three principles for managing change unit 3 db

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Carla J. McCoy

Unit 3 Discussion Board – MGT240

February 26nd, 2009

American InterContinental University

Three Principles


I feel one of the three Principles that are most important to follow when managing change is Thought Processes and relationship dynamics are fundamental if change is to be successful (Lynco Associates Inc., 2009) because Perception and Communication Does Matter. The way a person thinks is important if you want to succeed in the workplace. Just about everyone has worked with someone that has had a poor or bad and for the most part probably steered clear of that person as much as possible. Their Bad attitude will sometimes rub off onto others around us and this can create a very disturbing work environment. However, if everyone decides not to let the person with the bad or poor attitude affect them, the outcome will be much better and the environment will be much more enjoyable because Good and Positive Attitudes also rub off onto others and this alone, empowers others in a sense. It’s all a matter of whether or not you are going to sit around and play the blame game or if you are going to have a positive outlook on the change and view it as opportunity rather than something to criticize. In regards to Relationship Dynamics, communication is the key to success. It’s important to update one another and keep each other informed of any changes that may arise. When we do this then the change isn’t so hard to take if we were already expecting it. But even if it’s a surprise and no one was aware of the situation, we all need to remember to view it as opportunity. This can also be related to #3 where People fear change, it “happens to them”. I also feel this relates to #2 because change only happens when a person “Decides” to implement the change. (McCoy, C., 2009)

# 7

I feel another one of the three Principles that are most important to follow when managing change is Trust is earned by those who demonstrate consistent behavior and clearly defined values. (Lynco Associates Inc., 2009) Trust is basically having confidence in others that they will not deliberately take advantage of you or that you can put a project in someone’s hands

that you trust with confidence and trust they won’t let anything happen to it. Trust is earned of course in a variety of things within the workplace, such as the work environment for one. If you have a communicative, open and honest environment that entail of having people all around you with positive attitudes this will ensure that they earn your trust within the workplace. If you review their personal decisions as well then your trust becomes higher when their decisions involve value and ethics. A person or Organization that has clearly defined values is normally supported by senior leaders or their own group surrounding them. If you take a person who has no morals, no values, and doesn’t really have a great attitude, they aren’t going to earn anyone’s trust anytime soon. (McCoy, C., 2009)


I feel another of the three Principles that are most important to follow when managing change is A clearly defined vision of the end result enables all the people to define the most efficient path for accomplishing the results (Lynco Associates Inc., 2009) because anytime you have a clearly defined vision that clearly shows the end result it not only allows people to define efficient paths to accomplish those results but if you don’t’ have a Vision then no plan can be made that would allow change to ever happen. Take our past Assignment of Delegating for example; if you don’t have a Vision or Goals for instance, then how can anyone see the big picture? You can make goals and set visions in place if everyone is on the same page and can see the Vision. Post It notes are an excellent source for writing goals down and posting them to your workplace or computer monitor because you can see them everyday and think about them everyday which will create a valid consciousness of those goals. You can also bring a Work Journal to work and create a Brainstorming page to write all your ideas down each day you come to work. This can create motivation and positive creativeness. (McCoy, C., 2009)

Techniques for Managing Change

Discipline and Commitment are good techniques for Managing change because when you Discipline yourself your thought process and relationship dynamics change because you have made a decision to discipline yourself accordingly to accept Change as an opportunity rather than playing the blame game and you have a Commitment to Discipline yourself as well as to your Organization to accept it as an opportunity. Discipline and Commitment are also good when you trust others who have values and ethics because it teaches you who you can trust and who you can’t trust. Trust is an important factor in making decisions when it comes to other employees and Managers as well and if you have self discipline to reach out and trust one of those, you will get a clear vision and idea of just who you can trust and in the process you develop commitment to your Organization and a Commitment to other employees that are depending on you. Discipline and Commitment are good techniques for a clearly defined vision where the end

results are accomplished because we all have to strive forward and make changes and goals, set new ideas in place and when we are open enough to do this then we can become quite creative, especially if you are in a group meeting and everyone is throwing their two cents in because where one person has a thought it actually creates another thought in someone else’s mind. When you are committed to a Vision and you can see positive results in the end, and goals that can be set, groups that can be formed, and a variety of other things, this is where success is inevitable. (McCoy, C., 2009)


McCoy, C., (2009) Organizing American InterContinental University MGT240 Class Unit 3

Discussion Board retrieved on February 26th, 2009 at

Lynco Associates Inc., (2009) Twelve Principles for Managing Change retrieved on February

26th, 2009 at

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