the web content recipe book - · to wow visitors and boost your ... reveal some of...

Post on 05-Jun-2018






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The Web ContentRecipe Book21 irresistible content ideas to wow visitors and boost your search engine optimization

The Web Content Recipe Book |

Section 1: Web content and your business 5

Web content is important (by Ken McGaffin) 6

Never stop marketing (by Mark Nunney) 8

How to structure an article (by Ken McGaffin) 11

Write winning articles quickly (by Ken McGaffin) 14

How to optimize a page for search engines (by Mark Nunney) 15

How to make your articles sell (by Mark Nunney) 19

How to make your content linkworthy (by Ken McGaffin) 22

How to get sticky and go viral (by Mark Nunney) 24

Section 2: Recipes (by Rachelle Money) 28

No. 1: Answer your customers’ questions 29

No. 2: Reveal some of your secret tips and tricks 34

No. 3: Bust an urban myth 37

No. 4: Write a case study 39

No. 5: Write a blog 43

No. 6: Write your company’s history 47

No. 7: Start a debate 50

No. 8: Review of the year 54

No. 9: Report on an event 56

No. 10: Jargon buster 59

No. 11: Admit your mistakes 61


The Web Content Recipe Book |

No. 12: Review a book 63

No. 13: Review a product 66

No. 14: Build a Top 10 list 69

No. 15: Interview an expert 72

No. 16: Write an A-Z 75

No. 17: Publish your own survey 77

No. 18: Observe 81

No. 19: Use an inspirational quotation 84

No. 20: Make a video 85

No. 21: Publish a press release 87

The Web Content Recipe Book |

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Web content and your business

Section 1 For any successful website, content is crucial. Just as every good cook needs yeast for baking bread, every website owner needs content - and lots of it. We’d like to help your site rise to the top of the search engine rankings, so this first section of the Web ContentRecipe book looks at online marketing. In particular,how to structure your content so that it bringstraffic and sales to your site.

Web content is crucial for any business that wants to succeed online. Good content will engage your customers, attract search traffic and help build your business.

Why is web content so important?

• Content engages your readers. It attracts their

attention and builds their interest in your company. Give

people useful, interesting information that helps them

solve their problems and they’ll be more likely to buy

from you.

• Content pulls your knowledge together and makes it accessible to your customers.

Every business or website owner carries a wealth of

information in their heads: but often that’s were it

stays and they only share it with people they talk to.

Taking your knowledge, turning it into web content and

publishing it makes it tangible and available to your

prospects. An article or tip that you publish on the web

can be the start of a conversation with someone who will

buy from your company.

• Content attracts search engines. Publish

regularly and you’ll ‘teach’ the search engine spiders

that there’s always something new on your site. As

a result, they’ll visit more often and you’ll find your

rankings start to outstrip your competitors.

• Content brings you inbound links. Write

something new or useful or witty or controversial and

you’ll find that people start writing about you and linking

to your articles. You get extra links that bring new traffic

when people click, as well as boosting your search


• Content creates a buzz in social media. Have

a look at Twitter for example – many of the posts people

make link to content they’ve found on the web. By

publishing regularly, you’ll build your profile and your

reputation in your industry.

• Content is an investment in your site that keeps on bringing visitors month after month and year after year. It is just amazing to see content

that is several years old still bring visitors to your site.

But what do you write about? That’s a question many business owners ask. Despite the

obvious benefits of good content, writing doesn’t come

easily to an inexperienced writer. Often he has to force

himself to write and when he finally does so, the blank

The Web Content Recipe Book |

Web content is important

The Web Content Recipe Book |

screen offers no encouragement but instead triggers a torrent of reasons why ‘now’ is

not the right time to write. “Best to leave it to later, after I’ve dealt with…”.

The end result is that the content never gets finished. It never makes it to the

published web page, the search traffic never comes, no links arrive and the sales that

could have been are never made.

It doesn’t have to be like that. Experienced writers know that writing doesn’t happen

by accident. They help themselves to write by reading other people’s work and

asking “could I use that idea for my customers? And they help themselves to write by

listening carefully to customers and asking “if that customer has that problem many

others must have the same problem?”

Wordtracker can help by giving you the keywords that people use when they search.

That tells you what people are looking for. Now in The Web Content Recipe Book we

hope to inspire you to turn those keywords into content that will really work for your


In this book, experienced journalist Rachelle Money gives you 21 different types of

content; she gives you the essential ingredients of each as well as real examples on

the web so that you can see what works.

The end result is a book which aims to inspire and ensure you’ll never be stuck for a

content idea again.

Section 1: Web content and your business | Web content is important

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