the way of the shepherd

Post on 24-Nov-2014






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A summary of the book "The Way of the Shepherd" that I created for an intern and hangs in a frame in my office.


The Way of the Shepherd

1. Know the Condition of Your Flock

o Follow the status of your people as well as the status of the


o Get to know your flock, one sheep at a time.

o Engage your people on a regular basis.

o Keep your eyes and ears open, question, and follow through.

3. Help Your Sheep Identify with You

o Build trust with your followers by modeling authenticity,

integrity, and compassion.

o Set high standards of performance.

o Relentlessly communicate your values and sense of mission.

o Define the cause for your people and tell them where they fit in.

o Remember that great leadership isn’t just professional; it’s


5. The Staff of Direction

o Know where you’re going, get out in front, and keep

your flock on the move.

o When directing, use persuasion rather than coercion.

o Give your people freedom of movement, but make sure they

know where the fence line is. Don’t confuse boundaries with


o When your people get in trouble, go and get them out.

o Remind your people that failure isn’t fatal.

2. Discover the Shape of Your Sheep

o Your choice of sheep can make flock management easier or


o Start with healthy sheep, or you’ll inherit someone else’s


o Know the SHAPE of your sheep to make sure they’re in the

right fold

4. Make Your Pasture a Safe Place

o Keep your people well informed.

o Infuse every position with importance.

o Cull chronic instigators from the flock.

o Regularly rotate the sheep to fresh pastures.

o Reassure the sheep by staying visible.

o Don’t give problems time to fester.

6. The Rod of Correction

o Protect: Stand in the gap and fight for your sheep.

o Correct: Approach discipline as a teaching opportunity.

o Inspect: Regularly inquire about your people’s progress.

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