three incredibly nerdy but ultimately pointless topics - scott huntley

Post on 19-Jan-2017






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Three Incredibly Nerdy (But Ultimately Pointless)

Topicsby Scott Huntley

WordCamp Sydney 2016

#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

Hey, who am I?

I’m Scott

@kshuntley@kshuntley#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

Hey, who am I?

I’m Scott

(or Kenneth? - see

@kshuntley@kshuntley#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

Hey, who am I?

I’m Scott

(or Kenneth? - see

I work for as a Consultant/Trainer for Pukunui Technology, an LMS hosting company

Day to day, I use Moodle which is not WordPress

@kshuntley@kshuntley#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

Hey, who am I?

I used to work at TAFE NSW

I used to teach WordPress

I am dreamer

I spend far too much time thinking about the world that could have been

I am very good at bad Photoshop.

@kshuntley#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

So what’s the point of this exercise?

Well, in this presentation, I’m going to talk about three incredibly cool and nerdtastic things.

They’re not very practical though.

But maybe by exploring crazy off-the-wall topics, we might learn something useful after all.

Note: You will not learn something useful after all.

@kshuntley#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

How am I going to keep on track?

I like to waffle.In fact, if I could, I’d talk to you now for 10 minutes on waffles.

I have 30 minutes, give or take, and 3 topics

Math tells me I should spend 10 minutes on each topic

To keep to that schedule:The slides are going to progress automaticallyOnce the slide changes, I’ll start talking to the new slide

@kshuntley#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

Image: Parkerman & Christie from San Diego, USA - Crispy Waffles with Strawberries, CC BY 2.0,

Topic One: Can you use WordPress

to run your pherlog?

@kshuntley#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

What’s a pherlog?


“Blog” comes from the words “web log”.

Hence a “gopher log” would be a “pherlog”.

#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

“What the hell is Gopher?”


You don’t remember Gopher?

It was what all the cool kids used before the Web.

And by “cool kids”, I’m specifically referring to all of us in the high school Dungeons and Dragons Club.

#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

@kshuntley#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

I mean this guy

Do Gopher clients still exist?



You used to be able to connect to Gopher using any browser. Not any more.

I actually had to download Lynx to connect to Gopher sites.

#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

@kshuntley#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

WordCamp on LynxThe Lynx Browser

@kshuntley#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

My Blog on Lynx

Do Gopher servers still exist?



Well they do.

But they’re terribly difficult to install!

#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

@kshuntley#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley




Can you power your pherlog using WordPress?


Well… in theory…

Step one, get a gopher server up and running (see the past two slides)

#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

Can you power your pherlog using WordPress?


The project I wanted to implement is called WP2GOPHER.

A single PHP file that will connect to your WordPress blog’s MySQL, extract the posts, and write them into a Gopher file.

Sounds incredibly easy to implement.

After, it’s fairly recent (Mar 27, 2008)

Find out more at gopher:// .

#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

Topic Two: Who is

WordPress’ sibling?

@kshuntley#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

How can WordPress have any relatives?


WordPress was forked in 2003 from b2/cafelog.

I know this because Wikipedia tells me so.

I would say that makes b2/cafelog the parent of WordPress

Does WordPress have any other relations?

#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

A forgotten sibling?


b2evolution was forked in 2003 from b2/cafelog.

I know this because Wikipedia tells me so.

I suppose that would make b2/cafelog the parent of b2evolution

This would make b2evolution the sibling of WordPress.

#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

Comparison Time


Open Source (GNU GPLv2)

Latest Version: 6.7.3 (May 29)

Plugins: 224 (on the official site)

Skins: 768 (on the official site)

Listen to François deliver “The State of the Evolution”

Powers about 0.1% of the web

Open Source (GNU GPLv2)

Latest Version: 4.6.1 (Sep 7)

Plugins: 46,670 (on the official site)

Themes: Difficult to determine - 4,119 “Latest”

Listen to Matt deliver “The State of the Word”

Powers about 26.4% of the web

#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

What’s it like?

@kshuntley#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

What’s it like?

@kshuntley#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

What’s it like?

@kshuntley#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

What’s it like?

@kshuntley#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

What’s it like?

@kshuntley#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

What’s it like?

@kshuntley#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

Stop picking on me!


Reading the b2Evolution site, a two things stand out:

● Their focus remains on being a blogging platform● Most of their features are blogging related

● They know they are in WordPress’ shadow

#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

Topic Three: Can you use lose WordPress

in your sofa cushions?

@kshuntley#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

WordPress on the Raspberry Pi


“Okay, that’s kinda small.

But I couldn’t lose it in my sofa cushions.

I mean, you still gotta plug it in and stuff.”

#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

WordPress on the Raspberry Pi Zero with a Pi Zero IoT Hat


“Okay, I could lose that in the sofa cushions.

But what’s the point?”

#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

“What’s the point?”


The point is this is changing everything.

It’s the perfect storm people! It’s Crowdfunding meeting the Shenzhen AliBaba machine creating cheap Single Board Computers.

Computers are being distributed on magazine covers.

Computers are disposable now.

You could put computers in vending machines now.

This should be blowing your mind!

#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

Let’s put it this way


Ship’s Com


Ship’s Computer



Ship’s Computer

Ship’s Computer



Ship’s Computer



Ship’s Computer

Ship’s Computer

Ship’s Computer



What they told us the future will be.

What the future will be.

#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

“I still don’t get it.” and/or “Big deal, I already know this”


Okay, think about this:

How much did your first computer cost?

That first one you took to Uni or TAFE, how ever many years ago it was that you pretend wasn’t really that long ago, but probably was longer than you’d like to admit, OMAG Am I over 40?

Raspberry Pi Zero was the $5 computer

It actually was the £5 computer

You still had to buy all the special bits and pieces

Pine A64 is $15 with a lot more guts

Indiegogo campaign for a $1 computer

The hardware will be cheap enough that we can teach programming to any kid on the planet.

#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley



I just wanted an excuse to show off my Raspberry Pi Zero.

#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

Bringing it all back together...

@kshuntley#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

Did I just completely waste 30 minutes?


I did say I was a dreamer…

I suppose I just like to imagine what could have been...

#WCSyd #Pointless3 @kshuntley

Did I just completely waste 30 minutes?

@kshuntley an alternate reality where we’re all discussing Pherlogs...

#WCSyd #pherlog #LongLiveTheGopher @kshuntley

Did I just completely waste 30 minutes? B2ECamp Sydney...

@kshuntley#B@ECampSyd #b2Evo #pherlog #LongLiveTheGopher @kshuntley

Did I just completely waste 30 minutes?

...but I’ve got to stop by the vending machine because I’ve lost my computer.

@kshuntley#B2ECampSyd #b2evo #pherlog #LongLiveTheGopher #GopherPi #RasberryEvolution #COBOLDOTNET @kshuntley

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#B2ECampSyd #b2evo #pherlog #LongLiveTheGopher #GopherPi #ImStillDoingMySlidesOnSundayAM

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