these are some helpful review activities in preparation ... · pdf filethese are some helpful...

Post on 06-Mar-2018






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These are some helpful review activities in preparation for your Language Arts Mid-Term. Some of these we have already completed in class, and some are new. Don’t forget to review your Poetry Notes (in your binder, and also attached to Edmodo and my webpage).

Figurative Language Poem

Sketch By Carl Sandburg

The shadows of the ships

Rock on the crest

In the low blue lustre

Of the tardy and the soft inrolling


A long brown bar at the dip of the


Puts an arm of sand in the span of


The lucid and endless wrinkles

Draw in, lapse and withdraw.

Wavelets crumble and white spent


Wash on the floor of the beach.

Rocking on the crest

In the low blue lustre

Are the shadows of the ships.

Directions: Respond to these questions to the best of your ability. Answer the questions completely. If

you need more space, use the back or a separate sheet.

1. Identify an example of personification: explain what is being personified how.

2. Identify an example of hyperbole: explain how it is exaggerated.

3. Identify an example of metaphor: explain which two things are being compared.

4. Find two separate examples of alliteration. List the alliterative words.

5. Where is repetition used in this poem? Why do you think that it is used this way?

6. What action is described in the third stanza of the poem?

7. How is imagery used in this poem? What is described?

8. What is the mood of this poem? How does it make you feel?

Hyperbole Cafe by Lill Pluta

Welcome to our restaurant Where everything's gigantic. A hundred waiters hold one dish. Our kitchen can get frantic. Our soup is deeper than the sea. Our noodles stretch a mile. The bread is longer than a train. It's sure to make you smile. We pile our peas up mountain high. One cookie hides the moon. We pour our iced tea into boats. We hope you'll visit soon. Super Teacher Worksheets -

Write a sentence that uses hyperbole to describe each item below. example: a quick runner James runs faster than a speeding bullet. 1. a large pile of snow _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2. a heavy math book _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3. a deep puddle of water _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 4. a tall boy _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 5. a quiet girl _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

Tell whether each sentence uses hyperbole. Write “hyperbole” or “not hyperbole” on each line. ___________________________ 1. James is growing so fast, soon he'll be taller than the trees. ___________________________ 2. My backpack weighed a ton. ___________________________ 3. It is raining extremely hard outside. ___________________________ 4. I am so tired I could sleep for a year. ___________________________ 5. Megan is the best speller in the class. Super Teacher Worksheets -

Clichés Clichés are popular expressions used by many people.

Examples: Time will tell. (Something will become clearly understood over time.) Lasted an eternity. (Lasts a very long time.) A waste of time. (It wasn’t worth spending any time on.) In a jiffy. (It will be done quickly.) Scared out of my wits. (Very frightened.) Every cloud has a silver lining. (Even good things can be found in a bad situation.) When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. (Have a positive attitude, even when things are tough.) Woke up on the wrong side of the bed. (Started the day off with a bad outlook or attitude.) Laughter is the best medicine. (Being able to laugh, no matter what Is happening, will make everything easier to handle.)

Puns This is a play on the sound of words. Examples: What do you call an alligator in a vest? An investigator. Whiteboards are remarkable. Insect puns bug me. A golf ball is a golf ball no matter how you putt it. I tried to catch some fog. I mist. Laffgaff

Idioms are words or phrases not meant to be taken literally (in their true

meaning), but are meant to be used figuratively. Identify the meaning for each idiom:

1. Keep the ball rolling A. One who doesn’t act like everyone else

2. Off the cuff B. Without preparation

3. A sitting duck C. In the same bad situation

4. Turn over a new leaf D. One who is knowledgeable in many areas

5. In the same boat E. One who doesn’t expect or suspect anything

6. Jack of all trades F. To keep up an activity or action

7. Turn the clock back G. A friend in good times, but not in bad times

8. Fair weather friend H. To return to an earlier period

9. Keep it under your hat I. To not tell; keep a secret

10. Oddball J. To make a sudden change in better behavior

Noun - a person, place or thing; can be singular or plural

Examples: Singular (one) - shoe, animal, building, lunch, vacation Plural (more than one) - vehicles, rugs, footballs, lunches, shoes Irregular Nouns - woman/women; man/men; person/people;

child/children; ox/oxen; foot/feet; goose/geese; tooth/teeth;

mouse/mice; octupus/octopi; cactus; cacti; parenthesis/parentheses

Examples: Common (not capitalized; name an ordinary, nonspecific person, place, thing, or

idea) – car, backpack, computer, water park

Proper (capitalized; name a specific person, place, think, or idea) – Mustang,

Jansen, Dell, Water Mania

Pronouns - a word that takes the place of a noun

Subject Pronouns - takes the place of one or more nouns in the

subject (I, you, he, she, it, we you, they)

He stole the expensive diamonds.

They were growing abundantly in the garden.

It was left wide open.

Object Pronouns - follows an action verb or a preposition, in the

predicate (me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them)

I know him.

Mr. Adams teaches us math.

We sometimes go with them to the city.



Kobe Bryant reveals plans to retire, looks

toward life after Lakers By Associated Press, adapted by Newsela staff



LOS ANGELES, Calif. — After a lifetime in basketball, Kobe Bryant fulfilled his longstanding

promise that he would never play basketball for another team. On Sunday, he announced that

he will retire after this season, ending a landmark 20-year NBA career spent entirely with the

Los Angeles Lakers. He was serenaded with cheers throughout the team's 107-103 loss to

Indiana during Sunday's game.


"I had to just accept the fact that I don't want to do this anymore, and I'm OK with that," the

smiling Bryant said after the game.


Bryant made the long-expected declaration in a poem titled "Dear Basketball," which was

posted on The Players' Tribune website on Sunday.


"My heart can take the pounding. My mind can handle the grind. But my body knows it's time

to say goodbye," wrote Bryant, who is the third-leading scorer in NBA history. "And that's OK.

I'm ready to let you go. I want you to know now. So we both can savor every moment we have

left together. The good and the bad. We have given each other all that we have."

Pride In The Purple And Gold


When the Lakers played against the Indiana Pacers on Sunday night, fans did not expect

much from the struggling team. Instead they received a letter from Bryant in a black envelope

stamped with gold.


"What you've done for me is far greater than anything I've done for you," Bryant wrote. "I knew

that each minute of each game I wore purple and gold," the team's colors.


Bryant's announcement fit a dramatic career that has included five championship rings and 17

All-Star selections. No other NBA player has played so long on a single team.


In 1996, Bryant went straight from high school in suburban Philadelphia to his favorite

childhood team. He became the top scorer in Lakers history with creativity and resourceful

athleticism that inspired a generation of fans and players.

Injuries Ended Last 3 Seasons


"Kobe was my (Michael) Jordan," said Paul George, who plays basketball for the Indiana

Pacers. "Watching him win championships when I was growing up, that's who I idolized. That

was the standard."


But Bryant's last three seasons have ended early due to injuries, and he played in only 41

games over the previous two years. He struggled in the first 16 games of this season, making

just 32 percent of his shots — the worst of his career — and dealing with pain and exhaustion

every day.


"There's so much beauty in the pain of this thing," Bryant said. "It sounds really weird to say

that, but I appreciate the really, really tough times as much as I appreciate the great times. It's

important to go through that progression, because I think that's where you really learn about

the self."

Coach Surprised By Star's Decision


Lakers coach Byron Scott, Bryant's teammate during the 1996-97 season, was surprised by

Bryant's decision and thought he "had at least another year" in him.


Bryant disagreed, and he decided to make it public after talking with superstar player Michael

Jordan and other basketball "muses."


"If I had a burning desire to continue to play, I would," Bryant said. "I feel very solid in my



Even during his late-career struggles with the Lakers, Bryant's fans have remained devoted to

the 6-foot-6 star.


"Kobe Bryant is one of the greatest players in the history of our game," NBA Commissioner

Adam Silver said. "Whether competing in the Finals or hoisting jump shots after midnight in an

empty gym, Kobe has an unconditional love for the game."


Before Sunday's game, as Bryant warmed up, more people than usual took cellphone pictures

of him. Then Bryant missed his first six shots in the game. Later, he made two important shots.

At $25 Million, His Pay Tops NBA


Although the Lakers are already likely to miss the playoffs for the third straight season, Bryant

intends to keep going.


"There's nothing I would love more than to be able to play this entire season, to go through all

of these tough times, to be able to suit up and play on the road in these buildings for the last

time," Bryant said.


Bryant earns $25 million and is the NBA's highest-paid player this season.


"Clearly, we're not playing at the kind of level that a player of Kobe's age and experience finds

challenging," said Lakers General Manager Mitch Kupchak, who didn't learn of Bryant's

decision until Sunday afternoon. "So I'm not surprised that he would make the announcement

now. I think the game will be easier for him now. I think he'll be able to enjoy the rest of the



In his first public comments since his decision, Bryant spoke about the peace of mind created

by his decision. He did not say much about plans for the future, but provided hints such as

describing himself as "a storyteller" and talked about his conversations with the fashion

designer Giorgio Armani.


None of Bryant's plans appear to involve basketball, although he said it would be "an honor" to

play for his third Olympic gold medal next summer if he is picked for the U.S. team.


"I don't want to get too Zen-like," Bryant said. "But honestly, when I'm sitting in meditation, my

mind starts drifting, and it always drifted toward basketball, always." Bryant added that he

doesn't think about basketball all the time now, "and to me, that was really the first indicator

that this game is not something I can obsess over for much longer."


1. According to the article, which of the following is true about Bryant’s decision to quit basketball? A. He made the decision abruptly out of frustration with playing on a losing

team. B. He considered the decision carefully and sought advice from mentors. C. He made the decision based on advice of fans who want to see him play

in the Olympics.

2. Read this quote: “If I had a burning desire to continue to play, I would,” Bryant said.

Which of the following answer choices best explains the meaning of the word, “burning” as it is used here?

A. Boiling B. Intense C. Searing D. Painful

3. Read the following statement: “It’s OK to quit doing something you once loved if you no longer love it.”

Whose perspective is best represented by the statement above?

A. Paul George B. Adam Silver C. Byron Scott D. Kobe Bryant

4. Read the sentence from the first paragraph of the article:

“He was serenaded with cheers throughout the team’s 107-103 loss to Indiana during Sunday’s game.”

What do the words “serenaded” and “cheers” convey in the sentence?

A. Fans were excited about Bryant’s decision to quit. B. Fans were surprised by Bryant’s decision to quit. C. Fans love Bryant and continue to support him. D. Fans hoped that Bryant would change his mind.

5. In paragraph 21, identify 2 proper nouns and 2 common nouns.

6. In paragraph 9, what does George mean when he said that “Kobe was his

Michael Jordan? Written Responses Constructed Response – a one paragraph response; uses only the facts from the story Extended Response – more like an essay; may be from 3-4 paragraphs long Explanatory Writing (also called Informative) – writing in which you respond to a prompt that is asking you to explain or define the topic being discussed. Argumentative Writing – writing in which you defend your claim (your belief) with arguments, and evidence from the text to support those arguments. Both styles of writing require that supporting evidence from the text be provided, along with citation of that evidence.

1. Write a constructed response in which you identify the main idea and

supporting details of the article.

2. Imagine that you are one of Kobe Bryant’s closest friends. You are being asked why your friend, one of the most successful basketball players in recent history, is choosing to make such a life-changing decision at this point in his career.

Write an argumentative extended response in which you defend your friend’s decision. Use evidence from the article to support your arguments. Remember to cite your evidence.


Identifying Narrative Perspective

Directions: Read the following passages and determine the narrative perspective, then explain how you

were able to identify the point of view- if the passage is third person, explain which character’s thoughts

are revealed.

Narrative Perspective (point of view): first-person, second-person, third-person limited, third-person


1. Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar

Leslie sat in front of Paul. She had two long, brown pigtails that reached all the way down to her waist.

Paul saw those pigtails, and a terrible urge came over him. He wanted to pull a pigtail. He wanted to

wrap his fist around it, feel the hair between his fingers, and just yank. He thought it would be fun to tie

the pigtails together, or better yet, tie them to her chair. But most of all, he just wanted to pull one.

Narrative Perspective: _________________________________________________________________

If it is third-person, which character’s thoughts are revealed? __________________________________


2. Invitation to the Game by Monica Hughes

And we scrounged. Next to survival, scrounge was probably the most important word in our new

vocabulary. We found a store that was throwing out water-damaged mattresses. Getting them home

was a problem, since we had to make two trips, leaving Brad and Katie, armed with sticks to guard over

the remained. I truly expected them to be challenged by some gang boss, but they said that the only

person who came by was a scrawny little rat of a girl living alone. We let her have one of the


Narrative Perspective: _________________________________________________________________

If it is third-person, which character’s thoughts are revealed? __________________________________


3. Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt

At dawn, Mae Tuck set out on her horse for the wood at the edge of the village of Treegap. She was

going there, as she did once every ten years, to meet her two sons, Miles and Jesse, and she was feeling

at ease. At noon time, Winnie Foster, whose family owned the Treegap wood, lost her patience at last

and decided to think about running away.

Narrative Perspective: _________________________________________________________________

If it is third-person, which character’s thoughts are revealed? __________________________________


4. Curious George and the Pizza by Margret Rey

At the pizza place, Tony the baker was getting the pizzas ready for baking. He flattened out a ball of

dough into a large pancake and tossed it in the air. He spread tomato sauce on it, sprinkled it with

cheese, and shoved it in the oven. Then the telephone rang. “A fellow from the factory wants a large

pizza delivered in a hurry,” Tony’s wife called. “OK, I’ll get my coat,” said Tony.

Narrative Perspective: _________________________________________________________________

If it is third-person, which character’s thoughts are revealed? __________________________________


5. The Baffled Parent's Guide to Great Basketball Drills by Jim Garland

Before each practice begins, make sure you check the court and remove any debris from the playing

surface. When your players arrive, check that they have the proper footwear and that they’ve removed

any jewelry, which could injure the player wearing the jewelry or another player. Always carry a list of

emergency phone numbers for your players, and know where the nearest phone is located. You should

also have a first-aid kit, and you might want to take a first-aid course.

Narrative Perspective: _________________________________________________________________

If it is third-person, which character’s thoughts are revealed? __________________________________


6. The Ninja Housewife by Deborah Hamlin

After dropping her son off at school, Sara sat at a traffic light and waited. She was on her way to her

office job as a secretary in a law office. It was mainly paperwork with very little time to interact with

other people, but Sara had gotten used to that. It also gave her plenty of time to daydream, something

she had also gotten quite used to. She was a woman in her mid-30s, married 13 years, with one child.

Narrative Perspective: _________________________________________________________________

If it is third-person, which character’s thoughts are revealed? __________________________________


7. The Patchwork Girl of Oz by Lyman Frank Baum

Unc Nunkie, Margolotte and the Magician all stood looking at the marvelous Powder, but Ojo was

more interested just then in the Patchwork Girl’s brains. Thinking it both unfair aand unkind to deprive

her of any good qualities that were handy, boy took down every bottle on the shelf and poured some of

the contents in Margolotte’s dish. No one saw him do this, for all were looking at the Powder of Life;

but soon the woman remembered what she had been doing, and came back to the cupboard.

Narrative Perspective: _________________________________________________________________

If it is third-person, which character’s thoughts are revealed? __________________________________


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