
Post on 06-Aug-2015






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TZVETAN TODOROV Todorov is a theorist in media, he writes about narrative structure. He believes that all narrative structures start from a ‘equilibrium’ then it goes to a ‘disequilibrium’ and finally it resolves its self to a ‘equilibrium’ again. But in-between there were 2 factors that was part of the structure, Acknowledgment of disequilibrium and Attempted repair disequilibrium. Equilibrium means a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced. Disequilibrium means a loss or lack of balance or stability.So during these steps the character tries to understand what’s going on, what’s right and wrong. After the character would try to resolve or repair the situation leading to balance again. So: All is well -> Disruption -> Closure. For example this structure is used in the movie Taken because it follows these steps. But some movies don’t follow this structure, such movies as Pulp fiction where the beginning opens up with the ending.



Acknowledgment of


repair disequilibrium



Character type Roles within narrative

Protagonist (or hero) This character leads the narrative, usually is looking for someone in particular or is on a quest. This character could also be trying to solve something like a mystery and this character does not always have to be male.

Antagonist (or villain) This character normally is getting in the way of the protagonist.

Heroine She is usually some sort of prize or reward for the hero. So if your hero is female then the heroine can be male.

Father This character is an authority figure who offers a reward to the hero for completing the task or quest. That reward could be a prince or princess or something better.

Helper This character helps the hero and is often a sidekick

Donor This character helps the hero subtly by giving him something like a clue, a talisman or a special power. This helps them complete their quest

Mentor A mentor helps and guides the hero, teaching them important skills throughout their quest or task.

Vladimir Propp is also a theorist in media and his view on a narrative structure is shown in the table below. He believes that everyone in every movie has one of those roles in the table. For example, the movie ‘James Bond’ James is the Protagonist; there are many antagonists; James always gets a girl; Q helps is him along the way and M is the donor.

Claude Levi-StraussClaude believed in binary opposites. For example: Good & Bad,

Light & Dark, Day & Night and etc. This theory shows how each main role had an equal opposite. This also shows us a clear understanding of each force and how each character is driven. This makes the narrative move forward until it’s been resolved.

Film Opposite 1 Opposite 2 Explanation

Good – Rob Pattinson

Evil – Christoph Waltz

Both male, however one represents evil and the other represents good.

Innocence – Jennifer Lawrence

Violation – Max Thieriot

Both characters are opposite sex, however, one is innocent and the other one is violent (evil).

Hero – Andrew Garfield

Villain – Rhys Ifans

As a usual action movie, there’s good vs bad, and there’s also hero vs the villain.

Roland Barthes

Roland Barthes was another Media theorist who came up with the formula of Codes. There are 5 main codes that he spoke about which played an important part in films and was basically the story line. These codes were: Enigma code, Action code, Semantic code, Cultural code and Symbolic code.

By enigma code, Barthes means, that instead of giving the audience answers, the film just leaves them questioning making the audience paying more attention to the film.

For example, in this image from ‘The Lucky One’, it doesn’t show what the character is looking at on the laptop screen, making the audience paying more attention to the film.

The action code is when the character’s action or behaviour leads to a consequence to what the audience expects to happen, or what normally happens in a film.

In these screen grabs, Rose realises she was wrong and she wants to be with Jack and they kiss, just like the audience would expect them too.

The semantic code is the meaning of the objects, characters, locations. Sometimes we learn this with experience from a young age, for example we know the hero will be a handsome guy, and the villain would be a unattractive guy.

The semant ic code i s the meaning o f the ob jec ts , charac ters , l ocat ions . Somet imes we learn th i s w i th exper ience f rom a young age , fo r example we know the hero w i l l be a handsome guy, and the v i l l a in would be a unat t rac t ive guy.

As you can see the hero’s from a young age, are charming and very handsome, where as the villains are scary and unattractive.

A symbolic code means the real meaning behind what’s happening in the scene with the characters by the way their actions are taken place.

These screenshots are from the movie ‘Fish Tank’. In this scene Mia is dancing, however the real meaning behind her dance is freedom. Dancing is one of her way to feel free.

Cultural code is used to enhance our reading and understanding of the text, and the places where the fi lm is set enhances our understanding even more stronger. Or even the costumes the characters use, can enhance the audience’s knowledge.

The screenshots are from the film ‘Pride and Prejudice’, this film is based on 1813 novel. The setting and the costumes that the characters use, demonstrates the type of building and clothes that were seen during that time period.

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