the wealth mindset blueprint

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How To Position Your Mind For Wealth

By Augustine Mwanje

The Wealth Mindset Blueprint - How To Position Your Mind For Wealth Copyright © 2011 - Augustine Mwanje – All Rights Reserved 2


The information presented herein represents the views of the author as of the date of

publication. Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author reserves the

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The Wealth Mindset Blueprint - How To Position Your Mind For Wealth Copyright © 2011 - Augustine Mwanje – All Rights Reserved 4


Introduction ............................................................................................... 5

Preparing Your Mind .................................................................................. 6

Wealth Building Strategies .......................................................................... 8

How To Build Sustainable Wealth ............................................................. 10

The Mindset of Millionaires ...................................................................... 13

Attracting Financial Abundance ................................................................ 15

The Power Of Commitment ........................................................................ 17

Conclusion ................................................................................................ 19

Recommended Resources ......................................................................... 21

The Wealth Mindset Blueprint - How To Position Your Mind For Wealth Copyright © 2011 - Augustine Mwanje – All Rights Reserved 5


Dear Wealth Seeker,

Thank you for downloading the "Wealth Mindset Blueprint- How to Position Your Mind

for Wealth". I would like to personally congratulate for investing in your financial

education, and for realizing that your mindset determines your destiny. This report will

reveal some useful strategies on how you can position your mind for wealth.

The information contained in this report is useless unless you take action on what you

learn. I encourage you to go through it again and again until you understand all the

concepts I will reveal here. It is my sincere hope that this report will add value to you.

To your success!

The Wealth Mindset Blueprint - How To Position Your Mind For Wealth Copyright © 2011 - Augustine Mwanje – All Rights Reserved 6

Preparing Your Mind

"The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it


– Benjamin Disraeli

There once lived two farmers who were very frustrated by a long drought. They both

very diligently prayed for rain every single day. However, one farmer prepared his field

to receive the rain in anticipation that his prayers would be answered.

The other farmer just lazed around saying to himself that he would be able to get all the

work done the moment he spotted the rain clouds.

Sure enough their prayers were answered and when it rained, the lazy farmer realized

that there was too much work to do. He was overwhelmed to a point of not getting

anything done. He just complained all day and blamed the rain for coming too soon.

In the meantime, the hard working farmer being prepared did not stop working. He

planted his crops and did not have to do any extra work because he was used to working.

The Wealth Mindset Blueprint - How To Position Your Mind For Wealth Copyright © 2011 - Augustine Mwanje – All Rights Reserved 7

Come harvest time, the lazy farmer was very disappointed. As he passed the field of his

hardworking counterpart, all he could exclaim was "some people are born lucky".

And so it is with wealth. Most people are only interested in the results but not the

sleepless nights, frustration and hard work involved. As a result, all they do is justify

their inability to achieve success to bad luck, just like the lazy farmer.

Have you ever wondered why people who win the lottery normally end up worse off than

they were before? Could it have something to do with taking a shortcut to achieving

great wealth without a prepared mind? Many of them actually blame the lottery after

they have squandered all the money!

So if you really want to be wealthy, ask yourself how adequately you have prepared your

mind to receive wealth. Do not be like the lazy farmer.

The Wealth Mindset Blueprint - How To Position Your Mind For Wealth Copyright © 2011 - Augustine Mwanje – All Rights Reserved 8

Wealth Building Strategies

"If people knew how hard I worked to get my mastery, it wouldn’t seem so wonderful

after all."

- Michelangelo

Isn't it interesting that so many people hear about wealth building strategies of the rich,

but so few people ever seem to get around to implementing them? If you are not yet rich,

you need to understand what is preventing you from being rich and start doing

something about it.

Here are a few strategies that you can adopt to start building wealth;

Strategy #1 Invest To Win

If you do not know how to multiply your money, your chances of getting rich are rather

slim. The good news is that no one is born with this knowledge, and with a little effort,

you too can acquire it.

There are only two kinds of investors; the successful ones, and those who give up too

soon. Rich people invest to win, while most poor and middle class people invest not to

lose. There is a big difference between the two strategies.

The Wealth Mindset Blueprint - How To Position Your Mind For Wealth Copyright © 2011 - Augustine Mwanje – All Rights Reserved 9

Strategy #2 Be Decisive

Most people who do not achieve much in life take too much time making simple

decisions, and change their decisions very quickly. Once you make a decision, go with it,

make it work, and do not look back.

You cannot wait to have all the information before your make a business decision

because you will never have all the information.

If you don’t completely and honestly believe in what you’re about to do, don’t do it,

otherwise you will probably fail. In most cases poor results are brought about by self-


Strategy #3 Take Immediate Action

When you identify a business opportunity, take advantage of it right away. Do not wait

for the moon the stars and the sun to be aligned. My mentor used to tell me that if you

think of a money-making idea, implement it right away or else someone else will identify

the same opportunity and take advantage of it while you are still procrastinating.

The average professional corporate worker will spend years going to school and then

they will get an average job with average income.

They will spend the next 45 years of their life working up the corporate ladder until

eventually they have enough money to retire. In most cases they never earn enough

money to retire and they are left to depend on social security.

The sad part is, for good fraction of these people, the 45 years are filled with working at

jobs they don't like with bosses they can't stand. They fail to build wealth even with the

knowledge of wealth building strategies of the rich.

They eventually they feel cheated and then look for someone to blame. Do not let this

happen to you.

The Wealth Mindset Blueprint - How To Position Your Mind For Wealth Copyright © 2011 - Augustine Mwanje – All Rights Reserved 10

How To Build Sustainable Wealth

"People are anxious to improve their circumstances but unwilling to improve

themselves, therefore they remain forever bound."

- James Allen

You have probably heard people say they have tried everything under the sun and have

given up on the idea of building wealth. Could it be that there is a piece of the puzzle that

is still missing? People looking for financial success often want overnight results and

they wonder why they are disappointed.

Wealth building is a structured process. Rome was not built in a day and neither will

your wealth be. If you are not where you want to be financially, chances are there is still

something you do not know, or you have not taken any action on what you already


If you are looking to build sustainable wealth, here are a few basic rules that you can


Distinguish between wants and needs. A need is something without which

your basic survival is threatened, and includes items like food, shelter and clothing.

On the other hand, a want is anything else that catches your fancy.

The Wealth Mindset Blueprint - How To Position Your Mind For Wealth Copyright © 2011 - Augustine Mwanje – All Rights Reserved 11

Modern advertising has distorted this distinction, and as a result, most people tend

to spend most of their money on the latest phones, cars, gadgets, and other toys they

feel are needs they cannot live without.

To build wealth, you need to be able to make a clear distinction between wants and

needs. Thereafter, learn to satisfy your needs and procrastinate your wants.

Save 10% of every penny you earn. Living from hand to mouth does not get you

anywhere in the long run. You can really save if you put your mind to it, irrespective

of how much you earn. The moment you start saving 10% and living on 90%, you will

hardly feel the difference, yet you are building a savings base. The fact that your

savings are growing will give you a comforting feeling.

Invest 10% of every penny you earn. After you are comfortable with the 10%

savings, you can take the next step of investing another 10% of your income. That

still leaves you with 80% of your income to spend. Open a specific bank account for

this 10% and call it your financial freedom account. Try not to use this money for

anything that is not getting you closer to financial freedom. To make the process

easier, you can arrange for your bank to make automatic deductions on a monthly


Be patient. Wealth building takes time. A goal worth setting will take you time to

achieve. It is often said that if your goals don't motivate you to get out of bed in the

morning, get other goals and if your dreams for the future do not scare you, then

they are not big enough.

Learn how to be patient with yourself, the people around you, and the process it

takes to become financially successful. Keep learning and work your way to the top.

Good time and resource management will help you stay focused.

The Wealth Mindset Blueprint - How To Position Your Mind For Wealth Copyright © 2011 - Augustine Mwanje – All Rights Reserved 12

Take responsibility for your retirement planning. Most people these days

have realized that expecting the government or their former employer to take care of

their financial needs after they have retired is not as certain as it once was. Avoid the

entitlement mentality, and take charge of your financial future. Start planning for

your retirement right away and you will not be disappointed when retirement


In order to enjoy sustainable financial success, you need a firm foundation. Believe in

yourself and work towards your goal on a regular basis.

The Wealth Mindset Blueprint - How To Position Your Mind For Wealth Copyright © 2011 - Augustine Mwanje – All Rights Reserved 13

The Mindset of Millionaires

"Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right!" - Henry Ford

One of the major differences between self-made millionaires, the poor and the middle

class can be found in the way they think and interpret different circumstances that affect

their lives. This is where the concept of a millionaire mindset comes into play.

Does this mean that self-made millionaires are smarter than everybody else? I certainly

do not think so. Otherwise people with advanced degrees would keep showing up on the

list of the wealthiest people in the world.

A millionaire mindset is really more of a perception issue and has little to do with

educational qualifications. It is almost impossible to build wealth and keep it without

adopting a millionaire mindset.

The good news is you can change your mindset and start thinking like a millionaire.

Before long, you will see your own financial situation start to change for the better. Here

is a 5 step process you can follow;

The Wealth Mindset Blueprint - How To Position Your Mind For Wealth Copyright © 2011 - Augustine Mwanje – All Rights Reserved 14

Step 1 - Dream Big. Allow yourself to dream beyond your current circumstances

and expectations and then turn your dreams into goals with set time frames. Do

something every day that brings you closer to your goals.

Step 2 - Daily Affirmations. To adopt a millionaire mindset, you have to

constantly speak to your subconscious mind as this will help eliminate any self-doubt

about your abilities. Keep saying to yourself that you are rich and successful,

irrespective of your current circumstances.

Step 3 - Develop A Tunnel Vision. Now that you have a target and you believe

beyond reasonable doubt that you will achieve it, you need to make sure that you

stay focused on your goals. Do not let other people’s opinions discourage you.

Step 4 - Do Not Compete, Create. Stop wasting time wishing you had what

others have got. Look around you and realize that apart from God’s creations,

everything you see started as an idea in somebody’s mind. Be innovative and think

outside the box. Your own ideas can make you rich.

Step 5 - Do Not Allow Failure Be An Option. Make sure that this is one of your

daily affirmations. Once you have this implanted in your brain, you will find that you

can simply change your strategy and try again when things do not work out as


Adopting a millionaire mindset requires a conscious deliberate effort. Follow these

simple steps, and see what happens!

The Wealth Mindset Blueprint - How To Position Your Mind For Wealth Copyright © 2011 - Augustine Mwanje – All Rights Reserved 15

Attracting Financial Abundance

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." - Sandy M. Bushberg

We all naturally imitate those around us especially when we’re young. Unfortunately the

vast majority of people have imitated passionless jobs, financial struggle and mediocrity.

As a result, attracting financial abundance has become a mystery to many.

People who believe that they are unlucky always end up dissatisfied with their situations

in life, to the extent that they fail to pursue money-making opportunities because they

do not believe they can succeed. One of the fundamentals of success is having an in-

depth knowledge or specialization in your work.

Here are 3 ways in which you can attract financial abundance in your life;

1. Make a list of excuses and the inner thoughts that are keeping you from

being rich. This is absolutely essential. It makes you aware of your limiting beliefs.

Once you know them, you can devise means of overcoming them. Rich and

successful people have learnt to release doubt from their minds. They have

The Wealth Mindset Blueprint - How To Position Your Mind For Wealth Copyright © 2011 - Augustine Mwanje – All Rights Reserved 16

tremendous faith in both themselves and in their plans, despite any opposition they

may face. This is a good recipe for financial abundance.

2. Stop putting up a show to please everyone around you. Living an artificial

life can be painful, demoralizing and unfulfilling. When you lie in bed at night and

you are unhappy with your own life, you are surrounding yourself with negativity.

People around you will think all is well, but what matters most is how you feel inside.

You will only end up thinking of yourself as a failure.

Learn to have a positive outlook on life and you will attract financial abundance.

Every evening before you go to bed, review your day, count your blessings and write

them down in a little notebook.

3. Begin correcting your thought patterns. If you think in negative terms, you

will get negative results. Likewise, if you think in positive terms, you will achieve

positive results. When things do not go as planned, do not overreact. Think

positively, take a deep breath and stay calm.

Tackle problems head on and learn from like-minded people who have sought to

achieve success courageously without ever losing hope.

Most people seek instant results and when they do not see results, they get discouraged

and give up. When you desire financial abundance for the right reasons, nothing will

ever stop you from acquiring it. Only those who are willing to take risks achieve success.

Learn how to use your past failures as a means to achieve success. Do not give up until

you see yourself attracting financial abundance.

You also have to get rid of bad habits like laziness and idle talk. Instead, get serious

about working towards accomplishing tasks that you have set for yourself.

The Wealth Mindset Blueprint - How To Position Your Mind For Wealth Copyright © 2011 - Augustine Mwanje – All Rights Reserved 17

The Power Of Commitment

"Life is a free fall parachute jump. Pray all the way down and hope for a safe


- Robert G. Allen

If you are anxious to get wealthy and live a life of financial prosperity, you need to

understand the power of commitment and make it work to your advantage. As human

beings, we are creatures of habit. This makes it difficult to adjust to changes that are

certain to come our way.

There are three broad categories under which we can classify ourselves when it comes to

wealth building; wishful thinkers, decision takers and committed individuals. We shall

look at each one of these separately.

Category 1 - Wishful Thinkers. Many people wish to be rich. A wish is the

weakest form of attitude towards achieving a desired end. By simply wishing to be

rich, all you are doing is creating a passing thought which will never materialize into

a reality because deep inside you do not believe that you can be rich.

The Wealth Mindset Blueprint - How To Position Your Mind For Wealth Copyright © 2011 - Augustine Mwanje – All Rights Reserved 18

In this case you will be hoping that some unexpected event like the lottery will

change your life forever. People who wish to be rich usually ever get beyond the point

of wishing.

Category 2 - Decision Takers. The next category of people who want to get

wealthy represents those who have made the decision to become rich. However,

making a decision does not guarantee that you have what it takes to keep going in the

light of adversity and criticism from your family, friends and peer group.

Deciding to get wealthy is however the first step you have to take in order to move on

to the next level.

Category 3 - Committed Individuals. Once you commit to being rich, you have

taken the most important step towards wealth building. You have declared yourself a

go-getter and your subconscious mind is aware that you are willing to do whatever it

takes to get wealthy.

This is a major paradigm shift, as your every thought will be focused on how you can

increase your net worth, and income sources. You find yourself concentrating on

activities that bring you closer to getting wealthy.

People who have committed to getting rich normally have a highly developed sense

of mission. They know exactly where they are going and are ready to do what it takes

to accomplish it.

The power of commitment is often overlooked especially in the context of wealth

creation. However, the easiest way to commit to get wealthy is to take things step by

step. It is often said that if you keep doing what you have always been doing, you will

keep getting what you have always got.

Examine yourself and determine which category you fall into, then look at the results in

your life. This should be the starting point for you to start making necessary changes.

The Wealth Mindset Blueprint - How To Position Your Mind For Wealth Copyright © 2011 - Augustine Mwanje – All Rights Reserved 19


If you want to get wealthy, the first thing you have to acknowledge is that you cannot

make money and excuses at the same time. You are certainly serious about changing

your mindset or you wouldn't have read this far.

Now it's time to take action on what you have learnt. You are now at the point of

transformation. If you are not satisfied with your results, nothing is going to change for

as long as you keep doing the same things that you have always done.

Ready to get started? Go to and download the

free report '7 Wealth Secrets of the Rich Finally Revealed'. Discover how to get on the

path to financial freedom starting today.

The Wealth Mindset Blueprint - How To Position Your Mind For Wealth Copyright © 2011 - Augustine Mwanje – All Rights Reserved 20


Free Report exposes wealth secrets of

the Rich that are guaranteed to get

you on the path to financial freedom.

Download the '7 Wealth Secrets of the

Rich Finally Revealed' special report

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Recommended Resources

1. Secret Formula For Wealth – 7 Wealth secrets of the rich finally revealed.

2. Basic Budgeting Guide – Create your family budget in 4 quick and easy steps.

3. Basic Financial Plan – Create your own financial plan in 4 quick and easy steps.

4. Basic Money Guide – 7 Secret money management tips uncovered.

5. 12 Keys To Financial Freedom – The shocking truth about wealth attraction!

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