thursday assure method

Post on 27-Jul-2015






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Thursday ASSURE Method


Analyze Learners

My students are a 3rd grade class of 8-9 year olds. There are 20 children, 11 of which are boys

and 9 of which are girls. 80% of my students are White, and 20% of my students are African

American. My students all live in an Appalachian area.


State Objective:

My students will write, illustrate and create their own fable. They will do this by Watching “How

to Write a Fable” video on Youtube by QR, and accessing and reviewing project guidelines

posted on the Class Facebook Group. My students will accomplish this by the end of Thursday

with 100% accuracy.


Select Methods, Media, and Materials:

The methods that I have chosen, all link back to my students age, and ability level. My 3rd grade

students have grown up using technology, and I know that this is the way to grab their interest.

Therefor, I have chosen many different types of technology to interest my students.


The media that I will be using for this lesson, will be a Youtube video, a QR code, and a class

Facebook group.

The materials that I will need to teach this lesson, will be my Smart board, and my computer, as

well as iPads and or a computer for each student.


Utilize Media and Materials:

Due to the fact that my media is mostly revolving around my computer, there are a number

possibilities that would effect to my plan. In case of the technology in my classroom not working

out for the videos, I will have the video downloaded to each iPad, so that my students will still be

able to view it. I will also have printed copies of the project guidelines, in the situation that our

Facebook group is not working correctly for us.

Before my lesson, I will preview the materials, by making sure that my computer and

SmartBoard are up and running. I will prepare the materials, by preparing all of my links, and

making sure that they are still there and relevant. I will prepare the environment, by making sure

that there are no distractions on the screen, or throughout my classroom. I will prepare the

learners by explaining what they are going to be creating, and I will provide a learning

experience by making sure that my students are constantly interested and keeping my lesson fun,

while a provide examples and ideas to work with.



Require Learner Participation:

In order to require learner participation, I will ask for questions after the video, and have students

to a “quick review” of what they are going to do.


Evaluate and Revise: To evaluate if my students can write, illustrate, and create their own fable, I

will make sure to let my students take freedom in their ideas and methods while making their

fable. I will be there for support, but not to tell them exactly what to do.

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