time management tips and tricks

Post on 18-Jul-2015






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8Time Management

8TIPS & TRICKS to help manage your time through a self study program

Make a Commitment

Make a CommitmentIf you want to fulfill a self-study goal, you need to start with a firm commitment. Put your goal in writing, and become accountable to your boss, a colleague or a close friend. Without a firm commitment, it is unlikely you will ever find the time.

Use a Calendar

Use a Calendar Despite best intentions, if you don’t schedule it, it won’t get done. Use a calendar to establish a timeline with interim deadlines that facilitate program completion. You will be more likely to stay on task and have a visual reminder of your goal.

“A goal is a dream with a deadline” – Napoleon Hill

Prioritize Tasks

Prioritize TasksCreate and use a daily to-do list that prioritizes tasks with an A, B, C label and assigns a time-for-completion to each task. Likely your list is already overflowing, so consider reallocating one or more tasks to smaller time allotments over several days to make time for your self-study program.

Make Sacrifices

Make SacrificesTime is limited to 24 hours a day. If you want to make time to study, you will have to give up something, or a number of little things, in exchange. Keep a time journal over the course of several days and review it to determine what you are willing to sacrifice to gain some study time.

Learn to say NO

Learn to say NO You cannot do it all; so, learn to “say no” to requests that are not a priority to you. Be polite, be assertive, and don’t attempt to provide an explanation. Otherwise, you will likely end up saying “yes”.

Block out Distractions

Block out DistractionsCell phones, TV, email--these are all distractions that eat up minutes, even hours of your day. If you want to find “free time”, minimize distractions by turning off electronics for a few hours each day.

Maintain Focus

Maintain FocusEfficient use of time results when you put your energy toward completing one task at a time. If you commit a specific time and place to studying, without the distraction of friends, family or electronics, you will be able to achieve your self-study goal in no time.

Make time for Yourself

Make time for YourselfYou need to eat, sleep, and exercise to keep yourself healthy. If you ignore these things, you will be physically unable to meet your goals. Similarly, a self-study program contributes toward your professional health. If you fail to make time for it, your career goals may suffer.


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