the worship of god at bulliten.pdfmary k. parker, pianist linnie crawford, secretary 704-473-1180...

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January 7, 2018

Welcome…….…..………………………….…………..………..…..Jerry Ruppe


Call to Worship

Welcome Song…………………………………………..………….Congregation

“New Year’s Praise Song”

Morning Prayer

Offertory Hymn………………………………………………………….…..426

“Victory In Jesus”

Offertory Prayer………………………………………………………… Layman


Expression of Praise………………………………………………………….427

“For He Alone is Worthy”

Children please come forward for the Children’s Sermon – All children are welcome to come

down to the front for the Children’s Sermon, however, we ask that only children ages 3-7 exit for

Children’s Church. Thank You.

Children's Sermon…………………………………..………..…....Jennifer Davis

Worship in Song……….…………………………………….….……Adult Choir

“Worship the King”

Message..........................................................................................Rev. Bill Fryar

“Greater is He!”

I John 4:1-4

Pew Bible Page 1083

Invitation Hymn………………………….……….………………………..…604

“Come All Christians Be Committed”



These events are scheduled every week. On occasion some are canceled or replaced with something special. Cancelation for

the current week is indicated by a strike out and reduced font. In most cases the event will resume the following week.

*ANNOUNCEMENT HOT SPOT* If you have an announcement for the Announcement Hot Spot please get it to the Church office by 9:00am

Thursday. Announcements here are limited to three lines. Please submit in written form; email or otherwise.

Jan. 7th 7:30am Brotherhood Breakfast

7th 6:45pm Deacons Meeting

8th 6:00pm J.O.Y. Club Souper Night

8th 6:00pm Grief Share (Every Monday Night during January)

12th – 15th Youth Winter Spree (retreat)

15th February Newsletter Deadline

16th 3:45pm Baskets of Love

21st 10:50am Quarterly Business Meeting

21st 4:00pm Youth Advisory

21st 6:00pm Church Council

December 31, 2017

Attendance Sunday School………….................................................................................…...........107

Worship Service..............................................................................................................124


General....................................(Memorial-Charlie Lee) ………………………………...$11,528.65

Lottie Moon…………....(Running Total $5,267.00) …………………………..….$250.00


Amount needed in General Fund each week to meet 2017 budget: $7,809.59

Total needed in General Fund to date: $413,908.18

Total received for General Fund to date: $416,002.25


9:45am – Sunday School

10:50am– Morning Worship Service

5:30pm Youth Group

6:00pm Evening Worship


5:45pm Children Missions &


6:00pm –Prayer Meeting, Youth


7:00pm Adult Choir

Nursery Coordinator:

Hayle Scruggs

Nursery Workers - Morning Worship

7 Rhonda & Rick Greene

14 Susan & John Whisnant

21 Lynn & Scott Greene

28 Amanda & Bryan SowellJan

Sanctuary Flowers

January – Linda Black, Janice Duncan

February – Rhonda Tate

Children’s Church

David & Hayle Scruggs

Youth Suppers

We need YOU to provide suppers

DSBC Prayer Shawl Ministry,

Thank you so very much for the beautiful shawl & hat. Our little girl loves

them. We are so grateful for your prayers. We will be visiting DSBC in

the near future, and hope you all get to meet her!


Preston & Heather

DOUBLE SPRINGS BAPTIST CHURCH 1130 Double Springs Church Road

Shelby, North Carolina 28150

“Ministering In The Name of Christ”

Rev. Bill Fryar, Pastor 704-284-0404

Stephen Sain, Minister of Music 704-477-7976

Austin Nalley, Youth Ministries Leader 704-477-7498

Jennifer Davis, Children’s Ministries Leader 704-604-3377

Faye C. Gantt, Organist

Mary K. Parker, Pianist Linnie Crawford, Secretary


Church Office: 704-434-2258 Fax: 704-434-8276

Family Life Center: 704-434-0556

Web Site:

Email: Current Deacons: John Cabiness, Steve Davis, Betty Lockridge, Leonard McSwain, John

Whisnant, Eddie Bridges, Larry Gragg, Scott Greene, Tommy Melton, Danny Scruggs (chairman)

Karen Crawford, Steve Greene, Sam Miles, Jerry Ruppe, Bryan Sowell

It's Souper Night for Joy Club Nothing beats a bowl of soup on a January day, so everyone age 55 and older is invited to a soup supper Monday, January 8, at 6 p.m. (If you're not 55 and just like soup, come!) If you've never been to Joy Club, this would be a great night to start. Always great food and fellowship. Notice the change of date. Usually, Joy Club meets on the first Monday, but in January, we will meet on the second Monday. Enough folks have signed up to bring soup, so bring either sandwiches, crackers, or dessert.

Single Rose Placed

in Honor of:

Avett Grace Bridges

9 lbs. 3 oz. Born December 21, 2017

Parents: Preston & Heather Bridges

Grandparents: Ken & Karen Bridges

1Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the

spirits to see whether they are from God, because

many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 This is how you can recognize the Spirit of

God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 3 but every spirit

that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This

is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world. 4 You,

dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. 1 John 4:1-4 NIV

BILL & ANN FRYAR: "Pray for us that the message of the Lord

may spread and be honored.” II Thessalonians 3:1

OTHER STAFF: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart…

it is the Lord you are serving.” Colossians 3:23-24 Stephen, Austin,

Jennifer, Faye, Mary, Rick & Linnie

SICK/SURGERY - CHURCH FAMILY: “Com to Me all who are weary and

burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

♥Richard Walker ♥Paul Tate, II ♥Sherry Justice

♥Andy Foster ♥Shane Canipe ♥Brenda Foster (surgery 29th)

UNABLE TO ATTEND: “As the deer pants for streams of water, my soul pants

for you, O God.” Psalm 42:1

♥Betty Davis ♥Diane Lovelace ♥Charles & Rachel Humphries

♥Johnny Gantt ♥Faith Adams ♥Carl Soots

♥Bill Wilson ♥Jack & Ann Kee ♥Dot F. Parker (Padgett Rd.)

♥Garland & Mary Ann Carpenter ♥Marilyn Hester

NURSING FACILITIES: "Gray hair is a crown of splendor and is attained by a

righteous life.” Proverbs 16:31

♥Evelyn Brooks [Peak Resources, Shelby] ♥ April Bolejack

♥Raye Scism [Cleveland Pines – Room 206] ♥Helen Philbeck (Cleveland Pines -rehab)

BEREAVED: “He sent Me to bind up the broken hearted… to comfort all who

mourn.” Isaiah 61:1-2

Family of Carolyn Horton (Marshall Lockridge’s cousin)

ENGAGED TO BE MARRIED: “Wives, submit to your husband, as to the Lord.

Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her.”

Ephesians 5:22 & 25

Caroline Clapp to Thomas Spangler, March 3, 2018 (Dianne Garner’s granddaughter)

EXPECTANT PARENTS: “Every good and perfect gift is from above…” James


Travis & Emily Caldwell, April 2018

COLLEGE STUDENT OF THE WEEK “Trust in the Lord with all your heart

and lean not on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5 CADET JOHN WHISNANT (Will) (DOB – Dec. 28), PO Box 4271 West Point, NY 10997-4271,

Names will remain on Extended Families for only 3 weeks unless you update their

condition with Linnie by 9:00am Thursday @ 704-434-2258 or

EXTENDED FAMILIES: “What time I am afraid, I will put my

trust in You, O God.” Psalm 56:3

♥Jean Crain (Karen Bridges’ mother) 3

♥Patsy Whitaker (friend of Betty Lockridge) 2 ♥Roy Kirby 1

♥Robbie James Stallings (Mary Beth Ruppe’s mother) 1

MISSIONS & MINISTRIES: “Do Not be discouraged for the Lord your God will

be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

School Personnel & Students Deacon Family Ministry

Joy Club Troubled Families College Students

Prayer Shawl Ministry Brotherhood Hands on Missions

HealthCare All Missionaries Music Ministry

Youth/Children Extended Ministry The Lonely

Baskets of Love David & Hannah Mora Shelby Mission Camp

Grief Share Unsaved, un-churched, unconcerned


whose God is the Lord. Psalm 33:12

*President Trump *Governor Roy Cooper *All military

*Fire & Rescue personnel *Spiritual Awakening *North Korea

*Law enforcement officers *All leaders and lawmakers


beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news…” Romans 10:15 Please imagine you are going to West Africa as a missionary.

Imagine all the things that would be different from your normal — language, climate — all sorts of things would be different. Now imagine going to West Africa as a missionary to Deaf people! Think how much harder your work would be.

That’s exactly the work of Bascom Brown and his wife, Willie. They are supported through our Cooperative Program giving, and we want to pray for them today.

The two big non-Christian religions in West Africa are Spiritism, with witch doctors and evil spirits, and Islam. When a West African comes to faith in Christ, his own family may disown him. Friends will have nothing to do with him. They might beat up or even kill the believer.

One day Bascom told a recently converted deaf man that he might face this kind of persecution. The man replied in sign language, “I will follow Jesus no matter what happens.”

Bascom says they need many more believers like that. Today, can we pray for Bascom and Willie and that the Lord will raise up many new believers—both Deaf and hearing—who will be brave and serve Christ no matter what happens?

Prayer List – January 7, 2018 “Pray continually” I Thessalonians 5:17

Praying Together

Scripture Memory Challenge 2018

From Susan Turner: Join me as I attempt to memorize 12 verses this year. I plan to select a verse on the fifteenth of each month and post it in a group setting via text. If you are interested please contact me at 704-473-2840 and say “I commit to scripture memory 2018” and put your name. The rules are simple: 1)Select your verse(God usually will pick it for you, as you look for it, He points it out to you) 2)After I have posted my verse on the group text on the fifteenth then respond by posting yours. I try to be sensitive to timing by posting after 8:00am. Then all I ask is that you post yours before 8:30pm. (Some folks are up early and some are not due to work/family schedules.) 3)If you get behind, no shame. Just pick back up where you left off and post anytime during the month to catch up. God’s timing is always perfect and many times the verse someone has posted is just what I needed to hear at that moment. So spend the first two weeks of each month finding your first verse and the last two weeks memorizing it. That’s pretty much it except for the actual memorizing. I find that writing it down in a journal or spiral index cards helps. I also have a notes page in my phone I list it in so I always have easy access to it whenever or wherever I am. I can open the notes and review my verses. All said, I hope you will memorize scripture either with the group or on your own. The benefits I have found in doing this exercise have been immeasurable. Happy New Year and Happy Memorizing. The following is excerpted from a devotion titled “Why Should You Memorize Scripture?” from Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church in Southern California

“If you’re serious about being spiritually strong and mature, the greatest habit you can develop is memorizing Scripture. In fact, the Bible says in James 1:25 that it’s one of four habits that leads to a blessed life:

“Whoever looks intently into the perfect law . . . and continues in it — not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it — they will be blessed in what they do” (James 1:25 NIV).

You don’t want to be a spiritual baby anymore. It’s time to grow up and live the blessed life you’re meant to live. Hiding God’s Word in your heart is an important way to start.”

Ladies Night Out team to meet Those who would like to help with Ladies Night Out 2018 are invited to a meeting Sunday, January 28, at 5 p.m. in the Shelva Wilson classroom. Ladies Night Out is an exciting ministry that has touched the lives of hundreds of women in our community. Please come be a part of planning for this inspirational and fun event. There is a place for every lady and a need for all of your gifts and talents.

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