think and grow rich power affirmations - chapter 07 organized planning

Post on 11-Apr-2017



Self Improvement



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Think and Grow Rich

Chapter 7: Organized Planning –The Crystallization of Desire into Action

This slideshow published by William Marshall is Copyright © 2016 by William H. Marshall.

All Rights Reserved.

I crystallize my intangible desires into organized, practical plans.

Everything I create begins in the form of an intangible desire.

I create and organize plans in the workshop of my imagination to transform my abstract

desires into concrete, tangible reality.

I form definite, practical plans for transforming my desires to tangible riches.

I make use of the master mind principle by allying myself with as many people as I

need for accumulating the money I desire.

Before creating my master mind, I identify the advantages and benefits I can offer the individual members of my group in return

for their cooperation.

I meet with the members of my master mind group at least twice a week.

My master mind group and I are jointly perfecting our plans for the accumulation

of money.

I maintain perfect harmony with every member of my master mind group.

My master mind group and I refine and revise our plans until they are perfect.

I am taking full advantage of the experience, education, native ability and

knowledge of other minds in order to create the plans I need to achieve my goals.

Every plan I adopt to accumulate wealth is the joint creation of myself and every other

member of my master mind group.

I am persistent. If my plans fail, I create new plans which I begin executing


The plans I create are practical and workable.

I respond to temporary defeat with new practical and workable plans which I begin

executing immediately.

I adopt and follow plans which prove to be sound.

I possess the right plan for the accumulation of money and I follow it.

I am a winner, not a quitter.

I turn temporary defeat into victory with new plans and massive action.

When I experience temporary defeat, I accept it as a signal that my plans are not sound and I rebuild my plans and keep

moving toward success and achievement.

I am a winner and a winner never quits.

I select people for my master mind that do not take defeat seriously.

I am transforming my burning desire into its monetary equivalent through the

principles outlined in Think and Grow Rich.

I create plans that respect the rights of men and women and that are in harmony with

universal law.

I create plans that are intelligent and practical and that are designed to

accumulate riches.

I am accumulating riches by selling my personal services and ideas.

I am a leader.

I am becoming a great leader by being an intelligent follower.

I acquire the knowledge I need from the people who I follow.

I have unwavering courage and confidence based upon knowledge of myself and my


I exercise self-control and discipline.

I have a keen sense of justice and fairness.

I am developing definiteness of decision. I make wise decisions quickly and change

them slowly.

I plan my work and work my plans. I move with intelligence based on practical,

definite plans.

I follow the habit of doing more than paid for. I do more than I require of the people

who follow me.

I have a pleasing personality. I grade high on all of the factors of a pleasing


I earn the respect of others by being an effective leader.

I am in sympathy with my followers. I understand them and their problems.

I master the details of my position.

I assume full responsibility for all aspects of my position.

I apply the principle of cooperative effort to everything I do. I develop power through

cooperative effort with others.

I lead only with the consent of and with the sympathy of my followers.

I derive the moral authority to lead from the consent of the people who follow me.

I develop relationships based on mutual cooperation and harmonious effort.

I treat my employees as partners and valuable members of my team.

I follow the principles of enlightened leadership in everything I do.

Because I follow the principles of enlightened leadership, I am finding

abundant opportunities to lead others.

Because I am an enlightened leader, my leadership skills and abilities are in high


I organize and master the details related to my position and to my business.

I am a master of all of the details connected with my position.

I do all that is required of me in my capacity as a leader.

I effectively delegate details to capable people.

I am a servant leader.

I am an effective leader. I get paid for what I do and for what I get others to do.

I am an enabler. I have the ability to lead others to outstanding performance.

Through my knowledge and the magnetism of my personality, I greatly increase the efficiency of other people. I help them

render outstanding service.

I grow my business and achieve my goals by using my imagination to guide myself

and others.

I recognize the contributions of other people. I make sure that they receive the commendation and the recognition that

they deserve.

I am moderate and temperate in my personal habits.

I am loyal to my associates—both to those who are organizationally above me and

below me.

I demonstrate my leadership by my conduct, sympathy, understanding,

fairness, and by demonstrating that I know my job.

I follow an open style of communication. I welcome open communication with all

those who work with me.

My working style is free from formality and ostentation.

I review the qualities of leadership frequently and take action to build them

into my character as a matter of habit. I am committed to constant and never-ending


I am surrounded by opportunities in every area of my life.

I demonstrate the principles of leadership in my own person and practice and I teach

those principles to others.

I help improve all of society by being an effective leader and by helping others develop and demonstrate their own

leadership abilities.

I think in terms of what is best for other people rather than only increasing profits

and dividends. When I serve people sincerely, effectively, and efficiently, my

profits take care of themselves.

I am an effective teacher. I teach other people how to apply knowledge they receive

from myself and from others.

Whenever I need to seek a new position, I make use of all of the current resources at

my disposal.

I build and increase my network by providing sincere and useful service to


I help members of my network achieve their goals.

Because I provide useful service to members of my network with a positive

mental attitude, they willingly provide help to me when I need it.

When I apply for a position in person, I prepare for it thoroughly in advance.

I am always prepared to present my record of qualifications and accomplishments to

potential employers.

I prepare my resume and online profile carefully with the needs of my potential

employer in mind.

By providing outstanding performance with a positive attitude, I am creating a solid job

record and regularly attracting new employment opportunities.

Whenever necessary, I consult with experts to help me market my personal services.

I plan my self-education carefully. I specialize in specific subjects and clearly

identify the reasons for that specialization in advance.

I am building my career on purpose. By moving with Definiteness of Purpose and

organized plans, I am consciously preparing for future responsibilities and

positions today.

I maintain accurate and up-to-date employment records and references so that

I am always ready to apply for my next position.

When I apply for a position, I have a clear picture of exactly the position, the type of

person who I want to work for, and the type of company I want to have as an employer.

I choose positions that are in harmony with my Definite Major Purpose in life.

Before I apply for a position I make sure that I have developed the specialized

qualifications needed for that position.

When I apply for a position, I clearly and concisely state the reasons why I am

qualified for the position I seek.

I am prepared to creatively demonstrate my qualifications for the position that I


I have confidence in my ability to meet the qualifications required by the position that

I seek.

I only apply for positions that I am determined to get.

Before I apply for a position, I fully familiarize myself with my future

employer’s business.

I study the market, products, critical business issues, and competition. No one

is better prepared than I am.

I prepare presentations that are neat, organized, striking, and out of the ordinary.

I effectively use the modern tools available to me to make a professional presentation

of my qualifications and my ideas.

I make my presentations for employment personal and relevant to the company I am

applying to.

I use my imagination to creatively and effectively apply for new positions.

I make a positive first impression with every prospective employer I meet.

I positively impress prospective employers with my individuality, imagination, and


I go after prospective positions with imagination, care, and thoughtfulness.

I am now designing my perfect job.

I actively choose the position and the company who I want to work for. I am


I study my prospective employer as to their policies, personnel, and opportunities for


I prepare my career plan in writing and I update it often.

I analyze my talents and capabilities to identify what I can offer my prospective


I plan ways and means of offering advantages, services, developments, and

ideas that I can successfully deliver.

I focus all of my thoughts on the valuable ideas, services, and connections I can


I create definite plans of action that are to the advantage of my employer.

I am willing to invest the extra time needed to accelerate my career growth.

Through deliberate and careful planning, I am rapidly advancing my career.

I conduct myself according to the Golden Rule at all times.

I recognize that I am in partnership with my employer, fellow employee, and the

customers we serve.

My real employers are the customers I serve.

In all of my business affairs, I am committed to serving the public.

I treat all of my customers with courtesy and understanding.

I train my employees to provide fast, courteous service with a positive attitude.

I provide outstanding service for a fair price.

Because I sow courteous service, I reap customer loyalty and fair profits.

I examine circumstances to identify root causes and modify my conduct accordingly.

I am now sowing the right kind of seed for accumulating abundance.

I know that I am where I am and what I am because of my own conduct. I take full

responsibility for my own results.

I am now sowing the seed of outstanding service in both quality and quantity.

I believe that every business and every person is subject to the law of cause and


I study, analyze, understand, and apply the causes of success in marketing my services

effectively and permanently.

I am my own salesperson of my personal services.

I apply the QQS formula as a habit to every area of my life.

I am an outstanding sales person of my personal services because I habitually

provide a high Quality and a high Quantity of service with a spirit of cooperation.

I perform every detail connected with my position in the most efficient manner

possible with the object of greater efficiency always in mind.

I now render all of the service of which I am capable, at all times, with the purpose

of increasing the amount of service I render as I develop greater skill through practice

and experience.

My conduct is habitually agreeable and harmonious. I induce cooperation from

associates and follow employees.

I fully understand the supreme importance of a cooperative and harmonious attitude

as I provide my services to others.

I always conduct myself harmoniously and agreeably with others.

I only hire and retain people who are willing to work in a spirit of harmony and

pleasing conduct.

I have a pleasing personality. I render outstanding service in a spirit of harmony

with others.

I am a merchant of my own services and I know that I am subject to the same rules of

conduct as someone who sells tangible merchandise.

As a business person, I am a public servant. I partner with my employer and co-workers

to provide outstanding service to our customers and to the general public.

I am a go-giver.

I recognize the capital value of my brains.

By increasing my mental and intellectual faculties, I am increasing the capital value

of my brains.

I analyze my conduct and habitual behavior in order to identify and eliminate the

causes of failure.

I have a well-defined and central purpose in life.

I am ambitious. I am committed to excellence and to achieving outstanding


I am committed to self-education and life-long learning.

I know how to get whatever I want without violating the rights of others.

I effectively and persistently apply my knowledge.

Because I am paid for what I do with what I know, I intelligently apply my knowledge to

increase the value of my contribution.

I am committed to discipline and self-control.

I follow excellent health habits in order to maintain outstanding health.

I eat modest amount of foods that are conducive to great health.

I improve my health by maintaining a positive mental attitude.

I get adequate exercise on a regular basis.

Through proper breathing, I energize my body with the benefits of fresh air.

I break through procrastination by exercising my personal initiative and taking

proactive action towards my goals.

I start where I stand. As I work with the tools I have at my command, better tools

are provided as I go along.

I am a strong finisher of what I begin.

I have a reputation for completing my tasks and my projects.

I attract people through a positive personality.

I obtain the power I need to succeed through the cooperative efforts of other


I am temperate and disciplined in all of my behavior.

I have a well-defined power of decision. I reach decisions promptly and change them


I overcome my fears by exercising courage, faith, and positive action.

I exercise exactly the right amount of caution—not too much and not too little.

I attract effective associates in business based upon sound success principles. I

choose associates who are intelligent and successful.

I love my vocation. I choose to do only what I really love to do.

I throw myself whole heartedly into my work because I love doing what I do.

I concentrate all of my efforts on one Definite Chief Aim.

I manage my money wisely. I spend less than I earn and I earn more than I spend.

I apply controlled enthusiasm in everything I do.

I maintain an open mind on all subjects and towards all people.

I always cooperate with others in a spirit of harmony.

I acquire my power and wealth through my own intelligence, ability, and effort.

I always deal with other people honestly and ethically.

I am humble and treat other people with courtesy and respect.

I am committed to accurate thinking. I acquire facts in order to make intelligent


I take steps to acquire adequate capital before launching any business. I make wise

financial decisions.

I observe and analyze my behavior objectively and honestly.

When I notice that I am violating one of the principles of success, I take immediate and

decisive action to correct my behavior.

I have a clear understanding of my strengths and weakness. I build on my

strengths and correct or compensate for my weaknesses.

When I negotiate for what I want, I make sure that I deserve it first through my

actions and my performance.

I am now increasing my ability to render useful service and my capacity to induce

others to render such service.

I analyze my performance and progress in writing on a periodic basis.

I am an advancing person.

I review the self-analysis questions in Think and Grow Rich as often as necessary

in order to improve my performance.

I am marketing my general service to my best advantage.

I am an excellent judge of the capabilities of other people.

I am free to create my own opportunities.

I am surrounded with opportunities. I have the freedom to accumulate all of the wealth

I desire.

I am highly organized and intelligent. I am planning the ways and means of using

money efficiently for the good of others and profitably for myself.

Because I provide useful service to others. I put myself in the way of great riches.

I now recognize and adapt myself to the system that leads to the accumulation of


I am now accumulating riches by rendering useful service to lots and lots of people.

I determine the amount of money I desire to earn and then I provide an equivalent

value of service in order to attract it.

I am creating the riches I desire according to universal law.

I am developing the superior talent, training, and experience I need to

accumulate the large amounts of riches I desire.

I am setting my Definiteness of Purpose, creating my plan and putting my plan into

action with unstoppable persistence.

I am adapting myself to the law of economics. I give before expecting to


1. Save this PowerPoint to a new file.

2. Copy the Power Affirmations that you want to focus on to that file.

3. Review those slides at least 2-3 times per day—preferably once in the morning when you get up and once in the evening when you go to sleep.

4. For the affirmations that are the most meaningful to you, I recommend you memorizethem. While that can happen automatically as the result of reviewing them regularly, you will accelerate the process with a little extra effort.

The result of memorizing an affirmation, quote, or passage is to pass the information on to your subconscious mind. This is why we are instructed to memorize definitions, multiplication tables, etc., in school.

Review and listen to the affirmations regularly for at least 30 days. The purpose of these slides and other tools is to help you concisely articulate your self-talk for the purpose of conditioning your subconscious mind for taking positive action.

Only action completes the success cycle. Affirmations, visualization, goal setting, by themselves create nothing. To achieve success, you must add efficient and effective action. Faith without deeds is dead.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at any time at

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