thursday, february water protest...

Post on 03-Jul-2019






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School measures pass by C.E. REUTTER News Staff Writer

The Ruidoso Board of Education meeting Tuesday evening was short and sweet.

Within a handful of minutes. four members convened, certified a re­sounding election victory· for two school funding issues, and left.

Residents of the Ruidoso Municipal School District had voted that day by a margin of more than 10 to I to ap­prove a million-dollar bond tssue They voted 398 to 37 for the first measure.

The second measure wasn't approv­ed by quite so lopsided a margin. but extension of the two-mill capital im­provements levy for three years still passed 366 to 49. That margin was bet ter than eight to one.

Voters cast 440 ballol'i, including seven absentees.

The canvass tabulation sheet lists five J)e(lple as entering but not voling on the bond question One absentee voter did not make a choice on the levy extension. and 24 people enterPd the voting booth but d1d not cast a ballot for that question

Residents of the dtstnct havp a long history of strongly backtng school funding proposals

Board members unammously ac cepted the results of tht> voting Tues day Then Stormy t<:dwards. Donald Swalander, F Lynn Wtllard and Mtke Morris adjourned thl' me!.'t1ng Lamar Osbourn was out of town. they said

The elect1on night met>ting lastPd about nine minutes. The nl.'xt regular session of the board ts schedul('d for Tuesday ll is expected to last a httle longer

Get the ball G1tford Dav1s (6) of the Police Athletic League team and Bobby McTieque (3) of The Bank of Ruidoso team go for the ball during a Ruidoso-Sertoma Little League basketball game at White Mountain Middle School Monday night, as Neil Harris trails the action See page 4A for story.

Clark to visit state, discuss airport by BILLY ALLSTETTER News Staff Wnter

Intenor Secretary Wtlham Clark will VISit New Mextco Fnday to discuss public tssues and attend a Repul!can fund-raiser

He will most likely dtscuss the pro­posed regional airport on f<"ort Stan ton Mesa during a morning meeting with Governor Toney Anaya. said New Mexico Transportation Secretary Judith Esptnosa

Clark will met>t pnvalely wtth Anaya at 10 am . s.atd Anaya·s assts tant pre-ss secretary. Vtckie Philltps Espinosa said the airport would definitely be among the subjecLc; discussed dunng that meetmg. but she held little hope for any an· nouncemenl'i on the airport land

transfpr application submttlNI to the InteriOr Department

Tiw Sierra Blanc·a Atrport ("ommts s10n submttted an application for the transfer of 1.660 acres of federal land on Fort Stanton Mesa from Bureau of Land Management < ALM 1 to Federal Avtatton Admtnistratlon •FAAI JUrtsdictlOn If transferrf'd to the FAA. the land .,.,·ould hf' usf>d for a regtonal a1rport

Nt>w Mexico State l n1vers1ty 1 N:\1Sl'' currenlly lea~t>s 26.000 acres on the mesa fror.1-the BLM and uses it for long term range research The land for the propDsed atrport 1s tn the m1ddle of tht> land now used for research NMSl" opposes the transfer. cJa,mmg that valuable research wtll have to he termtnatPd tf the airport is hut!t


Espinosa said the application is just about to be dt>livered from the US Transp<>rtation Department to the In terior Department for C'lark"s con· sideration

US Representative Joe SkE't'n has recently been a strong supporter of the airport and may be in New ME>xtco Friday. said Skeen's press secretary. Jerry McKinney. The congressman will probably not discuss thE' airport with Clark since he has already made his views on the subjed clear to Clark. said McKinney.

Mescalero Apache Tribe President Wendell Chino plans to meet with Clark and discuss the airport and In· dian claims to Fort Stanton Mesa. said McKinney.

Assistant village manager Frank Potter said he and Mayor George White planned to travel to Santa Fe to listen to Clark address the Legislature Councilman Frank Sayner said he was sure some of the council members would also travE'l to Santa FE', but that they had not decid· ed as of Thursday morning who would go

Water protest settled by BILLY ALLSTETTER News Staff Writer

The State Engineer has made a decision on the valley water protest that appears to please both sides of the dispute.

Although no official documents have been received in Ruidoso, State Engineer Steve Reynolds said Tues­day he has approved Ruidoso's ap­plication to discharge treated wastewater into the Rio Ruidoso at the Biscuit Hill treatment plant. He said he has also restored Ruidoso's right to effluent credit for Eagle Creek water discharged into the Rio Ruidoso. Ruidoso plans to use water from the effluent credit to fill the Grindstone reservotr.

Ruidoso will be able to use all of its effluent credit for nine months of the year, said Reynolds During May, June and July -historically the period of lowest flow in the river and greatest irrigation --Ruidoso will bl.' able to lake the effluent credit water out of the Rio Ruidoso only when water is flowing past lh(• Hollywood gauging station at a rate of 6 cubic feet per second 1 cfs 1 or morE'. satd Reynolds.

When the flow 1s less than 6 ds. the village can lake tts credit out of wells away from the R1o Ru1doso. sa1d Reynolds Ru1doso will not he able to use the Hollywood well or tht• one in the Upper Canyon near th<' Mesealero Apache Reservation. said assistant village manager Frank Potter

Reynold::; also retamed tht' nght to reevaluatP thP 6 ds figurl.'. said Ruidoso's water attornE'y !'lei! Stttl­inger. who had a cop:- of the dens10n

Rutdoso wtll havt> to makP datlY measurements to record the amount of f:agiP Creek watPr dtseharged into the R1o Ruidoso so that the effluent crE'dit c·an he accurately determined. said Revnolrls

Rutdoso owns nghts to 220 27 acre

feet of water on the Rio Ruidoso. It also has rights to divert 6 cfs from Eagle Creek as a member of the Eagle Creek Inter Community Water Supply Association. Ruidoso has diverted an average of 1,550 acre feet of water per year from Eagle Creek in recent years.

In 1966 the State Engineer granted Ruidoso partial credit for Eagle Creek water it discharges into the Rio Ruidoso as sewage effluent. The village can use that credit to divert water from the Rio Ruidoso. In recent years that credit has been slightly more than 600 acre feet, but has been used only very slightly.

"I think it's a fairly balanced deci· sion," said Stillinger.

The protestants had originally ask­ed the village to U!ke its effluent cred­it only when the Rio Ruidoso fiDwed at 10 cfs or more. By the time of the hearing before the SUite Engineer's representatives in November, that figure had been changed to 7 cfs.

The village's consulting engineer, Ralph Vail. estimated that the pro­testants needed approximately 4 cfs to satisfy their irrigation re­quirements

"I am pleased. I think it's a decision that everybody can live with." said proteslants' attorney Ray Sage.

Neither the protestanls nor village officials had received written notification of the decision by Wednesday afternoon. They were reluctant to comment until they saw the written document. but Ruidoso councilmen. village officials and the protestants were pleased with verbal reports they had received.

··rt sounds good. We're real pleas­ed." said protestant Leonard McCut­cheon

McCutcheon said Hondo Valley farmers who have water rights on the Rio Ruidoso will probably still suffer periodic shortages of water. but that the decision will prevent Ruidoso

from exacerba ling the problem. "I'm thrilled about that deal." said

councilman Frank Sayner of Reynolds' decision.

Councilman Al Junge also said he was pleased with reports he had heard on Reynolds' decision.

Village manager Jim Hine said he thought it was fitting that the protest had been cleared while the present council was still in offici:' The present

·oouncil was involved with the protest since it was first filed in June 198:?. The council also authorized the Grind­stone reservoir, which was threaten­ed by the protest.

The valley farmers originally filed their protest to Ruidoso's application for a change in sewage discharge points from the old sewage treatment plant to the Biscuit Hill Treatment Plant six miles downstream

The protesting farmers have irriga­tion ditches on the Rio Ruidoso bet­ween the two sewage plants They claimed the change in dischargE' points would be detrimental to their water righL<;.

The State Engineer suspended Ruidoso's effluent credit upon receipt of the protest.

The solution of this protest does not. however, completely clear the way for the construction and filling of the reservoir.

The Carlsbad Irrigation district has filed a protest against Ruidoso's ap­plication to change its point of diver­sion on the Rio Ruidoso. The village applied for a permit to change its point of diversion 126 5 feet downstream from the present diver­sion· point at the Mescalero Apache Reservation boundary

The new diversion point is for a water transmission line to fill the Grindstone reservoir.

Village manager Hine said Carlsbad was waiting for reporL'i from its hydrologist before dt•ciding whether to pursuE' the protest

Sign ordinance hearing by BILLY ALLSTETTER News Stat! Wnter

The HUldoso Plannmg and Zomng Comm1ss1on 1 P&Z1 will have a public hearing at 3 30 p m Fnday, February 10. at the HUJrloso village hall on proposed stgn ordtnance amendments

A P&Z subcommJttf"E' has beE"n worktng on the sign ordmance for more than four months Friday's mf"E'ting is Intended to soltctt public mput on the stgn ordinam·e

After listening to public input the commission may makP changE's in the proposal. satd P&Z enforc('mf'nt of· ficE'r Paul Davis The commission will then present the proposed aml.'nd­ments to the village council for ap­proval as soon as possibk. satd Davis

Some of the maJor proposed changes mclude moveablE' letters. sign sizes. signs for shoppmg centers. prohibited signs and stgns within a building

One of the major bones of conten· tton among business owners and P&Z has been permissable stgn sizes The existing ordinance limtts permanent

identification signs to 32 square feet except for large projects which may have larger signs if needed for reasonablE' identification

Proposed amendments remove the 32-square-foot limit and establish ""the formula 076 tim('S the square footage of the front of the building" for stgn s1ze

In the past. P&Z has approved larger signs by saying that the business is in a shopping center. The exact deftmtlon of a shopping center and actual regulations concerning those centers havE' been unclear.

In the proposed amendments. a shopping center is designated as con­taining four or morE' businesses on one premise A center would be allow­ed one free-standing sign computed from the formula of one square foot of sign space per each linear foot of the designated front of the property. with a maxtmum of 150 square feet allow­ed

"At least 50 percent of the center sign shall designate the shopping center and the remaining 50 percent shall or may be used for riders to

11uvertise the mdlvtdual busmesses within the center "'

The proposed amendments also In­

clude provisions for combined s1gns in centers of less than four businesses.

The proposed amendments allov. signs with moveable lE'tters. which are prohibited under the existing or­dinance.

"The moveable letter portion shall not exceE'd 30 percent of the total sign area." states the draft copy of the proposed amendments

The proposed amendments include new prohibited signs, such as nE"on signs and those with missing letters. or signs in a state of disrepair

The proposed amendments also in­clude provisions that exempt fron Architectural Plans Review Commit­tee approval signs inside a building which are '"conspicuously visible and readable'" from outside the building.

Copies of the proposed amendments are available at the Planning and Zoning office at village hall for a small fee. Copies are also availablE' for reading within the office

Sierra Blanca. L'ndtsturbed snow depth m1dway on the mountain is 49 inches Skiing condi lions are generally good with some high traffic areas fair Novice chairs three and five are excellent. Surface con· ditions are packed and machine groomed. All lifts and trails are open daily. Weather at report time is clear and chains are not required on the road to the ski area Thursday.

P&Z tables zoning of old sewer plant

Eagle Creek. Snow depth average is 30 inches. The resort is open on Boot Hill, Lower Box Canyon, Chisolm Trail and the beginners' slopes. The skiing conditions are fair to good. There is night skiing from 6 to 10 Friday and Saturday. The resort is open daily from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The restaurant, rE'ntal

shop, cross-country skiing, horseback riding and ski school are open daily.

WEATHER REPORT Thursday's low

Thursday's predicted high Friday's predicted low Friday's predicted high


near60 low 20's near60

The National Weather Service in Roswell is predicting mostly sunny and warm weather today with westerly winds of five to 15 miles per hour. Tonight it will be clear and cool with variable winds of five to 10 miles per hour. Friday will be mostly sunny.

The extended outlook for Saturday through Monday calls for dry and cool weather with highs in the 40's to 50 degrees and the lows near 10 to 20 degrees. The chances for precipiU!tion through Monday are 0 percent.

INSIDE People Sports Classified The Silver Lining Opinion Entertainment Horse Racing Church & Club Directory

3A 4A-5A

9A-15A 7A 18

68-88 68-88


TODAY Popular Roy Stewart, alias

"Goober" the clown, is profiled by Darrell J. Pehr on page 1 C of today's Ruidoso News. .

Robert Anastas, the man from S.A.D.D. <Students Against Driving Drunk> was in town this week, and Cathy Reutter covered his address at Ruidoso High School. See page 48.

by TIM PALMER News Editor

ThE' Ruidoso Planning and Zoning Commission ( P&Z l Monday dealt another delay to plans for a trash compactor-transfer system at the old sewer plant.

P&Z members voted 3-1 in favor of Tom Kelham's motion to table the village's request for an industrial zon­ing designation for the site. Kelham. Milt Alcorn and Margaret Gaddy voted in favor of the motion: Ray Bishop voted against it.

Kelham had expressed concern about the possibility of the site being zoned industrial and then not being used as the compactor site. He spoke in favor of a study of possible In­dustrial zoning for the whole area, which includes the village hot mix plant and municipal barn.

He also suggested asking the coun­cil to state whether it definitely in­tended to put the compactor at the old sewer plant. He noted that to zone It without that assurance would be "put­ting the cart before the horse."

Councilman AI Junge told P&Z members they were the ones who brought up other sites, and claimed the council had never considered any other site. He stated that It was coun­cil's intent to put the compactor at the old sewer plant.

Acting chairman James Paxton said P&Z had found three possible village-owned sites for the compac­tor.

The first <Paxton said they were in no order of preference) is adjacent to or near village hall. The second is at an iil>andoned water treatment plant


on Hull Road The thtrd is at the old sewer plant.

The first two are well located for ac· cess to the village landfill on Fort Stanton Mesa, it was noted, while the third would be convE'nient if Ruidoso and Ruidoso Downs were to use the facility jointly.

JungE' said the old watE'r treatmE'nt plant was considered. but that an engineer declared it unsuitablE' He pointed out that a $75,000 concrete "shoebox" that would hold the com­pactor is already in place at the old sewer plant.

He said the council has not confer­red with Ruidoso Downs on joint use of a compactor. II In response to a question of why the system is needed at all, Junge cited wear and tear costs on village gar­bage trucks. He pointed out that there was already industrial use in the vicinity of the old sewer plant, and that it was easier to have industry in one part of a city.

"We seem to be stuck with it out there," he said. He added that street and sanitation superintendent Jack LaMay would be able to supervise the activity "from behind a cyclone fence." Industrial use requires a solid fence where It abuts other land uses.

Margaret Gaddy said her main con­cern with that site was its location in relation to residential area and schools. "The place Is not the ob­ject-it's gE-tting in and out of It," she said.

Paxton had opened discussion by stating that it was P&Z's job to make a decision based on zoning rather than use. But persons opposed to the

proposed use were present and had their sav

Gary George read a letter on behalf of nearby property owner J. B. Close. who said the compactor would be detrimE'ntal to the market value of his land. Judy Miller, whose property borders the plant, cited visual im­pact. flies and smell as negative fac­tors.

"If the city wants to turn Ruidoso into El Paso. that's up to them." she said.

"We just don't want it down there-that's all," said Harlan Mc-Craw. t

Jim Wimberly questioned the economics of putting the compactor so far from the landfill, and said he doubted Junge's claim the old water plant site was not feasible.

P&Z members Kelham and Bishop again reported on their visit to the trash compactor in El Paso, Texas.

"We wouldn't feel bad with it next to our house. We wouldn't feel bad with it next to city hall," said Bishop.

"Based on our examination in January, the thing appears to be a good neighbor," said Kelham.

When Kelham made his motion to table the industrial zoning request. Junge said he thought P&Z was trying to do something it did not have the prerogative to do. He said it stood in good common sense the whole area would have to be zoned industrial, and predicted that would follow the sewer plant rezoning automatically.

The vote then put the request in Um­bo, presumably until the council makes Its Intentions clear.

At the end of the meeting, P&Z members discussed the need Cor in-

dustrial land in the village The need for general commercial land and the possibility of an industrial council were also mentioned.

In other business Mondav. P&Z: -Approved a rezoning of thf'

5.3-acre Havens Tract from R-3 <mobile homesl to I <industriall for Bill McCarty. It was noted the propE'r­ty has had industrial use since 1969.

McCarty employee John Russell said the land will be used for night storage, a repair shop and a storage site for sand and gravel. Kelham said the difference between that land and the old s~wer plant nearby was that the former had a 1:>-year history of the same use.

-Approved two lot line variances for Tom McNeil on lots 19, 20 and 21. block 1, in Paradise Canyon after McNeil agreed to put his garage-shop building farther from the roadway than he had planned.

-Approved a rear lot line variance on lot 12, block 16, Ponderosa Heights Unit 3, for Ron Harris.

-Did not act on vacation of road right of way on lot nB, block 1, Lookout Subdivision, for Fred A. Boyd. The request was to be resub­mitted after modification of a corner.

-Approved first replat of portion of Airport West Unit 3, tract D, for Bob Dolgener.

-Approved replat of lot 16, Middle Cedar Subdivision, for Paul A. Pear­son.

-Approved replat of block B. Red Cedar Subdivision, for Paul A. Me· Clendon.

-Approved replat of lots 20A and 2oB, Middle Cedar Subdivision, for John Shaw.

/ 2A I Thtt Ruidoso News I Thursday, February 9, 1984

Welcome new$- spo~rt.-...s·'""''UI' .&IIILJ., ... '"'

by BILLY ALLSTETTEA News Staff Writer

It looks like Ruidoso wUI have at least one softball field this summer and possibly more. ·

the school," said Htne.

--~--~ ~ --~--~ -~,::;-__ ·_.~--.~:~---~.;:!~7·_;:;:_~~~~~~t~,?··~·\:?_::~·-~·7/J~~7:--~~:~ -~ ,-~· ~-~ .... -'~- -·',, ,-"

: . . - i~· .. .

-: .... _, .,

• --

• Governor 'l'9noY AQaya announc~ last W~e~ that. the 1\eereatlon

, Advison' q»n,dlittee haS alloca~ $30,0,1:10 fov the cons~ructtcin of a sports cOmQ).ex near th8 ~te Mountain schools.

'lbe total estimated cost of the pro­ject is $158,000. The village councU allocated approximately $50,000 of lodgers' tax funds now held in a cer­tificate of deposi~ fot Ule con,structipn of the ~plex. The vUlage ·a~~ _has budg-$32,500 for the paving wqrk •

VUiake manager Jim Hme SaldC!ori­structiod, of the eomplex wm proceed

, inJ>IWI•I" 'file lirs,t PI> .. • o:ans lor ·11\o e~truetioO. Of•two softi;JaU Oelds, one soccer field, 'aD irrigation system, and pavfug of a parking lot and aceeu road.

Although U.e ~e CC)UDCU ag~ · to fund the complex in August, vntase and IJChool oUlcfals have not been ·~bletoagreeupcmalease.Hine.sald. · tbe leaoels<llmilot """'"'"'• With_,_ ,, "ifllnO< tetiallaii&U- r..;;;,;.iD!Jg"fu bti\vorkecf oUt ' ~ .' I '' I ' .'.

·l..n• ' : · 1rr' I I

If a lease for the property south of the school cap be worked out, con­struction should start as soon as con­tour maps are completed, said Parks and Recreation director Pam Graves.

Ruidoso originally applied for $75,000 in matching funds to build the­complex that will include two soccer fields, one footbaU field, four soft­ball/baseball fields, a track and ' .: ~~:-ooms.

Graves and assistant village manager Frank Potter said they hoped to have one field completed for the summer.

Construction will not begin, however, said Graves, until a lease for the property is signed with the Ruidoso school system.

uwe .need to finallze the lease with

bOib"S."i.."~ .;~t.J~: .. 1iluldoso'• a~tllr:; w~CH, is JP.ore · · than many other communities recetv~ ed. '

The Recreation Priorities Advisory . ~ommiU,. received 115 applications for $6.6 million worth of projects. The _.comrniUee had only $1~}.17,686 in federal and state funds to allocate.

Capitan received $7 ,BJS to resUrface tennis courts. The Capitan scboo1 system recei~·$4,875 for a play area and track.

January building permits number 22 by BILLY ALLSTETTER News Staff Wr1ter

The Village of Ruidoso issued 22 building permits in January valued at $1,658,174.

Although the valuation is almost 50 percent higher than December's figure and 100 percent higher than the January 1983 valuation, a change in valuation procedure makes it difficult to compare the figures.

This January, Ruidoso began using a variable valuation scale of $42 and $50 per square foot, depending oo the type of construction. The village used $27 per square foot for valuing con­struction before.

Lincoln County Home Builders president Slick Graham said he thought January had been a relative­ly slow month. Extremely cold temperatures during the first two weeks of the month prevented most new builidng starts, said Graham. Wanner. dry weather in the last half of January, however, may have in-

creased construction, said Graham. T~ ~ permits i_ssued in -1a~

1984 were more than the 17 permits issued the previous month or the 15 in January 1983.

Ruidoso building inspector Kaare Haddeland left his position abruptly early in the month. Former building inspector Don Hendricks filled in as the inspector before the village nam­ed Jimmie Neeley temporary inspee­tor, said village manager Jim Hine.

Neeley is not yet certifted as an in­spector, said Hine. He will be perfor­ming inspections under the direetion of state inspector Buddy Mullins or Hendrieks until he takes a certlftca­tion exam, said Hine.

Permits issued by the Village of Ruidoso in January are Usted below by subdivision, type of construction and estimated cost of construction.

-McCarty, commercial office building, $65,635.68.

-Golf Course Estates, single­famlly dwelling ISFD), $91,524.

-Ponderosa Heights II, SFD,

$44,352. -:-SJs:y~"Pd. ~ulti-fa~y _ dweJ~ ........ Hamilton Terrace, addition,

$62,500. SIDglng Pines, SFD, $35,840. Ruidoso Pine Lodge, residential ad­

dition, $5,000. Deer Park II, multi-family dwell­

ing, $302,920. Hutson-Carrlzo, commercial

offices-gallery, $89,300. Hamilton Terrace, commercial

business, $215,000. Pineeliff, SFD, $57,300. Alpine Village, SFD, $36,288. Enchanted Forest U, SFD, $63,000. Juniper Hills, SFD, $61,950. Camelot, SFD, $85,540. Young Heights, SFD, $23,520. PineeUff 115, SFD, $109,200, Apache Park, SFD, $38,304. Forest Heights, SFD, $50,400. camelot I, SFD, $85,696. Red Cedar, SFD, $51,744. SE¥4, SW¥.1 Sec. 8 T9s R13E, SFD,


Fearsome threesome · . .

·,- ' i ·\

' " . I

Candidates night setat Capitan . '

by DARRELL J. PEHR News Staff Writer

According to villa'ge clerk· Viriinla cr.n.:fairar&l'fi'8.df, Anyonewantin.t(, Spall, four peop1e •re ,running f91' the to -enter .work should. oall 354-2240 ·or two trustee seats and three . can- 3M-26fl5. 'l'be feft Will be $1$ ·a

Members of the· Capitan Chamber dldates are running for the Judgeship. to-foot by to-toot 'booth, 'The .(air wiD · of Commerce decided during their The candidates for trustee are Pat be from. 9 to 6 p.m.· SAturday, Monday lunch meeting to bold a c. Huey, Norman Calvin IJ.enfro, Vel"- May 26, the day of the parade. · "'Meet the Candidates" night for the J10D Kelly B'eavers -and-· Larry---E.-·----· .. -·---- __ ;__ ___ ---- .. ,.-- .- · :,_~- -residents of Capitan, according to Csywood. Caildldates for judge are Shear said plans for the event are Chamber President Pat Shear. The Alfred Leroy Montes, Johnnie progressing well.

. meeting, scheduled fot 7 p.m. Tues- Romero Johnson: and Michael D. ••we have ·15 entrieS fOr the parade. day, February 14, will be at the Points: a~eady,u •he s~. 11It'a going to go Smokey Bear Restaurant meeting Ac!!OI'(llng to Shear~ the public ls in- pretty g~!' -room in capitan. vited to attend and ask the candidates

Invitations to the meeUnl]:: have·"' .queatlolis duriog the meeting. been sent to all candidates for the two The Chamber also discussed the up­four~year village council seats and coming Smokey Bear J?'arade, Shear the one four-year village judge term. said appllcattOIUil for the arts and~

The next Dl,eettag of. the Chamber wW be at u:ao a.m. Moaday, March· s, in the dining: room of the sm:okey Bear Restaur_ant. - ·

HomeBuilders hear from 16 village council candidates Tuesday. by BILL V ALLSTETTER News Staff Writer

Lincoln County Home Builders Association members listened Tues­day night to 16 of the 21 candidates for Ruidoso village council address issues of water, annexation, city plan­ning and growth.

The candidates all spoke five to eight minutes during the association's regular monthly meeting at Cree Meadows Restaurant. The can­didates' comments, in order of ap­pearance on the ballot. are sum­marized below.

AI Junge. Water is probably the key to everything the village does in the future. said Junge. Unfortunately the quality of Ruidoso's water is gone since the village will not be able to purchase enough water rights and will have to drill wells instead. The hard subsurface water will require expensive filtration systems.

"Growth is here and you are going to have it." said Junge. He said the village council would have to take care of the growth. He noted that ln. creased rates during his tenure as a councilman have put the Water, sewer and solid waste departments on a sound financial basts that eliminates much of the need for bonds to finance improvements.

Jerry Shaw. Shaw agreed water is Ruidoso's "number one priority." She said she would listen to people and try to rnake intelligent decisions. "I am certainly for growth," said Shaw, who recalled the 19608 when lt was much harder to make a living.

Jon Denny. Denny said Ruidoso should seek out alt,ernatives to Its water problems. He suggested possi­ble cooperation with the Mescalero Apache Tribe, but mentioned concern that Ruidoso might become depen· dent upon water from others, as the United States has done with Oil.

He said he is neither for nor against growth but that it cannot be stopped. He said he did not know the answers to Ruidoso's problems but was willing to listen and seek out alternatives. He said a village councll member should represent the people and not special interests.

Ray Dean Carpenter. "I am definitely for growth," said Carpenter, who added that the growth must be planned. He agreed that Ruidoso may have to go to the Mescalero Apache Tribe for addi­tional water, and called for more cooperation among aU governing bodies of Lincoln and Otero counti~. He said he would listen to anyone.

"I want to hear both sides before I attempt to make an intelligent deci-

Michael Radziewicz village council candidate

Michael Radziewic-z., motel owner and Ruidoso resident for six years, has announced his candidacy for the Ruidoso village council.

Radziewicz. who came to Ruidoso from New Jersey, has a bachelor's degree in business administration from William Patterson College. He completed half the requirements for a master's degree in finance.

He has wOI'ked in food service, elec­tronics and quality control and has been a company controller.

He now owns the West Winds Lodge with his wife, Nancy. He has two children, Nicole, 6, and Gregory, 10.

He is a member of the Ruidoso Valley Chamber of Commerce, the Ruidoso Volunteer Fire Department

and the Rotary Club, and is on the board of directors of the Ruidoso Motorcycle Festival. He also helped organize the Golden Years Jubilee last spring.

Radziewicz said he has been involv­ed in coinmunity activities since he arrived in Ruidoso.

He is a business owner in town and understands the importance of con­trolling government costs, he explain­ed.

He said he would Uke to see a con­vention center built with existing funds. He is also in favor of a youth center and recreation facilities ..

In the area of water, Radziewicz said, be would like to see more em­phasis on conservation.

sion," Carpenter said. Alma Russell. Russell agreed that

water rights are the controlling factor in growth throughout the Southwest. She gave a short historical synopsis of the necessity of access to water in the Southwest. "Be strong of heart as we search for our water boles." said Russell.

Sbe said she was familiar with possibutties and problems confron­t!ng the building industry since her late husband was very involved in the Industry.

Michael Radziewicz. Radziewicz said he thought mol'f> emphasis should be placed on water conserva­tion as an inexpensive way to in­crease our water supply. He also said be was in favor of commercial growth which leads to more jobs and demand for new bomes.

BUI Kam. Kam said RuldososhOII;ld be able to buy more water rights with revenues from water bWs. He sug­gested looking seridUSly at increased utility expansion charges and in­creased water tap fees. He also sug­gested alternative water right deals such as leases and lease-purchase agreements. He warned that Capitan owns half of the Alto reservoir and may someday demand its share of the water.


"It has worked for oil and gas and can work for water as well," said Radziewicz.

Elmer Pirelli seeks seat on village council Former village trustee Elmer

Pirelli is seeking a seat on. the Ruidoso village council in the March 6 municipal election.

He has lived in Ruidoso since 1954. He and his wife, Erol, have 21-year­old twins, Sam and Alicia.

Pirelli is a locksmith. Prior to going into that business in 1!r74, he was a building inspector for the Mescalero Apache Tribe.

Besides being a former truatee (four years) and mayor pro tern Ctwo years>, Pirelli bas served on the Ruidoso and Lincoln County planning and zoning commissions and the Eagle Creek Water Association.

He was president of the Am­bassadors Club <the "Gold Coats"> and was charter president of the Noon Lioqs Club.

Pirelll cited his previous ex, .. perlence as one reason for nmntng for the council. He said it enabled him to understand the situation better than

. . ..... __ .,.,_ ...


someone going in cold·. Wt He pointed out that be was involved

in forming the original zoning reguta.. tions in -the vU1ag8 apd implementing the first comprehensive plan, in the ......

"I'm perfectly in favor of a prates.. slonal planner," be said. He . called . himself a "finn bellever in deed 1 restrictions"' .(restrictive covenants> .....,, In caseo of •""- In land use.

Plrelll said he tbouglit he OOII!d In' q some harmony to the councn. Ue noled that ht;l, doeS not like executive sessions Celoded. meetings), favoring open meetings at an tibles except wbeil Htlgation or periiOI'lb81 was -••Tfle ~in t:binlta what's-beat tor the town,.. he IJBU:I: He ~ntecl. out that each eleCted official iiiUSlt act in coneert with the others to· aebleve alms.

1111 a poU~lait telfs you he'll go~·l'iS to do this onil do tl1a!, )IOU'd tieltei' forget tt," Pb-eW Btifd. ·

John Carver. carver warned that water is going to get expensive. He said he did not know the answers to water problems and that the council should trust honest, responsible hydrologists to supply answers. He said expansion was necessary but should be controlled, and things such as parks within the city should be taken' care of before annex.lng more property.

Carver also said Ruidoso needs more affordable housing and that tighter control should be exercised over unlicensed builders.

Bl11 Streeter. "I think it's an ex­clUng time to be here.'' said Streeter. He said he is for growth and believes Ruidosoans should work together. He satd Ruidoso wtn have to spend money on water, and that he saw a new airport, a junior college and more paved roads l.n I:tuidoso.

Clark Carpenter. carpenter said Ruidoso's only problem was that it was growing so fast that mariy deci· sions- must be made on short riotice. He said be thought Ruidoso was in pretty good shape with water but should start thinking about possibly using Flume and Perk Canyons for reservoirs. He said be was disap­pointed the present council did not an­nex Sleepy Hollow and that that deci-

Mescalero native Ray Dean carpenter has announced his can­didacy for a seat on the Ruidoso village council.

carpenter lived In Ruidoso from 1900 to 1961 before moving to Roswell He returned to Ruidoso in March 1982. He is a graduate of Ruidoso 111gb School, and later attended Baylor University and. DaUas Instib.lte of Mortuary Science.

He was a funera1 director from 1959 to 1977, and operated a nursery and garden center from 1978 to 1982. He entered the real estate business in August 1982 and is presently a salesperson with DiPaolO Real

Es~ter ·has been married to thel­former Pat Ray, owner of the Nook and Cranny in Ruidoso, since 1961. They have two chlldren.

He is a member of Ruidoso Lodge 73, AF and AM; S;cottlsh Rite BOdi.~ in Santa Fe; York lUte -~es m Roswell; Grand Lodge of New Max~ teo, AF aDd AM; the Eplseopal.lan t;:lbuteh; RUidoso Board Of Realtors; Realtors Association Of New Mexico;

sion may cause problems in the future.

Elmer PfreW. 1'You gotta be fOr waterd" said Pirelli, who noted that heha beenacouncilmemberbelore. as well as serving on thePlannlngand Zoning Commission and the Eagle Creek !liter Community Water Supply Association. lte said he wanted to act u a catalyat Db the councU, ln- .

. &tigllting less arguing and more cooperation. ~ said be was a strong advocate of deed restrictions.

JohD Underwood. The o.nly person against. water was W. C. Fields, said UnderwOod. He said he saw growth as a challenge BDd that he wanted to gather as much information and facts possible to make decisions and run Ruidoso just ·like any private business. He said he wanted to harness the energy within Ruidoso to find answers to t68 problems it faces.

Michael Callaghan. Callaghan said Ruidoso needed to update Ita existing water facilities such as the ti'eabnent plant in the Upper Canyon. He said water would be expensive, but that Ruidoso should 'not tax curt'ent residents to pay for more water. He said he was for sensible growth.

Milt Alcorn. Alcorn. said success was dependent upon gooa relation­ships that be hoped to bulld with

and the National Association of· Realtors. He is past master of Roswell Lodge 18 and Felix Lodge 29, Hagerman, and is presently an officer in tbe Grand Lodge of N~ Mexlco.

"'The main reason why I chose to run was iny love for Ruldoso-ba~ been raised and grew up here; cai-penter said. · _

He stated that future groWth- attd development needed -tO· be -~ dinated among ·various agertcles, ln­cludln,e1:!:." lllescalero ApAche Trlbo.

"I we need to have .a very plamled. comptehenslve: progratil of expansion," he said. He pointed to curtellt problenul of tile vtUago bolng. water, sewer and sanitation. . .

"One thing t11at X delfnlfcly believe in Is all open meetings, u -Bald Carpenter. Uif I'Ji'l elecled there will be no elosed meetingS to anyone. -u

Asked about major ea~palgn issues, be sald -no11t1 Jaave em.~ed­yet, and ~ iill AIIJS1ild:p:tton ot oilgOing Probl"""'· He b!entlcHledlhe possible noedfo< on ID<lUStrial ...,._ pleX, onil ""'d lb• ptesent olrPor! might he ~dered If a ,.... airj>ort

4:. J ..

grou~ such as builderst Qle school board and _Ruidoso DOWDS. HQ said councn members should prmde strons:er admlnistration and that everybody would have to work together.

Shennan A&wood. AtwOOd noted that be served. on the eouncil tor eight years frottl-197~ aruHhat he- Was ~ for councu to Pl'OVide -~·eon~ tlnuity. • He noted tb&i maoy' of the· present ideas being implemented In tbe village-,. were started during his tenure on the councU. He canea growth a "many-faceted problem.'" and satd be was proud of the fact thl!lt -be helped create the requirement for underground uUUUes- in Rufdoso's new subdivisions.

Romeo Klein. Ktetn said he was for growth but that Ruidoso n~ed to secure resources before ex}J3ndlng. He ·said he thought RuidOso would · have to negotiate for more water rlshts with· the Mescalero Apache Tri~ or water rlgbt owners in the Hondo.Vallq. He alsO expressed con• cern about an alrport and community center.

Caadldates lUck Evans. JoAnn Farris, Terry c;oe, Ralph _Rush and Joseph Collier dld not address the: association •. ·


WIIII·I>UIII. · .. catpepf<r 110io!d ... ·""· lot the

. \Ybole tJt RUidosO and the betterment of U..commUlll!y, · ·

··- ... ~-- "" ... -""- -'" •· .... -· -· "' "'

. '




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ChemicalPeople· . . ' . . ' . - .

"Fitness Fair" . kicks off spa

'1be Carrizo Lodge WUl hold a' -. 1~Fitness · Fair"' from 9 Jl,Ql. to. 5 p.m. Saturday, February 11. 'l'he event Will ·be~ in celebration of tile sralid opeolrig of . tb1o Mlobe Rose Heallll Spa.- ·

-1!!0!1 IIINI!l!boul lbe <loy are a host of events; iQcluding frisbee demonstrations by -'"Crazy" John Brooks, a nati~ frisbee cbampl~m; jump- ·rope demonstrations ~ former profes-­sional boxer Alvin · Domlneyj a style show; hackey sack demonstrations; aerobics, sQ'et­chlng and speedwalkit1g events; ancl spot tolling, Jacuai a_nd sauna sessions, _

u'l'here wm be classes au·da)r-for free " said event organizer Sh• Brainerd. She added that most of the evcmts wlll be held In the upstairs studio onhe Lodge.

For more Information (laJI Brainerd at 25'1-9131. .

Capitan4-H sign-up slate"d

Ari ·enrollment meeting for Capitan 4-H 18 set fo,: 6-;30 p.U'i. Monda)', February 131 at ·the Capil.rol Falr BuDding. Capitan ar• youths- ages. ntne_to-19are hh vlted to sign up for Pr<>Jeols. ~ose ·Interested In 4-H mliSt br­

ing their pareilt or gtUU"dian In order to sign up. New projects of .. fered this year im::lude rodeo, shooting sports and adva11cement levels in beer, swine, borse and sheep. .

For more Information call WWa Stone at 354-2356.

Art guild plans

demonstration Nuclear arms foes Tho Ruldooo Art Guild w111 hold

lts regular. monthlY meeting at 7

to show free films· · 15o~"!'~:·t,r: 1~~ -. wlU demom~trate aspen chipboard

New Mexicans for a Bilateral at the meeting. Members and the Nuet~r Weapons Freeze will show pUbllc are Invited to attend.


• Obituaries

Richard Blaauw Dciwns BapUst Church, with Jerry MBuldln officiating. Interment wtis planned in Resthaven Cemetery in­Glendale!', Arizona, with a graveside service Wednesday. February a. Richard Blaauw, 19, died saturday.

February 4, In Saint Mary's Hospital Ju Rodwell. llew Mexico._

He was born December 5, 1904, in

Arrangements were by Clarke's Chapel or Roses.

- the Netherlands, . -SUrvl..... Include his daughter, . Eugenia Thomas

Nancy Schmidt, of RUidoso Downs; fOUr brothers:, .Jacob Blaauw and El Paso resii:tent Eugenia (Mrs. -Jobn Blaauw of :Mfcbtgan, Jim Clar~nee) Thomas, fonnerly ot Alto, Blaauw of Wlsconstn and stewart died Friday, :February 3, Jn El Paso, -'Blaauw of Florida; and lour grand.. TeXa!!. · children. She was very ae.Uvl! in the First

- Baptist Church· of Ruidoso. Services Services wei-a sclJeduled for TUes-- were Monday, F'ehru&r)" &, at El

c:fay, February 7, lJ! _the Ruidoso Paso.

HOUSE· OF SHOES Valentine's Day .

Special!_. · . .loy • pall' of ..... -· ......... ____ .. ...... •Otl-lvoo .... 'I'OI'.aAG

tiays ••ly ....... !"Y' ••• 13




·. ~

. · "lndlaft aftd. · .. Moxlcalft C:ulslfte" SuomiHocl EaiJ•·· Sou•••• or Bacon, S1. 9·· 9·. ·. Squaw Bl'oacl· with · •

: Fr011h Sttawborrlo• t..unchoon Spoc:lal• · 2 9· 9· with C:ofhlo or tea ' $ • Dlnnor Sp;tclal. sa. so.

' . :1117'·'1'7t9

6 9 p~.,..-~ 'WhU~; -li~l., S.t ••

•' ' .·. :-- -··· ,·: .

• m-.;GQtltsNoSe

····· ThursdaY. Fe\>ruarY ~;~; .191!4 t 'th'" A~lc:fq&.:. i\i,.w$ r aA..

Bound for Rome

.- . Entrl¢if -rn~i.- include' .. your .name.-·~r;;tde level, age .a_nd-a U~e! · -

tbree-topics.. Wlnnets fr~nl both $ohools:Wtn b~· .. my_th e~q>1Ajn· &nnc:mnCed Wedi1,~day~ Febn1ar-y ~


-~- Boo~y to reti:t:e · .. ~rn~t. · J. ·.-:aoolty. :lJ®do. Valley Publt~ schoolS Stiperlntendent. plans

, to.~tire at the; end ()f this sci\O.ol. year, · · · lie bas ~·superintEmdeP.t in.t~ ~tdct for 14 y~rs. .He llolds a· mastcr' in ~nooi-admil;tisb11.~

Concert Sunday • 'l'he }Jardip.Simlilons Univ~rSity

Con.!lert Band and· WJnd Ensemble,· under f:tle dlrecticm of,Blll Woods, will· ___ ,be in concert . at 6 p.m. Sunday, February 12; at First 'Baptist Church ot Ruidoso (on Mechem DriVe), . ·

Ben Wolff (left) holds up one of three wood carvings to be awarded In an u~ coming drawing, while F-ather David Bergs (center} and Julian Romero -watch. Wolff and Romero, both of Capitan, are working toward a

· pilgrimage to the Vatican later this spring

by sponsoring drawings for ca,rvlnQs, a; · cord of wood and a crocheted bedspread. Others -planning to go from Bergs' parish are Tony Allred .and Robyn Peralta of Capitan and Mary· Gaddy of Ruidoso. For lnformatton on the draw­

. lngs, call 648-2853,

Hardin-Simmons, at Abilene, Texas, ts the home of the famous Cowboy Bsnd. Members of tbe Con· cert Band and Wind Ensemble repre· --sent aU parts of the United States.

The entire community ts Invited to this special performance. There is no admi$slon charge. ·

A &JH!Ciallnvltatton is issued to all band members and 'tbeir parents from Ruidoso High School and Whl~ Mountain Middle School. The band students will be! recognized as special guests d_uring thl! concert. '

Montgomery, Nowell plat:t wedding


Mr. and Mrs. John· H. :Montgomery of 540 Sudderth Road in Ruidoso, an­nounce the engagement of their daughter, Jonetta Dee, to Brad Nowell. · ·

Nowell is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Nowl!ll of Ruidoso.

Jonetta Dee. Montgomery iradM&ted from Ruidoso High SchoOl and attended Alamogordo Beauty College. She l.s etnployed at Nellil!'!i Beauty Shop. ·

Brad Nowell graduated from Ruidoso High School and is employed at Allison Flumbing Md Heating.

The wedding is planned to take ptaceSaturdaY,hbruary23,atFirst · Baptist Church in Ruidoso Downs.

Donations for family asked -The .Ladies Auxiliary of Ruidoso

Downs has set up au account and ts seeking donated items for _the family ofBeverlyDay. -

The White Moon lain Middle School student has had exteD!IiVe surgery in tbelastfewyears.l\eeenlly, thefami­Jy home burned, leaving them wllll nothing but a few items of clothing.

Monetary contributions to the ac--·-

• • ••••••• ••?guptBJ "(ghoice••



e CH.tJ;

o POLQ by ~olph Lauren


e Arv.MIS And

qvw:t~hio~s ·_ . -ui) 2ir*ISW.111i

. 1'U>I1V O' OFt ST~EEt PAAKIN<l

HPutt·9i®-ISi00 Moi'iday111tu $Q_cutclay

count are welcome at Ruidoso state Bank.

ContribuUons of household goods would also be appreciated. Donations may be taken to the RUidoso Dawns vlllageh,aUorWhite MountatnMtddle School.

For fnfonnation, caU Betty Day at 3'18-4195 or 2$8-4150.

CaD or Come 'DyTo Place

otden frH· DettverY

1tr RuidOSO

Stm:y Holll" sign-up Children ales a· to 5 years. are 'in·

vited to a Valentine's celebration at the Ruidoso PUblic Library,

Two sessions wUI be held on Tues· day, F•bnaary 14. The first win be from 9:30 to 10 a:m. am\ the second from 10:30 to H a.m. ·

Registration for preschool story hour _wm also • begin Tuesday.

The program wlll Include: 11The Italian In A1giers," by Rosinni; "Galop from Moscow Cheremushky," by Shostakovlch; uSaraband and· Polka," by Arnold; .and "Fandango," by Perkins. ·Cleve Kerby is pastor at First Bap­

tist Cbureb. Minister or music ts Paul Tapp. For furtberinformatlon on Sun­day's eoncert, .call 357-2081. •

<?Pc:1rndeisJ-.fairtAI(fdr Introducing: . Carrol Stanley

Poll)elo West Nelson ·Owner /Hair Stylist

Offers Her Full SeNice Solon with Gino Kowotch

Heir Stylist Sculptured Nons, Linen Wraps

Manicures, Pedicures "~~rge Selection of Polishes

~-~::;;:-:.g:.Fullline 1\'b~ .

15 yrs. experience Specializing in

Perms, holr cuts ond coloring

•• / i \ Plozo

For a lffetlme ofHappJI Valentine•··· -- -a;gfft:fr'o-.n-wlelaard-Golr&mftlt •


·- . -~


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,4A I The Ruld0<1o N•wa 1 Thu...,day, FebruElry e, 1884 · " ..

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fplay Demiqg; Hot Springs --:------:-----------------:------'-'-:---...,.-.-.. -.· -f~~~~i.6 .. :.. . -!if~t~~~= :r~.'~~~~~~

', ~L!l dir~.w arnors face·· kev ·tilts:. ' Motlw c:tlllcol .Weei(OI\d awaits '0\!101' EW~oplay .... wboohould luul<laltor~'!'Stllllidooo-••nd .... ~ .. J/. '' ''"' '' ·"·"·' .. , •: ·.' -~"· '' '·'·'·'''' :···.·~~~~~."lf'.~l'"l't"l~~~~··~~=.~•'fn,''W;,{',:~: "'tb=•::r=Y~'/!:ti\ke''

·· .·4~¢t·tl1tlgltJ~·s~_·.t,p_·,.,QJ·~s_, ... :{ ·., · -'·lS~-2!~~·:-it-:f[€€£!':;~( -~€=1··· by GARY PROWN News Sports Writer

After Ieising a tight 51-49 _ganie to host T!,ilarosa Tuesday night, the Ruidoso Hish School girls varsity ba$ketball team must now meet tough Deming and co-district leader Hot Splinils Friday ~Saturday,

Ruidoso will" travel to -Deming Fri-

gymnasium_ Saturday night to play Hot Springs. Hot Springs shares. the lead, with Cobre, Both teams have 3-1 records. Deming is 2-2 in district play while the Warriors are fifth in the

. - . Saturday -~t. _; · , _ . · nas111m.' .auidoso's·~- Onb- win Of the RUidoso-game,_ . . . .-· _ Tularosa by hlttiq; a short jump sb9t HOWCMn". · Ruidoso's ~"t9Uahest foe distrlc.t ~on earn$ agamst Hot Spr- . 1 'TJ!.ey•~ two Ol:(f;sta11dh:ag players,'' wj,th eight s,econds nunainin$ in tbe this weektmd Dildlt nof b8 either Of .- iugs PI tlu! Warrlof.s took.a 50-49 deci~ Geyer -said of- tbe TJger sophomores. gmne. the above teams, '\ut"-.the 'f'lu. . aton. . . ·' . uwe•re gotng to try to J?Ul the clalilps

The game was elose most of the "We had 17 players out TUesday," Dem~ is. s-.1 in -district play ana· on them and-for(ie t:IJ.ek'othel' playen ~ said, Wrt.nior hMd coaCh Ron Geyer leads 1:he dtstrtct. Hot Springs Is 1-:3. to b_eat·~;". _ · · . · .

Wednesday. '"l'oda)'itwasn'tqlJiteas Wb4lt· .can RuJ.doao expect from Geyer would ·Uke the Wattl.or11 to mucb,·lthinkaround12or·13. ~ Demtng·uu.·tln}p!'. · win now but be-reels it's es~Uy ·~*peltdly .Wfi'U ·be able b? ~t it "'lbe I~IR time·we played them w~ Important that bits Its-peak

together tomorrow (Tbu,t'lda)l') at were able to go man on man against the -fln!'l- week of the J"egUiar season pr~e"e;" them," :!!'Bid. "Since then -·befqre: the district ~htarts . . Sophomore Dan Ullnlann is the they've switeh:ed to a ZOde and -"We're atm1ng to be playing PUl' WarriOrs' leading scorer, averaging they've been wjJuling. best when tbe final-week arrives·,'' he over 19 points a contest, Stmtor "We'regoingtohavetobeverypa. comlnented. GObert Rivera has also scored in dou- tient and try to f~e them out ot their · The top two teamS from tb8 district ble figures ~1 times and Is a good ·zone." , tournament will go· on tQ the state oUtslile shooter. - , Alpha Adkins is a 6-4 eenter for the tournament in Albuquerque ~

Russell Easter, another Wildcats, Other top Deming players' 7-10, ----------~~~~at1~. -now

son was fouled near With ~ score ·ued at !19--49, Ander-­

son bit both foul shots to give Tularosa the victory. ·

SOphomore !Ylavis Geronimo had>'ht tJ-o.. W~T"rior.s even with

The hosts' lead then swayed bet­ween two and five pain~ for the rest of the third period. Tularosa led 36-34 at the third quarter bre8k.

Geronimo tied the game at 36-36 less ~an a minute ilito the final

-· _ .. - ..... ·.'

Diane McClure (center) of the Ruidoso High School girls var­sity basketball teams tries to take the ball away from a Tularosa player In TUesday's game at the Wildcat gym­nasium. Ruidoso lost the game 51--49.


~ '·' ·,·c • ;; ,; GEORGE BRISTOW


· Ruido1o Al'rport and



i. .. JAMES

0 • 0 0 0 •

' We Clooe $cil•dav Afte..,... · •·•·

• • • • • •

"We Don't Want All the liutlniss - Juat Yo••" PliO. 311'4otll - ON HIGHWAY 70 - HOLLYWOOD


Ruldeso head co·c-::·~c:.-::..- Caottao;on felt his team

·Tiger cagers claw Grizzlies, 46-41 PJByed real well," he

down on our turnovers but the m~tal mistakes we made, [ couldD't believe.''

The Warriors were hampered by the absence of starting forwar'd Stacy Ivy aud backup center Katherine San­chez, both of whom had the flu. Several other Ruidoso athletes who played in the game bad been bothered by the flu in recent"t:lays.

Botb Hot Springs and Deming pre­sent tough problems for the Warriors.

The Capitan Hi,gh School boys var­sity basketbaU team raised their district record to 4-1 witlr a hard­fought 46-41 vtctory over host Car-· rizooo Tuesday night In Canizozo's gymnasium~

Capitan, now 13-5 on the overall season, traDed the GrizzUes 11-10 at tbe first period break but outscored Carrizozo J.S.-11 in the second -qUarter for a 23-22 halftime advantage,

The Tigers Increased their edge in the third period, outscoring the Grizzlies 13-8 for' a 36-30 lead.

CarriZozo, 3--2 for the district_ season, fought back in the final period, closing the gap to five points several times, althpUgh it did not get aoy eloser.

Todd Proctor led the Capttan scor­ing with 19 points. He also picked off seven reboUnds to top the Tigers in tbat category. -

Dewey Keller added eight points for Capitan, Troy Keller- scored· five and Eddie Davis tallied four. Davis had been avera~ more than 20 points a game entering the contest.

James Guevera led the Grizz.ltes with 10 points, Kenneth Crenshaw,­John Rou~ and Robin Beltran each added elgbt points.. for Carrizozo, • "It was pretty close an the way,"

said Capitan ~ach Kendal LawUs. "Both -teams slowed the tempo down. We only committed 10 turnovers and that'-s pretty good. u

Capitan will bosi Weed Friday night . and travel to Magdalena Saturday. Carrizozo will host powerful Cloud· croft Saturday night.

Tbe Warriors beat Deming 57-40 in the fll'St meeting between the tWo teams at Ruidoso. However, Deming has been highly ranked state-wise most of the season and will have the advantage of playing at home this time.

Carrizozo girls upset Capitan in overtime Hot Springs topped the Warriors

66-63 in Truth or Consequences two weeks ago and might be the best team in the district at this point.

The varsity games both nights will be played between girls junior varsity and boys varsity contests. The girls varsity games will start at 4 p.m. each day.

The Bank of Ruidoso wins Little Leagtie tilt

The Bank of Ruidoso defeated PoHce Athletic League 22-13 in a Ruidoso·Sertoma Little League basketball Minor Division game Mon­day night at the White Mountain Mid­dle School gymnasium.

Ronnie Aragon scored six points for the winners and James Larkin tallied five points for Pollee Athletic League.

In a Major Division Contest Monday night, the Chiefs defeated Tim Wishard Goldsmith 29-22.

Friday the Little Braves topped defeated Pioneer Savings 38-20 in Ma· jOr Division action and Gibson's nip­ped First City National Bank 11-9 in Minor Division action.

Shelly Hickerson led Gibson's with six points.

Action wiD contintJe Friday night at the White Mountain gymnasium. The fll'St game will begin at 7:15.

Christetta Chavez hit two free throws with 12 seconds remaining in overtime to give the carrizozo Hlgh School girls varsity basketball team a 49-47 win over visiting Capitan '1\les­day nlghl

The Grizzly victory turned the district race into a three-way tie for fll'St place. Carrizozo, Capitan and Cloudcroft all have 4-1 records.

The score was tied 42-42 at the end of regulation time. BeCky Huey of

Bobby Lane was the winner of last week's Junior Warrior of the Week honor. Lane Is a standout player on the White Mountain Middle School basketball team that con­cluded Its season last week.


We are looking for an experienced buUdl~~g products salesman to handle and coordinate outalde sales. Sales ter­ritCRY wUl Include the Alam~~gordo -d Rnldo•o trading areas. Ellcellent growth company, regional manufaetarer. FnU benefltll, •alaiiJI, pl ... commission. Send reaume and llllluy hlstCRY to:

Tho-• M. WeUboi'D P.O. Box25645

Albuquerque, NM 87125


Winter /Skiing Seas~n

8 A.M. - 7 P.M. ball~ 5 P.M.- '1 P.M. Sundays.

Just up from the· hospital



Capitan JUt a short rebound shot as the buzzer went off to send the game into overtime.

Capitan took a 12-10 edge at the end of the first quarter, but the Grizzlies outscored the Visitors 12-6 in the se­cond period for a 22-18 halftime ad·

.vantage. The score was tied at the end of the

tbinl period 28-28. Carrizozo had led most of the third qUarter, holding as much as a six.:point lead.

The teams battled evenly in the imal regulation period before going

into overtime. , Chavez had an outstanding game,

scoring 26 points to lead txlth teams. Mary Jane Ferguson added 16 points for Carrizozo, most of them coming from the outside.

Tracy Herd led the Tiger scoring with 17 points. Shelley Stowe added 10 points and. Shelly Eldridge tallied eight.

Capitan will host Weed Friday and travel to Magdalena Saturday. Car­rizozo wW host Cloudcroft Saturday In a big district game.

Girls juni~r varsity bea,'tm · The Ruidoso High School girls junior varsity basketball team saw their record drop to 7~ when the War--­riors fell to host Tularosa 51-34 Tues· day night.

. Ruidoso stayed close with the WUdcats for the first half, trailing 24·18 at halftime. But Tularosa outscored the Warriors 19--8 in the third quarter to put the Rame away.

Both teams scored eight points' in the final period;

Veralyn Platta scored 12 J?O!n~ to lead Ruidoso. Rachel Kaycla.bzlnne added to points· and Krista) Enjady scored six.

Ruidoso will tr8vel to Deming Fri· day and host Hot Springs Saturday. Both games will start at 4 p.m.

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Howell sparks Chiefs to . first place in men's league

Sipe, tin! former Cleveland .Browns quarterback, has signed-with the Generals. But he and for.mer Tampa ~ay signal-caller Doug Williams are really the only establlsh­ed quarterbacks In the new loop.

mi$e. . Now along comes Doug, a -fourth

grader at White Mountain Elemen­tary School.

bad an excellent Chiefs to two vic­

In the Ruidoso

ID actl.oli Tuesday, Howell sc;ored 39

points in leading the . Chlets past Ruidoso-Hondo Valley Hospital89-58. Richard :PortlUo scored 20 points for the........ . .

_The Cobras belted the _Cochera Coachmen 93-69 in ~her ·Tuesday

I bit- for 26 points to lead ltevtn Strobel tallied 29

The USFL still has somtt improving to do In Us defensive backfields and at ·• the kicking position. Those areas were·weak spots last season and could be again this year.

The biggest problem the USFL faces, however, Is one of Its own mak-

Doug plays in the Ruldoso-Sertoma LlW:e League basketball program and Ulls season becrune only the se­cond player ever to make the Major Division In his first year of play. Cody WUiard was the first.

It's too bad the three tnlmann brothers are six years apart in age (from the oldest to the youngest>.

Junior varsityboys nipped ing - expansion. ·

It was a mistake for the league to expand after just one season. MoSt of the franchises struggled Jast season and they could do so-again this year,

The best thing for ~~-.Y~FL to do

It wouldbave been niCe someday to hear the announcer at a RuidosO lifgh School game say, 11and now Starting for Ruidoso, the UUmann brothers."

Kind of sounds like a: rock band.

The Ruidoso mgh School boys junior varsity basketball team lost a - declsloo to the Ylstlng Goddard sophomores Monday nigbL ·

Ruidoso, now 4-13 on the season, was paced in the scoring eolumn by Brian Davis aad Chuck Jarrell, each

Bowling Scores


Junior League Junior Preps Division

Janua_ry 28 results W L

1.Ruldoso State Bank 2.Rolling Stones 3.Sierra Blanca Motors_

50 17 43 2S 30 34

Boys High G8me Darryl Clements, 134; David SWan­

ner, 124; Tom Abernathy, 101. Boys High Series

Darrel Clements, 359; David SWan· ner, 124; Tom Abernathy, 101.

Girls IJigh Game

Cousins' Cup has tough competition

Tania Abernathy, 158: Jennifer Flores, 110.

Girls High Series Tania Abernathy, 408; Jennifer

Flores, 284. Team High Game

Ruidoso State Bank, 534; Rolling Stones, 526; Sierra Blanca Motors, 619. · · Tearn High Series Rolling Stones,t,M4; Sierra Blanca

Motors, 1.515; Ruidoso State Bank, 1,505.

wltli six points. Jefl Wlllln@llam, Ran· dy Reynolds and Trent TOlbert each added four points.

Godddrd fed by six points (19-13) at halftime, but ·the Warriors fought baclc to tie the score 21~21 at the third­period break.

However, the visitors pulled ahead JD.tbe fiDal quarter to win.

"The players really got to Itt said Warrior junior varsity coacn Jim Hofstadl "But we just couldn't buy a shol We have to really work on our shooting."

Ballet classes to be offered

The Ruidoso Park and Recreation Department is starting Russian and Bouroonville Ballet dance classes.

The classes wlll be for adulls and

/ '

f . •' r ' c•

I I ' ' ' ' \ /'

'· ~.

There was plenty of tough competi­tion in the fourth annual Cousins' Cup Ski Race at Sierra Blanca Ski Resort 'fueo<\aY.

Tbe team of Denny Grover, carla Grover, Larry Schp.eider and Gaey ReynoldS won the coed team race. Morgan's Mouotain SPOrls took the aid shop team race, and Plzm Inn won the restaurant division.

won the men's division with a 93.37 time. Gary ~obis was second in 33.48 and Larry Schneider took third In 33.60.

Women's individual time competi­tion saw Sherrie Jorgenson take first in 35.29; Lee Fones was second In SS.BS; and Pam FrBPklln took third In 36.92.

Tea'm Bantam Division

l.Deck House 2.Cowgirls

w 28 25

youths. 'Dley include an adult ballet class, juolor high baUet class, twc:t beginning ·ballet classes anc:t a creative movement class for chUdren three to five years of age.

Julia GObert will teach the classes. For further information call the

L Park and Recreation Department at ~ 257--2795.

Justin Smith (left In light Jersey) and Matt Porter (right) of the Ruidoso High School boys junior varsity basketball team go for a· rebound against several Goddard players Monday night. Goddard topped the Warriors 28·26.

In Individual times, Alan Campbell Tbere will be another Cousins' CUp

Sid Race Tuesday, March 6.


Boys High Gaml" Leonard Sanchez, 121; Dylan Roah, ...


The New Mexico State Highway' DBJIIII'IIImll ill ulcing for sealed bld1 on tllree (3) tracts of -nt land on State Rilad 37 west of State Road 48, near Angus, New Mexico.

For more Information contact tile New Mexico State Highway Department, Right of Way Section, PO Box 1149, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504·1149.

Brochures are available upon requellt. For details of sale, see tile legal notices In tills newspaper.





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The floor of the meeting room of the New Mexico House of Representatives is a scene of activity as representatives

Bomb threat just a prank An electronic trap on Principal

Tom Hansen's telephone awaits anyone who might attempt to call in a bomb threat to Ruidoso High School.

A ·•young, immature male voice" made such a threat Monday, right before the lunch break was over, Hansen said. It sounded like a stu­dent's voice, he noted.

The boy may have thought it was a prank. but a telephoned bomb threat is a federal offense, Hansen said. Ruidoso Police ChieC Dick Swenor called the crime a felony.

The high school has a detailed pro­cedure if a bomb threat evacuation is needed, but did not use it Monday, That caused concern among some parenls and officials.

Hansen stated ftnnly that ''we wouldn't jeopardize the kids."

He decided the threat was a fake. .. The school is still here. so we made the right judgment. I guarantee, if I

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felt there was ~ threat, I )Vouldn't have been at my desk aU afternoon."

Both Hansen and SWenor said call­ing attention to the bomb threat might provoke mimics. "Like hijacklngs, if word gets out, there's generally a rash of them," SWenor said.

He added that if a school insists that time missed because of an evacuation be made up later, bomb threats stop. Hansen said such a policy is being considered by the board or education.

Any bomb evacuation would not be "one big party In the parking lot.," he vowed. The administration will "pro­secute the thunder" out of any suspect, he added.

Hansen said four bomb threats have been scaUered across the 13 years in which he bas been Ruidoso Higb School principal. He recalled the school was not evacuated for the other threats, which also were made during noon breaks.


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discuss pending legislation during the 21st day of the 30-day session Monday. ,

RHSnames honor roll

Ruidoso High School named 33 students to Its first semester academic honor roll.

Students who earned a 4.0 or better grade average (straight "A"s) in­clude Pam Craft, Wlllie Dean, Steven Dobbs, Debbie Douglas&, Rachel· Me. Coy, Mltch'RiiodW'&k!d'MaryWUey:

Others on the honor roll are Tania Abemathy, Brandl Adcock, Michelle Autrey, Stacy .Dolgener, Krlstt

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Ruidoso area ·State Represeritattve Mickey McGuire ponders ensuing legislation during the morning session of the House Monday.

Douglass and Mark Frye. Also named were Tracy Gann,

Kerry Gladden, carter Hamilton, Laura Hankins, . Kathy Harrison, James Het:rera, Jlochelle Horn­buckle, Kris Hounshell and Lisa

Lopez, AngeUa Maldonado, Lana Mc­Clure, Donna Mobley and Lori Mor· row made the list.

Howell. ·

Also honored ~ Pam Parker, Frances Romero::,lfoptbf9ine Sanchez, Christine Volquaidsen and Glenda White. In addition, David Kolb, Lillian

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Bert:P~gsten ••From this Valle)' 'fttey leaving.

· ldDd face

were: Richard Frank Titsworth, Leo Max Chavez, Ernest am:l-Bob White.

o~IR.ei~mii Mr. Jones, pastor of Bert's own church, said that Bert was a true Christian who Uved his Chrts--­Uanity, and that be would always re:­maln a blessing in our llves.

The Reverend Mr. Grlgsgy said that Bert was "A Johnny AJW:leseed sort of fellow,'' that be. loved life, and was especially fond of apple trees, that he bad' planted trees an the length of the Bonito VaJiey all the way down from his native home at Bonito City. He further stated that Bert "on lnUmate terms with God," that he llved to help people, and that Bert was grateful that he could say of himself: "1 can sleep." Meaning that Bert was thankful that In IPs almost years he could face his Lord with a clear consclence.

The Masonic services were beauWul and comforting, especially so bec:ause of the heart-felt messages of Mr. Albert Hudson, who for all bls ninety years, reached the hearts of those present with a clear, ringing voice. .

"How Gieat Thou Art" was sung by Wes Grigsby. Tbe Masonic closing prayer was recited by BW Dunlap.

Se,rvlces were closed by Father Stampley, who asked the friends and loved ones to join him in reciting The Lord's Prayer, and then gave a few



we an rejoice that Bert -bas been welcomed into Heaven by Our Lord with the words:

"Well done, thou good and faithful servant."

Fe'bruary Blr&hdays A few local birthdays or February:

February five, Ralph Dunlilp: February Six, John Shrecengost, great-grandson of Bert Pfingsten; and February seven, Nell Crain Parks.

The almanac lists a few: Feb. s, Horace Greely, fa.mous ~tor; Feb. 4, Charles I.Jndberg; Feb. &, Babe Ruth; Feb. 7, Charles Dickens; February a, President William Har­risQD, Feb. 11, Thomas Edison; Feb. 12, Abraham Llncoln; Feb. 15, SUsan B. Anthony; Feb. 15, Gallleo; Feb. 21, Cardinal Newman; February 22, George Washln&ton; Feb. 25, Enrico caruso; Feb. 28, Victor Hugo; Feb. 'Zl, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and Marion Anderson.

Nell Crain Parks, mother of Dave Parks, was born February seven, 1900, in Spanish Fort, Texas, to Albert Crain, and the forme_r Violet Ber­ryman.

Nell is a pioneer ol Ruidoso, and one of OlD' most beloved citizens.

She has a long and distinguished career as a scliool teacher, and is an lnsplratlon to all of us with her evm-y­youthful and cheery nature, and her Christian Ufe from df,y to day.

We wish this great lady many hap­py returns of the day and all God's BJ-.

of ~e life of, ' ' I \

"If I ever get, a chanee to hit that, l'U hit it hard." ·

He did get his chance and did "hit it hard'' with the Emancipation Pro­damation which freed the slaves.

The state of. New Mexico almost became named "Lincoln" and our own county bears his name.

On his &irthday, let us send up a prayer ·of thanks for one of our greatest and most beloved, Honest Abe.

Valentines Day SOon Valen~e's Day wi1l be upon

us. So let us help Dan Cupid in his. work. .

Do not forget that ten-pound box -of Valentine candy and the big bouqi:mt of Red ltose!;:

You remember the popular song of the thlrUes:

"Give me one dozen Roses Put my heart in beside them. And ·send ther;n to The one I love."

This is your chance of a life-time, fellows; and it eomes only once a year, so make the most of it.

Do I sound as If l am a stock holder in one of the big international choColate candy companies'!' Or on the board of Directors of the National Association of Florists?

"I wish!" as they say nowadays. Here is a message I have just

received over the thought waves: "On Valentine's Day You can't Go Wrong With a Message of Candy, Flowers, or song."

Signed: ' Sincerely • Dan Cupid.

·- . "-"' ..

White Mountain Middle School Show Choir Nunnally,· Ginger Parker, Misty Parker, members practiced extensively before their Monica ·Pesp, Renee Polssot. Under Rad, performance last weekend. StudentS mak· Robyn Ramsey, Bre.nda Rue, ~ulle Shade, lng tf1~ trip ware Heather_ Allen, Jennie Leslea Spencer, Amy· Thornton. Mamie Flores, Marla Frye, Tracey Garllsl, Andrea Warlick, Deborah Wells, Mindy · Witt and Gomez, Theresa Herrera. l:.antz Hawthorne, Travis Hudson~ along with mid SChool music Latisha Jacobs, Lesley Lopez, Kltn MoCur· director Churchill Cooke. dy. Sonia Nevarez, Celie Myers, Amber

_Middle·school chQir· performs by DARRELL .J. PEHR News Staff Wrfte'r


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to Lindsey and A-2, lnnsbrook -Project 1#141A, Mexico.

Dorado Development Corpor8.Uon. a New Mext(!o Corporation ~ .:Jan~• E. Finkenbinder and Joelene M. Finkenbinder, Time interval 29, Lot 115, Innsbrook Village, Lincoln COUn­ty, New Mexico. ·

James E. Bruemmer and Edward M. Sanders, a{k/a J. Bruemmer and "Ed Sanders and a/k!a Bruemmer and Sanders to Arnold Fazla, a tract in the SW/4, SE/4, .84, TllS, RlSE, N .M.P.M., Lincoln County, New Mex­Ico.

Jim H. Burleson and Wanda Jean Burleson tq Johnnie Giovengo, Sr. and Pearl F. Glovengo, Lots 202, 203, 204 and 205, Skyland Village, Lincoln Coimty, New Mexico.

WARRANTY DEED WUma L. White to Barbara Hope

Evans, Lot 13, BlOck 4. Original Townsite, CanizoZo, Lincoln County, New MexiCo,

SPECIAL WARRANTY DEEDS Wilma L. White to W'tlma L. White­

and Robert G. Whit.e, Lots 14, 16 and 16, Block 4, Original Townsite, Car­rizozo, Lincoln ·county, New Mexico.

Southwest Mortgage Company, a New Mexico Corporation to Summit Savings Association, a Savings and Loan Association of Texas, Lot 4, Block 5, White Mountain Estates, Unit 4, Lincoln County, New Mexico.

WARRANTY DEEDS Lee Marr to Granville L. Bohannan

ahd Dorothy M. Bohannan, Tract 16, Magado Creek Estates, Lincoln Coun· ty, New Mexico.

Abran Vigil to Abran Vigil and Dominga P. Vigil, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Block 40, Carrizozo, Lincoln Coun­ty, New Mexico.

SPECIAL WARRANTY DEEDS Willard _Forrest Gaston to Lanora

Nell Shaver, Lots 19 and 20, Block 78, ~pttan, Lincoln County, New Mex· oco.

Willard Forrest Gaston to Lanora Nell Shaver, Lots 17 and 18, Block 78, Capitan, Lincoln County, New Mex­ico.

WARRANTY DEEDS Lakeside Corporation a New Mex·

teo Corporation to Donald R. Sly and Mildred I. Sly, Lot T33C, Unit 2, Deer Park Woods Subdivision, Lincoln County, New Mexico.

Julian L. Horst, Jr. and Darlene Horst to Robert E. Ferguson and Rosemary Ferguson, Lot 7, Block 8, Unit 2, A1pine Village Subdivision, Lincoln County, New Mexico.

Luis Hello Estavlllo and Emma Cb de Estavillo, to Rigoberto Iniguez and Yolanda Gastelum de Iniguez, apart.. ment No. 1, Bulldlng B, Pbase 1, Lookout Estates Condominium Pr. ject, Lincoln County, New Mexico.

Emanuel S. Zimmerman and Irene L. Zimmerman, to Ciro G. Garela and Ofelia G. Garcia, and Carlos G. Gar­cia, Lot 4, Block 33, of. Ponderosa Heights Subdivision, Unit 5, Lincoln County, New Mexico.

Lakeside Corporation to Kenneth A. Ruby, Lot 1, Block 6, Unit 2, Alto· Lakes Golf and Country Club Subdivi­sion, Lincoln County, New Mexico.

Charles H. Mathews and Verna Kay · Mathews. to Ignacio Quintana and Marion M. Quintana, Lot 17, Block 5, £nchan(ed Forest, unit 2, ·LincbJn County, New Mexico.

Edwin H. Flood and Ann H. Flood to John Hendry Mathews, Jr. and Betty L. Mathews, Lot 18 Block e·, White Mountain !!!states subdivision, Unit 4, Lincoln CD11nty, New Mexico.

Arturo Ugalde and Martha E. Ugalde to W. David SaUor and Jerry

. A. SaUOI', Unit 5, Pinon Park Coil­dombilbnl!!l, Phase 1, Lincoln County, New Mexico. ·

W. Davtd.Sai!or and .Jerry A. Sailor­to Carl E. Speight abd Phyllls Speight, Unit 51 Pinon Park Con­dominiums, Phase I, Lineoln Count)t, New 1\Cextco. . -James W. Bayless and--datol D. Bayless to A. Wa>T-e Brundidge and Mary Oma Brundidge, LOt 91 Block 1, Lool<out Subdlvlsion, Llneohl County, New:M"dleG, .

Harold C. Wasntad and Vera E. Wasman to Cr&ll.t Gfs~ LOt (1, llock $, Woodlaru!JUdgo subdivt.loo, Lllloohl Coubty, Hew Mexlcc). .

O.E. Blanli ... bip alld B, WI"""" Blank•nsbi~ lo Floyd 0. DaDiey alld Lyo>ne Danley, Lnf. 22, llloek !, NOttl> Heights Park. Uneoln Coiuii.V. Now


. .. "''lf~~· ... ~"'t!~~:~~"""~ -~-~':"~:*'"'tilli'''''2'"~~~~..,..r·"•w:."'"\""~-~"ll':~ ..... r~-"'i;'~~--~-~""'-:-"'~~·-,..: . '· _ ... ,. ' -::-' . -....

QUITCLAIM DEED John D. Bass and Ardeen P. Bass to

Charlle Timberlake, Jr. and Nelda·C. Timberlake, Lot 47, Block 6, Unit 3 High Mesa SUbdivision, Lincoln eoun: ty, New Mexico. . .


WAR.RANTY DEEDS . Charlie Timberlake, Jr. and Nelda capitan,

C. Timberlake to Kent Belltty, ~t 47, teo. Block 6, Unit 3, Higb MestJ -SUbdivi- Jack K,. Frost to Ann Frost,(94CJ6), sion, Llncoln County, New Mexico. Lot 16, Block 4, White Mountain Morgan"to.Jay L. Good· Estates, Unit 2, Lincoln County, New man, Lot 8, mock 5, Unit 2, Sierra Mexico. · Blanca Subdivision, Lincoln County Jack K: Frost to The Frost Gift New Mexico. . ' Trust, <&%), Lot 15, Block 4, White

Fermin T. Sanchez and FI"ora San: MoUntain Estates, Unit 2, Lincoln cheza/k/a Florae. Sanchez to Ulman County. Ni!w Mexico. Jack Mize and Mary Louise Mlze, Lot George A. and Phyllts "C. Brown, to 5 and the N/2 of Lot&, Block 2, Unit 5 Pinecliff Corporation. a Texas Cor­Palo Verde, Lincoln County, N~ poration, Building 7, 8, Apartment Mexico. No. 3, 1, Unit Week Nos. 4, 38,

Roundup Realty, Inc., a New Mex· Plnecliff Con~miniwn Project, Lin­leo Corporation to The Land Barons of coln County, New Mexico. Ruidoso, a Gene~ Partnership com- Pinecllff Corporatlon,a Texas Cor-­_posed of Edsel Young. Rex Griffiths, poration, Building 6, Apartment No. B.E. Sutton and Elree Gandy, the 3, Unit Week NoS, 9 & 10, Pineellff NElJ4NE\4, S30, T9S, R14E, Condomlnlum Project, Lincoln Coun­N.M.P.M., Lincoln County, New Mex- ty, New Mexico. teo. Garry L. Farmer and Paula J.

RoundUp Realty, Inc,, a New Mex- Farmer, to Crown Point Corporation, ico Corporation to TheLandBarons or a Texas Corporation, Building 2, Unit Ruidoso, a General Partnership com- No.7, Unit Week No. 45, Crown Point posed of Edsel Young, Rex Griffiths, Condominiums, Lincoln County, New B.E. Sutton and Elree Gandy, the Mexico .. NEV..NeV-t, S31, T9S, Rl-4E PlnecllffCorporation, a Texas Cor· N.M.P.M., Lincoln County, New Mex~ poration, to Donald Carl Hamuton teo. and Emanueline Hamilton, Building

Roundup Realty, Inc., a New Mex· 1, Apartm.ent No. 3, Unit Week 23, leo Corporation to The Land Barons of Pinecllff Condomlnlum Project, Lin­Ruidoso, a General Partnership com· coln County, New Mexico. posed of Edsel Young, Rex Griffiths, · Pinecurr Corporation, a Texas ear.. B.E. _Sutton and E1ree Gandy, the poratlon, to WBUer :Peter Lazdow&ki SWV..SE¥4, S30, .T9S, R14E, and Elizabeth Lazdowski, BuDding 1, N.M.P.M.,UncolnCounty, NewMex- Apartment No. 4, Unit Week, 22, ico. Pinecutf Condominium Project, Lin-

Roundup Realty, Inc., a New Mex- coln County, New Mexico. ico Corporation to The Land Barons of Pinecliff Corpotatlon, a Texas Cor­Ruidoso, a General Partnership com- poration, to Ma. Guadalupe Lopez, posed of Edsel Young, Rex Griffiths, Building 1, Apartment No. 4, Unit B.E. Sutton and Elree Gandy Week No. 44, Pinecliff Condominium N~V4NWV-t, S31, T9S, R14E: Project, Lincoln County, New Mex.­N.M.P .M., Lincoln County, New Mex- leo. leo. Pinecliff Corporation, a Texas Cor-

Roundup Realty, Inc.,-a New Mex· poration, to Gary E. Tuck, and Nor­lcoCorporationtoTheLandB8.ronsor rna J. Tuck, BuDding 1, Apartm.ent Ruidoso, a Genel-al Partnership com- No, 4, Unit Week No .• 81 Pinecliff Con­posed of Edsel Young, Rex Griffiths, dominium Project, Lincoln County, B.E. Sutton, and E1ree Gandy the· _New Mexico. NEV..SE'I-4, 831, T9S, R14E, R.C. Prater and Merle Arledge N.M.P .M., Lincoln County, New Mex- Prater to Ray Whisenhunt and Betty teo. L. Whisenhunt, Lot 5, Block 4,

White Mountain Development Com- Plnecllff Subdivision, Lincoln County, pany,Inc.,a New Mexico Corporation New Mexico. . to Young Duds, Inc., a Texas Corpora- Cynthia D. R$iles to Richard M. Uon, Lot 2 Block 1, Fourth Addition to Reimann and Karen K. Reimann, Lot Airport West, Lincoln County, New 23, Block 12,. Unit 31 Pinecliff SubdlvJ-Mexlco. sion, Lincoln County, New Mexico.

Wllliam Ray Parrish and Judy Kay CONDOMINIUM WARRANTY Parrish, to Mlldred A. Dickenson, Lot DEED 9, Block 2, Alto Lakes Golf & Country -Racquet Court Condominiums, Club Subdivision, Lincoln County, Inc., a New Mexico CorporaUon to New Mexico. Ray Jones, Lila Ragland Brown,

Vlckl McCabe Love tow. T. Parker Rufus A. Fleming, W. Mar-and Lera Parker, Lot 11, Little Creek tin, Jr., Donald G. Collins, Alphonso ltiils SUbdivision, Unit r, Lincoln Ragland, lll, all dba Ruidoso Joint

. County, New Mexico. Ven~ Unit B, Building 8, Phase"3, B. J. Cauble and Gean Williams Racquet Court Condomfnlums, Lln-

Cauble, to Drew Mouton, and GlyDJla coin County, New Mexico. Mouton, Lot 46, Block 6 White Moun- QUITCLAIM DEED taln Estates, Unit 5, lJncoln County, Agnes Richardson to B.G. Edwards

and Donnah Jeanne Edwards, Lot a, Block 11, :Riverside Addition, Lincoln County, New Mexico,

SPECIAL WARRANTY DEEDS St. Vicente Vivo P. and Sra. Gloria

P. de Vivo to Crown Point Corpora·


The ~m.terrUortal Zmllag Aulllorlti wW ~ 011. .Tullll~, Februuy 14, 18M. lit lO:OOA.M., iQ ~ Lllleoln coumy Sub-Ofllee ConfOI"fiiiCIII ~ loeAted on Uemo$1 Road, RllldoBo, to _,..: tbefqJWwtns:; ·

No. 1·- RecGmntendatiUJIII of the EXtratei-­.=:.~a: A~tbority fW ~ ~ ofcmilo

NO. Z.- ReaolutloD-~ Notle!i oftheEx­traterritoriaJ Zonhllf A'llthld.ty meetlnp.

Legal $331f#2t (2) 11.13

Legal 13114 2t 12) 2, 9


DATED: J•nu.ary 28, tii!H ,

Lepll3117 411112812)2,9,18


tion, a Texas Cotporation, Building 3, ATI'EST: Unit 2, Unit Week 82, (also known as /8/Ckre J011ee Unit 302), CroWn Point Con· SECIU!:l'ARVOFSTATE dominiums, Lincoln County, New STATEDFNEW'MEXIC:O Mexico. EXECU'J'l\'ZOJ'F'ICE

Enrique Bayou M. and Flprina z. de BamlFe.Newllexl~ Bayon to crown Point corporation, a PROOL\MATioN Texas Ootporation, BUilding 4, Unit 1, Unit Week sa, (also Jmo.wn as t:Jnlt PunNu.nt to tbe Primary Elt!i:tlon Law ot t11e 401)r Crown Point. Condominiums, SUI'*·ot Nn- Mmdco, at ammended, I, TONJCY

Lincoln. CountY, New Mexic:o. =Abt=::.-==~~~~~'t:',:C: £nrique Bay-on Zalvidea and Irene lii&PrO!iian~atlcld:

.Beltran ])eiXUo De Bayon to Ci'dh -That 4 PrlmU)" "Eied!Otit be, aad tbe Will IJ

Point=· atlon. a Texas eo---a- ~~~-Itt~~~ atate or U B 4 u I U w· :.=t: lbeta',onthlt_suutayot.TuH,t884. Jli'*!IDet on,_ , n U, Dlf -..$2, ·~A.'l'tilittb~l!'~Eieetioaabellbe•jlplle-b!e (ats0~tnw:Bsltnit403),0rownPobtt ..,_ tbe loll pOUUC.I ~*'• tcHVtt1 ·tbe Condoriliniwnr, Ltncolu Ootmty, N6w Denlllm.tlc- _ jqd lbe tc.ewblll!ml P.artt Mexfco,· · 8, 'l'ti8.t abe Prilniry JCiectloa •W be t.W tt1e

Joe B.o Ledesma &lid Ofelia c. ·E&· lttlrlgtbeDenlacratlcJ;'a&Vand Ledesma fo Crown Point~Uon, t'r.s~ or:::flo boailaate '*#dld.IIM (Of'

~~~~ation,BuUdi~2~Untt · - 8'-t.e.:Settator-·e~-.a. No, S, Unit Week No, 1$ and 36", calso ~ 'l'bree Vrlll«fstalllll~tlftli - ~ )'6lr

knoWil asUJilt20S>, CrownPoiDtCoft.. -~ ~·~~mu.~.~· dotidrul:iiliB, Lincoln County,· New 0~ ..... ~ QlaQ +---~~·-• MOldoo. ·~w · '"'~•,..,o•~-..;t,

Mr ft H lid 'llw..... -~-.. -tt DOI!IlNit,r1~~-· eo ... ~ ·-"-Gt'*ill. . uon unter a . J...., n...,. m -Hllllter to CrOwnt>oillt.C~ratton, a olno, ~ \t~~~a.=· Tens-~atf®·,lluJI$Jfg4, Units, -~~ ... -........ MI'"""•-"~'hOj, ... • """'·_~~Hat! un1t w...., ts tolld s, (also ~en .... •• - --Ul1lt ·400) crown· Pofut tondomlnuma, ~OM -Coi]liriUOD CC!PiriliU_, - • .YMt Lll>coJJI County, NowliiOldOO. . __ ..... .._ ..... -

Do"a .Hunter and JuaneU II'Untet' to. ·1 '"' tmi!. · ~~- p .. t..£ - .,..,Mriil . ' -.... w.-u uw~o ~tiO!J1 a Tmrail .~Jud,cmaftlieCouHtitAppem--i'Jut eotporolloo,lJuUdblg s, linlll, tllllt . ""'""' 1 . Wftk 33, (SlM kitow.ti 88 trnit $01)", l'OIItkWI-It: · Ctowti Point Condomltilutnilt t.lnCblli -~*. · ~berlllt thti State S..te- ,. Coiulty, New MOll!""· · . . •-

. . " ~ ..


Dona Ana,_ Loll Ala10011

l)oaa Alia - ll

10. ~ 7B ill tbe


1411113145 2t (2) I, 11



h/CIAra' Jllllei: SBORBTARIA:bii"ESTAbO

de Dialrlto - Thmrna de



., I ' ' I


·-~'"'""'-""-- ,_.


Claasifled·· - •' ' ' ' .

" ' .

Lepll3l37 iilt(20 _1,9



RtJmOSOS'l'ATEBANK, Plab!.tiff, •

) ) )

> ) ) ) )

Lota28andi7, KINGSWOQD ADDmoN, Unit 11 .. .t!IIWil by thit plat tbel'eot' filed In tbe oftlee PJ the Coumy Clerk ud E1c-ofllelo Recorder or Lin· CCilD county, N-=w Medco, March 20, tDII4;

ERMA'S CERAMICS. . Tue•diiiiY Tbru Sat.urday

9:00ciim,i..S:DI"' Worluhap ......... ,. ·Thursday


Ruidoso Playland Daycare

Now Enrolling For Winter And Spring


Lota G. 13, IUid l'l, Block I, SWEETWATER H1LLS-, .. •b!Jwn ~ the-a~ plattllereotftled 1D the office of u.e Count)l GleriC aftd Ex-olflclo Reconler of LIDeoJn CountY, New Mexiep, AUgUSt 4, 19'10, in TUbe No. S75. .

Call 257·2928 (lhxt-r TO Hospital) ..



NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN tbat on the 27th d8y o1 Februaey,lll84, at t:SO P.M. on the etePI of AdlninU:Intioe JIQI!dlng of 1bo VUlqe of Ruidoso, tbe undendgood wtllllell·the above-described pro­pony to tlle b!gbeet bidder fer Galilb to aall11fy the judgment of tile Ruldollo Stale Bank against the Defendant.. In tbe amounta aboVe set forth to which 11haU boa •deled at the lim~ or the sole the ba1uce of tbe eo~ta or the .euon. II' any, and lbe eo~ta of~ale.lrleltKUn:g e Special Mes~s ree. Sale of Lots 2t1 IUid %7, klngswood .-\ddltlon, Unit 1, Rllldoto LIJicola COUIIty, New Mexlc:o, will bel made su'bjeet 1o lhe foUowlng mortgages, to-wit:

SteteLicono .. For 2 Yoar Old And Older


) )


#'Sarah Lynn'~

·-,~ " .

\'It, ') Dlv.l

EVELYN ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

MOI'tpp daled JIUitlllcy 13, 1981, In favor of PloiH!ezo S.vinD • Trust, said mortgage bavlzl8 been n!COrdecf JaiiUIII')' 13, 11181, In 'BOok 100 of Mortpp Reclonlrl, at page 1101 and dated Septeznber 29~ 1981, In favor of B.A. Knepp. &~~ld mOrtgage hav1ng reeorded Oc­lober'l, J1811lll Book 103 otMortpge Reeords, ot pages a •na '10.

Tldsealewas previOUIIIy settorJaauoey 23, 11181, at 1:30 P.M., bit w.u pDBtponed by the unden!J!n. ad. Tbe 1lme of Nld. sale mB)' be postponed ta ihe event lbat the undenilgDed,. In bill judgment. deemlll advisable. -

D•ted tbls liOUI day of Jam~.~ry, 111M.


Country recipes from 3 genera­tions,. of baking goodness. En­IS~Y such goodies as: LusCious Lemon Broccoli wlth Cream Cheese. Grandma's Yea,st Bran Rolls, Honey Bran Bread, AI· mend Orange Bubble Coffee Cake. Send $1 for a Jlst ¢Grandma's favorite or for Individual

r_.t!clpes. P.O. Box 1030 t~~--~~RuJdoso, N.M. 88345

'~~~ ... pa/~geJ~B;~ ., ' • Legall3l35 4t C2) 2, 8, 18, 23


pare our prices I can New Mexico Satellite at 258-3092, or leave message at268-4311. S-65-18tp

LOST FEMALE DACHSHUND -cross; rusUwhite, 10 Jbs. Answers to "lflller." Reward offered.

fant care now has -time openings for child care: in~ fants-slx weeks to 2 years. CaD tor informaUon. 257-6948. B-79-3tc

Lincoln County Home Builders Auoclollori

Tip Of The Week

Does Yaur Cantractar GUARAIIIEE

his work In WRIIIIIG?



MAILING SERVICES OFFERED: I Computerized moiRng Rot prepared, oortod and printed. End tho hanloo of sorting bulk mall or a11J other mall. Uot printed on readout paper, or peel and otl .. lableo, sorted br zip codes ncoly to ottach to your malloro. Sort by city, state, lip, or your own peroonal cuot-r codoo. Larue or 1111t1U llot no problems, all Rats .. kept .....,lutoly confidential, no haulol. Rotoi.l Sllopo, Roahoro, Qlltcloeo, Social Groups, Etc. For lnfonnotlono

CAlL TOM TAYLOR 257-7413 -lHDIIIIIUIIIIIIItalllllllllllllllllllllllllllmiHIHIII

Only_ First City

Mortgage Company offers you:

• .FHA/VA Mortgages • Second Mortgages • Adjustable Rare Mortgages • Refii\Mdrtg • l'IX<!d Rate Mortgag~s • Julitbl> Mottgages

. .-.

First City .Mortgage Company · ·

.. '

'<'''~',';',r_ •-_r,o ~ ~ •• ,-. ro,•r, ·' .,. . . _,.• -~., . ; · .• -


THE INNCREDWLE - Restaurant and Saloon now taklrig applica­tions for bartender, 2 Ks.Ys, 3 nights weekly. Apply in person ll:OOa,m.-10:00·p,m. H7-4tp

FULL CHARGE BOOKKEEPER and J:eCePtionist. Experience need­ed, computer experience desired. Desirable working conditions at establl@led business in I;tuid,oso. Apply at EZ TV & Appliance, Hiway 70 aUhe Y, Ruidoso, NM. 1(605)878-4441. E--79-4tc

PERSONNEL NEEDED to staff new motel. Desk clerk,

maintenance· Call

run time, pr~ferred. Apply Ruidoso c.reeenter.

LPN or RN part time, 11-7, float. Apply in person, Ruidoso Care center. R-79-2tc

LAUNDRY AIDE permanent, full time. Apply in person, Ruidoso Care Center. R-79-ltc

EXPERIENCED real estate peo-ple needed, new offices, pleasant

' conditions. Coulston and Realtors, contact BHl

C-76-Gic -person

assist in developing, reorganizing and improving personal business ~a private RtUdoso office sta~g 1·2 days a week. An efficient, working lmowJedge in secretarial skUis plus an optimistic attitude Is necessary. If you possess these qualities please send a personal prorlle to S.K.C., Box 181, Capitart, NM 88316. C-77-fitc

WANTED - CPA or accountant with strong background in data pro­cessing. CaD 257-9131, ask for

·SJtercy. C-78-4tp WANTED- person with personality~

appearance, and attitude to work well with the public. Front desk

' and switchboard knowledge'~'!"'· Apply In · Car-

pa,rttime as an emergency medical technician. Must have correct New Mexico or National Registry certification and possess a valid New Mexico class 5 driver's license. Experience in EMS desirable.. .Contact Pat Cnnnley. Ruidoso Hondo Valley Hospital, 257-7381. R~77-3tc

COUSINS" NEEDS- qualHied cooks. Apply at tbe restaurant to Steve. C-79-tfc


257-486'7, Rupe's, Sud· de••tb. N.M.

CH1MNEY pollsblng, . &msJ 258-9133.

Call Clc;~JdeWheohor til• & IICiCiklcHplng

.Servle~~ . !ln1c;ll ca- Lart~• fax

lleturna · 30 YMI'I Exporlonl:tl

... - ... , ~-- ~-"

i-- -:._ •..

type of maintenance, work. open up and close up your place. State:· and city licensed Insured and bonded, serving Ruidoso Since 1970. 257~4867, 2930. Sudderth Drive. R-7D-tfc

HOUSECLEANING - experienced .arid dependable, references. Call San Patrlclo. 653-4511. C-79-2tp

CHILD CARE in my home, prefer potty trained. By the day, night or week. 257--4572. · · S-79-ltp


Quality boatdlug . a,ut grooming

378404 7 for appointment

------------~ ~ .... PRITCHETT · "' !lj CONSTRUCTION. ! i!P! New~loo u-rw• P!j!

. • New Homes • Flepalra ~ • Remodeling . 0. :ill 5oa-•IS7-1!1311D !li ~ ..................................... ...

Fluldoao EZE Clean carpet & Upholstery Cleaning

24 hr. emergency water P1ck·up.

Smoke odor removaL Free Estimates.

Cay or night call257-4442


Installing, restretchfng and repairing. 17 years ex• parlance. CALL 258-4137.


CALL RAY PARNELL FOR FREE ESTIMATES 6~' .to-16''---Dialllehlr--­

Pollution FnoWollo PHONE371-t190



__ ,_, »',:"".~,,~;,.-,'. •· ... •· :~,'.•'

,'/ _.;-'\_.; < -.-;·;·· ·-· '· ' '

'· " ·----.·

'..,..". ,, . •' 1in"

us ·we'll our process. Evenings are

Ken Baker 378-4854 in Glen-B-'/Htp

''PacnotiiAPIIEII fDR HIRE lfll¥1 _Came~ Will Travell

Wedcllap, Groups, Pets, ~~··~lt.IJ Ca11 Jllltke Miler, (505) 378-49841 (915) 584-6956. Experienced~

*AllOw weeks notice


Roclc for landscaping, walkways, fireplaces; re­taining walls, driveways, planters, etc~ $50 per tod covers _approx. 5Q to 60 sq. ft. Out of town, 15 tons minimum, free deUver\r. Free Ia~ I delivery. M, & W. Roc:k_ Co. Phone (505) 354-2528.


to lease for summer season. Call 257-4637. D-65-tfc

WAITERS AND WAITRESSES Who need black slacks for their job. Now available at Country Time Western Wear located in The Paddock. All black

, regularly

television and major appliances. Aspen Appllapce and Television Service, 257-4147. A-70-tfc

START NOW for the Spring tourist season. All dispensers and retailers liquor licenses for sale, lease and transfer to Ruidoso. LI­quor License Bales Company has sold more licenses than all other brokers combined. Call Skeet Mc­CUlloch ·or Morris Gatewood at 1-247-1401. L-71-14tc

FOR SALE Cree Meadows Country Club membership. Cheap. After 5 at33&=8244. R-73-tfc

SKI EQUIPMENT used one time, Rossi skis 170, Hansen step-in boots, shoe size 7, poles; $300cash. 257-9410,257-4656. R-77-4tc

FmEWOOD'!!!''!ef ... -an

-for sale. tlon call

378-4385. K-79-&tp TWO HOUSES TO BE MOVED

bedroom and

QUR.'l'S - Special orders, hand­made. Box 2537, Ruidoso, 88345, 258-3197. T-79-4tc

D & .JI Service Co. Jim Wooldridge 257-5296

Dirt Work: Backhoe • Loader· Crawler • Blade

Septic Tanks: • Water & Sewer Ur:'i&S

Tree Work: ~emoval_eTrlmmlng • Spraying • Sondeid & Insured

Reasonable · Lie# 19823

-. -Painting-··· -'

-... ,'\· ' -

' 'I ' ''




' ' '~

up,3 Baca· ·cam~

·pground, MOuntains; $85;/cord. oak. Pho_ne 1-653-4021: F·75-8tp

4FAMU..YY,I\RDSA~ S8~y only, 8 to s, Circle B Qampground. Furniture, lamps, ha-ndm11de items, paintings, extra gOod clOthe.s. ·.come in gate, . follow signs. · · H-79'-ltp

CUSTOM MADE Dft.APES - 100'' wide x 85". Deeorative wooden rod included or

-square chairs). $500.


blue/white cut velvet. 1 Early American 8' divan, floral. 2 blue velvet swivel rockers w/ottomans to ~atch. 2 king size beds, com· plete. 1 green recliner, 1 wine recliner w/matching ottoman, 1 desk. 4 end tables, 2 amber lamps. matching, 1 lamp, ash tray to

_ match. 258-5495. W-79-2tp FOUR YEAR OLD FILLY good

riding horse. $300. Call 257-2455. R-79-4tc

FOR SALE excellent aUuvial top soil. delivered. Buy now for spring.

---~opley's Nursery: 378-4375. C-63-tfc PALAMINO GELDING - 6 year old

registered A.Q.H.A., gentle and sound. $75.0. 653-4086 mghts. 8-69-tfc

KE!\o~ORE GAS RANGE/OVEN plus storage. $350. Call Dave

. ~..!~151. Nights 257..S160. S-77-tfc


FIREWOOD - best hardwood in town. Any quantity apd stove cuts available. Full cords, 128 cu. ft. Split. delivered & stacked. Buy from a woodcutter!, 1-354-2751. M-78-tfc - _,_-

St:PER BUY - used Olympia e1ec· tric typewriter, carbon ribbon, elite type, legal carriage. 258-5559 or378-8487. B-78-4tc

MASON SHOES 80 years of quality workmanship. Shop at home. For

·--~J~pointment, call257-426S.H-78-2tp A \' ALENTINE CAN BE ANYTHING

- anything from The Serbian Pea­sant. 1106 Ohio, Alamogordo, New !\!texico. S-78-2tc

19" PANASONIC COLOR TV Works great. $200. 257-6917 after 5. H-78-2tc

TV RENTALS Black And White Or Color


Ruidoso At the



" ,.,_,




•REN'l'ALSe Color'l'V

Black & White 1'V

Video Disc Players .

1056 Mechem lflf(way 31 North

. P ONE 258-5622 -· .. ' .

~- ' .

Four and·

378-4111·, after 5. I-74-:-8ip

FOR SALE ~new 8' x 10' wood s'ltled storage building: Will deliver, Ruid()SO Truss, 257-4924. R-7<Mfe

BUSINESS AND RESIDENTIAL. telephorie systems,·sales, service,· installation. Telephone set repair, prewire, extensions, moves. and changes. Got:don Dye, answering aervice, 257-6028, hOme, 354-2555. D:.S7-tfc

r--.::..·;:.:.::. --·. .......... ,....... =~=::= I --..... ._,71E · J .• 7...... .

OPENn ..... M.Bat. ~ .... -s.u,..-. . --------

full ~ath, stove, fireplace. lZl Horton ween school and $425/month. Call Ovella 257-4886 daytime. E-79-2tp


Call257-2198. J-79-2tp TWO BEDROOM mobile home for

re·nt. Located ln Palo V:erde Slopes, Call378-4964. R-79-2tp

2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH washer/dryer, dishwasher, fireplace, cable T.V., furnished, $550/month. Call Kevin Hayes at

~UTOMOTIVE Ma•kCondos,257·2'nl. M·7o-tfc 1980SUBARU-4wheeldrivewagon, ONE BEDROOM FURNlSHED

39,000 mUeS, $4,500. Phone 257-4488 apartment, quiet area, or 257-5410 weekdays or 257-7501 wood-burning ·-.-,

. eveilings and weekends, S-76-4tp utiliti.e -~' ~1'.~$ 1981 FORD ~ ton4WD. Will sell for ::::

loan value. Call 258-4392 after space for 5:00. F-77-4tp rent. '600 sq. ft. Mechem Drive

1966FORD GALAXY_ nice interior, location; $400 per month.

needs work on exterior front. $500. .. :~E~~~~~E~~M~-&2~-t~f~c Call258-5345after5p.m, A-79-ltp 1981 XV920 YAMAHA one owner,

7,000 miles, V twin w/Harley drag pipe'S, $1,650. 1978 Luv pickup,· con-58,o00 miles, $1,700. (]) 648-2951, garage. Fully fur-days. '648-2859, evenings, L-79-4tp nished Including TV and linens.

1918 FORD ''II ton pickUp longbed $550/month plus utilities. Indoor Explorer with tool box. Excellent swimming poot privileges. Call condition. Sacrifice 53650 .00 GregatS.D.C .• ~7-5111. 8-73-tfc 257·5023. FURNISHED ONE BEDROOM

VOLVO- maroon, 4 door. sunroof, good car. $1800 or best of· fer. 378-8183. G-79-2tp

1976 GMC VB, a.4 ton, A/C. PIS, new transmission, brakes, brand new tires, $3,000. t 1) 354-2760. 1 1 l 354-2588. . R-79-2tp

1972 914 PORSCHE - Weber carbs. headers,' Pirelli tires, AM/FM stereo cassette, $4,995. Financing available. 2584053. K-77-3tp

1981 OLDS 98 REGENCY - diesel. good rr.ipg, low mileage, $8,500. 257-7804. S-77-tfc

1982. rumARJT STATION WAGON GL - excellent condition. good tires, 18,000 miles, $7,000. 257-4812 after 5. R-78-tfc


bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, fully furnish­ed, cable T.V., central location; $650/month, utilities not incl~ded. 257-5757; 336-4260, after 5 p.m. · C-74-Stp

1,250 SQUARE FEET commercial on Mechem Drive. 258-5360, days or 258-4273, eventngs.B-28-tfc

TWO BEDROOM one. bath cabin, fully furnished. $350/month, $200 deposit. No pets. 258-3535. B-50-tfc

FURNISHED 3 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath condo, 3 levels, large game room, wet bar, 2 firepls.ces, exce1lent location. 258-4314. S-55-tfc

ATTRACTIVE, MODERN - two bedroom furnished apartment, good location. No pets please. Call 257--2&78. A-68-Uc

EFFlCSNCY APARTMENTS for nmt. ttarting at $200/month. All bills paid. 336-4002. E-77-4tp

FOR RENT- year around, furnished hdUSe, one bedroom, living room, kitchen and bath, ex.tra nice. t915) 949-5463. D-77·3tc

TWO BEDROOM - 1 1/2 bath condo wi.tb view. Turnkey unit Includes illl appllii~. $600 plus utUitles. Wl1l negotiate PrJ.t!e for tease. CaU fl'1iHI.i66 to see. G-13-Uc

apartment, all bills plus cable TV hookup paid. Phone 257-7837. F-74-Stp

RENTALS-AVAILABLE- one i-ooln efficiencies to large homes/con­dos. Short or long term. Call or write: Lela Real Estate,

Box N.M. 88345; G-20-Uc

$325 A MONTH·- one beliroom, one bath condominium. Furnished, fireplace. 'Call Ruidoso Property Reqtals, 258-5252. B-75-tfc

LARGE ONE BEDROOM cabin. midtown, close to bank and shopp­Ing. $325, bills paid. SUitable for couple. 257-5983. c-75-tfc

2 BEDROOM MOBILE easy ac-cess, late model, energy efficient, 14' wide. Furnished or unfumish-ed-:-NOJ)ets:257-2483. . N-71-ttc

2 -BEDROOM, 1 BATH furnished cabin with fireplace and deck. Located near Adobe Plaza. $380 month, Includes water. 336-4839. W-7'1-4tc

FOR LEASE prime commercial property on Sudderth. Approx· imately 1000 sq.' located in downtown walking area. Will lease with or without fixtures for dress shop. For details call Gladene at Atwood Realty, 25?-4029. L-77-tfc

CUTE 3 BEDROOM furnished. Good access. $425 plus bills. J.W. Pearson and Associates. ·378-8088. P-77-tfc

NEW DELUXE 2 BEDROOM 2•h bath townhouses. Fully furnished, an appliances Including washer/dryer. Fireplace, beautifUl drapes, carpet. Renting for $450. Located llf.z blocks east of Cops1ns'. 258-3039 after 5. T-'17-tfc

SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE -·sUitable for one person. No pets. $150/montli. Water furn-ished. 257-2004. M-77~tre

TRAILER SPACES AVAlLABLE­around February 15-, :Not mote than 64 feet. $50 deposit. $100 month. 3'78-4212. . _GA7-4tc ·

MOB!Liil HOMiil MADE FOR - :l. of­fices. $250 m.011th. 978-4212. G-71-4tc .

COMMiilRCIAL RENTAL-1/zblock orr·sudderth, 1100: sq. ft. easy a-c­cess. Lela Easter ltUl Estate, 257•7315. . · F-84-tt~

... '



MENTS - good loCation fQr offiee or home. No &llimafs. 257-2276. B-79-tfc

CALL 257-4001 -to find out about' put~ tjng a classified ad in the Ruidoso News. · C-81-tfC

near new 257-2873.

LARGE THREE BEDROOM -washer, dryer, completely furnish­ed, part bills paid, no pets. Upper Canyon, good location. $47.5/month, $250 deposit. 257-7543. G-78-tfc

EFFICIENCY CABIN - centrally located, very clean, one bedroom, one bath, o'ne adult only, no pets, utilities paid. $240/month, $150 st!eurlty deposit. Call A1amogordo, 437-6968, after 5:00p.m. weekdays, anytime weekends. B-'18-tfc

COMMERCIAL/RETAlL SPACE -Cor lease, 575 sq.' in downtown walk area. Call days, 257-4151, nights 257-5160. 8-78-tfc

UNFURNISHED HOUSE FOR LEASE - 3 bedroom. 2 bath ol\. Reservoir Road. (505) 524-0161. R-77-3tp

DO YOU HAVE - some rental pro­perty? Advertise it in the "Rent" column of the Ruidoso News-there are lots of people looking for a place to live. can 257-4001. D-3G-tfnc


Stanton Road, tree covered, beautiful views of Sierra. Blanca or Rancho Ruidoso Valley. Overlooks Deer Park Meadows; open zoning. 12 to 48 acres. Call 258-4122.D·58-t£c

n• .. n• ., .. ,..,,.,



hrf•ct for th• full tim• .... ldlllnt With ... y ucc.n. daubl• OV'elnt~ M gurog•, •torap gcalore, hnc­.cr yard, work shop. a b.droorns,

.2 butfn. o-r ('12%) flnandng, with 115.'000 down. PCWNIIbl• · 1--purcha ...


OWmtn are .,.ry anxious to .. n. · Willing to flttanc• .with •150,000 daw~ at 12% for 25_ V*tl'l on ihl• :n unit mo .. l, ;:wtmnd.,. IM'OJ, 10\Ntty lfvllllf· qllliff_.., In .... , loCation. ContiJ bV mv ttlftc. •nd look ONr' thlt; potp~rly.

Brand Spanktng New·. Mobile Horne Lots

While they last. Ju_. completed. Unit 4 Dal No~te Addition. All utilities. StartinG at $1'7,500.

Holiclav Home Sales ·258·3330 .

· Exclusive OHetrlng For Professlc;tnal$ Ontv ·


A Condo/Qfflce ProJect.

Let u• •how you the advantag& to oHice ownershiP. Of. ferecl -Mobley Real E•tata. Call Doug Sldd•ri• -


PROPERTY Hwy 37 - Prime Location

Between 1st Ctty and Pioneer S&L Four Seasons-Real Estate

h•l25B-4169 Linda ·Flack -Offlca:- 257-9171


$39,500 2 bedroom, 1 bath -

. Airport West Owner financing ·

CALL NOW 258-5252

... 2sa-s~~~ OPEN SUNDAYS ·• ~· t,. '

MINI RANCH. 420 au... Cloee to Albaqaenaae. Primitive bouee, two wen.. hlghwav &oatage. Jaet $95,000.

OVER 20 ACRES In tbe c:lty Uml .... Spectacalu view•. Good tree coverage. Priced at oaly $200.000 wltb t...-.. Gr-t for develop•ent.

OWNERS WILL TRADE their 1/c acre lot for rental p1r0p-. $20,000 eqalty.

MINING CLAIMS. Located Ia dlff .... ag area• throagboat the •tate. Tenae available.

COMMERCIAL ACREAGE. Develop•eat poteatlal. Oa both •ld- of the blgbwav.

$1·0.000 for ...... Iota with pavlag aad • .., ... .

FULL MEMBERSHIP LOT Ia Alto VIllage. Tre ... eoft viMV • ..tu.t $13.950 with a low dowa paw-eat.

At The '"Y"' 151 E. Htahwav 70

Plnetrl!!e Square

MLS !D ..

Fort~ acres of b•a"utlkil ,r.C;Uing hill•. ·illn• t..e..-' and a 900 .q. ft. ~mo:blle hom. with a goOd well. FullY fenc­ed. Submit affen. Fhte acre pc~rcels with t.lephone ancl alectrlc. Fan­ta•tlc -vl•w. )uat $2,.,7-SO. with ewcell•nt ~wn.r flru;~ncl•lf•

·LOWDOWN PAYMINT W• .,_.a numll•r Of lob prr .. cl ,,_ tiS,S\10 with water~ .-wer. tel•phim* anclelttctrfc:1iy. lnclud•• u• of awlm~lritil 11001 and tennlt coUrfa,. Oil llttl• a• 10" •

. down. DOn*t l'nld these~ · · - . ' n-

JMIIIOINCY SALJ ••autlfully ........ a .. r.,. ""- "" lar .. lot by e,..,. IIIIHcl-• GCilf Cool to. Yb...., or fOu• "'"""'"'"' t'rl .. d tacloced ftom .,.,,.00. --thl• ""*· · . . .

257.9iir6" .......


~-~·..,.-·~_-"':' ;r;;·':"':: r-:.or ~- ''"'";.~-·......-:...- ':t.; ,rr ,..._"",_ -~ ~: ..,. • .::0:' ...- ..-::·w:_':'''" ...- ~:,.., :~-_":" ~....,-:-~~:::~":.:-""7"'"':·'.'_-ro:-.'.''":', ':'- ";' { ,'!

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. ~ .~.-.

• I.,

·,,, ,'

. . ,_ --- ...:.--. · . .


*Alto Lot·s . · 'l4,000, •19,-. full golf,

. 'ft"Pully · fur;,l-shed, 3 b.adrao"'•• 2 batlu, heavily woodeJI . lot;.., close ln. $1!!5,000. . .

' *Cut• cabin;. aftumabla lOan, v1ew of · mouritaln. Excellent· Glr•a. under •as.~.-

. ' *Ccibln lot In town. 1ewei', ncitural gas, priced tO sell,·

Clll month, total payment


Jot, R8\l!f

If you wish to see a proof on ad sc:heduJed •to appear

In the CLASSIFIED OR REAL ESTATE SECTION, copy must be turned Into our office before



•Large Stone fireplace built-In- bookcaaes, top of the line appliances, fine new construction. Priced right at 169,500 for 3 bedrooms, 2 baths.



*River cabin, owner will trade. gorgeous lot. Whispering P1n• area. *Comer lot In White Moult· taln Unit 5, owner wants

. an offer around $25,000. *Lowest price In Eagle c .... k Acres, horses allow. ad, Sierra Blanca view. $52,000, over 6 acres.

The regular 5:00 p.m. deadline applies unless you need to proof your ad.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Call Marge at Four Seasons




OVELLA EST&.o;; RH.: 258-5284

GEORGEMIZE R~s.:251·-1373



SUPERB COUNTRY LIVING. Outstanding view from this 2.9 acres. 2,600 sq. ft. In this 3 bedroom, 1% bath home, 2 wood burning stoves plus fireplace. Nice deck on the back. All appllancas In kitchen, nice workshop area. Existing mortgage If flnan­•lng-ls-daslred, .$-125.000 .fatal-price. Sea this today If you like the country.

GOOD AS NEWI Two story home on large corner lot with excellent tree cover and good access, but still has the seclusion and quiet ar"" you have bean looking for. Completely furnished, tastefully coor­dinated throughout. There ora 3 bedrooms and 2\4 baths so you won't have to stand In line when tha taanagars are doing their halrl Priced right at $92,500.

• LOOKING FOR A CA81N? This one haj a year around .creak In the back yard. What mora cauld you ask? Knotty pine Interior, fully furnished one bedroom house Is very livable. If you -l!t a cabin In ~ldoso big anc;tugh for you to really en loy, but nat lolg enough for too. much co!rlpany, thl• Is lust the .onall As•ulinabla financing with very reasonable· monthly payment•, need cash to loan. $37,000. · '

.. . I>

• COUNTRY LIVING~ 3.25 + I· , acres ..,tth mobile unit on prope~ty. septic tonk, lo'­ Join• Highway 70. ONLY $31,500 lolly• thl• ana. ·

· TMIS IS ITI .Nfce location tn wooded ara11. T!sree loedrooms. 114 loath•• hall •hop building and •to.-aO'!f• E.-y a_,. for yoar aroundll~tlng;,Naada a fauch up or two,ltut whot cr ltuy, only $!J5,!JOO,. Call' toclay, ··It . won't la•t lonal. . . ·

505 257-4686 L+fl


' FOJI SALl!l BY OWNl!lR- •bedroom . - traUet--on rtver~ru:ver Pa,r,k. Sub­

cU~islon, city qtilities; $30,000. Some ter.-ns· avaUable .

Smith .215-7--90--40.

. .

. 818-4816. · · T-70-tfc ... \ I ,< <I •'


-.:::------=.-•A •good bet on th8 11th green, owner transferred, must sell, 2 bedrooms, loft. •a•y a"au. Price reduced to SlOO,OOO. Will play 9 hoi••· golf cart only or with walkers.

to the from deck of th1• per Canyon all plumbing good fishing summer. It's cooler too for long haired dogs.

Call Marga

two single wide, on choice lot, wood 'Siding, composition roof with overhang. Two decks, fireplace, all appliances in~ eluding dishwasher, furnish· ed. All for $154,500, ·All reasonable offers considered. Owner/agent.

BEST BUY!! Thr~e bed· room.s, two baths, all ap. pllances Including dish­washer, firepla-ce, buUt~ln book cases, covered patio on an excellent lot, paved street and all utilities. Motivated seller. Make offer. Owrier/agent. -

SUMMER WILL BE HERE SOON. How·about a eabiD on the river in the cool Upper Ca­nyon? We have one at an affor­dable price.

FROZEN YOGURT BUS­INESS. Excellent location. $21,000.

ATTENTION BUILDERS! One of the nicest building lots In Forest Heights. Great sun­ny location.

GREAT BUILDING LOT on Hull Road, Call us for details.

R~ LOT ON DEL NORTE DRIVE. Paved street. some building has been done. Most magnificent view in Ruidoso.

OWNER IS READ\' to sell. Price has been reduced on this 3 bedroom, 2 bath home, two car garage, fenced, many ex· tras.

Realty, Inc. 1107 Mechem Drive

Hwy.37 Phone 258-3432

Clay Adams Broker- 258-a275

Assoc. Ken Ahler 258·3330

As•oc. Ann Jones 258·5601


""~ . o.A.!':.-.-~·-~. -- .' P-onderosa Heights


•5 lOts, • 3 bedroom, 2 bath mobile

•Large add-on with fireplace •All $59,500.

HOME·JN WOODS. This 2 bedroom, 2: offers seclusion, With good ac­cess. Beautiful oak cabinets, garden window, cathedral ce-iling in living room and much, much more: PRICE? j'\ surprising


There is a Log Home in Your Future 12 Log Styles.

All are dipped, aged and treated. Lifetime Guarantee

Do it yourself with logs or have it built. PLAN BOOKS AVAILABLE $4.00 AT OFFICE

$5.00 MAILED IN U.S.A. BUI & Verna Allen SEE OUR MODEL HOME 407 Brady Canyon Turn off of Hiway 37 at the

P .-0. Box 534 Thunderbird Lodge onto Brady Ruidoso, N.M. 88345 Canyon Dr. & Follow the Yellow

(505) 257-2776 Arrows.

**EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR** A new dimension trt Resort living The ALTO VILLAGE Tennis Club

Fine .,;atabllahed art·.gallery and . framing bualnaaa In the heart .<>f walking area qri Suddarth Dtlva. Price · ll'lcludaio all rtal'l11ng ..qulpmant and. most of the· fix· turaa. All' art negotiable. Price for

· bulilnaa;o onllf $110,001). Leaae vary reasonable. Call Peggy.. ·

' .. ··'· •

Townhouses. Call ua tor Information and a tour.


. ..

decor, wall paper~ Three bEidro_oma,

· Attractive· wet patio_ an~

on Bohlto wooded lot

road. $1$,500,

Approxh:nataly 1 acre on Sun Valle!f Aoad. Plat ana beautiful with quiet Sul'l Vallillf amenities. $11,0oo.cau .Johil •

. "i

• ,•i n'

I I 1 _' I

! ' '· . -· 't(l ' \l, ". ''f: '' •

'' ,,

,. I' • I 'I

' ' I I

I 1: i

'" I

•8415,000 will buy thle a a..dr0om1 older tlou•• Ol"'e bloek oH B~o~dderth. Corner lot on paving, all oltv utllltle .. A re-.1 bergaln •ncl - -n m111ee It •••Y for you to own,· -•PRIMEI Clj)MMERCIAL LOT on Sud• derjh nex1 to PJ.zz• Hut. EXoellent locio• tlonr

257-9126 sort World Mts

... .~ &111111 .. boc. [B

4BI5 Sudderth - Getewey Center P.o. Box aeoe, Fluld-o. N.M. 88348

Ann Geo'll•• 378-4838

MOBLEY R .. ILT'; Ruidoso, N.M. 88345

CALL DOUG SIDDENS OFFICE - 257;;.4608 HOME- 257-4851



JUST under an acre at .997. on Fort Stanton Road. Pro­party has mtld slope, ex .. cellant sun exposure, privacy. and good tree coverage. Horses allowed. Asking $15,000.

EXCEPTIONAL RIVER PRO­PERTYJI 2.31 acres with 705 feat of private river frontage. Property Is laval, secluded, and large enough for your greatest ldeasll Call for more Infor­mation.

CUTE 2 bedroOm, 1 bath, completely remodeled with new parquet floor, vinyl, and carpet. Has large wood stove on custom tile and panelray. Back yard Is fenced. $35,000.

GOOD B-UYJ Cute 3 bedroom~ 2 bath home. Centrally located, beautiful fireplace, yard and all city utflltlasw Paul. ble owner flnanclng. Ask~ lng $69,500.

MJ',KE OFFE~I Here's a beautiful 1,700 sq. ft. home with Chalet styling. This 3 bedroom, 2 bath has ezcaptlonal floor plan. Large wood stove has custom tile wol'k on hearth and wall. Large living room with french doOtrs opening to outer deck. this home sits on a great lot to landscape with privata: drive. Asking S96,000.

NEW LISTINGI Beautiful redwood home In Alto. This floor plan awaits your decorator's touch. With high callings, sky llghtt .. privata entry, fireplace and sunken living room. this 3 bedroom, 2 bath says come loold Step Into nearly ovary_ room and gazo up at Sierra Blan .. ca. Or relax In Y.Our warm Jacuzzi •. Just unload your IJOif clubs I~ your two car · garage, after anloyfng­yo~Jr full gotft'ng IIHimb•r• shfp. A•klng S-121,500.

III!LIIVE IT - OR NOTIII For tha:se of you not living bt lilu(d_MO. call wlfh your name and adcli'"liU alot'l• wtth th·e prGiierty descrJp .. tlon. you cu·•·. ltl?•r•l!'fod In and •'It •'*if yoa. a ·com ... -pf•t• fia&CIIfO on· •he pro.­.......,. [pldur .. btcluciM)• no c"ar.-af

can ,_.,..1 ... $1


MLS CALL 257·5184

Monday .. Saturclay - 9·5

B•nny Coul•ton Bill Smith ll"'k•r Auoc. Brok•r

wav:;:_:;.:~·~d . ·11What a team" Kath•rln• Dean



1409 SUDDERTH MLS [B 257-5071

·. ··ry'~f-:--' t I "' I.~-..·-~

k I .. L.J

.-.. .,

WHAT A JEWEL of a ski eabln! Two bedrooms, 1 bath, rock fireplace, good access and trees for only $49,500.

MOUNTAIN CABIN elose ln on paved street with city sewer and close to shopping. Four bedrooms and sleeping porch. 1,050 sq. rt. sleeps 11. $43,500 with owner financing.

TEN ACRE HOMESTEAD In Pine Meadows. Lovely home, horse barn, corral, bridge over seasonal stream. lree groves, cOol meadows and stone walls all make for a quiet ea.untry estate.

COMMERCIAL PROPERTY In Capitan. Three lots with nice 3 bedroom, 1 bath bouse. Paved street and all utiUties.

SUN VALLEY. Four bedroom, 2~ bath dome home on I'll acre wooded lot. Jenn-Alr range. large famUy room and loft.

NEED A LOT FOR A SOLAR HOME? We have a beauty ln a nice residential area. '11te owner has lert the area and has reduced the price.


Dean Land &Cattle Co.

Ruidose>MLS Specializing In ... llich properties

Residential - Commerc:ial .


1204Mechem Rainbow Center

258-3619 Ruld08o

THE AFF'ui.MA'l'IVE .bVILDlNG- The cla11s ot Sudd~. and In .tlie area that wid have expensive · deveiOlJment. Sh6U1d appreciate ih value. So buy now and" make money. <Real Esfate only).

ON HIGHWAY 37 - 5..540 atl't$ with access from tbe· airport, ltlso from Highway 37. Bulld a hotel_or tnotel, have your C!tistomers ~xlln.

A LARGE RANCH that wUI-'ca1b ~ow, tit8ke"th.; pay men(¥. Ellght peJ"oo eent .money; small down. This wllf not be on t-he market long. •

WE HAVE LOTS In Calriel6t, Alto, Blaclt Fotett and bt tbe· ntaln PJ'ri ot tewn: clieap. c_

TimEr!: BEDltOOM HOI1s£ •. 1n il dit:!e nelghberhood,tow doWII, owne.-u .. ancbi~. lOCJii.. 20 yean. .

.• :. .. o ... ..... 1251'..Sl ..

S.-;.IV.Iildt..­li• .. t.I:S:MI ..


\ •.


BILE HOMES MOTEL ...- EXtra elean, good lOcation, good easb floW.

ffitauee. Call us fol' details. wBI


of any new


ALPINE VILLAGE- New bome, eedarex,.,..lor,Jmotty pine lnterJOI". . Private location wUb nlee decJI., lots ·of trees. $63,500.-

tured • GREI;N MEADOWS - Three bedroom, 1\-fl hath home, 14110 sq. ft. Level lot on paved street. good ac.eess. Exeellent neighborhood. Listed at •79,500.

bedroom, 2 bath. $26,500.

USED MOBILE HQMES SMALL MOBILE - On a level!i!d lot. Paved street. small· storage buDding. MobUe Is 8'x40', 1 bedroom, 1 bath. Ow:uer wiD finenee with low down payment. Listed at $19.,500.


u-:-,. down,

TOWN & COUNTRY ESTATES- Very alee 3 bedroom. 2 bath ·bo~e with Z ear gara" and IO'xl4' store room. lOO'x150' level ·lot. street te street.

LOT IN ALPINE VILLAGE ...... Level lot nearn~ttoual fGrest. Building site cleared and driveway Is ln. $12,000 •

at11%. Westchester -like new. $15,500.

FlOyd Budtley Ed Rllberla Gewge Mull11 Rft,,; Ut ... IH RH.I ZS'fo'I'I3S He&, I zsa.son

Rl!CKI.EY REAl. ESTATE - 12'x60'

Available .1}:) & Insurance, Inc. . . •

IB -= 257-4M.J Holiday Home Sales

1107Mechem Ruidoso, New Mexico


-·~· .·~· 2910 Sudderth MIS ;~.1: P.O. DRAWER 159,

'· ... · ... , ••• ~ RUIDOSO, N.M.

DiPaolo neal Estate & Investments --

Drow"r L H 37 Ruido•o. N.M. 505-258-4477 Th.--,P/\o-;;6o: 8834$

ONE OF THE FEW GOOD COMMUCIAL •UILDINGS l•ft for -•• In th• downtown area. High walking traffic.

NIW TWO III!DitOOM TOWNHOUii In chola.lac.fiOn. Sa-ownerfhMnclng avail• .. ••· laay acc.u on Pll"•'* at ....... H2.500. 5638

Ha• fGur ... ntal qKI- 0-.wat ln-PI'CJIMirtv'· ... , llo• .how you this .aanl 5378

~~ .. ==.~ .. =.=.~-~~~ .. ~.=.,~.========.=.~•~•=o~u~.~.~N~ ... ~.~MH:: .. :~ •• :.:.;=====~ .. ~~.§--~.7.,.:~::====~ .Own•r·~•r 258-4477 S.IHMirna .. r 336-4670 Hom. 3.36-4024

Wanda Arant Su•Davl• Auoclat• 378-4453

Ray D. Ca~nt.r Aaoclat• 257-9191


~lat• & Georrl• Aluvai•.Jt Pro~rty Manag•r Auocl•t•

a7a.usz aa.-4007




MLS LYLE 257-4291 257·4228

,66.- - Very app~~allng 3 ..... roam. furnished doubl.wlde In p .... tlglou. Del Nort•. Sit• on a ffCIIt lartciMaped tot wlth •upel'l:t acceu.. Feahi .... 2 CoVered deck• d.

and _., ... , tenill:~ llrilnd new J18tlnol •2S,Ooo .__ 10 au.. In ila81n Val~, letrel · land with a· vtHI all areilll'ld. Will toNIUr .. .. ...,. ... .,,,9511 - J ... t llot..tln u-· Canyonr 2 .,.....,_, 2 loath h-, 7 .Y ... ,. ""' wltlr lob of mountain ap-t anil fully furnlolo­etf,

t6t,500 - Extremely ~.u k•pt 1ti0h11e: . with. adtl-clrl In Air..- w .. t. "-tlf1ll. -•lot with ""'"Y"- and • ..,.. .. .,. '"""*""Pino with leota Clf t.-•. .·

f1112.- - N- llotlng on Port Stconton aa.c:l. "•rv nice .....,- home with lon· Of ~ilntcdi'i ffawor, •ltflng on one ·acre where florae• •r• allowed, TeFiil• ......... 1.. . . '"·- - llarllng ........ In P-1 Helghta with ••- ,.,,.. llvlno .,,.. aOiil Ia ............. .,., AI .. ......,_ a ...... ntl new ..,rpcwt. Weiulcl -•lela• t .. cllng for lil'nelllll•r hot~ ... • motew home, ot lliOblle • We.,..,...· client wha w""lclllkll to,,.;..,. hliJ_ ........................ _.

. t'lu.-- vo.rv··•-•t- ...,_·,,; l!lgh M- ·with fUll _,llarohlp; ~~~­•-·2 clad!o,llkyllghtal'lclloHo OfwaOcl. Vllry le ... llot, · .. •

I<AYLINIIIIIOWN .. ....,._,247·4t•n

JOHN WNinOC:k WAYNI!'WHIUOCIC -R••·•li7B·I1M ........... 11154.2904

--·· 311-iult SHIRLIY CIII,F'ITH ==~;~~=!:==~~;~;;~~

( •


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·, ., -:· '

MOUNT~IN: RIVIBR H<tMI: .......... ·bQroont home •ltuoted '" th•· qral .. tlc. h:!lll pt.--. of th~ Upper Canyon~. The tran­q.ull Rio RUICI011o tloWii palt ~h large lot. Call for an ap­polnttJ~ent today!

' . . . . FOUR Ill~ -WITH lWO KITCHINS, ana ... II and fw9 % ~Jcithl, TM:t ,.,__.._...,_Jxii'CII lot 1nc1Udad with prap~~trly. Saundallka a lot of -trail n29,soo. · · INDIAN Hli.t.•• 1_-......, badroam, two bath mountain home with magnlfl-·. --nt vJ.w of Sierra Blanca. Poulbla own-. flnan.;lng •• ,89,500.

AU THOSE STA'IRS TO THI! EN· _, thla fo'ur -hdraam ~o.....,

ffJJ8! P.~ 378-40 16 1601 Hwy. 70 East

HONDO VALLEY LAND. We have IS aCral of valley land that ha1 Hl_ghway 70 f~ntage. river frontage and accou to the national fore••· Thera I• a nice little pa•ture for your favorite hone. •ome fruit ti'CIIel and .. veral choice loca. tlon• to build your dream home. Shallow water and ap­proximately 2 acru of water right•. This land has been In one family for many. many yean.

MAGADO CREEK SPECIAL. Ten acr ... good views. easy ac­wu and only • Owner financing available.

Built by Texans for Texan~. 2,4 Luxury. Townhomes in the most convenient location.

(1 blk South of Sudderth &: 1 blk West. of Pobce Station) FEATURES

heat oven

-tr 2 Sundecks -tr Self-cleaning ovens -tr -tr Fireplace "-tr Pot-scrubber dishwasher -tr 3 C~mmon party house with 13-foOt T~ shaped hot tUb, dry sauna, wet bar, _fireplace, and redwood party deck:,

REAL ESTATE P.O. Bax 966 - Ruidoso Dawns, N.M. 88346

NEW DUPLEXI Two bedroom•. 2 baths. fully fumlshed with a lovely fireplace a• an added extra. O.,ner financing I• available. Priced at a low •&9.000.

SMALL COM,.,ERCIAI. LOT. iust off Highway 70. City water and city .. war available. Lot Is fairly Javel, would make a nice l»ulldlng site. Priced to sell NOWI

ALPINE VILLAGE. i.ovely 3 bedroom, PI• bath home with a fireplace that opens Into the 'living room and tho kitchen. Located on % acre of land. A great buyl

,'!i!A YMOND REEVES, Sales Assqc. .Res.: 257-2779

BILL PIPPIN, Broker /Ri!altor Res.: 378-481 1

GARY TATE, Sales Assoc. Res.: 378·4224

ALTO ALPS CONDOMINIUMS AN IDEAL LOCATION for permanent or vacation living.

RiSALE - Furnished beautifully and decorated, 3 t.drooms. 3 baths- with wrap around deck and good view. Club hou .. , tennis and pool facilities. Priced to sell. Call Jim Llttlafleld.

RIS~_LE - _Two J-c~roor.-•. 2 baths_._ completely furnished. '1.200 square f-t. Owner financing with low down pay­ment.

AREAL HOME LARGE-living room. largo den, 2 fireplaces, 4 bedrooms. 2 batlq. 2.600 square feat. double garage, all on 1 ac...­wooded lot. Prlc8d right, owner financing. Call Jim Lit­tlefield.

ALTO VILLAGE HOMES ON HIGH MESA DliiVE. 2 bedroonq. 2 bath•• furnished or unfurnl•had. double ~rport, full membership.

ON IH~ 4IH FAIRWAY., 3 bedrooms, 3 .baths.- 2,4oa square feet. double garage. cu•tom built. paulve •olar heating. membership. ·

: ~ ' ' ' ' ' , ,! _\ · , 1,, ·, , ,, , , , .• ,. I , t , , -~-,~ • .. acr-e- zonej:l R1 and R2.. 1 •

·Can' be re-subdhtldiill. · · · · · · · ' '

CALL NOW 258-5252

. ' •



267·4457 257·4411

SUPER SPECIAL OF THE WEEK A maJor factor In the remodeling and restoring of this lovely alder hol"i''e w&a_the f~ow of a crowd. The kltohen has_ room for a breakfast area, but Ia conveniently off the formal dining room, which easily 'flows on to the formal living room. These three ·areBs alone can handle a small crowd. In the summer your guests can ove'!low·out on the huge lighted terrace. This home also has a family room with Ita own flreplaoe. Four ·bedrooms, all large, make thla a superfamily home. Add to all of thla. 1 + acres of _great paved parking, beautiful trees and "running" room tor the children and Pets a comer location and you've found a REAL hom&. situated on the property so that the home Is a nice sun catcher In the morning and shaded In the afternoon. Let's plan to look at all this has to offer. Appointments only please. Trades possible and terms.




Broker 257·4411·

IRExchange International

With Full Golfing Membership In Alto Lakes Golf And Country Club




. . 336-4378 .

HONDO Vt.iLEY PIIOPIRTY, t- 'Plus iacru- With foul' Mdroorit, two 'bill'th olciublawldo -•n• h-•· ,.,;..,, two·foirCIHil alrtorna-.~ w-en and' ma• Jor Gllpllcon .. s lncluoi!Od •. Owner Will _Cf:iii111cler itlld• for -lh.llclo.-o J*ro~erty. Dtwlllfl~~a;otot with ""bot-lctl ilo-P"VIfttlnt;·. ·

IDE-.&.. FOR SINGLE. neat little one bedroom. one llath· mobile home on two lata. Furnl•h•li• th .... yean old, vory nice. Onlv s22,0Qo.

~niNTION SKIIRSI Cute cabin with knotty phi*_ pan•Un•• I at•• fl ... place. two bed~m•• a11e bath. ·Pal"flally furnlshed, ••tor •p .. pllanca• Including wa•hitl' and drvt~r. solil.soo. ·

POR S~Li OR TRADE. . A•ffamo on -ludod lot In Alto Vlllago, Full gi>lflilll' ... ..., ... rohlp, tou_. bad.tooma* twtt •••h•,.. ::.-:a=~ Joeil). Owner r. dnxloul.

•'; .-



t.H .. RJIIRooM, I~ bath, furnlsh..t · lio- - • .,,. .. lan-p•d lot with

. ,..wotc;mtc_vi•YI• fltepl•.-. ••• l:ta.r. . MC.Urltv JJVeNm. cloutit• -cai'Pfllrf• ••·

111• ..., ... , .... eKiitlioiiiOtOn. •••·•1!0· · OWNiR WANTS SMALL DOWN pay. _,.t, will .. lTV loal11,...- ,...,.,,,., on ""'' Rc>iolt with ,.,...,.. 51••.., ........ .., ............... ·~~ .... . . ' ... =~===:~:~:=;

MLS fNink kolli- -.12S.:.O!IS .......... Hcoii--•2117.1J;tela

.. .. '


•Thi"Elle bedrooms, 2 baths plus den • Lots of mountain charm featuring

2 r~ck fireplaces • Master bath has large jaccuzl tub · pi~B sauna plua aeparate shower

" ' '

• Attractive woOd and mirror · treatment tn dlnlng area .-(Jghf and o-pen on treed lot ·

•VIew ot Sierra E'llanoa and large er:~~tertalnment area.

•C:q,;,y, oomfortabl$ · affordable!



I ' ,·

.,_ ·, .. ,, ,·


I 'I' . '

' '

c-Ct-~··--~·· -""------'-'- ' ··-,.~-- .. "' ....... -- ~ ~ _..., ~ -· ~ ... .-~ ---- -·"""""'''" .. :o-~

. '


' .

.- .- -. " '


Large 3· bad roo""• 2 l:ictth. d~~t.,. formal dlnl-.g. rocun, C:altlc modular hom.tit vdth ~"taiiJtlc Sierra $1•nc.- view. lanchcap~ lng and secu,.lty light~ · . . ··

. . . . .... $87,5.00

• . Call Marge

• .. , I, .... ' •

' ' ' ' • \ I ' I I '

.. ,.~ ,. ,,

\; . ·s~a--asen..-.

i I



.. ,

Capitan. •5·10 aU.. .4 ,JDil~ -• of Ruldo8o DOWIIII. All fenced ·With'a' beaatlfnl view.

. • Lot #252 In o..,.. P-* VaUev Sabdlvl•loa. • 34 ac:ps with river. frontage, water dsbts, weDs and ¥81'!1 alee ado_.• home. awn-, Brok.,...

T!lrea · badrootrr !lome In Bonito Canyo!', • 12 mllas from Sl.rra 81anca .Ski Run. •

Tony J»arker Real Estate·. 378-4157 D ....... N.M.88S46

~**************-ie: OPENHOUSE -iC:

t BaturciiiJI', Pebruai"Jftl -iC: II:OOA.M.UNTIL3100P.M. i( WHITEMOUNTAINDRIVE tc





A LOVELY HOME WITH BIG VIEW! Thl• home otra ... many extras: 4 bedroom•, 3 bathe, living areiJ plus den. piiJinelllng, jao~:~zzl tub, Iota of atorage, 2 drlvewaye, custom cabinets In kitchen. Nice location on corner lot with good acceee. Trade orterrna poeal· bie. Susan Miller, 288•81589 or 338-4353.


DEVELOPMENT CO. White Mountain Meadows

"A Very Nice Address" •SingleFamilyLots ($18,500 to $34,000) •Townhouse Lots . • 24 Hour Security Guard at Entrance •Tennis Courts, Driving Range,

Putting Green •Terms

Box 55. Call 505·258·5050 ~~~~~~~~~~Ruidoso, N.M.

Fran Nevins 8rolcer

Rn.t 258-5681 8111Wallur ..... :257-5511

GOOD DEALII Thl• 2 story mountain cabin half great location and views. Two bed-:oooms and large loft. Natural wood and lots of built-Ins. s- Martin.

H. Ray Blahop Rn.t 336·4367

Sid Alford Rea.t 258-4120

Peter Strobel Res.:336-~96

FAIRWAY MEADOWS CONDO on. the_, golf course at Cree Meactows • $74,900 completely furnished·. One of the hest rental histories In Ruidoso. Call Ron for details. EXCELLENT INVESTMENT PROPERTY, Two houses located In a nlae. easily accaaalbla

area within walking distance of town. Uve In one and rent the other or rent both. Good terms poaalble. Darlene Hart, 2!58•58159 or 258·515415. .. THIS 1•,070 SQ. FT. BUILDING Is

situated In a prime commercial loca­tion on 105,000 sq. ft. of land pro­viding ample parking. Let Peter •how you the Investment potential of owning this commercial property.

11TWO FOR ONE SALE;" extra:.. large.., lot on Heath Drive. Paved street, ex­cellent artiCI. Main hou .. being com­pletely remodeled, 1.300 sq. ft. Guest hou .. , 600 sq. ft. Also a garage and shop area. All parking areas paved. Excellent corporate ln­v .. tment. "Owner says .. u - llrlng me an offarl" Call 8111 TODAYI

BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED CONDO In White Mountain. Two bedrooms, 1 Va bathe with a great view of Sierra Blanoa from BOTH deoka. Sleeps alx, with Iota of extras. Excellent revenue from rental pbol. A preferred condo In thla complex. Doug Riggs, 288•58!59 or 257-7646. Susan Miller, 2158•8589 or 338·43!53.

GORGEOUS MOUNTAIN SETTING with Sierra Blanca view. Full membership, wet bar, large gamaroom, completely furnished, brand new carpet and appliances. Terms posalble with large down on thla S bedroom, 2 bath home. Earl Dawdy. 258·158159 or 336·8198.

LOVELY RIVER HOMEI Thla home haa been remodeled down to wiring. plumbing, root. Lots of charm and personality. Beautiful decka overlooking river. Property Includes an extra river lot for aecluelon or to build another houae. Terms possible. Susan Miller 258-5559 or 338-4383. •

BREATHTAKING VIEW from thla beautiful wooded Alto lot. Aoceaa Ia tina and building site lovely- aouthern exposure. Full golfing memberahlp. REASONABLY PRICED AND TERMS AVAILABLE. Susan Miller, 2158·85159 or 336·4383.

TWO BEAUTIFUL TRACTS Just north or Alto. One tract Ia approximately,,. acre and the ad)olnfng tract Is approximately ~ aore. Both tracts are level, tread, and have underground utliiUea. Privacy you want, yet good acceaa and cloae ln. Will aellelth.-ror both. Darlene Hart. 2158-1515159 or 2158·5154!5.

SusanMHier. Broker ~3&4353


.Doug Riggs 257·7546

Earl Dawdy 336-8198

Gary caughron 378-8598

Bonnie E. COe 258-4111

P.O. Box291 • AltoN.M. • 88312 • (505)258~5559

Located At Rainbow Center. t 11ghwa_y _37

Darlene Hart. Broker Associate


m --·

UNDER $50,00011 This charming two bedroom, two llath cabin In AirpOrt w .. t Is the answer for your vacation n-ds. Is also an excallent rental ~~·•po>rt)f· Priced to sell at

two bedroom, two bath N<rl•a Is an excellent llluy at Fran.

ONLY S56,500 FOR THIS one year old two bedroom, one bath cabin In close In area. Nice view, coveradl deck. Don't buy lllefore you let Neva show you this one.



s c HANDSOME CONDO In an •aslly acce.•lbla location provides two bedrooMs. two lllaths, otttactl,. deck•, flntplace. this fur_nlshed unit a. ready f~r Immediate OCCupajncy and can ba youn for •61,5001

, WI!LCOMINO ltiREI III!DROOM HOME. situated . In a quiet residential anaa, offers a Jot of

p.o. box 1442- (505) 257-5111 cha..., foo' Its ,..,.._lol• prlc<t. Fl,..plac<t, car· · pOrt., Jandaccipecl yqrd Wlfh nia•stve treu, COI1·

cni:t• walkwaY"• this lovely home pre•nts an .. tabUaMd, COmfttrialblif IIIOOd the n1oment 307 nlecham drive

ruidoso, nt:;w mexico 883,45 .,au enter .. $'14,000. ,

AP .. EALING HOME WITH I\IIAOI\IIPICENT VIEWS offer-a thr.. J~e4toont•• two ltcithsj dlnina rood'i1 utility· roam, .fiMpladl. La.._ wooded' lot, wjth RCMI fl'om two st .... ts. FuMishecl. ·~2.500. .

11:11 VIEW Ofl SIIIIIIA IILANCA ft;..., thlo pretty lot In Woodland Hill• lo •Imply hontastlcl Gcloil llullollna •Ito. • · · ·

WHITE MOUN1'AIN f:STAIES Is the settlnsl for thts aplenclrd two atory homo with th .... IMtdrooms,· 2"1:. bc:lfhs, utility room. carport and ba•m•nt. Th• handsome living area feclttli'eS a massive two-story rock fireplace, and tho home ;p ..... nts a wonderful air of conflclenca and q""llty. S134,-.

POSSIBLY ONE OF THI IIIST BUYS ON lHE MARICET Is thl•-brand new. iNeU•buUt honteln· a nice area witH - ·- rh .. ....,...,!":~~ hom• oH.n two· Hllrooms, two baths.· r · IIMplace. and ~aroe d•cl(•• iXMJient owner flnanctns~ a~t a •ew Int.,.... tatel t63J-SOO. ..

WELL-MAINTAINED MOIIU HOME with add­ha;a two MilltOOml, dlJtli'lg_I'CiOI'ill utility room~~: ample ............... y ,., ..... -. ca ............ . collent' own•r ftl'iCincf"l!• --$J4,tltJ •• Joh .. v. Hall, Qucillfyl'*tf ~er, :ii36-4Se7

Cary LyncK, ._, ... ,... Monaa•r', 336;A~2 J .. 01'"' Mtillter .. AMocl•N, 316-4030, Anoc:fatllll, J-....Hs GCU"V MdW_..if, Aaoct~••• 2S'1·5611· ... ~ Dcadd, JlillliOiilate, 25'1r9S4S -

CU~,Y Hnchn. Au6tlilf•, t3 .. 3ii._. J-'f~- AMikkilt.-, 21 .. 16'14 sierra develo


PIVE ACRES bordering national forest Ia level, with southern •xpesuro, good t .... cover. 1c1 .. 1 If you vahl!• your .privacy. t32,SOO.

, .

IN tHI Hci.USION OP TRANQUIL CEDAR CIIEIIK, 111rrou.nded loy taw•rlntl .,,.,.. and tunr.,. .... • ... - l>f .... -t delightful ...._ .

I WI. .. L-~ .. fhe

•••• th tW4 .-rootM, plua •t .. lillno 1_.,., 1% .,.,.,., •nd •- ff,.p..,_, It'• • ., :Idyllic _ .... t.ln ................. d- ... _ yOlo to ..,I"Y the • .,.......,..,, _.,.I'V• ., ....... .

. .

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·•' ._.·-;~_ .. ' : .,~. -... _ ..

···.-.. •\•

ALTO '$35,000

14th falrwcoy,level •. wooded, Full Memb·ershlp

9th Townho111e-·a bedrooms; memb.-rshlp


CALL NOW 258-5252

~. tcrcn .. ~ .. ~ .. i.,i .. t.)·;.··'-;.~ .. ; •. ~:~ .. -.. ~~~ ... ~ .. -.~~~~~-~.~~ .. oc~ ... ; ... c:.:~:.~.~ .. ~.-~:::;~~ llr~,..,. 11~11 K"'d'"''· ,. M Bio•n• """~''- ..... , ... h•hl.• •~n•n•~


Joui'"~SeclSOilS Otf&redBy.


LAND Lots, Acreages, Large And Small

ALTO VILLAGE: Almost flat lot with lots of pine trees. $11,000. Has membership and large assumable loan at low Interest. $2,000 down. owner financing. 1.02 ACRES IN DEER ·PARK WOODS. Flat with trees, full membership, cash Or terms. $34,950. ATTENTION: Horse People Seller needs to sell - 35 acres, 20 fenced with barn and pens. Full time creek running through. Electricity Is near by. Fifteen acres joining on south side of 20 acres with nice views and electric at road on south. It's a nice place to run your colts. Make this seller an offer today. Call me at Four Seasons Real Estate- 267-.9171

RANCH FOR SALE 200 acres of really pretty land, about 16 miles from

f Rl:Jido§;o. l-ias old house (rock) with good well, 1 Ya m11es _ off paved fbad. National forest on 2 sides. It's a hunters dream. Also has 1 acre lease with lt. Creeks and lakes, good place for your cattle or horses. You would

.just have to see this to know how pretty It Is.


to see this almost new 2 bath with Iota of mountain

liVability. Wet bar, fireplace, and 2 Astro·turfed decks

$65,900. an offerl If you ·uke beautiful, views on approximately 2.36

you" II want to see thla 2 bedroom, furnished mobile. Easy access

priced: ~~~~~ ~~OWner!_

~~;;~~:::~:~:~:~~:~~~!~:~a;creage: 6 acre.a

8.763 acres

'•-,_ •' . ' ... :'·

Q, .t

,, '. ' ' .. ' ·,, '• ' ~- . '.' " ' ·. ' , l 'I

' .. .. ' , ..

. -.,I,

'·. \ ~ SHdt.IIO·GouOl.COUFUIE!,! ';' ' · · . SWIMMING POOl.

, F'RIWA~'FIE!S'I!'A~A;t't.!:.~ LOUNGE • "• 1 FI~~J"~L:M~~~~~t-:i~f'N~ .

-, 'II' ·\,FI$HINGL)A,IiEI \' 11 • • ' ·' ' ' • ' • ,/ • lo

Come by and visit lnnsbrook VIllage 1\eol E$tate. your full Slil'r· Ylot real estote compo(\y. lp oddl·

. tlqn to new lnnsbrook VUiage pro· .. · pertles and resole lnnsbrook

VIllage properties we also ore o, generol real estate- office handling various properties d'\roughout the .. Ruidoso Ole-O. As o member of MLS we are able to offet you a wtcle varietY Qf listingS to me~l your e~ry ne.ed ..

. . (505)258-5454


SIN(:E 1952

EAGLE CREEK. ACRES·- tWo ·tracts over 6 acres each. Restricted to fine homes. Cali have horses. $10.000 per acre. Call John. #83-4347. GRl!=AT· BUY on this brand new custom built home In super location. Nestled in the pines, this 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2--story home features 2 flrepl;;Lces. One located in the large maSter suite upstairs. The family room and kitchen has lots of .cabinets and storage. Other· extras are 'the wet bar, and all appHances including washer and dryer. You get lots of house for the money on this one. Call Jane George for all details: #83·1;712 ..

CAPITAN "PAY ATTENTION" - one of the nicest· homes In the area. Two fireplaces, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. large

· Z-car garage on 2Iots. Assumable loan. and the owner will look at a second, which you probably won't need. A large b_eautifu' home, second to none. Call Glen. #83-6485. HIDE-A-WAY to your very own mountain retreat in Forest Heights. Three bedrooms, 2: baths. fireplace, decks and situat.ed on large tree covered lot. Also has vacant lot adja­cent to house to make this an even better investment for you. $85,000 with excellent terms. To find out more, call Jim George. #83-4033. SIDE BY SIDE, two 1982 mobiles

AMONG THE TREES ..;._ immaculate- 3 bedroom custom built home. Extra· large living area in .. a terrific neighborhood. Must see to appreciate. the quality and beauty of this home. $120,000. Call J.T. H8a..5791.

_ BEAUTIFUL WOODED LOT, close in, with a gorgeous view of Sierra Blanca! Owner is motiv-ated to sell, and is offering terms with a low down payment. Call Jane. Hll3--5574. · '

TWO STORY. THREE BEDROOM, 13/4 bath home or cabin in Capitan. A well built hom·e with views~ 2 decks, on over 1 acre of land. Call Glen. A real investment potential. #83-6508.

DON'T MISS THIS ONE - absolutely lovely 2 bedroom CODedO with fireplace, plus many upgrades that make thiS unit special. Located on beautiful Cree Meadows Golf Course and has country club membership. Owner offers great terms. Compietely furnished. A wonderful buy at $72,500, Call Jim. #83..:1139.

MOUNTAIN CABIN WITH VIEW AND PRIVACY- three bedrooms, 2 baths, furnished down to linens and dishes. Assumable loan. $~8,5,00 .. Call E.,J, #l!a.-4889.

completely furnished. Each bas_ 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, located on separate lots in a quiet area in the pines with easy access. Also, wood decks and prlleeo~.

257-7313 -Box 284-Me(•hern Drive

NICE MOBIL.E - d,ecks, front and back, all furniture and appliances stay except T.V. and dishwasher. Large lot. Two full baths, 3 bedrooms. $45,000. Call Rick. 083..&155. Give Tootle a

COZY HOME juat off Hwy 37 with easy accaaa. Three bedrooms, 1 bath, flrepl&ce, furnlahed lnoludlng all ap. pllanoea and assumable loan. Priced at $82,500. Call Wanda Harmon. MLSN.8271.

BE LULl-ED TO SLEEP by the sound or the river In this magnificent a bedroom, 2 bath home. It Oomee oom­t:tlately turnlahed, has Ita own securitY ayatem. beautifully landscaped yard, and over 300' of rtver frontagell Priced at only $230,000. Call· Gregg Perteet. MLSII4783.

UPPER CANYON - Nice 4 bedroom, 2 1h bath fUllY fUr­nished home In popular Upper Canyon. Easy access and on a largelotwlth a double carport. Priced at only $1 29,500. Call Don Harmon. ML61115792.

·ONL 'V 535,000 for thla cute 1 b~~?droom, 1 bath hOrne wlti:J fruit trees and fenced y&rd. On Bonltc;» RFV&r, % mile Weill Of thdl ·Nogal turnoti'. Call bon Harmon. MLSNsae7.

BUILT IN HOBBY- Stay w-arm with the Ashley wood heater w-hile you enjoy the miniature train eat up In this cozy 4

3 bedroom home. Priced at only S75,000. Call Ann E. Garner. MLSII8723

DEEA PARK VALLEY Ia the setting for this large beautiful lot with great views. Priced at only $20,000. Call Doria Mellen.

FOR -THOSE' OF YOU WHO CAN'T GET TO RUIDOSO AS OFTEN AS YOU'D UKE TO - A tlmeahai-e Is the perfect answer. We've got waeka In February, March, september, and over Thankaglvlng. Prices start at 'only $3,1500. Come and enjoy skiing, the lovely aprlngtll"'(le·, picturesque autumn or Thanksgiving dinner. Call Don or Wanda Harmon. MLSN's 6590,3037,3034,3033


REAL ESTATE • INSURANCE 1 o 1 Mechem ·1 ooo Sudderth

5651257·73r3 505/257·4073 Ruidoso., New Mexico 88345

Mechem Office Sudderth Office· Residence Phones Residence Phones

-Joe M. Barker 257·5650

Teresa Sates 257·7121

LaVei"i'la Br&wer 3SEJ..415&

AM e. Ga;-n&r .251;!·5414

· Setty O'Dell 257·9&89

IB RML10f'l



oon Harmon · .­. 257·7591

Wanda Harmon . 257·7591 . Danny McGUire

258•4001 Doris Mellen


. ,I


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V.7«ftldea'8lalpol'ted8 ...... de ........ lluiiJI WRENCH

























FROM 3/8" THRU 3/4"




1.5 oz. J77 100Tlf.PASTU.30Z. • WITH FLUORIDE


·-~-. :- .' :" •::::-?'•"": :~_,_;::_~:7'; .. _ -~- ':' "'~-~:·· ,-~ ·-¥ ' -' · .. ·:·




$18 $159

NO. 10 CAN





934 II OZ.


Lepl13150 11 (2:) 9



Ell par Ia lleeciln 1-H: 1-2-11 & 14ol2 del Ubt"o do Mana de EiiiiCfdia de el Estado do N'ueve Mmeo, cautro (4) miembros de tabla del dlsb"lto y cautto 14) altemadOB 11ertan 1111J1:1bnuin! para cade dlstrlto, ~lgulente, de e1 condado de LIDcolD • ........

''""""'" . Carrizozo 14

' """""'" Angus 112: San Patricio •111

"'"""' Cinco 151 mtemtm. de tabla lkll dlslrlto y cuatro un altemado5 aerran nombradlll!l para calla dlltrlte, liSUiente, de el Condado do Lincoln.

capltann Ru.ldosOill Ru.ldo$0113 Ruldollo 114


Chico 151 mlembrlll!l de tabla del dllllrlto y eautro . 1111 alternadoll aernn nombradoll para de lot

slgulenlell dJ!Ilrito:l OllSeDtes. Condado da unc:oln. Rl!pnsmtatlvo 151,152, 156" 157

Appllcaclobes por llsta DUUitenlda pueden mandor haeer c:c:m el Gary Mitchell Prelldente del PertJdo Pemkrata p .0. 80Ji: 2fiiO Ruidoso, N.M. lllllf5

"'''"" PatHume Presidente del Parttdo Repub]lcano P.O. Box? Nogal, N.M. 88S41

o en Ia oflcln.a de Ia! Escrlbana del Co!ldatiP, P .0. 8Qlt33111, CafrizMo, N.M.ICIOI, M84337ant. de el dfia3Dde~l96f.


Lepl13lli1 U12:l e




Denloeratlc Part,y or the State et New lle:dec:l and Ll!leoln County, -a call is bueb)' made !Of' Prednct Meetings and a Colmty ConveDUoa for the pcll"ppH of adopttng a plallonn and electing delegate!. to tiM! 191141 ':itate PlaU'orm COuveDUoa aDd Slata Preprlmary Nomlnattng ConVI!IItiDD.

Prec:lnct Meetbtp will be beld at the LIDI:oln counw Courtbcue 1n the comm.luloners' Room at 7:30P.M. oaFetuuaryZJ. 1111111. TIM= countyCcJD. ves~tlon wm be beld at a:oo P.M. oa Tbunlday. Febmar"y 23, liiHID tbe Cmnm!sslona:a' Romn of the Lineola COIInty CoclrUJouse ln Carrizm:o, New -·· ~tes to the county 8Jid state Conveatloos ,. lhaU be aelected by propcirlllllllll ~t.atloa 1!1 tbemetbod or votiJJg Bet forth In Appendl:x A lo the ruiN and rqulatkms of the Democnltle Party.

unc:oln Counta sball seieet twelve 11l1l delegates to the 19114 Slate Preprimary Nomhiatlna; Coaven-UOO. '

DONE 1h11124tll day of .January, 191M. GARY C. MlTCIIELL



Legal ,Q-144 2l(2) 13, 20



seiled bld!J wUl be received by tbe County Mapager at the Llneoln county Ccilrtilowse, Car-­rtzoto, New Meldco, unlU IO:OIIA.M., Februlary21. llllt, for the pirebaaa of the followblg:


lnvltatloas- to bid wltll ipeclficatlont II18Y be abo talned by caWnc tt. COUnty Manapr>• Offlee (&fa.2337).

LlncoiD COUDty resetve~ the rlllbl.lo accept or re­Jeot .U or lillY part of aDJ>' bid, waive mJaor ~ltlea and awud the-bid to bel!t &erve the intel'eltOf ~County.

'' I


. ,- ·' . -~ ''


swarate ~ 'ams ,or ~ ~trueliml of a 4lHinlt 8PQ11.ment loeallild.ln RuidoBo Dowllll, New Mu1co. wtU' be reeel.ved. by Jn&p!ra.Ucm lfWblll Alaoc:lates at -the office Ill the RegloDal HlluiJiDB Authority, ~ IV New Moxlco, -Bldg, 810, "D'' Street ~.!larl ~ Jllvd., Rofl;weU· Jn. dvstrial Air ~. ~. New Mmdco uaw· 2:00p.m., (J!IST) F"ehrl0ey 2&, 19114. lllU1 ii.t;n at said omce P'll!Uely opaned aQd read allllld.

Copil8 of th$ CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 1118Y bD obWDed at the Office of Nlma, Calvanl A AMoe!ates._r.A.t~ted at 201 N. Alameda st., Carlabad, 111ew MeXtCO. 118220 up1111 payme~~t ot $5i).OO for' eacb ~~eL










Notiee is ba'eby BiveD thai ~nt to a Jud&· meut entered In lhi abo.vo alyled and numbered causeOJI the 1St day of February, 19&4, 118.\d came beloi an atllon oa a PromissorY Note IUid to forec:Joae a real eltate mortgage, the uodenlgned Special Master WW, on the 9th day et March. 1984! nt 10:00 a.m. at the front door ell the Mulilc:lpa Blllldlng iQ the VUlalle of RU!doiJo; New Mexleo, of. ler for sale to the -blgbest bidder for oub, the foUowiDB deacrtbed JII"OPI=I"ly looaled In Linooln County, New Mexico:

Lol 14, Block 3, Unit 2, Dial$ Forest SUbc:ilvl­alon, Ruldoeo, Uneoln CcltmQ', New Mll!ldco.

'lbe aale b ln the above J'udgmenl, ~ wl.tll au costa and amountl ctue 811

Amount or tbe Judgmen.t witll lntmllt totM date of the..suJe $107,818.63

Cost or PJblbh!Dg NoUce ofForeCIOI!Iuntsaltt

SpedaJMaster'alee ,..., Legal 131-U C2l 9, 1&, 23 IJ) I


,., .. $107,816.63


. ,., .. .,, •t-*·"'"' 01'¥: wo .. ..,.W'!FF¥'jO~"'jO Pii_il ii.PIWIA_'":f·IO!?!~:CI§4J:FH,U,; (#Ji '*"FSA,~·iil ':""';'¥'*'~ .... :+ :;"· H.*'".'."'."""·*·"''*··~;o• o ;o 0\11 o ~op:pp ·''!""' Pllf£IP\¥'f4' ;o:po;:o:;:IA!I7'f':' !# :P'\1* 4 U.' -~ !jliWZ$14.1

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Letters to the editor DEAR EDITOR:

Let's set the record straight on raw mUk. House Bill 105 (banning the sale of raw milk in N.M.> came about bec8use of the Queso Blanco incident. '1'hls was an Ulegal dairy making t:=heese (which falls under the Food Aet ·Ddt the~airy Act.) If it had been a Grade A Raw Milk Dairy, the strep ·m tbe cows would have been caught indirectly from a hlgh Bacterial plate count and a high mastitis count <most ot the cows had ma5Utis also.)

The 2nd Incident was cam­pylobacter supposedly coming from 2 Grade A Raw 'Milk Dairys. The State Health department has reported ~-8 cases of campylobactm" from an Albu­querque dairy. The only proof they can come up with Is a ease study -which they will not show to the dairy. This dairy sells over 200 gallons of raw mllk a day.

If campylobacter was in a batch of milk. almost everyone drinking it WOUld have been Ul. One thing that people fail to recognize is that this bacteria can come from prepa...., meat, chi~en, lamb, pork, shell fish, beef, baked food - poultry, dogs (especially yotmg ones), raw m.Uk, fresh and salt water. campylobecter can only get Into raw mUk If fecal matter from an infected cow get directly into the milk. This Is why we clean the cow's udders so carefully before mllklag. Grade A Raw MUk. Dairy& are tested for a Coliform count (fecal matter in the milk. JOur's bas always been less than 1 - the lowest you can get.

The other Northern N.M. dairy had 8 cases, that again, could only be pro­ven? by' case Qtudles. Again there was 110 major out break and the cases were at different tbnes of the month.

SUnday, January 29 the Albuquer­que Jom'iaal ran an article whicll con­tained the following, "In 1979, 40New Mexico SChool children drinking raw inllk during a- dairy tour came down

. wll;b Campylobacteriosls." I im­medlateJ.y got on the phone and IOUDd out the filets. The dalry - was a :>asteurl•ed daley, but they luld given fhe-childreri raw milk, The bacterial plate count for raw mttk for




DEAR EDITOR: As a reJatlvely busy mother of 3l'd

like to set down a couple of words. First I'd like to thank The News- for great coverage of mosl all events in thls area. The Reporter"s Round has been a pleasure and BWy Allstetter's 'last article was greaL His interpreta­tion of dlrterent types of news is as varied as The News itself but always thorough and somehow pel'®nal.

I also would like to suggest that we take a moment to realfY appreciate our home area here ln Lincoln Coun­ty. We can show that appreciation through a little active participation. For Instance-would you spit on your kitchen floor? Most likely not, but the trash along the highway is as ugly. Let"s walt for a trasb can. We"re priVileged- to live here let~s keep It really' nice - it's up to us. We need more inpUt in our town -whether by attending meetings - making phone calls, suggesUoi:ls about parking areas or many Ways we can all help. Sbare'your ideas.- some are sure to be workable. 1'here are lots of great ideas sltung around in l)e4)pie's tiellds so lets heat it. Those:_ of us who llve here cau make 1t a real pleasure to livit in Lincoln CoUnty.•s also see more ot ourlelcal skills and talents ex­hibited and marketed. There are lots Of talented and skilled people ai"<>Und.

And lets OAR!il. And leiS ohow It by helph:ig and holding ...:.. whether it IS


. . _ . · USPS No, 412-JCJG _ • . Publllhed .. C!h Molldol> and Thursday by ltuidc>so Newll, Inc., J. ((en­

neth Gteen, ~ldentj. Walter L. Green, Vice Presidfmt; at 1M Park • Avenue, ~llttd. entered as ~Onttclass mil.tter- at the Post· Office at Ruidoso.

. , N.:M. 8811«1. . . . . Kt;n ancJ Maey preen •.•...•.•.. : ..•............• ·~ .••... ; .; •. PbbUSbers Rollartd RBmOI!il, #--~· •... , •.. -............................. Btudne$$. Mgt~

, 'tin:r Pa1mer .. : .... : .. : . ... ·-· ........ , .......... ~ .. ., .~ .......... Mtor earirien._gdwards, •• :. •..•.••.. : .•••••.. ~. ; ......•••••.• Advertising Mgr. JoyCJ! WOO!fard.; ....... : ••••..••..•••••••..•.• '. · •.•• · • .-HCotnpo!ilrig.ll.lp. . . • • .I

. SUBSC:itiPTIOIIJ RATI!S.IN ADVANCI ~-. 2!10; ,Silll!ll>copy by :Maii, i:oc: &montlm~lol Coun!Y$2:1;

WithJn CtntialY~i t yeQr out of COWtty, $21Si wtthln ~nty-1 n2; H.m~e De)lveey, .,,oo 1000 month •. • ~ . · ' . .

Tbelllildt>ooN--Ihorl ttotejoctadvotUolngondedlt~ thalltconaiolm'O objoctioriloblo. Llab ill)> lor allY""""' In adVOtUsblg shill uot uceed ll"""llue ol theactualsPIII!e In wblcb tho error occ:urultd lbolll>e aa!Wioed by ........ tlon bt thone!ttl ..... can 21;1- lorllome ~~. - ~. ......,...,ler..,... aU <han• .. l>laldreallo tho Ruldlllo New•,l';6.11olc Ill. :tliololola, N.M, -· ~ . . • ·. , .


up on -each other.

And - would you believe if we aU followed a few simple rules how much less compUcated our lives would be­and how really gratlfled we'd feel. Those simple rules are the 1!) com-mandments of course we'd have to cui out having aUatrs with each others spouse (even the desire to do so), We'd 'nQed to work for all the goods we conie by and not ever 1et j)Ur'

anger carry us to cause someone to die. lt would aeeessUate respect for those who have lived longer than we have and w~:;e us the gift of ex· istence, rec that a force who we'll call God created our enUre universe and respect that force above all other things, take a day of rest every 7th day, tell the truth about . anything that happens- if you should have much time to do aey talldDg when your day is done. I surely can't say 1 perso~ follow these to the letter but, -heck, Us surely alot smoother because I'm trying. Let's be the best that we can be. Why settle for auytbing less?

Something to think abouL 1 hope that we are aU seDSiHve to

feel God's love and appreciate all the gCJOd.heJ'e. So far as the rest that we find - well, at least we can make it better.




Ruidoso Hondo Valley Hospital was recently faced with an emersenqr situation in which a critically iiljured patleDt. was in desperate .need ot a particular type Of blood. Therespo.;;se to our. emergency call lor blood donors was tremenclolis. .

We woald like to llulnk the miiJIY in­dlvlduals -who responded to this urgent call. It ls the cimtlmled support hOM OUt c:onununlty wldcla en&blel!l 011r hospital to pr<Mde SOI'VIces ..,...

· molly !OUDd imiY ID bospltalt! double our t;Jze,and enables us· to l)i'Ovlderthe beet poa.tbte·· medical care to ·our comm.u:!Z, ai:lervi~ tQwhiclt we are IA>tally .........

Tile pbjos- ......... lmd the .. . tire hospital 8iiJl :lOin tocelber bi .. .

. pressbtjj our ~ """"""' aPI>reela· ilontor 1hls wllllnil.....,. ... rna tlln• olOiisls.

•• .. '

·~'-- .. do· ·O ·· .. ·. ·. ""·:'e··-d.···t·,t· 'o•···r·-·-~·-a· ···,t·· · , r , , • ·'I . - . , .... .


DEAR EDITOR: 1 would Uke to take this opportunity

to onee again thank the ~pie of Ruidoso and surrounding com­munities for their great support of the Southern Winter Games for Special OJ.ytnpics. The special athletes that I

·teach an'O&tacb bad a vel')' ·enjoyable ·stay and wm never forget their skiing experiences.

The food was delicious. Special thanks to all the Service Groups who were so helpful llnd rriendly and ob­.viousiy good cooks! The Opening Ceremony Torch Light Parade was so beautUul. ~ athletes are stlll talk­Ing about the pretty pink lights. I would especially like to thank all the volunteers who worked directly with the athletes as their Instructors. You were super! Special recogntHon to Diana Person, Hilde Strobel, Ray Bishop, Bob Peirce, Bobby Palm and the students from Ruidoso and capitan High Schools. Tbe- medical team also did an excellent job whenever injuries did occur. There are so many individuals that con­tributed to this event that there is no way I can name everyone., but your efforts were very much apprecJated.

·My students and athletes look for-ward to the Winter Games every year. Thanks to aD of you they have always had a very memorable ex­perienee. We all appreciate your open arms and friendly welcome, The Ski Shops have always been so helpful in arranging for equipment for the special athletes. Eagle Creek Ski Area has also been very receptive toward the Special OlympiaDS.

AU of you deserVe a big THANKS for all of your volunteer assistance. So, from myself and my athletes -­THANKYOUII!I


Israel, Pamara, Chad, Mitchell and Moalea, Special Olympians from Flora Vista Elementary School, Roswen,NM.

DEAR EDITOR: . Ruidoso is one of the finest p1aees

on ltarth to live. The people who live here and the people that choose to l'etUi'n time and again deserve to have the best representation available.

I don"t hAve the money to cam­paign, so In il nut shell I will tell ycru what 1 suppott: more water rights~ watet· conservation, slowed growth, more tourism, more parks and recreation·. a community center. reasonable utilities, 1tuldosban pa._... ticlpatltut in ViUage Govenlment. ~rofesslonally tJI&nne'd gtQwth, a ·council thrtf ca:n work together. an open ear to the geile~l ptlblic, sup­porting:· out Hon@t Mayor.

' . ' ' ,• - ', ( . ·' • ' •'' ' , ••. ,, •\ ._ .... ' '-' .-.·.-' • ' . .. '.· j.'

. 1L·t·'·l ~~t''th.t r8COr(J straight~- ·,.; : . I ! . I

/' 1

" !"'I ~ '} j ', ,', f1 1 I j ·~ ' 1 l •I' j ; ..

.- Thefe is .. no conspfracy to di5credit Smokey Bear or otherwise cast aspersions on hiS gQod name, despite -the fact his· Image ·was temporarily displayed upside down on an Alamogordo billboard last week.

The Albuquerque Journal prominently displayed a picture of the offending billboard. yesterday; and gave no indication in the cdptlon ttiat SmokeY was not hanging there still. -

tion, by lmpl!catlooi, of act had-been done on purpose.

But our Investigation dispelled thoughts of a con­Spiracy .

Checking with the 'forest . supervisor's office in AJamogordo·, we discover~ the whole thing was a mistake. The poster includes a .lot 'of solid black space ("This used to be a forest"), and the crew put­ting It on the billboard didn't realize it was reversed until they almost were fitiished.

They wen! back the next day and put It on right.

We are happy to report the successful outcome of this mishap .. After all, it's our forest Smokey Is talk­Ing about.

And, of course, Smokey Is one of Lincoln County's favorite native sons, and this Is his 30th anniv'ersory year •.

When Smokey's postage stomp is issued later this year-in Capitan, we hope-people around here surely will stick them on envelopes right side up.-TP

Inside theCapitol by Fred McCaffrey

SANTA FE-lt's baffling how two people can look at the same set of facts and get different conclusions.

Admittedly, one of the two. in this case Governor Anaya, was creating something of a media event when he gave his observations on this par­ticu1ar topic.

He was trying to use a development in Washington to affect something in New Mexico.

PubUcaHon of President Reagan's budget, he was telling us. would force An.aya to press the Legislature hl:!re in Santa Fe to raise taxes even higher than they appear willing to go;

He dresses Ideas like that up in aU kinds ol tendentious- language. The national budget will have .. disastrous etfeets" on New l!dexieo. "horrendous loss of revenues," "hundreds of millions Of dollars lost to the state,"' and so·on and so on.

Good for dramatic effect. but hard·­ly factual.

What is factual of this: Every year since the present administration has been ln. otttce in Washington. the amount of federal money coming to our' state government has risen-not fallen.

Som'ebody OUght to tell Toney that. kere are the exaet figures. so you

will know thlo Js not just somebOdy joshing you.

tn flsc:al year 1983. tedel-al tunds taming. to state government Were $4!i1',(11l~lOO.:'rhat Is- as cont~ted with the $1 1~.'044.Ckl6 we- spent from our own general fwtds that same ,Year.

Given the !act that the"tt! 1ft t'lt:f real obligation ini the 'teds to gi11e U$ tmy support at aU. !but 10\'01. sanctlo..ct JU!d · appi'O~ by tbu Rea !(an ild· n;Jnlslnllion,l$ uot \00 shabby. .

we had gotten the year belol'(t. Again the next year. fiscal '85.

while the state's appropriations to government rose to $1.318.726.700. thE' federal money went up as well. this

'time to $542,623-.500.

All that makes ti hard toseewhywE' should be hearing such harsh words about how the people In Washington are mistreating us. WhiJe we have on-' ly been Increasing our own contribu­tions to those services the Governor is always describing as wltherlnR away by a mere 8 percent. the feds have up­ped their share by 25 percent

It's hard to see why they are the bad guys here.

Maybe the inoral of the story is this: Just because the Governor c'alls a news conferen~ and welcomes the tlme he ~Jets before the television cameras, tt doesn't follow that what he is saying is the gospel truth. .

In other words._ som~times media events are just that, and _tbe real con· tent ·or what ts said at One of then; should be carefully examined.

• • • • One actlon Governor Anaya has:

taken w-hUe.the 'Legislature· Is In town .got lost tnall the attention (dven to the' lawmakeH: ·

lie nimed a SOrt ot ovetsight tom­ndtt~EI! tot .. thE! Department ot Eci)nbhllC. Development and ltoutisni. -.alm()St -as- 'though. he isn1t satisfied with the thjngs that ha\fe

·gone .. n there tinder C$bihet se.tetary Aiel< :M.,..ure. This ls lbe ®ly<departn'\ei)llh ~tate--government to ba-l(iven s:ur:h.a watdlttog kt'Of,lp. . .

. WITH ALL HUMSLI!!NF..SS."J sub­mit my work ex~rlea'lces 'Over t~ lt~st twenty yean whtch .q_ua.Uft~ me to rw>l"" VIllage COUncil. Ca'l'O!Iter• Ele<lt.rletlln.,· Ma~Jon, Plurnbet, Welder, Mechanic,· ·hdtel owuer. and ~ nftl year-~ h$calt984. we •Pent · titanager-,. ·care owner: manager-. co$. lees ot ®t t;Wtt general I'Q:nda -ott Sl.\ilor-, ·'truck dtlver, hal Mtate · P-vmtm4!nl. W•f~ that tdtal ~a-· develop~r~ Constructibl' toteman, . $l 1199,l4S.'I)OO • .f)'be bucks from Hoa.,Y ...,.tpment ll)lOI'IIt6r •. Watl!l' Washington, b-. wenl np-!t'!>m won dl'ill•r, satosman. l'll>Sift•llll lhit $f3't,07f.IIIO ml!lltloned •ab6w to manager., Sarber*· ·trn.porttr~ $:t8a.tor~aoo. While- -our_ Rtafe ·expttrter-.. Wrttel", . M_ll'<!litU'IhHtl Legi!llatute: was -eutting tt1 .:ttH!tlding t!t1gi11eer. hiVentor~ ·.tnduslrln1 -on .. ,* t6-"®r <:iU~ns. flutt nl(t worket',llai1chot-ta,.•r. meany. Ronald llea118n. Wlls acluelly

'rimkYt'tll'l BMIIII uH poteont "'""" doufll> 1hnn

·composiHon or the ·.,ewbody is atso--. to.tei'tiliting. tt lt1t:l9de!t _ FabhU1 Cha\'ez. who was head onhat de-pa:M· i'li~t ~. gdWftU'tli:m't ·lttldet- BtiOthttt aclmlnlslti<li"!'; Don K•,.,lhe boso<il Lilli Alaml!l! l'llllonal t..aboratooieo: anot Stu. Hill, a let~lolator. £rom Alb~­queiqll~ who II aloo a l>I'OIIIinl!tJI mOiilb<ir. o! the Mojo< I>OIItioal ll'irty towhlchth~ qov~.nOYdofsn•t bel(ii'Jit.

. ·. It will be lnieresUng to ._.. whal llaPPfn• w)leo tilt< new """'mltl.,. .m ..... lnlil •cll;)h> '!'hal shollld b<o almool .hnmedlat•ly allor l~loiU"" ... I'"m ....


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. '

Crowds line the slalom course at Winter Park, Colorado, as professional skiers race through the maze· of gates during last

weekend's First Interstate Cup. The same pro racers will be In Ruidoso the first week of March~

" ·• . ' . -:.. •. :. ;. •, -"*r. ·,_ Al'u.u IJ.•o/: · . -~·":'""~,--~t.--~ ..... '-~ . ~











IIJUWG QUAJl'J'I!U . . . . •HAPnHo1Jlt _.... FllOZDl'lliD'I'DibNKS(N'ON..JU.C080U~ ....•..... •' ..... ~ ........•.. FAMOUS HAIR Snu&TS LESID BbiiN AND MICHAEL.




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' I '.

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,. ' ·.·.- ..

. _,_._

-Ther:e's no room for mistakes when these petltors are traveling at 50 miles per hour First Interstate Cup super giant slalom com- only 35 feet apart. ·

. .


. . . . · · •tel'llll Avallalol•

•Mt!li .. r Can! . .,.... .

•Me91e,VCl ..... ........... ., .

. .



13" CTV with Remote Control

• PrG~rammable Scan Ramote • Quilrb: Electron'c Tuning •eor!"'-Montto_r:


SALE $399 . FREEIII 5 yaar picture tuba wati'Cinty and ·1 yaar sai'VIce protection plan. f75 Value

25" Remote Control Color TV . . • Programmable Remote Control ·•Quartz Electrcmlc1"UIIIng •VIRII Broacl:caat COntrolled Color


SALE $779 FREEIJI 5 year picture tube wati'Cinty and 1 yaar HI'VIce protection plan.


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·.SALE··$849 . - ,_

llacor· · pldu,. ·tube warranty ~•r .. nrlca protection plan,

. .

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' . .,


' ' ' .• ''



First 111tBrState Cup super gi8nt slalom winner Dave Stapleton ·shows winning form as he rounds a gate near the bottoni of the course.

t:==::r-:Sialom and combined champion Jarle Halsnes sips some American Dave Stapleton celebrates a victory- In the super sweet· bubbly while Argentinian Juan Olivieri examines the giant slalom at Winter Park, Colorado. check he reCeived for placing second In the slalom at the

Ruldosoans Ed Jungbluth and Ray Held chat Hlnterseer and 60 other pro racers will be with Austrian Hans Hlnterseer during the comp~ting tor a $70,000 -purse at Eagle First Interstate Cup professional ski race at Creek Ski Area the first week In March. Winter Park, Colorado, last weekend.

Your Thennostat Setting Makes The Difference. Balancing a household b'udget from one month to the next can be very tricky, but with the help of Heat Management. you can make an effort that will work In your favor. ~ettlng your thermostat to 68 degrees during the winter months Is ·a big. part of Heat Management. At the 68 degree setting, you and your family can stay .comfortable while lowering the amount of energy you use (or heat· lng. Heat Management Is the best way to balance your- heating bills with your houselfold budget. For more Information on Heat Management­cad our ot'lice today.

.,, .

Texas-New Mexico Powercompar;ty.,

'' .... '·

Photos by

. I



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INCLUDES: •UNUMITED USE Of adventures and atb'ac· Uons (except Shooftng Galleries) for twO days at Dlsne~land · •Two ys admission to Disneyland with unllmlte In and out privileges on both days •Three nlghlaaCcommodatlons at the hotel or motel of your choice •Transportation between you• l'!<'lel and Dlsneylal'!d

Package Raltesl StartFrom.

$107* • Rates baaed on

number or peraonaperroom.

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PHONE t51i·S622

' \I, ' ' ' '· ' I

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S.A.D .. D. founder

·. ''

,. take-s messaie~tonus . . . - '

~''·)'i.l'''•), ••.1' f ''··\· by c .. E_. ~~rr~;-=-

. News Staff Wr1~., • , , , , 1_

,• ~~-·; ·,_,,_. ·'!.·. ~,.ti_ --1··· ..... 1.!. . ':'I fol~_.death iqto that school,"

" ' ,;Rob~t A-~~ .. told 1If..Y,do$0!_Jiiglr,_,, School' ~Jtudents ~day, .. , ., . · .. ·

· ' He ·wa.s describhig a visit be ma41e to a blgh sChool in New Yofk state just

'"'Bfter a stud~t ~ suff~ed a gory, u@;ly deaU. in a' car craSh. _


Anastas has followed' *tb into a , ·lot of scbQo)s, Teermgers are dyiilg on American highways in · enormous numerous. It's sad, it's even tragic, and Anastas Ia fighttng to stop it.

, He Is stumping the e01m.t;Jj for Stud~ts Agalnat Drunk D~vtm. or S.A.D.D. "'You notice 1 didn't say stop drinking," he said. His adviCE~' was -stop driying dnlnk.-

That stance has drawn he told

... tl\ken.

He told the high school s~nts, "I've said·to you, 'Don't drink, don't smoke, • but fr1 percent of kids drink or smoke before they get out or high school."

The deadly risk occurs when teenagers in those numbers use drugs and alcohol and then drive. U they stop driving after drinking, they'll live, he emphasized.

Young people die at one per hour in their age bracket ln this country, be told the students. Drinking and driv:. ing is ~·your number one killer," be said. About 8,000 or 9,000 people in the 16-to-21 age bracket die each year.

Anasatas is t.tred of ''in memory or• pages in high school year books, dedicated to a boy who drove his car Into a telephone pole late one night.

SUch accidents don't only happen ln big cities on the coasts, he emphaslz.. ed. Young Mary or young Gerard right here in Ruidoso may te,ll mom and dad that they saw "nobody" and drank • "nothing" at the party, but they're notlbat innocent.

New Mexico has the dubious distinction of beJng the nrst state in the natioit in terms of deaths per road mile, and first Jn terms of fatalities per capita. It is sixth in teen fatalities.

Peer pressure, that old "devil

camoufiaged,'-' • at work during pa,r-­tles, Anasatas said. "U you· decide 'I don't want to drink tonight,' you're an oddball, the weird one," Anastas told the teenage!'$.

He wqnts to turn that lnto positive peer presSure .. He wants teens to use their common sense to keep themselves and their friends from drinkillg and driving.

He wants to spark. a S.A.D.D. chapter in Ruidoso, and he wants -students to decide-among themselves to sign the "Contracts for IJfe" be distrtputed.

The contracts are pledges between parents and students. Each promises to call for transportation rather than drive drunk, and· not to argue about It d~ the Incident.

Anastas distributed contracts, key chains and handbooks to students. New Mexicans from other schools and groups attended the presentation. A state Department of Transportation official flew from Santa Fe for it. RockY Galassini, of Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, eame from Tularosa.

Ruidoso groups_ sponsored Anastas's visit. They include the Ser· toma Club, the Pilot 'tlub, the Ruidoso High School Student Council, the Police Athletic League. the Rotary Club and the Optimist Club.

A '"Contract for Life" Between Parent and Teenager

The s.A.D.D. Orlnklng·OrhlarCont,.ct

Teenager I agree toea II you lor ildll'lee anllforuansportauon at any hour,trom any pJaeeiiJamevertn a BIIUallon WheUI 1 hall'l had 100 muCh to c1t1nk01 a frlend or dale who Is driving me has had too much to drink. ,

...... Parent I agree to eoma and gel you at any hour, any placa, no

~uesuons asked and noargumant at that urn a or 1 will pay lor a tax• to ~ng you nomesately.l would expect that wewm d1scuss lhn11l&Sua at alaterUme I agree lo s"aek sale sobertransponauon home Ill ameverln a snua!lon where I hall'e had to much 10 drink or a friend who Is drlring rna has had too much to drink.

.. ~ .... .-----------


Perma Shlne,MSimonlz Proctectlve Shield

For Your Car Makes Cars look Showroom Newl Power Plus 257-2107 Car Wash Sudderth

1.-oo-5251180 ..................................... .......... ._ ........ h .... ...,..,

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··.·· ~ -,., -·( .'"' -•. -, --•· ,-.,,. .. T"'' """·r "'< '""" '""'•> n.-"1" '••!" > 1'~'''""~"'•.,..."11"'1''>~"."'1 ''T"<"l' -,""Jf""'I":"'""'"'J""'T....,-•:', .- . ; ··.'. : ·: ·' ., .. : "'!'1:.~":-:"~~.,-,~~-"'"': , .. ,.~.,.·:''~~' •·: .. ,. .. ?J'---:"1'""' • ., _,.,.,_""~~.""·-:"l::n~""':"~"~··."":· ".· _.. ...:- - .. ·_;-


.Nob Hill Elementary School first-grade Good Citizens for January are, back row from left, Michael' McCarty, Tina Barnes, Charity Streeter and Danrel Espinosa: miC~dl.e row

Hospital Notes

Monday, January. 16 - ADMIT· TED: Austin Ahidley, Mescalero, Richard Cliff, Alto. DISMISSED: Georgia Kiug, James Pena. _

Tuesday, January 17 - ADMIT· TED: Marla MarUnez Sliva, Ruidoso Downs, Sablno Sandoval, carrizozo, Norma Maldonado, caroUton, Tx. DISMISSED: Dale Prins, Austin Ahldley, Richard Clif!. . Wednesday, January 18- ADMIT· Tl!:D: Mitch Suess, Ruidoso. DISMISSED: Lee Jacqueline Martin, Marla Martinez Silva and Baby,

Thursday, January 19 - ADMIT­TED: Rosemary Peebles, Alto, Gloria Sainz, Tularosa, Mary B. Smith, Ruidoso. DISMISSED: Norma Maldonado.·

Friday, January 20- ADMITTED: None for publicity. DISMISSED:

SCHOOL LUNCH MENU broughtto you b)'



Monday-BWTitos, Hot Sauce. French Fries, Salad, Cinnamon Rolls and ¥.!: Pint of MUk.

Tuesday-8loppy Joe on bun, Sala~1 Green Beans, Pineapple Pudamg and 'k Pint or Milk. ·

Wedriesday-cOOK'S CHOICE and ¥.1 Pint of Milk.

Thursday-Turkey Pot Pie, Vegetable Salad, Cranberry Sauce, Hot Rolls, Fruit JeUo ana ... Pint of Mllk.

Friday-8cbool Pizza,· Vegetable Salad, Spinach, Hot RoDs, Cook's Choice of Dessert and liz Pint of Milk.

Sabino SandOval. Saturday, January 21 - ADMIT­

TED: MarUyn Garcia. Ruidoso. DISMISSED: None for publicity.

SUnday, January 22 - ADMIT­TED: None for publicity. DISMISS. ED: RoseDJ.ary Peebles and Baby, Marilyn Garcia and Baby.

BIRTHS: 1·17-84; Mr. and Mrs. Martin Silva, Baby Boy, 7 pounds, 1 ounce. 1·20-84; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sainz, Baby Boy, 1 pounds. 1-20-84; Jim and Rose Peebles, Baby

·Boy, 8 pounds, 1 ounce. 1·21-84; Joseph and Marilyn Garcia, Baby Girl, 6 pounds, 14 ounces.

Boys-7 Girls. 4


•INSURED K••••*•-r· .. ller. ..... Hl-354-2471 lhllbCe nh• .. ,........ ..... HS-354-~19 h ...... 505-354 2429


- lnclud .. : All Meals, Enterta.nment. Accommodations

AFARI TRAVEL •- Sudderth

#555&55555555555# : VOTE ;· 5 5 5 RAYDEAN 5 5 CARPENTERS 5 VILLAGE ·5 . 5 5 5 COUNCIL 5 5 5 : . PROGRESSIVE YET ··: 5 CONCERNED 5' 5 5 5· No. 50NTHSBALLOT ,5 5 YOUFICAL.LSWELcOMED ··5 6 5 5 25S•441'7 2151'·9891 5 5 . - _ . k.WW·~-a..~-o.~.W. !5 #555 55 55 5 55 55555#

i .. ,

. ·' 1'-

from left, Robert Kyle, Krlstl Bautista. Missy Zatinsky and VIcente Monte$; and, front row from left, crYstal Pfeffer, Talitha Eustice and Elva Reyes. -

Monday,. January 23 - ADMIT­TED: Teresa Chavez, Ruidoso Downs, Blll Essary, MescalerO. DISMlSSED: Mitch SUess, Mary B. Smith. I

Tuesday, January 24 - ADMIT· TED: Wanda P~, Alto, Agnes BJgmouth, Mescalero, Dayne Hall, Ruidoso. DISMISSED: Teresa ChaVl!Z and Baby.

Wednesday, January 25- ADMIT~ TED: Connie Scott, Rui-doso. DISMISSED: Geronlma Garcia, Gloria Sainz and Baby, Dayne HaD.

Thursday, January 28 - ADMIT­TED: Cindy Cbavez, San PatriciO, Enninla Nunez, Hondo. DISMISSED: Joyce Davis, Agnes Bigmouth . and Baby, Connie Scott.

BIR'111S: 1-23-84; Ruben and Teresa Chavez, Baby Boy, 8 pounds. 1·2f.B4; Raymond Ra:Uback and Agnes Bigmouth, Baby Girl, 9 pounds, 12JJ.a ounces. 1·26-84; Angel and Clndy Cbavez,

Baby Boy, 7 pounds,""' ounces.

Boys-· Girls- 5


Monday, January ·rr - ADMIT· TED: Lura A. ElkJns, Ruidoso, Don· ny Gi'aham, Ruidoso. DISMISSED: Wanda Parker, -Cindy Chavez and Baby, Enninla Nunez.

Tuesday, January 28 - ADMIT­TED: None for Publleity. DISMISS­ED' BID Essary.

Wednesday. JIIDUlll')' 29- ADMIT­TED: None /or Publicity. DISMISS-ED: None for Publiclty. ·

-'lbursday, January 30 - ADMIT· TED: Charlotte .Griswold, Ruidoso, Tabitha Wall, Ruidoso, James CUlbert, Ruidoso, Kaye Adams, High Rolla, . Rosa Cbavtt. Carrizozo. DISMISSED: None for Publicity.

BmTHSL. 1-30-84; Mr. and Mrs. wuuam H. Griswold, Baby Boy, 7 pounds, 11 ounce~~.

•Chevrolet • Pontiac •Cadillac

•Oid•moltlle •Buick



aLAIICA •• ,. ••• . ' .


•"·· ...

Capitan graduate --: ----- - --- - -- - , - - _. . I -- _._ - ---~ ,_

. patk~ an.~ r~(! ~~P~~t. t' . ,. " ..• '. :• •'' •' . ' "' ' ' ' .

---- bVGAftY_B~WN_ - , dent--of.--tbe B'utw.e .Honiemaken~~ Qf_ -- ~ • ' ·: ~~.lilP,"r." ~~"'r, . . . 1 , , ,Amerjea,~· ,I!CI w·· bllW;I's ~Iaiii , , , .

'• I •; 'Piit W .. ,_ ••& a·"'• ""'-'- ~ild~ ........ oiJIW . siliDIW-Iil AI~>o · ""ue•s ilifu..e. ""~ .. ~~'· SilO CtliTentii> ' ~.,...O•SigDIO

' ' • • · <'Tile !orinllr ~ .. -, ls tile' llambcli> 41PIUI, (tile tamlo~ape ·Ill' au~ 01 !be deoigo allll . d)itecture honor •society) ami Phi' ·--l"'' dlvlslori of tile Duke Cl- l<a- Pbl. ty~s Parks .and ~tba pepan..- · Westbro0k,wbolltnmrr:ledal1dbas IMJ)t. .-· - · · _ two childnm, grndUated from . .,_.s

· u1 ba"- 11 very .Citbia -job," ~ U~versity .in 19'lll with e. West~ Uld. '*\Ve ~·and con- b&Qbelor's ~ In land8cape ar­stnaot· new parka and' remodel ex~. chitedure. ~ bus~ Mike is a Iatini: paf)m. It's a. lot of serVice to the ' ~I OQgineer and an~~!~tect. pilblic._" • ' . ' . - ' ~ tu.Ei: been with ~ Al~~ .... rque . . . Ab~ut .. 46_ people work ln PiliP .mad-~-~ .Westbrook's~t.around95Jn Bince May, 198S, w~ stn, w~q~ park U. work trew IQid 10 Qn tbe "office designer for Ute deSign PD!I ~up­staff.. . . • ment dlvtaon. · 'Westbrook beeam.e

. Tile etty curl-entq bas 148 .oc>m- IIIIPOI'I!Itemlenl .tn September of last p1eted ~ and -at least five more. year.··

---· under coilstruction. About -20 of the Although a lOt of parks bave been completed parks are undergqing bullt J.n recent yearS, Westbrook ad­sOme type of remodeling, mits it's becoming barder ~get land

New Taclnt~ ~re being bunt to ao- for parks. ------<:Oonnodate-the--Duke--Ct~ere'a sti_JI some land around,"

poirulatton. AlbuqU'i9"QUe'S population sbe said. 118ut the cost of iUs going up has J.bnost· quadruPl~ since :1,850 p.nd and a lot of _the av•Uable land is out of Is likely to double its-size In the next 30 our priee range ... -yean~. · Westbrook does enjoy her job.

Westbrook graduated from capitan "Probably one of the best ~ I Hi&b Scllool in 19'10, where she was ac-- Uke about my job Is that I'm working tlve In student affairs. Her older ln my profession," Westbrook brother, Butch Grantham, is a former remarked. ..It's really Interesting presldeDt of the Ruidoso Soccer work. AssoclaUon. .. We're helping the city and trying

Slle waA a ·cmeerJeader, was prest- to Improve the.quaUty of life here.••

Hondo Valley Public Schools announce honor roll students ~ndo Valley PubUc Schools have Kevin Gomez wei'e named. to the B .

announced studelits named to the honor roll. honorroUfortheseconcl nine weeks Stacy Maes was the only seventh·

Named from tbe second grade to grader on the honor roll, making the the A honor roll was Amanda RoJlert.. ~ B lisL son, Ket:rY Clements, .Jennller Cooper

Second-graikrs on the B boJloro roll and Patrick Kelly represented the were Chris Gutierrez, Claudia eighth grade on tbe B honor roll. Juarez, Lavita Herrera, Fermin Her- Joluma Patterson, Gall Aragon and nra, William Lucero and Toni Je&lllle Molr represented the ninth Sablzar. grade, with Patterson on the A list

B honor roll students from the third and Aragon and Molr making the B grade were Danny ChaveZ, Lisa honor roll. · LoWs, .ressica Nosker, James Salas, From the lOth grade were Michael Patricia Salas, Imelda Sosa and Trujillo (A) and Monica Trujillo CB). MarceUno Valenzuela. David Trujillo made the A list from

·--· .. ·

~ ! :-•• \. ,_ '

~·· .

Janu8.1 y Goo_d ettl;zens fr or 11 tile Nob Hill second grade are; back row from left, Greg l\llcFadden, Chastity Armstrong, ChHs Gi'iego, David Wyche and Celeste Wilson; and, front ! . ' \

' ,,


row trom lett, Brandy Pfeffer, Cisco Knox and Mandy Parker.

Faustina Baca made the A honor 11th grade, while Connie Chaves, roll from fourth grade. while Brent Chris Clements and Melissa Molr Bacher and Jerry Romero made the made the B list. B honor roll. Laura Gomez and Russell Patter-- Nob Hill kindergarten Good Citizens for January. front row. Rex Comanche; and, back row from left, Julie Phillips,

,. Fifth-graders Tanya Carmichael, son were seniors on the-A honor roll, f 1 ft Ch 1 J · G R 1 H h s• M k R II d Nlch I ES I tl ~RobertaChavezandDannySaleido AllceBooky,PhllbertCandelarla,An- ,rome ,areNiokiAdam~on, rs ones. reg ~nerand eater ,over, _ar usse an oe caan.



rqade the B honor roll. na Gutierrez, Yovanne LUcero, Julie Kelly Bacher was the lone sixth- Pendergrass, Jamie Sanchez,

grader ~·the A honor roll,. whtle . Shawna Smith, Laurie Surratt a11id RoseiUl .. Avlla:~i!prll' "Chii'ITeZ and . Hllillt Talley niade tbl8 B honor ron: ' .~


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dON Ruidoso City Council

THANKS for letting us be YOUR FINANCIAL



o.c..Mr 31, 1913


LOANS • • • • , • • , • , , • , • • • • • • • . • • .. • • • , ••• , • • • • • S9,690,0!iJ4.02 CASH,U.S.GO'IIERNMEN!OiiLIGMIONS AND SECURITES •..•••••• 27,543,4S2.03 FEDERAL HOME ~ STOCK •••• , ••••••••• , •· ••••••••• , 610,614.27 PREMIDF£DERALINSURM«:E PRI!MIUM ••• , .••••••••••• , ••• 61,'181.82 OFFJCE BUII.biNG AND~ • , •.•• , . , · ••• , •••••• , •. 1,6&3,019.01 OTHER ASSETS •••• -•• , ••••••••• , ••• , •• .- •••••• ,.-•• 2.272,307.94

TOTAL ASSETS .• , • , , ••• , • , ••• , • , • , , ••• , , ,121,860.699.09


LIABILITIES DEPOSrTS •••••••••••.•••••• J •• ' •••• · •••••••••• 102,939,389.30 ADVANCE_ PAYMENJS FOR TAXES AM) INSURANCE ••.• , •• •.· .,. • • 465,-709 83 DEFI!RFIED INCOME AND UNEARNED DISCOLNT •••••••••• , • • 2,591,2'10;.00 LOANS .IN PROCE1SS , • • , , , • , , , • • • • • , • • • • • , • , , , • , • • 1 ,809,188.66 NEW MEXICO MOR"i'GAGE i'JNANCE AUTHORITY ••••••• , • • • • • 2,2o9.S02.47 OTHEA UABILITIES ............. , •••••• , ••• , ••• , , • , 11712,6:1!5.93

TOTAL UABiutiES •• , •••••• , • ~ ~ •• ,., ••••• 111,728,7815.25

Sl'OCKHOLDI!R EQUITY PSfiMANEfh'- CAPitAL STOCk. • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • 408.,750.00. PAID IN SURPLUS , ••••• , , • , , .......... , ••• , , • , , , • 3,31'3,085.74 R~ AND' UNDIVID£D ~FITS , , -, , • , • , • , •• ~ , • • , , .•. ,8,350,007.10

'TOTAL h'OCKHOLbEit EQUITY 10J131,SJ1:1!Jii4

'rOTAL UABIUTfES AMO(JtOCKHOlbER II!QutrY.,.,,,,, •• ,, 1'218MGODM ·

Fll6t Federal . Savings Bank of New Mexico

, -

I >


:-.~~-,,.,.,. . .,.~.,-.,.. ··q··-.. .............. ,, -~ -.··~ -·~ ~ ·-...-.,., . .,. .• , ·~ -. "' .,. ;·· . ' .; . . ' '

. ·,• .-




ran a strong in defe&.tlng

"- ...-i~~~~~~~ cond place. her first start Sunland Park Futurity over on December 31 by a San Simon. Machisma Is owned by H.T. Hornbuckle or Albuquerque and Is trained by Fred I. Danley.

SCRUTINIZE BECAME the season's first two-year-old quarter horse winner by capturing Fridit.y's third race. The Sinn Fein gelding took a nose verdict over ·oambro, who was a nose allead o! "favored- Chase The Rainbow In the 330-yard dash. Ridden by Larry Byers, Scrutinize Is trained by Armando M. QuintanUla !or owner Betty L. Lichty of Phoenix, Arizona. He was clocked in 17:59 with a taU· wind blowing. As the $3.10.1 second­wagering favorite, Scrutinize return­ed $8.20 to win. Chase The Rainbow, the $1.80--1 wagering choice under Jerry Nicodemus, just missed whUe Gambro was a 7-1 outsider under Gary Sumpter.

AN UPDATE ON A HOOFBEAT from Sunday, January 29:

-A veterinarian on January 14 ad· ministered the medicine, Dipyrone, to the horse, Blame It On David, for a bad case of coUc. Seven days later Blame It On David won the seventh r-ace at Sunland Park and the urine test came back positive, showing Dipyrone. Trainer Gerald Hobby,lm· mediately, got a "stay" from Ron Bessera, executive secretacy of the New Mexico State Racing Commis-­sion, allowing him to continue racing at Sunland Park until the next New Mexico State Racing Commission meeting in the near futur-e.

NASHUA'S RICHES CONTINUED her f"tne streak of consistency with a frontnmning victocy in Saturday's f"tfth race at one mlle. The five-year· old Nashua's Rough 'N mare scored her second consecutive victory over a distance of ground when she won her second straight starter allowance for $2,500 horses. tn eight outiDgs this season at Sunland Park, tbe


an average $371,976.

. .

TRAINER BOB E. ARNETT WON two races on Sunday's program. He started with Stash It ($19.20) in the tenth !or the Preston Farms of Burkburnett, TeXas, and then took the tweUth with Blekers Boy ($16.40) for owner Anthony w. Wtulams or Albu· querque. David Lldberg rode Staab It whUe Eugene O'NeUI was on Bickers Boy.


"Indian and Mexican Cuisine"

Scrambled Eggs, Sausage or Bacon, $1.99 Squaw Bread with Fresh Strawberries Luncheon Specials $ 2 •9 9 with CoHea or Taa

Dinner Spacial $3.50

Adobe Plaza 257·7719 7 a.m. - 2 p.m. 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. Thun •• Fri-. Sat ••


Enjoy the music of the


"The Plano Bar"

mo Dance to

The· .Jack Welch Show lna-Da Lounge Dancing Nightly Beginning·at 8:30 No Cover Charge

5 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Wednesday Thru Suhday

.In The Lobby

. . . ' lhr. ., Uao . .

W~!!JIDS M+\lr.Utlft <;Ht 257 .. 5141


' "' .. ,..~~"'"'"'"!' :':.,. ':" "'."~<:.---.--~--~-., -~-"-~ .,,_, .. ;• . --· -·

.. '


Getting hooked

presslve_ three and one wlnlr'l Harless for Agnes M. Jr·. Han-Saturday's $8,975 New

Never Love edges Vavavavoom Never Love dropped down to an

$8,000 claiming price for Friday's headliner at SUnland Park, and the fans obviously felt tbe gelding would bave UtUe trouble. .

He raced as a 4-5 favorite, but en­countered unexpected resistance from the 9-2 shot, Vavavavoom.

Tbe latter fought for all be was · worth during the stretch run of the five and one-half furlong ~nt, then finally had tO give ln to tfie people's choice.

Never Love, who normally nms in $10,000 claiming, races, ended Frldats duel with -a neck lead. tt was his third win out of his last six races, and produced mutuel payoffs of $3.80, $2.60 and $2.20.

Never Love was ridden by casey Lambert at the top weight of 120 pounds in the eight-head field. He wasn't claimed. The ~ng time: l :05 3/5 seconds. The wlrining owner is Warren N. Moore of Wagon Mound,

New Mexico. Vavavaoom, with Arturo Vallejo

. up, returned $3.60 and $3. Little

·Fellqw, a 5-l·shot taking a l$e -in class; ·ended up third in a good try, -returning $2,60. .







~ -~---





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,,., ... - ;.. , .. _ ·. ,·· ·.. '. '

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l ' ' .

. . ',, .

. . . -

The New Mexico way Mr •. and Mrs. Clarence Irvin (at left) of Roswell were all smiles In the Sunland Park winner's circle over the weekend after their colt. Hookem, rolled up an easy win In the ~ew Mexican Handicap

at five furlongs. The victory presentation was made by John West (oen~r) of the Sunland Park board of directors. At right, Jockey Betty HarlesS and trainer Coy Hendrix. .

Hookem whips Machisma . .

Hookem bugged the ran all the way and rolled up a surpl'islngly easy vic­tory over heavDy backed Machisma In Saturday's $8,975 New Mexican Handicap at Sunland Park.

The five-furlong IIPrlnt for New 1\laxJ<:o.bred tllree-yoar-olds ended with Hools:em cruising under the wire with a fat three and one-half length lead as Machlsma was all out to hold off the 00.1 longshot, Fleet Talk, for second.

The sprint was vieWed by 3,415 fans who shoved a resounding $418,414 through the mutuel windows on the 12-race program. It was the highest handle of the 1983-84 season. '111e previous blghwater mark f~r the

meeting was the $407,286 recorded on Sunday, January 15.

Hookem, ridden by Betty Harless for Agnes M. Irvin of Roswell. broke alertly out of the raU post and quickly assumed the lead In the New Mex· Jean. The colt carried 118 pounds, as compared to 124 .for Macblsma (a career winnel' of $185.451).

·Macblsma, comirig out of the number 8 slot. appeared to lag a bit in the early going. She found herself in fifth place, but not too far off the pace. Still, the sllgh~y sluggish getaway proved to be cosUy, for Macbisma r&:­malned on the far outside, and lost considerable ground ln the turn for home. ·

GREGSON'S . . ..

5 COURSE DINNER Appetizer Plate

French Onion Soup Caesar Salad

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$50 A COUPLE Includes

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It was the opposite situation for Hookem, who saved real estate all the way, reached the upper stretch with pleuty of air still in his lungs, and re­quired no w-ging from jockey Harless in the final romp to the wire. The colt was timed in 591/5 secorids (after do­ing fractions of 22 flat and 45 2/5) and coUected $5,885. Hookem, trained by Coy Hendrix, returned mutuel payoffs of $8.20, $2.60, $8. It was his second straight win.

Machlsma, piloted by Salustlo­Burgos for H. T. Hornbuckle of Albu· querque, earned $1,974 and refunded $2.20 and $2.40. Fleet Talk banked $1,077 for third and handed. back $9.20 ln the· wagering. The filly, piloted by Monica Stanley at 114 pounds, Is own­ed by Loy G. Fletcher of Artesia.

'Srd, 830,lloeky Rl<:b - ..... a.oo. 2.80; !!ave ..,. Soul--, s.20; SoUnd or Cbaus;e- 3.40; Ume, 17,57,

• QlliNIEL.\ 11.80 . 4tb~ 61h !Qr-Mlss :O..ton """":' 3.20,

2.60, 2.20; krena'a Splash - 8.60, ·a.oo; Miss Tyrant T • .a.oo; tJrD.~. 1 :06.4.


titb, 870 yds.-Kala Jet ....::..a.IO, 8.20, !!1.80; ll:eiSiirst: - 2.60, 2.40·; -Fatlas Girl'- 2.40;" time; 4'1.10. .

QUINIELA 8,00 1ih, 400 yds.-- - .... , 2.80,

2.10; Zevi Jr ..... 8.40, 2.JO; On My Feat\ntte - 2.101 time, 20,~

QUINIELA 15.00 ·

---- ~----· ·-··---·-~·- ____ , __ .. ".

Sib, 400 yds.-Keepc:<mUng""cl< -3.20., 2.80, 2.10; Aamazlng SaJQDly -

. 5.60, a.eo; :Play Moody Game- 2.10; tbne, 20.41. -!>


• . ' ''.i~

. ...

sth, 400 yds.-PanorofUDa Jet- 9.60, 4:40, 2'.80; Some I( Saint - 11.20, 3.20• Jb Moon- 2.20· th;ne' 20.65.

-~----- __ ._ Qtir:NIICLA7aM~-------- -- .~~~~~11~:~~ &tb, 1 mne.:-Mark ~ - 3.40, 2.80,

2.20; Rare IDd1 - 3.60, 2,60; El Fan­tastico- 2.40; tlme,-:1,:40.2.

8th. • fw".-Piea$$ Expedite- 6.60, 2.80, 2.80; Carla;_ 8.40, 3.20; A1Banco

. - 8.80; time, 1:13.-


8th, 6lk fur .-Mr. Gaelic - 4.80, 4.00, 3.20; Knight At War- 6,40, 5,00; Addendum. - 4.00; time, 1:116.

"''RIFECTA 108.80" 9th, 870 y'ds.-Cherokee mn - &.80,

3.80, 2.80; Steve Crosson- 3.00, 2.60; Rainbow Angle - 3.20; time, 48.89. .


10th, 6 [Ur.-8tasb It- 19.20, '1.40~ 4-.80; My~ King -7.20, 6.20; Five 1\'s TequU8- 8.80; tlme, 1:11.2.

QUINIELA 79.40 uth, 5~ rur.-star Route - 32.60,

7.60, 2.60; Bourbon ADd Blues- 2.80, 2.20;'"Pleasure Maker- 2.40; time, 1:04.4.


. 12th, 1 mOe-Bickers Boy - 16.40, &.40. 5.40; Stormy Sty - 5.80, 8.60; Falcon King - 3.60; tfme, 1:40,1.



ts~ 5\!o fur.-Handy Dandy- 5.20, 3.40, 3.80; Irish Maonered - 7.20, 6.80; Relwof - 9.80; Ume, 1:06.4. . 2nd, 400 yds.-Barredltts Star -

12.60, 7.20, 4.20; Some Klnda Miers-5.20, 2.80; Wonder Savage - 2.60; ·-­time, 20.93.


' ,:



6 ~11'.--Kll'!!. <lf Tho Beasts­Too-- 6.00,


lOth. 8\fa fur.-T.V. Repairman -14.40, 8.00, 10.00; Miss Jubilation -13.40, 10.40; Starhltcb - 14,40, 6.00, 8th, 1 mtle-Suzi Don ..- 5.40, 8,00, 10.00; tlme, 1:18, 2.20; T.V. Belle-- 3.20, 2.2.0; Tur-

QUINIELA88.80 · nalane- 2.80; time, 1:42. lltb, 6 fUr.--Hookem- 8.20, 2.60f&_ -QUINIELA8.40

8.00; it&c;blsma - 2.20, 2.40; Fleet· lOth, 870 yds.-Fast Tide - 4.20, Talk~ 9.20; time, 59.1. ' 3.40 2.80; Truckle Trex. - s.oo, 3.60;

QUINIELA4.81t Will Wlnalot. - 3.40; time, 46.30.

l2tb, 8% fur • .;...Love. N Believe - QUINIELA 18.80 8.40, 4.!JO, 3.oo: Bame: You - 7.20, nth, sJAJ- rur.-Never Love - 3.80, 4.f50; Snuffy- 3.00; time,l:l9.1. · 2.60, 2.20; Vavavavoom- 3.60, 3.00;

TRIFECTA 186.80 Little,.FeUow - 2.60; time, '1:05.3. QUINIELA n,oo

FRIDAY,FEBRUARY3 1St. 6 fur .-Bold Robert - 7 .20, 6.40,

3.80; Play Blm Alone - 12.00, u.2AJ; Nordic Barter- 8.80; ~e •. 1:13.2.

12th. 1 mlle-Forever Man - 6.80, 4.00. 3.20; HoulakU'- 9.20, 5.00; Rebel -Soldier- a.oo; time, 1:43. -

TlUFECTA 541.60


STEAKHOUSE A good honest price.'"

Wo.....,H-. 378•4747 ....__ ........ WaN-dHOIIn Fd.-Sat.

lla.-.-10 P••• lla.-.-9 p.-.



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, I

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.... ' I

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The ql.lickest route home Star Route, bette'r than 15-1 In the wager- 111 SUnday's' featured Ruidoso Jockey ing. easily .outlegs the hard-pressed 3-5 Club ·Purse at Sunland Park. The sprint favorite, Bourbon and Blues Number 4, covered five 9:nd on(!-half furlongs. -Star·Route stars in allowance

Star Route, a seven~yea.r-old ta Fe. gelding who bad been nmning against _ Bourbon And Blues, the property of high~prlced claimers earlier in the R. Gerald-Roberts of Lamesa, Texas, season, boomed to a two-length upset rett,trned $2.80 and $2.20. Pleasure over some sb'ong handicap and Maker ($2.40) got in .tlrlrd.

For Star Route, the win was his fourth of the" season, and his ·second straight. Copper Case, a key Southwest handicap star, was'never a factor as the 7·2 second favorite.

allowance horses in Sunday's spotlighted Ruidoso Jockey Club Allowance at Sunland Park.

The five and one-half furlong sprint was vieWed by a crowd of 3,912- se­cond biggest of the 198S~84 season-who pumped a resounding $448,231 through the mutuel equip­ment. This wa:s the highest handle of the meeting, easily surpassing the previous mark of $4l8,414, set only a day earlier.

The strong surge in business over the weekend kept SunJand on course toward possibly its most successful season in history,

Star Route, cleverly ridden by Frank Pacheco at 120 pounds, showed plenty or early speed in Sunday's top­per-even getting the jump on the speed ace, Bourbon And Blues. The latter, going after his fourth straight win, was a 4-5 favorite under Betty Harless. The colt carried 116 pounds.

. ~ .lnn® 1. Pleasure Maker, a 4-1 shot handled· by Casey Lambert, also flashed a lot of early power and joined Bourbon And Blues and Star Route in a heated struggle over the lead slot. Although Pleasure Maker held a slight advan· tage going into the turn for home, the power burst quickly took a lot of t.ip out of her sails.

Pleasure maker began to weaken in the upper stretch, but Star Route, despite losing some ground on the out­sider; took command eagerly. Jockey Harless tried to encourage Bourbon And Blues to rally out or second place but the four-year-old was unable to. make much headway.

ALL NEW! Sunday Noon Buffet

After Church ALL YOU CAN EAT


$3.39 s ·~



Star Route was under no pressure whUe cruising down to the wire, stop­ping the clock in 1:04 4/5 seconds (a second orr Bourbon And Blue's seasonal markl and refunding payoffs or $32.60, $7.60, $2.60. Star Route earned $2,100 out of the $3,500 purse_ The gelding is owned and train4

eel by AlbJno C. Valenzuela Sr. of San--

s ~ ~ ~

Spaghetti Salad Hwy37 . ;~>-


Closing Out Mimi Jungbluth Prints Set Of 5 Only $150 WAS $500 "FREE CUSTOM FRAMING"

Yau hy OnlY fa< 1h Maleriall

1 ~ FRAME SALE Buy Any Ready-Made Frame In Our Stock of Hundreds -Get Second Frame of Equal Value for Only 1~

Bring us your favorite pictures, we'll frame them for you FREEl Now you can flave your prized needle art, painting, photograph or print profes­sionally fromed* ... while you wait ..• at no chargel Simply choose from our tremendous selection of ready-mode frames and materials and-we'll use them, while you woit, to professiono11y frome your piece. 'lllere Is no charge for fram­ing using our strondard ready-made frames ... you pay only for frame and materials! ·some ortWorll, such as Medle art and unmounted c:ai'IVtts, rtlust be stretched and blocked before framing_ This urvice is O'lallable ot a reosor'ltlble cost;

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In htst year's 'broodmare and stallion share session, 86 lot numbers brought total sales or $2,038,400.

The highest-selling yeat-ling last year was Breakaway Ba~y. a filly sired by twc>-tbne world champion Dash For cash and out ()f tbe champion-producing mare Larking Kit. She was sold to Mary Urschel or Canadian,. Texas, for $390,000 from consignors Tom Dawson and Don Lu~ elano of El Paso. It was the third~ highest ticket In the Sale's history-topped only by the world record price of. __ _$510,000 for Hlmito


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A OOMPIIIt'iel'ltar11' Cle111e Of Wine, Arid A epeolllll Valentine'• •baY DSIIISIIIrt A ... In• oluded with. yci!Ur dlnn•~· (Tail: and gl'llltul• ty · ·Ar. not Included In . the prloe of 'rhe

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auy yout Valentll"'e An "Inn" gift oertlfloate (good ror an, areaa,) Clill ~!57•.6:1141, .•xt. '1350 · . : .

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:.t11: ;& .4!- """.P_ ':~;"'.- f!!''*:;,spo:, J!i!Fii'7":r:''".:.'"- _IP JF t·*'·:: ':""~':' : ·•:~.~~'"': ·-::''·*?~- *' .!':"':. !*'.-e' ·"': _?' :~m.''?.Jt !'""!·. '!1"'1"·'-"''-r' -:~.,...:"'>"; .,. -tt ..,:·~:.""'::~-~'~""':""'"",:.-~ ;"", ·:···-... .- ~-· msw , · -- _', ; •. ·•- --· ,_..H o ,,_ -,_, ,'- '

_';- .. ·:-: -~.

·-· · ...

.. 1li8 btg -red grin~ .powdery white facfi, ardUDg _In ·addition tn·usirig blgh ~itY makeup, amount.of tluie •. u bas to be 'bam.. bam_•· and. black~. and green, yellow, red and blue- ·atewart said, the Shrineril mp,ke it a point to let you're gone." ·. splashed ~gy-sutt C«Qbine t<» 'produce an im~ no naturally colored skln ~visible to the public-. Qe ptdls out-anotbeF balloon, takes a deep age ot bapplnesS. 1Je reaches Into a (JOC;ket, pulls- "0\lf n;lBkeup must be more definect than a cit- breath, and ~tes it. His fingers wor~ quickly, oilt something that looks ltke an ~ht _. cus eloWn's,'"lte sald. ·~oar contacl;s _are·ODI! on ~and twisting tin! balloon. He finishes-, and Strll'lg-bean. aDd blows it up tntO.a Icmg, skinny ooe. J! a·parade we get~ clo$e." hold!! up the figure. Tllls time 1t Is a-motU;e with balloon that quickly· becomes tied into'a frisllt ' · ·stewart said Shririe clowns alllo matntain a 'a,Ong, -wobbly taU. Stewart said ~e always Cal;'-- -, · , Pink tpMile.· · · bigh coded ethics beCause theY feel that they rles an Utr~ ~upply of balloons: · '

.· 1. H;e smiles and hand$ the creation .to • cap- l!fet IJD ~mp)e for ,phlldren tQ follow. , , '~The c•rdiJlal sin1is to,run out of baUqons. You, 1 r .

.. U~a~ qnloo~. ,He i1J Gqobqr .. ~ Qlown, .ftDd ~, 1 . , ",Y,(HJ Deym'l ~o~ or dri~ whUe cJ.owping," , · don't want to ~appoiqt any lUUe children." narrteds ;aoy'Stewart. . • he said · · ~ - stewart' uick grin nd - k 1 . S.._·--•-be ......... ~---;-·a-ID y••_-,.go'BS-8 Hela \ Stewart s&id•e'hildren iS-the reason he ri).....,....a, · . - 8 q 8 warm-eyes Ilia e. t

...,w .. _ l:>t'" .. .-auw.-qlll!' .... ~.. . · -·--""~ .Julrd to believe be has ever disappointed any· Shrine clown tn_Dallas. After serving the appren- .. ~ ca'n spot a clown clear aCfQSS.tbls moun- children. He sakrthe job of clowning Is often ttc:e.sblp be sJll,d every SJu1De clown mwtt emn- taln. U you ~uld just see the look ln those llttle ma4e easier by th~ belp of others.

· plete, .be rose through the ranks of the orgard.A· klde' faces .. '; I do it just because of those kids. It stewart's wife, Marcille, is a valti.ble part of tion to become director of the as-clown unit of touches your heart." ' Goober's-clowntng. ·She makes all _of his. .which be~ a member. ~ While performing as Goober, 90 percent of costumes and helps with moral support. In addi~ ~·his retirement fr()m the welding supply Wba~.Stewart eal'QS goes to the Shrine Burns tion, she helps with the crow$ of children that

trustness tbree yt:Q~rs ago, Stewart amt hi$ Wife, Hospital in Galveston, Texas, or the Shrine Crip- gather when he ~owns: · MarciUe, moved to Ruidoso and bought a house. pled Cblldren'$ Hospital in Hopston, Texas. He "The women play as big a part in it as the Sinee' then, be has been active in area eVents as- Sflld he clowns for free for charitable functions. men do," he said. ·

_a elQWn. Stewart said he continues to go by the. BalloomJ are a big p'art of clowr:iing for Goober strlngent guidelines he followed as a Shrine . the Clown. SM'wart said he always Carries a Stewart has performec:t, all ar::otind th~ R,uidoso ~own in Dallas. pocketful of·ballocros iri case he may see an area.- He 11¥ clowned in the Aspen Festival, the

"We're very particular about our makeup," be lintlappy chDd during tbe '"'Y· RuidoSo Care Center and several business grand said of the Slutlner:s. Stew si-t uses a makeup . "If you see·a little kid crying, you ean take out openings, This year. he wm be appearing at the especlaHr made for use by clowns. He said the a-balloon and tie them something real quick/' Smokey Bear Parade in capitan in May, and win makeup 1s extremely durable. He said a balloon works wondet11 in cheering up serve as the Ambassador for New Mexieo in the.

--..-....;.._-;,-"""'. 1'l can eat and drink in this makeup," he said, a child. According to Stewart, balloons are International Shrine Clown ·Association's ' , ~ a finger across bls cheek. "There have especially valuable because they take such a . Sneaker Fund drive. .

· Roy Stewart, alias • 'Goober•· · the -- --. makeup-oR.--~-----------·-.:... ______ _

clown, smiles with no bE!en times wbim I was in makeup for 18 hours at short amQUDt of time to create. _ "EverybocJY has a little clown ln them ... I do -- - ------- ----------r--:-----a--time, and_ lHasb-througti-evecytgP-- ----- -.. ·----!!¥ou~an--ouly---hold--theiJ.-atteotion -f-or---a-short- --- ----it-fOl"---that-litffit-g~--tn---the-ehUdren!s-eyes-.» ----

Stewart's wife, Marcille, hand-paints the mouth, eye highlights.

More powder Is applied over the highlights.

.. I

Goober. sta~ with a long red balloon.

Photos and text by

Darrell ' -.


An orange and red balloon forms the head and body of the creation.

' Aoy Stewart, a~~a~~•.•Goober" tha clown, Ia QOIIefed With the anfrfll!ll ore<tllons from,' a bllg of. balloons, a half•hour of tw1811ng and tytng, and a tot of J:ialklne$-. _ _ •


'" ~


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··: '·'· " ,. : ':' . ' . . :. ,•


White Mountain Middle School students Who toured Santa Ryd8r, JeSsica Mlichell, Nlkl CoOk, Ginger Grimes, Jackson Belch, John-Norlander and.John Alvis. Not pictured are Eric Fe are, front row from left, Clifford Simpson, Susie Sailor, Mcintosh, R. J. Darden, John Nunn, Dan. Holt and •Gifford Anderson and Matthew Belen. Teacher Frank Canne·lla Is at Tana Eby, Donna Garcia, Conrad Streeter, Chantal BoWen DaVIs. In the back row,·trom left, are Pete Baca, Teresa Har- upper right. and Shelby Bradley.ln the middle row are, from left, Melissa raison, Erica Corona, Paula Trapp, Amy Sayner, Jeremy

. . .

White Mountain Middle School students take trip up north Dozens of studetits from White

Mountain Middle School spent two days in Ute state capita1 and the state's largest city last week.

· Sixth-graders from the classes of Frank Canpella and Mickey McGuire

• spent Monday and TUesday, Januaey 30 and 31, in Santa F.e and Albuquer­que.

Their sponsors took the students to the CJ~pltol and the Palace of the Governors in Santa Fe, ai\d to the

Professional Optical

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avdlfabRIJIDOSO TRUss· · Since '197• · ··

University of New Mexico an­thropology musewn at Albuquerque.

An exciting bigblight of the _trip for.

Tbe students brough-t back· everything from Santa Fe T-shlrts to memories of some boring moments during lawmaking sessions.

Stephen Tapp was meeting U.S. Senator Pete Domenicl. "We got ~ shake bls hand and everything," Stephen said.

He was one of she student pages for a ~hour stint during the state ·

Were car Coats $48." Velvet Jackets $70." Velvet Sldrll $54." Jland-Pinted Sldrts $42." 8Jouaes . to $36." Brushed Nylon PaJamas $12." Footed PaJamas $18." Sweaters to $40." Designer Sweaters to $80." 8JJdnl Swlmsuiti to $40." Robes to $24." Hoaded Rod'Gowns $14." 30 Pr. Moccasins $22." Clllldren's Rack as marked Clllldren's Socb as marked

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Legislature session. The other pages were Tresa Halbrooks, Shelly mcker­son, Bev ·.Keeler, Q-uymon Kaydahzinne and Elaine Najera.

Guymon said tbe pages fetched cof­Jee, . soft drinks 8nd papers for laWmakers. Instead .f?f hollering

8" & 10"

across the room, said Stephen, legislators would send a page with a note.

The long legislative sessions had boring moments, Guymon said, and ••some representatives fell asleep."


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'·l •

' ' • •

. ' .--.,..;.· .. : , ..

Sixth-graders from Mickey McGuire's class visited Santa Fe Shane Paquin, Zlna Holcomb, Stephen Tapp and Bev Not shown are Elaine Najera, Marla· Moorhead and John last week. They are, back row from left, Jerry Norvell, Rod Keeler. Front row. from left. are Shelley Hickerson, Tresa Winans. Teacher Cindy Morgan (upper left), who is Bundick, Guymon Kaydahzinne, Beth Sweeney and Loran Halbrooks, Craig Sears, Kelly Sivage and David Dickinson. substituting for Mickey McGuire, Is with her class. Hoffhelns. In the middle row, from left, are Nicole Beck,

Legislature, service as pages, meeting Domenici highlights Stephen recalled cameras on a balcony and said pages "didn't want to be caught on TV sleeping."

A bighllght of the trip for another student, Teresa Harrelson, was a visit. to the ~:biology greenhouse," of the Univers1ty of New Mexico botany

department. In addition, she said, they toured

the secretary of state's office and the governor's office.

Also, "we saw bills being. passed. One bill was In a big greeri book this thick," she said, holding her fingers

spread wide. An informal highlight was the visit

to a piZ'ZB restaurant. Teresa and Jackson Mcintosh agreed it had im­pressive video games. Jackson 'also mentioned playing tennis. The students and sponsors ·stayed In a

motel overnight. Sponsors for the trip included Jerry

Sailor; Cindy Morgan; Gail Jackson; Dan Holt: John Nunn; Shelby and Wayne Bradley; Frank, Marge, Don­na and Michelle Cannella; Cora Sweeney; Libby Sears; and Sharon,

PaUl and Marcia Tapp. Teacher Mickey McGuire is a

member or the LegiSlature, and he helped arrange for the half-dozen students to be pages. During the weeks he Is in Santa Fe, Cindy Morgan is teaching his classes.

Photos and texi;

by C. E. Reutter


633 Sudderth Phone 257-5095

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..-~I)I,QW~,HJP~N'l'E~NA"'OJ'I.f\L , M~~ (~~· lil~d ~4 Wec;Jri~~y~ · .· i!OME; BVILDERS ASSOCIATION I. I • ;Dtnper ~eetn,Jg .~cl; 'l'u~ifay, ~:,3() :·· ~~ n®i} t~ . .· V~red diSh ·~ches and . Meet~:! firSt 'i'Uesdafo£ &ch J!n(,nth,'

1 1 .-, I , , ,,', 1 .·, , .'.; ,, • • , p.m., at ... the, Jl~,tldosp IiJh,_.·~ho~e.· gamElS ~t. e library, VISitor~ are 7 P•rl\· .at Cree M~dows Country '

. ~"".~@.... " · , I •• ·.··,· .:.. ~f.'YJ.;r.;;9os~~l.;uys•N~ss~EN•s . ··.~· .. · · Go.~~~N.AGEcLu,;u · . MNcoLNcoONTY .

, 257-S()il e>r ~!4438.. · .. · : ... ' we,lc(lme.: . .;. 1 , .· ' • . •. Clu~,..' I • I · · ·• 1 · , · · · •

1 Ruidosq,C!L~~~:?o~s'Lio~ciuh ' ... '1 , 1 .·' 1

,. • \f )r'.' '*, f'".ittfid'o8o,'·.·;·~···:. 1 ,·:.\' 1 ~"t.JJW$QI~WN$') .:• v, .. ,.u· .. ' ·~TRA~LU~,b. 1 :, ,,

meets each W~dnesday, 12 qQ9g. to (1. ' ' .• RUIDOS() MASONIC I I P,II.qT Ct.UB OF a~· IDOSO; :'D'UPLICATJ!: BRIJ)G~ CLlJB . . ,: I • • LAJ)I~s· AU,XIL~ARV • . . • ,M.C!<l~ every seco~ Sun~y. of ea~n '' "'t Whi nnri g p·' Resta ant . M' . ts' '. ~ '·t.ob Df' ,.,Et MN .. o, .'1! ' .' I 0 E.·· s' ' ,• ,JII.eets' the ,fh•at"'Tues ay ''of "'a"h . . .... t • w d :id ., 30 • '' ' ,'Dooldnao TlnutttCl Ladies' An..-!Har' Y. month at 2 :·00 n.m. 1D the First Chris~ • 0 . • p.m., a Sl:'- n .. me• ur ee .. ac 1l'S onut\y m ... '. • t7 00 f"m"'· c' ll"'"'7 5585 "" " ' .~ ,• e qes ays!;-'- : p.m .• ' .. · . : .. ''tiiih. ·'tiiF.t!M'!' .... _. ''gh' t~.r" .1, h 'tillnChur'ch ·.~ '• . ' ,' .. ' ' .. • ii1UpperCanyonofRuidoso.Visiting .,Hall,'.?:_3()p.m;CarlR0s~>W.M.·,·Altoh ... mon a : p •. a;,(;..,. ,even•. AdultRecreat,ioilCenter behlndtlJe ~rnee .... e ... · .PJ!.IM'Y.m .. o eac .·.F· irif· · ti. CSnJ H · ' ··· '1 Lions are welcome. · .. La. ne·, Secretary. ing~. for more information. library. Everyone inVited. . month at '7:30 p.m. at the .Ruidoso . . or. orma on an uey ~t . ·I

GARDEN CLUB Downs V~ge. Hall Council ROQm. 2!i7-59$3.. .

. · ~·· · ·. ·. . ..•. ·.·.·•.· .. The J;tuidoso Garden Qlubrneets tile . .. · .REP\JBLICANWOME~ • · .. · "' • . third Tuesday of.each month at 1:30 moayJDo~.LIONESSCl.UB · L1ncoln County Federation of p.m. at the library in the multi- The .. Rio R~d()flo Li!Jnesa Club · ~pubUean Women meets the fourth purpose room. Visitors and gUests general m~ttng for July IS scheduled Tuesday of. every· month at different welcome. · · for. nOQn Tuesday, July 19, at Cree locations in Lincoln County (place to

LIONS Lions supper every Tuesday night

.at the Lions Hut in Skyland, ·lh block off Sudderth 'Drive, behind Maytag Washateria.

EASTERN STAR Meadows·Res~urant. · be annotinced.) For further informa-. Ruidoso Chapter No. 65 Order of the . · S.ERTOMA CLUB DAR · All membera are urged ~ attend. tlon, call Dorothy D. Smith at 354-2499

Eas. ter Star. · mee. ts 2nd Thursday of . Sertoma meeting every We<Jnesday Visitors are also welcome D th B be t ch · th 7 30 G t' at noon·at.Yucca Inn. The Daughters of the American · · · or oro Y ar r, a 258-3348 . ell mon , : p.m., a eway. R.evolutionmeetthesecondThursday LEGIONOFMARY WHITEMOONTAIN

. Visiting members welcome. · of every month at 12 noon. Anyone in· M i d M da SEARCH & RESC(JE .•...... - •. ·.·-·. terested and eligible, pl~se· caU eet ng Sr . on .. Y c;f every .. Meets afthe Ruidoso.Care Center,

257-7819.· . month af 7:00 p:m., St. Eleanor's third Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Dave

e •.. ·(!)·.. UNITED METHODIST WOMEN ·catholic Church. . ·Travis, president; Howard Puckett, Meets each first Wednesday of the RUID so · secretary. ·

th . 0 LODGERS ASSOCIATION LINCOLN COUNTY mon at 7:30 p.m., place to be an- .. M ts h d Tu da 2 RUIDOSOWO.MAN'SCLUB nounced. ee. eac secon es y, p.m., HUMANESOCIETY

AMARANm s d at the library. . Meets 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 6:30 · · -- · ·----·--· .... -·------- · -----Ponderosa-eourt·No-S;'()rder-ofth.,.e~cl~ec6""0..Jl.r.~r~.e~esday in Woman's WOMEN!SWORKDA¥-AT--- -- -· Sl'• ANNE'S GUILD --- - · --n;m;-at-the-Chamberoteommerce·.---

ROTARY CLUB . • th' da f . u . bw"'"''li• Board meeting 1 p.m .. , ..,. CHURCH OF CHRfST. Meets· the fourth Thursday of each ,.. · . Amaranth, Inc., m~ts4 Tues yo business meeting 1:30; tea at 2,. month in the Parish Hall of the ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS

Ruidoso Hondo Valley R,otary Club·· evecy month, 7:30 p.m. in· Eastern followed by program. Luncheons In the Gateway area every first E ·isc· 1.Ch ch f th H 1 M t . RUIDSOARIDGROUP . meets each Tuesday noon at Cree Star 'Building. · each Monday. Wednesday ·of· the month at the HP, ,2~ uniur 0 e 0 llY ounb · Tuesdays, 8:00p.m. First Christian Meadows Restaurant. church. . o~y ""'mm on 12 noon fo owed y Church AA & Alanon & Alateen meet.

®.' ' . .:· LAMAZE PREPARED lwich and the meeting. separately,

. RAINBOW GIRLS ASSEMBLY Meets each second and fourth Mon-


ALTRUSA CLUB OF RUIDOSO day, 7 p.m., in 'O.E.S. Hall in Palmer

Meets on the 4th Wedesday ·of the month. Phone 258-3622, 336-4678 or 257-4818 for the current meeting place. Meets 1st Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. for Gatewa:y. Rainbow Advisory Board

program and 3rd Tuesday for lunch - meets each second Monday of the . meeting, 12 noon at the First Chris- month, same place. tian Church. Call Nancy Shaver 378-4077 ~ys or 258"3103 evenings for information.

RUIDOSO B.P .O.E. NO. 2086 Meets each 1st and 3rd Thursday at

Elks Club building on Highway 70 west,.8 p.m. summer; 7:30 winter.

• • !""

B.P.O.E. DOES Meets each 2nd and 4th Thursdays

at 7:30p.m. in Elks Home on Highway 70.

JAYCEES The Ruidoso Jaycees meet these­

cond and fourth Tuesday at 7:30p.m., at The Deck House.


SIERRA BLANCA SWINGERS Basic and mainstream square dan­

cing at First Christian Church. Hull Road, every Thursda;Y night 7:tlo p.m. For information call258-3186, 336-4907 or 257-2883.

The Space City Squares in Alamogordo dance first and third Saturdays 8 p.m. at the fairgrounds. Visitors are welcome.

HOSPITAl, AUXILIARY Ruidoso Hondo Valley ~ospital

Auxiliary <Pink Ladies) meets first ... Tuesday or each month <except July

and August>, at 9:30 a.m., In the hospital conference room. For· more information contact Lorene Ross 257-7264. or Ruidoso meets every 2nd and 4th .

Wednesday or the month at 7:00 at K-Bobs, for more information, call Craig Whipple at 378-4534 after 7:00· p.m.

. .....

RUIDOSO GUN CLUB R\)idoso Gun Club, meeting third

Thursday of each month, 7:30p.m. at the library. Call 378-4603.

CHILDBIRTHCLASSES RUIDOSOCARECENTER Saturdays, 8:00 p.m. First Chris-Six-week Sessions AUXILI.ARY tian Church joint ~eeting.

Wednesday evenings frein 7-9 p.m. The Ruidoso Care Center Auxiliary . RVIDOSO NEW MOUGHT GROUP Call 257-4639 Qr 653-4041 or 378-8473 meet~:! each third Thursday at the Meets every Thursday, 7:30p.m. at after 5. Care Center, 7:00p.m. Refreshments the new City Hall. For information

ROBERT J. HAGEE POST 79 are served, everyone is welc()me. caU 257·2811 or 257·7873 . AMERICAN LEGION "DOWNS"

The Robert J. Hagee American CIVJLAIRPATROL. ALCOHOLICANONYMOUS Legion Post 79 meets every third Meets eadl fll'St Tuesday night of · Meets at the Lincoln House in Agua Wednesday at 7 _p.m. in the Post the month, 7:30p.m. at City Hall, Fria Estates. AA and Alanon, Home, Highway 70 and Spring Road, . BETA SIGMA PHI separate, Wednesday at 8:00 Alanon Ruidoso Downs. Four chapters meeting second and and AA, Saturday at 8:00.

RUIDOSOVALLEY fourth Mondays, 7:30 p.m., in CARRIZOZOA~A CHAMBER OF COMMERCE members homes. Phone 257·5368 or Meets each Saturday at 8 p.m., in

257-4651 for iilrormation. th Rur 1 El tri Buildi Meets third Wednesday in Chamber e a ec c ng. office of Sudderth. May-8eptember 7 COUNSELING SERVICE p.m.; October-April 12 noon. RUIDOSO BOY SCOUTS Personal, family, coupleS, counsel-Meetings open to public. Troop 59, meets at 7 p.m. every ing through Counseling Center, serv·


Monday-10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday-10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Friday-lO:OOa.m. to 4:00p.m. Satur· day-10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

TOPS <Take Of£ Pounds Sensibly>

Meets Thursdays, 7 p.m., First Christian Church. Call 258-4273 Cor in­formation.

NARFE Lincoln County Chapter 1379, of the

National Association of Retired Federal Employees, meets at 10:00 a.m., the first Tuesday of each manUt, at the new First Christian Church on Hull Road.

Wednesday at the Presbyterian ing Lincoln County. Offices at Sierra Church. Professional Center, Ruidoso. Phone

Boy Scout Troop 107, meets at 6:30 257-5038. In Carrizozo, at County p.m. Wednesdays at Ruidoso High Health Office, Courthouse Annex, call School. 648~2412. 24-hour HELPline,·

Contact Dave Larson, Scoutmaster, 1·257-5038. 671-4740; or Scouting Coordinator, ALCOHOL COUNSELING Rudy Flack, 258-4169. For alcohol counseling, telephone

RUIDOSO CUB SCOUTS Pack 59, meets at 7 p.m. the fll'Bt

Monday of each month at the Elks Lodge, Jim Dickinson, Cubmaster." Call 257-7294 for membership infor­mation.

Pack 95 meets the last Monday of every month at 7 p.m., at the First Chrlatlan Church's Fellowship Hall, on Hull Road ~d Gavllan Canyon. Cubmaater, Jimmy Goodwin. For in­formation call257-9551 or 257.9006.

Paul Gallegos, office 257·5038; residence 347-4268. Office at Counsel­ing Center, Sierra Professional Center. Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY Meets every 4th Thursday at noon,

at Ruidoso-Hondo Valley Hospital. RUIDOSO HONDO VALLEY

EXTENSION CLUB Meets 4th Wednesday of every

month, 11:30 a.m~'Covered dish lun­cheon. ·Place to be .announced.


Gavilan Canyon and Hull Roads Rev. Ken Cole Sunday School-9:30a.m. Morning Worship-10:45 a.m. Early Worship Service-8:30 a.m. Wednesday Night Bible Study-8 p.m.


R. Winston Presnall, Pastor Church School-9:30 a.m. Moming Worship-11 :00 a.m.

NOGAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Richard Schlater-Interim Sunday Worship-11 :00 a.m.


Minister: Clarence Van Heukelom Church School-9:30a.m. Worship Service-10:30 a.m.


Carl Parsons, Minister Bible Study-9:30a.m. Worship and Communion-10:30 a.m. Sunday Evening Worship-6:00p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting-7:00 p.m. Ladies' Bible Class-9: 30 a.~.-Wednesday

CHURCH OF CHRIST Highway 48, Capitan, N.M.

Rex Lane, Minister Bible Study-8t,mday, 10:00 a.m. Worship Service-Sunday, 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship Service-Sunday, 6:00p.m. Wednesday, Bible Study-7:00p.m.


Palmer Gateway, RuidosO Sunday School-9:30a.m. Sunday Services-10:30 a.m. Sunday Evening ServiceS·-6:00 p.m. Wednesday-Adult Choir-6:30p.m. Wednesday Services-7:30p.m •. 'l'hursday-Youth. Choir-6:30 p.m.


Mescalero Merlin C. Neely, Pastor . Phone 671-4536 Sunday School-10:00 a.m. Morning Worship-11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening Services-7:00 p.m. Wednesday Service-7:00p.m. .


San Patricio Ser.viced by St. Eleanor

Catholic Parish, Ruidoso Confessions-Saturday, 4:00 p.m. to 4:50p.m. Anticipated Sunday Mass-saturday at 5:00p.m. Sunday afternoon Mass-12:30 p.m. Office hours in San Patricio-Satur-

. day by appointments, 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Call before hand, 257-2330.


Fr. Bernard <Barney) Bissonette Comessions: saturday-7:00p.m. to 7:50p.m. Anticipated Sunday Mass-saturday Evening, 8:00p.m. Sunday Masses: 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Daily Masses: Tuesday tQru Friday at 5:15p.m.


Fr. David J. Bergs, Pastor Saturday Masses: 5 p.m.-Capitan, Sacred Heart Church 7 p.m.-Carrizozo, Santa Rita Church Sunday Masses: 8 a.m.-Lincoln, San Juan Church 8:45 a.m.-Fort Stanton, Sacred Heart Church 9:30 a.m.-Capitan, Sacred Heart Church · 11 a.m.-carrizozo, Santa Rita

· Church ·


Glencoe, N.M. Rector: Rev. Burdette Stampley Holy Communion..;...2Iid Sunday-8;30 a.m. 4th Sunday-9:15a.m.


121 Mescalero Trail, Ruidoso Rector: Rev. Burdette Stampley Sunday-:lioly·Eucharist 8·and 10:30 a.m. No 8 a.m. service on 2nd Sunday of the month. Church School (grades 1-6) 9:00 a.m.-10:15 a.m. · Nursery <ages D-3) Parish Hallto:30 a.m. Youth Group-Pari~h Hall s:oo p.Di.-6:~p.Jt.!._- .... Wednesday-Prayer Group..:..J.2:.oo 110011 sanctual')'.


Carrizozo, New Mexico Phone 648-2875

Rev. Burdette Stampley, Vicar Holy Eucharist-1st and 3rd Sun­day-6p.m. Office of Ji:vening Prayer-2nd and 4th Sunday-7 p.m.


7 p.m. Thursday at the home of Jim and Jann Hickerson, 219 Spring Road. Taught by Dennis McKinley of Rodeo Cowboy Ministries.


JustoffHwy. 70, Hondo, N.M. Cal West, Pastor Morning Worship-10:00 a.m. Evening Service-6:00p.m. Wednesday Bible Study-7:00p.m.


300 Mechem Drive Pastor: Cleve Kerby Asst. Pastor: Paul Tapp Sunday School-9:45a.m. Worship Hour-11 a.m. Sunday Night Worship-6 p.m. (winter) 7 p.m. (summer) Wednesday Night Service-7 p.m.


Dale W. McClesky, Pastor Sunday School-9:30 .a.m. Worship SerVice-11:00 a.m.

· Evening Worship-6:00 p.m. Wednesday-7:00p.m.


Rev. Wayne Joyce, Pastor Sunday School-9:45a.m. Morning Worship-10:45 a.m. · Sunday Evening Services-6:00p.m. Wednesday Night Bible Study-7:00 p.m.


Rev. Dan Carter SundQ.y School-9:45a.m. V{orship Service-11:00 a.m. Evening Worship4:00p.rn.


. Bill Jones, Pastor .··· · __ Sunday Schoot.....g:45 a.m. Worship Service-11 a.m.

MESCALERO BAPTIST MISSION James Huse, Pastor Sunday School-10:00 a.m. Morning Worship-11:00 a.m. Training Union-6:30 p.m. Everling Worship-7:15p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service-6:30 p.m.


Pastor, Cleve Kerby Services: Sunday School-9:45a.m. Worship-11:00 a.m. Church Training-6:30 a.m. Evening Worship-7:15p.m.


Interdenominational Full Gospel Church Pastor: Earl Samuel Walden Place-Puckett Real Estate Office Sunday Service only 2 p.m. Tuesday Evening Bible Study 7 p.m. Friday Evening 7 p.m. Additional Information Phone 258-5495

BAHA'IFAIM Meeting in homes of members. Phone 258-4117


12th Street, Carrizozo Sunday Services-11 a.m. Wednesday Testimony Meetirig-8 p.m. Phone-648-2844, 648-2322


Sunday Service-11:00 a.m. At the Methodist Church, second building behind Sanctuary. Phone: 257·7987

OLD LINCOLN CHURCH Rev. Burdette Stampley Everting Prayer-7:00 p.m. 4th Thursday of each Di!)nth. Holy Commturlon-2nd Thursday of_ each month.

'i'l'li DAY ADV~NTISTCHURCH Agua Ji'rla Estates

'(near RuidOso Downs) FloYd Ramsey, Pastor J.C. Harrlt,, 378-4398

· Saturday-sabbAth School, 1:30 p.m. ·Church-3:00p.m. . . .

Wednesday Pray~r Meeting--6:30 .. p.rn.


lOOOD. Avenue Carrizozo, N.M.

Reverend Harry Riser, Pastor Sunday School-10:00 a.m. Worship Service-11:00 a.m. (Nursery provided) Wednesday Choir-6:30p.m. Fourth Wednesday Worship Ser­vice-7:00 p.m.


In Gateway Rev. Charles .Spooner, Minister Sunday Scbool-9:30 a.m. Worabip service-10:30 a.m. (Summer Services-8:30 and 10:30 a.m.)


Third St. and White Oaks Capitan, New Mexico

Rev. Harry L. Riser, Pastor Sunday Worship Services-9-10 a.m. Sunday School-10:30 a.m.


San Patricio Rev. Benjam Chavez services: Sunday School-10:00 a.m. sunday Night-7:30p.m. Tuesday-7:30p.m. Friday-7:90p.m.

JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Kingdom Hall-Capitan

Presiding ovm,-seer, Kenneth Stone Sunday PUblic Talk-10:00 a.m. Sunday Watchtower Study-10:50 a.m. · .ThUI'1daY Ministry School-7:30p.m. TbUradayService Meetlng-a:3o p.m. i).'uesday Group Bible Study~7:30 p.m.

JEHOVAH'S WITNESsES · Kingdom H.all....:RuidoiSo

Hfaliway37-1 Block into Fo*tBi!igbts Subdivision

i'rMfciing OVener, lCen Eberlfne SUndy P\IJ.Jllc Taqlk-10~00 a.m. Sunday. · WaU1htQwer Study:-"-10:50 a.m •.. Tllelday Group Bible Study--7:30 p.m. . . . ~ . . . . . . 'l'liiindiY Mlnlitey ~1...;.7iSO p.m. 'l'hUtada)' setv1ce M~tbil-8:30 p.m.

, ....... IMsi Fll'lllllt lhlt s.-1.-1 CINrcll ......... P .. siW. 1811 .....

CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST L.D.S. Call Carol Martin for meeting information-25.J~ .. Wymam Scarborough, 653-4981 Priesthood, Relief Society; Primary ·and Young Women-10:00 a.m. Sunday School-11:00 a.m. Sacrament Meeting-12:00 p.m.


Ray Cavanaugh Prie5thood-8:30 a.m. Sunday School-10:30 a.m. · Sacrament Meeting-11:30 a.m.


Charles Ullmann, Vicar Held at First Presbyterian Church, Nob Hill Worship Services-8:30a.m. Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes-9:45 a.m.

CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE At the District Center of

The Church of the Nazarene, Angus Kenneth 0. Frey, Pastor Sunday School-10:00 a.m. Morning Worship-11:00 a.m. Evening WorshiP-6:30p.m. Wednesday Fellowship-6:30p.m.


On Entrance Road iJi Ruidoso Downs Sunday School-10:00 a.m. Morning Worship-11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening Service-7:30p.m. Wednesday Evening Service-7:30 p.m.


Ceinetery Road Pastor Harold w. Perry Sr. Sunday School-10:00 a.m. Motnlng W.or8bip.-U:oo a.rn. Sunday Eve$g Worship-7:00 p.m. Wedrtesday Evening Bible Study-7:00 p.m. Prayer DaUy~s:oo a.m.


Will meet in ctlteterhl White Moun· taln Elementary School :Minister-Rev, Peter Church sunday SChool-to a.m. .Sul1tl&y Worshlp--11 a.m. W~y Nlibt Home FelloWJihlp Meetings· .· · . .· .. . . . . · lnqUlrles: Jay Graves ..... 33&48tl8 . .... - -- . .

VIllage Ha""ware · · ituldosollews. · · ·· · Ruliloao Stat• ·aank . ' ...... 2574001 ........ •~•·•"c.

; ~ _,; -A .. _r_ ~ ,. • .. t · .... r · ••~" -u -~ ::~·!:", :r-.., -,4L_--_~~ h .. ~·-·..t:-·_....,:-r-.... ~-~•4"' ~...;~_f.,._,.-~ .. __ , ___ ,_...,..~-~.o.~-~---__ _.~~·"'"** •h 8ji.M.,:(~:-. L&..t~~L-~ .. ~-"'--- ...... ~_k... .. _ ~ _ ..... _: ~ -'·~---.a, .... ~a:~ ~\l.L.--•"L·~,....a. -~~ . .., .-:. . .......____..., .. ·n-~ ""'-~ """' __ :,

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