tips for a ladakh kashmir motorbike tour

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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Tips for a Ladakh Kashmir Motorbike Tour

The Leh-Manali highway is considered to be the holy pilgrimage by the bikers. This is a bike ride that will test your skills as a rider, brace the odds and the patience that you show during hardships. The Ladakh Kashmir Motorbike Tour test the resolve that you can show in order to reach your destination. This is one of the raod trips that extreme, spectacular and scenic at the same time. Here are some trips that you should follow while planning your trip.

Do your Research: There are several things that might go wrong and you have to be prepared to handle them. The best way by which you can do that is to prepare yourself through some research. Do considerable amount of research about the routes and all the places that you want to visit.

Be Physically Fit: You have to be mentally fit to take upon this ride. This is because the conditions that you experience in the Ladakh Kashmir motorbike tour are not experienced in the plain areas of the country. You should build up your stamina before the trip. When you going on a bike it will require you to take up a lot of effort and you will need a lot of energy and hence building your stamina is really important.

Select the Route: The route through Manali is the most common route. This is the most commonly selected route especially when the total number of days that you have for the trip is less. It begins with the city of Delhi from where you head on to Manali through Chandigarh. However, this route has certain drawbacks. The altitude might be factor to worry about beyond Manali. The body might not acclimatize and therefore many bikers start suffering from Acute Mountain Sickness by the time they reach Sarachu. You have no choice then but to take a day off and the rest of the trip then gets effected by it. Thus, you might also consider an alternate route.

Chalk Out the Number of Days: you should always keep some buffer days in your hand considering certain issues like landslide, snowfall, rain, weather, or AMS. As a matter of fact you may also have to face some technical problems of the bike. All these may lead to suspend all the plans that you have kept for that day.

Have Clothes and Accessories: Make sure that your ride in your jackets, knee guards, helmets, and gloves. Wear some thermal liners for the bone chilling cold that you will experience.You can also follow the tips when you are going on Bhutan motorbike tour.

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