the words you left behind final project · 2019. 6. 28. · i the words you left behind final...

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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree of

Sarjana Sastra

Agus Dwi Hastutik







Approved by:




The thesis contains no such material as has been submitted for examination in any course or

accepted for the fulfillment of any degree or diploma in any university. To the best of my

knowledge and my belief, this contains no material previously published or written by any other

person except where due reference is made in the text.

Copyright @2018. Agus Dwi Hastutik and Erio R.P. FanggidaE, M.Hum.

All rights reserved. No part of this thesis may be reproduced by any means without the

permission of at least one of the copyright owners or the Faculty of Language and Arts.

Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga.

Agus Dwi Hastutik:




COVER PAGE................................................................................................................................. i

APPROVAL PAGE ........................................................................................................................ ii

PERNYATAAN TIDAK PLAGIAT ............................................................................................. iii

COPYRIGHT STATEMENT ........................................................................................................ iv

PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN AKSES .................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................... vi

SUMMARY .....................................................................................................................................1

The Words You Left Behind............................................................................................................2

The first meeting ....................................................................................................................................... 2

Crossing sanctuary .................................................................................................................................... 5

Middle School ......................................................................................................................................... 10

High school ............................................................................................................................................. 12

College life .............................................................................................................................................. 15

Big City ................................................................................................................................................... 16

Graduation............................................................................................................................................... 20

In the A.M ............................................................................................................................................... 22

Composure .............................................................................................................................................. 25

Media coverage ....................................................................................................................................... 26

Ahnedonia ............................................................................................................................................... 29

The last greeting ...................................................................................................................................... 30

REFLECTIVE PAPER ..................................................................................................................33

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 33

Process .................................................................................................................................................... 33

Writing process ....................................................................................................................................... 34

Conclusion .............................................................................................................................................. 35

LOGBOOK ....................................................................................................................................36


REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................40



This is a story about Nick and Dylan who had been best friend since childhood. The two

met for the first time during poetry night reading at „Le Petit Prince‟ cafe. Nick was a writer who

loved to write stories, his prominence ability in writing came from the fact that he read a lot of

classics aa a kid. Meanwhile Dylan was a musician who dedicated his life for music. He loved

music more than anything and his brother was the one who teach him. When they were

becoming adults, life took apart. For the first time in their life they were apart to lived their own

life. Nick lived his dream as a journalist who covered a lot of stories. Meanwhile Dylan became

a musician who brought comfort toward its listeners. Their communication became increasingly

rare because of their own life. By the time the two of them had reached the pinnacle of their

career, Dylan left the world because of a long depression he had suffered since his brother died.

And that's when Nick found out everything, he regretted that he did not know from the beginning

part of the story about his best friend.


Ini adalah cerita tentang persahabatan Nick dan Dylan yang telah bersama sejak mereka

kecil. Keduanya di pertemukan dalam penyelenggaraan malam pembacaan puisi di „Le Petit

Prince‟. Nick adalah seorang penulis yang menyukai cerita, keahlianya dalam menulis datang

dari kegemaranya membaca banyak buku sejak dia kecil. Sedangkan Dylan adalah seorang

musisi yang mendedikasikan hidupnya untuk musik. Dia mencintai musik lebih dari apapun dan

kakaknya adalah orang yang mengenalkanya kepada musik. Ketika beranjak dewasa, kehidupan

mengambil alih. Untuk pertama kalinya mereka berpisah dan menjalani kehidupan masing-

masing. Nick menjalani mimpinya sebagai seorang jurnalis yang menulis banyak cerita.

Sedangkan Dylan menjadi seorang musisi yang memberikan kenyamanan untuk seluruh

pendengarnya. Komunikasi mereka menjadi semakin jarang karena kehidupan masing-masing.

Disaat mereka berdua telah mencapai puncak karirnya, Dylan meninggalkan dunia karena

depresi yang sudah lama di derita sejak kakaknya meninggal. Dan disaat itulah Nick baru

mengetahui segalanya, dia menyesal karena dia tidak mengetahui sejak awal bagian cerita itu

tentang sahabatnya.


The Words You Left Behind

The first meeting

The first time Nick met with Dylan was on Christmas break in 1996. It was on one

evening, when the road was teeming with people, double-parked on the side streets and a parade

of Christmas decoration flashed romantically throughout the street. In one corner of the street,

there stood „Le Petit Prince‟—a coffee shop where poets and regular customers unwittingly

gathered inside. It was on Tuesday, they were ready for poetry reading night which was held

once a month. Everyone was enjoying their coffee. In the next minute, the poetry reading was

about to commence.

A little boy dressed in long sleeve turtleneck and a soft blue shawl wrapped around his

neck, was sitting in one stool nervously. His chubby cheeks rose in pink. The hot banana milk his

mom ordered for him had become cold.

“Nick,” his mom called. Nick averted his gaze and looked at her nervously. “Relax.

Don‟t be nervous. Inhale. Exhale. Everyone is going to enjoy your poem,” she reassured the little

boy, kissing the top of his head. Nick nodded several times and sipped his cold banana milk for

the last time before he left for the podium. His name had been called. It was his turn to read the


Once the boy was standing in front of the small podium, he formally introduced himself

and the title of his poem toward the audience. Everyone had their eyes fixed on him. His small

stature began to tremble. It was not his first time standing in front a lot of people. A strange

feeling ran through his spine and spread all over his body. He looked at his mom who gave a

reassuring smile.

“Go,” she demanded, low voice.

The dim light inside the room created warm ambience. Everyone was anticipating for him

to utter the words. His raspy voice spilled into the microphone. Nick cleared his throat before


continued reading the rest of the lines. Everyone smiled and looked amused. For some solid

minutes, a poem titled „Friends‟ by Nicholas Andrea was conveyed.

He folded the piece of paper and bowed toward the audience. Everyone gave him a big

applause and looked genuinely pleased, about to give him compliments as the boy made his way

to his chair.

“That‟s my boy. Mom is very proud of you,” she embraced him into a loving hug,

caressing his hair lovingly.

“Did I do well, Mom?”

“Yes, my dear.”

The other poets were waiting for their turn, ready to recite their lines and spill out the

emotions towards the audience. Nick stayed still in his chair and listened to them

wholeheartedly. There was a poet reading about his past experiences during his childhood,

another one was expressing her longing of romance toward her past relationship, other was

conveying his struggle of depression and there was also a poet portraying his imagination of the

universe. Nick was amazed at how the composition of the words was created conveying all the

emotions and imaginations in a vivid way. A powerful composition of beautiful words that

fueled creativity.

He found himself lost amidst those emotions until another boy around his age came in

startled him out of his reverie. Nick shot his glance at the boy who was only wearing a glove to

cover both of his hand.

“Hi. I-I like your poem,” he said perplexedly. “My name is Dylan. Can I sit here?” he

continued, referring to the empty seat next to Nick.

Nick looked at him confused. He studied his gesture for a few moments and then nodded.

“This is my first time seeing you here,” the boy who just claimed his name as Dylan


“I never came to this place before. My mom dragged me. Do you usually come here?”


“I was here for the music performance but lately I enjoy the poetry reading as well. This

cafe has a cool concept,” he said, smiling. “My brother actually plays the music.”

“When is the music performance?” Nick inquired.

“It‟s on Wednesday. Tomorrow,” Dylan quickly replied.

Nick only let a soft hum. He had no idea what to say anymore to keep the conversation


“By the way it was a beautiful poem, errr Nicholas?”

Though it sounded cliché to him, Nick smiled. He was the first person who gave him


“Thank you. But my friends call me Nick,” Nick corrected him.



“Can we be friends from now on?” Dylan said, extending his hand toward him. Nick

blinked. Then he was smiling as he received his hand.


“Friend,” Dylan smiled.

It was how their first meeting went. They were deeply engaged into casual conversation

until the two discovered they went to the same school. Dylan was his senior by one year. It was

when Nick was eight and Dylan was nine.



Crossing sanctuary

Nick didn‟t have much friends, since his cousin who used to play with him left for

America, he was always on his own solitary. He was revered an A+ student at his school. And

sure, he was surrounded by lots of friends due to his friendly disposition. But they were not

really friends. They only befriended with Nick because he was smart and he couldn‟t care less.

He excelled on most subjects but P.E. It‟s not that he was a weakling, he just preferred to spend

his energy on reading. He always loved to read. Books had always been his loyal company to

enjoy his solitude.

However, that awkward hello Dylan said to him was kind of strange. It was different.

Nick concluded. He was not the typical who would easily welcome stranger‟s existence into his

life. That day when his hand interlaced with him, he could feel some strange connection that

would make them get along well. It had always remained his solitary place, until the day Dylan

came across to his sanctuary.

Since their first meeting at Le Petit Prince, the two acquaintances soon became friends,

then it grew to best friends, and then it grew to be inseparable brothers. Almost every day after

school, they would spend time playing over video games or watch anime together because their

houses were only some blocks away. On Saturday night, they would sleep over at each other‟s

place, talking about random things popped out their mind until they fell asleep. On random

occasions, Nick would ask Dylan to accompany him to buy new books at the book store down

the street. And every Tuesday evening they would visit Le Petit Prince together for the poetry

reading, while enjoying steaming cups of coffee and banana milk, or just to kill the boredom at

the coffee shop.

Ever since that first meeting, Nick and Dylan had come often to the place. The two of

them had grown fond of each other and knew each other well. They had decided that it would be

the place for the two of them—where they would share a lot of things with each other—no

matter how odd or complicated it could be, and they would cherish every moment together.

Nick who had keen interest in writing since early of his age had escalated his aptitude in

writing because there was Dylan who would always urge him to write. He‟s written and read


more poems of his own. And Dylan would sit on the front row listening to his poems. He found

them endearing.

As for Dylan, he was just simply there enjoying his company to catch the music

performance in between.

Those things had become the thing the two best friends would do together.

“It is only in the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye,”

Nick uttered abruptly. They were now at the cafeteria of the school, had their lunch together.

“Huh?” Dylan threw him a confused look.

“Quoting from the book, what do you think?” he said while showing the book he was

currently reading toward him, which turned to be The Little Prince by Antoine De Saint-


Dylan looked at it with a frown on his face. He stayed in silence for a moment, seemed

like thinking for a response. “Well, in my opinion, sometimes the eyes are blind. Things can only

be fully understood if we perceived them with heart and feeling. The heart is the one who feels


Nick threw him a confused look. He was still processing what Dylan had just said to him.

“So, the heart can see everything?”

“If it‟s tapped wisely, if you want to understand something you need to feel that

something first. People need to see everything through their hearts so that they can feel


“Do you always feel something when you understand something?”

“No. I don‟t always understand things even though I perceive them with my feeling. You

know, things can be tricky or not understandable at the first sight. If I couldn‟t understand them I

would approve its existence as it is and then search for solutions I can breach. So as for me it‟s

approval over understanding.”

“Approval over understanding?”


“First and foremost, that itself can make people feel understood by others.”

“Your mind is amazing.” Nick praised.

“Says the one who always got on the first rank.” Dylan snorted.

The cafeteria was filled with the chatter of other students. Nick continued reading the

book he had paused for a while until the bell rang signaling that the lunch break was over.

“I read that book some years ago in one go.” Dylan said as they walked out of the


“Did you?”

“Yup. That was one of the best children books I ever read. Err classic.”

“Other recommendations?”

“Hmm. Totto-chan? Anne and The Green Gables?”

“I have read them.”

“Those are the children books I remember reading. I don‟t read as much as you do,

Nick.” He chuckled. They parted at the junction and walked toward their respective class.

It was when Nick was eleven and Dylan was twelve.


It was on Sunday after church, Dylan was happy to invite Nick to his new studio. The old

warehouse at his home that had been transformed into a music studio, with posters of his favorite

musician such as The Beattles, Nirvana, The Cranberries were hanging alongside the blue-

shades wall. Nick had known that Dylan was into music, but never knew that he could play

musical instrument too.

“You play guitar?” the younger boy asked. Dylan could tell the earnest in the boy‟s eyes;

his eyes sparkling as he scanned throughout the new studio.


“My brother teaches me. This is going to be our studio,” he said, pulling out his Taylor

Guitar and strumming random melody with his little fingers through it. “You gotta listen to this. I

will sing for you,” Dylan made position.

Nick made his way to sit on the little bench. He had his eyes pinned on him. The next

thing happened was Across The Universe by The Beatles blared throughout the studio. It was

scattered at first. But soon it turned calming, having his best friend singing and playing the guitar

for him. It was the first time Nick saw him and he was absorbed into the intricating music his

best friend was playing. As soon as the song finished Nick wasted no time to compliment.

“Wow. I never knew,” he applauded, amazed at the new thing he learned about his best friend.

“What do you think? Did I play well?” Dylan sounded worried.

“You did well. John Lennon must be proud someone covered his favorite song too well.”

“You knew? Yeah that is one of his favorite songs.”

“Of course I knew. My mom listens to that group almost every day.”

“She does?” Dylan let out a little chuckle.

“You know what. She told me she was crying for days when the news broke, when he

was shot by that crazy fan.”

“That was mad,” he snorted “But anyway, it was the best lyrics or in fact, you can call it

poem, as he said, he had ever written,” Dylan offered an explanation.

“Yeah. Don‟t you think musician can be poet as well? The words they put together are

pretty,” Nick said, causing the latter let a soft hum “What do you want to be when you grow up,

Dylan?” He suddenly changed the subject of their conversation.

“Hmm? That‟s kinda hard to figure, Nick,” Dylan said shortly.

“Figure it,” Nick replied quickly, sounded demanding.

“Well. The world is really big. Life is full of possibilities.”

“What do you want to be?” Nick repeated the question.


“If you ask me what I want to be, I honestly have no answer. But I know what I want to


“What do you want to do?”

“Play some music? That‟s the best thing I can do now.”

Nick titled his head as he thought for a response. He had always had desired to be a great author.

His mom would always also tell him that one day he could be a great author. The thing he would

do right now was to pursue things he liked. And held it dearly as long as possible.

“Did you remember what John Lennon said before he died?” Dylan suddenly asked.

“What? About God? A lot of things.”

“He said that his mom told him that happiness was one key to life. If the question is what

I want to be then my answer is I want to be happy.”

“Are you happy to have me beside you?” Nick inquired.

“I‟m happy to have you beside me.”

“Be happy?”

“Be happy.”

For some moments, they lapsed into a pregnant silence. It was when Nick was thirteen

and Dylan was fourteen.

“What is the best feeling ever?” I asked

“To feel genuinely happy” he answered.



Middle School

Nick had always used writing to mark the passage of his life. The following day after

Christmas break the school announced about short story competition in commemorating the

school‟s anniversary. Thanks to Dylan for his unending support and encouragement toward him.

He was the one who told the younger to join the competition that it would be a good chance for

him to show people his ability. Nick was actually hesitated at first, he was afraid if the result

couldn‟t be good even though he had some faith in his writing ability.

Just like any other evening, they were now sitting on their favorite spot in at Le Petit

Prince. Nick sipped his favorite banana milk as he was reading to his own story.

“I don‟t think this story make any sense,” Nick said infuriately, shaking his head


“What make you think it doesn‟t make any sense?” Dylan snapped.

“I don‟t think the conflict is significant,” he sighed.

“What‟s the conflict?” Dylan questioned.

“Some trust issues in the friendship,” he said lowly.

“I think that you need to take a break. Want me to proofread the story?” Dylan offered.

Nick could only nod his head.

Turned out, the short story entitled „Long Friendship‟ was the champion of the

competition. It was the first time he earned money from his hobby, earning rife of compliments

from his teachers and friends. Making him to be more seen as excellent student.

“Rule number one. You should believe in yourself that you are skilled” he told the

younger “Rule number two, always practicing. And hold them dearly”

But life was not always a bowl of cherries. Aside the elation from the teachers he also got

scorns from the enemies alike. The worst nightmare during his middle school days came to his



It was right after his school ended and Dylan was waiting for Nick in front of the school

gate. Dylan was now on his first year of High School and Nick was on his senior year of Middle

school. And their habit of going home together was still running. He had been waiting for an

hour but they younger boy hadn‟t show up yet. Anxiety began to envelop around him. He knew

that very well if Nick didn‟t have any extra class nor extracurricular.

And moreover it was Tuesday, their time to watch movie together.

He ran all the way to 3A science class to where Nick was. Once he arrived there, the class

was empty but one student was sobbing quietly in one corner of the class. His heart clenched at

the sight of his best friend. Dylan approached and sat down on the chair next to him

“Hey...” he said, soft voice, caressing the brunette hair of his best friend slowly. Familiar

with the voice Nick looked up to see the older who looked at him with concern. His face was

sullen and his lips were bruised. Dylan was startled at the sight and he could see the pain in the

younger‟s eyes. Nick started to sob harder. “It‟s okay. I‟m here,” Dylan engulfed the younger

boy into his arm. Letting him cry his heart out.

Nick was hurt and he didn‟t like to see him hurt. It was Dylan‟s job to take care of Nick.

In one way or another but he always wanted to take care of him. It would always remain like

this. For a moment, the silence stretched between them and Dylan could only tighten his arms

around him.

“Who did this to you, Nick?” Dylan broke the silence, looking at the younger boy


“Friends...” he said, refusing to lock his eyes with the elder boy.

“Why?” Dylan asked carefully. He didn‟t want to push him.

“They accused me for sleeping with teachers because I‟m always on the first rank. They

also uploaded an edited picture of me on the internet. They punched me. They called me--” Nick

couldn‟t finish his words and he burst into tears again. He was bullied. It was the first he was

bullied for being smart. But it was not the first time he was crying in front of him.


Nick had always been vulnerable and sentimental kid. And he never had any intention of

hiding his feeling toward him. He had always been vocal. One minute he would turn to be a ball

of energy when he was in a very happy state. The next minute he felt sad, he was too deep in

despondent and Dylan would come to him and say “It‟s okay. You can cry. Boys can cry.” He

was the one who told him to always embrace his feelings.

“I don‟t have friends” Nick sobbed in his arms. Dylan shook his head and patted the back

of his best friend. Seeing such a beautiful boy crying broke his heart. He could sense the

insecurity slowly swarming inside him. All he needed to do now was to vanish them away.

“You have me. It‟s okay. Let‟s go home,” he reassured.

“They hate me,” Nick mumbled and shook his head.

“I don‟t. I don‟t hate you,” Dylan reassured. Nick shook his head again, not believing

with self esteem bruised low at that moment.

“I hate myself. I hate being weak. I should‟ve fought back but I didn‟t. I hate myself,” he

kept blabbering those words.

Dylan helped him to pack his bag and led him out of class. They walked away to Le Petit,

the place which had been sanctuary for the two of them. It had always Dylan‟s job to always

behave like a big brother for him. It was when Nick was fifteen and Dylan was sixteen.


High school

Things were getting much better when both of them were in high school. Nick attended

the same school as Dylan, just as they had planned long time ago.

Gone was the frail boy who once cried in the middle school. Nick was physically stronger

now. He went to the gym once in a while to build his body. He had to be strong for himself.

That‟s what Dylan had told him.


Nick was still being revered as A+ student at the school. He was surrounded by a lot of

friends, and this time was different. It was safe to say they were much better than his friends in

middle school. He was never bullied for being smart again. Most of his friends were grateful to

have Nick as their friends. They were all being competitive in healthy way.

During his study in high school, Nick was the active member of journalism club. He had

been writing numerous journalism reports for the school magazine. Ever since then, he had

become an active freelance writer for some media companies. His journalism report about slum

was published for the first time and on the nation‟s newspaper, which considerably added his

monthly allowance.

As for Dylan, since the fresh man of high school he had immersed himself for hours in

the studio. He also played other musical instrument other than guitar, piano and experimental


Along with his teammates they formed a band which consisted of five people on his

sophomore year. They called themselves „The Rising Boys‟ and Dylan held position as the

vocalist and guitarist. The band had covered so many songs from other renowned bands. They

had filled so many events such as performing arts and had been invited to perform in other

schools as well. The band has also participated in many local competitions and gained many


He was also revered as the high school darling because of his undoubtful looks, which

unintentionally made all girls fell over his feet.

He received his first confession in the middle of his second year. Her name was Gaby, a

beautiful girl who had been eyeing him since the freshman year. She was a lively girl and Dylan

felt comfort being around her. But unfortunately, their relationship was only lasted for three

months because he got into fight with one of his band mates who had developed a huge crush on

her. At the same time the band they formed was finally disbanded as well as his relationship with

his first girlfriend. It was the first time he had felt such a deep disappointment to himself.

As grief reluctant to leave him alone, few days after the disbanding, another bad news

broke like a worst nightmare. His brother, who used to teach him to play music, got into car


accident which took his life on the way to perform at the usual cafe. And for the first time in life,

he was torn apart. He was broken.

Days passed and he was still in deep sorrow. His eyes were glistening but he couldn‟t cry.

He just brood and went silent for long time. He did not go to school for days. It was the first time

he felt disoriented in life.

He couldn‟t comprehend what situation he was in and the only thing he could do was

sinking himself inside studio. All sort of happy moments he shared with his brother filled his

mind. They were all so vivid, on how his brother introduced him about his first band group, how

his brother taught him to hold his first guitar, how his brother took him to his first gig, everything

was still captured in his mind clearly.

“He left,” Dylan said absentmindedly as Nick entered the room. He knew, sooner or later

his best friend would look after him “He left,” he said, voice in pain.

Nick could only shake his head. Seeing his best friend in sorrow gave him an immense of

heartache. His heart shattered into a million pieces and tears started to storm on his face as he

made his way to his weary best friend. Everything happened all of sudden.

“It‟s okay. You can cry. Boys can cry, too,” that was the entire thing Nick said to him. He pulled

the older into a warm huge “You have me. I‟m here,” Nick tried to reassure him, just like what

the older always did when he was sad.

The night after that, he wrote a thing about how heart break could tear someone. It was

when Nick was seventeen and Dylan was eighteen.

“Why do people feel sad? Do they choose to be sad?” I asked.

“They don‟t. They always choose happiness over sadness. But happiness is not something that

they can always reach,” he said.



College life

The good news he‟s been waiting for finally arrived. Nick received announcement letter

telling him that he was accepted at Columbia University School of Journalism. In few weeks he

would fly to New York. Leaving the big cit y he had been living for the past nineteen years and

his best friend who has been with him forever. He was going to reach his dream. He was going to

be a great writer.

Dylan who had already become a fresh man in the college bid him a goodbye that


“Are you sure you have packed everything?” Dylan asked him, ensuring that everything

was packed.

“Humm,” Nick nodded.

“Keep writing. I will be reading your stories from here,” he smiled.

“Keep creating music. I will be listening to your beautiful melody from there,” Nick


“I will see you becoming a famous journalist travelling the world and covering a lot of

stories one day.”

“I will see you becoming a great musician who brings a lot of comfort toward to people

one day.”

They both smiled and hugged for a long time. This was going to be their first time to be

apart and it was hard for the two of them.

“I‟ll miss you,” his voice suddenly cracked, a tear fell down on Nick‟s cheek.

“I‟ll miss you too,” Dylan said in a small voice, emphatically. “A lot.”

Their eyes met. Dylan leaned forward and their lips sealed, innocent and deep. None of

them wanted to push away. Dylan embraced the the younger into a loving hug once more, feeling

their heart beat faster.


He gasped, “We will always be friend, right?” Nick said lowly right after he broke their

first kiss.

Dylan nodded, caressing Nick‟s soft hair. “Always.”

“Take care,” he smiled.

“Take care and be happy,” Dylan implored as he flashed a hollow smile and waved his

hand to the younger boy who walked to check in line.

It was the first time they were parting. It was when Nick was eighteen and Dylan was


“Why do people have to be apart?” I asked

“To live their life? Life happens” he said.


Big City

New York at night was majestic. The lights illuminating every single tall building outside

made the whole city looked like some sort of futuristic movie set. Nick was trailing alone at the

Times Square. The road was packed with people soaring along the street.

He couldn‟t stop the smile on his face. Looking up at the skyscrapers surrounding him, he

felt small, really small. It still felt like a dream that he was now standing in the big city he‟s

always been dreaming of. It was the real big city he was now living in.

He was fascinated with the vast-world pampered in front of him, the city of thousands

light, the city that never slept, the city that offered thousand talents, the city of unending

entertainment. Again, he couldn‟t stop his lips from smiling. He always loved the idea of big



He was ready to absorb vast amount of knowledge on this big city. And he was ready to

write his stories.

Nick let out his camera from his bag to take several pictures. He knew well that a good

journalist should know how to take good pictures. Pictures that supported the stories. Pictures

that represented the stories.

“I will do well” he said to himself smiling, an encouraging smile, making his way back to

his apartment and ready for his first class tomorrow.


The first day of his college finally came. Nick had new acquaintances and they seemed to

be good with him. However, he had some problems with adjusting to the environment. But they

were not some big deals. He told Dylan through the text how hard it was. And his bestfriend only

said that it would take some time to adjust—to get him the american way.

He also told him about the apartment that he shared with a new friend—a British student

called Key. He told him how Key was nothing but sort of a good friend for Nick despite his fussy


None of them talked about the kiss. Because that was just felt so right.

The following days would pass with the two of them passing communication through

telephone, shared brief texts, mails and on the weekend they would have phone call to each


Sometimes, weeks would pass without contact. Both of them were busy doing their life.

The time difference became another obstacle of their friendship. Because when it was morning in

Jakarta it meant night in New York and vice versa.

And it was always Nick who told him stories.

“Hey it‟s been a while,” Nick greeted over the telephone.

“Yeah. How‟s been New York treating you so far?” Dylan said affectionally.


“Not really bad. I‟m happy that I‟m surrounded by lots of geniuses,” he laughed” “Next

week I will be having my first interview with one renowned architect.”

“That‟s good for you!”

“Are you not asking me who is this person I‟ll be having my first interview with?” he

boasted. Dylan laughed at the childish behavior of his best friend.

“Fine. Who is he or she?” Dylan finally asked.

“Antonio Pio Saracino. He is young talented architect from Italy positioned in New York.

Did you know? His two sculptures The Guardians‟ Hero and Superhero are installed

permanently at the entrance of to New York City‟s Bryant Park. And he was inspired by

Michelangelo,” Nick offered a brief explanation, excited. But there was no response from the

older over the line. “What time is there?” Nick suddenly asked quietly.

“Two in the morning.”

“Why aren‟t you sleeping?”

“Ideas hit genius at most random time.”

“Making music?”


“Is everything alright?” Nick concerned. He could hear him letting out a deep sigh over


“I guess... I just miss you,” Dylan said lowly.

An awkward silence beat around them.

“I- I miss you too.”



Dylan had always learned that life was full of uncertainty. His brother told him to always

be prepared for the best and worst scenario that might across his life. That sometimes we would

be required so many things but there was no guarantee in return.

He knew from the very beginning that music was his passion. He aspired to make music

that brought comfort to his listeners. He wanted to write lyrics that were simple and meaningful.

During those hard times since he lost his brother, he had started inhabiting signs of

depression. As the world moved forward, he was stuck on his place. His mind revolved like a

treadmill, but it didn‟t result anything. And those things were buried alone. He didn‟t tell. No one

was here with him to share. His brother was gone and his best friend was away.

He suddenly thought about Nick. The memory of their first kiss flashed in his vision. He

was confused with his own feeling. He knew very well that best friends didn‟t do such things.

His heart ached thinking about him. He didn‟t know why.

Every night his mind refused to shut down. He felt completely numb as he sunk in the

dead silence of the night. And those sleepless nights he tried to create his works. Papers were

crumbled everywhere in his room.

One, two, verses done.

He embraced his own pain and heartaches in the most possible way, then turned them

down into lyrics and songs. And the following days those bouts would keep repeating again and

again. Only left him two to three hours to sleep every single day.

His first gig came along when he was on his senior year of college, in Mondo Cafe, South

Jakarta. The crowd was not packed. But enough for enjoying.

“I‟ve always wanted to create music that will bring comfort to other. And I hope that

while you‟re listening to this. You will feel like I‟m talking to you.”

“Whoohooooo!!” cheered the audience.

“This is the first song that I wrote and composed by myself. Dedicated to my one and

only brother in heaven. Until we meet again,” he said to the microphone, his eyes closed.


And after that, the song entitled „Until We Meet Again‟ was played. It was not a sad song,

rather a song that give a lot of hopes and reassurances. The audiences sealed their mouth out as

he was singing into the song. This was where he found his true soul, surrounded by thud loud

music, he felt the appreciation people gave to him.

“There is this one thing that I will always carry till the end of my life. My brother ever

said to me, that sometimes we make music to support our life. But there is also other time, when

we make music for own self,” he said, eyes were scanning toward the audience “So, I hope you

enjoy this while it lasts,”

As the time passed by, he held another gigs in different places, making new connections

in music industry and finally, signed a contract with a music label. He was still surrounded by a

lot of girls and women, who openly confessed their feelings toward him, but unfortunately he

had to turn them down. Music was his life.

By the age of twenty one, he had become an established musician. Few weeks before his

graduation, he finally released his debut album, an EP called “The First” in 2010. As the title

suggested, the album was a remark of his appearance in the nation‟s music industry.

Soon, his life was gradually under the constant spotlight of media. He had been

preoccupied with lot of interviews and press conferences ever since.

He was happy because the pain was bearable. At least he was happy, doing what he held

at the moment. It was when Nick was twenty one and Dylan was twenty two.



The following year, his graduation came on the first day of summer. He was among

summa cum laude graduates. Nick was following his dream with writing, and Dylan was proud

of him. Just as he had hoped for, his imagination of him being journalist was now real. Right

after his graduation, he worked for one Media Company in New York.


On the first six-months of his work he was assigned in International Desk, which allowed

him to cover stories such as foreign affair and stuff. He travelled across the world. He went to

China for the first time to write about South China Sea dispute, he went to France when the

Charlie Hebdo shooting happened.

As for time being, he was happy with the job he held. He enjoyed the adrenaline rush of

chasing a story, the courage he was dealing while interviewing people, the gratification of seeing

his name in printed newspaper, the contentment he felt having his articles amassed hundred of

shares and placed on the headline, and the dedication for writing, that were flowing, as the lyrics

said, like endless rain into a paper cup.

After all, it was his dream. Acrossing the world. Acrossing the universe. His mind

suddenly wandered to the time when Dylan sang that song to him. His mind kept picturing him

there—what‟s he doing? Perhap in the studio playing with his guitar and immersing himself to

the music.

He missed him. It was clear.

Despite the fact that they had always connected through the phone, despite the fact that

he was listening his music from here, he still missed him. He missed how he was acting like he

was like a big brother for him. All protecting him. He missed having an endless conversation

with his best friend. He missed hearing comforting words from him. He missed their kiss. He

missed everything about him.

And now he was wondering. Was he happy? It was everything he had always wanted to

be. And Nick could only wish for him to find happiness.

With the immense amount of work he was doing, it was getting hard for them to share

anything together. Even in a week they would only communicate once. They were now adults;

they had their own life to live. However, Nick would always check him on the internet, getting

updates from the media around.

It was the first time they grew distant to each other. They didn‟t mean to.



In the A.M

They happened to meet again on Christmas break, few weeks after Dylan‟s second

album, “Serendipity” was released. Ever since Nick was bound to New York, he only flew back

to Jakarta once a year. As much as he was obsessed with New York, Jakarta was still his home.

A home when he felt comfort he‟s been yearning for.

They took a visit to Le Petit Prince—the place they used to visit as a kid and rarely

visited again since the past four years. Reminiscing the old memories. They talked about the ups

and downs during their separation. They recalled all the things they did together in childhood.

They talked about their classmates and colleagues. But that evening conversation was dominated

by the younger stories. It‟s like he was never running out of stories. But Dylan was happy every

time he saw radiance in the younger‟s eyes as he was narrating his stories.

Nick told him a lot of stories. Starting from his happiest moment when he flew to London

covering London Writers Festival, where he met with acclaimed poets, authors, and novelists

until how he was demotivated by writer‟s block when he was covering his least favorite subject

about sport. He sighed remembering how it took him more than a week to write the article.

Until the night worn out, and they decided to go to Dylan‟s apartment in the south of the


“I have some banana milks inside the fridge,” Dylan casually said to him causing the

younger to snort.

“I‟m no longer a kid, Dylan.” Nick said as he sipped his second glass of champagne. He

stared out the night lights from the apartment balcony.

“Yeah. You‟re grown up.” Dylan stood beside him. His eyes travelled to the light

gleamed down below. The warm ambience was lingering around them. It was one in the A.M, if

Nick was not here with him he would usually sank himself in his studio. His presence somehow

brought different atmosphere to him. He felt his longing healed.


“Are you happy?” Nick asked abruptly.


“Are you happy that I‟m here?” he looked up to the taller man.

“It‟s been a while. Are you happy?” Dylan asked him back.

“I feel happy,” Nick said, in a calm tone. “I feel home.”

“Home?” Dylan questioned, he averted his gaze to the figure next to him. And he was

captivated at how beautiful Nick was tonight. Dylan didn‟t know what but his heart was beating

wildly. He only stared at Nick.

“You are my home, Dylan.”

Their eyes locked. Silence descended between them.

“Are you seeing someone right now?”

Dylan shook his head. Nick gathered his courage and gently kissed on his lips. It was soft

and sweet. Their second kiss after four years of the chaste kiss.

“Nick..” Dylan said, husky voice. He leaned forward and bumped his forehead into

Nick‟s. Nick could feel his cheeks burning because of the intense stare Dylan gave to him. Nick

wrapped his arms around his neck and Dylan immediately held his waist and swayed along and

led him into his bed.

They both were on bed, Dylan was hovering above him. He leaned closer to pick another

kiss, this time was hot and desperate. Dylan could feel Nick‟s heart pounding hard next to his

own. Soon after, there was no single thread covering their delicate bodies, caressing and

touching each other skins.

“You are beautiful...” that was all Dylan managed to say, causing his ears growing pink.

Nick cupped both of his cheeks and stared at him deeply. He was dazed by the depth of Dylan‟s

eyes, that held a lot of stories. He interlaced his fingers with him and felt each other warmth

filling the air.


“Take me,” Nick shyly begged.

Dylan stared at him again, as if looking for certainty through his doe eyes. Dylan nodded,

slowly pushed in. He groaned loudly, admiring the tightness of Nick‟s entrance clenching around

him. They both enjoyed the push-and-pull, but faster at times.

Both moaned from pleasure as they had arrived in their heaven.


That night, before Nick would fly back to New York again he was about to make thing

clear and tell his best friend. But seeing the younger was in hurry, he buried it again. The only

thing that he managed to tell was his upcoming concerts, and wished Nick able to come to one of

the shows.

“In several big cities? Yes?” Nick reaffirmed.

Dylan smiled, “I wish you to come.”

“I‟ll try my best. Okay? When exactly?”

“After I finish working my third album.”

“Next year?”

“Yeah.” Dylan said as he stared deeply into the familiar gaze of Nick‟s eyes. “Nick. What

are we?” he finally gathered his gut to bring out the topic. It‟s been a day since they did that

thing none of them dared to say anything.

“What are we? What do you want us to be?” Nick shot the question back to him.

“I- why—” Dylan couldn‟t finish his word because the voice of flight attendance echoed

in the air, doing the last call for passangers to New York.

“We are best friends, Dylan. Always keep in touch, okay?” Nick said, he gave him a

quick hug and he was gone.


It was the fifth times they were separated, there was no kiss just like the first time Dylan

bid him goodbye. It was when Nick was twenty five and Dylan was twenty six.



Dylan needed to tell his best friend but he couldn‟t reach him. He needed to tell someone.

One evening, he finally made his first appointment with the doctor. The doctor was

startled recognizing that he was that famous musician. He told him everything what he‟s been

suffering until this time and the doctor said that it was not a big deal. He was told that he was

someone with inferiority complex and he said that a lot of people were also experiencing that.

“Time will heal, Dylan. You don‟t have to worry. You are not the only one,” That‟s all

advice he remembered, but it didn‟t sound right into his ears. He mumbled a thank you and left

the doctor‟s room.

At least he had tried to reach for a help. The following days, he would allow himself to

fall into his routine, waking up in the morning, breakfast, going to his schedule if any, reading

books and loading himself with a lot of stuff. Sometimes he would spend the entire night awake,

his eyes closed but he couldn‟t sleep.

For years, Dylan had become a more prominent musician, he already had a big name in

the music industry. He had gained thousands of fans and sound tracked in several Indonesian

movies. And also, involved in big project with some celebrated musicians.

He needed something to distract himself from his pain. And it remained music. It had

always been music. He found his most productive times were when he was on his hardest life,

expressing what he had on mind into the lyrics. Where he created masterpieces that follow one

another in a fascinating crescendo.



Media coverage

Time passed and now Nick was now seated on the feature desk—which its coverage were

mostly about entertainment and lifestyle. It was the first time he was interviewing his best friend.

Dylan had climbed to his perch into larger level. It was their first meeting since they did that


Musician Dylan Alexander finds inspiration for his music everywhere, from his favorite musicians, the

current condition, to the books he had read. His beautiful performances have been echoed in the

nation’s music industry since 2010 while having some collaboration with renowned musicians such as

Lulu Rara and The Grande amongst other.

The Shiny Post’s Nicholas Andrea sat down with the musician Dylan Alexander to give us exclusive

insight on his latest album “This Is The Life” and a little of his life.

1. Q: What are you most excited about?

A: My album.

2. Q: How long have you preapered for this album?

A: Seven years? This is the longest album I‟ve worked on.

3. Q: Why ‘This Is The Life’? What’s the story behind the album?

A: Well. In life, there are many things which require hard work but do not guarantee any

returns. I just want to make people know that sometimes life works that way. I mean, life

is full of surprise, one minute you are sad and the next minute you are happy and vice

versa. And also, people value their life differently. In short, this album is about how I

contemplate about life.

4. Q: How do you value ‘life’?

A: On living a life lesson. I believe life is a series of encounters and farewells. I believe

we grow and learn in the process. And I shall live truthfully.


5. Q: What were the challenges you faced during working on this album?

A: Many. I‟ve been suffering from this cases sleep deprivation. At these bouts, I would

stay wide awake all the night and then go to sleep in the dawn and wake up in the

morning would fill me with the feeling of frustration and depression. And I don‟t know as

to why this keeps happening. I guess that what made this work long.

6. Q: Are you still suffering from that?

A: Hmm...not sure.

7. Q: What is your favorite track in the album?

A: It‟s the song I worked with my best friend in the am. It‟s called „In the A.M‟

8. Q: [Chuckles] What’s the hardest track in the album?

A: „What ifs and Only ifs‟ a little bit story about this track. I actually have a tendency to

regret and gloom over things that I have done in the past. I‟ve always questioned and

blamed with these „I should‟ve done this‟, „I should‟ve not done that‟,‟If only I took the

right path‟, „If only I listened well‟ and so on. So, during the creation of this track it took

me like months to finish, do revision of the lyrics and everything.

9. Q: Is becoming a musician is your professional goal?

A: I don‟t set such parameter of what should be my professional goal actually. I have

always wanted to be a decent human being who can be much of help for others. I want to

do things that make me happy. I hope through the music that I make it can also make

people happy.

10. Q: Who inspires you to play music?

A: My brother. My brother teaches me.

11. Q: How do you value music?

A: Music is art and it is part of my life.

12. Q: Who are your favorite musicians?

A: There are many. I can‟t mention one by one but my most favorite is The Beatles.


13. Q: Do you collect something?

A: Umm...memories?

14. Q: What is your hidden talent?

A: I can sketch.

15. Q: What is your favorite TV show?

A: Is that the question? I don‟t really watch TV but there is this one channel on YouTube

I‟ve been currently watching called „Crash Course‟ and yeah I like John Green. Oh yeah,

I used to love Camp Rock a lot.

16. Q: Do you think social media is helpful to promote your album?

A: Yes. Aside from promoting my album or single. I love using social media to interact

with my fans. Mostly twitter.

17. Q: Currently you spoke up about LGBT rights and there were some fuss regarding

your statement in your social media? How do you react on that?

A: There must be two reactions and I don‟t expect my fans to always agree with me.

Because that‟s what I stand for and that‟s what they stand for. The growing hatred

towards LGBT community has caused a lot of tangible harm towards the community. I

don‟t think that they are wrong, just because they are different from the majority of us.

Being different doesn‟t mean wrong.

18. Q: Things you’ve always wanted to say to your fans or people?

A: A lot of people told me to always do my best. As for me there is nothing wrong with

that but I‟d prefer to say „Be happy‟ rather than „Do your best‟ and always have your

belief. Sometimes you forget to be hay when you do your best, and I don‟t want people to

lose on their track.

19. Q: How would you like to be remembered?

A: I want to be remembered for my works, for my contribution, for my music, for

humanity. And on how I make people feel.


20. Q: In the recent interview you said that there are books that contributed sparks

inspiration for your music? What are they?

A: I recommend this. The Little Prince by Antoine De Saint-Exupery.

Watch the video for the full interview here!



A few weeks later, his named had been mentioned in many news articles. The success of

his lastest album made it as the most streamed album in 2018. He was showered by enthusiasm

and praised by many fans. He had finally finished the tour of his concerts. People were happy for

him. Nick was happy for him. But he felt nothing.

Nothing at all.

He had always been told that the pain was temporary. And he was told that time would

eventually heal. He was hurt because the pain stayed. He got used to it. He was tired. He was

hopeless. He didn‟t know how to bear anymore.

Music was the thing that made him happy.

Music was the thing that he loved the most.

The feelings of depression and frustration kept going to the point where he no longer

believed they were only feelings. They were real. And that was the most painful part of his life.

He lost his interest in things he used to love and make him happy.

“What is your biggest fear?” I asked.

“When things that usually make me feel happy make me feel nothing,” he said.



The last greeting

BREAKING: Musician Dylan Alexander has been found dead on his apartment, police


“News is sweeping the world, Musician Dylan Alexander, aged 28, has been found dead on his

apartement in Kemang, South Jakarta, on Tuesday evening”

“—A metropolitan police confirmed the news, says that the cause of his death was due to carbon

monoxide poisoning, leaving thousands of fans devastated”

“—the musician who has just released his newest album “This Is The Life—”

The news travelled fast that evening. Nick turned off the television on his apartment

quickly and stared blankly at black screen. During his time working as journalist this was the

first time he saw how media could play dirty by bringing up such misinformation.

This is the cruelest joke he has ever seen and he is going to sue those media companies

who published the jokes. He told himself.

His fist clenched, heart wrenched. He shook his head in denial and took his phone on the

night stand, trying to deal his best friend number and ensuring that everything was okay. But

before he got to dial the number there was an unread message from his best friend.

This is my last greeting. Thank you for always being with me. Tell me if I did well.

He dropped his phone on the floor. His eyes became blurry and his heart ached in his ribs

with the feeling he had never felt before. He was broken. This was the reality he had never

prepared before. He only wished that he would wake up from the worst nightmare and

everything would be back normal tomorrow.

But this was the reality. His phone kept buzzing and Nick couldn‟t make himself to

understand what was going on right now. He was blank.


His world fell apart. Dylan was his universe. Now that he realized. Dylan was his half

soul. He sobbed in the dead silence. His legs limped, he couldn‟t even stand firm. He never

thought this coming. He wished it he would wake up tomorrow with that cruel joke.

“Why do people die of suicide?” I asked.

“People die of suicide is not because they want to end their life. People die of suicide is because

they want to end their pain” he said.


It was a week into Christmas and Jakarta was already alive with the excitement of the

celebration. It was on one evening, when the road was teeming with people, double-parked on

the side streets and a parade of Christmas decoration flashed romantically throughout the street.

It was on Tuesday evening, and Nick Andrea was trudging along alone, his destination was

standing on the corner of the street, the „Le Petit Prince‟ a coffee shop where there poets and

regular customers unwittingly gathered inside. He was ready to recite his poem.

It was when Nick was twenty seven and Dylan was twenty eight. He found no one

complimenting his poem again.

“Why do people have to die?” I asked.

“Death comes naturally. Just like when we were born. Death is not the end. Death is just another

path” he answered.

“Will we meet again after we die?”I asked.

“We will surely meet again” he said.



Some friends come and go

They are not meant to be here forever

I never say forever

Forever is a strong word

I don’t think I’m strong

I could only say it’s strong

Some friends stay for a while

Some friends stay for a long time

I don’t want to count how long

For you, my dearest friend

No friends going to stay forever

I can’t promise you forever

But as long as it is possible







December 18, 2017 was the worst day that ever happened into my life. It was a living hell

when the news about the passing of SHINee‟s Kim Jonghyun sweeping the world—one of the

most genuine person that I‟ve ever known in this world. The one who shares me the world

through his music, the one who leaves this world too soon, the one who loves music more than

anyone, and the one who will always be my constant inspiration. It is still hard and beyond the

words to explain what I felt.

Darting back to September-November 2017, it was a series of one of the happiest

moments in my life. I was living my dream. It was the term of my internship with The Jakarta

Post—the nation‟s leading english newspaper company. I was assigned to be intern journalist for

Features Desks—which its coverage mostly about lifestyle and entertainment. Aside gaining new

insights about how Media Company worked, I also got the chance to meet with a lot of

acclaimed professionals in their particular fields.

2017 was a year full of ugly and nice memories. The sequence of these events inspired

me to write this story. That I decided to write story that corresponded things I‟ve experienced.

And I believe that in every experience that happened into my life, meant to make me learn new

things, bet it happy or sad memories.


The title “The World You Left Behind” is actually taken from SHINee‟s latest alternative

title of „Our Page‟ in the „The Story of Light Ep.3‟ album. There reason behind this decision was

because SHINee‟s story inspired me.

This story would be focusing around the life of two best friends, Nick and Dylan, who

always stick and shared everything to each other. But life took apart when the two were

becoming adults and lived their own. This story is told in the third person point of view with the

utmost to show everyone‟s thought, all-knowing because the two characters hold important part

in this story.


As for the characters, Nick Andrea, was portrayed as someone who had a keen interest in

reading and writing since his childhood. The characterization of Nick is actually coming from

my deepest regret because I didn‟t read as much as I was a child and I wanted to create a

character who I wished to be. Part of this is also inspired from the person who I had the chance

to interview with when I was in charge for „Bookworm‟ during my internship in The Jakarta

Post—an inspiring college girl who has championed a lot of things because of her habbit for

reading since she was a child.

As for Dylan, he was a thoughtful character in the story. He was portrayed as someone

who loved music and turned everything on his mind into beautiful piece of lyrics. All he wanted

was happiness and peaceful life. however, he was suffered from depression since he lost his

brother who taught him about music. This unable him to reach happines that he wanted. The

development of Dylan‟s character came when I was involved in conversation with one of

renowned journalist of The Jakarta Post. He is a journalist but he is also a musician. Coming

from that experience, I started to formulate Dylan‟s character and done observation in some

places with people in that related field.

Writing process

I have to admit that the writing process of the story was quiet jumpy. I‟m not a writer

who will go along with the order e.g starting from the introduction, content, and conclusion but I

will start from everywhere I wanted and write everything that popped up into my mind.

However, there is famous phrase “the more one reads, the better one writes”, that I always hold

dearly. I‟m happy that I‟ve been an active reader since 2011, though most of the stories that I

read was not literary works but fiction. This habit of mine give me so much benefits because I

am able to see many different worlds and perspectives as I am absorbed to the stories presented

by the authors and gain new vocabularies and terms that seem unfamiliar for me.

At the beginning of writing this story, it was hard because I still couldn‟t compose my

plot to be a solid one. I‟ve lost count at how many times I changed the plot of this story. There

were times that I thought it would be right if it went like this but the other time I shook that idea


off and started to think again. These bouts kept happening for months until I finally landed to a

solid plot after SHINee released their music video of „Our Page‟ on June. The song is very

touching and its lyrics were written by the other four members. The song which is dedicated to

the late Jonghyun. Since then, I started to gain new enlightenment to re-establish the abandoned


The practices during my internship with The Jakarta Post have also helped me a lot in

writing this story. I started to rereading again all the articles published and recollecting all the

things I have gained during my internship and implementing them in my story. For example, the

writing about the news story that featured in this story and the characterization of Nick Andrea as

journalist, which I adjusted with those full-timer journalists in The Jakarta Post to make it

authentic. I also illustrated about the media coverage between when the journalist, Nick Andrea,

got time to interview his best friend, Dylan Alexander ,about his current album and a little bit of

his life. This part is intented to give some sense about how their world was now different.

Despite all the challenges I faced during working on this story, writing this story was

after all fun because I was able to put my shoes into two different characters. Writing Nick‟s side

as a journalist was more interesting because it took me back to the times when I was becoming

an intern journalist. However, writing the last part about Dylan‟s passed away brought back all

the sad and hurtful memories of December 18.


I‟ve always wanted to write story that is simple and meaningful—not only for me as

writer but also for my readers. Though, I understand that there are still so many things that can

be improved from this story. I wish that this story can be a good contribution toward the nation‟s

literary works.






It has been a long journey writing this story, without any help from others, this story

would not be here on the very first place. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the

support everyone given to me:

1. My supervisor, Erio R.P. Fanggidae, M.Hum, for the constant support, guidance,

patience, enlightenment, motivation, and immense knowledge. I could not have imagined

having a better supervisor for my bachelor study. Along with my second reader, Suzana

Maria L.A.F, M.Hum, for the critics and correction.

2. My family, my parents and sisters, for their endless support and love.

3. SHINee—Lee Jinki, Kim Jonghyun, Kim Kibum, Choi Minho, and Lee Taemin, for

being my constant happiness and muse, for the world they give me through their music

and passion, for being five. Also NOAH, for their music, for being my inspiration for the

past fourteen years.

4. The Jakarta Post—especially Features Desk, for the experiences, for giving me a lot of

new insights, for the exclusive exposure of how media company works, for helping

gaining considerable amount of skill in writing journalism report.

5. Satya Wacana English Debate Society for being my second home for the past four years.

6. To all my fellow friends in the faculty and SHINee Worlds for the encouragement and

direct and indirect helps. In particular, I am grateful for Alin, for providing me her room

during working on this story.

7. To all lecturers in the faculty in Language and Arts for the abudance knowledge.

I can‟t thank you all enough for everything. May God, or whatever Deity you believe in,

bless you.



Albom, Mitch. Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest

Lesson. New York: Doubleday, 1997. Print.

Saint-Exupery, Antoine De, and Katherine Woods. The Little Prince. New York:

Harcourt, Brace & World, 1943. Print.

SHINee. Our Page. SM Entertaiment, 2018. Music Video.

The Beatles. John Lennon. „Across The Universe.‟ Let It Be. George Martin, 1970.


Wikipedia Contributors. “Ahnedonia”. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia,

The Free Encyclopedia. 11 August. 2018. Web. 11 August.


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