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The Carb Trim™ Weight Control Program

 Approximately 110 million American adults are overweight. Weight can be controlled through two key factors: diet(calorie restriction) and exercise (calorie expenditure). The principals of the Carb Trim Weight Control Program arebased on these factors.

Carbohydrates and Weight GainThe typical American diet contains 200 to 300 grams of carbohydrates. These carbs are converted into sugar in theintestinal tract by the starch-digesting enzyme, alpha amylase. Sugar calories are then either burned, or stored as fatcells.

The 200 to 300 grams of carbohydrates represents between 900 and 1350 calories. In the normal American diet, about45% of our caloric intake comes from carbohydrates. Foods containing high levels of complex carbohydrates include:pasta, bread, rice, grains, potatoes, and more.

Carb Trim – With Phase 2™ Starch Neutralizer Phase 2 Starch Neutralizer is a standardized extract made from a portion of the white kidney bean. In vitro studies showthat one gram of Phase 2 can “neutralize” about 75% of a food’s dietary starch, up to 500 grams, or 2250 calories (1,3).Human studies show that Phase 2 can inhibit the body’s ability to convert starch into plasma glucose.

The plan is simple: take two Carb Trim tablets 15-30 minutes before a meal. 45% of the calories most people eat arefrom starch. Since Carb Trim can neutralize many of these calories, it becomes simple to reduce caloric intake.

 Although results may vary, in one study (2) with 60 individuals, taking just one Carb Trim tablet once a day, before aselected meal resulted in an average weight loss of 6.5 pounds per month.

The Principles of Successful Weight Control

1. Set Goals You Can Meet : Gradual weight loss is healthier than crash dieting. Rapid weight loss may not give your skintime to tighten naturally.2. Eat Healthy Meal: Drink Water, There are dozens of good nutrition books that can help you eat healthy meals. Avoidprocessed food calories and drink at lest 64 oz of water per day..3. Exercise Regularly: Exercise burns calories and increases one’s metabolic rate.4. Stay Positive, Stay Focused: Don’t get discouraged if it seems like it is taking forever to meet your target weight.

Diet and ExerciseThe Carb Trim Diet Program is based on a reduction of caloric intake, combined with an increase in caloric expenditure.Remember, although Carb Trim Starch Neutralizer can reduce the caloric intake from starch, it does not affect caloriesfrom protein, fat or sugar. The dieter must be careful to limit his intake of foods containing these nutrients.

When caloric expenditure exceeds intake, the body’s metabolism automatically slows down as a defense againststarvation. An exercise program is essential to maintain a normal metabolic rate.

Exercise plans should be tailored to the individual. Although running burns more calories than playing tennis (for example) the tennis player who gladly spends hours on the court will burn more calories than the runner who looks for excuses to avoid his twenty minute workout. The moral: choose an exercise that you enjoy and make it part of your dailyroutine. Walk or bicycle to work or to the store. However, remember to exercise for 30 to 40 minutes at least four times aweek.

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 Planning Your MealsThe following table will give you an example of the amount of starch, in grams, that are in many common foods. Use thisto calculate your Carb Trim intake. Carb Trim will neutralize about 250 grams per tablet, in vitro (3).

Wheat Bread, 2 slices 54 grams

Pasta, 2 cups 74 grams

Baked Potato 51 grams

Corn on the Cob 17 grams

White Rice, 1 cup 54 grams

Beans, 2 cups 60 grams

Corn flakes 24 grams

Squash, 1 cup 44 grams

Large Muffin 36 grams

Large Bagel 60 grams

Graham Cracker 6 grams

Oatmeal Cookie 15 grams

Pancake 21 grams

Fats, protein and carbohydrates are all essential to a healthy diet. Remember, though, caloriesfrom foods high in fat, protein, or sugar, are not affected by the nutrients in Carb Trim. Sweets,meat, fish, dairy products, and alcohol all contain non-starch calories. Foods such as pasta,cereals, potatoes, etc. are rich in starch. Create a meal plan in which one or two of your menuitems contains starch while the other parts have greens or protein. The following plan can serveas a general guide:”

Breakfast:- Juice- Cereal – hot or cold (with low-fat milk), OR a Bagel, OR English muffin (use sugar free jam)- Fruit such as banana, orange, strawberries or blueberries- Water, coffee or tea

Lunch- Sandwich with meat, fowl or tuna, OR Potato salad, OR Rice salad, OR Bean salad- Vegetables, OR Green salad, OR Piece of fruit- Water, tea, coffee or juice


- Pasta, OR Meat, fowl or fish (breaded, poached, baked, grilled or sautéed)- Dinner roll, OR Garlic bread- Vegetables, OR Salad, OR Rice, OR Baked potato- Fruit, OR Fruit salad, OR Bread pudding, OR Rice pudding, OR Cake- Tea, coffee, juice, water, one beer or wine

Studies referenced conducted by:1Joe A. Vinson, Ph.D., Dept. of Chemistry, University of Scranton (PA), May 2001

2Dr. R. Ballerini, Pharmaceutical Development and Service srl., Milano, Italy, January 2001

3Joe A. Vinson, PhD and Donna M. Shuta, BS, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Scranton (PA), Nov 2001.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended todiagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Distributed by:Quantum, Inc. Eugene, Oregon, 97401, 541-345-5556, 

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