the weekly bulletin of the rotary cub of wynnum and … · rotary cub of wynnum and manly rotary...

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The Weekly BulleTin of The

RoTaRy CuB of Wynnum and manly

RoTaRy disTRiCT 9630

BulleTin yeaR 65

no 08- BulleTin – 2nd augusT , 2017

**** **** **** * August 2nd Bob deLange. 6th Kym Pregnell. 9th Harry Pregnell.

**** **** **** **** For your Diaries 2017.

August: 5th Quota Club of Wynnum/Manly – “Hear and Say Auction” **** **** **** ****

Report for Meeting – August 2nd 2017 - 6.00 p.m. for 6.30 p.m. Programme: Coffee and Cake in Kathmandu. Guest Speakers: Barry and Margaret Dell, Nigel and Debbie Spence. Chairman: Jill Nock. Visiting Rotarian: Joe Beath – (District 9630 Director of Youth Service.) from

the Balmoral Club. Visiting Partner: Elaine Evans. Visitors: Amanda Sillars, Bert and Noela Sedgewick, Lizzie Shiels

(Sara’s first host parent for the first four months), Charlotte Reynolds and her partner Mick Saunders and Sara Ranghieri (Our Italian Exchange Student – her first name is pronounced with a long “r” similar to the Indian garment “sari” not Sarah).

Apologies: David Lynn, Christine Woodward, Jo Soothill, Andrew Hurst, Andrew Simpson, Don Nixon, Claire Brolan, Bill Simpson, Graham Pearson, Eric Batten, Robyn Bunting, Tony Fisher,

Roy Buckley, Trish Peddie, David Tighe, David O’Connor, Katrina Doherty, Bill Simpson, Glen Ford, Frank Fry, Les Louis, Max Mead, Jim Byrne, John Milles, Vicki Muskens, Niels Coelingh-Bennink, Jens Nielsen and Fraser McGregor.

**** **** **** **** Oops!!: I forgot to mention in last week’s Bulletin that Past President Mike McKerrow received a bound copy of all the Club Bulletins in his year. This was the tradition for many years and I fear that it might have been forgotten in the past???

President Sel advised that over last weekend Trish Peddie had been involved with the selection of the Students who would be sponsored by District 9630 to attend the National Youth Science Summer School in Canberra early next year. Our nominee Katlin Davies, proved to be a worthy nominee and will attend. Sel also welcomed back into our midst Ken Davies after a prolonged absence due to medical problems. It was great to see him looking so well.

**** **** **** **** President Sel told us that he was going to induct two new members tonight. The first was Amanda Sillars:- Amanda’s profile will follow. Sel said that Amanda “found” us on the Web and has been regularly attending meetings for quite a number of weeks. The Foundation which she set up and runs has a peculiar name – the Banner below says it all. Sel duly inducted Amanda and her membership was received enthusiastically by all present.

“Eeeny Meeny Miney Mo Foundation” is a not-for-profit, Health Services and Advancing Education working:- to reduce the prevalence and impact of parental alienation and related mental health disorders in the

Australian community; and to increase the capacity of the Australian community, including governments, service providers, business and community sectors, working together, to deal with parental alienation and related mental health disorders. Its founder and Board member is Amanda Sillars. Amanda has experienced parental alienation as a child, losing her mother Nola in 1993 as a result of parental alienation and the legal system. She has also experiencing

parental alienation as an adult with her own 2 children and has reunited with her son in 2015. Amanda is dedicated to educating, raising awareness, providing resources about parental alienation and working in collaboration with the University of Tasmania on research of this special population. Based in Queensland Amanda created, and is the current manager of, the Parental Alienation Australia Facebook page and the support group, providing a place for alienated mums, dads, grandparents and family to come together and support one another.

The Objects of our Company: (a) The objects for which the Company is established are to: (i) reduce the prevalence and impact of parental alienation and related mental health disorders in the Australian community; and (ii) increase the capacity of the Australian community, including governments, service providers, business and community sectors, working together, to deal with parental alienation and related mental health disorders. These objects may be achieved through activities and advocacy which: (iii) develop promotion and prevention strategies to increase community awareness and understanding of pa rental alienation and related mental health disorders and reduce associated stigma and discrimination;

(iv) raise public awareness and understanding of the nature and extent of parental alienation and it’s impact on mental health; (v) provide information and resources about parental alienation and related mental health disorders to parents, children and mental health workers, as well as other services that may provide such support; (vi) commission and support research to enhance knowledge of the causes and consequences of parental alienation, trial new and innovative prevention, early detection, treatment and management

activities for parental alienation and related disorders and disseminate information about best practice models of care; (vii) promote partnerships across health and other sectors to enhance responsiveness and support to all Australians who may experience or be at risk of experiencing Parental Alienation. (b) The Company will only apply the income and property of the Company in promoting the objects of the Company.

**** **** **** **** President Sel continued to bring back into Rotary membership Bert Sedgewick. Bert was a member of this Club some years ago with the Classification of Postal Services. He was then the owner of the Wynnum North Post Office and a jolly good Post Office it was too.

Bert resigned from Rotary some years ago, bought a caravan, and headed off all over the place. Nola said “ enough is enough” so she and Bert have decided to “settle down.” He willing accepted the offer of Rotary membership with the same classification.

Sel presented Bert with a “swag” of “good oil” which he may have forgotten and Sel presented Nola with a posy off flowers. Bert and Nola were wholeheartedly welcomed back to the Club.

**** **** **** **** Sel’s Spray

Hello members, it has been a different week this week with being a little bit off colour and endeavoring to beat the sinus infection, but with the Dr and a good friend who is a Homeopath I am now feeling a lot better. So please spare some thoughts for all those battling some form of illness at this time and if you get the chance just pop in and say hi or drop a message it does wonders to know that there are friends out there that actually think of you. So a Big thanks for all those that done that for me. So tonight we induct another two members Bert Sedgwick is returning to the club after a few years break so welcome back Bert and look forward to some great Rotary and Friendship times as we move on in the year. Also Welcome to Amanda Sillars to our Club and hope you get to enjoy Rotary as much as possible into the future. So members please get to know our latest members and make them feel part of our family, and please look out for any possible new members for our club or even invite someone or talk to them about joining Rotary from where they live. Many hands make light work for all involved. Members there isn’t a great deal to talk about this week having been crook for most of last week so thanks to Mick Matthews for standing in for me last week and I haven’t heard any complaints so he must have behaved himself. I notice a few of our weary travellers are starting to return after there time away so hopefully some great stories to be told and we will here some laughter from those tables as those stories unfold. Thanks to all those that helped in the fundraising BBQ’s that happened over the last week and I believe a good time was had by all even Michael who stepped in for Glen Ford who was struck down with the MAN FLU. By the way Donna now has MAN FLU too, unfortunately Michael was still in holiday mode and took a bit of time to get back into the rhythm of turning the snags etc. but eventually got warmed up and started barking back at those that were barking orders at him. Welcome back Grumpy!!!

Members lots of planning happening in the back ground with numerous projects being organized so don’t be afraid to get involved with those that are doing the organizing just ask and I’m sure someone will find something for you to help with. So its welcome back those that have been away, Welcome to the New Members and Welcome back if you have been off crook.

Y. I. R. President Selwyn Payne **** **** **** ****

Update on DIK Ken Evans writes: “Following a recent request from DIK’s Northern Region Co-ordinator Col Laurenson, Vicki Muskens has again offered her assistance and that of her friend Jan to sort and classify medical supplies/equipment at DIK. Blue Care at Lindum have a Regency chair and a wheelchair ready for pickup and Les Nock has another supply of spectacles. Ken Evans will arrange delivery of these items to the DIK warehouse at Durack in the near future. Delays resulting from recent elections have caused deferment of the despatch of soccer balls and netballs to Dili, as arranged earlier by Bob Rose. However, Bob and Tony Fox have taken additional supplies to DIK and these are currently in containers awaiting despatch.

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Coffee and Cake in Kathmandu (Introduction) It is estimated that between 5000 and 20,000 Nepali girls are trafficked to India every year. Margaret and Barry Dell have been working with an NGO that rescues, rehabilitates and educates Nepali girls who have been rescued, and protects girls in marginalised people groups from the risk of trafficking. The particular focus of their efforts has been in training girls in baking and cake decorating with a view to opening a chain of coffee shops where the girls can be employed and equipped to enter the workforce. They expect to open the first coffee shop early next year.

**** **** **** **** (Margaret began their presentation but now and then she had to “refer” to Barry for clarification. Editor) Thank you for inviting us here this evening to share

about the work we are involved in in Nepal. Last week was the anniversary of abolition of slavery brought about by the hard work of William Wilberforce. How sad is it that all these years later there are more slaves in the world than ever before, even in the time of Wilberforce.

Barry and Margaret Dell and Debbie and Nigel Spence

We work with a Christian organisation called Transform the Nations. The work in Nepal began about 8 years ago. We have begun a partnership with 3 other organisations who have been working in Nepal for many years. Officially there is no longer a caste system in Nepal. Unfortunately this is not true in practice. The highest caste is the Brahmins and it goes down in many levels

until you reach the Dalits who are the lowest cast. Then there is a further pecking order within the Dalits. On the lowest rung of the lowest caste are the Badis, the untouchables. These are the people we work with, especially the Badi girls who have been victims of the horrors of sex trafficking. Our work with the Badi girls has included rescue, preventing them being sold into the sex trade, rehabilitation, education, safe housing, food and medical needs. And, of course loving them and letting them know how valuable and precious they are. Imagine if you were a mother of 5 with no hope of feeding your family unless you prostituted one of your children.

You have two choices. Let your whole family starve and die or sacrifice one to save the others. What would you do? Imagine you are a mother of 4 little girls. You live in a poverty stricken village in a mud hut with Just a doorway but no door. You live in fear every day and every night knowing the traffickers could kidnap your little girls, sell them to brothels a long way from home, never to be heard of again. What would you do? Imagine your mother forces you to leave your new safe house to prostitute you in her tiny shop beside a dusty road? What would you do? What could you do? All of these cases are true and being multiplied, many times over, not only in Nepal but around the world. I read a quote recently that said, “We cannot rely upon the silenced to tell us they are suffering:” this is so true of our Badi girls. They are not allowed to have an opinion as, in the eyes of the majority, they have no value. The name of the river in one of their villages was called Garbage River because that is how most people see them, as garbage. They are told they are only useful to satisfy the physical desires of men. They must be silent during their suffering and if they do resist they are tortured. Sometimes a baby girl is sold before she is born. Traffickers pay the mother a down payment and when the child reaches the age of 1O-12 they come back for her. The Badis are the untouchables of society, outcast even among the outcasts. They cannot share the same village pump, food, water or housing with the higher castes. They cannot touch them. They are born into extreme poverty with no chance of education, healthcare or social status. They can never trade up to a higher caste. This extreme poverty is a breeding ground for sex trafficking. Many Badi villages are close to the Indian border so it is easy for traffickers to sweep through the

villages, kidnap the daughters, no matter how young, and sell them to brothels across the border. Most are never heard of again. ln fact, 99% are never rescued. It is estimated there are 25A,000 Nepalese girls in brothers in India against their will. The youngest we've heard of who has been rescued from a brothel was 4. We have had an 8 year old who was prostituted. My role has been in vocational education where l’ve been teaching the older girls baking and cake decorating. We have also trained them in food safety and customer service. It’s very hard for a Badi to find employment so it has been our plan and our vision to open coffee shops and employ the girls we have trained. For the past 5 years we have been working towards this goal. There have been many stumbling blocks along the way like the earthquake in 2015 and more recently the Indian blockade which brought Nepal to its knees. But we believe that the time is now right to go ahead with this project and to make The Bamboo Cafe a reality. The cafe will be in Banepa which is an hour's drive from Kathmandu. Something like this is more than life changing to our girls. Some of them have

come from filthy brothels, have no self esteem, believed they had no future, no life, unworthy Margaret was joined by Debbie whose background is in financial planning. Debbie is the preparing a financial strategy for the organization. The group fielded many questions from the members. At the conclusion Jill presented them with our usual Certificate of Appreciation which from their reaction was very much acknowledged by them as something pretty great.

President Sel came to the Lectern, thanked the group sincerely and invited all to close the meeting with singing of the National Anthem at 8.5 p.m.

**** **** **** **** (Editor’s Note: President Sel called Sara forward as well as Mick Matthews. As we all know Mick is always in trouble with relation to his size. Sel just wanted Mick to feel really more comfortable, at least for 12 months, that there was going to be some one regularly at our who was be smaller than he. Mick seems to be relishing the idea.

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I wanted to get a picture of Joe Beath the 9630 District Director for Youth Service and as I did his neighbor complained that he never had his picture taken. I have produced both pictures so that hop fully both will be satisfied. I had to be careful that I did not spoil the pictures from the reflected light from the “domes.”

Sara brought her Club’s banner and presented it to Sel. It was also very nice to Lizzie Shiels present. Lizzie and her family will be the first host for Sara. As if it wasn’t obvious, have a look at what Sara wrote on her name tag.

Roster for Bunnings Sausage Sizzle - Wednesday - 9th August, 2017 9.00 a.m. – 12.00 noon – Debbie MacManus, Jill Nock with Chris Reynolds.

12.00 Noon – 3.00 p.m. Di Jones, Jodi Dalton with Sandy Marshall. “Set Up” and “Pull Down.” - Les Nock and Bob Cushway.

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Next Meeting – August 9th 2017 - 6.00 p.m. for 6.30 p.m. Programme: Member’s Talk Guest Speaker: Phil Goodison Chairman: Les Nock. Doorkeepers: Glen Ford Bob DeLange. Fellowship: Graeme Wescombe. Equipment: John Milles David Preston. Sergeant: Conor MacManus.

N0 Meeting – August 16th 2017 – Brisbane Ekka

Next Meeting – August 23rd 2017 - 6.00 p.m. for 6.30 p.m. Programme: “Council Outlook.” Guest Speaker: Councillor Peter Cumming. Chairman: Steve Jones. Doorkeepers: Jodi Dalton Rod Fletcher. Fellowship: Frank Fry. Equipment: Roy Buckley Eric Batten Sergeant: Conor MacManus.

Next Meeting – August 30th 2017 - 6.00 p.m. for 6.30 p.m. Programme: “Making a Difference” Organisation. Guest Speakers: Kathleen Hoyle and Colin Norris. Chairman: Vicki Muskens. Doorkeepers: Jo Soothill Bob Cushway. Fellowship: Don Nixon. Equipment: Andrew Hurst Harry Pregnell. Sergeant: Conor MacManus.

Next Meeting – September 6th 2017 - 6.00 p.m. for 6.30 p.m. Programme: “Office of Fair Trading”. Guest Speaker: Bob Walker. Chairman: Les Louis. Doorkeepers: Trish Peddie Andrew Simpson. Fellowship: Robyn Mears. Equipment: Max Mead Roy Buckley. Sergeant: David Groves.

APOLOGIES AND EXTRA GUESTS Contact Sel Payne – ‘phone - 0419653175 or

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R.I. President Ian Riseley. District Governor Elwyn Hodges. District Governor Elect Jitendra Prasad. District Governor Nominee Roslyn Kelly. Assistant Governor Eddie Richards.


OFFICERS 2017 – 2018

President Sel Payne. Vice President Mick Matthews. Imm. Past President Michael McKerrow. Secretary George Englert. - (M) 0418 780 999 Treasurer Peter Boddy. President Elect

SERVICE DIRECTORS Club Dave Warren. Community David Tighe. Fund Raising Jill Nock. International Matthew MacDonald Vocational Youth Service Chris Reynolds Membership and Publicity Steve Jones

**** **** **** **** The Rotary Club of Wynnum and Manly

Chartered - October 23, 1953

Presentation of Charter - April 10, 1954

**** **** **** **** Bulletin Editor – Sandy Marshall

All correspondence to: The Secretary, PO Box 2, Wynnum QLD 4178


Our meetings: Each Wednesday - 6.00 p.m. for 6.30 p.m.

Shangri-La Reception Lounge, 1969 Wynnum Road, Wynnum West.

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