the worship of god park presbyterian church prayer of ...prayers of the people (please wait for...

Post on 10-Jul-2020






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The Worship of God

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The ♦ indicates that those who are able are invited to stand. Boldface words are spoken by all. Greetings and tidings of the gathering Minute for Mission Lea Kone

“Camp Whitman” Prelude Joyous Alleluia Chancel Bells (The prelude marks the start of worship. Please be considerate of those who seek to use this time for prayer and reflection through the gift of music.)

During our silence while listening to the Prelude Joseph tells his brothers, “God sent me before you to preserve life.” Trust in the Lord and do good; you will live in the land and be secure. How are the dead raised? There is a spiritual body, raised in glory. Jesus says, “Love you enemies. Be merciful. Do not judge, but forgive.”

Call to Worship

Listen to the stories of God, passed down by the faithful from age to age. Listen to the Son of God, teaching us how to live, love, and serve. Listen to the voice of God, proclaiming the broken world “beloved.” Listen and worship, People of God, for God is here among us!

Opening Prayer

God of abundant mercy, you alone can turn evil into good, sorrow into rejoicing, and death into everlasting life. Teach us your way of grace, to meet hatred with kindness, to answer curses with blessings, to love without holding back, to give without thought of return; all in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

♦ Hymn For the Beauty of the Earth v. 1-4 473

Call to Confession Prayer of Confession (unison)

Merciful God, we confess that we have not followed your ways or trusted your promises. We love only those who love us; we show kindness only to those who are kind to us; we give only when we expect to receive. Forgive us, Lord. Fill our hearts with selfless love. Change our lives by your matchless grace. These things we pray through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen. (A time for personal confession)

Assurance of pardon

Now go live as Christ commands: forgive and you will be forgiven; give and it will be given to you. Thanks be to God.

♦ Gloria Patri hymnal #579 Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost;

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be— World without end! Amen, amen.

The Word

Anthem What a Beautiful Name Time for Young Disciples

(Please take a moment to fill out your Connection Card)

Two Cents a Meal A loose-change offering to alleviate domestic and global hunger & poverty

Prayer of Illumination Scripture Luke 6:27-38

Sermon “Letting Go Of Hate and Anger ”

(Moment of silence while listening for God)

♦ Hymn Help Us Accept Each Other v. 1, 2, 4 358

Prayers of the People (Please wait for microphone and hold microphone right up to mouth)

Loving God, hear our prayer. The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy













Newark, New York

February 24, 2019







(315) 331-2255 | PARKCHURCH110@GMAIL.COM

Park Presbyterian Church

Liturgist: Ron Lehman

Counters: Dale Groover & Susie Earl

Greeters & Ushers: Henry & Christine Stephens

Enjoy meeting and greeting in the lounge this morning with your host, Sue Rowe.

Week #7 Offering: $841.50

Week #7 Attendance: 53

Prayers for healing and comfort: Scott’s friend James with kidney failure, the family of Jim Seely, Kelly Witter—2nd round of cancer treatment, Ellie Foote—heart tests, Thurlow & Bonnie’s daughter—early-stage cancer, Kay Groover’s sister—in recovery at nursing home following a fall and broken hip, the family of Betty Falstick, the family of Gladys Tack, the family of Betty Falstick, Barb Seppeler’s brother Bob (cancer diagnosis), Jennifer (Hammond) DeRomanis—cancer diagnosis & surgery but good prognosis, Marian Maxwell, that Sandi M is safe on her mission trip to Puerto Rico, Kelly Witter, Jennifer Hammond DeRomanis (Thurlow & Bonnie’s daughter, ovarian cancer)

Prayers for protection in service to our country: Joe Burgess, Seth Burgess, Ryan Enos, David Kuperus, Tim Peck, Greg Seppeler

Prayers for hope and encouragement to our mission partners and Presbyterian peacemakers: Rev. Nadia Ayoub (Greece), Mision Sinai and Mision Monte Horeb (Mexico), Rev. Joan Stewart (WV), Sandi Marcano (Puerto Rico), Linda Werts and Paul & Jeanne Salisbury (Mexico)

Prayers in thanks and celebration: over $11k raised this year for Salvation Army, thank-you to Family Promise volunteers, birth of Stephens’ grandchild Archer Alex Gagliardo, Rowes’ birthday celebration TODAY 10AM FAMILY WORSHIP TWO CENTS A MEAL 11AM COFFEE FELLOWSHIP 2/25 10AM RUMMAGE SALE TEAM 5PM BELL CHOIR 2/27 11:30AM WEDNESDAY WORKERS 3/1 WORLD DAY OF PRAYER

The Rummage Sale Team will meet Feb 25 at 10AM, in the basement for an organizational meeting—please come to this important planning meeting! Contact our “RST” Leader Natalie Lemmon for more information.








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kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us

from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Choral Response Offering: Our Material Devotion to God

Invitation to the Offering


♦ Doxology hymnal #592 Praise God from whom all blessings flow;

Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly hosts;

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

♦ Prayer of Dedication (unison) Holy God, you have given us land in which to grow and thrive, food for survival and pleasure, air and water, fire and cold. Make our thanksgiving bloom forth into the lives of others in the name of the one who gave everything for us. Amen.


♦ Hymn O Perfect Love 533

♦ Charge and Blessing

♦ Sung Benediction

May the Light of God Shine on Us Today (hymnal back cover) Postlude

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We are glad you are worshiping with us today. If you are a guest, please say hello to Pastor Christopher.

Large-print bulletins and hymn books are available.

We invite those who may benefit to use the listening devices kept at the sound desk.

The flowers this morning are given by the Foster Class in memory of Amanda and Isabella Foster.

The Lenten Bible Study, “He Set his Face to Jerusalem” begins this Thursday, February 28th. Books are available through Rev. Christopher or the church office. We will meet from 12:15pm-1:15pm in the lounge. Ash Wednesday—March 6th. On Ash Wednesday, we will offer “Ashes to Go” from 8:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. for anyone who would like a blessing that cannot attend our Ash Wednesday evening service. The Ash Wednesday Worship service will be held in the chapel at 7:00 pm. Plan to join us as we begin our journeys through Lent. PW’s Spring Rummage Sale is coming March 14, 15, & 16! Spread the word! A special preview “soft” opening will occur after service on Sunday, March 10. Our Wednesday Night Lenten Book/Video Study will begin on March 13th. We will be using the book and video, “24 Hours That Changed the World,” by Adam Hamilton. Please sign up in the lounge so we know how many books to order. Park Church will celebrate the one year anniversary of the LWW “Planta Purificadora Itzae” (Gift of God) purified water plant which was dedicated on February 16, 2018. A display has been set up in the lounge showing the relationship over the years. Please keep this year’s mission team: Ken Allen, Jeanette Reed, Jeanne Salisbury, Paul Salisbury and Linda Werts in thoughts and prayers as they return to Mexico next week. Deb Compher, chair of Park’s mission team encourages you to check out the trip itinerary, copies of a letter and certificate being presented from our Session to Mision Sinai and the LWW Sustainability Manual that will guide our work with leaders of the Mision Sinai church. As Family Promise prepares for its March “rotation” the Park Church Coordinators are seeking one or two more church members to serve along with us in overseeing the program here at Park. This will involve coordinating the volunteers and their responsibilities during the week our “guests” are present as well as attending the monthly Wayne County Coordinator’s Meetings. It is a rewarding job, and you will be working alongside those with experience. Please speak with Anne Rogers, Carol Thurston or Linda Werts for more information or to say “yes” to this request for help.

Please know that all services are recorded.

denotes that the flowers may be delivered by a Deacon

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