tiÌies. s - nys historic...

Post on 20-Feb-2019






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'Wirren 'ZmmmςfflftajB



E . Counselor at Law.

t i f / i m e S B l 0 C k l

M»nc* Sooth Main i r S £ s , & B a r g e r > s I f « Hours-« to 9 , a.

- ¿ R T J M , I A N D FEED S T A B L E

rear Crawford ffctess rigs and care-

on short ootic«

I S f t T fOffic« over Gillette's

w L . Oftct H o u r s : -1?. « i to 4 P- A 1 1

p r i n t e d SaWactory-


a w n ; no lone waits Al l B l e e d to give sausfac-Kisbington Street

Our Correspondence. EAST LEON. J g

M n . A . Bullock and grandchfld-ren4 Mrs. Payne, Dr. Bullock, «rile and children were pleasant callers at the home of C. W . Moshtr, Jr,

Mr. and Mrs. James Wright Forestville attended church and called on friends here Sunday.

Misses Bernice and Marjorie Pick-up and brother Murray spent last week with friends in Buffalo.

Several of our people attended the town picnic at Leon Thursday

Miss Blossom Ingersoll spent Thursday with Beulah Pickup.

Hoyt Pritchard was the guest of friends in Springville last week.

G u y Crandall of Buffalo is visit-ing here

Mr. J. C. Glmlin of Bolivar spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. C. W. Mosher, Jr.

Ralph Snyder and mother attend ed the Howard reunion at Gowanda Saturday

C a t t a r a u g u s , N. T . , T h u r s d g f t A u g u s t 86. 1904. O n e D o l l a r P e r T e a r

hy All the «lar Sheet Music.

latent and

JARDMAN, j L l u s Hair Cut or Shave f £ Crawford House Bai-rn' No long waits and Jag oeat and attractive. pHOf Cigars.

j s R R n S r •jo best brands of P O R T -KEMENT. Building of | }mt!k» a specialty. Also

I0f mason work done to |phont 31, -Cattaraugus.

[MANNING, p:Farm Machinery, — Birraws, Rollers, Mowing j k Binders,Corn Binders,

pa, Wagons, Carriages. J p find it to your bdvan-Itoconsult me.

[D, R Jewell )N W O j R K S

í í n i s t s

LEON H. J. Trumbull and daughter

Lulu sp^nt a few days in town last week.

Henry Cunningham has sold his farm to Charles Brmd.

Mrs. Lizzie Brand of North Col lins visited Miss Clara Lang Friday.

George Potter and Wife of North Collins visited at James Town's last week.

Jay Wood and wife of Clear Cretk spent Snnday at B B. Brown's.

Katharine Milliman and children returned frpm Fredonia Monday.

John McAdam and wife have re turned to their home in Jamestown after spending a few days in town.

Mr. and Mrs. E. A . Cooper have for their guests this week Mrs. Let tie Seymour of Bradford and Master Robert Tuttle of Cattaraugus.

L K. A . Stratton and wife of East Randolph were guests ot H . I t * Kiearstead recently.

L. J. Kiearstead set a fine monu-ment for Mrs. J. Lawrence in El-lington last Saturday. ,

Miss Minnie Wood returned to her home in Clear Cieek Sunday.

P l a c h i

Mrs. Dr. Holden and children! are visiting at Lima, N; Y . "

Mrs. Fred Truby has returned home from Buffalo. . *

Max Weise was in . Buffalo last week.

Our firemen had a fine time at Dunkirk last Friday.

Geo. Brown was in Dunkirk last week as delegate to the Firemen's 'Convention.

Miss Aldine Burger of Cattaraug-us visited in town last week.

Frank Shearer was in Buffalo last week.

Rev. H. C. Woods and wife of Olean visited at John Strickland last week.

The last quarterly meeting of the M. E. Church was- held here last Wednesday evening. Hi 6 . Woods presiding.

Mrs. Johu lugraham of Perry*-burg visiied her sister, Mrs. C. A . O'Brien last week.

Chas Nelson spent Sunday In Cat-taraugus.

€fould Bro's new More is fast tftariug completion.

John Salisbury's team ran away l u t week and1>roke things up quite badly owing to- the whippletrees breaking loose. John was bruised •bout the head somewhat but not aeriously.

wnfrtpared to do all kinds of

fasting and Work

J Guaranteed First Class, \ Paid For Old Iron.

» Promptly Attended to.


I f . b e a c h


i u g u s , N . Y .


DMA] I I ' S P R I N K L E R ,



p O F S U R E T Y ,

[md Assois represented

I - O V E R —


Som Carding

)L B A T T I N G ,

¡ 0 L L S , E T C .

pCt ionGuaranteed

» W o o k n M i l l s , otto, N. Y .

WESLEY. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kavanaugb

audson Clyde of Bradford, Mrs. Lizzie Minninger and daughter and Robert Knowels of Westfield were guests at B. H. Hall last week.

Henry Dickmau and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dickman and son Maur-ice visited relatives in Forestville and Silver Creek Sunday and Mon-day.

Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hilibert and family attended a very pleaiant party at Cattaraugus given in honor of Judson H . Payne who is soon.to return to Porto Rico.

Mr. and Mrs. A . G. Parke have for their guests this week1 Mr. and Mrs. S m i t h of Rochester, Mrs.Rose

Ross and Miss Mildred Dickerson

of Erie, Pa. Miss Florence Scott of Forestville

is visiting her uncle J. H. Dickman Mrs C. J. Luce will give a Ladies

Aid Social at her home Thursday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Allen are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. J. Pierce of Springville for a few days.

A quiet and pretty home wedding took place on Wednesday, Aug. 17. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A- L. Pritchard. when their daughter Jennie was married to George Pick-up of East Leon. The ceremony was performed by Rev. McConpel. T h e bridal couple left for a trip to Albany and New York.

WHAT IS CATARRHt Hyomei only guaranteed cure for this

common and disagreeable disease.

gj Hyomei cures catarrh by the aim-pie method of breathing it into tbe air passages and lungs, i t kills the farms of catarrhal poison, healsaud soothes the Irritated mucous mem-brane and effectually drives this d isease from the system.

If yon have any of the following symptoms catarrhal germs are at work somewhere iu the mucous nembmiMrf the throat, bronchial tubes or tissues of tbe lungs. ' . offensive breath hoikin*»» ot voice dryness of tbe jiose «Hschar*« fr°m pain across the eyes n«« pain In back of the head stopMffe of the n pain In front ofthe head at night {endencyito take cold aching ot the bodjr burning pain in the drorfngaintliethront

throat mouth open w?ue hawjdng to clear the M * * ^ J

aP*4ughtheC',"t iormatlon of era*. I.

nWMof frothVmuooM «pa miof coujhlnr

*p«Tor«tiiif * yellow cough short and hack-difficulty In breathing cwjJ» worse nights

OTTO. Geo. Babcock of Cattaraugus was

in town one day last week.

~ D e l l Ames of Ellicottville was in

town last week.

Lon Courier and ^ l y ^ a « spending a còupl® of weeks In Wan»


J K K 3 X 3 3 * ' and morninc*

of tbe Cheat Hyomei wiU destroy activity ot

all catarrhal germ« ih the respira tory organs and in a few weeks the cure wiU be completé.

This is » strong statement, but H a r v C y & Maltbie emphasizes it by sg iwfag to refuud your money If Hyomei does not curt . .

Prevenís Hay Fever. All who are subject to hay fever

or rose colds should use Hyomei daily for two or three weeks before the time of their annual attack and husprevent it. The worst cases

ire quickly relieved and cured by Hyomei and Hyomei Balm.

j m 4 Contemptible Sneak. The Times will pay five dollars

for learning who the author was of the article in last week's issue re-garding the postponement of the R i c h family picnic. I t w a s a d i r t y contempuble trick and we hereby serve notice that in the future no article will be published in this pa-per of a local character untos we know who the author I* not believe Cattaraugus had a resi-dent who would stoop so low as to do so mean a piece of business. The editor supposed the article was gen-^ b l i n g ^ n e d by "Order of Committee." After the real com

Jealousy js supposed to have caused

the trouble.

' A I L A r o u n d JJs.

The annual picaic of the •ttperViaoj^, ex-supervisors, past and present officials of Chautauqua County, will be held at B*tnus Point, Friday, September ad.

Unless citizens of Salaman-ca build houses for the accom-modation of its employes the B.R. & F 3 L R . Co. threaten to return fts terminal to Brad-ford, Pa.^1

Daniel Bean, 45 years old, a tannery Employe with a large family, wag killed last week at the Wayne street crossing of the Peinsylvania Railroad at Olean % being run over by a switch engine. His body was cut in two?

Allegany, Cattaraugus Co. is a settlement where such wretched «dewalks are main-tained that residents fall and injure themselves with regu-arity. Several damage suits

are on at .^resent. Highway Commissifltier Gallets states if any mom ait begun he will order evera piece of plank aide-walk in th| village toin up.

Mrs. Enma %6wn Hazard, wife of WJS^tazard, cashier of the Sdfeuutca Trust Co., died last Tjursday after a long illness. S i | wa4 very promin-ent in chttiih and social circles. Besides heahusband, one son, Hal, surv»s her.

"The i n i of today," said a revivalistat|Wellington, Kan., "spends oiffhts a week in lodge roomf rifling the goat, and leaves the lamb of his bo-som at homelp bleat with the kids" . |

Tb^rien# pf Human Pr^l I IPiSPSOTbfiftfr tfteit fift-ieth anniversary at Forest Temple, North Collins, Sept. 2d. 3d and 4th. Mr£ R. S. Lillie will be the principal speaker.

A lawyer on his death bed willed all his property to a lun-atic asylum, stating as his rea-son for so doitig that he wished his property to return to the liberal class of people who had patronized him. « : • . Edward Tobin, 7 years old, of Salamanca was killed last Thursday by being dragged several rods by a runaway horse which he was rising to a race track. His foot became caught in the stirrup fpd he was unable to release himself Tlie horse trampled o^ hun, and when spectators picked up; his mangled body the boy was dead. ,

Former State Senator Albert G Dow of Randolph celebrat-ed his 96th birthdav anniver-sary bn Tuesday of last week. Mr, Dow is still vigorous and active, attending daily to the management of his business affairs, which are said to be quite extensive, and walking regularly to and from his of-fice in this village. A recept-ion was given to members of the family, neighbors and friends from 4 to 6 o'clock, in which the host was among the most active. I

M. E- Church Itema. Next Sunday's program: JO-OO a. m.—Class Meeting. 10*45 a. m.—Morning Worship

and talk to children and Semoii . -IJ;OO M . - S u n c a y School. F . S.

Rich, Superintendent. ' . 5 00 p. m. Junior U a g u e , Mrs.

Conaway, Superintendent. 7 00 p. m. Epworth League. 7:45 P- m - Evening worship and

^ T w e l c o m e to all who will wor-ship with us. H . M . C o n a w a y ^

Information Wanted.

E D I T O R T I M E S : — I

I , as an interested party would like to be iu'formed whether or not the town board has ever met to take any action in relation to the Martha Wallace Case since h was tried. It is quit« an important matter and it seems to me that it would be proper that the tax payer» should be tully informed what action 'has been taken, if any; and what the expen-ses amount to up to* this time on tbe part of the town in the attempt-ed defense; and what the board contemplates doing in relation to the matter in tbe future. These are matters that interest the public at large, not only a few individuals, but tbe entire township, including the farmers and working class as well.

It may be that there are many people in the town who do not kuow the fact that both tbe Martha Wal-lace case and Len Wallace case could have been settled at one-time for five hundred dollars, and that she has recovered a verdict, in her case tor five thousand dollars which is against the town at this time, betides all of her costs and all of tbt expenses on the part of the town in the attempted defense, and that his case has not y#t been tried iu which hesues for lost of services, doctor bills, etc. ^

It must be a conceded fact that the board mad* a grave mistake in not settling and it seems to me that it would not be wise for tbe board at this time to incur any more costs and expense until they are assured that their action will be approved by the people.

A n appeal, if taken, as I under-stand it is for a new trial, what better off would the town be if one was granted? I have never heart that there was any claim but what the trial was a fair one, and cer tainly the town was represented by three able attorneys who had all the money at their command that they wished to use in preparing the case for trial, and the town did not attempt to show that the injuries which she claimed to have received were not received, although they had several expert witnesses there Who had examined her at different times, whom tfiey did not sw«ar, Would the prospects be better on a new trial? If so, why? Upon the trial she would have recovered a much larger verdict, beyond a doubt, if the pleadings had been In shape that such a verdict could have been rendered, and the Judge told the jury that they could not reader a verdict for more than that anttua? under the pleadings. If a new trial was to \0t had the Court, I am in-formed, would have the power, up on motion, to allow her to amend her pleading so that a jury could render a verdict for any amount they saw fit. I , tor one, am not in favor of making any more costs and expense. There are always some who want to law it regardless of circumstances, but a wise man con-siders tbe probable results.

Some were crying Law il l Law

it 1 Appeal! Appeal \ in the Guiles case which could have been settled at one time tor two hundred dollars and it was carried an until it cost tbe village all told about twenty-six hundred, and some « the aame ones who were talking the loudest, I am infoimed, were around trying to swear off their taxes when the judgment and expenses had to be paid. Could the town get the at-torneys to appeal the case upon the condition that it they did not suc-ceed they should have ,no pay for their services In the case ? I believe n o t . They will have to be paid anyway, beside a large amount of expenses, and I believe, Mr Edit-or, that your paper could not be of better service than in allowing these matters discussed through its col-umns and the people informed. When a matter of five thousand dollars and upwards i» at »take in a

town It I* quite Important that tt f lrp town board look it up to ^ c extent- * of determining whether tee- people -want to take any more/ehancea in » the case or not and M any more 1 uosts are made the taxpayers w i l k i place the responsibility where i r belongs. •

It is quite au easy matter to leam> tbe wishes of the town if the boank wishes to know them.

An Interested Party.


CLEARS UP THE COMPLEXION.. Druggists say Laxékot* works won-

ders for ike skin. Dr. Holden, Otto, and Harvey & MalC-

bi* not only recommend Laxakola as the ideal liquid laxative for women an.t child-ren, but some of thejr lady customers »ay it i* also a remarkable ikm beautifies.... The reason is easy to find.

Laxakola moves the bowel* regularly and without discomfort, and at the same time stimulates the liver and acta upon the bile pigments thus retnovN* the cause of sallow, muddy skius thai <1 so much to impair the beauty of one's com. plexlon.

If you prize a fresh, ctear, velvety skin > and regular habits, or if baby needs a mild | safe, gentle laxative when' colicky or constipated, just try a 25 cent bottle o£-Laxakola with the druggists guarantee -it will do all claimed tor it, or you canr get back your money.

The Little Valley Fair—»apt. 6,7, S and 9,1904.

Every effort is being made thiir year to have our annual county fair bigger and ' etter than ever before. The premium list, which has just been completed and is now bei»g„ widely distributed*, hat a wider audi, m'bre varied range than ever before., containing about everything includ-ed in the list of farm products. Al», premiums lu this class of exhibit» have been nearly doubled.

The race purses have been large-ly increased so as to bring out tbe-best race horses, amqMg^ng in a l t to nearly $3.000. This will have a tendency to raise the i ^ f d a r d oi speed which will make these events m o t i i U n t e r e s ^ t ^ h ^ M e r before

"Whi le horse racmg is^l drawing card for many, yet there i re fMtf*-

who are moret iuterested in other features, aud id qj-der to please all» tbe management have ptovided far a series of ball games, which is al-ways a very popular amusement.

In another place we have g i v e n > 1 list of tbe freeVSTtractions to b e given in front of the grand stand between tbe races. No pains have beau spared to get the beat talent available, and these events are we® worth the price of admission to t h é grounds if nothing e k e had been, provided.

There is also every promise of increase exhibit of horses, (t|t|r*-sheep, swine, poultry, etc., while Floral Hall is expected to exeat any previous M r in the number beauty of its exhibits.

In a word, there will be more te» hear and see than ever before. Come to Little Valley for tbe most pop-ular fair in this section.

RACK PROUKAM, Wednesday, Sept. 7.

2:40 Trot . . ' 2:20 Pace , .. ;• '»ftk 40O

i/. Mile Running, catch wts. too» -Thursday, Sept. 8.

2:24 Trot aud 2:27 Pace $400v

2:20 Trot »' . 400-f6 mile Running, catch wts. t o »

Friday, Sept. 9. 2:40 Pace . « . $400» Free for all . 4«> yi mile Running, catch wts. 100

California and return $6».o Via Wabnah Railroad.

Choice of any route going abd re-turning, except via Portland i a either direction, Rate $11.00 higher-On sale daily until September îotBe-For full information appiy to y o u r local ticicet agent, or write R. F . Kelley, G . A . P . D . Wabash R. R . 287 Main street, Buffalo. N. Y7,„ James Gass, N . Y . S . P . A . Wabasbk R. R. Sto>

O A M T t Bsarsths yf Tlw KM Vw Hw Mwlys Ba^y

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