tissue factor activated coagulation cascade in the tumor ...in the tumor microenvironment where the...

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Therapeutics, Targets, and Chemical Biology

Tissue Factor–Activated Coagulation Cascade in the TumorMicroenvironment Is Critical for Tumor Progression and anEffective Target for Therapy

Yuan Liu1, Pengfei Jiang1, Katerina Capkova2, Dong Xue1, Longwu Ye1, Subhash C. Sinha3,Nigel Mackman4, Kim D. Janda2, and Cheng Liu1

AbstractTissue factor (TF), a rate-limiting enzyme cofactor in activating coagulation, is highly expressed in a wide

spectrum of human tumor and tumor stromal cells. Using TF-deficient cancer cells and a conditional TF-knockout mouse model, we show that TF expressed by cancer cells, but not by the host stromal cells, plays acritical role in tumor growth. In the tumor microenvironment, serum coagulation factors are readily extrav-asated and therefore lead to continuous TF-mediated activation of coagulation proteases. To target this highlyspecific cascade of serine proteases, we used both a TF:VIIa inhibitor and doxorubicin-based prodrugs that areselectively activated by TF:FVIIa, FXa, and thrombin. Treatment with the TF:FVIIa inhibitor led to growthretardation in breast tumor models. In contrast, treatment with the prodrug eliminated primary tumor cells andlung metastases without apparent toxicity. Our findings offer preclinical proof of principle that targeting thecoagulation cascade that is activated in the tumor microenvironment can be a highly effective approach forcancer therapy. Cancer Res; 71(20); 6492–502. �2011 AACR.


Tissue factor (TF) is the plasmalemma receptor and oblig-atory cofactor for cell surface assembly and initiation of thecoagulation protease cascade (1). It is widely expressed and akey determinant of tumor progression (2–6). In addition to itsfunction as an initiator of hemostasis, TF can signal throughTF:FVIIa, FXa, and thrombin-mediated activation of protease-activated receptors. Human TF is a glycoprotein of 263residues, which shares structural homology with the cytokinereceptor families (7–9). To initiate the coagulation proteasecascade, TF binds and facilitates activation of factor VII(FVII)to the serine protease factor VIIa(FVIIa) and allostericallyconforms the catalytic site of the bound FVIIa and associateswith the physiologic substrate zymogens factor X(FX) andfactor IX (10, 11), leading to thrombin generation, fibrindeposition, and platelet activation. TF presence is prominentin the perivascular cells that form a hemostatic barrier andserve to limit hemorrhage after vessel injury. Therefore,

TF-mediated coagulation is otherwise inactive elsewhere inthe body, unless there is an injury to the vasculature.

To assess the role of TF in tumor progression, we generatedTF knockout cancer cells by crossing a PyVmT mouse with TFflox/flox mice. Multiple cancer lines were established from thetumors developed in TFflox/flox.PyVmT(þ) mice. In addition,TF knockout was achieved by infecting the establishedTFflox/flox.PyVmT(þ) tumor cell line with adenovirus vectorexpress Cre recombinase. The contribution of the host TFwas evaluated in TFflox/flox LysM Cre(þ) mice with the deletedTF gene in mature macrophages and granulocytes, and theTFflox/flox Tie2 Cre(þ) mice specifically deleted TF gene inendothelial cells and hematopoietic cells. Through thesegenetic models, we show that TF expressed by cancer cellsis the key contributor to tumor growth, but not the host TFexpressed by myeloid cells and endothelial cells.

Because of enhanced tumor vasculature permeability, thecoagulation factors and albumin are extravasated and presentin the tumor microenvironment where the coagulation cas-cade is constantly activated by the high level of the tissuefactor on the tumor and stromal cell surface. Fibrin deposit intumor stroma is commonly observed. Therefore, the coagu-lation cascade is an attractive target for prodrug therapy.Peptide conjugates of doxorubicin designed for activation byplasmin (12, 13) and cathepsins (14, 15) have been described.Indeed, the TF:FVIIa and proteases in the coagulation cascadehave the highest substrate specificity among serine proteasesand are very well characterized (16, 17). We synthesized 2types of doxorubicin prodrugs targeting coagulation pro-teases. The first type of prodrug contained a short polyeth-ylene glycol or a succinyl substituent to enhance the prodrug

Authors' Affiliations: Departments of 1Immunology and Microbial Sci-ence, 2Chemistry, 3Molecular Biology, The Scripps Research Institute, LaJolla, California; 4Division of Hematology/Oncology, University of NorthCarolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Note: Supplementary data for this article are available at Cancer ResearchOnline (http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/).

Corresponding Author: Cheng Liu, The Scripps Research Institute,10550 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037. Phone: 858-785-7734; Fax: 858-785-7756; E-mail: chengliu@scripps.edu

doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-11-1145

�2011 American Association for Cancer Research.


Cancer Res; 71(20) October 15, 20116492

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Published OnlineFirst August 31, 2011; DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-11-1145

solubility, while the second prodrug includes an albuminbinding e-maleimidocaproic acid (EMC) moiety to prolonghalf-life. The prodrugs were prepared by incorporating a smallpeptide appended to the amino functionality of doxorubicinresulting in an inactive compound, unless hydrolyzed toleucine-doxorubicin by TF:FVIIa and proteases within thecoagulation cascade. Both types of prodrugs were found tobe effective against primary tumors. However, the EMC con-taining prodrug showed superior efficacy as a single agent.In vivo administration of the EMC prodrug achieves completetumor growth arrest and size reduction in the aggressive 4T1murine mammary carcinoma. This strategy is similar to thecell-impermeable prodrug activation by cell surface–associ-ated legumain in tumors (18, 19). The prodrugs significantlyreduced the number of established lung metastasis andresulted in tumor eradication in human breast cancer xeno-gragh. The coagulation protease activated prodrugs werestable in plasma indicating that the activation of coagulationis discreet and only occurs in the tumor microenvironmentand during injury. Taken together, these data support thatcoagulation cascade is activated in the tumor microenviron-ment and may serve as an enzymatic target to achievechemotherapeutic eradication of cancer and metastasis.

Materials and Methods

Reagents and cell linesBiotinylated mouse TF antibody was purchased from Amer-

ican Diagnostica. Rabbit FVII antibody and human albuminwere from Abcam. FVIIa and FXa were from HTI. Thrombinwas from R&D systems. Doxorubicin and biotinylated albu-min were from Sigma. Tissue factor was kindly provided byWolfram Ruf. The 4T1 and MDA-MB231 cell lines werepurchased from American Type Culture Collection (ATCC)and were characterized according to ATCC instructions. Thecells were maintained in RPMI-1640 or Dulbecco's modifiedEagle's medium supplemented with 10% FBS in a humidifiedincubator containing 5% CO2 at 37�C. All the cell lines wereused within 20 passages.

Immunochemical analysis4T1 and PyVmT tumor sections were stained by using

biotinylated anti-TF and Goat anti-FVII antibody. Fluoresceinstreptavidin and Texas red were used as the secondaryreporting reagent. FVII was i.v. injected into mice to increaseFVII extravasation. Bio-Rad Radiance 2100 laser scanningconfocal microscope was used for analysis.

Albumin extravasation assayAlbumin or biotinylated albumin (30 mmol/kg) was i.v.

injected into the tail vein for observation. Fluorescein avidinwas used for biotinylated albumin staining. Nuclei werestained with 40,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI).

Tissue distributionDrug auto fluorescence was observed 12 hours after

10 mmol/kg i.v. injection. Nuclei were stained with DAPI.Tissues was homogenized and diluted with 50% ethanol

containing 0.6 mol/L HCL. After normalization of proteinconcentration, the relative fluorescent intensity was measuredby using of a Perkin-Elmer LS-50-B spectrofluorometer(excitation: 470 nm; emission: 590 nm).

Colony-forming cell assaysBone marrow single cell suspension was (1 � 106 per mL)

cultured in MethoCult medium containing SCF, IL-3, and IL-6(Stemcell Technologies) for 10 days at 37�C and 5% CO2 andthe number of colony are counted.

Plasma pharmacokineticsBlood from mice injected with 15 mmol/kg prodrugs i.v.

were collected at 10 minutes, 6-, 12-, and 24-hour postinjectionand 1:10 diluted. Samples were measured by spectrofluorom-eter (excitation: 470 nm; emission: 590 nm).

Mouse tumor modelsPyVmT murine breast carcinoma was produced by injec-

tion of 5 � 105 TF normal and deficient PyVmT tumor cellsinto the right flank of wild or conditional knockout C57BL/6Jmice. 4T1 murine breast carcinoma model was produced byinjection 1 � 106 4T1 cells into the s.c. site on the back ofBALB/c mice. MDA-MB231 human breast carcinoma modelwas generated by injection of 1 � 106 MDA-MB231 cells intothe s.c. site on the back Hsd:Athymic nude mice. Treatmentwas initiated when the tumors reached 4 mm in diameterthrough intraperitoneal (i.p.) injections of the indicatedreagents. The lungs were removed on day 24 and fixed inthe Bouin's solution to count spontaneous lung metastases.Number of lung metastases was counted under an anatomymicroscope. Experimental lung metastases were induced by i.v. injection of 2 � 106 4T1 in the tail vein of BALB/c mice.EMC-LTPRL-DOX treatment was started on day 16 with i.p.injection of 15 mmol/kg daily. Experimental lung metastaseswere count on day 25. Tumor growth (volume ¼ length �width � width/2) and signs of physical discomfort weremonitored including for any gross evidence of tumor necrosis,local tumor ulceration, and evidence of toxicity including themobility of animals, response to stimulus, piloerection, eating,and weight. These procedures have been reviewed and ap-proved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee atThe Scripps Research Institute.

Statistical analysisStatistical significance of data was determined by the

2-tailed Student t test.


TF activates coagulation within the tumormicroenvironment

To determine cancer cell-surface expression of TF:FVIIacomplex, we examined 4T1 murine syngeneic mammarycarcinoma and polyoma virus middle T antigen (PyVmT)murine spontaneous mammary carcinoma by immunohisto-chemical analysis using the rabbit anti-mouse TF antibody.The staining shows that there is high-level expression of the

Coagulation Proteases Activated Prodrug

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Published OnlineFirst August 31, 2011; DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-11-1145

TF on 4T1 tumor cell surface (Fig. 1A). It also shows that FVIIcan be extravasated readily from the vessel into the tumormicroenvironment of primary tumors and TF:FVIIa complexare detectable on the tumor cell surface (Fig. 1B and 1C). TheTF expression was furthermore found on the cell face of tumorassociated macrophage in PyVmT tumor (Fig. 1D). Expressionof TF is also confirmed by Western blot analysis (Fig. 1E). Aschematic presentation of TF:FVIIa complex formation inprimary tumor microenvironment is proposed (Fig. 1F). Onthe basis of the size of the coagulation factors and theenhanced permeability of tumor vasculature (SupplementaryTable S1), FVII and FX extravasate from leaky tumor vesselsinto the tumormicroenvironment of primary tumors and bindto the cell surface TF to active coagulation cascade.

Albumin readily extravasates from the tumorvasculature into tumor microenvironment

To further evaluate the enhanced permeability of tumorvascular of serum proteins, we examined the extravasation ofalbumin by injecting biotinylated albumin into circulation oftumor-bearing mice. Albumin and biotinylated albumin (30mmol/kg) were i.v. injected into the tail vein of tumor-bearingmice. Tumor and normal organ specimens were collected andfrozen sections were probed with Fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled strepavidin to visualize the biotinylated albumin.Albumin is readily extravasated in tumor, but not in normalorgans such as liver (Fig. 1G). In tumor tissue, biotinylatedalbumin is accumulated in the tumor microenvironment

(Fig. 1G, tumor), but absent in normal liver (Fig. 1G, liver)and other organs (data not shown).

TF overexpression is a critical mediator of the tumorgrowth

A transgenic animal expressing the polyoma virus middle Tantigen (PyVmT) is a robust breast cancer model developingmultiple palpable mammary carcinomas spontaneously. Togenerate TF knockout cancer cells, we crossed TFþ/þ-PyVmT(þ) mice with TFflox/flox-PyVmT(�) mice to acquireTFflox/flox.PyVmT(þ) mice (Supplementary Fig. S1A). Themouse tail PCR genotyping were performed to confirmTFflox/flox.PyVmT(þ) mice (Supplementary Fig. S1B).TFflox/flox.PyVmT(þ) cancer cell lines were established fromthe spontaneous tumors developed in TFflox/flox.PyVmT(þ)mice. The TF�/� PyVmT(þ) cancer cell line was achievedby infecting the established TFflox/flox.PyVmT(þ) tumor cellline with adenovirus vector expressing Cre recombinase andGFPþmarker (Supplementary Fig. S1C). The Cre recombinaseeliminates a segment of TF gene from the genome anddisrupts TF expression completely (Supplementary Fig. S1D).

To examine the role of TF expressed by cancer cell in tumorgrowth, TF normal (TFþ/þ-PyVmTþ) and TF-deficient (TF�/�

PyVmTþ) tumor cells were inoculated into C56BL/6 mice.The tumor induced by TF-deficient cells grow much slowerthan that induced by TF normal cells (Fig. 2A and B). TF-deficient cells only developed and grew small tumors inmice, indicating a critical role of TF in tumor progression.

Figure 1. TF:FVIIa complex isformed on cell surface in the tumormicroenvironment. TF (A, green)and FVII (B, red) is detected on 4T1tumor cell surface. TF and FVIIaare colocalized (C, yellow). TF (D,green) is also observed on cellularsurface of PyVmT tumor cells andtumor-associated macrophages(red, CD68). E, Western blotting ofTF expression. F, schematicpresentation of extravasationof coagulation factors. G,assessment of albuminextravasation with fluorescein-labeled strepavidin (green).

Liu et al.

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Published OnlineFirst August 31, 2011; DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-11-1145

Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining of tumor specimensindicated the TF-deficient tumors contain scarce and smalllobular of tumor cells, but abundance of stromal componentbetween tumor cells (Supplementary Fig. S1E).The contribution of TF expressed by stromal cells was

evaluated in mice with conditional TF gene knockout indifferent host cells. We have transplanted TF normal cancercells into the TFflox/flox�LysM Cre(þ) mice in which TF geneis deleted in mature macrophage and granulocyte, and theTFflox/flox Tie2 Cre (þ) mice in which TF gene deletedendothelial cells and hematopoitic cells. We found no dif-ference in tumor growth patterns in these models, and allthe tumor volume are larger than 1,200 mm3 (Fig. 2C and D).However, when we transplanted TF�/� cancer cells into theTFflox/flox�LysM Cre(þ) and Tie2 Cre (þ) mice, tumor growthis retarded and all the tumor volume is less than 600 mm3

(Fig. 2E and F). TF deletion in stromal cells does not seem tosuppress tumor growth. Taken together these results indi-cate that TF expressed by cancer cells plays a significant rolein tumor progression, in contrast to TF provided by stromalcells.

FVIIa inhibitor suppresses tumor growthTo evaluate the role of TF:FVIIa on tumor growth, a

reported high-affinity inhibitor of FVIIa (SupplementaryFig. S2A) was synthesized and applied in to 4T1 in vivo modelwith 0.2 mg/kg dosage daily. At this dose, bleeding time wasprolonged 3-fold (Supplementary Fig. S2B) in mouse tail-bleeding experiment. The FVIIa inhibitor had an inhibitoryeffect on tumor growth (Supplementary Fig. 2C) that isconsistent with the role of TF:FVIIa activity in tumor growth.However, the FVIIa inhibitor has a low solubility and shorthalf-life in blood. The lack of more pronounced effects is dueto the poor pharmacokinetic properties of this compound.These experiments underscore the difficulty in the develop-ment of successful inhibitors for this class of serine proteasesin cancer therapy, especially due to the risk of bleeding.

Synthesis of doxorubicin-based prodrugsTo validate the strategy of tumor microenvironment acti-

vated prodrugs and to take advantage of an enhanced vascularpermeability of the blood vessels found in malignant tissue forcirculating macromolecules, we synthesized 2 doxorubicin

Figure 2. TF deletion in cancer cellsuppresses tumor growth. A,tumor growth and tumor weight(B) of mice planted with TFdeficient and TFþ/þ PyVmT cells.Tumor growth in wild and TFconditional knockout mice thatwere planted with TF þ/þ(C, D)and TF�/� (E, F) PyVmT cancercells.

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Published OnlineFirst August 31, 2011; DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-11-1145

prodrugs targeting coagulation proteases containing: (a) ashort polyethylene glycol substituent to enhance the prodrugsolubility, (b) an albumin binding e-maleimidocaproic acidmoiety introduced to react with cysteine-34 of the albumincirculating in the bloodstream, increasing the prodrug half-life, and significantly reducing drug toxicity. The plasmaprotein albumin preferentially accumulates in solid tumors(20, 21), and can be used as an endogenous drug carrier toenhance the pharmacologic properties of these drugs. Thesynthesis of both prodrugs commenced with the preparationof peptides 2a–b using standard Fmoc solid phase synthesis,

where 2-(2-methoxyethoxyacetic acid) or e-maleimidocaproicacid was incorporated as the last amino acid residue in thegrowing sequence. After cleavage from the resin, these pep-tides were purified by RP HPLC. Subsequent coupling withdoxorubicin in the presence of PyBOP and diisopropylethy-lamine afforded the target prodrugs a and b, which werepurified by RP HPLC and characterized by HR MS (Fig. 3A).

The activation of Peg-LTPRL-DOX by FVIIa and TF:FVIIawas carried out in vitro and analyzed by LC-MS (Fig. 3B and C).In the control sample, there was only 1 component, thePeg-LTPRL-DOX (WM 1240.5; ref. Fig. 3C, peak 2). Hence,

Figure 3. Prodrug synthesis andactivation. A, synthesis scheme.B, scheme of prodrug activation.C, analysis of prodrug activation.D, peak 1 and peak 2 are prodrugand activated prodrug (þNaþ),respectively.

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Published OnlineFirst August 31, 2011; DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-11-1145

incubation of Peg-LTPRL-DOX with thrombin, FVIIa, and FXainduced activation of the prodrug producing Leu-DOX (WM542.5; Fig. 3C, peak 1), which could be separated by liquidchromatography and detected by mass spectrometry (Fig. 3D).Inclusion of equal molar soluble TF extracellular domain withFVIIa significantly enhanced the activity of FVIIa as expected.However, this still underestimates the catalytic activity of TF:FVIIa complexes on the cell surface that are of native TFproteins and in an appropriate cell-surface lipid environment.

Indeed, nonspecific serine protease trypsin has a very lowactivity toward this prodrug. Although the catalytic efficiencyof the serine proteases in the coagulation cascade and trypsintoward prodrug activation were determined (Table 1) andsupport the specificity of activation of the prodrug by serineproteases in the coagulation cascade.

Prodrug activation and accumulation are enhanced intumor

The profile of prodrug distribution and activation in vivowere determined by detecting prodrug and parent drug usinga fluorescent microscope and a fluorometer. Prodrug andactive prodrug accumulation were visualized in tumor sec-tions after i.v. injection of 10 mmol/kg DOX, Peg-LTPRL-DOX,and EMC-LTPRL-DOX, respectively (Fig. 4A, red color). Theaccumulation of the prodrug in tumors of Peg-LTPRL-DOX–treated mice and EMC-LTPRL-DOX–treated mice was greatlyenhanced compared with that of doxorubicin-treated mice.Doxorubicin is cell permeable and has a high-clearance rate intumor tissue, because doxorubicin is a small molecular com-pound. The EMC-LTPRL-DOX is cell impermeable until acti-vated and is not taken up by normal tissue cells. The

Table 1. Steady-state kinetic constants foractivation enzymes

Enzyme Km



(min nmol/L)�1

Thrombin 989 169.38 0.142VIIa 1,887 8.94 0.004VIIaþTF 1,423 16.08 0.011Xa 1,558 4.32 0.003Trypsin 2,106 3.42 0.001

Figure 4. In vivo distribution ofprodrugs. A, autofluorescence ofprodrugs (red) in samples. EMC-LTPRL-DOX showed nuclearpositivity in tumor tissue. B,biodistribution of EMC-LTPRL-DOX. C, plasma pharmacokineticsof prodrugs.

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Published OnlineFirst August 31, 2011; DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-11-1145

fluorescence signal in the liver and kidneys of mice treatedwith EMC-LTPRL-DOX were primarily extracellular, suggest-ing that EMC-LTPRL-DOX is not activated in the normaltissues (Fig. 4A. liver and kidney). Nuclear positivity of activeEMC-LTPRL-DOX is detected in tumor indicating that theprodrugs are only activated in the tumor microenvironment(Fig. 4A, tumor). Tumor accumulation and activation of theEMC-LTPRL-DOX are supported by quantitative assay intumor-bearing mice (Fig. 4B). Binding to albumin (half-life9–12 days) with EMC group, EMC-LTPRL-DOX shows a longerhalf-life in mouse circulating blood than that of doxorubicin,which almost disappeared after 6 hours from injection(Fig. 4C).

Coagulation cascade serine protease-activated prodrughas low toxicity and is stable in serum

First, we assessed the stability of the prodrug compounds bymixing the Peg-LTPRL-DOX with mouse serum and incubatedat 37�C for 24 hours. The compounds were subjected to HPLCanalysis at the end of incubation (Fig. 5A) and the prodrugsappeared very stable in serum and only minor degradationproducts were observed that was distinct from activated drug.With 3 mg/kg injection every 2 days, doxorubicin causedsignificant toxicity as shown by weight loss (Fig. 5B) whereasboth Peg-LTPRL-DOX and EMC-LTPRL-DOX lacked apparenttoxicity and weight loss. We further evaluated the effect onwhite blood cells by EMC-LTPRL-DOX prodrug and comparedthis with doxorubicin (Supplementary Table S2). Single injec-tion of doxorubicin atMTD caused significantWBC reduction,

whereas EMC-LTPRL-DOX given at a "save-dosage" had noeffect on the WBC count. Next, we examined the effect ofEMC-LTPRL-DOX on hematopoietic stem cells using a colonyforming assay. Doxorubicin showed significant suppression onthe formation of CFU-GM. In contrast, EMC-LTPRL-DOX atthe same concentration had no effect on colony formation(Fig. 5C) indicating the coagulation cascade is not activated inthe bone marrow microenvironment and is consistent withthe lack of TF expression by hematopoietic cells and circu-lating blood cells. The EMC-LTPRL-DOX was significantly lesstoxic than doxorubicin when evaluated in vivo and its accu-mulatedMTD is greater than 20-fold of that of the doxorubicin(Supplementary Table S3).

The coagulation activated prodrugs are affectiveagainst tumor

The 4T1 murine mammary carcinoma model was used toevaluate the efficacy and safety of Peg-LTPRL-DOX, EMC-LTPRL-DOX, and doxorubicin. On 21-day posttreatment, tu-mor volumes of the prodrug-treated groups (3 mmol/kg) weresignificantly smaller than the control group (Fig. 6A; P < 0.01for EMC-LTPRL-DOX, n ¼ 6). The MTD of Peg-LTPRL-DOX (i.p. 5�) was greater than 54 mmol/kg versus that of DOX at 2.8mmol/kg. Treatment of 4T1 at MTD of DOX showed growthretardation in this model versus untreated control.

Prodrug with the EMC tag has enhanced efficacyThe efficacy of the albumin-binding prodrug EMC-LTPRL-

DOX was further enhanced (Fig. 6A), compared with Peg-LTPRL-DOX at 3 mmol/kg dosage and resulted in near com-plete growth inhibition at 3 mmol/kg. Thus, prodrug treatmentsignificantly prolonged survival of tumor-bearing mice com-pared with untreated controls and DOX-treated groups(Fig. 6B). Both prodrug treatments caused massive tumordeath upon histologic analysis (Supplementary Fig. S3). Ingroups treated with EMC-LTPRL-DOX at a higher dose, thetumor growth was completely halted and started to reduceupon continued treatment (Fig. 6C). Importantly, in a humanMBA-MD-231 xenograph model, EMC-LTPRL-DOX treatmentat 3 mmol/kg led to complete tumor eradication and non-recurrence with no weight loss and no other apparent signs oftoxicity (Fig. 6D).

Albumin bound prodrug eliminates established breastcancer metastasis in lung

EMC-LTPRL-DOX treatment at 3 mmol/kg has significantinhibitory effects on spontaneous metastasis of 4T1 murinemammary carcinoma (Fig. 7A and B). H&E staining of lungsections showed metastasis and extensive lung architecturedestruction in untreated control mice, whereas in the treatedmice, metastasis was significantly inhibited and the lungarchitecture was nearly normal (Fig. 7C).

Next, we evaluated the effect of high-dosage treatment onestablished metastasis. The lung metastasis was induced byi.v. injection of 4T1 murine mammary carcinoma cells. On day16, tumor metastasis was already established in the lung oftumor-bearing animals (Fig. 7D, control 16 days). The highdose EMC-LTPRL-DOX treatment was initiated on day 16 with

Figure 5. EMC-LTPRL-DOX prodrug has favorable in vivo propertiesand low toxicity. A, liquid chromatography of Peg-LTPRL-DOX incubatedwith serum. B, weight loss of mice-treated prodrugs and doxorubicin.C, colony formation assay.

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10 mmol/kg dose for 7 injections. The lungs were dissected onday 25. Lung metastasis of the treated group on day 25 wascompared with that of the control on day 16 (Fig. 7D). The lungmetastasis in the EMC-LTPRL-DOX–treated group on day 25was significantly less than that found in control mice on theday 16 indicating the high dose EMC-LTPRL-DOX treatment iscapable of eliminating established lung metastasis in thesemice (Fig. 7E). H&E staining of lung sections revealed thattreatment of metastasis greatly improves lung tissue mor-phology (Fig. 7F). Elimination of established metastasis is avery challenging assay and has great clinical relevance. Takentogether, the effect of EMC-TPRL-DOX represents a promisingtreatment for metastatic cancer, a major cause of mortalityof cancer patients.


TF is overexpressed in many types of human cancers, andclinical studies have shown a correlation between the levels ofTF expression and poor prognosis (22–25). Not only does TFexpression occur in a wide spectrum of cancers, but also thelevel of expression in cancer cells is upregulated by 1,000-foldcompared with the levels of normal cells that these cancercells are derived from (26, 27). This drastic upregulation may,to some extent, be caused by the existence of common tumormicroenvironmental stimuli, such as those responsible for TFupregulation during inflammation and hypoxia. Recently, itwas shown that TF expression is under the direct control ofoncogenic pathways activated by genetic mutations sustainedby cancer cells (28). This is shown experimentally by the effect

of several mutant oncogenes, including K-ras, EGFR, EGFRvIII,HER-2, and PML-RARa on TF transcription, translation, half-life, and encryption. The effect of these oncogenes was oper-ative in colorectal, mammary, cutaneous, and astrocytic can-cer cells (28–31). In addition, similar changes are also found inloss of function mutations of major tumor suppressor genessuch as p53 and PTEN (2, 30–32).

Several recent studies indicate that TF plays a role in tumorbiology (33). The formation of the TF:FVIIa and TF:FVIIa:FXacomplexes leads to cleavage of protease-activated receptors(PAR) at the cell surface (34). The TF:FVIIa–PAR-2 pathwayinduces expression of the proangiogenic cytokine IL-8 intumor cells (35) and also contributes to retinal neoangiogen-esis (36). The TF cytoplasmic domain can regulate the p38mitogen-activated kinase and extracellular signal-regulatedkinase1/2 and the rac pathways (37) as well as suppressintegrin-mediated migration of cells (36). Increased intravas-cular TF expression is observed in cancers (33, 38). TF is alsoexpressed by tumor cells as well stromal cells such as mono-cytes, macrophages, and endothelial cells (38). This maycontribute to the prothrombotic state (Trousseau's syndrome)associated with a high percentage of cancer patients (27). Inaddition, TF containing procoagulant microparticles may beshed from different cells, including platelets, leukocytes, andendothelial cells, or fromcancer cells (39–44) and recently theseparticles were shown to be important to tumor growth (4).

Breeding conditional TF knockout mice with PyVmT mu-rine spontaneous mammary carcinoma model, we generatedfor the first time conditional TF knockout tumor lines that aretumorigenic and metastatic in C57Bl/6 mice. Multiple stable

Figure 6. Tumoricidal effect ofprodrugs in mammary carcinoma.A, in vivo effect of low-dosetreatment of prodrugs on 4T1carcinoma. (6� i.p. 3 mmol/kg) andKaplan–Meier survival curves (B).C, in vivo effect of high-dosetreatment of EMC-LTPRL-DOX on4T1carcinoma. (6� i.p 15mmol/kg,P < 0.001). D, in vivo effect of EMC-LTPRL-DOX on MDA-MB231carcinoma. (6� i.p 3 mmol/kg;P < 0.001).

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Published OnlineFirst August 31, 2011; DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-11-1145

cancer lines were established from this tumor model. Theyexpress a high level of TF and the TF gene can be removed byCre expressing adenovirus in vitro. The growth patterns of theTF wild type and the TF-deficient cancer cells provided clearevidence that TF expressed by tumor cells is required for theaccelerated growth of cancers in this model. In contrast, thegrowth of tumor cells in mice lacking TF either in myeloid-derived cells and endothelial cells is barely affected, suggestingthe contribution of TF expressed by these 2 types of stromalcells is small.

Consistent with enhanced permeability of the tumor vascu-lature, we have shown that coagulation factors are readilyextravasated in tumors. Furthermore, TF initiates the activationof the coagulation cascade in the tumor microenvironment.

On the basis of on these findings, we designed and validatedPEG-LTPRL-DOX and EMC-LTPRL-DOX prodrugs that can beselectively catalytically converted to the cytotoxic end productby the tissue factor–activated coagulation cascade in the tumormicroenvironment. PEG-LTPRL-DOX and EMC-LTPRL-DOXactivation is not found in any significant amount in normaltissues because TF:FVIIa and thrombin are not activatedwithout injury. Importantly, PEG-LTPRL-DOX and EMC-LTPRL-DOX are very stable in plasma. We found the littleeffect of PEG-LTPRL-DOX and EMC-LTPRL-DOX on cells ofmyeloid lineage, as mice showed a negligible reduction inperipheral blood or marrow myeloid cells at elevated thera-peutic doses. Although this therapeutic approach showed littletoxicity in our mouse models, the potential toxic risks of off

site activation require careful evaluation in cancer patientsespecially when persistent thrombotic conditions such as deepvein thrombosis exist. Selection criteria to exclude such higher-risk patients may be necessary in initial clinical trial.

Because of the reduced toxicity, larger cumulative dosage ofPEG-LTPRL-DOX and EMC-LTPRL-DOX can be administeredmore frequently. Consequently, significant effect of EMC-LTPRL-DOX on tumor has been observed in the 4T1 mousecarcinoma model. In high-dose treatment of EMC-LTPRL-DOX in the human MDA-MB231 carcinoma model, the tumorwas completely eradicated, and the host survives long term. Inhigh-dose treatment, EMC-LTPRL-DOX not only reduced 4T1tumor metastasis to lung, but also halted and eradicatedestablished metastasis.

In summary, TF expression in malignant cancers is widelyrecognized, yet its functions during tumor progression areunknown. Our findings implicate TF expressed by cancer cellscan activate a coagulation cascade in the tumor microenvi-ronment and is an essential contributor to tumor progression.For robust and critical hydrolases, including proteases andglycosidases that are enriched and activated in the tumormicroenvironment, sufficient inhibition may prove difficultto achieve pharmacologically without significant toxicity. Tar-get the enzymatic activity for prodrug activation is an attrac-tive alternative and amenable to rationally design drugcandidates. Development of clinically viable inhibitors forthese enzymes has proven to be difficult and has taken upan overwhelming majority of our collective cancer drug

Figure 7. EMC-LTPRL-DOXeliminates established lungmetastasis. Representative lungspecimens (A), number (P < 0.001;B), and H&E staining (C) ofspontaneous lung metastasis in4T1 models. Representative lungspecimens (D), number (P < 0.001;E), and H&E staining (F) ofexperimental lung metastasis in4T1 models. Metastatic sites arealready established at day 16 andare eliminated at day 25 bytreatment with EMC-LTPRL-DOX.

Liu et al.

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Published OnlineFirst August 31, 2011; DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-11-1145

discovery efforts. Herein we showed that eradication of pri-mary and metastatic cancers can be achieved by functionallytargeted prodrugs in animal models; our findings provide alogical path for future preclinical and clinical studies of thisform of targeted cancer therapy.

Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest

No potential conflicts of interest were disclosed.

Grant Support

This work was financially supported by the US National Cancer Institute(CA127535) and the US Department of Defense (W81XWH-07-1-0389,W81XWH-05-1-0091, W81XWH-05-1-0318, W81XWH-09-1-0690) to C. Liu.

The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the paymentof page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement inaccordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.

Received April 4, 2011; revised August 2, 2011; accepted August 20, 2011;published OnlineFirst August 25, 2011.

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2011;71:6492-6502. Published OnlineFirst August 31, 2011.Cancer Res   Yuan Liu, Pengfei Jiang, Katerina Capkova, et al.   Effective Target for TherapyMicroenvironment Is Critical for Tumor Progression and an

Activated Coagulation Cascade in the Tumor−Tissue Factor

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