think like an inventor young inventor’s fair choosing a topic brainstorm a list of ideas choose a...

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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THINK Like an Inventor

Young Inventor’s Fair

Choosing a Topic

• Brainstorm a list of ideas • Choose a topic that is interesting to you• Think about an invention that already exists and how you could make it better or a part of it you could improve

Questions to help me choose a topic?

What are my interests? What would I like to learn

about? Do I have a question about

something? Where can I look for topics?

Science Fair books Internet Teacher

Does my project meet the requirements?

Research Your Problem

Use GUIDING Questions to Help with Your Research

Use Scientific Process to TEST the Invention/Innovation

Stating My Problem or Need

After choosing a topic, what do you want to find out or develop

Examples:– How can I change the wheels on

my skateboard to help create a smoother ride?

– People spend too much money on different types of shoes. How can I create a shoe to solve this problem?

Stating My Hypothesis

This needs to be written in an if….then…statement

Examples:– If a skateboard with wheels that absorbed

vibrations was created, then the ride will be smoother

– If a 4 sport shoe was created, then people would not have to spend the money on multiple pairs.

Testing Procedure

Step by step directions

1. Gather all materials2. Set up materials to test3. Test at least 5 or more

times4. Record your data on a

table5. Graph results.

Stay Focused

Collecting Data

• As you test your invention or a part of your invention, be sure to collect data using a chart or table in your log or plan book

Graph Results

Types of Graphs:Types of Graphs:

Bar- Compares different Bar- Compares different thingsthings

Line- Shows progress over Line- Shows progress over timetime

Circle- Parts of a WholeCircle- Parts of a Whole

Make sure title and subtitles Make sure title and subtitles are labeled.are labeled.

Shape of Blade#

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Independent- ONE thing you change in test.

Ex. Shape of bladeDependent- How you measured?

Ex. Amount of revolutions

Constants- EVERYTHING you kept the same! Ex. Fan, cardstock, materials

Abstract and Conclusion This is a summary of your

experiment. What did you learn from the


Did you prove your hypothesis? Why-why not?

What problems did you have?

How is it applicable to real life?

What can the results be used for?

How can I use the knowledge I have gained from the experiment?

What would you do differently next time?

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