theoretical research

Post on 03-Jul-2015



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Theoretical Research


• French critics believe that film directors should impose a personal vision on their films. the argument is that a director such as Hitchcock featured many creative features in his films.

• These included certain camera set ups and movements. In his film psycho we see this when Norman's mother is stabbing Arbogast. in this shot it is a low angle shot of the knife connoting the power it has, and the mother has over Arbogast.

• When studying this theory you would identify common threads and themes running through a directors price of work. And if it is possible to notice a certain directors signature in some ways, this then might be possible to argue that the might qualify for the auteur status.

• An example of this is with Steven Spielberg is often quoted with this context. Many of Spielberg's films involve people having to confront the other. in close encounters Spielberg makes a reference to the auteur theory he casted the french director Francois Truffaut as the director of the project, Truffaut was one of the original inventors of the Auteur theory when he was a film critique


• The word genre means 'type' or 'category'.

Genre theory places a media in relation to

other media. iconography defines what

genre a text will be placed into. Many

genres, for example horror, they depend

on shared cultural values rather than a

fixed iconography or setting.

• By having a genre it helps the audience

and the institutions make a decisions on

what they want to watch. Each genre has

their own conventions which evolve over

time. And changes within the genre show

• Producers can use the audiences expectation of the genre to their advantage by manipulating the conventions to make new hybrid genres.

• We can apply uses and gratifications to the genre because audience members get certain pleasures from watching certain genres of movies. One pleasure may be recognizing the features of a particular genre because we are familiar with it. Certain genres offer emotional pleasures such as empathy

• Steve Neal argued that there is no

pleasure without difference. we may

also enjoy the stretching of a certain

genre and enjoy the constant change of

expectations. whereas Rick Altman

argues that genres are usually defined

by their iconography for example

western have guns and horses and

horror have blood and gore. for

producers a genre is a template for

what text or media product they will

make. for the audience it is weather or


• Audience members bring social and cultural

experiences when ready a certain type of

media/text. There are 3 theories which we can

apply to audiences the first is the effects model.

The power relies on the message of the text. This

theory is sometimes called the Hypodermic Model.

This means that the messages from the media

product are injected into the audience this is

meaning that the audience are passive within the

theory. The Bobo doll experiment is an example of

the Hypodermic syringe theory this proved that

young children copied violent behavior this was

done in 1961 by Alburt Bandura. within this

experiment children watched videos of adults

attacking a toy clown. The children were taken into


• All the theories, the audience go

through a process with no control over

them and they will respond a like.

• The uses and gratifications model, this is the

opposite to the effects model. Within this theory the

audience is an active members. The audience uses

the text; the text doesn’t use the audience. The

audience use this text for pleasures and

gratification, within this theory the power lies with

the audience this means that people like wikinomics

need to get used to the fact that we have digital

natives who take the power from media texts. This

theory is based on around how the audience uses

the theory and what they do with it.

• The audience are free to reject, use or play the text.

Audiences use the text for Escapism, information,

pleasure, personal identity.


• The audience is in control of the media and how

it helps them. For example relaxation and help

with personal, social and aggression issues.

The theory suggests that the consumption of

violent images can be helpful. That the

audience will act out their impulses through

watching media violence. This means that the

need for violence has been settled and they are

less likely to commit violent acts.


• A different approach was designed by Stuart Hall in 1970. He said that texts were encoded and then the audience will then decode the text. This theory suggests that the produces makes the text which is encoded with a certain message and/or meaning which they want the audience to see. Sometimes the audience will get the correct decoded message and will then understand the meaning and/or message the producer wanted to portray within their text. But some times the audience will then either reject or accept the message and/or meaning making the audience Active.


• This is when you keep being shown a

more dominant theory you will slowly

begin to accept it. This can be linked

with the desentisation theory. Where

the more you are shown a theory they

less you being to notice/ or care about


• Where as sentisation theory suggests

that the more you are shown a more

dominant theory the more you disagree

with it.


• This is when you have an opinion leader, so someone will watch a media product this will be the opinion leader they are active throughout the process. The opinion leader will then take their own reading from a media product who will then take their interpretation. This mean that the audience is passive within this process.


• This then sees the audience as being the most active and independent. The audience have complete independence over how they read a media product.

• There are three types of ways in which the audience can read texts:

• Dominant and/or preferred: this is when the audience will decode the message from the producer and agreeing with the message and/or meaning.

• Negotiated: this is where the audience neither agree or disagree with the message and/or meaning.

• Oppositional: this is when the encoded message from the producer is recognized but it is then rejected.


This suggests that the mass audience

identifies with the media products for

stress relief, this means that they offer

are Cathartic process.

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