thursday, september 25, 2014

Post on 04-Apr-2016






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*** Boko Haram: We’ve killed Shekau –DHQ ...says impostor, Mohammed Bashir, also killed in Konduga --- 135 insurgents surrender in Maiduguri *** 2015: Atiku declares for presidency ...decries ‘serious governance defi cit’ in Nigeria *** Senate divided over tobacco bill *** Power: New investors complain, Nigerians agonise *** NUC to approve nine more private varsities *** Nigeria retains US FAA Category One certifi cation *** $9.3m scandal: Reps probe dollar bribe to lawmakers


Vol. 3 N0. 657 Thursday, July 4, 2013 N150 Vol. 4 N0. 947 Thursday, September 25, 2014 N150

$9.3m scandal: Reps probe dollar bribe to lawmakers

Power: New investors complain, Nigerians agonise


Boko Haram: We’ve killed Shekau –DHQ


Nigeria retains US

FAA Category One

certifi cation



The House of Rep-resentatives yes-terday ordered

its Committee on Ethics and Privileges to probe a ‘$50,000 bribe’ allegedly given to Peoples Demo-cratic Party, PDP, mem-bers in the House to bury a motion to institute an

enquiry into circumstanc-es around the seizure of $9.3m said to belong to the Federal Government last week by the South African authorities.

Tambuwal Chidoka


NUC to approve nine more private varsities

2015: Atiku declares for presidency ...decries ‘serious governance defi cit’ in Nigeria P.2

...says impostor, Mohammed Bashir, also killed in Konduga135 insurgents surrender in Maiduguri


The Defence Head-quarters, DHQ, yesterday said that

Mohammed Bashir, who as-sumed the name and roles of the late Boko Haram lead-er, Abubakar Shekau, has been killed.

The DHQ insisted that the original Shekau had since been killed.

Director of Defence In-formation, DDI, Maj.-Gen. Chris Olukolade, who con-firmed this at a press brief-

Senate divided over tobacco bill P.6

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LEFT: Insurgents who surrendered to the Nigerian troops in Maiduguri, yesterday. RIGHT: Lifeless body of Boko Haram leader, Mohammed Bashir, who had been posing as the deceased Abubakar Shekau, after his death during clashes with government troops in Konduga, Borno State.


$9.3m scandal: Reps probe dollar bribe to lawmakers


A member of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Adejumo

Mansouru Ajagbe, yesterday teamed up with one Olatoye Wahab, who is a member of the opposition All Progres-sives Congress, APC to file a suit before the Federal High Court sitting in Abuja seek-ing to among others, restrain the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, from allowing Presi-dent Goodluck Jonathan to participate in the 2015 presi-dential election.

Ajagbe is from Lagos State, while Wahab is from Osun State.

The plaintiffs who are mounting constitutional road block against Jona-than’s re-election have hired a consortium of four Senior Advocates of Nigeria, SANs, to handle the case for them.

The SANs are James Ocholi, A. J. Owonikoko, Okon Efut and Mahmu Magaji.

In the suit filed by the lawyers on behalf of the plaintiffs, they argued that by virtue of certain provi-sions of the 1999 Constitu-tion (as amended), the Presi-dent, having contested the presidential election twice, won and taken the oath of office and allegiance twice in respect of that office, could no longer present himself for election to the office the third time.

They specifically relied on the provisions of sec-tions 132(1), 135(2)(a) and (b), 137(1)(b), 142(1) and (2) and the Supreme Court’s deci-sion in the case of Marwa and Nyako (2012) 6 NWLR (Part 1296) 199 at 306.

The plaintiffs argued that by the said provisions, the President and Vice President, who were sworn into office on the same date and at the same ceremony held on May 10,2010 are, in law, taken to have been elected for one single term of four years notwithstand-ing that they got into office

National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.net2 Thursday, September 25, 2014News

2015: INEC asked to disqualify Jonathan

2015: Atiku declares for presidency


President Goodluck Jonathan (right) with the British Prime Minister David Cameron during a bilateral meeting at the ongoing 69th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, USA, yesterday. PHOTO STATE HOUSE


Former Vice President, Alhaji Atiku Abuba-kar, yesterday de-

clared his intention to run for the presidency under the banner of the opposition All Progressives Congress, APC, in the 2015 presidential election.

Making the declaration in Abuja, Abubakar said government has a responsi-bility to do everything pos-sible to halt the on-going de-humanisation of Nigerians, adding that Nigeria has a serious governance deficit.

Describing his passion for governance as that of a man who wants to do more because there is so much more to be done in fixing Nigeria, the former Vice- President to former Presi-dent Olusegun Obasanjo be-tween 1999 and 2007 said: “I want to lead a government that will create ‘A Nigeria for All.’ A Nigeria that is not about North or South, Chris-tian or Muslim, but about a better tomorrow where ev-ery citizen will feel secured

“This is the change we

want and deserve and this is the change the APC wants to offer. And that is why I am a proud member of this plat-form for change.

“To fix Nigeria, an APC government will promote a new socio-political order which will compel the lead-ership to always balance power and authority with service and accountability.”

He said that he wants to lead a government that would rebuild institutions of governance with zero tolerance for corruption and nepotism, where hard work and dedication are ad-equately rewarded.

Abubakar also said that the glaring mismatch be-tween our potential and our achievements had be-come for many a frustrating puzzle, for others a topic for national debate; and yet to another group, doomsday lament.

He said: “I want to as-semble the best brains in the land and provide the politi-cal will and commitment so that jointly, and with the co-operation of all of you, build a Nigeria of our dreams.

“In spite of the many challenges we face, it is

quite remarkable that our people have refused to give up on Nigeria. It is inspiring that amidst difficulties and growing anxiety over the future of our country, our people have refused to suc-cumb to despair and hope-lessness.”

Abubakar explained that the APC, at its inception in July 2013, offered a great hope for many Nigerians as a potent alternative to the ruling Peoples Democratic

Party, PDP, assuring Nige-rians that APC remains strong and capable of ful-filling the nation’s thirst for change, adding that it shall do so, united across regions, religions and generations.

Senate Minority Leader, Senator George Akume, and other APC leaders in at-tendance also pledged their solidarity and support for the former vice president, saying that “Nigeria must rise to retake its leadership

place in Africa and earn the respect of other nations. This places on us the respon-sibility of stewardship.”

Expressing optimism that APC will form the next government in 2015, Akume called on APC members to support whoever emerges as the party’s presidential candidate at the party’s na-tional convention scheduled for December 2, 2014.

He said: “We want to re-construct an already decon-

structed nation,” insisting that he and others who left the PDP have no regret leav-ing the party.

Apart from hundreds of APC members and sup-porters who came from all over the country to witness the declaration, members of the National Executive Council, NEC, of the party, its National Assembly mem-bers and other party leaders were in attendance at the declaration.


This just as the Trade Union Congress urged law-makers to get to the bottom of the matter.

The government of Presi-dent Goodluck Jonathan had said that the cash haul seized from two Nigerians and an Israeli at the Lanse-ria Airport was for the pur-chase of arms from South Africa on behalf of the Ni-gerian government.

However, a motion on Tuesday to probe the inci-dent was voted out without debate in contentious cir-cumstances, causing a walk-out by the aggrieved APC lawmakers.

The lawmaker, who made the allegations on Tuesday, Hon. Aliyu Sani Madaki, was yesterday asked to ap-pear before the Ethic and Privileges Committee to prove his allegations.

Presiding Deputy Speak-er, Emeka Ihedioha who described the allegations as “grievous” and “regretta-ble”, dropped subtle threats on Madaki.

“These are indeed trying times. For those who were

in the last Assembly, I must also remind us that times like this have casualties and I don’t pray that any of us becomes a casualty.

This matter is referred to the House Committee on Ethics and Privileges. The Committee is to report back in two weeks,” Ihedioha stat-ed while delivering a ruling on the matter.

Madaki however told journalists after plenary yesterday, that the bribery allegation was no longer a “rumour” but fact.

“As at today (Wednesday) it is no longer a rumour. I have the information that PDP lawmakers in the House of Representatives received $20,000 while Sena-tors received $50,000”, Ma-daki claimed.

It would be recalled that the opposition lawmakers had on Tuesday walked out of the Chamber in protest, accusing the Deputy Speak-er of a biased ruling on a motion on the $9.3m.

The opposition also ac-cused the government of money laundering and false-hood on the circumstances

around the seizure of the cash.

Meanwhile, the Trade Union Congress of Nigeria, TUC, has urged the National Assembly to close rank with a view to probe the reported case of Nigeria’s $9.3m cash presently in the custody of the South African authori-ties.

In a statement signed by the President of the union, Comrade Bobboi Kaigama and the Secretary General, Comrade Musa Lawal in Abuja yesterday, TUC con-demned the crisis that the issue generated at the floor of the House of Representa-tives on Tuesday.

While urging the law-makers to eschew politics in addressing the matter, the union noted that Nigerians demand to know the truth, giving that the said deal al-legedly did not follow due process.

Apart from the interest of Nigerian in the arms deal, the statement said failure of the government to offer useful explanation concern-ing the transaction, would send a wrong signal to the

international community, thereby eroding the nation’s integrity.

The statement reads in part, “This, rather than the unnecessary squabbles we saw on the floor of the House of Representatives, is what Nigerians expect. The issue at hand is so delicate, especially as the said money was taken out of this coun-try without due process.

@We commend those lawmakers and other Ni-gerians who insist that the matter be dispassionately looked into. Indeed it is one very scandalous, disgrace-ful and appalling issue that no one should venture to play politics with.

“Any contrary posture is likely to send wrong signals to mischief makers to em-bark on ventures that could do even more damage to our nation’s economy.

“Perhaps, more evident than the effects of this in-stant incident on the econ-omy is its impact on the national image. It is undeni-able that our integrity is at stake. Over the last two

3Thursday, September 25, 2014National

L-R: Nigeria’s Ambassador to the United States, Amb. Ade Adefuye; Minister of Aviation,Chief Osita Chidoka; US Secretary of Transportation, Anthony Foxx; Washington Fellow for Young African Leaders, Mohammed Umar, and US Secretary of Aviation and International Affairs, Susan Kurl, during the International Civil Aviation Organisation conference in Montreal, Canada, yesterday.

L-R: Executive Producer, All Africa Music Awards, AFRIMA, Mr. Mike Dada; member of the jury from Benin Republic, AFRIMA, Mr. Oscar Kidjo, and Country Director, Nigeria/Co-Producer, Mr. Kingsley James, during the AFRIMA 2014 Nominees Unveiling Press Conference in Lagos, yesterday.

Chairman, House of Representatives Committee on Information, Mr. Buba Jubril (left) and Executive Director, Editorial Operations, News Agency of Nigeria, Mr. Isaac Ighure, during the oversight function visit of the committee to the agency in Abuja , yesterday. PHOTO: NAN

L-R: Chief Executive Officer, The Nigerian Stock Exchange, NSE, Mr. Oscar Onyema; former President, NSE, Alhaji Aliko Dangote, and President, NSE, Mr. Aigboje Aig-Imoukhuede, during the NSE 2014 Annual General Meeting in Lagos, yesterday.

National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.net4 Thursday, September 25, 2014Photo News

National News


The Federal Govern-ment has retained the United States

of America, USA, Federal Aviation Administration Category One Status with the issuance of certifica-tion to the Minister of Aviation, Chief Osita Chi-doka, in America.

This means that airlines

can continue to operate direct flights to both coun-tries.

Chidoka promised to reform and strengthen the Accident Investigation Bu-reau, AIB, in line with the National Transportation Safety Board, NTSB, for greater efficiency and ser-vice delivery.

The minister also urged the International Civil Aviation Organisation,

ICAO, to begin exchange programmes in air naviga-tion to deepen knowledge and promote best practice.

Chidoka was issued the certification after the Nige-rian aviation industry pro-pelled by the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority, NCAA, and other major agencies in the sector closed all the identified open items when the FAA team visited the country in April.

FAA had carried out in-tensive internal aviation safety assessment of the sector earlier in the year and there were fears that the country might not re-tain the status it earned in September 2010.

The minister in a state-ment stated that the Amer-ica FAA informed him that Nigeria had continued to meet the safety oversight requirements under the in-

ternational aviation stan-dards.

Chidoka noted that the retention of Category One Status was hard-earned and promised that the gov-ernment would continue to ensure that the country re-tained the status and other future safety certifications in a seamless way.

During his visit to the US, Chidoka said that plans were underway to

reform the AIB and make it in tandem with other international bodies for ef-ficiency delivery.

He added that the NTSB team also provided some insights on the operations and activities of the board and advised the visiting team on some best prac-tices to institutionalise to achieve the desired out-comes.

decades, our image in the eyes of the international community has plummeted so badly that Nigerians have been subjected to total, of-ten embarrassing scrutiny everywhere in the world, an ugly situation which the late Information Minister, Prof. Dora Nkemdilim Akunyili – battled to correct through her rebranding project.

“Having expended so much resources on the re-

branding project, should the nation’s leaders remain in-different to things that give us a bad name? Should we be seen as having made Pro-fessor Akunyili, her band of patriots and their likes go through all that trouble for nothing?

“In as much as the con-gress would not want to pre-empt the outcome of a thor-ough probe on $9.3 incident, we cannot help, but wish that the money had been spent to diversify the econo-

my! Barely two months ago, we received reports of abys-mal failure of candidates in the West African School Cer-tificate, WASC, and the Na-tional Examination Coun-cil, NECO, examinations, a situation that could well be attributed to poor funding and mismanagement of the educational sector.

“And this is besides the avalanche of other woes threatening to cripple the nation. The list is alarming: mortgage challenge; pen-

sioners’ plight; the army of unemployed youths; secu-rity breaches; inept leader-ship at virtually all levels; etc.

The TUC said Nigerians are disturbed by the varie-ties and magnitude of these challenges and envisaged that the powers that be would formulate a quick, suitable response to them.

The congress therefore implored those members who staged a walk-out from Tuesday’s sitting of the hal-

lowed chamber to shelve their grievances and return to their seats. The vagaries of the issue at hand do not call for a walk-out by any member, and will not solve the problem.

“We charge all the law-makers, as bona fide Nige-rians that they are, to be deeply concerned about the affairs of our country. They hold the mandate of the peo-ple to defend our national interests, to engender good governance and the rule of

law, to ensure that corrup-tion is drastically reduced to the barest minimum if not totally eliminated, and to take all requisite meas-ures to keep the nation’s in-tegrity strong and intact in the eyes of the international community.

“It is good that the Fed-eral Government has owned up to the fact that the mon-ey in issue was meant for procurement of arms and ammunitions to fight insur-gency.’’

Nigeria retains US FAA Category One certifi cation

$9.3m scandal: Reps probe dollar bribe to lawmakers CONTINUED FROM PG 2

to complete the term of of-fice of late President Musa Yar’Adua who died in office.

“That being so, the refer-ence to ‘two previous elec-tions’ in Section 137(1)(b) of the Constitution includes two previous oath of alle-giance and oath of office as President.

“It is therefore safe to con-clude that a Vice President, who had taken the oath of allegiance and oath of office for two previous terms as President is, in law, deemed to have been elected into the office of President at two previous elections, thereby standing disqualified to con-test another election into that office,” they said.

The suit is the second filed in the last 10 days an-chored on the same fact and law to disqualify Jonathan.

The suit marked: FHC/ABJ/CS/662/2014, listed the AGF and INEC as defendants.

The case, filed last Friday has been assigned to Justice Ahmed Ramat Mohammed for hearing.

In the suit, they raised five questions for the court’s determination and are seek-ing seven reliefs, to include an order of perpetual injunc-tion, restraining the AGF and

INEC from accepting as can-didate in the 2015 presidential election anybody caught by “two previous election limit and eight year term limit.

They specifically wanted the court to pronounce on the following:

Whether by the provi-sions of Section 135(1)(2) and (2a) of the Constitution, any person holding the office of the President can continue to act in that capacity after eight years from the date he/she first took or deemed in law, to have first taken the oath of allegiance, safe as provided in Section 135(3).

*Whether a general elec-tion could be held into the office of the President when the incumbent President will only have spent a cumu-lative period of six years in office so that his re-election will be for no more than two additional years having re-gard to the time expressly specified for holding of gen-eral election to the office of President under Section 132(2) of the Constitution and the maximum term al-lowed any person under Sec-tion 135 of the Constitution.

*Whether for the purpose of counting the maximum eight year term limit for a person elected into the office

of the President under Sec-tion 1(2), 135,136 and 137(1)(b of the Constitution, the elec-tion and period served by a deceased elected President (who did not exhaust his term on account of death) and the reminder served to complete the unexhausted term by the Vice President (successor) is attributable to the successor for determin-ing the two previous elec-tion limit and the maximum term of eight to which the successor is entitled as Presi-dent under the Constitution.

*Whether by an affir-mative answer to question three, the 1st defendant (AGF) can validly advise the 2nd defendant (INEC) to accept as candidate for election to the office of the President, an aspirant who is caught by two previous elections limit and the eight-year term limit in 2015 elec-tions or any subsequent presidential election.

*Whether in view of the provision of Section 137(1)(b) of the Constitution, any person can present himself for the purpose of being elected as President, having participated as candidate and emerged winner at two previous presidential elec-tions on account of which

the person would have spent a period of eight years in of-fice by the time the winner of the 2015 presidential elec-tion will be sworn into office.

In the event the court rule in their favour, they are urg-ing the court to issue the fol-lowing reliefs:

*A declaration that by the provisions of Section 135(1)(2) and (2a) of the Constitu-tion, any person holding the office of the President cannot continued to act in that ca-pacity for a period exceeding eight years from the date he/she first took or is deemed to have first taken the oath of allegiance and oath of office, with the exception of the pro-vision of Section 135(3) of the Constitution.

*A declaration that a general election cannot be due to be held when the in-cumbent President will only have spent a cumulative pe-riod of six years in office so that his re-election will be for no more than two addi-tional years having regard to the time expressly speci-fied for holding of general election to the office of Pres-ident under Section 132 (2) of the Constitution and the maximum term allowed any person under Section 135 of the Constitution.

2015: INEC asked to disqualify Jonathan



L-R: Former Vice-President Atiku Abubakar; Adamawa State All Progressives Congress governorship aspirant, Senator Umar Bindowo and former Benue State Governor George Akume, during Atiku’s declaration as APC presidential aspirant in Abuja, yesterday. PHOTO: ROTIMI OSASONA

Boko Haram: We’ve killed Shekau –DHQNational 5Thursday, September 25, 2014 News

ing in Abuja, warned that henceforth, “anyone who bears or comes up with that name, Abubakar Shekau, remains the target to be killed by security forces.”

Olukolade, also said that 135 insurgents had since surrendered to troops since their ring leader, who mim-icked Shekau was killed in the battle of Konduga on September 17.

He explained that 88 sur-rendered at Mairiga/ Buni-Yadi and 45 around Mubi- Michika.

There has been contro-versy surrounding the death of Shekau since the Depart-ment of State Services, DSS, announced that he escaped with gunshot injuries and was later found dead.

However, shortly after-wards, the character, who had been posing as Abuba-kar Shekau, came up to an-nounce that he was Abuba-kar Shekau and that he was still alive.

Though he had been op-erating from a hiding, he finally came face-to-face with troops when the battle to capture Konduga as a prelude to capturing Mai-duguri, all in Borno State, became very fierce.

The DHQ said that the in-surgents, led by their dead leader, Bashir, made frantic efforts, not less than four at-tempts between September 12 and 17, to over-run Kon-duga, but were unsuccess-ful, leading to their defeat and death of their leader.

National Mirror had on Tuesday reported that the DHQ said that it could not confirm that the Boko Ha-ram leader troops killed in Konduga was Abubakar Shekau.

However, at the briefing yesterday, Olukolade said: “ Nigerian troops have been conducting coordinated air and land operations in furtherance of efforts at containing the terrorists in the North-East part of the country.

“Somehow, it became ap-parent that the terrorists in continuation of their cam-paign of terror were deter-mined to take over commu-nities around Maiduguri which is their prime target.

“There was, therefore, the need to ensure that com-munities such as Konduga were protected. It is note-worthy that the terrorists made not less than four at-tempts between 12 and 17

September 2014 to violate the security and enter Kon-duga to perpetrate their atrocities.

“Air and land forces were subsequently deployed to handle the situation.

“The convoy of combat vehicles typical of terror-ists’ mission that involves their top commanders, were fiercely engaged by the land and air forces.

“Several of the terror-ists including some of their commanders lost their lives in the encounters which lasted an average of about 5 hours each.

“The troops captured some of the terrorists and their equipment.

“In the course of those encounters, one Moham-med Bashir who has been acting or posing on videos as the deceased Abubakar Shekau, the eccentric char-acter known as leader of the group died.

“Since the name Shekau has become a brand name for the terrorists’ leader, the Nigerian military remains resolute to serve justice to anyone who assumes that designation or title as well as all terrorists that seek to violate the freedom and ter-ritory of Nigeria.

“On restoring normalcy after the encounter, inhabit-ants of the community who were victims of terrorists activities corroborated in-formation on the identity of Bashir Mohammed alias Abubakar Shekau, alias Abacha Abdullahi Geidam alias Damasack etc.

“Indeed, the recent dev-astation on the leadership of the insurgents is attrib-utable to the renewed com-mitment to the mission of eradicating terrorism in our country.

“Meanwhile, a total of 135 terrorists have yester-day evening surrendered along with equipment to troops around Biu Local Government Area.

“A group of 88 submitted themselves at Mairiga/Bun – Yadi while another group of 45 terrorists were taken in around Mubi – Michika.

“They are all being in-terrogated and processed in conformity with the dic-tates of standard best prac-tices.

“The Defence Headquar-ters applauds the gallantry of the Nigerian troops who have remained undaunted and professional in pros-ecuting this campaign

against terror. The keen interest exhibited by our neighbours and allies is commendable and we ap-preciate them.

“All allies in the war against terrorism are here-by assured of the Nigerian military’s resolve to main-tain momentum in the ef-forts to decimate and defeat terrorists. The invaluable

efforts toward achieving sustainable peace and vic-tory against the terrorists are highly appreciated.

“It is nevertheless neces-sary to alert all citizens that there is still the need for even more vigilance and coopera-tion with the security forces.

“Everybody is required to remain alert to ensure that we are not taken un-

awares by terrorist ele-ments who might want to carry-out isolated attacks in any part of our country”, the briefing text reads.

Commenting on the ab-ducted girls of Government Girls Secondary School, Chibok, Borno State, Olu-kolade said. “Our stand remains that every effort is still ongoing to rescue the

girls and their safety on re-turn is our priority.”

He added that no foreign force penetrated this coun-try to the extent of entering Konduga to kill terrorists.

On the situation in Bama, Gwoza and elsewhere, the DDI said: “We’ve not con-ceeded any portion of this country. Bama, Gwoza are all areas of operations.”

6 National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netThursday September 25, 2014 News


The All Progressives Congress, APC, has condemned

the manner the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, endorsed President Good-luck Jonathan as its sole

candidate, saying it has turned the party into a fiefdom of the president.

The opposition party said the exclusion of all other candidates of the PDP for next year’s presi-dential election, is noth-ing but a mockery of de-mocracy.

In a statement issued

Senate split over tobacco bill

Endorsement: PDP now a fi efdom of Jonathan -APC

L-R: Board Member, KCMB Microfinance Bank, Mrs. Adekemi Akande; Chairman, Board of Directors, Mr. Demola Banu; Kwara State Governor Abdulfatah Ahmed, and a director of the bank, Mr. Alex Okoh, during the presentation of dividend of the bank to the governor at the Government House, Ilorin, yesterday.


There was heated debate in the Sen-ate yesterday over

moves to outlaw tobacco smoking in the country.

This happened when a bill entitled: “Bill for an Act to Repeal the Tobacco (Control) Act, 1990 cap. T6 LFN 2004 and to Enact the National Tobacco Control Bill 2012 to Provide for the Regulation or Control of Production, Manufacture, Sale, Advertising, Promo-tion and Sponsorship of To-bacco or Tobacco Products in Nigeria and for Other Related Matters,” and spon-sored by Senator Ifeanyi Okowa, was considered for second reading.

Even though the original intent of the bill was not to outlaw tobacco consump-tion, as debate on the bill progressed, it gradually took that turn.

While those who opposed

the bill did so mainly on the grounds that it would con-travene the fundamental human rights of the citi-zens, those who supported it did so on the logic that outlawing the consumption of the product will help save millions of lives.

It took the intervention of Senate President David Mark to resolve the contro-versy.

Mark’s position was that the decision as to whether or not to ban the consump-tion of the product should be thrown to the public do-main for the people of Nige-ria to decide.

While acknowledging that both arguments were compelling, the senate pres-ident stated that, “That de-cision should be left for the people of Nigeria to make when the bill goes to the public hearing.”

However, the bill as pro-posed by Okowa, seeks to provide a legal framework for the regulation and con-

trol of production, manu-facture, sale, labeling, ad-vertising, promotion and sponsorship of tobacco and tobacco products in Nige-ria.

It also seeks to regu-late and control the use of tobacco and exposure to tobacco smoke in order to protect the health of the Ni-gerian public.

According to the law-maker, it was important to note that the bill does not prohibit the manufacture, production, distribution or commercialisation of to-bacco products, but seeks to regulate tobacco consump-tion to protect the right of health and life of consum-ers and non-smokers.

He stressed that, “The right to commerce and eco-nomic freedom must be bal-anced with citizens’ right to health, life, information and security.”

While noting that smok-ing is difficult to quit Okowa stated that, “regula-

tion becomes becomes nec-essary, because there is a conflict of interest between government’s role to pro-tect public health and the goals of the tobacco indus-try to increase tobacco use and its profits.”

Some of the statistics he marshaled out to sup-port the bill included the fact that tobacco use is the leading cause of prevent-able death globally, even as tobacco use kills nearly six million people annually.

in Lagos yesterday by its National Publicity Secre-tary, Alhaji Lai Moham-med, the party also said the endorsement came at a great price to Nige-rians, considering the ‘obvious deals’ that were struck to make President Jonathan the sole PDP candidate.

The APC said the ‘par-ody of democracy’ the endorsement represents, “has exposed the shame-less hypocrisy of the PDP, which is ever so eager to accuse other parties of lacking in internal de-mocracy.”

“Obviously, those fel-lows in the PDP have

never heard of the saying that those who must come to equity must come with clean hands.

“PDP, where is your own internal democracy now that you have turned your party into a fiefdom controlled by one and only one person only?,” the APC asked.

It added: ‘’While en-dorsements are part and parcel of democracy, they are never done to the exclusion of other can-didates. “This is simply not democratic. When then candidate Barrack Obama was endorsed by his party’s bigwigs to con-test the US Presidency, the party never excluded Hillary Clinton from its primaries. That’s how it is done,’’ the APC said.

The party said the price being paid for Jona-than’s endorsement by Nigeria is simply too heavy, considering that the PDP governors who spearheaded the endorse-ment have now secured perpetual immunity from prosecution by anti-graft bodies, including the EFCC and the ICPC; the automatic tickets for all first-term PDP gover-nors, whether or not they

have performed, the auto-matic tickets for all PDP governors running for the Senate, as well as the ‘free ride back’ to the Up-per Chamber for Senate President David Mark.

The APC accused President Jonathan of desecrating the country’s democracy because of his desperation for re-elec-tion, adding: ‘’It is a cruel irony that a man who has benefited, more than any-one else, from this democ-racy has been the one who has been doing everything possible to undermine it.’’

The party said Jona-than had also abandoned domestic issues while seeking international rel-evance, “in a clear nega-tion of the aphorism that charity begins at home.

Meanwhile, Governor Seriake Dickson of Bay-elsa State yesterday said that the need to institu-tionalise the right of first refusal for an incumbent president and reduce huge cost and in-fighting within existing political parties was the reason for the unanimous adoption of President Goodluck Jonathan as the sole can-didate by the party’s lead-ership.


The Nigeria Police Force has vowed to ensure that politi-

cians who have any record of crime are barred from vying for elective posi-tions during the 2015 gen-eral elections.

Acting Inspector Gen-eral of Police, IGP Sulei-man Abba, who made the pledge yesterday in Abuja during a meeting with se-nior police officers from the rank of commission-ers and above, added that the force would work in conjunction with the De-partment of State Service, DSS, to screen out such as-pirants.

“When it gets to the is-sue of screening, we will collaborate with our col-leagues, particularly the Department of State Ser-

vice, DSS, to ensure that candidates with criminal records are not allowed to contest,” Abba said.

The IGP, who noted that the focus of the meeting was the 2015 elections, also added that his team had made adequate ar-rangements to make sure that the police provide all the needed support for the various stages of the elec-toral process.

“From voter registra-tion, primaries, screen-ing and campaigns to the actual elections and even litigation, we will provide all the necessary security to all participants in the electoral process,” he said.

Abba, who promised that the police would protect all sensitive and non-sensitive electoral materials, also warned mischief-makers to stay off the electoral process.Mark

2015: We’ll bar politicians with criminal records -Police

…adoption’ll reduce cost, in-fighting, says Dickson

National 7Thursday September 25, 2014 News



Following startling revelations from the ongoing investigation

on the award of multimil-lion naira contracts by the Niger Delta Ministry, the House of Representatives Committee on Niger Delta has summoned the Minis-ter Ministry of Niger Delta Affairs, Dr. Steve Oru, over poor handling of road con-tracts.

The committee hinted that in the course of inves-tigation, it was discovered that over 30 contractors of the ministry did not regis-ter with the corporate af-fairs commission.

It said the minister was needed to clarify some is-sues and possible reasons the Ministry has not com-missioned a single project since it was created in 2009.

The Warman Ogoriba-led committee who spoke to journalists after the sit-ting explained that the sit-ting which would last five days would enable the com-mittee, ministry and the contractors unravel con-tentious areas in the award

of the contracts. The lawmaker said:

“Those companies were not registered with Corpo-rate Affairs Commission, CAC. About two years ago I did a verification of those companies and discovered that they were not regis-tered.”

Ogoriba while lament-ing the high-level corrup-tion perpetuated via the award of contracts by the ministry, expressed disap-pointment that “no project has been commissioned since the inception of the ministry.”

According to him, the ministry will get zero al-location in the 2015 Ap-propriation due to the inability of the various contractors handling the Niger Delta road projects to show results.

The probe which com-menced on Monday has un-earthed several perceived irregularities in the award of contracts by the Minis-try.

One of the intriguing in-stances was the discovery that a contract for a 17.5km road was bided for and won by a company, Messrs Tri-


The Federal Govern-ment yesterday unveiled activities

lined up for the 54th Inde-pendence anniversary of the country.

Information Minis-ter, Labaran Maku, who briefed State House Cor-respondents after the weekly Federal Executive Council meeting, said the independence programme would begin on Friday

with prayers at a Jumaat service scheduled to hold at the National Mosque, Abuja.

According to him, the council deliberated on the programme and activities for the celebration which was presented by the Sec-retary to the Government of the Federation, Senator Anyim Pius Anyim.

The Minister explained that the Muslim prayer would be followed by in-ter-denomination Chris-tian prayer at the Nation-al Christian Centre on Sunday.

As part of the pro-gramme for the anniver-sary, President Goodluck Jonathan would give out National honours awards to Nigerians and foreign-ers who have contributed positively to the develop-ment of the country.

The event is scheduled to take place at the Inter-national Conference Cen-tre on Monday.

FG unveils programme for Independence anniversary

NUC to approve 9 more private varsities

Reps summon minister over contract

L-R: House Leader, House of Representatives, Mrs. Mulikat Akande-Adeola; Advisory Board chair, Nigerian Women’s Trust Fund (NWTF)/wife of Ekiti State Governor, Erelu Bisi Fayemi; Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development, Dr. Habiba Lawal, and a member of the House of Representatives, Mrs. Abike Dabiri-Erewa, during a stakeholders’ dialogue forum organised by the NWTF, preparatory to the 2015 general elections, in Abuja, on Tuesday.


The Nigerian Uni-versities Commis-sion, NUC, has

recommended nine more private varsities for ac-creditation in Nigeria.

The approval will therefore increase the

number of universities in the country from its 129 to 138.

Executive Secretary of the commission, Prof Ju-lius Okojie, disclosed this at an interactive session with journalists in Abuja, yesterday.

Okojie, who said he had forwarded the names of

the prospective univer-sities to the Minister of Education, disclosed the institutions were mainly in the South-West geo-po-litical zone.

According to him, gov-ernment was pleased with the contributions of pri-vate sector to the develop-ment of the nation’s ter-

tiary education.His words: “We are

making recommenda-tion for nine universities through the Minister of Education to Mr. Presi-dent. What it also means is that we are trying to encourage private sector participation in tertiary education delivery.”

acta Plc. However, the Min-istry chose to deal wholly with a sub-contractor, Heartland Plc who entered into a partnership agree-ment with Triacta Plc. The committee considered this as suspicious and unac-

ceptable.When the Ministry’s was

probed on its involvement in the perceived subver-sion of due process, the Di-rector of Infrastructure in the Ministry, Engr. Nelson Orvhovi, produced docu-

ments, saying ‘’the Minis-try approved the partner-ship agreement between Triacta and Heartland.’.

The chairman of the committee also directed Heartland to stop working on the multi-billion naira

road contract awarded to Triacta which was ap-proved by the Minister.

Orhuvi, in his response, admitted that there was no bridge involved in the con-tract awarded to the com-pany.

…discovers 30 unregistered contractors

Panic, as minister’s helicopter lands in Ibadan school

L-R:Wife of the pastor, Mary Oni; Pastor-in-Charge of Region 22, Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor Jacob Oni; Ondo State Governor Olusegun Mimiko and Commissioner for Women Affairs, Lady Yemi Mahmud, during Oni’s visit to the Governor’s Office, in Akure, yesterday.Methodist Prelate mourns

Adekunle, Igwe

Workers’ welfare: We’re the best, says Ajimobi

EU supports NDLEA with N8bn equipment, logistics OLUSEGUN KOIKI

The European Union, EU, is sup-porting the National

Drug Law Enforcement Agency, NDLEA, with safety and screening equip-ment worth 36m euros (about N8bn) over the next 50 months.

The EU said yesterday that it would continue to train and retrain the per-sonnel in its efforts to com-bat the movement of illicit drugs into and outside the country.

The Head, EU Delegates to Nigeria, Amb. Michel Arron, stated this yester-day in Lagos during a meet-ing with the NDLEA.

Arron said the essence of the support was for the agency and the country at large to be able to improve

Governor Abiola Ajimobi of Oyo State has scored his

administration high in the area of workers’ welfare, saying that no government had done so much for the civil servants in the history of the state.

Ajimobi said this while addressing members of the state branch of the Nigeria Automobile Technicians’ Association, NATA, who paid him a solidarity visit at the Governor’s Office, Ibadan, yesterday.

Aside the recent in-crease in workers’ salaries, the governor, who was rep-resented by the Secretary to the State Government, SSG, Mr. Ismail Olalekan Alli, said civil servants had in the last two years been enjoying free transporta-tion to and from work.

Ajimobi also noted that several thousands of work-ers had been made to un-dergo training, both within and outside the country, while also promising to extend technical training to members of the associa-tion.

Part of the workers’ wel-fare, he said, was the rais-ing of the bar of primary school teachers who are university graduates from Grade Level 14, a feat which he said, was unprecedented in the history of the state.

He also said the ongo-ing environmental sanita-

The Prelate, Method-ist Church Nigeria, His Eminence, Dr.

Samuel Kanu Uche, has condoled with Nigerians on the death of one of the nation’s finest war heroes, the late Brigadier-General Benjamin Adekunle, who recently died at the age of 78.

The prelate described the deceased officer as an enviable, respected com-patriot, elder statesman, seasoned administrator of note, and a dogged and gal-lant fighter for Nigeria’s unity stability.

“He was such a very rare breed, whom posteri-ty has registered his name, golden and evergreen, es-pecially with his dogged strides and determination to keep Nigeria one, even at the war front and other national callings of effec-tive statesmanship, devoid

It stated that the illegal landing “caused consider-able damage to underly-ing drainage pipes in the School Sports Arena cur-rently undergoing major construction works.”

The petition added that the school has had to rectify the damage.

The school, in the peti-tion signed by its counsel,

tion and urban renewal programme of his admin-istration were aimed at ensuring the general clean-liness of the state and the well-being of the people, urging them to endure the little inconveniences that might accrue from the pro-gramme.

Meanwhile, the gover-nor has also called on the people of the state to take the advantage of the exten-sion of the voters’ registra-tion exercise to get them-selves registered.

He made the call while addressing members of the state chapter of the Associ-ation of Engine Oil and Lu-bricant Dealers who were on a solidarity visit to him at the Governor’s Office, Ibadan yesterday.

The governor, who was represented by his deputy, Chief Moses Alake Adey-emo, said that obtaining the voter cards would give them the ample opportu-nity to exercise their civic rights and choose people of their choice to represent them during the 2015 gen-eral elections.

Ajimobi also reiterated his administration’s com-mitment at ensuring im-proved living conditions of the people of the state through the provision of adequate social infrastruc-ture such as water, good roads, security and health care services.

of tribalism or sentiments, religion, political or creed for such an egalitarian so-ciety, where no man is op-pressed,” the prelate said.

While charging the Ni-gerians, especially mem-bers of the political ruling class and others in author-ity on the need to rule with the fear of God, the prelate pleaded with all concerned to make life better for the masses because death is a necessary end that would definitely come, and that they should remain ac-countable before God.

The prelate also con-doled with media practi-tioners and the newspa-per industry on the tragic death of the former Vice Chairman of The Sun Newspapers, Mr. Dimgba Igwe, whom he described as an astute scholar and fine writer of no mean re-pute.


law enforcement capacity in drug control and tackle organised drug-related crimes in the country.

In the first phase of the collaboration, he added, the EU donated 100 desktop computers and 15 laptops, stressing that this would help in boosting anti-drug agency’s capability to gath-er and process data.

Arron said the dona-tion would also assist the NDLEA to achieve some objectives; policy formula-tion, drug legislation im-provement, coordination of the sector, improvement of law enforcement capac-ity in drug control, tackling organised drug-related is-sues, enhance drug preven-tion and treatment, as well as provide care services adapted to Nigeria’s condi-tions.

According to him, words

are needed to be turned to action by people on the ground, with the very best information, data and ac-cess to the latest technolo-gies available.

He added that as a result, reliable data about drug trafficking and abuse in Ni-geria was required.

The ambassador stated that under the project, two full-scale national survey on cannabis production and drug use in Nigeria are currently being conducted by the United Nations Of-fice on Drugs and Crimes, UNODC, in collaboration with NDLEA, with all nec-essary means, including satellite images being used to measure the scale of can-nabis cultivation to ques-tionnaires related to drug use to be completed at the level of local communities.

He said: “The desktops


The owners of a popular private secondary school

in Ibadan, Bodija Inter-national School, have accused the Minister of Police Affairs, Mr. Jelili Adesiyan, of landing his helicopter on the premises of the school last weekend without approval.

The school, in a petition, a copy of which was made available to journalists in Ibadan yesterday, said the minister landed on the sports arena of the school at 10:30am last Sunday.

are to help NDLEA to have good IT platform, analyse information and collect data. The laptops are to en-able NDLEA know the next move of drug traffickers, and to make NDLEA a very proactive organisation.”

Also speaking, the Chair-man of NDLEA, Ahmadu Giade, commended EU and UNODC for their support to drug control programmes in Nigeria, adding that EU’s donation demonstrated its willingness to assist coun-tries in the implementation of international drug con-vention.

Giade said the challenges posed by illicit drug cultiva-tion, trafficking and abuse are enormous, adding that NDLEA believes that through shared responsibil-ity, greater progress would be made in addressing the illicit drug business.

Olajumoke Ojo and Co, frowned at what it called the unapproved landing, describing it as ‘a trespass.’

“It has been brought to our notice that your heli-copter landed on the school grounds without the knowl-edge and consent of the school authorities.

“We hereby remind you sir, that, ours is a private or-ganization and landing the helicopter on our premises without permission consti-tutes trespass,” the petition stated.

The school then warned against a recurrence of the action, stating “we hereby request that this should

not be repeated. As you can imagine, this action, if re-peated, could disrupt edu-cational activities and pose considerable danger if the school had been in session.”

Bodija International School (BIS), one of the oldest and elitist private schools in Ibadan, the Oyo State capital,offers both day and boarding services with huge population of students in primary and secondary schools.

The late famous jurist, Justice Kayode Eso, was the Chairman, Governing Board, of the school located in Osuntokun, Bodija, a highbrow area of Ibadan.

National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netSouth West Thursday, September 25, 20148

WAEC: Osun’s poor showing has vindicated us —PDP

Amosun to complete Daniel’s abandoned project in Ikene

Power outage stalls ex-PHB boss’ trial

Gang up to unseat Amosun, a joke, says APC

L-R: Nollywood stars, Bamidele Fagboyo, Dare Oyegbola, Saheed Balogun; President, Women Arise for Change Initiative, Mrs. Joe Okei-Odumakin and Kola Olawuyi, during a sensitisation rally on continuous voter registration exercise in Ibadan, yesterday. PHOTO: NAN


Osun State chap-ter of the Peoples Democratic Party,

PDP, yesterday described as “embarrassing” the per-formance of students that sat for the last May/June West African Examinations Council, WAEC, examina-tion in public schools in the state, saying the develop-ment has validated its op-position to some of the new polices introduced by the present administration.

The party decried what it called “declining standard of education” in the state since the inception of the present administration, al-leging that education sector in the state was gradually drifting towards total col-lapse. It blamed the devel-opment on perceived re-solve by the government to “impress and empower few party boys” at the expense of imparting positively on people.

It further said the extent at which the state has sunk education-wise was mir-rored in the statistical anal-ysis of the last May/June re-sults WAEC published on its website that placed Osun as 22nd behind states like Kogi and Benue.

A statement signed by Prince Diran Odeyemi, its Director of Media and Strategy and made avail-able to newsmen in Osogbo, stated that the “quick slide from the Mount Olympus of educational growth by Osun State which occupied 9th position in 2009 accord-ing to WAEC passing rate, to the abyss of mediocrity few years after” was condem-nable.

The statement reads: “Falling to the ignominious 22nd position under four years of Mr Rauf Aregbe-sola’s reign despite the in-troduction of over-hyped, controversy-ridden Opon Imo tablets of knowledge, among other ill-conceived initiatives like O’ schools, should be enough reason for


Ogun State Governor, Ibikunle Amosun, yesterday assured

the people of Ikene local government that the Sag-amu-Ikene-Odogbolu road abandoned by his immedi-

The All Progressives Congress, APC, in Ogun State has de-

scribed as wishful think-ing the plot by the oppo-sition to defeat it in the forthcoming governor-ship election.

This follows the pur-ported plan by the Labour Party, LP, and the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, in the state to merge to con-front the ruling party.

President Goodluck Jon-athan was reported to have

endorsed a work arrange-ment between the LP and PDP aimed at shoring up the chances of the latter to produce the next governor of the state.

However APC in a state-ment by its Publicity Sec-retary in the state, Mr Sola Lawal, scoffed at the plot, saying it would not succeed.

According to the APC, “existing chaotic internal dynamics within the two opposition parties would end up frustrating any ef-

fort at unholy gang up.”The party further stated

that both PDP and LP had always worked together in the state but “such scenario has never produced any worthwhile result for them.

“In 2011, all the present members of PDP and LP in Ogun State were all in PDP with only a sprinkling of them in PPN, yet the de-funct ACN, a precursor to APC, trounced them.

“Without the executive power of government in its

hands, the APC pummeled the combined forces of the opposition.

“Now, consider how much easier it will be with the superlative perfor-mance of the Senator Ibi-kunle Amosun administra-tion to send them to their electoral graves,” APC stated.

The party likened the gang up against Amosun to that between a fraudster and a thief against the own-er of a property.


Power outage at the Lagos High Court, Ikeja, yes-

terday stalled trial of a former Managing Direc-tor of Bank PHB, Francis Atuche, and his wife, Eliz-abeth, for alleged N25.7 billion theft belonging to the bank (now Keystone Bank).

The defendants are be-ing prosecuted by Eco-

nomic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, alongside a former Chief Financial Officer of the bank, Ugo Anyanwu, before Justice Lateefat Okunnu.

The already scheduled proceedings could not go on due to power outage at the court premises which affected some courtrooms at the complex.

One of the generating sets supplying power to the new court complex, where Okunnu’s court-

room is situated, was said to have developed a fault.

The situation forced the court to adjourn the case till September 26 for Atuche to continue his tes-timony.

It would be recalled that Atuche had earlier de-nied the theft charge filed against him by EFCC.

The former bank boss had said that he could not engage in theft as a Catho-lic, adding that he grew a mortgage finance com-pany, Pinnacle Investment

Limited and transformed it into Platinum Bank Plc.

He said the bank had to merge with Habib Bank following the mandatory N25 billion recapitalisa-tion policy of the Central Bank of Nigeria under the former Governor, Prof. Charles Soludo.

In his testimony, Atuche said that the merger gave birth to Bank PHB which became one of the stron-gest banks in Nigeria while he was the Chief Ex-ecutive Officer. Aregbesola

ate predecessor in office, Otunba Gbenga Daniel, would be completed soon.

Amosun also reiterated the commitment of his administration to infra-structural development of the area which included the agro-cargo airport es-tablished by the Daniel-led







a serious governor to resign from office.

“It would be recalled that it took a PDP governor vot-ed in 2003 more than three years to redirect the trou-bled ship of education in the state occasioned by the improper management of the sector by the AD admin-istration that preceded it.

“The fact remains that the mess offshoot of AD governor of 1999-2003 has created in the same educa-tion sector between 2010 and 2014 has not only put future of many upcoming genera-tion in the state in jeopardy, but is also an indication that Aregbesola would prefer raising more Okada riders than doctors, lawyers and other professionals.”

It also averred that re-gardless of the media hype of Osun schools’ reclassifi-cation programme, through which public schools in the state were merged, the ini-tiative the party claims re-mains counter-productive as shown by the last WAEC result.

“Our investigations also revealled that, going by the results of students that sat for the last WAEC in public schools in the state, Osun ac-tually placed 30th among the 36 states in the country. We leave the informed people of Osun State to ponder the de-velopment and join efforts to return the state to path of progress and prosperity.

“On our part, the PDP as-sures all good people of the state that it will continue to champion noble causes and keep the welfare of people on the front burner,” it said.

Reacting, the All Pro-gressive Congress, APC, in a counter statement signed by Barr. Kunle Oyatomi, the party’s director of publicity, said: “PDP in Osun is sim-ply simplistic.

administration in 2005 but could not take off before the expiration of his tenure in April 2011.

The governor gave the assurance while addressing the citizens of the state at Ikene as part of ongoing as-sessment tour of local gov-ernments in the state.

He expressed disapprov-al at deplorable state of the road linking Ikene country home of the late sage, Oba-femi Awolowo, with Sag-amu which he said does not befit the status of the late Yoruba leader.

Amosun, however, promised that his admin-

istration would prioritise reconstruction of the road and upgrade it to a 4-lane standard road, extend it till Odogbolu, to be terminated at the Lagos-Benin express-way.

“When I was coming today I saw the bad state of Sagamu-Ikenne road

but by the grace of God, we will soon begin work on that road. If we cannot construct six lanes there, we should be able to do four lanes at least. When we start from Sagamu, it will pass through Chief Awolo-wo’s house and terminate at Sagamu-Benin road.

National 9Thursday, September 25, 2014 South West

NUPENG, PENGASSAN threaten to paralyse economic activities

An accident scene in Agbala on Owerri-Aba expressway, where six people were killed in Imo State, yesterday. PHOTO: NAN


Fresh search for peace in Anambra PDP CHARLES OKEKEAWKA

The intractable crisis bedeviling Anambra State

Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, could be resolved as the Chairman of National Integration Committee, Dr Ahmadu Ali, is today due in Awka, the state capital on a fact-finding and peace mending mission.

The Ali-led National Inte-gration Committee, which was set up by the National Chairman of PDP to recon-cile and unify the feuding party members in the South East, will be in Awka at the


The Joint Forum of the National Union of Petroleum and

Natural Gas Workers, NU-PENG, and the Petroleum and Natural Gas Senior Staff Association of Nige-ria, PENGASSAN, have threatened to paralyse na-tionwide economic activi-ties if urgent action is not taken to reverse alleged victimisation of their mem-bers.

The unions specifically lamented the sudden trans-fer of two of its officials; the Deputy President II of NUPENG, Comrade Asuquo Okon who works with AGIP but was transferred from Lagos to Port-Harcourt, and Mrs. Elo Victor Ogbonda, the Port-Harcourt zonal sec-retary of PENGASSAN who was moved to Lagos from

Total, respectively.Briefing newsmen yester-

day after the Central Work-ing Committee meeting of the forum in Enugu, NU-PENG National President, Igwe Achese, also decried the assassination of one of its members, Bankole Oro-nanya, a staff of Hallibur-ton in Port Harcourt.

He said Oronanya was cruelly murdered by un-known assassins who covered his head with cel-lophane before strangling him to death.

Achese therefore urged the security agencies to en-sure those behind the das-tardly act are arrested and prosecuted as the unions would not fold its arms and allow a repeat.

Achese said: “The major culprits in this victimisa-tion are the Total, Agip and Chevron oil compa-nies. They have continued

to undermine our unions by recklessly transferring them so they could lose their positions. Our leaders must be protected and not victim-ised and harassed.”

Achese demanded for immediate reversal of the transfer of the duo of Okon and Ogbonda.

The forum also decried the continued casualisation of Nigerian workers by oil companies in the country, insisting the trend must stop.

It asked the Minister of Petroleum, Diezani Allison-Madueke and the Group Managing Director of the NNPC to immediately sum-mon an interactive stake-holders’ meeting to look into the continuous outsourcing and casualisation of Nige-rian workers with a view to ending it.

“Outsourcing and casual-

isation have been there over the years. We are seeking conversion of contract and casual staff to permanent staff. Some of the affected persons have stayed for 20 to 30 years, when a casual staff is supposed to stay for not more than six months.

“This is a clear viola-tion of the provisions of the Labour Act and we are not going to allow it to con-tinue, that’s why we called the joint council to make it stronger,” said Achese who is also the chairman of the joint forum.

The union also appealed to the National Assembly to hasten passage of the Petro-leum Industry Bill, PIB, in order to rejuvenate the oil and gas industry, noting that when passed it would boost revenue for the country and job opportunities for Nige-rians.

13 persons die in Imo auto crash

2015: Araraume vows to fi ght fraudulent selection process


Thirteen persons yesterday lost their lives in a ghastly

motor accident when a commuter bus they were traveling in collided with a Mack truck that attempt-ed to overtake another along the Owerri-Aba Ex-pressway at Agbala near Owerri, the Imo State capital.

The bus belonged to the Young Shall Grow Trans-port company and was on its way to Lagos from Aba, its take-off point. Of the bus’ 14 occupants, only one person survived as the rest died instantly including the driver of the bus due to the heavy impact of the colli-sion.

The incident caused traf-fic gridlock along the busy expressway as sympathis-ers thronged the scene to help, just as the police and officers of the Federal Road Safety Commission had a hectic time controlling the surging crowd.

According to eyewitness-es, the bus driver, also on

high speed, could not ma-neuver off the road because of a nearby ditch dug by Arab Contractors, handlers of the dualisation of the ex-pressway.

The sources said im-mediately the accident oc-curred the driver of the Mack truck disappeared from the scene.

Emeka Ajoku, an indi-gene of Agbala, who wit-nessed the road mishap, blamed it on the construc-tion company handling the road dualisation, stating that the ditches on the sides of the road prevented the bus driver veering off the road until it was too late.

“It is the construction company (Arab Contrac-tors) handling this project that is to be blamed for the terrible accident that claimed the lives of 13 pas-sengers. If they had not dug these ditches on the sides of the road, the bus driver could have controlled the bus. But it was not possible because the driver tried to dodge the truck yet the truck still rammed into the bus and pushed it to where it is now.”

end of their visits to Ebonyi and Enugu states.

The former National Chairman of PDP and team leader, while in Awka will use the opportunity offered by the visit to reconcile the feuding factions that have been fighting for suprema-cy and control of the state chapter of PDP for more than 10 years now.

The PDP chieftain who spoke to National Mirror on this latest development, yes-terday said that Ali and his entourage will on arrival in Awka, visit the Party Secre-tariat at the Udoka Housing Estate after which the team

would hold an interactive session with party chief-tains and members at the Emmaus House, Awka.

It was gathered that the focus of the session would be on how to reconcile the party leaders and unify the scattered members, in readiness for next year’s election.

It was gathered that the expected visit of Ali and his team to Awka is already generating anxiety among the competing factional leaders, who have since swung into action, discreet-ly mobilising their follow-ers and mapping out strat-


Senator Ifeanyi Ara-raume yesterday de-clared his interest

in contesting next year’s Imo State governorship election on the platform of the opposition Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, vowing to mobilise all his resources to stop any candidate that emerges through fraudulent pro-cess.

Addressing executive members of the PDP at the party secretariat in Owerri, the state capital, he stated his determina-tion to give Imo people the state of their dreams de-void of corruption while promising change.

He, however, said he would be willing to sup-port any candidate that emerges in a transparent and acceptable process devoid of fraud to ensure PDP wins the 2015 elec-tion in the state.

“If the primaries are not transparent, I will do everything to stop the person,” he said.

The 2007 governorship candidate also promised

to match the incumbent Governor Rochas Okoro-cha with all resources if he emerges the PDP candidate, and urged the party executive members to work hard to ensure PDP returns to power.

He said PDP, fighting from a disadvantaged position like presently, needs somebody like him to drive away Okorocha from office in 2015.

On the issue of zoning, Araraume maintained that the state have never had such arrangement, and neither had it been an issue in the political history of the state.

He said he is not against zoning if the party leadership decides to adopt it, adding that there is difference be-tween zoning and rota-tion.

Receiving the aspi-rant and his delegation, the PDP state chairman, Chief Nnamdi Anyahie, commended the senator for his visit to the party secretariat, noting that search for a responsible candidate of the party for the 2015 governorship election is still on.

egy on how to come out tops at Ali’s visit.

About three prominent factions are led by Prince Ken Emeakayi, Chief Ogue-bego, a loyalist of the Uba brothers, who have been struggling for control of PDP in Anambra.

National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netThursday, September 25, 2014South East10

…shop for kinsman as governorIjaw threaten Wike’s guber bid DENNIS NAKUPORT HARCOURT

The alleged ambi-tion of the Minister of State for Educa-

tion, Mr. Nyesom Wike, to occupy the Rivers State Government House in 2015 yesterday suffered a major setback.

This is because a main-stream group, the Ijaw National Congress, INC, Eastern Zone, compris-ing Rivers and Akwa Ibom states, has declared that it will not support a political party that does not field a candidate of Ijaw ethnic nationality in the 2015 gov-ernorship election.

The INC spoke through its National Publicity Sec-retary, Victor Burubo, at a

stakeholders’ meeting for monarchs, elders, chiefs and opinion leaders, to em-phasise the need for all par-ties in the eastern zone to be mindful of the zoning and rotation principles in the choice of a candidate that will represent the party at the 2015 gubernatorial elec-tion.

Burubo said: “There is need for the parties in Riv-ers State to respect the prin-ciple of zoning and rotation in picking candidates that will represent them at the 2015 gubernatorial election. The INC will not work with a political party that will not present an Ijaw as its flag-bearer.”

The Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, in Rivers State had at the end of its state

executive meeting on Tuesday, September 12, an-nounced that the party will not zone the governorship of the party to any group, insisting that “any candi-date that is qualified within the party should present himself for the primaries.”

But the INC chieftain said: “In Rivers State, if you don’t pick an Ijaw man, we will not work with you. In 1999,we willingly relin-quished power to others. We have waited for nearly 16 years and we cannot wait any longer.

“Ijaw people are respon-sible with power. We can be trusted with power. We have never oppressed others when we were in power.”

This is as the internal crisis currently rocking

the PDP in the South-South states deepened on Wednes-day, following the sudden postponement of the rec-onciliation meeting sched-uled to assuage the anger of some party members across the region.

The National Integration Committee of the PDP was billed to have an interface with all aggrieved members of the party at the regional secretariat along Circular Road in Port Harcourt, the Rivers State capital, but it was suddenly called off.

Mr. Dagogo Jack, a PDP governorship aspirant, who was in Port Harcourt for the peace meeting, regret-ted that he could not fathom what prompted the sudden postponement of such an important meeting.

L-R: Royal Father of the Day, Prof. Dagogo Fubara; Chairman of the occasion, Mr. Oruye Oruye and Rear Adm. Promise Fingesi, during the summit of Rivers Ijaw Traditional Rulers and Leaders in Port Harcourt, yesterday. PHOTO: NAN



The Delta State Police Command has ar-rested a driver, Pe-

ter Bolorunduro Igbekele, who allegedly knocked down an Assistant Super-intendent of Police, ASP, attached to Ebrumede Division, who later died while being rushed to hos-pital yesterday morning.

Eyewitnesses claimed that officers from the Ebrumede Division mounted an ‘illegal checkpoint’ on the busy roundabout where the incident took place, de-spite a recent order by the new Inspector-General of Police, IGP, against road-blocks.

But a statement by Po-lice Public Relations Offi-cer, PPRO, Celestina Kalu, claimed that the driver, who was driving a Ford with registration number EFR 274 XA, knocked the officer who was on patrol duty and died on his way to the hospital.

Kalu maintained that the driver confessed dur-ing interrogation that he lost control of the vehicle before he ran into the of-ficer, who was with three other others at the spot.

The statement read: “On 24/9/2014 at about

Driver kills police offi cer at checkpoint

1100hrs, one Peter Bolo-runduro Igbekele ‘m’ of Udumorhe Street, Ug-bomro town, aged 25yrs, a driver in-charge of Ford vehicle with Reg. No. EFR 274 XA, knocked down a Cadet ASP attached to Ebrumede Division who was on duty with three others at DSC Round-about, Warri, resulting in the death of the said cadet officer before getting to the hospital.

“The aforementioned driver has been arrested, and he claimed to have lost control of the vehi-cle.”

Kalu, a Deputy Super-intendent of Police, DSP, said investigation into the incident had commenced, with a view to determin-ing whether the action of the driver was deliberate or otherwise.

She, however, warned motorists against careless driving, as anyone caught would be made to face the full wrath of the law.

National Mirror learnt that the driver swerved while avoiding a colli-sion with another car which the police officers had stopped at the check-point.

Residents had in the past lamented presence of policemen at spot be-cause of the sharp bend.

Oshiomhole swears in commissioner, targets investors

As part of efforts to attract foreign investors to Edo

State, Governor Adams Oshiomhole has sworn in Mr. Dennis Idahosa as the Commissioner for In-vestment, Public and Pri-vate Partnership, with a charge to use his wealth of experience to boost the investment profile of the state.

Speaking shortly after administering the oath of office on the commis-sioner at the Government House in Benin City yes-terday, Oshiomhole said: “Every day, we receive all kinds of enquiries about people who want to invest in our state.

“Quite a number have already decided to come, but I believe we can at-tract even more if we have someone that under-stands the thinking, the feelings of international investors, and what we


The Rivers State chapter of the All Progressives Con-

gress, APC, has accused the Presidency and the Peoples’ Democratic Party, PDP, of igniting Tuesday’s crisis that rocked the state judi-ciary.

The party alleged that the fracas was part of a long time plan to impeach Governor Chibuike Amae-chi.

State APC Chairman, Dr. Davies Ikanya, in a state-ment signed by his media aide, Eze Chukwuemeka Eze, condemned what he termed “the show of shame witnessed in Port Har-

FG, PDP igniting Rivers’ judiciary crisis —APC

need to do as a govern-ment to attract them to locate to our state, so that they can create jobs, in-crease the economy and the GDP of Edo State.

“For someone who through sheer creativity and entrepreneurial drive has been able to excel, I be-lieve people like you can bring your wealth of ex-perience into governance and, therefore, your be-ing in the state executive council will be an asset to the government and the people of our great state.”

court, the state capital on 23rd September, 2014, when a horde of well-armed and fierce-looking policemen, acting on the orders of the Federal Government, bru-talised innocent citizens protesting the desperate at-tempt to foist Justice Daisy Okocha as the chief justice of the state.”

The statement added: “This is the height of impu-nity by the Peoples’ Demo-cratic Party, PDP-controlled Presidency, which has tried almost everything in the book in a failed bid to il-legally remove the Rivers State Governor, Rt. Hon. Rotimi Chibuike Amaechi, from office.

“We wish to alert Nige-rians and the rest of the

world that the real reason behind the lingering crisis in the state’s judiciary is not just about who has the right between the state governor and the National Judicial Council, NJC, to appoint the state’s chief judge.

“Rather, this is a need-less crisis deliberately en-gineered by the Presidency and the PDP in their desper-ation to remove Governor Amaechi at all costs before the 2015 general elections, knowing very well that with Governor Amaechi as the helmsman in Riv-ers State, coupled with all the atrocities committed by the administration of President Jonathan against the people of Rivers State, PDP and the Presidency

have lost Rivers State, even before the 2015 general elec-tions.”

It added: “They have tried severally to remove him through the courts, and when that failed, they mobilised funds to sway the National Assembly mem-bers to do their bidding.

“That attempt was, how-ever, successfully resisted by patriotic lawmakers who would not be swayed by lucre. A similar scenario has played itself out here in Rivers State, where the vast majority of members of the State House of Assembly have chosen to remain loyal to Governor Amaechi, de-spite all temptations to sup-port the illegality scripted by the Presidency and PDP.

National Thursday, September 25, 2014 11South South


Adamawa State acting governor, Umaru Fintiri,

has asked a federal High Court in Lagos to strike out all proceedings in a suit seeking reinstatement of sacked governor of the state, Murtala Nyako.

A Lagos-based lawyer, Olukoya Ogungbeje, had filed the suit to contest the legality of Nyako’s im-peachment, arguing that the development was a clear departure from estab-lished due process of law.

The lawyer had listed Fintiri, Adamawa State House of Assembly, the act-ing Chief Judge, Ambrose Mammadi, chairman of the seven-member panel that investigated allega-tions of gross misconduct against Nyako, Buba Kaja-ma, INEC and the Inspector General of Police, IGP, as respondents in the matter.

But Fintiri through his lawyer Chief Wole Olani-pekun, SAN, in his applica-tion urged the court to set aside all the proceedings conducted in the suit so far.

Already, the Indepen-

dent National Electoral Commission, INEC, has fixed October 11 for the gov-ernorship bye-election in the state.

The judgment was fixed after parties duly filed their processes for and against the matter and the conclu-sion of arguments in the matter.

Moving the application, Olanipekun argued that the Adamawa government and the state House of Assem-bly were not served in ac-cordance with the law, and as such, the court should strike out the entire action.

Olanipekun submitted that the originating pro-cesses were not and have not been served on his cli-ents.

He recalled that when the deficiencies in the originating processes and the proceedings generally were brought to the court’s attention, the court simply directed counsel to adopt their written addresses.

Olanipekun further ar-gued that the address for service on Fintiri and the House as put in the origi-nating motion was vague, and that Nyako himself had filed a separate suit to


Borno State gov-ernment has ear-marked a total of

N100 million for the com-pletion of the education of escaped Chibok school-girls outside the state.

Governor Kashim Shet-tima while addressing the schoolgirls at Govern-ment House, Maiduguri

yesterday before their de-parture for enrolment in schools outside the state, said the completion of education of the girls that escaped after the April 14 Boko Haram attack on Government Secondary School, Chibok would gulp N100 million.

He also prayed that the remaining girls in captiv-ity would soon be freed.

Shettima said former

vice president Atiku Abubakar had already an-nounced scholarship to the remaining six girls, leaving the Borno govern-ment with 51 of the total 57 that escaped from Boko Haram camp.

He said government will spend N1.4 million on each of the schoolgirls annually.

He also urged them not to disappoint the state. “Considering what you

have experienced, I ap-peal to you not to disap-point the state and your parents.


The Non-Academic Staff Union of Edu-cational and Associ-

ated Institutions (NASU) has warned of possibility of its members in polytech-nics and Colleges of Educa-tion resuming nationwide strike soon.

The NASU had last July suspended a prolonged strike with the under-standing that government would address members’

demands.National President of

NASU, Comrade Ladi Ili-ya, who gave the warning yesterday in Ilorin at the meeting of the National Executive Council, NEC, of the union, said the union was disturbed that govern-ment was yet to address its demands 10 weeks after an agreement they struck to suspend the strike.

She alleged that govern-ment’s inaction had given management of some poly-technics an excuse not to

pay the workers their due entitlements and called on the government to address the demands without fur-ther delay.

“We are using this oppor-tunity to call on the Hon. Minister of Education to accelerate action in resolv-ing the issues that provoked the (industrial) actions, tak-ing into consideration that the strikes were suspended, with a view to giving the government a 90-day mora-torium to enable it resolve the issues involved.

“It has become necessary to state here that since the suspension of the strikes over 10 weeks ago, the gov-ernment has not taken any action towards resolving the issues that led to the strikes.

“It is embarrassing to note that in the polytechnics where CONTISS 15 migra-tion has been implemented, some managements have stopped the payment under the pretense that the Fed-eral Government has not provided the needed funds for its implementation.

Nyako’s reinstatement: Fintiri asks court to dismiss suit

Escaped Chibok schoolgirls admiring cell phones presented to them by the Borno State Governor Kashim Shettima as part of their sponsorship for further education in Kaduna and Plateau states secondary schools, yesterday. PHOTO: INUSA NDAHI

challenge his removal at the Adamawa State High Court, Yola Division.

But the plaintiff (Ogung-beje) described the applica-tion filed by Olanipekun as an abuse of court process.

“What we know is that a judgment has been re-served after parties duly ar-gued our respective cases, and as such, nobody can attempt to arrest a judg-ment that has been duly re-served,” Ogungbeje stated.

In the originating suit, Ogungbeje is seeking a

declaration that the set-ting up of seven-member panel by Justice Mamma-di after his order stopping the Adamawa State House of Assembly from consti-tuting the panel was bi-ased, unlawful, illegal and unconstitutional violation of Nyako’s right to fair hearing and fair trial as guaranteed under Section 36 of the 1999 Constitution (as amended).

The lawyer is also pray-ing the court to declare that the constitution of seven-

member panel by both the House and Mammadi against a subsisting order of court restraining the House from setting up the panel was unlawful, con-temptuous, illegal, undem-ocratic and a flagrant viola-tion of the Constitution.

Besides, the applicant is urging the court to nullify Nyako’s impeachment of July 15, 2014 and another order compelling Fintiri to vacate office as acting gov-ernor forthwith.

According to the grounds

of the suit, the lawyer ex-plained that the suit was necessitated because the respondents perpetrated grave constitutional infrac-tion.

The plaintiff had also contended that the failure of the respondents to serve the impeachment notice personally on Nyako was a breach of Nyako’s right to fair hearing and fair trial.

The trial judge, Okon Abang, had fixed Septem-ber 30 for judgment in the lawyer’s suit.

National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netThursday, September 25, 2014North12


Herdsmen in Plateau State under the ae-gis of Miyetti Allah

Cattle Breeders Association, MACBAN, yesterday con-firmed that two of their members were killed by gun-men and 232 cattle rustled in Rengyel village of Jos south local government area of the state.

The MACBAN state chair-man, Haruna Boro Hussaini, who expressed shock over the incident, told journalists in Jos that the corpse of one of the herders, Saleh Mo-hammed, 20, has been recov-ered by officers of the Spe-cial Task Force, STF, sector 6 yesterday while the second victim, identified as Aminu Inusa, 25, was still missing and presumed dead.

He explained that out of the 232 cattle lost by the as-sociation, 50 were shot dead while 182 were rustled into Vom in Jos south council, adding that the cattle be-longed to Alhaji Ahmed Muazu, Mallams Ruwa Isa

2 killed, 232 cattlerustled in Plateau Borno votes N100m for escaped Chibok girls

Poly, colleges may resume nationwide strike –NASUGovernor Kashim Shettima

and Dauda Umar, members of the association.

“We have found the corpse of Saleh Moham-med but Aminu Inusa is still missing; we are assuming he was also killed. The thieves also killed 50 cattle outright. We found them all dead from gunshot wounds. We have information that the cattle were moved to Vom and once our cattle are taken to Vom, they don’t come out be-cause even security men are unable to go there and get them,” he said.

The chairman however said they had witnessed a de-crease in cattle theft around Riyom and Barkin Ladi af-ter several meetings with community leaders but said Jos south is proving to be a challenge despite all the meetings. He added, “We no longer see any relevance in the meetings we hold with Berom leaders and the LG Chairman of Jos south since they have refused to stop the theft. Therefore, we will no longer take part in any meet-ing with them because it is a waste of time.”

National 13Thursday, September 25, 2014


PDP’s endorsement of Jonathan as sole candidate: Challenges, prospects

Barely five months to the Presidential election, the ruling Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, last Thursday endorsed incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan as its sole presidential candidate. OBIORA IFOH, GEORGE OJI, TORDUE SALEM, ROTIMI FADEYI, WOLE OLADIMEJI, AJAYI OMEIZA and UBONG UKPONG in this week’s Mirror Roundtable take a look at the challenges and prospects of the endorsement.

Last week, the ruling Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, at the 66th meeting of its National Executive Coun-cil, NEC, endorsed President Goodluck Jonathan as

the party’s candidate for the February 2014 presidential election, foreclosing the aspirations of any member who may want to challenge Jonathan for the party’s ticket.

Jonathan made history

Although the decision of the PDP was expected, as there had been campaigns by various groups calling for another four-year term for President Jonathan, what was surprising was that even some of those who were initially against his re-election are now at the fore front of those campaigning for his return as President.

Never in the history of the party, which had been in power for 15 years had anyone had it so easy to be chosen as sole candidate in presidential election since the return of democracy to the country in 1999.

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo during his re-election bid in 2003 had to go through the PDP primary with former governor of Kano State, late Abubakar Rimi, former Vice President Alex Ekueme and former National Chairman of the party, Barnabas Gemade at the National Convention of the party at the Eagle Square, Abuja.

Obasanjo was declared winner of the PDP presidential primary having polled 2,642 out of the total of 3,514 votes cast while Ekwueme had 661 votes, Rimi scored 159 votes while Gemade recorded 17 votes.

But 11 years after and with Jonathan as the incumbent President on the platform of PDP, the party has now ad-opted him as the sole candidate and therefore there would not be primary election but ratification of the decision at the special National Convention of the party scheduled to hold on December 6.

First to set the ball rolling for the adoption of Jonathan as the sole candidate of the party was the PDP caucus, made up of the members of the National Working Com-mittee, NWC, at a meeting held at the Presidential Villa.

The decision was also unanimously supported by gov-ernors elected on the platform of the PDP. The Chairman of the PDP Governors’ Forum and governor of Akwa Ibom State, Godswill Akpabio, announced the decision of the governors after their meeting in Abuja.

In the same vein and expectedly, members of the party’s Board of Trustees, BoT, led Chief Tony Anenih, also ad-opted Jonathan as the sole candidate of the party while the decision received the final seal at the meeting of the PDP NEC meeting held at the party’s national secretariat.

With the final decision of the NEC of the party, the coast is now clear for Jonathan to fly the flag of the PDP as its presidential candidate without any contention.

Jonathan, while reacting to the endorsement, said that he was overwhelmed and humbled by the deluge of posi-tive sentiments and endorsements while promising to tri-ple his achievements if re-elected. However, the party said that it is still waiting for a formal acceptance of the offer by the President.

However, how Jonathan would carry out his election campaign across the country remains to be seen, consid-ering unresolved issues like the insecurity in the country which led to the abduction of over 200 schoolgirls by the Boko Haram sect and an economy which has no positive

impact on teh lifes of Nigerians.

Prospects of Jonathan’s adoptionAs expected, the endorsement has been widely criti-

cised as undemocratic, particularly by the opposition All Progressives Congress, APC. But notwithstanding, some political analysts have defended the action of the party as a plus, not only for the PDP but also for the nation’s cur-rent democratic practice. Those who share this line of

thought argue that the action of the party was first and foremost in keeping with democratic norms in developed democracies worldwide, where a sitting president is given first option of refusal.

Speacial Adviser to Jonathan on National Assembly Matters, Senator Makanjuola Ajadi was at the weekend quoted as saying: “The norm all over the world is that a sitting president has the first option of refusal. It is only when that president refuses that alternative would be looked at. It is one of the best things that has ever hap-pened in the political development of Nigeria.”

This argument, though germane to the present circum-stance, has however been challenged on the premise that it is not just every sitting president that is given first option of refusal but indeed, it must be a performing president.

Be that as it may, one other positive side of the adoption of President Jonathan by the PDP as its sole presidential candidate is that the action will scale down the usual ten-sion and political wrangling that characterises the strug-gle for the presidential ticket, either within a ruling party or opposition parties.

It is believed that with a consensus candidate such as President Jonathan, PDP will have spared itself of the likely distractions the struggle for the ticket would have

Jonathan Mua’zu








14 Politics National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netThursday, September 25, 2014

PDP’s endorsement of Jonathan imposed on the party. With this develop-ment, PDP will now channel all its energies in marketing its presidential candidate and ensure that victory comes its way in the February 14, 2015 presidential election.

In addition, having settled the issue of the presidential ticket, PDP will now sit back and position itself to benefit from the possible crisis and implosion that will arise from the opposition parties’ quest to pick their presidential candidates.

There is also the issue of costs involved in the adoption. What it means now is that many of the aspirants for the presidential tickets would be spared the huge sums, N20 million for nomination form and N2 million for Expression of Interest form, per individual aspirant, they would have wasted in the process.

Since there were relatively not much dissentions in the adoption of President Jonathan, observers are of the opinion that PDP can straight away commence its campaign to win back the presidency come 2015 with high hopes and expectations.

The economy as a setback

The litany of endorsements of Presi-dent Jonathan for a second tenure in of-fice in 2015 notwithstanding, the leader of the country would have to answer an avalanche of questions on poor state of the economy, when he finally declares his intention to run for Aso Rock again.

Despite his efforts to improve the econo-my through privatisation of the electricity generating companies and the distribution companies, many stakeholders still see ob-stacles in the success of the privatisation exercise already riddled by industrial and technical problems.

The Mambilla and other power generat-ing plants are obsolete and some in disuse after several decades of installation and poor installation and in most cases lack of maintenance by successful governments.

Because of their decrepit state, these power assets also suffer the occasional vandalism and outright destruction by insider-criminals and protesting person-nel laid off by government without their benefits fully paid.

There are other issues of the timely completion of power projects at scheduled project dates in order for government to meet its deadline of this year December for at least a cumulative 7,000 or 10,000 mega-watts power generation.

The megawatts in the country’s dis-tributive power kitty still stand at dismal below 4,000 megawatts, despite trillions of naira in budget allocations since 2010, sparking cynicism from industry stake-holders of sabotage and insecurity on the part of the Federal Government.

The October 2014 deadline for the com-pletion of power contracts issued earlier in the year by the Vice President, Arc. Nama-di Sambo, is only a few weeks left to lapse and from indications, this deadline would, like several others in the past.

The power situation is even worsen-ing in the Federal Capital Territory, FCT, as electricity experts blame it on failure of antiquated power equipment at Power Holding Company of Nigeria, PHCN, of-fices in Abuja.

In some cases, this failure has been at-tributed to low morale of staff, the sabo-

tage of disengaged electricity workers, the short-changing or outright non-payment of contractors and weather-related haz-ards among other things.

Though power-improving deals are al-ready signed with foreign partners, these deals are premised on improvement in the country’s security and sundry issues.

The failure of the government to also provide alternative power means has not helped matters. The failure in the sector has therefore worsened poverty and has continued to take its toll on private and informal sectors of the economy, sectors which harbour more than 51percent of the electorate.

Prices of petroleum products have also steeply risen, as the government of Jona-than is yet to hold relevant government agencies to account for billions of dollars lost to importation of kerosene and other products to the country.

A lack of a price control regime by gov-ernment, has also witnessed a steady rise

in the prices of various products in the country to the discredit of the government.

Despite the hype around the impressive rebasing of the Gross Domestic Product, GDP, the per capita income of the country is dismally low and life expectancy has hit rock-bottom in a decade!

Many people have either lost jobs or have not had a job in several years, despite statistical claims by government that mil-lions of jobs have been created through the YOU WIN and other strategies. These economic factors would certainly count against the President’s reelection bid in 2015.

The mounting opposition

Before the emergence of President Jonathan in 2009 after the death of the late President Umar Musa Yar’Adua, there

were mounting pressure against him not be president. When in February of that year, Yar’Adua left the shores of the coun-try without properly handing over to Jona-than, his then vice, in accordance with the provisions of the constitution, and with his health not showing any sign of improve-ment, coupled with his prolonged absence, stakeholders in the Nigerian Project, more or less arm-twisted the National Assembly, which later came up with the Doctrine of Necessity, which transmuted presidential power to Jonathan.

Since then, Northern elements have not soft pedalled in their agitation against the president. This opposition was manifested during the 2011 general elections, but de-spite the gang up against him, he won the election in 2011 by defeating former Head of State, General Mohammadu Buhari, who contested under the platform of the defunct Congress for Progressive Change, and defunct Action Congress of Nigeria, ACN, presidential candidate and former chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, Malam Nuhu Rabadu.

Shortly after the declaration of Presi-dent Jonathan, some individuals from the North made volatile and uncompliment-ary comments that they would make the country ungovernable for him. Since them, things have fallen apart and the centre no longer holds. There have been killings in the Northern parts of the country and the FCT. This eventually led to the insecurity which culminated in the bombing of some parts in the country including Abuja. Sev-eral people lost their lives. The crisis lat-ter metamorphosised into a full blown war against Boko Haram, the Islamic sect

Buhari Atiku














Why 80m Nigerians want President Special Adviser to the President on Political Matters, Prof. Rufai Ahmed Alkali, tells ADEOLA TUKURU the reason why President Goodluck Jonathan was adopted as PDP sole candidate in the 2015 presidential election. Excerpts:

Do you think President Goodluck Jona-than’s endorsement is good for demo-cratic considering that some Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, members who had shown interest in the job are now excluded?

The adoption of President Jonathan and his team will continue to consolidate on the delivery of democracy dividends and ensure that the election remains the best thing for the country. There are al-ways anti-democratic forces who were not happy with the principles of democracy and could not wish the election to hold.

You said your group has about 80 million membership who are supporting the President to run, which means already the President has won the election, would you feel encouraged for the op-position to run in the election?

After the resolution of the party and with over 80 million people calling on Mr. President to run, I do not see any reason

why the President will say no. I do not think so, because he is a patriotic citizen and leader of this great country who is very passionate about making a difference in this country. He will declare his interest at the appropriate time.

I believe with all sense of responsibility and decency that for the serious organs of the party as big as PDP to coordinate, con-sult, discuss, agree and resolve to adopt a candidate, especially for the office of the President, a lot of work has been done. I don’t think the office of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria is an office where people can just play games.

When you say members of NEC, you are not just talking about governors but also chairmen of PDP nationwide, their deputies, members of the National Working Committee, NWC, Board of Trustees, BoT members, ex-officio members and the entire structure of the PDP machinery as a whole and who over a long period of time have studied and looked at what Mr. President

National 15PoliticsThursday, September 25, 2014

as sole candidate: Challenges, prospects



bent on taking some parts of the Northern states.

The argument of the anti-Jonathan Northern elements was that, since he had used part of the tenure of the late presi-dent and another four-year term, he should allow a Northern president to emerge. They insisted that since he promised them that he would not go for a second term, he should allow others to contest.

These groups of people would not see anything good in what the president is doing. They vowed to bring the govern-ment down, but now that it was difficult to achieve that, the only option left is to form a formidable opposition that would stand against the president’s candidature.

In order to prepare against 2015 general election and also to stop the president in 2015, some of the major political parties decided that the only way to checkmate the president is to defeat him at the poll.

After several meetings and wide con-sultations, the Independent National Elec-toral Commission, INEC gave its nod for the merger of the leading opposition par-ties in the country: the defunct ACN, the defunct All Nigeria Peoples Party, ANPP and the defunct CPC and a faction of the All Progressives Grand Alliance, APGA. The parties formed the APC in the efforts to provide a formidable challenge to the ruling PDP in the 2015 elections.

The APC had since its emergence formed a critical opposition of President Jonathan and has effectively taken control of the media, especially the social media. PDP however, faced with a lot of contend-ing issues, coupled with its internal crisis led to the defection of five of its governors to the APC. This was the climax of the PDP






crisis. While the PDP is making moves to

ensure that President Jonathan wins re-election, the APC too is working round the clock to discredit the president and ensure that PDP is roundly defeated in the 2015 general election.

The APC has also capitalised on the existing challenges such as Chibok girls abduction by the Boko Haram sect and the inability of the military and police to stem the activities of the sect to launch serious media attack on the President.

Insecurity, a burden to Jonathan’s endorse-ment

The soaring level of insecurity in the country has remained a big burden to be discharged by President Jonathan to foster his desire to be returned in 2015, especially,

having been endorsed by his party as the only person fit for the party’s ticket in the forthcoming Presidential election.

Although his party at all levels has in-dicated that it needs him for the job and is asking him to accept the offer and go ahead to declare for the prestigious seat, Jona-than may not find the courage to make the announcement unless the burden of inse-curity has been lifted.

His administration has been noted as the only one with worst security problems since the civil war that almost excised some regions from Nigeria under the mili-tary administration of General Yakubu Gowon.

Jonathan’s administration has kept grappling with Boko Haram insurgency, which has become a serious menace in the country, especially in the North.

This menace has caused serious blood-bath in the country, as lives of both inno-cent civilians, troops and insurgents are snuffed out almost on daily basis during attacks and gun battles.

It is heartening to hear that hundreds of civilians continue to die during bomb blasts by insurgents, scores of troops die either in ambush by insurgents or during encounters, and the insurgents are verily, not spared as troops have continued to kill them in large numbers during gun battle.

There is a serious restlessness caused by disturbance of peace and molestation by insurgents in most towns and villages in the North-East, especially, as residents are already fleeing on daily basis, citizens feel quite insecure, even troops.

The insecurity felt by troops had led to several demonstrations at Maimalari and Giwa Barracks in Maiduguri, Borno State, by families of troops who demanded better protection for them and their breadwinners.

Some soldiers, who also felt unsecured and staged a mutiny, even attempting to kill their commander in Maiduguri, have been handed with death sentence and life imprisonment.

The over 200 girls of Government Girls Secondary School, Chibok, Borno State, who were abducted since April 14, by Boko Haram terrorists, have not yet been rescued.

In fact, it has been severally reported that the girls have now been forgotten both by government and their family members, who have become hopeless, seeing that there

were no tangible efforts in that direction. In view of this insurgency, huge resourc-

es that ordinarily should have been used to improve the economy are now channelled into the war.

Apart from insurgency, there is the ris-ing spate of kidnapping, armed robbery, ritual killings, communal clashes, farmers and Fulani herdsmen’s clashes, amongst others which often left several persons dead too, whenever they occurred.

All these amongst others, are the bur-dens which analysts said are required to be discharged by the President to secure the endorsement of the larger population of Nigerians, apart from those in his politi-cal party.

Criticisms trail Jonathan’s endorsement

Meanwhile, a lot has been said about the endorsement of the president. While some have hailed his adoption, others have continued to criticize the manner in which he emerged. Prominent among the critics is former Vice President Atiku Abubakar, who is now a chieftain of the opposition APC.

Abubakar said the PDP should have subjected President Jonathan to a contest for the party’s ticket for the 2015 presiden-tial election. He however believes that Jon-athan stands no chance against his party, the APC, saying Nigerians now have an alternative.

According to him, some governors un-der the ruling PDP would join the APC in protest over the decision to make Presi-dent Jonathan the sole presidential candi-date of the party.

Also, the apex umbrella body for North-ern youths, Arewa Youths Consultative Forum, AYCF, has criticised the wave of endorsement of the president, especially considering the spate of insecurity in the country.

The AYCF described the endorsements as mere arrangements, saying most of the groups, including the National Asso-ciation of Nigerian Students, NANS, were sponsored.

President of the AYCF, Alhaji Yerima Shettima, said most of the groups, espe-cially those from the North, were cam-paigning for “selfish interests” in the wake of insurgency ravaging the region.

He said: “Many of these characters are found in Abuja. They don’t go anywhere; they just sit there. They see endorsements as political activities and avenues to collect monies from politicians and as a day-to-day routine business.

President Jonathan, though yet to offi-cially accept his endorsement by PDP as its presidential ticket in 2015, may have scaled one of the hurdles on his way to re-turn to Aso Rock for a second term, it is yet to be seen how easy it would be for him to scale the hurdle of the Nigerian electorate, who hold the ace to victory in 2015.

It is fait accompli, that whether official-ly or otherwise, President Jonathan has accepted to fly the flag of his party once again for the presidency, as he was quoted to have said that he was humbled by the spate of endorsements for him to run for another term.

Jonathan to run for 2015 –Prof Alkalihas been doing, the political terrain and de-cided that the best thing that can happen to this country at this time is to continue with the winning party and winning team.

Therefore, this has not in any way un-dermined the principles of democracy at all. Remember that the convention will be held and the usual formalities will be done. But still, the party has taken its own posi-tion to stabilise the system.

What of plans by the Presidency on the postponement of the 2015 election?

There are always anti-democratic forces in this country who are not very happy with the progress the country is making. They are always looking for an opportu-nity to throw spanner in the nation’s wheel of progress. Otherwise, everybody knows the consequences of postponing elections.

PDP will still hold its convention to le-gally seal its consensus adoption of Presi-dent Jonathan as its sole candidate for the 2015 presidential poll.

If there is need for the postponement of elections in this country, certain measures have to be taken before we get to that point. Whatever there may be, I think having elections in 2015 is the best for this country.

For the sake of clarity, does the President

Jonathan endorsement automatically cover Vice President Namadi Sambo? Will he run with his principal in 2015 presidential election?

This is not the first time there will be en-dorsement. In the past one year, many peo-ple have been calling on the President to run for re-election. But he has not said anything. So why can’t you wait for him to answer that invitation (to run) and then we can answer all other questions on whether he will con-test with his current vice president, I think that is the correct thing, so let’s wait for that.

Politics National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netThursday, September 25, 201416

NBA seeks protection for judges handling volatile casesABIODUN NEJOADO EKITI

Lawyers in Ekiti State yesterday urged the state Police Commis-

sioner, Mr Taiwo Lakanu, to beef up security around judg-es handling volatile cases.

The lawyers under the aegis of the Nigeria Bar Association, NBA, Ekiti State yesterday condemned the invasion of an Ado Ekiti High Court on Mon-day by some irate youths to disrupt hearing in a suit filed by the E-11 against the governor-elect, Mr Ayodele Fayose, challenging his eligibility to contest in the June 21 election.

At a press conference

addressed in Ado Ekiti by Ado Ekiti, Ikole and Ikere branches of NBA, Ado Ekiti NBA chairman, Mr Joseph Adewumi, urged the Chief Judge of the State, Justice Ayodeji Da-ramola, to liaise with the police boss on how to beef security around the court premises to forestall the recurrence of such sordid scenario

Adewumi said: “This kind of ugly scenario hap-pened during the emer-gency rule under Major General Adetunji Olurin and the time to put a stop to it is now. So, we empathise with our lordships for this unwarranted attack.

“If the political class

can allow its penchant for manipulation to erode the people’s confidence in the judiciary, then anarchy looms in our nation.”

Adewunmi blamed the Police Commissioner for delegating powers during such a volatile and ten-sion-soaked situation, say-ing he should have been on the top of the situation himself.

Expressing shock that people could still launch such “a barbaric attack on the temple of justice, when they could as well petition the National Judi-cial Council, NJI, to pun-ish any judge accused of wrongdoing,” he said such unwarranted attack on the

judiciary, could erode the sanctity of the court and people’s confidence in the rule of law, which he said is dangerous to democratic growth in the country.

Adewumi, who said the Monday incident had been reported to NBA National Headquarters, said that the body would not spare any lawyer found culpable in the matter, although he said nobody had pointed accusing fingers at any lawyer.

He said: “We are quite aware of the political battle between the incoming gov-ernor and the outgoing gov-ernor, but ours is to main-tain neutrality and protect the sanctity of court.”

Ekiti State governor, Dr Kayode Fayemi (left), acknowledging cheers from a group of women leaders, during the commissioning of a 5-kilometre road, as part of events in celebration of the 4th anniversary of the Fayemi administration, on yesterday.

Uduaghan was unprepared for governance –Assembly aspirant

APGA group lauds Obiano over court verdict

UPN yet to pick guber candidate in Ogun –Fasehun


An All Progressives Congress, APC, House of Assem-

bly aspirant for Warri South state constituency 1, Delta State, Mr Rob-inson Ariyo, yesterday lampooned Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan over what he described as abysmal performance in his eight years in office, saying that “Uduaghan was not prepared to be

governor.”Ariyo, a Warri-based

legal practitioner and de-velopment expert spoke yesterday at the Press Centre of the Warri Cor-respondents Chapel of the Nigeria Union of Journal-ists, NUJ, bi-monthly hot seat, ‘State of the Nation’.

Noting that he does not hate the governor but if truth must be told, he said Uduaghan’s rating was lowest among governors in the country, accusing him of failing to deliver

the dividends of democ-racy to Deltans.

Ariyo, a former Peoples Democratic Party, PDP member, described the state government slogan of ‘finishing strong’ at the twilight of Uduaghan’s administration as attesta-tion of government that has failed to deliver on his electioneering promises to the people of the state.

He added that the 16 years of the ruling PDP in the state has been char-acterised with bad leader-

ship.He explained that he

had decided to join the Assembly race to provide purposeful leadership for the people of Warri South constituency 1 and pro-vide an insightful over-sight function for a great-er Delta State.

The APC aspirant how-ever urged his constitu-ents to vote for a candi-date with proven track record and not just for the political parties they be-long.

All Progressives Grand Alliance, APGA, Integrity

Group has laud Governor Willie Obiano on his well deserved victory in the Su-preme Court over the No-vember 16, 2013 gubernatori-al election in Anambra State.

Commending the seven justices of the Supreme Court for their courage in delivering the landmark judgments that resolved the appeals by Dr. Chris Ngige, Tony Nwoye and Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, the group in a press statement signed by its Publicity Sec-retary, Great Martin Kalu, said the apex court has reinforced its confidence in the judiciary as the last hope of all aggrieved peo-ple and determined to dis-pense justice without fear, favour and sentiment.

He said Obiano’s victory is for continuity of APGA progressive governance of


Unity Party of Ni-geria, UPN, has said that nobody

has been picked as its flag bearer for any position for the 2015 general election, saying, therefore, the claim that a gubernatorial can-didate has been picked for Ogun State is nothing but a ruse.

Speaking at a press con-ference in Lagos yesterday, UPN, through its National Chairman, Dr. Fredrick Fasehun, said no one has been selected as UPN gov-ernorship candidate for Ogun State, adding that when the time comes, it will release guidelines for party primaries nation-wide.

Fasehun said UPN’s candidates will emerge through due process, “as laid down by the Indepen-dent National Electoral Commission, INEC, and UPN rules guiding the se-lection of candidates, viz: purchase of Nomination Forms, payment of the prescribed fees, endorse-ment of nomination for as-pirants by party members, screening of aspirants and voting by delegates.”

He said the party be-lieves in the rules and reg-ulations guiding elections in Nigeria as outlined by

Anambra State since March 2006, adding: “The distrac-tion is over, we urge opposi-tion parties in the state to join hands with the APGA government in deepening democracy, industrialising the state and providing divi-dends of democracy to the people which will enhance their standard of living.

“Governor Obiano should accelerate his trans-formation agenda and en-sure even development of the state as his predeces-sor Mr. Peter Obi did. He should faithfully imple-ment APGA ambitious progressive manifesto and carry the people along as power resides in them.”

The group also saluted the leadership acumen of APGA National Chairman, Chief Victor Umeh, urging him to remain steadfast in building a strong party that will sweep the entire South-East states and beyond in.

INEC; saying: “We shall do nothing to flout those rules and regulations.

“The country’s electoral umpire has prescribed the pathway that aspirants must follow, through pri-maries, in order to emerge as party candidates. And UPN will not deviate from this path.”

He said primaries to pick governorship candidates are usually the preroga-tive of party members or delegates in the respective states, adding: “Therefore, unlike the falsehood being peddled about in some pub-lications, the National Ex-ecutive Council, NEC, of UPN cannot, and has not, picked any governorship candidate for any state in the federation, least of all Ogun State.”

He said what happened was that “some people with penchant for indiscipline, prejudice, illegality and sy-cophancy, went overboard to anoint one aspirant as sole candidate for Ogun State, an action rather strange to the spirit and letters of the UPN constitu-tion. Both the beneficiary and benefactor of this ille-gality are together living in a fool’s paradise.”

Saying that UPN has al-ways said that it will no in-dulge “in ‘selectocracy,’ he added that the party will not abandon that resolve.

Challenge of ethical entrepreneurship in NigeriaIs it possible to do ethical business in

Nigeria? This was among numerous, albeit, interrelated questions, that

claimed the attention of diverse stake-holders in the governance sector at the recently concluded 38th Annual Confer-ence of the Institute of Chartered Secre-taries and Administrators of Nigeria (IC-SAN), which held between Tuesday and Wednesday last week in Lagos. It was a forum where I was treated to numerous critically-engaging contemporary issues on commerce, industry and investment in Nigeria amidst the framework of cor-porate governance.

The opening poser “Is it possible to do ethical business in Nigeria?” understandably became apt against the backdrop of our proverbial infrastructural deficit, high cost of doing busi-ness and rapacious corruption. It was heart-warming that while all the speakers readily acknowledged the enormity of the challenges of doing ethical business in the country, all of them not only agreed that ethical business was possible, they also offered pragmatic perspec-tives on how it could be done.

The conference had the theme, ‘Nigeria of tomorrow: The challenge of growth, security and governance’; the chairman of the occa-sion was Alhaji Kabir Alkali Mohammed, the immediate past President of ICSAN, and the keynote address was delivered by the Chief Executive Officer, MTN Nigeria Communi-cations Limited, Mr. Michael Ikpoki. Many past presidents of the Institute, its Registrar, Mr. Dele Togunde, as well as presidents/rep-resentatives of prominent professional asso-ciations and the president of the Association of Professional Bodies in Nigeria (APBN) Bala Bawa Ka’Oje, were also in attendance.

The President of the ICSAN, Dr. Sulley-man Ndanusa, set the appropriate tone for the conference, when he presented an overarch-ing view of the problem facing Nigeria and enjoined everyone to work hard in rechannel-ing the nation towards a path of redemption. He also sensitised the Nigerian governments to diverse responsibilities aimed against the broadside of our numerous socio-economic problems. Dr. Ndanusa said, “If we must achieve economic growth as a country and have the same cascade down to other levels, then government must put in place policies that would help achieve inclusive growth and poverty reduction. It is obvious that the cur-rent security crisis in the country has a lot of economic undertone. The level of youth un-employment and poverty make our teaming youths ready tools for all forms of criminal-ity and insurgency.”

In his well-received presentation, the MTN CEO, Ikpoki, provided diverse perspec-tives on business management in Nigeria, using his organisation as a case study. He said, inter alia, “I believe you will agree with me that more often than not, the statistics and conditions associated with Nigeria and

indeed Africa are presented as negative and unfavorable. Not so however, the recent re-basing of Nigeria’s GDP from $269.5 billion to $509.9 billion (or N80.2 trillion), making us the 26th largest economy in the world and the largest economy in Africa. It is instructive to note that Nigeria’s growth amongst other fac-tors is linked to improvements in economic governance and management.” He conclud-ed that “It is possible to do ethical business in Nigeria, in spite of all our challenges”.

Presenting a paper entitled “Governance: Cost of doing business in Nigeria”, the Acting Director-General, Manufacturers Association of Nigeria, Mr. Rasheed Adegbenro, painted a very gory picture of operating business in Ni-geria, alluding to environmental, administra-tive, fiscal and economic challenges, including lack of infrastructure, insecurity and cost of finance entrepreneurs face, and resulting in sheer financial exorbitance of entrepreneur-ial initiatives. This seemingly scholastic paper was aptly loaded with comparative statistics from other nations. However, Mr. Adegbenro did not stop at highlighting the problems alone, he also provided well-thought out so-lutions which included, setting realistic eco-nomic objectives, create a Nigerian formula for success, diversifying the economy, build-ing competitive industries and infrastructure, making adequate and efficient use of human resources and moving from resource-based to knowledge-based industry.

An interesting dimension was added to the already rich discourse with the presentation of paper entitled “Shareholder activism: Any added value to governance?” by the National Coordinator of the Independent Sharehold-ers Association of Nigeria (ISAN), Sir Sun-ny Nwosu, who thrilled the audience with

facts, figures and enlightening anecdotes on shareholders relations dynamics in Nigeria. Nwosu answered the poser raised in topic of his discourse in the affirmative, citing, among other things, governance benefits his association had procured in the course of its existence. These included Protection of mi-nority shareholders’ interests, education of minority shareholders, aggregation of share-holders views, promotion of positive growth of the capital market and enhancement of the practice of corporate governance.

There is no doubt that the conference, which I thoroughly enjoyed, offered a laudable forum for authentic and qualitative advancement of governance issues in corporate Nigeria.

Ketefe is a member of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administra-tors of Nigeria (ICSAN)




FRYNDUBUISI (08023016709 SMS only)

Professor Ndubuisi is of the Dept of Philosophy, UNILAG


The Catholic Bishops Conference of Ni-geria, rising from its second annual plenary meeting in Warri, Delta State,

last week, called on the Federal Government to step up efforts towards containing the men-ace of Boko Haram insurgency in the North East part of the country to safeguard the lives and properties of Nigerians. The bishops noted that the situation in the North East was creat-ing a sense of unrest and insecurity for the en-tire country.

In a communiqué signed by the Most Rev-erend Ignatius Ayau Kaigama and Most Rev-erend Williams Avenya, president and secre-tary of the Conference respectively, the clerics deposed that the country ‘’bleeds and burns”, adding that “while Muslims are sometimes targets of these destructive attacks, Christians, churches and non-Muslims in general are the principal targets for extermination, appropria-tion and expulsion by the Boko Haram insur-gents”.

Earlier, the Director of Catholic Social Commu-

FG, Catholic bishops and challenge of Boko Haram WE MAY REQUIRE




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nication of Maiduguri Diocese, Reverend Gideon Obasogie, alleged that over 500 of its members, including 170 children, have been victims of the insurgency with over 90,000 people displaced. He also said that more than 100 churches and proper-ties worth millions of naira were destroyed.

Also concerned with the worrisome menace, traditional rulers in the North led by Sultan of Sokoto expressed worry over the escalating in-surgency, especially the disturbing annexation of territories in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe states by the insurgents during a recent visit to President Goodluck Jonathan in Abuja.

The annexation of territories in the three states and the declaration of a Caliphate Re-public therein should rattle discerning Nigeri-ans. This new twist has confirmed the suspi-cion that the group has a similar agenda as the Islamic fundamentalists that have declared an Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). It is not farfetched to believe that there is a link be-tween Boko Haram and some dreaded interna-tional terrorist groups.

While it is pleasant to hear that our troops have retaken Bama, the largest city after Mau-duguri in Borno State and their reported suc-cess in Kotunga, where one of the insurgents’ commanders was killed, it is still troubling that Boko Haram is still in control of many towns in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa states. This situation has led to the displacements of thousands of innocent villagers, a development that has com-pounded the lingering economic hardship being experienced in the affected states.

It is obvious from what we have seen in the

last few days that the military strength of the insurgents has all along been overes-timated. If the insurgents have the cour-age to move into towns, hoisted their flags, and geared up to advance further, the in-ference is that they have grown from mere suicide bombers and guerrillas to Jihad-ists that harbour territorial ambition. The Federal Government has to take the battle to them to restore the confidence of Nigerians in the capability of the armed forces to overrun these insurgents.

The Senate, on resumption, was able to see the situation in its proper perspective, and consequently advised the FG to go all out and rout out the ambitious militants. If our troops could fight successfully in Liberia and Sierra Leone where they re-stored peace, it would be a big disappoint-ment that they have failed to leave up to the expectation of Nigerians. We may

require foreign assistance in logistics and armaments, but our soldiers have the ca-pacity to checkmate the insurgents.

It is really sad that politics and intrigues have led to the degeneration of the situa-tion to the current level. It is not beyond re-demption. However, the more time wasted on trivialities, the more expensive the cost of winning the war, and the more harm the insurgents will inflict on the nation.

It is also important for us to bother about who the sponsors of the Islamists are. This will assist, among other things, in putting in place measures to dry their sources of sup-port. But it is like the intrigue and self delu-sion have also cropped up to compound the issue of sponsorship. Politicians now use this as weapon of blackmails against their opponents, and Nigerians have shown they could be gullible to the extent of believing anything.

It is surprising and most disappointing that many of us believe that the former Chief of Army Staff, Lt. General Azubuike Ihejirika, could be a sponsor of the Islamic militants despite the fact that he did every-thing to decimate them while he was in command. Should this type of allegation not have been waved aside as mere distraction?

The truth is that time is running out; the FG should mobilize all the resources within its control to restore peace in the North eastern part of the country. This is a more serious chal-lenge than the 2015 general elections that seem to be taking all our time and resources.

National 17Thursday, September 25 2014 Views

KAYODEKETEFE 08032147720 (SMS only)


18 National Mirror

The NYSC and of N4, 000 online payment

United States’ President, Barack Obama; British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown; and French President, Nicolas Sarkozy; in a joint TV appearance for a G-20 summit, ac-cused Iran of building a secret nuclear enrichment facil-ity. But Iran’s leadership said its goal in developing the nuclear programme was to generate electricity without dipping hand into the oil supply it prefers to sell abroad; and to provide fuel for medical reactors.

September 25, 2009September 25, 1969

The charter establishing the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) was signed. The OIC is an interna-tional organisation consisting of 57 member-states. The organisation describes itself as “the collective voice of the Muslim world”; and works to “safeguard and protect the interests of the Muslim world in the spirit of promot-ing international peace and harmony”. The OIC has a permanent delegation to the United Nations.

Pacific Southwest Airlines Flight 182, a Boeing 727-214, collided in mid-air with a Cessna 172 and crashed in San Diego, California, United States, resulting in the deaths of 144 people. Both aircraft crashed into North Park, a San Diego neighborhood, killing all 137 people on both aircraft and seven people on the ground. Until the crash of American Airlines Flight 191, the crash was the deadliest in US aviation history.


The recent announcement by the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC)

that prospective corps members should pay the sum of N4, 000 for call-up letters has provoked a running controversy. Dubbed as “online registration of corps members”, the NYSC Director-General, Brig General Johnson Olawumi, said the money was for services and infrastructure to be deployed by Messrs. SID-MACH Technologies Nigeria Limited for accessing call-up letters. He added that in a bid to improve its operations, the NYSC went into partnership with the company for the full computerisation of the mobilisa-tion process, and that the new service would help eliminate ir-regularities plaguing the scheme like mobilisation of unqualified youth corps members, missing records of the mobilised, tedious camp registration processes and the problem of corps members evading service.

Much as the NYSC manage-ment is making frantic efforts to justify the N4, 000 charge, many Nigerians are finding it difficult to come to terms with the ar-rangement considered a ploy to foist the bill on the already de-prived fresh graduates. We think so, too. How logical is it, for example, that a youth with scant job prospects and compulsorily

drafted to service his country, is asked to cough up N4, 000 before doing so? Making such demand betrays the ignorance of the NYSC on the essence of setting up the socio-cultural and inter-ethnic bridge-building agency, as well as its humanitarian dimen-sion.

Ordinarily, no Nigerian would be interested in the N4, 000 call-up letter charge because the NYSC was not consider-ate. Considering the number of corps members routinely invited to camp in a year, about N500 should have been appropri-ate if the introduction of such innovation is absolutely neces-sary. In a country where corrup-tion has become the rule rather than the exception, can the NYSC guarantee that the N4,000 charge is not the product of the greed and gluttony of some of its top brass and the ICT firm involved? It is also public knowl-edge that some establishments where youth corps members are posted for primary assign-ments pay mere pittance to them at the end of each month; and some do not pay at all. Under the circumstance, why must the management of NYSC believe they were doing the prospective corps members a favour with the N4,000 for call-up letter charge, simply because some of them from well-to-do homes are com-

fortable with the bill? It is not unlikely that the

drive for easy money is behind this new initiative. But the question is, what does the NYSC want to do with the stagger-ing amount of money it would rake in from the N4, 000 charge, given the fact that it is wholly funded by the Federal Govern-ment? Has the organisation become so broke to the point of turning itself into a revenue generating agency?

For the avoidance of doubt, the NYSC was established in 1973 to help Nigerian youths ap-preciate the cultural heterogene-ity of the country, among other reasons, during the one year the national scheme would last. The ultimate ends the NYSC serves are reducing ethnic animos-ity and ignorance and building bridges of understanding and mutual trust across the nation’s divergent federating units. Against this backdrop, therefore, the agency and its management

should be made to understand that they are not doing Nige-rian youths any special favour. It is instructive to recall that in recent times, some govern-ment agencies have become very notorious and insensitive in their revenue generation drive, purportedly for the govern-ment. The Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) is counted among such notorious agencies. The recent fatal Nigeria Immi-gration Service recruitment ex-ercise also exposed the agency’s desperation to make fast money. More than half a million appli-cants turned up to vie for less than 5,000 jobs. And despite the death of no less than 19 people from the stampede and exhaus-tion that marred the exercise, the organisers allegedly raked in more than N500 million, virtu-ally extorted from the applicants who paid a processing fee of N1, 000 each.

As an afterthought, the NYSC has said the N4, 000 is optional. It should better be! In view of the fact that many are agitating for the scrapping of the scheme, public expectation is that the agency would be more circum-spect in the management of all its affairs. We insist that bogus demands for money from al-ready famished students are not part of its brief.



September 25, 1978

All the Facts, All the SidesAll the Facts, All the SidesA PUBLICATION OF GLOBAL MEDIA MIRROR LTD














Thursday September 25, 2014Editorial



Just as the nation is still bat-tling with the poor perfor-mance of students in the

Senior Secondary Schools Exami-nations released recently by the West African Examination Coun-cil (WAEC), the academic circle is now affected by another setback.

Before now, the resumption of primary and secondary schools’ students, especially at the begin-ning of a new academic calendar in the country used to be uni-form nationwide. But the story has changed in the case of the 2014/2015 academic session, no thanks to the Ebola Virus Disease, which was brought into the coun-try by an American-Liberian Pat-

rick Sawyer on the 20th of July.Since the outbreak of this dis-

ease, which has killed Sawyer and six Nigerian health workers, who contracted the virus from Sawyer in the process of saving his life, the country has been thrown into confusion and panic as regards how to contain the disease perma-nently.

One of the measures believed by the Federal Government and other stakeholders is by direct-ing all primary and secondary schools across the country, which had been on a long vacation, to remain shut until October 13. The reason was that by that date latest, schools would have been consid-ered safe for the students, mem-bers of staff and their visitors.

That was the situation until the Federal Government announced

a new resumption date to be Sep-tember 22 with a claim that noth-ing to worry about again. But this action has not only generated con-troversy among the state govern-ments, teachers’ union, private school owners as well as the par-ents’ forum, it has equally led to staggered new resumption dates among states.

While a few of them complied with the Federal Government September 22 date, many did not. For instance, states such as Ondo, Anambra, Plateau, Enugu, as well as the Federal Capital Territory have reopened their schools on Monday, although marred with a low turn-out of students as at Tuesday.

But all other South-West states including Lagos, which had earli-er insisted of reopening its schools

Vice Principal, Academics, Junior Secondary School Phase 3, Gwagwalada, Abuja, Mr Abiodun Olaleye (right), screening students for Ebola virus disease during the resumption in Abuja, on Monday.

Ebola tears states apart on schools’ resumption All is for safety —Stakeholders




“The setting of this University is ‘Superlative’ and ‘Impressive’, with nothing of its kind that I have seen so far in the country or anywhere else” (Gen. Dr. Yakubu Gowon, GCFR,)

on Monday as well as Kaduna, Edo, Zamfara and Katsina, among others have deferred resumption. While some of them fixed October 6, others including Lagos fixed Oc-tober 8 for resumption.

Expectedly, the private schools in the states with a prolonged holi-day except Lagos are equally not yet resumed. The Chairman of the Lagos chapter of the National Association of Proprietors of Pri-vate Schools (NAPPS), Otunba Gbenga Odubela, told National Mirror on Tuesday that his mem-bers reopened their doors for stu-dents because they have in place necessary safety measures in their schools.

But when he was asked about the members who still shut their doors as at Tuesday such as Stu-dents’ Embassy Academy, VOJ

Montessori, both at ijaiye-Ojokoro area, among others, he said they could probably still lack the re-quired safety precautions and therefore chose to go along with the public schools’ resumption.

What exactly are these facili-ties and precautionary measures expected to be in place in every school before their resumption?

The first and foremost accord-ing to the health experts is to get adequate knowledge of what the Ebola virus disease is all about and how it can be contracted as well as prevented. In this regards, various state governments includ-ing Lagos, Ondo and host of oth-ers have embarked on series of sensitisation programmes where schools’ administrators, propri-etors, teachers in both the public

National 19Thursday, September 25, 2014

20 21

Reps’ oversight functions not to witch-hunt varsities —Reps

Education deserves 26% of government budget —Lawmaker


Don’t wait for white collar jobs, Fashola tells corps members



Chairman, House Committee on Education, Hon. Aminu Suleiman has said that the es-

sence of the committee’s oversight function was not to query, witch-hunt or carry out auditing, but to better the system.

He said this during an oversight visit to the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB), Ogun State.

According to him, “It becomes a matter of necessity for our commit-tee to put an eagle eye to stimulate public officers to run institutions properly.”`

He also stated that it is one thing to provide what was needed for learn-ing and teaching, but it is another thing for public officers to properly

Reps’ oversight functions not to witch-hunt varsities —Aminu

Chancellor, Prof. Olusola Oyewole, stated that the university was aiming to be a world-class institution, add-ing that this was possible because of its highly committed and dedicated members of staff.

Represented by his deputy in charge of development, Prof. Felix Salako, he said that the university was community focused with the ex-istence of the Agricultural Media Re-sources and Extension Centre (AM-REC) which was established in 1992.

The vice-chancellor stressed the importance of research to the univer-sity which was responsible for the es-tablishment of its Institute for Food Security, Environmental Resources and Agricultural Research (IF-SERAR) and the Community Based Farming Scheme (COBFAS), where the university students go to rural ar-eas to practice farming for one year.

L-R: Guest speaker from Nigeria, Mr. Abdul-Hameed Oladipupo Alli; President, University of Toledo, Ohio, USA, Dr. Nagi Naganatan; Justice Ahmad Belgore from Nigeria; participants from Mexico; and the convener, Dr. Celia Williamson at the just concluded Human Trafficking, Prostitution and Sex Work conference, in USA.

North deserves special training centre from TETFund –Rector


The two major unions at the Adeniran Ogunsaya Col-lege of Education, Ijanikin, Lagos State, namely; Col-leges of Education Academic Staff Union and the

Senior Staff Union of Colleges of Education have vowed to continue with their ongoing seven-day warning strike which they declared on Monday until all their demands are met by the appropriate authorities.

The workers action is to press home their demands which they argued are necessary for the smooth running of the col-lege.

Leaders of the Unions, Micheal Avosetinyen (COEASU) and Wunmi Ombugadu (SSUCOEN) listed some of these demands to include remittance of all pension deductions made by the management, payment of all outstanding hon-oraria to members, remittance of co-operative deductions amounting to over N150 million, payment of all outstanding seven months’ salary arrears and commencement of the 2014 promotion exercise. Other demands according to them include: implementation of 65 years retirement age and non remittance of tax, among others.

According to them, they had earlier given the manage-ment a week ultimatum and another three days without success before they now resolved to embark on the current strike.

The workers, who embarked on a peaceful demonstration on the first day of the strike, prevented the Provost, Basho-run Olaleke Wasu and the Registrar, Bola Disu and other principal officers from entering the school’s premises. They told National Mirror that they had endured their suffering in silence with the hope that the state government would keep to its promise of addressing their plight but regretted that all peaceful moves made so far were to no avail.

Reacting, the Provost of the college, Bashorun Olaleke Wasiu described the development as unfortunate one and attributed the problems facing the college to underfunding by the Lagos State Government.

The provost while appealing to the workers to call off the strike promised that the management is doing all with-in its powers to address their grievances.


The Kaduna Poly-technic Rector, Dr. Mohammed Ibra-

him, has called on the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETfund) to erect a modern training centre in the North-West zone where participants can be trained on a yearly basis.

Ibrahim who stated this during a two-day capac-ity building workshop for laboratory technologists in TETfund benefiting insti-tutions in North-West and North-East zones held in Kaduna recently said the centre will enhance total change in the mode of de-livery.

On his part, the chair-man of the occasion, Dr.

Bala Bridage explained that the essence of the training is to improve and develop the capacity of the partici-pants in view of new inno-vations and development in their field.

Bridage added that it was also aimed at practically ori-enting the participants so that they can become com-petitive in terms of practi-cal experiences. “It is an interface between the par-

ticipants and the resource persons’” he said.

The Executive Secretary of TETfund, Professor Su-leiman Bogoro, represented by Mr. Babangida Ahmed, an officer with the fund said the workshop was the first of its kind.

Earlier, TETFUND Chairman, Dr. Musa Ba-bayo, who spoke through Oladipo Salau, a senior of-ficial said the workshop is a forum designed by the fund to enhance the utilisation and maintenance of labora-tory equipment procured by the fund for benefiting insti-tutions.

His words: “In the past, a lot of intervention funds have been given to benefit-ing institutions to produce technical and laboratory equipment for laboratories

AOCOED workers vow to continue strike

and judiciously spend government funds, noting that the committee could not carry out its duties effec-tively by staying in their offices.

“The National Assembly has been on recess for two months and we are here to gather information to submit on the forthcoming appropriation.”

Commending the university de-tailed financial report and the man-ner the affairs of the institution was being run, the chairman said Nigeria had not made a mistake by creating specialised institutions like FUNAAB.

“I commend the unanimity of pur-pose particularly seeing members of the Academic Staff Union of Univer-sities (ASUU) present. I congratulate the Vice-Chancellor that he has a team that can support him in his ab-sence,” he said.

Earlier in his speech, the Vice-SAIDAT ALAUSA

A university don and the Chairperson, Board of Trustees, Nigerian Society of Nematologists (NI-SON), Prof. Olufunke Egunjobi, has described

nematodes as great enemies to the wellbeing of man. She made this known while delivering her keynote

address during the Second Biennial Conference of the Society, held recently at the Federal University of Ag-riculture Abeokuta (FUNAAB), Ogun State where she stated that nematodes contribute to hunger, disease and poverty that we have in humanity today.

She said nematodes also caused hunger by feeding as parasites on all plants, by feeding on their roots, stems, leaves, flowers, buds and seeds and causing many dis-eases that could result in substantial decline in food production or total crop failure, thereby, contributing to hunger.

According to her, nematodes, which are parasitic on plants, are not visible to the naked eyes, while those that are parasitic on man and animals are bigger than others.

“Virtually all grazing animals such as cattle, sheep and goats suffer from nematode-induced diseases such as weight loss and general reduced productivity.

The President of the Association, Professor ‘Dele Fa-wole, expressed gratitude that the second edition was hosted by FUNAAB, while he commended the univer-sity management for the rapid infrastructural develop-ment the University had witnessed over the years.

Parasites dangerous to food production —Don

and technical vocational education.

Specifically between 2004 and 2007, the sum of N7bil-lion was allocated to tech-nical and vocational educa-tion while the sum of N15.3 billion was released in 2011 for technical and vocational equipment through the Na-tional Board for Technical Education (NBTE) to ter-tiary institutions.

“Some of the equipment are under-utilised or not been properly maintained by the benefiting institu-tions and that is the reason for the capacity building. TETfund recognise the im-portance of laboratory

and technology in facili-tating and enhancing teach-ing and research activity in the area of scientific studies in tertiary institutions.”

National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.net20 Thursday, September 25, 2014Education Today

Students of the institution after a rally to mark the founders’ day.

and private sectors, were enlightened on the disease and the effective ways of con-taining it. Public health experts who took such sessions even demonstrated to par-ticipants the best methods to make effective use of the required facilities, especially the one that borders on hand washing.

Aside the knowledge gained, many states are now equipping their schools with the fa-cilities. Lagos and Ondo states for instance, have distributed thermoscans, a machine used to measure body temperature to all their schools. With that, it is expected that any person with a temperature above 37.5°C should be isolated for medical help. Special phone lines that are toll free have also been dedicated for reach in case of emergency. Similarly, many schools, which hitherto were without safe water, will now be linked to the public water supply so as to be able to make regular hand washing a practice among students and teachers alike. Lagos State for instance, has directed its water corporation to connect all its schools for regular supply of the essential commodity, which many of them lack. There are other measures to be put in place, the combina-tion of which expected to make the nation’s schools safe and conducive.

However, with the staggered resumption dates, the question on the lips of every Ni-gerian now is whether every state would still run the same curriculum and finish at the same time? And those who are about sitting for their final exams, how would this development affects their performance next year. Time will tell.


Don’t wait for white collar jobs, Fashola tells corps members


The wife of the Lagos State Gover-nor, Mrs. Abimbola Fashola and the General Manager, Training and Hu-

man Resources Development of the Fed-eral Airport Authority of Nigeria (FAAN), Mr. McAbraham Inajoh have urged the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) members currently serving in Lagos State not to put their minds solely on the white collar jobs.

They said it would be advisable for them to make alternative plans by acquiring voca-tional skills and developing entrepreneurial spirit ahead of completion of their service so that they would be economically relevant after the one-year mandatory exercise.

They gave the advice while educating them on the journey ahead at the Iyana-Ipaja Orientation Camp of the organisation, recently.

Fashola, who is the founder of Lagos Em-powerment and Resource Network (LEARN)

told the corps members to start exhibiting leadership qualities and not to be waiting for the society to confer a chieftaincy title on them before taking leadership roles and steps.

While urging them to rediscover their talents and visions and work hard to actu-alise them for their personal gains and so-cietal advancement, she stressed that they should start the process now that they are in the youth service

According to her, a youth that is impact-ing his or her community positively is a leader. The service year is not a free time but a period to reflect on those particular dreams and visions God had shown you in time past.

While emphasising that they have the chance of reaching their goals in life, she equally advised them to associate only with people who can add values and help them realigning such goals.

“It is either the company you keep make or mar you and the choices are yours,” she stressed.

Cross section of Batch B Corps members during their orientation in Lagos

In his own address, McAbraham Inajoh described the present corps members as a privileged generation because according to him, those who served some years back had no opportunity of undergoing skill acquisition training during their service years.

“So, it would be of great advantage for you to acquire one vocational skill or the other that will keep you not only busy but also make you the employers of labour af-ter your service year,” he stressed.

He told them that all they need to do was to start small in whatever business they dabble into with the hope that that such ventures would grow with time.

Speaking earlier, the state NYSC Coor-dinator, Mrs. Adenike Adeyemi told the corps members to give the Skill Acquisi-tion and Entrepreneurship Development (SAED) scheme a deserved attention dur-ing their service year.

According to her, the scheme is a life time opportunity which has produced many successful entrepreneurs.

Ebola tears states apart on schools’ resumption

Education deserves 26% of government budget —LawmakerELIZABETH DAWARGA

The Chairman, House of Assembly Committee on Education, Osun State, Hon. Folorunso Bamisay-

emi has called for 26 per cent budgetary allocation for the education sector.

The chairman who made the call in Os-ogbo, the state capital said it was high time the three tiers of government collaborate to ensure full implementation of the 26 per cent budgetary allocation to education as stipulated by the United Nations Educa-tion Scientific and Cultural Organisation, UNESCO.

He said a ‘special fund’ should be set aside to improve the quality of education in the country, as he decried the mass fail-ure in the recent West African Examina-tions Council, WAEC, which is a fact that more is need to be done in the sector.

The chairman pleaded with stakehold-ers in the sector to work hard and improve the quality of teaching in schools and also provide conducive environment for learn-ing.

He also urged parents to play their parts by ensuring their children concentrate on studies and spend less time watching tele-vision and on social networks.


The Vice-Chancellor, Babcock University, Ilisan-Remo, Ogun

State, Prof. Kayode Makinde has promised that the institu-tion would not relent in pro-ducing globally competitive graduates.

While urging members of staff, especially lecturers to give their work deserved at-tention, he equally advised the students to make good use of the facilities on ground to come out of the institution with excellent grades.

Anything short of all these according to him would por-tray the institution a failure.

The vice-chancellor stated

Babcock won’t compromise standard –VC

this during the institution’s 15th Founders’ Day celebration last week.

Represented by the Senior Vice-President, Professor Ihe-anyichukwu Okoro, Makinde said without the determina-

tion of the pioneers, there would have been no Babcock University today.

Commending past and pres-ent staff for their contribu-tions towards the sustenance of quality education in the in-

stitution, the vice-chancellor said the occasion calls for both soul-searching and a way-for-ward plan for the future.

According to him, the achievements so far recorded by the university were not man-made but God-ordained for the institution which bare-ly took off as a university in 1999 with 1006 students now has over 8000 students. “This is not man’s doing, but God’s,” he remarked.

Other activities to mark the anniversary included: a rally, community service at the Ilis-han town market; free medical screening by personnel of the Babcock University Teaching Hospital and courtesy call on the Olofin of Ilishan, Oba Mi-chael Sonuga.

National 21Education TodayThursday, September 25, 2014


Medical college needs more fund, says president SAIDAT ALAUSA

The President, National Post-graduate Medical College of Nigeria (NPMCN), Ijanikin, La-

gos, Prof. Rasheed Arogundade has ap-pealed to the Federal Government to increase the subvention of the college.

According to him, paucity of fund is strongly affecting the main function of the college to produce adequate number of medical and dental special-ists of the highest quality, competence and dedication for the country.

He said this at the college 32nd con-vocation ceremony held last week.

Arogundade also revealed that the personnel and overhead subventions have been grossly slashed to the extent that the college could not fulfill its per-sonnel tax obligations promptly which is now in arrears.

Also appealing to the Tertiary Edu-cation Trust fund (TETfund) to come to the aid of the college, he said they are the ones that could help the col-lege in the establishment of a clinical skills laboratory, equipped with man-nequins intended for use to teach dif-ferent clinical skills and competencies

Tenebe tasks universities on Nigeria’s problems

because in these days, there are few-er patients for examination purpose as well as for teaching the students.

“The college absolutely believes that our salvation for this impor-tant project lies in the doorstep of TETfund, since our main mandate is for medical education at the highest level. That is why the current college management has appealed to TET-fund Executive Secretary during a courtesy visit to come to our aid,” he said.

Prof. Arogundade also used the opportunity to remind the federal government of the need to sponsor the overseas clinical attachment de-signed to give successful part one students exposure to facilities and practice in more advanced countries especially in selected sub-specialties.

According to him, the epileptic implementation of this essential component of training will be detri-mental in the long run for the coun-try.

The Minister of Health, Prof. On-yebuchi Chukwu, represented by a fellow of the college, Dr. Patience Oshinubi, told the graduates to look into the private sector because there

are huge untapped potentials in the private sector which will definitely help the country if well used.

“Today, many of our patients were referred to private hospitals outside the country which are not well equipped and that shows that we must therefore develop private sector in the country, I will there-fore encourage you to pair up with excellent minds and establish state of the art medical facilities where our people can attend to get good treatment,” he said.

The speaker, House of Repre-sentatives, Hon. Aminu Tambu-wal, represented by a member of the house, Dr. Joseph Kigbu told the audience that the house would continue to do all in its powers to provide the college with the en-abling power and other requisite assistance.

The Governor of Lagos State, Mr. Babatunde Fashola, repre-sented by his Special Adviser on Education, Otunba Fatai Olukoga called on the college to work with the state government to find a way round the problem of frequent strikes in the sector.

Ebola: Ondo trains teachers, distributes preventive materials

Kogi varsity still the best —VC

L-R: Member, House of Representatives, Dr. Joseph Kigbu; Vice President, National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria, Lagos, Dr. Abayomi Olaitan; Convocation lecturer, Prof. Matthew Araoye; college President, Prof. Rasheed Arogundade; Registrar, Prof. Olu-wole Atoyebi and Treasurer, Prof. Da-Lilly Tariah, during the 32nd convocation ceremony of the institution at Ijanikin, last week.


As primary and secondary stu-dents resumed for

academic session in Ondo state this week, parents have been assured that the state government has put preventive measure on ground to curb the spread of Ebola Virus Disease, EVD, in the state.

The state commissioner for Environment, Barr. Sola Ebiseni made this known during a sensitisation pro-gramme on the Ebola Vi-rus Disease organised for the people and residents of Ilaje local government area of the state.

He disclosed to parents in the local government that the state government has also commenced dis-tribution of the EVD pre-vention materials to public and private schools across the state ahead of Monday resumption date of schools in the state in order to allay the fears of parents.

The commissioner listed the materials being dis-tributed to include auto –dispense sanitizer and in-ferred thermometer.

The commissioner also informed the people of the coastal communities that an infectious disease hospi-tal has been located in the state which is now opera-tional and urged the people to report any strange case

of illness.He added that teachers

across the state have been trained on how to handle eventual cases of infec-tious diseases including the Ebola Virus saying “what government is doing is to put preventive measures in place to allay the fears of the parents as there is no case of the Ebola virus in the state.”

He stated that the pro-gramme was put in place in the coastal region be-cause the region serves as the gateway into the state through the ocean saying many foreign traders from the West African coastline usually ply their trade through the ocean into the state.

Barr. Ebiseni said trad-ers from the coastal West African countries which include; Ghana, Sierra Le-one, Cameron and Liberia usually visit the coastal region of the state to trans-act business and urged the traders to be vigilant of people from other coun-tries to avoid contacting the disease.

“The message we want to pass across now is that they should study those who come into their com-munities from these coun-tries and any of these people who visit their countries should not be al-low into the communities to guide against the spread of Ebola.”


The Vice- Chancel-lor of Kogi State University, Anying-

ba, Prof. Hassan Isah has disclosed that the univer-sity remains the best in the country especially with the performance of the student at just released Bar result from law school.

He said this at a press briefing in the institution.

According to him, the university has just re-ceived the Bar result from Nigerian Law school and students from the institu-tion performed very well by scoring above 90 percent and placed the university in number seven position on the chart.

The Professor of Chemi-cal Pathology also said that the university still re-mains the best in terms of

programmes accreditation scoring 100 percent and academic excellence since 2011.

On the allegations that university was nose diving and nonpayment of allow-ances by the Union, Prof. Isah said all allegations and agitation are borne out of the request for the payment of hazard allow-ance and that those who are asking for it are not en-title to this allowance.

On the issue of high tax deduction which was put in place by the state gov-ernment before now, he said the issue is currently receiving the attention of the management of Board of internal revenue, not-ing that the names of all affected staff have been compiled and forward to the board since the advent of new tax system in the state.


The Vice-Chancel-lor, National Open University of Nige-

ria (NOUN), Prof. Vincent Tenebe has called on na-tion’s universities to rise up and bring solutions to the various social-economic problems confronting the country.

He made the call while addressing participants at an annual conference or-ganised by the university’s School of Education in La-gos, recently. According to

him, academic institutions, especially universities are expected not to teach and graduate students alone but to also play critical roles in solving societal problems.

The vice-chancellor, who is a professor of agronomy

said since it was obvious that politicians and po-litical leaders could not all alone drive the country to the next level, it is required of academia to contribute not only ideas but also pro-vide pathways that would bring about the desirable change in the system.

While lamenting myri-ads of challenges such as kidnapping, terrorism, armed robbery and cultism currently facing the county, Tenebe urged universities to engage themselves in intellectual discourse and activities that would bring

about a lasting solution to these problems.

Speaking on the theme of the conference, “Educa-tion for peace and develop-ment,” the vice-chancellor said meaningful develop-ment would not take place in a society without sound education and in a peace-ful atmosphere.

He noted that NOUN as an online model institu-tion had greatly improved access to quality education since establishment over a decade ago and that the university would continue to lift up to its mandate.

National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.net22 Education Today Thursday, September 25, 2014







Education as I see itby Tosanwumi Otokunefor

info@alphaedufoundation.org08030904461 (email/SMS only)

Politics of university admission quota

L-R: Commissioner of Education, Lagos State Mrs. Olayinka Oladunjoye; Special Adviser to the Governor on Public Healthy, Dr. Ye-wande Adesina and Permanent Secretary, Ministyry of Education, Mrs. Omolara Erogbogbo at the sensitisation programme on Ebola virus organised for private schools, last week.


As part of its Cor-porate Social Re-s p o n s i b i l i t i e s ,

Agege Local Government Education Authority last week organised a public lecture on Ebola Virus Disease and how to pre-vent it from spreading among pupils as resump-tion draws closer.

The Education Secre-tary, Mr. Olalekan Maji-yagbe said the annual lec-ture which is the second in the series was his own personal initiative since he assumed office.

He said since the lec-ture was initiated, it has recorded a good success through the positive im-pact it has on the par-ticipants adding that this year is significant because there is need to enlighten the public on the current health challenge confront-

ing the country as a result of the outbreak of the Eb-ola Virus Disease.

Delivering his lecture on Ebola, Dr. David Akin-pelu, Managing Direc-tor, New Merit Hospital, Agege, said people who are at risk of contract-ing the disease are those exposed to and handling wild animals, mortuary attendants, health work-ers who are caring for Eb-ola patients, family mem-bers of infected patient and those that go to hospi-tals with poor hygiene and sanitation practices.

On ways to prevent the disease, Dr. Akinpelu advised participants to maintain good hygiene and sanitation practices in hospitals, isolate Ebola infected patients, dispose of dead bodies of Ebola patients properly in a safe manner and avoid local traditional burial rituals such as embalming for Ebola patients.

UNILORIN has a system that works —VC

In a recent forum to present the ministerial scorecard of the educational sector under

his watch, the Minister of State for Education in his capacity then as the supervising minister of education proudly announced to the nation that access to uni-versity education in Nigeria has significantly increased during Dr. Goodluck Jonathan’s admin-istration. Specifically, he stated that Nigerian universities can now admit over a million candi-dates, up from a previous of only 400,000. He attributed this ‘feat’ to the establishment of 12 new universities by the Goodluck Jonathan’s administration. In my opinion, this assertion can-not be true. It is either a figment of some fertile imagination or a very crude and cheap political propaganda to enhance the re-election prospects of Dr. Good-luck Ebele Jonathan.

First, none of the 12 new uni-versities established within the last three years has the facility to admit more than a thousand can-didates which only adds a maxi-mum of twelve thousand can-didates to the existing capacity. Secondly, the combined admission quota for all Nigerian universities as recommended by the National Universities Commission for the 2011/2012 session was only 229,981. The above quota which has been in force until now represents an

excess luggage for the existing universities because of the hor-rible state of dilapidation of facili-ties in these universities. This is confirmed by the Needs Commit-tee on Public Universities in Ni-geria which presented a damning report on the state of public uni-versities in Nigeria on November 1, 2012.

According to the Needs Assess-ment Report, most universities in the country have been operating far above their reasonable car-rying capacity in conditions that are considered unfit for graduate education. This horrible situa-tion was the main reason for the recurrent and protracted ASUU strikes which had paralyzed ac-tivities in the nation’s universities and further impacted on the qual-ity of her products. But following the protracted industrial actions, the federal government finally set aside about 200 billion Naira as an initial grant to revamp the crum-bling system.

But as at the time of writing, this money has not translated into new class rooms, new lecture

The gross deficit in the sub-vention from the federal and state governments is very glar-ing as the university adminis-trators are not able to provide basic utilities like water and power. Many university admin-istrators with the connivance of the government have unilater-ally increased the fees payable in their respective institutions in order to meet the basic run-ning costs of their institutions. The students on their part have responded with vigorous and sometimes violent protests re-sulting in further disruptions in an already fragmented univer-sity academic calender.

Since the release of the re-port of the Needs assessment committee on Nigerian public universities, the system has not improved sufficiently to justify even the existing quota approved by NUC. In fact, the current situation in many of our institutions is worse than it was in the early 1990s because of prolonged neglect and decay in existing facilities. But in a surprise move, the NUC unilat-erally increased the admission quota for Nigerian universities for the 2014/2015 session in total disregard of their apparently poor carrying capacities. This to me is irresponsible. Let the NUC secretary simply come to one of my lectures or practical sessions and see the situation

for himself !There can be no justification

therefore for any increase the admission quota in universities without first improving the avail-able facilities. Unfortunately the government appointed adminis-trators have behaved true to expec-tation by simply rubberstamp the government’s propaganda against competent professional advice proffered in the Needs report.

An expected implication of the new admission quota is that the quality of Nigerian university graduates will further depreci-ate, and with it, the quality and competitiveness of our industries and industrial products. Practical classes in the science courses may simply be jettisoned or reduced to the barest minimum. With the expected increase in student population and additional pres-sure on the existing facilities, the frequency of students’ unrests should be expected to increase. It may be politically and financially expedient for the government and university administrators respec-tively to hike the admission quotas by fiat, in order to increase access and generate additional revenue, but the quality of the Nigerian graduate should be expected to take another tumble thereafter. Let the proposed rejuvenation and expansion programmes material-ize first, and then the increases in admission quota may be safely implemented!

Ebola: Council sensitises stakeholders

The Vice-Chancellor, University of Ilorin, Kwara State, Prof.

AbdulGaniyu Ambali has said that the institution has an efficient and effec-tive system that makes it difficult for anyone to take law into his hands.

He stated this during the presentation of a cus-

tomised apron to him by the SERVICOM unit of the university.

Prof. Ambali com-mended the Federal Gov-ernment for setting up SERVICOM, noting that service delivery is very important.

theatres, new laboratories, new equipment or steady power supply in the universities. There is still no increase in sitting capacity of the classrooms and lecture theatres and even standing space is fast be-coming an unaffordable luxury. The laboratories are still atrociously congested and bare, devoid of func-tional equipment. Kerosene stoves are still being used in place of gas burners and pressure cookers have replaced the standard autoclaves in our research laboratories.

He said that it is even more important to the in-stitution in view of its sta-tus as Nigeria’s number one university according to the latest global rank-ing.

The Vice-Chancellor charged the SERVICOM

Frontline Officers in the university to be up and doing and takess their responsibilities seriously, saying that members of staff need to be moni-tored to ensure that they do what they are being paid to do.

National Education Today 23Thursday, September 25, 2014

Edited by: Saidat 08027633686


A drama played out at Awolowo Hall of resi-dence at Obafemi Awolo-

wo University (OAU), Ile-Ife last week as students of the institu-tion embarrassed and poured water on the President of the Students’ Union, Mr. Ibikunle Isaac over incessant power out-age and irregular water supply within the campus.

The last power outage which resulted in crisis lasted five days during which students turned worship centres into charging spots for their laptops and phones.

It was learnt that the power out-age which originated from Osogbo main distribution unit also caused water shortage on campus.

Students believed that before the reinstatement of the Union, students gathered themselves and fight for their rights, but the rein-statement has crippled the fight-ing spirits of OAU students.

Before, OAU was the center of all activism in Nigeria, but today, we no longer have a vibrant Union anymore, as Ibikunle-led Union has become a puppet in the hands of the management, said one of the students.

Mass Communication students advised on professionESTHER ADEYEMOUNILAG, AKOKA

The Group Managing Di-rector, LTC-JWT Advertis-ing, Mr. Charles Abraham

has enjoined mass communica-tion students nationwide to be credible and creative in their reporting, saying that is the trait the employers are looking for during recruitment.

He said this during the fifth an-nual academic summit themed “21st century media training and practice, current realities and trends” organised by the Com-municators for Christ Fellowship (CFC) in conjunction with the Mass Communication Depart-ment, University of Lagos.

According to him, “character, content, credibility and creativity are what we are looking out for in graduates. If you have good con-tent, you will attract people.”

The summit which was held at the university’s main auditorium was hosted by the chairman of UNILAG radio, Prof. Ralph Akin-feleye and was graced by media personalities across the country.

According to Dr. Abigail Ndisi-ka, the Head of Department, the purpose of the summit was to enlighten students on the global development of the online media, position their minds on the global practices in the industry, and also prepare them for the labour mar-ket.

“Although, passion is impor-tant in delivering well as a gradu-ate, a portfolio of works done as an undergraduate is an added advan-tage” maintained Tolu Ogunlesi, journalist, poet and cultural com-mentator.

Subsequently, other panelists at the forum, Online Editor of The Nation Newspaper, Mr. Lekan Otunfodunrin, CNN award-win-ning journalist, Declan Okpaleke, and CEO of NECCI Consulting Nkechi Ali-Balogun, sensitised the students on the industry’s need of qualified graduates, to fill the vacuum of unprofessional ones in the industry.

Eight FUTA students for US exchange programmes

Cross section of the students during the pre-departure ceremony held in their honour

Students of the institution queuing for water recently.



Eight students of the Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA) have de-parted Nigeria for United States to com-

plete their undergraduate programmes at the Florida Agricultural and Mechanical Univer-sity (FAMU) in Tallahassee.

The students are the second set of ben-eficiaries from the FUTA’s collaboration with the university under their joint 4+1+1 project, which began last year.

Upon completion of their programmes in the US, the students will still earn FUTA cer-tificate but they are qualified to do their Mas-ter’s degree at FAMU and earn the institution’s certificate.

At a pre-departure ceremony held in their honour and attended by their parents and some senior lecturers, FUTA’s Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Adebiyi Daramola advised them students who are being referred to as FAMU Class of 2014 to be honest and committed to their stud-ies so as to come out excellently.

He told them that those who made the list last year recorded good results at the end of their programme and would therefore expect them to do likewise.

A student, who craves anonym-ity, said the Ibikunle-led union has become a pawn in the hands of the management.

He said, “Since our resump-

tion after the increment in school fees, the quality of services we are getting is diminishing.

The president, while appeal-ing to the students on the matter

He explained that the project would not only broaden the horizon of beneficiaries but would also make them global citizens.

He noted that the aim of FUTA in produc-ing well-rounded graduates that would be globally competitive would not be compro-mise.

Speaking earlier, his deputy in charge of Academic, Professor Adedayo Fasakin traced the beginning of the programme to the sign-ing of a Memorandum of Understanding be-

OAU students blame water scarcity, power outage on leaders

said the Union must be supported by all and sundry because it has been crippled for three-years and its reinstatement need to be nur-tured with patience.

He said, “All these criticism and pouring of water on me is expected and understood, but remember that the executive is under probation which means we need to be careful of our activities so that it won’t lead to the suspen-sion of the students in executive.”

He told them to remain calm over the matter as he said he would contact ASUU chairman before students started boycot-ting classes.

A student, who identified him-self as “CSO Awoite” said the ac-tivities of Ibikunle- led union has failed.

He said,”OAU without light for days had never happened be-fore, and this shows that the op-pressor will continue to oppress the poor if our representative refuse to serve the purpose they were elected for.

Another student, who pre-ferred to be called simply, Segun said, “Why should the students go through rigour in their ef-forts to be educated with all these shortcomings from higher au-thority.

tween the two institutions last year. He listed award of scholarship, payment

of in-state fees and opportunity for postgrad-uate studies as some of the benefits of the transfer programmes.

On her part, the Chairman, Committee of Deans and Dean, School of Sciences, Profes-sor (Mrs.) Ibiyinka Fuwape urged the stu-dents to make good use of faculty members and be good ambassadors of themselves and their parents as well as FUAT and Nigeria.

National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.net24 Thursday, September 25, 2014


NAUTH inducts medical graduates


It was celebration time, for parents as well as the 72 successful medical grad-uates of the Faculty of Medicine, Col-

lege of Health Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Anambra state during the university 36th induction ceremony of the medical graduates.

The event held at the Nnewi, campus of the institution brings it to a total of 1,792 medical doctors that had graduated from the College of Medicine of the uni-versity since inception.

In his speech, the institution’s Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Joseph Ahaneku, con-gratulated the graduates, stating that the event was a crowning point for the many tedious years they put into medical stud-ies, “I am most delighted to be presented

FUNAAB student wins WHO grant

Varsity chapel instals new executive

A postgraduate student in the de-partment of Biological Sciences, Federal University of Agricul-

ture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB), Ogun State, Mr. Hammed Mogaji, has been awarded the sum of N1,605,500 (about $9,550) as Research and Training Grant for his Msc programme in Tropical Disease Re-search (TDR).

Funded by the World Health Organisa-tion (WHO), the research grant would cov-er the full payment of his two-year tuition fee and support for learning materials, computer and preparation of his disserta-tion.

Thanking God for the grant, Hammed described the offer as a great challenge to his academic career, which will spur him to do better.

He commended his project supervisor, Dr. Friday Ekpo, for laying a good founda-tion for him and mentoring him well about the process of winning research grants, stating that he had learnt a lot from him.

Hammed, an alumnus of FUNAAB, studying Parasitology, noted that the grant awarded him would take him to places and that hard work would remain his driving force.

Cross section of Medical granduands at the ceremony.


The University Chapel, Chapel of grace of the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FU-

NAAB), the overall Christian body of the institution inducted her new execu-tives for the 2014/2015 session.

This is an activity that fully identi-fies the executive body after her elec-tion.

Early in the month, the 23 different fellowships under the ICJCF umbrella have met to elect her new leaders and it now has the former president of Baptist Student fellowship (BSF), Afolarin Bo-laji, a 600 level Veterinary medicine Stu-dent as the new Secretary General along with 36 other executives.

At the event, the minister of God, Apostle Gbade Olaniyan, a missionary and a former ICJCF president chal-lenged the new executives with his ex-periences as he commissioned them for the new tenure.

The outgoing secretary general gave an account of his stewardship and in his report he unveiled the major achievements of the tenure which cen-tered on unity amongst the church.

The past executives led by Pastor Ayodele Adeboye, now a mechanical engineer were appreciated and prayed for by another great minister of God and a lecturer in the university, Dr. La-sode, she encouraged every past execu-tives saying the new executives must keep the flag flying so that everyone will be in unity.

At a dinner organised later in the day, the guest minister, Apostle Rich-ard Ige told the students to be focused in their studies so that after five years they will be proud of their certificates in future.

Violence can never be a way to resolve crisis

Mass communication students inaugurate offi cersEMEKA ONWUDINJO AND NNACHI BRIGHTFEDPOLY, OKO, ANAMBRA

Association of Mass Communication Stu-dents, (ASMACS) Fed-

eral Polytechnic, Oko chapter, Anambra State has inaugurat-ed its newly elected executives led by Okafor Chuka.

Speaking at the ceremony, the Dean of School of Informa-tion and Technology and Head of Department of Mass Com-munication, Mr. Godwin Ibe tasked the new executives with the mandate of ensuring stabil-ity in the department.

Ibe, who expressed gratitude on the strides of the out-going executive officers, especially on the area of enhancing stability and unity in the department, urged the new executive to keep the pace in ensuring and maintaining peace and tran-quility in both the association and department at large.

In his acceptance speech, the new President, Okafor Chuka, urged his fellow exco to work as a team if they really want


In recent times, violence has been seen and accepted by some people as a natural phe-nomenon in curbing most cases in society,

even in Nigeria now but there is need for us to settle disputes peacefully than with violence.

Ahead of 2015 general election, Nigerians are still in doubt whether it is possible to have the elec-tions without the break of law and order.

For instance, we believe that in a situation where peace is used as an instrument of ap-proaches, or when an individual make use of his or her sense there will be no break of law and or-der and peace and unity will reign.

On the other hand when violent was used in re-solving matter, there seems to be no resolution, no moving forward and things will be worsen. Many things have been destroyed through violence so I

wondered why it was been used in the first place.The first thought ahead of 2015 poll was ‘‘vio-

lence” because most people presumed that no mat-ter tight monitoring, there seems to be rigging, manipulation and all sort of electoral injustice. While the second thought was said to be the use of good judgment. Diplomatically, good judgment in electioneering process means the poll will be properly conducted. It will be free, fair and cred-ible. It will be devoid of all form of perpetration act among others.

Without going beyond the length, all that has happened in the past was caused by political par-ties. They did not taught or orientate people on how to be discipline or to be leaders of tomorrow rather they trained people on how to foment vio-lence, they nurtured and served as the backbone for thuggery.

Azeez is a 200-level student of the Federal Polytechnic, Offa, Kwara State.

at this 36th induction ceremony of our new medical graduates, the first I am attending in my capacity as the fifth substantive Vice-Chancellor of the university.”

He charged the graduates to be worthy ambassadors of the institution and help to mobilise resources to facilitate its contin-ued production of high-level manpower for the country and humanity.

The Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Jo-seph Ikechebelu, thanked the institution management for providing a conducive en-vironment for learning.

He advised the doctors to ensure they focus in areas where they have compara-tive advantage, adding that a lot of young doctors have failed out of the residency programme in pursuit of specialisation in clinical medicine when their natural ability is in biomedical research or policy issues.

Speaking at the ceremony, permanent

secretary, ministry of health, Anambra state, Dr. Nnadozie Obiegbu, charged the granduates to put God first in all their en-deavours and they should discover them-selves.

He further reminded them that pa-tients remains the most important per-son in any hospital, therefore should be treated with respect and manage well, even as he urged the graduates to be com-passionate.

Responding on behalf of the new doc-tors, Dr. Egwuekwe Ogonna who won four awards out of the five awards in the college assured their guardians that they would make them proud having imbibed enough virtues and learning coupled with hard work from their lecturers and encouraged those who could not make it not to lose hope as they would soon join them.

to surmount the achievements of their predecessors, “Let us keep aside whatever selfish in-terest we have and concentrate on building legacies and setting paces that we would be remem-bered for when we are gone.”

He however, pledged his un-daunted commitment towards

uplifting the association.Also, a lecturer and academic

adviser of the department, Mr. Ben Obioha who led the swear-ing-in and oath taking segment, enjoined the new officers to strive towards achieving greater things than their predecessors.

The outgoing President,

Nonso Azudiefe, who spoke on behalf of the outgoing officers thanked the students for their supports all through their ad-ministration and reiterated his commitment towards con-tributing significantly to as-sociation any time he is called upon.

National 25Thursday, September 25, 2014 Education Today


Cancerous media solecisms

12 winners emerge in Green Essay competition

Some of the winners of the 1st National Green Essay Competition at the award ceremony in Abeokuta, Ogun State


The National Green Essay Competition among secondary

school students has pro-duced 12 winners from across the six geopolitical zones of the country.

The annual competition, the first in the series, was organised by the wife of the Governor of Ogun State, Mrs. Olufunso Amosun as part of her contribution to-wards educating the youths on environmental issues and sustainability.

She organised the con-test in conjunction with Channels Book Club.

The competition which

was opened to all secondary school students nationwide has 200 entries in all. They reviewed the “Green Edu-cation for Youth”, a book

written by Mrs Amosun. 40 from the figure were short-listed for the final rounds from which two winners emerged from each of the

zones of the federation.The winners, who are

now being described as Ambassadors of Green Education for the Youth

(GEFTY)include Fadipe Isabella Oluwadamilola, Fatima Aliyu-Gebi, Ann Enjoyo Austin, Akudinobi Kasarachi, Igwe Chinaza,

Judith Hassan, Sule O Na-than¸ Amadi Sarima Kyna, Agboola Daniel, Ramos Ayomide, and Ibitokun Olu-wanifemi.

And for their efforts, they would be going on ex-cursion to Europe later in the year, where they would be further exposed to green education.

Speaking during the grand finale of the competi-tion in Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital, Mrs. Amosun explained that the contest was designed to encourage youths to work towards the sustenance of safe environ-ment and the promotion of reading culture that would in turn lead to the country’s devel

“NIGERIAN Breweries take (takes) golf to Enugu”

THE NATION ON SUNDAY sub-headline of September 14 welcomes us to-day: “Dignitaries injured as podium caves-in (caves in)”

“Kano establishes three cancer screening (cancer-screening) centres” (Source: as above)

NATIONAL MIRROR front and inside pages of September 11 take over: “Again, Mark assures on state creation” Who did he assure?

“NAHCO, last week, flagged off (began) the airlift of pilgrims….”

“It is an affront on (to) this nation for a for-eigner to come out with….”

“Man charged to court for (with) rape”“Banks survive regulatory stress test amidst

(amid) tense corporate governance challenges” (BUSINESS WEEK, September 8)

“More than 4.3 million Nigerians ported to our network shortly after the flag off (sic) (inau-guration) of the Mobile Number Portability….” (Source: as above)

THE NATION ON SUNDAY COMMENT (EDITORIAL) of September 7 displayed gram-matical hypocrisy: “The president should call the group to order for double standards (stan-dard) and flouting our laws”

“In times like this” Either in times like these or a time like this

THISDAY, Saturday, September 6 edition, con-tained copious errors right from its front page: “Ebola: After assessing threat, FG re-opens (re-opens) schools September 22”

“Rangers’ boss picks holes on 3SC” I also pick my own holes in (not on) this headline.

“TIME Magazine commends Nigeria over (for/on) containment”

“…was the outcome of the series of meeting (meetings)”

“Assure (Assure Nigerians) Boko Haram will be defeated”

“The source said further that…are (were) now firmly in control of the mili-tary.”

Ebola scare in Delta as FMC cordons-off (cordons off) emergency ward”

“…the population of the estate has in-creased considerable (considerably)

Finally from THISDAY under review: “Heat free (Heat-free) curls”

SATURDAY INDEPENDENT of Sep-tember 6 circulated a potpourri of misap-prehensions: “Jonathan’s administration is been (being) sabotaged, says cleric”

“Irri community seeks for support” Yank off ‘for’

Wrong: electioneering campaign; Right: electioneering or campaign

“Keshi clamours for Nigerians (Nigeri-ans’) support” (SPORTINGLIFE, Septem-ber 4)

National Mirror of September 4 dissem-inated a few solecisms starting with this banner: “CNS indicts major oil companies in (for/on) oil theft”

NATIONAL MIRROR Editorial of Sep-tember 4 ignited some lexical crises: “…that the police was (were) supporting the impeached speaker of the House….”

“…at the expense of majority (the ma-jority) of other members of the House”

“He said the police cannot (could not) be dragged into the mess….”

“Underfunding, bane to (of) poly educa-tion”

Still on National Mirror under focus: “…incessant strikes actions….” Education Today: incessant strikes

“Truancy among professors and other senior academic staff often percolate (per-colates) down the academic hierarchy….”

“Modibbo meets delegates, promises all inclusive (all-inclusive) government”

“Obiazor relishes Super Eagles (Eagles’) call-up”

“Group insists PDP, APC should pick Christian (Christians) as flag bearers”

“We express these fears, knowing fully well the nature of ….” This amounts to ill-treatment of the English language. Right: knowing full well.

“…believed to have the largest oil bloc (highest number of oil blocks) in Africa….”

“Rather, it rehashed old consciousness already canvassed….” (THE NATION ON SUNDAY COMMENT, August 31) You cannot rehash new consciousness

Wrong: last minute change; Right: last-minute change

“…is seeking to govern Kwara State under the PDP ticket” Politics: on the PDP ticket

“The Nigerian bond market hitherto an exclusive preserve of blue-chip companies have (has)….”

POLITICAL ECONOMY of August comes next: “Jitters in Nigeria as Italy (Italian) prosecutors open probe into Malabu Oil deal”

“What is good for the goose can’t be bad for the gander. “ I do not understand the use of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ instead of ‘sauce’ in this instance.

“…but LifeStyle will not hesitate to re-mind you about (sic) one of the qualifying criterion for this jamboree…” Singular: cri-terion plural: criteria. And, ‘remind you of…’

“An alleged hike in school fees has cre-ated a row between the management and the Parents Association (PTA) of….” PTA means Parent-Teacher Association.

“The donation of vehicles and communi-cation gadgets provide a good beginning.” The donation… provides.

“Fear of robbers keep lawyers away from courts” Fear of robbers keeps….

FEEDBACKPLEASE note that English is one-one Stan-

dard English. There is NOT a separate lan-guage for the surveyor, the engineer, another for the lawyer, another for the bank manager, another for the Town Clerk, another still for the candidates at an examination in English, hence writing “firstly”, “secondly,” e.g. Sec-ondly, one of your contributors to that edition should have said… “thirdly”, etc, in the 21st century, is considered bad solecism. Let’s ask, Will Nigeria Be the Death of English? In mod-ern English, it is “First”, “Second”,” Third”, etc.

“Specie”, meaning “coined money” or “money in coin”, has no plural form.

Some idioms break the rules of grammar but they cannot be tampered with as they are fixed by usage. For example, “twice”, like “thrice”, is very old-fashioned but “think twice” (cannot be changed to “think two times”); “once or twice”; “Once bitten, twice shy” (NOT “two times shy”).

Another note: In modern usage, “all hands on deck” is construed as meaning “Everyone should be on duty” while “All hands to the pump” is construed as meaning “Everyone should help”.

“Strike action” still survives as an archa-ism in the dictionary. “Industrial action”, or “strike”, is the preferred term.

There is no “traditional wedding” but tra-ditional marriage”. The traditional marriage is Africa’s conventional or native marriage whereby the groom pays bride price to the par-ents of the bride. I repeat, “at about”, “about” is preferred in modern English. E.g. I will call for you about nine o’clock (NOT “at about nine o’clock”). More power to your elbow!

(Bayo Oguntunase/Language activist /

26 National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netThursday, September 25, 2014

L-R, Managing Director, Nigeria LNG Limited, Mr. Babs Omolowa; General Manager, NLNG, Mr. Kudo Eresia-Eke; Vice Chancellor University of Ibadan, Prof Isaac Adewole and Vice Chancellor University of Ilorin, Prof Ganiyu Ambali during the signing of Memorandum of Agreement on NLNG University Support Programme (NLNG USP) in Abuja at the weekend. PHOTO ROTIMI OSASONA

Arik Air


Lag-Abj:07.15, 09.15, 10.20, 13.05, 15.20, 16.20, 16.50,18.45 (Mon-Fri/Sat/Sun).Abj-Lag: 07:15, 09.40, 10.20, 12.15, 15.15, 16.15, 17:10, (Mon-Fri/Sat/Sun); 12.15, 15.15, 16.15 (Sun) Lag-PH: 07:15, 11.40, 14.00, 16.10, 17.15 (Mon-Fri); 07.30, 11.40, 15.50 (Sat) 11.50, 3.50, 17.05 Sun) Abj-PH: 07.15, 11.20, 15.30 (Mon-Fri) 07.15, 16.00 (Sat) 13.10, 16.00 Sun)PH-Abj: 08.45, 12.50, 17.00 (Mon-Fri) 08.45, 17.30 (Sat) 14.40, 17.30 (Sun) Abv-Beni:08.00, 12.10 (Mon-Fri/Sat)08.56, 12.10 (Sun) Benin-Abj:09.55,13.30

Lagos- Abuja (Mon-Fri): 07.00, 08.50, 12.00, 16.30. Abuja- Lagos (Mon-Fri): 09.00, 14.00, 15.00, 18.30. Lagos-Yola (Mon-Fri): 8.50am. Yola-Lagos (Mon-Fri): 13.00. Lagos- PHC (Mon-Fri): 17.00. PHC-Lagos: 19.00. Abuja-Yola: 11.00. Yola-Abuja: 13.00. Lagos-Abuja (Sat): 08.00, 08.50.Abuja-Lagos (Sat): 10.00, 15.00. Lagos-PHC (Sat): 17.00. PHC-La-gos (Sat): 19.00. Lagos-Yola (Sat): 08.50. Yola-Lagos (Sat): 13.00

Lag-Abj: 06.50, 13.30, 16.30, 19.45 (Mon-Fri/Sat/Sun), 12.30 (Sun) 16.45 (Sat) Abj-Los: 07.30, 13.00, 19.00 (Mon-Fri/Sat, 10.30, 14.30, 19.30 (Sun, 18.30 Sat) Lag-Benin: 07.45, 11.00, 15.30 (Mon-Fri/Sat/Sun) 12.30 (Sun 15.30 (Sat)Ben-Lag: 09.15, 12.30, 17.00 (Mon-Fri/Sat/Sun) 17.00 (Sat) 14.00 (Sun)Lag-Owe: 7.45am, 2pm daily

Med-View Airline

Aero Contractors



The Federal Government has said that the ongoing implementation of the

Nigerian Automotive Industry Development Plan is taking its planned course, noting that there is no intention to reverse the im-plementation process of certain aspects of the policy.

Clearing agents under the ae-gis of Association of Nigerian Licensed Customs Agents AN-LCA operating at the Ports and Terminal Multi-Services Limited PTML, had last week alleged that the Nigeria Customs Service has started enforcing the 35 per cent levy on used vehicles, which was slated to takeoff January, 2015.

But Director-General of Na-tional Automotive Council NAC, Mr. Aminu Jalal said in a state-ment yesterday that government has not reneged on its promise to shift the implementation process of certain aspects of the NAIDP till January 2015 as alleged in some quarters.

According to him, the applica-tion of the levy exemption was only being misinterpreted by some stakeholders.

“Government has already shifted the implementation of the full tariff on new vehicles from January 10, 2014 to July 1, 2014 to


The Federal Inland Revenue Services (FIRS) has said it is important to create full

awareness on the administration of various taxes collected by it and how it is being administered in respect to the insurance indus-try.

Speaking in a welcome address presented during a one day sensi-tisation seminar on taxation of insurance brokers in Nigeria in Lagos on Tuesday, the Deputy Director and Regional Coordina-tor for Lagos Island Region of the FIRS, Mr. Ezra Zubairu, said the programme was designed to em-phasise the importance of com-

munication and understanding of tax obligations of the insur-ance brokers vis a vis the role of the FIRS in ensuring voluntary compliance by the industry.

He said occasions such as the sensitisation seminar provides opportunity for the service to ob-jectively review and analyse the extent of tax compliance of its customers and partners, saying it also serves as a forum for setting a set of guides on the processes and procedures that will ensure a clear understanding of full work-ings of the tax systems as well as how it affects the insurance bro-kers.

The presentation being made, according to Zubairu, shall anal-yse the key elements which ba-

sically explains the duties and responsibilities of insurance brokers, applicable taxes, and how the tax authority will sup-port the industry and the Nigeria economy.

“The mission of FIRS is to op-erate a transparent and efficient tax system that will optimise tax revenue collection and voluntary compliance. With this sensitisa-tion programme, we at the FIRS are looking at appropriate modal-ities, strategies and programme in order to ease the insurance broker compliance burden.

“i must state at this forum that FIRS intends to achieve its mis-sion statement at a minimum cost to it as a service as well as to the taxpayers in general. This

now informed the need for us to share ideas, views and concerns through which the mission could be achieved with minimum or no interference with the opera-tions of the taxpayers”, Zubairu explained.

Pointing out some of the is-sues observed from the tax re-turns filled by insurance brokers, the Lagos Island FIRS boss said filing of nil value added tax,VAT returns, late filing of tax re-turns, failure to inform the FIRS of change of business address, absence of relevant audit trail and non attachment of required schedules with the tax returns are some of the challenges being grappled with.

FG clears air on auto policy implementation

FIRS sensitises brokers, tax representatives on best practices

29 33

Investors fret over Yahoo’s future,

shares fall

SON introduces mandatory certification of blocks, new cement labels

GUS 11: Experiencing youth platform to deepen brand experience

BusinessNational Mirror

www.nationalmirroronline.netThursday, September 25, 2014


enable importers clear vehicles they had ordered at the old duty rates. Government only extended the concession on the importa-tion of used vehicles only by an-other six months till 31st Decem-ber, 2014”, he insisted.

He also said: “This was be-cause up to three out of every four imported cars are used and time needs to be given to the assembly plants to produce affordable vehi-cles to replace the imported used ones. Unfortunately, this levy on new cars was misinterpreted to mean that all vehicles, includ-

ing new Fully Built Unit FBU, imports were exempt from levies until 31st December 2014.”

He insisted that this could not have been the case because ex-isting and new entrants into the assembling process under the NAIDP had started to roll out new products at competitive rates.

“As a result of continuous in-flux of new FBUs without restric-tion occasioned by this misinter-pretation, assemblers began to cut down on orders for assembly kits and this has the potential to derail the policy”, he also said.

…says January, 2015 date is sacrosanctIt was also gathered that due to

this misinterpretation of the pol-icy by both stakeholders and Cus-toms, the council has forwarded a fresh directive to the service to forestall a future misinterpreta-tion of the policy.

“The Council wishes to assure the maritime industry and the general public that there is no in-tention by government to renege on any of its promises under the plan and to invite all to join hands to make this world-wide acclaimed policy work, ” the DG said.

Cash crunch stalls N8bn training for 6,000 Nigerian cadetsFRANCIS EZEM

Strong indications emerged that the Federal Govern-ment may have developed

cold feet over its proposed com-mencement of sea time training for over 6,000 Nigerian cadets, on board some foreign ships many of who completed their cadetship programmes at the Maritime Academy of Nigeria, MAN, Oron more than 11 years ago.

The Federal Ministry of Transport had last year an-nounced that the Federal Execu-tive Council has approved the training of 250 Nigerian cadets,

who represent the first batch of over 6, 000 cadets on board some foreign ships for the mandatory one-year sea time training at the cost of N8.2bn.

This training is in compliance with the International Maritime Organisation IMO, Convention on Standards of Training, Certif-icate and Watchkeeping, STCW, 1978 for seafarers prescribes a one-year mandatory sea time training on board ocean going vessels as a pre-requisite for the issuance of Certificate of Com-petence CoC, without which a seafarer cannot be gainfully em-ployed.

Rector of the MAN, Oron, Mr. Joshua Okpo, who spoke with

some newsmen in Oron, Akwa Ibom State at the weekend, dis-closed that the government, represented by the academy has since complemented the Memo-randum of Understanding MOU with the Republic of Philippines, Georgia and Turkey, which is part of the condition for the com-mencement of the training pro-gramme.

According to him, follow-ing the completion of the MOU, which is a major requirement for the takeoff of the programme, government is yet to release any part of the N8 billion negoti-ated and agreed upon by the four countries involved in the training

pact.It was gathered that the 250

cadets, who constitute the first batch of the cadets, are made up of 100 Naval Officers and 150 En-gineers, even as another batch of 250 will follow immediately after the first, which implies that the programme will sun on a yearly basis

Okpo, who fielded questions from newsmen during an interac-tive session, however noted that as an institution under the gov-ernment, the management of the academy has done what it should by concluding all the documenta-tions and other paper works wait-ing for the release of the required

funds to execute the deal.He said: “ As you may have

known, we have a backlog of about 6, 000 cadets of the acade-my but since the government has signed the MOU with the three proposed training countries com-prising Georgia, Turkey and Phil-ippines, we are optimistic that it would complete the process it has already started”

But stakeholders have ex-pressed reservations over the seeming non-commitment of the government towards the train-ing of these cadets, more than 11 years after the completion of their regular cadetship pro-gramme.

ACCA appoints senior public servant new President

Nigeria’s National tele-communications carrier is back at the number

two spot in terms of active sub-scriber base according to the lat-est information released by the industry regulator, the Nigeria Communications Commission, NCC.

Globacom reclaimed the spot it conceded briefly to Airtel a few months ago.

The latest information which has been updated on NCC’s website indicated that Glo’s subscriber base climbed up by 2.8 million new subscribers be-tween February and June this year, the largest by any operator in the country within the period.

In essence, Glo had 27,327,646 subscribers on its network as at the end of June, 2014. The figure translates to 21 percent share of the Nigerian telecoms market, and places Glo second to MTN which has 56,516,759.

Airtel which briefly occu-pied the second position early this year falls to the third place with 25,302,160 subscribers and 20 percent market share. Etisalat retains the fourth position with 19,390,285 customers which rep-resents 15 per cent share of the market.

Instructively, while Glo and Etisalat made gains between the

last time NCC released subscrib-er figures in February, and now, MTN and Airtel recorded losses. The figures for the operators as at the end of February were 57,183,745 for MTN, 26,194,336 for Airtel, 24,490,650 for Glo and 18,119,397 for Etisalat.

In effect, between end of Feb-ruary and June end, Glo added 2,836,996 new subscribers to its network, while Etisalat recorded 1,270,888 new customers. On the other hand, MTN lost 666,986 subscribers, while Airtel also lost 892,176 customers, the high-est loss within the period.

Glo also retained its position as the network with the second largest internet subscription in the country with 14.3m active subscriptions. MTN is in the first place with 34m, while Airtel and Etislat have 12m and 6.8m active internet subscriptions re-spectively.

Industry sources believe that the massive network upgrade recently embarked upon by Glo and its bouquet of new service offerings may have given it the edge over other operators.

The network expansion in-volved swapping of old base stations with new ones and modernization of existing infra-structure into a state-of-the-art network software and hardware.

Glo back as Nigeria’s 2nd largest operator –NCC

United Bank for Africa Plc, has entered into a part-nership with the African

Trade Insurance Agency, ATI,to ease the flow of credit to clients engaging in regional and inter-national trade.

The partnership was an-nounced on Monday in Nairobi Kenya, after officials of both in-stitutions, led by CEO, UBA Afri-ca, Mr. Kennedy Uzoka, and ATI’s Chief Executive Officer George Otieno, signed the agreement to formalise the deal.

Under the agreement, ATI will provide insurance cover for eligible UBA Group transactions with its unique range of political risk and trade credit insurance products. The risk mitigation ser-vices will provide an alternative

to collateral for UBA’s corporate clients, who may otherwise face financial constraints in obtain-ing credit, while also protecting them against cross-border trade risks and a broad range of invest-ment risks.

“UBA is keen to boost inter and intra-African trade because of its capacity to accelerate devel-opment and integration across the continent. Over the years we have supported our customers to grow their business network across Africa and internationally in pursuit of a more prosperous Africa . UBA’s partnership with ATI will ease the flow of credit to our customers and help them ex-pand their businesses across the continent” said Mr. Uzoka, .

Intra-Africa trade is estimated

to be one of the lowest globally at just 10 per cent of total trades on the continent. This is quite low when compared with Intra-trade among the EU-27 at 70 per cent, 52 per cent for Asian countries, 50 per cent for North American countries and 26 per cent for South American countries.

Africa’s commodities boom, natural resources and related government spending to revive infrastructure development is estimated to have generated 32 per cent of Africa ’s recent GDP growth – while the remaining growth came from sectors such as transportation, telecommuni-cations and manufacturing, are all sectors which UBA believes will benefit from expanded credit.

Senior public servant, Northern Ireland’s Direc-tor of Safer Communities,

Anthony Harbinson, has become President of global accountancy body ACCA ,the Association of Chartered Certified Accoun-tants.

Anthony Harbinson, who is responsible for the resourcing, policy and legislative framework for reducing offending, policing

and community safety, was elect-ed ACCA President for 2014/15 at ACCA’s annual general meet-ing on 18 September and now represents 170,000 members and 436,000 students in 180 countries around the world.

Anthony Harbinson said: “I am delighted to have been elect-ed to serve as ACCA President, it is a great honour and I look for-ward to representing our mem-

bers and students around the world.

“I will be focusing on two key themes in the year ahead. The first of these is the issues of eth-ics and the role of the accoun-tant. Not only does our profession have a responsibility to behave ethically, but it also has a duty to ensure that the organisations for which finance professionals work have an ethical approach to

business and operations. “I also want to use my term

of office to emphasise the im-portance of the public sector, the need for it to be effective and ef-ficient and to have the proper fi-nancial expertise to achieve this in the short and long term.

“The sector has felt the full ef-fects of the global economic cri-sis – and continues to do so even as the private sector shows signs

of recovery. Ensuring that the public sector can continue to de-liver within tight budgets makes it more important than ever to have more fully qualified accoun-tants working in the sector, as well as ensuring that more non accountants have an enhanced financial awareness to support them in their decision making and use of precious resources, “ said Anthony Harbinson.

UBA, ATI unite to boost regional, international trade

L-R: Executive Director, First City Monument Bank, Olufemi Bakre; Executive Director, Training IBFC Alliance, Titilayo Olujobi; Managing Director, IBFC Alliance Limited, Funmi Agusto and Executive Director, IBFC Alliance, Sade Odunaiya at the Seminar on the Nigerian Banking Industry: A Strategy Outlook in Lagos recently.

28 National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netThursday, September 25, 2014Business News

Business News

L- R: The Managing Director, NDIC, Alh. Umaru Ibrahim,represented by the Director, Internal Audit, NDIC, Mr. Ibrahim Tafida receiving an award of ‘Africa’s Meritorious Service’ from the President of International Advocacy for Peace and Development Initiative (APDI), Mr Femi Mike in Abuja.


The Standards Organisation of Nigeria has announced the take-off of mandatory

certification of Sandcrete blocks and allied products as well as the introduction of new labels for all grades of cement in the country, which will prominently display the various cement grades and

their approved uses on cement bags.

The new development was flagged off in Lagos on Tusday, in the presence of stakeholders drawn from the various sectors of the building and construction in-dustry, according to the minister of state for Industry Trade and In-vestment, Dr. Samuel Ortom, was in alignment with government’s aspiration for safe and affordable housing for the nation.

He noted that the recent review of the Nigerian Industrial Stan-dard for cement which addressed among other issues, correct label-ling to guide user’s application was also in furtherance of con-tinual

improvement as required in standardisation.

“I wish to flag off the manda-tory certification of Sandcrete blocks moulded in Nigeria and direct SON to commence imple-mentation of the Mandatory Con-formity Assessment Programme ,MANCAP, for all locally manufac-tured products in Nigeria.

“It is therefore important to en-

sure mass sensitisation of stake-holders nationwide on the new la-belling requirement part of which this occasion is set to achieve. To the benefit of the Nigerian econ-omy, I hereby unveil the newly approved cement packaging/la-belling in line with the recently approved NIS and with a view to safe-guarding lives through com-pliance to standards,” he said.

Also commending the initia-tive, the Minister of Lands Hous-ing and Urban Development, Akon Eyakenyi, noted that SON has done well in ensuring that blocks and other building materi-als meet the required quality, stan-dards and conformity.

She attributed the spate of building collapses in the country to them fact that most building materials were not of the right quality and also blamed the en-gagement of non-qualified build-ers either in terms of design, structure or construction.

“We are happy to note that af-ter this forum, the agency would set up block testing centres across the country to ensure that qual-ity and good blocks are used for building construction in the coun-try. This will no doubt help in the efforts to arrest the tide of building collapse and construc-tion failures across the country. As we are aware, testing is a major ingredient for standardisa-tion and quality

assurance,” she said.In his remarks, the Director

General of SON, Dr. Joseph Odu-modu, explained that the agency

SON introduces mandatory certifi cation of blocks, new cement labels


Seven Energy International Limited, Seven Energy, the indigenous integrated oil

and gas development, produc-tion and gas distribution com-pany with interests in Nigeria, and the Nigeria Sovereign In-vestment Authority, NSIA, Ni-geria’s sovereign wealth fund, today announced that NSIA through its Gas to Power funds managed on behalf of Nigeria’s Debt Management Office, DMO, has signed a commitment letter, subject to certain conditions, for an investment of at least $100m in aggregate principal amount of senior secured notes due in 2023 to be issued and pri-vately placed by Seven Energy Finance Limited.

Managing Director & CEO, NSIA, Mr.Uche Orji, said through this investment, and

future Projects, NSIA is con-tributing to the transformation of the gas and power sectors. “We expect that this investment will support the development of Calabar NIPP, Ibom Power, and other power stations.This is a further example of Nigeria’s successful public-private invest-ment in infrastructure.”

Director-General, DMO, Mr.Abraham Nwankwo, said “We are pleased that through our inno-vative cooperation with the Nige-ria Sovereign Investment Author-ity, NSIA, we are able to contribute to their joint work with Seven En-ergy. This investment underscores the DMO’s role in the development of Nigeria’s power sector.”

CEO of Seven Energy, Phillip Ihenacho, said the investment is a vote of confidence in Seven En-ergy’s vision to be a leading sup-plier of gas in Nigeria. I am very pleased that we have gained the support of NSIA.”


Renaissance Capital, a fron-tier markets investment bank, has announced sig-

nificant growth of its net profit in 1H 2014, despite challenging mar-ket conditions.

The firm in a statement re-ported a 81 per cent y-o-y in-crease in its net profit to $8.7m for 1H’14 from $4.76 m for 1H’13. “The bank achieved a 17 per cent cost reduction rate bring-ing its operating expenses down to $102m in 1H’14 from $127.6m in 1H’13. Total operating income

reached $114.3m, which is in line with the same period in 2013. “Renaissance Capital’s balance sheet remains strong, with the eq-uity to assets ratio growing to 16.5 per cent per cent in 1H’14 from 13.6 per cent as of December 31, 2013. Total assets and equity stand at $3.59bn and $593.2mn, respec-tively, “the statement said.

Chief Executive Officer, Re-naissance Capital, Igor Vayn, said “in the past six months, Re-naissance Capital has continu-ously demonstrated sustainable business growth. We have shown profitability in three consecutive reporting periods and achieved a significant increase in the bank’s

operating profit in 1H 2014, com-pared with the same period in 2013. This is complemented by substantial operating cost reduc-tion and a healthy equity to assets ratio.”

He also said “Renaissance Cap-ital remains strongly committed to its core regions of Sub-Saharan Africa, Russia and Turkey. We have continuously strengthened our competitive position and grown our market share across all our geographies. Recently, the Firm has expanded its footprint to include Dubai, where it has ap-plied for and received m a dealing and advising on securities license.


A pan African non-gov-ernmental organisation, African Peace and De-

velopment Initiative, APDI, has commended the Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation ,NDIC, for its commitment to the safety and stability of the Nigeria’s financial system and for stand-ing out as one of the leading de-posit insurers in the continent. According to a statement by NDIC the President of APDI, Mr. Mike Femi gave this com-mendation while presenting the Africa’s Meritorious Service Award of the organisation to the Managing Director/CEO, NDIC, Alhaji Umaru Ibrahim in Abuja. According to the APDI President, the commitment of NDIC at keep-ing fate with its depositor protec-tion mandate over the years and the various initiatives which it continued to bring to bear on the discharge of its mandate, par-

ticularly the recent Bridge Bank phenomenon had gone a long way in boosting confidence in the na-tion’s financial system. He stated that as a supervisor, it was heart-warming that NDIC had demon-strated overt transparency and professionalism in the conduct of its operation thereby serving as role model to other public institu-tions in Nigeria and the continent.

On the award by the organisa-tion, Femi stated that the APDI whose membership covered ten African countries instituted the award platform to recognise in-dividuals with immense contri-butions to the economic growth and development of African coun-tries with a view to encouraging them to aim for greater heights. The APDI President said the significance of the award under-scored the few number of recipi-ents which for 2014 was conferred on President John Dramani Ma-hama of Ghana and Alh. Alh. Umaru Ibrahim.

NSIA, Seven Energy to collaborate on $100m investment in power sector

Pan-African NGO lauds NDIC’s role in fi nancial system stability

Renaissance Capital reports 81% net profi t increase in H1 2014

will ensure among other things that dealers are certified over time to ensure that they sell only the right

materials; secondly that every material must be certified from the factory and thirdly that con-sumers must know what they are buying.

He said it was critical that if an engineer prescribes 42.5 grade of cement, the builder does not go to the market and buy 32.5, which can lead to the failure of the struc-ture.

“We are also saying that town planning and building control agents must certify builders, all builders in every state must be certified by the state government, so that when somebody wants to build and brings the plan for ap-proval, the approval must go with the materials’ sources and the builder, because you can have the right materials but if the wrong person builds for you, that struc-ture may collapse,’’ he said.

National 29Thursday, September 25, 2014


FirstBank Sustainability Centre has reinforced its commitment to promoting

empowerment, entrepreneur-ship and financial inclusion amongst women through its sponsorship of a workshop for Women owners of SMEs in Ni-geria.

According to a statement the event is part of the FirstBank’s SMEConnect Series – flagged off last year and it is scheduled to hold on September 30, in Lagos.

“The workshop themed Sus-tainability: The New Growth Strategy for Women-owned SMEs is part of First Bank’s sustainability initiatives and is designed to further equip wom-en for enterprise development, promote best practice, learning and sharing among other topics.

“The workshop would focus on sustainable entrepreneur-ship and provide a road map on how women entrepreneurs can contribute to socio-eco-nomic development as strategic partners”, the statement said. Facilitators at the event include: Director First Bank Sustainabil-ity Centre; Dr. Chris Ogbechie and Mrs. Olubunmi Adebiyi of the Financial Inclusion depart-ment, Central Bank of Nigeria , among many more reputable thought leaders.

According to, Executive Di-rector, FirstBank, Mr. Gbenga Shobo the workshop is part of the Bank’s SMEConnect series and it is organised to stimulate economic development, espe-cially for women. He stated that “FirstBank would continuously drive SME expansion and pro-vide small businesses with a platform that will enhance the

sustainable development of their businesses in addition to funding.”

First Bank’s spokesperson Mrs. Folake Ani-Mumuney, re-iterated that the workshop will amongst other things enable women led SMES to competi-tively meet demands of finan-cial success while positively impacting society through em-bedding sustainability think-ing in their business strategies. She also said “creating an ap-propriate platform for the de-velopment of SMEs is one of the reasons why our bank estab-lished the FirstBank Sustain-ability Centre in collaboration with the Lagos Business School, as a specialised training centre for creating, disseminating and applying knowledge on sustain-ability issues based on global best practice”.

L-R: Group Treasurer, MTN Nigeria, Ishmael Nwokocha and Executive Director, Corporate Banking, Fidelity Bank Plc, John Obi at the 12th Annual Trade Finance Global/EMEA Awards in London where Fidelity Bank participated in the $3bn Syndicated Credit facility Deal of the Year at the weekend.

First Bank Sustainability Centre sponsors SME workshop for women


Ecobank has commenced a Rapid Transfer “Back to School” campaign enabling

parents and guardians pay their children and wards school fees in an easy, fast and convenient way and at the same time get an in-stant gift.

The Ecobank in a statement said Rapid the Transfer product is an innovative money transfer service available within Nigeria and countries in Africa where Ecobank is present, adding that the service was conceived out of the need to provide convenient, acces-sible, and reliable money transfer service for its retail and wholesale

customers and non-customers. Deputy Managing Director,

Ecobank Nigeria, Mr. Anthony Okpanachi said the “Back to School” campaign is conceived to create the necessary awareness for parents and guardians to know that Ecobank Rapid Transfer plat-form is a fast, convenient and reli-able channel where they can pay their wards and children school fees and other necessary upkeep allowances.

He said the Ecobank Rapid Transfer product is available to customers and non-customers of the bank. “The Rapid Transfer fa-cilitates access to funds across the country as well as enabling money transfers to and from any of the 36 African countries where Ecobank operates. This is an Ecobank pro-

prietary send and receive money transfer product available in all Ecobank branches in Nigeria. The product allows you to send and re-ceive money where Ecobank has its footprint”, he said.

The Rapid Transfer service he reiterated is very suitable for trans-border traders, schools, stu-dents, travelers, parents, foreign nationals residing in Nigeria, churches and missions, embassies and consulates, regional airlines, transporters amongst others.

The uniqueness of the product is its swiftness in delivery and accessibility as transactions are concluded within 5 minutes at the receiving end. Transfers could be made in the form of cash to cash; cash to account; account to cash; account to account and cash pull.

Ecobank commences Rapid Transfer ‘Back to School’ Campaign


African Development Bank Group, AfDB, said it has through its pri-

vate sector window approved 18, 2014 a $5m line of credit to AB Microfinance Bank Nigeria.

AB Microfinance Bank Nige-ria, ABN, is a microfinance insti-tution, MFI, which started in 2008 in Nigeria’s Lagos state and offers a broad range of financial servic-es to largely micro, small and me-dium-sized enterprises, MSMEs. At the end of 2013 AB Microfinance Bank had a loan portfolio of well over 30,000 cli-ents and which is growing further rapidly. An increasingly impor-tant number of these consist of SME clients, mostly micro-busi-nesses that ‘migrated’ thanks to

business growth to become small enterprises.

AfDB said it will support ABN’s existing and new SME cli-ents; ABN has a strong pipeline of SME projects seeking fund-ing to expand their business. “This includes SMEs from vari-ous economic sectors, including trade, commerce, manufacturing, services, construction and trans-port. The funding will support investments and working capital.

“Thanks to the longer term financing from the AfDB, it is ex-pected that ABN will also be able to provide longer tenor loans to its SME clients, thus stimulating much needed investments in the SME sector.

“The LoC is expected to benefit around 1500 entrepreneurs over a 5 year period, of which a sizeable part will be for new SME clients.’’

Phase3 Telecom, West Af-rica’s largest independent fibre optic infrastructure

provider today announced the addition of Multi-Protocol Label Switching, MPLS, to its grow-ing network, enabling clients, both new and existing, to access as well as share large amounts of data from multiple locations. Even in the most remote of loca-tions, this expansion can deliver speeds of 100 megabits per sec-ond (mbps) and above and supple-ments Phase 3’s existing infra-structure and network solutions.

MPLS is a technology for transporting information data/voice/video between two or more locations. It enables customers with offices in different locations to lease virtual private networks (VPNs) that are effected on rout-

ers which sit on the networks of communications providers.

Phase3 Telecom’s Chief Ex-ecutive Officer, Stanley Jegede explains that “the addition of the MPLS solution further supple-ments our rapidly evolving net-work and will further facilitate the provision of affordable and reliable broadband connectivity and telecommunications services for our increasing client base in the health, education, oil & gas, fi-nancial and public sectors across the continent.”

Jegede went on to say; “the possibilities and benefits of busi-nesses being connected to a vi-able network that enable quick and secure data sharing across diverse or remote locations is ex-ponential.’’

In a move to ensure that lead-ing-edge, world-class con-sumer electronics and home

appliances remain accessible to Nigerians, Samsung Electronics West Africa, in partnership with accredited local partners, has stepped up its nationwide market expansion drive in Nigeria with a massive roll out of Samsung brand stores across the country.

According to Samsung, the retail expansion drive is designed to provide Nigerians with an ex-citing avenue to interact with Samsung’s full range of audio visual solutions and an extensive range of premium household ap-pliances in one easily-accessible location, whilst creating wide-spread destinations where con-

sumers can experience firsthand Samsung’s extensive product eco-system and receive personalised service from trained sales consul-tants.

Director of Consumer Elec-tronics at Samsung Electronics West Africa, Mr. Sunil Kumar, de-scribed the move as a confirma-tion of Samsung’s effort to make connected lifestyle products and solutions more accessible, and to offer the most consumer-centric engagement in a retail environ-ment.

“Over the years, Samsung has made strong in-roads with its consumers in Nigeria. We con-sider the country as a key entry point into Africa.’’

Microfi nance: AfDB, Nigeria partner on $5m credit to entrepreneurs

Phase3 Telecom MPLS roll-out offers enhanced data sharing

Samsung strengthens retail presence in Nigeria

30 National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netThursday, September 25, 2014Business News

Yahoo may be losing some appeal on Wall Street now that U.S. investors can buy

directly into Alibaba.Yahoo’s stock fell Monday as

investors grappled with uncer-tainty about CEO Marissa May-er’s efforts to turn around the struggling Silicon Valley compa-ny. The sell-off came even though Yahoo reaped more than $9 bil-lion last week from selling some of its stake in Alibaba, as the Chi-nese e-commerce company held a record-setting initial public offer-ing of stock.

Yahoo has promised to return at least half of the after-tax pro-ceeds to shareholders — likely through stock buybacks.

But some investors aren’t waiting, now that they’re able to buy Alibaba shares directly, ac-cording to Brian Wieser, an In-ternet stocks analyst at Pivotal Research.

Before the Alibaba IPO, Yahoo was one of the few ways U.S. in-vestors could tap into the growth of e-commerce in the world’s most populous country. That was because of Yahoo’s large stake in the Chinese company. Yahoo’s stock has risen more than 30 per-cent over the past year, largely on the strength of investor excite-ment about Alibaba’s booming business.

Investors fret over Yahoo’s future, shares fall

Yahoo international headquaters

Google international headquaters

On the second day of public trading for Alibaba, Yahoo shares fell more than 5 percent to close Monday at $38.65.

Although Mayer has not said what she’ll do with $3 billion or so of the Alibaba proceeds not going to shareholders, analysts believe she could use that for ac-quisitions to help Yahoo revive its struggling advertising business and expand its online video pro-gramming.

Yet many investors lack opti-mism about Mayer’s chances of regaining some of the advertis-ing business that Yahoo lost in recent years to newer rivals like Google and Facebook. Yahoo was an early pioneer in the lucrative market of online advertising, but it hasn’t been able to keep up with rivals’ fast-growing audiences and sophisticated tools for selling ads targeted to users’ likes and interests.

“My expectations for Yahoo’s core business are pretty muted,” Wieser said. “There should be pretty tepid growth, if any, in the near term.”

That didn’t stop Wieser and a handful of other analysts from raising their price targets for Yahoo’s stock. Yahoo, which ac-quired its stake in Alibaba back in 2005, still holds more than 380 million shares in Alibaba, worth

Google Inc, the target of an EU antitrust investigation into its internet search

engine, may face further scrutiny over its other services following

more than $34 billion at Monday’s closing price.

The remaining stake in Aliba-ba raises the possibility of a big, future payday for Yahoo investors if the company sells more of its shares in the future.

Those Alibaba shares also rep-resent the bulk of Yahoo’s stock market value of $38.5 billion, sug-gesting that investors are putting little value in the company’s core business.

Since she was hired from Google two years ago, Mayer has overhauled Yahoo’s online ser-vices and hired some big names like former CBS newscaster Ka-tie Couric to anchor Yahoo’s on-line news operation. Mayer has also begun to modernize Yahoo’s online advertising programs. But ad sales have seen little change in recent quarters, while other ma-jor online companies have seen significant advertising growth

Mayer could use some of the new Alibaba cash to continue a buying spree that has seen Yahoo acquire dozens of smaller com-panies since she became CEO. While many of those deals were aimed at acquiring technology or talent to help improve Yahoo’s online consumer offerings, May-er has more recently turned her attention to the company’s adver-tising business and its video pro-gramming.

EU may probe Google’s non-search services

several complaints, Europe’s anti-trust chief said on Tuesday.

European Competition Com-missioner Joaquin Almunia said this meant Google could end up a

bigger case than Microsoft Corp, which found itself embroiled in a decade-long battle with the EU watchdog and was hit with more than 2.2 billion euros ($2.8 billion)

in fines.“We have received complaints

on the possible diversion of inter-net traffic toward Google services which are not search services, so this is a possible third investiga-tion concerning Google,” Almunia told a European Parliament hear-ing.

Google spokesman Al Verney said in response: “We continue to work with the European Commis-sion to resolve their concerns.”

Almunia, who is scheduled to leave office by the end of October, did not provide any further de-tails. It was not clear if he would open a case or leave it to his suc-cessor Margrethe Vestager.

In June, he said companies in-cluding European publishers, a telecoms operator, an association of picture industries and photo libraries as well as an advertising platform had complained about Google leveraging its dominance to promote its social network Google+ and its online video web-site YouTube.

Almunia also reiterated previ-

ous comments on a possible in-vestigation into Google’s Android mobile operating system, the most popular in the world and also the subject of several complaints.

Two weeks ago, Almunia said he would not be able to wrap up be-fore leaving office the four-year-old probe into accusations that Google squeezed out rivals in internet search results following fresh studies and arguments from com-plainants such as Microsoft.

Meanwhile, Google will build a 600 million euro ($773.58 mil-lion) data center in the northern Netherlands, the company said on Tuesday.

Spokesman Mark Jansen said part of the server park will start operating in the second half of 2016 and will create 150 permanent jobs.

Google has three large Europe-an data centers in Ireland, Finland and Belgium.

The Eemshaven facility will span 44 hectares and was chosen because of stable Dutch energy supplies, Jansen said.

31National Mirrorwww.nationalmirroronline.netThursday, September 25, 2014

Info Tech

32 National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netThursday, September 25, 2014

Google Glass lets you view emails, find directions and take calls right from

the high-tech specs. But what if you wave your hand in front of a 3D projection to move around a calendar? Or if you want your eyewear to suggest meals based on the contents of your fridge?

Tech company Atheer is launching a Google Glass com-petitor that let you touch the dig-ital world, shifting from passive viewing to an immersive “doing” and interacting — the ultimate vision of augmented reality. The company launched an Indiegogo campaign on Thursday as a part of an effort to bring more devel-opers into the development pro-cess.

Atheer’s video suggested the potential in a future of wearable technology and 3D smart glasses. Watch it above; we dare you not to get excited.

“The experiences shown in the video from the user’s point

of view can be available in 1-2 years,” Atheer CEO Soulaiman Itani told Mashable. “Every func-tionality shown has been proto-typed in a minimalistic way, but more with the core technology. Minimizing the hardware to be as small as in the video will prob-ably take closer to eight years.”

But other steps must come first, Itani said. Batteries must get smaller and more powerful, processes must speed up and the public must grow more comfort-able with wearable technology.

“Consumers today are very smart, and very quick to adopt technology that improves their lives, but Rome wasn’t built in a day Rome wasn’t built in a day,” he said. “People need time to experience Atheer, understand what an immersive computing experience really means, and un-derstand that the benefits of the technology outweigh the costs of adoption and integration into their daily lives.”

Leading security research-ers have called on eBay to take immediate action over

dangerous listings, as the prob-lem continues to put users at risk.

The BBC has now identified more than 100 listings that had been exploited to trick customers into handing over personal data.

Over the weekend, readers got in touch with the BBC, saying they had attempted to warn eBay about the problem.

The company said it would “continue to review all site fea-tures and content”.

The BBC has found that:Innocent user accounts were

hijacked in order to place the fake listings. Many of the accounts had 100% positive feedback, and had sold hundreds of items.

One victim who had his ac-count hijacked told the BBC he was locked out of his account - and later billed “around £35” by eBay to cover seller’s fees for items he had not auctioned.

When customers clicked on a listing that had been compro-mised, they were brought to a sophisticated, official-looking site that asked victims to log in and share bank account details.

The types of items used to tar-get victims ranged from smart-phones and televisions to hot tubs and clothing.

The vulnerability centres

around users’ ability to place cus-tom Javascript and Flash content into their listings pages.

Often sellers will use this meth-od to make their pages look more exciting, with animations or oth-er eye-catching techniques.

But use of Javascript and Flash, eBay acknowledged, signif-icantly raised the likelihood that malicious code could be included within the site’s pages - due to a hacking technique known as cross-site scripting (XSS).

It meant users clicking on eBay listings that appeared legitimate were being automatically re-directed to harmful websites de-signed to steal user information, including credit card details.

“The summary is that it is ex-ceptionally dodgy and redirecting the user to a nasty web page with some really suspect scripts,” said James Lyne from the security firm Sophos.

“At present we can’t get our hands on the end payload, so can’t be sure of the attackers complete motive, but it is clear there are still nasty malicious redirects on the eBay site.”

The problem has affected the site since at least February, the BBC has confirmed - although some experts say it has been an is-sue for more than a year.

In a statement, eBay said: “Many of our sellers use active

content like Javascript and Flash to make their eBay listings per-form better.

“We have no current plans to remove active content from eBay. However, we will continue to re-view all site features and content in the context of the benefit they bring our customers as well as overall site security.”

The stance has had security professionals queuing up to criti-cise the site’s security practice.

“It’s not OK for eBay to have cross-site scripting vulnerabili-ties on its website,” said Mikko Hypponen, from security firm F-Secure.

“If they can’t make it work without the risk of exposing us-ers to cross-site scripting, they shouldn’t allow it.”

Security researcher Brian Honan called for eBay to disable the active content until it could reassure customers.

“Obviously having Javascript and Flash and all that wonderful stuff is great for the seller,” he told the BBC.

“But it exposes eBay and its customers to security risks. Until eBay has the ability to automati-cally identify malicious links, it should disable Javascript until they have some way of better con-trolling the risk.

“The needs of the many out-weigh the needs of the few.”

eBay under pressure as hacks continue

Facebook Inc is set to unveil a new advertising platform to improve effectiveness of

online ads, the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday citing people with knowledge of the matter.

The product is a redesigned version of Atlas Advertiser Suite, an ad management and measure-ment platform that Facebook bought from Microsoft Corp last year.

It is expected to help marketers target Facebook users more ef-fectively by measuring which us-ers have seen, interacted or acted

Facebook to introduce new advertising platform

L-R: President, Nigeria Computer Society, NCS, Mr. Demola Aladekomo; Akwa Ibom State Deputy Governor, Obong Nsima Ekere and former Minister of Petroleum Resources, Chief Don Etiebet, during Nigeria Computer Society Conference in Uyo, recently.

market leader Google Inc in U.S. market for online display ads, did not reveal how much it paid for the technology.

Facebook counts 1.5 million advertising customers and the company’s ad business saw strong growth across all of its geograph-ic regions, Chief Operating Offi-cer Sheryl Sandberg told Reuters in July.

Mobile advertising revenue grew 151 percent year-over-year, accounting for roughly 62 percent of Facebook’s overall ad revenue in the second quarter.

Apple that it had set a re-cord for iPhone sales over its first weekend -- and

that was without the smartphone selling in China, one of the larg-est markets in the world.

The Cupertino, Calif. company said it had sold a whopping 10 million units of the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, exceeding the 9 million iPhones that it had sold last year when the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c first went on sale. The hot-selling smartphones, which sport larger displays, are an indication of the high demand for bigger screens.

“Basically, they hit a home run with the release,” said Piper Jaf-fray analyst Gene Munster. The larger-screened phones filled in a major hole in Apple’s product line, he said.

Apple didn’t break down how many of each phone it sold, only releasing the overall number of phones sold to customers and re-tailers and shipped as the result of pre-orders. It’s hard to say how many phones, then, are actually in consumers’ hands.

Munster estimates that 2 mil-lion of the phones in Apple’s 10 million figure were sold to retail-ers – fewer than last year, mean-ing that sales increased over 40 percent from the 2013 launch. Ad network Chitika, which looks at which devices people use to see ads on its network, estimated that 1.5 percent of all iOS traffic from the United States and Can-ada came from the new phones – slightly less than last year, per-haps due to shipping delays.

10 million iPhone 6 sold in opening weekend

upon ads that appear on Face-book’s services and on third-party websites and apps.

The product will also provide a tool for marketers to buy ads to target Facebook users across the Web.

Microsoft took on Atlas with its $6.3 billion acquisition of digital ad agency aQuantive in 2007. Un-able to make it work for its own purposes, Microsoft wrote off $6.2 billion of the aQuantive deal’s value in 2012.

The world’s No.1 Internet so-cial network, which lags behind

Smart glasses reveal what it’s like to have superpowers

Google glass with frames

Info Tech

GUS 11: Exploring youth platform to deepen brand experience

The fourteen contestants carried their bags and belongings, walked brusquely down the slope toward

the open river. One by one they entered the two small canoes assisted by two or more guides; they paddled themselves up the riv-er, en route to the final destination, where for the next few weeks and days will be their home in the quest for who becomes the Ul-timate Man or Woman in a contest tagged “The Mission, deep in the Agulerian rain forest jungle, in Anambra State of Nigeria

The river bank farewell was the last con-tact with the public for the contestants of the Gulder Ultimate Search season 11, 2014, before the October 3 countdown begins. Comprised of seven males and females from different parts of the country, the con-testants were brought together in a selec-tion process conducted in the various geo political zones in Nigeria that witnessed many entries.

The Aguleri community who came out to watch them sail away slowly comprised of traders, fish sellers, artisans, and a comic characters. Before then, the team had ear-lier visited the state governor, community leaders, and landmark sites in the state.

The team also visited one of the oldest churches in Eastern Nigeria, the St. Joseph Catholic Church where the first Parish Priest Reverend Father Iwene Tansi was buried.

Conducting the August visitors round the church, Parish priest of the church, Reverend Father Christopher Odina ex-plained the significance of the church in the Christianisation of Igboland. He told the visitors that the church is the second old-est Catholic church, after that of Onitsha, in the whole of Eastern Nigeria. He said it was established in 1836 by Rev Tansi. “It is today a land mark edifice and a tourist at-tractions for many on a historical chronicle of Christianity in Nigeria, and as the first priest, Rev Tansi is also being clamored to be canonized as a saint and would be per-ceived as a mark of relevance for Aguleri and its contribution to Igbo socio cultural and religious development.

Aguleri is an autonomous community in Anambra state with a rich historical pedi-gree. The Eze of Aguleri, Eze Augustine Chukwuemeka Eri, Ezeora the 34th, the Eze

Thursday, September 25, 2014 National 33

Brands & Marketing

In 2004, we started a foray Into the

world of adventure and saId to

ourselves that we would launch the very fIrst 100 per

cent local content realIty tv show that can match anythIng done

anywhere In the world. we started gulder ultImate


Search. The choice of Aguleri is commend-able. You are going to find very interesting places in our state.”

He urged the delegation to take out time to visit interesting sites in Anambra State. “If you take time out to visit Anambra, you will see where Gad was buried. If you are familiar with the story of the missing tribe in Israel, from the lineage of Jacob, Gad lead the team through this side of the world. And he was believed to be the progenitor of the Igbo race, with Aguleri as the first son. You can also visit the St. Joseph Catholic Church where you will find out more about the Blessed Father Iwene Tansi. We are leaders in many areas. That is why we are the light of the nation.”

Mr.Kufre Ekanem, Corporate Affairs Ad-viser, and Nigerian Breweries Plc., told the governor that he was pleased to bring good tidings from Nigerians Breweries Plc. Com-mending Obiano for good governance in the

In the next few days contestants of the Gulder Ultimate Search will slug it out who becomes the Ultimate man or woman, in the rain forest of Aguleri, Anambra State. DAVID AUDU reports of the GUS 11 and expectations

Aka Ejiofor Igbo of Enugu Aguleri, the tra-ditional ruler of Aguleri, noted this while receiving the visitor in his palace before they entered the forest.

Eze Augustine Chukwuemeka Eri while thanking the Nigerian Breweries delega-tion for the visit, and prayed for the suc-cess of the Gulder brand as well as the 11th edition of Gulder Ultimate Search, he also went down cultural lane to explain the origin of Aguleri ancestry and the famous “mystery Aguleri triune trees”.

The trees, according to the Eze, sprang up from where the first Eze Aka Eri, founder of the community was buried. The‘mystery trees’ began to germinate separately from around the area where he was buried, and gradually as the trees matured, the roots be-gan to intertwine, in full maturity, they are joined together at the root. The trees stand-ing there today is said to be over two thou-sands year old, and in full foliage. That par-ticular spot today has become a shrine and a rallying point for Igbo unification, and a reminder of the claimed Israeli ancestry of the Igbos. The trees are a cultural replica-tion of the biblical trinity.

The Gulder Ultimate Team received the blessing of the Aguleri community under the trees before they were bade farewell into the jungle.

However, a day before their entry into the jungle, the contestants paid a courtesy call on the Executive Governor of Anambra State, Chief Willie Obiano.. The delegation from Nigerian Breweries Plc, along with the contestants to the Anambra State Gov-ernment House included Corporate Affairs Adviser,Kufre Ekanem;, Marketing Man-ager, Emmanuel Agu, among other senior managers.

Welcoming them, Gov. Willie Obiano ex-pressed satisfaction that the Gulder brand deemed the Aguleri jungle of Anambra State, fit enough to host the 11th edition of Gulder Ultimate Search.

“I’m very happy to receive all of you here in Anambra and I commend your wis-dom in choosing Anambra for the Ultimate

state, he said: “I’m pleased to be in the pres-ence of a man who has taken an iconic step in pushing the frontiers of governance. If there is one state to recognise in Nigeria, it is Anambra State.”

He revealed that the team narrowed the choice of a location down to Aguleri from a list of three Anambra locations. Coinciden-tally, the governor, Chief Willie Obiano is an indigene of Aguleri.

He further gave the governor an insight on Gulder Ultimate Search. He said: “In 2004, we started a foray into the world of ad-venture and said to ourselves that we would launch the very first 100 per cent local con-tent reality TV show that can match any-thing done anywhere in the world. We start-ed Gulder Ultimate Search. It was designed to encourage the youth; it gave the youth the opportunity to show courage, demonstrate intelligence, strength, ambition and ulti-mately crown their success. We’ve had 10 editions so far and the 11th edition marks a new beginning.”

One of the contestants on this season, Noella Iroh, described her experience as refreshing, educating and entertaining. She said: “I’ve been able to learn about Eri, the son of Gad and the seventh son of Jacob. I’ve also learnt about the three trees that grew independently with their roots joined. It is amazing. I’m grateful to Nigerian Brew-eries Plc., I’m grateful to the Igwe and I’m grateful to the entire Aguleri kingdom.”

On her expectations while in the jungle, she said: “I’m excited about going to the jun-gle. I am having mixed feelings. I am happy and I am excited and my blood is pumping. I don’t know what to expect, but I have an open mind and whatever comes, I take it.”

The lucky contestants for this year’s search, tagged ‘The Mission’, are: Iwuoha Ikenna, Nwagboso, Joshua, Emedike Iken-na, Nne Cosy Joe, Ubachukwu, Chinedu, Otto, Canon Chimenem, Afolabi Emmanuel Olusegun, IrohNoela and Appi Samantha. Erijakpor Loretta, Robinson Sharon, Eriata Blessing Ese, AddohEvi and Nwagbagiro Sandra.

The contestants paddling away in a canoe to the jungle

34 Thursday, September 25, 2014 National Mirrorwww.nationalmirroronline.netBrands & Marketing

DaviD auDu

One of Nigeria’s newest e-retailer,, and Pearson Nigeria, a part

of Pearson Education group, have entered a retail partner-ship deal that will bring its global portfolio of books within reach of Nigerian consumers.

Speaking on the partnership, Adiba’s Founder/CEO,Chris Udeji said, “We recognize that reading becomes less stressful and interesting when the book is accessible, convenient to read and most importantly when in its original form. Not only is it important for school-age children but it’s also important for young and mature adults to read more and become exposed to how the world is changing around us

“We are excited that Pearson

Nigeria supports our efforts to give more access to these great works”.

He said customers can now access a wide variety of books at affordable prices ranging from primary and secondary school text books, professional books in areas of management, accounting, engineering to his-tory, art, biographies, scholarly articles and fictional novels from Nigerian and foreign au-thors.

Pearson, the world’s largest education and book publishing business, also owns such pub-lishing brands such as, Heine-mann, Prentice Hall etc, and with reach in over 70 countries of the world, consumers can now have easy access to variet-ies of books by simply search-ing on the website within the books & stationery category for their educational needs.

As part of its unremit-ting promise to deliver an enduring consumer

experience, leading interna-tional premium beer, Heineken is set to takeover Lagos club-bing nights with a combination of world’s best DJs, sensational music and first-class beer.

The club tour series, tagged Heineken Green Light which will kick off with the arrival of Akon’s official DJ, Benny D will set the ball rolling for the take-over of three premium night-clubs in Lagos over the next two months.

According to Ngozi Nkwoji, Senior Brand Manager Heinek-en, the brand is poised to de-liver world class experiential engagements for the consumers and the Heineken Green Light club party series is one of the

ways of fulfilling the promise.Mega Superstar, Akon’s offi-

cial DJ, Benny D is a world fa-mous producer, DJ, entertainer, screenwriter, official DJ for re-nowned American female rap-per, Eve as well as RnB group TLC.

“I really cannot wait to touch down Nigeria, its been a long time coming and Lagos should get ready to witness the most incredible clubbing experience ever”, said an elated DJ Benny D.

To add glamour and beauty to the night, Heineken will roll out its first “Smart Bottle” called Heineken igNite which is an limited edition interac-tive bottle that lights up in sync with beat of music, when cheer-ing with the bottle and when taking a sip.

E-retailing firm, Pearson team up to boost access to books

DJ Benny D, Akon’s official DJ to kick off Heineken Green Light Club parties

Come To Nigeria Magazine, a tourism focused maga-zine published quarterly

by Jollof Limited, Liverpool, United Kingdom to showcase the immense potentials of Nigeria as a tourist destination has ap-pointed Integrated Indigo Lim-ited as Public Relations Consul-tant and Media Partner.

Come To Nigeria Magazine’s main objective is to present Ni-geria to the outside world and showcase what Nigeria can offer in tourism and business world. The Magazine has so far pub-lished 12 editions of detailed in-formation about every aspect of Nigeria. It also features an up to date Nigerian events calendar,

holiday destinations, resorts, ser-vice providers, accommodations, multinational brands, hotels and car hire services amongst others.

According to the Publisher/Editor-in-Chief, OladimejiAdisa, the appointment of Integrated Indigo Limited as media part-ner/consultant in Nigeria be-came imperative to further en-trench the Magazine among its target audience and relevant stakeholders.

Adisa noted that Come To Ni-geria Magazine currently retails in the United Kingdom, United States, Nigeria and is present onboard of highly patronized Airlines in West Africa such as ARIK AIR.

Come to Nigeria magazine appoints Indigo as media partner

Nigeria’s Nollywood’s top movie directors, in part-nership with HarvestP-

lus, a global program to improve nutrition, have made four movies to entertain and inform Nige-rians on how they can improve their diets and health. The mov-ies was premiere during the 11th Abuja International Film Festi-val.

The movies feature vitamin A cassava as part of their story-line. Vitamin A cassava is yellow in color because it contains high amounts of beta-carotene, unlike common white cassava. Beta-carotene is a naturally occurring substance that the body converts

into vitamin A. In Nigeria 30 percent of pre-

school-aged children and 20 per-cent of pregnant women suffer from vitamin A deficiency re-sulting in poor vision, blindness and sometimes death. By eating this new yellow cassava variety, women and children can meet almost half their daily needs of vitamin A.

But consumers first have to be convinced to switch over from the traditional white cassava. “No doubt these movies will go a long way in addressing the scarce nutrition information we have in this part of the world. We are optimistic that they will help

educate the Nigerian populace that consumes cassava,” says Zeb Ejiro of Smile Africa, which represents Nollywood’s top direc-tors.

With more than 75 percent of Nigerians watching Nollywood movies, both in rural or urban ar-eas, these movies have an impor-tant role to play in encouraging all Nigerians to grow and eat this nutritious cassava. The movies star Nigeria’s top actors – Segun Arinze, Monalisa Chinda, Chidi Muokeme and Emeka Ossai, among others. The four movies are: The Yellow Cassava (Eng-lish), Dada Oni Paki (Yoruba), Ebiyebi (Ibo) and Sakani (Hausa).

StorieS: DaviD auDu

Apple has once again topped the annual Cool-Brands survey, landing

the coveted first place for the third year running, while Twitter and Adidas have fallen out of the top 20 list.

This year’s CoolBrands rank-ings illustrate that a solid reputa-tion is hard to undermine

The tech giant pushed luxury car brand Aston Martin and Nike into second and third place, re-spectively.

Luxury, fashion and technology brands – including Google and subsidiary YouTube – continue to dominate the top-end of the rank-ings, this year occupying 14 of the Top 20 places.

In total, 13 brands held on to their top 20 status from 2013, which CoolBrands said highlight-ed the “continued dominance of the leading CoolBrands and a gen-

eral lack of impact from newer rivals”.

Twitter has fallen out of the Top 20, ending its three-year stint on the list while Instagram has jumped into 14th place for the first time. Other brands to have dropped out of the rankings in-cluded Prada, Adidas, and the BBC’s iPlayer.

Another new entry is US streaming service Netflix – which is fast building its UK presence against more traditional content providers such as Sky.

Re-entries to the list included Liberty and Selfridges, which both bounced back into the top 20 after a one-year absence, along with tech brand Bose, Stella Mc-Cartney and Dom Pérignon.

The list is the result of an inde-pendent poll of 2,000 British con-sumers and a panel of 37 key influ-encers – including musicians Ella Eyre, Labrinth, Laura Mvula and Reverend and The Makers, SB.TV founder Jamal Edwards and mod-

els, Jodie Kidd and Sophie Dahl.Commenting on Apple’s win,

Stephen Cheliotis, said that in common with the Scottish Ref-erendum result, there was “no change”.

“The iPhone 6 launch has gone well and prior to that a lot of com-mentators had questioned wheth-er Apple had lost its lustre but that’s not the case.

“We’ve seen a lot of brands re-asserting their dominance this year. It’s really difficult for other brands to break through - it’s al-most like a glass door.

“The idea that CoolBrands is about fads and short-term repu-tational success is ripped-apart by the solid performance and domi-nance of regular top 20 brands, such as Aston Martin, Chanel and Nike”, she said.

Cheliotis added: “If anything, this year’s CoolBrands rankings illustrate that a solid reputation is hard to undermine or, in the case of rivals, overcome.

Apple tops the CoolBrands list for third year running

L-R: Public Relations Manager, DStv, Caroline Oghuma, presenting a generating set to Saheed Olaniyi, one of the winners of DStv Open House promo held at MultiChoice Head office, Tiamiyu Savage, Victoria Island, Lagos recently.

Nollywood premieres movies to improve nutrition across Nigeria

Tel: 08023448199 E-mail:

with Ayodeji Ayopo

Brand X-Ray

National 35

I was in Port Harcourt for an event last week and I lodged in Hotel Presidential. It is a

five star hotel by every standard with quality facilities and equip-ment. The hotel has a global ap-peal with the finest touch and its good ambience is quite exotic. I love the hotel and its well-struc-tured external environment with appealing interior aesthetic.

However, one thing that is strikingly obvious about this hotel is the negative attitudinal disposition of the staff. I had a personal experience and other guests narrated theirs too in a very shocking manner. I had an encounter where the front desk executive did not give me my ex-act room key jacket. My name had been written on the previous key jacket and she gave me another one without my name. I protested and she exhibited a very bad atti-

tude. It was as good as if she just wanted to fight a customer. One of the ladies handling the event I attended also narrated her expe-riences and these were not palat-able. Some of the hotel staff were very hostile and they threw cau-tion to the winds while attending to guests. It is very surprising to note that despite the status of Ho-tel Presidential in Port Harcourt, the staff constitute a threat to its corporate existence. Some of the guests that lodged in the ho-tel had serious issues to contend with. The staff poses enormous threat to the corporate imageof the hotel. I learnt the govern-ment owned hotel is on a man-agement contract to a Lebanese firm. This should not make the staff conduct themselves in such discourteous manner. Some of them never viewed the custom-ers as the bedrock of their exis-

Thursday, September 25, 2014 Brands & Marketing

Poor etiquette and bad customer service delivery

L-R: Permanent Secretary, Kano State Ministry of Health, Alhaji Dahinu Musa; Manager, Corporate Social Responsibility, Etisalat Nigeria, Oyetola Oduyemi; Commissioner, Kano State Ministry of Commerce, Alhaji Umar Farouk Jubril and Head, Government and Community Relations, Etisalat Nigeria, Mohammed Suleh-Yusuf at a presentation of communication devices to Kano State Government to help fight Ebola Virus Disease in the state recently.

tence. They treat customers with disdain.

While it was established that a large percentage of the staff exhibited bad attitudinal dispo-sition, some of them were able to show a high level of courtesy. One young man,

Badeh whom I learnt is an ogoni was very customer friend-ly. I met him at the front desk on the eve of my departure. He was quite pleasant and had a trade-mark smile on him throughout. He was quick to respond to my

request and he kept on calling room service to attend to me speedily. His candor and com-portment prompted another guest to take his photograph. One other lady,

Josephine, was also matured in her approach and demonstrat-ed good listening skills while at-tending to customers.

I narrated the above incidents to further underscore the impor-tance of issue of etiquette and good customer service. There are formal and courteous ways

of to successfully connect with customers. There is also a way a message is communicated to a customer and it is interpreted in a different way.

When etiquette is lacking, peo-ple speak in an improper way and respond unprofessionally to cus-tomers enquiries. I remember a popular QSR where the outlet su-pervisor had a serious confronta-tion with a customer. She tutored the customer that she was a uni-versity graduate and not an illit-erate but she only demonstrated a poor customer service culture that generated a negative percep-tion for the brand. I was shocked years later when a legal practi-tioner spoke about the same lady and her poor etiquette.

It is important for brand cus-todians and customer service personnel to clearly understand what the brand stands for.

Firefly Millward Brown opens shop in Saudi ArabiaDaviD auDu

Millward Brown, a global leader in brand, media and communications re-

search, has announced the launch of Firefly Millward Brown, its qualitative practice, in Saudi Ara-bia.

As part of the global Firefly Millward Brown network, the unit develops innovative ap-proaches to discover and illumi-nate consumer insights and drive brand success. Firefly Millward Brown brings complementary ex-pertise to Millward Brown’s prov-en brand, advertising and digital research solutions.

Firefly’s area of expertise in-cludes communications touch-points, brand equity and position-ing, new product development, segmentation, category and tar-get exploration, shopper market-

ing, channel optimisation and multi- and transculturalism.

Commenting on the launch, Charles Foster, Regional Manag-ing Director Millward Brown Africa and Middle East, said: “We know marketers seek a bet-ter integration of qualitative and quantitative insights. As part of the global Firefly Millward Brown network, our specialist team is de-signed to collaborate and deliver holistic solutions; partnering with our clients to build effec-tive campaigns and grow great brands.”

Rasha Metwali, Associate Di-rector of Firefly Millward Brown in Saudi Arabia, who will lead the team, added, “We are focused on generating insights about con-sumers and working with brands to develop appropriate strategies to leverage those insights. Fire-fly’s unique tools and methodolo-gies uncover the elusive and ex-

plain the ‘why’ behind consumer behaviour, choice and preference.”

Rasha Metwali has eight years rich experience in the industry and has managed numerous local, regional and international clients and projects spanning FMCG, Media, Advertising and Research across Middle East and Gulf coun-tries. Prior to her career in mar-keting, Rasha worked as a radio announcer for 12 years. She has a Master’s degree in Media and Communication.

The company celebrated the launch with an event at the Four Seasons Hotel in the Kingdom Tower in Riyadh.

Firefly Millward Brown has over 40 locations worldwide, each office complementing the strengths of the next. Firefly re-searchers see the world through consumers’ eyes - all the while keeping a 360º perspective on the brand experience.

Interswitch Transnational Holding (“Interswitch”), the leading pan-African integrat-

ed payments company,has an-nouncedit has reached a partner-ship agreement with the Paynet Group (“Paynet”), East Africa’s leading multi-institutional pay-ments provider, to combine its businesses.

In the deal, Interswitch will acquire a majority shareholding in Paynet Group and Paynet’s ex-isting shareholders will become shareholders of the Interswitch Group.

Both companies emphasise that the deal will enable both to take advantage of fast-growing East-West Africa trade and con-tinue to provide their customers, both businesses and govern-ment, with a trusted partner. The new company will create an unrivalled payment infrastruc-ture across East and West Africa, uniting financial institutions on a single network, integrating transaction solutions seamlessly into businesses, and creating a secure and convenient way to make cross-border transactions. The new combined network will connect over 100 financial insti-tutions in West and East Africa.

Paynet was founded in Kenya in 2003 by the current senior management team, since then it has provided services to some 70 financial institutions and over

2,000 companies as well as nu-merous public sector entities. Its offering comprises three brands, Paynet, PesaPoint and Electron-ic Financial Technologies (EFT). PesaPoint is found at 1,200 ATM locations, some of which are owned by the company, and over 1,300 agent locations in Kenya.

Group Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Inter-switch, Mitchell Elegbe, said, “to build a successful payments business customers are looking for trust, scale, efficiency and a proven track record of execu-tion. This partnership will sig-nificantly expand our footprint in East Africa and uniquely posi-tions Interswitch in the market. The new business will provide comprehensive solutions for re-gional and international busi-nesses looking to take advantage of growth opportunities in Af-rica.

“Paynet have done a great job at building an innovative and trusted payments company in East Africa and we are confident that between us we can drive growth by continuing to provide payment solutions that are high-ly tailored to the African mar-ket. Bernard Matthewman will remain as Chief Executive of the Paynet business and we in-tend to leverage the strength of Paynet’s existing management team. ”

Interswitch forms business combination with Paynet Group

Tel: 08023117969/08031100462

with Michael Umogun

BRAND talk


Gold rose from an eight-month low in New York as investors assessed airstrikes in Syria

and signs of more physical demand against the outlook for an improving U.S. economy. Silver gained from the lowest price in four years.

The U.S. and its Arab allies launched a barrage of airstrikes against Islamic State positions in Syria, whileIsrael shot down a Syr-ian fighter jet. Demand in China and India, the largest buyers, typically increases from September ahead of festive periods and the wedding sea-son. Gold’s drop kept its 14-day rela-tive strength index below 30 for the previous 10 days, signaling to some investors who study charts that pric-es may be poised to rebound.

Bullion is on course for its first quarterly loss this year, almost wip-ing out gains in 2014, as the Bloom-berg Dollar Spot Index reached a four-year high amid signs the U.S. economy is strengthening. The Fed-

Gold rises from 8-month low on Syria to physical buying

eral Reserve raised borrowing-costs projections for 2015 last week, even as it maintained a pledge to keep rates low for a considerable time.

“The metal seems to have been supported by some safe-haven buy-ing after news emerged that the U.S. has launched airstrikes against the ISIS militants in Syria,” Abhishek Chinchalkar, an analyst at Mumbai-based AnandRathi Commodities Ltd., said in a report Tuesday. “We do not expect gains in gold to last for long. With broader conditions in the U.S. continuing to improve, we expect the dollar to maintain a firm tone.”

Gold for December delivery add-ed 1.3 per cent to $1,233.20 an ounce on the Comex in New York Tuesday. Prices reached $1,208.80 Monday, the lowest since January 2, and ended 2013 at $1,202.30. Gold for immedi-ate delivery gained 1.4 per cent to $1,232.50 in London, according to Bloomberg generic pricing.

United States stocks fluctu-ated, after the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index fell the

most in six weeks, as small-cap and Internet shares rebounded while drugmakers slipped amid a crackdown on tax-saving merg-ers.

Expedia Inc. and LinkedIn Corp. each added 1.3 per cent to pace gains in the Dow Jones Inter-net Composite Index. Medtronic Inc. and Mylan Inc. slid at least 1.6 per cent after the Treasury De-partment disclosed plans to limit tax-driven deals. Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. lost 1.9 per cent on its third day of trading.

The S&P 500 (SPX) rose less than 0.1 per cent to 1,994.79 Tuesday in New York. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 6.96 points, or less than 0.1 per cent, to 17,165.72. The Russell 2000 Index climbed 0.2 per cent after its big-gest decline since July. Trading in S&P 500 stocks was 29 per cent above the 30-day average at this time of day.

“We’re really at a crossroads in terms of what direction we’ll take,” Bill Schultz, who oversees $1.2 billion as chief investment officer at McQueen, Ball & As-sociates in Bethlehem, Pennsyl-vania, said in a phone interview.

Canadian retail sales unex-pectedly fell in July, drop-ping for the first time in

seven months on lower receipts at general-merchandise stores.

Sales decreased 0.1 per cent to C$42.5 billion ($38.6 billion), Statis-tics Canada said Tuesday in Otta-wa. The decline matched the lowest estimate in a survey by Bloomberg News of 16 economists, which had a median forecast for a 0.5 per cent increase.

Retail spending remains near last month’s record high after ris-ing from a low of C$33.3 billion in December 2008. Future consump-tion may be crimped by near-re-cord debt loads and sluggish job growth over the last year.

“What’s going to be the impetus to get us going higher, or to see a correction? The market has gotten a little bit soft here and it needs to get something going. Right now it just doesn’t have that.”

The S&P 500 fell 0.8 per cent yesterday in a second day of loss-es since closing at a record. Small companies led the selloff, with the Russell 2000 sliding 1.5 per cent.

The equity benchmark rallied last week as the Federal Reserve maintained a commitment to keep interest rates near zero for a con-siderable time after completing asset purchases in October.

Data today showed the Markit Economics preliminary index of U.S. manufacturing held at a more than four-year high of 57.9 in Sep-tember. A reading above 50 for the purchasing managers’ measure indicates expansion.

The Treasury’s new rules on in-versions apply to deals that close starting yesterday. The changes will have the biggest effect on the eight U.S. companies with pending inversions, including Medtronic and AbbVie, which plan the two largest such deals in U.S. history.

The rules include a prohibition on “hopscotch” loans that let com-panies access foreign cash without paying U.S. taxes. They also curb

actions that companies can use to make such transactions qualify for favorable tax treatment.

“People are concerned that some of the froth in the market will decrease with lower prospect for larger deals,” John Carey, a Boston-based fund manager at Pioneer Investment Management Inc., which oversees about $230 billion, said in a phone interview. “That’s affecting some specific stocks, particularly health care.”

Investors are also watching developments in the Middle East, where airstrikes against the mili-tant Khorasan Group in Syria were prompted by plans for an “imminent” terror attack on U.S. soil, the Pentagon said.

“Though auto-related spending continued its momentum, Canadi-ans aren’t using their new cars to drive to the shopping mall,” Nick Exarhos, an economist in Toronto at CIBC World Markets, wrote in a note to clients Tuesday. “We’ve noted how a tapped out consumer would run out of gas after having dropped savings dramatically over the past several quarters, and July’s retail data may be a first signal of that.”

Receipts at general-merchandise stores, which include department stores and discount retailers, de-clined 2.7 per cent to C$5.3 billion, while receipts at clothing and cloth-ing accessories stores dropped 2.3 per cent to C$2.3 billion.

Motor vehicle and parts sales rose 1.6 per cent to C$10.2 billion. Purchases excluding the motor ve-hicle and parts category fell 0.6 per-cent. Economists had forecast they would be little changed.

Recent data indicate an increase in Canadian automobile produc-tion. A jump in auto exports pushed Canada’s merchandise trade bal-ance to its biggest surplus in almost six years in July, Statistics Canada said September 4.

Bank of Canada Senior Deputy Governor Carolyn Wilkins reiter-

ated yesterday in a speech in To-ronto that high household debt in Canada remains at the top of the list of risks to the nation’s financial stability. Credit-market debt such as mortgages rose to 163.6 per cent of disposable income, from a revised 163.1 per cent in the first quarter, Statistics Canada said this month.

The July report probably rep-resents a “one-off” adjustment to strong sales in June rather than a “marked shift in the tone of con-sumer spending,” TD Securities rates strategist Mazen Issa said in a research note.

The Canadian dollar pared a gain of as much as 0.5 per cent af-ter the retail release, and was trad-ing 0.1 per cent stronger at C$1.1032 versus its U.S. counterpart Tuesday in Toronto. One Canadian dollar, known as a loonie, buys 90.65 U.S. cents. The yield on two-year govern-ment bonds fell two basis points to 1.13 per cent. Sales declined in July in five of 11 categories marking 55 per cent of total sales.

Retailers traditionally associ-ated with housing purchases and home renovation continued to show strength in July, according to Statistics Canada, with furniture sales climbing 4.0 per cent to C$1.4 billion.


U.S. stocks fluctuate as drugmaker slump offsets energy

Canada retail sales fall first time in seven months

36 National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netThursday, September 25, 2014Global News

Procter & Gamble Co. is selling its remaining pet-food business to Spectrum

Brands Holdings Inc. as the world’s largest consumer-prod-ucts company seeks to focus on its main home and personal-care businesses.

The transaction includes the Iams and Eukanuba brands in most of Europe, P&G said Tuesday in a statement. Terms weren’t disclosed.

P&G sold about 80 percent of its pet-food unit to Mars Inc. earlier this year for $2.9 billion as Chief Executive Officer A.G. Lafley looks to streamline the company. Mars, the maker of M&M’s candies, later acquired an additional 10 percent of the operation, though it declined to buy most of P&G’s slower-grow-ing European business.

“It follows on their stated strategy to shed non-core brands,” Erin Lash, an analyst at Morningstar Inc. in Chicago, said Tuesday in an interview, re-ferring to the latest transaction.

P&G sells European pet care business to Spectrum brands

Lafley, who returned as CEO last year, is cutting costs and focusing on the company’s lead-ing brands. Last month, he said the maker of Tide detergent and Pampers diapers will divest or discontinue as many as 100 brands over the next two years, leaving 70 or 80 that account for more than 95 per cent of its profit.

The strategy “showcases the fact that they want to be a more nimble organisation that can re-spond to consumer trends and competitive pressures” without sacrificing scale and leverage with retailers, said Lash, who rates P&G a buy.

Spectrum, whose pet-care brands include Tetra and Fur-minator, currently has pet-care sales of about $600 million a year. The transaction is expected to close next year, according to the statement. P&G, based in Cincin-nati, was little changed at $84.75 Tuesday in New York. The stock had advanced 4.2 per cent this year before Tuesday.

Stephen Harper Gold

Blackberry phone

BHP Billiton Ltd.’s coal venture with Japan’s Mitsubishi Corp. in Aus-

tralia will cut about 700 jobs to reduce costs after a decline in prices.

The industry faces “challenging market conditions and had to act to ensure the long-term viability of the business,” the BHP Billiton-Mitsubishi Alliance said Tuesday in a statement.

Some producers of coking coal, which is used to make steel, have closed or idled mines this year af-ter prices dropped to a six-year low

BHP’s Australian coal venture with Mitsubishi to cut 700 jobs

United Kingdom stocks fell for a second day, with the benchmark FTSE 100

Index losing the most in more than six months, as Shire Plc and AstraZeneca Plc declined.

Shire, which AbbVie Inc. agreed to buy earlier this year, slipped 2.5 percent after the U.S. government announced plans to crack down on American com-panies seeking tax-inversion deals. AstraZeneca and Smith & Nephew Plc, which have re-ceived bid interest from U.S. companies, each fell more than two per cent.

The FTSE 100 retreated 97.55 points, or 1.4 per cent, to 6,676.08 at the close of trading in Lon-don, after earlier falling as much as 1.9 per cent. The equity benchmark gauge dropped 0.9 per cent Monday, and is head-ing for a quarterly decline of one per cent. The broader FTSE All-Share Index lost 1.4 per cent Tuesday, while Ireland’s ISEQ Index fell 0.9 per cent.

The volume of shares traded in FTSE 100 stocks was 33 per cent higher than the 30-day aver-age, according to data compiled

BlackBerry Ltd.’s plans to unveil a square-screened smartphone are further

emphasising Chief Executive Officer John Chen’s shift away from the consumer market to-ward business and professional users.

The Passport is BlackBerry’s first major new device slated for a global introduction since Chen set out in November to turn around the company, and some details of the mobile phone have been slowly released for months. BlackBerry held events in To-ronto, London and Dubai before the company releases second-quarter earnings results.

The Passport has a 4.5-inch (11.4-centimeter) screen and a qwerty keyboard that doubles as a touch-sensitive swipe pad,

by Bloomberg.U.S. Treasury Secretary Ja-

cob J. Lew said Monday that the government was prepared to take action to hinder the ability of American companies to save taxes by seeking overseas deals that enable them to change legal address.

Shire slid 2.5 per cent to 5,100 pence, paring earlier losses of as much as 6.6 per cent. AstraZen-eca, the target of a failed bid by Pfizer Inc. in May, dropped 3.6 per cent to 4,414 pence. Smith & Nephew, which Stryker Corp. had evaluated as a takeover target, lost 2.8 per cent to 1,038 pence.

A gauge of health-care com-panies in the Stoxx Europe 600 Index fell the most since August 6. The measure had surged 20 percent this year through Mon-day’s close.

Tate & Lyle Plc plunged 17 per cent to 610 pence -- its biggest drop in almost seven years -- af-ter saying the first half of the year was challenging because of supply-chain disruptions and competition for its Splenda sweetener. The sugar maker

forecast full-year adjusted pre-tax profit of 230 million pounds ($376 million) to 245 million pounds. That fell short of the 288 million-pound average projec-tion of analysts in a Bloomberg survey.

Tesco Plc slid 4.2 per cent to 194.5 pence, extending its two-day decline to 15 per cent. Alan Stewart will start today as chief financial officer after gain-ing early release from Marks & Spencer Group Plc, as the U.K.’s biggest grocer seeks to repair the damage from overstating its profit guidance.

and the focus on work productiv-ity stands in contrast to Apple Inc.’s new iPhone 6 and larger iPhone 6 Plus that cater to video consumption for the consumer market. BlackBerry will sell the new handset for $599 in the U.S. without a mobile plan, undercut-ting the iPhone 6, which went on sale last week for $649.

Since taking the helm, Chen has outsourced manufacturing to Foxconn Technology Group and focused BlackBerry’s efforts on selling device management and messaging software to security-conscious companies and govern-ments. The Waterloo, Ontario-based company’s software is now available on iPhones and Android devices.

It’s all part of Chen’s plan to reach break-even cash flow by the

end of this fiscal year and return to profitability during the year that will end in March 2016. The company isn’t there yet, and ana-lysts are projecting a loss of 15 cents a share, excluding one-time items, for the quarter than ended August 31.

BlackBerry is trying to win back business users as its market is shrinking because more em-ployees are opting to bring their own device to work, said Ehud Gelblum, an analyst at Citigroup Inc. He estimated the number of employer-provided phones bought each quarter to be around one to 1.5 million, down from about three million four years ago.

“We therefore believe the suc-cess of the device business is once again in the hands of Black-Berry’s consumer fans, counter to CEO Chen’s enterprise first strategy,” Gelblum wrote in a note to clients Tuesday.

There’s stiff competition to win over consumers these days. Apple sold a record of more than 10 million iPhones the first weekend its two new versions hit stores sporting displays of 4.7 inches and 5.5 inches.

Apple is moving into business services, too. The tech giant an-nounced a partnership with In-ternational Business Machines Corp. in July to get more iPhones and iPads into businesses and ex-pand IBM’s mobile services.


U.K. stocks retreat as AstraZeneca, Shire shares decline

BlackBerry’s square passport phone targets business users

amid a global oversupply. The cuts by the BHP venture, the biggest ex-porter of the coal, follow a review of its mines in Queensland state.

The BHP-Mitsubishi venture operates seven Bowen Basin mines and the Hay Point coal terminal near Mackay.

BHP, the world’s third-biggest iron ore exporter, also plans to cut jobs at Port Hedland, the company said last week. Ore shipments through Port Hedland represented 55 per cent of the country’s exports of the raw material last year, port and government data show.

National 37Thursday, September 25, 2014 Global News

Barclays Plc agreed to pay a record 38 million pounds ($62 million) to

Britain’s market regulator for failing to properly protect 16.5 billion pounds of client assets, its second fine in the country this year.

The U.K. lender put clients of its investment bank at risk of incurring extra costs or los-ing their assets if Barclays had become insolvent, the Finan-cial Conduct Authority said in a statement on its website. The breaches took place from No-vember 2007 to January 2012.

The FCA said it was the big-gest fine U.K. regulators had im-posed for client asset breaches. Chief Executive Officer Antony Jenkins is trying to overhaul Barclays’s culture, vowing a commitment to integrity after a series of scandals at the bank. Repeat accusations of wrongdo-ing are undermining his plan. The lender was fined 26 million pounds in May by the FCA for control failings over its setting of gold prices and is fighting al-legations it misled customers of its dark pool.

“Barclays failed to apply the lessons from our previous enforcement actions,” Tracey McDermott, FCA director of en-forcement and financial crime, said in the statement.

The lender was fined 1.1 mil-

Barclays fined $62m onasset-protection failures

lion pounds in 2011 for similar violations. While clients didn’t lose money, they were put at risk of losses, Britain’s market watchdog said at the time.

Barclays, Britain’s second-largest bank, said in a separate statement on Tuesday that it ac-cepted the FCA’s findings and didn’t profit from the incidents.

“Barclays fell short of what is expected” by regulators, the bank said in its statement. “Barclays has subsequently enhanced its systems to resolve these issues.”

Barclays shares fell 1.3 per cent to 228.7 pence Tuesday in London. They have dropped about 16 per cent this year, mak-ing Barclays the worst perform-er among Britain’s five largest banks.

The bank failed to properly apply the regulator’s rules when opening 95 custody accounts in 21 countries, the FCA said. Bar-clays took eight months to iden-tify these accounts, after failing to notice it was in breach of the rules for at least three years, the FCA added.

The bank said it notified the regulator and fixed the matter “some time ago” in its statement. Barclays would have paid a 54 million-pound fine if it hadn’t agreed to settle with the FCA at an early stage, the regulator said.

Mitsubishi car

It is over one year since private investors who are known for expertise and professionalism took over the ownership and management of Electricity Generation Companies (GENCOs) and Elec-tricity Distribution Companies (DISCOs) in Nigeria. UDEME AKPAN however, reports that the great expectations of consumers have not yet been met.

Many Nigerians were exited to wit-ness the successful handover of the nation’s Electricity Genera-

tion Companies (GENCOs) and Electricity Distribution Companies (DISCOs) to pri-vate investors in 2013. The reasons were not farfetched.

First, everyone appeared to have been tired of the defunct Power Holding Compa-ny (PHCN) which failed to provide adequate and stable power to consumers nationwide.

Second, they felt that private inventors have the competence and capacity to fix the nation’s problematic power situation within a short period. Third, Nigerians also be-lieved that the investors have the financial muscles to inject huge funds into the sector. The private investors were also expected to have the discipline required to operate the firms.

Also, the Minister of Power, Prof. Chin-edu Nebo, who listed the investors as; West Power and Gas, owners of the Eko Distribu-tion Company; NEDC/KEPCO, Ikeja Distri-bution Company; 4power Consortium, Port Harcourt Distribution Company; Vigeo Consortium, Benin Distribution Company; Aura Energy, Jos Distribution Company; Kann Consortium, Abuja Distribution Company; Integrated Energy Distribution and Marketing Company, Ibadan and Yola Distribution Companies; Sahelian Power, Kano Distribution Company; Transcorp/Woodrock Consortium, Ughelli Power Plc; Mainstream Energy Limited, Kanji Power Plc; and CMEC/ EUAFRIC Energy JV, Sapele Power Plc equally raised hope.

Generally, Nebo described the handover as a great milestone in the Power Sector Re-form Roadmap that should give hope to all Nigerians, and inspire confidence in gov-ernment’s power reform programme. But these are not to be. National Mirror investi-gations showed that just over one year after the handover of the GENCOs and DISCOs, electricity supply remains low and unstable in all parts of the nation.

An authoritative Federal Government report puts the nation’s power generation presently at 4,000 megawatts, mw. This is grossly inadequate as the nation of over 160 million people which previously needed 10,000 mw may now need over 20,000mw to meet demand because of increased socio-economic development.

The situation is not without major rea-sons. First, investigations showed that the new investors have not yet injected signifi-cant funds into the capital intensive and technologically demanding sector. In fact, some of the firms have not even been able to resolve issues such as labour, staffing and training of personnel. One chief executive officer who preferred not to be named stat-ed, “Honestly, we underestimated the chal-lenges that stare the sector in the face. They are indeed enormous. We need a much lon-ger time to tackle the problems in the sector which have been there for several decades. I must confess that we are still making efforts to address preliminary issues such labour problems with unions. We are also review-ing our staff requirement as well as identify training needs. There is a great need for us to take them one after the other because they are important to our operations.”

in the TCN and elsewhere in the Nigerian electric¬ity supply industry.”

National Mirror found out that TCN has not yet been able to keep its promise to drastically reduce or completely eliminate transmission losses in the process of trans-mitting power for distribution in the nation. Probably excited about the contract, MHI had stated, “The operation of TCN includes, but is not limited to, the key three functions of Market Operator (MO), System Operator (SO), and Transmission Service Provider (TSP). Throughout the term of the contract,

Consumers’ illegal connections to a meter board

Afam power plant




Second, the nation lacked adequate in-frastructure to deliver gas to power stations. Some of the existing facilities, especially pipelines have not been connected to the na-tion’s thermal plants. This partly explains why efforts of stakeholders, especially the NNPC have not been fully felt.

The NNPC stated, “Between when Presi-dent Goodluck Jonathan came in, we were producing just about 300mscf per day and within the cur¬rent fiscal regime, we have been able to move to 1,500mscf per day. This, by any global standard is impressive and we also intend to continue to build on that.”

It added that efforts of the Federal Gov-ernment and others were constrained by many problems, especially pipeline van-dalism in different parts of the nation. The Corporation stated, ‘Majorly, it started with attacks on the oil and gas facilities purely for the sake of stealing the products. Unfortu-nately, the gas pipelines that were never ar-eas of attack came. For instance, the Escra-vos- Lagos-Warri pipe¬line was attacked last year. That was clearly a case of sabotage be-cause there was no way you could steal gas.

Third, the Board Chairman, Transmis-sion Company of Nigeria (TCN), Mr. Ibra-him Waziri, also attributed the poor state of power to various accidents. He said, “Then, of course, we had accidents along the Be-nin- Sapele road and a lot of transmission lines collapsed due to fire incidents. These affect¬ed a very small area in that locality in terms of giving them power. But like I said earlier, these issues are being addressed.”

Wakil said further, “It is projected that the TCN requires $8bn in the next five years to prosecute its capacity expansion pro-gramme. We hereby invite all and sundry to partake in this investment bonanza. Govern-ment has established various mechanisms to safe¬guard and protect your investments

one key objective for MHI will be to reorgan-ise TCN such that the TSP becomes a sepa-rate entity from the MO and SO allowing it to become a privatised commercial company.”

“MHI expects to turn TCN into a tech-nically and financially efficient, stable, and sustainable company; a company that will be market-driven and capable of utilising its maximum generation capacity and then dis-tributing the energy throughout Nigeria 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. To do this, MHI will have to focus on developing the profi-ciency of local personnel, “it stated.

Power: New investors complain, 38 National Mirror

www.nationalmirroronline.netThursday, September 25, 2014 Insight

Nothing has changed: Web-like wires like these still entangle electricity poles

Prof. Chinedu Nebo NERC boss, Dr. Sam Amadi

maintained save to the extent that they are modified by the order of the Commission.

The objectives of the rules are to estab-lish a framework to govern trading arrange-ments during the Interim period when Pow-er Purchase Agreements (PPAs) between the privatised Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) successor generation companies and Nigerian Bulk Electricity Trading Plc (NBET) and Vesting Contracts between NBET and the privatised PHCN successor distribution companies will not be effective.

It is also to manage the probable revenue shortfall in the industry by determining the revenue allowable to participants and ser-vice providers during the interim period. The objectives also include the establish-ment of payment arrangements and flow of funds from DISCOs through the market operator to all beneficiaries and to establish the sources of funds required to ameliorate the probable shortfall in the revenues col-lected by the Discos during the interim pe-riod.

The market operator shall ensure the DISCOs with invoices for their allocation of energy delivered and available capacity regulatory charges and services provided in each month during the interim period. In the event of disputes arising during the





Nigerians agonise period between participants and service providers, it shall be resolved in accordance with the disputes resolution provision of the market rules.

The questions many observers are asking are; what can be done to positively change the state of power in the nation and how long would it take to do so? Many ex-perts who remain optimistic believe a lot can be done to change the poor state of pow-er in the nation. For instance, the National president, Senior Staff Association of Elec-tricity and Allied Companies, SSAEAC, Engineer Bede Opara, stated that the new investors should invest adequate resources, especially funds in the sector.

He stated, “The sector is not for all kinds of investors. It is for those who have deep pockets and who are willing to make mas-sive investments for the medium and long term. The sector needs a lot of investment. The investors have to invest more funds in generation, transmission and distribu-tion before we can expect any significant improvement in the sector. Much improve-ment would not be accomplished without large inflow of funds.”

However, the future may not be bleak, especially as many local and foreign inves-tors are still interested in staking their re-sources in the sector. For instance, a Bra-zilian company, Benco Energy Limited, is set to add about 700mw to the national grid within the next three years.

The President of Benco Energy, Mr. Ro-diaigo Badien, who signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Federal Ministry of Power put the cost of the invest-ment at $800m, adding that it would take three years for the take-off of the plant.

This and other investments are expect-ed to impact positively on the sector in the coming years. But consumers who are in-terested in the problems may not be willing wait. All they seem to be saying is that they want power at the right price when they need it.

But the situation which remained un-changed has become a serious source of worry to some stakeholders. One of them is the Chairman of Nigeria Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC), Dr. Sam Amadi, who stated that it would be impera-tive for TCN to reduce transmission losses and deliver maximum electricity for distri-bution to consumers in various parts of the nation.

The distribution segment is also wors-ened by many problems such as inadequate meters, ‘crazy billing’ and extortion of con-sumers. Available facts and figures showed that NERC has at various times directed the DISCOs to address these and other matters.

Amadi stated, “With the wide gap in metering, which was put at 54.8per cent in 2012, resulting in very high estimation it became necessary to introduce a temporary measure for billing customers who are not effectively metered.

“If there is no electricity meter to record electricity usage at a customer’s supply ad-dress, the DISCOs must base customer’s bill on estimated energy consumption, which is calculated in accordance with a method approved by the Commission. Basically, es-timation should be on verifiable scientific method for monitoring and dispute resolu-tion purpose. It must also be reflective of lo-cal consumption pattern and close to actual

readings previously obtained.” Amadi enjoined the DISCOs to intensify

metering programmes to reduce estimation over medium to long-term. He also warned against the practice by some DISCOs who apply the unapproved estimation method that is based on averaging billed energy. But the reality is that many consumers have not yet been given electricity meters despite their endless visits to the premises of the DISCOs.

Meanwhile, the Transitional Electric-ity Market (TEM) expected to make posi-tive impact on the sector has not yet com-menced. Consequently, NERC has approved and signed into law the rules for the Interim period. The order which was signed by the Chairman and Chief Executive of the Com-mission provides for regulation which shall apply to energy produced and delivered as well as associated services during the in-terim period.

The rules which are in exercise of the powers conferred on the Commission by section 96 of the Electric Power Sector Re-form Act (2005). The Interim Rules are in-tended to cover all electricity taken from the transmission system by the distribu-tion companies with adjustment made to account for any bilateral arrangements be-tween the GENCOs and DISCOs.

The existing arrangements shall be

National 39Thursday, September 25, 2014 Insight

THE INVESTORS*West Power and Gas, owners of the Eko Distribution Company *NEDC/KEPCO, Ikeja Distribution Company *4power Consortium, Port Harcourt Distribution Company *Vigeo Consortium, Benin Distri-bution Company *Aura Energy, Jos Distribution Company *Kann Consortium, Abuja Distribu-tion Company *Integrated Energy Distribution and Marketing Company, *Ibadan and Yola Distribution Companies *Sahelian Power, Kano Distribution Company *Transcorp/Woodrock Consortium, Ughelli Power Plc *Mainstream Energy Limited, Kanji Power Plc *CMEC/ EUAFRIC Energy JV, Sapele Power Plc equally raised hope.

National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.net40 Thursday, September 25, 2014Cocktail

Deborah Williams, spokeswoman for “Big Marijuana. Big Mistake,

After a pizza delivery driver was injured in a crash in Port-

land, Oregon, two police of-ficers completed the delivery for him.

Steve Huckins tells KOIN ( that he and his wife were concerned Sept. 1 when the officers

showed up at their home, but they started laughing when they received the pizza.

They’re thanking Of-ficers Michael Filbert and Royce Curtiss for going out of their way.

The Pizza Hut driver hurt his neck and back in the col-lision at an intersection.

Have you ever dreamed of living inside of a shopping mall? Well,

now is your chance! Rhode Island’s Arcade Providence, built in 1928 and considered to be the world’s oldest in-door shopping center, has been converted into housing with a twist: 38 micro-apart-ments.

The building was desig-nated a National Historic Landmark in 1976, but due to a lack of maintenance, it continued to fall apart. That is, until developer Evan Granoff bought the build-ing in 2008 with the idea of introducing tiny-space living to the city. He thought the his-torical revival would serve

as both a preservation effort and a chance to create afford-able housing in the finan-cial district of Providence. With rents starting at $550 a month, the teeny-weeny pads range from 225 to 300 square feet and include a bedroom, a bathroom, a living room, built-in storage, and an oven-less kitchen. There are coffee shops and retail stores on the building’s first level, but sound from the commercial spaces is buffered by large bay windows, an idea inspired by old-ship construction.

While tiny-space living is not for everyone (or all their stuff), developers are target-ing fresh-out-of-college mil-lennials, who they say value


Micro apartments pop up in historic providence mall

Police deliver pie after Pizza Hut driver hurt

location over the size of their parents’ property.

A television reporter quit her job on live TV with a big four-letter flourish after re-vealing she owns a medical marijuana business and in-tends to press for legalization of recreational pot in Alaska.

After reporting on the Alaska Cannabis Club on Sunday night’s broadcast, KTVA’s Charlo Greene identi-fied herself as the business’s

owner.“Everything you’ve heard

is why I, the actual owner of the Alaska Cannabis Club, will be dedicating all my en-ergy toward fighting for free-dom and for fairness, which begins with legalizing mari-juana here in Alaska,” she said during the late Sunday evening newscast. “And as for this job, well not that I have a choice, but f--- it, I quit.”

She then walked off cam-

era. KTVA News Director Bert Rudman apologized for Greene’s “inappropri-ate language” and said she was terminated in state-ments Sunday. He apologized again Monday, this time for Greene’s ethical lapses.

“She had a personal and business stake in the issue she was reporting, but did not disclose that interest to us,” Rudman said in a state-ment.

“At KTVA we strive to live up to the highest journal-istic standards of fairness and transparency. Sunday’s breach of those standards is unacceptable and cannot be tolerated,” he said.

Greene is the profession-al name used by Charlene Egbe. She told The Associat-ed Press on Monday that she knew about a month ago that she would be leaving the way she did. No one else at the sta-tion knew anything about it, she said.

Alaska voters will decide in the November election whether to join Washington and Colorado in decriminal-izing pot.

Greene doesn’t believe the

manner of her departure is harming her cause.

“Are we talking about it, or not, because of what I did. Period,” she said. “It always goes back to the issue.”

Greene, 26, said she al-ways fact checked and was unbiased about the issue as a reporter.

“I’m passionate about do-ing my job, and at the time my job was being a journal-ist,” Greene said.

Alaska business records indicate Egbe registered the Alaska Cannabis Club name on April 20, or 4-20. The num-ber “420” has long been as-sociated with marijuana, though its origins as short-hand for pot are unclear.

Taylor Bickford, a spokes-man for a group backing the measure to legalize pot, said he hopes Alaska voters look beyond Greene’s salty lan-guage.

“I hope that her language, which clearly was not appro-priate for television, doesn’t distract from the importance of her message,” said Bick-ford, with the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol.

National 41Thursday, September 25, 2014 Capital Market


Gains recorded in the share prices of some highly capi-

talised stocks lifted the benchmark index of equi-ties on the Nigerian Stock Exchange yesterday.

The All Share Index ap-preciated 0.67 per cent to close at 40,809.32 points, as against the decline of 1.09 per cent recorded the preceding day to close 40,537.20 points.

Market capitalisation gained N90bn to close at N13.5trn, in contrast to the loss of N147bn record-ed the preceding day to close at N13.4trn.

The naira hit a two-week closing high of 162.65 against the

dollar on Wednesday, after the central bank sold green-backs directly to lenders to prop up the local currency, dealers said.

The currency closed 0.76 per cent firmer on the day, a level last seen on Sept. 9, compared with the previ-ous day’s close of 163.90 nai-ra. Dealers said the central bank sold an undisclosed amount of dollars to the in-terbank market.

The naira has been fall-ing for the past two weeks, weakened by the impact of the decline in global oil pric-es and low offshore inflows into the debt and equity markets, dealers said.

Currency traders said It-aly’s Eni sold $18 million on Wednesday while France’s Total sold $128m on Tues-day, as part of their month-end dollar sales, which helped lift the naira.

Meanwhile, stocks fell to a four-month closing low of 40,537 points on Tuesday, as a weaker naira hurt by fall-ing global oil prices damp-ened appetite for equities, dealers said.

The index shed 1.1 per cent on the day to its low-est closing level since May 28, dragged down by heavy-weight banking and cement stocks.

Shares in Dangote Ce-ment, the most capitalised stock, shed 1.73 per cent to N221, while Zenith Bank fell

3.64 per cent to N23.80.Bond yields also rose as

offshore funds sold naira as-sets, dealers said.

“It was a red day for the Nigerian bourse. We think the current negative market sentiment will persist into tomorrow’s session,” Vetiva Capital wrote in a note.

Yields on Nigeria’s 2024 bond, latest addition to a JP Morgan emerging market government bond index, GBI-EM, rose two basis points in the course of two days to 12.34 per cent, after rising 37 basis points over the past month.

The naira closed at N163.80 against the green-back, below the three-month low of N163.45 it touched a week ago, over

doubts on Central Bank’s ability to support the cur-rency against a backdrop of declining global oil prices and higher demand for dol-lars.

Brent crude fell below $98 a barrel on Monday, dropping for the third ses-sion in four, as sluggish de-mand and ample supplies outweighed expectations of a cut in oil output from the Organisation of the Petro-leum Exporting Countries, OPEC.

Other top decliners in-clude the local unit of Brit-ish drug maker GSK, down 7.69 per cent, while Guar-anty Trust Bank and FBN Holdings both lost more than 1.6 per cent.

Naira hits two-week high on CBN intervention

Equities rise 0.7% as May & Baker leads gainers


The national coun-cil of the Nigerian Stock Exchange

yesterday elected the for-mer Group Managing Di-rector of Access Bank, Mr. Aigboje Aig-Imoukhuede as new president.

He emerged the presi-dent following the deci-sion of Alhaji Aliko Dan-gote to step down as the president of the council at the 2014 Annual General Meeting of the NSE in La-gos.

However, Dangote will continue to serve on the national council as an ex-officio member pursuant to the Exchange’s Article

of Association.Aig-Imoukhuede has

been the first Vice Presi-dent of the national coun-cil of the NSE since May 2013.

His distinguished bank-ing career has spanned 25 years of which 10 were spent at Guaranty Trust Bank, where he resigned as executive director in March 2002.

He was the board chair-man of FMDQ OTC until August 2014, and is the chairman of WAPIC In-surance Plc.

A member of the Na-tional Economy Manage-ment Team and a founda-tion board member of the Africa Finance Corpora-

tion.As the chairman of

Friends Africa, a partner organisation of the Global Fund to fight HIV, Malaria and Tuberculosis, he led the Gift from Africa cam-paign which has raised millions of Dollars for the Global Fund.

Aig-Imoukhuede is Co-Chairman of the board of GBC Health and is a founding member of the Private Sector Health Alli-ance of Nigeria.

He is alumnus of Har-vard Business School hav-ing attended its Executive Management Programme and also an Honorary Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Bankers of

Nigeria.Aig-Imoukhuede holds

an LLB degree from Uni-versity of Benin and is qualifies to practice as a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of Ni-geria.

Also, Managing Partner at Chris Ogunbanjo & Co (Solicitors), and a Director and the Country Legal Ad-viser of ConocoPhillips, Mr. Abimbola Ogunbanjo, was elected as first Vice Chairman, while Manag-ing Partner and one of the founding partners of the law firm of Dikko & Mahmoud, Mr. Abubakar Balarabe Mahmoud, SAN, was elected as second Vice Chairman.

Ex- Access Bank GMD, Aig-Imoukhuede emerges NSE president

Stock Updates


MAYBAKER 1.52 1.66 0.14 9.21

GLAXOSMITH 60.00 64.74 4.74 7.90

CHAMPION 9.02 9.45 0.43 4.77

ROYALEX 0.51 0.53 0.02 3.92

GUINNESS 173.99 180.00 6.01 3.45

GUARANTY 28.00 28.90 0.90 3.21

NPFMCRFBK 0.96 0.99 0.03 3.13

DANGCEM 219.00 225.00 6.00 2.74

FCMB 4.09 4.20 0.11 2.69

LIVESTOCK 2.92 2.98 0.06 2.05


FIDSON 3.60 3.39 -0.21 -5.83

DANGFLOUR 6.89 6.55 -0.34 -4.93

JOSBREW 2.23 2.12 -0.11 -4.93

PREMBREW 4.87 4.63 -0.24 -4.93

UBN 9.80 9.32 -0.48 -4.90

TRANSEXPR 1.49 1.42 -0.07 -4.70

IKEJAHOTEL 1.94 1.85 -0.09 -4.64

ETI 18.84 18.02 -0.82 -4.35

MOBIL 179.95 174.00 -5.95 -3.31

CONTINSURE 0.98 0.95 -0.03 -3.06

Market indicatorsAll-Share Index 40,809.32 points

Market capitalisation 13.5trn

Source: NSE

On the sectorial indices, the NSE 30-Index gained 0.60 per cent to close at 1,858.49 points, while the Banking Index added 0.28 per cent to close at 419.74 points.

The Insurance Index dropped 1.14 per cent to close at 144.24 points, while the Consumer Goods Index dipped 0.35 per cent to close at 998.55 points.

The Oil and Gas Index depreciated 1.37 per cent to close at446.90 points, while the Lotus Islamic Index rose 0.47 per cent to close at 2,718.34 points.

The Industrial Index appreciated 0.47 per cent

to close at 2,773.64 points. The Alternative Securi-ties Market closed flat at 951.03 points.

May and Baker Plc led the gainers’ table with 14 kobo or 9.21 per cent to close at N1.66 per share, followed by Glax-oSmikline Plc with N4.74 or 7.90 per cent to close at N64.74 per share.

Champion Breweries Plc rose 43 kobo or 4.77 per cent to close at N9.45 per share, while Royal Exchange Plc added two kobo or 3.92 per cent to close at 53 kobo per share.

Guinness Plc was up N6.01 or 3.45 per cent to close at N180.00 per share.

Conversely, Fidson Healthcare Plc lost 21 kobo or 5.83 per cent to close at N3.39 per share, while Dangote Flour Plc shed 34 kobo or 4.93 per cent to close at N6.55 per share.

Jos Breweries Plc fell 11 kobo or 4.93 per cent to close at N2.12 per share, while Premier Breweries Plc fell 24 kobo or 4.93 per cent to close at N4.63 per share.

Union Bank Plc de-clined 48 kobo or 4.90 per cent to close at N9.32 per share.

A total of 427.8 million shares valued at N11.9bn were traded in 4,342 deals.

Description Price Yield Price Yield

13.05 16-AUG-2016 1.89 101.85 11.91 102.00 11.82

15.10 27-APR-2017 2.59 106.90 11.91 107.05 11.85

16.00 29-JUN-2019 4.76 114.20 11.98 114.50 11.91

16.39 27-JAN-2022 7.34 118.90 12.38 119.20 12.33

14.20 14-MAR-2024 9.47 109.50 12.46 109.80 12.41

10.00 23-JUL-2030 15.83 83.10 12.47 83.40 12.42

Tenor Rate (%)

O/N 10.9000

1M 12.0455

3M 12.9505

6M 13.8989

Maturity Date Bid Offer

25-Dec-14 10.55 10.84

9-Apr-15 10.25 10.85

3-Sep-15 10.35 11.47

Treasury Bills


FGN Bonds

Bid Offer

Closing Market Prices of September 24, 2014

The Fixings of September 24, 2014

1st Tier Securities1st Tier SecuritiesSector Company name No Of Deals Quotation(N) Quantity Traded Value of Shares(N)

Stock exchange daily equities summaryEquities as at September 24, 2014

Sector Company name No Of Deals Quotation(N) Quantity Traded Value of Shares(N)

National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netThursday, September 25, 2014 Capital Market42

Hajiya Zainab Maina


The Chairman of Peoples’ Democrat-ic Party, PDP, in

Kogi State has described those who defected to the All Progressives Con-gress, APC, as a bundle of self-centred opportunists.

Salawu told National Mirror in his office in Lo-koja yesterday that the de-fectors are not a threat to the PDP in the state.

According to him, the crowd that graced the de-fection ceremony was a

rented one.He said some gover-

nors came with between 30 and 40 buses to the rally in the state capi-tal ‘loaded’ with ‘rented’ supporters.

The chairman, who was reacting to the defec-tion of over 5,000 mem-bers of the PDP to the opposition APC, said the defectors left because of their personal interest.

According to him, the defectors in the state have no electoral value when it comes to the elec-tion proper.

Defectors are self-centered, says Kogi PDP chairman

L-R: Chairman, Northern Elders Council, Malam Tanko Yakasai; former Inspector-General of Police, Alhaji Muhammadu Gambo-Jimeta and former Nasarawa State Governor, Alhaji Aliyu Doma, during the Northern Elders Council meeting in Abuja on Tuesday. PHOTO: NAN


Minister of Wom-en Affairs and Social Develop-

ment, Hajiya Zainab Mai-na, has raised alarm that women and children con-stitute 90 per cent of casu-alties during conflicts, re-gretting that the situation has retarded progress in meeting up with national objectives.

At a presentation to mark the 2014 Internation-al Day of Peace, the min-ister called for concerted efforts to

stem the tide of vio-lence and conflicts in the country.

Hajia Maina noted that women are not the perpe-trators of conflicts, nei-

ther are they directly in-volved in war or decision making processes that often lead to conflicts, but they are always at the re-ceiving end.

She said the apparent need for women to be in-volved in peace and secu-rity processes led to the United Nations Security Council Resolution

1325 adopted by the Se-curity Council in October 2000.


The Evangelical Re-formed Church of Christ, ERCC,

has directed its members nationwide to dress in sackcloths and embark on a four-day fasting and prayers to seek God’s face towards ending the pro-longed killings of Nasara-wa citizens by insurgents.

President of the church, Very Rev. Lakayana Otso, gave the directive yesterday at the ERCC headquarters in Alushi, near Akwanga, when over 500 clergymen converged to offer prayers and supplications for the restoration of lasting peace

in Nasarawa State.Delivering words of ex-

hortation at the venue, the Very Rev. Ezekiel Rhila, tasked christians on seri-ous soul- searching and self examination.

He said the society is to-day bedeviled by crises be-cause man has turned away from his creator.

Reading from the book of Leviticus 26:14-46, which central theme was “God will punish his people when they turn away from him through wars, epidem-ics and famine,” the clergy-man charged believers to always turn to God when in difficulty for interven-tion, rather than resorting to violence.

‘Women, children major victims of confl icts’

Insurgency: Church declares 5-day mourning

He stressed that the PDP would continue to dominate the politics of the state as it has the ma-jority.

“The people who de-fected did so for their per-sonal ambitions. Clarence was a former acting gov-ernor and speaker, while

Abdullahi Bello was a for-mer speaker.

“The PDP has given them everything, and for them to decamp shows greed and personal ambi-tion. I leave them to God and their troubled mind,” the chairman stated.

Salawu said the PDP

government under Gov-ernor Idris Wada had per-formed very well in terms of human and infrastruc-tural development.

The government, he argued, had successfully turned the youths away from thuggery through empowerment.

On the his purported removal from office, the chairman disclosed that the state executive of the party had not been offi-cially dissolved, and that he remained the state chairman until the next congress is conducted by the party next month.

Katsina to immunise 2m children against polio

FG suffering us, Gombe PHCN retirees cry out

Unilorin VC, Oloyede bags national awards


Two million children are to be immunised against polio across

the 34 local council areas of Katsina State.

Speaking during a moni-

toring exercise yesterday, the Executive Chairman of the State Primary Health-care Development Agency, Dr. Muawuya Aliyu, said adequate vaccines had been procured to ensure a successful exercise.

Aliyu said as way of


Retirees of the de-funct Power Holding Company of Nige-

ria, PHCN, have blamed the Federal Government over the suffering they and their families are going through as a result of the non-payment of their four-month pension.

They have, therefore, called on President Goodluck Jonathan to match action with words and pay up the lingering arrears, as well as alleviate their suffering.

Speaking to journalists on behalf of their colleagues, Mr. Taiwo Idris and Malam Nuhu Abdullahi, said their families were going through very hard times because they depended on pension to meet up with their obligations.


The Vice Chancellor of the University of Ilo-rin, Professor Abdul-

ganiyu Ambali his immedi-ate predecessor, Professor Ish’aq Oloyede and Mallam Ola Olu Ali, SAN are among those to receive National Honours on Monday

While Prof. Ambali will be honoured with the Of-ficer of the Order of the Niger, OON, Award, Prof.

Oloyede will receive the award of the Officer of the Federal Republic, OFR, in the 2013/2014 edition of the National Honours Award.

The two consummate ac-ademics and astute admin-istrators of the university will formally receive the awards from the President along 303 other Nigerians and foreign friends of Nige-ria.

Ali has remained one of foremost young Senior Advo-cates of Nigeria, who cut his

teeth in Ilorin spanning three decades.

Announcing the ap-proved list of the National Honours Award recipients on behalf of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), Senator Anyim Pius Anyim, last Thursday (September 18, 2014), the Director (Special Duties Office), Mr. Adeyemo Tunde, said that the other honorees include the Min-ister of Education, Mallam Ibrahim Shekarau.

ensuring all children were immunised, additional per-sonnel were recruited and trained for the exercise, and that the immunisation would be continuous one.

He added that the state had yet to record any case of polio, and that state gov-

ernment would intensify efforts to ensure that the status quo was maintained.

The chairman, however, said the past and present successes in dealing with the disease could not have been possible without the strong support of commu-nity and traditional lead-ers.

He said some of the par-ents and communities that initially resisted immuni-sation for their children later allowed same follow-ing intervention from tra-ditional and community leaders.

According to them, “The Federal Government and of-ficials in charge of pension should come to our aid. This is our entitlement, and we need it to meet up with our family commitments.

“We are asking the au-thorities to respond to the voice of reason, because staging protests will not solve the problem; and we are not even ready for that in the first place.”

National 43Thursday, September 25, 2014 North

StorieS: Leonard okachie

As Nigeria moves towards the 2015 general elections, the United Nations has

called on young people to lead a major push for inclusive democ-racy around the world.

The world body made the call recently at the commemoration of the annual International Day of Democracy.

The UN General Assembly, in resolution A/62/7 (2007) encour-aged Governments to strengthen national programmes devoted to the promotion and consolidation of democracy, and also decided that September 15 of each year should be observed as the Inter-national Day of Democracy.

This year’s theme - Engag-ing Young People on Democracy - highlights the challenges and opportunities of young people en-gaging in democratic processes.

People between the ages of 15 and 25 constitute a fifth of the world’s population. In many de-veloping countries, the propor-tion is even higher – with the majority of young people today living in low - and middle-income countries.

Yet study after study shows de-clining faith among young people in politics, with decreasing lev-els of participation in elections, political parties and traditional social organizations across the world.

However, in his message to mark the Day, the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said: “I call on members of the largest generation of youth in history to confront challenges and consider what you can do to resolve them.”

He said that the world is more turbulent than ever, stressing that recent outbreaks of violence reaffirm that where societies are not inclusive, and where govern-ments are not responsive and accountable, peace, equality and shared prosperity cannot take hold.

UN urges young people to take lead in democracy

Youths protesting as Nigeria marked the 2014 Democracy Day.

world’s most pressing challeng-es,” he told the young people, “re-member that the United Nations stands at your side.”

The panelists included young activists from Central America, the Middle East and North Af-rica, and Central Asia, who spoke about the realities on the ground of practicing and promoting de-mocracy.

In Afghanistan, 68 per cent of the population is under 25 years of age, said Parliamentarian Farkhunda Zahra Naderi.

A member of the Lower House in Kabul, Ms. Naderi called the younger generation “the forgot-ten generation by politicians” and called on “believers in democ-racy” to realize that young people can learn and embrace the values of democracy.

“The younger generation, when they get involved, they will do so at the highest level of inter-

Ban stated the need for more to be done to empower individuals, to ensure that the voice of every group in society is heard.

“You have powers to network that would have been unimagina-ble when the United Nations was founded nearly 70 years ago,” he said in a message to young people, who “will be at the forefront of the world beyond 2015.” Take con-trol of your destiny and translate your dreams into a better future for all,” he added

According to UN figures, one out of five people today are be-tween the ages of 15 and 24. Yet youth participation in elections, political parties and traditional social organizations, particularly in developing countries, is on the decline.

In his message for the Day, the outgoing President of the General Assembly, John Ashe urged Mem-ber States, civil society and other stakeholders to work together to strengthen national programmes devoted to fostering voices of the young in all democratic process-es.

“We must work to ensure that young people’s human rights and fundamental freedoms are re-spected, promoted and fulfilled,” Mr. Ashe said, “and that future generations have a say in the de-cisions that will affect their lives and the lives of their children.”

In New York, Deputy-Secre-tary-General Jan Eliasson said the international community needs new tools and new ap-proaches to champion the partici-pation of young people in democ-racy.

Speaking at an event at the International Peace Institute, co-organized by the UN Work-ing Group on Democracy, the Community of Democracies, the Inter-Parliamentary Union, and International IDEA (Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assis-tance), Mr. Eliasson appealed to young people to “stay engaged, stay knowledgeable, stay in-volved.”

“As you debate some of the

est,” she told the UN News Centre. “I think it’s time for the world to fix one of its greatest mistakes, which was to ignore youth in de-cision making processes in demo-cratic institutions, and as a result of that, the threats around the world that we face.”

In Morocco, where young peo-ple between the ages of 15 and 29 make up one-third of the popula-tion, access to quality education and vocational training remain key hindrances to social partici-pation.

“The government has the obli-gation, in many countries by Con-stitutions, to make youth partici-pate in political life,” said Hafsa Afailal is a programme officer at the Médiateur pour la Démocra-tie et les Droits de l’Homme in Ra-bat, Morocco.

She stressed, however, that civ-il society also plays an important role in mediation between public institutions, the government, and

youth.In El Salvador, Gustavo Arturo

Martínez Rodríguez is a youth volunteer with the Coordinadora Intersectorial Pro Juventudes de El Salvador.

He said that despite a youth population of 63 per cent, there is insufficient outreach to en-gage with young people. He fur-ther advocated, along with Ms. Afailal, for age barriers against young people to stand for election to be eliminated. The panelists all agreed that young people had much to offer in both informal and formal political spheres.

The UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, Ahmad Al-hendawi, said, “Democracy today is being challenged and needs in-volvement of young people. In re-cent years, young people all over the world have raised their voices demanding to be heard – youth exclusion has proven to be costly and [it] creates instability.”

“Democracy is being chal-lenged today. For this generation, democracy is no longer about voting every four years,” he said, “it’s about direct engagement in the issues that affect their lives.”

In a statement, Alhendawi called for “democracy 2.0” which more systematically engages young people through modern, digital tools.

National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.net44 Thursday, September 25, 2014Young & Next Generation

The National Directorate of Employment (NDE) in Ekiti has charged youths

to embrace its Community Based Training Scheme.

The state Coordinator of the Directorate, Mrs. Adeola Sha-faru, gave the charge during the official flag off of the programme in Ilawe-Ekiti.

She said the programme was

NDE charges youths to adopt business-oriented skills organised to equip them with spe-cialised skills that would make them marketable, self reliant and be employers of labour.

Shafaru said the directorate had recruited 50 indigenes of il-legality to benefit from the pro-gramme scheduled to end on Nov. 30.

According to her, the beneficia-ries will be trained in five various

fields, such as bead- making, soap making, campala making, event management and fashion design-ing.

She noted that the benefi-ciaries would be resettled with starter packs in cash and other material in form of loan after the completion of the training.

The NDE boss advised the ben-eficiaries to pay attention to their

master trainers to enable them acquire the best knowledge.

In his address, Oba Adebanji Ajibade of Alawe, thanked the management of the directorate for bringing the training pro-gramme to his community.

He advised the beneficiaries to be devoted, committed and hard working while they engage in the training.

The monarch promised to support the directorate for the success of the programme in his town.

Speaking on behalf of the trainers, Mr. Aluko Oni, com-mended NDE for selecting them to participate in the programme.

He promised that they would demonstrate commitment and hard work to acquire the basic knowledge during the training.

Participants at an empowerment seminar.

Pupils in classroom.

Children playing at a recreational centre in Lagos.

NOA inaugurates initiative on youth empowerment


The National Orientation Agency, NOA, has developed an initiative called Employment by Merit to curb

the menace of youth unemployment and

Almost all of us have at some point been told that we were talking in our sleep the night before. It can

be a disturbing thing to hear. “Did I say anything embarrassing?” we might won-der, or, “Did I spill the beans?” There’s also the possibility that our words re-vealed some deep subconscious desire of which we are normally unaware. In any case, we are morbidly curious: “What did I say?”

Usually, nothing interesting. Studies have found that most sleep speeches are brief, nonsensical utterances lasting just one or two seconds rather than noteworthy ruminations.

Sleep talking, also known as somnilo-quy, may occur during both the REM (rapid eye movement) and non-REM sleep phas-es. When it happens during REM sleep — the stage during which we dream — it’s caused by “motor breakthrough” of dream speech: One’s mouth and vocal cords, usu-ally inactive when we’re sleeping, briefly

Childhood mentors have positive impact on career success -Study

Why do people talk in their sleep? get switched on, and words spoken by one’s character in a dream are spoken out loud.

Sleep talking may also occur during “transitory arousals,” when a sleeper becomes half-awake while transitioning from one stage of non-REM sleep to anoth-er. In both cases, it happens when certain aspects of wakefulness intrude during our sleep time, allowing us to talk (but prevent-ing us from making much sense).

It’s hard to gauge how common it is for people to talk in their sleep, because we usually sleep through the experience, and (unless we’re screaming) so do our bed-fellows. Estimates vary, but studies have found that more than half of children probably deliver the occasional somnilo-quy, and the behaviour becomes less com-mon as we age.

Other types of parasomnia, such as sleepwalking and teeth grinding, follow the same pattern. Chronic sleep-talking in adulthood is considered to be a sleep disor-der, and may result from stress and other factors. [What Do Babies Dream About?]

Young people who have had mentors are more likely to find work early in their careers that gives them more

responsibility and autonomy -- ultimately putting them on a path to more financially and personally rewarding careers.

New research from North Carolina State University finds that young people who have had mentors are more likely to find work early in their careers that gives them more responsibility and autonomy -- ultimately putting them on a path to more financially and personally rewarding careers.

“We wanted to look at the long-term im-pacts on mentees in naturally occurring mentorship relationships, rather than par-ticipants in formal mentorship programs,” says Dr. Steve McDonald, an associate pro-fessor of sociology at NC State and lead au-thor of a paper on the work. “And we found that having a mentor provides a clear ben-efit well into their working lives.”

The researchers evaluated data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Adoles-cent Health, which asked more than 12,000 people in their teens and early 20s if they had ever had a mentor. Six years later, those young people were surveyed again and asked about their work. But the researchers did more than just compare numbers from the survey.

“People from socioeconomically advan-taged backgrounds are more likely to have

National 45Young & Next GenerationThursday, September 25, 2014

mentors,” McDonald says. “We wanted to find a way to determine which professional benefits stem from mentorship, as opposed to benefits that came from socioeconomic advantages.”

The researchers did this by using a model that compared people from nearly identical backgrounds in which the only difference was whether they had a mentor. The re-searchers then examined how these differ-ent groups fared in the job market.

“We found that overall employment and compensation were about the same,” says Joshua Lambert, co-author of the paper and a Ph.D. student at NC State. “But people who had mentors when they were younger had greater ‘intrinsic’ job rewards.”

Intrinsic job rewards are things like au-thority and autonomy, which make work more personally fulfilling.

“The findings imply that mentees learn to place a higher value on jobs with more in-trinsic rewards -- and those same character-istics are associated with long-term career success,” McDonald says.

The paper, “The Long Arm of Mentoring: A Counterfactual Analysis of Natural Youth Mentoring and Employment Outcomes in Early Careers,” is published online in the American Journal of Community Psychol-ogy. The research was supported by a grant from the U.S. Department of Labor.

Source: North Carolina State University

Science for kids

restiveness in Nigeria.The Director-General of the Agency,

Mr. Mike Omeri disclosed this in Abuja re-cently, when he received Golden Touch Bas-ketball, a non-governmental organization specialized in talents hunt and sponsorship amongst youth in the country.

According to him, the initiative by the

Agency would accommodate 40 scholar-ships strictly on merit for talents in sports and vocational programmes.

Omeri commended the NGO for what he called selfless service to the youth in our society, adding that ‘getting the youth engaged positively should not be left in the hands of governments alone,’ while appeal-ing to other Nigerians to emulate such ef-forts.

While encouraging youths to avail them-selves of the opportunity provided by the NGO, Omeri cited a renowned Hakeem Ola-juwon in the US NBA whom he said started playing basketball on the streets in Lagos and became great in world basketball.

Speaking earlier, the Manager and Co-ordinator of Golden Touch Basketball Club, Amb. Huzi Mshelia said the outfit chose NOA as partner to identify with the Agency’s “Do the Right Thing” and com-mended NOA for ‘championing’ the course of youths in the country.

Mshelia said: “The club has been able to identify talents in the youth through their programme to help fight youth joblessness, while encouraging others to engage in sim-ilar service.”

Meanwhile, as part of mechanism put in place to reposition itself through staff capacity building, the Agency has com-menced training of over 1,000 staff on ef-

fective report writing, information man-agement, monitoring and evaluation of reports.

The Director General of NOA, Mr. Mike Omeri disclosed this on Monday, in Abuja while briefing staff on the programme fo-cus of the Agency for the rest of the year.

He said: “The importance of improving the knowledge base of staff on effective reporting and documentation of national events in standardized format is in line with the Transformation Agenda of gov-ernment. The statutory bodies are man-dated to be the source and mouthpiece of government on information, public en-lightenment and mass mobilization. The staff of the Agency need regular re-tooling if they will successfully re-orientate citi-zens to adapt ethical values.

“This training will, in addition, enable NOA staff to better articulate and manage issues arising from specific events and situ-ations, which will translate into sound pro-grammes by the Agency.”

Speaking further, the NOA boss also, ex-plained that, the trainees would be drawn from the Community Orientation and Mobilization Officers and the Planning, Research as well as Strategy Officers in all 37 State Directorates and 774 Local Govern-ment offices of the Agency across the coun-try.

...trains staff on effective reporting

National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.net46 Thursday, September 25, 2014

A cross section of journalists at a workshop.

MRA Executive Director, Edetaen Ojo

Journalists urged to expose criminals, promote peace Sekinahl lawal & leonard okachie

Journalists have been charged not to glamorize criminals who intend to undermine the sovereignty and

unity of the country, rather such per-sons should be reported as enemies of the nation.

Governor Adams Oshiomhole of Edo State who gave this charge when he played host to the National Executive Council of the Nigeria Union of Journalists, NUJ, led by its Chairman, Mallam Mohammed Gar-ba at the Government House, also urged journalists to serve as watchdogs and in-sist that votes must count in the 2015 gen-eral elections.

The Chairman of NUJ, Comrade Mo-hammed Garba said they were in the state for the NEC meeting of the union and to use the opportunity to take stock of what the NUJ has achieved so far and the chal-lenges for the 2015.

He commended the governor for recog-nising that the media has a role to play to-wards the development of the society and his developmental strides in the state call-ing for its sustenance.

Governor Oshiomhole said: “I am happy that the NUJ has maintained the tradition of accountability. As the 2015 elections are approaching, it is my belief that it is the responsibility of the NUJ to make it loud and clear that the votes must count. If they don’t count then democracy is worse than civilian dictatorship.

“The NUJ must ensure that democra-cy is seen for what it is as it is, not just a means to an end but also an end in itself. It is not enough for us to build roads but the right to appropriate resources to build the roads is also important.

“We must insist as journalists that the

language of politics reported in the media is civil. We must recognize the line of dif-ference between an enemy and an oppo-nent. That the language is not to kill but to defeat and that the tool is to win and not to capture.

“If votes don’t count, then democracy is worse than civilian dictatorship. NUJ must ensure that democracy is seen for what it is as it is, not just a means to an end but also an end in itself. It is not enough for us to build roads but the right to appro-priate resources to build the roads is also important. We must recognize the line of difference between an enemy and an oppo-nent. That the language is not to kill but to defeat and that the tool is to win and not to capture.

“Unfortunately in our political environ-ment politicians make promises and once elections are over, you would never return back to recall the promises and to see to

what has not been done and to explain why it has not be done. So I believe that unions represent the best interest of democracy. You must continue to maintain that leader-ship role”.

“For me, neither journalists nor politi-cians or trade unionists can be in business without Nigeria as a country as such if anyone is doing anything that is designed and intended to undermine the territorial integrity of this great nation and to weak-en our victories of unity, you who have expended so much energy historically in building bridges even when politicians de-stroyed these bridges, you cannot be neu-tral.

“You have to be on the side of one in-divisible Nigeria. When I read headlines about the challenges that we face and some people reduce them to religious issues, I get very worried.”

Meanwhile, journalists have been urged

to be to be sensitive in order not to aggra-vate conflicts through their reportage.

The Director, International Press Cen-tre (IPC), Mr. Lanre Arogundade Aro-gundade who made the appeal in Lagos recently said that the media had a criti-cal role to play in conflict management and should not sensationalise news reporting.

Arogundade said: “The media has the power, the potential and the stake to influence the outcome of a conflict situ-ation. Conflicts sell; however, conflict resolution and management align with media role of disseminating truthful information.

``The media should not use its reporting as a tool to aggravate a conflict situation and incite hatred among disputing parties. They (media) should be wary of causing unnecessary panic.’’

According to him, journalists have the social responsibility to promote human rights, democracy, justice, equity and peace in the society.

``Conflict sells but so do conflict resolu-tion. The media plays both negative and positive roles in national peace and secu-rity,’’ he said.

Arogundade urged journalists to be conflict-sensitive in order to promote peace in the society, stressing that lack of professionalism through inaccurate and misleading news reporting could incite the public to violent acts and worsen a conflict situation.

The IPC director, who advised journal-ists to verify facts before publishing, said it was not right to publish misleading re-ports.

``Facts are sacred while opinions are free. The soul of good journalism is pains-taking investigation and verification of facts. A journalist should always question sources’ motives before promising ano-nymity,’’ he said.

leonard okachie

Media Rights Agenda, MRA, yes-terday called on the State Secu-rity Service SSS, and the Niger

State government to immediately charge Tega Oghenedoro, the journalist arrest-ed for allegedly demanding N50 Million bribe, to a court of competent jurisdic-tion, if they have actionable evidence against him

In a statement in Lagos, the organiza-tion contended that Oghenedoro’s deten-tion without charge is illegal and con-stitutes a violation of his fundamental rights. It called on the SSS and the State government to release him forthwith if they have no evidence to charge him to court.

MRA’s Deputy Executive Director, Ms Jennifer Onyejekwe, deplored the ac-

MRA wants Oghenedoro charged to court tion of the SSS in parading him before the media, thereby subjecting him to me-dia trial, instead of taking him before a court of law.

She noted that any person accused of any offence is presumed innocent until proven guilty by a court of competent jurisdiction and wondered why the se-curity agency and the State government opted to parade him before the media instead of charging him to court follow-ing their claim of having mounted an elaborate sting operation to ensnare him which should have given them sufficient evidence with which to try him, if their claims are true.

Oghenedoro, a staff of the Nigerian Television Authority in Asaba Delta State, allegedly using the pen-name of “Fejiro Oliver” was initially declared missing on September 19, 2014 but parad-ed by the SSS before the media in Minna

on September 22 on an allegation that he demanded a bribe of N50 million to suppress a story about Governor Muazu Aliyu of Niger State.

Governor Aliyu’s spokesperson, Isra-el Ebije accused Oghenedoro of “using mushroom online platforms to black-mail innocent Nigerians”, adding: “that after it became clear that the journalist was out to blackmail officials of the state government, he (Ebije) issued a state-ment warning him to refrain from his actions or be exposed.

Ebije said, “I even put out a caveat to him through his so-called secret report-ers warning him of the consequences of his actions, but because he is greedy he insisted.”

Ebije also release transcript of alleged text messages exchanged between Ogh-enedoro and the Secretary to the State Government before his departure from

Asaba and upon arrival at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport in Abuja after which he was arrested by the SSS.

Oghenedoro remains in detention without trial five days after his arrest.

Greene on air

Information Minister, Labaran Maku

Leonard okachie

Information officers have been told that they must be willing to respond to freedom of information requests

and engage in proactive disclosure.The Director-General, Bureau of Pub-

lic Service Reforms (BPSR), Dr Joe Abah, who said this noted that members of the public needed to be adequately informed on government policies that would better their livelihood.

Speaking at a workshop organised for Information Officers on Communicating the Public Service Reforms in Abuja, Abah stressed “`Public service is after all public, rather than private.”

Abah said: “The public discourse in Ni-geria is often dominated by politics; this means that many citizens are not aware of

‘Information officers must respond to FOI requests’

TV reporter quits on airMedia Abroad

KTVA reporter Charlo Greene quit her job on live TV, outing herself as the owner of an Alaskan cannabis

club and declaring “f*ck it”.Having grown weary of reporting the

news, Greene told viewers she would in-stead be putting all her energy into the fight to legalise marijuana in the state, having previously reported on the Alaska Cannabis Club without mentioning her connection to it.

In a jaw-dropping twist to the end of a segment she was presenting, she said: “Now everything you heard is why I, the actual owner of the Alaska Cannabis Club, will be dedicating all of my energy toward fighting for freedom and fairness which begins with legalizing marijuana here in Alaska.

“And as for this job, well, not that I have a choice but, f**k it, I quit.”

The Alaska Cannabis Club, which con-nects medical marijuana cardholders with local growers, urged its Facebook followers to tune into KTVA earlier in the evening.

Following Greene’s mic drop, the main anchor could only stutter: “Alright we apol-ogise for that….we’ll, we’ll be right back.”

Green has since started an Indiegogo campaign for cannabis reform, explaining in its summary: “I’m Charlo Greene, the president and CEO of the Alaska Cannabis Club - Alaska’s only legal medical marijua-na resource.

“I just quit my news reporting job on live TV to announce that I am redirecting all of my energy toward helping to end a failed drug policy that has ruined the lives

government efforts to improve their lives.“Thankfully, the press are becoming

more balanced in their reporting, also be-ing willing to publicise good news rather

National 47MediaThursday, September 25, 2014

Zambia’s Information and Broad-casting Services Minister Joseph Katema has launched a code of eth-

ics for Zambian media.Katema told Zambian media at the

launch of the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) in Lusaka, they must be loyal to the public and are responsible for delivering the truth to the public, rather than to individuals and their private agen-das.

Katema said all media institutions in the country, whether private or public, should maintain high ethical and profes-sional standards in carrying out their noble role of informing, educating and en-tertaining the public.

The minister said the media must main-tain its core values of objectivity, profes-sionalism and responsibility in the way it discharges its duties. He added that the more freedom the media had, the more re-sponsibility it has to exercise that freedom as it was a basic equation of ethical and professional media practice.

Katema said the government did not expect the media to have any difficulties in complying with the ethical guidelines, as the principles and ideas were already

A newspaper launched to great fan-fare in California in April this year is to close with immediate

effect, says its publisher. The Los Angeles Register was founded

by Aaron Kushner, chief executive of the Freedom Communications group, which publishes the Orange County Register.

A memo signed jointly with his partner, Eric Spitz, said: “Pundits and local compet-itors who have closely followed our entry into Los Angeles will be quick to criticise our decision to launch a new newspaper and they will say that we failed.

“We believe, the true definition of failure is not taking bold steps toward growth.”

The company will now focus on its core markets in Orange County, Riverside and San Bernardino counties where it has long enjoyed newspaper dominance.

Zambian launches code of ethics for journalists Los Angeles newspaper closes six months after launch

known to media practitioners. He reiter-ated the government’s commitment to a free, independent and professional media, emphasising that it would never interfere in the operations of the media.

IBA director general Josephine Mapo-ma said the launch of the guidelines will enhance the work the broadcasters are already carrying out and promote profes-


Los Angeles Register

than just focus on bad news. Their pro-fessionalism and patriotism is to be com-mended and supported.

“I urge resident information of-ficers to treat members of the press as partners in progress, rather than as adversaries.

``This means that as public servants we must be available to answer questions when they are asked by the press.We must be available to explain government policy; we must respond to freedom of informa-tion requests.”

He said that information officers must be willing to respond to freedom of infor-mation requests and engage in proactive disclosure, adding ``Public service is after all public, rather than private.”

Earlier, the Director, Public Communi-cation, Federal Ministry of Information, Mr. Emmanuel Agbegin, said that the

workshop was designed to give the resi-dent information officers deeper under-standing of public service reforms.

He said that would equip them with the best approach to communicate the reforms to members of the public.

``The world is not static and mod-ern methodologies on every subject, including reforms, are being propa-gated daily to improve citizens’ welfare and make the world a better place,” he said.

Agbegin said that competent informa-tion officers from the Federal Ministry of Information had been posted to Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) for ef-fective communication between the MDAs and the public.

``These offices are our outlets for in-formation to the media and the outside world,” he said.

of far too many Americans.” KTVA could only apologise on Twitter,

saying rather worryingly (and hopefully erroneously) that Charlo had been “termi-nated”.

“Viewers, we sincerely apologize for the inappropriate language used by a KTVA reporter on the air tonight,” it wrote. “The employee has been terminated.”

sionalism among them.Ms Mapoma said the IBA expects each

broadcast station to domesticate the guide-lines to support their existing editorial policies, thereby protecting them and the public.

“In launching these documents today, we are not in any way suggesting that your editorial policies are null and void, but these guidelines are meant to sup-port your editorial policy on one hand and protect you on the other hand,” Ms Mapoma said.

Information and Broadcasting Ser-vices Permanent Secretary Bert Mush-ala said at the same function, the IBA had since issued 10 construction per-mits for radio stations, seven test trans-mission licences, six for radio cover-age expansion and 12 full broadcasting licences.

Mushala said Zambia currently has 73 radio stations and 12 television stations, adding, “The increased number of radio and television stations has led to easy ac-cess to information by the general public, which is key in fostering national, social and economic development.”

Source : IFEX

National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.net48 Thursday September 25, 2014 National Mirror

For us as a state, we are embarrassed because in four years we have done nothing but to respect the

independence of our judiciary.EKITI STATE GOVERNOR – KAYODE FAYEMI

Community Mirror48


A suspected electric cable thief has been electrocuted

in Katsina. The incident happened near the Kat-sina Openair Theatre, at the Kofar Guga area of the state.

The yet-to-be identified

deceased was said to have entered a hedge around the transformer shortly after public power supply went out.

But while vandalising the transformer, power supply was immediately restored and he was elec-trocuted in the process.

The incident is coming on the heels of vandal-

isms by suspected cable thieves in some parts of the state capital.

A statement by state command of Nigeria Se-curity and Civil Defence Corps, NSCDC, said they rushed to scene of inci-dent to discover the life-less body of the victim.

The statement, signed by the spokespersn, Ali-

yu Jamilu said staff of the History and Culture Bureau was reporting to work when they saw the body of the suspected thief within the trans-former perimeter hedge.

It quoted the head of NSCDC’s anti vandal unit, BishirDansada as saying that the suspect was be-lieved to be a cable vandal

Cable thief electrocuted in KatsinaCable thief electrocuted in Katsina


A 45-year-old estate agent, Joy Ikpatt, has been arraigned

before an Apapa Magis-trates Court on three counts charge of conspiracy, fraud and stealing.

Ikpatt was alleged to have collected N7milion from one Mrs. Ismaila Ad-eyinka, on the pretext of selling a three bedroom flat to her.

Police said the suspect, Joy Ikpatt, was a member of a syndicate whose other members are still on the run.

Adeyinka reported the matter to the police when the group did produce the flat as agreed, and never re-turned her money.

It was learnt that the gang had obtained the mon-ey from the woman since October, 2011, and promised to secure the apartment lo-cated in the FESTAC Town area of Lagos State.

The Investigating Police Officer said the charges were contrary to and pun-ishable under sections 409, 312 and 285 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2011.

The charges partly read, “That you, Joy Ikpatt and others at large, on October 29, 2011, at 4th Avenue, FES-TAC Town, Lagos in the Apapa Magisterial District did conspire to commit felo-ny to wit; obtaining money under false pretences and stealing.

“That you and others at large, on the same date, time and place in the afore-

Personnel of Nigeria Customs Service intercepting a van loaded with bags of rice on Eko Bridge, Lagos yesterday. PHOTO: YINKA ADEPARUSI

who met with his death attempting to steal wires from the transformer.

Dansada, called on the public to desist from cable thefts due to the danger that is associated with such illicit activities.

He reiterated the com-mand’s commitment in ridding the state of crimi-nal elements, and that a 24- hour patrol would be intensified by NSCDC to check the activities of vandals.


An ex- convict, Dare Adedokun, has been sentenced to four

and half years imprison for arson and burglary by an Osogbo Chief Magistrate sCourt.

Adedokun was said to have conspired with one Adeniran Joshua, to burgle and set a shop ablaze after stealing items inside.

Adedokun, who was arraigned on a five-count charge, committed the of-fence with his colleague between August 19 and 29, 2014, even as he pleaded guilty to all the charges.

The other accused, Ad-eniran Joshua, however pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Addressing the court, the police prosecutor, Corporal Adepoju Sunday, said the men committed an offence contrary to and punishable under section 516, 411 (1) (2), 390(9), and 433(a) of the Criminal code cap. 34 Vol. II

law of Osun State, 2003. He further explained that

the accused on August 19, 2014 burgled a beer drinking joint belonging to Ismaila Alamu at Ajepo’s Com-pound of Ejigbo,Osogbo carting away properties val-ued at N30, 000.

He also alleged that the two later returned to the beer parlour and set it ablaze few days later.

Ruling on the matter, Magistrate, Adebayo Lasisi, sentenced Adedokun to four and half years imprison-ment with hard labour, say-ing such character should be kept away from the larger society.

Ex-convict jailed for burglary in Osun

mentioned magisterial dis-trict, did by false pretence and with intent to defraud obtain the sum of N7m from Mrs. Ismaila Adey-inka with the pretence that you are in a position to sell a three bed room flat apart-ment in Block 12 Avenue FESTAC Town, Lagos.

“That you and others at large on the same date, time and place in the afore-mentioned magisterial dis-trict stole the sum of N7m property of Mrs. Ismaila Adeyinka.”

After the defendant pleaded not guilty to the of-fences, the Magistrate, Mr. M.K.O. Fadeyi, admitted him to bail in the sum of N500, 000 with two sureties each in the like sum.

Fadeyi said the sure-ties must be gainfully em-

Estate agent arraigned for alleged fraud

Flood destroys properties in Ogun



Two siblings have died in Ilorin, Kwara State after

drinking a local herbal concoction.

The incident occurred at Ologbondoroko and Bo-fara’s compounds, Adeta Ilorin, in Ilorin West Lo-cal Government Area of

Kwara StateIt was gathered that their

father, Mallam Orire Azeez, was not at home when the incident occurred.

Also, the neighbours dis-covered that sister to the de-ceased, Rasheedat who also consumed the concortion survived.

Witnesses said the late siblings started vomiting after drinking the concoc-

tion while complaining of abdominal pains.

It was gathered that one Mallam Yinusa Akeju, who drank the concoction also died.

Similarly, one Mallam Gani Omoiya a vulcaniser, also died while another Mallam Orire Saka who drank the concoction dis-covered dead in his apart-ment.

Siblings die after drinking herbal concoction

ployed and submit their evidence of tax payment to the court. The matter was adjourned till October 3, 2014 for trial.

CP, Solomon

Thursday September 25, 2014 Community Mirror National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.net49

Flood destroy properties in Ogun Flood destroy properties in Ogun

Cars and pedestrians trying to wade through a collapsed portion on the Lagos-Abeokuta Expressway after a heavy downpour. PHOTO: YINKA ADEPARUSI

The Chairman of Odeda local govern-ment in Ogun State,

Hon. Sulaiman Mukaram Adebayo has sought the intervention of the gov-ernment on infrastruc-tural development of the council area.

Sulaiman made the appeal during the assess-ment tour of Governor Ibikunle Amosun to the council area on Septem-ber 17,201 4.

He especially sought the urgent intervention on the construction of roads leading from Somorin to Kemta Housing Estate and

Gbonagun to Bode Olude, to ease traffic congestion usually experienced by motorists on the Adatan –Obantoko – Osiele axis of Ibadan Road.

According to a re-lease from the Director of Information,Mr. Tope Oyekan the council boss pleaded for the gover-nor’s assistance on the construction of rural roads, many of which are in a deplorable condi-tions, among which are Akomojeto Iyana Abibu; Orile Ilugun to Olokemeji ; Odeda toAlabata; Odeda toOgunmakin; Federal

University of Agriculture to Alabata;Osiele town-ship roads.

Also in an attempt at bringing succour to the people, the local govern-ment in conjunction with stakeholders had put to-gether a document titled, Odeda Intervention Proj-ects, OIP, which will be presented for consider-ation and approval of the governor.

While responding to the pleas, Governor Amo-sun assured the people of his administration’s readiness to rehabilitate the road from Abeokuta

to Bakatari,while urging them to continue to sup-port his rebuilding mis-sion.


The Tunji Adebayo Foundation, con-sisting of moth-

erless babies home and vocational centre, will be celebrating its 10th year anniversary

According to the foun-dation, highlight of the anniversary will be a seminar and vocational training awareness for pupils and youths, to functionally educate them on such issues, af-fecting their generation against the societal fail-ures that sometimes lead to unwanted pregnancies and child abandonment.

In addition, nanny training for children and lecture on care givers and other children tenders including midwives and the true professionals of such disciplines, will all

be handled by university dons and other profes-sionals on September 27, 2014 at the Foundation secretariat.

This will be followed by an award and prize giving ceremony on Sat-urday, September 28, to appreciate all the notable dignitaries and contribu-tors to its success till date.

The ceremony will also feature awards to the founding members of staff and other long standing partners and notable donors to the motherless home.

Founder of the or-ganization, Mr. Tunji Adebayo said the voca-tional training in differ-ent disciplines and pro-fession, is to equip the youths and prevent them against crimes and indis-cipline in the society and the nation at large.

Foundation to celebrate anniversary


In appreciation of the Transformation Agenda of the Fed-

eral Government and the dedication of the man-agement in repositioning the rail sector, the Arewa Community South West Forum has presented the Award of Excellence to the Managing Director of Nigerian Railways Corpo-ration, Engineer Adeseyi Sijuwade.

Presenting the award at a ceremony attended by the corporation’s manage-ment and Arewa commu-nity in Lagos, the award

committee chairman, Hon. Alhaji Mohammed Zaki described Adeseyi Si-juwade as an uncommon technocrat who has tre-mendously improved the operational efficiency of the railways.

He called on Nigerians to support the vision of Engr. Adeseyi Sijuwade and his team in moving the Nigerian rail sector to the next level. He also commended the corpora-tion for the commence-ment of petroleum prod-ucts transportation and heavy duty machines to the North.

Speaking on the award, the coordinator of the socio-cultural organisa-tion, Alhaji Mohammed Adamu said, Adeseyi Si-juwade, has distinguished himself as an exemplary leader with expertise in re-engineering the rail-ways for national econom-ic buoyancy.

Arewa community South West Forum is a non-governmental organ-isation set up to provide a social transformation platform for persons from the North and the Nigeria Youths.

Association lauds achievements of railway boss


Property worth mil-lions of naira have been destroyed

in the Lafenwa area of Abule - Otun axis in the Abeokuta South local government, following a heavy downpour wit-nessed in the metropolis at the late hours of Tues-day.

Asidefrom the prop-erty lost to the flood, eye witnesses also told Na-tional Mirror that an un-

identified elderly cripple man wasrescued from being swept away during the disaster thatravaged the area.

Our correspondent who visited the scene of the flooding alsoobserved that some of the hous-es within the area also gaveway to the flood as a result of the blockage of thewaterways.

Anunconfirmed report also had it that a toddler was swept awayby the flooding, while residents had hectic night salvag-

ingremnants of their properties that could be evacuated andscooping water from their houses.

Some of the top gov-ernment officials whoac-companied the state gov-ernor, Ibikunle Amosun on anon-the-spot assess-ment of the flood scene concluded that thestate government must demol-ish all the structures that areblocking the water-ways in the area.

Speaking during a visit to the area, Gover-nor Amosun agreedwith

the position of other top government officials an-dassured that his admin-istration would embark on properchannelization of the area to free thewa-terways.

The governor also as-sured the affected resi-dents that theMinistry of Physical Planning, Na-tional Emergency Man-agementAgency (NEMA) as well as the State Emer-gency ManagementAgen-cy (SEMA) would visit the area to assess the ex-tentof damage.

LG boss pleads for infrastructure development

Tukur, NRC Chairman

Gov. Amosun

World NewsAbout one million civil servants of different kinds

will come under this law (screening), including the whole cabinet of ministers

– Ukrainian Prime Minister, Arseniy Yatseniuk

Liberia fears Ebola crisis will spark war Oil firms operating on Gha-

na’s disputed maritime border with Ivory Coast can continue working while an arbitration suit filed under a U.N. convention is resolved, Ghana’s Attorney General Marrieta Brew Appiah-Oppong told a news conference on Tuesday.

British firm Tullow Oil is the largest stakeholder in the TEN offshore project signed with the Ghana government and located close to the disputed area. Its partners are Anadarko, Kosmos Energy, Sabre Oil & Gas Hold-ings Ltd and the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation.

Algerian militants have re-leased a video that appears to show them beheading French-man Herve Gourdel, who was kidnapped on Sunday, in what the group said was a response to France’s action against Is-lamic State militants in Iraq.

The video shows Gourdel, a 55-year-old tourist from Nice, kneeling with his arms tied behind his back before four masked militants who read out a statement in Arabic criticizing France’s military intervention.

They then pushed him on his side and held him down. The video does not show the beheading, but a militant holds the head up to the camera.

“This is why the Caliph-ate Soldiers in Algeria have decided to punish France, by executing this man, and to de-fend our beloved Islamic State,” one of the militants says in the statement he read out.

Just before the militants gave their statement, the Frenchman told his family that he loved them.

France’s President Francois Hollande confirmed the death of Gourdel, and said French military operations against Islamic State would continue.

There was no immediate comment from Gourdel’s family, but a friend, Eric Grinda, told France’s i-Tele television: “They want to fan the flames of hatred and to make us want to re-spond. They only are able to do one thing, assassinate a man on his knees with his hands tied ... My sadness is immense.”

The Caliphate Soldiers, a splinter group linked to Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria, had on Monday published a video claiming responsibility for the abduction and showed the man identifying himself as Gourdel.

Ghana says oil firms can keep working during border arbitration

Algerian militants issue video apparently showing killing of kidnapped Frenchman


cally.Liberia has spent a decade

recovering from two ruinous back-to-back civil wars which ran from 1989 to 2003, leaving a quarter of a million people dead and the economy in tat-ters.

“Hospitals are struggling, but so too are hotels. Businesses are struggling. If this continues the cost of living will go to the roof. You have an agitated popu-lation,” the information minis-ter told the AFP news agency.

“The world cannot wait

for Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, to slip back into con-flict, which could be the result of this slowness in response.”

Brown said the government needed 1,000 beds in ten Ebola treatment units across the country “immediately”, and did not have the cash.

“That is what is lowering public confidence in this fight [and] as a government, we sim-ply cannot afford for our people to have dwindling confidence in our government to respond,” he said.

forced to step down in Janu-ary but still occupy much of the north of the former French colony.

Without naming any sus-pects, prosecutors said in a statement that there was clear evidence that Seleka forces had targeted non-Muslim civilians, especially since 2013.

The mainly Christian anti-balaka forces opposing them had appeared systematically to target the Muslim population.

The alleged crimes include murder, rape, persecution, pil-lage, attacks on humanitarian missions and the use of child soldiers.

Investigators must now gather evidence that could lead to charges being filed against individuals suspected of hav-ing committed serious crimes,

of the world’s worst atrocities.In 2008, prosecutors charged

Congolese politician Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo with crimes against humanity and war crimes committed when forces under his command in-vaded the Central African Re-public in 2002. He is currently on trial.

ICC opens investigation into Central African Republic violence

A Liberian minister has warned the country may slip back to civil

war along with neighbouring Sierra Leone if the Ebola epi-demic ravaging West Africa is allowed to continue to spread.

Lewis Brown, Liberia’s infor-mation minister, said on Mon-day the lack of urgency in the international response risked allowing a breakdown of soci-eties in the region, where the outbreak had already claimed almost 3,000 lives.

“The effect of Ebola is being seen not just as a public health situation but it is also a politi-cal situation. Liberia is just ten years out of our conflict,” said Brown.

“We are just in the 11th year since we started rebuilding our capacity to live together. This Ebola is threatening that capac-ity.”

More than 3,000 people have been infected in Liberia and almost 1,600 people have died, with health workers turning away people from treatment units due to chronic shortages of beds and staff.

Sierra Leone, where more than 1,800 have been infected and nearly 600 have died, said on Monday it had “an overflow of bodies”, after a controversial nationwide lockdown helped More than 3,000 people have been infected and almost 1,600 people have died from Ebola in Liberia

An African migrant prepares food outside Holot open detention centre in Israel’s southern Negev desert

Obama to UN: World is at a crossroads 51

National Mirrorwww.nationalmirroronline.net50 Thursday September 25, 2014

uncover more than 200 new cases.

Guinea, where more than 600 have died, has not suffered civil war but has been plagued by deadly civil unrest in recent years between supporters of President Alpha Conde and the opposition.

The World Health Organisa-tion warned on Tuesday that the number of Ebola infections will triple to 20,000 by Novem-ber, soaring by thousands every week if efforts to stop the out-break are not stepped up radi-

International Criminal Court prosecutors have opened an investigation

into allegations of murder, rape and recruiting of child soldiers in the Central African Republic over the past two years.

Both sides in the conflict ap-peared to have committed war crimes and crimes against hu-manity, said a report issued by the court on Wednesday.

“The list of atrocities is end-less,” prosecutor Fatou Bensou-da said.

Central African Republic, a landlocked nation of 4.6 million people, has slid into chaos since mainly Muslim Seleka rebels, many of them from neighbor-ing Chad and Sudan, ousted President Francois Bozize in March last year.

The Seleka rebels were

a process that has taken many years in the past.

The ICC, set up 11 years ago to prosecute the most serious international crimes, has eight investigations open, all of them in Africa, and has been accused of targeting the continent - a charge prosecutors deny, saying the continent is the site of some

National 51Thursday September 25, 2014 World News

Russia’s Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday the legitimacy of U.S. air strikes against Islamic State are in doubt because of the lack of approval from its ally Syria, where some of the strikes are being carried out, and the United Nations.

“There is doubt over the legitimacy of the strikes as such actions can only be carried out with the approval of the United Nations and the unequivocal permission of the authorities of the country where they are tak-ing place, which in this case is the government in Damascus,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Russia has said air strikes against the radical Sunni group that has taken over wide swathes of territory in Iraq and Syria must be agreed with Damascus to avoid “fuelling tensions”.

Moscow has backed Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in his fight against rebels and sees his survival as a major foreign policy success. It now wants to see the West implicitly acknowl-edging his legitimacy by dealing with him directly.

Russia has not responded publicly to U.S. calls to build an international coalition to destroy Islamic State.

A Kremlin spokesman said President Vladimir Putin had discussed possible coopera-tion on countering Islamic State with “partners” as long as it was within the framework of interna-tional law.

Israel’s military said Tuesday it shot down a Syrian warplane over the Golan Heights amid what it described as growing tensions in the border area.

According to the Israel De-fense Forces, the plane “was identified while attempting to infiltrate Israeli airspace in the Golan Heights.”

Israel used a Patriot anti-aircraft missile to bring it down, the IDF said.

Military spokesman Lt. Col. Peter Lerner said the aircraft shot down was a Russian-made Sukhoi-24 and that both the pilot and co-pilot ejected into Syria.

The plane penetrated roughly a kilometer (more than half a mile) into Israeli airspace, he said.

Syrian state TV also reported that Israeli forces had shot down a Syrian warplane.

Defense Minister: We will act strongly

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a London-based activist group, said the Syrian fighter jet was targeting the countryside around the Syr-ian town of Quneitra, where the only border crossing between Israel and Syria is located.

purpose of the U.N.’s founding, and whether we will come togeth-er to reject the cancer of violent extremism.”

How Obama came to launch strikes in Syria

Here’s how he addressed each issue:

Ukraine: Russia’s involvement in Ukraine represents “a vision of the world in which might makes right -- a world in which one nation’s borders can be re-drawn by another, and civilized people are not allowed to recover the remains of their loved ones because of the truth that might be revealed,” Obama said, re-

ferring to efforts to recover the remains of victims of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, shot down over Ukraine in July.

If Russia rolls back its involve-ment, the United States “will lift our sanctions and welcome Rus-sia’s role in addressing common challenges,” Obama said.

Ebola: While the United States is sending medical workers and the military to build treatment centers in Africa, the President called for a “broader effort to stop a disease that could kill hundreds of thousands, inflict horrific suf-fering, destabilize economies, and move rapidly across borders.”

Iran’s nuclear program: Obama urged Iranian leaders to work with the United States and others to resolve Western con-cerns over the country’s nuclear program. “We can reach a so-lution that meets your energy needs while assuring the world that your program is peaceful,” he said.

Global poverty: “We will do our part -- to help people feed themselves; power their econo-mies; and care for their sick,” he said. “If the world acts together, we can make sure that all of our children can enjoy lives of oppor-tunity and dignity.”

President Barack Obama took his call for world co-operation against terror,

climate change, Ebola and a host of other issues to the United Na-tions Wednesday, saying the world stands at a crossroads “between war and peace; between disorder and integration; between fear and hope.”

“And at this crossroads, I can promise you that the United States of America will not be distracted or deterred from what must be done,” Obama told the delegates. “We are heirs to a proud legacy of freedom, and we’re prepared to do what is nec-essary to secure that legacy for generations to come.”

His address came amid numer-ous international crises in which the United States finds itself at the forefront, including the fight against ISIS in Syria and Iraq, lingering tensions in Ukraine and the spread of Ebola in Africa, which the U.S. Centers for Dis-ease Control and Prevention this week said could infect as many as 1.4 million people by early next year.

He said many of the world’s problems are the result of “the failure of our international system to keep pace with an in-terconnected world” and urged greater adherence to internation-al norms and more cooperation in the fight against extremism.

And he said world leaders must decide on two defining is-sues: “Whether the nations here today will be able to renew the

Russia questions legitimacy of U.S. strikes against Islamic State

Israel says it shot down Syrian warplane over Golan Heights

WORLD BULLETIN Obama to UN: World at crossroads

The leaders of 140 countries face mounting challenges during the opening of the UN general assembly

Brazil’s presidential candidates Marina Silva (L) of the Brazilian Socialist Party, PSB, and Dilma Rousseff (R) of the Workers’ Party (PT) in Brasilia.

Rousseff gains in Brazil presidential race as Silva slipstween the top two vote-getters on Oct. 26.

Silva, who would be Bra-zil’s first black president, was leading runoff polls before the Rousseff campaign unleashed a wave of negative campaign ads questioning Silva’s ability to lead Latin America’s largest economy.

Anxiety about Rousseff ’s re-covery in the polls has weighed on Brazilian financial markets in recent days. Sao Paulo’s Bovespa stock index has lost more than 4 percent in the last five days on the poll numbers, and Brazil’s currency weak-ened past 2.40 per dollar on Tuesday for the first time in seven months.

After four years of sluggish growth and heavy-handed state intervention in the economy under the left-leaning Rous-seff, many investors are hoping the election will bring in a new president who will push for pro-market reforms that econo-mists say are needed to lift Bra-zil out of its current rut.

Silva, a former senator and

environment minister, surged in the polls after being thrust into the race last month fol-lowing the death of her party’s original candidate in a plane crash. She had been the can-didate for Vice President on the ticket before the accident. Recent polls have showed her support eroding, but she still appears to be the best-placed challenger to unseat Rousseff.

Silva’s first-round support dropped six points to 27.4 per-cent, according to another poll on Tuesday from research group MDA, whereas Rousseff

had between 36 and 40 percent of the vote in Tuesday’s polls.

Aecio Neves, a pro-business centrist who has been stuck in third place, was unchanged at 19 percent, according to Ibope, which was his best showing in the three polls released on Tuesday

A longtime environmental-ist who vows to transcend poli-tics as usual, Silva’s candidacy has generated excitement in a country where disgust over cor-ruption, political horse-trading and poor public services led to mass protests last year.

President Dilma Rousseff has regained the edge in Brazil’s presidential

race after weeks of aggressive campaigning against environ-mentalist Marina Silva, who has lost ground among voters in the campaign’s homestretch, polls showed on Tuesday.

A survey by the closely watched Ibope polling firm showed Rousseff and Silva are tied at 41 percent in a likely second-round runoff that is ex-pected to decide the election.

According to another small-er poll by Vox Populi, Rousseff has overtaken Silva and opened a seven-point lead in an expect-ed second-round of voting.

“This week will be critical to see if Rousseff still has mo-mentum to flip the lead in more than one poll,” said Joao Au-gusto Castro Neves of the Eur-asia political risk consultancy, which views Rousseff as the favorite to win.

If no candidate wins an outright majority in the first round on Oct. 5, the election will be decided in a runoff be-

Politics National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.net52 Thursday, September 25, 2014

Skaters competing to construct a detachable welcome billboard for President Goodluck Jonathan at the venue of the recent Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, rally in Lagos.

Dominic describe self as best PDP candidate to win LagosEBERE NDUKWU

One of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, gubernatorial

aspirant in Lagos State, Adegbola Dominic, has de-scribed himself as the best candidate that can help the party wrestle power from the All Progressives Congress, APC in the state, saying that the PDP stands a great chance of defeating APC, if it fields him as its flag bearer.

Dominic, a medical practitioner, stated this at Kosofe, during his ongoing tour of local governments across the state, adding that his experience, expo-sure, and integrity stands him out amongst other as-pirants vying for the PDP ticket.

He said: “I believe the time has come for the PDP to take over the governance of Lagos State, which has remained elusive since 1999. I believe that will be a done deal with me as the flag bearer.

“I know what it takes

to defeat the APC. I know Bola Tinubu and his cro-nies very well and all the shady deals they have been perpetrating. They have so much entrenched themselves everywhere in Lagos that if something is not urgently done, we are all doomed. I will expose them to Lagosians very soon”.

Urging party members in Kosofe to be united, mo-bilise and sensitise the en-tire electorates in the area on the need to vote out the APC in the forthcoming election, he assured that a PDP government under his leadership, will bring about a turnaround in the state.

PDP chairman in Ko-sofe, Mufutau Babalola, described Dominic as a thoroughbred politician who has done a lot for the party in Kosofe and across the state, saying: “I believe that with someone like you as the governor, things will change for the better. We will work assiduously for your victory and also sup-port you in prayers.”

Jonathan’s endorsement will deepen democracy –Akpabio OBIORA IFOHABUJA

Chairman of the Peoples Democrat-ic Party, PDP, Gov-

ernors’ Forum and Akwa Ibom State governor, Chief Godswill Akpabio has said that the adoption of President Goodluck Jonathan as the sole pres-idential candidate of the party for the 2015 general elections will go far in deepening democracy.

Akpabio made this declaration in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State yesterday, dur-ing the PDP Performance Publicity Tour led by the PDP National Public-ity Secretary, Chief Olisa Metuh, saying that “the

opposition is rattled” be-cause of the ability of the governors and PDP leaders to sacrifice their individual ambitions and rally behind the President who has “performed ex-ceedingly well.”

He said: “The adoption by NEC is democracy in action. In America that we are copying, the in-cumbent president does not go through primaries. We are not saying that the President will not face the general elections. So the idea of him spending presidential time instead of facing insurgency, food insufficiency and other things that may affect

the country and begin to campaign for the party ticket when he is already the incumbent president is what we want to avoid. I think this is a very fan-tastic model of internal democracy.

“We are not saying that other people should not contest election, but say-ing that as PDP gover-nors, that we want to join hands and support him to win the second term. It does not mean that any person who wants to con-test should not contest. We are indeed deepening democracy by sacrificing our own ambition.”

He said PDP gover-

nors’ action also stabi-lised the party and avoid the unfortunate situa-tion that leaves the party fractured after primary elections.

He said “I must there-fore thank the PDP NEC for adopting the position of the PDP governors. It is left for the National Convention to ratify. This is evidence that Nigeria is changing.

“I think the opposition is rattled. Any time the PDP makes a move and the opposition is criticis-ing, then you know that that thing is biting them and if they praise you, you should be worried.”

Uneasy quiet in PDP over Jonathan endorsement GBENGA OGUNBUFUNMI

Fearing the apparent backlash of stake-holders’ endorse-

ment of President Good-luck Jonathan as the sole presidential candidate in the 2015 presidential race, the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, on Sunday de-nied extending automatic ticket to serving governors and lawmakers on its plat-form.

Governors on the plat-form of the party had about a week ago adopted Jonathan as the party’s sole presidential candidate in the 2015 presidential election, a decision which was ratified by the PDP Na-tional Executive Commit-tee, NEC, few days later.

However, there has been serious grumbling among party members who viewed the stakeholders’ action as self –serving and as a ploy to shutout party members who are not currently hold-ing offices.

Sensing danger, the party on Sunday hurriedly called a press conference in Abuja, saying the automat-

ic ticket given to Jonathan did not trickledown to the governors and the National Assembly members.

But, contrary to Metuh’s statement, National Mirror findings has revealed that the decision to endorse Jon-athan as sole presidential candidate of the party was agreed upon, after most of the current stakeholders have been able to secure a commitment for their own ambitions in 2015.

The move, according to sources close to the party, forecloses any serious par-ty primaries schedule for November and December.

A source told National Mirror that major stake-holders from governors, to serving lawmakers who endorsed Jonathan have secured one thing or the other for themselves before agreeing to the deal.

The source told National Mirror that PDP governors who are entitled to second term in office got the back-ing of the Presidency and the party leadership before giving in to the arrange-

ment, while those who have served out their second term and wanted to go to the senate also got the nods of the duo in addition to promise to let the anti-graft agencies’ rope off their neck for any infraction that they might have committed while in office.

He said there was under-standing between the Presi-dency, PDP leadership and the leadership of the two chambers of the National Assembly that members loyal to the party will be given return tickets.

However, having realised that they have been shut-out with the endorsement and its ripple effects, mem-bers who have ambitions to contest for one office or the other in 2015 have started raising questions as to the propriety or otherwise of the arrangement, which

they described as anti–dem-ocratic and a ploy by those holding offices to remain there without challenge.

One of such dissenting voices is the son of Nige-ria’s First Republic Prime Minister, Dr. Abdul Jhalil Tafawa-Balewa, who at the weekend vowed to contest the 2015 presidential elec-tion on the PDP platform, irrespective of the stake-holders’ endorsement.

Balewa condemned the alleged plot by PDP lead-ership to demoralise and shutout other presidential aspirants, saying: “I am not intimidated by the decision of the PDP governors and the party to support the second term aspiration of President Jonathan.

“What type of democ-racy do we have? Is the PDP a communist party? Where is the place of internal de-’s self preservation by those in offices -Source

... Opposition is rattled by PDP unity

mocracy?” A top PDP member who

also spoke to National Mir-ror on the condition of ano-nymity said the endorse-ment is nothing but a ploy by those who are currently occupying one position or the other in the party or in government through the party to keep themselves hanging on.

Another source angling for a ticket to the House of Representatives said what the arrangement has sim-ply done is to close the door against potential members who may be nursing am-bitions for offices in 2015, hoping that the arrange-ment, which did not give everybody a level playing field, would not backfire at the end of the day.

The source said that it would be too bad if the Presidency and party lead-

ers decide to back the in-cumbents against upcom-ing members, citing the case of some states where governors that have served two terms are now eye-ing the senate, wondering what would happened if the Presidency and PDP leaders backed a two-term governor to upstage of a serving senator.

As at the last count, close to 15 governors are said to be eyeing the Senate, which means they will have to use party state structure, currently under their con-trol and the backing of the party leadership and the Presidency to dislodge the senators from their seats.

The source said there is serious apprehension in the party as the way the issue is handled will deter-mine what would happen to PDP at the end of the day.


Arsenal manager, Ar-sene Wenger, has given reason why immediate

past Super Eagles captain, Jo-seph Yobo, is no longer in his plans to fortify the defence of the Gunners.

Wenger said yesterday that Yobo has passed his “best”, even as the former Everton defence marshal has disclosed that he almost replaced Sol Campbel at the Emirates Sta-dium, but Everton blocked the move twice.

Yobo claims that Wenger is a fan of his talent and reveals that he almost joined Arsenal before Moyes blocked the move.

Yobo is now a free agent af-ter being released by Turkey gi-ants, Fenerbahce, following an unsuccessful loan spell at Nor-wich City last season where he made just eight appearances.

The 34-year-old has been linked with a move to the Emir-ates in recent days with the

club supposedly looking at po-tential free transfer signings to help solve their defensive prob-lems.

“I read Arsenal was inter-ested in me; it was news to me. There is no formal contact with anybody,” Yobo told newsmen.

“I know Arsene Wenger ad-mires me a lot and wanted me to replace Sol Campbell some years ago, but Everton blocked the move.

“He wanted me to partner Kolo Toure in defence; I was younger then.

“If negotiations are taking place, I am not aware. Maybe the club is speaking with my agent.”

But Wenger told Arsenal News, “Yobo was a fine player in his day but he’s well past his best now, and after watch-ing young Isaac Hayden in the Capital One Cup last night, I’d much rather we gave him a shot at the first team than bring in an ageing centre-back who’s going to be unfit and out of practice.”

Thursday September 4, 2014

Yobo during his Everton days

NFF Elections: Giwa may join raceADEOLU JOHNSON

A f r e s h twist may be add-

ed to next week’s Nigeria Football Federation (NFF)

elections, as there are strong indications that leader of the

factional body, Mr. Chris Giwa,

is ready to contest for the office of president.

Chairman of the NFF Electoral Committee, Bar-rister Samson Ebomhe, said Giwa who was stopped from parading himself as the NFF President by FIFA following a controversial election on August 26 in Abuja, is still on track despite the announced close of sale of forms for the election today.

“He already has the forms from the previous process, all he needs to do is to fill appro-priately and pay the necessary fees so he can be eligible to

contest” Ebomhe told

If Giwa is finally cleared to contest, the number of presi-dential aspirants will swell up to eight as seven had already been cleared.

“I also want to let it be known that all those who have previously been cleared for the elections need no fresh clearance. All they need to do is indicate their willingness to be involved in the elections. However, there is opportunity now for those who were previ-ously not involved to become involved,” Ebomhe had said.

53National Mirror

Thursday September 25, 2014

SportWith a little more patience, the

world will see the talent that Danny Welbeck has in him

–Arsenal Manager, Arsene Wenger

2015 election: CAF okays Blatt er for fi fth term 55

Yobois past his best, says Wenger


f r e s h twist may be add-

ed to next week’s Nigeria Football Federation (NFF)

elections, as there are strong indications that leader of the

factional body, Mr. Chris Giwa,

54 Sports National Mirror www.nationalmirroronline.netThursday September 25, 2014

Wolverhampton Wan-derers defender, Rich-ard Stearman, yester-

day reiterated the importance of Nigerian-born goalkeeper Carl Ikeme after the latter’s man-of-the-match performance against Bolton last weekend.

Ikeme’s impressive all-round display was capped by the sec-ond-half penalty save, which ensured Wolves took all three points from Bolton thanks to Nouha Dicko’s first-half header.

Ikeme has been among Wolves most consistent per-

a chance with the big man in goal.

“He’s been so good that he al-ways gives us a chance of keep-ing it out the back of the net and the stats over the last couple of years show how well we’re do-ing defensively.

“I’m struggling to think of anyone better to be honest.”

Interestingly, Ikeme, who was once played with former Super Eagles midfielder Seyi Olofinjana at Wolves, has never been considered for the nation-al team.

formers for the last two seasons, and has started the new English Championship campaign in impressive form between the sticks.

“Carl was phenomenal against Bolton and he has been for a couple of years now,” Stea-rman said.

“It’s such a big thing for us as a back four knowing we’ve got Carl behind us.

“If he is called upon, then more often than not, he’s keep-ing it out of the net for us.

“You always think you’ve got

Ikeme’s staying power gets plaudit

League Cup: Reds boss hails ‘character’

showed great composure.“We’re obviously very

pleased to get through after being in the lead and giving away poor goals, to be honest. At the moment we’re making too many mistakes, but I can’t fault the character and the mentality of the players be-cause they kept going.

“In the extra period of time, in the 30 minutes, we were very good. We had to step up to get into the next round, we won it on penalties, and congratula-tions to Middlesbrough, they were excellent and I can see why they are towards the top of the Championship.

“But great for us to get through and a great night for our young players.”

Rodgers handed a first start to academy star Jordan Ros-siter and saw the 17-year-old net inside the opening 10 min-utes, but he was by no means the only youngster to catch the eye.

Liverpool Manager, Brendan Rodgers, has praised the club’s char-

acter after seeing the Reds prevail in an epic Capital One Cup penalty shoot-out with Middlesbrough on Tuesday.

After an entertaining con-test at Anfield had ended 2-2, spot-kicks were required to de-termine a winner.

Patrick Bamford and Ra-heem Sterling missed early on, but the quality and composure shown in sudden death meant 30 efforts from 12 yards were required.

In the end, Albert Adomah blazed wide, allowing Liver-pool to toast a 14-13 success and a place in the fourth round.

“It was very important. You can see how happy the players are. They are competitive play-ers, they want to win in every competition,” Rodgers said yesterday.

“It was a great quality of penalty, I thought both teams

and would love to stay at Man-chester City but first and fore-most I am a footballer and want to play football.

“You want to win trophies and I have been fortunate enough to do that. I want to do that and ide-ally play in enough games.

“We have had talks, but I want to see how it goes. Hopefully I will play enough games and can be at City for the long term.”

every game, I just want a fair crack of the whip, a few more games than I got last year,” the 28-year-old said yesterday.

“You have to perform as well, and that is never easy when you are in and out of the team. I want to play as well as I can, and the more you play the more you can show what you can do.

“I have a year left and have spoken to the club. I love it here

Manchester City mid-fielder, James Milner, has hinted that he

could leave next summer if he does not get enough playing time this season.

The England international has been at City since 2010, but he has been largely used a back-up player in recent seasons and is not guaranteed playing time.

“I understand I won’t play in

Play me, or I go –Milner

Gombe 1 0 Nasarawa

Taraba 2 0 Sunshine

Akwa 2 0 Giwa

Lobi 1 0 Enyimba

Bayelsa 2 0 Pillars

Abia 0 0 Rangers

Crown 1 0 El Kanemi

Sharks 3 0 Kaduna

Heartland 2 0 Nembe

Wolves 3 1 Dolphins

Glo League results


Carl Ikeme


National 55Thursday September 25, 2014 Sports

2015 election:


Confederation of African Football (CAF) yesterday announced that Africa

will support Sepp Blatter in next year’s FIFA presidential election.

“Africa will offer unanimous support to Sepp Blatter at the next elective assembly,” a CAF release stated of the 78-year-old Swiss who announced earlier this month that he would be standing for a fifth term in a re-versal of previous promises to retire at the end of his current term.

“Considering the impor-tance Joseph Sepp Blatter has always given to programmes of development in all the func-tions he held in FIFA, the con-tinuous and ever increasing support, which the 54 African Football Associations benefit from FIFA in varied domains, ranging from training to infra-structural development since his election to the Presidency of FIFA and the important role he played in attributing the organisation of the FIFA World Cup in Africa, among other feats, we all the member associations of the Confedera-tion of African Football to give their vote to him at the next elections to the Presidency of FIFA in Zurich in May 2015,” the release added.

Blatter could come up against 56-year-old former FIFA top offi-cial, Jerome C h a m -pagne, who recently an-nounced his intention to run against him.

AFCON 2015: AFCON 2015: Agali joins Agali joins ‘call Uche’ ‘call Uche’ choruschorusPAUL EREWUBA

Former Super Eagles striker, Victor Agali, has called for the

invitation of Villareal of Spain striker, Ikechukwu Uche, to the national team.

Agali joined the list of former Nigeria internationals that have called for a resolu-tion of the issues between Uche and Coach Stephen Keshi with a view to reintegrating the for-mer to the Eagles’ fold.

The former Shalke 04 for-ward, who had a similar expe-rience during his time in the Eagles, also admonished the feuding parties to consider na-tional interest.

“It happened to me as well during my playing days, where you have players falling out with coaches,” Agali recalled.

“But it’s not about Uche, and it’s not about Keshi. It’s about Nigeria and the country’s im-age in football,” he added.

The animosity between Kes-hi and Uche is widely reported, the latest being the claim by Keshi that Uche had sought to be persuaded to play for Nige-ria, with the 30-year-old striker refuting the claim, saying, “It’s always an honour to play for Nigeria and I cannot beg any one to achieve that honour.”

CAF okays Blatter for fi fth term

Mr. Flex Nigeria tourney gets date

Osazeeyes action return

Odemwingie, who injured his knee while in action for Stoke City in a 1-0 win at Manchester City on August 30 and lasted for 15 minutes in the game, is ex-pected to miss most of the EPL season on account of this injury setback.

The Nigeria international scored six goals in 15 games for Stoke City last season.

Super Eagles striker, Osaze Odemwingie, says he can-not wait to return to the

pitch after undergoing a suc-cessful surgery on his injured knee on Tuesday.

“I hope I will be part of the team before the end of the sea-son,” the former Lokomotiv Moscow and Cardiff City for-ward tweeted yesterday.

Ike Uche has shone in Villareal colour in the ongoing season


against 56-year-old former FIFA top offi-cial, Jerome C h a m -pagne, who recently an-nounced his intention to run against him.


er Eagles or Agali, for the

areal ofechukwual team.

he list of ternationals for a resolu-etween Uche


About 150 athletes will participate in the 2014 Mr. Flex Nigeria Body-

building championship hold-ing in Lagos on November 1.

According to Stephen Odene-Okolie, President, Steco Productions, organisers of the championship, the tourney billed for Freedom Park on La-gos Island, will also feature Ms Flex Nigeria Figure.

“The championship aims to give the desired mileage in the field of bodybuilding and to give Nigeria a sustainable place in world building rank-ing,” Odene-Okolie said.

“In Nigeria, the general per-ception of an average person

as regards bodybuilders is associated with thugs. We also aim to erase the per-ception that bodybuild-ers are thugs by provid-ing employment for the unemployed youths.

“Mr. Flex and Ms Flex Nigeria Bikini’ bodybuild-

ing championship is designed to promote and develop the youth while bringing out the best in them.

Ms Flex Nigeria, which was introduced into the programme last year, is a muscle and bikini exhibition which will express the unique figure of the female gender.

“There will also be a sport fashion show, music by Iroko percussion of Africa and Jas-parazzi”, Odene-Okolie stated.

Printed and Published by Global Media Mirror Ltd: Head Offi ce: Mirror House, 155/161 Broad Street, Lagos Tel: 07027107407, Abuja Offi ce: NICON Insurance House, Second Floor, Central Business District Area, Abuja Tel: 08070428249, Advert hotline: 01-8446073, Port-Harcourt Offi ce: Suite 115, NICON Hotel, 6, Benjamin Opara Street, Off Olusegun Obasanjo Rd, GRA Phaze 3, Phone: 07032323254 Email:

Editor: SEYI FASUGBA. All correspondence to PMB 10001, Marina, Lagos. Printed simultaneously in Lagos, Abuja and Akure. ISSN 0794-232X.

Vol. 04 No. 947 Thursday, September 25, 2014 N150


The most globe ball tricks in one minute is 34 and was achieved by Wassim “Wass” Benslimane (Algeria) on the set of Le Monde

des Records, Paris, France, on 29 September 2009.

Most globe ball tricks in one minute

Nigeria had the misfortune of its first Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) case through a Liberian-American,

Patrick Sawyer (now deceased). Since the death of the index case on Tuesday, July 26, 2014 in a private hospital in Lagos, not less than 18 other cases had been reported with eight fatalities, as at the time of writing this piece. On August 5, 2014, one of the nurses who attended to the index case, died. Two weeks later on August 19, Doctor Ameyo Stella Adadevor, Senior Consultant and En-docrinologist at First Consultants Medical Centre, Obalende, Lagos where the index case was treated, also died.

The Federal Government, through the Minister of Information, Mr Labaran Maku, confirmed 198 cases of Ebola vic-tims, with 177 quarantined. To curtail the spread of EVD, the FG declared a National Emergency, and approved N1.9 billion Spe-

cial Intervention Fund for the containment out of which N200 million was given to

Lagos State government. Aliko Dangote Foundation and Tony

Elumelu Foundation committed N152 mil-lion and N50 million respectively to fighting the scourge. Similarly, ANAP Foundation owned by Mr Atedo Peterside, promised to support affected private hospitals to the tune of N100, 000 per bed space, while Shell Petroleum Limited donated an ambulance, among other donations.

The World Health Organisation (WHO)

The primary aim of this piece is to dis-cuss the legal implications of the approval by the World Health Organisation (WHO), the body responsible for safeguarding the health of the people in the world, of the use of experimental or trial drugs for the treat-ment of Ebola. Till date, there is no known cure or vaccine for Ebola. The standard treatment for the disease is supportive ther-apy in form of maintaining a patient’s blood pressure and oxygen status, balancing his fluids and electrolytes, treating him in rela-tion to any complicating infection and the use of antibiotics, among others.

WHO recently, through its ethical com-mittee, said that the use of experimental or trial drugs and vaccines, which under nor-mal circumstances is ethically prohibited ( because the drugs have not been subjected to scientific tests and analyses to determine their efficacy and adverse effects on human beings as well as their safety for consump-

tion), is ethically acceptable. But the world body went on to warn that any use of ex-perimental drug would require informed consent, freedom of choice, the need for confidentiality, respect for a person, pres-ervation of dignity and involvement of the community.

An experimental drug by name ZMapp was used to treat two American aid work-ers, who contracted Ebola. Both of them tested negative thereafter. The same drug, however, failed to save the life of a Span-ish priest, who also contracted the virus. ZMapp is a drug that is being developed by Mapp Biopharmaceutical Incorporation in collaboration with Mapp Biopharmaceuti-cal in San Diego, California, LeafBio (the commercial arm of Mapp Biopharmaceuti-cal), Defyrus Incorporation in Toronto, Can-ada, the Public Health Agency of Canada and the government of the United States of America.

There are other trial drugs being devel-oped by pharmaceutical companies. One of them, according to a report, has left experi-mental stage and passed clinical trial phase 2.The drug ‘Favipiravir’ is being developed in Japan. It was reported that the drug was accepted by the National Committee on

Ebola for treating Ebola patients in Nigeria.The question that then arises is: Why did

WHO approve experimental drugs despite their health implications and contrary to the scientific guidelines that the drugs must pass through before being certified fit for human consumption?

Drug approval processThere is a proposal for National Drug Ap-

proval Process in Nigeria. This proposal re-quires a pre-clinical testing, which compris-es laboratory and animal studies to show the biological activity of a drug against tar-geted disease and evaluation of the active compounds of the drug for safety purpose.

After this, the drug will be investigated. This requires an application filed by a pharmaceutical company or an individual seeking to test a new drug, to the Federal Ministry of Health. The Ethical Review Committee of the Ministry must consider the application within six weeks.

The application should contain the following: (a) the initial protocol for the pre-clinical trial (b) a copy of the Ethical Committee`s report on the protocol (c) the results of the pre-clinical experiments must be included (d) how, where and when the clinical studies in man will be conducted (the participants ̀curriculum vitae must be included) (e) the chemical structure of the compound, the way it is thought to function in the body, any toxic effects found in the an-imal studies and the way the compound is manufactured (f) the Investigation of New Drug Application (INDA)must be reviewed and approved by the Ethical Review Com-mittee of the institution where the clinical studies will be conducted while the report of the committee must be enclosed with the application; and (g) after the clinical trial has begun, progress reports on it must be submitted at least every year to the Federal Ministry of Health.

To be continuedProfessor Olopade, an Ibadan based

private legal practitioner, is Professor of Medical Law/Legal Consultant, Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo.

Sport Extra

FIFA Vice President, Prince Ali Bin Al Hussein, has said that the results of a corruption

probe over bidding for the 2018 and 2022 World Cup must be made pub-lic.

“In the interest of full transpar-ency I believe it is important that the much anticipated report on the

ethics investigation-that is crucial to ensuring good governance at FIFA-is fully disclosed,” the Asian representative at the world football ruling body, who is also President of Jordan Football Association, said yesterday.

“This will help the football commu-nity to reform our institutions in the best interest of football,” he added.

An ethics panel led by former US federal prosecutor, Michael Garcia, has launched investigation into the way Qatar won the right to host the

World Cup bids:World Cup bids: FIFA chief wants ‘full scale’ probe FIFA chief wants ‘full scale’ probe

Al Hussein

Olusoga Olapade

Guest Columnist

Ebola: Legal effects of the use of trial drugs



2022 World Cup while also examin-ing the process by which Russia won in its bid to host the 2018 World Cup.

The 2018 and 2022 tournaments were also awarded at the same time in 2010, leading to claims of corrup-tion in the bidding process.

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