thoughts on . . . negotiation

Post on 07-Aug-2015






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  1. 1. NEGOTIATION AU.LINKEDIN.COM/PUB/ROBERT-HUGGAN/24/9B9/793 12/08/2014 Beliefs based on personal values, experience and readings. This reading is continually under review & will never be finished Comments/feedback always welcome. Twitter: Blog: Linked-In: One of the top 10% most viewed LinkedIn profiles for 2012.
  2. 2. NEGOTIATION PROCESS STEPS 2/08/2014AU.LINKEDIN.COM/PUB/ROBERT-HUGGAN/24/9B9/793 2 Forming a bond Separating the person from the problem Identifying needs, wants, and interests of other person(s) Identifying needs, wants, and interests of self Focused dialogue Creating a goal and finding common goals Finding options, generating proposals, and making concessions Bargaining for a mutual benefit Coming to an agreement Ending or continuing the relationship on a positive note
  3. 3. READINGS Readings contain my take home messages and do not necessarily reflect the authors complete work. 2/08/2014AU.LINKEDIN.COM/PUB/ROBERT-HUGGAN/24/9B9/793 3
  4. 4. SIX PRINCIPLES OF PERSUASION - GEORGE KOHLRIESER 2/08/2014AU.LINKEDIN.COM/PUB/ROBERT-HUGGAN/24/9B9/793 4 Authority. People will defer to experts. They are more easily influenced by those they perceive to be legitimate authorities with expert knowledge. Consistency. People like to be consistent and to uphold stated commitments. If you have any doubt or uncertainty, the rule of consistency drives you to decide on a course of action so as not to appear weak or indecisive. Liking. ''You are nice to me, so I'll be nice to you as well." People like other people who like them. Finding common interests and offering praise are two ways to foster liking. Reciprocity. People will repay in kind. If you give something, others feel obligated to give something back. People feel obligated to reciprocate when they receive a gift or favour. Scarcity. Items and opportunities become more desirable as they become less available. People want things that are rare or scarce. Ads that say "limited time only" or "while supplies last" capitalize on this principle. Social proof. People follow the lead of their peers. We often look to others to see what should be done and then copy that behaviour, especially in situations of uncertainty or the unknown. It is the "safety in numbers" mentality. If others are doing it, then it must be okay.
  5. 5. THE SEVEN HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE - STEPHEN R. COVEY 2/08/2014AU.LINKEDIN.COM/PUB/ROBERT-HUGGAN/24/9B9/793 5 The essence of principled negotiation is to separate the person from the problem, to focus on interests and not on positions. Seek first to understand. It is possible to go into negotiation with a full Win-Win or No Deal attitude. And the freedom in the attitude is incredible. Think about an upcoming interaction wherein you will be attempting to reach an agreement or negotiate a solution. Commit to maintain a balance between courage and consideration. 'We would like for you to write the contract the way you want it so that we can make sure we understand your needs and your concerns. We will respond to those needs and concerns. Then we can talk about pricing.

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