
Post on 02-Jun-2018






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    MC LC

    I. VOCABULARY...........................................................2II. READING COMPREHENSION............................15

    III. GAP FILLING........................................................26

    IV. ERROR CORRECTION........................................35

    V. TRANSFORMATION SENTENCES.....................47


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    1. Martha Graham, ________ of the pioneers of modern dance, didnt begin dancing until she was 21.

    A. who, as one B. she was

    C. one . was one

    2. !iger moths __________ wings mar"ed with stripes or sports.

    A. ha#e B. with

    C. their . whose

    $. %latinum is harder than copper and is almost as pliable ___________.

    A. gold B. than gold

    C. as gold . gold is

    &. Most of Annie 'ump Cannons career as an astronomer in#ol#ed the obser#ation, classification, and


    A. she anal()ed stars B. the stars anal(sis

    C. stars were anal()ed . anal(sis of stars

    *. Man( communities are dependent on groundwater _________ from wells for their water suppl(.

    A. that obtained B. obtained

    C. is obtained . obtain it

    +. _________ eperimental studies of the aging process, ps(chologist -oss Mcarland determined thatpeople could wor" producti#el( much longer than had pre#iousl( been thought.

    A. /n that B. !hrough

    C. 0ince . /nto

    . _________ often raise funds from the sale of stoc".

    A. or corporations to operate B. !he operations of corporations

    C. Corporations operate b( . !o operate, corporations

    . 3hile all birds are ali"e in that the( ha#e feathers and la( eggs, ________ great differences amongthem in terms of si)e, structure, and color.

    A. there are B. but are

    C. if there are . to be

    4. !here were _________ federal laws regulating mining practices until 12.

    A. none B. not

    C. no . nor

    15. !he Masters, one of the most important of all golf tournaments, ________ e#er( (ear in Augusta,


    A. has held B. being held

    C. is held . holding


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    11. 6ot onl( ________ places of beaut(, the( ser#e scientific and educational purposes as well.

    A. are botanical gardens B. botanical gardens to be

    C. botanical gardens are . to be botanical gardens

    12. _______ 7uic"sand can be found all o#er the world, little was "nown about its composition until


    A. ecept B. Although

    C. 8#en . espite

    1$. /n 141, 9uebec was di#ided into two sections, :pper Canada and ;ower Canada, _______ wereruled b( elected assembles.

    A. the( both B. both of them

    C. in which both . both of which

    1&. _______ are a form of carbon has been "nown since the late eighteenth centur(.

    A. iamonds B. Because diamonds

    C. !hat diamonds . iamonds, which

    1*. esigned b( rederic Auguste Batholde, __________.

    A. the :nited 0tates was gi#en the 0tatue of ;ibert( b( the people of rance

    B. the people of rance ga#e the 0tatue of ;ibert( to the :nited 0tates

    C. the 0tatue of ;ibert( was gi#en to the :nited 0tates b( the people of rance

    . the rench people presented the :nited 0tates with a gift, the 0tatue of ;ibert(

    1+. /n the :nited 0tates, ________ is generall( the responsibilit( of municipal go#ernments.

    A. for water treatment B. water treatment

    C. where water treatment . in which water treatment

    1. Crop rotation ________ of preser#ing soil fertilit(.

    A. it is one method B. one method

    C. a method is one . is one method

    1. _________ the dollar as its monetar( unit in 1.

    A. Canada adopted B. Adopted b( Canada

    C. /t was adopted b( Canada . !he Canadian adoption

    14. _________ almost impossible to capture the beaut( of the aurora borealis in photographs.A. Being B. /t is

    C. !here is . /s

    25. :suall( political cartoons ________ on the editorial page of a newspaper.

    A. appear B. whose appearance

    C. b( appearing . when the( appearance

    21. ________ two ma

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    A. =ar#ard :ni#ersit( has B. At =ar#ard :ni#ersit(

    C. =ar#ard :ni#ersit(, with its . !here at =ar#ard :ni#ersit(

    22. American actress and director Margaret 3ebster ________ for her production of 0ha"espearean


    A. who became famous B. famous as she became

    C. becoming famous . became famous

    2$. _______ gas tan"s connected to welding e7uipment, one full of o(gen and the other full ofacet(lene.

    A. /t is two B. >f the two

    C. !here are two . !wo

    2&. _______ is the most interested in rh(thm than in melod( is apparent from his compositions.

    A. !hat %hilip Glass B. %hilip Glass, who

    C. %hilip Glass . Because %hilip Glass

    2*. Compressed air _________ the power to dri#e pneumatic tools.

    A. b( pro#iding B. pro#ides

    C. that pro#ides . the pro#ision of

    2+. _________ b( cosmic ra(s.

    A. !he 8arth is constantl( bombarded B. Bombarded constantl(, the 8arth

    C. Bombarding the 8arth constantl( . !he 8arths constant bombardment

    2. ________ primar( colors are red, blue, and (ellow.

    A. !here are three B. !he three

    C. !hree of them . !hat the three

    2. ________ who was elected the first woman ma(or of Chicago in 144.

    A. /t was 'ane B(rne B. 'ane B(rne

    C. !hat 'ane B(rne . 3hen 'ane B(rne

    24. 8#er( computer consists of a number of s(stems _______ together.A. b( wor"ing B. wor"

    C. the( wor" . that wor"

    $5. >n the Moon, _________ air because the Moons gra#itational field is too wea" to retain an


    A. there is no B. where no

    C. no . is no


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    $1. !he Glass Mountains of northwestern >"lahoma _________ with flec"s of g(psum, which shine in

    the sunlight.

    A. the( are co#ered B. co#ered them

    C. that are co#ered . are co#ered

    $2. /n some cases, __________ to decide if an organism is a plant or an animal.

    A. difficult if B. it is difficult

    C. the difficult( . is difficult

    $$. !he first American no#elist to ha#e a ma

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    C. About twent( are . !here are about twent(

    &1. Most fol" songs are ballads _________ ha#e simple words and tell simple stories.

    A. what B. although

    C. when . that

    &2. After its introduction in 14+4, the float process ________ the worlds principal method of

    manufacturing flat sheets of glass.

    A. b( which it became B. it became

    C. became . which became

    &$. /n 1*5, @ale :ni#ersit( established 0heffield 0cientific 0chool, _________.

    A. engineers were educated there B. where engineers were educated

    C. in which were engineers were educated . where were engineers educated

    &&. Man( of ;ouise 6e#elsons sculptures consisted of a number of large wooden structures _______

    in comple patterns.

    A. which she arranged B. she arranged them

    C. which arranged . arranged them

    &*. /n addition to being a naturalist, 0tewart 8. 3hite was a writer _______ the struggle for sur#i#al onthe American frontier.

    A. whose no#els describe B. his describes in his no#els

    C. his no#els describe . who, describing in his no#els

    &+. iamonds are often found in roc" formations called pipes, ________ the throats of etinct


    A. in which the( resemble B. which resembleC. there is a resemblance to . the( resemble

    &. 3illiam 0amuel 'ohnson, _________ helped write the Constitution, became the first president ofColumbia College in 1.

    A. whom he had B. and he had

    C. who had . had

    &. 0eals appear clums( on the land, _________ are able to mo#e short distance faster than most

    people can run.

    A. but the( B. which the(

    C. the( . which

    &4. !he instrument panel of a light airplane has at least a do)en instruments ________.

    A. the pilot must watch B. what the pilot must watch

    C. which the pilot must watch them . which most

    *5. A "e(stone species is a species of plants or animals ________ absence has a ma

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    A. that its B. its

    C. whose . with its

    *1. !he si)e and shape of a nail depends primaril( on the function _______ intended.

    A. which it is B. for which it is

    C. which it is for . for which is

    *2. /n geometr(, a tangent is a straight line _________ a cur#e at onl( one point.

    A. it touches B. whose touching

    C. which it is for . for which is

    *$. /t was the ragtime pianist 0cott 'oplin _________ the Maple ;eaf -ag, perhaps the best "nown ofall ragtime tunes.

    A. wrote B. the writer of

    C. who wrote . writing

    *&. !here are o#er 2,555 #arieties of sna"es, _________ are harmless to humans.

    A. mostl( the( B. most of them

    C. most of which . which most

    **. 0mo"e

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    +5. /n 121, the cit( of /ndianapolis, /ndiana, was laid out in a design ________ after that of

    3ashington, .C.

    A. patterned B. was patterned

    C. a pattern . that patterned

    +1. ________ team sports re7uire cooperation.

    A. >f all B. !he( are all

    C. All . 3h( are all

    +2. A medical emergenc( is a sudden or unepected condition ________ immediate care to pre#entdeath or serious harm.

    A. it re7uires B. to re7uire

    C. that re7uires . a re7uirement of

    +$. Centuries of erosion ha#e eposed _________ roc" surfaces in the %ainted esert of northernAri)ona.

    A. in colors of the rainbow B. colored li"e a rainbow

    C. rainbow?colored . a rainbows coloring

    +&. !he higher the temperature of a molecule, ________.

    A. the more energ( it has B. than it has more energ(

    C. more energ( has it . it has more energ(

    +*. rontier surgeon 8phraim Maconald had to perform operations ______ anesthesia.

    A. no B. not ha#ing

    C. without . there wasnt

    ++. ________ (oung, chimpan)ees are easil( trained.

    A. 3hen are B. 3hen

    C. !he( are . 3hen the(

    +. A person of _________ age ma( suffer from defects of #ision.

    A. e#er( B. an(

    C. certain . some

    +. ________ ha#e settled, one of their first concerns has been to locate an ade7uate water suppl(.

    A. 3here#er people B. !here are people who

    C. 3hether people . %eople

    +4. /f a bar magnet is _________, the two pieces form two complete magnets, each with a north and

    south pole.

    A. bro"en B. bro"e


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    C. brea"ing . brea"

    5. !he t(pe of plant and animal life li#ing in and around a pond depends on the soil of location.

    A. what the 7ualit( of the water is B. how is the water 7ualit(

    C. the 7ualit( of the water . what is the water 7ualit(

    1. Clifford =olland, ________ ci#il engineer, was in charge of the construction of the first tunnel

    under the =udson -i#er.

    A. he was a B. a

    C. being a . who was, as a

    2. _________ parrots are nati#e to tropical regions is untrue.

    A. !hat all B. All

    C. 3h( all . 0ince all

    $. A ma

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    A. transporting ore

    B. to transport ore

    C. how ore is transported

    . ore is transporting

    4. ________ because of the compleit( of his writing, =enr( 'ames ne#er became a popular writer,

    but his wor"s are admired b( critics and other writers.

    A. /t ma( be

    B. %erhaps

    C. Besides

    . 3h( is it

    5. %iedmont glaciers are formed ________ se#eral #alle( glaciers "lahoma was ________ of stor(, music and dance

    A. successfull( combined

    B. a successful combination

    C. to combine successfull(


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    . successful combining

    *. _______ single dialect of American 8nglish has e#er become dominant.

    A. 6o

    B. 6ot onl( a

    C. 6ot

    . 6or a

    +. /n 1$ the :ni#ersit( of Michigan became the first state uni#ersit( _______ b( a board of regents

    elected b( the #oters of the state.

    A. under the control

    B. it was controlled

    C. being controlled

    . to be controlled

    . /ndoor heating s(stems ha#e made ________ for people to li#e and wor" comfortabl( in temperate


    A. it is possible

    B. possible

    C. it possible

    . possibl(

    . Certain fish eggs contain droplets of oil, _________ to float on the surface of the water.

    A. allowing them

    B. allows them

    C. the( are allowed

    . this allows them

    4. Considered Americas first great architects, _________.

    A. man( of the buildings at =ar#ard :ni#ersit( were designed b( =enr( =obson -ichardson

    B. =enr( =obson -ichardson designed man( of the buildings at =ar#ard :ni#ersit(

    C. =ar#ard :ni#ersit( has man( buildings that were designed b( =enr( =obson -ichardson

    . it was =enr( =obson -ichardson who designed man( of the buildings at =ar#ard :ni#ersit(.

    45. ________ is caused b( a #irus was not "nown until 1411.A. !hat measles

    B. As measles

    C. Measles

    . 3hat if measles


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    41. 8llen 0wallow -ichards became the first woman to enter, graduate from, and ________ at the

    Massachusetts institute of !echnolog(.

    A. teach

    B. a teacher

    C. who taught

    . to teach

    42. Coins last approimatel( twent( times _______ paper bills.

    A. longer

    B. as long

    C. long

    . longer than

    4$. /t has been estimated that _________ species of animals.

    A. more than a million

    B. it is a million or more

    C. there are o#er a million

    . are o#er a million of

    4&. r. 0euss, ________ was !heodor 0euss Geisel, wrote and illustrated delightfull( humorous boo"sfor children.

    A. his real name

    B. who had as his real name

    C. with his real name

    . whose real name

    4*. ________ American landscape architects was =ideo 0asa"i.

    A. !he most famous one of

    B. >ne of the most famous

    C. >f the one most famous

    . !he one most famous of4+. Most (oung geese lea#e their nests at an earl( age, and (oung snow geese are _____ eception.

    A. not

    B. no

    C. none

    . ne#er


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    4. ________ in 1&4, Manuel A. Alonso recorded the customs, language, and songs of the people of

    %uerto -ico in his poetr( and prose.

    A. Beginning

    B. =e began

    C. =a#ing begun

    . !he beginning was

    4. _______ the sails of a distant ship are #isible before the bod( of the ship.

    A. !he cur#e of the 8arth ma"es

    B. !he 8arth, in that it cur#es, ma"es

    C. Because the cur#e of the 8arth,

    . Because of the cur#e of the 8arth,

    44. %rinting in" is made _____ of a paste that is applied to the printing surface with rollers.

    A. to form

    B. the form

    C. in the form

    . so that it forms

    155. Although ______ cold climates, the( can thri#e in hot, dr( climates as well.

    A. sheep adapted well

    B. well?adapted sheepC. sheep, well adapted to

    . sheep are well adapted to

    151. / ran _______ her in %aris last month.

    A. out B. b( C. into . down

    152. !he bomb went _____ , "illing se#eral b(standers.

    A. off B. on C. awa( . out

    15$. /m reall( loo"ing forward _______ (our part(.

    A. about B. to C. for . at

    15&. /f e#er (oure in ;ondon, we can put (ou ________ for the night.

    A. in B. off C. on . up

    15*. !he soldiers carried ________ their orders without 7uestion.

    A. with B. awa( C. out . for

    15+. =e might ha#e been _______ to death.


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    A. punished B. sentenced C. accused .

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    A. for B. to C. in . with

    122. At present, an en7uir( is ta"ing place ________ plans to build a resort two miles north of the


    A. in B. into C. b( . through

    12$. !he economies of se#eral small countries rel( hea#il( _____ the sale of colorful stamps.

    A. on B. in C. with . b(

    12&. or a collection to grow ______#alue, (ou should a#oid things sold especiall( for collectors.

    A. b( B. with C. through . in

    12*. 0he is sta(ing at her friends house ________ the time being.

    A. b( B. at C. for . in

    12+. !he film stars scandal hit the _________.

    A. paper B. press C. column . news

    12. !he two nations bro"e off diplomatic _______ with each other (esterda( because of a border


    A. channel B. relations C. relati#es . encounter

    12. / hope (ou wont ta"e ________ if / tell (ou the truth.

    A. anno(ance B. offence C. resentment . irritation

    124. 8#er( (ear the !uoi !re newspaper _________ an opinion poll.

    A. operates B. creates C. conducts . causes

    1$5. Anger that (ou dont ________ to others can become anger that (ou turn against (ourself.

    A. feel B. epress C. relie#e . spread

    1$1. =e opened the letter without _______to read the address on the en#elope.

    A. worr(ing B. caring C. fearing . bothering

    1$2. / am #er( _________ in the information (ou ha#e gi#en me.

    A. concerned B. surprised C. worried . interested

    1$$. 3or"ers who do not obe( the safet( regulations will be ________ immediatel(.

    A. refused B. re

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    1$. Both Mar( and 8llen, ________ 'ane, are stud(ing nursing at 6@ uni#ersit(.

    A. as well as B. as well to C. well . and well as

    1$4. / saw him ________ dead b( the soldier.

    A. shooting B. to shoot C. shoot . shot

    1&5. enn( is seriousl( considering ________ for further studies.

    A. ha#ing had to lea#e B. to lea#e C. lea#ing . ha#ing left

    1&1. Men contribute less than women _______ household chores.

    A. for B. to C. on . with

    1&2. !he police are loo"ing ______ the murder at present.

    A. into B. in C. b( . through

    1&$. !he( are enthusiastic ________ helping the #ictims of the landslide.

    A. on B. in C. about . with

    1&&. _____ time, (ou get a better command of the language.A. B( B. 3ith C. about . with

    1&*. 0he is ma"ing that mista"e time ________ time.

    A. b( B. after C. for . at

    1&+. /f we ______ the plan (ou suggest, we are more li"el( to be successful.

    A. decide B. elect C. #ote . adopt

    1&. !he thief was _________ to + months in prison.

    A. sentenced B. gi#en C. sent . charged

    1&. / hope (ou will ta"e this matter into ________.

    A. effect B. offence C. consideration . notice

    1&4. 8#er( da( the doctor has to _________ surger( on different patients.

    A. operate B. create C. perform . cause

    1*5. After a lot of difficult(, he _______ to open the door.

    A. managed B. succeeded C. obtained . reali)ed

    1*1. !he plane _______ down at Cairo on its wa( to /ndia.

    A. remained B. sta(ed C. landed . touched

    1*2. 6o educational s(stem is perfect. 8ach one has its _________.

    A. borders B. limitations C. limits . fences

    1*$. =is application was _______ immediatel( because of his lac" of 7ualifications.

    A. refused B. re

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    1**. ________ what he ma(, it is unli"el( that he will succeed.

    A. !o do B. oing C. o . /n doing

    1*+. =e is alwa(s spea"ing as though he _________ e#er(thing.

    A. "now B. "nows C. "new . had "nown

    1*. =e drin"s #er( little ______ the police catch him as he dri#es home.

    A. in the e#ent B. despite C. otherwise . in case

    1*. 8#er( man and woman _______ responsible for what he or she does.

    A. is B. are C. be . ha#e been

    1*4. !he( caught him _______ things in the shop.

    A. steal B. to steal C. stolen . stealing

    1+5. All students in the school are free to

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    11. 3e need _____ for the wal" to raise mone( for handicapped children.

    A. collaborators B. sponsors C. supporters . assistants

    12. / want to "now the truth, but he alwa(s tried to _______ answering m( 7uestions.

    A. a#oid B. stop C. "eep . hesitate

    1$. !his drug can onl( be obtained if (ou ha#e a doctors _______.

    A. license B. permission C. prescription . order

    1&. ________ nonsense the newspapers print, some people alwa(s belie#e it.

    A. 3hate#er B. =owe#er C. 3hoe#er . 3hene#er

    1*. 0mo"ing cigarettes often _____ a loss of appetite.

    A. brings up B. succeeds in C. carries out . results in

    1+. !he collector _______ his set b( the end of the (ear.

    A. will be completing

    B. has completedC. will ha#e completed

    . will complete

    1. /t is no use _________ this lotion. /t wont wor".

    A. to tr( B. tr(ing C. to tr(ing . about tr(ing

    1. / cant find m( passport. / ___________ it at home.

    A. must ha#e left B. had left C. should ha#e left . must lea#e

    14. /t __________ be 'ac". =es too short to reach the top shelf.

    A. can B. cant C. must . should

    15. /f / _______ him (esterda(, / would ha#e to come bac" tomorrow.

    A. met B. hadnt met C. didnt meet . ha#e met


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    II. Re!"#$ C%&'(e)e#*"%#

    P**$e 1

    Mone( is an international commodit( that mo#es across continents almost as fast as it mo#es

    across the street. >ne of the things that lures mone( across international borders is the rate of interest./f interest rates are higher abroad than at home, American businesses and in#estors will mo#e their

    mone( out of the :0A and into countries with higher interest rates. 3hen domestic interest rates are

    higher, the flow of mone( will re#erse.

    !hese international mone( flows are another constraint on monetar( polic(. 0uppose the federalgo#ernment wants to slow the econom( b( limiting mone(?suppl( growth. 0uch tight?mone( policies

    will tend to raise interest rates in the :0A. A higher interest rate is supposed to curb domestic

    in#estment and consumer spending. But those higher :.0. interest rates will also be an attraction forforeign mone(. %eople holding dollars abroad will want to mo#e more mone( to the :nites 0tates,

    where it can earn higher interest rates. oreigners will also want to echange their currencies for

    dollars, again in order to earn higher interest rates.

    As international mone( flows into the :nited 0tates, the mone( suppl( will epand more7uic"l( than the go#ernment desired. !his will frustrate the go#ernments polic( ob

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    b. !o gain support for the federal go#ernment

    c. !o argue for lower interest rates

    d. !o discuss the effect of the flow of international mone(

    *. 3hich of the following best describes the organi)ation of the passage

    a. A classification of monetar( policies

    b. A criticism of current monetar( policies

    c. A response to a proposal for a change in monetar( polic(

    d. An eplanation of an issue in monetar( polic(

    P**$e 2

    esign is the act of ma"ing something better. 8#er(thing, no matter how ordinar(, has beendesigned.

    !hat some ob

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    b. last a long time

    c. alwa(s get chosen b( shoppers

    d. both wor" well and loo" good

    $. 3hat was wrong with Alessi "ettle

    a. /t was too round

    b. /t was unreliable

    c. !he design was impractical

    d. !he design was old?fashioned

    &. /n what wa( are some coo"ers badl( designeda. !he handles stic" out too far.

    b. /t is difficult to find the controls

    c. :sing the timing switch is a confusing process.

    d. !he instruction boo"s ha#e no diagrams

    *. 3h( do badl(?designed things get made and sold

    a. !he( are 7uic"er and cost less to ma"e.

    b. Manufacturers pa( low wages to designers.

    c. esigners do not "now enough about manufacturing processes

    d. !hese are too few food designers.

    P**$e 3

    Between 14 and 141, three groups of American women, numbering 2 in all, between the

    ages of $* and +*, were gi#en month?long tests to determine how the( would respond to conditions

    resembling those aboard the space shuttle.

    !hough carefull( selected from among man( applicants, the women were #olunteers and pa(was barel( abo#e the minimum wage. !he( were not allowed to smo"e or drin" alcohol during the test,

    and the( were epected to tolerate each others compan( at close 7uarters for the entire period. Among

    other things, the( had to stand pressure three times the force of gra#it( and carr( out both ph(sical andmental tas"s while ehausted from strenuous ph(sical eercise. At the end of ten da(s, the( had to

    spend a further twent( da(s absolutel( confined to bed, during which time the( suffered bac"aches and

    other discomforts, and when the( were finall( allowed up, the more ph(sicall( acti#e women were

    especiall( sub

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    . 3hich of the following is suggested as being least useful in space

    a. high resistance to radiation c. low food inta"e

    b. unusual strength d. low o(gen inta"e

    4. !he ph(sical ad#antages men ennl( when tests show that (ou ha#e 5 mg of alcohol in 155 ml of blood.


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    d. 3hen the police thin" that (ou ha#e been drin"ing from the wa( (ou are dri#ing.

    $. 3hen (ou ha#e been drin"ing hea#il( in the e#ening, the net da( (ou might be

    a. still drun" until lunchtime.

    b. unable to dri#e until the e#ening.

    c. >#er the legal limit in the morning.

    d. unable to dri#e all da(.

    &. Alcohol is a ma

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    b. %rofessional men refuse to accompan( their female colleagues on business trips.

    c. 8ach (ear there are more female tourists in the :nited 0tates.

    d. Businesswomen become successful b( showing a willingness to tra#el alone.

    $. /n this passage, what ad#ice does the author ha#e for married women

    a. 0ta( home and ta"e care of (our famil(.

    b. 8ncourage (our husband and "ids to be happ( and ha#e fun while (ou are awa(.

    c. =elp (our famil( learn to prepare food for themsel#es

    d. =a#e (our whole famil( ta"e gourmet coo"ing classes together.

    &. 3h( are better restaurants especiall( preferable for fre7uent tra#elers

    a. !he food is usuall( better for (our health.

    b. !he tables are better.

    c. @ou can call ahead for reser#ations.d. @ou will not ha#e to eat alone.

    *. 3h( is lightweight luggage important for the tra#eling businesswoman

    a. /t pro#ides space for dirt( clothes.

    b. /t allows for mobilit(.

    c. /t can double as a briefcase.

    d. /t is usuall( big enough to carr( all business documents.

    P**$e 6

    3hen (ou are being inter#iewed for a

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    a. is loo"ing for a

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    b. !he location of a roc" la(er is not alwa(s an indication of its age.

    c. !he epansion of the sea bed pla(ed a significant role in the creation of -ed -oc"


    d. 8merging land areas e#entuall( caused the sea to e#aporate.

    &. According to the passage, the red of the can(on walls is primaril( a result of

    a. groundwater percolating through the sand

    b. the weathering of iron compounds

    c. the e#aporation of the inland sea

    d. intense pressure on roc" plates

    *. According to the passage, when did -ed -oc" Can(on become dr(

    a. &55 million (ears ago

    b. 22* million (ears ago

    c. 15 million (ears ago

    d. +* million (ears ago

    P**$e ,

    0(l#ia 8arle, a marine botanist and one of the foremost deep?sea eplorers, has spent o#er +,555 hours,more than se#en months, underwater. rom her earliest (ears, 8arle had an affinit( for marine life, and

    she too" her first plunge into the open sea as a teenager. /n the (ears since then she has ta"en part in anumber of landmar" underwater procean, at times at the speed of 155feet per minute. >n reaching the ocean floor, she was released from the submarine and from that point

    her onl( connection to the sub was an 1?foot tether. or the net 2- hours, 8arle roamed the seabed

    ta"ing notes, collecting specimens, and planting a :.0. flag. Consumed b( a desire to descend deeperstill, in 141 she became in#ol#ed in the design and manufacture of deep?sea submersibles, one of

    which too" her to a depth of $,555 feet. !his did not end 0(l#ia 8arles accomplishments.1. 3hen did 0(l#ia 8arle disco#er her lo#e of the sea

    a. /n childhood

    b. uring her +,555 hours underwater

    c. After she made her deepest solo di#e

    d. 3ell into her adulthood

    2. /t can be inferred from the passage that 0(l#ia 8arle


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    a. is not interested in the scientific aspects of marine research

    b. is uncomfortable in tight spaces

    c. does not ha#e technical epertise

    d. has de#oted her life to ocean eploration

    $. According to the passage, the 'im suit was made of

    a. etra tough fabric

    b. rubber and plastic

    c. plastic and metal

    d. chain mail

    &. !he main purpose of this passage is

    a. to eplore the botan( of the ocean floor

    b. to present a short biograph( of 0(l#ia 8arle

    c. to pro#ide an introduction to oceanograph(d. to show the historical importance of the 'im di#e

    *. 3hich of the following is 6>! true about the 'im di#e

    a. /t too" place in 141

    b. 0(l#ia 8arle too" notes while on the ocean floor

    c. /t was performed in the %acific >cean

    d. !he submarine that 0(l#ia 8arle was connected to was manned


    Most of the earl( houses built in America were suited to farm life, as it was not until cities becamemanufacturing centers that colonists could sur#i#e without farming as their ma

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    utch?lemish stone farmhouse in 6ew @or", and clapboard farmhouses in %enns(l#ania. rom

    Georgian characteristics to Gree" re#i#al elements, farmhouses of #aried architectural st(les and

    building functions populated the landscape of the new frontier.

    1. !he main idea of the passage is

    a. life in %l(mouth Colon(

    b. the histor( of the American farmhousec. how to build an American farmhouse

    d. where immigrants settled in America

    2. 3hich of the following is 6>! mentioned as part of the furnishings in a farmhouse

    a. -oc"ing chair

    b. 0i?board chest

    c. Bench

    d. !restle?based table

    $. According to the passage, the earliest farmhouses were built in

    a. elaware alle(

    b. Massachusetts

    c. %enns(l#ania

    d. Connecticut

    &. /t can be inferred from the passage that

    a. sophisticated tools were a#ailable to the earl( immigrants

    b. the ma

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    0timulated emission, howe#er, causes an increase in the number of photons tra#eling in a particular

    direction. An optical ca#it(, the space formed b( two reflecti#e surfaces facing each other, is used to

    control the direction of the beam. !here are solid?state, gas, and li7uid lasers, and b( sub

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    III. G' F"00"#$

    P**$e 1

    All li#ing things, plant or animal, L1 _______ #itamins for health, growth, and

    reproduction. @et #itamins are not a source of calories and do not L2 ______ significantl( tobod( mass. !he plant or animal L$ _______ #itamins as tools in processes L& ______ regulate

    chemical acti#ities in the organism and that use basic food elements D carboh(drates, fats, and

    proteins D to form tissues L* _______ to produce energ(.

    itamins can be L+ ______ o#er and o#er, and onl( tin( amounts are needed to replace

    L ______ that are lost. L_______, most #itamins are essential in the diet because the bod(does not produce L4 ______ of them or, in man( cases, does not produce them at all.

    !hirteen L15 _______ #itamins ha#e been identified b( nutritionists A, eight B?comple

    #itamins, C, , 8, and . L11 ______substances, such as carnitine and choline, beha#e li"e

    #itamins but are made in ade7uate L12 ______ in the human bod(.

    L1$ ______ were originall( placed in categories based on L1& ______ function in the

    bod( and were gi#en letter names. ;ater, L1* ______ their chemical structures were re#ealed,

    the( were also gi#en chemicals names. !oda(, both naming con#entions are used.

    1. A. need B. needed C. as" for . needs

    2. A. pro#ide B. ha#e C. contribute . ma"e

    $. A. destro( B. uses C. damage . ma"e use

    &. A. that B. whose C. what . where*. A. but B. nor C. thus . and

    +. A. used to B. got used to C. used . are used

    . A. the B. those C. the one . which

    . A. :nfortunatel( B. An(wa( C. Moreo#er . 6e#ertheless

    4. A. an( B. enough C. most . almost

    15.A. different B. another C. other . similar

    11. A. 0ome B. An( C. a lot . 6one

    12.A. accounts B. 7ualities C. sub

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    P**$e 2L1 ______ three fourths of the 8arths surface is co#ered L2 ______ water. %erhaps the

    most important li7uid in the world, water is usuall( eas( to get L$ ______ rain, springs, wells,

    streams, ri#ers, ponds, and la"es. /t L& ______ the #ast ocean beds. L* _______ #apor, water is

    also present in the air, L+ _____ it often condenses into clouds. !he bodies of most li#ing L

    _____ contain a large proportion of water. or eample, water L ______ about +5 percent of

    the weight of the human bod(.

    3ater is L4 _____ for life. Millions of (ears ago the first L15 ______ of life on earth

    grew in the sea. Although toda( man( plants and animals are L11 ______ to li#e on land, the(still need water. !his life?sustaining ma"es up L12 _____ of the animal blood or plant sap L1$_____ nourishes li#ing tissues.

    :sed L1& ______ ne#er used up, water constantl( circulates throughout the world. A

    person ta"ing a drin" of L1* _______ toda( ma( be drin"ing the same water that ga#e

    refreshment to a 0tone Age man.

    1. A.most B. nearl( C. more . each

    2. A. with B. in C. on . without

    $. A. for B. rather than C. from . b(

    &. A. fills with B. is full of C. fills . is filled

    *. A. As B. :nli"e C. >nto . /n

    +. A. which B. where C. who . whose

    . A. plants B. animals C. things . items

    . A. includes B. consists of C. accounts . comprises

    4. A. useless B. urgent C. going . necessar(

    15.A. forms B. pictures C. images . shadows

    11. A. can B. able C. about . happ(

    12.A. nearl( B. all C. most . almost

    1$.A. what B. who C. that is . that

    1&.A. howe#er B. but C. nor . ecept

    1*.A. water B. the air C. beer . wine


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    P**$e 3

    %lants and animals in the temperate )ones L1 ______ in #arious wa(s to the amount of

    da(light in 2&?hour periods. !his response to da( length is L2 _____ photo periodism. /t

    controls man( acti#ities, L$ ______ them the migration of birds, the hibernation of animals,

    and the flowering of plants. !he L& _______ to respond to da( length is lin"ed to anendogenous, or inner, light?sensiti#e circadian rh(thm.

    L* ______ the temperate )ones, da( lengths during the natural 2&?hour c(cle #ar( L+

    ____ the seasons. /n winter and spring, the L ______ of light lengthensJ in summer andautumn, it L _____. >rganisms in these L4 _____ undergo alternate 12?hour phases of light

    sensiti#it(. uring one 12?hour phase, decreasing L15 ______ to light induces a short?da(

    reaction. or eample, deciduous trees under the influence of the shorter da(s of autumn drop

    their L11 _____. uring the other 12?hour phase, L12 ______ eposure to light induces a long?

    da( reaction. eciduous trees grow lea#es again L1$ ______ the lengthening da(s of spring.

    L1&_____this description has been greatl( simplified, it indicates that through their sensiti#it(

    to changes in the duration of light, li#ing things can measure da( length to determine the reasonand the time spans within a reason.

    !he relationship of this Etime senseF to circadian rh(thms is easil( demonstrated. lorists,

    for eample, often Etric"F greenhouse plants into L1*______blossoms out of season b(eposing them to understand seasonal periods of artificial light.

    1. A. li#e B. act C. fade . respond

    2. A. learnt B. called C. "nown . famous for

    $. A. among B. between C. in the middle of . in the centre of &. A. point B. abilit( C. wa( . feeling

    *. A. Across B. !hrough C. /n . /n that

    +. A. b( B. within C. to . with

    . A. period B. da( C. colour . depth

    . A. softens B. became short C. shortens . shorter

    4. A. )ones B. branches C. countries . cities

    15.A. heat B. eposure C. location . disappearance

    11. A. buds B. branches C. lea#es . perfume

    12.A. feeling B. holding C. reducing . increasing

    1$.A. during B. at C. into . be(ond

    1&.A. =owe#er B. Although C. Because . 6o matter what

    1*.A. producing B. doing C. seeming . consuming


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    1&.A. necessar( B. important C. #ital . unnecessar(

    1*.A. moreo#er B. howe#er C. what is more . in addition

    P**$e 5

    6utrition is the L1 ____ of how the bod( ingests food and uses it. /t pro#ides L2 _____about the t(pe of food a person must eat to promote and maintain L$ _______health. 0uch

    "nowledge helps the person de#elop and appl( proper L& ________ habits to maintainhealthful li#ing.

    A L* _______, or the food regularl( eaten, must contain all the essential nutritional

    elementsJ proteins, carboh(drates, fats, #itamins, minerals, and L+ _________. /f a persons

    diet is consistentl( L ________in an( of these nutrients, health is impaired and disease ma(

    result. ;ac" of the mineral iron, for eample, is L ________of the disease anemiaJ scur#( is a

    disease caused b( a deficienc( of #itamin C.

    A health bod( is able to L4 _____ two basic ph(siological functions. /t has L15 ____the

    capacit( to grow and to con#ert certain substances L11 ________ energ(. Growth means anincrease in si)e, not onl( L12 ______ the entire bod( but also of L1$ ______ bod( part. /t also

    in#ol#es replacement of worn?out tissues and the healing of L1& ______ caused b( in

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    1*.A. do B. absorb C. produce . manufacture

    P**$e 6

    %otential threats and ha)ards L1 ________ human health ha#e changed significantl( o#er

    the L2 _____ 155 (ears. L$ _____ in the leading causes of death and disease show a shift L&

    _____ infectious diseases Lsuch as pneumonia, influen)a, and tuberculosis to chronicdegenerati#e diseases Lsuch as heart disease, cancer, and stro"e. !hese chronic diseases are

    greatl( influenced L* ______ personal life?st(le.

    !oda( life?st(le is considered L+ ________ of a health determinant than it was in 1455,

    L ______ the leading cause of death was pneumonia and influen)a. L _______ the

    de#elopment and widespread use of antibiotics and #accines, communicable diseases ha#e been

    effecti#el( L4 _____ in the :nited 0tates, L15 ______ the leading cause of death is heart

    disease. /t is estimated that health?life?st(le factors L11 _____ to *& percent of all deaths due toheart disease. =ealth?life?st(le ris" factors for heart disease L12 _____ smo"ing, h(pertension,

    lac" of eercise, obesit(, and stress. L1$ ______ of these ris" factors can be controlled b( the

    indi#idual. L1& ______ health status is often determined b( en#ironment, heredit(, and the

    a#ailable health?care?deli#er( s(stems, personal health life?st(le L1* ______ a ma

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    P**$e 7

    !he bod(s L1 _______ to a threat or demand arising from a new or changing situation is

    L2 _____ stress. !he emotional and ph(sical eperiences of stress L$ ______ be caused b( a

    comple and tense situation. L& ______ stress, the bod( ma"es rapid ph(siological changes,

    called adapti#e responses, to L* _____ with threatening situations. /n the L+ _____stage ofstress, alarm, the bod( mobili)es its Efight or flight defenses, L _____ to resist the stress?

    causing factor or adapt to it. /n this stage, the pituitar(?adrenocortical s(stem pours hormones

    L ______ the blood stream. !he pulse 7uic"ens, the lungs ta"e in L4 ______ o(gen to fuel

    the muscles, blood sugar increases to suppl( added energ(, digestion slows, and perspiration

    L15 _____.

    /n the second stage of L11 ______, resistance, the bod( begins to repair the incidental

    damage L12 _____ b( the arousal in the alarm stage. L1$ ______ the stressful situation is

    resol#ed, the stress s(mptoms #anish. /f the stressful situation L1& ______, howe#er, a third

    stage, ehaustion, sets in, and the bod(s adapti#e energ( runs out. !his stage ma( continue

    L1* ______ #ital organs are affected, and then disease or e#en death can result.

    1. A. response B. action C. acti#it( . performance

    2. A. called B. worried C. happened . ta"en

    $. A. used to B. dare C. can . are going to

    &. A. /nside B. :nder C. !owards . !hrough

    *. A. go B. deal C. come . cause

    +. A. last B. dangerous C. past . first

    . A. neither B. both C. either . not onl(. A. out of B. upon C. across . into

    4. A. man( B. more C. few . none

    15.A. increases B. does C. resists . recalls

    11. A. impatience B. stress C. tiredness . irritabilit(

    12. A. happened B. ta"en place C. caused . led

    1$.A. 3hether B. :nless C. 3hat if . /f

    1&.A. continues B. begins C. starts . ends

    1*.A. before B. until C. when . while

    P**$e ,

    0helter L1 _____ people from their surroundings. /t pro#ides a L2 _____ for families to

    coo", eat, sleep, and raise their children. /t protects them from etreme L$ _______, strong

    winds, and storms. 0helter pro#ides pri#ac( and L& ______ from human and animal enemies. /t


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    also protects L* ______, such as clothes, dishes, boo"s, and pictures. omestic animals, foodsupplies, and tools ma( be L+ ______ in the shelters occupied b( their owners or in separate

    shelters, L ______ as barns and granaries.

    0helter ma( be less necessar( for sur#i#al L _____ people sometimes thin". 0ome tribes

    in 0outheast Asia, Australia, and 0outh America do not L4 ______ houses. !he >na of !ierradel uego L15 ______ elaborate huts for their rituals but use onl( windbrea"s for shelter from

    cold L11 ______. /n some large African and Asian cities, great L12 ____ of people are

    homeless. /n Calcutta, /ndia, for eample, L1$ ______ the climate is mild, man( people ha#e

    L1& _____or no shelter. !he( sleep under stairwa(s or L1* _____ in the streets.

    1. A. stops B. causes C. separates . ma"es

    2. A. place B. reason C. course . picture

    $. A. land B. temperatures C. ground . fresh air

    &. A. safet( B. danger C. comfort . competition

    *. A. #alues B. things C. belongings . items

    +. A. "illed B. cured C. ser#ed . "ept

    . A. so B. such C. li"e . for instance

    . A. in comparison withB. compared with C. in accordance with . than

    4. A. build B. set C. mo#e . tra#el

    15.A. begin B. build C. establish . found

    11. A. clothes B. people C. animals . weather

    12.A. deal B. amounts C. numbers . 7uantities

    1$.A. that B. where C. wh( . which

    1&.A. large B. few C. bigger . little

    1*.A. ecept B. e#en C. howe#er . no doubt


    L1 ______ the calendar, people loo"ed to the s"( for signs L2 ______ a new season was

    approaching. L$ _____ "nowledge was #ital to determine planting and har#esting times. /n the

    6orthern =emisphere, for eample, the bright star -egulus climbing abo#e the eastern hori)on

    L& _____ that spring is at hand. Blood?red Antares heralds the L* ______ of summer. !he

    s7uare of %egasus means that autumn is L+ _______, and the appearance of Aldebaran is a sure

    L _______ of winter.

    !he seasons ha#e a profound L ______ on plant and animal life. /n spring, plants and

    trees sprout new L4 ______, flowers appear, birds migrate to warmer regions, and man(

    animals L15 _____ from hibernation. 3ith summer, the length( hours of sunshine pro#ide L11


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    L1$ ______ of such a mishap. Moreo#er, ph(sical condition and health L1& _____ nots(non(mous terms. A bas"etball pla(er in ecellent health condition can L1* _______ ha#e

    poor health.

    1. A. health B. illness C. good health . po#ert(

    2. A. get B. come C. help . count

    $. A. with B. on C. in . for

    &. A. to B. for C. with . behind

    *. A. facts B. truth C. Beliefs . lie

    +. A. wh( B. when C. although . whereas

    . A. awa( B. through C. b( . from

    . A. as B. li"e C. such as . so as

    4. A. in order for B. for C. to . no preposition15.A. ones B. its C. whose . ones

    11. A. of whom B. that C. where . from which

    12.A. as B. as well as C. important . than

    1$.A. cause B. reason C. result . impact

    1&. A. would rather B. are C. would be . is

    1*.A. still B. onl( C.

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    1. /n an essa( writing in 14, 'udith 0ergeant Murra( promoted the cause of womens

    A B C


    2. A metallic obn nights when is the s"( clear and the air is calm, the earths surface rapidl( radiates heat into

    A B C

    the atmosphere.

    15. reams are commonl( made up of both #isual or #erbal images.

    A B C


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    11. !he trap?door spider ma"es a hole in the ground, lines it with sil", and closing it with a

    A B C

    hinged door.

    12. 0leepiness is one s(mptom of h(pothermia, the etreme lost of bod( heat. A B C D

    1$. !he flute is the onl( woodwind instrument that is not done of wood.

    A B C

    1&. . 0cott it)geralds no#el The Great Gatsbyis about the pursuit of wealth(, status, and lo#e

    A B C

    in the 1425s.

    1*. 3hene#er there are red, orange, or brown coloring in sandstone, iron ore is

    A B

    probabl( present.


    1+. eathers "eep birds warm and dr( also enable them to fl(.

    A B C

    1. 0ome species of penicillin mold are used to ripe cheeses.

    A B C

    1. /n about 1425, eperimental ps(chologists ha#e de#oted more research to learning

    A B C

    than to an( other topic.

    14. 6atural asphalt la"es are find in man( parts of the world.

    A B C

    25. All li#ing creatures pass on inherited traits from one generation to other. A B C D

    21. Man( of the e#ents that led up to the American re#olution too" placed in

    A B C


    22. Mass production is the manufacture of machineries and other articles in standard


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    A B C

    si)es and large numbers.

    2$. 6ot much people reali)e that apples ha#e been culti#ated for o#er $,555 (ears.

    A B C 2&. !he destructi#e force of running water depends entirel( almost on the #elocit( of its flow.

    A B C

    2*. !he eastern bluebird is considered the most attracti#e bird nati#e of north America

    A B C

    b( man( bird?watchers.

    2+. Much superstitions and s(mbols are connected with =alloween.

    A B C

    2. ;ura( Ca#erns in northern irginia contain acres of colorful roc" formations

    A B C

    illumination b( electric lights.


    2. urniture ma"ers use glue to hold

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    $&. !he earliest form of artificial lighting was fire, which also pro#ided warm and

    A B C D


    $*. %ublishers of modern enc(clopedias emplo( hundreds of specialists and large

    A B Ceditorials staffs.


    $+. Automobiles begun to be e7uipped with built?in radios around 14$5.

    A B C

    $. !he thread used in "nitting ma( be woolen (arn, cotton, or s(nthetic fabric threads

    A B C

    such ra(on.


    $. All mammals ha#e hair, but not alwa(s e#ident.

    A B C

    $4. Asparagus grows well in soil that is too much salt( for most crops to grow.

    A B C

    &5. A professor of economic and histor( at Atlanta :ni#ersit(, 3. 8. B. u Bois

    A B

    promoted full racial e7ualit(.


    &1. Bubbles of air in ice cream ma"e it soft and enough smooth to eat.

    A B C

    &2. =owe#er t(pe of raw materials are used in ma"ing paper, the process is

    A B C

    essentiall( the same.

    &$. uc"s are less susceptible to infection than another t(pes of poultr(.

    A B C

    &&. ;a"e !ahoes great deep of 1,+55 feet pre#ents it from free)ing in the water.

    A B C

    &*. B( 1+*, Boston was the home port for almost *5 ships, ranging in si)e between $5


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    A B C D

    to 2*5 tons.

    &+. !he sil" thread that spiders spin is much finer than sil" that it comes from

    A B C D

    sil"worms.&. 6eedles are simple loo"ing tools, but the( are #er( relati#el( difficult to ma"e.

    A B C

    &. 3inslow =omer, who had no formall( training in art, became famous for his

    A B C

    paintings of the sea and seacoast.

    &4. !he reflection of sunshine off snow can be so intense that it causes a condition

    A B C

    "nown as Esnow blindness.F

    *5. !he first rugs were made b( the hand, and the finest ones are still handmade.

    A B C

    *1. Ali"e the :nited 0tates, Canada conducts a complete census of its population

    A B C

    e#er( ten (ears.

    *2. 6atural resources pro#ide the raw material are needed to produce finished goods.

    A B C

    *$. Because the( are so secreti#e, blind sna"es are seldom seen, and its habits are not

    A B C

    well "nown.

    *&. !he main rotor and tail rotor of a helicopter ma"e the same

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    *+. Machines that use h(draulic pressure including ele#ators, dentist chairs, and

    A B C

    automobile bra"es.

    *. !he ran"lin sto#e, which became common in the 15s, burned wood more

    A B

    efficienc( than an open fireplace.


    *. !he coastline of Maine is mar"ed b( thousand of islands and inlets.

    A B C

    *4. Metals can be beaten into thin sheets, melted and poured into molds, or drawing into

    A B C D

    fine wire.

    +5. 0tone Mountain, a huge dome of granite near the cit( of Atlanta, is 1,++ feet

    A B

    height and measures miles around at its base.


    +1. 0ince ancient times, some people wore amulets, ob

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    +&. 6o cactus has flowers most beautiful or fragrant than those of the night?blooming

    A B C


    +*. !he poet Am( ;owell sometimes wrote literar( criticism and biographical.

    A B C D++. 8ach of the chemical elements ha#e its own standard s(mbols.

    A B C

    +. A balloon rises because of the hot air or gas inside the balloon is lighter than the

    A B C

    air outside.

    +. 'ust three (ears afterwards Martha Grahams first dance lesson, she starred in the

    A B C


    +4. !he delicate color of rose 7uart) is due the presence of manganese in the mineral.

    A B C

    5. Most large corporations ha#e personnel departments responsible to hiring and

    A B

    firing wor"ers and for "eeping emplo(ee records.


    1. Costume

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    A B C

    wooden boes.

    &. 8ngineering is a profession who puts scientific "nowledge to practical use.

    A B C *. ire blight, a common disease of apples and pear trees, can sometimes be

    A B

    controlled with an antibiotic spra(.


    +. -adio stations at which broadcast onl( news first appeared in the 145s.

    A B C

    . 6ewspaper editor 'ames G. Bennett belie#ed that the

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    $. rowsiness is one s(mptom of h(pothermia, the etreme lost of bod( heat.

    A B C

    &. A globe presents a picture of the 8arth with practicall( not distortions.

    A B C D

    *. /t is about 12* (ears for the cedar tree to reach its full height. A B C

    +. Compared to those of animals, the fossil record for plants is 7uite s"etch(.

    A B C

    . ;ife that we "now it is based on the element carbon.

    A B C

    . A rattlesna"e has a spot between ones e(es that is sensiti#e to heat.

    A B C

    4. /mpro#ements in peoples health are due in part to ad#ances in medical care and

    A B C

    better sanitar(.


    45. /n 142, a corporation constructed a +5?miles toll road from %hiladelphia to ;ancaster,

    A B C


    41. /nsects appeared on earth before long the earliest mammals.

    A B C

    42. All of Agnes -eppliers writings, e#en those on the most serious sub

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    4*. Ballpoint pens re7uire a tin(, perfectl( round ball for its tips.

    A B C D

    4+. 0ince the 14$5s, the archaeolog( has become a precise science with strict rules and

    A B C procedures.

    4. /nterstate =ighwa( 5 is so an important road that it is sometimes referred to as

    A B C

    EAmericas Main 0treet.F

    4. 'ohn 'a(, a diplomat and statesman, first entered public li#e in 1$.

    A B C D

    44. Mount =ood in >regon is a center for alpine sports such as s"iing, climbing, and

    A B C



    155. !he chameleons able to change color to match its surroundings is shared b( 7uite a

    A B C

    few li)ards.

    151. lorence 0abin is recogni)ed not onl( for her theoretical research in anatom( and

    A B C

    ph(siolog( and for her wor" in public health.


    152. !he top la(er of the ocean stores as much heat as does all the gases in the

    A B C


    15$. Almost lemons grown in the :nited 0tates come from farms in lorida and

    A B C



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    15&. =air is made of the same basic material as both the nails, claws, and hoo#es of

    A B C

    mammals are made of.

    15*. 6ot until geologists began to stud( eposed roc"s in ra#ines and onA B C

    mountainsides the( did disco#er man( of the earths secrets.


    15+. !he water of the Gulf 0tream ma( be as much as 25 percentage warmer than the

    A B C

    surrounding water.


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    F"#! )e *e#e#e* ) (e ("e# "# *) ) )e &e# )e *&e * )e

    *e#e#e* '("#e! e%(e )e&.

    1. I am afraid Im still having problems ith !nderstanding life in "e #or$.

    A. I am not used to living in New York.

    %. I am not !sed to live in "e #or$.

    &. I did not !se to living in "e #or$.

    '. I did not !se to live in "e #or$.

    2. I thin$ e need to get a ne (ar.

    A. We need to get a new car in my opinion.%. )e need to get a ne (ar on m* opinion.

    &. )e need to get a ne (ar a((ording to m* opinion.

    '. )e need to get a ne (ar for m* opinion.

    3. Id prefer it if *o! didnt smo$e in here.

    A. Would you mind not smoking in here?

    %. )o!ld *o! mind not smo$e in here+

    &. )o!ld *o! mind not to smo$e in here+

    '. )o!ld *o! mind not to smo$ing in here+

    4. ,an* people ere dela*ed be(a!se of the tra-( am.

    /. ,an* people ere dela*ed be(a!se the tra-( am.

    %. ,an* people ere dela*ed of the tra-( am.

    &. / n!mber of people as dela*ed b* the tra-( am.

    D.A number of people were delayed by the trac !am.

    5. It as s!(h an interesting novel that I sta*ed !p all night to nish it.

    A. "he novel was so interesting that I stayed up all night to#nish it.

    %. he novel as interesting so I sta*ed !p all night to nish it.

    &. It as an interesting novel so I sta*ed !p all night to nish it.

    '. It as so interesting that I sta*ed !p all night to nish the novel.


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    6. /ltho!gh he as able to do the ob he asnt given the position.

    A. Despite his ability to do the !ob$ he wasn%t given theposition.

    %. 'espite of his abilit* to do the ob he asnt given the position.

    &. In spite his abilit* to do the ob he asnt given the position.

    '. e asnt given the position tho!gh he (an do the ob.

    7. #o! sho!ld ta$e the train instead of the b!s.

    A. If I were you$ I%d take the train instead of the bus.

    %. #o! sho!ld ta$e both the train and the b!s.

    &. #o! sho!ld ta$e the train or the b!s.

    '. If I as *o! Id ta$e the train instead of the b!s.

    8. &an *o! des(ribe him to me+

    A. What is he like?

    %. )hat does he li$e+

    &. )hat is he loo$ li$e+

    '. &an *o! tell me hat is he li$e+

    9. It isnt ne(essar* to b!* a rst (lass ti($et.

    A. You don%t have to buy a #rst class ticket.

    %. #o! sho!ldnt b!* a rst (lass ti($et.

    &. #o! (ant b!* a rst (lass ti($et.

    '. #o! ma* not b!* a rst (lass ti($et.

    10. Im s!re he as at home last night.

    A. &e must have been at home last night.

    %. e ma* have been at home last night.

    &. e might have been at home last night.

    '. e (o!ld have been at home last night.

    11. #o! m!st never ta$e *o!r helmet o hile *o! are riding a motor(*(le.A. &elmets must be worn at all times when riding amotorcycle.

    %. elmets m!st have been orn at all times hen riding amotor(*(le.

    &. #o!r helmet m!st not have ta$en o hile *o! are riding amotor(*(le.


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    '. #o!r helmet m!st not ta$e o hile *o! are riding a motor(*(le.

    12. he* anted to apologie for their behavior thats h* the* paid fordinner.

    A. "hey paid for dinner in order to apologi'e for theirbehavior.

    %. he* paid for dinner be(a!se of apologie for their behavior.

    &. he* anted to apologie for their behavior so that the* paid fordinner.

    '. he* anted to apologie for their behavior at dinner.

    13. It isnt ne(essar* to bring s$is as the* are in(l!ded in the pa($age.

    A. You don%t have to bring skis because they are included inthe package.

    %. #o! dont have to bring s$is hile the* are in(l!ded in the pa($age.

    &. #o! sho!ldnt bring s$is as the* are in(l!ded in the pa($age.

    '. #o! (ant bring s$is as the* are in(l!ded in the pa($age.

    14. #o! tho!ght par$ing as alloed here.

    A. I was under the impression that parking was allowed here.

    %. I as in the impression that par$ing as alloed here.

    &. n *o!r opinion par$ing as alloed here.

    '. or *o!r opinion par$ing as alloed here.

    15. om said I ill be pla*ing tennis hen *o! arrive.:

    A. "om said he would be playing tennis when I arrived.

    %. om said I o!ld be pla*ing tennis hen *o! arrived.

    &. om said I o!ld be pla*ing tennis hen i arrived.

    '. om said he o!ld be pla*ing tennis hen he arrived.

    16. )hen I as a (hild e o!ld go to the lo(al par$ ever* ;at!rda*afternoon.

    A. When I was a child$ we used to go the local park every(aturday afternoon.

    %. )hen I as a (hild e !sed to going the lo(al par$ ever* ;at!rda*afternoon.

    &. )hen I as a (hild e are !sed to go the lo(al par$ ever* ;at!rda*afternoon.


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    '. )hen I as a (hild e are !sed to going the lo(al par$ ever*;at!rda* afternoon.

    17. is da!ghter (ontin!ed to (r* !ntil he (o!ld not be seen an* longer.

    A. (he continued to cry until he was out of sight.

    %. ;he (ontin!ed to (r* !ntil hes o!t of sight.

    &. ;he (ontin!ed to (r* !ntil he goes o!t.

    '. ;he (ontin!ed to (r* !ntil she (o!ld not have seen her father an*longer.

    18. Im afraid that (ar is !st too e

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    %. ,a!ri(e (an have been ill *esterda*.

    &. ,a!ri(e (o!ld have been ill *esterda*.

    '. ,a!ri(e sho!ld have been ill *esterda*.

    33. >ane allos her (hildren to sta* !ntill midnight on ;at!rda* evenings.

    A. 0ane lets her children stay up late on (aturday evenings.%. >ane lets her (hildren to sta* !p late on ;at!rda* evenings.

    &. >ane lets her (hildren sta*ing !p late on ;at!rda* evenings.

    '. >ane lets her (hildren sta*ed !p late on ;at!rda* evenings.

    34. @!($il* ?eter asnt (harged ith an oense hen the poli(e (a!ghthim stealing the rst time.

    /. ?eter as ver* l!($* be(a!se the poli(e (a!ght him stealing therst time.

    %. ?eter as ver* l!($* be(a!se he as (a!ght the rst time.

    ).1eter was very lucky because he was let o2.

    '. ?eter as ver* l!($* be(a!se he as stolen the rst time.

    35. &an I a((ompan* *o! to the part*+

    A. Do you mind my accompanying you to the party?

    %. 'o *o! mind a((ompan*ing *o! to the part*+

    &. 'o *o! mind to a((ompan* *o! to the part*+

    '. 'o *o! mind I a((ompan* *o! to the part*+36. I ish *o! didnt drive so fast.

    A. If only you didn%t drive so fast.

    %. If onl* *o! hadnt driven so fast.

    &. nl* if *o! didnt drive so fast.

    '. nl* if *o! hadnt driven so fast.

    37. I thin$ om needs to see a do(tor. is (o!gh is terrible.

    /. n m* opinion tom needs to see a do(tor be(a!se his (o!gh isterrible.

    %. %e(a!se that terrible (o!gh tom needs to see a do(tor.

    &. %e(a!se that terrible (o!gh tom o!ght to see a do(tor.

    D.With that terrible cough$ "om ought to see a doctor.

    38. #o! sho!ld feel horribleA )h* did *o! sa* that to >a($+

    A. (hame on you3 Why did you say that to 0ack?


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    %. ;hame to *o!A h* did *o! sa* that to a($+

    &. ;hame for *o!A h* did *o! sa* that to a($+

    '. ;hame *o!A h* did *o! sa* that to a($+

    39. he a!thorities said she asnt responsible for the a((ident.

    A. "he accident wasn%t her fault.%. he a!thorities said it as not her responsible for the a((ident.

    &. ;he as not said to be responsible for the a((ident.

    '. he a((ident as not responsible b* her.

    40. )h* dont *o! ta$e the holida*+: said ?eter.

    A. 1eter suggested I take a holiday.

    %. ?eter s!ggested I too$ a holida*.

    &. ?eter as$ed h* he didnt ta$e a holida*.

    '. ?eter said to me h* didnt I ta$e a holida*.

    41. I havent seen om for ages.

    A. It%s been a long time since I last saw "om.

    %. It as a long time sin(e I last sa tom.

    &. Its a long time sin(e I last sa tom.

    '. Its a long time I havent seen tom.

    42. he* ere still pla*ing tennis after three ho!rs.

    A. "hey had been playing tennis for three hours.

    %. he* ere pla*ing tennis for three ho!rs.

    &. he* have been pla*ing tennis for three ho!rs.

    '. he* have been pla*ing tennis sin(e three ho!rs.

    43. e didnt ant to oin in the (elebrations.

    A. &e didn%t want to take part in the celebrations.

    %. e didnt ant to attend in the (elebrations.

    &. e didnt ant to visit the (elebrations.

    '. e didnt ant to go to the (elebrations.

    44. )hat a shame he asnt able to (ome.

    /. ;hame him that he asnt able to (ome.

    %. I ish he as able to (ome.

    ). I wish he had been able to come.


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    '. I ish he has been able to (ome.

    45. I too$ a seater b!t it asnt ne(essar*.

    /. I too$ an !nne(essar* seater.

    %. I sho!ldnt have ta$en a seater.

    &. I m!stnt have ta$en a seater.D. I needn%t have taken a sweater.

    46. If *o! dont $no ho to spell the ord h* dont *o! (he($ indi(tionar*+

    A. Why don%t you look the word up in the dictionary?

    %. )h* dont *o! loo$ the ord on in the di(tionar*+

    &. )h* dont *o! loo$ the ord over in the di(tionar*+

    '. )h* dont *o! loo$ the ord in the di(tionar*+

    47. ;omebod* sho!ld tell him.

    /. ;omebod* is said to told him.

    -. &e needs to be told by someone.

    &. It is ne(essar* to tell him.

    '. It is said to tell him.

    48. he (on(ert as horrible.

    /. It as too horrible to see the (on(ert.

    %. he (on(ert as (ompletel* aste.

    ). "he concert was a complete waste of time.

    '. he (on(ert as (omplete aste of time.

    49. e (o!ldnt nd me at the e

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    51. I havent seen her for 15 *ears.

    /. It is 15 *ears hen i havent seen her.

    %. 15 *ears is the time i havent seen her.

    &. ;he hasnt seen me for 15 *ears.

    D. "he last time i saw her was *4 years ago.52. I didnt !nderstand hat he as sa*ing be(a!se I hadnt read his boo$.

    A. If i had read his book$ i would have understood what hewas saying.

    %. If i read his boo$ i ill !nderstand hat he is sa*ing.

    &. If i read his boo$ before i o!ld !nderstand him.

    '. If onl* i read his boo$ that i !nderstood hat he as sa*ing.

    53. /s the (lass representative I o!ld li$e to el(ome *o!.

    A. I%d like to welcome you on behalf of the class.

    %. Id li$e to el(ome *o! be(a!se i am the monitor.

    &. I o!ld li$e the representative of the (lass to el(ome *o!.

    '. I o!ld li$e *o! el(ome me be(a!se I am the representative.

    54. he* believe the st!dents ere ed!(ated in &anada.

    A. "he students are believed to have been educated incanada.

    %. he st!dents ere believed to be ed!(ated in (anada.&. In (anada the st!dents ere ed!(ated.

    '. he st!dents (o!ld be ed!(ated in &anada.

    55. e es(aped !sing a disg!ise.

    A. &e escaped by means of a disguise.

    %. e tried to es(ape b* means of a disg!ise.

    &. e !sed a disg!ise to es(ape from the prison.

    '. e !sed a disg!ise as a means to es(ape from her.

    56. Bemind me to (all >a($.

    A. Don%t let me forget to call !ack.

    %. 'ont (all a($.

    &. Bemember to (all a($.

    '. ell me to (all >a($ hen I (ome ba($.


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    %. ;he ret!rned the marriage proposal to him.

    &. ;he doesnt ant to marr* him.

    '. ;he a((epted to get divor(ed to him.

    64. )e ere told to ait here b* the dire(tor.

    A. It was the director who told us to wait here.%. he dire(tor as$ed !s to ait for him here.

    &. )e aited here to meet the dire(tor.

    '. he dire(tor told !s to ait for him here.

    65. &an *o! loo$ after the $ids this afternoon+

    a. )an you take care of the kids this afternoon?

    b. &an *o! loo$ for the $ids this afternoon+

    (. &an *o! ta$e the $ids to s(hools this afternoon+

    d. &an *o! help me ta$e the $ids home+

    66. )h* dont *o! ta$e a da* o+: as$ed >im.

    A. 0im suggested I should take a day o2.

    %. >im as$ed h* didnt I ta$e a da* o.

    &. >im thin$s I sho!ld ta$e a da* o.

    '. >im advises me to ta$e a da* o.

    67. e a(ts li$e a poor man even if he has a lot of mone*.

    A. 5ven though he acts like a poor man$ he in fact has a lot ofmoney.

    %. Cven if he is ri(h he li$es to live li$e a poor man.

    &. If he has a lot of mone* he ill not a(t li$e a poor man.

    '. e li$es to live li$e a poor man tho!gh he is ver* ri(h.

    68. I didnt mean to brea$ that vase.

    A. I didn%t break that vase on purpose.

    %. I o!ld not brea$ that vase if i held it (aref!ll*.&. I didnt ant to brea$ that vase.

    '. I do not thin$ I am the one ho bro$e that vase.

    69. >a($ sa*s >enn* is responsible.

    A. It%s !enny%s responsibility according to !ack.

    %. >a($ is a responsible man.


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    &. >enn* is more responsible than a($.

    '. >enn* is as responsible as >a($.

    70. I as so bored b* his le(t!re so I left.

    A. &is lecture was so boring that i left.

    %. e gave a boring le(t!re.&. I left before he nished his boring le(t!re.

    '. I left be(a!se the le(t!re as more boring that i tho!ght.

    71. I thin$ the oner of the ho!se is abroad.

    /. I dont thin$ the oner is sta*ing inside the ho!se.

    %. I believe that the oner of the ho!se is not at home.

    ). "he owner of the house is thought to be abroad.

    '. he oner of the ho!se is going on holida* abroad.

    72. he !dges had never seen an* prettier Doer displa*.

    A. It was the prettiest 6ower display which the !udges hadever seen.

    %. It as the displa* hi(h the !dges li$ed best.

    &. he !dges have seen a lot of Doer displa*s re(entl*.

    '. It as the rst time the !dges have seen s!(h a prett* displa*.

    73. e said I ish I $ne the anser.:

    /. e said he ishes he $ne the anser.

    -. &e said that he wished he knew the answer.

    &. e ishes to $no the anser to that E!estion.

    '. e thin$s I did not $no the anser of that E!estion.

    74. he onl* thing that prevented the passing of the bill as the death ofthe ?rime ,inister.

    /. he death of the ?rime ,inister prevented the bill from passing.

    %. he death of the ?rime ,inister as a great loss to the (o!ntr*.

    ). &ad it not been for the death of the 1rime /inister$ the billwouldn%t have seen passed.


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    '. If the* had $non abo!t the death of the ?rime ,inister the*o!ldnt have passed the bill.

    75. )e didnt go on holida* be(a!se e didnt have eno!gh mone*.

    /. )e ill go on holida* if e have mone*.

    %. )e o!ld go on holida* if e had eno!gh mone*.

    &. If e earned some more mone* e (o!ld aord for the holida* this*ear.

    D. If we had had enough money$ we would have gone onholiday.

    76. >oan eats ver* little so as not to p!t on eight.

    /. >oan doesnt eat m!(h be(a!se of he is overeight.-. 0oan eats very little because she doesn%t want to put onweight.

    &. >oan ants to gain eight so she eats as little as she (an.

    '. >oan ill p!t on eight if she eats these $inds of food.

    77. he ref!gees (ontin!ed to feel !nsafe !ntil the* had (rossed the border.

    A. Not until the refugees had crossed the border did they feel

    safe.%. "ot !ntil the ref!gees had (rossed the border that the* feel safe.

    &. he ref!gees ere feeling safe be(a!se the* are (rossing theborder.

    '. he ref!gees anted to (ross the border not to feel !nsafe.

    78. It is E!ite pointless to (omplain.

    /. o (omplain is pointless.

    %. It is not the right time to (omplain.

    &. he point is that *o! sho!ld not (omplain.

    D. "here%s no point in complaining.

    79. he (hildren (o!ldnt go simming be(a!se the sea as ver* ro!gh.

    /. he (hildren sho!ld not go simming in the ro!gh sea.


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    -. "he sea was too rough for the children to go swimming.

    &. he sea as ro!gh eno!gh for the (hildren to go simming.

    '. he sea asnt ro!gh so the (hildren (o!ld go simming.

    80. n arrival at the shop the goods are inspe(ted (aref!ll*./. he shop assistant inspe(ted the goods (aref!ll*.

    %. he shop assistant arrived at the shop to inspe(t the goods(aref!ll*.

    ). When the goods arrive in the shop$ they are inspectedcarefully.

    '. )hen the goods arrive in the shop the poli(e inspe(ted the goods(aref!ll*.

    81. ?hillips inabilit* to ma$e de(ision dates from his a((ident.

    /. ?hillip is not able to ma$e de(ision an* more.

    -. 5ver since his accident 1hillip has been unable to makedecisions.

    &. ;in(e the a((ident ?hillip did not ma$e an* more de(isions.

    '. ;in(e the a((ident happened to him ?hillip didnt ma$e de(isionsfor his life.

    82. Its almost nine months sin(e I stopped s!bs(ribing to that magaine.

    /. I havent read that magaine for nine months.

    %. I stopped reading that magaine so I stopped s!bs(ribing themagaine.

    &. ,* s!bs(ription to that magaine has been (an(elled be(a!se ofm* late pa*ing.

    D. I cancelled my subscription to that maga'ine nine monthsago.

    83. &arol nds it eas* to ma$e friends.

    A. )arol has no problem in making friends.

    %. ,a$ing friends is eas* to her.


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    &. &arol is fond of ma$ing friends.

    '. &arol reall* li$es to ma$e friends.

    84. ,rs. )ilson sa*s shes sorr* she didnt attend the meeting *esterda*morning.

    A. /rs. Wilson sends her apologies for not having attendedthe meeting yesterday morning.

    %. ,rs. )ilson thin$s the meeting *esterda* morning as notinteresting.

    &. It is impossible for ,rs. )ilson to attend the meeting.

    '. ,rs. )ilson ref!sed to attend the meeting.

    85. I reall* li$e her voi(e b!t not her (hoi(e of songs./. er (hoi(e of song is not in m* favor.

    %. I am interested in her bea!tif!l voi(e.

    ). /uch as I like her voice I don%t like her choice of songs.

    '. I dont li$e her (hoi(e of songs even tho!gh she has a good voi(e.

    86. )e ere ver* impressed b* the ne (inema b!t fo!nd it rathere

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    /. he ne sta ill be loo$ed after (aref!ll*.

    -. Alice is responsible for looking after the new sta2.

    &. he ne sta is going to be loo$ed after b* /li(e.

    '. /li(es ne ob is to loo$ after the sta.

    89. e dela*ed riting the boo$ !ntil he had done a lot of resear(h.

    /. e has to do a lot of resear(h before riting that boo$.

    %. /fter doing a lot of resear(h he (ontin!ed to rite a ne boo$.

    ). 7nly when he had done a lot of research did he begin towrite the book.

    '. e (o!ld not nish riting the boo$ be(a!se he didnt do an*


    90. he do(tor advised him against ta$ing a holida* in a tropi(al (o!ntr*.

    /. he do(tor advised him to ta$e a holida* in a tropi(al (o!ntr* again.

    %. he do(tor advised him not to go on holida* in tropi(al (o!ntries.

    ). "he doctor%s advice to him was against his taking a holidayin a tropical country.

    '. he do(tors advi(e to him is ta$ing the holida* again.

    91. I rite to him almost ever* da*.

    A. &ardly a day passes without my writing to him.

    %. I rite to him ver* often.

    &. I !s!all* rite to him hen I have free time.

    '. I have to rite to him so often that I need not go to see him ever*da*.

    92. )e (o!ldnt have managed itho!t m* fathers mone*.

    /. ,* father gave !s a lot of mone*.

    %. )e inherit from m* father a lot of mone*.

    &. If m* father does not give !s mone* e ill not be able to manageever*thing.


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    D. If it hadn%t been for my father%s money$ we couldn%t havemanaged.

    93. /fter ghting the re for telve ho!rs the remen s!((eeded in p!ttingit o!t.

    /. he remen (o!ld nall* p!t o the re after ghting.

    -. "he #remen managed to put the #re out after #ghting it fortwelve hours.

    &. /fter ghting the re for telve ho!rs the re as p!t o.

    '. /fter telve ho!rs ghting against the re the remen eree

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    %. ?lans have been made b* the ar(hite(t.

    &. /n eenn* !sed to in the (hampion tennis pla*er.

    99. I never intended to go to the meeting.

    /. I did not ant to go to that meeting.

    %. I did not thin$ going to that meeting as a good idea.

    ). I never had any intention of going to the meeting.

    '. I never tho!ght of the idea of attending meetings.

    100. It as ;ir )alter Baleigh ho introd!(es potatoes and toba((o intoCngland.

    /. ?otatoes and toba((o ere planted in Cngland.%. ;ir )alter Baleigh as the rst man ho sa potatoes and toba((o.

    &. / lot of Cnglish people loved ;ir )alter Baleigh ver* m!(h for hisintrod!(tion to potatoes and toba((o.

    D. "he 5nglish owe the introduction of potatoes and tobacco to (irWalter 8aleigh.

    101. In ;tratfordGonG/von e sa ;ha$espeares birthpla(e.

    /. ;ha$espeare as born in ;tratfordGonG/von.

    -. ;ha$espeare !sed to live in ;tratfordGonG/von.

    &. We saw the house in (tratford9on9Avon where (hakespeare wasborn.

    '. )e believed that ;ha$espeare lived in a ho!se in ;tratfordGonG/von.


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    102. he door as so heav* that the (hild (o!ldnt p!sh it open.

    A. "he door was too heavy for the child to push open.

    %. he (hild as$ed his parents to help him open the door.

    &. he door as too heav* to open.

    '. he (hild is so small that he (o!ld not p!sh open the heav* door.

    103. @ets go for a al$ in the par$: said /ndre.

    A. Andrew suggested going for a walk in the park.

    %. /ndre said letHs go for a al$ in the par$.

    &. /ndre said e sho!ld *o! for a al$ in the par$.

    '. /ndre sa*s e shall e go for a al$ in this par$.

    104. If m* members agree to that Ill be ver* s!rprised: said the !niondelegate.

    /. he !nion delegate said if the members agree to that he ill be ver*s!rprised.

    -. "he union delegate observed that he would be very surprised ifhis members agreed.

    &. he !nion delegate sa*s is his members agreed to that he ill be ver*s!rprised.

    '. he !nion delegate tho!ght that he o!ld be ver* s!rprised if hismembers agreed to that idea.

    105. It isnt ne(essar* for *o! to nish b* ;at!rda*.

    /. #o! m!stnHt nish b* ;at!rda*.

    %. #o! (an nish this ob before ;at!rda*.

    ). You don%t need to #nish by (aturday.

    '. It is not advisable to nish this b* ;at!rda*.

    106. If *o! dont ant ;all* to be angr* ith *o! I s!ggest *o! apologie.

    /. I thin$ ;all* ants *o! to apologie her.

    %. If I ere *o! I o!ld not ma$e ;all* so angr*.

    &. I s!ggest that *o! m!st go to see ;all* be(a!se she is ver* angr* no.


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    D. You%d better apologi'e to (ally.

    107. is se(ond attempt on the orld re(ord as s!((essf!l.

    /. e tried to brea$ the orld re(ord for the se(ond time.

    %. e did not s!((eed in brea$ing the se(ond orld re(ord.). &e broke the world record at his second attempt.

    '. he orld re(ord as s!((essf!l be(a!se of his se(ond attempt.

    108. )hile I strongl* disapprove of *o!r behavio!r I ill help *o! this time.

    A. Despite my strong disapproval of your behaviour$ I will help youthis time.

    %. I ill help *o! even tho!gh I donHt agree ith *o!.

    &. I strongl* disapprove of *o!r behavio!r and thatHs h* I ill not help *o!an*more.

    '. #o!r behavio!r is hat I donHt approve of.

    109. o man* s!rvivors are there+: as$ed the o!rnalist.

    /. he o!rnalist as$s ho man* s!rvivors are there.

    %. he o!rnalist as$ed ho man* s!rvivors ere there.

    &. he o!rnalist as$ed ho man* people there ere.D. "he !ournalist wanted to know how many survivors there were.

    110. #o! might fall if *o!re not (aref!l.

    /. If *o! are not (aref!l *o! ill fall.

    %. #o! sho!ld be (aref!l be(a!se the road is et.

    ). -e careful or you will fall.

    '. %e (aref!l be(a!se *o! ill fall.

    111. elen (an pla* the piano better than Cliabeth.

    /. elen (an pla* the piano ver* ell.

    -. 5li'abeth can%t play the piano as well as &elen.

    &. Cliabeth (an pla* the piano as ell as elen.


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    '. %oth Cliabeth and elen (an pla* the piano.

    112. Im sorr* I missed ?rofessor %a$ers le(t!re.

    A. I%m sorry not to have heard 1rofessor -aker%s lecture.

    %. I (o!ld not hear the le(t!re of ?rofessor %a$er be(a!se I missed the train.&. I missed ?rofessor %a$erHs le(t!re be(a!se I as late.

    '. he le(t!re given b* ?rofessor %a$er as not ver* interesting.

    113. It as s!(h rotten meat that it had to be thron aa*.

    /. I thre the meat be(a!se I (o!ld not eat it.

    %. he rotten meat sho!ld be thron aa*.

    &. he meat as s!(h rotten that I thre it aa*.

    D. "he meat was so rotten that it had to be thrown away.

    114. ,rs. Cdards is the oner of that (ar.

    /. ,rs. Cdards has a (ar.

    -. "hat car belongs to /rs. 5dwards.

    &. ,rs. Cdards bo!ght that (ar man* *ears ago.

    '. ,rs. Cdards spent a lot of mone* to be the oner of that (ar.

    115. Im s!re he didnt $no that his brother as serio!sl* ill.

    A. &e couldn%t possibly have known that his brother was seriouslyill.

    %. he tr!e that his brother as serio!sl* ill as not $non b* him.

    &. e did not $no an*thing abo!t his brother.

    '. is brother has been serio!sl* ill for a long time.

    116. )e ma* not be able to give the (on(ert.

    /. )e ant to stop the (on(ert.

    %. he (on(ert (an be stop at an* time.

    ). "he concert may have to be cancelled.

    '. he (on(ert ma* have to be (an(elled d!e to bad eather.


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    117. It is essential that ?rofessor an elsing is met at the airport.

    /. I met ?rofessor an elsing at the airport.

    %. ;omeone sho!ld go to the airport to pi($ ?rofessor an elsing !p.

    ). 1rofessor :an &elsing must be met at the airport.'. ?rofessor an elsing is a ver* important person.

    118. he station (lo($ shoed halfGpast ten.

    /. It is haft past ten no.

    %. I (ame to the station at half past ten.

    &. he train left the station at half past ten.

    D. According to the station clock it was half past ten.

    119. )hat parti(!larl* impressed me as her e

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    122. enr* fo!nd a allet ith no name in it.

    /. enr* as ver* s!rprised to see the allet ith no name.

    -. "he wallet that &enry found had no name in.

    &. he allet that enr* fo!nd had a lot of mone* inside.'. enr* as l!($* to nd a allet ith no name in it.

    123. ;he didnt sa* a ord as she left the room.

    /. ;he hispered something before she left the room.

    %. ;he left the room repeating that ord.

    &. ;he said goodb*e to people in the room and left.

    D. (he left the room without saying a word.

    124. I onl* re(ognied him hen he (ame into the light.

    /. he light helped me see him (learl*.

    -. Not until he came into the light did I recogni'e him.

    &. I re(ognie him right after I sa him.

    '. he light is not good eno!gh for me to re(ognie it as him.

    125. &an I borro *o!r t*periter >anet+: as$ed ?eter.

    /. ?eter as$ed >anet (an he borro her t*periter.

    %. >anet as$ed ?eter to borro the t*periter.

    ). 1eter asked if he could borrow 0anet%s typewriter.

    '. ?eter as$s if he (an borro >anetHs t*perter.

    126. Bonald denied stealing ,rs. &lar$s handbag.

    /. ,rs. &lar$Hs handbag has lost sin(e the time hen Bonald (ame.

    %. It as Bonald ho stole ,rs. &lar$Hs handbag.

    ). 8onald said that he had not stolen /rs. )lark%s handbag.

    '. Bonald admitted to steal the handbag of ,rs. &lar$.

    127. he res!lt of the mat(h as never in do!bt.


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    /. ?eople do!bted abo!t the res!lt of the mat(h.

    %. "ot man* fans ent to the stadi!m to see the mat(h.

    &. he res!lt of the mat(h disappointed the fans.

    D. At no time was the result of the match in doubt.

    128. ;he started or$ing as a se(retar* ve *ears ago.

    /. ;he !sed to be a se(retar*.

    %. ive *ears is a long time to be a se(retar*.

    &. ;he sho!ld nd another ob after ve *ears or$ing as a se(retar*.

    D. (he has worked as a secretary for #ve years.

    130. ;!san li$es sta*ing in hotels b!t she prefers (amping.

    /. ;!san doesnHt li$es (amping more that sta*ing in hotels.

    -. (usan doesn%t like staying in hotels as much as camping.

    &. ;!san li$es sta*ing in hotels as m!(h as she li$es (amping.

    '. ;ta*ing in hotels is more boring that going (amping.

    131. his ill be the or(hestras rst performan(e o!tside @ondon.

    A. "his will be the #rst time the orchestra has played outside

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    133. ;he $nos a lot more abo!t it than I do.

    /. I $no nothing abo!t it.

    %. ;he $nos m!(h more that I do

    ). I don%t know as much about it as she does.'. ;he is s!(h an intelligent girl that she $nos m!(h more abo!t it than Ido.

    134. he fridge as so heav* that e (o!ldnt move it.

    /. he fridge as heav* eno!gh for them to move.

    %. he fridge as heav* so the* moved it.

    &. he* did not move the fridge be(a!se it as heav*.

    D. "he fridge was too heavy for us to move.

    135. I applied for the ob b!t as t!rned don.

    /. I did not ant to appl* for that ob an* more.

    %. ,* appli(ation for the ob as !ns!((essf!l.

    ). /y application for the !ob was turned down.

    '. he* ret!rned m* ob appli(ation form be(a!se there ere some


    136. ,* mother as the most armGhearted person Ive ever $non.

    /. I $no that m* mother as a armGhearted person.

    -. I%ve never known a more warm9hearted person than my mother.

    &. he most armGhearted person Ive $non re(entl* as m* mother.

    '. I thin$ m* mother as the most armGhearted person in the orld.

    137. ,* ren(h friend nds driving on the left di-(!lt.

    A. /y =rench friend isn%t used to driving on the left.

    %. 'riving

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