time management for attendees

Post on 04-Apr-2018






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  • 7/29/2019 Time Management for Attendees


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    Time is On My Side

    With apologies to the Byrds(which all of you are too young to remember)

  • 7/29/2019 Time Management for Attendees


    Is this you?

    At the end of the day I wonder what I really accomplished

    I keep forgetting some things I promised someone I would do

    I am just so busy I dont know where to start my work

    I am not sure what things I should do first

    I start a lot of tasks but dont seem to get any of them done

    I go to meetings but am not sure what value they are

    If it is then you need to manage your timeand not let your time manage you

  • 7/29/2019 Time Management for Attendees


    Before we begin A little test?

    1. There are six eggs in a basket. Six people each take one egg. How can it be thatone egg is left in the basket?

    2. Acting on an anonymous phone call the police raid a house to arrest a suspectedmurderer. They dont know what he looks like but they know his name is John.Inside they find a carpenter, a lorry driver, a car mechanic and a fireman playing

    cards. Without even asking his name, they immediately arrest the fireman. Howdo they know theyve got their man.

    3. There once was a recluse who never left his home. The only time anyone everyvisited him was when his food and suppliers were delivered, but they never cameinside. Then one stormy winter night when an icy gale was blowing he had anervous breakdown. He went upstairs, turned off all of he lights and went to bed.

    Next morning he had caused the deaths of several hundred people. How?

  • 7/29/2019 Time Management for Attendees


    Time Managementat the office and at home

    Most of us arent as productive as we can be because We typically dont plan our day

    We dont have a list of tasks that we want to accomplish

    For each task we do know about we dont know how important it is relative tothe other tasks

    We confuse what is urgent and what is important We get interrupted when we are trying to accomplish things

    By our boss, by our spouse, by our children, by our co-workers

    We dont organize our day (have a calendar) but let demands fromothers dictate what we do

    This happens not only at work but also at home

    So what can we do?

  • 7/29/2019 Time Management for Attendees


    To Do And Honey Do Lists

    To manage your work at work and at home Make a list of all of the things you need to do this week

    You can expand it to month and year once you get used to it (focus on the short term)

    Put dates against each item Prioritize each item

    I use A, B and C (from most important to least important)

    Sort your list by date and priority Work on items for today based on the priority

    Do A items before B items and B items before C items Try to finish each item before going on to the next item

    Tomorrow morning first thing take the list and redo it Include any items from today that werent finished

    and potentially adjust the priority

    Keep the list on top of your desk where you will constantly see it Helps to refocus your attention after interruptions

    You can (I do) keep two lists One that is work related To Do One that is home related Honey Do for obvious reasons

  • 7/29/2019 Time Management for Attendees


    Practice Session

    Make a list of the things you need to do tomorrow and the followingday

    In addition to the What that you have to do also list When it has to be done

    Who else you need to make sure it gets done

    The list should be accomplishments and not actions Tires installed on KBJ 347H


    Go and see Auditor about new budget implications

    The list should be discrete items not bundles Fix acceleration problem with KBJ 400 S


    Get KBJ 400 S on the road

    After you have made the list, put priorities on each item (A, B, C)

  • 7/29/2019 Time Management for Attendees


    The Doing Is the Important Partnot just the planning

    Most of us multi-task (ie do many things at the same time)

    Most of us multi-task poorly We do a little of many jobs but never really get one job complete

    Often we then forget about some of the jobs we started and they are left, often,

    never to be completed Best way to get a job done is to get the job done

    Take a task and finish it

    Try not to start another task

    If you cant get it done then make a note on your To Do list of where you left offthe task

    This is the big reason for breaking a big job down into small tasks and doing the small taskcompletely before going on to the next task

  • 7/29/2019 Time Management for Attendees


    Let Outlook (or any other Mailprogram) do it for you

    Microsoft Outlook can do much of this work for you

  • 7/29/2019 Time Management for Attendees


    But I Still Cant Get EverythingDone

    In most jobs there will always be too much work for the availabletime

    The key is to get the important work done and leave the lessimportant work

    There is a difference between IMPORTANT and URGENT

    Most of us focus on the urgent and not on the important but theimportant is well IMPORTANT

    Some urgent things are important but surprisingly most are not

    And are they important to you or to someone else? Depending on who the somebody else is things can become important

    to you.

  • 7/29/2019 Time Management for Attendees


    Example of Urgent vs Important

    What examples do you have that are either urgent or important

    Some of my examples are Getting Truck KXY 365F out of the yard (Urgent)vs

    Participating in the KPI Meeting (Important)

    Getting Truck KXY 365F to Oil Libya Terminal (Urgent) vs

    Fixing the alternator correctly (Important)

    Picking up your wife on time (Urgent) vs

    Driving safely (Important)

  • 7/29/2019 Time Management for Attendees


    Managing Mail (electronic or other)

    Handle mail only once When you read an e-mail (or snail mail)

    Answer it then if you can If you cant at least send an acknowledgement that you will respond

    (and give a time frame)

    This delayed response becomes part of your to do list Calendar

    To really manage time you have to know what you are supposedto do and when

    Keeping a calendar (I keep two, one for work and one for home) Keeps you on track on where you are supposed to go and when and

    for what Lets you prepare for all calendar entries

    Need to prepare for every meeting Great way to remember anniversaries (How often have you forgot),

    birthdays and special occasions

  • 7/29/2019 Time Management for Attendees


    Programs like Outlook can let you do this as well

  • 7/29/2019 Time Management for Attendees


    Keep it all in sync

    In this mobile world we all have multiple devices(desktop computer, laptop computer, cell phone)

    Need to keep calendars and to do lists in sync inall of these devices

    Most phones/laptops have syncing programsthat allow you to keep them all up to date

    Only real problem is you can only do that with onecalendar and task list

    I have my Home calendar/task list on my phone and laptop I duplicate any critical activities from work on my home

    calendar/task list

  • 7/29/2019 Time Management for Attendees



    Know why you are meeting, what your role is and theexpected outcome

    All meeting should have agendas Should be published in advance

    All meetings should have expected time duration Be on time

    All meetings should start on time People who are late are communicating that what they were

    doing is more important that the meeting.

    Best method is to send any discussion items inadvance so that you/your audience can read thematerial ahead of time

  • 7/29/2019 Time Management for Attendees


    How much should I keep

    IT Department always want users to clean up their mail folders Saves buying more hard disks

    Saves work of archiving all that data

    But old mail can be priceless Saved a company I worked for over Ksh 15.0M when I was able to produce a 12

    year old e-mail note from a customer who had a legal dispute with us

    Besides hard disk space is cheap If it becomes an issue get a portable hard drive (you can get 1 TB for about

    Ksh 10k and that will hold all the mail and other files you are likely to create in alife time

    Paper files/letters are bulky but I still keep the past 7 years notes Just in case

  • 7/29/2019 Time Management for Attendees


    Any Questions

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