tips to reduce high staff turnover

Post on 15-Aug-2015






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Reasons and Remedies of High Employee Turnover In Customer Service

High customer service turnover is not a new thing, yet it’s a big concern

for small-scale businesses. As you know, high employee turnover

proves to be a financially costly for businesses. At the same time, it’s

not necessary for every customer service department, as there are

some good businesses where customer service representatives have

been working happily for years. Before you climb down into tips and

tricks to reduce employee turnover, better understand why you’re

dealing with it.

What Does High Employee Turnover In Customer Service


Complexity of product:

You cannot expect your employees to understand each and every

aspect of products. Most of the time, they have to deal with a large

variety of them. Then there are tiers, value added services, changes in

return policies, increased taxes, shipment policies, refund policies and

much much more. On your part, after giving them a small refresher for

15 to 20 minutes, it’s job done. Now they’ll understand themselves,

isn’t it?

Plenty of high potential employees leave every year with a firm decision

of never to look back at this job again. That is, because, they find

themselves short of knowledge.

Lack of rewards and benefits:

You hired them on a fixed salary and set sky-high targets to achieve.

Rather than thinking about getting perks and privileges, employees

dwell in fear of losing their jobs. Initially, out of all enthusiasm, most of

them might show above average performance. Real problem starts

when they start to show reluctance and you start to get uncomfortable

with their attitude. Are you satisfied with your incentive plans? It

doesn’t matter if you do. Your employees have rejected it!

Lack of idea sharing

Companies that never change with time, face far greater challenges

that employee retention. If you wonder you’re the only one who can

think and make the right decisions, you’d never have to read these lines

at the first place. There may be others who may not be as gifted as you,

but they talk to real customers. Your employees are the best resource

to find out what’s changing around and what needs to be done to adapt

that change.

By now, you must have some issues of your own, but first, you need to

improve on these factors:

How to Improve

1. Develop a continuous and recurring training

schedule which must be based on all

aspects of your operations. You

may consider getting a training

room rental for product

refreshers and updates. A good

environment that encourages

employees to focus on their current

competence level , is vital for better training. Organize these

refreshers in classroom rental and let them share their ideas as well.

2. Your incentive or bonus plan must have realistic and achievable

targets. Encourage top performers to maintain their efforts by

means of appreciation, relaxation and other benefits. Prefer senior

and experienced employees during promotions or inter-department


3. Conduct one-to-one sessions in which employees can share their

experiences and suggest solutions to a number of issues.

4. Send them timely performance updates. Pay attention to their flaws

and help them minimize errors.

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