these cornell notes are due on - mr....

Post on 25-Feb-2021






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These Cornell notes are due on:






The Region of Nubia

Upper and Lower Nubia

The Kush Civilization

Cultural Relations Between

Egypt and Kush

Kush Rises to Power

Grade 6

World History: Ancient Civilizations

Chapter 6: Kush and Other African Kingdoms

Lesson 1: Nubia and the Land of Kush


1. Describe the geographic features of Nubia.

2. Summarize the development of the land of Kush.

3. Describe notable features of the Kush civilization.


Lesson Main Ideas

These Cornell notes are due on:

Political and Commercial

Relations with Egypt

The Decline of Kush


Horses and Chariots

The Kushite Capital of Meroë

An Economy of Ironworking

and Trade

These Cornell notes are due on:

A Rich Culture Develops

Lesson Summary

These Cornell notes are due on:

1. What event marked the end of the Kushite kingdom based in Napata?

2. How was the Nile important to the relationship between Nubia and Egypt?

3. What was the most significant achievement of Piankhi's rule?

4. Why did the people of Meroë learn to smelt iron?

5. How did Piankhi's reign differ from that of Taharqu in the control of Egypt?

6. What factors made the Kushites move their capital to Meroë?

7. How was Nubia similar to and different from Egypt?

8. What were the effects of Egyptian rule of Nubia and on Nubian culture?

9. What significant event happened in the 700s B.C. between Nubian and Egypt?

10. What geographic factor helped Napata emerge as a important center in Kush?

11. In what way did technology influence the decline of Kush under Taharqa?

12. Why did the Kushite kings choose Meroë as the site of their new capital?

13. What kind of goods did the Kushites trade at Meroë?

14. Briefly describe the culture that developed in the Kingdom of Kush.

Lesson Review

These Cornell notes are due on:


Horn of Africa




The Rise of Aksum

Perfect Trade Location

An International Trading Hub

King Ezana Expands Aksum

Grade 6

World History: Ancient Civilizations

Chapter 6: Kush and Other African Kingdoms

Lesson 2: The Kingdom of Aksum


1. Summarize the development of the kingdom of Aksum.

2. Describe notable features of the Aksum civilization.

3. Describe how the Aksum civilization reflected a wide range of cultural influences.


Lesson Main Ideas

These Cornell notes are due on:

A Trading Nation

Aksum's Achievements


A Written Language

Terraced Farming

These Cornell notes are due on:

Lesson Summary

These Cornell notes are due on:

1. What were some of Aksum's major achievements?

2. What factors led to the rise of Aksum?

3. How did Ezana expand Aksum's power?

4. What kinds of structures were built in Aksum, and what purpose did they serve?

5. What did the pillars of Aksum reveal about the culture?

6. In what ways did the adoption of Christianity as the official religion affect the culture of Aksum?

7. Why is it accurate to refer to Aksum as a "hub" of trade?

8. What was the sequence of events by which Ezana helped make Aksum a great power?

9. What religion did Ezana adopt for Aksum?

10. What does the spread of Christianity in Aksum suggest about the cultural influences on the African


11. What were the most impressive structures erected in Aksum, and why were they built?

12. In what ways did Aksum farmers adapt to the rugged environment of the region?

13. In what way did the language of Aksum reflect the multicultural nature of the kingdom?

Lesson Review

These Cornell notes are due on:






Early Life in Africa

A Variety of Environments

Herding and Farming

Belief Systems and


The Nok Culture

Grade 6

World History: Ancient Civilizations

Chapter 6: Kush and Other African Kingdoms

Lesson 3: West, Central, and Southern Africa


1. Describe early life in west, central, and southern Africa.

2. Describe the key features of the Nok culture.

3. Summarize the history of the Bantu migrations.


Lesson Main Ideas

These Cornell notes are due on:


Using Iron

The Bantu Migrations

Bantu Speakers

Migration Begins

These Cornell notes are due on:

Effects of Migration

Lesson Summary

These Cornell notes are due on:

1. In what two ways did most of the peoples of West Africa support themselves and their families?

2. Why did people living on the plains of central Africa practice herding?

3. Why were archaeologists surprised to discover that the Nok produced iron?

4. Why was the migration of Bantu speakers so slow?

5. Why did the Bantus overwhelm the people into whose territory they migrated?

6. Compare the importance of ironmaking in the Nok and Bantu cultures?

7. How did the lack of a written language help shape the culture of early people in west and central Africa?

8. What is one reason that experts know about the Nok culture today?

9. Based on what you have read about other civilizations, what effect do you think iron had on the Nok


10. Who were the Bantu people and where were they from originally?

11. What did Bantu farmers do when they encountered new types of environments in their migrations?

12. What skill set the Bantu apart from the people they encountered as they migrated throughout Africa?

13. What effect did the Bantu have as they encountered different peoples and cultures?

Lesson Review

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