the year end issue

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Seeing as this issue signifies the end of the year, we have a special section dedicated to industry awards (OTC Beauty Magazine Awards and the 2012 Tae H. Jhin Vendor Awards) that are given annually. We encourage readers to join us in congratulating these amazing beauty businesses and professionals. In all, I must say that you have treated us well, 2012. Yet the time has come to say goodbye as we move forward optimistically to the New Year.


December 2012 | $6.00The Year End Issue

Scan to visit OTC website

The Latest in Beauty Business News

Innovative New ProductsXtreme Beauty InternationalManufacturer Profile

Jinny Corp. Fall Shows Wrap-upChicago, LA and Houston

Jinny Tradeshow Comes to an End

Hair Plus - ALOTC Store Interview Inside

Special Industry Awards

To Place Your Order, Call Your Distributor Today!

The Beauty of Exotic Shine™ Color


The 1ST Hair Color with Argan Oil from Morocco & Strengthening

Micro-SpheresDouble Argan Oil Treatments for Ultimate Conditioning

Strengthens & Conditions with Exotic ShineUp to 100% Gray Coverage

10 Rich, Vibrant Color Tones

© 2012 Colomer Beauty Brands USA, Inc. All rights reserved.

To Place Your Order, Call Your Distributor Today!

The Beauty of Exotic Shine™ Color


The 1ST Hair Color with Argan Oil from Morocco & Strengthening

Micro-SpheresDouble Argan Oil Treatments for Ultimate Conditioning

Strengthens & Conditions with Exotic ShineUp to 100% Gray Coverage

10 Rich, Vibrant Color Tones

© 2012 Colomer Beauty Brands USA, Inc. All rights reserved.


Experience the Di fference ...

With Hair that Sets YOll Apart.

Editorial Letter ...................10 Dear 2012…2012년을 보내며

Expert Advice ....................12The Uniqueness of OTCs vs. Retail Beauty Stores

MarketPlace .......................18Year-End Treats

How Should You Sell It? .....24Saying “Goodbye” to 2012굿 바이 2012

Urban Call Briefs ................39African-American Celebrities Giving Back (Part 2)

King of Locs .......................57Just the Facts on the Ultimate “Compare To”

Brand: III Sisters of Nature

Clipper Tips ........................74Clip Clip Snip Snip for the Holidays!

Therapy Trends ...................76United We Stand for the Holidays

Against the Grain ...............78CUT IT OUT

Industry News ................113Coupons .........................119Show Calendar ...............122Ad Index .........................122Product Spotlight ............124NAAT Cream

CONTENTSDecember 2012

Feature Article P.E.A.R.L.S. of Wisdom for a Successful New Year! ..........................58by Arnisha Hallett-JonesOver the years of working within the beauty industry, professionals gain “pearls” of wisdom that teach what makes, and breaks, good shopping experiences for customers. Learn about each of these pearls that individually influence those who enter your store.

Manufacturer ProfileXtreme Beauty International ......................................64by Haley McNealDedication to a vision for a company is what will carry it from creation to a successful future. OTC Beauty Magazine spoke to an Xtreme Beauty International owner, Osman Mithavayani, who explained the goals and actions of the family business.

Xtreme Beauty International은 헌신을 바탕으로, 창조를 통해 성공을 만들어 나간다. OCT

뷰티 매거진은 Xtreme Beauty Internation의 오너인 Osman Mithavayani씨와 회사의 목표와

비즈니스 활동에 대해 인터뷰를 하였다.

Retailer ProfileHair Plus ...................................68

by Tony Bae

자신의 역량을 넘는 욕심을 부리지


4 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012012

in this issue

On The CoverPrevent curls, kinks and waves for up

to six weeks in-between relaxing with

SoftSheen-Carson’s Dark and Lovely

6 Week Anti-Reversion Cream Serum.

This serum is their first styling product

specifically developed to prevent

reversion and lock in shine. It is made

with innovative Humidity Block

Technology. Learn more on page 53, and

online at

Knowledge To KnowWinter Beauty Care ................30by L. PerryWinter time can be harsh on the condition of your customers’ hair, skin and lips. Environmental factors affect their beauty regimens and calls for a little extra TLC. Discover a few helpful tips to offer them.

겨울철 뷰티 케어

겨울철 날씨는 소비자들의 헤어, 피부, 그리고 입술의 적이다. 그러한

날씨를 버텨낼 수 있는 뷰티 케어 방법들을 소개해 본다.

How Relaxers Affect the Hair ..34by Dr. Edward Tony LloneauIt is important to know the effects that different beauty processes have on the user. One specific procedure that needs close attention is the use of relaxers on the hair. Learn all about this process so you can help educate customers.

릴렉서가 모발에 미치는 영향

소비자들의 헤어의 상태에 따라 어떻게 다른 효과가 나는지를 아는 것은

매우 중요한 사항이다. 특히, 릴렉서를 사용할 때는 더욱 그러하다. 알아야

할 사항들을 배워보고, 소비자들에게 도움이 될 수 있도록 하자..

Special Awards SectionOTC Beauty Magazine Awards ...102Month after month OTC Beauty Magazine has watched new advertisements come in, each one just as entertaining, creative and eye-catching as the next. Because of their hard work and dedication to advertising campaigns, various manufacturers have been awarded honors by the publication.

Tae H. Jhin Vendor Awards .........104The highly respected Tae H. Jhin Vendor Awards are given to multiple vendors each November by Jinny Corp. in recognition for industry achievements. This year’s winners are announced in this special section.

6 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012012

Business TipsProof Positive: Seven Facts to Breathe Life

into Your Business ....................................................46by Bill McBeanOwning a business comes with its own unique challenges that you may not have faced before. Use these seven “Facts of Business Life” to set, and keep, your store on the path to success.

당신에 비즈지니스에 생명을 불어넣는 7가지 사실들비즈니스를 운영한다는 것은 여러 가지 위험부담을 안고 가는 것이기도 하다. 이 기사에서 말하는 7가지

비즈니스 핵심에 대해 알아보고, 성공가도를 달려보자..

The OTC Shopping Experience ................................50by Cindy TawiahThe beauty industry is a business in a league all its own, and the fact that customers get a unique shopping experience makes OTCs even more appealing. Use this article as an overall review of what it means to be an OTC store and how you can keep customers satisfied.

OTC 쇼핑 체험뷰티 업계는 특별한 환경의 비즈니스이며, 소비자들도 독특한 쇼핑환경을 경험하게 된다. 이 기사에서

다루는 OTC스토어의 전반적인 것들을 알아보고 소비자들의 만족도를 끌어내 보도록 하자.

Show CoverageJinny Chicago, LA and Houston Fall Shows 2012 ..82Jinny Corp. wrapped up their final series of shows at their Chicago, Los Angeles and Houston locations. These events were held on October 14, 21 and 28 respectively, and they each offered customers exclusive deals, sending the season out in style.

Jinny Corp가 시카고, 로스앤젤레스, 그리고 휴스톤 지사를 끝으로 가을쇼를 마감 하였다. 각각 10월 14일, 21일, 그리고 28일에 열린 이번 행사는 쇼 방문자들에게 특별한 딜과 시즌 스타일을 제공 하였다.

CONTENTSDecember 2012

-, : ~... C =:Ie 111'" ' ._




Korean News Editor:

Art Director:

Advertising & SalesCoordinator:

Contributing Writers:


Ann Jhin




Ted and Adrianne FishmanArnisha Hallett-JonesCyrus JacksonDr. Edward Tony LloneauBill McBeanL. PerryCindy Tawiah

Kenny DuncanLafayette JonesElayne McClaineDwayne Thompson

8 8 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012

Post Master:

Please send address changes to:OTC Beauty Magazine

Attn: Subscriptions3587 Oakcliff Rd., Doraville, GA 30340

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To subscribe, call us at 678-805-3291 or visit

Subscriptions are no charge for businesses (including retailers, manufacturers, and distributors)

in the U.S. of the beauty and barber supply industry.

For all other subscribers, yearly subscriptions (12 issues) are $48.00.

Please send a check payable to OTC Beauty Magazine to:

OTC Beauty Magazine; attn: subscriptions; 3587 Oakcliff Rd.; Doraville, GA 30340.

Cover price is $6.00.

OTC Beauty Magazine is a trade magazine for the multicultural beauty supply industry offering retail store owners, manufacturers,

distributors, and industry professionals a unique perspective on new and evolving products, useful business tips, effective selling

tools to boost revenue and customer traffic, and valuable product knowledge by combining insight and intelligence with depth

and style. This is the only bilingual publication in the industry offering both Korean and English translations.

OTC Beauty Magazine is published monthly by Jinny Corp. Postage paid at Auburn, AL and at additional mailing offices.

Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from a staff

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OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012 10

Editorial Letter


올해도 많은 일들이 있었습니다. 우리는

유명인들의 가십이나 정치 캠페인, 종잡을 수

없는 기후 변화, 과학적 발견과 하계 올림픽과

같은 세계적인 주요 행사들을 경험하였습니다. 그것은 마치

거대한 거울을 통해 보는 것 같았죠. 뷰티 서플라이 업계라는

보다 작은 범주에서 보면, 우리는 제품 박람회나 신제품 출시,

새로운 트렌드, 지난 11개월 간의 고객 충성도 등 또다른

성공적인 한 해를 보냈습니다. 여러분들이 이 기간을 어떻게

보든, 거대한 잠재성과 약속들이 많은 사람들에 의해 환영을

받은 건 사실입니다.

올 해도 아주 훌륭했지만, 우리는 미래를 기대하고

다가올 2013년을 두 팔로 환영해야 합니다. 독자들이 다가올

1월, 새로운 시작을 준비하는데 도움이 되도록, 우리는

“ 비지니스에 생명을 불어넣는.” 방법(페이지46)에 관한

도움말을 제안할 뿐 아니라, 실제적으로도 아주 유용한 몇

가지 “주옥 같은 말”(페이지58)을 공개했습니다. OTC 뷰티

매거진 안에 포함된 다른 내용들과 함께, 이러한 도움말들을

깊이 고려한다면, 다가올 해에도 비지니스가 지속적으로

성장하고 번청할 것을 확신합니다.

한해의 마지막이 보이는 것처럼, 이번 호에는 매년

실시되는 수상(OTC 뷰티 매거진 상과 2012년 Tae H. Jhin

판매업체상)에 관한 특집 기사를 실었습니다. 독자 여러분들이

이 대단한 뷰티 업계와 전문가들을 축하하는데 저희와 함께

할 수 있기를 바랍니다.

무엇보다, 여러분들이 2012년, 저희에게 많은 도움이

됐다는 것을 말씀 드리고 싶습니다. 비록 한 해와 작별할

시간이 다가오지만, 저희는 새해를 향해 낙관적으로 나아가고


You have been quite a year. We have endured our share of celebrity gossip, political campaigns, weather crazi-ness, scientific discoveries and major world events, like the Summer Olympics—and that’s looking through a broad looking glass. On the smaller scale of the beauty supply in-dustry we have seen another successful year of tradeshows, new product releases, emerging trends, and fostered cus-tomer loyalties over the past 11 months. No matter how you look at the time span, it held great potential and promise that was welcomed and used by many. Although you were great, we must look forward to the future and welcome 2013 with open arms. To help readers prepare for the fresh start that January brings, we have offered tips on how to “breathe life into their business” (page 46), as well as showcased a few “P.E.A.R.L.S. of wisdom” (page 58) that are sure to come in handy. Taking these tips into consideration, along with the facts contained elsewhere within the covers of OTC Beauty Magazine, business is sure to keep growing and prosper for years to come. Seeing as this issue signifies the end of the year, we have a special section dedicated to industry awards (OTC Beauty Magazine Awards and the 2012 Tae H. Jhin Vendor Awards) that are given annually. We encourage readers to join us in congratulating these amazing beauty businesses and professionals. In all, I must say that you have treated us well, 2012. Yet the time has come to say goodbye as we move forward optimistically to the New Year.

2012년을 돌아보며...

Dear 2012…

June 2012OTC Beauty Magazine 11

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012 12

by Ted and Adrianne Fishman

Expert Advice

The definition of “unique” is “one of a kind.”

Regarding OTC stores, unique refers to not only one, but a group of stores that are unique in that they specialize in catering to personal care and beauty needs for their customers who are usually multicultural and need specialized items and products that are not readily available at retail beauty stores. OTC stores do not have restricted space and therefore have the opportunity to show local products and a much wider variety of items. For this reason, planograms of these stores are not as firmly set and the financial obligation for advertising promotions from manufacturers is not as vital. Among the items found in OTCs are hair relaxers, conditioners, hair color, specialized skin care products, and beauty products formulated for the multicultural customer. In addition to stocking these types of products, the OTC store is in a position to become even more unique

The Uniqueness of OTCs vs.

Retail Beauty Stores

in that they have a loyal customer base shopping their store and in most cases know the store owner and personnel. This customer knows that they can count on their OTC store to have the products they need

in stock – products that they cannot get at a retail beauty store. In addition to consumers, beauty salon personnel also shop their local OTC store for salon supplies. In addition to hair and skin products, they also purchase blow dryers, flat irons, shears, clippers, professional hair color products and accessories, manicure and pedicure items, wigs, human and artificial hair for weaving and extensions and a slew of other items needed by salons. Although there are some specialized beauty supply stores that stock these items, it is convenient for the hair stylist and manicure technician to shop at their local OTC store – a place they know and trust, and where they feel comfortable shopping.

December 2012 OTC Beauty Magazine 13

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012 14

Expert Advice

To further make your OTC store even more “unique” you can implement some programs such as having lists of your customers and sending out monthly sale flyers, giving back to the community by donating food to local food banks, etc. You can have a sign up form for your customers to fill out to win a free turkey for Thanksgiving and/or Christmas. You could have a drawing and give away 15 to 25 free turkeys to the winners for each holiday. Be sure to put the winning customers’ pictures up in the store for them and visitors to see. During the holiday season you could give small gifts to each customer at the checkout – gifts such as imprinted calendar wallet cards, imprinted key chains, pens, flashlights, individually packaged mini candy canes, etc. to show your appreciation for their business. You can find these items on the internet and can buy them at very low costs. We looked up two websites where we saw some of these types of items – and We do not endorse either of these websites but looked them up to see what they had to offer in customer handouts. You can just put in keyword “customer handouts wholesale” and there are many websites where you can find these items or you may already have somewhere to get them. (If you are going to have anything imprinted remember to give them a few weeks lead time to get them to you on time.) The holiday season is an excellent time to let your customers know that you appreciate their business. Be sure to wish every customer a Happy Holiday Season and thank them for their business. Always remember that as an OTC store your business is unique and necessary to your customers who are close to you (both in relationship and proximity). Plan to find ways to make your store even more unique in 2013. You will find that doing this will result in added business and more loyal customers. We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy, and prosperous New Year.

Ted Fishman, president of Ted Fishman & Associates is an industry veteran who has dedicated his life to the betterment of the business. He can be reached through email at

Adrianne Fishman is the vice president of Ted Fishman & Associates and has been working with her husband, Ted, since they started the business together in 1976.


Curly, Coiled, WaJ)' Dr H.,1t-Styl.d, It's Your ."",,,,1 T.xture.








.JBS Beauty Club .JBS Beauty Club (Atlanta) (Dallas) 4300 N.E. Expressway 2527 Willowbrook Road Doraville, GA 30340 Dallas, TX. 75220 Tet.678-805-3297 Tet. 214-261-3040 Fax. 770-734-9906 Fax. 214·261-3041 HOURS Of OPERATION HOUII5 OF OPERATION Mon - Fli 8:30 am-6:oo pm Mon - Fri 8:30 am-6:oo pm Sunday 10;00 am-5:oo pm Sunday 12:30 am-5:30 pm Saturday Closed Saturday Closed

.JBS Beauty Center j JBS Be"uty Center (Chicago) (Houston) 3505 N. Kimbal Avenue

1 3918 Dunvale Road

Chicago. IL60618 Houston. TX 77063 Tet.847-600-3010 Tel. 713-343-5640 Fax. 847~15 Fax. 713-343-5641 HOURS OF OPERATION HOURS OF OPERATION Mon & TIlu : 8:00 am-9:oo pm Mon - Fn 8:30 anHI:oo pm Tue. Wed. Fri: 8;00 anHI:oo pm saturday, Sunday Closed Saturday 8:00 8m-12:oo pm

~ Sunday Closed

• •

• •

.JBS Beauty Center .JBS Beauty Club (Los Angeles) (Oakland) 4545 Pacific Boulevard 1501 Doolittle Dnv&. Suite D Vernon, CA 90058 San Leandro. CA 94577 Tel. 323-973-7017 Tel. 510-924-3760 Fa~. 323-973-7018 Fax. 510-924·3765 HOURS OF OPERATION HOURS OF OPERATION Mon - Fli 7:30 am-5:3O pm Mon - FIl 8:00 am-5:30 pm Saturday 8:00 am-12:3O pm Saturday 8:00 am-12:3O pm Sunday Closed Sunday Closed

.JBS Beauty Club (Miami) 16241 N.W. 48IhAvenue Hialeah. FL 33014 C~'\\O~S Tel. 786-248-3200 Fax. 786-248-3218 ~\O\'J. \.0 '" 'lO \~ HOURS OF OPERAnON CO~\\1,G Mon - Fri 8:30 am-6:oo pm Saturday 8:30 am-l :3O pm Sunday Closed

So Cool . • • Use OAX Short . nd Neill <md -t DAX Wave Ind Groom to create 1 V . natural WilVM, ( !auk slick-backs. cool spikes, wedges, pomps and !K) milny o ther hair styles.

~- ... , 0

~ , . •

• . " • .. 10) .... .... .

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• • •

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So Clean. DAX Removing Shampoo '~flOO'H hair dresses. pomades. gels ~ wnH. IS weill dirt. grease.nd exc~ oil to §1M your hair and 5Qlp ill deep deansIng. lISt" on wet hai, is your ~u .... wmpoo, Of use on dry hai, first to ref1lOW! prodUCt build-up. It works without tarnishing orurlpplng 'hloe or color, arw:l5trengthen~ and hydrates for heal thy-looking, clean hair.

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2008 18 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012


We’re sending 2012 out with a bang and have We’re sending 2012 out with a bang and have We’re sending 2012 out with a bang and have collected a few treats for the occasion.collected a few treats for the occasion.collected a few treats for the occasion.



1. Dry Skin ReliefThe cold winter months bring frigid weather that easily dries out skin. Rest assured that Hollywood Beauty is here to help with Cocoa Butter, a non-greasy formula that contains 100% Pure Cocoa Butter, vitamin E and no petroleum jelly. Learn more about relieving dry skin, stretch marks and scars at

2. Nourish the NaturalNatural styles make people unique and Motion’s Naturally You! products nourish that beauty. Specifically the lightweight Smoothing Conditioner with shea butter, coconut and avocado oils rehydrates hair, leaving it feeling soft and looking vibrantly healthy. Embrace the splendor of natural hair at

3. Go CurlyHydrate locks, add elasticity and correct frizz all while smoothing and loosening tight curls for more casual styles with brilliant shine. Fantasia’s Argan Oil Curl Define Cream prevents hair breakage and repairs damage as customers style. Learn more about this alcohol free product at



December 2012 OTC Beauty Magazine 19

Lovely LavenderAromatherapy at its finest. What is better than smelling a relaxing lavender

scent than doing so while nourishing scalp and hair, soothing aches and pains,

enjoying a massage or nourishing dry skin? Now customers can enjoy any and

all of these with Professional Product’s pure, lavender Jamaican Black Castor Oil.

Shimmer LightsThe Protein-enriched conditioning formula of Clairol Professional’s

Shimmer Lights Shampoo tones down brassiness on blonde and

silver hair, renews and refreshed faded highlights and ash-toned hair,

removes the dull yellow in silver hair, and leaves hair shiny without

residue. Learn more about this item, which is also available in

brunette and red formulas, at

Flirty LashesSome occasions call for a little extra glitz and glamour, and

many arise around the holidays. Be prepared with Ardell

Professional’s Runway Lashes in Flirty. Easy to apply, these

rhinestone-adorned lashes provide just enough pizzazz to add

a little sass to your look, perhaps for a New Years celebration.


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2008 20 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012

Metallic NailsWant to add a little shine to nails for the holidays? Nail Bliss Metallic

Nails are thin and flexible to hug the curves of every nail size and

shape. Leave worries of chipping and cracking behind because these

nails are made of quality materials and protective coating to protect

them. Visit


Let’s Jam!Customers can get it all with SoftSheen-Carson’s Let’s Jam Custard

Flexible Hold Cream Gel. The great hold of Let’s Jam gels combines with

the conditioning of a cream hairdress for 3x more conditioned hair and

all day flexible hold. This product is ideal for prepping hair for holiday

celebrations! Learn more at

December 2008 OTC Beauty Magazine

....... --

You ...... 10.... )'OUr hair wjf, v ...... Oh. Oil

NEW LOOK from Vitale!


POLISHER ..... _.­... _"'_ .. -._­._-.... _-.-.. ..... ,~ ... -

,..~ ...... "' ... O"gn.d ........ )'011 in .... nd, ,t"lu ..... hoenloonc. EDGE RITE' o..,.......d ........ _ ....... I)'O<I ......... W>lhol;.,.

.,;I. "", .ocIo '='- ..... will _.dilio" and >II. ""._

lor b.crutoloJ '-Iot!y hair

lo¥e)'OC.ll' hGfr ••• 1t will love you bock.


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Low,ow- /'lor ••. It wiIf /o¥e)'OU bod!.


NEW LOOK from Vitale!

~=".. :----- -

.. .. _­.... _ .. -



OTC Beauty Magazine December 2008

December 2008 OTC Beauty Magazine www.sofnfree.C1Jm

• •

How should you sell it?

This month’s focus is...

Saying “Goodbye” to 2012! Saying “goodbye” is not an easy thing to do, yet it is often needful and even necessary. The end of

the year is a time where we face an inevitable farewell while moving into the New Year, and there are

lessons to take from the past 11 months that can make your business stronger in 2013.

If you have input you’d like to share regarding this question, send an email to Your response could be featured in the January issue!

What do you think is the most important thing for store owners to remember when heading into the New Year? Is there anything in particular you would recommend them adding into their plans for 2013; perhaps a trend you see emerging?

“I think any store owner should take stock of his and her inventory and make a business decision

on what is selling and what is not, discontinue the non selling items and make more room for good

selling and profitable items. In our industry retailers keep too many slow items on their shelves and

need to adapt this retail chain philosophy: if they are not getting the turns, either cut back on space

allocation or just discontinue.”

Leo Alba, Sales Manager

Beauty Consultants Group

“One of the hottest on-going trends has been the eye category. Stores need to have a wide variety of

products dedicated to this category. Tinting, lengthening and curling the eyelashes will continue to

grow in the professional industry. And do not forget the brows. Tinting, shaping and even lightening

the brows are vital for that flawless polished look.”

Lena Campbell, Owner

Innovative Beauty Products, LLC

24 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012

23August 2011 OTC Beauty Magazine

이 달의 주제는...

“굿 바이 2012!” 이다.작별 인사는 쉬운 일은 아니지만, 때로는 필요하며 꼭 필요한 경우도 있다. 한 해의 마지막은 새해를 향해

가고 있지만 피할 수 없는 작별과 마주하는 시간이기도 하다, 그리고 거기에는 2013년 당신의 비지니스를

더욱 튼튼하게 만들어 줄 수 있는 지난 12개월로부터의 교훈들이 있다.

26 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012

스토어 오너들이 새해를 앞두고 기억해야할 가장 중요한 것은 무엇이라고

생각하는가? 2013년의 계획에 추가할 특별한 무엇이 있는가? 새롭게

나타나고 있는 트랜드는?

이 문제에 관해 여러분의 의견을 공유하고 싶은 분들은,

hmcneal@otcbeautymagazine.com로 이메일 보내주세요. 여러분의

의견은 1월호에 게재됩니다.

“제 생각엔 매장 운영자들은 상품 재고를 확인해서 어떤 제품이 판매가 되는지, 판매 되지

않는지를 파악하고, 판매되지 않는 제품은 중단하고 판매 실적이 좋은 제품이나 수익성이

좋은 제품을 위한 공간을 더욱 크게 확보해야 할 것 같습니다. 우리 업계에서 소매상들은 판매

저조한 제품들을 진열대에 너무도 많이 방치해두고 있는데, 이런 소매 체인 철학을 적용해야

할 필요가 있다고 봅니다: 판매 실적이 오르지 않는다면, 제품 진열 공간을 줄이거나 판매를

중단해야 합니다.”

어떻게 판매할 것인가?

Leo Alba, Sales Manager

Beauty Consultants Group

가장 인기있는 트랜드 중 하나는 눈과 관련된 제품들입니다. 매장들은 이 부분과 관련된

다양한 종류의 제품들을 갖춰야합니다. 속눈썹의 틴팅이나 길이, 컬링은 전문 분야에서

지속적으로 성장할 것입니다. 그리고 눈썹도 잊지 마세요. 눈썹의 틴팅이나 모양, 심지어

광택까지도 완벽하게 마무리된 룩을 연출하기 위해 매우 중요합니다.”

Lena Campbell, Owner

Innovative Beauty Products, LLC


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Active Liahtenlna Cream ~tor" ..... " Ikln con.

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16 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012

December 2012 OTC Beauty Magazine 27

30 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012

by L. PerryKnowledge to KnowK-t-K

겨울철 뷰티 케어

겨울철 건조한 피부와 입술이 갈라지는 문제들

Winter Beauty CareWhen it comes to beauty products, women naturally enjoy buying new colors and trying out the latest shades when one season changes into the next. However, there is one season in particular that can be a real beauty challenge for many women; the harsh cold weather months of the year. Suede boots and designer sweaters are cute in the winter months, but chapped lips and itchy skin is not. During the colder months, Mother Nature can wreak havoc on the condition of our hair, our skin and especially our lips. There are many environmental factors that explain why our skin and lips feel extra-dry and uncomfortable at this time of year.

Winter—Dry Skin Can Come From Low Humidity, Dehydration and Ineffective ProductsHome heating systems can make indoor spaces dry out skin. Lack of moisture inside the home and little humidity outdoors all contribute to that tight, dry feeling we all get in the winter time. Let’s face it, many women give up the 8-10 glasses per day of water they were drinking in the summer. Instead, they grab hot tea or coffee as their beverage of choice when it’s cold outside. Caffeine-laced drinks are known diuretics that cause dehydration. Dehydrated skin is simply that; dried out.

뷰티 제품에 관한 한, 여성들은 계절이 바뀔 때면 새로운 색상을 구입

하고 최신 색상을 시도하는 것을 자연스럽게 즐긴다. 그러나, 많은 여

성들이 진정한 아름다움에 도전할 수 있는 어떤 한 시즌이 있는데; 바

로 한 해 중 가장 추운 겨울철이다. 스웨이드 부츠와 디자이너 스웨터

는 겨울철 깜찍한 아이템이되지만, 갈라진 입술과 가려운 피부는 그

렇지 못하다.

추운 계절 동안, 자연은 우리의 모발과 피부, 특히 입술 상태를 손상

할 수 있다. 피부와 입술이 왜 겨울철에 특히 더욱 건조해지며 불편함

을 느끼는지를 설명하는 많은 환경적인 요인들이 있다.

겨울- 건조한 피부는 낮은 습도, 탈수 그리고 효과적이지 못한 제품에 기인한


가정 난방 시스템은 실내 공간에서 피부를 더욱 건조하게 만든다. 집

안의 수분 부족과 외부의 낮은 습도가 겨울철에 피부가 더욱 당기고

건조하게 느껴지는데 기여하는 것이다. 솔직히, 많은 여성들이 여름

철 하루 8-10 잔 정도 섭취하던 물을 겨울철에는 포기하게 된다. 대

신, 추운 바깥 날씨에 따뜻한 차나 커피를 선호하게 된다. 카페인 함

유 드링크는 탈수를 유발하는 이뇨제로 알려져 있다. 수분이 부족한

피부는 간단히 말해; 건조하게 말라버린다.

여성들이 하는 또다른 실수는 여름철 사용하던 스킨 케어

제품나 피부 관리 방법을 추운 겨울철에도 그대로 사용한다는 것인

데, 얼음처럼 차가운 바깥 날씨에는 당연히 효과가 떨어지게 된다. 비

록 겨울철 피부 관리에 있어서 어려움을 극복할 점들이 있긴 하지만,

The Challenge of Seasonal Dry Skin and Chapped Lips

December 2012 OTC Beauty Magazine 31

Another mistake that women make is trying to use the same skin care routine and products that worked in the summer with poor results when the weather outside turns blustery and icy-cold. Although winter skin care has its challenges, there are a few simple and effective ways to combat or prevent dry skin and parched lips in the winter time.

Get Back To the Basics of Skin Care—Start from the Inside OutAs difficult as it can be, drinking plenty of water in the heart of winter is still the very best way to keep the skin cells plumped up and hydrated from the inside out. Adding an indoor humidifier to your home or work space can go a long way in increasing skin comfort levels during the driest time of the year. Humidifiers add moisture to the skin at the cellular level from the outside in. Skin needs water for the health and beauty of the entire complexion.

Use Rich, Emollient Products as a Protective BaseWhen it comes to choosing a good body lotion or moisturizer for winter skin care, think rich and emollient. Lightweight, oil-free or fast-absorbing moisturizing products are better for the summer months. Choose richer, more protective ingredients that contain skin soothing Shea Butter, coconut oil, jojoba or olive oil. Thicker, petroleum-based products stay on longer and protect the skin from severe wind burn if you happen to live in a location where the weather is not only frigid, but very windy as well.

Alter Your Personal Care Routine to Pamper Your Winter SkinWhen it comes to cold weather skin care, a few simple changes to your normal shower or bath routine can help alleviate dry, itchy skin. Exfoliating your skin with a good-quality scrub is just as important in the winter as in the summertime for getting rid of those dead skin cells. Instead of drying off completely, let your skin remain slightly damp while you apply an oil-based moisturizer all over your body. The heat and steam from the shower will help the skin absorb the product more efficiently. Bath or shower time is perfect for applying products that contain oat derivatives if you happen to suffer from extremely itchy skin in the winter months.

Choose Lip Products That Soothe and ComfortDealing with chapped lips in the winter means choosing the right lip product. Unfortunately, this does not mean highly-pigmented matte lip colors, metallic lip glosses and other types of regular lipstick brands. Chapped lips call for specialized products that contain ingredients like beeswax, petroleum, lanolin, jojoba and chamomile. If your lips get so dry in the winter

간단하고 효과적으로 피부와 입술이 건조해지는 것을 방지할 수 있는

방법들도 있다.

스킨 케어의 기본으로 돌아가자 - 내부에서부터 시작하자.

힘들겠지만, 한겨울철에도 풍부한 수분 섭취는 피부 세포를 통통하

게 유지하고 내부로부터 바깥으로 수분을 유지하는데 가장 최선의 방

법이다. 가정이나 작업 공간에 실내 가습기를 추가한다면 한 해의 가

장 건조한 시기에도 피부의 안정 수준을 향상시키는데 지속적으로 기

여할 것이다. 가습기는 외부로부터 체내로 세포층에서 피부에 수분을

더해준다. 전체적인 피부의 건강과 아름다움을 위해서 피부는 수분

이 필요하다.

보호 기능 베이스로 풍부한 연화 제품을 사용해라.

겨울철에 좋은 바디 로션이나 보습제를 선택할 때는, 풍부함과 부드

러움을 생각해라. 가벼운 느낌의 오일 프리 제품이나 빠르게 흡수되

는 보습제는 여름철에 더욱 좋다. 쉬어 버터나 코코넛 오일, 호호바나

올리브 오일처럼 피부를 진정시키는 성분을 풍부하게 함유한 제품을

선택해라. 만일 당신이 날씨가 얼어붙는 듯 추울 뿐 아니라 심한 바람

도 부는 지역에 살고 있다면, 조금 더 두껍고, 페트롤리움(석유, 바셀

린 성분) 기반의 제품이 피부에 더욱 오래 남고 세찬 바람으로 인한

피부 손상을 막아준다.

겨울철 피부 관리를 위해 개인적인 관리 습관을 바꿔라.

추운 날씨의 피부 관리에 관해서는, 일상적인 샤워나 목욕 습관을 간

단하게 바꾸는 것도 건조하고 가려운 피부를 완화하는데 도움이 된

다. 품질 좋은 스크럽으로 각질을 제거하는 것은 죽은 피부 세포를 제

거하는 것으로 여름철뿐 아니라 겨울에도 중요하다. 몸 전체에 유분

이 함유된 보습제를 바를 때는, 피부를 완전히 건조시키는 것보다는

살짝 물기를 남겨두는 것이 좋다. 샤워할 때의 열기나 증기가 제품을

보다 효과적으로 피부 속으로 스며들게 할 것이다. 겨울철 특히 심한

피부 가려움으로 고생하는 경우에는 목욕이나 샤워 시간에 OaT(귀

리)추출물이 함유된 제품을 사용하는 것이 좋다.

32 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012


편안함과 진정 효과를 주는 립 제품을 선택해라.

겨울철 거칠고 트는 입술을 다루는 대는 적절한 립 제품을 선택하는 것

이 중요하다. 불행히도, 이것은 고농도 색소의 매트 립 컬러나 메탈릭

립 글로스, 다른 형태의 일반적인 립스틱 제품을 뜻하는 것이 아니다.

갈라진 입술에는 비왁스(밀랍)나 석유, 라놀린, 호호바, 카모마일 등의

성분이 함유된 특별한 제품이 요구된다. 당신의 입술이 겨울철만 되면

심하게 건조해져서 갈라지고 피가 난다면, 약용 입술 연고를 사용하거

나 석유 성분이 많이 함유된 입술 연고를 야간에 발라주는 것이 필요


위에서 언급한 각질 제거 습관과 마찬가지로, 입술 또한 정기

적으로 죽은 피부 세포를 제거해야 한다. 갈라지고, 피가 나는 입술은

탈수의 표시이므로, 일일 수분 섭취량을 늘이면 분명히 도움이 될 것이

다. 겨울이라고 해서 반드시 갈라지는 입술이나 건조한 피부로 고생할

필요는 없다. 추운 날씨는 당신 스스로를 가꾸고 가벼운 여름 제품보다

한층 풍부하고 부드러우며 보습이 뛰어난 신제품을 경험하기에 좋은

시간이 될 수 있다. 천연 성분의 치료용 립밤, 여름철에는 무겁고 번들

거린다고 느꼈던 향이 좋은 바디 오일과 크림이 겨울에는 당신의 건조

하고 목마른 피부와 입술을 조금 더 부드럽게 치료해주는 완벽한 제품

이 된다.

that they crack and bleed, you may need a medicated lip balm and nightly applications of a thick petroleum-based lip balm.

As with the exfoliating routine mentioned above, lips also need regular removal of dead skin cells. Cracked, bleeding lips are a sign of dehydration, so increasing your daily water intake will definitely help. Winter does not have to include a seasonal battle with chapped lips and dry skin. Cold weather can be a wonderful time to pamper yourself and to experience new products that are richer, creamier and more moisturizing than lighter summer products. Healing lip balms with natural ingredients, fragrant body oils and creams that once felt heavy and greasy in hot weather are now the perfect products to treat your dry, thirsty skin and lips to a little extra tender loving care.

L. Perry is a dedicated blogger/author who enjoys writing on a variety of topics from cosmetics to

fashion to classical ballet. She lives and writes from scenic western Maryland. Like any other fashion-conscious

woman, she is always on the lookout for that next great shade of lip color or beauty product.

shimmer lights" (iJj)fl ~

Shimmer lights Shampoo ~· .... icilld ~ Ioomula _down tw~1III t.Iondt ond.a... ~,. _oncI ........ 1DOId IIogII. IigIm ond w..1IItIed hob, _!he doll ytIlow In.a.. bolt, and ...... hoi! lohI"Y wIThout <t>IduI. Aha ~ IQ 110_ Gold ltd iotl'l'lUliK.

I II developed for silver. blonde or brunette and red hOir

shimmer lights-

September 2012OTC Beauty Magazine 43

34 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012

by Dr. Edward Tony LloneauKnowledge to KnowK-t-K

In an earlier editorial on Trichology I stated that in a later article I would explain how various chemicals used in Cosmetology work. In this article, we will

cover hair relaxing. In follow-up articles we will explain cold wave (curly perms), press and curl, and permanent hair color, and how these products work differently on Afro hair then on Caucasian hair. In order to really understand this concept, you must first understand what changes the hair undergoes when it is relaxed. Relaxers that use Sodium Hydroxide (and to a lesser degree calcium and lithium “no lye”) as their active ingredient will destroy from 1/4 to 1/3 of the hair shaft. Do not become alarmed by this fact because hair can withstand that much destruction and still remain healthy, providing it is properly cared for. When relaxer is applied to the hair, it must penetrate the cuticle layer (which is made up of the same substance as the fingernail, keratin protein). As you work the relaxer into the hair, you actually scrape away as much as 1/3 of the cuticle scales. This is why the curly perm will not take on relaxed hair, because the curl actually forms on the cuticle. With much of the cuticle gone, little or no curl will form. This will be covered in more detail in next month’s article on “How the Permanent Curl is Formed.” The relaxer next penetrates the cortex and may lift some natural color. This is why if your patron requests both a color and relaxer treatment, you apply

지난 호에 실린 모발학에 대한 기사에서, 나는

미용 작업에 사용되는 다양한 종류의 화학품

에 관해 다음 호 기사에서 설명할 것이라고

미리 말하였다. 이번 기사에서는 헤어 릴렉싱에 대해 다

룰 것이고, 후속 기사에서는 콜드 웨이브(컬리 펌), 프레

스와 컬, 그리고 영구 헤어 컬러에 대해 설명할 것이며,

이 제품들이 백인의 모발과 흑인의 모발에 어떻게 다른

작용을 하는지를 설명할 것이다.

이 개념을 확실히 이해하기 위해서는, 모발에 릴렉서를

사용했을 때 모발이 겪게 되는 변화를 먼저 이해해야


수산화 나트륨(그리고 칼슘과 리튬이 적게 함유

된 “비 가성소다(잿물)를 활성 성분으로 사용하는 릴렉

서는 모발의 1/4에서 1/3 정도를 손상할 것이다. 이 사실

에 놀라지 말라, 모발은 적절하게 관리만 되어진다면, 많

은 손상들을 견디고 여전히 건강한 상태를 유지할 수


모발에 릴렉서를 사용하면, 릴렉서는 모발의 큐

티클층(손톱과 같은 물질인 케라틴 단백질로 구성)을 뚫

어야 한다. 당신이 모발에 릴렉서를 사용함으로써, 사실

상 큐티클의 1/3을 긁어내게 되는 것이다. 이것이 바로

릴렉서를 사용한 모발에는 컬리 펌이 잘 되지 않는 이유

이다, 왜냐하면 컬은 실제적으로 큐티클 층에서 형성되

기 때문이다. 큐티클의 상당 부분이 소실되면, 컬이 아주

약하게 형성되거나 아예 형성되지 않는다. 이 내용은 다

음 달 기사 “컬리 펌의 작용”에서 더욱 자세하게 다뤄질

How Relaxers How Relaxers How Relaxers How Relaxers How Relaxers How Relaxers How Relaxers How Relaxers How Relaxers How Relaxers How Relaxers How Relaxers How Relaxers How Relaxers How Relaxers How Relaxers How Relaxers How Relaxers Affect the HairAffect the HairAffect the HairAffect the HairAffect the HairAffect the HairAffect the HairAffect the HairAffect the Hair

n an earlier editorial on Trichology I stated that in a

지난 호에 실린 모발학에 대한 기사에서, 나는

Affect the HairAffect the HairAffect the HairAffect the HairAffect the HairAffect the Hair릴렉서가 모발에 미치는 영향

December 2012OTC Beauty Magazine 37

Extra S .. per Ad""I'"

0rI00 CIoOI''''' -.­.­-,."..-

36 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012


Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau received his doctoral from the National

Beauty Culturist League (N.B.C.L.), and sanctioned through Howard University in

Washington, D.C. in 1985. Lloneau attended the institute as both a student and

instructor. His specialized field of study is Tricology as it relates to ethnic cosmetology.

He has written several books on this subject, and has authored many articles in trade

magazine drawing attention to some of the pitfalls and professional related problems that

ethnic cosmetologist and students encounter on a daily basis. Contact Dr. Lloneau at or call 310-323-7100.

the relaxer first, then the color at the next appointment. (See how and why in future articles in this series.)

The next area of the hair shaft affected by the relaxer is the medulla. As you work with the relaxer, you stretch the hair shaft by removing a large degree of its elasticity and it remains that way by elongating the sulfite bonds and squeezing out about 25 percent of the natural oils that they contain.

Cystien links that connect the bonds are broken from their criss-cross, up-down and every-which-way configuration, and then reformed into a straight up and down pattern, reconnecting the reformed bonds in that manner. The changing of the Cystien links is the main factor for hair being permanently straight as a result of the relaxer treatment. This is also the reason we cannot reconstruct relaxed hair 100 percent, because changing the Cystien links is one part of hair relaxing that is not reversible.

The preceding information is not designed to heighten your anxiety about the use of sodium or calcium (no lye) hydroxide relaxes, but to allow you to have more respect for their use by pointing out their pros and cons. This way, if something goes wrong or out of control during the process, you will have a better understanding of what happened and how to correct it.


릴렉서는 다음으로 피질을 침투하게 되고

모발의 천연 색상 일부를 들어 올리게 된다.

이런 이유로 고객들이 컬러와 릴렉서 트리트

먼트를 동시에 원할 경우, 릴렉서를 먼저 적

용한 후, 다음 살롱 방문 시 컬러링을 해야 하

는 것이다 (이 내용의 후속 기사에서 그 이유

와 방법에 대해 볼 수 있다).

릴렉서에 의해 영향을 받는 모발의 다음 부

분은 수질이다. 당신이 릴렉서를 사용함으로

써, 모발 탄성의 상당 부분을 제거해서 모발

을 늘이게 되며 이것은 아황산 결합을 길게

늘이고 모발이 포함하고 있는 천연 오일의

25% 정도를 짜내는 것이 된다.

결합을 이어주는 시스테인 연결이 십자 모

양이나 아래 위로, 혹은 모든 방향의 형태로부

터 부서지게 되고, 아래 위로 스트레이트하게 다시 형성

되며, 그런 방법으로 재형성된 결합을 다시 연결하게 된

다. 시스테인 연결의 변형은 릴렉서를 사용해서 모발을

영구적으로 스트레이트하게 만드는 주된 요소이다. 이것

은 또한 우리가 릴렉서를 사용한 모발을 100% 복구할 수

없는 이유이기도 하다. 왜냐하면, 시스테인 연결의 변형

은 헤어 릴렉싱에 있어서 되돌릴 수 없는 부분이기 때문


이상의 정보는 당신이 수산화 나트륨이나 수산화

칼슘(비가성소다) 릴렉서를 사용함에 불안을 가중시키려

는 의도는 아니다. 그러나 이런 제품들을 사용함에 있어

서 장단점을 지적함으로써 당신이 제품을 더욱 신중하게

사용할 수 있기를 바라는 것이다. 제품을 사용하는 과정

에서 무언가 잘못되었거나 제어가 되지 않는 상황에서도,

당신은 무엇이 잘못되었으며 해결 방법은 무엇인지 더욱

잘 이해하게 될 것이다.

September 2012OTC Beauty Magazine 48a


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December 2012 OTC Beauty Magazine 39

by Lafayette Jones

Each month, Urban Call Briefs covers subjects that provide readers of OTC Beauty Magazine with information on multicultural consumers, Hispanics and African Americans, who are the fastest growing consumer segments in the U.S. The mission of this column is to build a bridge of communications and information between manufacturers and retailers and the ethnic consumers they wish to serve better. The column offers resources covering marketing, retail merchandising, consumer research, purchase behavior, fashion and beauty trends, industry events and people, trade association news, new product launches and a potpourri of information designed to help the readers make intelligent decisions about the customers they serve. Urban Call is a registered trademark of Segmented Marketing Services, Inc. (SMSi).For more information, call 336-759-7477 or visit

The preceeding article is the property of SMSi – Urban Call Marketing, Inc. and may not be reproduced without written permission from the author.

Lafayette Jones

African-American people have been some of the hardest hit during the economic recession and yet their spirit of giving to the community is strong. According to the Corporation for National and Community

Service, the amount of African-American volunteerism has significantly increased each year since 2009. Beauty retailers will find that many of their consumers are passionate about volunteerism and strengthening their communities. Many African-American celebrities, who are held as leaders in entertainment and academics, are also at the forefront of charitable foundations and events. Some of their causes guide the youth in academics and creativity, raise cancer awareness, and assist under-served communities. African-American celebrities have created public foundations focused on literacy, health awareness and higher self-esteem for black youth. Others have partnered with popular foundations as advocates for causes that affect Americans all across the nation. Black celebrities who give their name, energy and donations to serve the deserving include: Grammy award winning entertainer, Beyoncé; Actress Gabrielle Union; Author and political analyst for MSNBC, Dr. Michael Eric Dyson; Philosopher and activist, Dr. Cornel West; Grammy award winning singer, Jill Scott; American television weatherman, Al Roker; Former Dallas Cowboy and ESPN host, Michael Irvin; and multi-platinum recording artist and actress, Eve.

Urban Call Briefs

Serving Their CommunitiesSecond in a Series

AfricAn-AmericAn celebrities GivinG bAck

Celebrity: Beyoncé KnowlesFoundation: Survivor FoundationYear Founded: 2006Website: Information: Beyoncé Knowles founded The Survivor Foundation along with the Knowles family and her former Destiny’s Child band-mate, Kelly Rowland, in the Knowles-Rowland Center for Youth, a multi-purpose community outreach facility in downtown Houston, Texas. The Survivor Foundation was created in response to the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina for New Orleans residents who moved to Houston in wake of Katrina. Over the past few years, the Foundation has donated more than $2.5 million dollars just in the Houston are alone. Initiatives such as the Temenos Place Apartments, the Knowles-Rowland Center, The Beyoncé Experience World Tour Food Drives and Houston’s Habitat for Humanity are just a few of the efforts in which the Survivor Foundation continues to help the community.

Urban Call Briefs

40 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012

Beyonce Knowles

Gabrielle UnionCelebrity: Gabrielle UnionFoundation: Susan G. Komen FoundationYear Founded: 1982Website: Key Information: In 2007, actress Gabrielle Union’s closest girlfriend was diagnosed with Stage IV metastatic breast cancer. In support of her friend, Gabrielle began actively fundraising for the cause and found a passion for helping to make sure that others battling the disease had access to health care, support groups, counseling and whatever else they may need. Aware of Gabrielle’s passion, the Susan G. Komen Foundation invited her to be an ambassador for the organization’s Circle of Promise program which is designed to further engage black women around the globe in the fight against breast cancer. Gabrielle recently laced up her racing shoes to complete the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in the Washington, D.C. area. She completed the 3.1-mile course in 41 minutes and uploaded a photograph of herself at the finish line on Twitter. In addition to her work with Susan G. Komen, Gabrielle is also an ambassador for Neutrogena’s Choose Skin Health campaign, which seeks to raise sun protection awareness and reduce skin cancer diagnoses.

Al Roker

Celebrity: Al RokerFoundation: The Ronald McDonald House CharitiesYear Founded: 1974Website: Key Information: Since 2007, Al Roker has been an official supporter of Ronald McDonald House Charities and is a member of their celebrity board, called the Friends of RMHC. The Ronald McDonald House program provides a “home-away-from-home” for families so they can stay close by their hospitalized child at little or no cost. The Houses are built on the simple idea that nothing else should matter when a family is focused on healing their child – not where they can afford to stay, where they will get their next meal or where they will lay their head at night to rest.

December 2012 OTC Beauty Magazine 41

Jill Scott

Michael Irvin

Dr. Cornel West

Celebrity: Michael IrvinFoundation: PlayMaker Foundation and Charities, Inc.Year Founded: 2007Website: Key Information: The mission of the South Florida Branch of Charities and Foundation, Inc. is to provide underprivileged youth with a support system affording them an opportunity to live in a better environment, grow academically, spiritually and recreationally through various enrichment programs. The mission of the Dallas Branch of PlayMaker Charities and Foundation, Inc. is to provide children struggling with substance abuse addiction the opportunity to receive medical treatment and recovery support while growing academically, spiritually and recreationally in a family environment.

Celebrity: Jill ScottFoundation: Blues Babe FoundationYear Founded: 2007Website: Key Information: The brainchild of Grammy Award-winning singer/songwriter and poet Jill Scott, the Blues Babe Foundation was formed for the purpose of nurturing college-bound students of color, artistically and academically. The Foundation is committed to assisting students in under-served communities by providing programs that promote leadership and academic excellence. The foundation’s scholarship program offers financial support and mentoring for students that have shown the aptitude and commitment to their education, but whose families may not have the resources to ensure completion of their undergraduate degrees. Blues Babe also engage students in grades 6 – 12 through programs such as Camp Jill Scott and Clean Up Your Neighborhood. In addition to its support of young people through their public schools, the Foundation also fulfills its mission by including support of community centers and community focused organizations as a part of its scope.

Celebrity: Dr. Cornel WestFoundation: Cornel West Academy of ExcellenceYear Founded: 2009Website: Key Information: Dr. Cornel West, renowned Princeton University professor, activist, author and critic endorses the Cornel West Academy of Excellence (CWAE) in Durham, NC, a small grass roots non-profit organization. CWAE was started to address many of the needs of minority male students in the 2nd - 6th grade. The academy works to address various issues affecting young boys including academics, self-esteem, strategic and critical thinking, and philanthropy. CWAE currently provides its services to 35 young minority male students ranging from the 2nd - 6th grade in Wake County. The program is also open to young men from surrounding counties.

42 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012

Urban Call Briefs

Dr. Michael Dyson

Celebrity: Dr. Michael Eric DysonFoundation: The Common Ground FoundationYear Founded: 2002Website: Key Information: Dr. Michael Eric Dyson has worked with the Common Ground Foundation, founded by Hip-Hop artist Common to create a supportive community for youths on Chicago’s South Side. The Foundation is about building holistic children by bringing them together and educating them on everything from health issues to creativity. CGF recently launched an annual summer youth camp in Plymouth, WI for thirty students at no cost which helped to develop skills and career opportunity in music. The Foundation was recognized by the BET Hip Hop Awards in 2010 and CNN Heroes in 2011 as a philanthropic organization doing great work in urban communities.

Eve Jeffers

Celebrity: Eve JeffersFoundation: Love Is Blind Foundation, Inc.Year Founded: 2003Website: Key Information: Grammy winning, multi-platinum recording artist and actress Eve Jeffers is a great example of female success in a male dominated industry. Having spoken out on a host of issues affecting women, including her commentary on domestic violence in her 1999 hit single “Love Is Blind”, Eve has shown young women what it means to be strong, sexy and savvy. She started the Love Is Blind Foundation in Philadelphia to aid women and children in difficult situations. One of the goals of the organization is to provide urban youth the opportunity to travel abroad and experience different people and cultures. “A lot of urban kids believe that the only way out is through music or sports,” Eve said in an interview with Index Magazine. “I want to give kids options. I want kids to see that there are more than just two ways to make it.”

December 2012 OTC Beauty Magazine 47

Smooth Care for Kids Is II gentle conditioning relaxer enriched with Olive 011 end II unique blend of botanicals to noorlsh your child's heir as it relaxes. The Olive 011 protects the hair lind scalp while the botanical blend replenishes the hair with essential nutrienl$. 1\ transforms your daughters' tresses Into manageable hair thai is &oft, 5/llny and heaHhy.

46 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012

by Bill McBean

Business Tips

처음부터 문제가 있다. 만일 당신이 사업가이거나

사업가를 희망한다면, 당신의 계획대로 모든 행동을

추측하고 니스를 운영하는 이유로부터 이 네 단어를

멀리하기는 아마도 쉽지 않을 것이다. 특히 당신이 지난 10

년 이상의 기간 동안 비즈니스의 30%정도의 요인들과 초기

몇 해 동안의 가장 큰 실패를 고려해 본다면, 이 네 단어를

무시하기는 어려울 것이다.

당신이 꿈꿔온 성공을 이루기 위해서, 당신이

실수하고 함정에 빠질 수 있게 하는 수 많은 것들로부터

피하는데 도움이 되는 요소들이 있다. 나는 그것을 비즈니스

생명의 사실들이라고 부른다.

지금부터. 오해없길 바란다. 사업가에게 보장되는

것은 없다. 그리고 도전을 추가하는데도, 각각의 비즈니스는

그것의 경쟁 방법과 제약, 운영 방법적인 측면에서 특별하다.

그러나 당신이 할 수 있는 것은 당신에게 유리한 쪽으로

확률을 기울이는 것이다.

사실 1: 당신이 이끌지 않으면, 아무도 따르지 않는다. 먼저,

이 말은 너무나 진부할 정도로 분명한 것 같다. 그러나 종종,

“지도력”은 행동함에 있어서 어떤 모습인지 깊은 생각을

부여하지 않는 사람들 주변에 던져진 여러가지 말 가운데

Doomed from the start. If you’re an entrepreneur or an entrepreneur-hopeful, it’s probably difficult to

keep those four words from causing you to second guess your every move as you plan and run your business. They become especially hard to ignore when you consider the fact that less than 30 percent of businesses last more than 10 years, and most failures happen within the first few years of operation. To achieve the success you’ve dreamed of, there are facts to help you avoid the mistakes and pitfalls that trip up so many others. I call them the Facts of Business Life. Now, don’t get me wrong. There are no guarantees for entrepreneurs—and to add to the challenge, each business is one of a kind in terms of how it competes, its constraints, and how it operates. But what you can do is tilt the odds in your favor.

Fact 1: If you don’t lead, no one will follow. At first, this statement seems mind-numbingly obvious. But often, “leadership” is one of those words that is thrown around by people who haven’t given much thought to what it looks like in action. Good business leadership begins with defining the destination and direction of your

확증: 당신에 비즈지니스에 생명을 불어넣는 7가지 사실들

Proof Positive: Seven Facts to Breathe Life into Your Business

company and deciding how the business should look and operate when it arrives. It also involves developing and continuously improving on a set of skills in order to move your business from where it is today to where you want it to be tomorrow.

Fact 2: If you don’t control it, you don’t own it. Control is the owner’s management reality. If you don’t control your company by defining key tasks and dictating how they must be handled, and “inspect what you expect,” then you don’t truly “own” the business because all you are is a spectator watching others play with your money.

Fact 3: Protecting your company’s assets should be your first priority. Were you surprised because this fact didn’t instruct you to first protect your company’s sales, profits, and growth? If so, you’re not alone. But the truth is, assets—which include both tangible and intangible assets—are what power sales, profits, and growth. Usually, owners and soon-to-be owners understand the need for insurance on assets like their buildings and equipment. However, successful owners don’t stop at protecting obvious assets. They understand the importance of every one because they represent invested cash, which should be managed to produce exceptional and maximized profits. The key is to understand what all of your company’s assets are and then guard them closely and work to maximize the profits they represent.

Fact 4: Planning is about preparing for the future, not predicting it. Nobody knows what tomorrow, next week, or next year will bring for your business. But you can make educated guesses based on the most current, accurate information available as well as your own past experiences, and this should be an ongoing process. Effective planning is a mix of science (gathering pertinent information) and art (taking that information

하나이다. 좋은 비즈니스 지도력은 기업의 목적과 방향을

정의하고 사업 보고가 도착했을 때 그 비즈니스가 어떤

모습으로 운영되어야 할지 결정하는 것으로 시작된다. 또한

당신의 비즈니스가 오늘의 모습에서 내일 당신이 원하는

곳으로 움직일 수 있도록 여러가지 기술들을 개발하고

지속적으로 향상시키는 것도 포함된다.

사실2: 당신이 제어하지 않는다면, 당신은 그것을 소유하는

것이 아니다. 제어란 소유주의 현실적인 관리이다. 만일

당신이 주요 직무를 정의하고 관리하는 방법을 지시하고,

“신이 기대하는 것을 검사”하는 것으로 당신의 회사를

제어하지 않는다면, 당신은 진정으로 비즈니스를 소유하고

있는 것이 아니다. 왜냐하면 당신은 그저 다른 사람들이

당신의 돈으로 즐기고 있는 것을 보는 관객일 뿐이기


사실3: 회사의 자산을 보호하는 것이 우선되어야

한다. 이 사실이 회사의 매출과 수익, 성장을

우선으로 보호함을 가리키는 것이 아니라서

놀랐는가? 만일 그렇다면, 당신은 혼자가 아니다.

그러나 진실은, 자산(유형과 무형 모두를 포함한

자산)은 강력한 판매와 이윤, 그리고 성장이다.

흔히, 소유주와 곧 소유주가 될 사람들은 자신의

건물이나 장비 등의 자산에 대한 보험의

필요성을 인식하고 있다. 그러나,

성공적인 소유주는 확실한 자산을

보호하는 것을 멈추지 않는다.

그들은 모든 것의 중요성을

인식한다 왜냐하면 그것은

이윤을 극대화하기 위해

관리되어야하는 투자 현금을

대변하기 때문이다. 핵심은

당신 회사의 총 자산이

무엇인지 인식하고 그것을

가까이서 보호하며 그들이

대변할 수 있는 이윤의

극대화를 위해서 노력하는


사실4: 기획은 예측하는 것이

아니라, 미래를 위해 준비하는

것이다. 내일, 다음 주, 내년에

당신의 비즈니스에 어떤 일이

December 2012 OTC Beauty Magazine 47

and turning it into a plan that will move your business from “here” to “there” over a specific time period).

Fact 5: If you don’t market your business, you won’t have one. Maybe working to market and advertise your product (or store) isn’t your cup of tea. Or maybe you believe your product is so great that it should speak for itself. If so, too bad—you’re going to have to do it anyway. The bottom line is that if people don’t know about your product, you won’t be successful.

Fact 6: The marketplace is a war zone. Every company has competitors, and if it doesn’t and it’s successful, it soon will. Successful owners know they have to fight not only to win market share but to retain it as well. That’s why I insist that you must develop a warrior mentality and maintain it for as long as you’re at the head of your business.

Fact 7: You don’t just have to know the business you’re in; you have to know business. Yes, of course you need to know the inner workings and nuances of your particular industry if you want to be successful. But you also need to understand the various aspects of business as it is more broadly defined, such as accounting, finance, business law, personnel issues, etc. and how all of these impact each other and the decisions you make.

Ultimately, I don’t believe that any entrepreneur can succeed—or at least reach his or her full potential—without knowing, understanding, and applying these seven Facts of Business Life. I promise, if you commit yourself to understanding these facts while being prepared for their implementation to change as your business goes through its inevitable life cycle, you’ll be creating a best-odds scenario for success.

48 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012

Business Tips

Bill McBean is the author of “The Facts of Business Life: What Every

Successful Business Owner Knows That You Don’t” (Wiley, October 2012, ISBN: 978-

1-1180949-6-9, $24.95, A graduate of the University

of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, and Mount Royal College in Calgary, Alberta, Bill has

started several successful businesses. He is currently general partner of McBean

Partners, a family-owned investment company. He is also partner and chairman of

Our-Mentors, a company that works with owners to improve their businesses for long-

term success, and Net Claims Now.

일어날 지는 아무도 모른다. 그러나 당신은 과거의 경험은

물론, 가장 최근의 정확한 정보를 바탕으로 학습된 추측을

해낼 수 있으며, 이것은 진행형의 과정이어야 한다. 효과적인

기획은 과학(관련 정보 수집)과 예술(정보를 얻고 그것을

특정 기간 동안 여기 저기로 당신의 비즈니스를 움직일 수

있는 기획 속으로 돌려 놓는 것)의 혼합이다.

사실5: 당신의 비즈니스를 홍보하지 않는다면, 결코 가질 수

없다. 당신의 제품(혹은 매장)을 홍보하고 마케팅하는 작업은

간단한 것이 아니다. 당신의 제품이 너무 훌륭해서 스스로

소리를 낸다고 믿고 있을지도 모르겠다. 그러한 발상은 매우

위험하다. 어쨌든 당신은 그 일을 하게 될 것이다. 결론은

사람들이 당신의 제품을 알지 못한다면, 당신은 성공할 수

없다는 것이다.

사실6: 시장은 전쟁터이다. 모든 업체들이 경쟁자이며, 만일

그렇지 않다면 아직은 성공적이지만, 곧 전쟁터가 될 것이다.

성공적인 소유주는 시장 점유에서 승리하기 위해서뿐만

아니라 그것을 지속적으로 유지하기 위해서 싸워야만 한다는

것을 안다. 그것이 바로 왜 당신이 비즈니스의 수장으로 있는

한, 무사 정신을 개발하고 그것을 유지해야만 하는지에 대해

내가 주장하는 바이다.

사실7: 당신이 속해 있는 비즈니스에 관해 잘 알아야 할

필요는 없다; 비즈니스 자체를 잘 알아야만 한다. 그렇다,

물론 성공하고자 한다면 당신이 속한 특정 업계의 내부

업무와 미묘한 차이들을 이해하는 것이 필요하다. 그러나

회계, 금융, 비즈니스 법률, 개인적인 문제 등등, 그리고

이 모든 것들이 서로간에 미치는 영향과 당신의 의사 결정

등 보다 광범위하게 정의되는 비즈니스의 다양한 측면을

이해하는 것 또한 필요하다.

궁극적으로, 비즈니스 생명의 이 7가지 사실들을 이해하고

적용하지 않고서는 어떤 사업가도 성공하거나-최소한 자신의

모든 잠재력에 도달 할 수 있다고는 생각하지 않는다. 당신의

비즈니스가 피할 수 없는 수명 주기를 변화시키기 위한

실행을 준비하는 동안, 이상의 7가지 사실들을 이해하기 위해

당신 스스로에게 약속한다면, 당신은 성공을 위한 최상의

가능성을 가진 시나리오를 창조해 낼 것임을 나는 약속한다.

September 2012 OTC Beauty Magazine 49

50 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012

by Cindy Tawiah

Business Tips

As a salon owner and former products junkie, I have experienced different views when it comes to shopping in

the beauty supply store. It is great that there are many beauty supply stores all over the country; however what exactly do customers look for? From a customer’s point of view when it comes to purchasing products in the beauty supply store, it can be a very frustrating experience. There are thousands of products to choose from, and the customer is usually overwhelmed by the huge selection. It is important for customers to have and receive full knowledge and understanding of exactly what they need to purchase for their hair. Beauty supply store owners should hire helpful sales associates to assist the client when it comes to purchasing products. If the sales associate does not have an understanding, then it is best that they be directed to a stylist. Beauty supply stores can partner with local beauty schools and possibly recruit student stylists to work at their location. Beauty supply stores should keep a directory of local salons in the area, that way customers have a reference person when it comes to purchasing products. Many customers cannot afford a salon service and prefer a do-it-yourself method at home. If supply store owners and sales associates educate their clients as to what products they need to use, it will make purchasing products much easier at beauty supply stores.

OTC Shopping Experience

살롱 오너이자 왕년의 쇼핑광으로서, 나는 뷰티 서플라이 매장

쇼핑에 관한 다른 관점을 가지고 있다. 미국 전역에 무수히

많은 뷰티 서플라이 매장이 있다는 것은 고맙지만, 고객들이 찾는

것은 정확히 무엇일까?

뷰티 서플라이 매장에서의 제품 구매에 관해 고객의

관점에서 보면, 그것은 아주 당황스러운 경험일 수도 있다. 선택할

수 있는 수 천가지의 제품들이 있고, 고객들은 대부분 방대한

제품군에 압도된다. 고객들에게는 자신의 헤어를 위해 정확히

어떤 제품을 구매해야하는지에 대한 모든 지식과 이해를 얻는

것이 중요하다. 뷰티 서플라이 매장 오너들은 제품 구매에 관해

고객에게 도움을 줄 수 있는 판매 직원을 채용해야만 한다. 만일

판매 직원이 제품에 관한 충분한 이해와 지식이 없다면, 고객들을

스타일리스트에게로 인도하는 것이 최선이다. 뷰티 서플라이 매장은

지역 미용 학교와 연계하여, 자신의 스토어에서 일할 수 있는 학생

스타일리스트를 모집하는 것도 가능하다.

뷰티 서플라이 매장은 지역 미용실들의 디렉토리를

보유하고 있어야 하며, 그것은 고객들이 제품 구매에 관해 조언을

얻은 사람이 있는지를 알 수 있는 방법이다. 많은 고객들은 매번

미용실 서비스를 받을 여유가 없으며 집에서 스스로 할 수 있는

방법을 선호한다. 만일 서플라이 매장 소유주와 직원들이 이런

고객들에게 어떤 제품이 필요한지 교육한다면, 뷰티 서플라이

매장에서 보다 쉽게 제품을 구매하게 만들 것이다.

고객들은 뷰티 매장에서 고객 서비스에 대한 아쉬움을

종종 경험하게 된다. 이것은 직원들이 무례해서가 아니라, 권유하는

제품에 대한 지식의 부족해서이다.

전문가용 제품들이 고객들에게 많이 권유되어지는데,

미용실에서 손질한 듯한 느낌의 건강한 헤어를 원하는 고객들의

욕구를 충족시켜줄 수 있기 때문이다.

OTC 쇼핑 체험


December 2012 OTC Beauty Magazine 55

52 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012

Cindy Tawiah, is the Creator and Founder of Diva by Cindy Hair products.

She has also been featured in several hair magazines and her products were highlighted

through several media platforms. Her desire is to now take her products national and

heal generations of women everywhere. Visit

Business Tips Customers often experience lack of customer service in beauty supply stores. This is not because the associates are rude; the issue is a lack of knowledge of what needs to be recommended. Professional products are highly recommended for a client because they ensure the results the client is looking for a healthy hair with a finished salon look and feel. Establish a rapport with the customer. Use product recommendations and education to promote and establish trust between the store owner and the customer. The wholesalers should be able to provide seminars or education for the distributors on how to educate the consumer and increase sales by partnering with manufacturers. Survey sheets can be provided to assess the customer experience and suggestions for improvement. Instead of only giving clients store flyers with coupons, a letter to the customer can be written on one side (stating “Dear Valued Client, we are here to answer all your questions on hair care and help enhance your shopping experience…”). The coupons and offers may be written on the other side. The difference with this approach is the client feels valued and appreciated and will purchase more items as a result. Every customer who walks in the beauty supply store should be able to find professional products, or their equivalent, for at-home maintenance. The cheaper items will not always equate to a better buy. Overall, salon owners, stylists and beauty supply stores should be working together in the community. Each one brings value to the table. The most important ingredient is the consumer who depends on us to provide them with their hair care needs. Let us find ways to ensure they have a great shopping experience because “it takes years to gain a customer and seconds to lose one!!”

제품을 추천하고 교육적인 홍보를 하면서 고객과 친밀한

관계를 쌓고, 매장 소유주와 고객 간에 신뢰를 확고히 해라.

도매업체들은 유통업체들이 제조업체와 협력하여 고객을 교육하고

매출을 증가시킬 수 있도록 다양한 세미나와 교육을 제공할 수

있어야만 한다. 고객들의 경험과 개선할 점들을 평가하기 위해서

설문지를 제공할 수도 있다. 고객들에게 단지 쿠폰과 전단지만을

주기 보다는, 간단한 내용의 편지를 한 면에 쓰는 것도 좋다 (“소중한

고객님께, 헤어 케어 제품에 관한 문의나 쇼핑에 도움이 필요하시면

언제든지 저희가 도와드리겠습니다....” 이런 내용으로). 쿠폰이나

프로모션 등은 반대 면에 적을 수 있다. 이런 차별적인 접근은

고객들이 귀중한 대접을 받고 있다는 느낌을 주게 되며 결과적으로

고객들은 더 많은 제품을 구매하게 된다.

뷰티 서플라이 매장에 들어오는 모든 고객들은 가정에서의

손질을 위해서 전문가용 제품이나 그에 상응하는 제품들을 찾을 수

있어야한다. 저렴한 아이템이 언제나 좋은 구매는 아니다.

전반적으로, 미용실 소유주나 스타일리스트, 그리고 뷰티

서플라이 매장들은 지역에서 함께 일할 수 있어야한다. 테이블

위에 각각의 것은 저마다의 가치가 있다. 가장 중요한 재료는

우리가 자신들이 필요한 헤어 케어 제품을 제공해주길 바라고

있는 고객들이다. 고객들에게 즐거운 쇼핑 경험을 보장할 수 있는

방법들을 찾아보자. 왜냐햐면” 고객을 얻는대는 수 년이 걸리지만

잃는 것은 단 몇 초이기 때문이다!!”

December 2012 OTC Beauty Magazine 57

B's Hair and Beauty Products, Inc. Fine Botanical, Exotic, Natural, and Organic Oils

Introduction to 8's

8's manufactures and distr ibutes a line ofNalural, Organic and Botanical, Hair Care, Scalp and Skin Oils producb. Our fine lirHl of Oils, are imported f rom around tile world, origina ting from Jamaica, Aunralia, Spain, Israel, United Slates, and other countries . We are d@dicaledtoprovidlngqualityproductsforour customers.

We blend OtJr formulations with essential ingredients such as vi tamin -E AND PANTHENOL to strengthen the hair root and shaft. OUf oils are in a class by themselves, infused with iI high level of quality. You can feel confident about using our products on your hair and skin.

.ttII!>"""' .. ...... - ... ... ·"..hlM ...... . _ ...... .--.

• ' ( a 7

September 2012 OTC Beauty Magazine 61


50 OTC Beauty Magazine July 2012


December 2012 OTC Beauty Magazine 57

Cyrus Jackson has had a successful career in the hair care industry for over 30 years including sales, marketing and product development with companies such as World of Curl, D-Orum Products and Leisure Curl. Jackson is the owner and president of Professional Products Unlimited, Inc. makers of one of the first complete products lines in the industry for the care and maintenance of natural ethnic hair types, Jamaican Mango & Lime. Jackson’s continued development and promotions of quality products for natural ethnic beauty has made him the self proclaimed King of Locs.

The holiday season draws near and as we all prepare to perform the normal routines of family gatherings, merriment and all out overspending, the valued consumer weighs heavily on my mind. I have developed and used natural hair care products for over 30 years. Professional Products Unlimited, Inc. prides itself on staying on top of industry trends and manufacturing advancements that will not only grow our business, but provide the services and quality every consumer craves. Every year we work overtime in the labs to bring the consumer the latest in natural hair care and maintenance. This year, our research lead us to a very important question that was not just one of product development but profound ethic proportion. Why are so many natural hair products so overpriced? Natural hair is just that—natural; a simple maintained hair style that is free of chemicals and harsh ingredients. We decided to develop a quality “compare to” hair care brand with the consumers’ needs in mind. This dedication to higher quality and consumer consciousness lead me on a journey through the legal system and back to ensure that our customer gets the value they deserve. Professional Products’ new brand III Sisters of Nature is the cleaner “compare to” hair care product. The products were developed with the belief in a great balance of beauty, style and budget. The line comes complete with five products to style, maintain and treat natural hair types. For an added bonus to all of our customers, III Sisters of nature is not only affordable, but it was specifically formulated with cleaner ingredients. Our products are free of alcohol, waxes, silicones, petrolatum, mineral oil, parabens, formaldehyde and carbomers, items that can be found in many expensive natural hair care brands today. Reviews from natural hair care consumers and the natural hair social media have been outstanding. III Sisters of Nature is the ultimate “compare to” brand to add to any retail product mix. There are “compare to” products in all industries, and the ethnic hair care sector is no different. You can stroll down the aisle of any store and find a name brand item and its more affordable doppelganger brand just a few feet away. I developed III Sisters of Nature with this widely used concept in mind. I know how much it costs to produce quality hair care

products. Business is always our main concern, but there is a difference between standard profitability and overprice. Every company has the absolute right to defend their trademarks, formulas and intellectual properties, but the practice of generic branding is widespread throughout all industries. III Sisters of Nature was developed as the ultimate “compare to” brand that will incorporate “compare to” products from a range of different hair care products. We have no intent to target a particular company or brand, but to make sure that our customers have the options that natural hair care truly provides. With this in mind I want to make sure the retailers and consumers know the facts. On February 2, 2012, the makers of the popular brand Miss Jessie’s, Akiro, LLC, filed suit for trademark infringement against my company, Professional Products Unlimited, Inc. III Sisters of Nature offers four products that are compared to similar products of Miss Jessie’s for a significantly less price. Professional Products’ Once a Week Nourishing Treatment is compared to Miss Jessies’s Rapid Recovery Treatment. The Natural Lengthening Creme is compared to Miss Jessie’s Stretch Silkening Creme. III Sisters of Nature’s Sweet Honey Rose Treatment is compared to Miss Jessie’s Super Sweetback Treatment and Miss Jessie’s Curly Pudding is compared to Professional Products’ Spiral Pudding. Akiro’s action was dismissed on March 19, 2012. We have since continued to bring the III Sister’s of Nature brand to the consumer both nationally and internationally with great success. Natural beauty comes from within, so why should consumers pay a penny more than they have to? Professional Products Unlimited, Inc. will always put our customers first as we have in the past. The OTC class of trade continues to thrive on the principle of properly serving the customer and providing the ultimate in quality with every retail product mix. If we take care of the customer, they will always remain loyal and come back to the brands that they can trust. So I say to the OTC retailer, continue to show your customers that you value their business by stocking quality products at affordable prices. The consumer will appreciate it because every woman deserves the highest quality, chicest style and naturally based ingredients at a reasonable price.

by Cyrus Jackson

King of LocsJust the Facts on the Ultimate Compare To Brand: III Sisters of NatureIII Sisters of NatureIII Sisters of NatureIII Sisters of NatureIII Sisters of NatureIII Sisters of Nature


58 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012

by Arnisha Hallett-Jones


P.E.A.R.L.S. As beauty and barber supply

stores prepare for 2013, they are encouraged to seek the consumer’s perspective. From years of “touching hands” with consumers in retail

environments the Marketing company I work for has gained pearls of wisdom that have taught us what makes, and breaks, a good shopping experience for consumers. The P.E.A.R.L.S. that we’ve learned are: Pricing, Excitement, Assortment, Respect, Loyalty & Shopability. Your success with these P.E.A.R.L.S. will help you ensure that your store continues to attract and keep consumers in 2013.

P-PricingTwenty years ago, the local beauty and barber supply store was the only place in the community where consumers could get the hair products they wanted. Then consumers were willing to pay a little more for the convenience of buying a product in their neighborhood. (It saved them the trip of having to travel to the nearest chain retailer.) However, that has changed. Chain retailers are in urban communities throughout the country. And, since they often buy more volume directly from manufacturers, oftentimes, they are able to price products lower. To be more competitive in 2013, reconsider

your pricing wherever possible. Do price promotions on hot, or new items to bring customers into your stores. However, since competing directly with chains on prices day-to-day can be a challenge, consider the fact that you can improve the price/value of a consumer shopping in your store. For example, provide her with samples, be pleasant, and get to know her a little. (A simple smile, “hello,” and “how are you” can go a long way.) In time, these could matter more than price alone.

E-ExperienceThis coming year, continue to give her an experience that she’ll appreciate and enjoy. An experience can be as simple as having someone on your staff that understands the products and that can help her find what’s best for her. Or it can be as big as partnering with a brand, local blogger, or local hair salon to have events in your store. You can even partner with a radio station to do a live remote in your store. Any of these ideas show that you offer your consumers a service and, therefore, a better overall experience. This will provide you with satisfied customers that, in turn, will spread the word about your store and bring you new customers.

A-AssortmentThe beauty of a local beauty and barber supply (B&B) store is that essentially EVERYTHING you

Wisdom for a Successful New Year!

59December 2012 OTC Beauty Magazine

need for your styling regimen is there. From skin care and makeup to hair, hair care and accessories, the breadth and depth of the local B&B store’s assortment is incredible. In fact, this extensive assortment is their greatest POD (point-of-difference) from chain retailers. In fact, B&Bs often have brands and products that are hard to find anywhere else. As you get ready for the New Year, we think it’s important for you to stick with this tradition of offering your customer things that she can’t find anywhere else. It gives her a reason to keep coming back to you.

R-RespectSome say that it’s tough to conduct business in urban communities as the poverty in these communities can result in pilferage, vandalism and theft. Nonetheless, the majority of people in these

communities are honest, hard-working people that are simply trying to make ends meet and provide for their families. They’re husbands and wives, sisters and brothers, sons and daughters just like us. They’re married couples, single mothers and single fathers doing the best they can, stretching their dollars as far as they can. They deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. In 2013, ensure that your customers continue to have a great shopping experience in your stores.

L-LoyaltyConsumers LOVE being rewarded for their loyalty. And while there’s no such thing as complete loyalty in this retail age, there are a couple easy Marketing tactics that you can use to get her to come back to you. Try bounceback “coupons.” I understand that you don’t accept manufacturer coupons. However,

60 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012

Arnisha Hallett-Jones, is a Beauty industry veteran whose experience includes multi-channel Marketing to General Market and Ethnic consumers in the Skin Care, Cosmetics, Fragrance and Hair Care categories. Throughout her career she’s worked on high-profile brands including, African Pride, MAC Cosmetics, NIVEA, Clinique and Carol’s Daughter. Arnisha is currently the VP of Marketing at Dr. Miracle’s.

a coupon that YOU create can be used to get consumers to come back to your store. (Don’t fret, you can design the coupon on a computer and print them out at your local Staples. They DON’T need to be scannable. You just need to be able to identify it as yours.) Whenever a customer purchases, give her a $3 off “Thank You coupon” for her next purchase of $20 or more. (Make sure to include an expiration date in the near future so that she’ll come back quickly.) Or, borrow an idea from the department stores by executing a “Friends & Family” weekend. Pick a weekend and give a discount (e.g., 15 percent) off an entire purchase to every shopper. (Don’t forget to promote your “Friends & Family” weekend beforehand by telling customers two weeks before and by putting a poster in your window that announces the event.) Your customers will appreciate the savings and be happy to be rewarded for their purchases!

S-ShopabilityWhile consumers’ shopping habits have been known to wreak havoc in stores, they tend to prefer to shop in stores that are clean, merchandised nicely and are easy to shop. They usually don’t like to have dirt or dust left on their hands after picking up a product to read it. They also tend to like it when similar things are near each other. So, having hair care near hair care and skin care near skin care makes it easy

for her to competitively shop and find what she needs quickly. Additionally, use displays and end caps whenever possible. They tend to “pop” in retail environments, thereby attracting customers’ attention and getting them to consider buying more. Finally, it’s easier for customers to shop if things that go together are near each other. For example, having the glue or needle and thread needed for weaves near the hair just makes it easier for her to shop. Shopability is apparently a priority in most B&Bs that we’ve visited. For those stores that value this, please keep up the good work; it’s noticeable. For those that haven’t had the time yet, please consider this for the coming year. It will make a difference with your customers.

In closing, as you prepare for the New Year, re-assess your business, thinking about it from the customer’s perspective. Try using these P.E.A.R.L.S. of wisdom to surpass your customers’ expectations in the New Year.

Good Luck and we wish you a prosperous 2013!



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OTC Beauty Magazine (OTC): How did XBI get its start? Please briefly tell our readers about the history of the company.Osman Mithavayani (OM): In 1999 my father started to wholesale products from one of his beauty supply stores in downtown Miami. XBI didn’t actually become official until 2000 when he rented his first warehouse. Near the early parts of our company we began manufacturing a variety of beauty goods overseas under the Victoria USA® brand and Xtreme Tools® electronics brand. With a combination of in-house brands and those of other manufacturers, we began to distribute directly to local stores in the South Florida area as a wholesale company.

During the winter of 2010 we officially purchased a small company which owned the product lines of Clear Fast®, Okay® and Roots Therapy®. From then it became official that we were becoming a recognized national manufacturer and brand in our industry and that is where you find us today.

OTC: What indicated a need for this company within the beauty industry? Specifically, why is it directed toward the OTC/multicultural consumer?OM: Today’s beauty market is much more diverse than 10 years ago. Xtreme Beauty International is needed in today’s market and has gained mass appeal towards the OTC/multicultural consumer. Being that our company manufactures and offers skin lightening, feminine care, electrical tools and natural products, this makes us very diverse and unique in our market. Usually a company would not try and diversify to target all ethnicities. On the contrary we cater to all consumers through one product brand or another. The market is filled with many brands that have been around for ages or that are similar to many other brands. Now in the new era and time of our market. XBI strives to be different from those in the market and create new trends and demand in beauty supply.

OTC: Briefly explain the different brands that fall under the XBI umbrella. What makes them unique from other brands in the business?OM: Xtreme Beauty International manufactures six major brands: 1. Clear Fast® is a skin care and lightening brand which caters to the African American community. This product line consists of excellent acne and lightening products that can help clarify uneven skin tone and eliminate skin spotting. It has been providing positive customer reviews for over 16 years.2. Femme Clean® for personal feminine hygiene is centered in providing a

64 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012

At the start of any company it is needful to have a vision and stick to it, pushing headstrong toward a successful future. With this in mind, the family behind Xtreme Beauty International (XBI) stands on the belief that, “success is always achieved with smart, strong, hard work and good relationships,” explained Osman Mithavayani, an owner. “Growing up, my father and grandfather showed me hard work and dedication which in turn helped me build good strong habits.” OTC Beauty Magazine learned all about this company that one family’s hard work built.

어떤 기업이든 시작은 비전을 가지고 성공적인 미래를 향해 완고하게 밀어 부치는 것이 필요하다. 이를 바탕으로, 익스트림 뷰티 인터내셔널(XBI)의 가족들은 “

성공은 언제나 똑똑하고 강하며 노력하는 자세와 좋은 관계를 통해서 이뤄진다”고 믿고 있다고 오너인 Osman Mithavayani 씨는 말한다. “자라면서, 부친과

조부는 노력과 헌신을 내게 보여주셨고, 이것은 내가 좋은 강한 습관을 만드는데 도움이 되었다” 고 그는 설명했다. OTC 뷰티 매거진은 한 가족의 노력으로

만들어진 이 기업에 관한 모든 것을 알아 보았다.

OTC 뷰티 매거진(OTC): XBI는 어떻게 시작되었습니까? 귀사의 역사에 대해서 저희 독자들에게 간단하게 말씀해주십시오.Osman Mithavayani (OM): 1999년 저희 부친께서는 마이애미 다운타운에 있는 자신의 뷰티 서플라이 매장 한 곳에서 제품 도매를 시작하셨습니다. 부친께서 2000년에 첫 번째 물류창고를 렌트할 때까지는 XBI는 공식적으로 시작되지 않았습니다. 회사의 초창기 무렵Victoria USA® 와 Xtreme Tools® electronics 브랜드로 다양한 해외 뷰티 제품들을 제조하기 시작했습니다. 자체 브랜드와 다른 제조업체의 브랜드를 조합해서, 도매업체는 물론South Florida에 있는 지역 매장에도 직접 공급을 시작했습니다. 2010년 겨울에 저희는Clear Fast®, Okay®, Roots Therapy® 브랜드를 소유하고 있는 작은 업체를 공식적으로 인수했습니다. 그때부터 저희가 공식적으로 이 업계에서 인정받는 전국적인 제조사이며 브랜드가 되었고, 여러분들이 오늘날 저희를 만나게 되는 시작이었습니다.

OTC: 업계에서는 귀사의 어떤 점을 필요로 합니까? 특히, 왜 그것이 OTC다문화 소비자들과 직결되는지요?OM:오늘날의 뷰티 시장은 10년전보다 훨씬 다양해졌습니다. 익스트림 뷰티 인터내셔널은 현재의 시장에서 필요로 하며 OTC/다문화 고객들에게 상당히 크게 어필하고 있습니다. 저희 회사가 생산자가 되어서 피부 미백, 여성용 케어 제품, 전기 도구 및 천연 제품들을 제공하는 것은 시장 내에서 저희를 아주 다양하고 특별하게 만듭니다. 흔히 업체들은 모든 인종을 겨냥해서 시도하거나 다양화하지 않습니다. 이와 반대로 저희는 이런 저런 브랜드를 가지고 모든 고객들에게 맞추고 있습니다. 시장은 연령대 별로 다양한 브랜드로 가득 차 있으며 많은 유사 브랜드들이 있습니다. 이제 우리 시장의 새로운 시대와 시간이 되었습니다. XBI는 시장의 다른 업체들과 차별화를 두고 뷰티 서플라이의 새로운 트랜드와 수요를 창조하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.

OTC: XBI라는 우산 아래 있는 다양한 브랜드를 간략히 소개해 주십시오. 어떤 브랜드가 다른 것들보다 좀 더 특별한가요?OM: 익스트림 뷰티 인터내셔널은 6개의 주요 브랜드를 생산합니다:1. Clear Fast®는 미국 흑인 계층을 충족시키는 스킨 케어 및 미백 제품 브랜드입니다. 이 제품 라인은 여드름과 미백 기능이 탁월한 제품으로 구성되는데, 고르지못한 피부 톤을 투명하게 해주고 피부 잡티를 제거하는데 도움이 됩니다. 16년 동안 긍정적인 고객 리뷰를 제공해 오고 있습니다.

2. 여성 청결 제품인 Femme Clean®은 여성들의 은밀한 부분에 상쾌하고

Xtreme Beauty International

Osman Mithavayani

by Haley McNeal



December 2012 OTC Beauty Magazine 65

refreshing, cooling, clean feeling for the female private area. This line is an antibacterial wash that helps clean and eliminate odor while providing confidence to the female user.3. Okay® Natural Hair and Skin Care line is our biggest and most widely known brand. Okay is the largest natural products brand in its category offering wide product diversity from natural butters, soaps and oils. Okay has a brand appeal which stands out above all other products on the shelf allowing for the retail store and the consumer a pleasurable experience when dealing with these products.4. Victoria USA® is our beauty basics brand. Currently we sell acetones, nail products and alcohols under this brand. 5. XBI® Skin Care is our high-end strong bleaching and lightening care for the consumer who wants the best. This skin lightening brand was the first to offer the Argan Oil Exfoliating Brightening Lightening Soap in the market and it is regulated through FDA standards ensuring for a good quality, safe skin lightening experience. 6. Xtreme Tools® is our beauty electronics brand. Under this name we manufacture our nail drill machines, hood dryers, flat irons and hair dryers.

OTC: What are the newest trends you have seen emerge among products that XBI markets and how has the company met consumer demand?OM: Currently the market has acquired a hunger for natural products. We have diversified our lines by offering the largest variety of natural products with our Okay® brand. We have researched, developed and released natural products and products with more natural ingredients than any other brand to help satisfy the needs of the consumers.

Our company has stood strong, meeting all demands by providing exceptional service along with developing and providing great quality products.

OTC: What is the newest product you have placed on the market? Can you tell us about any new products XBI plans to release soon?OM: The newest products we released into the market were the body lotions and natural butters. Our body lotions and butters are made from the richest pure ingredients possible.

XBI is currently in the process of releasing our Roots Therapy® hair care brand. We have spent the past 22 months researching, developing and learning about market trends to help develop this line. We want to make sure we make a huge impact with the market by offering a modern ethnic hair care brand to cater to the needs of the consumers by diversifying and making this line for all hair types; a brand with a trendy package design and a quality that will keep the consumer coming back for more.

OTC: What sort of feedback have you received from customers that use XBI products? How do they benefit most?OM: Consumers tend to have a pleasant experience with our brands. This is due to the quality, detailed work and personal attention given to each and every item. Our product lines tend to be a little bit more than the average brand, but at the same time this is not your average brand at all. We offer quality superior to that of any other brand in today’s market.

OTC: What marketing advice would you give store owners about how to properly present and retail XBI product lines?OM: Xtreme Beauty brands caters to a wide market and they closely monitor current and future trends. The Okay® brand increases retail stores’ appeal, clientele and most importantly, the sales. Product placement and knowledge on the brand create a strong relationship that leads to increased sales. Ask your employees to educate themselves by reading all the information on our labels. A more knowledgeable person is a better sales person. Always try and give Xtreme Beauty brands the best shelf space. We offer shelf talkers and advertisements to help push sales. So be sure to properly display each under their respected products.

Branding is very important in our industry. So a variety of same brand products grouped together make a stronger impression on your retail customers. This will help draw attention.

OTC: What do you feel is the most important thing for OTC store owners to know when recommending your products to their customers?OM: The most important thing to know is that our company is very particular about our source and quality of our products. We inspect and insure quality standards are met from start to finish with all Xtreme Beauty products.

Feel confident that when you are offering an XBI product brand to the consumer he or she will enjoy it.

OTC: What is the best business advice you can give store owners? Do you have any pointers for 2013 in specific?OM: When you invest in XBI products, feel confident that you have made an

산뜻하며 깨끗한 느낌을 주는데 중점을 두고 있습니다. 이 라인은 항균 세정제로 청결함은 더하고 악취는 제거해서 여성 사용자들에게 자신감을 제공합니다.

3. Okay® 천연 헤어, 스킨 케어 라인은 저희의 가장 크고 널리 알려진 브랜드입니다. Okay는 같은 범주 내에서 가장 많은 천연 제품들로 천연 바디 버터, 비누 그리고 오일부터 방대한 제품 다양성을 제공합니다. Okay는 소매 매장에 진열된 다른 어떤 제품들 보다도 눈에 띄는 브랜드 매력을 갖고 있으며, 이 제품을 사용할 때 고객들은 즐거운 경험을 하게 되죠.

4. Victoria USA®는 저희 뷰티 제품 가운데 기본 브랜드입니다. 현재 저희는 이 브랜드로 아세톤과 네일 제품 및 알코올을 판매합니다.

5. XBI® 스킨 케어는 최고를 원하는 고객들을 위한 고가의 표백 및 미백 제품입니다. 이 스킨 미백 브랜드는 시장에 처음으로 아르간 the Argan Oil Exfoliating Brightening Lightening Soap(아르간 오일 각질 제거 미백 비누)를 선보였는데, 좋은 품질과 안전한 피부 미백을 보장할 수 있는 FDA 기준을 통해 규제되고 있습니다.

6. Xtreme Tools®는 뷰티 전자 제품 브랜드입니다. 이 이름으로는 네일 드릴 기구, 후드 드라이어, 플랫 아이언과 헤어 드라이를 제조하고 있습니다.

OTC: XBI가 홍보하는 제품 가운데 새롭게 등장한 최신 트랜드는 무엇이며, 회사는 고객의 요구를 어떻게 맞추고 있습니까?OM: 현재 시장은 천연 제품에 대한 갈망을 얻고 있습니다. 저희는Okay®브랜드의 천연 제품을 다양하게 제공함으로써 각각의 라인들을 다양화하고 있습니다. 저희는 고객들의 요구를 만족시키기 위해서 어떤 타 브랜드보다 더욱 천연 성분의 제품에 대해 조사하고 개발하여 출시하고 있습니다. 저희 회사는 최상의 품질을 개발하고 제공함과 동시에 뛰어난 서비스를 제공함으로써 모든 요구를 충족시키려 노력하고 있습니다.

OTC: 시장에 새롭게 선보인 최신 제품은 무엇입니까? XBI가 곧 출시를 계획하고 있는 신제품이 있다면 말씀해 주시겠습니까?OM: 저희가 시장에 새로 출시한 신제품은 바디 로션과 천연 바디 버터입니다. 저희 바디 로션과 바디 버터는 가능한 가장 풍부하고 순수한 성분으로 제조되었습니다. XBI는현재 Roots Therapy® 헤어 케어 브랜드 출시를 추진 중에 있습니다. 지난 22개월 동안 이 새로운 라인을 개발하는데 필요한 시장 조사와 개발, 트랜드 연구에 노력을 기울였습니다. 저희는 이 현대적이며 각 인종별 특색을 살린 헤어 케어 제품의 다양화로 모든 헤어 타입의 소비자 요구를 충족시키므로써 시장에 거대한 영향을 줄 것을 확신합니다. 세련된 제품 디자인과 품질의 이 브랜드는 고객들을 지속적으로 다시 찾게 만들 것입니다.

OTC: XBI 제품을 사용한 고객들로부터 어떤 종류의 반응을 듣습니까? 그들이 얻을 수 있는 가장 큰 이점은 무엇일까요?OM: 고객들이 저희 브랜드를 좋아하는 것 같습니다. 이것은 각각의 아이템마다 담긴 우수한 품질과 섬세한 효능이 개별적인 요구에 부합되기 때문이죠. 저희 제품 라인은 보통의 평균 브랜드들보다 약간은 높은 레벨이라고 볼 수 있습니다. 이 말은 동시에, 이 제품들이 여러분의 평균 브랜드가 아니라는 것이죠. 저희는 현재 시장의 다른 어떤 제품보다 우수한 품질을 제공합니다.

OTC: XBI 제품 라인을 적절하게 판매할 수 있는 마케팅에 관해 매장 관리자들에게 조언하신다면?OM: 익스트림 뷰티 브랜드는 폭넓은 시장을 수용하며 현재와 앞으로의 트랜드에 관해 엄밀하게 모니터하고 있습니다. Okay® 브랜드는 소매 매장에서의 호응과 고객층, 무엇보다 중요한 매출이 증가하고 있습니다. 제품 배치와 브랜드에 대한 지식이 매출을 올릴 수 있는 강한 상관 관계를 만듭니다. 여러분의 직원들이 저희 제품 레벨에 명시된 모든 내용들을 잘 숙지하고 있는지 물어 보십시오. 보다 많은 지식을 갖춘 사람이 훌륭한 판매 직원입니다. 그리고 항상 익스트림 뷰티 브랜드를 최상의 위치에 진열하십시오. 매출을 올리는데 도움이 되도록 진열에 필요한 홍보물들을 저희가 제공하겠습니다. 그리고 각 제품별로 홍보물이 적절하게 배치되었는지 확인하시길 바랍니다. 브랜드화는 저희 업계에서 매우 중요합니다. 그래서 유사한 브랜드 제품들끼리 그룹을 만들면 고객들에게 더욱 강한 인상을 줄 수 있습니다. 이것은 고객들의 주의를 끄는데 도움이 될 것입니다.

66 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012

investment in your business. If you do carry any of the Xtreme Beauty products please be sure to email us your store details (send to so you can be featured in our Store Locator section of our website.

OTC: What final thoughts would you like to share with OTC readers about XBI?OM: On behalf of our family here at Xtreme Beauty International we greatly appreciate the business and support of our distributors, retailers and consumers. As an owner of the company my job here is to fully satisfy all of our customers. As a man of my work I would like the retail market to personally take my information and contact me anytime with any questions or concerns you may have. Please do not hesitate to contact me with your questions or inquiries at

Company Name: Xtreme Beauty International, Inc.Phone: 305-622-7474Address: 15400 NW 34th Ave Opa Locka, FL 33054Website: Year in Business: 12

OTC: OTC 매장 운영자들이 귀사의 제품을 고객들에게 추천할 때 알아야 할 가장 중요한 것은 무엇이라고 생각하십니까?OM: 그 점에 있어서 가장 중요한 것은, 저희 회사는 제품의 기본 성분과 품질에 관해 매우 특별하다는 것입니다. 저희는 모든 익스트림 뷰티 제품의 품질 기준을 처음부터 끝까지 철저히 관리합니다. 고객들에게 자신감을 가지고 XBI 제품을 추천해보십시오. 고객들은 분명히 좋아할 것입니다. OTC: 매장 운영자들에게 해 줄 수 있는 최선의 조언은 무엇입니까? 특별히 2013년을 겨냥한 조언이 있으신지요?OM: 여러분이 XBI 제품에 투자할 때, 여러분의 비즈니스를 위해 결정한 투자에 자신감을 가지세요. 만일 지금 익스트림 뷰티 제품을 취급하고 계신다면, 여러분의 상세한 매장 정보를 저희에게 이메일로 보내주세요. (storelocator@xbi.co로 보내시면 됩니다.) 그러면 저희 웹사이트의 매장 위치 검색란에 등록해드릴 수 있습니다.

OTC: 마지막으로 XBI 제품에 관해 OTC 독자들과 나누고 싶은 의견이 있다면 부탁 드립니다.OM: 저희 익스트림 뷰티 인터내셔널 가족을 대신해서 모든 유통업체, 소매업체 그리고 고객 여러분들의 지원에 깊은 감사드립니다. 기업의 오너로서 저의 일은 저희 모든 고객들을 완전히 만족시키는 것입니다. 소매점에서 의문 사항이 있으시거나, 제품에 대한 정보가 필요하시면 주저 말고 저한테 연락해 주십시오. osman@xbi.co로 문의하시면 됩니다.

Manufacturer Profile



These exclusive formulas reslore hair manageabIlity, shu'le and molsture to stressed hair



68 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012

by Tony Bae



“욕심”. 사전에는 “어떠한 것을 정도에 지나치게 탐

내거나 누리고자 하는 마음” 이라 정의되어 있다. 많

은 철학자 또는 성인들은 욕심을 버리라고 조언한다.

그 이유는 불행과 안 좋은 일들이 대부분 지나친 욕심

에서 비롯되기 때문이라고 한다. 재산에 대한 욕심,

명예에 대한 욕심, 승부에 대한 욕심, 음식에 대한 욕

심, 장수에 대한 욕심 등, 욕심은 그 형태도 다양하다.

인간은 본능이라는 것을 가지고 있는 동물이며, 생존

을 위해서 태생적으로 욕심을 가지고 태어난 상태이

다. 따라서 본능적인 것을 거스르며 이를 억제하기란

여간 쉬운 일이 아니다. 하지만, 인간은 이성을 가지

고 있는 동물인지라, 환경, 교육, 인성에 따라 그 욕심

을 억누를 수 있는 능력을 키울 수 있는 것이다. 그렇

지만 안타깝게도, 작금의 시대를 살아가는 사람들은

그 욕심의 정도가 점점 심해져만 가는 것 같다. 자기

만의 이익을 위해 남의 재산을 탐하고, 강탈하고, 심

지어는 살인까지도 일어나고 있는게 현실인 것이다.

점점 심해지는 경쟁사회 속에서 남을 배려하고, 타인

에게 양보하는 것은 더욱 어려운 일이 되어가고 있는

것 같다. 한지만, 욕심수치를 낮추고 마음의 여유를

갖고 살아가는 사람들도 많다는 것 또한 사실이다. 이

번에 OTC 뷰티 매거진에서 인터뷰를 한 alabama 주

Tarrant 시에 위치한 Hair Plus 의 신정민 사장이 그러

한 사람들 중 하나이다. 그녀의 편안함은 어디서 오는

지, 인터뷰를 통해 알아보도록 하자.

Hair Plus • Tarrant, AL자신의 역량을 넘는 욕심을 부리지 마세요

December 2012 OTC Beauty Magazine 69

쾌적한 스토어 공간

91년도에 남편의 직장관계로 온 가족이 미국으로 이민을

오게 된 신사장은 한국에선 사회활동이 전무한 평범한 주

부였다. “처음에 이 스토어를 시작할 때도 집에 혼자 있는

것이 무료해 소일거리로 시작하게 되었습니다” 라는 신사

장은, 95년도에 뷰티 업계에 입문하여 지금까지 17년 동

안 스토어를 운영하고 있다. 신사장의 Beauty Plus 스토

어를 들어가 보면, 실제 공간인 4,000 sq ft 보다 훨씬 넓

어 보였다. 그러한 대는, 보통의 스토어보다 훨씬 넓게 배

치한 선반과, 보통의 스토어보다 낮은 선반들로 인해 탁

트인 시각적 효과 때문이었다. “처음에 시작한 스토어가

1,200 sq ft 의 작은 공간이라 고객들이 통로를 지나다니

기도 불편할 정도여서 좀더 편리한 쇼핑 환경을 만들어

주기 위해 선반들을 넓게 배치하였습니다” 라는 신사장

은, 하지만 이제는 제품들이 많이 늘다 보니 제품을 진열

할 공간이 조금 아쉽다고는 한다. 물론, 조금 더 많은 제

품들을 진열해 놓으면 판매에는 도움이 되겠지만, 쾌적한

쇼핑환경을 고객들에 만들어 줌으로 해서 상승되는 매상

증대 효과도 만만치 않을 것이란 생각이 든다.

친근한 맞춤형 서비스

유동인구가 많지 않은 곳에서 17년간 스토어를 운영하다

보니, 스토어를 방문하는 대부분의 고객들을 알고 있다고

한다. 소위 말하는 ‘단골’ 들이 많다는 것이다. “고객층이

넓지 않아 저희 스토어를 방문하는 대부분의 고객들 성향

을 어느 정도 파악하고 있습니다” 라는 신사장은, 고객들

이 주로 구입을 하는 제품들은 물론, 개인적인 성격까지 파

악을 하여 맞춤으로 서비스를 하고 있다고 한다. 본인이 사

용하는 제품만을 선호하는 고객들에게는 그들이 사용해 왔

고, 원하는 제품들을 정확히 찾아주는 반면, 좀 부드럽고

새로운 제품을 선호하는 고객들에게는 그들이 사용하는 제

품 외에 다른 제품들을 권해주기도 한다고 한다. 식당을 들

어 갔을 때 본인을 알아봐 주고 주로 먹는 음식을 직원이

알고 있다면, 소비자로써 대우를 받고 있다는 느낌을 받을

것이고, 그 직원과 식당을 친근하게 생각하는 것은 당연한

70 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012

일이다. 이는, 꼭 식당이 아닌 다른 스토어에서도 마찬가지일

것이다. 고객들이 가져오는 리턴 또한, 극단적인 경우를 제외

하고는 거의 고객의 요구를 들어주는 편이라고 한다. 심지어,

도둑을 발각 했을 때는 주로 그냥 보내주고 시간이 지나 나중

에 다시 스토어를 찾아와도 별말 없이 고객으로서 대응을 해

준다고 한다. “손님들과의 마찰은 주로 피하는 편입니다. 제

가 손님들에게 강하게 한다고 해서 그들의 성향이 바뀌지는

않는 것 같습니다” 라고 신사장은 덧붙인다. 고객의 인종을

막론하고, 이렇게 친근한 서비스를 제공해 주는 것은 분명 긍

정적인 판매를 유발해 낼 것임이 틀림 없다.

타고난 천성

신사장의 이러한 너그러움은 그녀의 성격에서 나오는 것 같

았다. “이 스토어를 운영하면서 자식들 학교를 다 보냈습니

다. 저는 그것으로 만족합니다“ 라는 신사장은, 본인의 스토

어도 전국적인 불경기를 비껴가진 않았지만 조급해 하지 않

았다. 오히려, 자식들의 뒷바라지를 해야 하는 상황의 다른

스토어 오너들을 걱정하고 있었다. “이것이 내게 주어진 것

이고 이것이 제가 가지고 태어난 역량이라 생각합니다” 라며

주워진 상황을 받아 들이고 편안해 하는 모습이었다. 대체적

으로 불경기를 겪고 있는 많은 스토어들이 이러한 상황을 극

복하기 위해 가격을 낮추고, 타 스토어를 공격하는 모습을

종종 볼 수 있다. 물론, 대부분이 어쩔 수 없는 생존을 위한

투쟁인 것이지만, 드물게는 본인의 욕심을 채우기 위한 스토

어 오너들도 있다. 과연, 그런 과도한 욕심들로 본인의 행복

지수가 얼마나 올라갈진 모르지만, 그러한 와중에 본인도 엄

Retailer Profile

December 2012 OTC Beauty Magazine 71

청난 스트레스를 받을 것임은 분명한 사실일 것이다. 스토어 규모를 늘리고, 스

토어 숫자를 늘리는 것이 성공의 지표로 보일 수도 있지만, 주어진 것에서 행복

을 느낄 수 있는 사람들이 더 성공한 사람일 수도 있다는 생각을 해본다.

요즘 많은 스토어 오너들이 힘들어하고 있다. 결정적인 이유는 물론, 불경기로

인한 판매 저하일 것이다. 대다수의 오너들은 스토어를 통해 생활을 영위하고

있어 많은 불안감이 엄습해 올 것이다. 하지만 조바심을 낸다고 해서 상황이 크

게 달라지지는 않을 것이다. 그 동안 이를 극복하기 위해 많은 노력을 해 왔음에

도 불구하고 커다란 변화가 이뤄지지 않았다면, 이제는 한 발짝 물러서서 한숨

을 돌리고 새로운 방법과 비전을 찾을 수 있는 휴식기가 필요할 수도 있다. 말이

쉽다고 할 수도 있다. 하지만 조금만 마음의 여유를 갖고자 노력 한다면, 조금은

조급함을 달랠 수도 있을 것이다. 이번에 Beauty Plus 의 신사장과의 인터뷰를

통해 본인의 마음가짐이 얼마나 중요한 지를 느끼게 되었다. 자신에게 주어진

것에 만족할 수 있다면, 마음의 고통도, 스트레스도 모두 날려버릴 수 있는 것이

다. 조금만 욕심을 버리고 다른 많은 행복한 것들이 찾아올 마음의 여유를 가져

보도록 하자.



T· R·U·H·A·I·R

GMt ............. _.



74 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012



The Holidays are a busy time of the year for hair stylists and barbers, YOUR professional customers. These are the customers each and every beauty supply store owner/manager should get to know on a first name basis. They will be the most consistent customers you have shopping in your store. As the store of choice you should be catering to them by stocking your shelves with the proper “Professional Tools” that they use and purchase from you. This includes hair dryers, flat irons and curling irons as well as the latest clippers and trimmers. During the busy holiday season they really put their tools and supplies to work and will be replenishing them regularly. They also are looking to make holiday gift purchases too. Encourage your customers to think about the grooming needs of the men on their holiday shopping list and not just the women. Many choices for holiday gifts are made by your customers, and you can help them make them. Steve Jobs said it best; “People don’t know what they want until you give it to them.” Therefore creating a plan of action for your business to meet your customers’ holiday shopping needs will help you satisfy their needs, while also helping your store sales. Consider positioning stocking stuffer items close to your registers and in the line of sight for your customers. Also create signage that suggests which items would make great gifts and inform your staff of the reasons why they make great gifts. The following is a list of great holiday gifts by Andis that your customers will love. Elevate Hair Dryers and Flat Irons are an inferno RED color and meet all your heated styling needs. The Fast Trim, a personal trimmer for nose, ears and eyebrows would make a great stocking stuffer. The Barber Combo Clipper/Trimmer Kit is a complete kit for hair cutting and facial grooming that makes a great gift idea for any barber or stylist looking to upgrade their clippers, as well as any male looking to maintain their facial hair in-between salon visits. The ProFoil Shaver provides a fast, easy, and non abrasive electric shave as an alternative to razor shaving, which is a key selling point to men with sensitive skin. And last but not least the SuperlinerTM Trimmer with Shaver Attachment serves as a versatile trimmer that meets the needs of hairstylist, barbers and consumers. Engaging in conversations with your customers will help you discover their needs, while equipping you with the power to turn their holiday shopping needs into your revenue. The wide array of various tools the Andis Co. offers provides you with all the options you need to satisfy your customers’ needs for the holidays and beyond.

Clip Clip Snip Snip for the Holidays!

JBS Beauty Club has all your accessory needs with necklaces, earrings, scarves, sunglasses, etc. Stock your store with only the best from JBS. As part of the largest beauty supply distributor, you can always buy items by the piece and at great prices. For more information, call 800-361-0786 or visit them at 4300 Northeast Expressway, Doraville, GA.

#1 Beauty Cash-n-CarrySponsored by Andis Co.

Kenny “The Professional” Duncan is a National educator for the Andis Co. He has presented classroom demonstrations and platform education at many tradeshows such as Empire Future Professionals, IHS International Hair Show, Bronner Bros International Hair Show and many more. He brings a wealth of information

and experience to clipper cutting education. He teaches styling professionals the simplest approach to multicultural hair styling through a combination of solid technical demonstrations, creative interpretations, and entertaining presentations. Kenny is co-owner of Main Attraction Unisex Hair Salon, located in Philadelphia. He is reaching stylists around the world through, where his goal is to provide inspiration, motivation and education to clippers cutters of all experience levels. He truly is a trailblazer in this industry.

for the los\ aillmi \\d' \0 lnhanee 'our IIe.ul,

\\ \\ \\.resh mafcmm('.com


Elayne McClaine has identified and developed emerging domestic and global trends in hair care, skin care and other consumer categories for such firms as Chesebrough-Pond’s, Revlon and Pharmacia (div. of Pfizer). Her expertise in therapeutic treatments

for hair, skin and scalp led to the creation of the Women’s Institute for Fine and Thinning Hair, sponsored by Rogaine. McClaine has been acknowledged by the American Academy of Dermatologists for marketing and promotional excellence.

ESME Market Specialists, LLC consults with firms that require expertise in strategy development, multicultural marketing and account planning. For more information, visit

76 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012


United We Stand for the Holidays

The elections are behind us and ‘tis the season to be real. Early 2012 started off sluggish and spending was conservative. Consumer confidence recovered by the third quarter. Consumers began to spend on the luxuries that awaited them in their local OTC: hair care products and appliances, skin regimens and artificial everything. Better than expected sales gains have been a gift as we approached the holiday season. Beauty products have upgraded over the past year. Innovation in hair care, hair color and ancillary categories has been enormous. Innovation commanded top pricing in mass retailers. High end skin care technologies, available in mass outlets should be available in OTCs. OTC pricing on high end products and appliances is justified as consumers want to emulate luxury or the professional endorsement of salon brands. Consumers have become more comfortable with the higher price points. This year’s consumer has been trained to be frugal but to expect the best. Fashion orientation, convenience and therapeutic performance were drivers of spending growth. Trendy products stimulated the need to stock a variety of shades, product forms and sizes. OTC’s will have to stock up on products that priced right. “Priced right” does not mean priced low. “Priced right” means the right products with the right competitive edge. Clients are ready to spend but spend wisely. This willingness to spend is truly a gift for OTCs. Following the key categories that are driven by state of the art beauty inventions could mean a bright New Year.

RA Shea Butter LotionOur # 1 seller, 100% shea butter with Jojoba

Oil is the ultimate moisturizer to vitalize and soften skin while blocking the harsh effects of sun, wind, cold and aging. Apply

the healing and cooling power of cucumber to your skin. Cucumber melon lotion is a great skin moisturizer packed with vitamin E that softens and heals damages skin. Now customers can take their favorite shea butter lotion wherever they go. By popular demand, we’ve introduced a fit in the palm of your hand size for those who don’t want to be without! For more information, visit



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For Lo

Shampoo for Damaged Hair -,~ C.b","~

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• Gently cleanses and helps strengt/len hair.

• Restores shine and natural

beauty 10 hair. • Safe for e~eryday use.

Stronger, Hair

Keratin 2 Minute Reconstructor ","",-or,n'-

""~ _ ..... .~ ......



• Rinse out reconstructor mal fllpairs and reSlores softnllSs and elasticity in one quick. effec~ve step.

r Usa after avery shampoo.


,...,. "'-,---. ~ -.,,-- .--........ -----_. --

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• Leave in spray mat strengthens and adds body instantly.

• Helps repair breakage and protect color.

• Helps prOlle\ fine hair nom

hut damage .

agaInST ThE gRaIn

Dwayne Thompson, aka “The Barber Ambassador,” is the CEO of The Fade Club, LLC and vice president of marketing and sales for Against the Grain Magazine. Thompson wears many hats—he is a blog radio host for Against the Grain Radio, he’s the founder of the Barber Academy, former vice president of corporate affairs for the Black

Barbershop Health Outreach Program and he is also a dynamic writer and educator. Against the Grain Magazine, the “Barbershop Lifestyle Publication” is designed to esteem the barber and grow the barbering industry through education and innovation. For more information, visit The Fade Club, LLC is a barber management and consulting firm established to leverage the marketability of celebrity barbers and product companies directly connected to the barbering industry.

78 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012


CUT IT OUT: Help Turn Tragedy in to Action to Help Stop

Domestic ViolenceSign Up Now To Receive Complimentary CUT IT OUT

Materials for Your Supply locationI personally find this to be a challenging issue so I decided to yield this article to the PBA and this incredible cause. Please read and respond accordingly.

Having recently marked the one year anniversary of the salon shooting tragedy in Seal Beach, Calif., and now two more tragedies at salons in Milwaukee, Wis. and Clearwater, Fla. in the past few months. Domestic violence continues to plague our society and was a root cause in all of these incidents. While sending heartfelt condolences to the victims, their families and the broader salon community, the Professional Beauty Association (PBA) urges beauty professionals to pledge their support for the CUT IT OUT program to help end domestic violence.

CUT IT OUT is a program of the PBA Foundation and is dedicated to mobilizing salon professionals and others to fight the epidemic of domestic abuse in communities across the United States. CUT IT OUT builds awareness and trains salon professionals to recognize warning signs and safely refer clients and fellow salon professionals to local resources. Salon professionals have the extraordinary opportunity to give hope and help to clients and co-workers who are in abusive relationships.

What you can do:• Go to Sign the online pledge form and select

the complimentary CUT IT OUT materials for your supply location, salon, spa or school.

• Display the CUT IT OUT materials at your location, salon/spa’s front desk, individual stations, break rooms and the restroom. Materials are discreet, available in English and Spanish and have a toll free number that can be easily removed where victims can call to get help, regardless of their location.

• (Optional) Schedule a one-hour CUT IT OUT training for your salon, spa or school. Visit for additional information.

• Share your salon’s involvement in CUT IT OUT by promoting it through social media channels.

Using the “power of beauty,” our industry can help women and men across this country know they are not alone and help them to get the help they need. PBA urges the industry to come together and support CUT IT OUT so that tragedies like these do not happen again!

Join us for advertising!Call 678.805.3291


TALIAH WAAJID Curls Waves & Naturals

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Embrace your natural roots and define a style all your own.

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_ .... __ .. ___ .......... er. __ _


82 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012

Follwing the Miami event, the Jinny

Trade Show made its way to

the chilly climate of Chicago on October 14. attracting

participating vendors, OTC store owners and their

families alike, this event was once again a success.

Taking advantage of show-only deals and the

unique opportunity to speak directly to manufacturer

representatives, over 150 registered customers made

a great choice by stopping by the Chicago branch’s

JBS Cash and Carry Building. Talking with vendor

representatives gave attendees the opportunity to learn

more about the products they purchase as well as

marketing tips for selling them in their stores. Beyond

the financial advantages of attending, customers

were able to add to their product knowledge and selling

skill set.

With only two more installments left, the fall

show series left this location and moved on to the west

coast for the Los angeles show. Stay tuned!

Jinny Fall ShowC H I C A G O


December 2012 OTC Beauty Magazine 89 83

Jinny Fall Show 2012 - Chicago

The Luster booth

A representative of Fantasia smiles for the camera.

(Left to right) Deidre Moore, Patrick Ratcliff and Chuck Cohen at the Belson Products booth

Show attendees stop to learn about Robust Systems.

The O’tentika booth

The House of Cheatham booth

Procter and Gamble representatives sit at a colorfully decorated booth.

The Embelleze boothLavonia smiles, waiting on customers to visit the Keystone Labs booth.

Michael Joshua, Jr. of M3 CosmeticsThe Bonfi booth

Lorenzo Mejia of Straight ArrowRita, a representative for Helen of Troy, pauses for a photo.The Fromm booth

Kevin Maxberry of Spartan Brands

84 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012

Jacqueline Cibrian (right) and a fellow JF Labs representative

An expansive Bronner Bros. booth

Derek Lee of First Choice Sales stands by the Cantu poster at the Advanced Beauty Systems booth.

The Namaste booth

Camilla mans the Nature’s Image booth.

The Advanced Beauty Systems booth

Colomer representatives stand at a well-stocked booth

Min Kim of Fisk Industries educates a show attendee about products on the Zuri Cosmetics display.

Larry Babb and Dave Neidow of J. Strickland

Devonne sits behind an array of Johnson Products items.

An Inspired Beauty Brands representative waits to assist customers with orders.

(Right to left) James Hughes of First Choice Sales and Ebony Martin work the Strength of Nature booth.

The Universal Beauty Products booth

Andy Morgan, Director of Sales for Colomer Beauty Brands, mans the Colomer Roux booth.

Chanel representing Advance Beauty Care

Jinny Fall Show 2012 - Chicago

December 2012 OTC Beauty Magazine 81 85

Leo Alba of the Beauty Consultants Group (center) poses with fellow Mitchell Group booth workers.

(Left to right) Roc Cannon, Makeba Matthews and Debra Banks of Professional Products Unlimited, Inc. Ken Klibaner represents Andis Co.Janice Doctor, a representative for L’Oreal Technique

Alec hard at work at the Golden Supreme booth.Rachel of Spilo Worldwide

Frank mans the Murray’s Worldwide booth

Gabrielle Albers of Graham Professional

The Hoyu America booth Willie “Doc” Johnson for Isoplus

Dana and Michael at the Lenyea Group, Inc. booth Royal Brush, William Marvy and CCA Industries share a booth.

Brenda waits to show curious customers how the latest SuperNail products work. The Dial booth

A Nail Bliss nail technician demonstrates how to correctly apply their nail art items.

102 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012

An interesting braid hairstyle found among the show floor.

Models promote the Colour U Cosmetics brand(Left to right) Tracy Gilliam and Tula Garris stand at a well-stocked Morning Glory Products booth.

(Left to right) Tori Hawkins and Devon Winborne at the Mixed Chicks booth

(Left to right) Toni Love, Jennifer Green, Rodney Buffkin, Alexis Williams and Robert Dubrow at the Toni Love booth.

(Left to right) Erin Harris, Elizabeth Etefia and Adia Smith pose, holding RA Cosmetics products.

Akiya Jackson and Christian Williams with Professional Products UnlimitedA busy AFAM Concept booth

Models promote Terrence Davidson by One Limited Edition styling tools.

Intricate makeup styles, like those modeled by Germajestee, were found all over the show floor.

The Black Solutions booth

Jeff Roberts and Jeff Brown of The “Wet” Brush

Ms. Eastpoint and the Sensitive by Nature booth

The Isabella’s Own booth

The Hair Couture booth

Kevin Stewart of Ampro Industries, Inc.

James and the B&C Skin Tight booth

A COAX representative happily stands ready to greet customers.

Bobby LaFrance works at the Wahl booth.

Fuad Ravat represents M&M Products.

(Left to right) Kevin, Chanelle and Tara Coleman of Unilever

Leo Alba (left) stands with fellow Beauty Consultants Group representatives at the Morning Glory Products booth.

Workers of the POS Unlimited booth speak with a curious customer.

The R&R Corp. booth is adorned with a colorful array of products.

Osman Mithavayani of Xtreme Beauty International

Jynell mans the King Research, Sewicob and Varisi boothThe Empress booth

The Imperial Dax booth

86 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012

Soo Ahn and the Amazing Shine booth

Courtney mans a show booth, selling Soft & Precious products.

December 2012 OTC Beauty Magazine 89 103


Hair Depot Q Fashion O.K. Beauty Supply

105 Beauty Supply DNJ Beauty Two Cousin Beauty Supply

Cosmo PJ (North) 7 Mile Fashion DNJ Beauty

Urban Boutique Moon Beauty Supply Two Cousin Beauty Supply

Nice Beauty Supply Hair Depot Joy OK Beauty Supply

Joe’s Beauty Supply East Gate

E & D Hot Shot (OH)

King's Collection Lee J Beauty Supply

7 Mile Fashion Jet Beauty Supply

Cosmo (127th) Angie’s Beauty

Jinny Fall Show 2012 - Chicago

December 2012 OTC Beauty Magazine 89 87

2012Jinny customers and vendor partners broke

out their sunglasses and sunscreen as

the Jinny Corp. fall show made a stop at the Los angeles

location on October 21. along with the sunshine and

warm temperatures customers basked in, they were

also able to rack up on valuable product deals.

For the first time the show was held in the Jinny

Beauty Supply building in La. Instead of renting space

for the event, the staff was able to come together and

provide a truly unique show for company customers.

Gathering with fellow attendees, 90 store owners signed

in throughout the day, eager to see what special sales

offers awaited them on the show floor.

Given the ability to work together, prepare

the company building for the show, and provide a

successful event, Jinny Corp. was able to gain a

newfound confidence and sense of unity. This was a

great way to end the show’s time on the west coast

before making its final stop in Houston.

Jinny Fall ShowL o s A n g e l e s

88 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012

Michael Joshua, Jr. works the M3 Cosmetics booth.

Robert Berry for Newhall Labs

Kim poses for a quick photo at the Bonfi booth.

The Belson Products booth

Donald works the Empress Hair Care booth.

The R&R Corp. booth

The J. Strickland and Nature’s Protein booth

December 2012 OTC Beauty Magazine 89 89

Jinny Fall Show 2012 - LA

Linda Harris mans the Johnson Products booth.Waddell and a fellow Creme of Nature representative stand ready to greet customers. The L’Oreal Technique booth

William Patterson and Philander Moore share a few laughs while representing SoftSheen-Carson.Soo Ahn of Amazing Shine Coley and Kevin of Unilever

The AFAM Concepts boothLina Garcia of Jay Halaby and Associates, representing William Marvy, CCA Industries and Royal & Langnickel

Robert Lee of Ampro Industries, Inc.

Osman Mithavayani of Xtreme Beauty International

The Bronner Bros. booth

The High Time booth

The Fromm booth

Derek Lee, representing Strength of Nature

The Taliah Waajid/Black Earth booth

Genieco representatives sit at a fully stocked booth.

The Lloneau Products booth, adorned with Liquid Gold productsGilbert Landestoy represents Strength of Nature, makers of Beautiful Textures products.

The Helen of Troy booth

90 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012

Nicole Freeman of the Freeman Group, working for Fantasia

The Universal Beauty booth

A show worker displays a bottle of Nature’s Image product.

Art Davis speaks with a customer about American International Industries’ items.

Will Williams working the M&M Products booth, ready to educate customers on their signature products.

Lorenzo Mejia stands behind a well-stocked Straight Arrow booth.

Leo Alba of Beauty Consultants Group poses with a representative at the Morning Glory booth.

Willie “Doc” Johnson representing Isoplus

Min Kim of Fisk Industries

Jinny Fall Show 2012 - LA

The Luster booth

Two Professional Products Unlimited representatives eagerly wait to take product orders.

December 2012 OTC Beauty Magazine 89 91

The Coax booth

Alyssa Bosland of Imperial Dax

Kelli of Embelleze

Cantu products adorn the Advance Beauty Systems booth.

Charles William shows of Kidz Gro products at the Advance Beauty Care booth.

Representatives pose at the B&C Products booth.

Johnnie of Hold and Touch

Customers find an array of hair color choices at the Hoyu booth.

Joyce LaSalvia of Graham Professional

The nuNAAT booth

92 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012

The Summit Labs booth

The Lenyea Group booth

The Mitchell Group booth

The Dashing Diva booth


Beauty Source Samsons Hair Goods Miramaxim Beauty Supply

G Family Beauty Beauty Depot Miramaxim Beauty Supply

G Family Beauty Crown Wigs & Beauty Supply Hair Plus

Hair Central #3 Golden Beauty Supply J & J Beauty Supply

One Beauty Supply J & J Beauty Supply JS Beauty Supply

Sterling Park Majestic Beauty Supply Gloria Beauty

Beauty World Mountain Beauty Supply Beauty Source

Divas Beauty O K Beauty & Hair Beauty World

Hair Central #3 One Star Beauty Supply Gloria Beauty

One Star Beauty Supply Youngs Beauty Supply

Jinny Fall Show 2012 - LA

December 2012 OTC Beauty Magazine 89 93

2012Jinny Fall Show

H o u s t o n

94 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012

all good things must come to an end, that’s what

they say. Proving this statement true, Jinny Corp.

wrapped up their final show season on October 28 at

the Houston location. These shows, which have been

in existence since 1996, attracted crowds of customers

year after year.

Continuing the tradition of offering attendees the

ability to meet with their trusted manufacturers face-to-

face, see new products up close and to take advantage

of special one-day deals, the Houston show lived up

to all that Jinny shows were started as and had grown

to become. With a turnout of 100 registered stores and

over 100 vendors, once again the show was a success.

For one last time customers enjoyed a prize

raffle at the close of the day, along with a hot meal

for lunch. These were only a few of the added perks

provided at the event. although these will no longer be

available with the ending of the shows, more exciting

things are sure to come from Jinny Corp. in the future.

Jinny Fall Show 2012 - Houston

Kevin Stewart of Ampro Industries strikes a pose for the camera, having a little fun before the show begins.

Philander Moore mans the SoftSheen-Carson booth.

A customer stops by the RA Cosmetics booth.

Beverly works the Strength of Nature booth

The Unilever booth

Steve and Pete stand at the Andis booth, anxiously awaiting a day of great sales.

Jae Chang of Hoyu America

The Bronner Bros. booth The Fisk boothFuad Ravat, representative of M&M Products

The Summit Labs booth

The Colomer booth, decorated with Roux products.A Colomer representative stands ready to speak with customers about Creme of Nature items.

December 2012 OTC Beauty Magazine 89 95

Jay Moton of Procter and Gamble

The Coax booth

A Beauty Consultants Group representative mans the nuNAAT booth.

Mitchell McKinney, Vice President of Sales for House of Cheatham

The Universal Beauty booth

The Belson booth

Customers gather around to learn about POS Unlimited’s latest products.

Gilbert Landestoy of HBA Sales and Marketing stands at the Genieco booth.

Bobby LaFrance stands beside Gabrielle Albers of Graham Professional.

Brandon works the Fantasia booth

Mr. Delgado stands behind an array of Belson heat styling products.

An autumn-themed Namaste booth

96 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012

The Murray’s Worldwide and Isoplus booth

The Mitchell Group booth

The Luster booth

Jinny Fall Show 2012 - Houston

The Empress Hair Care booth

A customer gains insight from a Professional Products Unlimited representative.

Deana works the DeMert and Idelle booth.

The Conair booth

Professional Products Unlimited representatives show off an assortment of products from their various brands.

Mike Jeffries of J. Strickland

Mark Osinoff of Hain Celestial

POS Unlimited booth workers

Lorenzo Mejia of Straight Arrow

Jay Halaby of Jay Halaby and Associates mans the William Marvy/CCA Industries booth A curious customer stops by the Coax booth.

Michael Joshua, Jr. of M3 Cosmetics and Garrett Wright of Jinny Corp.

Shelby sits at the Helen of Troy booth.

December 2012 OTC Beauty Magazine 89 97

The Robust booth

Luster representatives help a few customers with their orders.

The Nail Bliss booth

The Strength of Nature boothDerek Lee sits at the Keystone Labs booth. The R&R Corp. booth

Osman Mithavayani speaks with a customer at the Xtreme Beauty International booth.

The Liquid Love boothJanice Doctor and a fellow representative work the L’Oreal Technique booth.

98 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012

Leo Alba of the Beauty Consultants Group stands at the May Rose booth with a fellow representative.

December 2012 OTC Beauty Magazine 89 87


JS Beauty Supply Magic Beauty Supply

Magic Beauty Supply EJ Beauty Supply

Jolla Bella Buy and Save

Beauty Empire Orange Beauty Supply

S Beauty Supply Instyle Beauty Supply

Beauty Empire #10 Buy and Save

Discount Unlimited Orange Beauty Supply

Joy Beauty Supply Discount Unlimited

Discount Unlimited Jolla Bella

Jolla Bella Joy Beauty Supply

Buy and Save

December 2012 OTC Beauty Magazine 89 99

Jinny Fall Show 2012 - Houston

posunLlmlTED Your Success. Our Technology.

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Use voor A4>PIo Ipaod,IAndr<>id tablet A&aI !II'T'IfI item """"'Il",nON Real ume pr'"" c/lar'II'l Real tome ;""""'I~ count C,elte ~chase orders A""""", It""'" ordered

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RM S m oo AII-In-On. Bundl. MlCfosoll AMS '''''tailed PnOOO touch computer w/MSR Th&rmai 'ece'p1 1''''''81 Delu"8 cash drawer B.rc0d8 scan"e, Rea, moo,lor lor custome r Training and 1 year $"PPOfl 2-5 yellfS of warranty

Deluxe Cunomer Di. play

0......, 00loi """,rtor ~ ."$r..,I1"" ~rtJ$ong Larll'l wo.o for trarl$WlOn, L ..... n customer compIIints fas'''' checI< DlJt More satISfied ""st"""".

= _, .. Cot .... CO'. s..lte 0. Nora_, GA 3OO'J2

<:aIlU. 770. 447. 0102 lo ti 666 364 2167 f.. 170.4410'"

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u_ ....... ' ... In".,I0< ..... ''''.-0-

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95,000 beaut y supply products prel08dMl.

Multi -store management available

Cuotomer Loy. tty C. rd.

Aut"""'''' coupon print (optional) Make ~USton"l<!f$ to come Me. Know "".,<>m ..... bI/y"'O pattern. " .. t belutocian. diffe ,ently Im!><Clte your store .mage DrfferenMte your .,ore

MPOS Unlimited has Our utmost respect and rrust. I would recommand their systems and products to any o( Our ""stome",. W -Eddie Jhin, President o ( Jinny Corp

FEEL THE SPIRIT. FEEL THE FREEDOM. FEEL THE POWER! the Journ, >~ <. R laxer Free h:m begin.

Try amalcan M mg & Lime Transl Ir Natural I Ir 01 of your rial Jral Hair Car& needs.


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Ama".gSh,ne- Speedy Ge/.

The Ultimate MANICURE Do-It-Yourself

A~ing Shircm intru:luccs Spoo:ly GcI~. B mmplcte 901 system dcsigro:l to achieve SaIon-Q.Jaity Nails a \ horne. II uppit;s like conventional ,llJiI pois/) but is wed n cor~"Ctiofl with tl"le LED larnp to create an ultra

High-Goss Shine that can last l.P to 21 days witt'oJ\ r:;hpping or peeing.

, -1,,=·1 -.-


ShowCalendar Ad Index

Amazing Shine

American International .....13,

Andis Co. .............................49,

B’s Hair and Beauty Products, Inc.


Bonfi Naturals/ Wet-n-Wavy ...........................8,

Colomer USA .....................IFC,

Conair .................................25,

Demert Brands ..........................67

Ecoco, Inc.

Essence of Argan

Fantasia Ind.

Fisk Industries

Helen of Troy

House of Cheatham

Imperial Dax

JBC Distributors

JBS Beauty Club ..................16, 74

JBS Hair .........2, 3, 22, 73, 112,

JF Labs/AFAM ......................21,

KAB Brands, LLC

Liquid Gold Bonding/Lloneau Products

L’Oreal Technique

M&M Products ..............Insert,

Mitchell Group

Namaste/Organic Root Stimulator

Nature’s Protein/Doo Gro

POS Unlimited

Procter & Gamble ........Insert,

Professional Products Unlimited .....................9, 37, 56,

Queen Helene

RA Cosmetics .........................72,

Reshma Femme


SMSi-Urban Call Marketing,

Smooth Care ................................44

SoftSheen-Carson ...........Cover,

Spilo Worldwide

Starlet International ..................123

Strength of Nature

Taliah Waajid/Black Earth Products

Unilever .........................................11

Western Buying

122 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012

21-22Western Buying Conferencelas vegas,

26-28Long Beach International Salon and Spa Expolong Beach,


124 OTC Beauty Magazine December 2012

One of the most beneficial and refreshing things

your customers can do for their hair is apply a deep

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NAAT Cream Deep Conditioning Hair Cream. This

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It is simple to use; customers need only to

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A!pI! He." uvo:<> IlWWo1I"-C: ItdIDoIo&> 10 WIN: IIpIl 011 riJb. 1I'l10 the cenrnJC IWfICe!o of dr)'\'t\ and 11'Oft\. TIlt roIltcttc:.I Df

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