tips for short, intense workouts and receipe for overnight oats

Post on 13-May-2015



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Newsletter geared for personal training clients


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Getting Fit From Within

Greetings Friends! Yes, it is hard to believe. A New Year! We all know there is just something special about the New Year, freshness in the air and the opportunity to redirect while congratulating yourself on 2013 achievements. Let me take this opportunity to offer my personal congrats to you, and a moment of inspiration for your 2014 contributions to self and to the world. A client said to me on New Year’s Day (yes, she was working out on New Year’s Day… she is a

trooper), “It was a great feeling to be watching television last night (New Year’s Eve) and feel as if the commercials about joining a weight loss program and a gym were not directed towards me this year. I’ve all ready started on that path!” I responded, “Yes, you have come so far, and accomplished the number one goal I have for my clients, and that is to make fitness part of your lifestyle.” Just by coming to the gym 2 days a week for 30 minutes this client has made some great strides. She’s gained confidence, improved her muscle tone and strength, and has had several feelings of accomplishment at the end of a workout. However, if those commercials this New Year’s Eve were directed toward you, and you know this year has to be the year to start your fitness routines, I encourage you to take a leap. Just 30 minutes 2-3 days a week brings vitality, energy, and a new enthusiasm to the patterns of everyday life. To help you on your first step, I’ve included a recipe, some workout tips, and some New Year Personal Training specials being offered in Geneva and Madison. I will be blessed to see you all in the New Year!

Table of Contents

Recipe: Overnight Chia Oats…………Page 2

Workout: The 15, 30, and 45-minute workout……….Page 3

News: New Year Personal Training Specials……..Page 5

News and Specials. January 2014

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Overnight Chia Oats

Overnight Oats are a perfect option for hectic mornings when you don’t’ have time to prepare a pot hearty steel-cut oatmeal. Soaking raw oats overnight gives them a wonderful chewy texture that requires no cooking. You can keep the oat mixture in the refrigerator for 3 days! 1 ½ c. steel-cut oats 2 T chia seeds 1 t. ground cardamom ¼ t. ground ginger ¼ t. ground cinnamon 1/8 t nutmeg 1/8 black pepper 1 C. low-fat milk or unsweetened nondairy milk of choice ½ C. water 2 C. berries of choice 2/3 C. almonds or other nuts of choice ¼ cacao nibs (optional) Add oats, chia seeds, vanilla and spices to glass jar and stir contents together. Pouring milk and water, and stir again. Secure lid and refrigerate overnight. Place oat mixture into serving bowls and top with additional milk or yogurt, as well as berries, nuts, and cacoa nibs, if using. Serves four. Per serving: 481 calories; 19 g. protein; 18 g fat (2 g saturaged); 65 g carbs, 14 g fiber; 29 milligrams sodium.

Recipe courtesy of Idea Fitness Journal October 2013

Chia seeds are an ancient an historic food of the Aztec and Mayan diet. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. They also help provide a sense of satiety by Chia seeds have a nut-like flavor and can be found at any local health food store.


*For additional sweet, try adding raw honey to

your oatmeal. Honey helps increase energy levels,

decrease sugar levels, and reduces fatigue!

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15, 30, or 45 minute workout options Short on time? Just want something quick to get you in the spirit of exercise? Choose from a workout below and still have time to pick up the kids, make dinner, clean the kitchen, do homework, prepare lunches, bond with the husband or significant other, prepare for the tomorrow’s 9 A.M. meeting, etc…. You get the point.. now get moving!

The 15-minute workout Warm up with high knees and/or a set of burpees.

Then climb a deep flight of stairs, or use the

stairmaster at your gym. If using the stairmaster

set it at a medium pace. Try skipping every other

step and make sure you are pushing off with your

entire foot and activating the buttocks and hips as

you push off. If your heart is pounding after 5

minutes, rest for 30 seconds until your breathing is

back to normal or almost back to normal. Every 5-

7 minutes hop to the floor and perform a set of

pushups, alternating your push-ups between close

grip and wide grip.

When you have worked up to it, try sprinting up a

segment of steps or increasing the pace on the

stair master. Always remember to squuze your

buttocks focusing on gluete and hamstring

development. Continuing repeating pushups

every 5-7 minutes.

Do this for 15 minutes and you’ll feel like you’ve

been at the gym for an hour!

No Excuses!

Short, intense workouts offer great benefits and are highly effective. The excuse of “I don’t have time is no longer a valid reason not to get your daily movement in.


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Alternatives: In place of stair climbing, jump rope

to a count of 100, then instead of push ups try

doing bodyweight squats or lunges.

The 30-minute workout

You can simply choose to do additional cycles of

the 15-minute workout; you will definitely feel the

gains after a full 30-minute of this type of workout

2-3 days a week. Or, you can perform the first 15

minutes of the workout and finish the workout with

bodyweight exercises that also serve as great

cardiovascular movements. For example, 15

minutes of stairmaster and pushups followed by

alternating sets of mountain climbers, burpees,

and step ups. Complete each exercise in 1-2

minute intervals. Finish your workout by cooling

down with some planks and ball slams.

The 45-minute workout If you have 45 minutes or longer to exercise, you’ll

still want to interval train, i.e. get your heart rate

up, way up, to about 60-75% of your maximum

heart rate. -plus beats per minute (bpm) and then

let your heart rate gradually drop to, say, 100 bpm.

Sprints are excellent for fat burning and increasing

your lung capacity. Rather than jogging for 45

minutes — which might seem like a great fitness

activity — vary your speeds from sprinting to slow

jogs and you’ll maximize your workout. Every few

minutes, drop to the ground and crank out a set of

pushups, pull ups, lunges and/or bodyweight


Workout routines courtesy of ACE Fit Blog

Wanna try creating

your own short,

intense workout? Keep

these tips in mind:

• Pick movements/exercises that utilize as many

major muscle groups as possible

• Allow your heart rate to elevate at a level

where maintaining a conversation is slightly

difficult (with your doctor’s clearance and

after you’ve built up to that level)

• Let your heart rate come down until you feel

almost fully recovered

• Perform movements that combining strength

cardiovascular endurdance

• Challenge yourself but don’t exercise to

exhaustion as that will stress your body

To read more fitness tips and get recipes visit Choose the blog posts and/or recipe tab

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News: New Year Personal Training Specials Discounted packages especially for New Years!

Package 1: Fitness For Me – Basic Benefits: Quick, affordable, focused start to improve lifestyle habits Structure: 4 sessions over a 4-8 week time period. Spread sessions out in a way

that fits your goals, schedule, and accountability need

Duration: 30 minutes Special Package Price - $99

Package 2: Fitness For Me - Plus.

Benefits: Quick, affordable, continued accountability, focused start to improve

lifestyle habits Structure: To be used in addition to and after Fitness For Me Basic package

Duration: 30 minutes, 2 15-minute phone consultations

Special Package Price $63 – price only good with purchase of Fitness For Me Basic program.

Package 3: Fitness For Me - Advanced

Benefits: Accountability, focused, improved image, improved motivation, improved spirit, increased energy, long

lasting changes, improved strength, increased mental clarity and objectives, improved muscle tone, workout variety!

Structure: 12 sessions over 8-16 weeks Duration: 45 minutes

Special Package Price - $432

SPECIAL PACKAGE: Family Fitness Benefits: Family activity; lifestyle change; encourages health at home; nutritional overview and guidance; recipes

Structure: 6 personal training sessions for you and your child (child must be at leas 12 years of age)

Duration: 45 minutes Goals: Wellness bonding; increased support system at home; lifestyle adaptations for Special Package Price: $216

New Year Special

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