third sunday of lent, march 24th, 2019 saint andrew the ... · confirmation: april 5th, 7pm family...

Post on 15-Aug-2020






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Upcoming Events - 2019

Confirmation: April 5th, 7PM

Family Mass Luncheon April 14th

1st Holy Communion on May 5th

Please join and support our Parish


Last Week’s Collection

Sunday Offering - $1741.35 Renovations - $156.00 Easter Flowers - $73.00

Bless you for your continued generous support.

Third Sunday of Lent, March 24th, 2019 Saint Andrew the Apostle, pray for us

Mass Schedule & Intentions from March 23, 2019 to March 31, 2019

…,He asked them, “Do you think

that because these Galileans

suffered in this way they were

worse sinners than all other

Galileans? 3 No, I tell you; but

unless you repent, you will all

perish as they did…, Luke(13:1-9)



Monday Tuesday






†Pasquale Ligotti by Maria Fazzalari

Philippe Morin by Fr. Paul Tommaso DiGioia by Wife & Family

†Annunziata Mammoliti by grandchildren Anna Maria Giovinazzo by Family

7 Barho Children (killed by Fire in N.S.) By George and Connie Poll

Salvatore Mancuso by Sister, Maria Mancuso For us and for all our dearly deceased ones

Pope Francis

Lenten Message


Dear Brothers and Sisters

Unless we tend constantly towards Easter, towards the horizon of the Resurrection, the mentality expressed in the slogans “I want it all and I want it now!” and “Too much is never enough”, gains the upper hand. The root of all evil, as we know, is sin, which from its first appearance has disrupted our communion with God, with others and with creation itself, to which we are linked in a particular way by our body. This rupture of communion with God likewise undermines our harmonious relationship with the environment in which we are called to live, so that the garden has become a wilderness (cf. Gen 3:17-18). Sin leads man to consider himself the god of creation, to see himself as its absolute master and to use it, not for the purpose willed by the Creator but for his own interests, to the detriment of other creatures. Once God’s law, the law of love, is forsaken, then the law of the strong over the weak takes over. The sin that lurks in the human heart (cf. Mk 7:20-23) takes the shape of greed and unbridled pursuit of comfort, lack of concern for the good of others and even of oneself. It leads to the exploitation of creation, both persons and the environment, due to that insatiable covetousness which sees every desire as a right and sooner or later

destroys all those in its grip. to be continued...

Rosary - every

morning before

Holy Mass at


‘No Greater Love’ - Please join on Lenten

Thursdays 6.30pm at St. Andrew’s Church, to

watch this five-part video series:

Watch the next part on March 28.

The Annunciation of the Lord, March 25th

The Feast of the Annunciation is one of the most important in the Church

calendar. First, it celebrates the actual Incarnation of Our Savior -- the

Word made flesh in the womb of His mother, Mary. Second,

it is a principal Marian feast. The biblical account of

the Annunciation is in the first chapter of the Gospel

of St. Luke, which describes the news given

to Mary that she was to become the mother of Jesus.

Sacrament of Penance

On Saturday, April 6, 2019,

in every parish church

across the diocese

a priest will be available

from 10am – 2pm

to hear individual confessions. There

will also be Eucharistic Adoration

during this time. No matter how long it

has been, you are welcome to celebrate

the Sacrament of Penance, which assists

us in spiritual discipline as we turn away

from sin and open our hearts to

reconciliation and healing. You can also

come just to pray before the Lord.

Holy Week Schedule April 13 –

April 28, 2019 Passion Vigil Saturday April 13th @ 5PM

Passion /Palm Sunday April 14th @ 9 AM and

10:40AM (Procession from school)

Mon, Tue, Wed - Mass @ 9AM

Holy Thursday April 18th @7PM,

Adoration till Midnight to follow.

Good Friday Service at 3PM

Confession - Holy Saturday 10:30 AM

Blessing of Food Baskets 11:45AM

Easter Vigil April 20th @ 8:15 PM

Easter Sunday April 21st @ 9 AM and 11AM

Divine Mercy Celebration

April 28, 2019 @ 2PM

40 Days for Life –Invest One Hour to save a Lifetime Since the first campaign in 2007, the results of our prayer and fasting

have been absolutely incredible: * nearly 14,000 babies have been spared

death by abortion! 170 abortion workers have quit their jobs. * 90

abortion facilities have closed. Join on March 25th 12-2pm for this

peaceful prayer vigil. for more info call Monique - 289 820-8826.

Chrism Mass

Chrism Mass on April 16th, 7.30PM

Since our Cathedral is under renovation

work, the Chrism Mass this year will be at

at St. Alfred Church. This beautiful Mass

offers us the opportunity to deepen

our appreciation of priesthood and the

sacramental life of the Church

as oils are blessed and priestly commitment

is renewed. Please join with the

clergy, religious and with other

parishioners from across this great Diocese

to celebrate our faith in a spirit of unity and

true joy.

Host A Family Program - update

Happy to share with you a

good news that our 2nd family

is doing good : both started

working and bought a car.

Since they work in different

places and times still one of

them need a ride to go for

work. If you can give ride one

day a week, kindly talk to me to

get details. Kindly remember

Jesus’ words: ‘when you did it

to the least, you did it to me’.

Thank you, God bless! Fr. Paul










6.30 PM




Respect for life Mass at our Cathedral

†Mauro & Antonio Tummolo

by Maria Fazzalari

followed by Adoration

†Beni Inneo by Wife Nardina & Family

†Frank Lostracco by Maria Fazzalari

‘No Greater Love’ video presentation

†Carl Austin by Don & Mary Ann Major

Stations of the Cross at 6.30pm

†Loreta Zinatelli by her Family

Maria Corona by Tony and Maria Sdao

Mike Fazari by daughter Teresa and Family

†Joseph Violi & Rosina Cicerone

by daughter, wife, and Family

Frank Lostracco by the Family

For us and for all our dearly deceased ones

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