tiffany’s scrapbook 2

Post on 14-Jan-2015






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In 1959 the first Barbie dolls were made. They were my favorite toy and I got one every birthday until I was 14 years old. This was the Barbie I got for my

7th birthday.

I was only eight years old when the Cuban Missile Crisis occurred but I was old enough to know what

was happening in the world. It was a short term scare but it was the closest the world ever came to nuclear


The invention of the Touch-Tone Telephone took place. Then in 1969 Arpanet (Advanced

Research Projects Agency Network) was invented as the first internet in the U.S.

My family’s first house. This is where

my brothers and I were born.

This is me at 11 years old with four of my closest friends. Top row, left to right: Sarah, Tammy,

MeredithBottom row, left to right: Cassidy and I (Ruth).

On December 3, 1967 a South African Surgeon and his brother conducted the first heart transplant on a

53 year old male. This created a new hope for Americans needing assistance in staying healthy.

My brother Ralph and my boyfriend Fred getting ready to go on a camping trip across the county

during the summer before their senior year.

Year of the MLK Jr. Assassination

Losing him made citizens of America think twice.

Me outside with my brothers before my first day of my

sophomore year in high school.

When I went to high school I found out it was harder to impress people. This meant I had to buy a whole new

wardrobe to fit in. The style supported mini skirts, leather boots, fake eyelashes, colored tights, “big” hair,

hairy sweaters, plaids and metallic and neon colors.

When I was a junior in high school I finally got my license. My older brother got a new car so he gave

me his old car. I had one of the nicest cars in school.

In high school the trend was smoking. Since adults promoted it and children were influenced, it wasn’t seen

as such a big deal. Winston cigarettes were the most popular because they were promoted in the media by

children’s programs such as the Flintstones.

The popular foods when throwing parties were chips and dip, hot dogs, hamburgers, hamburger helper,

chef Boyardee, sloppy Joes, and chocolate fondue. I had all of these served for my 17th birthday party.




The 1960’s was a decade of change, peace, love, happiness and freedom.

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