title 62

Post on 14-Apr-2018






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  • 7/29/2019 Title 62


    < 14:3 >

    Revelation 14:3

    3 They sang as it were a new song before the throne, before the four

    living creatures, and the elders; and no one could learn that song

    except the hundred and forty-four thousand who were redeemed

    from the earth.



    In todays Scripture, it says they sang as it were a new song. God is asking us to sing a new

    song and He wants to be glorified in a new song.


    149:1 .




    Psalm 96:1, 1 Oh, sing to the LORD a new song!

    Sing to the LORD, all the earth.

    Psalm 149:1, 1 Praise the LORD!

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    Sing to the LORD a new song,

    AndHis praise in the assembly of saints.

    Psalm 144:9, 9 I will sing a new song to You, O God;

    On a harp of ten strings I will sing praises to You,

    Above Scriptures show us the saints of God that there is a new song

    to praise to God.

    And also, todays Scripture is talking about a new song.





    1. ?


    1. What is a song?

    In the Bible, song means the Word of God.

    119:54 .



    Psalm 119:54, 54 Your statutes have been my songs

    In the house of my pilgrimage.


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    7:38 .

    Moses who led the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt to the promised land Canaan, was

    the expert in teaching the Word of God to the Israelites and he is known as the fulfiller of Gods

    covenant in Gods history of redemption. And in Acts 7:38, the Bible is calling Moses the

    one who received the living oracles to give to us.

    15 32 .

    Moses who received the living oracles to give to the children of Israel made songs and sang

    the songs to the children of Israel and among these songs the most representative songs are

    in Exodus Chapter 15 and Deuteronomy Chapter 32.



    Exodus 15:1, 1 Then Moses and the children of Israel sang this

    song to the LORD, and spoke, saying:

    I will sing to the LORD,

    For He has triumphed gloriously!

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    The horse and its rider

    He has thrown into the sea!



    Moses gave glory to God by making songs about how God saved the children of Israel.


    32:1 .

    Deuteronomy 31:30, 30 Then Moses spoke in the hearing of all the

    assembly of Israel the words of this song until they were ended:

    And Deuteronomy 31:1 and below Scriptures are all songs made

    by Moses.




    Deuteronomy 32:1-2, 1 Give ear, O heavens, and I will speak;

    And hear, O earth, the words of my mouth.

    2 Let my teaching drop as the rain,

    My speech distill as the dew,

    As raindrops on the tender herb,

    And as showers on the grass.


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    Deuteronomy 32:44-46, 44 So Moses came with Joshua[b] the son of

    Nun and spoke all the words of this song in the hearing of the people.

    45 Moses finished speaking all these words to all Israel, 46 and he said

    to them: Set your hearts on all the words which I testify among you

    today, which you shall command your children to be careful to

    observeall the words of this law. 47 For it is not a futile thing for you,

    because it is your life, and by this word you shall prolong yourdays in

    the land which you cross over the Jordan to possess.


    These are the Scriptures that prove that songs are the Word of God.

    15 32


    The most representative songs of Moses which are in Exodus Chapter 15 and in

    Deuteronomy Chapter 32, when we view these songs related to Gods history of redemption,

    where do these songs belong in the time frame of Gods history of redemption?



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    The course of the Exodus of the children of Israel can be seen as the course of salvation

    of todays saints of God.


    The children of Israels grand entry to Canaan after they escaped from Egypt and after

    they had gone through the life in the wilderness is the itinerary of salvation of todays saints

    who are marching toward the kingdom of heaven.



    Slavery in Egypt is the time when we are being slaves under the world and the training

    the children of Israel went through in the wilderness is the time of church life after we are

    distinguished from the world. And entry into the land of Canaan means our entry to the

    kingdom of heaven.



    32 .


    The songs which are in Exodus Chapter 15 indicate the time when Moses

    crossed over the Red Sea after he led the children of Israel out of Egypt. And the

    songs which are in Deuteronomy Chapter 32 indicate the time right before the

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    children of Israel enter the land of Canaan after they finished their wandering in

    the wilderness.

    15 .

    We, too, would sing the songs in Exodus Chapter 15 when we escape from this sinful

    world and become one with Christ. When we are in the state of just beginning to be a believer,

    we sing these songs for the grace of redemption.

    , ,

    32 .

    And after that, when we gradually grow our faith through the Word of God

    and we get to understand the meaning of Gods history of redemption and when

    we finally grow to the stature fullness of Christ so that we are qualified to enter

    the kingdom of heaven, that is the time we sing the songs in Deuteronomy

    Chapter 32.



    32 () .

    The gospel we hear when we are in the time frame of Exodus Chapter 15 is the gospel of

    first came Christ, then the gospel we hear when we are in the time frame of Deuteronomy

    Chapter 32 is the gospel of the second coming Christ, the gospel of the end time.

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    Although the gospel of first came Christ and the gospel of the second coming

    Christ are both the gospel of Christ yet the depths, the heights, the extents and

    the lengths of it are different.

    How could the gospel of resurrection and the gospel of transfiguration be the



    () .


    The gospel of first came Christ and the gospel of the second coming Christ, namely, the

    gospel of the end time, are expressed as the former and the latter rain in the Bible.


    Joel 2:23, 23 Be glad then, you children of Zion,

    And rejoice in the LORD your God;

    For He has given you the former rain faithfully,[d]

    And He will cause the rain to come down for you

    The former rain,

    And the latter rain in the first month.

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    They are the same in that they are both rain, but the former rain and the

    latter rain have different functions and therefore we must receive both the former

    and the latter rain sufficiently.

    If the function of the former rain is to make crops germinate and grow, then

    the function of the latter rain is to make the fruits ripe.


    ( ) .

    If the gospel of the first came Christ is the former rain, then the gospel of the second coming

    Christ (the gospel of the end time) is the latter rain.


    If we are the saints of God who look upon the world of heaven and long for our Fathers

    kingdom, then we should not be satisfied with the gospel of the first came Christ and we

    should be infatuated with the gospel of the second coming Christ which suits this time of the

    end and we have the duty to spread this gospel to the end of the earth.


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    2. ?


    2. What is a new song?

    Weve just learned that songs indicate the Word of God in the Bible, then what is a new




    Some people say for Korean bean paste () it is better when it is aged, but for wife and

    car, newer the better. Worldly people all like new things.




    And that is why there are some people who are obsessed with new stuff especially

    women who are obsessed with new clothing and shoes, we call such women new product


    This word is a Korean slang to make fun of women who are obsessed with new products

    and when they see new products coming out they have to buy them otherwise theyll be sick

    lying in bed.

    (nevoj") ,




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    There are two words in Greek that mean new and one is nevoj meaning the latest in

    terms of time and the other word is kainouv, meaning fundamentally or essentially new.


    3:12 2:17 ,

    21:1 .

    That is why either in Revelation 3:12 or in Revelation 2:17 when the Bible is talking about

    new Jerusalem and new name, the word kainouv is used. Also, in Revelation 21:1, when it is

    talking about the new heaven and the new earth, kainouv is used.


    Also, when we say we became a new person, we do not mean that our appearance is

    renewed and changed but we mean that we became a new person fundamentally.

    14 .

    Likewise, a new song mentioned in Revelation Chapter 14 also means a new

    song in terms of kainouv.





    A new song means a new song which is fundamentally new and it means the newly

    proclaimed Word of God which had never been proclaimed before.

    When Jesus was spreading the new gospel, people said it was new doctrine which they

    had never heard before.

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    1:27 .

    Mark 1:27, 27 Then they were all amazed, so that they questioned

    among themselves, saying, What is this? What new doctrine is this?

    For with authority[f] He commands even the unclean spirits, and they

    obey Him.


    They are saying that this was new doctrine which no one had ever spoken




    , .

    Matthew 9:17, 17 Nor do they put new wine into old wineskins, or else

    the wineskins break, the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined.

    But they put new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.

    Jesus is emphasizing that His Words are new wine, new Word of


    .( 6:66)

    The whole life of Jesus was the life that tried to teach this new song to the

    children of Israel, but many people including His disciples said that this gospel is

    difficult to understand and they all left Jesus.

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    John 6:66, 66 From that time many of His disciples went back and

    walked with Him no more.67

    Then Jesus said to the twelve, Do you

    also want to go away



    And thus, Jesus said during His last supper with His disciples that 29 But I say to

    you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day

    when I drink it new with you in My Fathers kingdom.

    He prophesied that the new Word of God will appear.



    Matthew 26:29, 29 But I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine

    from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in My

    Fathers kingdom.



    Jesus prophesied the appearance of the new Word of God in the time of the Father.

    The Word of God that is to come out in the time of the Father is the Word of God that will

    make us transfigured and it is the Word of God that will lead us to our Fathers kingdom.

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    Do you not think the books Gods redemptive series are a new song which is to come out

    in the time of the Father? If this Word of God which is being revealed for the first time ever in

    the long history of this world is not a new song, then what is it?

    The whole series of books, Gods redemptive series are all a new song.


    120 ,


    66 ,


    The time it took for Noah to build the ark is not 120 years but much less than that. This Word

    of God and the 42 camp sites where the Israelites built the tents during their 40 years of

    wandering in the wilderness, and the time of constructing the temple by King Solomon is 6

    years and 6 months; all these are the Word of God which are declared for the first time ever in

    the long history of mankind.

    .( 10:1-3)

    This Word of God declared for the first time ever in the long history of

    mankind is the manna which was hidden before and this manna which was hidden

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    before is the Word of a little book whose seals are now open and the Word of the

    little book that is opened is the Word of God which another mighty Angel is

    brining with Him as He is coming down from heaven.

    Revelation 10:1-3, 1 I saw still another mighty angel coming down

    from heaven, clothed with a cloud. And a rainbow was on his head,

    his face was like the sun, and his feet like pillars of fire. 2 He had a

    little book open in his hand. And he set his right foot on the sea and

    his left footon the land, 3 and cried with a loud voice, as when a lion

    roars. When he cried out, seven thunders uttered their voices.




    The new Word of God which is proclaimed in the time of the Father, namely, a new song,

    please give thanks to God that we are singing this new song.




    The song we need to focus on as we live in this time of the end is not worldly songs.

    Worldly songs cannot comfort us. Even if they could give us some consolation, it is only for

    brief moment.



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    , .


    For the saints of God in the time of end worldly songs cannot be their consolation, but only the

    new song, the manna which was hidden before can be our true comfort.

    The Prophet Isaiah described this hidden manna as well-refined wines on the lees.

    Isaiah 25:6-8, 6 And in this mountain

    The LORD of hosts will make for all people

    A feast of choice pieces,

    A feast of wines on the lees,

    Of fat things full of marrow,

    Of well-refined wines on the lees.

    7 And He will destroy on this mountain

    The surface of the covering cast over all people,

    And the veil that is spread over all nations.

    8 He will swallow up death forever,

    And the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from all faces;

    The rebuke of His people

    He will take away from all the earth;

    For the LORD has spoken.

    It is the feast to swallow up death forever. Thus, wouldnt this feast

    be the eternal comfort for the saints of God?

    25:6-8 ?

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    I bless you with the name of the Lord you all become the blessed saints of God

    who escape from the eternal death as you attend the feast of new wine which is

    being proclaimed for the first time in 6000 years and sing the new song.


    3. ?


    3. What is the qualification to learn this new song then?

    This new song is not for anyone to learn and sing, but you need to have qualification to

    learn this new song.



    Revelation 14:33 They sang as it were a new song before the throne,

    before the four living creatures, and the elders; and no one could

    learn that song except the hundred andforty-four thousand who were

    redeemed from the earth.


    14 4


    and no one could learn that song except the hundred and forty-

    four thousand who were redeemed from the earth.

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    hundred and forty-four thousand mentioned here is not actual

    number, but it is symbolic number.

    144000 is 12x12x1000.

    14 4 . .

    14 4 12 x 12 x 1000 .


    12 -

    12 -

    12 mean 12 tribes of Israel in the time of the Old Testament and therefore it symbolizes

    the missioners of faith who revered Gods will in the time of the Old testament.

    And another 12 mean 12 disciples of Jesus in the time of the New Testament and

    therefore symbolizes the missioners of faith who revered Gods will in the time of the New


    14 4 .

    We too can be included in the number 144000 when we have the fame faith, obedience

    and mission as the 12 tribes and 12 disciples in the Bible.


    1000 10 .(10 X 10 X 10 = 1000)

    10 100 .

    Number 1000 is made up of 10 to the power of 3. 10x10x10.

    10 is complete number.

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    Number 3 is the heavenly number that symbolizes heaven.

    The meaning of number 10 which is complete number is multiplied 3 times symbolizes

    the completeness of Gods salvation.

    I hope you believe the completeness of Gods salvation that saves the body, soul and

    spirit as a whole.

    3 ,



    10 X 10 X 10 = 1000 .

    The meaning of saving mankind whose spirit, soul and body are all fallen is hidden in the

    number 1000 which is 10x10x10.

    12 X 12 X 1000 14 4

    14 4 ?

    And therefore, 12x12x1000 is 144000 and only 144000 could learn this new

    song and what kind of people the Bible says these are?


    14:4 .



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    1) Revelation 14:4, 4 These are the ones who were not defiled with

    women, for they are virgins. These are the ones who follow the

    Lamb wherever He goes. These were redeemed [c] from among

    men, being firstfruits to God and to the Lamb.

    These are the ones who were no defiled with women.

    Women symbolize the world and the meaning of not being defiled with women is

    being separated from the world and to live a consecrated life.


    , , .

    If we do not cast away our worldly desire then we are being defiled with


    the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of lifethese

    are all things of the world and when we have these we are being

    defiled with women.



    1 John 2:16, 16 For all that is in the worldthe lust of the flesh, the

    lust of the eyes, and the pride of lifeis not of the Father but is of the



    Virgin here means keeping the chastity of faith. .

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    Those who betray faith in God for the desire of body have no chastity of faith.



    I hope you do not become those who lose the chastity of faith even if you

    have to forsake your body for the faith in God.




    Please do not for the old saying, Astrongdraftshotinthroughthedoorgap.

    The influence of this world is so strong so that if I show a tiny bit of gap, it

    will shot in like an arrow and destroy my faith .


    There was a reverend who was hospitalized for about 2 weeks and when he got out of

    the hospital and on Sunday when he was in pre-service with his fellow workers in church, he

    prayed the Apostle Creed when he is supposed to pray the Lords prayer.



    Some of them who attend the pre-service followed after him and prayed the

    Apostles Creed and some of them prayed the Lords prayer and the pre-service became a


    This is exactly how you can have your faith messed up with the gap formed in 2 weeks.


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    , ?


    We must learn this new song and put it into our head, but if we do not first take out the

    worldly things that is in our mind, the new song cannot enter our mind.

    How can I make more money? What should I do to live more prosperously than others?

    How can I become more successful than other people?

    We must try to take out such thoughts of the world from our mind as soon as we can.


    Now, we must go further than just learning the new song. We must be the teachers of

    new song so that we can teach this new song to all people in the world.


    14:4 .

    ( 1:29).

    Lamb .

    2) Revelation 14:4, 4 These are the ones who follow the Lamb

    wherever He goes.

    The lamb is Jesus Christ (John 1:29)

    There are two words in Greek meaning lamb, one is Amnos and the other is Arenaon.

    Amnos is a Greek noun for lamb and it means a young sheep or lamb and it indicates

    the first came Christ who was blameless and spotless sacrificial lamb.

    (ajmnov") (ajrnivon).

    (ajmnov") , ,

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    1:29 -

    8:32 -

    1:19 -

    John 1:29,

    29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said,

    Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!

    Acts 8:32, 32 The place in the Scripture which he read was this:

    He was led as a sheep to the slaughter;

    And as a lamb before its shearer issilent,

    So He opened not His mouth.

    33In His humiliation Hisjustice was taken away,

    And who will declare His generation?

    For His life istaken from the earth.

    1Peter 1:19, 19 but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb

    without blemish and without spot.

    (ajrnivon) ,

    ( 21:15),


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    Areneon is a Greek noun meaning sheep or lamb and it indicates the group of

    Christians (John 21:15,


    So when they had eaten breakfast, Jesus said

    to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonah,[b] do you love Me more than


    He said to Him, Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.

    He said to him, Feed My lambs.

    And especially in Revelation, this word is used as the title of the

    second coming Christ.




    Revelation 5:6, 6 And I looked, and behold,[c] in the midst of the

    throne and of the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders,

    stood a Lamb as though it had been slain, having seven horns and

    seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent out into all the


    Revelation 6:1, First Seal: The Conqueror

    1 Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals; [a] and I

    heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder,

    Come and see.


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    The lamb that appear on Revelation is all arenaon not amnos.

    14:4 .

    Lamb mentioned in Revelation 14:4 indicates the second coming Christ.




    We do not know where or when the second coming Christ will lead us to and therefore

    we must always be ready to follow him.

    If we are not ready all the time, we cannot follow the Lamb wherever He goes.


    In the Bible, there is an examplar of people who follow the Lamb wherever He goes and

    that was Enoch who walked with God.


    , .


    Those who are redeemed to learn the new song are the ones who walk with God,

    spiritual Enoch.

    Enochs walking with God was a long walk and he walked with God in his everyday life.


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    I bless you with the name of the Lord you who are hearing and accepting this Word of

    God today too walk with God in your everyday life and walk with God till the end so that you

    may ascend into heaven without witnessing death so that you become todays Enoch. I bless

    you with the name of the Lord.


    14 4 ?

    What kind of people are these 144000 who sing the new song?



    Revelation 14:1, 1 Then I looked, and behold, a [a] Lamb standing on

    Mount Zion, and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand,

    having[b] His Fathers name written on their foreheads.

    Forehead is thoughts and ideology.

    Those whose thoughts and ideology are filled with the Fathers thoughts and

    ideology are 144000.


    14 4 .





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    I believe you who are accepting this message today when your mind is filled with the thoughts and

    ideology of the Father and become a spiritual virgin who is not defiled with women and when you

    become those who follow the Lamb wherever He goes, you will learn the new song which our

    heavenly Father is teaching us and understand the true meaning of Gods history of redemption

    and become two witnesses who spread this gospel abroad the North, South, East and the West so

    that you will hear the voice from heaven saying, Come up here.

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