a twenty-year slego ofWOrhiiiig 011111e ollwrs slept, an(i then trying to sleep whileOthers Worked, lie is immensely enjoying the changé hie haseffecte(l, J-le hl101hesfly says 1so that he hopes to deinen-stiate seine capacity for 'ihng good in his present posi-(loll, \V llave no doubt litit that be will. Brother QuarlesIs a hoo'ei' of literature itad familiar with literature, twoqualifies that shloiild enlinently fit him for hile predentPOS 111011.


Formal Call is Going Out for Penny Con-tributions-Enrossed Roll of Contrib-Utors to be Ensconced in Hotel 'Wall.

IJlf!iciihty and delay lias been experienced in getting asatisfactory coin holder to be sent out o'ltii the formalcall for tile voluntary contributions to tile Memorial Fumi

. for placing in the now building at Gurdon, Ai'lc,, a propertablet commemorating the birtllplace of iloo'l-loo. SeveralColli iiol(lei'l( have been experinlented with, but llave notnIet the l'eqilireniente, The diiticuity arises In that weile not know how many pennies the Cohitribiltor vilI wantto send. i-le is cahheml on to send 9 "01' more," tiici there is110 fIxed 1111111 to tle "more." The mau may soliti only 9,auth ho will llave done his full duty, but on the oilier hand80111e liberai man may want to send 18, 27, 31, or even 99,

Obviously, therefore, a perforated cardboard will notwork. After experimenting with several devices the Su-lIre1110 Nine has finally decided on a little linen will easily carry nu to 40 or 50 pennies, and then semeIf tuo man vants to crowd matters, The expense of thiscarrier lias also furnished a limitation, As the contribu-

; houa ss'lll be small we could not afforll to expend anylarge sein iii getting in the money. Tue thing svantu tobe widespread in its representation; TIlls copper platalloIca at Gurilon may not be as thick as a weil Is deep orau wide as a church door, but it Is going to represent thefree will contributions in the actual metal of a larga pro-

i portion of tile rank and fila of the membership of Hoo-lioo.Au n reOlilt of tile niere illil)lIClltiOil um fimo 1111111 tI' pIJI rs

till' criveiioter 1)118 r('CejVCli coillril)ultioilu fIlmill t ii ful lemming

(lliCillhI('.r$ :

Baird, A, C. 7035 Hinton, R, W., Jr. 13001Baird, J. I-1. 408 KIng, W. E. 11160Ball, T. H. 21458 Kirby, C. H. 13722Brazier, J. W. 18921 Kirby, John 7778l3ritton, W. S. 20369 Lewis, G. C. 13726i3urns, B. 943 McAhieter, j. W. 141303lliilgrin, G. I-I. 12326. McGuffey, IC. il, 19424Campbell, J. W. 17763 Nestor M. W. 21473Close, C. w. 18723 Nowlan, M. C. 20387Coleman, T. A. 1048 Payne, O. F. 11787Cummings, J. F. 17764 l'huhlllls, T. D. 816GCliehling, T. 2016 Roberts, F., 16524i)lchinson, I-I. C. 13712 Schnaufer, j. 13. 16527Ehrmanntraut, J. IL Snyder, P, M. 19034

16470 Snyder, S. A. 19035Ferris, Fr011 12430 'rate, j, o, 1419l'ester, D. M. 10912 Vinollh, 1-I. G. 10774Foster, E. \V. Walker J, C. 11835Glalleling, J. W. 5475 Wohne, J00. 13736OratIon, Thios. 17707 Wiiisor, G. I-T. 1041GIlarrab, A. D. 21466 Wyatt, C. E, 19039iilii, l'I. 15040 Zeigler, G, A. 12645

'I'iley smihl cuino iii 111111 n f11811 011011 tilO ('lili O( (4 mmiii.

imt's Il I act prou ptl)' 11111 get a ('Oil pl e of imail legs ful i o f t lmeeI l:O»pers,'' 11111ko i Ile tuilmlet 1111(1 get .it lIlit Ill), 111111° llt'tI tilo

IviloIn thing over viIhi, 111111 hot have these little collfrib)uiirmnsIl ri blu for a yen I' Ot two.

A proper committee of the House of AncIents is alreadyat worIn on a design for this tablet and the form of In-seriptlon lt. is to bear, hIlt this \vork cannot be proceededwith very far until we get some Idea of how bIg a tabletwe will have, Tuo I3iilletln assumes that every inán intile Order 'will feel a proper degree of humiliation andchagrin if it turns out to be a little 2x4 placard .whichyoii llave got to get down on yoùi ail-foûrs wih a spyglassand a pair of calipers before you can decipher it.' We 'want

' soixlethling that svili be neeii, lIC reamh, anml be lememberadl)y evel'y mall who pases 111111 sony.

Back of tilo tablet in a leaden casket will be placed anengrossed roil of tue Coitrillmltoi's-a cilance hIele to hand(Iowa your hinme to future generations, to 110 POilderedover uy SOhIlO antlquai'y in a mlistant age.

List of contributors from Issue to 15511e ovili appeal- inPII e Bill letlii, bu t svitliou t the ainon n f of con tribut ion.Let's not lieve ii hot of iUlOfl1l)0lIS COiltEi101tI011s arisingOlIt of carelessness in falling to put on tub hipen enveiopotile 1100-1-loo flilillber of the contributor, Already one ortovo C011tl'llflltiOils impossible to Ilientify have 00111e toiland, Bo careflil to give your flUllilXir, 111111 vei y carefulto pi'ollor]y fold and seal tile coin envelope,

Oii' J)eecpllo e Eyes,

Tile eyes ove broligllt with us at birth do not see atithe of the beauties of nature, l3iit with a microscope notlnllcll ilottei' than this, Leuweiilioeiç, in 3675, frlghteilell theworld Ily saying that more mimais hivemi in the huimanmouth timan there were people in Hollanll! With objectglasses of iliglier power we aro said to seo things magni-fled 200, 500, 1,000 or 2,000 ihlnmctors, whileh only meanotllat (iiffliroflt objectives, as tlley al e called, bring our eyeswithin one fourth, oi' one eigilt, or one twelfth, or onefifteenth, or one twenty-fifth of an Inch of the object,

And what llave theso mechanical devices of ours forhelping our eyes to seo, hot (lone for the llhhman World?So ilnb)ortant to all life is that living 'world about whichour niltivo eyes woul(l nevai' llave given us flic least In-forrnaiion, that it is evident no ijhiysical instrument cansufOco for ilman, because he is so aiuola greatoi' than any-thing physical. Ali eyes mulle of protoplasm, IncludingtIle eyes of the ahrtliropolfl apes, belong only to low originsand levels; but tlmis llilman-fasllioned rainerai microscopebelongs to tIle Andean lleights of mind.

1-iowever, we llave still other reasons for dissatisfactionwith our eyes. 'l'iiey see flic star Capehia as no larger11111(1 a bright jewel in ii lady'o necklace, tllohighl wo know

. -themA l)ec'nuso that star Imas no pi oper motion, as astrono-mers say, niel yet shines so (l)lefl(hidly, in reality it mustbe at least a hundred tllousaml linien larger Cull a hlludredtl101iSílll(i tImes brighter tllan clii' own sull lInt our pooreye can now answer. You 111100v that I (lo not report thewhole truth to you about anyfhing. Tosi si101ilil not trustmo so, l)eCllUSe, owing to radical defects in my malta-up,I tell 3011 that a man six feet high lo only six inches highwhen lie Is a mile off. And no to tile stars, you have liadto mahce a telescope to help me out; but even with it thefixed stars remain beyond me, for I then see tllem merelyas shining points, rt Is not by me, but by that greaterposo'er than mino in you, your reason, that you learn notonly how large Capella Is, lInt also, through another ofyour contrivances, that Capehla abounds In earthly nia-terials.-Evcrybody',( MagazinÖ,

. Lost

flToo.IIoo Button No 21579, If found, return to W. H.Clifton, 1100 Fishier Building, Chicago, III,











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G Ifl} JJJ\ -t \1O\THLX JOUR\L DL\OIED 'LO 11001100

ç cI1;1

'l'Jiv ih kince rOotil ii ft)J ofl} Qfl wli ich s a recen t Inno-VLI oh I a n Ch Ic;igo Ilaptist Ch u

teIi1 in volves a suggestIonof w I(I 1)05811)11 1 I (s. I t Is uad ou I) teil Iy a fact that a greatIfltUI)' \S ( d V pe SOIlS hnve n o PI UCC 1 t ionic WIl ero tile)euh gQ uid elijo)' lierfet Ilenee. Pure water, fresh airliil(i hfhlue are tue thiec iiiost pleiltiftil blessings in theSS() iii aiid vet I he liaiilest to obtain, Pef)eclaliy silence.A gi cal in any l)l!()I)112 tUlic so in ti cli tu at tile)' Waste theiri,tI(iIgI1i-aflii also the strength of other fouis. Very)IIllii g P1Ol)l( ii ve a horror of e V Cli S digli t i)iUSC iii theConverhatioli Nothing 5) ieiljcibiy betrays a lack of poiseas thl, \Tly jalill('r Iiii:essiitiv ? A. '11)i'iliiant flash ofsIli'ii t I''' lì C) %' n n (1 (lieu Is a grec t relief. It i s quite a gi ftt o ho i hi e to s I ,i s s ii vn t gui celti I y. Also to let otheishe client iiiiiii OC('OSlOi} lion Ilinily tisica I have heenilliliOst li iv('ii tü hard In n k i'lieii, having fallen luto aPl(Saflt ilastli iiiii, couic kind soul l)Ut tuo ingratiatingquery, "LVii)' are )'Oii looking so glum ?' At other timest IV tu 'iii ii t Of n iiid 1 I' ha a cii tei il in y lieu it i'iieii cOuic.both , thin hi ng t o liven I lu i n go u i a bit, huts iflSiStCd uponreauiiiug aloud. TiI(fl there Is that maddening creature,tue iwison whos0 lues of an ililiflilitOd conversation Is astuluug of rapiti-lire interiogatorles to cccli of wiiicli younuust u eturui a direct auuui explicit aulower-if Peolule musttalk continually ou else (XpIo(ie like a torpedo, why can'ttlie juiht (I u 011e iiiouig iii a Sort of soiiloquy, instead oflceeluiuug you oui tue joli witii their everlasting (luestions,rl e\'er gI i Ing you a Ciuuiuice to d ri ft off and ii ¡aber u p in asort of uuiwital doze? it is easy' soinetluuies to make abluff at iisteuuing-buit not if the otiuer felio' is olio Ofthese ques tlon il ciuds.

iuicebsant uloise is ouie of the most disintegrating forcesof linudo life. lt Is my opinion that tue real reason whyRouse fell is because it gre' too big and, therefore, be.CaTulo too 110153'. 'l'ue Coluslant din, ulroar and tumult of a\,cuy large Cit)' beiuuuiiib tue brain iuud reduces a mall totluuu status of iiii autounatoui at last. On the way he passestluloulgh several stages. In the first stage, he cherishesthe delusion that lue likes noise-it lias a fatal fascinationfor iiini. Several million people la New York are at thispoint nu Ihe road to annihilation. These afflicted men andwomen llave a gathering placo where they congregate bythousands.-a horrjbl0 piace called Coney Is]and, There

they have orchestras, bands, pianos, at war with gramophones, handorgaius, calliopes; overhead, a roar óf wheelsIn dcatlulcck witli shrieks nuud screams; whistles, gongs,rifles, ali buis). Other forais of amusement proclaim tuecalibre of. the crowjchop.siioy joints, "strength tests"dance lailsand Continuuou song aoci dance entertainments;ealuuiy, Popcorn, beer, tobacco, hot frankfurters on thegrill, wasli.boilers of green corn, moving picture shows,'lId beast shows, an such lively attractions as the Trip

to the licou, tue ICaiisas Cyclone, the Mirror Maze, Dipthe Drop, Loop the Loop, tIle' Human Toboggan, the ArcticIlegions, the Bottom oftlìe sca, and flue Tickler.

Al] this is i1iuminatec with the eyebllstering glare ofartificial lights. Children brought up amid such surround.ings must uueeds have blighted brains. They will lose outlui the struggle with those Who poor into the city from thecountry, where there Is silence, and from the old worldvluere life is slow and quiet. The foreigners who aroswarniing in are descended from ancestors whose mindshave lain fallow for centuries. Compared to illese hordesthe nativo New Yorker Is as a wornoiut field to a widestretch of 'new ground" It Is inevitable that they shouldbe crowded out. Itows of apartment houses belongingto thrifty sweat-shop owners WhOse naines end In 'sid"now stead on what sas once the estate of proud oldKnickerbocker families. Italian shoemakers are takingthe places of native workers io tuis line of industry, Theleading lumbers have suamos that do not suggest Englishor Scotch or Dutch descent. Out of agelong silence theseconquerors have come.

A news Item from Atlanta Is to the effect that so greatis the douuiaml or 'possum iii the North and West sincetuo 'I'aft banquet there that the marsupials are bringing$10 each, Irrespective f what they weigh or how old theyaie. Though 'possums command a good 1111cc, the dealersaro unable to secure lalf enough to supply the Increasingdenuarad that is being ruade for them by the Eastern cities.1iloi to tIle visit of President-elect Taft 'possums couldbe scoured for 50 cents each, and were retailed for $1.One order ivas recoivefi for 250 'pOsSljfljs at $10 each, andan older came from hartford, Conn., for 140 'possums.Evidently a large number of rich people In the East,i1lWl)'S on the lookout for seine sort of new experience orSensation, are happy in the thought that by eating 'pos.sum the1' get a knowledge of real Southern cookery. Thejolie of lt Is that comparatIvely few white folks In theSoutii have ever tasted 'possum. As a Louisiana editorexl)lesses it, 'the OpOsgilin makes a rich but somewhatgross viand, and Is chiefly prized by the negroes as thecroon of their feasts."

'l'as Iter asnriijjionaran," declared the old-fashIoned preacher, . "Is aworIn,"

'And" saId a man ho had been married three timeslind who vas Occupying a small Space In a rear pew, "aWOfluafl lui the early bird-_chIcago Record-Herald.

The great Cunarder Mauretania is already fulfillingher mission as an advertiser for the line whose house-flag she files. With the annual tourist season fully twomonths off, this immense ocean scorcher on her latesttrip to New York broke several records, Among thesenew records established Was a day's run of 679 knots.equivalent to more than 32 land miles per hour.


iCuba is enacting a law to forbid an prevent foreignersto hold i)ropelty iii tllcisialld. Americans, English, French,Spaiuisli and Germans hold proluerty In the 1liid valuedat $2,000,000,000, lt Is the intent of the Cubans to pushthese owners out and to confiscato their property.


Froiui time to tliuue soulie legislator comes to the frontwith a Proposition to tax bachelors, and immediately the

. newspaper writers throughout tite colllltry proceed to tossI off palagraplus supll000d to be humorous, but which In- reality are merely pert \Vhuit seems to th eau the l)hOS-

phorescence of oit is only th iulcaludesceiice of Impudence.Bitt now comes it cable message from the capital of a

4 European State to the New York Sun-a small but solidclumuik of serious news, to wit:

. 'rIle BulgarIan sobranjo lias votad to tax t,tcliQlorscrei' 30 years of age $2 yearly.

: The procee,jg will be dovote to education.

I Sllppose "sobralljo" is tile Bulgarian pal'hlamllellt, 01'legislative body, It has a sober mullId, as though It muighitnican business, It Is to be hoped that no flippcut bIga-dall jokelets will be translated amid come flashing acrossthe sea. Tue San Francisco Arg000llt Is one of tile fewjournals in AmerIca tilat scents inclined to view themattei' from a rational an dignified standpoint, itseditom' remai'lms:

A ploposal to tax bachelors is How beforo certaIn Stateo,and although the suggestIon 5g usually cluiseed among the(reale legIslation so common today, lt lo worthy of tItooerloos eonsldolatlon that prece(Ieo adoption, It Is haidlyp000lble at the present duty to rumulsll a man cor his bacllolol'-dom wIthout running upon the rocho of class legIslatIon,13u1 It Is posSIble to tax him, to buhe lihn pay a lIcense forhIs Ilbcrty, and it ought to be dono, TIto moue we look atthis matter the moro wo see tuo Injustice of tuo exIstingarrangemon t. At present wo actusily peluallzo men for beingmalrled by asking from tuoni twIce as muelo in tile wayof ttixe as wo do from the bachelor, But, on the contrary,tIle cololnilnity ought to show Its simios of Olio coulage andself-devotIon of the marrIed rs-mil by refusIng to ptutco anadditional tax upon tito burden list ho lIas voluntarilyassumed.

This bachelor-tax matter, though apparently new to theparagraphers, is in reality an oid Idea. There was a tlmeevIten unmarrle(l meli were excluded from the upper legis.iatlye chamber in Framico, and although the e'ccllusIoa wasnot exactly a tax, it was a punitivo mark of incompetenceand of public disapproval. Bacitelors were taxed InEngland in the reign of WIlliam Ill, and although the im-host was raised soon afterwards, lt was adopted againby PItt In 1786, when it was enacted that the servants ofbachelors must pay a specIal tax, Pitt "got after" thebachelor in another ovay, inasmniicli as his graduated Incometax was especially lenient upon married men. The ancientsiiad laws unfavorable to a state of single blessedness-InSparta it was a disgrace to be unmarried, while bothAthens and Romo passed laws intended to bring a con-Oei011sltess of ein to tite ivaeite]or 011(1 to porsusde iuilli lopenitence and reform,

SpIrltual1' 1repnred,

A Highiand minister who was ratiier a pompous gen-tleman, came to the shepherd's boom to baptize a child.

Are you prepared?" ho asked tue fond parent.'Ou ay, munnister; I have got a grand ham or tea,""I mean spiritually prepared,' thundered the cleric,"At coorse I am; oh, yes. I got twa bottles o' first-class

Whisky fromm the inn," replied the imperturbable Colt.

Another crack lias misada its shspealanco in tile LibertyBell. The mamlagels of tue Aiasiçro-Yukon-pacillc Eopusi-tImI aie anxious to liase time bell omi view at tuch' big show.Th0 followIng letter was written to n lugct Somma d mien's-looper l'ocelttly, Iflollillig a soggestion its to how muore ciccheamy be obviated :

Satsap, \Vtisli, Febrututly 28.-('ro tilO l'tiltol',)-j 8cc bylust 'I'U050lll 5's l)il peu' that tluo LI berty n, i at l'litI a elell)li launIty flot l)e shIpped to tile Pacific Conot 'n ICCOUII t of thecracks I n crels1 I) g I it i t la cIrce la t itovs that il I O C racked,If a hob is drlllpd uit tIte eilt of the , rutk, the iattei vlll notsprenil 0113' fuurth er. 'l'ho cluck iii t tIC boil Is lIkely to becaused 1)3' LIt o cx puuusloui of tIte rIus by lIent lind eo1 d, amidIf n lisle Is dcl I I Ccl tu t (lie top of t Ii e' ci cdc I ut tito lic'I I thetroulilu vlll itt once be etOlilted,

Will \vomaii suffrage prove an ilutmlÌi\ed blessing?"asIcs ami Eastern magazine, Certainly miol. ilami suffi'agolias not proved an imnmiuixed blessing Couic to think ofit, there aro very few ommlmnixeci blessimlgs iii the s'or]il, Agreat ninny h)eOpie ilmo drowned every year, \Vater, thele-foie, Is not ami mimnlxcd blessing 'l'ho soieinmi domilceyriions I llave joist quoted proceeds : Woniami sufflagoIcily be mixed with flirtation, Imivouity, champagne cock-tails limiti divorce ploceodings. Not that these are neceo-samy concoinitamits of wonoan's emitm'anee into tito politicalarena, but the tendency will be in. tilat dIrection, for atiuiuo uit least, because Only the more oi' loss unsexeolwomnamu will came to go In foi' politics."

&mrely this man is muddled imi his mulmud, TIle moreuutsexed a woman is the less she will go iii foi' flirtationnial frivolity! It takes very little to scare some people.Let us not tuihce to the woods till the time comes.

Wllatevel' else tilo woman suffragists may be, they aroriot judges of poetry. After consldes-liig muore than 1,000poems sollt from all parts of the United States, the judgesselecteul to award the $100 uinzo offeicd by Mis. L, 13.Bishop, of Chicago, for the best verses supporting womansuffrage, awarded tile prize to Louis J. Block, principalof a Chicago high school. The verses are entitled "Theloltlrclling Song," and are to be sung to the tuno of "JohnBrown's Body." The lhrst reference to woman is in thethird staluza, which follows:

Mother, prophetoss, and holy, through tito tiges of the clan,Uttol'llug words of potent Wisdom In the oar of strug-gllag

noun,'Woman roso and strode beside 111m, 'muid tite dangers of tilo

villi,Ifluidlilig hope that led liluus on,

Consiilci- tuo phrase: "Uttering words of potent wis-doni." There Is no combination of words that could pos-sibly be more unrnusical-"uttering" Is as little poeticalas "stuttering" or "puttering" or "spattering." In orderto osrite poetry, it is not enough to have poetical ideas-the words used must hilcewise be poetical. Common-plitcowords will saar the most exalted idea and bring it down tothe level of the mediocre, 'It is but a step from thesubhime to the ridiculous." Moreover, the stanza quoteddoes not embody a truth-woman never "roso and strodebeside hlm"-she did not have to rise, because she alreadywas beside him, as we are plainly taught In the Scrip.tures. Woman was made from Adam's rib-and of coursethe rib was not beneath or above him, but beside blm,'Why then should she rise? Eve was beside Adam whenthey both "strode" out of Eden I






1h 2

















'Tird Out.

T te:&d batry ;;g

Ád ! a

p . ív± pope are :nnua1)' kfliedL ç --- ar / N w York CUy .Ä yet there are

i -; r ! - t( a:- an r wllv per t by rniglj ded re.1(r . - i:(:.r th:, ror r! fl1e']CaI nn who arer, , likH;É1 y fl'etgatcn (f, .- . . vvisn a allowed, why worry over

(J Ç , : rnd on a few dogs and un a pígs

A a on foot to have IQÍJ,OO(j e-Chnol ChH,]renlu t : r, 1cví- to alan1on hh Jropeserj ifricant;írj far ;e lt reatc to the ki]flng o game. '!'IIC heartsof n,ir, an p(av-ov!n AaerIcate bcat warwy at thttI(U,?ht Of hie prrt1 (he African floes . re now In. In thehistory of the world there esr wa a thee when so manyp' cipI agr)nIz( oser so n iny COmj;araUvc.' Ii1ii;ortantIiit t r Thf! tesIr to aSaaslna(e a 1ii ¡ BOt a highaliil a'}ml ahle sentiment, to be sure, hut ftatJ is not theaorct thuing that can happen to a lion. Captivity Is the

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.. I ) thIiiI fHttI sIIijno,' 'Juev SIIhIq p;trt nf I ijiijp svtij't lie sif !(F

big ga;ia t iI y;t

()fl13 r(al I) a \vhi I fate t h a t can befall a WI! (1 beast. Alllion; 1tìII,t cile soiiì tiint, anzi most lvil(1 things tile byV101(t1C(

A %\'(Stt,t n paper l)IIbllSltes a letter from a toan namedheut, wIll) I Ives ot Estacati a, Oregon, wanting to knowwh3 the Loglsl:itttr loes not fix a bounty on the coyote,Colige r, s' Il tI (tt an (I bobcat, vlilcli I nfest som e (listricts Inlite fat \Vet. 'l'ho coyotes artj steadily incroazJtig. Every3eIIr, says Mr. Hunt, there are about five hundred coyotesacitleti to the countrys wild gatia, I-le thinks I t Is the dittyof the Stato to fix a bounty, "so there would be elicourage.Indi t to kil I tu vin. 'l'ho coy o tet k I II a great ni any donies.tic animals nial are themselves cruel, skulking cowards.Mr. Iltint bellotes that these pestiferous beasts constitutea teal menace to tite agricultirIs

anti dalryinati, He setsfoi th i he Sitilittlon tites:

Coyotes can only be hunted sUCceistully v1tlt dogs, itltlttk lt Is the duty o tite Stati to fix a bounty no therewould ho some encournge0 in killing them, it a perSonkIlls one now what will ho get for It? Nothing, He at-tempts to sell their tides, He Says, 'What will you give?"They nnw'r, "unir n loller or six hits," There io no en-

j OU RXÀL DE VOTED TO 1100-1100.

coragement a kifling th,n. iztttsc a man tram ps nit 'ayanzi kitts ort. coyote. iCr which Izo receives 5 ettit orceets for a day's work. Yes, two ziay' work it is to kill cjtEvery man iniervteo in 't!ming or dairying SitOt5(J takethIs subject an o much towarzl,z it a he cari. ¡z,Section only about IC is p"r ct'nt of the coo0 .killed, It is thIo-ith: t "only or the cayotes take tli,Country.

1t might be a good pian for . 'no neo school childrento petition \Tr. Roosevelt to go W .i Slay t. Otes.

i tt1agzizn article on the methods of the 'cred:t leali"( QtttieCtÇzi Wi vii big concelzts 's'hiáii sell t'e tin-j e" 4hods:in iiit'tetitzg light on bilman nature. I' t. iretiitis never ('xlenzled anybody who is in a i.izition 'whee heivottiti he lik ly to take a tip. 'I'h taking of tips it con.reti cry detrintental to the choral character, ati peopie n ho talco tips are not Supposccl to be good for their(mule. it always Seemed ail right to tue for a negro totake a tip, hut I feel a deepseateti contempt for ans' whiLel)ervoit who viil do Stich a thing, Of course you have togive tips, r('gartitess of color, if you expect to get anythingit) eat when you stir away from home. The amount variesitt (iffercitt locifties A French waiter in a Ne\v YorkVCititItl'ant taisvd a great racket and matie a terrible scenehtt xew Yeats Eve because lie was given onl. 2.4O,tt'hiclt was tiije einstige out of three tendollar bills-theprice of the lletie was $27.60. Bitt in Halifax, NovaOtiit, J saw a white waiter beam pleasaittly at a Iflatighty

, Who hail handed out a Canadian flvccentSliver iliecc-' flsii-scales," they coil thcnt. Sotitetixiies tito'Yttiter is not permitted to keep all his tips-ti percentageis turoeti back to the "house." The Lottdott New.t tellsof an ltItl)leasanttiess between the Catitoti Flotel and onoof its employee, The -employe scents to have been oneof those attiazitig characters who take hats in hotel cortldovs and retnetitber to whom the hats belong, Naturaliyfin adttil ring i it bl!c gate lt ini nj silty tips, partly i n glati.titile føi getting back its hat, partly in admiration of hisistoti:sititig geitlits, It vas supposed that tite entliloycl'itt tite tli) into his pocket and ultimately bought shoesfar his citililren uhu them ; but it has been shown jis courtthat his emr)loyer tito Canton Hotel, forced him to ills.gorgit them, luid tuch final testing place was tite maw oflito greedy corporation Tite waiter received no benefit1ro ri t the ti lis. 'i'hey en tiched a lintel con1iitttt- which(torti ali accounts was quite as rich as it ought to havelji Without titetit, Tite sweet visiotis of little childreneinhellig in new filions which thrilled the soul of the tip-filter itav changed hito visions of a fat niagoate engulfinggreen turtle soup,

Conttttenting oit titis incident, the Portland Oregoniansays:

Dotilttle8s there is a regular arrangement by which titel'uhltna,t Company extorts from every porter and Conductorfi trnrctztctge of tite tips he gets. 1f there Is not yet theretitQ will toe. yhe Pullman Company is not likely to neglectalit' O»Porttztzlty for pt-out after lt bCCØtflCS Perceptible. Atlite big restaurant8 witere tips are frequent an Importantlite rroprletor5 Often COtttpol the waiters to pay for theirl)°8ltioii. The not Only gets Its Service freethrough the mlstaite generosity of a stupid public, butztctttaljy flinkes rnotiny ot ot it. It is no longer a questionof eking out titetwages or a hireling; it It a(IttestIoti of InCreasing tite profit of a rich corporation irWtilters are Only half paid there is Some reason, thoughhot a \'ery strong otte, for giving them enough In tipo toCitable them to keep out tito wolf; but when tips amount toso inucit titat they flot Only pay the full wages of the waiter1)111 malte a Considerable revenue for the hotel besides,they are no longer rational. They are absurd or vicious.



I1ore I1ert Reet't,cs ?nv)- Yfird Citi,

Stub, the pet cat in tite New York Navy Yard, whichhas heil so many harrowing adventures that only a towof his nine lives are left, came near further depleting titesupply when he fell luto lbs watering trough used for titoyard horses, which used to be a batittub on tite President'syacht, tite Mayflower. Poetic justice decreed that Jack, oneof tite horses, who gave Stub his name some years ago byInadvertently tramping off his tail, rescued the cat as hewas olnlcing for the last tizne. Stub was trying to get adrink when he tell Into the trough, and he couldnot geta foothold on its smootit sides. Spot and Nell, two Dalmatienhouitd, saw his pitgltt, but could do nothing but barkfuriottoly. 'I'heir clarotor attracted Jack, who put his headin tite trough anti presently hauled out Stub, wet, bedrag.gled and nearly drovned, but otherwise Ifltnci.-New YorkHerald,

A ivotetan atttotttoljiie entier e'ttnts to kitow if site catiprocure tires Willi lier CitRiC OC the tread, It is riotvanity, Itowever, that prompted the Inquiry. Site bssevolved tite idea that if lier car had tires that left a teli.tale mark wherever they went her chauffeur would be alittle moro carefiti about taking the car out on "joy rides,"But why have the name? It might not be altogether apleasant tiling to have one's name printed on the pike or'tiragged in the mud" of City streets. Some symbol, liliea coatof.arms or like tite brand flack of cattle, would bupreferable, This affords quite a field for originality ofdesigit, A sort of iteraltiry of the high-way might be advan.tageonsiv adopted,

An lJnrolInt,lc Dog.

"Conte right ea in, Sambo," the,tarmcr called out. "1-luwon.t iturt you. You know a barking dog never bites,""Sttre, boss, Ah lin otra dat,' replied tito cautious coloredman, "but Ah don't know how soon ito's gole' to stop bark.


Glttsgow, Scotland, Jattitnty 22, 1909-Deter Brothet- Baird:Juet a line to let Yeti lenoos' that when I got trito tite 0111cc tuba. nt. t got a postal card ii'Itti tite following on it; "I-bo-ba6224 at Room 110 North Brttlah Station 1-intel." I hurried totito hotel to lind tite gentleman entes 0111 curlIng, no titen I knowlie was ono of the Cenaclinti Curling 'loam ana itt Otuozigow set went niet- to tIce rlttic tilla tifternoon and (mind 6224 wait Mr,Robertaort, of Konora, J,tanhtobtt, so I %veitt itp to lilie andshowed him my 1-500-boo buttati and st once we 'wet" lt. Ispent a Very pleaanL afternoon with hint lind expect a fewettore neat wcelc tis lie Is itere all weelt curling. I-lope i-ott aresteil,

In liaste, 't'iiiite ayo,JABlE "biOO'r MON" LIG1ITBOI)y.

Itt(iivzjttvllbo 1)11 tIte, It,)(,flI.

Brownos'Jlie, Texas, January Iii, 1909- ....... Shoot-hag up" towns is ancient history down hc't'e, but houses aroeltooting tip all over titis land of tiod und prosperIty, and thisliOo-Hoo year of 1509 bids fair to be a busy, find I hope, pros-petous eno for tite lumberman,

Come to Brovnsvhile tite next time you tire in this groatState of Toxa and we ihii decorate lite lapel of your coatwith orange blossoms and give you ripe oranges to oat fromtite name tree-and you can't get tltat everywitere, With kindregards, Yours fraternoiiy,

- w. i-r. MASON, JR. (No, 5685).

The following story, clipped from a San Francisco paper,was sent us by a California 1100-boo:

omchal Forecaster MeAtlie titinies he kttewa tite cation ofthe storm, So does Captain Kelly of the schooner Monterey-,Which vainly tried to ptit past thu hondo this inoriting. Cap-tain Kelly believes it is a, black cat.

The black cat. tIto dark Sphinx, the sable feline, or what-ever you choose to coil it. was aboard the .Monteroy. It io notnow. TItis in why.

\Tl)en tite lilentetey- 'et soil thin inox tung and attentptedto r,ass tite IIee,do sit,-' c'ncollntercd a terrific talo wltiebt swepttito Waves over her from otern to stern. tito plunged andliOundereil and Captain Kelly decIded to put ebout, But, first,Ito went down into tito cabin anti kicked the biacic cat,

When tite Monterey cante itt apile he uova to oft VallejoStreet wilerl, but Captitin brolly sitio going to take no chances,storm or no etorm. With Otte nailer tte hut off a a onmil boat.With hint also went Tabby (or possibly Pomi, Captttln itchykept a deatit grip on that cat wiiiio the waves rolled moun-tains bight, Onco tito whnrf woe reztchted, hewever, he flungtIto i)eOst tIson tite boards oziO heft It thtere ocreeclting felinomaledictiuns to tito wind. 'titen ha returned to his eciteonerin the comfortable convictiuji that dangr-r wits past antI thatito itd ghi'ea fitte tito double croon,

A rclIlt(Cctiit't of 1h' A. 1'. 1',

In tile generai l)ian of arcithtecture thu Alashta-Yitlo.Pacific JxiiOsitlon follows the French ¡'ettaissance stylo.'ntis applies to tite Manufactures, Agrlcult,ttres, MInes, Fish-orles anti otitor structures forming the ceittral picture ottite exhibition, 'l'ho buildings aro glouped thout tIte Cas-cacles anti geyser basin, tite maui decorative featuies, andtite Uniteil States Govertiment buildings complete titesciteme. 'lite feticral structures itt e a hileleling coitihtina.thou, Fretteit arid Spanish renaissance styles, and the greatdome on lite main government building is tite archItctiirlclimax of lite fair.

'l'ue CaiIfot'itia Stato iliiildltig is of Sleinisit missionarcltitoctitre, attd tite Oregon thiilding is strIctly Romanchassie in style. 'Fitis Structure Is lopped uy a huge tbotneamid counmaittis htrontinence in tite sky lute, 'lite Wash.ington l3itiidiitg is two stories in height and hit design is alion Ainericait treatmnecit, of tito classic Ftonch stylo ofttt'Clthicttti'e, Soten buildings oit tite Exposition gm'octndsivill levert to tite University of Washington at tito closeof lIto Exposition,

'l'itese ate tite Aitditoriumn, Fitto Arts, ì54achtInery, Wash-itigton, Arctic Brotltorhooeh, Forestry and Weinen's T.hitlld-hitgs. Tito Audl(omiitun is Itotnan classic itt design, andtue Fine Attn follows the Frencit style of architecture,Tite Macitittery I-mIl, to hie tite permanetil engitteerbttgbuilding foi' tite itttivot'sity, is :t modem n adoptIon of titeSlittltishl missIon arcltitecteire and Is an attractive structure.

Tite Agriculture 'im] Manufactures Buildings are shun.ilar, with just ettouigli ti iffereutco of (lotail lo avoid me-citanletti rOiletitlon. Ott tite Agi-lc'iiltttro Building is a beau.tiful circulai' l)et'goha colottitailo tt'ltlt Ionic cohuimits sup.1)01-t ing ta-culs beanie and imiter 1111)8, Duriitg the life ofhito Exposihhoit these cohuntits will be covered with wood.tute amid ciettiat is, 'flte etici facades of tito building con.oint of a setiiicim'ctthat' arch fifty feet wide ciutvned svltit aheiiivaeitt ceitlaiuthttg tIte official seal of the Eapositionbeaittiftthly \t'ot'kcd nuit, ira staff. 'l'ue Fisheries Buildingstttncls on thin santo sido of tite Cascades nu tito Agricul.titre Bitliditig, ttnd Ionic cohititins were used to ltaimoni'zo\t'itlt tite atijohaing bulhiling. On tito opposite uf this courtof honor stand tite rdanufactutres and Mimics Buildings,where i)orlc cohitittns have hien uscii for tite sake of liar.moony willi tite adjacent strttctnres,

The Forestry Buihhing wiil be tlte largeul log houseeuer i)uilt, anti abtottt tIte front of the structure will be124 logs each forty feet bight and containing 6,000 feetin boai'ih measure. 'l'lto weight of each one of (liese greatlogs is estimated at 60,000 pounds. Tite logo used in titoexhou-lor of tite building are being left In the rough, whilethese used In the interior will have tite bark removed.

One of tite ornate buildings on tite Exposition groundsis tito Music Pavillon, This buuhhihing is of colonial nr-


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- : ::jz t .;a d a )J ¡ri ti trz.

tr . :ai ¿ri! u!ecoratIotì f a:ra: r.V';r

(f tt Ar' Brtrd ori the Ezp.:onT.; . y;ir.2.1 i t fr Jaka a*i th r-rth

c ;ik f iog. T ari4ap atrprn gardr3 Ui the zìrrb.

Tr t!) t' riçd t;I thc Jpc J Cbnsc: . r-; ta! g'rrai cFrat&. (in the Pay

. r amm';nt tit, many of thrJra w JararL r1 th en

tri: fo rh- gayy buß.ard a o Jap-.1aakan 'izgn,p, 'akr th mar rh wiU öf totcm

: ;tf c rverl agda r&fa.' irg n!.mh'r of rutr ar of th free Amer-iran

:' tif at'hetur. btt 1: en !eatd aa to rr:t ír!ci. p1tur' with ftc. b1!cHfl2;T- r the na!n gt-upr:: Frrìch rnai.arì

Th.- e Domiaor. Grent employs hudredg of these ra2g.'r-a, o them young men. They arç stationed fromÀti3rc co thf Pacific cc,t, and !rOm Audson's Bay to theCaId Stales boundary wherever there aae forcgt to be ¡rottd forn the ravages of 1re.

Thr wore nurnrO foroat tires ia Canada, as well gth ltd nt.teL last summer and falL" Mr. Readznan Said,

"The dr-' pll was toit In the Dominion ag well as upon thisid of to b&'undary. We were kept proty busy a good deal

(f the tzme, lighting down rnall blazes and trying to get igC'fl3 ur,.r ntri. Of c»-urge. j is not to be expected that aaruitul ' ,f nen can extiri' . lh a big toreat fire, the nature gi

th eie that deatroye'l Cleholm, but the rangers can and dovo nUro ard millions of (cet et pine bY catching the eren

w'r:1' thi are m an iflClpIflt Stage, and auttlng them out be.r:re th'-'.' rah really dangerous proport1on.

'y . hv bOca fairlY succeasful In stopping nome etthe h hzea that really had a start. We fight these withhack-flr. It is the onI way they can b handled. In addi-zion to or work of actually tra fighting. w post notices aroundin the f-st. on trees b: trails and tra-eied streams, Wherethey are iikiy to he Seen, varnfng ean'tpers against leavingfir. iiring at helr caro-pisg grounds. and Instructing themo be a' careful as roesihie at cil timoo This campaign of''i, .. 'torì tre .. ' tnt et

I ill

íu1A;if hF


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AL'Dl'l'i)IlI Uil A. 1'. i'.

Surroundhig the JposItion Is a fotesi and much ofthe natiir& verdure ha heen )eÑ. The formal gardenaapproa(li Ing the Manufacture9 and Àgrictiltii reg palaces are141ml Jar Lo those In I lie pulule park nf \'ersa!IJes, and areFiencli In deMign. Frani the staIIdl)oIn1 of the iover ofthe l)C(tUtIfIII tile Pacifir Exposition vil1 excel any worldsfair lii history The first conq!deratjo lias been the land.scaping, floral display, lltinìlnatlon and sctdptiire, This,combined with the mild climate of the Puget Sound coun.try, the beautiful mountain, laico and woodjanti scenery,and the centrai location of the grolln(jg \VIll result in theAlaska Yulçon-paclflr, Expoqition heiiig one of the mostbeautiful and attractive ever idanned.


11g12 I )ng Ii. Ior st Ir,s,

(cObrE Ic. 1tadniun. for(qt renger In the employ of the Can.adan ovcrnInent, and cHgtrlct coverS a part of Hunter'sThl;ind, tat north of tIi, IUnneota bOtlildary, was in the cityrecen ely.

"\S'c travel In pairs, two rangers to a canoe. In the die.ti'lct norti- of Minnesota ca noes are used by the rangers almost'xciulveiv fer travel, There are so many lakes and streams(lint this can easily be done, and offers not only the mostrapid, but the easiest means of transportatlsn, Hunter's Is-land s av act wilderness, with an area as large as St. Louisarid Cook Counties Combined, It contains 7,000,000 feet of"Irgin editto pine, besides the Other timber. All the timber Isowned by the Government. Logging operations have not beenbegun there as yet. I beltye the Government disposes of fttimber by oeiilng it to the highest bidder, except that whichis taken on claims.

"Ti,or- are twelve forest rangers covering Hunter's Island,which is divided up into six districts, two men to a districtAn ouuit consists ot a can00 to each two men, axes, blankets,tents, gur, fishing tackle, eatables, etc, We are almost con-stnntly moving except \eilen Our efforts at fire fighting areConflned to trying to down an obstinate blaze in sorne particu-lar sectIon ir the fire is big enough, and appears to be théonly One upon the island, all twelve of us get together andlight lt.

"We work four months in the year, '12h15 covers the dryn'ason. 'rho rangers to the east of us Work a month or twolonget' in some casos. Clear from Ely, Minn., to the CanadianNorthern Railway to the north, and even northward of that.



extends an unbroken wiidernes Is which there are scarcelyany aettlers r ' all-Duluth Herald,

Arcata, CaL, January 13, l9O9\V have just returneíj fromJaPan and China-liad a grand time, I was one of tho Chamberof Commerce party that went to Japan, We were royally en-tertained by the Japs tor threo weeks, The Japs aro a greatpeople, Our party was given fl'ee lasses over ali the raIlroadsfor three weeks and we liad a specIal 1mm, wIth diner for sixdale, all of Which Cost us nothing, mt the hotels oonl you!

Enclosed you will lind a synopols of the tour,Fraternally,

N II. FALlI (No, 6790),

Tlulg brief communication freni llrotlier PolIr will doubt-leus be of very special Interest to hundreds of lais friendsthroughout the untry. An ex'membr of the SupremeNine, Brother Falle has aiway liten a loyal I{oo-lIoo andhas done a great deal to promote the Interests o the Order.Tuo synopsis of the trip is as follows:

Sailed (roca San Francisco September 25, 1908; retained toSan FrancIsco January 1, 1909, TIme galle, 97 days. On thewater by three ditteront steamers, 46 days; distance traveled,about 16,500 miles; Visited 16 citleg enel 10 towns; attendedis rocoptlons, 5 garden parties, io dinners, 16 lunches, 10theatres; visited b stock excilang'es, 19 manurnetorles; liad eno

standing well between thc men who employ him and those heliii'eo, The recent event at the plant of tua ijoueton Car Wheel& Maclilac Company represents the manner in which he Isregarded in Houston.

Plttabarg, Pa,, Febroary 26, 1909-WOuld you kindly sec that'rijo Bulletin is sent to hie address given below? The last is-suo was delIvered to our down town general oilice, and lt is nl'together too 'flltiabie n lIttle papel' to go astray, its I arjoyevery niostil's lescie.

t tried to get Your artlele on tue ''Colored QuestIon" re'produced by ono of tuo laliers liete Polbly It might lie donolater, hut lt ,oui'oly han Ike pi oper i Ing to It, and I would lilieto have conio of our eympatiil,,pis Lili this iviiy have an Oppor.tuiilty to rend an articio of this nature,

VIth liliidoot regarde, I ein, Yours 'my truly,TO, It. BAKna,

iligram, Pa,, March 6, 1909-I lieve i end wIth mccli interestthe Issues of 'l'ue J3ulletie, and eCpeclnlly cioae the lsties ofTnnuary aed Februa ry to lind sonic comment or etedlt for tliothecls on front page cove' of Janaai'y isuo on "Ml'ctakes," Ido not lind credIt for It, but do iviint io 1111(1 my lIttle meed ofrraloo for ito compositles, '11w moie thought that is given Itf1ndo that lt la all kernal, md cc one \'cliom i lind read lt toarid giove a copy of, who la iiioo a gond wpeaker, meld. "I 'willcommIt Clint to memory, for of all Clint i llave rend and eoxn-emitted noes strIkes to hie lieai t of CliC as clocely no tlii'i does,"

liND Oir AGltICuLTiJlig llu1I,ijl(, A, h'. I'. liXI'Otil'J'ION,

Inland sea stoamer oxcurslon roda about 200 mlles on rIckshawsand 'chairs; listened to about 200 speeches; attended four balls,regulation dross during the day, Prince Albert and sIlk lint,evenIng full dress.

Going some? No,

Mitotero 1111(0 SIeh,

A recent issue of the Houston (Texas) Chronicle con-tamed the following notice of very l)leasant incident Inwhich Brother Robert E. Masters, Hoo-Hoo No. 71, wasprominently concerned:

Mr, Robert JI. Masters, general manager of the HoustonCar Wheel & Machine Shops, has been remembered by bollihis employers and the men he employa.

When the annual meeting of the stockholders of the tom-pany was held the manager of the plant was Called to thegeneral office. As an appreciation for his services as renderedduring the past year he was presented with an elegant goldhandled umbrella. When he returned to his office at the shopshe found a gold bandied knife arid cigar holder on his desk,the gift from the men ho employs.

In other positions Mr. Masters boo horno the reputation of

Your article in February haue strIkes the keynote of thehlegro qucatlon, and from tuo Inaugurai address of the Proni-(lent lie hua al)gort,ed the OpInI of the Southern lieoplo in re-gra,rd to the negro A friend of mIne, eiio Is a natIvo of ICen-tticicy, gave a short but l)elflted summIng up of the whole sub.,ject When he saId: ' 'Yeti will find tint the Southern peo10like tile negro ac.. 'en indivIdual, l)hlt liaba lilia na a raca; theNorthei'n hOopla lIke lila no u into, but lieto ulm as un in-dlvldunl," Thc President hua taken th middle ground andflnds that an old sore calicot be healed lt constantly Irritated,íifld ho will gIve the negro In his place, hut wIll not put hirnabove his l)illce where lie lindo that it wIll cause an ill feeling.Or all the wrIters an contrIbutors to magazInes Clint I haverocj after, PresIdent ,Aldei'ioiin, of VirgInia University, cUrsustice whole questIon up with macli clearness.

The pesple of Pcnnsyli'anla are on the alert, no you will seafrom a clipping encios0d, hint in a bIll at ilarilnburg will bartii mIxing up of Chie dlcerent races, and will voId all mar-nagea contrary to the net, .1 lind occnolo to lIsten to a verygood addreeo as by Dr Stlnor, of Iowa University,on 'Our Imlalgratlon," At the reception, when lie was through,I asked him what he thought of Clic negro problem, Ho waslost as to what reply to make and onld iliaC is a differentquestion altogether.I-loping that tuo greateat sUccc'eq attend your labors, I ara,

Yours fraternally,FRANK (I, MARTIN (No, 13667).










; -


fALlSr'ak iii






On the evc'ning of February 3, at the Armory Hall, inO9a1ooa, Iowa, Vhegerent, .3. M. Furlong held a coneat-enatic,n 'Jhere were many ]nml)errnerl in Os{aloosa thatday on accolint of the meeting of the Southeastern IowaItetall Liirn!er J)calors AssociatIon. 'Fhere were many Inatlendan(e at thh concatenation, The class or kittens wasa live cinc a' .id fourtccn %%'ere wet (lOWfl the line, BrotherJohn H Jiyrncs filled the role of Junior most admirablyand the meeting was a most enthuslatIc one. At the con-ClitaloR of tite Initiation Cerenioflica tue °Sessjonon-the-Itoof' w a9 held at the Cafe Grefe.

A I I the fon rl con cand da tc that nigh t vere Itinthernienand Iurnl)cr saleanten, and tiic parsonal I)O1)UIarIty of say-cntl ot hie Initiates thflt night a(ltled much to the lIfeand I)lCaBure of lic occasion. A niinibor of the old mom-llera y, er eopíclally anxious to ceo that all of the lIoo-IIoo

rl ial i exoro pl liled on them,

Snark, J. M. 1irImg; S'irtior lIoo-Jjoo, M. C. Ball ; JuniorJloo-JJoo, John i f, HyrruQH BoJuuun, I, L, Funk ; Scrivonoter,w A liuuJior; .JcuiuIu(rWack, J. 'I., Crockett; Cuuutocatlan, JI, C.J ruu neu , Ar((u riopcr, i . IL lioulds ; Gurdouu %V. O. Riddle.2211 , i vie \VIll ru eu ]Jocluol, Clinton, losca ; traveling eale-lean Curtle I3ro, & Co.22517 lJ.urvu>' lt. Hucidfoud, teoktik. buca; auditor StrectorI.e aher Cocuuruany,22l8 (ju 'oge (1. ('Ierucuuut, Marruigo, lecce ; traveling nuulootean

Ant rim l.uunuher Company, Ltd,, St. louis, Mo.2251 9 \VIjIlui usi \Vornloll I lorracu fleco 11111, ¡nuca (,yuier \V, \v.Horran.222uu I r:i hic liuu uuuut I I volt, Onjcnlu,oeuj lousuc ; yard una eager

i luuus'lcuyo tu nc Jur222l tÇn u I l,c't u Jolu ruuutouuc, I yon, Insu u , u lu',un an lia rtnian-

Nu'iul,u'i t l,uirnluer Corn any2222 \'uu u u i lunlluuurlu, Oekuulon.,:i, low u , nu eau tuer of firm iCnl-lou'}u I ti uniter Counpen y,22Ml OOuIurt I nona u I I u.0 t tui r, rut, SI lout u, Mo , traveling

uu,ulu'uuiuuuu \Vovttuauu I tu rntur Cotutruany2224 O I,ut u u' uIuu'lcu'y Neuu9, Sigouuu nu'y, Iowa, luartuter A. M.Neuu'u & Son22521 Mitant' u u o' linon, l.Ituu'rtvu'iIIp, loteo owntr cad otan-

tugnu t hunt tyvllio i ,u un her You u],222O Oren FayvIllu' Su lun', O,krulooa, lotta, 'uecretuury Antlers

I ultuuluu'r (2ouuu tuuuuv, A ntlern, Olultu22. 1id ut tu u ut (ltuu rIru Seul tiu. llouttu u,i u Le, Iowa , nentluer oflit tul 'V Ji Smith22t2S \v lilla nu I lttt V Suuyuleu , Ottuitut ut tu, low:u travehltug tutuma-

ttu,utu ltu)('tt l'ul,uutut S ,5 jj \'kM , 100ck Jc-.]and, III.2229 Onc.ut Clou u ht Situ bu' I a vctupot t, ossu traveling saies-

uttuttu 'I' \V iticCtu'tluu nul CoConti tenu hotu No 1522, uJ'uktu iuuo..tu buen , Foturtue t y 3, 1909,

Hig Cuuuuu'uituuuuuiu I(,Iu tu ItuuutNt*s Citi,

'I'ltu'ro is luosnibly no locating of Ititnhjermon at any timouhitring t bi association PerIod that hirings together nuoretuteli thati litai of the Solitliuteotern Lujuibermea's Asso-itttloii 'lito ituoci Ing thihtu ti nie In Kansas City ivas one of

tite luest In tite hislory of that olganization, anti tite lioo-IIoo roncatenatlon, an annuual event nl the anucual meetingof the retail dealers, was one of the most enjoyable that1100 hJoo Itas ever itelti at Kansag City. TItis was held un-tier the Vlcegetency of O E Ronfro, and lie wa assistedIn lila Work as Snarlc of tito Univeuse by Burt J, Wright,Supremo Arcanoper,

'Flic etoinonIes vicie held In the FJIks Hall on Wed-:, 005(la9' night, .Tanuars' 27 Joe Bei utirdln was Junior, anni

a right royal one he made. The initiates numbered forty-two,

Snark, O. Jim. Itenfro; Senior Hoe-lion, R. D Pérkins; Jun-for Roo-loo, Jos, ,S, Bernardin; Bojejot, Meli Eaton; Scrive.notar, homer P, .A1ien; Jabberwock, D. tO. Chopin; Custocu,Uan,A. W. ltyrne: Aranoper, E, G. McLean; Gurdon, Edwin C,Pohiitt, ..,:

22530 Minor Eu'nn. Potts, St. Joseph, M. ; salesman Jlogg-Harris Lumber Company, St. Louis, MO,

22531 Part Roseberry Càok, Maryvflje Mo, ; yard man Mc-Neal & Parcher Lumber Company.

22532 Alexander o1arlon Counterman, Sulphur Springs. Ark.;proprietor A. M. Counterman,22533 Robert Elzie Creel, Orrick, Mo. ; manager W. E. Thomas.22534 FrederIck Sumner Cutler, Kansas City, Mo.; traveling

salesman Redwood Manufacturing Company.22935 Wiliiam 1-layen Dillon, Wichita, Kas.; sales managerDeal & Treni,22536 Richard P. Du Page, Salina, Kas.; salesman William

BuChanan, Kansas City, Mo.22537 Freut Willis Forrar, Pawhuska, 0km,; manager Mo-

Laughlin- Forrar Co,22038 Goy I-Inmpc9en Fordham, Kansas City, Mo, ; manager

Fordhanu & Jackson,22509 Francis \yardell Fortna, BUcklin, Kas.; manager L. J.

White Luniber Company.22540 Ctuarloeu Wiiliam Galuringer, Mound City, Mo,; manager

T. W, Ballow Lumber Company.22511 Amrusa llorare Garrett, Clearunont, Mo.; proprietor A.

im. Garrett,22542 Ralph Waldo flays, Kansas City, Mo,; manager Cen-

tropoilo Lojmtuor Company.22943 Ferdinand Peter Iloisuu, Kansau City, Mo, ; atuslstant

oalouu agent Dtudley-Loonoy Lumber Company.22M4 tiny Gould liotignouu, Afton, OkIa, ; manager Foreat

Luml,er Company.22545 J,entot' lorca iluuilot, Protection, ICtus,; manager S, H.

Civatten Lumber Company.2254G Raleigh Nobel, Sailisaw, Olcia, ; manager Wheeler Lum-. ber Company,22t7 .Jotun McConnell Lemon, Deoririg, Mo.; secretary and

tutLl('t; nutunaget' I-J. C. Lemon Ltunuber Company.22H8 Eulwtuud Olartner Lochridge, Enid, OhIo,; salesman Wil.

lam Buchanan, Kansas City. Mo.22M9 George Dana Lyddon, Kansatu City, Mo. ; salesman

i3owan-JIje]çtu Lumber Compa ny.22550 Albert Neuvton McQttuuwn, \Vicluhta, Kas, ; salesman

l.ouug-lloli Luuunber Company.22Ml EItert Spencer Minor, Jr., Rldgovay, Mo.; manager Minor

& Frees.22552 Clautti Oyait I1ielger, ICanstus City, Mo. ; Dierks & Sons

l.umtuer Company.22553 Jtutuieuu Sltitugltteu' Mizo, Waui'llts, Okia; manager

ilroaulu]tus & Mize,225M 'l'listuitutu Everett Moss, St. Joseph, Mo.; assistant local

manager Americaut Sash & Door Company.22555 George Frederick Muudgett, Blytlteulaie, Mo.; manager

tuliner & Frees.22596 Jolun Itoluort I'uuity, Smith Center, gas. ; managcr Smith

Center Lumber Company.22657 David Ctulder Pettit, Kansas City, Mo.; general atm-

tuger Great Western Lumber Company.22558 CIlturIreu Epturnint PhillIps, Kansao City, Mo. ; auditor

William l3uclutmnan,22559 lohn Linulstuy Porter, Kansas City, Mo. ; traveling sales-

stun Sabine Lumber Company.22500 Joseplu Citarles Preston, Knnsa City, Mo. ; vice presi.

ulent Arena Lutmber Company, Arma, Kas.22161 lack Coiten Reefer, Kansns City, Mo. ; assistant roan-

sger Groat Western Lumber Company.22502 Jsltn Franklin Richards, Oleburg, OCas.; owner J. F.Richards,22008 Dau'tul Wihmuori Rider, Jr., Kansas City, Mo. ; managerD. W. Rider, Jr.22561 George Emmett Sheldon, Spoarvjllo, Kas.; manager Ed-uvards Oc N'iciuols Suppiy Company,22505 Cituutdã Jack Sitofstail, Kansas City, Kas. ; bookkeeper

atud saleoman Soutlusido Lumber Co., Kansas City, Me.22066 Otis Herbert Spicer, Fihnore, Mo.

; C. H. Spicer.22567 Reuben Monroe Stanley, New Hampton, Mo. ; managerMiner & Frees.22560 Jeiuuu 1-lenry West, Carthage, Mo. manager CarthageLutunber Company.22569 Harry Scribner Wianer, Siloam Springs, Ark.; Wisner &Son Lumber Cenipany,22570 Edward Ashley Wright, Kansas City, Mo. ; salesmanBurt J. Wriglut Lumber Company.22571 Francis ¶i1iiiow Young, Wichita, Kas.; salesman Dibert,Stark & Brown, Donner, La.Concatenation No. i23, Kansas City, Mo., January 27, 1909.


i n time eumtucoInIe4 of New Cairo

In Cairo, Ill., during the 12th conventIon of tIte South.em Illinois Retail LustRer Dealers AssociatIon, the Hoo.Ho of Southern Illinois assembled on the evening ofFebruary 5 in answer to a call of Vlcegerent H. B. Belt-

hard. Elaborate prepai'atlons had boon made for tito eventand everything moved amoothly durIng the entire evening'sentertaInment, The eighteen kittens wei'e taught tite mys'tenca of Hoo-Hoo in a itefittitig manner, and. tIte jolly pealsof laughter that rang out from tite ball whoa the InitIa-tio eoi'enaonles were being held told the outside worldof tuo fun flint was taiting piace wIthIn. Tite ceremonieslasted far into tite night, cioolng vithi an elaborate feastat the "Session.on.tlleRoof,» which was hold at tite HotelHalllday,

Satiric, E. B. EckitarJ; Senior I-loe-lIoo, F. G. 1-lanloy; Jtutt'ior flos-Hoo, C. M. Catitcart; Return, A. 10. Alurens; Scrive-noter, E. D. Carey Jsbberwocic, A. B. Simonsoju; Cuustecatian,P. 'T. Langan; Arcanoper, George tleltiunuticluer; Gordon, GeorgeH. yaruker.

22572 Otto l3risto Aroluilualci, Coito, lii, otOcicìoit]er and gen-eral manager Cairo Leather Company.22572 Chauuncoy Brewster, Cuentralla, Oil. ; assistant aucun-ager Charles .. Gloro.

t Sottyonir of tite Cairo eottcaiouuatj(utm_a ttapitin i-ittg ttttuduumut un'ooui uviiiu t i)tmiuier tuuactiuu etti si:uitding oil (cIt.

22574 Clyde 1-Jale Clieriauuit, DoQuoin, lii.; owner DuQuoinLumber Coutupany.22575 John Oliver Cuip. Mound City, lii. ; oalesman William-

. son-Kiuny l,uunljcr22576 Clarence .Satnutoi DeFicicis, East Prairie, Oo. ; promurietorC. .5'. DOP'ieiu],22577 Albert Adoipitus Dagger, CuCul Springs, Iii. A. A. Deug.get' & Co.2297g Delco Rotnan J)tugger, Creai Springs, iii. ; nuttnager A. A.Bugger & Co.22579 lcu'tunit Wilguts Hantiley, Iulsttnd City, lii. ; soles manager

i'itoiesaIo department Williamson & Kuny Lbr, Co.22500 Citaries James 1icCat'tiuy, Cairo, Jii. ; proprietor Mc-

Cartlmy & Malintukl,22501 Iletury Leovers ?mrctjec, ICcuvanneo, Mo. ; superintendentFisciter Lumber Company.22582 l)ttnioi Jiuriluolt ?,/Eills, Mound City, Iii. ; sutles manager

robll department Wliliamson-Kuny Lumber Co,22503 Citanos henry Mosto, 2miattoon, Ill, ; saleoman Gates

. Lunituer Company, \'Vilmar, Ark.22584 Chorlos 1Iarrison Ogiivie, Cairo, Ill, cornntcrciai ugentMissouri Pacifie Railway.22085 James Stephen Roche, Goose Island, Ill, ; owner andmanager J. S. Berlue.22056 Henry Harrison Rooeman, Cairo, lii. ; general ageot C.C. C. & St. L. fly,22587 Fred Siefei't, herrin, Ill. ; manager Stotiare-ijerrin bum-

her Company,22558 Arthur Henry Tw'ente, Cairo, Ill.; traveling salesmanJ. H. Reed Machiaery & Supply Company,22589 Edward John Vandegrift, Marion, iii. ; sales agent and

salesman Orner Wilklnaea Lumber Co., Cairo, Ill.Concatenation No. 1524, Cairo, Cli.; February 5, 1909.

A ICntìm luing tuletul liii st N,um iuur

Tite Scriveotmoter is loo i'ecoipt of the following Interest.Ing hattet' dosca'liuing tite concatenation at Newport, Ark.,on February C:

Tupelo, Ark, irobrutat'y 8, 1909--hi' J 11 Bttii U, Seu'ive-noter, Nnaluvlilrj 'I'eutn., Cotnttuztnder.itt_cluiof Jitu iscijetion No.9: i itave tite imoruot' to report huaI Not titetustern Arknnsas luttssi,'ain successfully puulied off ti vot-y lively tuttul Ciujoynbie con-Catenation at Newport, Owittg to sicktues and ututoutng butai.Tucas engagemen of saune ol tito ruu'oltectivo lctttn ont clansuvas not as large as exiuructed, huit meo luau] eight good atuos,not te Ct'ippio in timo mt, ttttd cutlet' a eau enti P\anhlttatiotu of tiueirpluyaicai csutdttion, luy hue oiiictai pitysiei,tn, we macceded togive tiuom nil they coutid stand, After tito initiation was con-cittulc'd, and before utulJouurning for tIusCROIt kitten u'as snited if he usas sntt',iied tltn,t lue hued got nu"titat was COlnig to itiun,'' auud thero us'astu't a One lutti wiututexpressed himself so iueing aturo litai ho ittud

Newport Is noted as being able to Itoid successful tuueetinguu,und tivat is niadet a fact by tite careful attentiout glveuu to titouhetaiis beforohafld by tite adobera In atud enrottnd Nowpot t.Each and every one takes an inter-eat, anul to give the nOnioSueOutid be Ouperfluoon tus tito tuondbooic giveo time 1101,

'limero uvero about forty old cats itlesont, montly fioni titisullotrict, but we had one from each of tito eiltet' di'tu lets itt tIteState, Brother J, 1f, Carmicluael, ot tite Cenital, Brother S, W,\Villlttgltam, of the Sotuthern, and Brollar ir. ii Allait, of titeWestertt, representeul luts respective district, tu nu] we at o in-lobteti to tluom fou' tiuoir vaiuutubie auutui'utautce ditring tito ini.tiatory ceu'olnonietu, After tito concatonatlout Wan Over an tul-Joumrnuutent was made to tite Now Ilazel llotoi for the "Setumion.uutu-tiuefloof," where tite Committee on arrongoreuontm Iuttd liadiu'eptmred a tutest etuceiletti iuunciu, Tite itotel mttntigometut Itadtite dining room iueatttifuuily tund appropriately decorated foretets, tend \u'ero givetu to note nf litanies for lite iluanner in uvhicitthey luad proluared fer outr coming.

Atnotig tite moro noted feattut'cuum of tIte prcparationq meerotuco oid tuttumps, ono at each end in tite middle of tite taRie,On otte wcuu ten tuc, ueiuicit was a t'ceflintior to tlioqo itaving cucuy.iiuittg to say tttnt they siuotuld "lue%' to tito line," while on titootttet' ottr wtum.,'-m suv, wluich gayo tito'uo ueho ltaci notiting tocay tiue idea tivat tiuey could keep juuiet uttud "stew wood " Atmtito ax 'uts at the end of the ttti)io svtu'tut Rrotiuet' Cat'tuticitaeltuai, uuutul hue stuv tutus tuear saune mviuo tu sttgit t lino autluotitesund woululn't talk, it io to lue luresutuned that tiii wtto titolfless:ugo tluoy wem itutonde,J lo convoy, i3t'otiter Cat'inicitaelacted tus toastmaster, wlulch ito did in a very accoptablo unan-tuer. His remarks ttuucl Jomes n'ero enjoyed by nil prement, tendtilo Northeastern L)iottict of Arkatusues will siuvaytu Welcome tItoicrotlter at oOncatçjntt(iouo Sitort taute were made by ethers,mod after tite 1-loo-Ilota yell tite gathering was over and every-

body stettued to be iuieuu.scd whit tite good titee Ito luted.'rito altovo wotuid constitute and conciuttle tito report of our

concatenation if it tenue not for tite ftuct tluat, siutco our ¡licol-ing last yetut', Arlcanntts leus beetu iuonorcd witit tIte next anntial,ted tito brotiters lut huis district iuctve feit litaI it watt noces-etiry for titeta to make a Start touv:ai'uluu raising tito fundo thatuntil ice rcqutit'erl to intuite it te suuccesuu, Att inforitial butoinossmeeting netos 1101cl before tite cotteatentutton, and tufter a eiterteXplattation onu] dioctuanien of tuittut is iuutu'ttuieul to be done andaiutI in needed to do it, a sutiuscri ptiotu liti wan startu'ui, andwithin a very few uniatutee tIte euutt-m of l2i,t0 wa'm sui)'uet'iboci,most of it itoittg ptuiul in und lito iun Rateo being ocubjoci, to titocttll of lirotiuer \V. A. Biiitngsiey, wito im tiuttluot lied to receiveattui rcceiI)t fun' any tuauotttut tite ituerrulteu 'u elutuli feel disponed togivo. After tite ttru'ivtmi of ttrotitet' Ctmtmtcltaol, Vicegorentloath for Central l)istrict, It uu'tts deciuloul littet it uvould lue agone] pian to request etteit Snark Of tite Stato to appoint a per-sotutul representative to act moitit them, nttd titen roquest ourSitpt'emo SCt'ivonoter to meet willi tus, ss'iuich would foi ni acommittee of nine, and go to I-lot Slut ingq and Confer withtito Buuoiness Men's Loagtue, tutti to titen lot nuttltete plans forgetting down to actual work. Acting en litio motion. Iii. C.Lipiuman, Vicegerent Sitark fer Nortltetmuitern Arkansas, ap-poittted J. M. Gibson nut his representative, lind J. H. Car-abItad, Vicegorent Snark for Centrai Arktutusas, appointed J.C. McGrath as hie representative. J3y tite suggeatioti ofBrotluer Carmichael it was decided that the Vicogerent of theNortheastern District, being tIto farthest away from HotSprings, should, after wrIting Brother Baird, met the data fortito committee to meet at that place.

Ali the memberø of Arkansas are requested to keep imp theworIn, and not delay nending In their contributions, as it willbe necessary to know altead of tine about what we will luava






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Ç,, ?c;:!.-.,1r 'i.r: Lr:,r T!t hr hard

H'ì fl'trt C. Cr-, Jr., of

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't' ;' L' j:: in (vnng

t'sii inni '.ilit' ', C ir tarir., irr,i,, i'hr l.i'lrijiti t, e. ii','' ii' ' 'iiti Clii, r .,firi V,,tt'tttCriatlr,ni

t' liIIJÌ:tr,el.,tt le r' t'tn' ii ti"r,sjnlr inn o li'tir ir,,, ir,g ti r' i ', ri lun IrirriCrIf Irr

i'ai. mt t'i uniti s hit,.

r 1'itbrua: y 2, uld hot h (lt I Ii .in )tav even th In 1100-I 1(1(1 h lif (try J rt I h i Jr1Hf At i lie ocond concatenation onF('l)ruary 2, 0JVtIt(t(fl men wer thitlateti, and BrotherCii r io h (ti) Ti I JO 811IOt ng li i ¡n n the nl tiation ceremoniesthat w n v- lI ii t I o t hei r work 071(1 of the I ni Liates Itlirio alt -ady eald that tlj rices was clacoy.

'l'ho New Yoth Lnnbr 'rrai Journal gives the follow.i ng :te'otin t nr 1 S(HHIOfl-Ofl the-hoof :

"on . t}ir. J t(J(}f" WH n n n (flJ(Jyri )tle 1)an(luet by the \VIIUCmB-¡'(in lir,iI H Ro iiryn lito wtit I t. In (a Ct, (liflt nobody could getri huir ori wJi. ri Iii jù Ilijirirl, ii fl( tIioio svito returned to Phila-rlrlpltla tpo t n llit err in rilar rn Inning tire "late train, whichWilli l'tu ly 'rV dririritiry morning Tiro decorations were Hump-t rIunii, t tiri riti nririi ri eoihmy ronunu Iri(nl, and tiro "catnip tea''

: . iii'iiiifiii with øiit iJ('iiig too Irrtrrrno, John W. Long, of the

0-ie ;: 'C aed e.sX1t , '.i ;y ;e:-= Ct.zr. rea Jab-b-: « -tir jze, a4 Le-.ate-ro. Laifarj. (,.,

b:C 1c:et' Wt1ia.a7; iio=.iZr:& a ;-x. EthpbLa; i,r. Betuy, cr

r. eT ottera'LJ e :;e: ar tre cr? (o'r mtot-ta. br.e orerç , to .'ek tw:w if they rnoed co br

J*-wí,.c Wr-. at an tell at a ganoe the dreace;T'j ¿br tM.g. being from Baitmare.'r irrL qrrr o the e7e1ng. By the athorjty

'r'4 :t a ttrr o ebe pme Ntne t c-atod aCtri Vfgrrecy and ao!atod ìtr. A. W.1r:;. rte Ja -rt ireattgabe renUy, to be the newV.trtr i(r trrC apper,te W. L ajattoon to the Weaterrt;-_ -?;t1t 'ig'-Y.- o the arn way.

Mr. wr acme (rng and much humor dea-crlbed: ---- ,JJ:tO- SIeegettt ei t even a rOmr,t's no-

. 3 tTCC o stat Sales Manager rew-rr: te: tOW to dlapori-e o1 1.2O.t'h0 feet a day.

rrrt a 'rci horoc" dora in ptrlitng ab re-a; and Mr. nreon did not explain whatb -,rr dc#-n rt tiOt8h Carolina that Urne, anyway.. ,fr.;:t t trbitJ with his baaetafl glares arm. beingz. ';t old Wrillamoport grounds, and put one

e-; e- Ur it waa not "Casey at the Bat" Pmbo,"t :- ' :r.a wb th' írrnr like a bg red apple,' and Razard

:C air,, , Piadiphia, put over uome more good iI}z gtv bto excuse or being a writer Instead of ai';:,-. nta . d ire tr went.

AnCtte ttrn e an itnunual kind was an extract from'Ule Tom's Cabn in true barn-atcrming style. It was aez;' r t"rtwn Cn1' 'Toro and LiCUe Ei-a, with "human harp"rb:gare. 'in by tbree celi known "Bill-sports" whose mod-

t:.' (CrbiJt menten if names, The harp, of course, was byrir, third roan. SubeI-d lights by the gaz man; throbby, weepyri:-ecde atd ptiud by the orchestra.. Bloodhounds, Eliza,M2?kO an'i iher props by Corrte, exeept arUticial Ice by theke ogen. tiarha b:: the dog. Groans by the festive board.1_atgi.o by everybc.dy.

Tif, i)thCr fcrati.u-eL' eopeciaiiy the musical turns, werea thajtar untr, themwelves and sent them ail home In a glow.Jayceo Li. Hawley, the reciter, recited entertainingly and. wasgeneroue in his uncen-ea. Mom Reiter. the weil known localterror an'] John Heim, a local baritone. who would do creditio Onear Hammerstein, gave choice selections, and the Uni-vrnity Maie Quartette kindly obliged several times. The HazelOr'hmtra ware on tap ali through and Mr. Hazel and his cornetwere a distinct and popular hit. The menu was printed on api&c of Birria eye Maple and was prepared and served underth perEonal direction ei tite Rotro Club steward, which Is its0v_-n comllete commentary of excellence.

nark, Ben C. Currie, Jr.; Senior Hoo-Hoo, H. G. Hazard;Junior lIoo-l-Ioo, H. E. Oleon; Bojum, H. S. Heat; Scriverioter,F. F. Ramito; Jabberwock, T. B. Hoffman; Custocatlan, P Mc-\'augir; Arcanoper, H. A. Milier: Gurdore, R. G. Browneil.220h i.evi Lewis Amidon, Jamestown, N. Y.; lumber buyer

Maddox Table Company.22j Watoon I.everrrt Barclay, Laguin. Pa. : member of firm

and general superintendent Laquin Lumber Company.22'00 George Britton Preen, WiIIiamopo Pa.; treasurer and

general manager Breen Lumber Company.22C01 Robert 'Sawdust' Camerer, Jersey Shore, Pa. I member

of firm Cainerer & Lanrirert.22CO2 Frank Joseph Campbell. Leetonla, Pa.; superintendent

l.eetonia Mill, Central Pennsylvania Lumber Company,Wiiiirrmsport, Po.

22G03 George Weoley Crooks, Wiliiamnport, Pa.; salesman W.D. Crooks.

2:tr;04 Guy Stayton Felt, Hmporium, Pa.; sales agent C. B.Howard Co. , Wiliiamsport, Pa.

zgos Jooeph Eiwooil Filiieger, Grays Run, Pa.; superintendentp! Grays Run 11111, Centrai Pennsylvania Lumber Co.,Wiliiamsport, Po,

22COri James Frederick Foreornan, Wililarneport, Pa. ; Centrail'eflfl.9ylVflflia lamber Company.

2207 l)avid "Sideboard' Fuirner, Williamaport, Pa. ; lumberbuyci' J, IC. fliirel Furniture Company.

22r,O8 John J.ewio hall, Wiiliarnoport, Pa. ; John L. Hall.22605 George Nathan liarder, Wllllamsport, Pa,; freight and

, claim agent Central Pennnylvanla Lumber Company.22ei0 John Adam Lannert, Wiiliamsport, Pa.; owner East End

Lumber & Corri Company.22611 James Hendley Link, Willlamnport, Pa.; president Jas.

H. Link Macmoe Company.22Ci 2 Peter Murray Newman, Williamaport, Pa. ; president

railroad Intercalo Central Pennsylvania Lumber Co.22613 Calvin Dennis Oulerhout, Wllliamsport, Pa.; land and

timber suporintendent Central Pennsylvania Lbr. Co.22614 Charleo Wesley Sanes, Wllliamsport, Pa.; C. W. SoneS.Concatenation No. 1526, Williarnsport, Pa., February 2, 1909.



Hone In the Trite t%eetei,t lVoy.


There was a meeting at Spokane, Wash., on February4, and there are BOW as a result 109 more inembera for

. the Order. No one can but admire the \Vestern way ofdoIng thIngs. LIke their country, their mountains, their


trees and their fruit, those IreOPle do tilingo In a big way.


So one of the largest concatenations ever held In Hoo-lloo,

the second largest in tile history ot tiro Order, was tIteone at the time given above, at Spolcone, under the \Tlce.

gereney of George W, Hoag, of tlae Eastern District of._4

Washington. The occasion is one long to ho remembered InSpokane, antI the letter which followed a day or two after

£i wards frein V1cegeret iloag ran soenellring as follows:

k9 'l'be smoke of battle has cleared away, tire kittens haVeL;:4


gone home rejoicing and h am convalescing, We liad the pleur-tire or opening the eyes ed 109 kIttens. yoir will note tire greatassistance I liad in the officers vlro dici tire work. With tirir

-t io enclosed ri check for $831.80. or titis amount $115.10 was coi-lected for ducs; 7h9.30 irr the remittance fer tire concatenretieo.

J Brother Hoag alaco adds:

:. .r \Ve spent more money for tire banquet and some for print-r ing. but titis was made up by tite boys. Tiroy ali citippech le

and all bills are paid..

ju' Another indicatiOn of the way they rio things in tireWest. Tite "SessIon-on.the-Ioof" wa hold at tite Silver

. - Grill of the Spokane Hotel and was litio with tire repu';..

't tation of that hostelry. The committee arranging for tire"Session.onthe-Roof" was composed of George W. Duffe",

: Chalrnaan; A. W. Macleinnon, A. L. Porter, D. J. Bissell,r Jr. and M. G. HllliIps.

r r .' Nearly three hundred IIoo.FIoo sat down to the tables,filling tire Sliver Grill room, the ladles' room anti tire

1A hunters' grill, It \va midnight's witching hour when all

, .vere seated at the tables, and for over an hour they en

-4 joyeel the delightful menu. The toasturaster was E. F.

;a Cartier van Dlssell. Experienced as Brother van Dissell?! is on tiro job ho never appearerl to better advantage than

:on that night, Other speakers of the occasion were Chas.

HE. Pattes, Supreme ojum, of Seattle; Timothy Hea]ey,of Belt, Mont., and Vicegerent Hong. There was also a

- musical programme rendered by W. D. Gibson, B. G. Blackanrl Miss ICronnicic. }arry John Miller gave some verses,

.Then Frank B. Cole made one of iris characterIstIc talks,

:J and he was followed by a vocal selection given by D. J.Blssell, Jr. Two other IIoo-lloo vocalists of that nightwere A. J. Voelker and Tom Shields. 1i'rank J. Long gavea humorous recitation antI tIte morning's fun closed at


3 o'clock,

- Snarli, Charles E. Patton; Senior Hoe-line, 13. F. Cobb:Junior I-leo-Hoe, Frank B. Cole; Bojum, lii, L. Soley; Scrive-noter, George E. Merrill

; Jabberwock, G. L. Curkendaii; Cuo-

- toe:ttlan, A. W. MacKenzie; Arcanoper, James C. Walker; Gur-ion, A. Naccuaig.

. 22615 Alliren Thomas Allen, Spokane, 1,Vaaii,; superintendent

Exchange Lirtnh)er and Manufacturing Company.22616 Jolie Booty, Spokane, \Vrroii. : oalceman hiolland-Horr

Mill Company.,

22617 Henry Robert Bienen, Spoicane, \Vaoh.; traveling salee-man Marsirnll.'c,Vehis Hardware Company.

21RO David Gilenotir Black, Spokane, Waoii.; gonerrrl agentGreat Northern Railway.

22619 Earl Eugene llowmnn, Spokane, Wash.; saleornan Luell-, witz Lumber Company.

22620 Albert Waldo Brown, Grandview, \Varrir.: managerGrandviow Farci St, Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co.

22621 George Paul Buchi, Sliokale, Wash,; nalcoman Luehl.witz Lumber Company.

22622 Henry J. Burns, Spokane. Wash, ; H, J. Burns.22623 John Edward Byler, Spokane, Wash.: traveling sales-

mon Marshali-Wells Hardware Company.22624 Arthur Earl Chester, Jr., Spokane, Wish. ; lumber sales-

oran Luellwltz Lumber Company.22621 SVlliiam Charles Church, Spokane, Veoir.; secretary and

treasurer Interstate Rubber Company.

22626 Peter J. Cirkei, Rrann,rs Ferry, Idaho; superintendentflonners Ferry Lunibet' Company.

22G27 Daniel hlartkc'roon Clari', Cambridge, Idaho; preridentCrimbririgo Lumber Company.

22628 Edwin Jacluion Clough, Arlington, Ore. ; manager Ar-lington i,rtirrber Company,

22629 Janice Gilbert Conley, Noinpa, Idaho, secretary, treos.tirer turd manager Coniey l,umber CoinDany, Ltd.

22630 Loiii Prince Coonrorl, IRk, Wash, ; Coitsohidated Lum-ber Company,

22G3l H c'ward C. Culver, Sandiroint, ldrriro; prcidcnt Sand-point Lumber & Pole Coropairy.

22632 Joscpir Crtrrningirtriri, CriCitiner e. Vah, ; 'vice preøidentanti geecral Ioa1Vtgei hayward-Cunningham LumberCornpani', Spokane, t,masit,

Ezra Levi Darroow', Spoirane, Wash, ; traíllo isantigerJrlarnitnli.Welis hInrtJwrite Company.

22GB George Xavier Dimir, Spokane, \Vnsii,; trnveiing sales-ilirio Marairall.\Veiis hardware Company.

22135 Clirriles henry Doengee, 'l'hornpaon, 11oflt ; C. H.Voenge.q,

22fl35 Nomini Jtiirierr Doipir, Strokano, lVrr'rtr.; liresideirt Acmer,itinber ¿1 Timber Company.

2207 Chririrs F. l)ooloy, Spokane', Witch.; rnrts-tnr,'er EmpireIce & Shingle Company,

2538 Frc-rh Albert Drake, Coeur BAlene, idaho; salesman TheCoeur D'Alone I.rrmber Company.

2JulI John W. Dugan, hlatiidriim, librito, vice pre'ident Idahol'ina r.rriuirer Company, Fielt 1_alce, Idaho,

226iO \Viliirin flet0fl Erigrrr, C,tntrtrlia, \Vasii.; tr.'voiing sales-roan Lrtnrl'ei' altre. A gritcy,

lFG Ernn Hooch, h)eor Park, Wrtsb : vice preutebont Standardl,ttmhjer Company.

22142 William G, fliicon, LaCrando, Ore ; sceret,sry NritionalLtrirrl>er Company.

22B3 Francis Arrgliotine i"t,rrjir, Spokrine, Wash. ; 01011er BlueMorintriiti i,iirnuer & Id(g. Co , Asotin, Vnoii.

22,i4 William D. Ferite1', Spokane, Waait.; editor SpokesmanIlcvtew.

22645 Ritsaeii Ilecirirnm ireon, Spokane, IVasir,; superintendentLireliwitu i.tin)her Company.

22G4 lien-roan lt. Ficleen, \Sroodbttrtt Ore ; trereseurer AbaqusLumber Company.

22fli7 George Woeiey Pinney, Odeaca, Wash, , owner George WFiniroy lumber Company

22C,l8 Chtiio Arrgrroturr Fisher, Morow, Silabo; state timberi ntrpector,

22C,t9 John i.coriar,l Friacli, formero Ferry, Idaho; saw-millforOnait lionnora Ferry lumi,er Company.

226i0 Clarence henry Fry, Croircent, Idaho; owner Fry Tim-ber Company, ICOndricl, Idaho,

22651 CPnie'rrt Wiiliam Gamble, North Ynicirna. Wanir,; St.Pain & 'l'oCOma Lumber Cornperay, 'l'rrcoraro, Wash,

22GB George C. Geieler, h)avenport, Warb ; manager Erhwardø& tlrariforri Lumber Company

22613 Poter J. Gerirart, Weiser, Idaho, prealdent Weiser Loor-ber Company.

22uu4 Peter Lawrence Gordon. Spoicrrne, Wnoli. ; departmentrr,'iaager Mar.sirahl.Wehbs llrirdwrii e Company.

22151 l3enlaniin Jiurnilton, Post Fraile, Idaho; superintendentPoat Fahis Lumber Co.

2265r, James Petet ilanley, Northiport, \Vnsir ; J p. Ireuley.22557 Chanco h.rtray 1-Jarold, Spokane, Vnsir,; partner Be.

rncnt-Ilaroid Lumber Company,lIcuo \Vihlinm Jolis Harvey, Pocatello, Idaho; W. .1, harvey.22659 James lii. hausen, Spokane, Wasir,; general manager

J. E, Ilrirroerr Lumber Company.226V0 Jan-ice Faalirner Ilerricjç, Spokane, Wanhi. ; president

Bucireyc Lumber Company.22r,ul I.e1 Fiano Ileywood, layton, Utah; mirnager L. S. hey-

WOo(i & Sons.22612 Guy lieber ¡liii, Jr., Raker City, Ore, ; iralesarran Grande

Rorinde I.omi,er Company, Perry, Ore.2H13 William Horrean August hTo(Tmnn, Spokane, Wash.;

Orileanrirn 'ihre A. J. Petersen Lntnrhar Conipnny,lICOl Frank Allan llohhiehay, Laramie, Wyo; salesman W. H.

1-lohlirlay Co.22C Albert C. JIrigires, Spokane, Wrr'rhi ; Lamb-lDgvis Lum.

i)or Company, 1.cavc'nswortlr, Wa'rir226V6 Willirtin .Tager, Spokane', 1$/ash ; mrivager Wun. Jager.22067 Arthur D. Jeirnaonr, Conrad, Monit : vice president and

manager lairnson Lumber Company.22Gr8 Charles Ciirltian Johnson, Seattle, Wnish. ; eahesman

S. A Woods Macirinery Company, Boston, Nass.22GC9 Claude Wonicey ICetier, Mabton, Wash.; manager Cas-

erotic I.umher Company. North Ynkimnr, Wash.22070 Maxanliiian htandolpir St-inice Kern, Pendleton, Ore.;

president 'rire Iniand Empire Lrrmbor Company,22671 August Edwia Kessler, Odesea, Wash.; retail yard man-

ager E(hwarrhrn & Bradford Lirr, Co,, Hona City, Iowa.22672 Charles Borren King, Porthrnod Ore. ; traveling salesman\v. P. Finer & Co.22673 Gustav Adolph ICjosness, Spokane, Wash ; Maiøsn Lam.

ber t Mlii Company.22074 Frederick Jheery tcnostman, Spokane, Wash, : owner and

manager F. H. Knoetmon Lumber Company.





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J r,,J(n , J I man jJr. 'rS plume. \%asFi,; Cominercin I. I lit M flfl(1Lj)OJhi , I,uJs and i owa Central Itys.

2:7r 13. IroII. Spokn, WaJi.; secrdnry and tress-(_fl , t Anne I .I.ItY)ber -. 'JIlnl)er Company,

2277 1VI1 IM'I (ÌIi'n LsIn, S!)Ükøflt', Vash, ; salesman UnitedJreli \'orI,

227S O UdSald logan. 'ickna, \Wish.; salesman Grant Lum-I r Cwnpany, I is ri-i on 1(1515)

227 FrtiieJ Jsr,u's 1.)Hg, Sp(ta!1e. Wash. ; traveling salesman;i (inhiiriek I Ifin r (suijei ny.

22't I I Iii I J(IIfl J .'JI)Y, S)r)kLfl, VaaIi. ; d epartmont man-. g la riìalI '('lle lia rdss'nre Conruny.

22C1 Cit lCL U Allen I y n n, rt()Zkfl n, lnat.; VI cc resident and

t isuler FI i n t . i.ynì-i J .unhcr Comps ny,22i, , n- bald \Is c(r,I'II:I I,, Spnlui ne. \Vrieh. : district

f! igli t ageli I Oregon ]iailrceid & Navigatma Ci.22 J. 1;de-,1'l Sayro MacMai'ilI), Moscow. Idaho; manager

,us'sid I,iiiut,pr2J!e' I I J ih I). iaC\T(a fl i'uliinan, \Vash. ; yard nianager

'-1,,Jseton JÁnnl,er Coinhniy.22'.JJ Joi n ('iii ri(,: Maher, Sjiolcane, W'anli. ; traveling freight

'l geiit ( mat Neri hem Hallway.22r 1H i n.ird Gilpin i\larehall, Spokane, \Vasli.J traveling

nnl"1man Marshali-V7clla 1-Ida, Co.226,S? llarvey .lohns ltlartin, Spokane, \'ttash. ; nnwagci' Il. J.

M,tin & Co.22rJS lohn Vrancls Iderrill, I3righam City. Utah; vice presi-

($,nt Mrrlll Lumber Company.22tt9 George Allen Morrison, Rainier, Ore. ; salesman Colurn-

bi.1 hiver Door Company.22690 Edward August Moyo, Sl)Okafle, Wash. ; remidont man-

ager Maraimmill-Wella 11dm, Co.229I harry Cole Neffimer, ICila, Mont.; socreatary Enterprise

Lumber Company.22692 ClInt00 I), ONell, JCallmpnll, Mont. ; secretary and man-

fljI O'Noil Lumber Company.22r,93 Joseph lohn Owen, Spokane, Wash. ; secretary and

treneurer Owen Lumber Compnny.229 PlillUp Cryder l'aImer, North Yaklmna, \Vnmh.; Cascade

Laiinbcr Company.22r,yJ Allen N. l'osi, SImolmimnO. Wash, BerlIn 1\Jneiilnc Works.

Belolt, Win.22G9 lIcnr, Cross l'lIlIlilia, Odessa, Wssh. ; nmsager G. W.F'lnnev l,umnl,cr Company.22r,97 Charles Albert lIait, Spokane, IVasli. ; salesman UnionIron Works.22698 O Jr. l'neo, Cohille, \'maslm,; Foreman inne & l3ronoon.22G99 Vllllnm .leouings itarnoy, Nenporce, idilio; IbemoyLumber Compmoy.22700 \Vil I I s Diii login ni ¡Ha , Sl)()kfl ne, \Vaslm. ; pmaprioto, \V.i) Itni.22701 Cimam Jp l, illelairdnorm, T.othrop. Mont. ; Western Lumn-hc'r Company.227l) I'essnnt Saunders flohlnss, Hummnorville, Oro.; ownerSummimeivIlle l.Immi)sr Company Imbler, Ora.22703 Ihm ry leo Itablln. Spokane, \Vnolm. sal19mmmnhi McGokl-rIck J.iimnlmem Company.22701 Usorgo Arthur Rogers, Sl)olçrmne, \Vnali. ; Wallace-13a1-lare] Co.227o5 'l'iO'O(Jci e lm'n oh liohrig, Spaica mie, \Va el,. ; aaiesmnamm NotI -A tinnier Ui),227e8 JEune., \il C'rt lt elm, SJ)ri agilale, \rislm ; macrigor Star-blm <1 S;nv-rnlll.22707 Plu m le I tUes n i i4ey,nomi r. l'alla teli, Idri . superintendentof mili Potlatch I ,smn 1)01 Company.22708 l'orn Plujipie Simpson, Spokane, \Vasim. ; salesman Ilmill-il I !dIClIiIl5I'y Company,22709 \Vllll n ni Frai Smn ith, Kellogg, l(lahO

; part owner Smith& Neifliosli,227 1 0 \Vimi ml Id l)amm ('I ttn ri'ird , flu lehiester, \Vyo, ; saner Star-i;lrl tktw-miiill, Spm'logj5le, \\'nolm.227 I I llsu a d À i"x;i nIer Si 1of.l, Belgrado, TIommi, ; mmm nager'rIlo la'Jgrrclo Co ,, Ltd.227 1 2 \V'm m (1 (irergo ., t ol to, S olm;imie. \t'nah. ; travolhng onion-mn,m n Marolmuhl-Wolls JIC1W. Co.27l Dirk r' 'i'iiicmemio Hybra ta, \Vash.; yard manager \Val-1m ( I voihom' (omnbemmm', Startup, Vasim

2271 1 oli mm I J 'roil', Bonner, Mont . presimlen t and generalmmm:t n'gr 131g I mlsclrfnt Pl hung Company,227 1 P Fm r mi ,J nahm 'iownSen(l Shioic;mne, \Vash . dcpartmoenia Imager ,\i;i rats Il- '\'o1 Is 11dm, Co.2271 G liebem t Hrmmo Va imglma r, ICondricir, Idaho ; Owner fl, B.Va oghan,22117 \\illi un Vimiceni \V5l'd, Pom'ilancl, Oro. ; uralesman 'V. P.lrmml]er & Co,22718 Imam y Eranimms \Vayap. Simirane, UTriel. ; general sales-ma mu \t'flolringtomm Machinery & Supply Company.22fb Milton I, Wert, ?dnhton, WsaiL; mnamiager of retail yardat j1:iticjti lOam-naijor Lin. Co., t'enino. Waoh.22720 Alhom t. ihlelmard \Veot, Potlatch hioho; angisimnt oalomanager Potlatch Lmmrnher Company.22721 I)avld Jahn \Viloon, l.Oølc)lmt, immun; monager secretarymimid imeasimrer Lookout Tambor Company,22722 Hoy i \%'iloon, Spokane. Wash, ; vice president Acmet,mmnmt)pr ,Ç 'Fimober CoramIny,2272g I pomn i-d Alford \Vold, Elk, \Vnolm, traveling salesmanC onsohl(late(1 Lumber Company,Cenc,itonntlç.n No. 1527, Spolmane Woo),., February i, 1909.

Session at 'Iri 011)5g.

The first concatenation of titis Hoo1Ioo year in Canadtwas held at 'Winnipeg, \lan., on February 10 by VicegereniG. H. \\ali. Fifteen B'mCfl \vere initiated,

Tlmis concatenation was typical of those which have1)00ml lielti at Winnipeg in the past, and meicit Interest 1Hthe affaira of iloo-Hoo in Canada laas been added by BrotherWall lnce hais ofilcial position withi tile Order. fis con-catenation Wan flot only enjoyable, but had that qualitywlmich nìa(le il lnìpm'essíve both to time kittens and thosevhmo had assenibleul to see the ceremony.

Snark, G. JI, Wah1 Sonlor I-Joo-Hoo, E. D. Tnnnant; Junior1-bc Moo, W. 13, 'l'omlloson; J3ojumn, F. A. Shore; Scrivemioter.fay Sponcor; Jabhierwock, S. L, Raymond; Custocatian, J. j,Shotuvell; Arcanoper, A. IC. Godfrey; Gurdon, D. J. McDonald.22724 Ammgust lIi'Ootsdt, Winnipeg, Man.. Can. ¡ district freIghtand pnosengr agent Great Northern Railroad Ce,227N Roy "Maple Loaf" Bullen, Winnipeg, Man., Can. gen-oral freight agent, C. G. W. fly,2272G Ermmoat Franklin Gardinor, liii! Lake, Sash., Can. ; l, F.Gardlner,22727 Nlcholaus Great, Watroua, Sask., Can.

; partner GreatBros.22728 Harry DeWolfo lCm'ebs, Winnipeg, Man. Can, ; travelingsalomaran A, R, Rogers lAr. Co., Ltd. , Enclerby, 13, C,12729 Charles John Lee, Winnipeg alan,. Can, ; manager North

American Lmimnbor & Supply Co., Ltd.22710 Charles Bertram Little, Winnipeg, Man,, Can, ; secretaryWestern Retail Lumber Association.22731 Arthur Charles Egbort McElroy, Winnipeg, Man., Can.;aalosmpan North Pacific Lbr. Co,, Ltd., hlarnet, 13, C.22732 I-larry Cecil McWilliams, Winnipeg, Man,, Can. ; buyerMonarcii Lumber Company.22731 John Peterson, Winnipeg, Man,, Can.; general agentMir.ne51)aiis St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marlo ny.22731 Thomas Machcon',.ic flalsto, Ft. William, Ont., Can,;managing editar Herald Printing Co.. Ltd.22735 W. G. Smith, Ninga, Man,, Can.; partner Kilgour &Smiths,2273 Pani Ludwic Sommumomfeld, Saskatoon, Sask,, Cari. ; partowmmcr H, lì, Irvin & Co.22737 Eduvarcl Jiarold Stomsimorn, Winnipeg Man., Can. ; tray-cling saleomma Empira Sash & Doer Company.22738 John Adam Taylor, Boisseyain, Man,, Can,; manager T,Taylor Lumber Yard.Concatenation No, 1128, Winnipeg, h{an,, Can., Feb, 10, 1909.

(o(Jci aient ing at Imroololmau'cmi.

Vicegcm'ent C. A. C. Steinweg held liI first concatena-lion omm February 13, at Brookhaven, Misa,, and lt was oneof the liest meetings that the 1Ioo-Hoo of Southern Mis-911)1)1 1mayo had for a long while. Everything was care-fully Planned l)000l'ellafl(i and Brother Steinweg hail aliimie \'hicli liad liten da'ihletl in their avorio. All of themivere mesimlemits et Brookhaven

The services began with a torchlight procession, andIrohil Iliemi until tue band played "Home Sweet Home" thefin 'an fast anti furloims, The eleven candidates took ali[hat was (onuialg to timons in the best of tLyle. A medicalexamnimiatiomt, rehearsed beforehand, nearly created a slam-poile among the candidates.

Tite "Scssion.on.tlue.ROof» was held at the Hotel Inesanti Charles Haucht acted as toastmaster, Ex-Vicegerentj, Ii. Nalty relateil stories of Sorno of the old-time concate-nations, ant] BroUter W. H. Seavey, to whom VlcegerentSteinweg liad yielded lIme Snark' chair, made a, talle cover-Ing tite finiti Work of MOO-HO0. There were many speechesRitti stories before tIte banquet broke up which enlivenedthe crowd antI loado the occasion one long to be remen-bei'ed, To time si'rafns of 'Home Sweet Home," sung by everyOne, the happy crowd departed, promising to be presentat tite next Concatenation Vicegerent Stelnweg's toastat tile banquet wan as follows:

Gentlemen_I am not much on making speeches, becausenmy Dutch brogue prevents me most of the time from sayingus'iiat I wnnt to oiLy, therefore, i sin like time Irishman, "Ibrought me speech in mo pocket," and will read lt 'to you. Iwill do time best ta caver the ground, and wish to say that I


THE BULLETIN A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO 1100-rjoo.ama 'c'y preach of our cavt'mting's iaing ., 'lad ginO to see aim manyold cats and young kittens liera assembled, lt Siseaba m'olI or1100-i-bo, and o hope everyone present will feel 11ko I da, thatthe order founded on a. sedal basis may mond will ho m'futurotime a ponyor in the groat commonwealth of America, havthgthe best men and mnatcrial Itmambem-men ns its macmisers, Thelumbermoen nf today rank iiitii time boot of time Amnerican population. Time9' include bankers of high standing; lnm'ge factoryOwners; timnbom' holders amid

mosanufacturers ; maeI'hants, wholo-Salerno and remuera, and loot, limit not least, the largo army ofbrairood maI11 and wOod'ol'kers 0111cc and traveling men. Nodoubt hie lumber industm'y has boon Onu lu now a practicalschool (nr every industrious and aspiring. young man, who,paS.essod Willi tlm 'get timore Eli splm'it,' is bound to clImbto the highest rumig of the ladder to liflancial success. I-leso-1-roo im espccially oesirous for titis class of macmm and wants todraw- them through the onion bed to the gardemm on time rootto the realm of 'lime Great Black Prince, wish further toState tust tile Order of fleo-fleo has a dlstreao fund, No oneio compelled to give; the fund la theme, and anyone who feelsno inclined at any tln-0 during the year to give luis mite to-\u'ardg this fund may semmd lt to tuo Scm'l'emsoiem- 'l'ho gIver'sflame avilI be glyon 1mo the monthly Bulletin aa a receipt.N'ois', gentlemen, I have calO all I think io miecessary onthe subject of J-lo-Ho I asic you mmouu', om- amid all, to standup arid drink tIte toast I propose, ruty tonst io to our mothers,wives. sweotlmearts and damlghtora...4joa1

Long Lito and 1-Iap_piness. Drink and giro Clima Clue lfoo-JIoo salato,


matutee and lue neophyieuvero evetisable for not showing

Imp. 'rho, however, did not ICed) all \vime braved theweather that night fromum Imiaking their appearance, su-premne Juumilor IjoO'JJoo E fl, Dalbey m-an up from Chicagoto fil the chair of Junior, Though the number of Initiateshtml time atlendamice was maiali the concatenation was decldedly u, to Ilmo stanuiai In every other way.

SCorie, R, Ammdem'aon, Samlor bo-I-bo. W. Sieg; ,TtmniOrilOO-tloo, Il. I-l Dalboy; Bojos, M, C. Moore; Scrlvenotor.L. E. J1cyer Jabberwoclo, 'T. F. Nevillo; Cuatncatian, E. .Fair; Arcamtoper ii. F. Ilodgea; Guidami, it c Wilnmartli22719 Aj.'ui I-bury Cook, Milwamiiçee, \Vis , oditorial mepicuemi-tuitivo Moyer News Semvic Company.22750 Jol5n Loimlo libyer, I\4ilms'ammlcee, Win ; mtmnriging editorJnin'nal Company,22701 Gordoii Day Slmnonds, ltllluvaumlceo, WI's 0080ciata editorPuucleages Ptubllslulmmg Company.Comteatenntton No, 1910, Mllvç'rmmuiçso WIn , Februnty 13, 1909,

''eiy Ti iu& at (iramiui Itmi1ui,Is.

Oua of tli best concatenations that Michigan luna hadin YCItIS s'Ims imeld at Grand RapIds on the evening of Fob-l'uitry 1t, uy Vicegei'ent Jeff B. \Velui There wa a largecrowd presant and tIme tlmirtyecven kittens amado ump thlargest clasi that tub State ha brought into Moo Roo ilgitt

- ,'4noI, iOAt'll), FlICJj PliiiltUAlty io'('lie ultimi a li tile to (lie lilI in (lierrouit row willi it cull) 00 to Vi cegeremit lull li. \Vehb,

uuiuuiermehioae sIul)ervigl(mn timecommcuitcmuuii iomi mum to hiil,

Sna.m'hu, W. Il, Soavoy; SenIor lIoo-1-loa, J. B. Nalty; Juniorll00-1-loo, C. A. C. Steinweg; Ilojum, D. K. Clippinger; Scrive-noter, s. ai. Shrader; Jahijerwocli E. McCormick; CuatocatianE. Grafton' Al'eanoi)or rL NJ NaRy; Gordon, Charles Rendo.'' 22739 Elgan S3'lvamutms Cox, l3rookluaven Miss, ; buyer Central' Lumber Company.22740 Clou-les Edgar Ga'.'ufiomi, Brooloiraven Rias,; C. E.Graftomm,'-

22741 William Dacio Griihlag, Brookliat'en hIlos. ; Central'el.tmmaber Company,j

22742 'WaIler l,e Guess. Brookimavemi Miss. ; hart Ownar W.,.-'--. L. Cuico.s.22741 Abraham Webster Fiait, Brookhaven, Mini..; tuporin-

tendent shippIng- dopartPearl River Lmumniier Co.'4e 22714 Virgil Rotin I-lartzog, Silver Creolc, Miau.; part owner


llartang & Longino Lumber Company.-

22745 Roacee Jamar Longino Silver Creole, Miso,; part owner


lIartzeg & Longino,2274i; Leu-i Rohemt Idoi'rjs,, ì'itiss,; buyer 1. R.Morria, Chicago, III,227.17 Thomnas Belog Poets, Bogalasa l.a.; Great SouthernLmmmbnr Comuparny,'

22748 Estes Cornelius Smith, Broehuhiaven Misa,; oc. C. Smith.F.ife 16 Charles Edm'am'eJ herd, Brooloimaven, Miau.; sales- manager E. N. L. h M. Company.Condatonatlon No, 1529, Broekhavemm Miss,, 1909,'s


A Ial I kmltt'rf4,re(l.

Seven or eIght candidates Imad been scheduled for theconcatenation lucid by Vicegerent W. R. Anderson, of Mli-wamikee, on February 13, but Only three arrived. The ex-CUSes of some of the candidates as to why they failed tomake their appearance at the last moment wilen they contend the ciements interfered are not acceptable to Hoo.Roo, but there was a howiing blizzard that night in Mil.

foi' years. Time class was one to be l)loUd of fromim a qualityStltmidpolrat.

'l'ho ßUCCt of hie occanjoli Vicegerent Webb magnani.motisly givea Ovem' to those 'wits assisteti him in the prep-aratlolls bei'om'eimamitl and a nimio (lint worleemi upomi timenovices that nlglmt. For Sevelal days before the coacate-nation a coammlttee Composed nf George Sweet, Fred An-di'otvs, \Vililam Cowhisliam', Pi'eoton Rico, Charles McQue-wan, Preti Vericerke, \Villlan-uBoland, Theo, Schneider, J. F.Quigley, Carl Schneider and Stphe Rathbtmn, tise latterof Battle Creek, worked omit Ilmo evening's programme andhad everything In readiness. Not a detail bmlt had lucenarranged when the Snarle yIeimie the Snark's chair to ex-Supreme Arcanoper L. E. Fuller, anti Supreme Junior iloo-1-loo E. H. Dalbey filled the role of Jminlor. Timo Initiationwas Imelul in tIm Presa I-JaIl, and a Dmmteia lundi was servedat the Livinigoton liotel. Aftei' the "Session-on tlae-]taof"was Completed clevem' boxing bnmmts were given by "Kid"Morman versus lack Langtry (three rounds), amid "Young"Briscoc versus Ted Morris ( three rounds) ami the starbomit of the evening between Kid Curry and Johnny Wirth,the latter the featherweight

champion of Michigan,Snark, L. il. Fuller; Senior Baa-I-too, G B lhookmvood;Junior IlOo.JJno E, II. Dalbey; Bojum, It. S. Wooldridge;Scrivenotor Gen, p, Sweet; .Tabi)nrmvock Geo M. Gotshall;Custocatlan Jag B. Webb; Areaxuopnr, Was. P. VivIan; Gurdon,S. j, flathbun.

22752 Charles Jooph Ashtotm, Deirolt, Mich ; sale9man Ad.vanee Lunuiisr & Shingle Conmpimny,






U 3




i I












i i



\V1b r (1IfforI liartklt, Vyoinlng, O.; aIe3 managerJ J Wlborg & Jianna Co. Cincinnati, Ohio.

227i;4 Chri Ely Bondy New York, N. Y.; salesman Wan.i. Marhali. :

27:; linhert lliClWfy Jrown, Detroit, Mich,; salesman Cityiu;nb.r Company. -

\\'Jil m ilCflFy Jflrao. Fremont. 1.1ich, ; vice president11(1 lnaflag( FnrnQnt i.umber & Fuel Company.

227:7 iìc CiinrioU (oiiøirn, Ciinric.tte, -iiciì.; partner(",iorn-i'uitc,n lumber Company.

227 Li)i Lin Croriuiti. Grael 1apid Mich.: salesmanNiholo & Cc. lumber Company.

'27Í Mirew. Auctin Loly, Munising, Midi.; 'ice presidentaed rJanager Suierior Veneer Cooperage Company.

2275 $t(Jhul) Grövei Iardiey, Grand Rapids, Mich. ; S. G.E.i i hey.

227cl John Milton F(l(1y, horton, Mich.; manager E(1(ly & Son.27C2 N(i(I) (nhtonwm,i Engieman, Cleveland, O,; salesman

'I he Nimia, Stone & Myers Co.22e (iiui hi(n! y P'rinie. Harbor Ben cli, Midi.; president

uiti general nsnnhiger Cies. H. Frnme.227i (lin IICC ltol)ert ]nrrett. Grand Rapids, Mich.; salesman

Crests City Sioli & Poor Cømpnny Miiwanicce, Win.227C AI()Iit,(I1(1 \Vorry Gibbs. Grand Rapids, Mich.; partner

Gibhq, unii & Alien Co.227O itritce 'i'kkied Grcn, Cadillac, Mich,; salesman Wil-

harm hirns Co.227C Geage Wihiatd Green, 131g Rapids, Mich. ; partner Jones

2271g Joepl Silke 1-larehiton, Grand Rapids, Mich.; inspector(111(1 hoyer Var-a Keuion.Willrenson lumber Company.

227G9 Albeit h'nual' flartiey, Pigeon, Mich.; partner PigeonPinning Mill Company.

277O \Vhhlnrd Thorny Iiniier, Grand Rapids, Mich. buyer Shiose Case Company.

22771 WillIam hirnry I<ithle, Grand Rapids, Mich.; salesmanStiles Ilroo, Co.

22772 Etho,ird Martin Lnegelnnd, Muskegon, Mich. superin-iondeot Larigeinnii Manutacturing Company.

22173 .Jooeph Patrick Mcllugh, Grand Rapids, hlicii.: salesmanlouisiana Jted Cypress Company, New Orleans, La.

22774 Gesigo Karr McT.1uilen, Grand P.aplds, Mich, presidentasti manager i'IcMulien Machinery Company.

22776 Fred Martin Mutvaoy, Ynncommver, 13. C,, Can.; F. M.Mulvany, - -

2277G William Iknmy Peek, Finstings, Mich.; -manager Tom-ihimoon Ltmmmii,er Company.

22777 Edward Feoti Perkins, Grand impido, Mich.: salesmanG. rl, Veneecr Works.

22778 J()scpim John flcblioiz, Portage, Wia; salesman Falls!dachilne Company Cheboygan Falls, Wis,

22779 Sydney R, flumimel, Detroit, Miela, ; salesman Itussel\'iimesi & Foundry Company.

22780 Gcomgo l)nimgim'ms Sioclair, Grand Rapido, Mich. tress-tirer Valley City l,umber Company.

227th l.VihlIe hii' Smith . Grand Rapids, Mielo; saiseman 'l'hoSteam mio Company,

22782 1 lerI,ert Eugene Sthie, Grand Rapido ., Mich.; salesimmanG, lt lumber Comnpony.

2278a Tlnitrund Jneplm 'TollSt, Grand Rapido, Midi,; salesmanil M. Schornotcis,

22784 Corneibuo hilartin Vnnden Boo, Grnn(i Rapids, Mich.:salesman Fuller & Itice Lumber & Manufacturing Co.

22785 1-lormy Aaron Webster, Eaton Rapids. hlch. : member oflirai li i'. \Veoter ,t Sons.

227t6 flsvmunil Allied \Veilnvmmm, Grand Itaphis, Mich.; sales.oman Meicem .Jremlos lumber Company.

22787 ilarie '\Vimiteiiecm d' IViddicomb, Jr., Granmi Rapids,Mich, Harry VViilclicomb, Jr.

22788 Archibald V Wright, Grand Rapids, Mich.; salesmanFuller t Rice I,umher & Manufacturing Company,

Comiratenailon No 1531, Grand Rapids, Mich.. February 10, 1909.

. l'i pmo 1Z 4'('iimmg at i;'IImmNvl Ile.

Time Scrivemioter has received timo following story of theconcatenation held by Vicegerent George T. Member, which\vas so ilOial)lO in every omay that already there

is talk or

imo!mling another at this center:

On the night of Jammary 20 we held one of the finestCOflC(iten,ttlons list lias ceoe been meld in the city nf Evans.suie, FnlIrt('efl pmmrl>linml kittens ecre brought to light andbeheld time l,eammtleq of Fleo.11ooclom, nni this day will longbe rememsi,ered in' ¡mot only time young 1-loo-liso but also bysii mimo sveme fortimn,i(r' enough to he in attendance.

Evaroviiio cerialniv did herself proud at this concatenation.Timers ç'oq rot a cingle candidate ocho was miet satisfied withwhat he got

After the initiatory sereices we adjourned to time root,where n Blilcim iuncn svaos served, We were Inileed very sorrythat it 'moss inipnsoil)le for 95mm to be with us boit no this isjust the ntflrt of the asval-ccning of f-leo-I-leo in Evansville, an-

ticipating these events quite freQuently, WO trust that at ournext meetiaam you may be able to be with us. -

Wc liad, however, the pleasure of having with us one natime Suprenu Nine, Mr. W. R. Griffin, Custocatian, who reo-dered valuable mmssistanco in time initiatory work and pre-sided as Snark of the Universe, - -

Snark, 'W, R. Griffin; Senior Hoo.Hoo, Jima. 19, -Gatewood:Junior Hocs-Jieo, C. L. Beck; Bojum, L. E. Fuller; Scrivenoter,J, W. Robertson; Jabbc'rwock, E. D, Luhring; Cmmstònatian, G.T. Meimmzer; Arcanoper, A. E. Ahrens; Gurdon, 'W, IC. HaIl.22709 "HoratIo" Frank Aiioway, Clay, Ky.; partner AIlowny

Bros.22790 Lomis Albert Atkinson, Tray. md.; manager Troy Lumber

Company.22791 William i-Ienry J3imitman, Evnmmsviiio, led.; salesman Ev.

.nm'msvllie Sash & Door Compammy.92792 William C. Butler, Owensboro, Ky. ; salesman Davies

County Planing Mill Csmpany.22793 1-lone-v Frederick Clarke. Omaha, Iii. ; proprietor Norris

City Lumber Ynrd, Norris City, MI.22794 Olivpr ¡huleo Ciam'ke, Norris City, III. ; proprietor Norris

City Lumber Company,22195 David Jerome Daniele, Springilnld, ¡Ii. ; salesman Sawyer

& Austin, Pine Bluff, Aria,22796 John Clarence Greer, Eeonsville, lad.; salesman Fed.

eral Stavo A Lumber Company.22797 1-lenry 'Bmmzzsaw" Koilicer, Jr., Evansville, lad.; Me.

chonies Planing Miii Campany.

\ J


::' :

Gm-:ommo;m- 'r. il i: mznmm, of iBammsviiie,

Vieegeremit for thefiommtlmerim T)istrict of indiamma, mimose rect'mit ouct'eOsumjlconcatemmatiomm is reilorte(i herewiitm. iirotImer Meirmuer s'as horn Aprii 10,iDa ; about ei gut 3'caro ago he emmiered tito time sash mmmiii d ocr Icmoimmess istilo traveling saieoiiiami foi- time A noon-liixomi Sash di Door Comoi,amiy, of lii-diamiapoiis. hi 1h05 lie nos Semit to Evaiisviiie by that frima la eues up ibrauch house i n time iillmiie oh the Evansville Sash & Door Co., a iiosihiomi ii i'stili imoids with croft to itiemseif lind to the emilerprise.

22798 Oliver Martin McA(oos. Whitington, iIi.: mr aager C. J.McAfocm & Son.

227:19 John Martin Schmaus, Jasper, md. ; parti. ' 'i- Schaaf &Schuacs,22800 Martin Lafayette Tippy', fesser, III. : manager Walker& Sumoers,22801 Robert Barker White, Boonvhlle, Jod. : Jwaer 10. Ii, WhiteLumnher Company,22802 McNaro' Nightridor" \Vyatt, l-Ienilerson, Icy.; salesmanR. S. Ambrose,Concatenation No. 1032, Evansville, lad. January 20. 1909.

'Vweis'o More for W'i't irgiimi5.

- Vicegerent J, C. Walker pulled oft another concatenatimo at Charleston, W, Va., on the evening of F'ebruary 19.

The ceremonies were held at tue Elks Club, 'The attendance was large and the meeting a most enthusiastic ont.Twelve candidates got a full portion of retribution fordwelling so long In the darkness outside of I{oiHoo lanti.Brother O. F. Payne, as Junior, filled his station admirably



and kept the tun going from the time th kittens entered %i*imiimIiiesImot (ìieaì mit Banquet.the onion bed.

Vicegerent Johii IC Fergtason arranged a concatenationSnark, .1. C. Walker; Senior 1-ioo.Hoo, W. li. Wells; Junior to timo v1tli tile fourth embuaI meeting of the Retail Lum.Hoo-lioo, O, F. l'ayne; Dojum, Geo. A. Zeigier; Scrivenoter,

ber Dealers Association of West Tennessee and Kentucky- W. C. Barker: Jabberwock, tOugh Stewart ; Cimstocatlun, .los.

. Webmie; Arcsnoper, W. i-l. Dafiron: Gurdon, W, L. Savage. and ho liad eoi'raiicd a cinas of eigimteen for tilo entertain.22801 James Floyd Bailey, Fayettcville, W. Va,; proprietor ment, TIae ceremonies were held at the Red Men's Hail- J. F. BaIley, -

- 22804 Amusdus Wnikem' lIarnos, Avoca, 'W, Va.; assistant and itere soimie new anni unique stunts were pulled o andonusager C. L. Rittnr Lumtier Company,the Icittetas fuiiy realizeil what an arduous taue it was to. i 22805 Ephroim Doolittie Criss, Gassaway, W, Va.; 11. D. Cries. become a full gloso cat. Of the banquet which followed22906 Edgar Sugli Crouch, Masseyville, W. Va,

; hart owner- - Munktn & Crouch, tim concatomiation tile Paciucaim Sun says-

22807 Robert 0-ludson Dickinson, Fayettoville, W. Va. ; R. 1{.-s

! Dickinson, Scarboro, W. Va, Tho moot unique amid nitogethem' enjoyable banquet ever given-,

: uuoo Oiva Guy Siliott, Vaughan, W. Va. ; part ownei' and in Padimcnli-smmd according to a'hitiag lumnberimmen, time bestsuperinteadont of mnnnilfactUrlfl %Vest Virginia lumbermmmenoc h.imiqmmet-wos the title well earned by timo en-

22811 William Amebroso Porter, Swiss, W. Vs.; generai mlifl- The sUrplt90 lestai e was a vnmmdeviile 51105v, which was

Timber Company, Charleston, W. Va, - tertalamnent iaot nIght nl tilO' Palmer flouse, ciron by th22009 John Wolty Fitu, Chariestou, \V. Va. salesman Fricic local JIoo-Jloo to time West Temmnr'soee mild iCemitucicy RetailCompany, Waynesboro, Pa,Lumber Dealemo' Asncilition A imangliet follonved time concat22810 Stepiiemi Waitem' Pillsbury, Ji'., ivydale, W. Va. ; partnerenation,C. F, Pillsbury & Dro.

' age Fyinn Lumber Company.presented avlsils time gileoto So'C'rO drinking timir coffee. A stage22812 I-Tomer Augustus Seii, Colcord, W. Va,

; partner, 1.enn had been erected cit time oostlm siclo of the dining room and therT,

Lumber Company,Ilerfornmem's fiomn time Star theater Svere engaged.22013 Ruftis Sutpimin, Oak l-1111, W, Vn. : Dnrtner Mlliiicin & Hvery detail of the entertainment was carried omit per--,

o' -

fecOy, STImI time local lumnbem'men arid the l'ninaer House man--

22814 John Morton Trmiirip, Oak 1-lili, W. Va. ; pam'tmmer NankinLumoller Company, agement dimO In foi tue illgilc"ot pm'oise from the visitors. Prof.i_

Concaenntiee No, 1513, Charleston, W. Va,, February 19, 1909. M01i' orcho'stia l)luyecl na e.cellont repertoire during the

itoo.lii,o ocstuMisssimri'n (iiI tul,repast,

- The concatenation of Vicegeront E. L. Roedci'er hold atk- Jefferson City, Mo,, on Fobruary19 was a good one, for -


: even the Vtcegerent himself considers it "a very aatlg-L factory one viewed froto every otandpoint," Tuis is the

--'T- first concatenation ever held in .Tefforson City, and the tizne;:

was selected on account of tile meeting of tilo CintraI Luca.

7 ' - "'ber Dealers Association, bloat of the new members came


: from flic nielnbersiiip of this association,.- : 'Plie «Seosion'oa.tiieRoof» following the concatenation ,


--was a joint one with the Lumber Dealers Association and - , -,

- -- - was the happy idea of Brother Louis Ott, secretary of the: association and Senior Hoo'FIoo at the concatenation, The

banquet was quite an elaborate affair' arid will comparefavorably with any feast of the hind that lles been given ''

,, at Jefferson City in some time. ' ,

-.1The Homi'Hoo candidates, appropriately costumed, were


- : led through the corridors of the Madison Hotel. Then . , K,L


there was a parado through tice central streets of the city. .,o

-- -b01 Supreme .Arcanoper Burt J. Wright filed the office offJunior Hoo-Hoo, and his handling of the kittens was origi.

: nal and entertaining and especlaily impressivo to tilo can! didates. At the banquet Brother 'Vright also acted as Liiiii, 10teotii,,ii.: toastmaster and in turn neáriy every one seated at the ° tuca SiiL'rmill Itilsoeli hiimuii io , l'liiilii'itii, 1C3'., elioI

aetii is Ilibbera mmdc at time rem'('mit i's(imlclilt cou-

references were made to tIle coming annual at Hot Springs, \Veoicmmm flietrict of lCemiiiiek3

. banquet board was called upon. During the speeches many i'iili'mniiioa, smimi ii'iiii is Oli ex'Vii'm'gercmit t)i

which showo the interest of Hoo-Hoo in tilts section lii'My Oid I(entmmcicy Moine. " the Sm'ords of which were- this meeting and their desire to make it a record breaker printed on tilo menu cards, was sting when the orchestrafor the Order, played it, and mit the conclusion of tile vauflevilie program, Mrs.

Andre-mrs sang time seise and time diners joined in on timo chorut,Snark, E. L. Roedorer; Senior lJos-Hoo, L. L. Ott; JuniorHOo-iIoo, B, J. WrIght; Bojum, W. J. Clark; Scrivenoter, Vicegoront J. K. Feiguson presided over the feast withChao, B. Floyd: Jabborwock, F. J. Porter; Custocatian, F. O. grace and tact, and iccpt tliiilgs moving, so that timore was notArcanopor, E. N. Wood: Gmmrdon, O. 'W. Bright. a dliii moment from beginning to end.: 22010 William Arthur Dromgold, Versailles, Mo. ; imartner Those who responded briefly to tonats wereAntweller & Dronigold.

S. C. Ewing, of Nashville; A. H. Landrarn, of Cimicago;2201G Julius Gutnian, Jr., Eurela, Mo. ; owner Julius w. . Gailigami, of Corinth, Mies.; J. H. Fairciotli, of luka,Cutiano, Jr.22817 Edavnrd 'Sugar" Layno, Ottereille. Mo. ; Edward Layne. Miss. ; Earl Palmer, of Pndlmcah, and W. H. Scanlan, of Kent.2281f Fleming Miles Marshall, Blackwater, Mo.; proprieton' wend, La,

Marshall Lumber Cenapany. Snark, Jno, IC. Ferguson; Senior Boo-I-Too, 11. 8. Welis;22819 Polin F. Meyer, Clarimslsurg, Mo. ; owner J. F. Meyer JunIor Hoo-Hoe, A. M. Foreman; Bojen, C. L. Seda; Sony.Lumber Company.22825 Clifford 000rge Scruggo, Jefferson City, Mo.; assistant enoter, Earl Palmer; Jabberwoek, Luke Russell; Cestocatlan,

mammoger Philitp, Ott & Son, J. R. Siloffner; Arcanoper, B. lid. Wakefield; Gurdan, W. L.22521 William Allen Stark, Centertown, Mo. ; partmmer Smith Scott.& Storia.22822 Benjamin Robert Stevens, Busselivilie, No, ; partner 22825 Berry Willard fliaiock, Mayfield, Icy ; salesman and as-Hunter & Stevens. sistant secretary Mayficid Planing Milis.22823 William Jesse Wonidrimigo, Wooldridge. Mo.; proprietor 22829 Willoughby Newton Broclienborough, Evansville, lad,;W. J. Wooidridge. traveling salesman Wen, J. Frye Manufactening Corn-22524 Homer Russell Yown, Barnett, Mo, ; partner. Yows & puny, St. Louis, Mo,,

Proctor.22827 Samuel Cecil Ewing, Nashville, Tenn,; associato editorConcatenation No. 1134, Jefferson City, Mo., February 19, 1909. Southern Lumberman.





















22-2h Jni flc,rlwrt 'i!Clûth, !ukn Us.; secretary adtra.u?r LumI)e Company.222 IIIU Fnr<un, (:ibn. Tino; vIce praJdent and general

mnag(r Obo Cooperage Company.22 (ìro,g Oflphnnt Friedel, plcmI,ho. ]'enn.; proprietor

(Ilorgo l'timiel Jnntr & ManUtacturIng Company.22eI WthI,n lCiiward GalUgan, Corinth. pilos.; manager

NolUi MIOISCitpl Lmnbor Company.2232 Thoniuo 1-lampto jolooton, l308ton, ICy. proprietor

TiÚo lj. JO)ilmton, $harpe, I(y.22h33 Roiø n Jom', Controlla, III, sobornan J. J, Nowman

LtlflÌb(1' (JOflMIjy, 11attIeourg, MI0.224 Airnin I', KoInkr.r, Memplilo, Toen. nalenman Crane

(_onI I''fl, ('iiIci go, BI.223 À n (lt (W J liiheili T,iIuI ra ni, Chicago, il, private encre-

t LT V t i the II iriuIcan22S Si,LVI ZBaII Paducali, 1Cc. IIl!nhjer noaleoman Ferguson

lalmer Co.22P? IJu y llastingo Jticlìartleon, r'duct , ICy., trn\'ellng

aInnînaiì PIttslurg StqeI Company. Jitiehurg, Pa.22c:ts CIatnce Aminen Scliumnnn, Jackeor Mino.; preSIdent

noiI mariner Yojiaw l'me 1unt,er Company.Jtigsrnon Slierrill, l'aiiocah, Ky, Droprletor Sherrili-

KIng Mill & LllmI)er Company.22Sjo Grover 'l'reno, r3enton, Ky.; flÌfllgor 'Irme Lumber

Company.22t4 Lawrcnc Abraliara W:trci. Olilon, 'Fçenn.; proprietor L.

A. \Varei.22842 John Matthew Wiliceroon Chattaneog Tone, ; traveling

saleemnn T)ixie l'ortie ed Conient Comj)any,Coi-icntcnation No. l35. Pn(Iocah, By., Fobrunry IO. 1909.

(h Ioigo'o (,Ilcat oliut

Vicegetent Smirk Francia L, Johnson, Jr., go tip anlinugiolly e11j03'al>Ie concntenatlon for the evening of Wed-flestjoy, F'chriiary 17 tine first day or the annual meetingof tuo Illijiok reicHere. It was Vicegeront Jolinsone firsteffort tinco his appoiiitrnent 50(1 lt was voted a most cred-itabjo event in every way. Owing to some inexiolfeablereason Chicago lien nover ieen noted for its large I-Too-

I-Too claseet anti willi sixteen canididateg titis concatena-tien ranks among tito IMOSt. Since the foundation of tine1-loo-lico Order in 1892, ChIcago has Wltfle990(i thirty-fourconenienations, eight of which teere during 1893, tine yearof tito World's Fair, It may be intcrestlg to Itnow thatthe irtrgest concatenation ever held in t11s city was thatat lijo lino lloo Annual last September, when forty kittenstook their medicine, Plie next largest waS February 16,1891, alien there vero tliirtyeight candidatee, In ali, 405caintifjates lieve been initiateti at Chicago concatenations,making an average of lees litan twelve to each session.Vicegcrent Johnson had sixteen candidates February 17and therefore itas reason for congratnlatio on being abovethe ancrage. Ile is also to be credited with arranging foront' of lite most pleaeurabie of any held in recent yearsanti nvnq the recipient of many well (leser-yeti comi)iinlentsfor tite sticceso of his first meeting.

Chanco D Rourke, former Snark of tine Universe, filledlite station of .Ittnior I1o(JJlOO and made the hit or tineevening, Benonti any vittention, Mr. flourke proved him-ecif tite iteqt Tttnhor se'n in bese parts since Max Send-lt ei hier i oft,

After I ite ceremonies an appetizing ittineineon was served-a Ihn iloper ninth tite hour was late beforet he alioli cimeti, yiregerpttt Snark .Toitnso Is one of thePailletÉ mettobers of tite Order In Chicago, having joinedIn \!tti'vit, 1191. lie is a ittintier not Only an a businessman, ititt an a tiiember or tite IIOo-IToo Order, and has('alneti the mnfltience aitti icepect of tite trade, For- agood ntany years ito traneacteti a witolenale iuniber corn-floission business ne tine itead of the firm of Johnson &Edwards, anti two Yenr ago termed a connection withC, ID Smith (Coritie) and tito firm Is now Smith & John.non, wIlli offices in tite Stock Exchange.

Snath, L E. Fuller; S'nior iloo-I-joo, i-I, j, Hiiher: JuniorHoo-jioo, C D. Ronrite; 1loJtttn, Pijes. M. MeGlii; Scrivenoter,E y-j Dofebnttgit Jttt)I)Cr\vock I. McCauiey; Cttstocntian, A.n- 1.,cwit, Arcunoper, 13, Stivei-inan; Gurden, ri. sentit.

22143 Joseph Frank Berthold, Aurora, Iii,; secretary Soï.Nivis00 Lumber Company.22844 Frank Joseph Douchard, Chicago, Iii.; Interstate D-upatch J,Ino,22815 Arthur Weiher Dryce, Edinburg, Iii.; manager The uH, Pa,j,Jocit Lumber Company.2284G Otto C, lleotcr, Chicago, IIi. ; partner Mooney & Buet r.22817 Joeeph T'rank Erihoff, Chicago, Iii. ; manager SÒUth SiLunthor Company.22849 Gee I-T, rraitzen, iTimhurst, 1i, partner I-Tamlnes-cilmidt

& 11'ranzen,22819 Omar James llantan, Couíee, lii. manager O, Pai-dock Lumber Company,22890 Fred Jtj(rüd Joitneon, Chicago, Iii.; saiesman PalnoLitinb01' Company, Ltd., Oohkoeh, Win,22951 Aionzo Lockwood Jonce, Barry, lii. ; owner A. L. Jones.22852 Joitn Mooney, Chicago, Iii. ; rartner Mooney & Bueter.22853 WillIam Cottfricd Nyman, Oak Park, iii.; traveling salee-man Trtte & True Co., Chicago, Tif.22051 Huron Herbert Smith, Chicago, Iii,

; dendroiogis FichiMueeum National History.22805 Peter 1-carl Tattrath, Chicago, Iii. ; salesman Souti SitieLumber Company,22855 Daniel Green Throne, Chicago, iii.; city saiesma AcmeSteel Goods Company.' ,

22857 Wiiiiarn John Wityte. Chicago, Iii, salesman E. L.Roberts & Co.22558 Nat F. Wolfe. Jr., Chicago, Ill.; saiesnnan Hllgar Lun-ber Company.Concatenation No. 1035, Chicago, DL, February 17, 1909.

_,% nhliliti C,flCIttCIIl(LlO fl ut TftIflJ)IL

For some time lt itas been the custom of tite Hoo-Hooof Sotithern Florida to have one big annual concatenation,and V1cegeron r. A. Bartho1onew decided on February20 as tine date for this year's eeting. Describing theaffair the Tampa Daily Times says:

Tito coacatenateti ortier of JiOO-joo held their fifth annualConcatenation and banquet in Tampta Saturday night. The con-catenation was held in the Elks' lodge roen, and the banquetwee nerved at Morris' restaurant. 'Titen was a large attend-ance of lovai members and quite a nunober of visitors, anti itWas pronounced by ail present by far the best concatenationOver hold by th Order in the State. Fifteen "kittens" wereinitiated, anti What tito siti hinche cats did to them -was apiottty. Tite .5O, ion began at 9 o'ciocic with Snark L. A.Bartholomew presiding and ali the Other Officers in their places.A itaaky ttntl experienced team baa charge et the work, antitroni tho timo t1-5 bttnclt et kittens was driven among tino oidcato ttntii their eyes overo pronounced open three lteUr laterit wan "one cofltinuous t-sund of pleasure"-for the ol cats,titotigit it Is doubtful if tite kittorus enjoyed tine experience,l-Iowevor, titoy ore consoieti by tite anticipation that a yearhence thoy will eo others ptit through. Au passed throughtito trying ordeal5 gamely, and elton tito mysteries et tite OrderWore fully explained to them ali were pieaeeç] and proud oftheir membereitip,

lt wa't nearly inidnlgltt when the session ended, and thecats marciteti (lown to Morris' rostaursnt, uttering the po-cuiler cry nf the Order at fretsent intervai as they passedtitroagh tite ntreto, 'l'la cats Itaci mitiro possession of thereotaurant ditring the banquet, wlì ich lasted from midnight111111 2:30, 'rite veinaIt was an follows:


Amnrowt Cocktail, a la Bartholomew.l3altimore Au Bentooy

Cciery. Qitnen Oiive. Pickles,Consomme Dutcitess, a la Jetten.

Filet of llalibttt, Rlt O'Sltoa,Sauterne (Dupont).

Chicitca Croquettes, Quneit Fritters, a la Tufts.Claret llarques do Riscal,

i.a,'ded Tenderloin Jartlinos aux Detwiler,Salad, a la llalclrick,

8-4 Neapolitan Ice Cream.Cream Cheese and Guava Paste,

Rieche Coff5o. Jose Villa Cigars.Tite pretty little Htingarian girls who are singing anddancing at the Orphoum sang and danced in tine banquet hail,

to tite great pieaettre of tito oid Toms, who applauded thereboisterously,

After tite COiTee Serafin Sanchez as toastmaster called OTa number of members several of Whom responded with -witty,eieqtient and interesting speeches. One ordinarIly very sedate




gcnt1e5n favored tite audleecu with a Song and another ro-cited a poem--loath acquitting tlsemselv very creditably,The 1909 concatenation will long be remembered with pleas-uro by ail who were present,Snark, L. A. Bartlnoloraw; Senior Hoo-Urs, T. G. Hutch-Inson; Junior JJtto-Hoo, fl p, Conoiey Bojum, F. J. O'Hartt;Scrivenoter, H. M. 1-lunt; Jsbborwocic, J'. l-X. Dotwiler; Custo-catian, Detwilor; Arcansper, A. H. arcFttrlan; Gurdon,Semfin Sanchez,

22869 William Lewis Blooks, Tampa, Fia. ; assistant managerJJOwllng Lumber & Export Company.22960 Citanos Henry Brown, Tampa, Fia. ; secretary andtreasurer Tampa}Javana Lumber Company.22861 William Patrick Ciarie, 'l'ampa, FIa. ; manager of branchTampa I'Idw. Company.22802 James ilebert Dohle, Tampa, Fia. ; secretary and treas.airer Ingran-Dokia Lamber Company.22863 'Waiter Peyro Gaihias-ti, Tampa, Fia, ; traveliñg salesmenKnight & Wall Co.22804 'X'Jiomns Chamiters I-Joli, Tampa, Fia. : senior paitnerJ-1511 & Biglini, Keystone Park, Fia.22869 Clytle Edwin Hiito, libren, Scia. . saw mill owner E.O. 1-Jilton & Soom Lumber City, Ga.22066 WIlliam Harry I-rope, Fivay, t'la. ; traffic msnagerAripeka Saw Mili5,21867 Truman IIonclorson King, Ehren, Fia. ; partner ICing,t Register, Bruns0eiek Ga.22868 lames Tifliam MOore, Fivay, Fia. : assistant managerplaning mili, Aripeka Saw Mill Company,22869 Olatido Campbell Tampa, Fia.; proprietor SimsI.Unober Company'.22870 iAïiiilano Francis Snecti, Lakeiand, Fia, ; member of firmSouth Florida Consirtictien Company,22871 Tetarcus Elliott Sperry, Fivay, Fia, ; stties managerArlpeito Saw Mills,22872 ltol)ert Edward liflsjtehurnt Tampa, Fia, ; managerTampa-Havana r.,umioer Company,22871 Geot'ge Citambers Ivyland, Tampa, Fia.; salósmanCarnet-en & l3arleOoy,Coitcaton,.je No. 1537, Tampa, Fia., February co, 1909.

big ConcI5 eatitic,n ut Otobiio.

The following IfltOi'esting account of tine big concato-nation held at Mobile, Aia., February 20 Is sent The Bui.iotin by Brother Il. T. Culver:

Ed Gaines, Vlcogoi-on Seark for the Southern District ofAlabama itt the groat and mystic Order of }Ioo-J'Ioo, presidedet tho largo cOflcatoflfltiolt hehl in tile auditorium of tite Battleliouso last night.l"Jt'st in the Ordor of tito proceedings was the attractiveperade throttgit the main streets of tito city, incltidiag In Itscourse the loitbics of tito BaLtic I-tonne and tilo Cawthon 1-lotel,

witere crotetle et intei'eted indios end gentlotnen greeted theltlflhtstng pageant,'ni8 parade formed at tite Battle 1-Iottac at 9 minuten and9 seconds after 9 o'clock, 'lite unwasited and purblind itlttens

overo outfitted with wide stiate hats anti vitito overalls, andovero bound togeliter In a long litio, a One-inch rope on eachside of the line being tied aratlnti tito arms of each kitten,Precluding ali pasalbility o their forgetting tito benefits toita garnered in tito noter futtite. 'l'lieso kittens were guidedthrough tile streets by tite olileers of tite concatenation, whomade it titeit' business to See titat they "stopped ltigln," alsodid Various Other stunts betndlicial to the 1-leaitit, IIapjtinessaittl Long' Lito of the oltior cato, 'ritese cate wore robed itt redgowns, vitit rod floods covering tttlt' heads, maclung tws andtwo; tite p:ttade pttosittg throtigit tite i)riliiantiy lighted anti doc-ortted Streets added to the Mardi Grtts attractions, and thelino of tnarch wan lined with curious spectators

Whoa tite parade had returned to tito Battle lieuse, andseveral hearty lino-I-bo Clteers wore given In regulation etylo,tite party repaired to the auditorium, where the business ofinitiating tito kIttens who were eeoictng entrance into the eacredrealm of 1-Iso-I-los was taken sp.

iltose tltings which Itappened to ttteao gay attd festivofeline ceeleers after Truth, as emblemizoti In the Great BlackCat, aro an lnvtelate secret, und may be spokon of oely inwhispers by members of the Order.

Pite old cats of the Order present were: J. M. Hemphlll,James Neal, R. S. Baxter, ii. T. Culver, J. W. Dixen, F. E.Baxter, Marshall Turner, A. C. Crum, Rogers, Cooper, Acree,Donovan, O'Nolhi, E. E. Johrasett, Taylor, Swayne, Jett, Turner,Heironymus, w, L. O'Dwyer, W. E. England, E. C. Ganahi,McMeans, 1-brace Turner, David Holt and SpafTord,

Following the initiation ceremonies an elegant banquet wasserved, which was merry and enjoyed by ali, cate and kittens


niihe. Many epeecites and amitsing rsttccdotí'a s'ero served be-tweon tito courses,

Snarle, Ed GaInes; Senior Boo-iToo, J il Zelnicker, Junior110e-Rus, B. 10. Taylor; llsjum, Mark Lyons; Scrivenotor, H.C. furten; Jabber-week, Jeu, W. Stotie; Custocatlan, R. A. Otis;Arcanopc'r, W. D. Osttse; Ourdou, W'. w. jenite.22874 Adolph Dat-ttei Blech, Mobile, Ala.; member o firmBloch fl-et,22876 Jacob Dantel Blorit, Mobile, Aia.; partner Blech Bros.22876 Arthur Lois Chamberlin, Mobile, Ala.; buyer ChicagoLumber & Cotti Company.22877 Nelson MIheii 1)tt'ld Dali. itiobile, Ala, , manager

Mobile onice Hirecli Lumber Co., Now York, N. Y.22871 Rtcitard 'Weir l)osltes, Mobile, Aia.: nseistant buyer and

inspector Sehnt & Keilen.22879 Charleo Clyde Duffoy, Magazine, Ala.; sawmill superin.

tentlent Sntith-Mecjowin Mi11 Company.22880 Clarence Marion Frank, Mobile, Ala., Inspecter, ChicagoLumber & Coal Csrnpany.22881 Citristopitot' Wtilket' l-Iempsters.d, Mobile, Altt.; assistanttnanager Citicage Lumber & Coal Company.22S82 Henry Walter Heilung, Boxley, Eles,; tnanager GreeneCounty Luntbot' Cempan9'.22893 George Edvard Iloliand, Prieharti, Ala

; superintendentof dresscef lumber department Bmith-McOowin MiliCompany, lisgozitto, Ala.222984 Jamos Waltc't' Jvrttignn, Magttuino, Aia ; Smith-Mc-Gowin Miil Compatty.222885 AreitIo NigJ-ttjttgttle i.nwt'eitce, Debile, Aia ; timber and

lumber Inspector Jas, A. Lawrence,22886 William Ilont'y r.:et'renco, Mobile, Aia,; timber inspectorJoe. A. Lasvaìnee,22867 Wtlliattt Spencer Lawrence, Mobile, Aia ; manugorIdobile ofiuCo '-L'itt Georgia Pine Co , New Yotk, N. Y.22888 Citant-s Frc,det-Icie Littio,ioltn, Mobile, Aia ; sotititorn rep-rcsentati'c Jolts Bttnn 0 Co.22809. Ertteet Leon wootl McQowitt, Moblie, Ala,

; secretary andtreastiror Steitlt-lolcOowin Mill Company.22190 George Preston Martin, Mobile, Ala.; owtter Gee Martin.22891 Percy Walker Olivet', Mobile, Alte ; ptesieleat P. W.Oliver & Co,22892 Charles ClifLcjt'ti Pigfertl, Mobile, Aie ; assistant tnannger135 y Eltoro 1,ttrnber Cotopany.22893 Ftank Nttit l'oc, Debile, Ala. ; .'tecretary Centrai Lumber& 'J'imi)er Company.22894 Itot)ot't llOre-idea Rttdcliff, Mobile, Ala

; pt osident Sottth.orn Fuel & Material Company,

22895 Howard Itieltartison, T'ricitarti, Ale ; saw mill foremanSmitit-McaGotetn Mili Cotnpnny, Magazine, Aia.

22896 Dttdiey Selub, Ji'., Mebile, Ala. ; Chicago Lumbet' & CoalCcrnptttty.22897 Tlttipit B, Shrtffsrtl, 0-labile, Ala. ; setttitertt reptesenttntive

I-lensois Pearaoe, Phiittdoipltia, Ptt,228)8 Clyde Onceola Smith, Mobile, Ala,; as9letant sales man-

ttger Stttitli-OlcGott'in Miii Company, Mttgttzitte, Aia,22899 Jeltn Wilson Somerville, Mobile. Ala, ; 'tecretary' sadtreasurer w. io. l'atorsoti Lumber Company.22900 Jatees I-Entry 'i'icltner, Mitgaxine, Ala , saies manager

Smitit-MeGotsin, Mili Coinpi-uny,22901 Wiilitttn "Orde i timer, Vinegar Bend, Ala ; salesman

Vinegai' Bend Lttmber Coenpany.22902 1-rttrrie Caeslty Vetigitett, Mobile, Aia ; general managerVerona Lumber Cetupany.22901 Frttnie Pierce \t'ailter, \Viiitslngton, I tel, , superitttentlent

of lumber department American Car & Foundry Co.22904 Edward Elmet' \\ratd, Mobile, Aitt ; ptosident E E.iVard & Co, -

Cottcatettatlon No. 1538, Mobile, Ala., Febrttary 22, 1909.

,,%'tttt ttre stttlet-ittg frottt ltteitllcilolitt.....y(),l littet t,tke iottg wtiilcs.''

i'A'rllisT-Say, l)ot- , i 'vo tetti Os's ils i ttg hc)Itte lrottt tite race tracks eversince tite racittg neatest (siletttl(i-iiltti 'it mitai inahe's ttw ou tit'epttndent_










ji ,




.- .. -- -_-



(ie(rgI IIl,%lIr(i ''aIl No, I 2322).

One of the I)OSt of iïìany splendid Vlcogerents out inWestern Canada is Mr. G. FI. \Valt, the prcsent Incumbentat Winnipeg, who held a rocen concatenation well upto the high standard sot by our Winnipeg brothers, Abrief biographical hketcll sIios J3iotlier Wall up as follows:

Ills weakne is dogs-the raising of fluo bird dogs forfield trials Shigulaity enough he cares but little for hunt-lug, but is ready any old time to get ou a train and traveltwo or three thoiisaiid zollos to tal'e down a cup' withhis famous dogs against all corners. I-Jo was one of thepromInent pai Ilelpauts In the field trials at Grand Jonc-tlon, Ky., In Peccrnher, where ho was very successful, andvent bacic to wItc The Bulletin ahout the contrast he ex-perince(l on his retain home in the matter of weatherHe had been Idlng around In hIs shIrt sleeves in ICen-tueky and 1)liflIpC(l Into forty below a few days later atWinnipeg. Only a month ago he was down In MississIppiat a serle3 of field tilal and wa agaIn highly successful.

(i Il 'AI t,,

\'Ititil )(', al,tti ,

'Iwo or three of hi dogs have matie an International repu.talion, anti vliile Ito le lit titis purely for the high classsport it affords, ho flinkes no secret of having sold someof his pecligi cod Pelformers at very high prices.

Biotlici' \Vall was Ioi n In 'Pippecaitoc County, Indiana,on a faim, anti coilsequently oven on tIte broad prairie ofWinnipeg lie cherishes a memory of quinine and corduroy.tonti apploaclies to grapevine bridges. Considering tite io-cation of his birth Brother Wall might be assumed to beof a literary torti, itt such Is not tite case, his efforts att'riling iiaving been confined to a few lines of verse aboutdogs, Ile thiiilcs, titetefoto, that Indiana would hardlyclaim him as I)elOflglng in the saine class with BrotherVan Porrino, the sweet singer of Ft Wayne; Charles Major,et Id om genta

Tito death of Brother Wall's father in 1880, when hewas 12 years old, broke np the household and the nexttwelve yeai's of the young man's life was spent in Iowa,Indiana and Now Yoth, (illiing which time Ito was engagedin whatever work lie could fInd to do-farming, driving aStreet car, clerking In a hotel, etc, Nevertheless theyoung man succeeded in picking up a little education-andlt must have been not so very little either, as In 1890 to

1892 lie was principal of the schools at Youngstown, N. \.In the fall of 1892 he received an offer from Minneapo ìto talco charge of a yard of the Simpson-Jenkins Luml)rCompany. In a year's time this company 'was Succeeded

the l'I. L. Jenkins Lumber Company, of which BrotherWall was made secretary, and with which firm ho re-malned until 1899, when he resigned to engage with T, li.Sheviin to put in twenty yards throughout the NorthweotThis was done and Draller Wall managed the "line' forfour years. In 1903 he resigned this situatIon and icjmoved to Winnipeg, opening a lumber commission antibrokerage offIce handling Minnesota and WashIngton lum-ber. In the fall of 1904 he accepted the management of aline of thirty-four yards for the Canadian Elevator Corn-par»-, but remained with this firm oniy one year.

In 190G Mr. V/m. p, Dutton and Brother Wall formedthe Dutton.Wall Lumber Company, of 'which he has eversince been secretary and manager, Wm. P, Dutton ant!George E. Dutton l)eing l)resideflt and vice president re-spectlyeiy. This is a line yard concern ami is exteuiiingits linc all the time.

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,J'JilN IC. FERGUSON, l'tulucali, iCy.,Vlcegcrent for tIte l'estern Dlstrlcttof ICentlicky.

Mi-. DUtton, the president, is the owner of large timberlimits lii Canada, and is at tite head o a manufacturingplant linown as The Groat West Lumber Company, ofwhich Brother Wall seivos as sales manager. He saystitis latter connection 'keeps hint jumping pretty livelyfrom tite bull to the bear side of the lumber market andback again-a kind of Doctor Jekyll and Mr, Hyde sort ofperformance."

,li)llll Iciiig C(flglIN.flI (so. 8701))

The subject of Ihis sketch, Mr. John King Ferguson,was born at Ferguson Station, Allen County, Indiana, iu1870, and affords, in his choice of an avocation, an alitillustration of the correctness of the theories relative tothe effect exerted by heredity and environment,

His father before hire, who Is still living at Fort Wayne,Inth, wa. one of the pioneer hardwood lumbermen of thatmost famous hardwood State, and John 'was, to all intentuand purposes, born and reared in a sawmill, It was, them-fore, but natural for hint to embark in the hardwood lun-ber trade when the tinte came for him to choose his vocatien.

His first venture vas in the capacity of manager of a



hardwood mill owned by Feigussa & Palmer at Markle,md., the duties of which position he assumed shortly after

' graduating from the Ft. Wayne High School, and whichlie discharged In such a capable lucanor that, 1894, he

' . was taken into full Itarinerebip and tite style of tité firmwas changed to Ferguson & Palmer Co., which is stillretained,

Encouraged by this access or PIOSl)ority in his affairs,- in 1814 Mr. Ferguson took unto himself a \vjfe

l theiterson of iVIiss Lorena Stahl, and fi'oiii that ititlon five

: children, one girl and foui' boys, hìave resulted., In 1898 tine operations of this firm ivere transferred


from Ft. Wayne, md., to Paducali, ICy., and Mr. Fergusonjoined in the migration induced by titis chango, Since

. tite establishment of the business In Its now location, Mr.,ew Ferguson lias liad sole charge of the timber end of tite

proposition and his niarked ability, energy and good jufig-.' . ment In maintaining at all tuses nit ample supply of de-

.. sirablo logs and timber holdings for his company hayoliad much to do willi tite success of that concern,

- Personally, Nr. Ferguson is tnO(lest anti retiring indisposition, to tile extent that if lie were in his cilice. at


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(j_ Â, C. S'ri:ton'iu, Jtrooklciven, Plus.

the time titis sketch Is being penned, instead of down inthe swamps of Mississippi, it would not have been pro-duced.

I-Io is, however, a hali-fellow-wefl.inet at all social gath-orings, where he is always heartily greeted by his asso-elates, and vIiero his iresence never falls to add to thepleasure of all who may be present, l'le is an enthusiasticHoo-Hoo and is tite present Vlcegerent Snark for WesternKentucky.

We are pleased to submit tuis hbf appi'eciatioa of anhonorable gontieman, a high grade lumberman and a royalguod fellow. May lie enjoy to their fullest extent the threeattributes which belong to all good lJoo-Hoo: Health, Hap-piness and Long Life,

Carl ,tugI,HtIli UIirIIInnStoIti,v,,g.

The following is a condensed biographical sketch ofCari Augustus Christian Steinweg-he brought over allthese names in the same ship-Vicegerent for the SouthernDistrict of Mississippi, whose recent big and thoroughlysuccessful concatenation is reported in this issue. lt willbe seen 'that Iirotiier Steinweg has been "going some" dur-Ing his life, but is a fixture now. Tite editor of 'The Bui-lutin feels a personal pride that after such long and varied


wanderings he recognizes Gods country at last and actson the information:

Carl Augustus Christian Steinweg was boi'n on the25th dayof August, 1859, in the oid Poinoranian town ofGarty on the river, His childhood and school'days werespent there. Under the guidance of hIs father he passedthrough the classical school, tIte "Stadt Gymnasium," andfinished at the age of 17 years; afterwards studying law.Libo all Germans hie had to serve his tutte in the army.The second regiment of field artilleries ivan his choice,After this service lie woiit back to law and affiliated withthe civil courts at the l'lanse towii of hamburg. llorolie came in contact with cosmopolitan people and tite slum-bering wanderlust of all Gormans took 'hold of him. liehad seen all of north and south Germany and Holland,but he wanted to see the western countries of North orSouth America. Which? lIe decided for tite United Statesof America and landed on the 11th of ovembor, 1885, inNew York, and was somewhat dlsahipointed, Like so manyof his nationality and education hie thought America andits people would be over so glad to meet him, and as suchdid not appear the case, and, funds getting low, he con-eluded tite best thing for him to do would ho to go to worlr,even manual work. The year of 1883 was a bad one-labora plenty and wages low, very low. New York had little tooffer for one of his class, His "school" English did notgo very far in talking, so the first chance to niake a livingat all would be thin best and promptly accepted, The fIrstchance was an advertisement for able-bodied noon on afIshing sclioonoi'. This was accepted at $11 per moxth,Keeping away from terra firma for nea.rhy two years, andbeing in tite meantime itromoted to n second mate, the"call of tito West" got to him at Baltimore, Following the"call" and the trail from Chamberlain to Deadwood, Dak,,per liedes apostoloruni, he found but little to go for, afterall, and after it nine moulus' stay, came back to St, Paul,trusting to watei' once muto for a livelihood lie becamedectkinate and, later, mate, on tile old "Diamond Joe" linesteamers, FIe then spent one year in Old Mexico,

In 1888 his eyes were opened for the real country ofopportunity, tite South, and the South bas ever held himsince, He started with tito old Bradley-Ramsey LumberCompany, of Laico Charles, La,, tite first saw-mill he eversaw. His first job was oit the yard piling lumber, Aftor afew weeks of yard work old Jim Waters, \viio Was thenrunhtlog tite mili by contract, asked him. whether he couldread and write English, and could he figure, Being an-swercd in the affirmative, old Jim took him up to the but-ting saw, which job at that time needed not alone brainsto keep tip with the orders, but also substantial musclebehind 12x12-36 on " dead. rollers," and a canthook be-sides. Getting himself trained to lumber he soon foundout that, next to tite owner of the mill, the contractorwho handled the manufactured stock was tite un'ct iilghestin pay. Ile followed contracting for several years andfinally became an omployo of the old Texas Tram &Lumber Company at Village Mills and Beaumont, Texas,Undoi' tito guidance of J. F. Keith and J, IC. Mahlam hemastered ali tite essential branches of tine lumber business,and, as lie says today, has much for which to titanic thesetwo gentlemen. Later lie was connected with some ofthe largest lumber concerns In Texas, Louisiana and Mia-sissippi.

V/lien S. E. Moreton, of Brookhaven, Miss,, organizedthe Central Lumber Company at (lint place he associatedhimself with that firm, where he can lie found today-Vice-gerent for Moo-Hon and one of tite best known lumbermenin the South-and with the "wanderlust" finished in anabiding content with his situation and associates.








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Judge L. LiJ;JfJfafl Of Newpot, Ark., one of tho beetjnown 11001100 IÌ AEkansee, flfl(1 president of the &r1nflea8Haniwood Association, was married on Wedtesdy, January G, to MF8. Naggle Taylor, (r '1upeo, Ark.

The ceremony took place aboard a Rock lelarid pasMnger trato, Judge H. 11, Sfmnione, a wann friend of thegloolfì, [ferforifling the ereiìiony. Judge LÁppman is oneof tuo if(Ot know'ii IInrflwood null owilere In Ai'kansae, andtheir many friends In the trade vjsti tue happy eouplc thefiiI1ot noasure iIar)I)iness and J)rosperlty.

st, Loiiio Mo., March 2--A woidlng of much ntciest(lifling the Jfast 0(0k \S':LU that of i)r. Herman Von Sclirenkto 1Is Nar3' Jifl1!)flh1, tlt the horno of the bride's sister(10(1 iootheiin-1 awf Judge niid vi re. \Valtcr 13. Douglas,1305 i)eiuuuar Boulevard, St. Louis. Dr. Von Sebrenk jo wellluuuown uunuouug j unubernuon all ove the country. Iij_ le apILFlloiOgiuut of Shows (Jardon, chairman of the l'u1lssourlStata Yorest Coj-juuuuission, chief of the timber department(fi tluo Rock Ifulanfi, l'rioco and Chicago & Eastern IllinoIsu ai i u oafiO, ((tul rei for oevoral iu n I versi tIes and conti douitlalnfhisel of tile StOIC out! Jolted States in forestry affairs.11f aluuo ouusinins close relations as a tinuber and forestry

iuort \u'itiu several of the big leuinijor associations.

'lite announcement of Dr. Von Sciuronks engagoment,sere! ai wecius ago, io Miss Kimball created much itutcuestamong lu is Eri en do i n lofai I tu uui 1)01 ci reins, and Lue annon nueuuueui I sii o rUy a ftcr t lue lo uauuce of the I nvi talionsu ia I I lue fouinai (uueuno!ly uuiu ich I nui been lulanned vas to103 alnuuuulu>neul i antuse f)f tiufu death of Ivi les Jl ziuliall'sluiotijer uIr. ilors Kiruuiuuuil, suis received willi regret. 'Fhei ori lotions \CI'O witlud ra uvuu, unu ul tiun veduiing s'as n voryqn lut, luouugiu preti)', home affal r.

'fluo ceremony woo lueifouuuioul Monulay uuiounlng, Feljruuary

22, at hue luoune of Juulge Douglas, by the Rev. ]?atlierFrancis .1. O'Connor, of lic Now Callueulial Chapel. Thehouse nao 1)uOttl I y uieeornteul for the cerenuony wIlli duelersof vlui to roses anul I ail iLl tuis and ferns, 'l'lue brlul e, whois a ueauutlfuul da riunycul girl anul a gueat favorite In localhocieiy, entercul wiiiu Inuigo IJotuglas, \vIlo gave lier auu'ay.Stun su uus at boule (I iy ¡uni slotcu, 1\I io. Val 1er 13. Do uiglas,no utualuout of honor, Mr. 011o Von Schenk, brotluer of theguooun, uuf New Voulu, catee une lo St. Louulo to 1)0 best noun.

'Flue only otIir altenuiutnlo weun the fouir lIttle nephewsanul nieces of the briule, Minees Mary Jlaruiey Whlttenuoreatol I i iifia Beauu segniul Wiui itelnore, and Bassett Douglasanui \Vi I I lain IJo ii glus.

After hic uerenuouuy hie lurido aiuul gioom l000lved the(ongIaluulatiouu of hue ussuruibleul relutih co and ]eft after abi iulal in cuthi ast fou a lione) uuuoon touu r of the East afteralu cli I hoy wi Il uni i for .Juuuualca anul tour the \Vest t nuiies.'Jiucy lust \s'('uìt to Pittsluuuug lo "isit luir. Benjamin Kirn-lud I, fai her of I h e in i ulu', olio luas esluleul tlieu C for severalyeuuio 'l'hpy vil1 call for ,Juunuaipz ouu Weulnesday, accord-Ing to tiuclu plans

M u . A lina Vo n Selu i oluif anul luI r, \Vnl leu Von Sub reuik,mol luu'u an ul ift u t h u of I lue gu eeuu, r noue on fi onu Ness- Yorklo tue jule',ont at the celemony,

IJi Vouu Srlur,.iuiu lias an International reputatloii as asuietuliol uuiuul iv a luueinl)ei 01 a number of scientific corle-t leo ifuullu iii Euui ope unu] uuiei ion, anul eue of tue leaulingAiuuei lean holaniste,

"Is hue uiosu filiuug sysienu a success?" 'Great!" "Andhour's luuivinoss?" 'Oli, suese stopped business to attendto the tiling 53'StOin,"

T%%() Clùistci- Billions FOfihid

: Mr, N. R. Freeland ; Vicogerent for the Southern Distr . .-,of Louisiana, has sent to the Scrivenotefs office an C':riarj Cloister button which was picked i) in the lobbythe Gruuflewa]d Hotel on the day following the big cc-catenation of January 19. There is no Way of aseertaInh-gthe rigiutmul owner of this button since it bears no nurnb9ror other mark, i)Ut any member of the Cloister whoteiujed the concatenation, and who at that time and placelost luis button, and who can otherwise "show cause,"would do well to coninjunleate with the Scrlvenoter.

Another of these Oslrian Cloister buttons lias beenfound by Brother J. E. CaIdwell, Box 9, Fort Worth, Texas,Tuis iuutton ivas not been sent to the Scilvenoter's Offlee,and we are withouit advice as lo tue time and circumstance5Under which lt was fouuuuel. In iuotli cases, however, tlgownei. of tlue button is ouut of pocket in st the $5 he psI dfor the iuuitton when it. was delivered to blm.

Brotluer F. R. Moore (No, 9098) lias assoelatéd himselfwith hue Joseph Macic Printing House, of Detroit, Mich.,and is ulevoting luis time uunul talents to getting out printed


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F It. ?iIOf)uu I, l)elrfult, St lilu

mattei', cii'cuuiai'o, cataloguies, etc., foi' any Industrial en-terprise huai iieeuls Such i)i'iiuiing, Ho 'nahes a specialtyof getting out trade liteiatuie in Spanish for Mexico andtise Sushi American couintiies. Brother Moore spent anumber of veais lii Mexico, and Is not only thoroughlyVorsetJ lui thin language of that country, but is familiarwith the molhiods of h)1i5i5009 as carried on down thleif',as vehh no the Souilii American countries Ho Is In a povi-tien to render 'eiy valuable snrviee to any concern lool-tug for tuade with the Spanhshi.Arnerican countries.

The siuehhing ieforiiu io giaduahly reaching the standairof Johi Billings Ils latest triumph is "notis" for noti:,which was one of Josh's favorite witticisms,

Dude-Does this train cariv animals?Pat-No, but if ye git into a seat and loupe your fac

Covered and yui'e mouth simt, 01 don't think anyone w isispect your muhinlity

"J3iouu'ii's an ingenious fellow " "What's be doing nose"Teaching sl1hu'orms to sing co-coon songs."



iftliSs IL 5%ct (Jo. O8ti3)

Brother .lanies B. West, secretary of Uie Estabrooke-Skeole ].uuiiber Comuany, uhicul at his lione in Cuicago Sun-day mnornilig, February 7. 13e-allier West was one of Clii-cago's most popular lumbermen, Of a genial notino andtrue to his friends luis life was onefor cmnuhatioji,

l3rothier Wilson was 70 years of ago and until withinIhn haust few ontiis liad bees in the best of healths. lieattended tise last concatenation held In Indianapollsjour.iuoye] nil the way frein home to be present on tiuol oeca-eisa-and as he said: "lie wanted to be witla thun boyshint night and could not Overlook the meeting." 11e liadbeeii hooking foi'wai'uh \vhthi much ¡ileasumo to tile listSi)i'tmìgo Amaun.i.

'one hnurnediate cause of his death, was heart failurebrought about. presumably by a generai systemiule break-down. Tini ailment which first causcul hilos to leave hiswork was (hiaguiOSeui as quuinsy, but it soomi derebopeul thathis trouble \vas a jun51 serious one. lie enjoyeui through-out his life excel)tlomiahly gbod health anul hile Dllyoical op-erations suuggesteui tue ideal of rohuust mnanhoofi, As isoften the case with muien whose hives have boca free fromsickness, when the nuahacly cøifles they are not able lo sviulu-stand Its ravages. Thun funeral was hielul at hue ra,niiy resi-denco, 1012 South lllulgoway Avenue, on Weulnesiny, withthe interment at Lochport, Iii.

At thetii of hilo death l3rothier West was 37 years ofage. 11e was born on a farm racor Albion, ¡hi., anuh enteredthe lumber business sixteen ycam's ago. Twelve years of

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,. 'l'li if b,tri JAil ES 1h. Vmiou',

tuis time he was connected with time firm of KeiheyMaimsCo. For the last fouir years lie hail beomu secretary of theEstabrooke.Shceele Lumnuber COmpany. Brother West acquired during his hong connectiozi with the ICeliey-1laus excellent knowledge of tue vehicle woodstock business,and lie hail as much mastery of thin duties of this branchof the trade as any man in thue country.

Brother West took ama active interest in Hoo.IIoo at-fairs and dimming the preparatIons for the seventeenth an-suai in Chicago was identified with every ¡novenient toflinke this a success.

Vin. IL. %ViIuoif (No. I 35(J).

Announcement has come of the death of Brother Wil-11am H. Wilson, of Sandumsky, Ohio, on the evening of 3'n-nary 19. Brother Wilson was one of the earliest Initiatesinto the Order. He had always talion the deepest interestin its growth and development; bad attended several ofthe annual meetings, and the announcement of h1 deathwIll be received 'with sincere regret by Hoo-Hoo everywhere.

lei 11r,u s.,,,,,,- "°')tirLIff (N I 5)0 I 9).

'lue Bumhleti io advised by Iiuotlier K. It. ]\JuicGfioyof the uleath of lirothuer E. Seynuouir \Voodi'tiff, of NowHauen, Cômumi., wluich occurred iu New York City on Jaa-unu)' 15 of typsoicl fever. Brotluei' Wooulruiff was iuorn luNew' York CIty i)eceniber 23, 157G, and was Iliade a lbs-Jloo at the concatenation luchO i n New Voi k Ci ty llardl 1,1907. 11e was no of the foresters of the State of NewYorlu anul luis (lOath was a hecto blow to ill vhuo knew bis,l'or hie was n ian of most lovable character and of greatpromise which can never be fulfuiheui,

Fr,1,,jc JIL,,)inr,ln O(,Iia,t (N,. i (1(100).

h3i'othuer Franle R. Conaut, of Aumburn, Maine, head ofthe drin of F. fl. Conant & Co., anuh one of the best hcnowmitjuusiness men ira Lewislon and Auburn, died at his l'omsiu Auburn ori I'.'Iarchi 4.

hlrothuer Conant vag one of jdaiae's most popular andj,rogrescivo luimbnrunen, and at the timo of lois death he'was interested in mutany lumber Imiuhuustrios thiroughoot timeStale. ilmother Connut wan hora In 1855 and was, there-tore, 53 yeum s of age at Ihm time of hile uheatli, In 1873 lieengaged in I e luuuiber business willi his father, operatinga miii on ti,,? Little Androscoggin, After hile father'sdeath lie took cliargeof the plant amI Isis successes followedrapidly, At the timuif of lilo death lie was Operating oneof thun beot equipped planing mills md box factories in theState; was a memnhjer of the firtam nr Bradford, Connut &Co., of Lewistozi; was interested in a number of othercomiuhuanies fis Stochduolder, and Was an extensivo owner ofr'.ai estate in bolli Auburn anj Lawiston. Of himum timoLewieton Journal says:

"Personally, few mcmi vem'e hI euuperlor. his businessCane fist, and hie uvork was his pheasure, hut lie wao alsoa valued frhenul anuh conihuanlon to many.

Tiosui vhio were his friends love him deeply, appro-elating die umniiniteuh generosity of hile nature, his nobleii fe uiuid character, To ninny lue seemeuh lesorved, and atall times lie was (Juiet, luid no man madea better comrade,Rio hoes, as a personal one, falle hueavy impon those Whohave been with him on many a pleaoant occasion, azul whoapl)rcciated his qualities to the utrnoot,"

cf,ull,,I I1011ic from Eiuro1,,,

Brother K. R. MaeGuffoy, wlsouzu the readers of the Bui-letjn will remember with pleasure na account of the veryintereeting articles lie wrote bach from a trip to Euiropean ] uuunmuy eastern coumntrk'o, suns cuulhu'(l iuomne on :u'uounntof timo serious ihlc of lila sister, and news has coins oflier deaths. The sincere sympathy of all I'Ioo-Hoo le ex.tenuled to Brother fneGuffey In his great loss.

Getting Fauic,ihomance Is fading. An anti-horse thief association In

Central Kansas Is sering rewards for the arrest ofchcljun thieves.





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r1J1( I'ra'tical SI(!e. -

The men whose Hoo-H0 names appear in the notcee b&oware out ot work and want employment. ThIs i Intended as apermanent deportment of The Bulletin, through which to mikethese fat known. It ¡e, Or ihoud be, read by several thousandbusiness men who employ labor tn many Varied formi, and ltcan be made of groat Value n giving practical application toHOO-Ho's Central theme of helping one another. lt Is hopedthe department will receive very careful attention each Issue.

Sorne of oor memhera odvertleing In The Bulletin fall toidvise me when they have secored positions so an old ad keepsrunning for montho and months, To avoid this I have adoptedthe plan of running the Ods si Ionas threo months and thenIf I have heard nothing from the advertiser I will cut his adnut. If at the end of the three months he stili wish,, me toContinue It he must odvise IT)o,----.

\Vt N i ii)-i'ii i«jii 10,0k (Celer Of noLn;tglI or huidor yard. \\'liigo iii iii 1)111 rIr 'ixi iieky inirii:in gi(flI or i;lil1( (o;ist.i gIirhj. hills i i hi Ii. Ada g-q .' Coior;uio,'' eure I Il. laIrd, Serive-JI(Jt r, N Ii', 'i

i)-l'oitioj as i'''okT(IPi)Ir vitii ooiiii I uuilirr trin ))y VOIIItgIrliuli Ii!q lUd \irIl hi I ttnil,ir ()fli(. ti(irMO iil'jiIj'' cure1 I I u,1 rd. ht rIioir Nush I Iii 1'io.

VÁ N i i.i)-iIi iou iu huy, i' utiil lflMJR(i)J for a NirIiiirit WiIo!(e.,ir,or Ui ri oli uliul of oiii, or oli i lipilig ehrk. I lotee un 2'2 yvnrs' xe-rkiue I: iIjis phn leiiI un (()lfllitIII Io tuk( ciIirrt f i u urciliiveIju rl t I of u oUi. \'IIM gnniI uIiinliId.Tt Iii (iiI( It 1.1(tiM VIij fit liiyr. I ieft ni ny (VI ircord. j..i ritrics, Ato3K tr f g i iv i tu,tij-. ,\hIro 1oiiisI r ci J, ii, litiri,$cri vu> i r, N:MlVIii, 'liti.

\s't N ii l)-iir !IIMiwctor po>itIij ii rd forcI1i n, HIilli>iitg, r irivi-lug IMp t or ii,> iti s'Vi> (r r>)ui liii y> id XiriTlcV ud iii-dcrstitl itililir lui>lr--lItiV tir ((lilt, i titi> 2 (uro nf >ge iii (>iii,Addr I i ii irie , Nu, ioiu, oi Ctiipirii Si rcrt Jviiisviij, uit.hh', i iu-uqII i>>> Viti> ti girl littilur tri is geturiti filer till,Ali> i iI>>)tl)ilgtl I rouljuiiit, i Fr> ' riot ltg e\irire,. li iliti,ijr iriiitis,¡IL>, ii l(,ilrIg>' lit r lii (u1lc> >iprrrii loiiu rital uhu IllriiltlIllCtllrtig 'tid('it> t,(I( >juli'' 'lìrtrg >>1 nAt' >f ('rlillHl(iy ti>>ing ilo3' %'>illilti >>1 i)((Mi(i(Si4,\'itllt lu >'>'1 uhu rig ((VIril \VtÌ,rr I cil i'ni>rtiotrrtt , orv vertu, Adrirrouo ('r' J I I. ititt'i, ->'rlVr'iiolrr, Nsltvlui>', 'irtitt,

%VÀ N I u:u;-i(Itl>> rl ('It'lii,ir Vii' fur lily>' flirt rtt' (((((lie ((f illL(higgi t tl(t trL iirtlt or tir' S('titji ii,iy>' hoi fft.1 l'il rs' (rxgl'rt>'iil'('.iirt'Jrt. rri'riirr' ft ((li ir'tit eliltrIuVri iliVi Ùlil't, A(liir'ootiti,'' ('ir, .1 ii iiiird, Sc'rleii>>i , , NilMilylil, 'l'lui,

'v/u N'I i i)-'i>uqttti lM 01k k> 't'i (ir 111(1' ulliunteger; 'í years ((f ilg('io 'nro' ('Xtrrrli'tiy iii lii' huit o'r hOMtIoMM , guui l'(>rry(l(((ru(i(ru(l ; cteuuitceord , -xc''uil i' finiti t (lti fturiitsti rri'r'uui'uj irit, ircullit ruuipioyerr1,u',tt'ri t ut i'hll:utyllrt,u toit i ti I tug tu 'uirtitge Adriresu ' ii jtI, \ ,,'' care,i li liii t >1, gr'rhtiol', Nrutuvt i>, 'temi

\VA N 'i ii)-i'llioti sittii Ht)tti(' guruiq((tttii>'llt (linier C>)nccrn as tray('litig S,il>Siiiiii ltlrouith mnrtit>rz (limb ,utid ml>ijoiuuttig territory. Cati fr-uitiuti geoul nh'reuiy' AdrtrcM ' G il '', ('mire I I I itaird, í4crtyimnolrNa'iiii tul>-, i''iiuu

\VA N'I'ili)-i>oltion io ir,iyei tug leibe little it(91(C('i((rtlj tue S((litiicrluMtat>'u i ,tti faitiltir vttui lii thy grIta ((f 3'u'iiu(%y ¡liimir limiteralti rn!!fu rotti go(((i refcremuu'y Mtdres9 entre 1 i i Batti, Serlu'etuoter,Naiuvutie, 'tetiti

\VA N Tilii-i>o(ttioiu ti) tilallag celati yarul In Nev ltlyxlcuj or Arizotia.Ato C(uut(pimulm't to glI lo I limit regiuttì ou lecoutot of lily iittlir tmoy' hug trout-bio, ila% e' liai toue sears' >\l>'rtcum'e to tite n'miti i titiller t>utstiìy3 mliiiilas e tlimidc goret i lit! (((lung fuir tile trumuti ', liii is lohilig fuir time tuiouiululi uVt(t)ttt lii' Cati (illuetut Auki rem ' Arl'oita'' e,ut- I, ir. Jialrri, Serle.etuoter, Natuytllu 'i cuti

\VA N T ED-l'unti toit a trrim>ic krclrcr or uluatuager I n tile \Vest. i iayeutili! tuttu yu,irs' ('irlrietmc' muuuu tli((rmeugiuly cotlupetetit t> nil either tout-iiuutt Cmi n fturuiiqiu i rry tmcqi uil r('fcr'mueeu Alidrcs , y, '' care t, ii,unii ri > Serti i'umoter, N;tsluytil, Teritu

\'ÀNfllil-Gmmi Mateummmauu i>, ett iui' umuuuui drtiuuus to lux ttimuuuuurmietuir.cru lt t .i miltiuler, \\'muuut a timmot hug sail'sut(,utueltutipetiut to iinimmmuie tueWllml(il%'(u!kttig trete, Ait>trco 1. N, Asimby (No lO6miJ)_ imßt tmttrvieur Aye,Ctiattauuiuoga, 'i'eiiui u

(VA N 'l'ilu)-A Otttig molti (u ii o (mmii ii,uil l'xpericuuce oeiittu umtsi and(iuum>riu on tite (((mili io relure'e'u(tuu I tu tie' Si tue of At kansa(, Address '' Mrare J, II liairmi, Serti etuuutyr, Nus udii', 'l'uit

\VA N Titil-Poqit tort o (liOflte large otluuiputug eortu'eruu to oak aftertrahie aunt leuum(iie r:uiirieir( (iulqitie y a gu'tutictuuatu \V'ill( tito tumid iargoOxjierietue'e tu tiett title, hIving i(een imtrottflc(i ii i tiu tiutne ei tite tamer ayo-teita uf raI iii ny iii tu .tHt(' ltrietrtjneulth for imat tiulrty feltro. Autmircs', Tratte,'' Immure 1 ii, limttr(t, Serlvcuum(tcr, Nastit lilo, Teitt,-

WANT1iflTuu reluretemmi o-lutte gemei 000uiutny an buyer on ontary antioxueuiHm Iii iouig auid oitort emit line,ear tuu,tterlai, dlmcrnoi>iui anti numustiltugstock Ant aeqtuatuuteui wtttu uotn> if tilo largest unafliulmictitrers itu tileSouutit , cmiii tau e tiutilmito tulios liront buying at otnali milis rouugtt alud hayostock retti luci iOoauttug at mulle small kiwti witere rentliling lacIjlte existand gotuug (litt attiOuig tile stttaiier toith and bityin 4ltcti stock as ofiteetuuay cali for Adtirem " 'Feuuuiule,' cura 1. It. JlaiÑ Seruu'etuoter Nash-cute, Tenu

vAN'r1lD-A iosuutout as tMt3'er and stitupi'rof ivardwoodn, Jinige tarfouir yemirs' lrXiuertemuea as hoyer »tu road, inri ictu yemurs Iii iuoruilmer butstuucsdi> not uiruiuk, guurud emtutcmsttiutt, unii mu ittomitier, liOV(( bouugiut u i i P'nIlliSyiymlfl(;rMarytauuui, \\'eSI %'lr(uitnu, Virgtnlmu, Trtmmmcsoi'e, Nortit Carni itumu aiuti soetiCarolina, Adijrc'ts No, 18927, c'mure J. il, timutrul, >Nmusiuctuie, Tenti,

WANT1t1)---pesiii((itmus lirst-c'iasi pimimutog tout foremati or omlimeruuutetm_

ulent. Cmlii flint tutu rcferi'tiee as to nubility luid ciuturactor ; elguit yemuro' cci(eriettee ; ilil(JeI'$tmlil(i numtkuuug tthi-tO'(jz>te hardwood uiooriiug_ 'nirouvn tmmof icork (y iuuurnitug of tutti, Auttiress " l'tatuer," entro J. ii _ liaird, Scrive-tuOtmr, -

\VANTIiD-J'((sltuott mus planer forcummatu by itrst-ciass znmui uvithu A-ireferetuueo litti! twemmty years' etimrietuce, AOutress No. care j. ii.limuirti, Sertceuiiuter, Nasiuvitle, letutu, -

WA N'fili)- i'ottttuiuu tut' s'ouutug tt>tn timo Itas ivail six yeam' experiencein Wiuul(ii> (ittico mutid utuiuis. Jiariticood sniiestuuaim, Cluicmugo territory. Ad-uiremus '' Ciutemugui, ' ' care J , li, Bairit, Sen-iceuiotcr, Nasuuyulic, Tetis.____.___-

hVANTE1)-I'ottttiuuu nus 8LW tutu fni-euumaui or flier. Can gi ve ref eretleet,lor ol'vclitceiu }'emurr( ucittu two eotllumnuttics, Address " J,'' care J, ii. Enuirii,Serlyctuoter, Nasluvilie, TentI.

WA NThíi)-Potlitotl uy firstetnuts bnuumit tam flier. Two or timore tuuulio,liest referculres fuuriuisiue(t, Aul>ircs .s' ItIlcr,'> emiro J. Ji. Bated> Serhycimo.ter, N;isiuyllie, Tetuui,

\VAN'l'lii)-A lumber id live iuuuluber onliurottuen \Vhuo tueecl mu good sideuituo tu get lelutinti ru(cd s%'ltiu outr rui(ltttug uurepositlotu. Alhiireos 'rimumi l,eiuon,No, i85a2, gruieral ttmauumuger Tito ieiiout Cimummpany, ijtulon Stock t'srulo, Clii-cago, lii.

'uYAN'l'iii)-P>siliout wltit yoliouc piule lirio or eouutpany uy tuso 8eycaro uuf iIO. I baye sumelul ttuc tiumujor portino of tuiy life li> tue lilumiber trmuitottumuiuutf;uctturu!lg, \vit(llim(muie iiruukermige ritiri retail. Att eOittJuigumt to tmukcCiumurge of mutuy losiliom (tu the >111cc, sliclu as i(llOkkeeiml!lg, cortcslmon(iencc,Oie. Stuart' lun object unii il 1 lumi ce Otlo\vn ltmmut- I atu cailatlie of earotiug otre.Auiilretm> ' 1> " unii-e i, il. liatrit, Scriyenoter, Nmuotuylule, Tetun.

\%'A N'l'iii)-Puuritimutu as Ituspeetor, Jimuce tumid b yemurs' eperlemurim, mitimi(ail fumrtuteum tile l)est ((f reteretuce. Wuuii iti refer pmmitiiun ((tu tite romu(t, as Iatti imetter niniumumui tutet wttiu limit, iiutt WI u i indic eIther ttuo romu(l or t'urli s%'arlt.Ailtiresri ' li. N. L ," caret, Il. Bmutrii, Scrivetliuter, Nmustivllte, Temiju,

\VAN'rF:i)-__coitmumiuimituiiui tuar(iwoocj lumi miluite title iuuspeetor, Girereferruires mliii otmute smitmury reriuturel. Aditrt'ss Whltttug 1!utumuimietmtrlt(gCo., Ali tmgdeuu, Va. - - -

WANTIiI)-.yeiui,t>' ptnesalea> nuanager er buyer wmunts to tueur freintlruut itirniritig eOtulh)eietut, reliable atud thloreegiuly exieriettecuJ niai, ittunuytiuc trml(ie, unire good recorul mitud best of references. Aultirets " X," enure Jli, itmut ru, Sertretsoter, Natiiclute, Tetun.


Mieking a Seiipon't.

At re business men's meeting iii Atlanta there vas underutltt'iiglo an itl'rangement \v-itli the t'alhi'oaeis that al.toweil t1let'chaneulne to be shipped Io and from that InlandcIty ott a through bIll of ladIng. There was much Joyounuloelanuatloui and one orator e.ploIned In enthusiastIc po-t'loilg thiel Atlanta was now the equivalent of a seaporttofl-ti atud able lo cope wIth all rIvals. Upon this a Savait-tiahulitu, whose natIve cIty is the real seaport of Georgia,ai'ose and etici with some acerbity: "If you Atlantanotiere to lay a lillie line to the sea and then sucl an hardlt yoit biors', 3oli'll be a real seaport In no time at ail."-New Yo»1 qggg

Lots of people tt'ho pray for a thing they want tirothemselves all out that way, so they can't help it alongwith a little wont.

Coi'i'ect English

A college professor who prided himself on his correctEnglish heard hin wife remarie, 'I Intend to call Jane tobring a fresh bucket of -water." "You doubtless mean aiincket of fresh water," corrected the professor. 'I wishyoti would pay- attention to your rbetorlc; your mistakesare curious," A few momente later the professor said,"My dear, that picture would show to better advantageif you were to hang It over the clatie." "Ah," she replied,quietly, "you doubtless mean if I vere to hang lt abovethe clock. If I were to hang lt over the clock 'we couldnot tell the time. I wish you would be more careful withyour rhetoric, xny dear; your mistakes are curious." AntIthe professor all at once became very much interested inthe book he was reading,



C ONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS. , Tito attflittji doro slitti be one doilmiu' stud oixty-flvocents (fl 65),- of witiehs amount oiXty-tx ctittt (65 conta) sitall i) fliapiled as

---- an littluni oubocription to 'lite Butietin,5cv-. 8. flonermm'ry nuetflbrtsiilp tu tiutt Otdor nuny ho granted

-At every annual meeting tite discussion in the business Uiloui application filed s'tti hue SCtl(oflotor by the Vleogorontor tito stoto Within Wiutuiti tisa ulispitratut reside's: provtded, thuat

sessions itas developed tite fact that a vet-y large percentgeouch npphiyatjon ehnii Im

efldorood ud' nhtue itsemtaor cf tito Or-of the members of tite Order are entirely uilifantihiar with - der itt good mtah(mi(ng: nue itoiuorat'y metiuberuuttt1t

fee ohutthi bp99.99, and S1nul mtceotnu(mu uy tiucu lmiaiuiiemuttotu attuI tuo turtluor

the Constitution atad By-iay3, At the Okiahottia City Annual '1u, ot- 800eusmotuts of any tiatute shalt io tr%'iCd onMeeting consitiei'ation of titIs fact led to the adoption of a sudi motni,et'zhtu( The iiouioi'nra' ttirmioto tiunli tuo tequultcd tostiggeotfion that itereafter tite Cofltltiitio tuid By-laws of tObe tii tirst otItgatton in tuo JUtuum((, bttt ito tiut tiser tnitiatoryCèrrunonirs orilail tie ticC088ary,tluO Order he Printed in every Issue of The Bulletin,

Sec. 9, Life mnetuat)eu'siituu in tiii9 Ouiler tuiny be gituntedfluiti flppiiefltioit by n ny otto rugi luit u(utelrr tito atit regutiat' moottuug, ltpotl h)nytt)ex-it et $33 33, tinti no tut'tiierCONSTITUTION

dites or tu$oessmrtuto ofitiy natuut'e simnhi 1mo fevieul on wucht men-laor, riç0 momhieru riunii be 8t!titJii io nit u guito mutad rlviiegos

------of Gnu-I-Too They stumili be requtit-cm to tuteo Gus flrot obhit-tuait to tho rei tutet, but tuo further initiatory eotomontos


ARTICLE I-Name,be tmeerosary,Section 1. 'l'ue nomo or tilts Organizatlo io hue Concate.

ARTICLE IV-OJf(ecro,naCed Order of Hoa-Hoo.

Section 1. 'ihr rioeti'e Oxecittive Otiiceic of time Orulor sutilARTICLE ti-Object,lb Snack ot tiuc Jiuul'rrne, Setutor Roo-Ib0, Jutnlor lloo-Iloo, Bo-juin, Sci-ivenoter Jlubbot'wocic,

Ctutetoeattnn, Arctunopr lunul Our-

SeetIo I. '1>110 object or timo Ordre Is tiuo pretulotton of titedon, 'jito above nmumed ofliyou-o situti ennotttute tho Sitpromo

Health, 1-lailpiness and Long J,tfe of it metnborn,Nitte, an shall umem'torni siuctu tititleu no ato 8t'escrflbgU in tIto

ARTICLE lit-Membershipflititni and Conoimi rind By-Iavo of tIto nier.togetiter in (t'aternai relatio0 people engnge In luumber trade,roil call of Staten, mus hereInafter proviujeul,

Sotlon I, It being tImo penoso of titis Order to gather So-n, 2. 9'ite nimo'o fumed -ofliceu' titoli be uunnually olretdmernbarslutp In this Otujer shtuil ho ilmitoti to wtitto malo per-by a majority of tuo \'otet Cast at hue' lIoO-Jloo Anitital, byeons over the age of twetuty00

yours, of good moral character, 5r, 3. In cato of tito death or resigontuon of an oioetivwho p0scss one at' tttOro of time (allowing qurtlltlemitlotto. OXrymitlye Olilcer time Sttpramo Nlo shtull hove power to an-point ma uuueeossot' trito s utili Cil the llflO\pit'cd bun causati by

Fit'st-'J'itry otutill be co cuigmuged, aRbor in tilo ownershipotueit mv vncattcy.

t' smite of timtier lands, tiunbet'oi' logs, Or the mmmtiuufuteturo or

See. 4, The aumpairutivo execu(iyo Olhicyte of the Oruier shall

( stile of lumber at svhofesmuleor retmlti as ttumtt lt 0111(11 be theIr

eonahst solely or Vicegi'rent $tmt'kn. Eneiu stato of tlue United

r' main or principal oeeupaticmnimtil titmut it citait ma Gua business

States or cImiir brolltteni grittuil Olvlohon of tiny athsr cIvIlIzed

r vhIetu Is t'Ocogflized in tite countuutttlty In Wtuiehu they residecolniry having o tuo or more mornhcts shall hua entitiret to a

' as tiurlr Vacation, 'l'hieri' sliaii tuot tie admitted tinder tltiVlergerrttt Snmtrk, tIto particutlar title of thIs officer to ho VIce-

pmiragraph bookkeepers, stumnogumuptmey5clerics, Ittsiiectors, saw_

goretmt Snarle pleut tito flama of tite ferelgru coutntry or polItical

Yet's, ftlt's, foremen, nor tiueeu'dutumiry lmiboret's st iutnher en-

granmi rlh'iston of liuto Country whicit lue roprosonts,tOt'I)rises. It is tIto Intetmt

tncmmtuiiug of thin u(i)etiots tituitSreancl-Wi)on tu tue jiiulgmon of the Supueino NIno tito


every application from a imersoti irtio itaca not conte cloarly andinterests of flue Oidor rimonti they tony slipoint two or moro

Wittuomit quiestiotu witlitru tue Imrmo'isioou of tito tiret lutirographVieeget'c'n Satirica fat' any state, dIvidIng tito tet rltory eulutit-

of (lits Ilnuitmutlon, muot hie rrferrcd by tito VIccgeren Snarkto the Snack and Scrlwenoter willI a full stateemit of ail facts tidy tot' suolu purpose,bearing on thue ease beforetiny action stunG be teultcmu thereon, Timtrcl_Excor>t mt may lis Itereinaftet' pi ovIdu1, thin jurio.dIction of Vlcogcu'ent Sntirie ohtiil be lltnh eel to tito terrItory

SOeOnd_Ne\yspapeu.By titis term being itueant only to which tiuey are appointed, anuO to tIto conduct of tim work

tilubllsisero, pu'oprieiotn or leseas regluimirly connected with of Inhthmution (in timo uulmoise of tite Sumtic) and for thaw puur-tnv'n, Uy tills terttt beltug rmmuit only r- didaurs to exorcIse all the powers anti exeettto ail tile dittIes of


pones ucitlehu (nay mo itecesnary to the proper Initiation of can-


otheors general an>] tiselstuimut frelgiut l)ilosflgrr uitud e aim the Sumnule of tho UnIverso,I)Utehiuuolng mugetutu, C()rfluarretmti trmivriitag, solicIting atuil i'aiit'titLcor tIn' piurp050 of Oactritdlng tho growtIt of tiuocotutracting freigiut (not Station tugeato). Tiul tneans tito of- Order thio Suupreme Nine shall tittacit to tue territory of Vies.


FOuit'th_Sasy,tohlt tflaciiiflery nioti. By titis term being In any Oticlu uiti etuc(l terrItory, tluoy tnny petItion tIte Biupreme

fielato or i'mlilromuds who eotus lui c(intact WIlli tIme patrons of gerent Sumirles euuieiu contiguous terrItory no may be withoutcmii. it does not momia 0111cc tuosislants, clorhts, secretarIes

the reuttuisltui nuimirym' of I-loo-Ihoo to entItle It to a Vleegerentor

collectorsSnark; prodded tlm(lt, \yiuen there shell be nine }Ioo-Ioo with-corumnt pot-SonS engaged In tha tuumunuftuetuiro oi- amule to lumber Nino for tite appoIntment of n Vlcegerent Stark, Phnt oihieer


ai' 0mal-mIll et- I(imuuulng mill intcItItiery, having breis chomurmu unti instuulhrd by iegal appointment, theuuruthiorlty of the tiret Vlcegeretit Snaric shall cotu'io by limita-


muuelt Juersotus an reino strictly within tito limi-thon, nod without flittlier provisbon than tun officIal notIfica-

tationo abose mude aro eltglbl0 (ou momberslul1) lit the Order,thon thun fleqitireil tiunll Ito sumhuject to rotilvision tltoreafter, an

and auch perSons tnuuy ho initimmied mudar propri' uupplheation,Provhuleil in SectIon 4 of tiult article,

l(tuYment of Iflitiatlett feo uutd civetlon to meml)ersiihj) and ini-Fhftiu-_'t'he Virygot'ent Snurk alioli be appointed huy tho

tuition as provided by tito rltoul of the Order, MotoluershipSnarit of the Unlvermue, huy tenti with tIm consent and approval

S shall lue limited to 99,99e lio'ing tuuetnbera In good otmitidlng,of tito Suuprome Nilo-, and sluuill sorve uuntil tito next 1100-fleo

See, 2. Bachi ahuldiemitut for teetnturrtltl1i sluall folly fill out ulny smicereding his apl)Oiulttnent, er cuntli hula suceesnor altall betite huai application blanle, 'l'lalo tippileation muaI mot be voted

tippohnteil, utnles.q removed for euuuuuo.on until a Certificate thorvouu

ìmie been indoroed by two mcm-SiXtit-Tite Sttpceuae NIne siuuuii cnuioo to be lsuued to each

lacro of the Order In good standing. TIue tquphicmmiian situulh hoVlcegerent Snark hy lIto Snarle et tho tjntvet'oe tinti Scrivono.


on collectively, In ca se hue bmillot Is ncul clear ti sec-ter a 5%'arrtitst of uuluthorttv, wiulch uhtnil explicitly doline his

ond ballot sitahi be liad, and if' toro or more black indio ho Cant powers and jurhsdietio0, ttuius wtirrant to ha accompanied bytho ballot shuali be had by sections utntil te final remIt. Jut case ouch liustruictions fer tiuo eonrluuct of concatenations, InItiations

t montos of tito dato of his t'ojectlaa,thority, and uuppohiut ouch sitccesoor to Sil the unrxipred term,

two black bails be euust the appticant sitnil be rejected, Any and nulmisslons as lt may deem wIse, Tito Supremo Nino,

admit to tito initiatory ceremonies of tito Order any shuali consist of thue h-rouse of Ancients, a huody originally In-

applIcant rejected sibil net he balloteu] on uigaiiu whtiuln sixthiosuglt the same agency, shuahl lieve power to revolio much au-Sec. 1. If any Vtcegeren oivall knowingly or by culpable Sec. 5. The juudtcuuul and aulvluuory officers of t h e Orderperson not legally entitled to same nnder tItes proviolons of thIsotituteul nt the annumal meeting of 1893, and made tip of former

: article, ho sluall, upon duo prost thereof to the Shark and Snarlco of tito Universe; each Snark, tupon tluo successful tormi.Serivonoter be removed from bIo onice by the Snsrk, and, In nation of his otilco te tito Supreme N ne, to be given the titlethe dIscretion of the Supreme Nltto, if the violation he fia- et "l'att Scade," axil to bocome a member of tIte lieuse ofgrant, be expelled from the Order; and any member et the Or- Afleicunts, It being tImo duty of the Order to hnvst the Pastder who Shall sign the certiflcate on any application herein Snark uit that time with an emblematic ring ais a token of re-referred to. if the facts stated in sucht applIcation with refer-

gard from the Oreirr and the badge of auttuority within theOnce to the present busIness interests of the applicant are not ocope Of these provisions,true, shall upon doe proof thereof submitted to the Scrivenoter,

Second-The chief omcer of this body shall be entitled thehe expehie by the Supreme Nine, It shall be no defense that

'Seer cf the I-rouse of Ancients," titis ohilee to be held bythe momber was elecehveoj into signing the certhflcate, Any

Boiling Arthur Johnaen, the founder of thus Order, his badge ofmember endorsing certificate on an application for member.

rank-the lOmblern of Revelation-a nIOS-politted eliamoitel star,shh1, mttst know of his own Personal knowledge tIme truth of

te be worn by hion oath his death, anti then transmitted as athe facts to which he certifies.

legacy from him te tIte "House of Ancients, ThIs emblemSec. 4, Whuenevet- a removal nr sitspenshon abolI be made >'luth thereafter be worn by that member of tite body' who isin accordance with the provisions of this article, the Scriva-

chronologically the next living "Past Snark," the tithe of "Thenoter shall Immediately bulletin flue fact to every member of Seer of the House ofAnchents" to descend, with the "Emblemthe Order In good standing,

of Boveitithon," in porpetuity.tho emblem to be ever -worn bySous. E. ThIs Order retains tite ownership ot every hand- 50tc0ig Seers as a perpetual token of esteem for him throughhook and button issued to Its members, sucht being furnished whom were transnahtied the secret legends and traditions uponOnly for the proper and legitImate usa of the members In ac- which the Order Is founded; and there sbutli bo neither fash-Cordance with tho Constitution, By-laws and Ehtaal of the honed or worn in Roo.Hoo another emblem of 111cc form, de-Order. Whenever any member, to whom such property is fur- sign or import.fished, ceases, either by suspensIon or expulsion, to be on- Third-It shall be the duty of the Houne of Ancients totitled fo the benefits and privileges of the Order. the right is ant as a standing Committee on COnstitUtion and By-laws todigest and consider any proposed changes in the laws of Hoe-hereby reserved to demand and enforce the return of the same

Which may seem wise,, may orlginafe from that body orto the Scrivenoter.

from any Other source, It being the privilege of ove fleUveSec. 6. The handbook shall be Issued between the first of

member of the Order to file w th the Housa of Ancienth anyFebruary and the first of AprIl each year and shall be sent suggestio which sony seem wise to him, ht being the duty' ofonly to meenbem who have paid diuou for the preceding year,

the House of Ancients to report to enei> Annual Concatena-Sec. 7. The initiation fee shall be $9.99, which, together

- then any revision which lt be haves to be for the good of theWith the current year's dues, must accompany the application. Order.








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F ow tlì'i lie I øLi.e of Ànceflt shall constitute an A.iry Biird to svhtch ttc eItiCttve o,ecutIve: OIVCOI Of ttio Or-

(14r I1II ittr lily t)IOI)tfmo Of c000tttfltt()flttl polity opon WtttCh

ttii t titoly hAtI (ttSiIttIt, (ir Cor lily other vcanofl ohati deoirothe c(,np,I l tien ot LtoeQ who haro held dccttve execUtive PO-

oItioi in Ihe pett t t,cjflg unthrotood that ieotIono 80 To-

rri I -tI itt t'í t t!ed by a jotot VOtO 01 both bodfe, the ruttng

to MtUfl(l 'CCC until ttIC 000( AICRU(It Conent000tlon. when

all h jt ¡fi Ji'C(ttfleC hntI tIe referred to ttie coneatenattOnns'jnhtI frr n oilotnlntelh' iittro'I or veto; the dectoton ofth- A n ucd (:otle:I tvlUtttófl to hccoule final . ntena otherwinedebrrnlmd lv ftrnrfl(tTtIífltO to the Constftiitfon, 09 hereinnterJ-fl d d l eyt'nt to build op t)racttI. tnitlnttve end ret-cr lti i tc gtJfltiOn.

ÇtfttF-- t t -tiaIt te t tu, duty of the !1oie of Anctento to tre-

Ç-tut .qerve t he h tototicat n rid n re taeologtcnI tore of

t (,O-1 I Ç*I. tot It etUi II 1O t)C the custodia ri of the copyright(If t w (trIll t II 1(1 e itt ii t (fi whit to cwre n rt] Protection fromtrflt,tI,tI( r iìtt Ufltl (itt 14.

si ' t il-li)( ¡It rIjI i OX ., (It tite I 1011014 of \ nchltt ohtttt t ,ii1]lI1't IÚ14C,Itt1uIti(1Tl14 tilO 01114e I14 lltY tflemttlIr offlit S't' lIe NICO

ARTtCLE V-Supreme NIne

Sb tillO t 'the StItreyne Nine Io vented 'cettli fill nuttiorttyto hIto) I tt tt et titi.. Iffli ti '3 (Pf tue Order In a ecordance with ltlet t litt. COlICCItlI t ott I 041 13y-llelVit itt tile t ti torito between thei 0(4- t 1(44) 4'n fltJlttM, Il tid SIi4ltl ttttoitglt the Sci'tvenoter, ninko

tI rtIt t tt,t t of ttc (tologH to the Order it en'h nontint meeting,

ti flIt it '4 lIrt it,tt (144 14 ttY too tter 41111111 tIc otlilieCt to OCt00.' ttt audi

titoetingSw- 'l'ue Oel t len CioIottr o h n i i corietitilte the Upper

Cul 1411,01' of t 11)0-t tOO, and lilt Vicegerent SOlICItO Who aliolilìa p SOt Clot 0014 s'CO r in that capacity, und ali ex-nietnlere oftho Sliprenle Nine, titliy lie eligible to memberaitip therein. it0111111 lii i

1)ttl1etent for tito nietnljeroltlp of the Ctoiotor, tinder

tts own regiilntlon't, to preoertl)e rittinlo nn(1 Initiatory cero-niontet, for the odmiqalon of Ito niombera; rtIeo und regulationsgovet it t ng tui' l,ti'lt4e4O of tue clototet'. titel udilig the Impolit-

tlöri nf eliCit ((IM ntl eltie8 1114 may Ile foond neCeCOarY to rogo-lato tirni enlitrife tIlo ltttiIt of eligil)llltY liy itclt veto as maybe IltOcerlilNI in tti lly-iawtl, atid, If deemed advialiblo, to make

altet,iI toit in tIto name under which tite Ciolater nOW exit,'Fito Ctotter aIinhi perforent tIte rito of emt)aimlng tito retiringRflfltIí ptqcerilOrY to ltia Incarceration in the 1101100 of Anctento.

SIC i, 't lie Supreme Nine aliolI appoint regalar tuneo formeeting, uni] muy hold tiuch opecial tncetItigt no may be re-itt_i I red, pi (O'iIi(d t ha t no peelal ttteetiitg ahail lie held unlessnotice thOtiluf ilteuli Ile given to each member at least ono toll(liLy ttlO!O 1114111 It WoUld (tubo hIm to reach tl Vinco of ouchtneetttug liv hie t otite ttec14000ry for hIm to tracci, unleSS ho

alioli i ti ii t t tuer Itavo Vn I i'eti lute rIght to iiCli t,otice andwhen Mtttotn000d by the Snark of the lJnIverc and the Scrive-noter to itteod any oltelu wpeclal toeettng, Ile shah be paid fromtho fende of the Otder htq neceooary expenecs for oocli meeting.

S'ce i Na tttetqttrc- slittit ho mmcd liy the Sopretno Ninoexcept itpo-t the alllrmative voto of tice of Itci members.

ARTICLE Vi-Meetings.

Section 1 1 foo-floo Day Itt the ttinth (lily of tito nlntitmontit of the iiienditt yon r. On that tiny shall occltr the regia-lar tinnitni latisittceO meeting of the Order at n pince to lie 00-locted by vote of tIto Order, In default of whIch It shall beticioi'tNi by the .Suprcnto Nine, tito tiret oesoiofl of schIelt aittili

com'en" riot litpr Llitttt tite nitttIt minute tufter 'J o'ctoetc p, m.of antd day.

Pen 2. 'l'te ('flOro rnemberaiutp In eaclt Stute In gooti stand-Ing abili lie Iii' lni'ii for votlog at tito Hoo-lloO Annual andtito l'ote of eeit 'Into tOtali ho divided pro rata untong titotnotnlir't 'i lit eMint ft etti tuteli atate, States not represented atthe an taust eiiîiii liase no voie.

Pec i Ei'et y rnetnl)cr of the Order should attend the meet-Ing on liso-lien day If ponulbie, or, failing to ho present, Itomust forward to the Scrlvenoter, In time to be reed at the meet-Ing. tu iilter toiling how 110e-1100 iiattt used ulm durIng titeiittOt yent, or lie tittt send a irepaid telegram giving bIo where-aI)Otut'i. '40 tititt It may i)C known schere every member of theOrder t'i ett tltnt day.

Sec 4. in t h e permanent record of Heo-Jion Day, theScrlvenoter shall mieto the attendenco as followa:

Fit ct-Members cieccaocil; (or tue loettug tasitiory of tuonowho ita'o gon.' beyond !i always with ita.

Second-'i'iioo seuo respond by letter or telegram.'l'iitrd-Titoao who arc iireneflt in pernon_Sec 5 Conetiteflht tions lite meetittgs lid d far the itiitiatton

of merntere, and no buirueo shah ho transacted thereat. Con-catonittinno shall i,o held by tite Vlcegerent Snnrlt et the otateto itorel i'r ',ix or moro applicants aro ready for InItiation, andthe Scrtvsnoter alaaii have forwarded to the Vicegerent Smirkan authorIty bionic slgnod by tito Supreme Nine, authorizingthe lioiiiiog of stuch concatenatIons.

Sec f At concatenations tito Vicegererit mark shall ap-point rncmbero of tuo Order to fill tuo ritual stations of thosemomotiot'i of tite Supremo Nino who may itot lie iireaeat inpermien.

Sec. 7 The Snark of tite Univcrae may hold concatenatIonsanywhcre upon tito Ie'ittance of authority blanks, no tony alsoany matnihem of the Supreme Nine,

ARTICLE Vu-Numbers.Section 1. The generai numbers of tite members of the

Order sIiII be as'tigtued by . the Scrlvenoter iii the retatiott ofconcatettatlen numbers, and in tito order concatenation reportsmay be received by him.

A RTICLE VI I i-Suspension and Expulsion.Section 1, Dues shtill be payable on 1-loo-lino Day for the

year ensuing Tite Scrivenoter shalt issue as a receIpt for dues

a 510141111 Cli rd. aiuii no nuenuber oliati bu admitted to any meetIng or conclu Ie-nHtiefl, after January 1, 1908, who does ttot pre-sent studi ccttiíit'ato. Members shall lie delinquent toc unpaidillicO Ott hie Jluo.iiOO day succeeding that on whIch dues bI'-Celtic ieiyibie. WithIn thirty-three days after l-loo-Iloo Das.tile Scu'tveuuotor iituIi eend notice to each delinquent tnembc'i.notifying hint litai Itt thirty-three days tituroafter he will tiroii14ettdd, If wtucii dtue ttre not pa4d and If dues i)e not isuldwitlutit, (lie tu t rty-t tireo dayo. ho sltli lie placed on the otis-ilettilcO list, ii ad such hot shah be publIshed to ali Vicegerents.

Sec. 2. \Vhoo titi' Scrivefletet' settiio out the noticeo, hereintirot'iitO(i (or, lac shall preu)are a list of those to whom It o

soez In eitelt \-Iccget'oncY timid tranteuttit tito same to the VIce'gerent Sn:itlt. who shall adopt sutit tfleamts to secure the ciii'k'clioti r'( stich daca tie Ito may woe St, retidoring his accounifer lito ('aliInse incident thereto to tIiS Scrtvenoter.

Si'c. 3, Suslendsi] meniltet's may be reinstated upon tIteItityittl.'ttt of i,ti lç diii's, tIto iitaøutttt to Ito patti not to exceed $ii? ilolinitilent ciu.ieo, tupen tito ariprovlti et tue Vicegerent, of tilOstale iti tilt kit sedi tnom lieu lt vite . or on tito approvai of ElioSerieculoter of tIte Order.

Si'ui. I. If a uty metntiet' of tuIs Order obtuil violato Its Con-etitittifllt, uY -Iti -wo itr lUttitti, or engage itt tut»' unlatvfeui Or dis-t'slttititilio lltttliflcil'i ., or in tuity mitonner hrtttg public oliamo urIliOgríicO to titis Oriler nr its mombetsitip, ils may ho suitpenuielei, ii'iiielI oni y io tltit tuilotettug triattoel' There shall be fileddottli lia' fiCt't 'onutti't' re wrItten StO tcitttiflt of tIte offenme cluarged,aigecti by lIte tiietatior tntiking the charge tnd verified untiercatit, antI sUpr,ùt'Icti by sttclu titildavtla of other Itorsone na liamiii, desire to pti'eeiut, together with e Copy of the same, TitoSet'lvettoteu' situa li lilo tIte originiti atid traoomit tue coPies toEhe necutsed by registered mali, withotit the name signed there-to, ritIcli Sitilil be fuurniahed by (Inc Scrivunoter on dentatid ifiiefeitott io ntudc. 'fite accitaed shall haYo thirty-three days after(be receipt (uf tIte cluargetu macle In sehicit to make ansieer,which nitail bo lireltared untier oath, tund may consist of titesttitt'tuettt of others us scoli as itlmself, Viten the Scriveaotersittill have m'ceit'eil tlu(' iltiliwer of tite accutooui, he shall trans-ntit a dolly of all the ptiiero In tite cuRo to each mombor of tIteSitltre'tno Nine, who sttali determine Elio Itinocence or guIlt uftIte defcnuiatut. attil In cano of convIction lix ouch penalty asti'y may tion't proper.

lti caos tite, aecttaed shall not maize answer, within tite timoltiitíiit pt'i'acribed, Ito aliult stand suapended until such answerolniul Ito flied.

If any nuenuker shall m a Ic o a folse or malicious chargeagtiitto( tituotlier member, lia sitall be subject to suspension orexpulsion toy the Stipremo Nine, nnd In any case in whIch tito

accused titily be acquitted Elio bttrden et proof shall ho tupenthe cilmpl;ilflflfl t Io ehov titat us noted in gond faith In cane tIi

ii(.uiiiittul siuzuil reselL from ut faIlure Io prove the tacts alleged,huit not tvlten tIto eccIuttttti results from tlue construction oftite Itou'.

See. 5, Whetueter n montitor of titla Order is suspended theScrivcnoter shall iletnand of him a return of his luaneibuOk anditittlott, which wltnil be retained by the Scrtvenoter durIng tho

perled et ititi witottsnnion. Whetuever a member of this Orderla i'xpi'lleti, tite Scrivenoter shall elomond a rottura of his itnii-book and button, and if tite same shall not he returned withintlilrty-tiire't days, lue shall proceed to the recovery of anno bYactlen of law.

ARTICLE tX-Amesdmoflts.

Section 1. Titl Constittitloti may bo notended by a threofeitrilto 'oto of tus repressflte(l membe'roiiip of tite Order asltroelilid In Article ST! hereof at any 1100-HOD annual.


I. 1t tite abseace of the Smirk troni íittY Hoo-Hoo annuallila place t'hall tie taken by (lue next oiflcer in ranlc who lopresent. in catos of temporary vacancy In any position, titeteEing Smirk shall llave power to temporarIly liii ouch vacancy.

2. TIto Scrtvenater shall tie custodian of the funda of theOrder, nnd shall gIve Itond satisfactory to the Supreme NtoOIii tue sutm of tite tltousttnd dollars ($5,000), tite cost of s:iiti

l)(ittd itelng (lefrayell by tite Order. lia shall pity out moneysonly en vouchers cetintersigaed by tija Smirk and Sente! lIon-1-loo, 1-ro oliati receIve an annual salary of twenty-five iuunilreddollars (12,500) nail lt allowed necesatury expense for the prejierconduct of lila oSca.

i, Tuo accounts anti ullehitraemento of t h e Scrivenotershall 14e tianually tutiulíted withIn nine days of each approaciiing annuitul l'y a. coitiltetent ticcoitntnat appointed by the Starkfor that puttlose; md tito certified report of auch auditor oled!aecomitany tite annital report of thu Scrivenoter. Such ute-'scary oxeeruse zio tOitY attacit to such auditing oluail be paidupan potier 'ottclier.

1. In cane of tIte death of a anonaiter of tite Order In gondstaniling itli nurnlier and name shall lie retained in ail nllicialntimerlcnl Ilota of mentltors of the Order thereafter pubiisttd,but sutrroutidetl by black hutes. In caso of the resignation. oils-pettsiott at' oxpuisiotu of a member, his name shall be dropp'dfroua lIte rolls of tIto Order.


5, It altnll be tIto duty ¿f tito Vicegorent Snark at tua iul','Oett eaclu concatenatIon, to remit to the Scrivenoter $5, togetherwIth one year's dties, fer each reguilar member initiated, tvliICttamount ehnil cover tito dues to the next loo-loo Day. lieoliati remIt ninety dollars ($90) for each honorary maenti r r,

oeil twenty-three dollars and thirty-tour cents ($23.14) for c:rhlIfe tasmlter oblIgated under Sections 8 amid 9 of Article il(4f outr Constitution. l-le shall also remIt the balance of tutoiereceived nt any concatenation which lins net been expended litlits ncccnsnry expenses of the concatenation, rendering a iiCtoiled acrcettnt of same, attested by the acting Scrivenoter Ch4Cutslocatlan. Out cf the futnd set apart for the Vlcegerentt Snackho may pay his necessary expenses fer attending such conrntenatlon, and (hosa of ouch otluer members as he may douai fliCcanary to cali upon for assistance in the work.

g, Tito Hoo-iIeo Annual ehali be governed in Its deliberi-tiens by Robert's Sales of Order, unless otluorwise provided far,

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'l'tue eat gives lieta T:ilnt liietuof its iuetuttt3' ttn,h ortietle degnateIn t,t,lltlotu ti, i,etirlutg ttie IIootioo sttttiletii, it lo uudiicutetl %i'!tlt alitocitl'IflllS, cacti io grtisv lit tito tiitirHbedl lui tIte SiutIt, etetitteteth In titeutittartut color iII browut ,teltlu gritetu Ictit'eo. The \n'orhuaautottiit Iii of tIteIttgiteat tustuitty. JE to ato elttlitlt titittuir, hut In Ititetui.i,ittitted, nuit lttutt,l.eiiaitiolei, 'Fitto uiittioru Itself in storllutg gIlt, to hielt utuitatie tlutut lt lentt'clltig oliver, liltuteh vitlt giitil, To titi Itutents attil liartoocs lt le tiwillI1 OiiO0it. TIte lirico le itboat riglut, I thInk, consIderIng uu'itnt yougel.

fHE ROO.HOO BROOC} ttditiitiOn to htolttg artlotle anti lietitutifal, th(BO urti ait '' lucky',

pItia, attil I guitritilteo titetit t,i lrtuug caution tt titi ttaretituoer outilutituke Itis emIt u,ttite true, lirovttIud ho wIshes for tite rlglti clutttg, ttt,,ile outIng tut work,

Tito oituupis ' luir " brooeii Is raconttnsn,hiiti a a Irenatut to n priue-ticaititiitiluiii gIri. It carries willi lt a eaggentlon el oc,Ii,I tce,rtlu tuttiIs culcutlatstl to Inupresa lior stIllt the liten huit ,,u art ultimE tuo goodmu eliutteo, all thIngs cotistitert'it, ne site tu'tll t,o ilttely to got. 'Flic\VISt,IIIONE uluslgn tt'tLS tuinde jetth u n'bus' to ntorr'luig-off tIto noti.finaud luaeheiure at lloo-lhiio. Tilhi ITOlttIhituIiO ac l'IN io tite luckIestotnil. ItwilI bu observed tttat title horoeeiuoo le niet Eke iilit'fat,tttutictiicinit, Otteh os ti eommtuoai " l'mc" woalti weiir, bujE le tito uit-te-datesltoe horn uy u reanlug horno, lt Is, tiusrefore, eyauuli,iIlu of tIti' npu,i'ilyrealltotlon ottito purchaser's Itrlgliteot ulreaun5, Tite OttlitoChlNit'n'IN le littendeti for itreoeatutloa to o ronunutlo muitdeo, aittl ata)' Ito

aneettipunieti tty it opeecht tiltoatthe mooa-''tlto iuueenatael tiutuetu titattnuontltiy chungos In Its cIrcled orti "-tied otttreeity tlutt Iter Itive Itsnot Ilkeiclso t'tiriabls. TIte OLOVElL-LIìAi Pjyg Is loo wl,towerewitlt eltildrotu, it'lit, nro tr'leg to tuutirry young girls, it is tutiseiutelyi rrualotlblu-''ii tiuluug of lti'nuty ott(h ti joy tornio r.'' 'Fits clOvor-iuufhue obortieruit itomiiu gotil, whIt tIme conter enttmieioii ta the utnturuidevoT groen. Any oua of tIteen lume uu'ould unukti tilt ttltltrOiirliitegireosot from a mann to hie tvt(e, The itersoottoet pItt tiilgiit prove of.recIbe as tu Present to ouuu'o nteibor-ln-iuw, ne it st'uulii carry WIlliit s delicato blat to ' uraIk nona"

TH} HOOHOO GRIP TAG.Ttit, alio le guuurauucectI Is brong

gec,,i Iuk to soy triuvetttig ulanootRi to i«qu ItIu,t icaria jouroe taig0e t h e ,lowolitll reati tus aw,Jufailure o' tltteueter, lt tu i i i b oseen (hat inst grtite stitii t ilag on hum tt'lit prolutbt0 hoaiutI iii t, titc. in tisera' atleti ca0tito greatt.oL 00(00140' it ill lie unte tut-tailteti as t'i tito v,itttemut n, i (urhug Ontotui otilo' n collar luutt41tutti your ether ioitrof costs, 10th-luir sutil tolti to Iittttillt,utel'rtce o Cents, and cheap atlui(tnoy.



I ulivo e( to oreo italy, etti or ontig, oliodiii not o ant Otio Of tueco iltis (liii mialitotu siteaiuti it, 'Fo Iiaa'o tlt(dOe lITiO in tii liattits ofl'rotta tctuiaen...nutii u geint llOOIXoo tititto'eno ottior nort-_...5 tIte iiit i)oeMltuio atti urtinotitemut f,ir Cliii Oriler. lisnry IIeio.1t,a oughttui lisa otto et tIlia ittes, ittita hilts miutitlior eut-gran ed ici it, amuit gIvil lt te notno gutco,h uvotittimu,I'rtco t GO by- ri'gtotetrisi ututuih-Ot as, ttiut, ifttken f, e, b Nimtti lite. Loosetu up, toC o,tutti give tito '.'onti'tt tu eliatuco.

TIlE HOO.HOO WATCH CHARM.'Tite ten,' loolgit llt'Itug tullke or hotu sities, Itut III uuen'er itiutug"wrttttg cOtto out," Tite cilgea tue0 etitootlu, which le tisi, ti grotit

titln Oitlugo Wo tuten lutti ti lutont tonel Nuitdeslgut, to irhiett ito tlteuglut tltor,t t'tttlttlitt tto ii()H'eth;le ,,Iijoutton, it uhu, lt,,,ueu't'r,sottte oltiti-1, itiilitto, tiutul tiuntorotus kIcksbignut tut r,'.uelt tus trotti uttuirrlu,l l,rstltorttit lit, outil (h0 elttrtut ''oe'ruit cltc',l (litt intim 'shc'ge till UI '' 'l'ltls 1ttitii clttirm lo tor_

Tjfetitl ltiit'ratoso, tue tech tin n ery hettittil tul,Ituottieti lt o I ut g itltllrtultrliuteiy osggi' e itt Ng tut, t Ito ltlrtlulttot.t, of It,i lttt,s,Tltiut l'art of Eli,, ttiwlgti t ltleii i, tutii lItiotIto titI, ttt u galo tir ii,u,,r roltu tts,.ttii tItI,

J- / ''JtritlO loti. '' 'lito I'rtt1,u loti ts,uq titut gi cluESati'ttitt ttrcttjtl lut rutE, tif I Ito I ('utilte ofO'iIrIo, It a,ti'i ittosoit i' lit Itrolittu tiotu titttlrich lit outuiptociut 'le'slgtt ittuti Ittnc,rt1,tl,,tto.lui OutilS' lt 'tts 11ko t'ltd i'yitttto ,,F tIte tc'uuu-lilo, trotti n- hielt lt tatti Its utiututo, It otra e,iPttieut 7.5O i'iti'tt, tus ti ltlit,I uf hilt ii,lltt'ltott t,i tito tctttitit',and ltoyon,j It tt tuo atta ott gr,ttuuu,l, 14t"ittiItouteutli Its Itortal , cit tiettoolit of Ito Ptt' I t lout, tIti, tittttl,ltt lui il i Its glorys'tuo neon, l.otutilog frottu It tetis (Ito sitercs,i litiO , i),tr, tot (',teit sitIoi,y tito Eceutithotu t otttyttx, Outo ti )'t'tir, s'ltso titi, oiirtlt lui Ito, Ott t'ttlttirouod Etto flott iUl retiolie,l u certiulut itou mut lut tIte ecl tlttit' , (lu <, r,to n tufIhn rlstuig tun, cui (tltig aurons Elio timorE, utti,ttto litt ouugli tIto Nt-etti ltrtu-

liYltn ilotetu tito tuvoutue of sIthi3'tix Ittttt .auuti ,tittu it tiir'iiiglt thi ui'tnitlotititli lt IlgItIctI up tltttjtiiieet t (Ito Sltttit Jf,,t' tutiti gill t'riti ort the glitletiItoruis of tito oucreti iUti-tiittl tIto ligi Istisut tout' t'ar litai legua, 'lItoroot of tIte tiottiga le ttttttto tup or n coitl Innattuo It,,r,Ior of (luit hotus, n tui-(tilleul of Elio rentirroetloit- tito tutus sioet,s tutti ait tilieuto, 'lIti,i!gyi,tlnits ltollen'+,j tkot tlut'tr Hitirils o otuki return to earth tiftor tu tetugl hsojourn elsewhere tuui,l tuttE tltey 10501,1 In hioltit titeir old Iuotllei,...ttetteottuuuuiniles, lYon 'lon'E hinco to rontoial,i'x- Ii titis, If ou t)Uy tua eltiirni,but ought to.)

Now, tltout, flOflO el tIuI lIon-hoe jow-(iry tri,' lis soltl to otitor tunataotuiliero In good slsatlieg, aliti oeil 1er eaitit, Tltero is u l}rttllt Itt lt tolIts utiuttafuctaror, Itat utotue to Jfu,t,-lleo. It Is Ittimtuilett tiur thin ttcettriu-tatitlutlitu of our moutiltors anti Elio gt'ti,i of tIte Or,It'r. Nono tuf lt tutti Itosalti without tIto buyer's ueuuiber. Aihuircose all ertioro te J. 11. lIAiltO,Bcrl,'ouuoter, Nush5tlIe, 'Fetta,







I I i


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SNARK OF THE UNIVERSE-Platt U. Walker, Minn.SENIOR HOOHOO-W. A. Hadley, Ontario, Can.JUNIOR HOO-HOb-E. H. Dalbey, IIHnos.BOJUM-C. E. RATTEN Washington.SCR1VENOTER-J. H. Baird, Tonnessee.JAflERWOCK-Maurice W. Wiley Maryland.CUSTOCATIAN-W. R. Griffin, Indiana.ARCANOPER.-Burt J. WrIOht Missouri.GU RØØN-.Edw. F. Niehaus, California,

THE HOUSE OF ANCIENTS.CHAS, H. McCARER (Deceased).o A. JOHNSON, Chicago, iii.W. E. BARNS, St. Louis, Mo.

.1 E CEFEBAUGH, Chicago, iii.H. HEMNWAV, Colorado Springs, Colo,A A. WHITE (DeceOsed),N ., GLADOINO-ind;aflapoiis md.GEOflGE W. LOCK, Lake Charles, La.WM. J3. ST1LLWELL, Savannah, Ga.A, m-i. WETR (DeC0050d).W. H. NOrRiS, Houston Texo,ED. M ViETMEIER, Sandusky, Ohio.C D. ROURKE, Urbana, iii.R. t INMAr4, Portland, Ore,A C. nAMSEY, Nashville, Ark.J s. tONNER, HOton Texas.


A lJsmaatsiit_( Northeri l)iotrici)-ii(iIar(i ltaiìiiotph l2O 17th St.,s ttiriolngii.tii, Aia,it inhatnio- (('votrai I)lMtriCt)_A, (t, Ilanjion, care Veouvion Lbr.C(). MOr)tgolrlery, A la.A iaI,o IIo-(tlolitherii t)iatrict)-lt(i I ai neo, 217 City Jianic 11Mg.,rluIdie. A 14

A ri, slO-Alt)('rt Stacy, 1370 G Ave,, 1)(,IIias, Arizona,A rkitiji__( N()riijea',terjì i)iatrlct)-lt. C. Lippiiian, 'l'opelo, A rk.A rk: sisji-i Cenirai 1)iotrie t)-J. Ii . Cartllici)ald, M arre 11Mg., JittiOilOPk, Aik.Arkit iiilU4--( \Veler,t l)latrtct)-iItrr) J. ¡.arge, I)cQtaei, Ark.A rius. 'l'-(S(,iIl ivre l)lotr icI 1--C, ii. lt:i ririni, G ii l'doTi A rk.Citi I t rollI-(S(;iit hcrii l)i.strjci)-iir(Iw!I I i giriati, C5(ì W'eotbltii lit.,I..,, A og(1r9, Cal,Cult f', , rliio-( Non livra l)iatriitt)-, J, Itinocii, O'2 St. Clair 11Mg.,

I . tillit 1114 Sl ..,M an lraIIrloe(), (ii.CftHhI(IEL-t hisit' u I)itrici ).-joilii i., Catopiieli, 'Fraiero hankI gilg , i muto, (liii,, Catit,Ctttiis 'i'-ttvtl r4i l)loirlel )-(o, Il, \\'ail, liox 218, SYitinipeg,IIaii ('atiada.(lillilid lt-\t't'sierIi l)iai riet) -j, D, M(iotiy, cartt Vancouver Lbr.(4t , Vantatnvvr, lt. C.Colo rudi' '-'i iit,tiì,i 'I. 1eCtte, 121 It. & (. Bldg.. Ilenver, Coi.l)itr j 't of C'i it rit bin-ilse noii W. i'Hce, lorest Service, \l'asii.I rilioi I) (ttriorl , ItI-(Sitijiiit'rtt l)istriet,).-.p, li \l'tSltICr l,akiIttiitl, FIa,

i)lIrlvt t--IV. it, (;ttiiett, .Ili i)yni'UpciiorcitI Uti , .JI( PO)tIVlil(, l"iL.FiorI Iai__ t'eMit'rtt i )iat rItt) --i. it . 'l'orjioc, I'e!i.sarola, Fia.(DorI,i-( Norilii'iii i)loI h't)-iletij,I i. (.ox, ir , ii 11 (Jtlitikr liidg..,\ lI.tIit4 i,t(D'o rj:,-(Mjttiiiit t'storti I)i s i riet)- ii. I . Cortei t, rtto,iltrie, Ga.Iiiih,,...lI, li (iiitiiit'i, 'lout ltiIe, I,ia!ìt>.I IiiII(.IM_INI)rllI(.riI l)lotrl(,t.)-i, I,. ,i,>ititc,it, ,Ji., G25 hock Ito-'iiirigt' liltig (ilit';tgo, I Il,fJliii,sIM-.IOttIltiIertI 1)iet rlct) ii, lirt lard. Carhoiaiale, Iii,I ii(iIit lIJI -tNorllij'rtt I)iqi l'tel) - l,oiiia ( . IilIIi(ietli);tnItI, l'uic &:'dt'w I u k h'lq,, I oiiaita1tollo, Irai.I rrriln Iurr-lS(,rrl lir'rti i)isi rit' t -IL TMv ,lirzrr, t'aro ltvaoo'iiie Sairs tnt livor ('u }tv:itroyii it, inri.It) 1L-._( Notturni I)iotrictl- I ), il. i)eviiis i' 2()r Iowa St, , i)olrtiqrre,I triar,lr,% a-,IhupIlt irarri I)iot riet)-,I M. ForIno g, Iteokiiir J rrtvt,unir,, ; ,s._(i. ,tql erri I)ioi riet)-._.pjik (. , G itriroir, ca ira A , I,. I)aviaI irijiliar (ri i_ir:ttIIiirr, Çrs.ICa tisss.,_. i%'("iierrr h)iot riet) -W. i. liar t i ir, G rea t ihenti, Itrio,lC(ilttsI('i(%__(('t.lilr,ii l)iOlrict)-1,(J IieI',rdotr,70'j CoItjtiìlili liidg,,1 iaiiio Ilk', i(l ,tit ssclrt.-.( k,tqlr'tit 1)iotrict I-ii. L, Iiiai r, (trrtiottsl)jrrg, Icy,mc i'ut s , ir%-( \'i'qICrrr hint rict)-ltriitt It . F rgrIsolr, h 'adricair, Ky.I,iiii ¡.IrI;I-.(5,)Ilili(.rtr liistricti-li F. itolorto, Aiexarrririri,I,oit itt tittiii-.( N''riiierrr I)ioLrit'i,)-.ii, li. 'J'erry, ertre M. Il. liniirigerIririrhi'r ('a , Sirravairrirt , Ja.l,()ri iM III liii- (in.isit'rii I tisi riet)-N. 11. Freriariri, 820 I'c'niiiio St.,

'('iS Ortrirrs. i,;i.iOlrsry i 1t1111- \VIII 'I . itiiii ils, 7 I, 'raG St., Iiaitirnore, hid.h1rIseseiiia,i.t ta-lierirert A . Filiar. I i urtano St., itoston, Maso.hi r'xi (()-Ii4'rtt(iIprti 1)isl rlvi-C, Il , M. A gr:iirioriti', Ilernaird Cor-t ei Nit, 2, l'aprii i:i D. i'-,, Menino.hO('i(',,lNi)riir(rti 1)iol inh ) -I. Ji. Sea rie, CtiIo jter)biji; 22,i\1,riili'rt'r . Maxim.M imiti grill-1 \O t'siero I)istrict)-Jeg hi. \Veblt, 155 S. Saat Si.,(_; ritiri iti iiilq, hi ich.

hlicirigaii-(Upper Penln.sniar)_'t,%., A. Whitman Mar'joette,Jriich.1)intrlcti-J5ester (. iticéoy, NO Security

lIant 1iidi., Minneapulii, Misto.1tIiIIflsteotis(h\Ortiipj Dlotrict)-Geo, A. Sherwood, 2 . Lyceum

HhJg., I)iriuth h1iiiti ..

hlietittttilrlli_(S(itliliergi J)istrict)-C, A, O. Steinro'eg, Brookhaven,

litti'ri-( Western I)lstrlct)-W. L. Itriseoe, Greenville, Mia,lilN.5iipj,i (Eastern 1)lntrict)-,Íoiiii M. Broach, a I O ?iliazza-Viioil 11Mg., JOleridian, hilos.

liflOtiri-1)'t$terfl 1Jiiilct)-li. L. 1toederer core lug 1?orir Rollte,St. 1,oriin, Mo,

li5Oliri_( \Veoterre 1)istrict)-O. ht. Itcafro, 1401 li. A. I.00gDIdg., Itanaas City, Mo.

Ni$SOtIrt_(S,)lithovesterrr Dioiriet)-ht, E, lnnnla, 1105 N. JelicraonSt., liprioglinid, Mo,

hflostftsrrt.-'ht, W. h)ue l,ibby, Montana,(ei;rIsaka_It, lt. Moreirofloc, 2iitII Ase, unu Taylor it., Omaha,

Net.Nerruin-II, It. htIiiilkcti, iictx 805, Goiriileirl, Çevaria,

tirs' )tanlmo-ht, L. Evans Aibiiqrrerqiie, N . i%i.Nsw ìork-(ßasi,ern District)-Cnarlea F. Fischer, i928 I'ark Ave.,

. Newyork N.Y.Z'(ew York-(Vl!egtern 1)latrict)--Friisk A. neyer, 408 Woodwarrl

Ave,, liiiti, N Y.1'Orrtio CsroiisJ5.....(Cenirai Diotrict)-Clyde jticCalirnir, Fayette-

Ville N. C.1'Jorti* (Jaroiinze-(Etemn h)latrict)1t. G. iiyrier,N. O.'erLii Qrtr(JiIJrns..._(V0ater5i 1)intrict)-t', H. Ilobb, itown 6,

I)irnrmor Bldg., Asiieviiie N. C.'(ort1i t)rLkota1nrank A. Taylor, Grand ltorlca, N. 1).

()iriu-( Northern 1)istrict)-lb, T. l'citeli, l3tui Floor Iiocke(eiierHId'., C'ieyelanrrj 0Mo.

OIiIO-(Centrai liieiie, 1021 South hhigit St., Coium.hua, Cirio.

Oiiio-(Sorrtiierri I)itricl) 1-J, I). 1eaoe, 71G hiercaniile LibraryIlkig., Cinirinrurti Ohio.

OIciaiIina-( WeStet'n h)lltrict)-Ciras .1' . Walker, Okiniroina City.Oki.Oklairosnino_(Nortireasterjt h)latrlet)_Iiranrk ht, I,eonrarri, Muoko.

itee Ohio,Okiltlt()nttI_(SOtItire,atrrn 1)istrlct)-hl . T. Chiles, L'adda, 0kb,OregOs,_)Nortijer Dintrict)-Saniuei ht. Ots'in, 7i2 Corhett Bldg.,.

l'oriland, Ore.Oregl)n_(Soutiierii DiabEict)-,I S. Maghirlry, Ittigone, Ore.Penhiltyiyit,,ia_( Nt)rtlrerfl Districtt-W. 1'. iliarker, Si. Marya, l'a.l'tiniiieyi Viiiiiit-(Cetttrrii I)iatrlCt)-5t . \y. i'tlaiiliiaoti, \Villiarnn.lieti t'ri,

FetiIi,tylvrtIrltt_Çltasterrr I)itirict)-iierrj, C. Carrie, Jr., 302 Cro-Ztr hug., l'Iriiactcipiiia, l'ri,

l'eIltINyiVttIijrt.-(%Vegterrr 1)IntriCt)-hi, A. Srtìitii, tOi Firot NatiBatik Iiidg., iSst tori 'fooar 1', A.

Monti' Crrroiiiin-..j, 'tV. )riirin, ilirniter, S. O.Sotitit I)rriirrtn.-i I . A.. lIard, 218 Syndicate Iiidg., Sioux itaIia, S. 1)TorrtitisNeir_(ltrrsiernt Dhitrict)-1I. C. Fowier, care Crise-Fowler

isbr. Cu., Chattanooga, 'leiht.TelitiVKMur__(hiiri(iie I)iatrlct)- l.ewia I)oater, 1020 Stairlrriasi Bing.,Nnsiiviiie,Tcntr,Tennti('NNr.nrl\Veatern l))strict)-G. 1. Ii, Fischer, '220 N. leronrt St,hii'nripiiis, 'l'enti.TexIiH-.(Nurtir,.rnn District)-tj, It. (Jilieti, Vaco, 'rex.Tetit$-(Srnriiiienr l)istrint)'-lilias h'. Gorhani, care hiotiton

Cii ronicle, I lorratnini, 'l'ex.'rcxtrs-.-( \t'caternr l)irntrict)-ht, A. Wititiock, El l'rroo, 'rex.'l'(Xhis-(i'aliirrLrrniIe)._.J i) tnrcieroon, Arriarillo, Tex,Ijtoii-lt. V, Srniiir, 60G Junge lung., Salt Lake City, (unii.Virgiti ist-.) Eastern Di strlctl-Virgin iii-i \S'n'sierji I)isirict) -\V., i. Matson care U. S. Spruce

Lirr. Co, , hin riait , Va.Vrii l'ignori ( Knistern l)iairict ) - Gen. \V'. iIorrg, Iluix i loi,

Sinuknunie, 'nisii,1Vnlritigtori_(\,'pntemsi l)iatrlc-W, li. Mack, Aberdeen, Wash.lVrrd Vi rgirrirt-( itaateruu I)irrtrlct.)-A , A, lirici y, Bun inn, W. Va,'.Vtnit Virgiti iut-(Cenitral I)iatrict)-Cba reluce D. llounnurri, ConanW, Va.'i'tai. S'irgiliiui-(\Vesterfl l)istrlct)-,J, C. \Vailcer, entre l)ixio Lbr.Co Clcurle.stnuiu, ','/, \o.\ViHn'oiinis_W, it. Att niere-nt, 3cl hioniigonuuery 11Mg., lliiis'auikeu,

W1'n,rn i 'to-Clyde A. lt igen. Curly, Wynriuri rig.itirigitriti fitti (;r'r,tinitnrit ,rt' ilni3'tieun, 164

A inlcrgniinr St., lnnrunui, Ituugl;u turi,A.uitra iiiiui_\V, (l, i'.norruuua ru, it, S. &' A, ib:ttik iiidgo,, iCitug A

Clou ge Sto, , Syrl stay, N. S'. W.


Joiritil i('tli,iu N o. i -._ Dirtier fluo bark ( \%'rLlkusrI i iue boliowirugStaIns: !niiuitui'srri,ni Nortuu i),rkoinu, Siruith hialuuiini, uionitninuninun tt'uslnnrnu (tutu tria,

JuriNri iatisri Nit. u2.-.-U truer t ire Settler ilun.l too (Ilntrileu') tite fol-lOO'iuig Siales : itantemti Cauiania, Neun Vurrjç nutrii Neu' ltttgiauid,1 isritnlintiori No. irder tiue ,Juinior I lorn.i I ou Ilinilirey) tite (tri.

iowiuug Sinulno : t iliniui ., buyo, \'IscOtuiut hiiciuigon ritual Ne.brrioknu,

J uriarlietirtir No, 'i - Uuider tiun Bojuuuiu ( i'aj Ieri) lije fruliowitigi4tate; \'btOihitugtoi Ornigotu, I uialio attd \%' ouuuluug,J uniti i nUtrii No. ¡t,.- U teier tiue Scrlveuuoter (l3airri) lire foiIowittStniie4 n 'fcuutiunsee, Gu'ttrginu, Floridni, Alr iuniuunu, hiissiaai jipi,A rkauusnn ntuurl I.ttii minna.

Juritriic'tioti No. li-ijiurler tIre 'ial,herwock ( \Viiey ) tire Siamo: hiaryinrird, i)iol riet uf (olutitolila, i"'uiuusylvatuia,New Jersey, 1)ela ware, Nonilu ('arr 'litri ni md 6n'.tilu Carolina,

J urloliai mit N o. 7-U iurii'r (lun Crust trattini (G rl Illui b tine followingStates: lttd initia. Ohiuu, Ketulttcky attui V0.St Virginia.J uriiictinin No. 8-U miar (lie Areanojuer (\Vrlglit) tite tollowlntgStales: Pli050utri Itninonts, Oklaltouuua, Texas arid Coiorntdo.Jurlitlictioti No. 9-Untivr (lue Ottrilon (Niehxsrt) tite foliuuwingStatt's: Cniiiftrrtìlut Nevaninu, A rizoura, Ulain, New Mexico attdMexico,

Imporlafit Notice!

Dues for the I1oOdH year ending Sep.teinber 9, 1909, became payable at oriexninth

of one minute past midnight on September9th last, 7-reyou paid up for the year Sept

teinber 9, 1909? lire you sure? If you arenot, you had better send $1 65. Everyman who pays up without waiting to be sent

one notice will help that much to offset the

expense caused the arder by the man whoWaits until he is sent three notices. To whichclass do you belong ? 1re you an "early bird"

sort of man, or are you an "eleventh hour"mau?

The annual dues were changed at the Oklaa

homa eity Annual Meeting from 99 cents to$l.t5 per year, the increase-6 cents-being toCóver annual subscription to The Bulletin,




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