this is love…€¦ · birthdays are exciting anyhow, but a birthday that leads us to an eternity...

Post on 13-Dec-2020






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This Is Love… Stories from the Life of Jesus

Compiled and Retold for Daily Family Lenten Devotions

©2016 Permission granted for individual home use only.

Contents Day 1: Ash Wednesday ...................................................................................................................... 2

Day 2: Thursday—Jesus as a boy ..................................................................................................... 4 Day 3: Friday—The baptism of Jesus ............................................................................................. 6 Day 4: Saturday—Jesus is tempted .................................................................................................. 8

First Sunday: Jesus’ first miracle ............................................................................................................ 10 Day 5: Monday—Jesus begins his ministry .................................................................................. 12 Day 6: Tuesday—Nicodemus ......................................................................................................... 14 Day 7: Wednesday—The woman at the well ............................................................................... 16 Day 8: Thursday—The healing of the leper ................................................................................. 18 Day 9: Friday—Through the roof .................................................................................................. 20 Day 10: Saturday—The calling of Levi ......................................................................................... 22 Second Sunday: A man with a shriveled hand .................................................................................... 24 Day 11: Monday—Jesus and Beelzebub ....................................................................................... 26 Day 12: Tuesday—The sermon on the mount ............................................................................ 28 Day 13: Wednesday—The parable of the sower ......................................................................... 30 Day 14: Thursday—Storing treasure ............................................................................................. 32 Day 15: Friday—The centurion’s servant ..................................................................................... 34 Day 16: Saturday—Jesus calms the storm .................................................................................... 36 Third Sunday: Another demon-possessed man .................................................................................. 38 Day 17: Monday—Two more miracles ......................................................................................... 40 Day 18: Tuesday—Jesus feeds 5,000 ............................................................................................. 42 Day 19: Wednesday—Jesus walks on water ................................................................................. 44 Day 20: Thursday—Peter’s profession.......................................................................................... 46 Day 21: Friday—The Christ-follower’s burden ........................................................................... 48 Day 22: Saturday—The transfiguration......................................................................................... 50 Fourth Sunday: Greatest in the kingdom............................................................................................. 52 Day 23: Monday—Healing of the blind man ............................................................................... 54 Day 24: Tuesday—The good shepherd ......................................................................................... 56 Day 25: Wednesday—Lazarus ........................................................................................................ 58 Day 26: Thursday—Jesus and the children .................................................................................. 60 Day 27: Friday—The rich young man ........................................................................................... 62 Day 28: Saturday—Jesus predicts his death and resurrection .................................................... 64 Fifth Sunday: Blind Bartimaeus ............................................................................................................. 66 Day 29: Monday—The three servants ........................................................................................... 68 Day 30: Tuesday—The triumphal entry ........................................................................................ 70 Day 31: Wednesday—The cleansing of the temple ..................................................................... 72 Day 32: Thursday—Jesus teaches in the temple .......................................................................... 74 Day 33: Friday—The greatest commandment ............................................................................. 76 Day 34: Saturday—Jesus’ anointing and Judas’ plot ................................................................... 78 Sixth Sunday: Passover flashback.......................................................................................................... 80 Day 35: Monday—Jesus washes the disciples’ feet ..................................................................... 82 Day 36: Tuesday—The last supper ................................................................................................ 84 Day 37: Wednesday—In the garden .............................................................................................. 86 Day 38: Thursday—Jesus’ arrest and trial ..................................................................................... 88 Day 39: Friday—Jesus’ crucifixion and death .............................................................................. 90 Day 40: Saturday—Jesus’ burial ..................................................................................................... 92 Easter Sunday: The empty tomb ........................................................................................................... 94

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Day 1: Ash Wednesday When you think of the time before Christmas—

the time the Church calls Advent—you may think

of Christmas cookies, colored lights, joyful songs,

and brightly-wrapped presents. But what about

the time before Easter? The forty days before

Easter—the time called Lent—don’t seem nearly

so exciting. Either Lent is ignored, or people

celebrate in backwards ways, like singing sad

songs and giving up favorite treats. Why is

Advent such a happy time, while Lent is a solemn

time? Aren’t Christmas and Easter both days to


They are! While both Christmas and Easter are days we celebrate God’s great love for us and our

forever freedom through Jesus, each holiday has a different focus.

Christmas is a time when Christians celebrate Jesus’ birth. It’s a time where Jesus-followers around

the world remember the baby that came into the world for the one purpose of taking away our sin.

Birthdays are exciting anyhow, but a birthday that leads us to an eternity in heaven is an even better

reason to celebrate.

Easter is a day to remember when Jesus rose from the dead. Once and for all, God showed that

his power was greater than anything; after spending Friday night and Saturday dead in a tomb, on

Sunday morning Jesus got up and went to see his friends!

But Jesus never would have had to die if it hadn’t been for our sin. That is what makes the time

before Easter—the time the Church calls Lent—such a somber time. While we prepare to

celebrate God’s power on Easter, we remember what Jesus had to go through for our sake.

Think of what Jesus had to give up for us. Jesus, all-powerful Lord of Creation, had to become a

helpless baby. The King of the Universe felt hungry, skinned his knees, got sunburned, had colds and

stomachaches. Worse yet, God Almighty was made fun of by people in his town, had Pharisees trying

to get him into trouble, was betrayed by one of his best friends, was hit and even spit on by the

soldiers, and died painfully on the cross. In all of that time, Jesus didn’t sin once. All of that misery

and punishment was something he chose to do to pay for all the bad choices we have made.


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Lent begins with Ash Wednesday. On this day, many Christians visit their place of worship and

have ashes smeared on their forehead in the shape of a cross. The ashes remind us that all living

things—including us—will die someday, while the cross is a reminder that Jesus wiped away our sin

and conquered death for us, so anyone who believes in him doesn’t need to fear death because they

can look forward to living in heaven with God forever.

During Lent, when we think of what Jesus gave up for us, when we think of the bad things he

allowed to happen to himself to take away God’s anger at our sins, some Christians choose to do

something special to remember that cost. Praying, fasting (giving up eating or drinking—either

one particular thing or many things), and giving to the poor are three ways that many people over

the past two thousand years have chosen to remember Jesus’ sacrifice during lent. These can be a

little taste of what Christ gave up for us.

Talk It Over What is the time Christians call “Lent” all about? Dig Deeper If you are unable to participate in an Ash Wednesday service, consider preparing some ashes of

your own. Use them to mark a cross on each family member’s forehead or hand. While doing

so, you can either use the traditional saying, “Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall

return,” (based on Genesis 3:19) or the more explicit, “Repent, and believe in the

Gospel,” (Mark 1:15). If you desire, you can round out your “service” with a prayer of

confession and a song. (“I Want To Walk as a Child of the Light,” “Change My Heart, O

God,” or “Lord Have Mercy” are a few appropriate song options.)

“Lent” is a word which comes from the Old English word for spring (lencten). Why might that

word came to be used for the time before Easter?

Discuss as a family some appropriate ways to commemorate Jesus’ sacrifice during Lent. The

three traditional means are prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.


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“The Finding of the Saviour in the Temple.” William Holman Hunt. 1860. Public domain; image via Wikipedia.

Day 2: Thursday - Jesus as a boy

Luke 2:40-52 Long, long ago—more than 2,000 years ago—there was a child something like you. He was a boy

who liked to run and play with his brothers, to help his mother and father. But there was some-

thing special about this boy: he was God’s son, sent to save the world. The Bible tells us that Jesus

was a strong and wise boy, one who asked questions and thought about things.

Once, when Jesus was twelve years old and he and his family took a trip to the temple in Jerusa-

lem—a special building that was God’s house on Earth—Jesus’ parents lost track of him. The

streets were full of travelers, and families and friends from the same town could walk together,

chatting during their journey. Jesus’ family had made this special trip every year, and never before

had Jesus disappeared from the crowd of friends and relatives.

After a long day of walking toward home, Jesus’ parents settled down for an evening meal and

rest—but Jesus didn’t join them. They asked first one person, then another, “Have you seen our

Jesus?” But no one had seen him at all that day.


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Have you ever been lost—even if you just lost sight of your parents or your group for a mere sec-

ond at a store or on a trip? You know the way your stomach tightened into a ball and you could

hardly breathe because you were so scared? Mary and Joseph probably felt just that way when they

realized that no one knew where Jesus was. They wrung their hands, hurrying over the paths

they’d traveled and asking if anyone had seen their son. Another whole day of walking, stopping

along the way to ask if anyone had sighted their son, brought Mary and Joseph back to Jerusalem


On the third day—a third day of that stomach-twisting, hard-to-breathe, scared feeling—they be-

gan to scour the city, stopping everywhere they thought Jesus might have felt comfortable staying.

At last, they found their son. Jesus was still in the temple. He was sitting with the teachers, listen-

ing and asking questions. “Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his an-

swers” (Lk 2:47 NIV).

“Jesus, why would you do this to us?” Mary admonished. “Your father and I have been searching

frantically for you, terrified that something might have happened to you!”

Jesus was surprised to find his parents so upset. “Didn’t you know I would be in my Father’s

house?” he asked.

Jesus then returned home with his parents. He continued to obey them, he continued to watch

and learn and ask questions, and he continued to grow to be a young man that both God and other

people admired.

Talk It Over

Why could Jesus’ parents not find him when they were on their way back from Jerusalem?

What kind of boy does the Bible say Jesus was?

Dig Deeper

We know that Jesus never sinned, yet his parents were very upset with him. Why was Jesus’

behavior not sinful? Why were his parents so upset if Jesus had not done anything wrong?

What things do people admire about other people? What are some things that God might ad-

mire in a person?


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Day 3: Friday – The baptism of Jesus

Matthew 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22; John 1:29-39

In the desert at the edge of the Jordan River

there lived a strange man. He wore clothes

made of scratchy camel’s hair, and he ate

locusts and honey. This man was called

John the Baptizer, and he was related to

Jesus. God had sent John to help prepare

people for Jesus’ teaching. John told people

to repent, or turn away from their sin and

change their ways. As part of his work, he

baptized people.

Today, people are baptized in different ways.

Some have just a little water drizzled on their

head as a way of showing that God has

marked them as a member of his family.

Some people are baptized by dunking their

entire body under the water. Going entirely

under water and coming up again helps

people imagine their sins being washed

completely away so they can start a new life

of better choices. All of the very old

pictures that we have where people imagined

what Jesus’ baptism looked like show him

standing in a shallow river having water—

often from a large shell—poured over his

head; perhaps this was what it truly was like,

but we don’t know for sure.

One day, Jesus came to where John was baptizing people in the Jordan River. He asked John to

baptize him. John was startled. “Why should I baptize you?” he exclaimed. “You certainly don’t

need to be given a fresh start! Perhaps you should baptize me!”

Jesus wasn’t asking to be marked as part of God’s family—he had already been set apart as one of

God’s people, the Jews. And since Jesus never sinned, he wasn’t trying to start making better

choices, either. Instead, he was marking the start of a new part of his life. He was leaving behind

“Baptism of Christ.” Cima da Conegliano. 1492. Public domain; image via Wikipedia.


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his everyday life to start his work of preaching and teaching. So Jesus insisted—this was the way it

had to be. John reluctantly agreed to perform this service.

Sploosh! Jesus stood in the living water of the river, the water of baptism streaming from his hair

and running from his elbows as he brushed the drips off his face.

Suddenly, sunlight flooded through an opening in the clouds and the Holy Spirit, looking like a

dove, came down from heaven to rest on Jesus. God himself spoke, saying, “This is my dearly

loved Son, who brings me great joy” (Mt. 3:17, NLT).

Talk It Over

Who baptized Jesus in this story?

What happened immediately after Jesus was baptized?

Dig Deeper

How does baptism look in your church? What does it mean to you?

Jesus’ baptism marked the beginning of a new era in his life. What are special ways in which

you mark new beginnings?


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Day 4: Saturday – Jesus is tempted

Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13 After his baptism, Jesus was led into the desert by the Holy Spirit. For forty days and forty nights,

Jesus fasted, which means he didn’t eat. Jesus was using his time alone and his hunger to make him

rely more fully on his Heavenly Father as he prepared for the hard job he had ahead of him.

While Jesus was in the desert, his stomach twisting and growling, the devil came to tempt him. “If

you’re really God’s Son, turn these stones into bread,” said the devil, trying to interrupt Jesus’ time

with his Father.

What do you do when someone tries to convince you to do something that you know is wrong?

Jesus answered by using his Father’s words, repeating truths God had taught his people through

the books we know as the Bible. Jesus responded, “No!” and added a quote from Deuteronomy

8:3, “People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.”

The devil tried another tactic. He took Jesus to the highest point of the temple in the great city of

Jerusalem. “Jump off!”

he told Jesus. “If you’re

really God’s son, the

Scriptures say that he will

send his angels to protect


Jesus answered, “The

Scriptures also say, ‘You

must not test the Lord

your God.’”

The devil tried one last

temptation. He took Je-

sus to a high mountain

and said, “Everything

you see I will give to you.

All you have to do is

kneel and worship me.”

That would have been far

easier for Jesus than what “Temptation on the Mount” from the “Maestà.” Duccio di Buoninsegna. 1308-1311. Public domain; image via Wikipedia.


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God asked of him—dying—but Jesus would not do it.

“Go away, Satan!” Jesus commanded, and he quoted Deuteronomy 6:13: “The Scriptures say, ‘You

must worship the Lord your God and serve only him.’”

At that, Satan finally left, and God sent his angels to care for Jesus.

Talk It Over

What was Jesus doing in the desert when Satan came to tempt him?

How did Jesus fight off the Devil’s temptations?

Dig Deeper

Jesus used passages of scripture to help fight off the temptations Satan brought before him.

What Bible verses do you find helpful in difficult times?

Challenge: Individually or as a family, look for some Bible verses that can encourage right living

and help to squelch temptation. Memorize your favorites during Lent.


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