therapeutics mcq 200

Post on 20-Aug-2015






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MCQ tips


Try to gather as many examples as you can of old papers and previous examples of

MCQs used by the department or school in question in the past.

Do not, however, try to memorise hundreds of responses to questions. The factual

knowledge you will gain will be superficial and dissociated. It is better to look for the

topic areas that recur frequently and ensure that you have a deeper knowledge of these


Revise with friends and colleagues. You can share knowledge and techniques.

Familiarise yourself with the optical reader cards that you will be using to record your

answers in the exam. Examples should be available from the "examinations office."

You should know what type of MCQ is being set for you. Will there be negative

marking? How much time will you have and how many questions will there be?

On the day

Check that your understanding of the MCQ format is correct. "It is negative marking,

there are 300 questions, and I have two hours to complete this." Always read the stem for

each question carefully. Have you understood the question? Are there any ambiguities? If

so ask an invigilator who will alert an examiner. There are usually one or two in the

room. Allocate three quarters of the time to answering the questions and a period at the

end to checking answers and accuracy

1)DIURETICS Adverse effects EXCEPT a hyponatraemia – sometimes severe, especially in the elderly; b hyperuricaemia – most diuretics reduce urate clearance

c hyperglycaemia – thiazides reduce glucosetolerance:at high doses

d hypercalcaemia – thiazides reduce urinary calcium ion clearance

2)Bulk- forming laxatives characteristics EXCEPT A Natural bulk-forming laxat ives is Psyl l ium and Mal t soup ext ract B Synthet ic bulk-forming laxatives are Methylcel lulose and Polycarbophi l C "should not be used in obstructingbowel lesion intestinal strictures, or Crohn's disease" D not to usefor more than 1 week to treat constipation;

3)ACE inhibitors Adverse effects include except a First-dose hypotension. b Dry cough –due to kinin accumulation stimulating cough afferents c Hyperkalaemia in patients with hepatic impairment

d Fetal injury – ACEI cause renal agenesis/failure in the fetus,

resulting in oligohydramnios

4)Angiotensin receptor stimulation causes following EXCEPT a Vasoconstriction b Cell growth c Sodium and fluid retention d Sympathetic activation e vasodilation

5-CARDIAC GLYCOSIDES( Digitalis ) characteristics includes following EXCEPT a digitalis blood level of 0.8 to 1.2 ng/dL is required for action b increasing contractility(positive inotropy) while decreasing heart rate (negative chronotropy) c fat-soluble steroid that crosses the blood-brain barrier and enhances vagaltone. d works directly on the heart through an actionon the sodium–potassium (Na –K ) ATPase e decreases contractility and enhances vagaltone

6-Schizophrenia PATHOPHYSIOLOGY includes following EXCEPT A Positive symptoms associated with DA receptor hyperactivity B positive symptoms and cognitive symptomsmay be most closely related to DA receptor hypofunction in the prefrontal cortex C deficiency of glutamatergic activity produces symptoms similar to those of dopaminergic hyperactivity D higher whole blood 5-HT concentrations in schizophrenia E negative symptoms and cognitive symptomsmay be most closely related to DA receptor hypofunction in the prefrontal cortex

7-anti hypertensive drugs includes following EXCEPT a angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) and b angiotensin AT1 receptor antagonists (sartans c beta-adrenoceptor antagonists; d calcium channel antagonists;

8-Fibric Acids(Fibrates) characteristics include the following except a Gemfibrozil, Fenofibrate, Clofibrate are fibrates b Gemfibrozil reduces the synthesis of VLDL and HDL c Gemfibrozil increases the rate of removal of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins from plasma. d GI complaints, rash , dizziness, and transient elevations in transaminase levels and alkaline

phosphatase are the side effects

e Clofibrate and, less commonly, gemfibrozil may enhance the formation of gallstones f Fibrates may potentiate the effects of oral anticoagulants,

9- Classification of Antiarrhythmic Drugs includes following EXCEPT a Ia (Quinidine,Procainamide ,Disopyramide) b Ib (Lidocaine ,Mexiletine,lignocaine) c Ic (Flecainide,Propafenone ,Moricizine) d II (β-Blockers)

10- Ezetimibe characteristics includes following EXCEPT

a Ezetimibe interferes with the absorption of cholesterol from the intestine,

b approved as both monotherapy and for use with a statin. c It reduces the free LDL by increasing the metabolism d should be reserved for patients unable to tolerate statin therapy or those who do not achieve satisfactory lipid lowering with a statin alone. e When used alone, it results in an approximate 18% reduction in LDL cholesterol.

11- Atrial fibrillation treatment facts include the following EXCEPT a In haemodynamically stable patients, a rhythm-control treatment strategy is preferred for patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation b rate-control is not preferred for those with permanent atrial fibrillation. c Digoxin is usually only effective for controlling the ventricular rate at rest d Ventricular rate can be controlled with a beta-blocker or diltiazem or verapamil e Digoxin only be used as monotherapy in predominantly sedentary patients" 12 -Schizophrenia Symptoms include following EXCEPT A Positive symptoms include hallucinations,behavior disturbance (disorganized or catatonic), and illusions. B Negative symptoms include alogia (poverty of speech), avolition, affective flattening, anhedonia, ataxia and social isolation. C Cognitive dysfunction includes impaired attention, working memory, and executive function. D Positive symptoms include delusions, disorganized speech (association disturbance),

13- SUPRAVENTRICULAR ARRHYTHMIAS statements include the following EXCEPT a "AF is characterized as an extremely rapid (400 to 600 atrial beats/min and disorganized atrial activation" b "Atrial flutter is characterized by rapid (270 to 330 atrial beats/min) but regular atrial activation." c SUPRAVENTRICULAR ARRHYTHMIAS ARISING FROM THE SINUS NODE include Sinus tachycardia

and Sinus bradycardia

d Sinus tachycardia the rate is 100–150 beats per minute with abnormal P-waves and PR interval e "Sinus bradycardia- rate is less than 60 beats per minute with normal complexes"

14- CALCIUM-CHANNEL BLOCKERS Adverse effects include the following EXCEPT a nifedipine causes flushing and headache. b negative inotropic effect of verapamil exacerbates cardiac failure c Constipation is common with verapamil. d nifedipine -Baroreflex activation causes tachycardia, which can worsen angina e flushing and headache are not related to the peak plasma concentration. Slow-release preparations are used combact this problem

15) Diabetes mellitus characteristics include following EXCEPT a "diagnosed by measuring fasting or random blood-glucose concentration and occasionally by oral glucose tolerance test" b Type 1 diabetes- deficiency of insulin following autoimmune destruction of pancreatic beta cells. c type 1 diabetes require administration of insulin. d Type 2 diabetes, is due to reduced secretion of insulin or to peripheral resistance to the action of insulin or to a combination of both e "patients may be controlled on diet alone, only require oral antidiabetic drugs in type 2 dm

16) FACTS about ALPHA-ADRENOCEPTOR ANTAGONISTS include the following except

a alpha blockers include Phenoxybenzamine,Doxazosin and Prazosin b Prazosin is a selective α1-blocker,short elimination half-life. c Prazosin is limited by severe postural hypotension d Doxazosin is longer lasting, permitting twice daily use e Doxazosin i is useful in men with mild symptoms from benign prostatic hypertrophy.

17) facts about Insulin include the following EXCEPT a regulates carbohydrate,fat, and protein metabolism. b Insulin is not inactivated by gastro-intestinal enzymes, and therefore need not be given by injection; c "subcutaneous insulin injections cause lipodystrophy but can be minimised by using different injection sites in rotation"

d Insulin is usually injected into the upper arms, thi

18) Intermediate- and long-acting insulins characteristics include the following EXCEPT a Soluble insulin can be mixed with Intermediate and long-acting insulins (except insulin detemir and insulin glargine) b given once daily, particularly in elderly patients. c "Isophane insulin is a suspension of insulin with protamine "

d Protamine zinc insulin is usually given once daily with short-acting

19) facts about hypertension include the following EXCEPT a hypertension is risk factors for ischaemic heart disease, stroke, renal failure and heart failure b Arterial blood pressure is determined by cardiac output, peripheral vascular resistance c diastolic hypertension is common in the elderly. d Renal disease (vascular,parenchymal or obstructive) is a cause of arterial hypertension

20) ANGIOTENSIN-CONVERTING ENZYME INHIBITORS characteristics include the following EXCEPT

a) renal protective benefits in diabetic and/or hypertensive patients

b) block the breakdown of bradykinin c) elaboration of more kinins and less angiotensin II d) induce a cough as a result of the decrease in kinins. QUESTION NO:19 ANSWER :C

21) Antithyroid drugs characteristics include the following EXCEPT a) used for hyperthyroidism either to prepare patients for thyroidectomy or for long-term management. b) carbimazole is the most commonly used drug in hypothyroidism c) act primarily by interfering with the synthesis of thyroid hormones d) Propylthiouracil should be reservedfor patients who are intolerant of carbimazole or for those who suffer sensitivityreactions to carbimazole


22) ANGIOTENSIN RECEPTOR BLOCKER charateristics include the following EXCEPT a) fetal renal toxicity is a sideeffect b) Half-lives of most ARB are long enough to permit once daily dosing. c) action mediated by the angiotensin II subtype 1 (AT1) receptor. d) Losartan has an inactive metabolite. QUESTION NO:21 ANSWER:B

23) facts about β-Adrenergic Blockers include the following EXCEPT a) a β-blocker should be administered early in the care of patients with STE ACS (within the first 24 hours) and continued indefinitely. b) "reduces heart rate, myocardial contractility, and BP, thereby decreasing myocardial oxygen demand."

c) "The reduced heart rate by beta blocker increases diastolic time thus improving ventr


24) Antipsychotic drugs characteristics include the following EXCEPT a) "act by interfering with dopaminergic transmission in the brain by blocking dopamine D2 receptors" b) "Patients should receive antipsychotic drugs for 4–6 weeks before the drug is deemed ineffective" c) "Antipsychotic drugs should also be used with caution in Parkinson’s disease , epilepsy ,depression, myasthenia

gravis, p

25) insulin detemiror insulin glargine may be considered for those EXCEPT

a) who require assistance with injecting insulin

b) whose lifestyle is significantly restricted by recurrent symptomatic hyperglycaemia

c) "who would otherwise need twice-daily basal insulin injections in combination with oral antidiabetic drugs" d) who cannot use the device needed to inject isophane insulin QUESTION NO:24 ANSWER

26) Neuroleptic malignant syndrome charateristics include the following EXCEPT a) "Neuroleptic malignant syndrome symptoms (hyperthermia, fluctuating level of consciousness, muscle rigidity, and autonomic dysfunction with pallor, tachycardia, labile blood pressure, sweating, and urinary incontinence)"

b) Discontinuation of the antipsychotic is essential in Neuroleptic malignant syndrome because

27) charateristics of diurectics include the following EXCEPT a) Loop Diuretics block the Na –K –2Cl symporterin the ascending limb of the loop of Henle b) Loop Diuretics increase in urinary excretion of H and K can lead to arrhythmias c) Spironolactone inhibits the binding of aldosterone to cytosolic mineralocorticoid receptors in the

epithelial cells in the late distal tubule and collecting c

28) facts about antipsychotic treatments include the following EXCEPT a) "Clozapine is used for schizophrenia when other antipsychotics are ineffective or not tolerated" b) "Prescribing of more than one antipsychotic drug at the same time is recommended" c) "Chlorpromazine has a marked sedating effect and is useful for treating violent patients without causing stupor"

d) "Agitated states in th

29) Carbimazole facts include the following EXCEPT a) Carbimazole is given in a dose of 150 to 400 mg daily; b) dose is continued until the patient becomes euthyroid, usually after 4 to 8 weeks and the dose is then gradually reduced to a maintenance dose of 5 to 15 mg. c) Therapy is usually given for 12 to 18 months

d) Children may be given carbimazole in an initial dose of 250 micrograms/kg

30) facts about bipolar disorder treatment include the following EXCEPT

a) "Long-term treatment of bipolar disorder should continue for at least two years from the last manic episode and up to five years if the patient has risk factors for relapse" b) "An antidepressant drug may also be required for the treatment of co-existing depression"

c) benzodiazepines (such as lorazepam) may be helpfu

31) Thyrotoxic crisis (‘thyroid storm’) treatments include the following EXCEPT a) emergency treatment with intravenous administration of fluids b) propranolol (5 mg) c) hydrocortisone (10 mg every 6 hours, as sodium succinate), d) oral iodine solution and carbimazole or propylthiouracil which may need to be administered by nasogastric tube. QUESTION NO(30) ANSWER :C

32) cAMP-ELEVATING AGENTS characteristics include the following EXCEPT a) intracellular Camp levels resuilt in an decrease in contractility. b) cAMP-ELEVATING AGENTS include -adrenergic agonists (e.g., dobutamine) or the phosphodiesterase inhibitors milrinone (Corotrope) and amrinone(Inocor) c) used in acutely ill patients in the intensivecare unit

d) milrinone or amrinone increases cAMP level

33) ANGIOTENSIN RECEPTOR BLOCKERS characteristics include the following EXCEPT a) ANGIOTENSIN RECEPTOR BLOCKERS includes losartan, candesartan, irbesartan, valsartan). b) Long-acting drugs (e.g. candesartan)produce good 24-hour control c) ARB has the adverse effect of dry cough d) an ACEI or a sartan is preferred over other anti-hypertensive drugs in diabetic patients QUESTION NO(32) ANSWER :A

34) Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Receptor Inhibitors charateristics include the following except a) Abciximab,eptifibatide and tirofiban are Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Receptor Inhibitors b) used for patients undergoing primary PCI who have received fibrinolytics. c) should not be administered to STE ACS patients who will not be undergoing PCI.

d) may increase the risk of bleeding, especially if given i

35) Antidepressant drugs treatment facts include the following EXCEPT a) Antidepressant drugs should not be used routinely in mild depression, and psychological therapy should be considered initially b) "Drug treatment of mild depression may also be considered in patients with a history of moderate or severe depression"

c) Since there may be an interval of 2 weeks before the antidepressant acti

36) bipolar disorder treatments facts include the following EXCEPT a) "Antipsychotic drugs (normally olanzapine, quetiapine, or risperidone) are useful in acute episodes of mania and hypomania" b) "if the response to antipsychotic drugs is inadequate, lithium or valproate may be added." c) "An antipsychotic drug may be used concomitantly with lithium or valproate in the initial treatment

of s 37) Drugs used in the management of asthma include the following EXCEPT

a) beta1 agonists

b) " antimuscarinic bronchodilators "

c) theophylline,

d) "corticosteroids "

38) Bulk- forming laxatives characteristics include the following EXCEPT. A) Bulk- forming laxatives are natural or synthetic polysaccharide derivatives B) Adsorb water to soften the stool and increase bulk, C ) work only in the small intestine D) The onset of action is slow (12-24 hour and up to 72 hours )

39) Salicylates characteristics include the following except A) "relieve mild to moderate pain and reduce inflammation and fever ." B) "Analgesic and anti - inflammatory actions of aspirin results from both the acetyl and the sal icylate portions of the drug" C) Actions of other sal icylates (e.g., sodium salicylate, salicylsal icyl ic acid, choline sal icylate) result

only from the salicylate

40) insulin characteristics include the following except a) "Insulin requirements may be increased in patients with hepatic impairment" b) "Insulin requirements may fall in patients with renal impairment and therefore dose reduction may be necessary." c) "The short-acting insulin analogues, insulin aspart and insulin lispro, are not known to be harmful,

and may be used during pregnancy and la

41) omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids characteristics include the following except a) "(from fish oil), most commonly eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)," b) "reduce cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, and VLDL and may elevate HDL cholesterol." c) not useful in patients with hypertriglyceridemia, d) "thrombocytopenia and bleeding disorders have been noted, especially with high doses (EPA," QUESTION NO(40) ANSWER . A

42) Atrial fibrillation characteristics include the following except a) managed by either controlling the ventricular rate or by attempting to restore and maintain sinus rhythm. b) All patients with atrial fibrillation should be assessed for their risk of stroke and thromboembolism, c) thromboprophylaxis given if necessary d) "All haemodynamically unstable patients with acuteonset

atrial fibr

43) TREATMENTS for asthma in Pregnancy include the following except a) "Drugs for asthma should preferably be administered by inhalation to minimise exposure of the fetus" b) Inhaled drugs, theophylline, and prednisolone can be taken as normal during pregnancy and breast-feeding c) "prednisolone is the preferred corticosteroid for oral administration since very little of the drug

reaches the

44) Sulfonylureas characteristics include the following except a) "act mainly by augmenting insulin secretion and consequently are effective only when some residual pancreatic beta-cell activity is present" b) "considered for patients who are notoverweight, or in whom metformin is contra-indicated or not tolerated." c) "Glibenclamide, a short-acting sulfonylurea, is associated

with a greater ri

45) Management of severe acute asthma include the following except a) "All patients with severe acute asthma should be given high-flow oxygen (if available) and an inhaled short-acting beta2 agonist via a large-volume spacer or nebuliser" b) "give 2–10 puffs of salbutamol 100 micrograms/metered inhalation, each puff inhaled separately

via a large-volume spacer,and repeat at 10–20 minute interval

46) Antidiabetic drugs characteristics include the following except a) used for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. b) prescribed only if the patient fails to respond adequately to at least 3 months’ restriction of energy and carbohydrate intake and an increase in physical activity. c) For patients not adequately controlled by diet and oral hypoglycaemic drugs, insulin may be

added to t

47) Beta-blockers characteristics include the following except a) Propranolol is useful for rapid relief of thyrotoxic symptoms b) may be used in conjunction with antithyroid drugs or as an adjunct to radioactive iodine c) Beta-blockers are not useful in neonatal thyrotoxicosis and in supraventricular arrhythmias due to hyperthyroidism d) "Propranolol has been used in conjunction with iodine to prepare mildly thyrotoxic patients for



48) Treatment of Acute Attacks of gout include the following except a) Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), colchicine, and ACTH are the mainstays of treatment. b) When comorbidities limit the use of NSAIDs or colchicine, a preferred option may be an intra-articular steroid injection, particularly when a large, easily accessible joint is involved

c) Patients should be instructed to g

49) Pharmacologic Treatment of Osteoarthritis include the following except a) "For hand osteoarthritis,use 1 or more of the following:Topical capsaicin Topical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including trolamine salicylate,Oral NSAIDs,Tramadol" b) For patients 75 years and older,not recommends the use of topical rather than oral NSAIDs.

c) For knee osteoarthritis,recommends usi

50) DMARDs characteristics include the following except a) DMARDs can retard or prevent disease progression and, thus, joint destruction and subsequent

loss of function.

b) until the full action of DMARDs takes effect, anti-inflammatory or analgesic medications may be required as bridging therapy to reduce pain and swelling.

c) early treatment of RA (ie, within months of onset) with DMARDs ca

51) drugs to treat osteoporosis include the following except a) First-line agents: alendronate, risedronate, zoledronic acid, denosumab b) Second-line agent: ibandronate c) Second- or third-line agent: raloxifene and teriparatide d) Last-line agent: calcitonin

52) Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs characteristics include the following except a) indomethacin is the traditional NSAID of choice for acute gout (unless the patient is elderly, because of the potential for adverse CNS effects in this age group), b) do not use aspirin in gout because it can alter uric acid levels and potentially prolong and intensify an acute attack.

c) Avoid NSAIDs in

53) Pharmacologic Treatment of Osteoarthritis include the following except a) Begin treatment with acetaminophen for mild or moderate osteoarthritic pain without apparent inflammation b) If the clinical response to acetaminophen is not satisfactory or if the clinical presentation of osteoarthritis is inflammatory, consider using an NSAID.

c) Use the lowest effective dose or intermittent dosin

54) Janus kinases (JAKs) inhibitors characteristics include the following except a) Inhibition of JAKs reduces production of proinflammatory cytokines central to RA b) Tofacitinib (Xeljanz) is an I V JAKs inhibitor as second-line treatment for moderate-to-severe active RA c) The indication is specific for patients who have had an inadequate response to, or are intolerant of, methotrexate.


55) Bisphosphonates characteristics include the following except a) They have been employed for only prevention. Oral and intravenous options are available b) Alendronate (Fosamax) is approved for the treatment of osteoporosis in men, in postmenopausal

women, and in patients with glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis.

c) The treatment dose of alendronate is 70 mg/wk, to be taken sitting upright

56) Alpha-adrenergic receptor blockers characteristics include the following except a) Nonselective alpha-blockers - phenoxybenzamine b) Selective short-acting alpha-1 blockers - prazosin, alfuzosin, indoramin c) Selective long-acting alpha-1 blockers - terazosin, doxazosin, slow-release (SR) alfuzosin. d) Partially subtype (alpha-1b)–selective agents – tamsulosin, silodosin QUESTION NO(55) ANSWER . A

57) benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) characteristics include the following except a) alpha-adrenergic receptor–blocking agents should theoretically increase resistance along the bladder neck, prostate, and urethra by relaxing the smooth muscle and allowing passage of urine. b) Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) has long been accepted as the criterion standard

for relieving bladder

58) Hypercalcemia Treatment characteristics include the following except a) volume repletion with isotonic sodium chloride solution is an effective short-term treatment for hypercalcemia b) administration of loop diuretics blocks Na+ and calcium reabsorption in the TALH. c) Oral phosphate also can be used to form insoluble calcium phosphate in the gut.

d) Immobilization aggravates hyperc

59) Severe Hypocalcemia Treatment characteristics include the following except a) Supportive treatment (ie, IV fluid replacement, oxygen, monitoring) often is required prior to directed treatment of hypocalcemia b) Calcium carbonate 10% solution delivers higher amounts of calcium and is advantageous when

rapid correction is needed, but it should be administered via central venous access.

c) Ca

60) Hyperkalemia Treatment & Management characteristics include the following except a) Perform an ECG to look for cardiotoxicity. Administer intravenous calcium to ameliorate cardiac toxicity, b) Remove potassium-containing salt substitutes. Examine the patient's diet. Change the diet to a

low-potassium tube feed or a 2-g potassium ad-lib diet.

c) "enhance potassium uptake by cells to decreas

61) Treatment of Mild to Moderate Alzheimer Disease include the following except a) Cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs) and mental exercises are used in an attempt to prevent or delay

the deterioration of cognition in patients with AD.

b) Centrally acting ChEIs prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine. agents have been approved as

follows:tacrine,Donepezil , Rivastigmine (Exelon, Exelon Patch),Gal

62) Migraine Headache Treatment include the following except a) Analgesics used in migraine include acetaminophen, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and narcotic analgesics (eg, oxycodone, morphine sulfate). b) 5-Hydroxytryptamine–1 (5-HT1) agonists (triptans) and/or opioid analgesics, alone or in

combination with dopamine antagonists (eg, prochlorperazine [Compazine]), are used for

63) Colchicine characteristics include the following except a) Colchicine therapy must be initiated within 24 hours of onset of the acute attack to be effective b) colchicine causes adverse GI effects, particularly diarrhea and vomiting, in 80% of patients. c) the New Zealand Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Authority is as follows: 1 mg loading dose

followed by 0.5 (0.6) mg every 6 hours,

64) Duloxetine characteristics include the following except

a) Duloxetine is a selective serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor

b) duloxetine has been found to be effective in treating osteoarthritis pain.[ c) used in patients with knee osteoarthritis who had persistent moderate pain despite optimized

NSAID therapy,

d) duloxetine was also associated with significantly more nausea, dry mouth, diarrhea, fatigue, and decreased appetite QUESTION NO(63) ANSWER . D

65) Bisphosphonates characteristics include the following except

a) oral bisphosphonates include risedronate (Actonel) or risedronate delayed-release (Atelvia),

b) Ibandronate (Boniva) is another bisphosphonate that can be given orally once a week c) Risedronate reduced vertebral fractures by 41% and nonvertebral fractures by 39% over 3 years d) Ibandronate is also available as an intravenous formulation that is given every 3 months QUESTION NO(64) ANSWER . D

66) Alpha-1–Receptor Blockade characteristics in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia include the following except a) alpha-blocker therapy has been shown to reduce the overall long-term risk for acute urinary retention (AUR) or BPH-related surgery. b) Tamsulosin is considered the most pharmacologically uroselective of the commercially available

agents because of its highest relative affinity for the

67) Interferon beta-1b therapy characteristics include the following except a) It is indicated for the treatment of relapsing forms of MS to reduce the frequency of clinical exacerbations b) It has shown efficacy in patients who have experienced a first clinical episode of MS and have MRI features consistent with MS c) Interferon beta-1b is administered every other day i v by self-injection 68) Corticosteroids characteristics include the following except a) Corticosteroids can be given to patients with gout who cannot use NSAIDs or colchicine b) . Steroids can be given orally, intravenously, intramuscularly, intra-articularly, or indirectly via ACTH. c) ACTH at 40 IU IM can be given to induce corticosteroid production by the patient's own adrenal glands

d) Prednisone can be given

69) Allopurinol characteristics include the following except a) Allopurinol is also associated with the drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) syndrome b) DRESS syndrome is a delayed-hypersensitivity response occurring 1 week after beginning allopurinol. c) In most patients, start at 100 mg per day (50 mg in patients with renal insufficiency) and adjust the dose monthly according to the uric acid level until the goal of a uric acid level of 6 mg/dL or less is achieved d) Allopurinol should be discontinued in patients who develop a rash. QUESTION NO(68) ANSWER . D

70) Intra-articular corticosteroid injections characteristics include the following except a) Intra-articular injection of a corticosteroid or sodium hyaluronate (ie, hyaluronic acid [HA] or hyaluronan), may provide pain relief and have an anti-inflammatory effect on the affected joint. b) Infected joint fluid and bacteremia are contraindications to steroid injection.

c) In patients with osteo

71) Treatment options for Tension-type or migraine headacheinclude the following except a) Paracetamol, aspirin and NSAIDs are useful first-line treatments in adults b) solution formulations are not preferable: patients with migraine have impaired absorption due to gastric stasis c) Avoid aspirin in children under 18 years. Use paracetamol or ibuprofen instead

d) Avoid combination analgesics c

72) Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease Treatment options include the following except a) Diagnosis can be confirmed through a clear symptom response to therapy. b) Initial therapy with a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) is appropriate for the majority of patients. c) If a standard daily dose results in symptom control within one week, the diagnosis will be confirmed

d) In 80% of people, pantoprazole

73) use of medication in Tension-type or migraine headache include the following except a) "Paracetamol. Do not take more than 4 g/24 hours (8 x 500 mg tablets or 8 x 665 mg tablets" b) "Paracetamol is contained in many products: overdosing may be prevented by carefully checking the ingredients in all products" c) Use only one NSAID at a time (excluding low-dose aspirin)."

d) "Response to N

74) Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease Treatment characteristics include the following except a) Pantoprazole. Recommended dose for initial therapy is 20 mg daily for two weeks. b) H2 antagonists. Due to risk of accumulation, consider dose reduction in severe renal impairment c) Antacids. optimum effect if taken half an hour after meals d) separate administration with other medications by at least two hours is required because the antacids may affect their absorption QUESTION NO(73) ANSWER . A

75) NSAIDs use in Dysmenorrhea include the following except a) NSAIDs are the most commonly used treatments for dysmenorrhea b) NSAIDs decrease menstrual pain by decreasing intrauterine pressure and increasing PGF2alpha levels in menstrual fluid. c) patients receiving these medications should be monitored for more serious adverse effects,

including GI bleeding and renal dysfunction.


76) Ear, nose, and oropharynx infection treatment include the following except a) "Pericoronitis-MetronidazoleSuggested duration of treatment 3 days or until symptoms resolve Alternative, amoxicillin Suggested duration of treatment 3 days or until symptoms resolve" b) "Gingivitis: acute necrotising ulcerative-Metronidazole Suggested duration of treatment 3 days or until symptoms resolve


77) Urinary tract infection treatment include the following except a) "Pyelonephritis: acute ,A broad-spectrum cephalosporin or a quinolone and duration of treatment 10–14 days" b) "Prostatitis: acuteCiprofloxacin or ofloxacin and duration of treatment 28 days " c) "Prostatitis: acute,Alternative, trimethoprim and Suggested duration of treatment 28 days"

d) Urinary-tract infection: ‘lower’ Tr

78) Endocarditis:treatment include the following except a) Flucloxacillin (or benzylpenicillin if symptoms severe) + gentamicin b) If cardiac prostheses present, or if penicillin-allergic, or if meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus suspected, vancomycin + rifampicin + gentamicin c) Endocarditis caused by staphylococci give Flucloxacillin

d) "Add rifampicin for at least 2 weeks in prosth

79) Benzylpenicillin characteristics include the following except a) "Benzylpenicillin sodium (Penicillin G) is inactivated by bacterial beta-lactamases" b) "It is effective for many streptococcal (including pneumococcal), gonococcal, andmeningococcal infections and also for anthrax" c) "benzylpenicillin is the drug of first choice for pneumococcal meningitis"

80) Hormonal Contraceptives levonorgestrel implants characteristics include the following except a) levonorgestrel implant releases approximately 80 mcg of levonorgestrel per 24 hours during the first year of use, b) Release of the progestational agent by diffusion provides effective contraception for 5 years. c) Contraceptive protection begins within 48 hours of insertion if inserted during the first week of the menstrual cycle. d) The rods are inserted subcutaneously, usually in the woman's upper arm, where they are visible

under the skin and

can be easily palpated QUESTION NO(79) ANSWER . c

81) "Loop Diuretics characteristics include the following

a) block the Na –K –2Cl symporterin the decenting limb of the loop of Henle b) increase in urinary excretion of H and K can lead to arrhythmias c) increase in urinary excretion of Na and K can lead to arrhythmias d) increase in urinary excretion of H and Na can lead to arrhythmias

82) "Spironolactone characteristics include the following except "

a) inhibits the binding of aldosterone to cytosolic mineralocorticoid receptors

b) potential side effect is hyperkalemia

c) blocking sodium and water retention

d) retaining potassium

83)Short-acting insulins characteristics include the following a) subcutaneously, soluble insulin has a rapid onset of action (30 to 60 minutes), and a duration of action of up to 18 hours." b) I V , soluble insulin has a rapid onset of action (30 to 60 minutes), and a duration of action of up to8 hours."

c) subcutaneously, soluble insulin has a rapid onset of action (60 to 120 minutes), a

84) Ezetimibe characteristic includes the following

A) Ezetimibe interferes with the absorption of cholesterol from the stomach,

B) Ezetimibe interferes with the absorption of triglicerides from the intestine,

C) Ezetimibe interferes with the absorption of cholesterol from the intestine,

D) Ezetimibe increases the absorption of cholesterol from the intestine,

85) Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs characteristics include the following a) Avoid NSAIDs in patients who have a history of peptic ulcer disease or abdominal pain, patients

with renal insufficiency,

b) Avoid NSAIDs in patients who have a history of diabetes or GI bleeding, patients with renal


c) Avoid NSAIDs in patients who have a history of peptic ulcer disease or GI blee

86) Mifepristone characteristics include the following a) It causes contraction of the cervix and increases the sensitivity of the myometrium to the action of prostaglandins. b) It causes dilatation of the cervix and decreases the sensitivity of the myometrium to the action of prostaglandins c)It causes dilatation of the pelvis and increases the sensitivity of the myometrium to the action of


87)Diabetes mellitus characteristics include the following a) Type 1 diabetes, is due to reduced secretion of insulin or to peripheral resistance to the action of insulin or to a combination of both b) Type 2 diabetes, is due to reduced secretion of insulin or to peripheral resistance to the action of insulin or to a combination of both

c) Type 2 diabetes, is due to increased secretion of insu

88) Diabetes mellitus characteristics include the following a)Type 2 diabetes is the deficiency of insulin following autoimmune destruction of pancreatic beta cells and type 1 diabetes require administration of insulin. b) Type 1 diabetes is the deficiency of insulin following autoimmune destruction of pancreatic beta cells and type 2 diabetes require administration of insulin.

c)Type 1 diabete

89)Diabetes mellitus characteristics include the following a)"A measure of the total glycosylated (or glycated) haemoglobin (HbA2 ) or a specific fraction (HbA1c ) provides a good indication of glycaemic control over the previous 2–3 months." b)"A measure of the total glycosylated (or glycated) haemoglobin (HbA1 ) or a specific fraction (HbA1d ) provides a good indication of glycaemic control over the previous 2–3 months." c) "A measure of the total glycosylated (or glycated) haemoglobin (HbA1 ) or a specific fraction (HbA1c ) provides a good indication of glycaemic control over the previous 2–3 months... d) "A measure of the total glycosylated (or glycated) haemoglobin (HbA2 ) or a specific fraction (HbA1c ) provides a good indication of glycaemic control over the previous 3–6 months." e)"A measure of the total glycosylated (or glycated) haemoglobin (HbA1 ) or a specific fraction (HbA1c ) provides a good indication of glycaemic control over the previous 6–12 months." QUESTION NO(85) ANSWER . e

90)Insulin characteristics include the following a)Insulin is inactivated by gastro-intestinal enzymes, it must therefore be given by i v

injection;subcutaneous insulin injections cause lipodystrophy b)Insulin is inactivated by gastro-intestinal enzymes, it must therefore be given by injection;i v

insulin injections cause lipodystrophy

c)Insulin is not inactivated by gastro-intestina

91) Sulfonylureas characteristics include the following a) "Glibenclamide, a short-acting sulfonylurea, is associated with a greater risk of hypoglycaemia;" it should be avoided in the elderly b) "Glibenclamide, a long-acting sulfonylurea, is associated with a greater risk of hyperglycaemia;" it should be avoided in the elderly c)"Glibenclamide, a long-acting sulfonylurea, is associated

with a

92)Diabetes mellitus treatment characteristics include the following a)Sulfonylureas can encourage weight loss so metformin is considered the drug of choice in obese patients. b)Sulfonylureas can encourage weight gain so metformin is considered the drug of choice in non obese patients. c)Sulfonylureas can encourage weight gain so metformin is considered the drug of choice in obese patients...

93)Nateglinide and repaglinide characteristics include the following a)inhibit insulin release and Both drugs have a rapid onset of action and short duration of activity" b)stimulate insulin release and Both drugs have a rapid onset of action and short duration of activity".. c)stimulate insulin production and Both drugs have a slow onset of action and short duration of activity"


94) pioglitazone, characteristics include the following a)"pioglitazone, increases peripheral insulin resistance, leading to a reduction of blood-glucose concentration" b)"pioglitazone, reduces peripheral insulin resistance, leading to a reduction of blood-glucose concentration.. c)"pioglitazone, reduces peripheral insulin secretion , leading to a reduction of blood-glucose concentration


95) Acarbose, characteristics include the following a)"an inhibitor of intestinal alpha glucosidases, increases the digestion and absorption of starch and sucrose" b)"an inhibitor of intestinal alpha glucosidases, delays the digestion and absorption of fats and sucrose" c)"an inhibitor of stomach alpha glucosidases, delays the digestion and absorption of starch and protein

96) Metformin characteristics include the following a)"Metformin improves insulin resistance, may aid weight reduction, and metformin can provoke lactic acidosis in patients with renal impairment," b)"Metformin improves insulin sensitivity, may aid weight reduction, and metformin can provoke lactic acidosis in patients with renal impairment,"..

c)"Metformin improves insulin sensitivity, may

97)Clinical manifestations of Diabetes mellitus include the following a) oliguria, polydipsia, polyphagia, and weight loss b) Polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, and weight gain c) Polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, and weight loss.. d) Polyuria, dyspepsia, polyphagia, and weight loss

98) Diagnostic criteria of Diabetes mellitus by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) include the following

a)A fasting plasma glucose (FPG) level of 126 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L) or less,

b)A fasting plasma glucose (FPG) level of 146 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L) or higher,

c)A fasting plasma glucose (FPG) level of 126 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L) or higher,..

d)A fasting plasma glucose (FPG) level of 126 mg/L (9.

99) Dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibitors characteristics include the following a)DPP-4 inhibitors stop the action of incretin hormones by blocking its degradation and are given

once daily

b)DPP-4 inhibitors prolong the action of incretin hormones by activating its degradation and are

given once daily

c)DPP-4 inhibitors prolong the action of incretin hormones by blocking its degradation a

100) Incretins characteristics include the following a)Incretins increase insulin release and synthesis from pancreatic beta cells and reduce glucagon secretion pancreatic alpha cells.. b)Incretins decrease insulin release and synthesis from pancreatic beta cells and reduce glucagon secretion pancreatic alpha cells

c)Incretins increase insulin release and synthesis from pancreatic beta cells an

101) Insulin characteristics include the following a)Insulin lower blood glucose by stimulating peripheral glucose metabolism and by inhibiting hepatic glucose production; b)Insulin lower blood glucose by inhibiting peripheral glucose uptake and by inhibiting hepatic glucose production c)Insulin lower blood glucose by stimulating peripheral glucose uptake and by stimulating hepatic


102) Amylinomimetics (Pramlintide) characteristics include the following a)Pramlintide is a synthetic analogue of human amylase It slows gastric emptying, suppresses

postprandial glucagon secretion, and regulates food intake

b))Pramlintide is a synthetic analogue of human amylin It increase gastric emptying, suppresses postprandial glucagon secretion, and regulates food intake

c))Pramlintide i

103) Exenatide characteristics include the following a)A glucagonlike peptide-1 (GLP-1) block incretin and promotes insulin secretion, suppresses glucagon, and slows gastric emptying b)A glucagonlike peptide-1 (GLP-1) mimics incretin and promotes insulin production, suppresses glucagon, and increase gastric emptying

c)A glucagonlike peptide-1 (GLP-1) mimics amylin and promotes insulin secreti

104)Diabetic complication characteristics include the following a)Gastroparesis is a problem in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus .use of metoclopramide may be helpful and its use preferably should be limited to a few days at a time b)Gastroparesis is a problem in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus use of metoclopramide may be

helpful and its use preferably should be limited to a few

105)Insulin regimens(Once-daily regimen) characteristics include the following a)short or intermediate-acting insulin is given at bedtime It is suitable only for patients with type 2 diabetes b)Long- or short-acting insulin is given at bedtime It is suitable only for patients with type 1 diabetes c)Long- or intermediate-acting insulin is given in the morning

It is suitable only for patients wit

106) Diagnostic criteria by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) for type 2 DM include the following except a) A random plasma glucose of 100 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) or higher in a patient with classic

symptoms of hyperglycemia or hyperglycemic crisis

b) A fasting plasma glucose of 200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) or higher in a patient with classic symptoms

of hyperglycemia or hyperglycemic crisis


107) insulin characteristics include the following

a) Soluble insulin by the IM is reserved for diabetic ketoacidosis, and for fine control in serious illness and in the peri-operative period b) NPH insulin by the IV is reserved for diabetic ketoacidosis, and for fine control in serious illness and in the peri-operative period

c) Soluble insulin by the IV is reserved for diabetic neuropathy, a

108)Nateglinide and repaglinide characteristics include the following

a)stimulate insulin production,Both drugs have a rapid onset of action and short duration of activity, b)inhibit insulin release,Both drugs have a rapid onset of action and short duration of activity, c)stimulate insulin release,Both drugs have a slow onset of action and short duration of activity,

d)stimulate insulin relea

109)Diabetic Neuropathy characteristics include the following A)An antiemetic which promotes gastric transit, such as metoprolol or domperidone, is helpful for gastroparesis associated with neuropathy B)An antidiarrheal which promotes gastric transit, such as metoclopramide or domperidone, is helpful for gastroparesis associated with neuropathy

C)An antiemetic which promotes gastric transit,

110) exenatide characteristics include the following a)The recommended dose of exenatide is 30 mg once weekly by subcutaneous injection b)The recommended dose of exenatide is 2 mg once day by subcutaneous injection c)The recommended dose of exenatide is 20 mg once weekly by IV injection d)The recommended dose of exenatide is 2 mg once weekly by subcutaneous injection..

111) Diabetic Neuropathy characteristics include the following except a) "Paracetamol or a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug such as ibuprofen may relieve mild to moderate pain." b) "Duloxetine is effective for the treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy" c) "amitriptyline can be used if duloxetine is ineffective or unsuitable."

d) "Nortriptyline may be better tolerated than amitriptyline

112) management of diabetic ketoacidosis include the following a) Established IV therapy with long-acting insulin analogues (insulin detemir or insulin glargine)

should be continued during treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis

b) Established SC therapy with short-acting insulin analogues (insulin detemir or insulin glargine) should be continued during treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis

c) Esta

113) Dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibitors characteristics include the following

a) Saxagliptin, sitagliptin, and vildagliptin inhibit dipeptidylpeptidase-3 to increase insulin secretion and lower glucagon secretion. b)Saxagliptin, sitagliptin, and vildagliptin inhibit dipeptidylpeptidase-4 to decrease insulin secretion and lower glucagon secretion.

c)Saxagliptin, sitagliptin, and vildagliptin ac

114) Diabetic Neuropathy characteristics include the following

a)treatment with morphine or oxycodone should be initiated without specialist supervision." b)Gabapentin and carbamazepine are sometimes used for the treatment of neuropathic pain. c)treatment with morphine or oxycodone should be initiated only under specialist supervision." d) b and c..

115) when glycaemic control is inadequate with existing treatment, pioglitazone can be added to the follwing except a) a sulfonylurea, if metformin is contra-indicated or not tolerated b) metformin, if risks of hypoglycaemia with sulfonylurea are unacceptable or a sulfonylurea is contraindicated or not tolerated c) an exenatide tablet, if insulin is acceptable because of lifestyle or other personal issues.. d) a combination of metformin and a sulfonylurea, if insulin is unacceptable because of lifestyle or other personal issues, or because the patient is obese QUESTION NO(114) ANSWER .(d)

116)The thiazolidinedione characteristics include the following

a) pioglitazone, increases peripheral insulin resistance, leading to a reduction of blood-glucose concentration b)pioglitazone, reduces peripheral insulin resistance, leading to a reduction of blood-glucose concentration.. c)pioglitazone, reduces peripheral insulin sensitivity , leading to a reduction of blood-glucose


117) Acarbose characteristics include the following

a) an stimulant of intestinal alpha glucosidases, delays the digestion and absorption of starch and sucrose, Flatulence is a side-effect and it tends to decrease with time" b) an inhibitor of intestinal alpha glucosidases, increases the digestion and absorption of starch and

sucrose, Flatulence is a side-effect and it tends to decrease wi

118)management of diabetic ketoacidosis include the following

a)if systolic blood pressure is above 90mmHg give 500 mL sodium chloride 0.9% by intravenous infusion over 10–15 minutes; b)if systolic blood pressure is below 90mmHg give 500 mL sodium bicarbonate 0.9% by intravenous infusion over 10–15 minutes;

c)if systolic blood pressure is below 90mmHg give 500 mL sodium chloride 0.9% by intra

119) Insulin characteristics include the following

a) Insulin and its analogs increase blood glucose by stimulating peripheral glucose uptake, especially by skeletal muscle and fat, and by inhibiting hepatic glucose production b) Insulin and its analogs lower blood glucose by stimulating peripheral glucose uptake, especially by

skeletal muscle and fat, and by inhibiting hepatic glucose product

120) Thyroid hormones characteristics include the following a) The pituitary gland inhibits the thyroid to make thyroid hormone,which is necessary for normal growth and development, and it regulates cellular metabolism. b) The pituitary gland stimulates the thyroid to make thyroid hormone,which is necessary for normal growth and development, and it blocks cellular metabolism.

c) The pituitary 121) Hyperthyroidism characteristics include the following a) Excess thyroid hormone causes an decrease in the metabolic rate that is associated with increased total body heat production and cardiovascular activity (increased heart contractility, heart rate,


b) Excess thyroid hormone causes an increase in the metabolic rate that is associated with decreased

total body heat produc

122) symptoms of thyrotoxicosis include the following a) Nervousness,Anxiety, decreased perspiration,Heat intolerance,Tremor,Hyperactivity,Palpitations,Weight loss despite increased appetite, Reduction in menstrual flow or oligomenorrhea b) Nervousness,Anxiety, Increased perspiration,cold intolerance,Tremor,Hyperactivity,Palpitations,Weight loss despite increased appetite, Reduction in


123) Propylthiouracil characteristics include the following a) Propylthiouracil is second line drug of choice in life-threatening severe thyrotoxicosis because ofof inhibition of T4 -to-T3 conversion. b) Propylthiouracil is still the drug of choice in life-threatening severe hypothyroidism because ofof inhibition of T4 -to-T3 conversion.

c) Propylthiouracil is still the drug of choice in life-t

124) hyperthyroidism treatment characteristics include the following

a) "under-treatment with antithyroid drugs can results hypothyroidism and should be avoided during pregnancy because of fetal goitre" b) "Over-treatment with antithyroid drugs can results hypothyroidism and should be avoided during pregnancy because of fetal goitre"..

c) "Over-treatment with antithyroid drugs can results hyp

125) hyperthyroidism treatment characteristics include the following

a) Iodine is used as an adjunct to antithyroid drugs for 10 to 14 days after partial thyroidectomy b) Iodine is used as an adjunct to levothyroxine for 10 to 14 days before partial thyroidectomy c) Iodine is used as an adjunct to antithyroid drugs for 10 to 14 days before partial thyroidectomy..

d) Iodine is used as a subst

126) Carbimazole characteristics include the following

a) Children may be given carbimazole in an initial dose of 250 milligrams/kg three times daily b) Children may be given carbimazole in an initial dose of 250 micrograms/kg three times daily.. c) Children may be given carbimazole in an initial dose of 250 micrograms/kg one time daily

d) adults may be given carbimazole in an initial dose of

127) symptoms of thyrotoxicosis include the following a) Younger patients exhibit symptoms of more sympathetic activation, such as anxiety, hypoactivity,

and tremor,

b) older patients exhibit symptoms of more sympathetic activation, such as anxiety, hyperactivity,

and tremor,

c) Younger patients exhibit symptoms of more sympathetic activation, such as depression,

hyperactivity, and tremor

128) hyperthyroidism treatment characteristics include the following

a) The drug of choice for hypothyroidism in the nonpregnant woman is methimazole b) The drug of choice for hyperthyroidism in the nonpregnant woman is methimazole c) The drug of choice for hyperthyroidism in the pregnant woman is methimazole

d) The drug of choice for hyperthyroidism in the nonpregnant woman is radio active

129) hyperthyroidism treatment characteristics include the following a) neurologic and pulmonary symptoms of thyrotoxicosis are relieved by beta-blocker therapy. b) neurologic and cardiovascular symptoms of hypothyroidism are relieved by beta-blocker therapy. c) neurologic and cardiovascular symptoms of thyrotoxicosis are relieved by beta-blocker therapy.

d) neurologic and cardiovascular sympt

130) hyperthyroidism treatment characteristics include the following

a) Propranolol has been used instead of iodine to prepare mildly thyrotoxic patients for surgery

b) Propranolol has been used in conjunction with iodine to prepare mildly hypothyroid patients for


c) methimazole has been used in conjunction with carbimazole to prepare mildly thyrotoxic patients

for surgery

d) Pr

131) Thionamides( carbimazole and methimazole) characteristics include the following a) need to continue taking for a short time,do not have to go to hospital to take ,less risk of thyroid

gland becoming underactive

b) need to continue taking for a long time,do not have to go to hospital to take ,less risk of thyroid

gland becoming underactive

c) need to continue taking for a long time,do

132) hyperthyroidism treatment characteristics include the following

a) Most people only require a single dose of carbimazole treatment. If a further follow-up dose is required it is usually given six-12 months after the first dosage b) Most people only require two doses of radioiodine treatment. If a further follow-up dose is required it is usually given six-12 months after the first dosage

133) Subclinical hyperthyroidism characteristics include the following a) low or undetectable concentration of serum thyrotropin (TRH) with normal free triiodothyronine (FT3) and free thyroxine (FT4) levels b) high or undetectable concentration of serum thyrotropin (TSH) with normal free triiodothyronine (FT3) and free thyroxine (FT4) levels

c) low or undetectable concentration of serum thyr

134) Hypothyroidism characteristics include the following a) lack of thyroid hormone production due to inadequate secretion of thyrotropin (ie, thyroid-

stimulating hormone [TSH]) from the pituitary gland

b) lack of thyroid hormone secretion due to inadequate secretion of thyrotropin (ie, thyroid-

stimulating hormone [TRH]) from the pituitary gland

c) lack of thyroid hormone secretion due t

135) TSH ,T4 and T3 Interpretation include the following EXCEPT a) High TSH Normal T4 Normal T3 -Mild (subclinical) hypothyroidism b) High TSH LowT4 Low or normal T3- Hyperthyroidism c) Low TSH Normal T4 Normal T3 - Mild (subclinical) hyperthyroidism* d) Low TSH High or normalT4 High or normal T3-Hyperthyroidism*

136) Thyroid function tests characteristics include the following a) In patients with secondary (pituitary dysfunction) and tertiary (hypothalamic dysfunction) hypothyroidism both T4 and TSH levels are increased b) In patients with secondary (pituitary dysfunction) and tertiary (hypothalamic dysfunction) hyperthyroidism both T4 and TSH levels are reduced.

c) In patients with secondary (pituitar

137) Levothyroxine characteristics include the following a) decreases basal metabolic rate, increases utilization and mobilization of glycogen store, promotes gluconeogenesis b) increases basal metabolic rate, increases utilization and mobilization of glycogen store, promotes gluconeogenesis c) increases basal metabolic rate, decreases utilization and mobilization of glycogen store, promotes


138) hypothyroidism treatment characteristics include the following a) To determine the right dosage of levothyroxine initially, check your level of TSH after two to three months b) To determine the right dosing interval of levothyroxine initially, check your level of TSH after two to three months

c) To determine the right dosage of carbimazole initially, check your level of TSH after two to

139) Levothyroxine characteristics include the following a) synthetic T3 replacement should be taken in the morning, 30 minutes before eating. b) synthetic T4 replacement should be taken in the evening, 20 minutes before eating. c) synthetic T4 replacement should be taken in the morning, 30 minutes before eating.

d) synthetic T4 replacement should be taken in the morning, 30 minutes after

140) Levothyroxine characteristics include the following a) long-term therapy has been associated with decreased bone resorption, especially in post-

menopausal women on greater than replacement doses

b) short-term therapy has been associated with increased bone resorption, especially in post-

menopausal women on greater than replacement doses

c) long-term therapy has been associated wi

141) symptoms of hypothyroidism include the following a) tiredness,weight loss,depression,being sensitive to the cold,dry skin and hair and muscle aches b) "tiredness,weight gain,depression,being sensitive to the cold,dry skin and hair andmuscle aches c) "tiredness,weight gain,depression,being sensitive to the heat,dry skin and hair andmuscle aches

d) "tiredness,weight gain,depression,being s

142) Levothyroxine adverse effects include the following a) Arrhythmias,Cramps,constipation,Nervousness,Tachycardia, Tremor b) "Arrhythmias,Cramps,Diarrhea,Nervousness,bradycardia, Tremor c) "Arrhythmias,Cramps,Diarrhea,depression,Tachycardia, Tremor

143) Graves Disease Treatment include the following a) radioactive iodine is first-line therapy, especially in elderly patients, and it can be performed in an outpatient setting. b) radioactive iodine is first-line therapy, especially in younger patients, and it can not be performed in an outpatient setting.

c) radioactive iodine is first-line therapy, especially in younger patients, and

144) CHRONIC (CONGESTIVE) HEART FAILURE symptoms include the following a) symptoms ofdizziness,dyspnea (shortness of breath), chest pain, syncope(loss of consciousness), b) symptoms of fatigue,dyspnea (shortness of breath), chest pain, syncope(loss of consciousness), c) symptoms of fatigue,apnea (shortness of breath), chest pain, syncope(loss of consciousness),

d) symptoms of fatigue,dyspnea (

145) Digitalis action include the following a) act on the (H –K ) ATPase and increasing contractility(positive inotropy) while decreasing heart rate (negative chronotropy) b) act on the (Na –K ) ATPase and decreasing contractility(positive inotropy) while decreasing heart rate (negative chronotropy)

c) act on the (Na –K ) ATPase and increasing contractility(positive inotropy) while increas

146) Digitalis characteristics include the following a) Digoxin has a short half-life and maintenance doses need to be given only once daily b) Digoxin has a long half-life and maintenance doses need to be given only 3 times daily c) Digoxin has a short -life and maintenance doses need to be given only twice daily

d) Digoxin has a long half-life and maintenance doses need to be given only once

147) The New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification of heart failure include the following a) Class I: minimum limitation of physical activity b) Class I: slight limitation of physical activity c) Class I: marked limitation of physical activity d) Class I: No limitation of physical activity

148) Management of HF include the following a) Pharmacotherapy: Diuretics, vasoconstrictors, inotropic agents, anticoagulants, beta blockers, and digoxin b) Pharmacotherapy: Diuretics, vasodilators, inotropic agents, anticoagulants, beta blockers, and digoxin c) Pharmacotherapy: Diuretics, vasoconstrictors, chronotropic agents, anticoagulants, beta blockers, and digoxin

d) Pharmacotherapy: Diu

149) Risk factor for heart failure include include the following a) low blood pressure- heart works harder than it has to if blood pressure is high. b) high blood pressure- heart works harder than it has to if blood pressure is high. c) high blood pressure- heart works lesser than it has to if blood pressure is high.

d) low blood pressure- heart works faster than it has to if blood pr

150) HEART FAILURE characteristics include the following EXCEPT a) heart failing to pump enough blood around the body at the right pressure. b) heart muscle has become too weak or stiff to work properly. c) heart needs some support to do its job, usually in the form of medicines d) Heart failure does not causes circulatory failure,

151) Types of heart failure include the following a) heart failure due to right ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVSD) – due to the part of the heart that

pumps blood around your body (the left ventricle) becoming weak

b) heart failure due to right ventricular diastolic dysfunction (LVSD) – due to the part of the heart

that pumps blood around your body (the left ventricle) becoming weak


152) ANGIOTENSIN-CONVERTING ENZYME INHIBITORS characteristics include the following a) work by dilating blood vessels , which makes the blood flow more easily and reduces blood


b) work by constricting blood vessels , which makes the blood flow more easily and reduces blood


c) work by constricting blood vessels , which makes the blood flow more difficult and reduces bloo

153) Digitalis characteristics include the following a) Hypokalaemia predisposes the patient to digitalis toxicity; it is managed by giving a potassium-sparing diuretic or, or , calcium supplementation. b) Hyperkalaemia predisposes the patient to digitalis toxicity; it is managed by giving a potassium-sparing diuretic or, or , potassium supplementation.

c) Hypokalaemia predisposes the patient t

154) Digitalis characteristics include the following a) Digitalis is potent activators of cellular Na+/K+-ATPase which moves Na ions out of the cell and brings K ions into the cell. b) Digitalis is potent activators of cellular Na+/H+-ATPase which moves Na ions out of the cell and brings K ions into the cell.

c) Digitalis is potent inhibitors of cellular Na+/K+-ATPase which moves K ions out

155) diuretics characteristics include the following a) diuretics produce diuresis by promoting the reabsorption of sodium at different segments of the renal tubular system b) diuretics reverse diuresis by promoting the reabsorption of sodium at different segments of the renal tubular system c) diuretics reverse diuresis by inhibiting the reabsorption of potassium at different segments of


156) Loop Diuretics characteristics include the following a) inhibit the sodium-potassium-chloride cotransporter in the thick ascending limb b) inhibit the sodium-potassium-calcium cotransporter in the thick ascending limb c) activate the sodium-potassium-calcium cotransporter in the thick ascending limb d) inhibit the sodium-potassium-chloride cotransporter in the thick distal tubule

157) inhibition of sodium-potassium-chloride cotransporter in the thick ascending limb cause the following a) increase in the distal tubular concentration of potassium, and less water reabsorption in the collecting duct. b) increase in the distal tubular concentration of sodium, and less water reabsorption in the collecting duct.

c) increase in the distal tubular concentration of sodium, and

158) Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors characteristics include the following a) inhibit the transport of calcium out of the proximal convoluted tubule into the interstitium, therefore greater sodium, bicarbonate and water loss in the urine. b) inhibit the transport of calcium out of the late distal tubule into the interstitium, therefore greater sodium, bicarbonate and water loss in the urine.


159) diuretics action include the following

a) diuretics increase blood volume and venous pressure. This decreases cardiac filling (preload)

b) diuretics increase blood volume and arterial pressure. This decreases cardiac filling (preload)

c) diuretics decrease blood volume and venous pressure. This increases cardiac filling (preload)

d) diuretics decrease blood volume and venous pressure

160) Arterial dilator actions include the following

a) Arterial dilator reduce pressure by decreasing peripheral vascular resistance.

b) Arterial dilator reduce arterial pressure by decreasing systemic vascular resistance.

c) Arterial dilator reduce venous pressure by decreasing systemic vascular resistance.

d) Arterial dilator increase venous pressure by decreasing systemic vascular re

161) Side-Effects of Vasodilators include the following a) Vasodilators can produce normal baroreceptor-mediated reflex vasoconstriction , which can lead

to orthostatic hypotension and syncope

b) Vasodilators can produce normal baroreceptor-mediated reflex vasodilation which can lead to

orthostatic hypotension and syncope

c) Vasodilators can impair normal baroreceptor-mediated reflex vasoc

162) vasodilators characteristics include the following a) Vasodilators can lead to renal retention of calcium and water, which increases blood volume and cardiac output b) Vasodilators can lead to renal retention of sodium and water, which increases blood volume and cardiac output c) Vasodilators can lead to renal retention of sodium and water, which decreases blood volume and cardiac output

163) Drugs used in the management of asthma include the following

a) beta2 agonists, muscarinic bronchodilators, theophylline, corticosteroids,cromoglicate and nedocromil b) beta2 antagonists, antimuscarinic bronchodilators, theophylline, corticosteroids,cromoglicate and nedocromil c) beta 1agonists, antimuscarinic bronchodilators, theophylline, corticosteroids,cromoglicate and nedocromil


164) Administration characteristics of drugs for asthma include the following a) "Systemic side-effects occur less frequently when a drug is given orally rather than by inhalation." b) Systemic side-effects occur more frequently when a drug is given rectally rather than by inhalation. c) "Systemic side-effects occur more frequently when a drug is given orally rather than by inhalation."

d) "

165) characteristics of Drugs for asthma in Pregnancy include the following a) "prednisolone is the preferred corticosteroid for oral administration since very little of the drug reaches the fetus" b) "prednisolone is not the preferred corticosteroid for oral administration since very little of the drug reaches the fetus"

c) prednisolone is the preferred corticosteroid for inhalation since

166) Management of severe acute asthma characteristics include the following a) In severe or life-threatening asthma, also consider initial treatment with salmeterol by nebuliser, b) In severe or life-threatening asthma, also consider initial treatment with ipratropium by nebuliser, c) In severe or life-threatening asthma, also consider initial treatment with ipratropium orally

d) In severe o

167) Moderate acute asthma characteristics include the following a) Able to talk,Respiration (breaths/minute)<45;Pulse (beats/minute) <110; Arterial oxygen saturation 92%, Peak flow >50% of predicted or best b) Able to talk,Respiration (breaths/minute)<25;Pulse (beats/minute) <140; Arterial oxygen saturation 92%, Peak flow >50% of predicted or best

c) Able to talk,Respiration (breaths/minute)

168) Moderate acute asthma treatment characteristics include the following a) start Inhaled short-acting beta 1 agonist via a large-volume spacer or oxygen-driven nebuliser b) start Inhaled short-acting beta1 antagonist via a large-volume spacer or oxygen-driven nebuliser c) start Inhaled long -acting beta2 agonist via a large-volume spacer or oxygen-driven nebuliser

d) start Inhaled long-act

169) Severe acute asthma characteristics include the following a) "Cannot complete sentences in one breath; CHILD too breathless to talk or feed,Respiration (breaths/minute) <25;Pulse (beats/minute) >110,Arterial oxygen saturation 92%; Peak flow 33–50% of predicted or best; " b) "Cannot complete sentences in one breath; CHILD too breathless to talk

or feed,Respiration (breaths/minute) > 25;Pul

170 Administration characteristics of drugs for asthma include the following a) Drugs such as beta1 agonists, corticosteroids, and aminophylline can be given by injection in acute severe asthma when administration by nebulisation is inadequate or inappropriate b) Drugs such as beta2 agonists, corticosteroids, and aminophylline can be given by injection in acute

severe asthma when administrati

171) Moderate acute asthma treatment characteristics include the following a) Prednisolone 40–50 mg by mouthfor at least 5 days; CHILD 1–2 mg/ kg (max. 40 mg) for up to 3 days, or longer if necessary b) Prednisolone 40–100 mg by mouthfor at least 5 days; CHILD 1–2 mg/ kg (max. 40 mg) for up to 3 days, or longer if necessary

c) Prednisolone 40–100 mg by mouthfor at least 5 days; CHILD 1–2 mg/ k

172) Administration characteristicsof drugs for asthma include the following a) Drugs given by Inhalation for the treatment of asthma include beta2 agonists, corticosteroids, theophylline, and leukotriene receptor antagonists b) Drugs given by inhalation for the treatment of asthma include beta 1 agonists, corticosteroids, theophylline, and leukotriene receptor antagonists

c) Drugs given by m

173) Contraceptives characteristics include the following

a) Hormonal contraception may produce undesirable local side effects,can be used in women of all ages and less appropriate for those with an increased risk of pelvic inflammatory disease b) Intra-uterine devices may produce undesirable local side effects,can be used in women of all ages

and less appropriate for those with an increased ri

174) Combined hormonal contraceptives characteristics include the following

a) "reliable and reversible,reduced dysmenorrhoea and menorrhagia and reduced incidence of premenstrual tension; b) reliable and reversible,reduced dysmenorrhoea and menorrhagia and reduced incidence of premenstrual pain c) "reliable and reversible,increased dysmenorrhoea and menorrhagia and reduced incidence of premenstrual tension; d) "reliable and irreversible,reduced dysmenorrhoea and menorrhagia and reduced incidence of premenstrual tension; e) "reliable and irreversible,reduced dysmenorrhoea and menorrhagia and increased incidence of premenstrual tension;

175) Combined hormonal contraceptives characteristics include the following

a) The ethinylestradiol content of combined oral contraceptives ranges from 50 to 80 micrograms and the majority of combined oral contraceptives contain ethinylestradiol as the oestrogen component; b) The ethinylestradiol content of combined oral contraceptives ranges from 20 to 40 micrograms

and the majority of comb

176) Combined hormonal contraceptives characteristics include the following

a) desogestrel and gestodene have also been associated with an decreased risk of venous thromboembolism b) desogestrel and gestodene have also been associated with an increased risk of venous thromboembolism

c) desogestrel and gestodene have also been associated with

an increased risk of atrial fibrillation d) ethinylestradiol have also been associated with an increased risk of venous thromboembolism e) desogestrel and gestodene have also been associated with an increased risk of venous pressure

177) Combined hormonal contraceptives characteristics include the following

a) "The risk of depression and weight gain with transdermal patches may be slightly increased compared with combined oral contraceptives that contain levonorgestrel." b) "The risk of depression and weight gain with transdermal patches may be slightly decreased compared with combined oral contraceptives

that contain levo

178) Combined hormonal contraceptive administration characteristics include the following

a) If a woman misses 1 pill (especially from the first 7 in a packet), she may not be protected. She should take an active pill as soon as she remembers b) If a woman misses 2 or more pills (especially from the first 7 in a packet), she may not be

protected. She should not take an active pill as soon as s

179) contraceptive patch characteristics include the following

a) If a contraceptive patch is partly detached for less than 24 hours, reapply to the same site or

replace with a new patch immediately;

b) If a contraceptive patch is partly detached for more than 24 hours, reapply to the same site or

replace with a new patch immediately;

c) If a contraceptive patch is partly detached for mor

180) combined oral contraceptive administration method include the following a) If vomiting occurs within 12 hours of taking a combined oral contraceptive another pill should be taken as soon as possible b) If vomiting occurs within 2 hours of taking a combined oral contraceptive another pill should not be taken as soon as possible

c) If vomiting occurs within 2 hours of taking a combined ora

181) contraceptive Interactions characteristics include the following

a) The effectiveness of combined oral contraceptives can be reduced by drugs that induce hepatic enzyme activity.alternative method of contraception (such as progestogen-only oral contraceptives) is always recommended. b) The effectiveness of combined oral contraceptives can be reduced by drugs that inhibit hepatic


182) travel risk of contraceptives include the following a) "Travel Women taking oral contraceptives decreased risk of deepvein thrombosis during travel (over 5 hours).The risk may be reduced by exercise during the journey " b) "Travel Women taking oral contraceptives increased risk of deepvein thrombosis during travel (over 5 hours).The risk may be reduced by exercise during the journey "


183) duloxetine dose in Generalized Anxiety Disorder include the following a) Initially, 60 mg once daily.followed by an increase to 120 mg once daily. b) Initially, 60 mg twice daily.followed by an increase to 120 mg once daily. c) Initially, 30 mg once daily.followed by an increase to 120 mg once daily. d) Initially, 30 mg once daily.followed by an increase to 60 mg once daily.

184) duloxetine side effect facts include the following a) Orthostatic hypotension and syncope occur normaly with therapeutic dosages;effects tend to occur within first week of therapy, but may occur any time, particularly following increases in


b) Orthostatic hypotension and syncope reported with therapeutic dosages;effects tend to occur

within first week of therapy, but may occur any

185) which of the folloing is correct about venlafaxine

a) Coadministration with TCAs increases risk of serotonin syndrome

b) Coadministration with Diazepam increases risk of serotonin syndrome

c) Coadministration with MAOIs increases risk of serotonin syndrome

d) Coadministration with MAOIs increases risk of skeletal muscle spasm

186) which of the following is correct about Buspirone a) It is used for long-term treatment of anxiety disorders. it takes longer to work than the

benzodiazepines approximately one to 2 weeks

b) It is used for short-term treatment of anxiety disorders. it takes shorter to work than the

benzodiazepines approximately one to 2 weeks

c) It is used for long-term treatment of anxiety disorders

187) which of the following is correct about benzodiazepines a) "long -acting compounds such as lorazepam and oxazepam may be preferred in anxiety in patients with hepatic impairment" b) "Shorter-acting compounds such as lorazepam and oxazepam may be preferred in anxiety in patients with renal impairment" c) "long -acting compounds such as lorazepam and oxazepam may be preferred in anxiety in patients with renal impairment" d) "Shorter-acting compounds such as lorazepam and oxazepam may be preferred in anxiety in patients with hepatic impairment" e) "Shorter-acting compounds such as diazepam and temazepam may be preferred in anxiety in patients with hepatic impairment"

188) which of the following is correct about benzodiazepines a) "Diazepam or lorazepam are very occasionally administered intramuscularly for the control of panic attacks." b) "Diazepam or lorazepam are very occasionally administered intravenously for the control of panic attacks." c) "Diazepam or lorazepam are very occasionally administered intramuscularly for the control of PTSD"

189) which of the following is correct about Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) a) Advantages of MAOIs are low risk of withdrawal symptoms and less anticholinergic effect than TCAs. b) Advantages of MAOIs are low risk of dependence and less pressor effect effect than TCAs. c) Advantages of MAOIs are low risk of withdrawal symptoms and less less pressor effect than TCAs. d) Advantages of MAOIs are low risk of dependence and high anticholinergic effect than TCAs. e) Advantages of MAOIs are low risk of dependence and less anticholinergic effect than TCAs.

190) Appropriate information to provide to the patient about Linagliptin includes the following EXCEPT a) during fever, trauma, infection and surgery reduce dose b) not to double their next dose if a dose is missed. c) report hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic episodes to a health care provider.

d) importance of regular daily blood glucose monitoring

e) not a substitute for diet and exercise

191) Which of the following medications is MOST likely to increase the LDL level a) rosiglitazone , sitagliptin b) Sitagliptin,insulin c) linagliptin, metformin d) Sitagliptin,pioglitazone e) glibenclamide,insulin

192) The doctor has decided to cease the Metformin for a patient who suffered GI side effects and asks for your advice. The MOST appropriate advice to give the doctor is the following EXCEPT a) advice the patient to take with food b) The brain will stimulate the liver to release glucose and hyperglycemia will occur. c) the patient will experience spiking blood glucose levels after eating a meal or a sweet snack

d) prescribe the extended release form of metformin

e) advice the patient to take on empty stomach and change to extended release form

193) A doctor asks for your advice when prescribing a sulfonylurea for his patient who is taking metformin for type 2 diabetes. Which of the following would be the LEAST appropriate a) glimepiride is the only sulfonylurea approved by the FDA for combination therapy b) Glipizide may cause more physiologic insulin release with high risk for hypoglycemia and weight

gain than other sulfonylureas.

194) A doctor phones the pharmacy for advice on treatment for his patient with type 1 diabetes who is suffering from recurrent hypoglycaemia and marked morning rise in blood-glucose concentration despite optimised multiple-injection regimens (HbA1c over 8.5%). Which of the following treatments should you recommend as the MOST appropriate,

a) advice to give Short-acting injectable insulins twice d

195)A patient comes to the pharmacy and asks how to take his simvastatin. Which of the following would be appropriate to recommend? A) Take in the morning after food as cholesterol synthesis is higher in the morning B) Take any time before food as food decreases bio availability C) Take twice daily before food as it has got a short half life D) Take at bedtime as the cholesterol synthesis in high at night time E) Take at lunch with a meal as cholesterol synthesis is high after meals"

196) An individual with T2DM currently takes the following medications (metformin XR 500 mg 2 b.i.d., pioglitazone 45 mg, and glimepiride 4 mg b.i.d..)(lab data - Scr is 1.5 mg/dL) what are the recommendation you suggest regarding the treatment a) Metformin should not be givem with pioglitazone b) Metformin should be discontinued when the Scr is 1.5 mg/dL for males c) pioglitazone should be discontinued when the Scr is 1.5 mg/dL for males d) Metformin dose should be increased when the Scr is 1.5 mg/dL for males e) sitagliptin should be added to the regimen

197) A 400-lb male has been diagnosed with type 2diabetes and started on metformin 500 bid .Which would be the least appropriate patient education points a) Monitoring of vitamin B12 levels should be considered b) Minimal weight loss can be seen initially with this agent, but is not a continued effect. c) GI effects are common and self-limiting over 7 to 14 days. d) Major side effects include sweating and a metallic taste. e) GI Effects can be minimized by taking the medication with food.

198) An individual with T2DM currently takes the following medications (metformin, pioglitazone and insulin)(lab data -plasma glucose levels are <50 mg/dL) and he suffers sweating, shaking, vision changes, immediate hunger,confusion, and lack of coordination.Which of the following actions would be the LEAST appropriate. a) check blood glucose level prior to treating, if possible. b) treatment with 20 to 30 mg of carbohydrate c) blood glucose level should be rechecked 15 to 20 mins after treatment. d) If Severe hypoglycemia treat with glucose gel, syrup, or jelly placed inside the individual’s check. e) glucagon may be given by SC or IM injection.

199) A patient comes to hospital emergency department with the following symptoms deep rapid breathing, dehydration,nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.past medical history includes T1DM and hypertension for 3 yrs.(lab data-plasma glucose level > 250 mg/dL;BP 180/110; positive urine and serum ketones; arterial pH 7.3; sodium bicarbonate <15 mEq/L)what would be the most likely


a) hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state (HHS) b) diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) c) severe hypoglycemia d) hypertensive emergency e) hepatic toxicity and renal failure

200) An individual with T2DM currently takes the following medications (metformin ,pioglitazone , glimepiride and Amitriptyline )His past medical history injcludes depression and thoughts of suicide and he has recently developed diabetic neuropathy.he suffers numbness and a reduced ability to feel pain or changes in temperature, particularly in his feet . what is the LEAST appropriate


203 )A female patient compaints that her menstruation was late and lighter than normal.she had an emergency contraception with levonorgestrel 3 weeks before .what actions you would recommend to the patient.

1 conduct a pregnancy test

2 consult a medical practitioner or family planning clinic 3 conduct an ultrasound test to view the uterus’ condition a) 1 only

b) 2 and 3

c) 2 only

204) A 25 year old female compaints of vomiting within 2 hours of taking levonorgestrel and she had an unprotected intercourse(within 72 hours ). Which of the following actions would be appropriate. 1 take a replacement dose soon 2 increase next levonorgestrel dose

3 take domperidone if needed

a) 1 only b) 2 and 3 c) 2 only

205) A 30 yr old male patient complaints night blindness and vomiting for 2 weeks. His past medical history is malabsorption syndrome, constipation and high cholesterol and he is on Orlistat,

Cholestyramine and Mineral oil (lab data BMI >30)

1) What is the most likely diagnosis

1-obesity 2 –vitamin A deficiency 3 – Xerophthalmia a) 1 only

b) 2 and 3

c) 2 only

206) A 30 yr old male patient complaints night blindness and vomiting for 2 weeks. His past medical history is malabsorption syndrome, constipation and high cholesterol and he is on Orlistat,

Cholestyramine and Mineral oil (lab data BMI >30)

2) What actions you would recommend to the patient.

1- start oral vitamin A

2- start IM vitamin A 3- start IV vitamin A a) 1 only

b) 2 and 3

207)A 30 yr old male patient complaints night blindness and vomiting for 2 weeks.His past medical history is malabsorption syndrome ,constipation and high cholesterol and he is on Orlistat, Cholestyramine and Mineral oil (lab data BMI >30) . An IM vitamin A is prescribed by the doctor. 3) What drug related problems you identify with the regimen.

1- Orlistat decreases vitamin A GI absorptio

208) A 23 yr old patient complaints muscular weakness and heart burn for 1 month .His past medical history is malabsorption syndrome ,heart failure and osteoporosis and he is on , Digoxin and

antacids (lab data BMI >30,25-hydroxyvitamin D -<20 ng/mL,BP 145/90)

1)what is the most likely diagnosis 1.gastric ulcer 2.vitamin D deficency 3.hypertension a) 1 only

209)An adult male patient comes to hospital with the following symptoms polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia for 1 week ,fatigue, headache and poor wound healing for 1 month.lab data(fasting blood glucose 100 to 125 mg/dL,OGTT results of 140 to 199 mg/dL,Hb A1c 5.7 to 6.4%) what is the most likely diagnosis 1-type 1 diabetes 2-pre diabetes 3-type 2 diabetes a) 1 only b) 2 and 3

210) A 45yrs old male patient did a routine check up and found the following data

BP >140/90 mm Hg

BMI >25 kg/m2 triglyceride > 250 mg/dL HDL < 35 mg/Dl what risk factors for diabetes are present in this patient 1-age 2-hypertension

211) A 32 yrs old patients lab data shows systolic BP >149 mm Hg and diastolic BP <80 mm Hg

what action would you recommend

1.treatment is not indicated style measures should be taken 3.start treatment a) 1 only b) 2 and 3

212) A 40 yrs old male patients checked BP in hospital on two different occasions and it shows 159/98 and 148/101 mm Hg respectively. his recent medical history includes type 2 diabetes and renal failure. what action would you recommend 1.start treatment for hypertension 2.aim BP to 130/80 mm Hg

3.start herbal supplements

a) 1 only b) 2 and 3

213) A 45 yrs old patient who is diagnosed with stage 1 hypertension recently did a blood analysis and found low levels of potassium ion in blood.he is currently on thiazide diuretics and got a medical history of type 2 diabetes and gout what drug related problems you identify 1.hypocalcemia will occur with thiazide 2.Uric acid retention may occur with thiazide

3.Blood glucose levels may incre

214) A 50 yrs old patient with stage 2 hypertension did blood test and found hyperkalemia. He is on ACE inhibitor,calcium channel blocker and Spironolactone and has got medical history of hyperaldosteronism and renal failure. lab data( BP: 167/109 mm Hg) what drug related problems you can identify 1.ACE inhibitor causes hypokalemia 2.Spironolactone causes hyperkalemia

3.Spironolactone is contrai

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