theme for the church year being god’s people in god’s...

Post on 28-Sep-2020






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Pastor: Rev. Dr. Burchel K. Taylor

Assistant Pastor: Rev Norman Mills

Telephone: 926-8272/960-5658 General Office

929-0211 [ FAX] Office 929-3160 Canteen

929- 6245 Pharmacy

906-9976 [FAX] Pharmacy 929-6979 Clinic/Counselling 908-3120 Cyber Centre

754-6634 Bethel Thrift Coop [BTC]

1-888-429-5772 Prayer Line

[Mon – Fri – 5:00 p.m – 7:00 p.m.]

Prayer line – email –




Being God’s People in God’s World: Living the Sacrificial Life –

Giving Freely; Serving Fully: Living Faithfully


Lord, as you dispelled the fears of a maiden mother by whispering the promise of your presence,

so banish the world’s misconceptions about you and your ways..

‘Here am I, said Mary; I am the Lord’s servant; as you have spoken, so be it’. Luke 1:38

Lord, you have done great things for us;

give us the faith that you may do great things through us.


Officers on duty 7:00 a.m. G Hughes/ C Daley

10:15 a.m. E Gyles/ B Edwards 6:00 p.m. K Lewis-Tucker

Counsellors on duty 7:00 a.m. K Mason/ M Campbell/ C Hibbert

10:15 a.m. A Spence/ P Hall/ R Hemmings

SERVICE FOR TODAY – 7:00 a.m. –

December 18 2016

Leader: Deacon Melissa Gayle

Speaker: Deacon Glendon Brown Musician: Sis Patricia Kitson

December 18, 2016


HYMN OF PRAISE – No. 1 #141 – Earth was waiting

1.Earth was waiting, spent and restless, 3. In the sacred courts of Zion

with a mingled hope and fear, where the Lord had his abode,

and the faithful few were sighing, there the money-changers trafficked,

"Surely, Lord, the day is near: and the sheep and oxen trod;

the Desire of all the nations-- and the world, because of wisdom,

it is time he should appear!" knew not either Lord or God.

2. Still the gods were in their temples 4 Then the Spirit of the Highest

but the ancient faith had fled on a Virgin meek came down

and the priests stood by their altars and he burdened her with blessing

only for a piece of bread; and he pained her with renown

and the oracles were silent for she bore the Lord's Anointed

and the prophets all were dead. for his cross and for his crown

5.. Earth for him had groaned and travailed

since the ages first began,

for in him was hid the secret

that through all the ages ran--

Son of Mary, Son of David,

Son of God, and Son of Man.

[W.C. Smith (1824-1908) - Tune: 87 87 87-Regent Square]


RESPONSIVE READING: Leader: Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel,

you who lead Joseph like a flock!

You who are enthroned upon the cherubim, shine forth

People: before Ephraim and Benjamin and Manasseh.

Stir up your might, and come to save us!

Leader: Restore us, O God;

let your face shine, that we may be saved.

People: O Lord God of hosts,

how long will you be angry with your people’s prayers? Leader: You have fed them with the bread of tears,

and given them tears to drink in full measure.

People: You make us the scorn of our neighbors;

our enemies laugh among themselves.

Leader: Restore us, O God of hosts;

let your face shine, that we may be saved.

People: But let your hand be upon the one at your right hand,

the one whom you made strong for yourself. Leader: Then we will never turn back from you;

give us life, and we will call on your name.

All: Restore us, O LORD God of hosts;

let your face shine, that we may be saved.


REF: Go, tell it on the mountain

over the hills and everywhere;

go, tell it on the mountain

that Jesus Christ is born

1. While shepherds kept their watching o’er silent flocks by night,

behold throughout the heavens there shone a holy light.

2. The shepherds feared and trembled, when lo! above the earth,

Rang out the angel chorus that hailed the Saviour’s birth

3. Down in a lowly manger the humble Christ was born,

And God sent us salvation that blessed Christmas morn;

B. REF: Sing de chorus, clap yuh han’; beat the congo, play yuh pan,

Spread de news throughout de lan’

dat Jesus is born, Jesus our Saviour is born.

1. Do you know de story 2. O Great God above us

How de King of glory Truly you do love us.

came to earth a baby Your cords of love around

born in a manger? us no one can sever

But de worl’ den did not know May we always do our part

Dat ‘twas God on earth below Show de worl’ your loving heart

An’ treat de Son of God on earth Sing your praises an’ glorify

like a stranger. you forever.

[Noel Dexter]

[Brief Period of Silence]

[Sung Prayerfully]

1. Father, we love you, 2. Jesus, we love you

We worship and adore you We worship and adore you

Glorify your name in all the earth glorify your name in all the earth

REF: Glorify your name, glorify your name

Glorify your name in all the earth

3. Spirit, we love you,

We worship and adore you

Glorify your name in all the earth.


The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,

His mercies never come to an end.

They are new every morning, new every morning.

Great is thy faithfulness O Lord; great is thy faithfulness WELCOME ANNOUNCEMENTS ACT OF FELLOWSHIP TITHES/ OFFERING DOXOLOGY

SCRIPTURE READINGS -[OT[ Isaiah 7: 10-16; [NT] Matt. 1: 18-25

HYMN OF MEDITATION – No. 2 – #391 - Tell out my soul

1. Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord!

Unnumbered blessings give my spirit voice;

tender to me the promise of his word;

in God my Savior shall my heart rejoice.

2. Tell out, my soul, the greatness of his name!

Make known his might, the deeds his arm has done;

his mercy sure, from age to age the same;

his holy name the Lord, the Mighty One.

3 Tell out, my soul, the greatness of his might!

Powers and dominions lay their glory by.

Proud hearts and stubborn wills are put to flight,

the hungry fed, the humble lifted high.

4 Tell out, my soul, the glories of his word!

Firm is his promise, and his mercy sure.

Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord

to children's children and forevermore!

[Timothy Dudley-Smith -1926]- Tune – 10 10 10 10 Ellers]

SPECIAL ITEM Sis Pauline Davis

MESSAGE Deacon Glendon Brown

HYMN OF RESPONSE – No. 3 - #570 – Go forth and tell!

1. Go forth and tell! O Church of God awake! God’s saving news to all the nations take; Proclaim Christ Jesus, Saviour, Lord and King, That all the world his worthy praise may sing.

2. Go forth and tell! God’s love embraces all, He will in grace respond to all who call; How shall they call if they have never heard, The gracious invitation of his word?

3. Go forth and tell where still the darkness lies; In wealth or want, the sinner surely dies; Give us, O Lord, concern of heart and mind, A love like yours which cares for all mankind.

4. Go forth and tell! The doors are open wide; Share God’s good gifts – let no one be denied; Live out your life as Christ your Lord shall choose, Your ransomed powers for his sole glory use.

5. Go forth and tell! O Church of God, arise! Go in the strength which Christ your Lord supplies; Go tell all nations his great name adore And serve him Lord and King for evermore.

[James Seddon: Tune: Toulon -10 10 10 10


December 18, 2016

Fourth Sunday of Advent

6:00 a.m. Christ for Today Broadcast, RJR – 94 FM

7:00 a.m. First Worship Service Leader: Deacon Melissa Gayle

Speaker: Deacon Glendon Brown

8:45 a.m. Sunday School/ New Members’ Classes [for all ages]

9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. LIBRARY SERVICES [for all ages]

10:15 a.m. Second Worship Service

Leader: Deacon Paulette Ulett

Speaker: Rev Dr Burchel K Taylor

[Baptism/Lord’s Supper/Reception of members]

10:30 a.m. JUNIOR CHURCH [for children 10 years and under]

4:00 p.m. Visitation to Shut-Ins

6:00 p.m Third Worship Service- Repeat the Sounding Joy’


[Featuring Presentations of the Music Ministries and Lighting of the Fourth Advent Candle]

Parents/Guardians – we remind you that the NURSERY [located on the ground floor of the Administration Block – opposite to

the CYBER CENTRE] - for children 0-4 years is available for your use during the period – 7:00 a.m – the close of the 10:15 a.m



These persons will be baptized at the 10:15 a.m service today and will be received into the membership during the Lord’s Supper service which will follow immediately. We seek your support and prayers. NAMES SPONSORS Ashanti Alcock Sis Herona Thompson Rose Cole Dea. Evelyn Gyles Tashelle Cousins Sis Danielle Redwood Tameka Williams Sis Theresa Brown Dominic Lalor Dea Kereen Lewis-Tucker Alexic Marks Dea Veta Rowe Audley Campbell Dea. Winston Shakes

All our members and friends are asked to note the following- Monday, December 26, and Tuesday, December 27, 2016, and Monday, January 2, 2017 all our offices will be closed. Please note however that our Pharmacy and Medical clinic will be in open to serve you on Saturday, December 24th during the usually scheduled times. We wish to thank you all for your support during 2016 and wish for you and all your family members, God’s blessings for a safe and happy holiday season. May God’s love be with you all!

Monday , December 19 All Church Council Members please note that the usually scheduled meeting will not be held. The next Council meeting will be held on Monday, January 30, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 21 7:00 p.m. BIBLE STUDY Thursday, December 22 5:45 p.m. GAMES EVENING 7:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal Friday, December 23 6:00 p,m. Youth Chorale rehearsal 7:00 p.m. G I F T [Y Adults/Y Fell.]**

Saturday, December 24 8:00 a.m. C O P E Market 10:00 a.m. LEGAL AID Clinic Closed 5:30 p.m. Praise Team Rehearsal

BIRTHMONTH GROUP MEETINGS – JANUARY - All group members are asked to attend the next meeting on Wednesday, December 21st at 6:00 p.m to finalise details regarding our special assignment for December 31st APRIL – All members, please note that the next visit to the Wilson’s Home will be today, transportation leaves at 10:00 a.m.; also, a reminder for you to bring in your gifts for the next visit to the DARE TO CARE Centre, by Wednesday, December 28th. DECEMBER – Group members, please note that there will be a meeting on Wednesday, December 21st, at 5:30 p.m Do make every effort to be there.

The Teachers of the Ambrook Lane Sunday School wish to thank the church and members for the support given on the staging of the Sunday School's prize-giving and Christmas concert, held Sunday, December 11, 2016. The children, parents and some members of

the wider Ambrook Lane community enthusiastically shared in the programme. All in all, it was a blessed day.

Sun. December 18 Waiting and trusting Psalm 40 Mon December 19 The Lord’s decree Psalm 2 Tues. December 20 Celebration Psalm 98 Wed, December 21 The family tree Matt. 1: 1-17 Thur. December 22 What’s in a name Matt. 1: 18 - 25 Fri. December 23 We saw his star Matt. 2: 1-12 Sat. December 24 The God who speaks Matt. 2: 13-23 For further reflection/prayer –Ask the Lord to speak to you and guide your steps for the coming year. Take some time to write down any words or pictures he gives you..

NOW AVAILABLE – Our Daily Bread Devotions – 2017 – cost $300.00 each Daily Bread – Words for Life Devotional books – 2017 - cost $700.00 each Please check with the officer on duty in the Church office to secure your copy – give one or two to a friend!

ON OUR PRAYER LIST *Remember that our PRAYER LINE is available to anyone seeking prayers. Please call us at 1-888-429-5772 Monday - Friday 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Prayer partners are reminded to check the Roster and make alternate arrangements if you are unable to keep your schedule.* We now have a specially

designated e-mail address to receive your prayers – – send in your requests at any time! We ask that you

remember the following persons/families in your prayers during this week.- Our Shut-In/Home Bound members and their respective


We ask for your prayerful support for the following members and their respective

family members.

*Bro Franklyn Reid – died recently. Funeral service will be advised.


*Deacon Beryl Roper and family seek our prayers, following the death of a sister, Mrs Joyce Murdock, of Strathbogie, Westmoreland

Funeral service is today, Sunday December 18 at the SDA Church in Savanna- la-mar.

*Sis Constance Chambers died recently. The funeral service is scheduled for Monday, December 19th at 10:00 a.m here at Bethel.

*Sis Evelyn Gooden, mother of Deacon Jimmy Thorpe, died during this past week. Funeral service will be advised.

*Bro Milton Gordon, widower of our late Sis. Evette Gordon, also died during the past week. His funeral service will be advised.

*Sis Rosemarie Johnson has asked us for prayers following the death of her father in Hartford, Connecticut, U S A.

THURSDAY PRAYER DAY -IMMANUEL – ‘God with us’ – pray and ask God to show us His presence during this week!

Last call for you to purchase your ADVENT/CHRISTMAS 2016 Meditation booklet. The cost is $350.00 each. Please check with the Officer on duty in the Church Office immediately following both morning and evening services to secure your copy and purchase another for a friend! .

******************* We are also reminding our members and friends to make contributions to the Christmas baskets that we prepare annually, for our home-bound and needy persons within the Church community. We accept donations of toilet articles, tinned meats, any other non-perishable items, as well as CASH./CHEQUES. Leave your donations with the Officer on duty in the Church Office on Sundays, or at the Office upstairs during the week. We will commence distribution of these baskets during the week of December 19th – Friday, December 23rd. Thank you for continuing to care! Please remember to submit your pledge forms/specially marked envelopes regarding your contribution to the Church’s Energy Project. Check with our ushers to get a pledge form or envelope for this special contribution.


Members, friends, you can still give your financial support to the Church’s HAITI Fund through the Church, which will be sent to the JBU

as is our custom.

Ms Jean Tulloch-Reid, CD, Counsellor in the Church’s Healing Ministry, demitted office this past week. At the 10:15 a.m service today, we will formally say THANKS to her for her years of service in that Ministry. Please join us if you can, and do remember her in your prayers !

WELCOME – Thank you for choosing to worship with us today!

Please turn off your cellular telephones during the periods of worship, so that you and your neighbour will benefit fully from the

experience being offered!

We are asking all persons to cooperate with the security personnel on duty in the respective parking areas, i.e. Church premises and

NCB Parking Lot, {4 Hope Road}, as they seek to assist you in parking appropriately in the spaces provided. Also, do remember

where you might have parked so that you do not inconvenience any others who might want to leave immediately following the

worship services.

We also wish to remind all our members and friends that additional parking facilities are available at JAMAICA NATIONAL

BUILDING SOCIETY premises at 2 Constant Spring Road. Entrance on Constant Spring Road.

A reminder to our members and friends that mid-day reflections are held each Wednesday [12:00 – 1:15 p.m.] at the Webster

Memorial United Church, Half Way Tree Road – [These are sponsored by the Half Way Tree Ministers’ Fraternal] This week’s

meditations on December 21st - and will be led by Representatives of The RICHMOND PK CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE

CHURCH FELLOWSHIP. Plan to be there to support them.


* Today, Sunday December 18 & Sunday, December 25, are coin collection days for the Homeless Centre. Please remember to bring those coins and paper monies to Church to assist the Centre in providing for our less fortunate Brothers.

From the Desk of the Mission and Evangelism Committee.....

Plastic bottles piling up at your home, workplace or in your car?! Put them to good use today. Take all your 20oz (600ml) "Wata", "Pepsi", "Bigga" or "Tropicana Tropics" bottles to Bethel Baptist's Recycle Cage by the church's exit gate. Bottles will go towards the "From Plastic Bottles to Canopy" Project. Help provide shade for the children of Little Mount Olivet Basic School while also helping to protect the environment.

CONGRATULATIONS – Sis Deloris Tomlinson and family are giving God thanks for her son, JDF Major General Rocky Meade, who was recently appointed the Chief of Defence Staff at the Jamaica Defence Force! They seek our prayers as he carries out his responsibilities.

Dr. Sharon Earle - Edwards has written a book entitled - "PILLS For The Happy Soul." The Book is now available at Bethel's Pharmacy at a cost of Two Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($2,200.00). Get a copy for yourself and purchase one as a gift for a friend!


Made Your Christmas Visit to BTC as yet? If not, better late than never…… Remember:

9% Interest on Loans to December 2016

Gift Certificates for real meaningful giving

Visit the BTC Office, Telephone 774-6634, or e-mail:

HELLO – all members and Friends! Our local canteen will be preparing a special CHRISTMAS LUNCH on Wednesday, December 21st – between 11:30 a.m – 3:00 p.m. and they are inviting us to come and give your support! Cost is only $1,200.00 per meal which will comprise a) Roast Chicken in Sorrel Sauce b) Fish Fillet in Coconut Cream c) Roast Pork d) Ham Slices e) Gungo Rice/Peas f) Sweet Potato Salad g) Steamed Vegetables/Garden vegetables h) Sorrel Drink and a slice of Fruit cake! [Note: Choice of any two meat dishes + Ham]

Contact us at 929-3160 or FAX – 929-0211 We look forward to sharing this time with you all! THANKS!

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