title 61

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  • 7/29/2019 Title 61


    Title: (The original couple) The blessed husband and wife which God established upon His

    Administration in the History of Redemption

    Matthew 19:3-9

    3The Pharisees also came to Him, testing Him, and saying to Him, Is it lawful for a

    man to divorce his wife forjustany reason?4And He answered and said to them, Have you not read that He who made[a]them

    at the beginning made them male and female,[b]5 and said, For this reason a man

    shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, andthe two shall

    become one flesh?[c]6 So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore

    what God has joined together, let not man separate.7They said to Him, Why then did Moses command to give a certificate of divorce,

    and to put her away?8He said to them, Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts, permitted you to

    divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so. 9 And I say to you,

    whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality,[d] and marries another,

    commits adultery; and whoever marries her who is divorced commits adultery.

    Before this month of family passes by, I would like to give you a message about

    family. This message is about the blessed husband and wife which God established

    upon His administration in the history of redemption.

    1. What is family?Family is an institution which God established in His administration in the history of redemption and

    family does not indicate the residence of household but it means people who live in the residence.

    Family begins with the husband and wife which God established in His administration in the history of

    redemption as the basic form of family.

    For a family begins when a man and a woman joins in marriage, there is nothing more important than

    marriage in life.

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    That is why the place where Jesus, who came to this land as the Messiah, visited the first as He started

    His public life on earth was a wedding. And the place Jesus performed His first miracle was also at a


    In order to teach us and make us realize the importance of marriage which forms family, Jesus started

    His work of public life at a wedding and at that wedding party, He performed the first miracle that

    revealed Himself as Christ.

    In verse 4 of todays Scriptures it says, Have you not read that He who made[a]them at the

    beginning made them male and female,this means God made them a husband

    and wife.

    And that is why the start of history of mankind is husband and wife.

    The start of family is when a man leaves his father and mother and be joined to his

    wife, andthe two become one flesh.

    Matthew 19:5,5 and said, For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother

    and be joined to his wife, andthe two shall become one flesh?

    This Scripture, a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife,

    and the two shall become one flesh, contains truly amazing meaning, but well look

    into it next time and today let us just think about the surface meaning.

    God said that a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife,

    and the two shall become one flesh, but parents do not want their children to

    depart from them even after children are married. In other words, God said to

    parents to let go of their children when they are married, but parents do not wantto let go of them.

    From here arises problems and conflicts. The principle of the Bible is that a man

    shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, but a custom peculiar to

    Korea is that a woman leaves her parents and get married to a man.

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    We must understand the Word of God correctly.

    The principle is that a man leaves his parents and joins to his wife and parents are

    supposed to bless the marriage and be happy about it.

    However, look at our parents after they have their sons and daughters get married.

    Usually, womans family members are happy when they see their daughter and her

    husband love each other and manage a happy marriage, but the husbands mother

    is not always happy when she sees her son devoted to his wife. There are some

    mothers out there who feel jealous about their son having a happy marriage.

    They dont want to see their sons loving his wife only and devoted to his family so

    much. They say,This son of mine never thinks of his mother or father and is only

    in love with his wife. What kind of a son that I raised!

    For a husband and wife is united by God as the matchmaker, it is being good to

    God when a husband and wife live in harmony and love each other. When

    husband and wife live in conjugal harmony there is peace in family and when ones

    home is happy all goes well.

    And therefore, parents who have a son, when they have their son get married, they

    must let go of their son.

    When you were under your parents, you didnt realize the value of family and you

    were immature, but now you are leaving us and about to make your own family.

    Try to be a responsible head of family.

    Like this, you should let go of your son as you encourage him and pray for him.

    God said to the woman,Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule

    over you.

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    Genesis 3:16,16 To the woman He said:

    I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception;

    In pain you shall bring forth children;

    Your desire shall be for your husband,

    And he shall rule over you.

    This means man is the active being who rules over woman and woman is the

    passive being. This was because the woman first committed sin and was fallen first

    so that God restricted womans behaviours.

    For man is to rule over woman, if a man does not actively love woman then he

    becomes incompetent husband and he is looked down on.

    Also, woman must always be ruled over by her husband, if a woman tries to rule

    over her husband, that is not right. A wife must know that her desire shall be for

    her husband and that is her happiness.

    Also, a wife must try to make good atmosphere at home in such a way that her

    husband want to come right back home after work.

    A wife must set the scene at home with warm and welcome atmosphere so that her

    husband longs to come home early after work and not go somewhere else.

    However, women have many problems these days.

    When they are home or when they are with their husbands, they almost look like a

    bum, but when they are going out to meet friends, they groom themselves so

    nicely with lots of make ups.

    Wise and virtuous wives wash and get ready by 3 oclock and are waiting for theirhusbands to come back home after work.

    How about you?

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    When the husband comes back from work and sees his wife, her hair is so messy

    and she looks almost like a leper.

    She doesnt have her eyebrows and she has no make-up, do you think she looks

    any better than a leper?

    The clothes shes wearing is either pajamas or homewears with dirty apron. How

    do you think husband would feel after a tiring day at work?

    I was expecting to hearYou are so rightright about now, but since I do not hear

    it, I guess there are many henpecked husbands in our church.

    I beg you wives, please at least wash your faces before you greet your husbands

    coming back from work. Some of you dont even want to bother to wash your faceand you just put cleansing cream on your face as youre having some chips. Look

    into the mirror and see how you look. Probably you wont even like how you look.

    Maybe because you wives just totally ignore the existence of your husbands, I do

    not know, but even if your husband is like an empty shall to you, how grateful are

    you to have your husband!

    When your husband comes home after work, you should greet him with warm

    welcome saying,Honey, you must be tired, if you say,Youre early, why, you

    didnt have any where else to go tonight?sarcastically, how would your husband

    feel? Probably he will be speechless because he is terrified.

    That is why husbands head to bars after work. At least they are welcomed by some

    women at bars even if theyre wearing cheap make-up.

    A woman must be the helping hand for a man yet she must be completely passive.

    If a husband tells her wife,Come, sit here, honey,the wife, cannot say to her

    husband,Why would I want to sit beside you? You re useless.

    A husband and wife must rely on each other and become one flesh.

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    Look how the Chinese Character forhumanlooks like. It is made up of two

    strokes combined together. If there is woman only, it cannot become human and

    likewise, if there is man only, it cannot become the Character human.

    The two must be combined together to become the Characterhuman.

    If they are separated each is a mere stroke.

    For God said, then two shall become one flesh, a husband and wife must become

    one so that they become real human and real couple.

    2. God said that He created man before woman.1 Timothy 2:13,13For Adam was formed first, then Eve.

    However, as we see the Word of God in Genesis 1:26-28 or in Genesis 5:1-2, God

    created man and woman on the same day.

    If so, then why did God say in the Scripture that He formed Adam first?

    There is an important hidden meaning in the Scripture stating that God formed

    Adam first, then Eve.

    1)The meaning of the Scripture, For Adam was formed first, then Eve, isthat man is the recipient of Gods covenant.

    It means man is the one who receives Gods command. That is why Gods

    command about eternal life too was received not by woman but by man.

    Genesis 2:16-17,16And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every

    tree of the garden you may freely eat; 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good

    and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.

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    Here, it saysAnd the Lord God commanded the man, so God gave his command

    to the man. Like this, the recipient of Gods covenant is Adam the man, not Eve

    the woman.

    Gods command to offer Abrahams only son Isaac as a burnt sacrifice too was

    given to Abraham the man, not to Sarah the woman.

    Genesis 22:1-2,1 Now it came to pass after these things that God tested Abraham,

    and said to him, Abraham!

    And he said, Here I am.2Then He said, Take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to

    the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains

    of which I shall tell you.

    Like this, God chose the man as the recipient of His command and His covenant.

    This means man has the right to decide in any matter, not woman.

    2) The meaning of the Scripture, God formed Adam first, then Eve, is that man isthe representative of family.

    The Bible says that man is the representative of family whether it is a wicked family

    or a good family. When the Scripture is talking about Davids family, it says the

    house of David, the man, not the house of Batsebah, the woman.

    2 Samuel 7:26,26 So let Your name be magnified forever, saying, The LORD of

    hosts isthe God over Israel. And let the house of Your servant David be

    established before You.

    1 Kings 12:19,19 So Israel has been in rebellion against the house of David to this


    Even when the Scripture is talking about the wicked family, it says the house of

    Ahab, not the house of Isabelle. Isabelle was more wicked than King Ahab, but the

    Bible says the house of Ahab.

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    2 Kings 8:27,27 And he walked in the way of the house of Ahab, and did evil in the

    sight of the LORD, like the house of Ahab, for he was the son-in-law of the house of


    Like this, whether it is talking about the good family or the wicked family, when it is

    talking about the representative of family, the Bible mentions name of man.

    God acknowledges man as the head of family.

    3) The meaning of the Scripture that God formed Adam first, then Eve, is that Godmade man His proxy.

    It means God chose man as His proxy to have dominion over the earth and living

    things. This means God made man the manager of His house, a steward.

    Genesis 1:26,26Then God said, Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our

    likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air,

    and over the cattle, over all[b] the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps

    on the earth.

    In order to give man the great task of having dominion over all creatures, God

    formed man in His own image as He created man.

    3. Woman is the being that was formed as a helper for man.Genesis 2:18,18And the LORD God said, It is not good that man should be alone;

    I will make him a helper comparable to him.

    God formed a family for the man because it is not good that man should be alone.

    Alone in Hebrew isHey-te Re-ba-doand it means being by oneself, being alone

    andhelperin Hebrew isE-ze-reand it means helping mate, spouse.

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    Malachi 2:14,14Yet you say, For what reason?

    Because the LORD has been witness

    Between you and the wife of your youth,

    With whom you have dealt treacherously;

    Yet she is your companion

    And your wife by covenant.

    For God said it is not good that man should be alone, you cannot say, What is so

    big deal about living as a single and do whatever I want to do with my body?

    From Gods perspective, single life is not family.

    It is not good that man should be alone and it is also not good that woman should

    be alone.

    Some women who do not know Gods will say that they do not need men and they

    are content with being alone, but that becomes a sin that goes against God s will.

    Man and woman must join together according to Gods will and should fulfill their

    responsibilities and duties as they give thanks to God.

    For woman is a helper for man, she should not be sitting and wishing for man s

    attention, but her eyes and attention should never leave man, even for a brief


    Woman must consider helping her husband dream and happiness and she should

    concentrate on this work for her whole lifetime.

    Because of some women who totally forget this duty and look other ways, the world

    is in chaos.

    Woman can be the president and prime minister or a scholar. However, even more

    important and more fundamental duty for woman is to support her husband and

    fulfill her duty as a wife. Woman having dominion over man is against Gods

    purpose in creating woman as a helper comparable to man.

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    There are some women who live as a single for life for the Lord, however, that is a

    sin. Woman must get married to a man and must help her husband so that her

    husband can rule over family well. Serving the Lord only and serving church is not

    womans duty. Woman must help her husband so that children obey their father.

    Woman must help so that her husband is not weary from work and she should be

    the powerful mentor and adviser for her husband and his conduct.

    And then, she must become the mother of church who takes care of church.

    4. Eve was not successful in being a helper, but she was the woman who madeher husband die.

    Adams wife was tempted by the serpent and took and ate the fruit of the tree of

    knowledge of good and evil. Then she gave the fruit to her husband and let him

    eat of it too.

    Like this case, there are many women who are not being a helper and do bad

    things. There are some women out there who look down on men and hold mens

    scrotum, but mens scrotum is one of vital points in mens body and women can kill

    a man by grabbing his scrotum.

    God said to kill woman who grabs mans genitals.

    Deuteronomy 25:11-12,11Iftwo men fight together, and the wife of one draws near to rescue her husband

    from the hand of the one attacking him, and puts out her hand and seizes him by

    the genitals, 12 then you shall cut off her hand; your eye shall not pity her.

    The wife of Job, the righteous man in the East, too said to her husband Job tocurse God and die. She did not help her husband and instead she cursed him.

    Job 2:9,9Then his wife said to him, Do you still hold fast to your integrity? Curse

    God and die!

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    As we see the manner in which Jobs wife speaks to her husband, she may had

    been believing in God for so many years, her faith was fake.

    When her husband was put into Satans trial and he is about to die, she did not help

    her husband, but instead she cursed at him and even told him to die.

    It is considered fortunate if wife curses husband to die with words only.

    These days, in Korea, there are numerous husbands who are being beaten by their

    wives. Such women violate Gods will. How dreadful these women are that they

    beat up men!

    In the New Testament, there is a woman who could not be a helper to her husband,

    but brought destruction on her husband.

    Acts 5:1-6,1 But a certain man named Ananias, with Sapphira his wife, sold a

    possession. 2 And he kept backpartof the proceeds, his wife also being aware of it,

    and brought a certain part and laid itat the apostles feet. 3 But Peter said,

    Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and keep back

    partof the price of the land for yourself? 4 While it remained, was it not your own?

    And after it was sold, was it not in your own control? Why have you conceived this

    thing in your heart? You have not lied to men but to God.5 Then Ananias, hearing these words, fell down and breathed his last. So great fear

    came upon all those who heard these things. 6 And the young men arose and

    wrapped him up, carried him out, and buried him.

    When her husband was about to sin against God, Sapphira did not hold him back

    or advise him not to, but rather she became one with the evil mind and tried to lie

    to the Spirit and died with her husband on the same day.

    However, there is a woman who saved her husbands life being a helper.

    In 1 Samuel 25:2-35, Abigail who later became Davids wife, was a helper to her

    husband Nabal and saved his life from imminent death.

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    Priscilla, the wife of Aquila, was truly an awesome spouse.

    Acts 18:24-26,24 Now a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an

    eloquent man andmighty in the Scriptures, came to Ephesus. 25 This man had been

    instructed in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in spirit, he spoke and taught

    accurately the things of the Lord, though he knew only the baptism of John. 26 So

    he began to speak boldly in the synagogue. When Aquila and Priscilla heard him,

    they took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately.

    Priscilla and Aquila were a truly faithful couple. In one accord, the husband and

    wife invited the great scholar named Apollos home and let him teach the Word of

    God and learn the things of the Lord.

    Also, this couple were willing to risk even their own necks for the life of Apostle Paul.

    Romans 16:3-4,3 Greet Priscilla and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus, 4

    who risked their own necks for my life, to whom not only I give thanks, but also all

    the churches of the Gentiles.

    Family must be the blessed family where husbands love their wives and wives help

    their husbands, but todays families are getting sick, devastated and destroyed.

    This is all because of wrongful married life and husband and wife are not

    understanding Gods will of establishing family correctly.

    4. Divorce is not what God wants from family. It is against Gods will.

    Matthew 19:6,6 So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what

    God has joined together, let not man separate.

    In the Jewish society, women were considered lowly and were not even counted.

    However, God did not allow men to separate from their wives for just any reason.

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    In todays Scripture, the Pharisees are asking,Is it lawful for a man to divorce his

    wife forjustany reason?and Jesus answered,Have you not read that He who

    made[a]them at the beginning made them male and female,[b]5 and said, For this

    reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, andthetwo shall become one flesh?[c]6 So then, they are no longer two but one flesh.

    Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.

    Then the Pharisees said,Why then did Moses command to give a certificate of

    divorce, and to put her away?

    Jesus said to them,Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts, permitted you

    to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so. 9 And I say to you,

    whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality,[d] and marries another,

    commits adultery; and whoever marries her who is divorced commits adultery.

    The reason why God did not allow men to divorce his wife except for sexual

    immorality is because marriage is valued, not because women are valuable.

    Husband and wife is matched by God and family is formed by God and therefore,

    divorce is a great sin that challenge Gods will.

    Married couple are already one flesh and therefore they should not be separated. If

    you divided one flesh into two then both man and woman die.

    You may think it is better for husband and wife who fight all the time to be

    separated and divorce, but in fact that is not so. Once a couple is divorced, evenworse sorrow and agony follow them after.

    It is very difficult to make a living by oneself and on top of that, divorced couple

    have problem of raising their children, problem of second marriage and there are

    countless problems arising from divorce.

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    Divorce is a great sin to the parents and it is a great sin against God. Breaking up

    of family, destroying family is a great sin that cannot be forgiven.

    Jesus spoke of a secret to keep family together and to prevent it from breaking up.

    1) we must not forget that husband and wife are matched by God.This wife of mine is not chosen as I pleased, but God chose this woman to be

    my wife for me and therefore I cannot separate from my wife as I wish.

    No matter how big the difference in characters between husband and wife is,

    we must not forget and remember that husband and wife are paired up by


    2) The second secret to keep family together and to prevent from breaking up isto avoid sexual immorality.

    Matthew 19:9, 9 And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual

    immorality,[d] and marries another, commits adultery; and whoever marries her

    who is divorced commits adultery.

    This means if your wife committed adultery you can divorce her, but for any

    other reason you cannot divorce your wife. And therefore, sexual immorality is

    number one reason to get divorced.

    God said marriage is honourable among all, and the bed undefiled.

    Hebrews 13:4,4 Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but

    fornicators and adulterers God will judge.

    Defiling the bed means committing adultery. Marriage is the most precious and

    valuable and beautiful event of life among all events in life.

    And therefore, committing adultery is transgressing moral laws and breaking

    filial piety. And that is why God personally judges those who commit adultery.

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    Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboiim, these cities were judged by fire

    because of sexual immorality and adultery and they were personally judged by


    Jude 1:7,7 as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them in a similar

    manner to these, having given themselves over to sexual immorality and goneafter strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of

    eternal fire.

    The most beautiful and the most blessed appellation is husband and wife.

    Because people do not realize the value of the title husband and wife which God

    constructed for them, they do not give thanks to God while they live as husband

    and wife.

    We must always give thanks for being husbands and wives. Even if your

    husband is of old age and retired so he does not bring you money, the fact that

    you are a wife of one man and the fact that you are a husband of one woman is

    good enough reason to give thanks. How grateful are we to have our spouse!

    Husband and wife are calling each other, honey, sweetie, how grateful are we to

    have someone to call honey!

    That is why God calls family the blessed system which God established.

    Moreover, you are husband and wife who are saved by the precious blood of

    Jesus Christ and you became the most precious husband and wife irreplaceable

    by anything.

    Even though this is a worldly saying, but I hope you listen carefully. Even if youhave a second marriage after divorce, even if you meet another woman or man,

    they are all the same.

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    No matter how big the difference in personality between husband and wife may

    be, no matter how boring your marriage may be, you must believe the fact that

    you are paired up by God and you are husband and wife which God coupled.

    When you believe this fact, the thought of divorce, the bad thought inside your

    mind disappears.

    Those who govern their family well serve church diligently as well.

    Such people have their prayers answered fast. If you do not value your wife,

    then your prayer is not heard well.

    1 Peter 3:7,7 Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving

    honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of

    the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.

    Called to Blessing

    The saints of our church too have many things to repent before God. More than

    other moral sins, we must repent the sin of not governing family according to

    Gods will.

    If you are not taking care of your family and if you are not respecting and

    serving your parents and if you are not raising your children with the Word of

    God then you are committing a fearful sin against God.

    When your children are turning their backs on church but parents think it as

    nothing, how do you think you will escape from God s fearful condemnation and


    The sin of not governing family according to Gods will, the sin of not being a

    helper to your husband, if you have realization of such sin, then you must

    completely repent before God.

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    The sin of not loving your mate which God coupled up for you is greater than all

    sins and is a more fearful sin than any other.

    Husbands ought to feel sorry for their wives who had been through hardships

    since they got married and feel sorry that they could not feed or clothe them

    properly. And it is the same for wives.

    When wives look at their husbands, all things are grace given by God and

    therefore they should not scold at their husbands just because they do not make

    good money. Wives should not nag about such things.

    How can all men in the world be handsome and able?

    Even when we look at our fingers, some are longer than the other and some

    finger is fatter and shorter. Just like this, you should not think that how come

    my husband is so ugly and incompetent.

    Please repeat after me.

    My husband whom God had given me. My wife whom God had chosen for me.

    When you think your husband and wife as the grace given by God and give

    thanks to God, I believe God will pour down unexpected grace on you.

    I believe you will receive the blessing of wealth in the midst of poverty.

    My beloved saints of God who are giving their ears to the precious message

    which God allowed us in this month of family, I bless you with the name of the

    Lord you all value your family which God established for you and keep yourfamily healthy.

    If you closely examine the Scriptures, the will of God was fulfilled through family.

    Our God is the God of family, doesnt the Bible say?

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    Jeremiah 31:1, 1At the same time, says the LORD, I will be the God of all the

    families of Israel, and they shall be My people.

    When God said, I am the God of Abraham, God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, He is

    revealing that He is the God of family.

    Our livinghope church is the church that believes in the God of families.

    The God of families means that God becomes the head of our families. And

    therefore our God is the Father of our families.

    I bless you with the name of the Lord our livinghope church s men become the

    one who govern his family and the women of our livinghope church all become

    wives who love their husbands by the Word of God so that we all receive and

    enjoy the blessing which God granted us so that we may be fruitful and multiply

    and fill the earth.

    Although this world is full of sins, if we teach our children the way of the Lord

    and justice of God, no matter what we encounter whether it be a fraud orhardship, God will give us wisdom and intelligence so that He will prevent us

    from falling into temptation and God will make us always win victory by His

    Word as we follow the guidance of the Word of God.

    So that all our conducts will be successful and prosperous.

    Colossians 1:27,27 To them God willed to make known what are the riches of

    the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which[d] is Christ in you, the hope

    of glory.

    It says here Christ is the hope of glory and therefore if Christ is in the midst of

    our heart, our family is full of hope of glory so that the light brighter than

    sunlight is shone upon our family.

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    And consequently, Satan and devil cannot find an opportunity to advance on us

    because the Word of God and Gods grace and the power of the Holy Spirit

    always protect us and guide us to the good path. I hope you believe this fact.

    I bless you with the name of the Lord through todays message you all have

    your familys door of blessing open so that your life is full of victory. I bless you

    with the name of the Lord.

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