this story is based on events that actually took place

Post on 11-Feb-2016






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THIS STORY IS BASED ON EVENTS THAT ACTUALLY TOOK PLACE. NOT. It was a normal day at school. It’s a pity that no one expected this to happen. THE STORY THAT GOT REALLY STUFFED UP. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



It was a normal day at school. It’s a pity that no one expected this to happen.

You people shall all pay and stop reading this, yeah I’m talking to you. Nobody will survive hahahahahaha. Oh that’s enough. Now prepare to die.


Who are you. You dark evil synister man.

You shall call me Evil Synister man, narrator and all you people reading.

Back at dark evil synister man’s hideout

Hahaha ha ha that was easy enough

Back at dark evil synister man’s hideout

Now for my next evil plot

Back at dark evil synister man’s hideout



Back at dark evil synister man’s hideout






But Wait there was one survivor from the terrible disaster at the School

This person is a true hero stronger than ten men put together.

This guy is more cunning than a really smart thing

He’s a finely tuned atheletic machine

He’s a real achiever

His name, yes his name is and don’t laugh now!! His Name is ……


Hey don’t laugh I just heard you laughing, it’s not as funny as you may think ok! He’s our hero.

Hey if you think it’s so funny why don’t you go and make your own story. Yeah that’s what I thought it’s not so funny now hey because your story would be bloody crap hey. Yep that’s right I’m dissing you right now and your crap story. So there. HA HA HA.

We find our hero after the disaster, wrecked at the fact that so many of his friends lives were taken in that explosion and he wants to find out who did it…

I’m wrecked, I must find out who did this

Our hero heads straight for the city for some answers.

After much constant zig zaging across the city

And a very long train ride

Our hero found what he was looking for, Townsvilles very own leaning tower of …….

Hey wait a second sorry about that wrong story, Townsville doesn’t have a leaning Tower of Peza what was I thinking. Sorry everybody that was the narrators fault, yes I’m to blame and I hope you can except my apology. SORRY YOU LOW LIFE SCUM SUCKING DEGENERATE !!! Ha ha ha.

Hmm now that wasn’t very nice narrator. We want people to enjoy our story and your abusing them.

Ok I’m sorry

That’s better narrator but you need to work on that temper, ok let’s get on with the story.

Ok Chris didn’t go to the Leaning Tower of Peza, he went to the lighthouse behind his house on mount Louisa where he once met a crazy old man who knew quite a lot.

Ok this guy is a weirdo and yes he has been in a few institutions but he knew everything Chris wanted to know.

And right now at this very moment Chris is hot (well yes) on Dark Evil Synester Man’s trail.

Ok Dark Evil Sinister Man

I’ve found your lair what was this all about?

Ok you’ve found me so what I’m not here anyway. Tick tock Chris Goodman.

Tick Tock what could that mean.

Ha ha ha Goodbye Chris Goodman ha ha ha ha ha!

I’m not dead yet!

Hey your not meant to come back for a few more slides

Yes Chris that’s true he has a point there your meant to be dead for a

while yet.

Ok I’m sorry, could we maybe start that part again.

Yep that’s ok Chris is that ok with you DESM.

Yeah that’s ok but my agent told me I wouldn’t be working with bloody inbiscils this time.

Ha ha ha Goodbye Chris Goodman ha ha ha ha ha!

Oh no what will happen with our hero dead

Well tune in next week for the continuation of The Story That Got Really Stuffed Up

Nah I’m just jerking ya

It’s over dark evil sinister man, everyone knows I’m still alive anyway, so lets just get on with our big confrontation now.

But know this…

Chris I am your half saiemease twin, adopted sister.

You’re a chick.

Ok I had an operation done and now I’m a bloke named Carlos who was happily living in mexico until you and your friends ruined my life that’s why I had to blow up your school.

How did we ruin your life sis I mean bro I mean whatever?

Because of a web page your friends had named STOP IT BOYS. Everyone I knew loved that page and because I had a sex change everyone who read that website automatically outcast people like me and then it went global.

So you see Chris I had to kill your friends and now I must kill you and then anybody else that knows about STOP IT BOYS. HA HA HA HA HA.

Yeah you can’t beat me and you can’t beat STOP IT BOYS because we have the world on our side your just an outcast.


So he Pissed off

That ending does suck I know ok ok lets drop something heavy on him hey

Now that one was on me, ok now you can try it.

Ok now simply click the mouse cursor when your ready to unleash the fury.

Woa you’re a big man, ha a little girl on a tricycle you should be ashamed of yourself.

Anyway I think the moral to this story is that really deep down nobody wants to find out that they have a half siamease twin, adopted sister named Carlos from Mexico because we all have a sort of security with our current lives and a change like that may piss us off a bit maybe even enough to KILL!!! Sorry I’m jumping to conclusions but the real point is if this story made any sense to you then your probably a pysco ok. I Wrote and Narrated this story and I have no fucken idea where it led to in the end so if you understand it or you think it has some hidden meaning, your either full of shit or a fucken pysco waiting to go on a rampage, sorry to inform you of that but it’s true. Until next time take care of yourself and each other.

Closing Credits

Everything done by: NamdoogC

Well now there’s nothing else really to write here because I didn’t have some big arse flash hollywood team working on my slide show infact I did it all single handedly well not really it did take me both hands to accomplish this.

But still I guess maybe I can say I did it single footedly because I think I didn’t really use one of them in the creation of this oh no wait I had to use it when I went to get a drink of water or something yeah oh well really it don’t matter too much, what really matters is that this was a very educational slide and would be a good learning experience for the young ones to see it, no infact sorry but it is R rated.

That means nobody under 18 should have watched any of this, wait a tick I’m not over 18 that doesn’t work let’s lower that rating to G this rating means general guidance is recommended and any bastard can watch it, yes even a phaetus can or a sperm that’s pretty young hey. Well anyway this would have to be the…


I bet you didn’t read all the credits you lazy bastard.


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