thesis improving the students’ writing skill by …...thesis improving the students’ writing...

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(A Classroom Action Research in the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 2 Barat

Magetan in the 2011/2012 Academic Year)

By :


NIM. S891008030






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This is to certify that I myself write this thesis entitled


CARDS (A classroom Action Research in the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 2

Barat Magetan in the 2011/2012 Academic Year)”. It is not plagiarism or made by

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Surakarta, May 2012

Faridatul Hikmah

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ABSTRACT FARIDATUL HIKMAH. Improving Students’ Writing Skill by Using Cue Cards (A Classroom Action Research in the Eighth Grade of SMPN 2 Barat, Magetan in the 2011/2012 Academic Year). Thesis. Surakarta. English Education, Graduate School, Sebelas Maret University, 2012.

This thesis is aimed at knowing whether cue card media can improve students’ writing skill or not, and the strengths and weaknesses of using cue card when it is implemented to teach writing. The preliminary research showed that the students had problems in writing elements: idea/content, organization, vocabulary, grammar, and mechanics. They also did not know the process of writing.

The research was done in SMP Negeri 2 Barat, Magetan from November 2011-Februari 2012. The subject of the study was the students of the VIII A of SMP Negeri 2 Barat, Magetan, consisting of 30 students. It was a Classroom Action Research. The researcher did some steps for each cycle. They were planning, action, observation, and reflection. In collecting the data, the researcher applied several techniques including observation, interview, questionnaire, and test. The quantitative data were analyzed by using descriptive statistic. It compared between the scores of pre-test (before implementing cue card) and post-test (after implementing cue card), while the qualitative data were analyzed by using Constant Comparative Method which consists of four steps, namely: (1) comparing incidents to each category; (2) integrating categories and their properties; (3) delimiting theory; and (4) writing the theory.

The research findings are described in line with the problem statements as follows: first, by using cue card media, the students’ writing skill improves. This is proved by the significant increase of the mean score of pre-test, post-test cycle 1, and post-test cycle 2. The second, there are strengths and weaknesses. The strengths are: (1) there were improvements of students’ mean score in each component of writing who got score above KKM; and (2) there were improvements of class situation, namely: improvement of students’ motivation, interest, and creativity. Besides, the weaknesses are: (1) the students have to spend long time to make this media; and (2) the students were crowded while implementing the cue card in writing process, because they like to speak about their idol in cue card.

Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that the use of cue card improves students’ writing skill and class condition. Therefore, it is recommended that the teachers use cue card media in teaching writing.

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Let your past

make you better not bitter

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This Thesis is dedicated to:

My beloved husband in my loving memory My beloved parents My brothers and sisters

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First of all, the writer would like to express her praise and gratitude to

Allah SWT, who has given her strength, patience, and perseverance to finish this

thesis, as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Graduate Degree of

Education in English.

In doing this work, the writer realizes that she is unable to finish it without

contributions, helps, suggestions, and comments from many people. She is greatly

indebted to them. Therefore, in this opportunity she would like to express her

gratitude to:

1. The Director of Graduate School of Sebelas Maret University for permission to

write this thesis.

2. The Head of the English Education Department, Graduate School of Sebelas

Maret University who has suggested and guided the writer to do this thesis


3. The writer’s sincere gratitude is addressed to her honorable consultants, Dr.

Ngadiso, M.Pd and Drs. Martono, M.A, for their patience, time, suggestion,

attention, and correction so that the writer could finish her thesis.

4. The headmaster of SMPN 2 Barat, Magetan, Dra. Sri Mulyati M.Pd, who has

given permission to conduct the research at that school.

5. All teachers of SMPN 2 Barat, Magetan.

6. Last but by no means least, she wished to thank all families and friends. Their

invisible but invaluable trivial support, sweet moments, companion and

cooperation really help the writer to finish this thesis.

Finally, the researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being

perfect, so many constructing criticism and suggestion are welcome. She hopes

that the research give positive contribution to the development of education. May

God always bless us and lead us in her right path. Amien.

The researcher

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TITLE .......................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL................................................................................................. ii

LEGALIZATION ........................................................................................ iii

PRONOUNCEMENT . ................................................................................ iv

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................ v

MOTTO ...................................................................................................... vi

DEDICATION ............................................................................................ vii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................ viii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................. ix

LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................... xi

LIST OF PICTURES ................................................................................... xii

LIST OF CHARTS ...................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF APPENDICES .............................................................................. xiv


A. Background of Study ................................................. 1

B. Problem Formulation ................................................. 7

C. Objective of the Study ............................................... 7

D. Benefit of the Study ................................................... 8


A. Theoretical Description .............................................. 9

1. Writing .................................................................. 9

a. Definition of Writing ........................................ 9

b. Micro and Macro skill ...................................... 11

c. The Purpose of Writing .................................... 12

d. Descriptive Writing .......................................... 14

e. Writing Process ................................................ 16

2. Teaching Writing ................................................... 20

a. The Meaning of Teaching Writing ................... 20

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b. Teaching Writing Using Media ........................ 21

3. Cue Cards .............................................................. 23

a. The Definition of Cue-Card .............................. 23

b. Cue Cards in Teaching Writing ........................ 24

c. . The Steps of Using Cue Card............................. 26

d. Advantages of Using Cue Cards ....................... 29

e. Disadvantages ................................................... 31

B. Review of Related study . ........................................... 31

C. Rationale .................................................................... 34

D. Hypothesis .................................................................. 37


A. Place and Time of Research ........................................ 38

B. Research Method ....................................................... 39

C. Procedure of the Research ......................................... 39

D. Data Collecting Technique ........................................ 43

E. Data Analysis Technique ........................................... 48


A. Research Finding ....................................................... 50

1. Introduction ........................................................... 50

2. Implemention of the Research ............................... 52

a. Cycle 1 .............................................................. 52

b. Cycle 2 .............................................................. 74

B. Discussion .................................................................. 104


A. Conclussion ................................................................ 111

B. Implication ................................................................. 112

C. Suggestion .................................................................. 113

REFERENCES ......................................................................................... 115

APPENDICES .......................................................................................... 117

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Table 2.1

Table 3.1

Table 3.2

Table 3.3

Table 3.4

Table 3.5

Table 4.1

Table 4.2

Table 4.3

Table 4.4

Table 4.5

Table 4.6

Table 4.7

The Writing Process

Try Out of Readability

The Result of Readability Try Out

The Score of the Second Try Out of Readability

Writing Rubric

The Description of Writing Traits

Average of Writing Component in Pre-test

Computation Passing Grade in Pre-test

Result of Statistical Account of Point Score in Cycle 1

The Result of Statistical Account of Point Score Cycle 1

The Result of Statistical Account of Students Score

Passing Grade Cycle 1

Average of Writing Components in Pre-test, Cycle I and

Cycle 2

Computation of Passing Grade














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Picture 4.1 Students’ Cue Card About Famous Singer ................................... 55

Picture 4.2 Cue card of Students’ Outline ..................................................... 57

Picture 4.3 Cue card of students’ worksheet . ................................................. 58

Picture 4.4 Students Cue Card About Famous Footballer .............................. 61

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Chart 4.1 The improvement of idea/ content score ....................................... 94

Chart 4.2 The Improvement of Organization Score ...................................... 95

Chart 4.3 The Improvement of Vocabulary Score ....................................... 96

Chart 4.4 The Improvement of Grammar Score ........................................... 96

Chart 4.5 The Improvement of Mechanics Score ......................................... 97

Chart 4.6 The Result of Statistical Account Point Score .............................. 98

Chart 4.7 The Score Under 75 From Pre-test Until Cycle 2 ......................... 99

Chart 4.8 The Average of Writing Mean Score in Pre-test, Cycle I,

and Cycle 2................................................................................... 101

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Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Appendix 5

Appendix 6

Appendix 7

Appendix 8

Appendix 9

Appendix 10

Appendix 11

Appendix 12

Appendix 13

Appendix 14

Appendix 15

Appendix 16

Appendix 17

Appendix 18

Appendix 19

Appendix 20

Appendix 21

Appendix 22

Appendix 23

Appendix 24

Appendix 25

Appendix 26

Appendix 27

Pre-test score from researcher .......................................

Pre-test score from collaborator ....................................

The Interater of Average score pre-test .........................

Hasil Wawancara dengan Guru ..................................

Hasil Wawancara dengan siswa ....................................

The score of Preliminary Questionnaire .......................

Questionnaire of Students score on writing ...................

Hasil Questionnaire dari Preliminary Observation ........

Blue Print of Pre-test .....................................................

Test Item of Preliminary ................................................

Readability Test 1...........................................................

Hasil Try Out Readability 1...........................................

Readability Test 2 ..........................................................

Hasil Try Out Readability 2 ..........................................

RPP Siklus 1 .................................................................

Students’ work sheet .....................................................

Field note 1 ....................................................................

Blue Print of Cycle 1 .....................................................

Post-Test Item of Cycle 1 ..............................................

Writing Score of Cycle 1 from Researcher ...................

Writing Score of Cycle 1 from collaborator ..................

The Inte Rater of Score Writing Cycle 1 .......................

Haasil wawancara setelah treatment ..............................

Questionnaire siswa dalam pembelajaran

menggunakan Cue Cards ..............................................

Hasil questionaire siklus 1 .............................................

The score of questionnaire cycle 1 ................................

Students’ works 1 ..........................................................




























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Appendix 28

Appendix 29

Appendix 30

Appendix 31

Appendix 32

Appendix 33

Appendix 34

Appendix 35

Appendix 36

RPP Siklus 2 ..................................................................

Blue Print of Cycle 2 .....................................................

Post-test Item of Cycle 2 ...............................................

Writing score of cycle 2 from researcher ......................

Writing score of cycle 2 from collaborator ...................

The inter rater of average score cycle 2 .........................

Field note 2.....................................................................

Students’ works 2 ..........................................................

Documentation ..............................................................










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A. Background of the Study

The expansion of communication, information, and technologies lead

people to join the global era where there are many necessities of high

qualification and skill related to the ability in using some foreign languages.

As one of international languages, English has important role in

communicating from one country to others in the world. The importance can

be seen in all aspects of life such as bussiness, tourism, education, industry,

and politics. English can be said as key in entering the modern era, because

there are millions written works both in form of books and electronics media

published in English.

In Indonesia, English as the first foreign language is taught at school

from primary school level to university level. It shows that English has an

important role for learner to communicate in their daily life in globalization

era and develop their communication. English Curriculum 2004 for SMP/MTS

states that learning English is aimed at developing students’ competence to

communicate in English both spoken and written form. It means that to

develop students’ communicative competence there are four basic skills. They

are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It can be defined into two groups.

The first is receptive skill and the second is productive skill. Receptive skills

are listening and reading. Productive skills are speaking and writing.

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Writing is a means of communication when the other person is not

right here in front of us. Cohen and Reil (1989: 2) state that writing is a

communicative act, a way of sharing observation, information, thoughts, or

ideas with ourselves and others. Writing is usually directed to others for

specific purpose. For students, it can provide the opportunity to express

themselves through written form. Writing can also develop the writer’s

understanding of an issue by organizing their ideas.

Writing skill is very important. It is productive activity by which one

can deliver his/her ideas to other in a written form. We can imagine if there is

no one who writes, how the language learning will run. There will be no

reading text or books, and other written products to be read and learned. The

basic competence of writing which should be mastered by the students in

Junior High School is expressing the meaning by using the step of rhetorical

development accurately in written text in form of narrrative, recount, and

descriptive text. The result of mastering skills is the students are able to write

about their activity in school and their environment, the simple functional

setences, messages, short and simple announcements, greeting cards, and

produce texts of narrative, recounts and descriptive (Depdiknas 2006: 215).

Writing descriptive text is an activity to describe a particular person,

place or thing, Hogue (1996: 20) explains “Descriptive writing is writing

about how something/someone looks and uses space order”. If the students’

ability in descriptive writing is better, it is easier for them to express their

ideas about objects around them. Based on basic competence in Junior High

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School Curriculum, to master descriptive text, it is hoped the students can

express the idea and rhetorical steps in the form of simple descriptive text

using various written language accurately and fluently to interact with

surroundings. It means that the students not only express ideas in the written

form but also organize them into coherent and cohessive form. The sufficient

vocabularies and provided materials of students are very needed. Besides that,

the mastery of good grammar make their writing easy to understand. So, the

students’ writing idealy must cover all elements of writing like: content,

organization, vocabulary, grammar, and mechanics.

Based on the pretest, observation, interview, and questionaire, most of

eighth A grade students of SMPN 2 Barat, find some difficulties (problems) to

write descriptive text. They have difficulty on all aspects of writing, namely:

(1) The students are not able to organize their writing in good organization; (2)

The students can not express their idea at all; (3) The students get difficulty on

selecting appropriate vocabulary; (4) The students are not able to make

sentences grammatically; (5) The students get difficulty on mechanics

(punctuation and spelling).

In addition, during the lesson, students are very passive and have no

courage in giving ideas or asking questions. From the test given before the

research is done, it turns out that they still have serious problem with writing

descriptive text. It arise when the students use a native language into foreign

language. They just translate word by word from Indonesia into English.

Based on the observation and pretest conducted, it is found that the students’

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writing ability is still low. The students write essay with ungrammatical

sentences, and their ideas move away from the topic. They often make

mistakes in using modifiers, word choices, and punctuation. They still fail in

writing and have difficulty in grammar. And based on interview, most of the

students answer that writing is difficult. They get difficulties in making

grammatical sentences, word orders, and choosing appropriate words.

There are factors why students get difficulties in writing descriptive

text. These factors are from the students, the teacher, and the class. The

students factors are: (1) they do not understand about descriptive text; (2) they

lack of imagination to expres some ideas in writing; (3) most of students have

low motivation in writing; and (4) most of them come from the family who are

not well-educated. Most of their parents are manual labourers, farmhands,

house maids, etc.

Then, the teachers’ factors are: (1) methods and strategies are not

appropriate; (2) the media are not various. The teacher usually implements the

subject by using a translation technique. It cannot improve the students’

motivation . This condition leads to the students’ boredom in joining a writing

activity; and (3) The teacher do not consider that writing is a complex skill in

which it needs time for revising the content, grammar, and mechanics.

The last factor is the class. This is the impact of the first and the

second factor. The common complaint are: (1) The class activity is boring.

Most of students are not interested in learning writing because it is time

consuming to do it. Those facts indicate that writing is indeed, not favorite

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subject; (2) The class is narrow and near the railway station. The trains often

come and go everytime. The crowded situation can disturb the students’

learning activity, and influence their motivation. It can be concluded that if

the students writing skill is not good and the teachers method is not

appropriate, the teaching learning process will not be successful. So the class

will be boring and not interesting.

In accordance with the importance and complexity in the teaching of

writing, the teachers have to able to encourage and facilitate students to write

as well as to decrease their barriers in writing. To overcome this problem,

teachers can vary their teaching by using various techniques that are able to

attract, motivate, and help the students in the writing activity. The techniques

used must be applicable and interesting. The teacher can teach by using media.

The use of the media should be suited with the writing material given. The

good designed media can stimulate mind, feeling, attention, and willingness of

the students.

There are many kinds of media. One of them is cue cards. It provides

shared experience for students in the class and leads to a variety of language

activities. Wright (1989: 120) says that a picture plays an enormous part in

affecting people and giving information. Cue Card has many advantages when

it is implemented in writing text: a descriptive text. The advantages are as

follows: (1) It enables the students to generate the words needed in writing

descriptive text; (2) It is a media for the students to express their ideas; (3) It

can stimulate mind, feeling, attention, and willingness of the students.

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The researcher uses cue cards because it can help students generate

ideas and organize them as well. Cue card provides an opportunity for non

verbal response, it means that the students can predict what is the kind of the

text type and recognize the meaning more quickly, so the cue card will be

clearly, authentically and be easy to illustrate the general idea and forms of an

object. The result of these, hopefully the students can write coherent,

contextual, and acceptable sentences into paragraph based on their

experiences, and ideas.

Cue card is a useful media for the students to give not only a

brainstorming but also one of the media to arise the students’ imagination on

selecting appropriate vocabulary. It expresses by selecting a certain word

(vocab), a sentence then construct it into a paragraph. Cue card is also used in

recombination practice by giving questions and answer works, substitution,

and transformations that the students must adapt the basic sentence pattern.

Essentially, the activities challenge the students to remember and to

manipulate the language forms correctly. It is hope to help the students can

write grammatically sentences, spelling, and punctuation.

In addition, cue card is used to describe of an objects, person, places,

or things by completing name, characteristic, capability, activity, of them.

Essentially, this activity to lead the students to write sentences into paragraph

based on the process of writing; planning, drafting, and preparing go to public.

Furthermore, cue cards seems to be the media which can help to solve the

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problem of generating ideas (the content), vocabulary, grammar, organization,

and mechanics (spelling and punctuation).

In this study, it is specified only to improve the eighth A grade

students’ skill in writing descriptive text by using cue cards at SMPN 2 Barat

in the Academic Year of 2011/2012. Hopefully, this teaching media can be

useful for teaching writing descriptive text of English for Junior High School.

B. Problem Formulation

From the background above, the statement of problems are:

1. Can cue cards improve the students’ skill in writing descriptive text

2. What are the strengths and the weaknesses of cue cards used as a media to

improve the student’s skill in writing descriptive text of the eight-year

students SMP Negeri 2 Barat?

C. Objective of the study

Based on the problem statement above, the objective of the study are:

1. To know whether cue cards can improve the students’ skill in writing

descriptive text.

2. To know the strengths and weaknesses of cue cards used as a media to

improve the students’ skill in writing descriptive text of the eight year

student SMP Negeri 2 Barat

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D. Benefit of Study

The benefits of the study are:

1. For the researcher

The researcher can enhance the teaching learning process and use

the result of the study in teaching learning process

2. For the teacher

The result of the research will help the English Teacher of Junior

High school to select the most appropriate media to arouse the students’

motivation and interest in teaching writing.

3. For the students

It can motivate the students to study English writing more joyfully

by using cue cards.

4. For the other researcher

The other researcher can get information and develop the research

based on the result and use it as one of references for next study.

5. For the school

It is expected this research will give information and reference to

the school about one of English teaching media.

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In this chapter, the writer discusses: (1) theoretical description underlying

the research; (2) rationale of cue cards media in teaching learning; and (3)

hypothesis of the research.

A. Thoretical Description

1. Writing

a. Definition of Writing

Writing is a means of communicating ideas and information. It uses mark

that people see and understand. It is important to learn how to think critically and

creatively. It improves a person’s ability to think concisely and clearly. Daniels in

Ager (2008: 1) states that writing is used to represent or express the ideas or

feelings in such a way that it can be recovered more completely of a system of

more or less permanent symbols. Furthermore, Cohen and Reil (1989: 3) defines

writing as a communicative act, a way of sharing observation, information,

thoughts, or ideas with ourselves and others. Writing is usually directed to others

for a specific purpose. For students, it can provide the opportunity to express

themselves through a written form. Writing can also develop the writer’s

understanding of an issue by organizing ideas on a piece of paper.

In supporting definitions of writing, Sutanto, et al. (2007: 1) state that

writing is a process of express ideas or thoughts in words. He says that we cannot

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do something or expressing the ideas or feeling in words or in sentences while we

are getting some interventions.

A writer should a master the aspects of writing. Dealing with the aspects

of writing, Hughes (1996: 91) mention five aspects of writing; they are (1)

grammar, (2) vocabulary, (3) mechanics, (4) fluency, and (5) form. BNSP states

that writing should involve the following four aspects, they are: (1) generic

structure (organization), (2) developing ideas, (3) accuracy (grammar and

vocabulary), and (4) mechanics (spelling and punctuation). Brown (2003: 244)

also has scale for rating composition (writing), they are: (1) organization

(introduction, body, and conclussion), (2) logical development of ideas (content),

(3) punctuation, spelling and mechanics, (4) style and quality expression

(vocabulary, variety of structure, word choice).

According to Nunan (1991: 7), successful writing involves mastering the

mechanics of letter formation and obeying conventions of spelling and

punctuation; using the grammatical system to convey one’s intended meaning;

organizing content at the level of the paragraph and the complete text to reflect

given/new information and topic/comment structures; polishing and revising one’s

initial efforts; selecting an appropriate style for one’s audience.

Based on the definition above, it can be concluded that writing is process

of communication to express ideas or feelings in words or sentences of language

system, which involves five dimensions, namely: content, organization,

vocabulary, grammar and mechanics.

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b. Micro and Macro skill of Writing

Micro-skills are parts of academic writing that focus on working at the

sentence and paragraph level. It applies more appropriately to immitative and

intensive types of writing task. The macro-skills are essential for the successful

mastery of responsive and extensive writing. It focuses on working at the

section and whole text level.

There are six micro and micro skills presented by Brown (2004: 221)


1) Micro-skills

a) Produce grapheme and orthographic patterns of English

b) Produce writing at an efficient rate of speed to suit the purpose

c) Produce an acceptable core of words and use appropriate word order


d) Use acceptable grammatical systems (eg, tense, agreement,

pluralization), patterns and rules

e) Express a particular meaning in different grammatical forms

f) Use cohessive devices in written discourses

2) Macro-skills

a) Use the rhetorical forms and conventions of written discourse

b) Appropriately accomplish the communicative functions of written text

according to form and purpose

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c) Convey links and connections between events, and communicative such

relation as main idea, supporting idea, new information, given

information, generalization, and exemplification

d) Distinguish between literal and implied meaning when writing

e) Correctly convey culturally specific references in the context of the

written text

f) Develop and use a battery of writting strategies, such as accurately

assessing the audience’s interpretation, using prewriting devices, writing

with fluency in the first drafts, using paraphrases and synonyms,

soliciting peer and instructor feedback, and using feedback for revising

and editing.

c. The Purpose of Writing

Thinking about purposes of writing, a writer should think as follows:

1) To express ideas

A writer expresses her feeling, expressions, personality, likes, and dislikes in

his writing in order to make readers understand something within the


2) To provide information

It means to give information and explain it. This purpose is to focus on the

materials being discussed.

3) To persuade readers

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It means to convince readers about a matter of an opinion. This also focuses

on the readers’ point of view.

4) To create literary work

It means that a work which is based on one’s point of view (opinion, attitude,

and observation) of other matters occurring in one’s environment.

Interaction through the written massage is the goal of writing. Motivating

the students to write is challenging task for the teacher. Student’s attitude vary

widely in writing. As quoted by Hernowo (2004: 49), temperely mentions that

some need considerable help in developing a smooth and effective operation;

others seem intuitively to take off and create interesting patterns of their own. If

students are to write spontaneously, opportunities to acquire confidence in writing

must be provided to them.

When the receiver of the communication is not physically present, writing

is used. Except professional people like writers, lawyers, teachers, etc., others

have very view occassion to resort to this mode of communication. Writing also

fulfills a pedagogic purpose in second language teaching. It is used to fix the

sructure and vocabulary already learnt. A student who learns to write English is

not only to cope the mechanical problems connected with the script of the

language but also with the problem of ease and fluency of expression, of

grammatical and lexical accuracy and of the appropriateness of the style of

writing as demanded by the occasion or situation.

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d. Descriptive Writing

Description is designed to describe a particular person, place, or thing.

Descriptive Writing is writing which represents or describes of people, places,

things, moments and brief theories, powerfull and detail images in the mind to

help the reader create the mental picture of what is being written about

(Everett, 1997: 1). Based on the statement above, descriptive writing wants to say

and write about someone or something clearly and accurately, so others will be

easy to understand what we have written. The writer could complete the writing

by giving illustrations and some techniques which make the description more

clearly and accurately to comprehend and understand deeply.

Futhermore, Team (2006: 53) says that describing is like painting a

picture with words so that our listener or reader has a picture in their mind about

the particular thing described. Ahmad (2009: 1) says that descriptive text is a text

which lists the characteristics of something.

According to all aspects of writing, such as: ideas organization,

vocabulary, organizing information, grammatical sentences, punctuation, spelling,

and mechanics, the teacher should consider about something before teaching of

writing description, namely: (1) thinking the ideas or focusing of a particular

situation, event, and fact in general to describe; (2) why this particular instance is

important; (3) describing its characteristics, part, or qualities; (4) where the object

is located; (5) the condition of place; (6) using senses to describe the particular

thing, tastes, looks like, sounds, feels, smells, etc; (7) the writer’s aim to readers,

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(8) using descriptive words: adjective and adverbs. (Team, 2006: 53 and Everett,

1997: 1)

There are some ideas, which can help the teachers and the students to

apply, interpret, or create the descriptive text. These are: (1) writing a descriptive

text based on the picture; (2) getting data by interviewing someone; (3) observing

an object; (4) making a picture based on a descriptive text; (5) making an

imaginary creature and writing the description; (6) comparing, then contrasting

(or vice versa); (7) first doing one idea, then doing the other (Cogdill 2007: 1-3).

Moreover, one of ideas to create a descriptive text is the students write it

based on the picture. The students gets ideas to complete the outline about the

name of objects or things, definition, and generic structure. Hopefully students

can write a good paragraph and the readers can observe and understand what the

students write in real life situation.

Based on the theories above, it can be concluded that a descriptive text is a

text which gives information about a certain or specific object. Its purpose is to

enable the reader to share the writer’s sensual impressions of the subject.

So, from the explanations above it can be concluded that writing skill is a

skill of communicating ideas through written symbols by organizing ideas based

on the rules of language system to convey meaning so that others can understand

the message of writer. These skills include the following abilities: (1) ability to

express ideas, (2) ability to write good organization, (3) ability to select

appropriate vocabulary, (4) ability to write sentences grammatically, and (5)

ability to use the right mechanics.

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e. Writing Process

The writing process is intended to provide a step-by-step model for

writing. According to Glass (2005: 181), there are six steps/stages in writing

process, such as: prewriting, drafting, self-review and peer review, revising,

editing, and publishing.

Oshima and Hogue (1999: 3) say that there are five stages in writing

process, namely: prewriting, planning, writing, revising draft, and writing the final

copy to hand in. Furthermore, Harris (1993: 46) states that there are three steps in

writing process, namely: assembling strategies, creating and developing the text,

and editing.

Table 2.1. The Writing Process

Stages of the writing process Classroom activities 1. Assembling strategies Listing questions

Brain storming Research (including reading and note-making) Diagrams Planning (using grids and planning sheet) Considering text type, purpose and readership)

2. Creating and developing the text Drafting using ‘cut and paste’ technique for revising text

Provisional responses from readers (teacher and response-partners)

Reconsidering text type, purpose and readership 3. Editing Making a final draft

Careful reading/proof-reading of text Publication

Based on the theories above, it can be concluded that in the writing

process there are three stages, namely: prewriting ( motivation and setting goals),

writing (generating ideas, organizing informations, selecting appropriate

language, and making draft), post writing (revising and editing).

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1) Prewriting

Prewriting is the first step in the writing process. It is important for the

students to explore ideas for writing topics using a variety of prewriting strategies,

such as: brainstorming, interviewing a person related to the topics, engaging in

peer or teacher-student discussions and conferencess, free writing, viewing media

( pictures, movies, and television), and listing questions (who, what, where, when

and why). In this initial step, teachers set the stage for students to write by helping

them stimulate ideas. Ideally teachers will have consulted their content standards

to guide them in their expectations for the overarching assignment.

Glass (2005: 182) states there are many ways that the teacher can help the

students to stimulate their ideas, such as the following:

a) Discuss ideas with peers.

b) Draw pictures to generate ideas.

c) Write key thoughts and questions.

d) Interview.

e) Record reactions and observations.

f) Create or complete graphic organizers: story maps, clusters, outlins, and so


g) Group related ideas by categorizing.

h) Take notes.

i) Freewrite.

j) Brainstrom ideas.

k) Surf internet Web sites.

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l) Organize information according to type and purpose of writing.

2) Writing

The next stages of writing process is translating plans and ideas into

provisional text. The steps of writing are:

a) Planning

It is time for the writers/students to decide a topic which consider its

purpose, readers, point of view and writing format to compose a writing product.

They develop an initial plan for the product they will compose. To develop an

initial plan for drafting, students organize the information they have generated

during prewriting.

To do this process, there are some considerations of relating the planning,

namely: (1) purpose, students write to express (ideas, feelings, emotions, and

opinions); (2) audience, students must consider who they are writing for; (3) point

of view, students must deternine from which point of view their ideas will be

expressed; and (4) format, students must determine format and genre. (Ghaith,

2002: 6).

b) Drafting

Drafting allows the writer/student to start with whatever part of the

projected whole comes most easily.In this stage, students are primed for writing a

rough draft. Students begin to determine to include and make initial decisions

about how these ideas will be organized. Students should be well aware of the

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criteria for a given writing assignment. Glass (2005: 182) states that there are

some criteria items for writing assignment, such as: writes with narrow focus,

stays on topic, elaborates and supports central idea, uses organizational scheme,

uses paragraphs to develop separate ideas, writes with attention to audience and

purpose, varies sentence structure, uses sensory words and figurative language,

uses concept words correctly, writes employing proper grammar and conventions.

3) Post Writing

a) Revising

Revising means changing, repairing, deleting, or adding, in order to make

something better than before. Harris (1993: 58) says that revising a draft,

however, is not just a matter of randomly cutting and pasting and making word

changes. The starting point for helping a writer improve his or her text is to act as

a reader. It is important not to impose on the writer but rather to try to understand

the writer’s intentions and try to help fulfil these.

At this point, students have written their rough drafts, have critically

reviewed their own papers, and have obtained comments from peers. This stage

allows students to take a look at what they’ve written and their own and others’

comments and then to revise their papers accordingly. It might mean students

make a significant change by deleting whole paragraphs or something less

instrusive stronger vocabulary where weaker words and phrases once were.

Students may also have opted to revise their papers after the self-review stage,

before their peers review them. Students are wise to look at their papers

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objectively to help make the changes needed to improve their writing. (Glass,

2005: 184)

b) Editing

Harris (1993: 59) states that editing involves the careful checking of the

text to ensure that there are no errors that will impede communication – error

spelling, puntuation, word choice and word order.

In the editing stage of writing process, students need to focus on the

grammar and conventions of writing: Is the spelling correct? Are sentences

gramatically constructed? What about proper punctuation?, etc

c) Publishing

The final stage of the writing process is publishing. Publishing can be done

with a short piece of writing and does not always indicate the completion of a

major writing assignment. The final piece be very neatly written. And the writing

form can be shared with others

2. Teaching Writing

a. The Meaning of Teaching Writing

Teaching writing is a way of conveying messages or just to keep a record

of what is in our mind. Brown (2001: 334) says that teaching writing is like

swimming; if we learn to swim, we need water in swimming pool and a teacher

teaches us how to be professional swimmer. It means that writing is taught if we

are a member of a part of language society and there is someone teaching us.

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To be a good writer, it needs along time and work hard to create words,

sentences, and arrange them in a good paragraph. Writing as communicative

language is not only taught fluently but also accurately. Furthermore, the

responsibility lies on the teacher’s shoulders to enhance the students’ abilities to

express themselves effectifvely.

b. Teaching Writing Using Media

1) The Meaning of Media

Media, the plural of medium, are means of communication. Derived from

the Latin medium (“between”), the term refers to anything that carries information

between a source and a receiver (Smaldino, et al., 2008: 6). Six basic categories

of media are text, audio, visuals, vidio, manipulatives (object), and people. The

purpose of media is to facilitate communication and learning.

Additionally Smaldino, et al (2008: 6) say that a variety of media can

make students’ learning more realistic and engaging. Moreover, media in

communication are used to store and deliver data or information. In line with

statement above, media are material that hold data in any forms or that allow data

to pass through them, including paper, transparencies, multypart forms, hard,

floppy and optical disc, magnetic tape, wire, cable and fiber. Therefore, using

media in teaching writing is good to stimulate the students to be active during the

teaching and learning process.

Based on the theories above, it can be concluded that media are tools or

means of communication and source of information not only by digital forms but

also traditional forms.

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a) Teaching and Learning Using Media

Driscoll (2000: 11) in Smaldino (2008: 9) defines learning as ”a persisting

change in capability resulting from the learner’s experience and interaction with

the world”.

Furthermore, learning is the development of new knowledge, skills, or

attitudes as an individual interacts with information and the environments. The

learning environment is orchestrated by the teacher and includes the physical

facilities, the academic and emotional atmosphere, and instructional technology.

(Smaldino, 2008: 10). The students can learn anything like watching TV, walking

in the street, observing the nature or objects, surfing the Net, and conversing with

other people in their environment. In psychological atmosphere, we know some

theories of learning like: behaviorist perspective, cocnitivist, perspective and

constructivist perspective.

Based on the description above, it can be concluded that teaching learning

using media is the development of new knowledge, skills, or attitudes as an

individual interaction with information and environments which combines

between understanding of learning styles and multiples intelligences, related

with mastering of using media in teaching learning.

b) Roles of media in learning

Media can serve many roles in learning. When instruction is teacher

teacher-centered, media are used to support the presentation of instruction. On the

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other hand, when instruction is student-centered, students are the primary users of

media (Smaldino, 2008: 11).

A common use of media is for suplementary support during teacher-

centered. For example, the teacher may use a pocket chart to show how the

meaning of a sentence changes when word cards are rearranged. The effectiveness

of media depends on careful planning and selection of the appropriate resources.

Students can use media in a variety of ways to enhance learning. The use

of student-centered activities allows teachers to spend more of their time

diagnosing and correcting students problem, consulting with individual students,

and teaching one-on-one and in small group.

Based on explanation above, it can be concluded that the roles of media in

teaching learning activities can help teacher and students to be more creative.

Indeed, the media make the teaching learning more easily and joyfully.

3. Cue Cards

a. The definition of cue cards

Cue cards are basically cards with small photos or pictures stuck onto the

cards, or flashcards with images (Bazo, 2007: 1). This can be cards in size of 4 x 6

inches (about 10 x 15 cm) with pictures that are smaller than the cards so that

there is a space for short writing or description that can be added to the picture.

Actually, it is a part of picture media for teching learning process in primary

school. Cue cards are known as a note cards, are cards with words written on them

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(Bazo, 2007: 1). Furthermore, Harmer (2001) states that cue cards are cards with

words and pictures on them.

Based on the statement above, cue card is a picture card with short writing,

which helps the students to represent an object that can produce a complete


b. Cue Cards in Teaching Writing

As writing is a difficult skill to master, the presence of teaching aids/media

is usually helpful in the teaching of writing. The teaching media can be used to

explain language meaning and construction, engage the students in the topic, or as

the basic of a whole activity (Harmer, 2001: 134). In teaching writing of

descriptive text, there should be media to motivate the students and to help them

learn more easily. The use of cue cards can be one of the best choices in this case.

Cue cards is a simple picture on a piece of card. The advantages of cue

card are several. It can be fruitful to help students overcome the problem. Wright

(1989: 120) says that things we see play an enermous part in affecting us and in

giving us information. By this statement, cue card as a media can help students

organize information and generate their ideas. Smaldino (2005: 9) defines a

medium (plural,media) as a means of communication and source of information.

It is started by the teacher guides the students to identity the pictures on their card

and ask them to write beside the picture “who” is in the picture. For example: a

great footballer, a famous actrees,etc.

Cue card can help the students to improve their vocabulary. Bazo (2007)

states that utilize flash cards (cue cards) for virtually any subject, they make

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perfect learning tools for memorizing vocabulary to study foreign languages. It

expresses by selecting a certain word (vocab), a sentence then construct it into a


Cue Card has many advantages when it is implemented in writing text: a

descriptive text. The advantages are as follows: (1) It enables the students to

generate the words needed in writing descriptive text; (2) It is a media for the

students to express their ideas; (3) It can stimulate mind, feeling, attention, and

willingness of the students.

The researcher uses cue cards because it can help students generate ideas

and organize them as well. Cue card provides an opportunity for non verbal

response, it means that the students can predict what is the kind of the text type

and recognize the meaning more quickly, so the cue card will be clearly,

authentically and be easy to illustrate the general idea and forms of an object. The

result of these, hopefully the students can write coherent, contextual, and

acceptable sentences into paragraph based on their experiences, and ideas.

Cue card is a useful media for the students to give not only a

brainstorming but also used in recombination practice by giving questions and

answer works, substitution, and transformations that the students must adapt the

basic sentence pattern. Essentially, the activities challenge the students to

remember and to manipulate the language forms correctly. It is hope to help the

students can write grammatically sentences, spelling, and punctuation.

In addition, cue card is used to describe of an objects, person, places, or

things by completing name, characteristic, capability, activity, of them.

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Essentially, this activity to lead the students to write sentences into paragraph

based on the process of writing; planning, drafting, and preparing go to public.

Furthermore, cue cards seems to be the media which can help to solve the

problem of generating ideas (the content), vocabulary, grammar, organization, and

mechanics (spelling and punctuation).

From the statement above, it can be concluded that cue card is a media to

motivate the students and help them to overcome the problem of all writing


c. The steps of using cue cards

In teaching writing descrptive text by using cue cards, it can be done from

the pre-writing, writing, and post-writing stage. It will be explained further in the

steps below:

1) Preparation:

Before the lesson begins, the teacher prepares the cards in size of 4 x 6

inches (about 10 x 15 cm) and something such as glue or double-tape to stick the

pictures on the cards, while the students prepare the pictures of famous people.

Each student has to bring three pictures in which one of those pictures will be

chosen by the teacher to be used. The preparation is followed by the teacher and

the students. They can work together in preparing teaching material and/or

teaching aid (Bazo, 2007: 1).

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher gives each student a card

and chooses one of the pictures brought by each student. The considerations of

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choosing the right picture are “appeal, relevance, recognition, size, and clarity”

(Betty and Brown, 1991: 5-7)

a) Appeal

The content of the picture to capture the interest and the imagination of the


b) Relevance

The picture should be appropriate for the topics of the lesson. It means that

the picture should be appropriate for the descriptive text.

c) Recognition

The significant features of the picture should be within the students’

knowledge and cultural understanding.

d) Size

Picture intented for cue card can be proportonally smaller than the card

itself. Because there should be a space for the short writing or description

added to the picture.

e) Clarity

A crowded picture can make students confuse and distract. They should be

able to choose one of the suitable one . Strong outlines and contrast of colour are

important in avoiding ambiguity.Then, the students chose the picture and stuck to

their cards.

2) The steps:

a) The teacher guides the students to identify the pictures on their cue cards

and asks them to write beside the picture “who” is in the picture.

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for example: A great footballer, afamous actress, etc.

b) The teacher helps the students to learn the detailed characteristics on the

picture, using the combination between adjectives and nouns (or noun

phrases) such as white skin, sharp nose, black hair, etc. The teacher

explains and gives example first.

In step a) and b) of this procedure, the teacher plays the role as a controller.

Playing this role, the teacher gives the students information, etc

(Harmer, 2001: 58)

c) The students write the detailed characteristics of the picture below the

phrase of “who”. This step is almost similar with one of the

brainstroming techniques in pre-writing: listing. In listing techniques, the

student think about the topic and make a list whatever words or phrases

come into their mind (Oshima and Hogue, 1997: 4).

d) The teacher explains to the students what they have written and give the

language features of descriptive text, i.e spesific nouns (footballer,

actress,etc), adjective (great, famous, etc), and detailed noun phrases

(straight long hair, sharp black eyes, etc). (Depdiknas, 2006: 39).

e) Then, they turn to the generic structures of descriptive text. The students

practice to develop their simple writing on the cue cards into a

descriptive text in their own paper. Then, the students must give the

generic structure of descriptive text . The first paragraph contains the

phrases of “who”, it will be developed into “ introduction/identification”.

Next , the detailed characteristics, will be developed into “description”.

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In this activity, the students start the writing stage of the writing process

where they arrange, organize, and design their ideas ( Malley And Pierce,

1996: 139).

f) When the students finish their writing, they are asked to work in pairs,

and change their cue cards and their writing with their partner. They have

to check their partner’s writing and discuss it. After that, make a

correction if there are mistakes. It this step, the students are in the post-

writing stage of the writing process where they share their writing with

others (O’Malley and Pierce, 1996: 138)

d. Advantanges of Using Cue Cards

Cue cards, as a medium of teaching writing, have many advantanges.

These are two main advantages of using cue cards:

1) The use of picture on the cue card can motivate the students.

Motivation is some kind of internal drive which pushes someone to do

things in order to achieve something (Harmer, 2001: 51). It means that the

student must have motivation that makes them interested and encouraged to

achieve what they are supposed to achieve in the teaching-learning process.

Without motivation, the students are not able to follow the teaching learning

process. Consequently, they will find difficulties to achieve what they are

supposed to achieve.

Motivation is essential things to reach success: without motivation

someone will almost certainly fail to make the necessary effort (Harmer, 2001:

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51). To help the students succeed in their learning, they must have high

motivation. Besides, the amount of attention given by the students will depend

largely on their motivation (Abbott, et al., 1981: 15). If the students have lack of

motivation, the teacher has to give solution in teaching learning process to arise

students’ motivation.

It is the duty of the teacher to motivate the students, because the teacher is

one of the sources of students’ motivation Harmer (2001: 52). By exploring the

picture stuck on the cards, the teacher can make a link between what the students

learn and interests, thoughts, and experiences, that they can see in the picture.

Harmer (2001: 134) states that cue cards with the picture on it can be used to

encourage the students to respond it.

2) Cue cards are simple, easy to produce and use.

Traditionally, the teacher has been considered the only person who has to

make or provide the material and/or teaching aids to use in the class (Bazo, 2007:

1). However, actually the students can be involved in choosing and making

teaching materials/aids. Both the teacher and the students can work together to

make the cue cards. For example: the teacher prepares the cards and something

such as glue or double-tape to stick the pictures on the cards, while the students

are asked to prepare the picture based on the topic of the lesson. It will make the

students more interested in the teaching learning process.

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e. Disadvantages

Disadvantage is something that makes someone or something less

effective, successful, or attractive. In other word, disadvantage is a bad features of


Bazo (2007: 1) says that in order to prepare cue cards in class, ask the

pupils in plenty of time to look for small pictures from magazines related with the

particular topics you are going to work.

Traditionally the teacher is the only person who must make or provide

materials for use in class. However, teaching materials can also be made by the

students themselves as a class activity with the teacher’s help.

From the explanation above, it means that to make a cue card need much

time to prepare it. It is less effective if cue card used in direct activity without


B. Review of Related Study

This section consists of 6 articles that researcher has collected through any

journals related to the use of Cue card media in language learning.

A research done by Eka (2007). She conducts a classroom action research

entitled “The Use of Cue Cards in Teaching Spoken Descriptive Text.” The

subjects of this research are the eighth grade students of SMP 13 Semarang in the

academic year of 2006/2007. The aim of the study is describe the process of

teaching and learning spoken descriptive by using cue cards and to find out the

improvement of students’ achievement in using cue card as the teaching media.

The result of the study shows that using cue cards as teaching media improves the

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average of the students’ speaking ability by 18.4 point, including students’

fluency (31.3 point), pronounciation (25.3 point), but unfortunately the grammar

aspect do not improve (-1.3 point).

Another study comes from Yuliani (2010). She carries out the study

entitled “ The Use of Cue Card in Teaching Spoken Descriptive Text.” It is aimed

to introduce cue cards media to the teacher as solution of the problems of teaching

learning process. Based on the reseach findings the researcher concluded that cue

cards as media can solve the problem on students’ spoken descriptive text. The

result of the study shows that using cue card as a teaching media improved the

average of the students’ speaking score. And she suggests that the use of cue cards

as teaching media can solve speaking difficulties, such as clustering, redundancy,

and reduced forms.

Sunarti conducts a research in 2010. She find that the use of cue cards can

improve the students’ writing ability of descriptive text. From the result known

that cue card is effective for improving ability on writing descriptive text. It

proved by the increasing of scoring rate. She also reports that applying cue cards

can help students to organize the text in good organization. The benefits of the cue

card is develop the motivation and confidence of the students in learning

vocabulary. The cue card also changes the students become more creative

through learning by doing.

Desti (2007) writes a research entitled “Teaching Vocabulary of Irregular

English Verbs by Using Cue Cards.” From the research finding it can be

concluded that cue cards can improve the students’ intelligence in acquiring

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vocabularies. She reports the application of cue cards that can give a new

paradigm for the students in fun and enjoy way.. It also helps the students to

understand, recall, and spell easily. Based on the result of the research, she find

that teaching vocabulary on irregular English verb by using Cue cards influenced


Morella (2008) in his article entitled “Using Cue Cards with Young

learners” concluded that: first, cue cards as teaching media can exploit the visual

and kinesthetic intelligence; second, cue cards can help students memorizing

vocabulary; and third, the use of cue cards contributes the attainment and

development of language learning process. Then, he suggests the teacher must

take advantage of the great variety of material and resources for teaching English,

such as cue cards, because cue cards is easy to be obtained or created.

Lastly, Cristian (2010), writes about “The Advantages of Cue cards.” He

explaines that students sometimes make mistakes when studying for college

learning too much materials in one time. This can make the learning process can

be overwhelming. Cue cards eliminates extraneous material as they can focus on

only the most important element of what students need to learn. The portability of

cue cards can improve efficiency in learning new material. By taking the cards

everywhere, students can use their time effectively, such as using it while walking

on the treadmill.

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C. Rationale

Writing is one of the four language skills that include listening, speaking,

reading, and writing. It is an activity that combines words to form meaningful

messages that the writer wants to express. For the students, writing seems to be

regarded as the most difficult skill among them. They find difficulties to write a

text, because they still have low ability in writing and feel anxious and frustated to

express idea in the written form and organize ideas into coherent and cohessive


The students have serious problem dealing with writing descriptive text.

They have difficulty on all aspects of writing: ideas organization, content,

selecting appropriate vocabulary, grammatical sentences, punctuation and spelling

(mechanics) in writing.

In addition, during the lesson, students are very passive and have no

courage in giving ideas or asking questions. From the test given before the

research is done, it turns out that they still have serious problem with writing

descriptive text. It arises when the students use a native language into foreign

language. They just translate word by word from Indonesia into English. Based on

the observation and pretest conducted, it is found that the students’ writing ability

is still low. The students write essay with ungrammatical sentences, and their

ideas move away from the topic. They often make mistakes in using modifiers,

word choices, and punctuation. They still fail in writing and have difficulty in

grammar. And based on interview, most of the students answer that writing is

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difficult. They get difficulties in making grammatical sentences, word orders, and

choosing appropriate words.

There are factors why students get difficulties in writing descriptive text.

These factors are from the students, the teacher, and the class. The students factors

are: (1) they do not understand about descriptive text; (2) they have lack

imagination to expres some ideas in writing; (3) most of students have low

motivation in writing; and (4) Most of them come from the family which doesn’t

have educational background. Most of their parents are manual labourers,

farmhands, house maids, etc. Then, the teachers’ factors are: (1) Methods and

strategies are not appropriate; (2) The media are not various. The teacher usually

implements the subject by using a translation techique. It cannot improve the

students’ motivation . This condition leads to the students’ boredom in joining a

writing activity; and (3) The teacher do not consider that writing is a complex skill

in which it needs time for revising the content, grammar, and mechanics. The last

factor is the class. This is the impact of the first and the second factor. The

common complaint are: (1) The class activity is boring. Most of teachers are not

interested in teaching writing because it is time consuming in terms of teaching

preparation and evaluation. Those facts indicate that writing is indeed, not favorite

subject; (2) The class are narrow and near the railway station. The trains often

come and go everytime. The crowded situation can disturb the students’ learning

activity, and influence their motivation.

Using the appropriate media in teaching learning process can arouse

students’ interest to learn how to write a text. Cue cards have kinds of view which

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correspond to the facts, represent the object, and convey predication about a

certain object. It provides shared experience for students in the class and leads to a

variety of language activities. It has many advantages when it is implemented in

writing text: a descriptive text. The advantages are as follows: (1) It enables the

students to generate the words needed in writing descriptive text; (2) It is a media

for the students to express their ideas on; (3) It can stimulate mind, feeling,

attention, and willingness of the students.

The researcher uses cue cards because it can help students generate ideas

and organize them as well. Cue card provides an opportunity for non verbal

response, it means that the students can predict what is the kind of the text type

and recognize the meaning more quickly, so the cue card will be clearly,

authentically and be easy to illustrate the general idea and forms of an object. The

result of these, hopefully the students can write coherent, contextual, and

acceptable sentences into paragraph based on their experiences, and ideas.

Cue card is a useful media for the students to give not only a

brainstorming but also one of the media to arise the students’ imagination on

selecting appropriate vocabulary. It expresses by selecting a certain word (vocab),

a sentence then construct it into a paragraph. Cue card is also used in

recombination practice by giving questions and answer works, substitution, and

transformations that the students must adapt the basic sentence pattern.

Essentially, the activities challenge the students to remember and to manipulate

the language forms correctly. It is hope to help the students can write

grammatically sentences, spelling, and punctuation.

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In addition, cue card is used to describe of an objects, person, places, or

things by completing name, characteristic, capability, activity, of them.

Essentially, this activity to lead the students to write sentences into paragraph

based on the process of writing; planning, drafting, and preparing go to public.

Furthermore, cue cards seems to be the media which can help to solve the

problem of generating ideas (the content), vocabulary, grammar, organization, and

mechanics (spelling and punctuation).

D. Hypothesis

Based on the rationale and exploration of the theories above, it can be

formulated that teaching writing using cue cards can improve the students’ skill in

writing descriptive text, and using cue cards as media makes the teaching writing

more effectively.

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In this chapter, the researcher explains the research methodology

involving: (1) Place and Time of Research; (2) Research Method; (3) Procedure

of the Research; (4) Data Collecting Technique; (5) Data Analysis Technique.

A. Place and Time of Research

1. Place of the Research

The research was conducted in SMP 2 Barat Kabupaten Magetan. It was

located on Jl Raya Tebon, Barat, Magetan. It was the school where the

researcher has been teaching English since 1999. Besides, in this school the

problem of writing is found.

2. Time of Research

The schedule of the research was as follows:

a. Preparing research proposal : July – August 2011

b. Seminar on research proposal : November 2011

c. Conducting research : November – January 2011

d. Writing research report : January 2011 – February 2012

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B. Research Method

In this research the researcher used Classroom Action Research. It was a

method in class in order to improve students learning. It was more systematic

and data base than proposal reflection, but it was more informal and personal

than formal research (Mettetal, 2001: 1). He also said that some steps in the

Classroom Action Research include: (1) asking a question or identify a problem;

(2) reviewing the literature; (3) planning the research strategy; (4) gathering

data; (5) making sense of data; (6) making decission about teaching strategies;

and (7) sharing of finding.

Kemmiss and Taggart (1998) in Hopkins (1993: 48) said that five steps

in the modeling method of the research are: (1) planning; (2) acting: (3)

observing; (4) reflecting; and (5) revising of planing.

The researcher used classroom action research to find the solution of the

problems in preliminary research significantly. The researcher wanted to change

the practice in teaching learning in the classroom. As long as the researcher

taught there, English teacher never used cue card as media in teaching English.

So, the researcher gave the alternative solution by using this media.

C. Procedure of the Research

The researcher presented the procedure of the research as follows:

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1. Preliminary Observation

It was done on July – August 2011. Based on the pretest, observation,

interview, and questionaire, the researcher identified the problems.

Learning problems

The learning problem of the students was writing. There were some

problems such as: (1) students had difficulty in writing paragraph (60.5); (2)

students had difficulty in finding the topic or idea (64.5); (3) students had

difficulty in vocabulary (64); (4) students had difficulty in mechanics, like:

capitalization, punctuation (63.5), and (5) grammar (61). Then, the writer

interviewed and gave questionnaire to the students. The results showed: (1) their

grammar and vocabulary mastery are limited; (2) teachers did not give a model

of writing to write a sentence or paragraph; (3) teacher did not give outlines to

his students to guide them in writing a sentence or paragraph; and (4) there was

no media to support and motivate them in writing.

Problem Formulation

Based on the identification of the problem above, the researcher

summarized that problems that needed to be overcome in the study are:

a. Writing problem according to indicators

1) The students had difficulty in expressing the ideas

2) The students had difficulty in organizing the text

3) The students had difficulty in using vocabulary

4) The students had difficulty in mastering grammar

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5) The students had difficulty in using the right mechanics (spelling and


b. The causes of the problem

· From students

1) The students did not understand about descriptive text

2) The students lack of imagination to express ideas

3) The students had low motivation

· From teacher

1) The teacher’s methods and strategies were not appropriate

2) The teachers did not use a media in teaching learning process

3) The teachers did not consider that writing is a complex skill

· Class condition

1) The class activity was boring

2) The classroom was narrow and noisy

2. Planning

Based on the problem formulation above, the planning were:

a. Setting out the procedures using cue cards in teaching and learning

b. Preparing the lesson plans, hand out, and materials of topic related to the

teaching and learning, here the writer used descriptive text.

c. Preparing some instruments such as interview guide.

d. Preparing of some specific criteria of success to evaluate the result of their


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3. Implementing the plan and observing

Based on the problem above, the researcher applied cue cards media in

teaching writing. The media of cue cards used some stages. The research was a

classroom action research.

In that case, the researcher gave focus only on the descriptive text. The

researcher began to explain the descriptive text, how to develop their vocabulary

to write descriptive text, how to organize the paragraphs, how to make outline,

and how to use mechanics of writing (spelling, and the punctuation). The steps

of the activities were:

a. Giving the modeling of descriptive text to open and explore their knowledge

of the topic and their idea.

b. Developing their vocabulary by identifying the picture on cue card.

c. Constructing the simple sentences by using the appropriate grammar and


d. Making outline based on the cue cards, so the students were easier to

generate idea and arrange the sentences into paragraphs.

e. Asking students to write a draft based on the outline that had been done


f. Discussing about the draft to review it.

4. Reflecting

Then, researcher and the collaborators did reflection to analyze data and

determine whether that activity was successful or unsuccessful. Researcher uses

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test, observation, questionaire, and interview to know the effect of using cue

cards in teaching writing. Then, the researcher examined the strengths and

weaknesses of implementing cue cards media.

The researcher made some notes on the improvement in writing. The

teacher also gave the suggestion on what aspects should be increased, and asked

some students to help each other to make the outlines. And to read some kinds of

texts to get the information related with the topics.

E. Data Collecting Technique

The researcher collects the data using some techniques, they were:

1. Qualitative data

a. Observation

In that research, the observation had been done to cover the process of

implementation of cue cards media in teaching writing. The observation noticed

classroom events and classroom interaction. In that research, the researcher was

a teacher who teaches writing using cue cards media. She was as a direct

observer who observes the activities during the implementation of cue cards

media. The researcher also asked her collaborators to observe the teaching

learning process. Furthermore, collaborator observed, evaluated, and offered

suggestion about the implementation of cue cards media in teaching writing.

b. Interview and Questionnaire

The interview and questionaire had been done to get information from

the students and the collaborator. The information covered their understanding

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of the cue cards media, the implication the students’ writing skill, and the

strengths and weaknesses of the implementation of cue cards media. The

technique or strategy was considered successful if:

1) Students were happy in using cue card media in teaching learning process;

2) Teachers felt that the media can help in teaching learning process;

3) The students were more active and creative in teaching learning process;

4) The students were happy to be able to develop in cooperative studying with

their frieds in teaching learning process;

5) The students had high motivation to study using the media;

6) The students’ skill in writing sentences and paragraphs were better than

before. Here, the researcher’s media was using cue cards to improve the

students’ writing skill.

c. Document Analysis

The document was in the form of students’ portofolio and final product

of writing. By analyzing them, the researcher got information about the students’

progress in writing. Here the researcher analyzed the portofolio in each meeting

of the students to know the improvement of their achievement of their skill in

writing descriptive text based on the cue cards. She analyzed five elements of

writing test; content, organization, words choice, grammar, and mechanics.

2. Quantitative data or test

In study, the researcher used written products of the process of writing to

measure the students’ achievement in writing skill. The researcher gave pre-test

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and post-test to know the students’ writing skill before and after teaching writing

using cue card media. Its aim was to know whether the students’ writing skill

was successfull or not. The researcher applied analytical method in scoring.

In administering a test, it was important to set and determine an

understandable instruction. It was necessary since there had been some cases in

which students failed to do the test due to their ability to understand the given

instruction. Hughes (1989: 39-40) mention some factors to write good

instruction. First, the instruction to be clear and explicit, Second, it should avoid

the supposition that the all students all know what is intended. Third, the test

writer should not rely on students’ power of telephaty to elicit the desire


From the explanation above we know that the test has readability. It

means if the test was tested to some students out of the sample group, they

understood the instruction of the test and they did as they asked to. Thus,

readability was important to set and determine an understandable instruction.

On November 13th 2011 the researcher held the try out of readability to

the students of class VIII F of SMPN 2 Barat Magetan that consists of 30

students. The condition of this class was the same as the sample class. The

instruction was: “Write a descriptive text (about three paragraph) consisting of

definition and description about people’s physical appearances.”

The following table was the statements of readability try out and the

students only answered it by giving thick in the colomn “Ya or Tidak.”

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Table 3.1. Try out of Readability NO PERNYATAAN YA TIDAK

1. Instruksi mudah dipahami dan dimengerti

2. Instruksi dapat dikerjakan dengan baik dan benar

3. Instruksi jelas dan tidak berbelit-belit

4. Instruksi dengan mudah dapat diterima

5. Instruksi cukup sederhana

From the result of try out of readability, the researcher got unsatifactory

result. It can be seen from the the following table:

Table 3.2. The Result of Readability Try Out NO PERNYATAAN YA TIDAK

1. Instruksi mudah dipahami dan dimengerti 22 8

2. Instruksi dapat dikerjakan dengan baik dan benar 16 14

3. Instruksi jelas dan tidak berbelit-belit 20 10

4. Instruksi dengan mudah dapat diterima 19 11

5. Instruksi cukup sederhana 18 12

The first instruction had too long sentence. As the result, it was not good

enough. It was proved from the students’ score in some aspects. The score was

under 75%. Then, the researcher revised the instruction into three sentences.

1. Write a simple descriptive text (about three paragraph).

2. Write the first paragraph as definition.

3. Write second and third paragraph that describe people’s physical appearances

and profession.

After that, the researcher held the second try out of readability to the

students of VIII F of SMPN 2 Barat Magetan. The result can be seen from the

following table:

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Table 3.3. The Score of the Second Try Out of Readability NO PERNYATAAN YA TIDAK

1. Instruksi mudah dipahami dan dimengerti 27 3

2. Instruksi dapat dikerjakan dengan baik dan benar 25 5

3. Instruksi jelas dan tidak berbelit-belit 24 6

4. Instruksi dengan mudah dapat diterima 23 7

5. Instruksi cukup sederhana 23 7

From the table above showed that the score of the second try out of

readability reached 75%. So, it can be said that the second try out was readable.

Then, the reseacher used this instruction to the sample class to do the task.

Table 3.4. Writing Rubric

Trait (indication) 0 1 2 3

Relevance and adequacy of content

Compositional organization

Adequacy of vocabulary for purpose


Mechanical accuracy (punctuation and spelling)

Table 3.5. The Description of Writing Traits

Aspect Score Description

Relevancy and adequacy of content

0 1 2 3

Bear almost no relation to the task Limited relevance to the task Mostly answer to the task Relevant and adequate answer to the task

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Compositional organization

0 1



No apparent organization of the content Very little organization of content. Underlying structure not sufficiently apparent Some organizational skills in evidence, but not adequately controlled Overall shape and internal pattern clear, organizational skills adequatelly controlled

Adequacy of vocabulary for purpose





Vocabulary in adequate even for thr most basic part of intended communication Frequent inadequacies in vocabulary for the task, perhaps frequent lexical inappropriacies and/or repetition Some inadequacies in vocabulary for the task, perhaps some lexical inappropriacies and/or circumlocution Almost no inadequacies in vocabulary for the task. Only rare inappropriacies and/or circumlocution

Grammar 0 1 2 3

Almost all grammatical pattern inaccurate Frequent grammatical inaccurate Some grammatical inaccurate Almost no grammatical inaccurate

Mechanical accuracy (punctuation and spelling)


1 2 3

Ignorance of conventions of punctuation, almost all spelling inaccurate Low standard inaccuracy in punctuation in spelling Some inaccuracy in punctuation and spelling Almost no inaccuracy in punctuation and spelling

F. Data Analysis Technique

1. Quantitative Data

To analyze the quantitative data, the researcher used mean score. It had

been used to know whether there was significant improvement between the

students’ scores before and after being given a treatment. The formula was as


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2. Qualitative Data

In analyzing the qualitative data, the researcher analyzed the

improvement of teaching learning process by using Constant Comparative

Method as suggested by Glaser and Strauss (1980: 105). This method had four

steps, namely: (1) comparing incidents applicable to each category; (2)

integrating categories and their properties; (3) delimiting the theory; and (4)

writing the theory. The following are brief explanation of it:

a. Comparing incidents applicable to each category

The researcher started by coding every incident in her data into as many

categories which had close relationship to the research problem.

b. Integrating categories and their properties

The researcher classified the information which had the same characteristics

into one category and found out the relationship between them.

c. Delimiting theory

After categorizing the information, the researcher analyzed the relationship

from one category to the other categories.

d. Writing the theory

After knowing the relationship among the categories, the researcher could

develop proposition.

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In this chapter, the researcher wants to present research findings which

describe the activities conducted during the implementation of using cue card to

improve the students’ skill. The description are gotten from the teacher’s and

collaborator’s field notes, the result of interview to the students and collaborator,

the result of questionaire, and the result of test.

A. Research Findings

1. Introduction

This research began when the researcher realized that the students had

some problems in English, especially in writing. It was based on the preliminary

interview to them that most of them said that writing is difficult. Knowing it, the

researcher did preliminary observation. It was done on 5th of November 2011 to

students of class VIII A SMP Negeri 2 Barat, Magetan. In that activity, the

researcher asked the students to write descriptive text about the famous people.

They worked individually within the time given.

Based on interview to the students they faced some difficulties in all

aspects of writing namely: ideas/content, organization, vocabulary, grammar, and

mechanics. It was supported by the result of pre-test. And the score of each

element of writing can be seen from the following table:

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Table 4.1. Average of Writing Components in Pre-test

No Components Corrector 1 Corrector 2 Mean 1. Idea/content 64 65 64.5 2. Organization 60 61 60.5 3. Vocabulary 64 64 64 4. Grammar 60 60 60 5. Mechanics 62 60 61 Average 62 62 62

From the table above it can be seen that their average score was 62. The

worst average score was grammar that was only 60. The average score of

organization was 60.5 and followed by mechanics which was 61, and vocabulary

64. The last element was idea/content which have average score 64.5. From the

writing score there were only 20% or 6 students who got writing score above 75.

It means that it could fulfill the passing grade, while other still failed. The students

scores showed that the most difficult element in writing was grammar. Then it

was followed by organization, mechanics, vocabulary, and idea/content.

Table 4.2. Computation Passing Grade in Pre-test

No Explanation Passing Grade

Number of Students Mean

Corrector I Corrector 2 1. 2.

Above Bellow

75 75

7 23

5 25

6 24

There are factors causing the problems, namely: from the students, the

teacher, and the condition of the class. The students’ factors are: (1) the students

did not like writing; (2) the students had lack immagination to express some ideas;

(3) the students had low motivation; and (4) the students did not know how a good

writing should be. It was also supported by the result of questionnaire. It shows

that from 30 students, there are 27 students (90%) who felt that writing was very

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difficult. The data also showed, that more than 80% students did not like writing.

Most of them felt that it was very difficult in making good sentences.

Furthermore, the students admitted that they need long time to make writing.

The teachers’ factors are: (1) the teacher did not use appropriate methods

and strategies; (2) the teacher did not use media; (3) the teacher did not consider

that writing is a complex skill which needs time for revising the content,

organization, vocabulary, grammar, and mechanics.

The condition of class also influences the teaching learning process. From

the interview, the students’ motivation in learning writing and joining the English

class was low. Furthermore, the students were passive, lazy, and noisy. It was also

supported by the location of the classroom was which narrow and near the railway


Dealing with the problems arising in the classroom, the researcher

proposed cue card media as solutation in teaching writing. And in the end of

study, the researcher has targets that students are able to develop their ideas, write

correct grammatical sentences, use appropriate vocabularies, use correct

punctuations and spelling, and organize them into good descriptive text.

2. The Implemention of the Research

a. Cycle 1

This cycle consisted of four steps, they were: planning, acting, observing,

and reflecting. There were four meetings in acting. Each meeting consisted of

three activities, they were pre activity, while activity, and post activity.

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1) Planning

Based on the problem found in stage of research finding, the researcher

and the collaborator to arrange a planning. The researcher and collaborator

decided using cue card as media to improve the students’ skill, especially in

writing descriptive text.

Generally, the researcher arranged general lesson for cue card applied in

the classroom action, the objective, and the planned schedule for cycle 1. There

were four meetings in it. And the activities included the preparation phase of

using cue card and the main phase of using cue card applied in teaching and

learning in the classroom.

The objective of using the preparation phase was to set the procedure of

teaching using cue card. There were two activities done in the phase; 1)

preparing/selecting some pictures to make a cue card based on the topic; and 2)

preparing card and other materials for students to make cue card as students’

hand out.

The next phase in the planning was the main phase of using cue card

applied in teaching and learning in the classroom. This stage was to describe in

detail activities of process implementing using cue card in the action to improve

students’ writing skill in the classroom.

2) Acting

a) First meeting

Preparation phase of using cue card in writing descriptive text was carried

on 15th of November 2011. It was done 10 minutes in the classroom. The teacher

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and collaborator prepared the cards in size of 4x6 inches (about 10x15cm) and

something such as glue or double tape to stick the pictures on the cards, while the

students prepared the pictures of famous people.

(1) Pre Activity

The teacher started the lesson by greeting and checking their attendance

list, asking their condition, and asking them to pray together. Then, she continued

lesson by asking the students wheter they knew or not about the picture on their

own cue card. The students gave their answers differently, “Justin Beiber, Bisma

Kharisma, Sandra Dewi, Avril Lavigne, Ayu Ting-ting, etc”. Although it was

crowded, they could answer who and how they were very familiar for them. After

that the teacher gave the topic about people’s physical appearances.

Ater that, the teacher guided the students to identify the picture on their

cue card and asked them to write beside the picture “who” was in the picture. For

example: a famous singer, a famous actress, etc.

(2) While Activity

Firstly, the teacher played role as a controller by explaining and giving

example to the students about the combination between adjective and nouns (noun

phrase) such as: beautiful face, pointed nose, long hair, blue eyes, etc. Then, the

teacher asked the students to learn the detailed characteristics on their own cue

card and make it a list. In this activity the teacher wanted to improve the students

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vocabulary by identifying the picture on card. Although, they often opened the

dictionary to find some difficult words, they looked so enthusiastic.

Picture 4.1: students’ cue card about famous singer

While the students were making a list, the teacher explained what they had

written. Furthermore, she explained about the language features of descriptive

text, like specific nouns, adjective, and detail noun phrase. The teacher

emphasized that noun phrase is a group of related words that does not contain a

subject and a verb and the function is as noun.

After that, to solve the problem in grammar to write descriptive text the

teacher explained the use of present tense. For the positive sentence, it must added

by s/es, especially third singular person (he, she, it) and the students attended the

class very seriously. Furthermore, the teacher also explained about pronoun and

posessive pronoun which is used in the sentences. For example :

I ------------------------- my

You ------------------------- your

We ------------------------- our

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They ------------------------- their

He ------------------------- His

She ------------------------- Her

It ------------------------- Its

The next step was making outline. The teacher and the students discussed

together to make outline based on their own cue card. The teacher gave example,

and the students make it in their second cue card. So the students could easily use

it as the guidance in writing.

Here were the example:

1. Who is your favourite singer/artist/actrees?

2. Where does she/he live?

3. How old is he/she?

4. How does he/she look like?

5. How is his/her hair, face, eyes, etc?

6. What is his/her hobby?

7. What is his/her favorite food?

8. What about his/her profession?

9. Where does he/she work?

10. What does he/she do?

By answering all the questions, they could dig their ideas and contents of writing

to make a descriptive text.

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Picture 4.2: cue card of students’ outline

After that, the teacher explained about capital letter in the beginning and

the first name of people, coma, dot in the last sentence, etc. She asked the students

to make a simple paragraph with correct mechanics in their third cue cards. After

finishing, the teacher and students discussed the task together. She asked some

students to show their task and write on the board. For example, if the sentences

missed the capital letter at the first name of the people, the teacher would asked

them to pay more attention by saying, “ did the sentence have right mechanics?”

The students would be aware and try to analyze it more deeply. Whenever the

teacher found the mistakes in the sentences, she would ask the same question to

the students. She asked them to be more carefully in writing sentences.

Then, the students practiced to develop their simple writing of descriptive

text into their own paper. In writing phase, the students emphasized the

content/idea of writing, the use of grammar, spelling, and punctuation. The

teacher helped the students who faced difficulties in writing. She reminded the

students to be carefull in using punctuation and capital letter. In fact, the students

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did not pay attention in using punctuation. Even, they did not put it after finishing

writing one sentences. The teacher also reminded students about the organization

of descriptive text, they were: identification/definition, and description.

Picture 4.3: cue card of students’ worksheet

While the students were writing, the teacher moved around the class to

know their writing process. By moving around, she knew some of them made

mistakes in writing. She let them make some errors in their writing, for it was still

training stage. She wanted to discuss it next meeting in order to give them a

chance to check their products and correct it by themselves.

(3) Post Activity

Ten minutes before the times was up, the teacher remided the students that

their time would be ended in the ten minutes. She concluded the material and did

the reflection from the teaching learning process about what the students felt and

their difficulty during the activities. Before closing the lesson, the teacher asked

the students to finish their writing as homework. It would be discussed in the

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following meeting. Finally, the teacher ended the lesson by giving motivation and

saying good bye.

b) Second meeting

The second meeting was held on Monday, 22nd November 2011. It was

attended by the researcher as a teacher, her collaborator and 30 students

(1) Pre activity.

The teacher started the lesson by greeting and checking attendance list.

After knowing the classs condition, she asked students some questions about the

previous material, and asked their cue card about the famous people’s physical

apperances in it.

(2) While activity

In this step, the teacher asked the students to submit their cue card and

their writing. The teacher and collaborator corrected it, if they found some

mistakes. Not all their writings were shown. She choose six of them which were

the worst and the best. When the teacher showed them, she hid the names of the

writers. She showed the worst firstly, and asked them to analyze one by one from

the organization, content, vocabularies, grammars, spelling, and puctuations.

After discussing the students writing, the teacher gave back the paper to

the students to edit their mistakes. Next, the teacher asked the students to read

their writing in front of the classrom. It needed long time to finish it. But it could

be effective for them to know how to create a good sentences, how to use the right

vocabularies and grammar, and how to improve their ideas in writing.

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(3) Post activity

After all students knew their product, the teacher asked them about their

opinion of using cue card to make a descriptive text. And most of them answered

that they enjoyed using this media because it can make the writing activities more

attractive. Before ending the class, the teacher asked the students to conclude the

material about descriptive text, its language features, generic structures, how to

create good sentences, and how to use the right pronouns and vocabularies. She

suggested them to be careful in writing. They had to pay attention more to its

aspect. Then, she informed the students that in the next meeting, they would write

descriptive text with different cue card about a famous footballer. And the teacher

asked them to make it at home. Finally, she ended the lesson by saying good bye.

c) Third meeting

The third meeting was held on November 24th 2011. It was attended by the

teacher, the collaborator, and 30 students.

(1) Pre activity

Firstly, the teacher opened the class by greeting the students, asking their

condition, and asking them to pray together. Then, the teacher asked the students’

cue card about a famous footballer. The students answered it enthuciastically,

Irfan Bachdim, Gonzales, David Becham, etc. After that, they identified the

picture on their cue card by writing “A Great Footballer” beside it.

(2) While activity

First, the teacher asked the students to learn the detailed characteristics on

the picture. She explained and gave example first about the combination between

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adjective and nouns (or noun phrases) such as blonde hair, white skin, sharp nose,


Next, listing phase, the students wrote a list whatever words or phrases

from the characteristics on the picture. And the teacher asked what they had

written. Some of the students answered spontaneously. ”The language feature of

descriptive text ma’am”. Then, the teacher reminded the students about the

generic structures of descriptive text. After that, the teacher asked the students to

practice and develop their simple writing about descriptive text in their own paper

from the data (list) on their cue card.

Picture 4.4: students’ cue card about famous footballer

The first paragraph contains introduction/identification. Next, the detailed

characteristics, will be developed into “description”. In this stage the students

must arrange, organize, and develop their ideas. While the students were writing,

the teacher moved around the class to know their writing process. By moving

around, she knew some of them made mistakes in writing.

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(3) Post writing When then students finished their writing, they were asked to work in

pairs, and changed their cue card and their writing with their partner. They had to

check their partner’s writing and discuss it, make a corection if there were


Ten minute before the time was up. The teacher reminded the students that

their time would be ended in ten minutes. Then, the students and the teacher

concluded the material and did reflection from the teaching learning process about

what the students felt and their difficulty during the activities. Before closing the

lesson, the teacher asked the students to edit their writing as homework. She told

the students to write their writing in a good and neat. Finally, the teacher closed

the lesson by saying good bye.

d) Fourth meeting

The fourth meeting was held on November 29th 2011. The researcher, the

collaborator, and 30 students attended the class.

(1) Pre activity

Teacher greeted students and checked their attendance list. After knowing

the class condition, she asked some questions about the previous material.

She reminded the students about the characteristics of their own picture in cue


(2) While activity

First, the teacher asked the students to submit their writing. The teacher

and collaborator read and corrected their writing, if there were mistakes. Then,

they gave back the paper to students to edit the mistakes. Next, the teacher asked

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the students to read their writing in front of the classrom. It needed long time to

finish it. But it could effective for them to know how to create a good sentences,

how to use the right vocabularies and grammar, and how to improve their ideas in


(3) Post activity

After all students knew their product, the teacher asked them about their

opinion of using cue card to make a descriptive text. And most of them answered

that they felt enjoyed to write using this media. Because it can make the writing

activities more attractive. Before ending the class, the teacher asked the students

to conclude the material about descriptive text, its language features, generic

structures, how to create good sentences, and how to use the right pronouns and

vocabularies. She suggested them to be careful in writing. They had to pay

attention more to its aspect. The teacher informed that in the next meeting, they

would be writing evaluation. And the students were asked to prepare it

themselves. Finally, the teacher ended the class by saying good bye.

e) Fifth meeting

This fifth meeting was post test for the students. Teacher and collaborator

entered the class. The post test was held in December 6th 2011. Firstly, the teacher

greeted the students, asked their condition, and checked the student’s presence.

They were all present, 30 students.

The teacher then told the class about the test that day. The students had to

write about describing people physical appearances. The students had to choose

one of the titles provided. All of them were familiar with the students. The

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teacher and the collaborator decided to not allow them to look up their dictionary

in this test. The teacher told them that their writing would be scored based on

criteria: content, organization, vocabulary, grammar, and mechanics.

The teacher gave the whole time in that meeting for the post test. She

asked to maximize the time in completing their writing. After the time end, all

studets submitted the test.

3) Observation

The observation stage was done to know the effects of action in solving

problems in writing the descriptive text based on cue card. The researcher’s

techniques were collaborative observation, and student’s interview,

questionnaires, and test. The observation and interview were done to know the

students’ condition and opinion during the teaching learning process by using cue

card, while test was done to know their writing result. It can be explained as


(a) The first meeting

In the first meeting, the teacher started the lesson by asking the students’

cue card. They were very enthuciastics to show it. They were very familiar for

them, like: Justin Beiber, Bisma Kharisma, Sandra Dewi, Avril Lavigne, Ayu

Ting-tin.g, etc. By the teacher’s guidance, the students identified their cue card,

like: a famous singer, a famous actress, etc.

In listing phase, the students were active writing the detailed

characteristics on their own cue card. They wrote it by using the combination

between adjective and noun (noun phrase). In this phase the students opened the

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dictionary if they found difficult words. They enjoyed it. It can improve the

students vocabulary by making a list

The next step was making outline by using the picture on cue card. By

discussing between students and teacher, they can make outline well. So, the

students could easily use it as the guide in writing. And they felt enjoyed to do it

because they wrote something they like about their idol. Although they had some

difficulties at the beginning, they could do it well. They wrote seriously in writing

phase. They opened the dictionary if they found difficult words, and sometimes

asked to the teacher and collaborator.

While writing process, the teacher moved around the students to know

their writing. By moving around, she knew some of them make mistakes in

writing. Because it was still training stage, she let them made some errors.

Teacher gave them a chance to check and correct their writing by themselves.

When the bell had already rung, the teacher asked to finish it at home. The teacher

wrote down all of the students difficulties in her note book. It would discussed in

next meeting.

(b) The second meeting

In the second meeting, the teacher asked the students to submit their cue

card and their writing. The teacher and collaborator corrected their writing, if they

find some mistakes. Not all their writings were shown. She choose six of them

which were the worst and the best. When the teacher showed them, she hide the

name of the writer. She showed the worst firstly, and asked them to analyze one

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by one from the organization, content, vocabularies, grammars, spelling, and


After discussing, the students writing the teacher gave back the paper to

the students to edit their mistakes. Next, the teacher asked the students to read

their writing in front of the classrom. It needed long time to finish it. But it could

effective for them to know how to create a good sentences, how to use the right

vocabularies and grammar, and how to develop their ideas in writing.

Before ending the class, the teacher and the students concluded the

material and did reflection from the teaching learning process during the

activities. Then, the teacher informed to the students that in next meeting they

would write descriptive text with different cue card, and asked them to make it at


(c) The third meeting

In the third meeting, the teacher asked the students’ cue card about a

famous footballer, like: Irfan Bachdim, Gonzales, David Becham, etc. Then, the

teacher asked the students to identify the picture on their cue card and to write “A

great footballer” beside it.

First, the teacher asked the students to learn the detailed characteristics on

the picture. She explained and gave example first about the combination between

adjective and nouns (or noun phrases), such as: blonde hair, white skin, sharp

nose, etc.

In listing phase, the students wrote a list whatever words or phrases from

the characteristics on the picture. Then, the teacher reminded the students about

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the language feature and the generic structure of descriptive text. After that, the

teacher asked the students to practice and develop their simple writing about

descriptive text in their own paper from the data (list) on their cue card. While the

students were writing, the teacher moved around the class to know their writing

process. By moving around, she knew some of them make mistakes in writing.

When the students finished their writing, they were asked to work in pairs,

and changed their cue card and their writing with their partner. They had to check

their partner’s writing and discuss it. After that, made a corection if there were

mistakes. The teacher asked them to conclude the material about descriptive text,

its language features, generic structures, how to create good sentences, how to use

the right pronouns and vocabularies. She also told the students to write their

writing in a good and neat. Because they would display their writing in the wall

of classroom. Before ending the class, the teacher and the students concluded the

material and did reflection from the teaching learning process about what they felt

and their difficulty during the activities. At last, the teacher gave them motivation

and said good bye.

(d) The fourth meeting

In the fourth meeting, it was the time to publish the students product. First,

the teacher asked the students to collect their writing. The teacher and collaborator

read and corrected the students’ writing if there were mistakes. Then,they gave

back the paper to students to edit the mistakes. Next, the teacher asked the

students to read their writing in front of the classrom. It needed long time to finish

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it. But it could effective for them to know how to create a good sentences, how to

use the right vocabularies and grammar, and how to develop their ideas in writing.

After all students knew their product, the teacher asked them about their

opinion of using cue card to make a descriptive text. Before ending the class, the

teacher asked the students to conclude the material about descriptive text, its

language features, generic structures, how to create good sentences, and how to

use the right pronouns and vocabularies. She suggested them to be careful in

writing. They had to pay attention more to its aspect. The teacher informed that in

the next meeting, they would be writing evaluation. Finally, the teacher ended the

class by saying good bye.

(e) The fifth meeting

The fifth meeting was the writing evaluation. The result of writing test

showed that after the fourth meeting, the students had better understanding on the

descriptive text. They could develop their idea and improve their vocabulary

well. They knew the generic structure of descriptive text and organize their

writing. The outline helped them to do it. Most of them could develop the outline

easily and enjoy the writing activities.

The elements of writing was improved. It was showed in the students’

score of writing.

a) The Improvement of the Student’s Writing Skill

The improvement of their student writing skill could be seen from the

result of the final drafting that there was improvement in some elements of

writing descriptive texts, especially: in aspects of content, vocabulary, and

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mechanics. Adequate was in organization. However, in grammar was still

decrease that the student got low competency in writing descriptive text. The

reason that grammar was very difficult for them the remind and recall them in

written texts. Especially, they did not know how to use singular and plurals verbs,

and how to use auxiliary verb. Therefore, they did not write negative and

interrogative sentences. The result of the descriptive statistics in the following

table show the highest and lowest score of each cycle, the means, and the average.

Table 4.3. The Result of Statistical Account of Point Score in Cycle 1 No Element of Writing Score

1 Contents 75.5 2 Organization 67 3 Vocabulary 77 4 Grammar 68 5 Mechanics 68 Average score 71.1

Table 4.4. The result of Statistical Account of Point Score in Cycle 1 No Points Pre-test Post-test

1 The highest score 80 86 2 The lowest score 46 53 3 Mean 62 71.1 4 Passing grade 75 75

Table 4.5. The Result of Statistical Account of Student’s Score Passing Grade of Cycle 1

No Points Pre-test Post-test

1 The students who get above 75 6 13 2 The student who get under 75 24 17 3 Passing grade 75 75

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b) The improvement of the Student’s vocabulary and Developing ideas

The improvement of the student’s vocabualry, we could see in the learning

process significantly. They found some new of vocabularies that they said in their

writing descriptive text. By making a list based on the pictures on the cue card,

they knew about the meaning of words easily and quickly. In addition, they got

some new information and knowledge about the people physical appearances,

such as: blonde, wavy, flat, pointed, strong, round, oval, etc.

c) The Improvement of Motivation and Interest

All the student and the English teachers in that research that joined in te

classroom felt that they were happy in the teaching and learning English using cue

card. Especially when the students discussed together about their result group,

arranged the picture in a good position, and matched the pictures and its

description. They were more active and creative in cooperative interaction among

the students in their group to finish their work as well as possible.

4) Reflection

This stage goal at examining the result of the action in the first cycle

accompanied with analysis of its strengths and weaknesses. The result of the

reflection then was used as arranging the general planning in the second cycle.

The student’s expression that was important in the matter namely: 1) what they

felt; 2) the strengths of using cue cards in teaching learning of cycle 1; 3) the

weaknesses of using cue card in teaching learning of cycle 1; and 4) suggestion to

be done in second cycle. We expressed them in our note daily talking, in

discussing about using the cue card in the classroom, and by answering the

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questionnaires. The organization of repirting this reflection included; 1) the result

of using cue cards in teaching learning ; and 3) suggestion

a. The Result of Using Cue Card in Teaching and Learning

Based on the data analysis in the cycle 1, the research concluded that four

improvements were expected as what were predicted before, namely; a) the

improvement of the student’s writing skill. b) the improvement of the student’s

vocabulary; c) the improvement of motivation and interest; and d) the new


The first, the result of using cue card in teaching learning, it could develop

the mastery of writing descriptive text. It is started in developing the vocabulary,

then followed the implementation of the grammar that have to use the students in

writing a simple sentences up to a simple paragraph. Furthermore, after

understanding the grammar, they would be easier to make the outline based on the

pictures and the models of text. It was useful the support them with the new

information and knowledge about the object that would help them to write and

describe the people’s physical appereances in descriptive text.

The second, the improvement of the student’s vocabulary was rising

significantly. Using cue card had to grow their motivation, their vocabulary and

helped them write a simple sentences by creating and adapting the models of

description text enjoyable. In addition, using cue card and knowing much more

vocabulary, really would help them to develop their knowledge and innovation.

They could create cue card by exploring the internet, reading magazine, and

reading book. They realized that by collecting the pictures would help them to

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develop their expression not only in language aspects but also in psycology


The third, the improvement of elements language (grammar, punctuation,

and spelling), the student of Junior School was low. If the students were analyzed

about their writing especially in some aspects, their writing would be known that

they did not know about the language elements. In addition, their teachers were

never explaining the aspects of language seriously in their teaching. Nevertheless,

after the students knew the importance of mechanics aspects, they were giving

more notice and more carefully in creating and writing paragraph in English, they

had to use not only properly in mechanics but also in vocabulary.

The fourth, the improvement of motivation and interest of the students

could be seen in during of process teaching and learning in the classroom. They

were very happy to get some idol pictures in their cue card. Using cue card helped

them to be more active and creative.

b. The Strengths of using Cue Card

Ø The strengths of writing in cycle 1

The strengths of using cue card in cycle 1 could be summarized in

some points, namely: (a) the students can develop their ideas/contents in

writing; and (b) the students can use English words to write the sentences or

paragraph in good writing.

Ø The strengths in teaching learning process

Implementing of using cue card in teaching learning had some the

strengths to improve the writing capability in descriptive text. They were

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some points namely: (a) the students were happier in joining the English

classroom using the cue card; (b) they were more active and creative in

teaching learning using the cue cards; (c) the students had high motivation.

c. The Weaknesses of using Cue Card

Ø The Weaknesses of Writing in cycle 1 Using Cue Card

The weaknesses of using cue card in cycle 1 could be seen in data

analises that could handicap of the goal in improving the student’s writing

skill. The weaknesses could be summarized in some points, namely; (a)

the students were still confused to organize their writing in good

organization; (b) the students were still low in using grammar. It is

difficult for them to write grammatically correct sentences or paragraph;

and (c) they had some errors in mechanics.

Ø The Weaknesess in Teaching Learning Process

The weaknesess of using cue card in teaching learning process

could be summarized in some points, namely; (a) the students were very

crowded while implementing the cue card in writing process; and (b) the

classroom was very dirty after teaching learning process.

5) Recommendation

Based on the findings, weaknesses, and strengths found in the previous

section, in could be identified that there were two still important aspects the

students need to improve: (a) Using correct grammar, mechanics, and

organization that they could write well and proportional; (b) planning to make

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the class situation effective and condussive. Therefore, it was recommended to

do the follow things in cycle 2: (a) using some cue cards which is suitable with

the topic of discussion; (b) discussing more about grammar, especially in

simple present tense, pronoun, posessive adjective, posessive pronoun,etc.

Students were doing some exercises about that material based on their own

cue card. It means that they could make sentences to do the task using the

picture on their card; (c) discussing more about organization, especially to

make outline of descriptive text; (d) asking the students to pay attention to

use the correct punctuation, capital letter, dot, questions mark, etc; (e) asking

the students to prepare the cue card in their home related to the topic in that

meeting, so when the lesson began all of them were ready with their own cue

card without making the classroom dirty and crowded.

b. Cycle 2

Based on reflection in the cycle 1, the students encountered some

problems. The first problem dealt with the language elements, especially in

using grammar, organization, and mechanics. That is why the teacher

explains and discuss them about good writing dealing with the grammar,

organization, and mechanics. The second problem dealing with the condition

of teaching learning process. That is why the researcher asks them to prepare

the material at home. It is hope to make the class situation will be more

effective, condussive, and controlled.

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1) Revising the Plan

After knowing the result of cycle 1, the researcher and collaborator

designed the action. The researcher prepared a lesson plan, students’

worksheet, and schedule for cycle 2. There were four meetings in this cycle.

The text being written by the students is still descriptive text. Based on the

finding and reflection, the researcher and collaborator revised the activities

covering the problems in previous discussion: (a) using some cue cards which

is suitable with the topic of discussion; (b) discussing more about grammar,

especially in simple present tense, pronoun, posessive adjective, posessive

pronoun, etc; (c) discussing more about organization, especially to make

outline of descriptive text; (d) asking the students to pay attention to use the

correct punctuation, capital letter, dot, questions mark, etc; (e) asking the

students to prepare the cue card in their home related to the topic.

After finishing fourth meetings, the teacher hoped that all the students’

difficulties had been solved. Finally, the researcher preceded the final stage or

evaluation as the process of implementing cue card in writing descriptive text.

There were four points important, namely: (1) what they felt; (2) the strengths

of implementing cue card; (3) the weaknesses of implementing cue card; (4)

the suggestion.

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2) Implementing the Action

a. First Meeting

The first meeting was held on Tuesday, 13th of December 2011. It was

attendend by the researcher as a teacher, her collaborator, Mrs.Ely Susilorini

and 30 students. All of them could join the class.

(1) Pre activity

Firstly, the teacher opened the class by greeting the students, asking

their condition, and asking them to pray together. Then, she asked the

students’ cue card that has prepared at home. She also asked whether they

knew or not about the picture on their own cue card. They answered it

differently, “Nikita Willy, Agnes monica, Baim wong, etc.” Although it was

litlle crowded, they could answer who and how they were very familiar for

them. Then, the students write beside the picture “A Famous Actress.”

After that, the teacher explained the material that was to review

students’ difficulties in grammar, organization, and their application in the

right sentence with its correct spelling, punctuation, and mechanics.

(2) While activity

Firstly, the teacher played role as a controller by explaining and giving

example to the students about the combination between adjective and nouns

(noun phrase) such as: beautiful face, pointed nose, long hair, blue eyes, etc.

Then, the teacher asked the students to learn the detailed characteristics on

their own cue card and make it a list. In this activity the teacher want to

improve the students vocabulary by identifying the picture on card. Although,

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they often opened the dictionary to find some difficult words, they look so


While the students were making a list, the teacher explained to the

students about the language features of descriptive text, like: specific nouns,

adjective, and detailed noun phrase. After that, to solve the problem in

grammar the teacher distributed another cue card as a hand out covering

about the task. Before the students completed the task, the teacher explained

about the verbs, which enanble to use in the Simple Present Tense. The

teacher would discuss about sentences, which covered two different verbs.

They were some sentences, which covered to be, and the other was verb 1, or

V+(s/es). In the task, the student had to complete sentences correctly. Teacher

reminded them to be carefully, they would make mistakes when they

completed the sentences. It was important to determine whether they used to

be or V1 and V+(s/es) in the sentences. Then, the teacher asked the students

to make three sentences based on the cue card, which they had learned. The

three sentences were positive, negative, and interrogative sentences. They had

to make sentences in two categories. The first, they had to write sentences

which covered to be. Second, they had to write the sentences which covered

singular or plural verbs.

Next, the teacher continued the activity by asking the students to tell

about the kind of subject they had known. She showed the other kinds of

pronouns as possesive, then she wrote some sentences that consisted of

pronoun as subject, possesive, and object.

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Agnes Monica is a beautiful artist. Her hair is straight Many fans like her

Teacher asked the students to guess the function of bold words by

analyzing the sentences presented. By teacher’s guidance, the students could

understand the material. After they understood about pronouns, she asked students

to apply the knowledge step by step. The first, she asked them to complete the

sentences by using pronouns. She asked them to do and share their ideas in group.

After discussing, the teacher asked students to make sentences using pronouns

based on the data presented. They tried to finish the task in the limited time.

The next problem was mechanics. The teacher explained about capital

letter in the beginning and the first name of people, coma, dot in the last sentence,

etc. Then, the teacher asked the students to work in pairs. She distributed cue card

to discuss and make a paragraph with correct mechanics. After finishing, the

teacher and students discussed the task together. For example, if the sentences

missed the capital letter at the first name of the people, the teacher would asked

them to pay more attention by saying, “ did the sentence have right

mechanics?”The students would be aware and try to analyze it more deeply.

Whenever the teacher found the mistakes in the sentences, she would ask the same

question to the students. She asked them to be more carefully in writing sentences.

The next step was teacher gave explanation about organization of writing

descriptive text. Organization had covered structural development including a

functional introduction, body, and conclussion (definition and description). In

definition, it covered the explanation of the object’s identity. And in description, it

commit to user


covered the detailed description of the object (eg: description of physical feature,

characteristics, habit, job, etc). Besides, students were very active to answer the

teacher questions in describing their favorite idol orally.

After that, the teacher and students discussed together to make an outline

to write a descriptive text about the idol in their own cue card. Although the class

very crowded, finally they can make outline well. It must cover the organization

of descriptive text. Then, she asked the students to write paragraphs based their

own outline individually. Here, she asked the students to be carefull to write a

draft. They had to write a draft of descriptive text which covers all elements of

writing. The elements of writing text were content, organization, vocabulary,

grammar, punctuation, and spelling. In content, the students had to be able to

describe the general object clearly, acceptably and distinctively. In organization,

the students had to write a draft including the structure of a draft with an

introduction, body, and conclusion. Then, in vocabulary, the students had to write

their draft using words and phrases effectively. While in grammar, punctuation,

and spelling, they had to use the grammar, punctuation, and spelling correctly.

And the teacher and collaborator helped the students who faced difficulties in this


While the students were writing, the teacher moved arround the class to

know their writing process. By moving arround, she knew some of them making

mistakes in writing.

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The teacher let them make some errors in their writing. She wanted to

discuss it next meeting in order to give them a chance to check their product and

correct it by themselves.

(3) Post Activity.

The main activities ended at ten minutes before the time was over. The

teacher and the students concluded the material and did reflection from the

teaching learning process about what the students felt and their difficulty during

activities. Before closing the lesson, the teacher asked the students to finish their

writing at home. The teacher asked them to study hard and do more exercises at

home about the material today. Finally, she ended the lesson by giving motivation

and saying good bye

b. Second Meeting

The second meeting was held on Tuesday, 20th December 2011 at 07.00

a.m. It was attendend by the researcher as a teacher, her collaborator, Mrs. Elly

Susilorini and 30 students. No body were absent.

(1) Pre Activity

The teacher started the lesson by greeting, and checking attendance list.

After knowing the class condition, she asked students some questions about the

previous material. Then, she checked the students’ homework.

(2) While Activity

In this step, the teacher asked the students to submit their cue card and

their writing. The teacher and collaborator read and corrected it if they find some

mistakes.Not all their writing were shown. She choose six of them which were the

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worst and the best. When the teacher showed them, she hid the name of the writer.

She showed the worst firstly, and asked them to analyze one by one from the

organization, content, vocabularies, grammars, spelling, and puctuations.

After discussing the students writing, the teacher gave back the paper to

the students to edit their mistakes. She asked the students to read their writing in

front of the classrom. It needed long time to finish it, but it could effective for

them to know how to create a good sentences, how to use the right vocabularies

and grammar, and how to develop their ideas in writing.

(3) Post activity

The lesson ended at ten minutes before the time was up. The teacher and

the students concluded the material and did reflection from teaching learning

process about what the students felt and their difficulty during activities. Before

ending the class, the teacher informed that the next meeting they would write

descriptive text with different cue card about “comedian” at home. Finally, she

ended the lesson by giving motivation and saying good bye.

c. The third meeting

The third meeting was held on January 3th 2012. It was attended by the

teacher, the collaborator, and 30 students. No body were absent.

(1) Pre activity

Firstly, the teacher opened the class by greeting the students, asking their

condition, and asking them to pray together. Then, the teacher asked the students’

cue card about comedian. There were, Nunung, Andre Taulani, Sule, etc.

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(2) While activity

Firstly, the teacher played role as a controller by explaining and giving

example to the students about the combination between adjective and nouns (noun

phrase) such as : beautiful face, pointed nose, long hair, blue eyes, etc. Then the

teacher asked the students to learn the detailed characteristics on their own cue

card and make it a list. In this activity the teacher wanted to improve the students

vocabulary by identifying the picture on card. And the students sometimes open

the dictionary to find some difficult words.

While the students were making a list, the teacher explained to the

students about the language features of descriptive text, like: specific nouns,

adjective, and detailed noun phrase. And to solve the problem in grammar, the

teacher reminded the students about the use of Simple Present Tense. There were

two types of sentences. The first type was covered to be, and the other was verb 1,

or V+(s/es). It was important to determine whether they used to be or V1 and

V+(s/es) in the sentences.

Next, the teacher continued the activity by asking the students to tell about

the kind of subject they had known. She showed the other kinds of pronoun as

possesive, then she wrote some sentences that consisted of pronoun as subject,

possesive, and object.

Teacher asked to the students to guess the function of bold words by

analyzing the sentences presented. By teacher’s guidance, the students could

understand the material. After they were understand about pronouns, she asked

students to apply the knowledge step by step. The first, she asked them to

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complete the sentences by using pronouns. Then, she asked them to do and share

their ideas in group. After discussing, she asked students to make sentences using

pronouns on the board. And they tried to finish the task in the limited time.

The next step was teacher reminded about organization of writing

descriptive text. In organization had covered of structural development included a

functional introduction, body, and conclussion (definition and description). In

definition, it covered the explanation of the object’s identity. In description, it

covered the detailed description of the object (eg: description of physical feature,

characteristics, habit, job, etc). The students were very active answered the teacher

questions in describing their favorite idol orally.

After that, the teacher and the students discussed to make an outline of

writing descriptive text. Although the class was very crowded, finally they can

make outline well. She asked the students to develop it in paragraphs

individually. Here, the teacher asked the students to be carefully to write a draft.

They had to write a draft with the specific of descriptive text which covers all

elements of writing. The elements of descriptive text were content, organization,

vocabulary, grammar, and mechanics . In content, the students had to able to

describe the general object clearly, acceptable and distinctive. In organization, the

students had to write a draft included the structural of a draft with an introduction,

body, and conclusion. Then vocabulary, the students had to write their draft used

words and phrases effectively. While in grammar, punctuation, and spelling, they

had to use the grammar, punctuation, and spelling correctly. Meanwhile, the

teacher and collaborator helped the students who faced difficulties in this activity.

commit to user


While the students were writing, the teacher moved around the class to

know their writing process. By moving around, she knew some of them making

mistakes in writing.

When the students finished their writing, they were asked to work in pairs

and changed their task. They had to check their partner’s writing and discuss it.

After that, made a corection if there were mistakes.

(3) Post activity

Ten minute before the time was up. The teacher reminded the students that

their time would be ended in ten minutes. The teacher and the students concluded

the material and did reflection from the teaching learning process about what they

felt and their difficulty during activities. Then, the teacher told the students to

write their writing in a good and neat. Finally, the teacher closed the lesson by

saying good bye.

d. The fourth meeting

The fourth meeting was held on January 10th 2012. The researcher, the

collaborator, and 30 students attended the class.

(1) Pre activity

Teacher greeted students and checked their attendance list. After knowing

the class condition, she asked students some questions about the previous

material. She reminded the students about the characteristics of their picture on

cue card. Then, she told to the students that they would continue to publish their


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(2) While activity

First, the teacher asked the students to collect their writing. The teacher

and collaborator read the students writing and gave corrected if there were

mistakes. Then, they gave back the paper to students to edit the mistakes. Next,

the teacher asked the students to read their writing one by one in front of the

classrom. It needed long time to finish it. But it could effective for them to know

how to create a good sentences, how to use the right vocabularies and grammar,

and how to improve their ideas in writing.

(3) Post activity

After all students know their product, the teacher asked them about their

opinion of using cue card to make a descriptive text. She concluded the material,

and did the reflection from the teaching learning process about what the students

felt and their difficulty during the activities. Before ending the class, the teacher

informed that the next meeting they would be writing evaluation. The students

were asked to prepare themselves. Finally, the teacher ended the class by saying

good bye.

e. The fifth meeting

This fifth meeting was post test for the students. Teacher and collaborator

entered the class. The post test was held in January 17th 2012. Firstly, the teacher

greeted the students and asked their condition and checking the student’s

presence. They were all present.

The teacher told the class about the test that day. The students had to write

about describing people physical appearances. The students had to choose one of

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the titles were provided. All of them were familiar with the students. The teacher

and the collaborator decided to forbid them look up their dictionary in this test.

The teacher told them that their writing would be scored based on criteria:

content, organization, vocabulary, grammar, and mechanics.

The teacher gave the whole time in that meeting for the post test. She

asked to maximize the time in completing their writing. After the time end, all

studets submitted the test.

3) Observation

The observation was done toward the implementation of the action of

cycle 2. The objective was to collect the data about what happened during the

teaching learning process by which the researcher used to reflect action. The result

of the observation can be explained as follows:

(1) The first meeting.

In the first meeting, the teacher started the lesson by distributing some cue

cards. She asked whether they knew or not about the picture on their own cue

card. It was little crowded when they could answer who and how they were very

familiar for them

Firstly, the teacher played role as a controller by explaining and giving

example to the students about the combination between adjective and nouns (noun

phrase), etc.

In listing phase, the teacher asked the students to learn the detailed

characteristics on their cue card and make it a list. In this activity the teacher

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wants to improve the students vocabulary by identifying the picture on card. She

explained to the students about the language features of descriptive text.

After that, to solve the problem in grammar the teacher distribute cue

card as hand out to the students. At first the teacher explained about the verbs,

which enanble to use in the Simple Present Tense. The teacher would discuss

about sentences, which covered two different verbs. They were some sentences,

which covered to be, and the other was verb1, or V+(s/es). In the task, the student

had to complete sentences correctly. And the teacher asked the students to make

three sentences. There were positive, negative, and interrogative sentences. They

had to make it in two categories. The first, they had to write sentences, which

covered to be. Second, they had to write the sentences, which covered singular or

plural verbs.

Next, the teacher continued the activity by asking the students to tell

about the kind of subject they had known. She showed the other kinds of

pronouns as possesive, then she wrote some sentences that consisted of pronoun

as subject, possesive, and object.

The next problem was mechanics. By explaining about capital letter in the

beginning and the first name of people, coma, dot in the last sentence, etc, the

teacher asked the students to work in group. She distributed cue card to discuss

and make a paragraph with correct mechanics. After finishing, the teacher and

students discussed the task together. For example, if the sentences missed the

capital letter at the first name of the people, the teacher would asked them to pay

more attention by saying, “ did the sentence have right mechanics?”The students

commit to user


would be aware and try to analyze it more deeply. Whenever the teacher found the

mistakes in the sentences, she would ask the same question to the students. She

asked them to be more carefully in writing sentences.

The next step was teacher gave explanation about organization of writing

descriptive text. In organization had covered structural development including a

functional introduction, body, and conclussion (definition and description). In this

activity students were very active to answer the teacher questions in describing

their favorite idol orally.

After that, the teacher and students discussed together to make an outline

to write a descriptive text about the idol in their own cue card. And then, the

students were asked to write paragraphs based on their own cue card individually.

Here, the teacher asked the students to be carefully to write a draft. They had to

write a draft of descriptive text. The specific of a descriptive text that they had to

write a draft which covers all elements of writing descriptive text. The elements of

writing descriptive text were content, organization, word choice, grammar,

punctuation, and spelling. The content, the students had to be able to describe the

general object clearly, acceptably and distinctively. In organization, the students

had to write a draft including the structure of a draft with an introduction, body,

and conclusion. Then, in vocabulary, the students had to write their draft using

words and phrases effectively. While in grammar, punctuation, and spelling, they

had to use the grammar, punctuation, and spelling correctly. The teacher and

collaborator helped the students who faced difficulties in this activity.

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While the students were writing, the teacher moved arround the class to

know their writing process. By moving arround, she knew some of them making

mistakes in writing. The teacher let them make some errors in their writing. She

wanted to discuss it next meeting in order to give them a chance to check their

product and correct it by themselves.

Before the time was over, the teacher asked the students concluded the

material and did reflection. She asked the students about the difficulties during

teaching learning process. At last the teacher asked them to study hard and do

more exercise at home about the material today.

(2) The second meeting

In the second meeting, the teacher asked the students to collect their cue

card and their writing. The teacher and collaborator read and corrected it if they

find some mistakes. Not all their writing were shown. She choose six of them

which were the worst and the best. When the teacher showed them, she hid the

name of the writer. She showed the worst firstly, and asked them to analyze one

by one from the organization, content, vocabulary, grammar, spelling, and


The next step was discussing the students’ writing. The teacher gave back

the paper to the students to edit their mistakes. She asked the students to read their

writing in front of the classrom. It needed long time to finish it. But it could

effective for them to know how to create a good sentences, how to use the right

vocabulary and grammar, and how to improve their ideas in writing.

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(3) The third meeting

In the third meeting, the teacher asked the students’ cue card about

comedian. There are, Nunung, Andre Taulani, Sule etc.

Firstly, the teacher played role as a controller by explaining and giving

example to the students about the combination between adjective and nouns (noun

phrase). Then, the teacher asked the students to learn the detailed characteristics

on their own cue card and make it a list. In this activity the teacher wants to

improve the students vocabulary by identifying the picture on card.

While the students were making a list, the teacher explained to the

students about the language features of descriptive text, like specific nouns,

adjective, and detailed noun phrase.

After that, to solve the problem in grammar the teacher reminded the

students about the use of Simple Present Tense. There were two types of

sentences. The first type was covered to be, and the other was verb 1, or V+(s/es).

It was important to determine whether they used to be or V1 and V+(s/es) in the


Next, the teacher continued the activity by asked the students to tell about

the kind of subject they had known. She showed the other kinds of pronoun as

possesive, then she wrote some sentences that consisted of pronoun as subject,

possesive, and object. She asked to the students to guess the function of bold word

by analyzing the sentences presented. By the teacher’s guidance, the students

could understand the material. After they were understand about pronouns,

teacher asked them to apply the knowledge step by step. The first, she asked them

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to complete the sentences by using pronouns. She asked them to do and share

their ideas in group. After discussing, the teacher asked students to make


The next step was teacher explained the students about organization of

writing descriptive text. In organization had covered of structural development

included a functional introduction, body, and conclussion (definition and

description). In this activity students were very active to answer the teacher

questions in describing their favorite idol orally.

After that, the teacher asked the students to make an outline to write a

descriptive text about the idol in their own cue card. Although the class was little

crowded, finally they can make outline well. Then, teacher asked the students to

write paragraphs based on their own cue card individually. Here, the teacher

asked the students to be carefully to write a draft. They had to write a draft with

the specific of descriptive text. The specific of a descriptive text that they had to

write a draft which covers all elements of writing descriptive text. The elements of

writing descriptive text were content, organization, word choice, grammar,

punctuation, and spelling. The content, the students had to be able to describe the

general object clearly, acceptably and distinctively. In organization, the students

had to write a draft including the structure of a draft with an introduction, body,

and conclusion. Then, in vocabulary, the students had to write their draft using

words and phrases effectively. While in grammar, punctuation, and spelling, they

had to use the grammar, punctuation, and spelling correctly. The teacher and

collaborator helped the students who faced difficulties in this activity.

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While the students were writing, the teacher moved around the class to

know their writing process. By moving around, she knew some of them making

mistakes in writing.

When then students finished their writing, they were asked to work in pairs

and changed their task. They had to check their partner’s writing and discuss it.

After that, made a corection if there were mistakes. Finally, the students and

teacher concluded the material and did reflection from the teaching learning

process about what they felt and their difficulty during the activities.

(4) The fourth meeting

In the fouth meeting, the students would continue to publish their writing.

The teacher asked the students to collect their writing. The teacher and

collaborator read the students writing and gave corrected if there were mistakes.

Then, they gave back the paper to students to edit the mistakes. The teacher asked

the students to read their writing in front of the classrom. It needed long time to

finish it. But it could effective for them to know how to create a good sentences,

how to use the right vocabularies and grammar, and how to develop their ideas in


After all students knew their product, she asked the students made

conclussion. Then the students and the teacher did reflection from teaching

learning process about what they felt and difficulty during the activities. At last,

the teacher gave motivation and said good bye.

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(5) The fifth meeting

The fifth meeting was the writing evaluation. The result of writing test

showed that after the fourth meeting, the students had better understanding on the

descriptive text. They could develop their idea and improve their vocabulary well.

They knew the generic structure of descriptive text and organize their writing. The

outline helped them to do it. Most of them could develop the outline easily and

enjoy the writing activities. The elements of writing was improved. It was showed

in the students’ score of writing.

Based on the observation in cycle 2, there were some results, namely: (1)

the improvement of students’ writing competence; and (2) the improvement of

students’ creativity in teaching learning.

a. The improvement of students’ writing competence

The improvement of students’ writing can be seen from the product of the

writing. It covered five elements (idea/content, vocabulary, mechanics,

organization, and grammar). And the result of the improvement could be seen in

the table below:

Table 4.6. Average of Writing Components in Pre-test, Cycle 1 and Cycle 2

Components Pre-test Cycle I Cycle 2 Idea/content 64.5 75.5 82 Organization 60.5 67 77.5 Vocabulary 64 77 80.5 Grammar 61 68 76 Mechanics 63.5 68 79

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From the table, it could be seen that all elements of writing improved

significantly and had passed of the minimum standard score (75). The

improvement of each elements could be seen from the following description:

1) The improvement of idea/content score

The chart below showed it from pre –test to cycle 2.

Chart 4.1. The Improvement of Idea/content Score

From the chart above, it can be seen that the mean score of content in pre-

test was (64.5), in cycle 1 (73.5), and in cycle 2 (82). It means that the score of

content/ idea reached above the minimal of standard score.

2) The improvement of organization score

The organization of the text was scored based on the structural

development in the text. Most of the students included definition/identification,

and description in their writing. The chart below described the improvement of

organization score from pre test, cycle 1, and cycle 2.

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Chart 4.2. The Improvement of Organization Score

From the table above, it can be seen that the mean score of organization in

pre test was (60.5), in cycle 1 (67), and in cycle 2 (77.5). The average score in

cycle 2 was above 75. It means that the students passed the minimum standard


3) The improvement of vocabulary score

Vocabulary was scored based on the students’ ability in using proper

vocabulary to represent their idea. It was known that before the implementation of

cue card media in teaching writing, the students’ mean score was 64. After using

cue card, some students used a few vivid words and misused or repetitions words

and phrases. Some other students used effective vivid words and phrases. The

improvement of the students’ score could be seen from the following chart:

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Chart 4.3. The Improvement of Vocabulary Score

From the chart above, it can be seen that the mean score of vocabulary in

pre-test was (64), in cycle 1 (77), and in cycle 2 (80.5). It means that students’

score of vocabulary reached above the passing grade (75).

4) The improvement of grammar score

It had been stated in previous chapter that grammar was the lowest score

for the students. In cycle 1 and cycle 2, grammar was the lowest score too. The

students did not write using correct grammar. The error they made could distract

the reader. Only few students who wrote with correct grammar. The improvement

of the score could be seen as follows:

Chart 4.4.The Improvement of Grammar Score

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In pre test, the students mean score was 61. It was far below the minimum

standard score. After using cue card, there was 68 in cycle 1. But, the

improvement was still below the minimum standard score. In cycle 2, the mean

score was 76. It means that the mean score was a little above minimum standard


5) The improvement of mechanics

In previous discussion had been stated that the students made mistakes in

using correct punctuation and spelling (mechanics). Besides, it was their habit not

to pay attention in using correct mechanics. After evaluating the students’

writing, some students wrote a few errors in mechanics and some students wrote

with mostly correct. The improvement of the students’ scores could be seen in the

following chart:

Chart 4.5. The Improvement of mechanics Score

From the chart above, it could be seen that the students’ score of

mechanics in pre-test was (63.5), in cycle 1(68), and in cycle 2 (79). It means

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there was improvement from pre test to cycle 1 and cycle 2. It was above

minimal standard score.

The result from the statistical account in the following table showed the

improvement of the students’ mean score from pre-test, cycle 1, and cycle 2.

Chart 4.6. The result of Statistical Account point score

From the chart above, it could be seen that the mean score in pre test was

62. It means that the score was still below the minimal standard score. There

were many students failed in writing evaluation. After implementing cue card

media in cycle 1, the mean score was 71.1. The score was below the passing grade

of writing (75). There were some students got score below 75. In cycle 2, the

mean score was 78.9. It reached above minimal standard score.

The following chart showed number of the students who got under 75 in

pre-test, cycle 1, and cycle 2.

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Chart 4.7. The Score under 75 in Cycle 2

From the chart above, it could be seen that the students who got score

under 75 in pre test were 24 students. After applying cue card media, the number

of students who got under 75 became 17 students in cycle 1 and 4 students in

cycle 2.

b. The improvements of students’ writing skill.

The improvement of the students’ writing skill could be seen from the

result of final drafting. In the fourth meeting, the teacher showed their products.

Some products in the second cycle were better than the product in the first cycle.

Almost all students could develop their ideas/contents in writing. They feel that

before using cue card in writing English is difficult to find ideas, but after using

cue card they can develop their knowledge easily and effectively.

The improvement of students’ writing skill is also supported by improving

their vocabularies. The picture on cue card has significant rule to improve the

vocabulary of the students. It could be seen from their activity in creating and

adapting their writing from the cue card. By using cue card and knowing much

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more vocabulary, they had opportunity to write sentences or a paragraph more

acceptably and effectively.

In mechanics, the students could write using punctuation, spelling, and

mechanics correctly. They could state when they had to use the capital letter,

commas, and dots, only a few students could not do it perfectly. The teacher and

collaborator also found only few students who made mistakes in spelling.

In organization, the students had good understanding the function of

outlines. It made their writing matched between the content and organization. In

grammar they could use pronoun based on its function. They could use posessive,

object, and subject. In noun phrase they could create it based on the English rules.

They still found difficulties in using simple present tense. Some of them still

forgot to add “s or es “ at the end of the verbs for third singular person.

4) Reflection.

This was the final stage in cycle 2. The stage is aimed at examining the

result of the action in second cycle accompanied with the analysis of its strengths

and weaknesses. Based on the observation, interview, and test, the researcher got

some fact dealing with the actions of the second cycle. The organization of report

in this reflection included: 1) The result of using cue card; 2) the strengths of

using cue card ; 3) the weaknesses of using cue card; and 4) recommendation.

(1) The result of using cue card media in teaching writing

Based on the data analysis in the cycle 2, the researcher concluded that

four improvements were expected as what were predicted before, namely; a) the

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improvement of the student’s writing skill. b) the strengths of using cue card; and

c) the weaknesess of using cue card.

The improvementof writing’s elements could be seen in the following


Chart 4.8. The Average of Writing mean scores in pre-test, cycle 1, and cycle 2

From the chart above, it can be explained that the students’ scores keep

improving from pre-test to cycle 2. In cycle 2, the mean score of each indicator

reached above the minimal standart score(75). It can be said that the

implementation of cue card can improve students’ writing competence.

Using cue card in teaching writing could improve the number of students

who got score above 75.

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Table 4.7. Computation Of Passing Grade

Pre test Cycle 1 Cycle 21 above 75 75 6 13 262 below 75 75 24 17 4

No Explanation Passing Grade

Number of Student

The table above showed that the strengths of cue card in teaching writing

can improve students’ score in writing. The improvement of the score indicated

that there was improvement of the writing competence too.

The class situation of learning and teaching process also improved to

better condition. The improvement were: (1) improvement of students’ creativity

(2) improvement of students’ motivation (3) improvement of students’ interest.

(2) The Strengths of Using Cue Card

a) The strengths of using cue card in writing cycle 2

The strengths of using cue card in cycle 2 could be summarized in some

points, namely: (a) the students can develop their ideas/contents in writing;

(b) the students can use English words to write the sentences or paragraph in

good writing; (c) the students can avoid some errors in mechanics; (d) the

students were able to organize the writing; and (e) the students can write

gramatically correct sentences or paragraph.

b) The strengths of using cue card in teaching learning

Implementing of using cue card in teaching learning had some the

strengths to improve the writing skill in descriptive text. They were some

points namely: (a) the students were happier in joining the English classroom

using the cue card; (b) they were more active and creative in teaching

learning using the cue cards; and (c) the students had high motivation.

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(3) The Weaknesses of Using Cue Card

a) The weaknesess of using cue card in writing cycle 2

The weaknesses of using cue card in cycle 2 could be seen in data analyses

that could handicap the goal in improving the student’s writing skill. The

weaknesses could be summarized in some points, namely: (a) Some students

still could not write a lot. They wrote only two paragraphs consisting of

identification/definition, and description; (b) some students still wrote

without using the right capital letter, clear punctuation, subject, and verb. So,

the sentences was very difficult to be understood; and (c) four students still

got score under 75.

b) The Weaknesess in Teaching Learning Process

The weaknesess of using cue card in teaching learning process could be

summarized in some points, namely: (a) the students were still crowded while

implementing the cue card in writing process. They often spoke about their

idol with each other; and (b) it was need long process to make writing using

cue card.

5) Recommendation

Based on the findings, strengths, and weaknesses in the previous section,

the researcher decided to stop the cycle because the students’ mean score was

above 75. The four students who got under 75 would be taught in remedial

teaching till they pass the writing evaluation.

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B. Discussion

After the implementation of the action within two cycles, there were some

important points to be discussed. The points were: (1) Improvement of students’

writing competence; (2) the strengths and weaknesses of teaching writing using

cue card.

1. Improvement of students’ writing skill

It has been explained in the previous discussion that the classroom action

research was done due to the real condition found during the preliminary study. It

was found that the students’ writing skill was low. The mean scores was only 62.

The scoring was based on the elements of writing namely: content/idea,

organization, vocabulary, grammar, and mechanics as stated by Nunan (1998:373)

that successful writing involves:

1) Mastering the mechanics of letter formation . 2) Mastering and obeying conventions of spelling. 3) Using the grammatical system to convey one’s intended meaning. 4) Organizing content at the level of the paragraph and the complete text to

reflect given/ new information and topic/ comment structures. 5) Polishing and revising ane’s initial effort. 6) Selecting and appropriate style for one’s audiences.

Facing the problems on writing there was a media. The teaching media can

be used to explain language meaning and construction, engage the students in

topic, or as the basic of a whole activity. One of them is cue card. Cue card is a

simple picture on a piece of card. Wright (1989 ) states that pictures for teaching

aids must meet such criteria like: (1) easy to prepare; (2) easy to organize; (3)

interesting, meaningful, and authentic; and (5) sufficient amount of language.

These criteria can be applied by some teachers: teachers of advanced adult

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students or teachers of exam classes, or teachers of beginner. Therefore, it is not

true as most people often say that pictures are all right for beginners and for

young people and not for advanced students and for exam.

Of the simplest picture but probably the most widely used is perhaps the

teaching aid called flashcard or cue card. It is just a simple picture on a piece of

card or paper. It is motivating and eye catching. It is mainly used for presenting

new lexical items, though it may also be used for review.

To overcome the problems above, the researcher used cue card media to

improve the students writing skill. After applying teaching using cue card, there

was improvement of the students’ mean score. The mean score in cycle 1 was

71.1 and the mean score in cycle 2 was 78.9. The students’ mean scores of each

element of writing showed progress too. The improvement is said successful

because it was already reaching the minimum standard score and even higher.

There were some factors which made the improvement. First, the use of

cue card helped the students in generating idea. In preliminary study, it was found

that the students needed long time to think and find the idea of writing. They said

that they had no idea about what to write about. By using cue card, the students

knew what to write about. They needed shorter time to start writing because they

could directly see the things to be written there. The fact was in line with Burn’s

and Broman’s (1975: 11) opinion as follows: “Picture will help a new topic or

catch the interest of the children as they look at point and talk about them.”

Meanwhile, Smaldino (2008: 56) states that to provide powerful visual support to

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abstracts ideas can be used pictures, charts, graphs, posters, and carton, hence the

students can produce themselves.

From the statement above, it could be explained that using cue card can

help the students to find main ideas. Furthermore, pictures as on cue card were

helpful in giving students ideas. Wright (1989: 147) states that picture as a part of

an event, and the event as a whole highlight the meaning of the new language.

Next, cue card also could solve the problem in organization. In

preliminary study, the students were confused what to write next. But, it did not

happen after applying outline in teaching writing. The students knew what to

write next, because there was outline that helped to organize the writing.

According to Raimes (1983: 36), ... pictures that show a similar scene or tell a

similar story provides materials that offer guidance on vocabulary, sentence

stucture, and organization yet lets students write about new subject matter.

The improvement of the students in writing was also supported by

improving their vocabularies. The picture had a significant rule to improve the

vocabulary of the students. It could be seen from their activity in creating and

adapting their writing from the cue card. By using picture, they get more

vocabulary, they had opportunity to write a paragraph or sentences more

acceptably and effectively. Therefore, they had to develop their knowledge and

innovation by exploring the internet and collecting the pictures to make cue card.

These findings were in line with Raimes (1983: 36) who states,‘... Pictures that

show a similar scene or tell a similar story provides material thats offers guidance

on vocabulary’. Another expert, Harmer (2001: 55) states that by showing

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pictures or by drawing them on the board the teacher can also ensure that the

students understand the meaning of word.

The problem in grammar, cue card could be improved because there was

listing step by identifying the characteristics. It was found after the

implementation of action till cycle 2. The teacher taught the use of correct

grammar and gave many exercises to improve the students’ grammar score. It was

in line with Raimes (1983:36) said that picture could also use to work with

grammar. The research proved that pictures on cue card could be media to

improve the students’ grammar.

Next, the students could improve their students’ score on mechanics

element. It has been stated in previous discussion that the students did not pay

attention to the use of correct punctuation and spelling. It was their habit to write

without paying attention to the use of punctuation and spelling in writing. They

did not put dot in the end of the sentence, use capital letter in the beginning of a

sentence, comma, etc. By using cue card students knew how to use capital letter in

the beginning of sentence and the name of their idol, and also correct punctuation

and spelling to write good sentences. Wright (1989: 17) states that picture

contributes to the context in which the language is being used. Another expert,

Heaton (1991: 135) also states that mechanical skill is the ability to use those

conventions peculiar to the written language correctly. Furthermore, he uses the

term mechanical skill for punctuation and spelling .

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The description above showed the reasons of the students’ improvement in

writing after using cue card media. In short, the use of cue card was to improve

the students’ writing skill.

2. The strengths and weaknesses of teaching writing using cue cards

The implementation of teaching using cue card had strengths and

weaknesses. The strengths and weaknesses existed in the students’ writing

competence and the situation in teaching and learning process.

a. The strengths of teaching writing using cue cards

Related to the students’ writing competence, there were some

improvements reached from the implementation of using cue card in teaching

writing. They were the improvements of students’ means score in each

components of writing, the improvement of mean score and the improvement of

the number of students who got score above 75.

Besides related to the students’ writing competence, the strengths of using

cue card could be found in improving the class situation. The improvements

were: (2) Improvement of students’ creativity (3) improvement of students’

motivation; (4) Improvement of students’ interest.

(1) Improvement of students’ creativity

Cue card could improve students’ creativity. Creativity means the ability

to create something. The students would be more active and creative by

exploring the internet, magazine, newspaper, etc, to create cue card. According to

Wright (1989: 87) that picture can cue responses to questions, or cue

substitution through controlled practice. This opinion is supported by Everette

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(1997), “ By describing objects or things they can express their opinion from

many different viewpoints, stimulate them to write a story/poem about that image

– enhancing creative and language skills, and encourage the students to become

independent learners. After using cue card in teaching writing, the students could

create the descriptive text well. The students’ creativity is also reflected from their

ability in describing an object in their writing. They were more active and creative

in cooperative interaction among the students in their group to finish their work as

well as possible.

(2) Improvement of students’ motivation

One of the strengths of using cue card is improving students’ motivation.

All the students and the English teacher in that research felt happy in the teaching

and learning writing using cue card, especially when the students discussed

together about their result group, arranged the picture in a good position, matched

the pictures and its description, and identified the pictures. Wright (1989: 17)

states that pictures can motivate the students and make him or her want to pay

attention and want to take part. The students’ motivation also arose when they

described their idol. Harmer (2001; 51) states that motivation is some kind of

internal drive which pushes someone to do things in order to achieve something.

(3) Improvement of students’ interest

The researcher found that the students had better interest in writing

compared with before using cue card media. It could be seen from the fact that

they were more enthusiastic to write a text. They were happy in doing all steps.

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They also did the assignment seriously. Besides, they were more creative in

describing an object in the writing.

From the observation, it was found that the students had internal willing to

write by their own. They could participated all the steps seriously. Based on the

questionnaire, 30 students said that they enjoyed the class because the media of

teaching was interesting. Raimes (1983: 17) states that picture in the classroom

provides a stimulating focus for students’ attention.

The improvements of students’ interest in writing happen because they

enjoy the teaching and learning process using cue card. According to Smaldino

(2008: 56) Visuals can increase interest in lesson. From this statement, it could be

explained that cue card is one of visuals aids which can motivate learners by

attracting their attention, holding attention, and generating engagement in the

learning process.

b. The Weaknesses of teaching using cue card

Besides having strengths, the application of teaching using cue card in

teaching writing also having weaknesses. The weaknesses existed in the students’

writing competence and the class situation in teaching and learning process.

Writing using cue card has several steps, so it also needed long time to do. It

needed preparation phase to implement this media. Meanwhile, the students like

to speak themselves about their idol in cue card. It makes the class situation


Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded, that writing using

cue card has more strengths/advantages than weaknesses/disadvantages.

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A. Conclusion

This research was conducted to overcome the problem faced by the students of

grade VII SMP Negeri 2 Barat in academic year of 2011/2012. Based on the

finding in using cue card to teach writing, the researcher tries to make some


Firstly, cue card can improve students’ writing skill. It is proven by the

increase of students’ mean scores from 62 in pre test to 71.1 in cycle 1, and 78.9

in cycle 2. All mean scores of writing elements showed progress too. The mean

score of all indicators reached above the minimum standard score and even


Secondly, the implementation of teaching using cue card had strengths and

weaknesses. The strengths and weaknesses existed in the students’ writing skill

and the situation in teaching and learning process. The strengths of teaching using

cue card related to the students’ writing skill were the improvements of students’

mean scores in each components of writing, the improvement of mean scores and

the improvement of the number of students who got score above 75.

Besides related to the students’ writing skill, the strengths of using cue card

media could be found in improving the class situation. The improvements were:

(1) improvement of students’ motivation; (2) improvement of students’ creativity;

and (3) improvement of students’ interest.

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Besides having strengths, the application of teaching using cue card in

teaching writing also had weaknesses. The weaknesses existed in the students’

writing skill and the situation in teaching and learning process. Related to the

weaknesses of using cue card in the students’ writing skill, the researcher found

that not all students could follow the steps of using cue card media. Some students

who are left-brain thinkers tend to dislike the method. They are accustomed to

thinking rationally and logically. They like to make the outline or draft in writing.

On the other hand, the right-brain thinker enjoyed the steps of using cue card

because they accustomed to thinking imaginatively.

Related to the class situation in teaching and learning process, the weakness of

using cue card media made some students kept doing daydreaming in the

classroom. The next weakness was the class very dirty and crowded.

B. Implication

The result of this research implies that picture and its techniques is very

important for the teachers. They should use them in teaching learning in the

classroom in order to develop (1) the improvement of the students’ ability in

constructing descriptive text; (2) the improvement of exploring and organizing

ideas; (3) the improvement of students’ vocabulary; (4) the improvement of

students’ grammar; (5) the improvement of students’ mechanics; and (6) The

improvement of students’ creativity, motivation, and interest.

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Realizing that cue card is very essential in improving students’ writing

skill especially in writing descriptive text, some recommendations are put forward

to the English teachers, the institution, and the students.

Firstly, the English teacher can use some kinds of picture to make cue card

in teaching learning process. The teacher should have more active, creative and

innovative. Therefore, the students will become more interested and motivated in

joining English lesson. Here, the teacher can discuss with their students to look

for, and share the pictures to make cue card by exploring from the magazine,

newspaper, and browsing the internet.

Secondly, the school institutions facilitate to establish of English writing

Corner with its program to continue the improvement of the study, not only in

descriptive texts but also in the other texts.

Finally, for the students, they have to study hard and brave their opinion in

writing English. The should not be afraid, and shy or embarrased in expressing

their ideas. The must remember that who often practice, who get the best.

C. Suggestion

Considering the findings and the conclusion, the researcher would like to offer

some suggestions as follows:

1. Teacher

a. The teacher who faces the same problem in teaching can apply the media

such as cue card in teaching.

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b. The teacher should be patient in helping the students to solve their


c. The teacher is suggested to use various teaching media based on the

students’ condition.

2. Students

a. Students can use cue card in solving their problems in writing.

b. Students must have high motivation and interest in studying so they can

improve their skill.

c. The regular practice must be done because it will make students have

motivation and interest to get better achievement.

3. Other researchers

a. It is needed to do the research on using cue card media in teaching

listening, speaking, and reading.

b. It is suggested to use the findings of the research as a starting point in the

next research about the implementation of using cue card media.

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